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Investigating the offset of strass 81/1123/6 I/ODD/020/16 14/035 AOD4/AIOJ obtained during the testing of speolmars with keyways of different shapes. The most expedient shape with a minlimm value of K 6- m 1.0 pro'ved to be ka3ways with rectangular or semicircular cross sa3tlon having smooth'Junotions with the specimen surface. There are 6 figures and 2 references. [Abstract'er's note.- Complete tranblati:,:h" j 1. Bernshteyn S/137/60/OW/()3/3-0/013 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurn,Ll, Metallurgiya, 6238 Petergerya, D.M Oleyn!k, N.V. 77ne 3cale Effed In Oveiloading Alloyed Steel Odessk. po3itekhn. in-t TErN The authors investigated the effect of preliminary cyclic load on metal creep depending on the absolute limensions of the specimen. Thojn- vestigation was carried out on prelim!3ary normalized 30XH3A (30KhN3A)Iyalloyed steel specimens of 7.52; 12.5; 20 and ?7 mm in diameter. The results were com- pared to those obtained previously froo 45 steel tests. It was established that the absolute dimensions represented a factor which affected strongly thc- fatigue limit of the material and its overload strength. It is shown that the overload resistance of steel grows with inorea3td absolute dimensions: the cyclic durability, under similar relative ove-load, Increases with a larger diameter of the specimens. It is ass=4d that tbe regularities determined may in principle also be applied to other structural st-tel grades. - OlOnTU, N.V.; MF-RGIMYA, D.H. n Most suitable shape of cyll:drical specimens for fatigue testi7 -1 In pure bending. Zav.lab. 26 no.2:210 '60. (MIRA 13:5 1. OdesBIdy politekhnichasky intitut. (Steel--Testj~jg) CERYM, B.T., S33TAT03R, Te.T. Determining the weight cf fatigns teBting machinery* Zavolabo 26 no.5:609-610 160. (,MM 13 -. 7) 1. Cdesskiy politelthnicbDakly institut, (7atigue-te4ting machines) 2~jW B/122/61/000/010,'005/011 D221/D304 AJTHORB: Petergeryal D.E.t EnSineerp and Ojgynikx-JL,_V. Candi-- date of Technical Sciencesp Docent TITLE.- On the influence of absolute sizes of a specii.--Pr section on the magnitade of effective stress c. trations during loads above the fatigue limit PERIODICAL: Vestnik mashinostroye:iiya, no. 10, 1961, 52 - 34 TEXT: The authors quote results o.! investigations conce'!King th,= effect of overloads on fatigue res:.Btance related to stress cori~ ti- trations derived from experiments itith structural steels. Specim!.s were made in steels 45 and 30XH3A .30YhN3A). Effective coefficier,Tlo of stress concentrationg corresponi,ing to the horizontA # portion of fatigue curve are designated by K and in the region of limited strenr.,,':i by K1. The present artic5ii tabulates data which demonstra- 0 le that 1he Inclination of fatigue curves for under4ot and large specimens is greater t1W in the ci,se of small and plain samples~ The latter exhibit a ten Idency to r!se with an increase of diametn-.-- Card 1/4 29339 S/I 22/61/000/010/ 005/k. On the influence of absolute D221/D304 oonfiriaingg therefore) the law which expresses the drop of il higher overloads. it also reveals the effect of absolute size,3 -,f a specimen section on the charactex of this reduction. of X with length of lio and diameter of speciiuen were invfstii-a -teda The abscissae of bends for plaLn sEanples, K, were small-, ponding abscissae N' of urves for underCUT SpeCl'!--, the corres gy but at 3 = N's KI = X . Kesult's of ~, s3pi I a t iq-*jg K Iplu-:,ted ii, 0 Cr (Y 0, log coordinates are sho*n in Fig. 1, Yurther analysis all._-,~s tii-, law of changes of KI wish log N in ;he ranges O-N and N - N, Cr 0 re presented by approximation of lini~ar equ4tions. ConsequenTly, 1,111- full, Curves Xd, = ffig can be as three oroken sections. in ranges of O-N and N N' they fcllow 0 0 (!I q 10 K2 Where Xd-I is the coefficient of stresp concentration in the case of Card 2 4 B/122/61/000/010/005/011 D221/I)304 life NO K ditto for life of Nlt q is the angular coefficient, dI_ ,which characteri2es the inclinatioit of the curve of the relation- ship between the effective atreign itoncentration coefficient and log, of life, q "2 "1 Computi'tion of the latter indicates I g that KI varieB more sharply betweei, NC) - no, than in the region 205 _ No) and that inclination of curves X-1 N increases with grea- o, ~ter diameters of specimense The ex1ression for Kal which is quoted belowp was based on the step Invi ol the left hand branch of the fa- tigue curve ae given by D.N. Reuilletov (Ref. b: 8b. "Povyeheniye prochnoBti detaley nashin" Izd. AN BSSR) 1949)o The deduction can be understood from arbitrary curves of fatigue for plain and under- cut srxaimens. There are 2 figuresp 2 tables and 6 refer-ences: 5 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Boviet-bloo, The reference to the English- language publication reads as follovs: H. Moore and D. Markoving Proceedings of Amer.Soc.for Testing blater.t v,.42-44t 1942-1944# Card 3/4 - On the influence of absolute ... Pigs I* Curves giving the relation- ship between K' and IS N: 2 22 29 339 3/1 -61/COO/010/()05/011 D221Y1301 legends I - Specimens of steel 45 with diameter of 7*52 mm; 2 - ape- cimens'of steel 45 with diameter of 30 mm; 3 - specimens of steel 30XhN 3A with diameter of 7.52 nm; 4 - ape cinens of steel 30nN3A with a dia- meter of 27 mm. yPj zlpj ?.Vl 5W OWIP, 2e lei Pht, 1. KPrBU* 3)SM MUMN 07 12 06PAUN R3 C-IMAN 45 Jk)12W1Tj)Dw 7,52 jim; 2- apasum ns 'ToAs 45 Arawsypia N vx: S - obpnum m3 cumm WXHBA an. Wpb)l 7,bi AX; J - OOPS311M M3 c?*Ax BDXH3A ANIINCTPDU 27.ux. Card 4/4 s/o32/61/027/001/022/037 B017/BO54 AUTRORS: Oleynik, K. V. and Si:tvanskiy, N. A. TITLE: Reconstruction of the HY(NU) Machine for Program Tests PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratori~aj 1961, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 84-85 TEXT: By reconstruction of the HY(ZU) machine it is possible to determine the balance of stress in samples dwing testing. Figures show longitudinal and cross sections of the machine$ end the load mechanism is schematically represented. The mechanism is simple, and can be successfully used for iwastigationB taking account of the conditions a 2-01 - const. and a 3-0 2 - -const., as well as for invastigations under the conditions Cr 2/61 - const. and a3/Cy2- const. There are 4 figures. ASSOCI.1,TION: Odesskiy polytekhnicheAiy institut (Odessa Polytechnic Institute) Card 1/1 Al. l/. jb l , '. - Cyclic Metal Strength (Ccint.) SOV16025 and growth of fatigue cracks, , i)c role of Pinatio ciroriatlon in fatigue fracture, an accele: nted method of deterritning fatigue strength, the plottlng of fatipie diagrams, and various fatigue tent methodn. New data arc presented on the sensitivity of htg~h-strenUth v ~-nl to ntrenn concentration, the effect of stress conrentra ten on the criterion or ratigue failure, the effect of the olzt fnetor on the ntrenlp,th of imetal. under cyclic loads, and : eoulta of endurance tents of various machine parts. Proble-tc connected with cyclic metal toughness, Internal, friction, aid the effect of corrosion media and temperature ca the f ktigue strength of metals are also discussed. No personalit.e-5 are mentioned. Each article Is accompanied by references, itostly Soviet. TABLE OF COWEIRS: NATURE OF 'ATIGUE FRAGrURE Oding, 1. A. Difruslonleas Plechan am of Formation and Growth of a Fatigue Crack Card 21,P Cyclic Metal Strength EFFECT OF THE STiESS CONCENTRATION AND THE SIZE FACT)R ON THE FATIGUE STREIGTH Oding, I. A.., and S. Ye. Gurevich. Notch Sensitivity of High-Strength Steels Under Cyclic L)ad N. V., and 1. S. Mezentsev, Effect of Stress Concentration on Characteristics of the Summation of Fatigue Damage Gli3unan, L. A., and Ye. N. Kostrov. Effect of the Size Factor on Resistance of Metals to Corrosion Fatigue Markovets, M. P. Technological Theo:,y of the Size Factor in Fatigue Tests CYCLIC TOUGIRTE IS AND INTERNAL FR1;',TION Ynternal Friction End !Tt-rlength 1;496h S/124/63/000/001/065/080 D234/D308 AUTHORS: Oleynik, N.V.1 and I-Alezentsev, I.S. TITLE: Effect of stress concentration on the summation characteristic of fatigue damage PrURIODICAL: Referativnyy zhuinal, Mckhanika, no. 1, 1963, 74, abstract IV575 On collection: Tsiklich. prochnost' metallov. M., AV4 1962, 177-186) In repeated single-step overloadings with sign- changing bending with rotation of specim'en6 made of 40Y (401~h) steel k.~ 01 1 smooth, %Ath shallOT.7 ring-shaTped j,roove, with three such grooves, with a transverse hole, %Ath deep ringl-.~haped groove, with three such grooves and with a deep and an un:.oading groove, the authors 'studied the ef7fect of stress concentratioiL on the inclination of secondary A eventually on the magnitude of fatigue curves of special kind, ai. accumulated cycle ratio a, detem.ned from Card 1/3 S/124/63/000/001/065/080 Elffect of stress concentration ... D234/D308 LJO.2) q [13 + f7-2 M] a CTJ N 69~ M 4+0 where m a-.d q are cotangents of irclination angles,(inclination indices) of -the primary and secon~.ary fatigue curves, o', and cy-2 are levels of two-step loading, C I> 0'2; ~ = nI/n2 is the pro- graming factor, n, and n2 are th~ total numbers of cycles corres- ponding to o-I and a respectively, N2 and L2 are normal durabili- ties on the az leve? for'the pr4mary 13Ad secondary fatiguc curve res-,-.)ectively. With increase of I:he effective coefficients of stress concentration detenained with respect to the bas s of limited (105, 3 x 105 and 7 x 105) and lona-term (5 x IN durability, the accumulat.ed cycle ratio decreases from approx. 1.8 to 0.97. The de- crease of a is the sharper the hij;her the overload level. Stress Card 2/3 conccntration S/124 ,/63/000/OUI/065/080 D234/D308 Concentration decreases a in compar'.son with smooth specimens. '.Iith lixgc overloads and strong stress concentrations a becomes smaller C> than 1. Z-.&stracter's note: Complete trans',ation . _7 . OISYNIK, N,V,,-kaud.tekhn.naa, dotsmt; FETERGERYA, D~M., inzh. Role of the scale effect in overloa-i tastir~-, -,~f :-- ta- I . Vt.3t.- mashinostr. 42 no.1'3:20-23 Je 162. !~EFCA :15:--1 (Steel-Testing) OLEYNIK, NeVe, kandotakinanauk., dotqsent Role of stress concentration in caue of programaed heading. Veat.mashinostr. 45 no.2:13-16 F 165. WRIA 18:41 ) ZILIBMSMU., I.m.; oLMM,_~ ~rkLtak) CaBID of skin lesimiB cauBad ': 7 the influence of chromi-am in the printil ng industry. Gjg.t, rada i prof.2ab. no.3-1:51+-55 261. (mm 14au) It Itkutokly moditBimikiy initit,.It.9 IrkutBkiy oblaotnoy kozbno-" vmerologiebesldy dispanser. (PRINTKRS-DISFMES AND HEMS.) (CMGM-TOXICMDGY) OL--,YlllKp O.A. G. Ficherals, problem. DokI. Ali S.SSR 157 no.6:1297-1300 Ag 164, (1,11RA 17:9) 1. Moskovok.1y gosudarBtvonnyy anivorsitot im. LomononoVa. Predstavlono akademikom I.G. P)trovskim. OIL-Mil-K-, 0. A. noscow, 1947 Hoscow State Univ m Lomonosov, 1947 "On Dirichlet I s problem f or equa tions of ell T)ti--,tl type, " II,:.ttej,,,nLt Sbor, 24., No. 1, 1949 (RecId 29 Aor 47) 1 m3nax, 0. 1. Cand. Physicomah Sci. Dissertation., "Concerning tile Topology of Algebraic Curves on an Algebraic Surf ace." 113150 Sci. Ron. InHt. of Hathemritics, Moveow Ordqr of Lenin Stnte U, imeni. M. V. Lomonosov U1.6YRiK, 0. A. "Algebraic Curves on an Algebraic Surface,," M p. 14at. Vauk. Vol. 6 11o. 4 (44), PP 193-220, 1951. lu-1635, 16 Jan 52 OLEYMj 0. A. MSR/N&tbw=tICs sArill ii tei, 21,Aus 51 "So cond Boundary-Value Problem for an FUWic- Type Equation With Small Parameter In the Eighest Dew~ivatives," 0. A. Oleynik ~"Ddk Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol 1=, No 5 735-737 Cowiders the r, oln U.e (x,y) of the e I 1~e (U) = f (x, y) the condition dU/dp a FJP) on the lound- exy ~O of the region G. Iwiestigates the behavior of lie vh the sTmIl Iwameter e (greater than ~e. _. 'I 'D - -Bu 'ad-by'! Paid 1. . zero. baitt ro) te t Jun 51. pejit)ViiiY ig f 1. CLETTIK, 0. A. 2. USSR MID) 4. Differential Equations 7. "Differential equations in mathematical phy3ics." V. I. Levin, TU. T. Grosberg. Reviewed by 0. A. Oleynik, Sov. kniga no. 11 19i2. Q.. Monthly List of Russian Accessicns, Library of Congrass., February 1953. Uncla..-Ified. OD"rNIX, 01A, One class of discontinuous solutions to a quasi-limear equation the first order. Nauch.dokI.vys.shkoly; riz.-mat.nauki no.1:91-98 I (MITI 12:7) Moslrovakiy gosudaretvennyj unl*voysite I in. V.V. Lomnosovab (Differential equations Partial) USM/%&~~ties Boundary-Valve- MWAVM i52, -ftopertiet, of the Solutims'of Cert&ft Z4MWAU77',~ value Problems for Equations of the Elliptic Typ, 0. A. O"Ynik.. Moscov , 'V~ftte~&t Stior" Vol (72), No I, pp 695-702 Da=n-ntratea the uniqueness and continuous 4--pemi-ence of the zoIns of certain boundary.-Waue problems for tv of the elliptic type upon tho:: coeffs of the aq, its right part and bounaary fuwtiou. Considers clifferential eqo of the forat. UU) = tLik -U + ~iuxi + Cu !* f (sumed over repeatea M68), vhere a,b,e axvd- f I are functiono of the n independent varidbles x. submittea l8 Tan 52. 41 ,USSR/Matbematics Small Parameter, Jul/Aug,52 Elliptic.Type, 191liptic-Type, Equations Vith Small Parameter in the 91gheat Derivatiesj" O.A. Oleynik' Moscovp 4kth~lnst imeni,Steklov, Acaa Sci USSR ")fttez&4,t Sbor" -Vol X)= (73), No 1, ~VP 104-117 Studies the behavior of the soins of the regular e"iptic clfffe"htial.eq O(UXX4.u Aux + BUY + Cu = r(x,y), vith the conditi~xy;jt a(P)u wr(p) ~(%.i.o tbe deriv in -lirection of normal n; P is a ~point of boundary S)', 16 the case vhere-small para- meter e tends to zero. The behavior of soIns of the Diriehlet problem for this eq in small para~ meter e has been inveatigatecl by N. Levinson (A=aiz crk math, 51, w6 2, ig5o, 428-445). Sulmitt6d I Feb 52. PA 237T92 USSR/Mathematics Small Par-eter Fov/Dec 52 "Bourdary-Value Problem for the Equation ey" F(x,y,y) for Sinall e," 0. A. Oleynik, Misco-a, and A. i. Zhizhina, MOSCOY "Hatenat Sbor" Vol 31 (73), lio 3, pp 70! 1-717 study the behavior of the solution ye(x) of subm ject eq as the small parameter e tends tit 0. Be- write subject eq in the form: ey"+A(x,y);,' = - f(X,y,y'), along with appropriate boundwv condi- tions. The simpler case where f(x,y,y') equals B(x,y) was considered by Coddington and Ievinson ("A boundary va3ue problem for a nonlinejx differ- ential eq vitb a s - I -paramiit6r," Bull J Oner Matb Soc, 58, -No 1 (102. 237T92 OLEYNIK" 0. A. ussiR/mathematieB - Bman-Farameter 21 Jul 52 Problem 'Soundary-Value Problems for Equatiois With a Small Parameter in the Highest Derivitives," 0. A. Oleynik "Dok A*k Nauk SSSR" Vol 85, No 3, PP 1,93-495 studies the behavior of the solno of boundary- -value -problems of the elliptic and pixalolic type for the case Ybere there is a small ]arameter ep- silon in the higbeBt derivs; e(uxx-+U3y)+ A(x,y)'ax + 131x,y)uy + C(x.,y)u = f (i,y)., -with condition un +au = 7. Submitted by Acad 1,. G. Petrovskiy 3 Mq 5R. 235T73 N 24OT87 0. A. 13. Doe 52 USSRiMthemtics - Elliptic Type "Equations off the Elliptic Type Which De ;enerate on the Boundary of the Region," 0. A. Oltynik, Math Inst irrzeni Steklwi, Acad Sci USSR "DAN SSSR" Vol 67, ',4o 6, PID 885-888 Studies the -oroblem of the existence and unique- -ness of the soln u(X.,Y) bounded in regioi, D of the following eq L(u) uxx-.-y7uy ~,I- b(x,y) UX+C(x,y)u = 0 satisfying on the boundar3 the .Au = f condition u;~. , where derivative ug is in di x-ection g at an acute angle to normal n c C the boundary. Presented 'by Acad 1. G. Fetrav%kiy -4 Oct 52. 2240T87 ';,'ull Title: 0- PI.:ILTT:~T 7, L T r,,: no !it ~nr- f. T il t 1,_- L - c i-v,~ r Pu~,)jj_ 5,;.Ii 11 ~ ~ ~,~ " J ,_ or:! of Tc-~IunJcn, ,-j v IS,)53 E,-Iltoriai Stl~.f-r, - I-- o. co COiItriII)IIt,,.)T..-, to ILI v 0. 1u -_bl!,~ co. C,)v in .~nt Stt~ IT114 for 195". Th- ,OI;EYNUj, 0. A. noncerning EquationB with Partial Derivatives whicb C ontain a Small Faramter vith Antecedent Derivatives..8 report given at the All-Univeisity Scientific Conference "Lomoncsoy Lectureall., Moak, Un. Vest,,, No*B., 1953& Translation U-7895., I Mar 56 lum-nn-C, 0. A. "Bcourdax-y.~VL,Iue Problems for Partial Differential Equc t With Sra-U Paramet-c?rs in the Laroest Derivatives, and the (E Problen for NonlinCLr Equations in the Lz~rge." Dr Phys-1-fait 71oscm Order of Le-nin State U imeni !'A. V. Lomnosov, 19 No- MY. 9 Uov 54) Sur-wey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended 0 Educational Institutions (2-1) SO: Sm. No. 521, 2 Jun 55 OMMIX. D.A. Mauchy's probloyin for nnA-21near differpi2tial. e4uttlonz VIO d1zcnmt1==B Initial conditlowl Zadacba kosbi 111a nell- nalrykb differentsiallmyM uravimnii s razryvrqni nachallnymi uslovilami. Hn9kva,l2d-vo Akademii muk SSSR, 1954. 19 p. (Differantial equations) OULA 8:11) cumlK, 0. A. "Elliptic-T~pe Equations Degenerating :,ri che Pz)uncai-j of t1w f(egicon," Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk, Vol 8, IN* 2 154), PP 159-167. 4DISYNIX, 0. A. NOn tbAD Caucby Problen for Nonlinear Equations in a Class of Discc'y-t,-1-UCw Funotions-,71 Dokl. AN SSSR2 95j, pp. 451-4-541, 1954 The author is one of the putBtanding mathemat:.cianD of the USSR in the field of partial differential equations. It is claimed that ~~i,, lo the cnly woum In the USSR ever to have receiTed the degree of Dr. of Physico-Mathem itic-ZLI Sciences, and the fact that she did so at the age of 29 is considered extraordinary. I Translation of paper by Rana V 6c)29, in Libr=7 OLIONIN, O.A.; VJNTSBLI, T.D. CaucIq prablem and the f Irst bmnaarr Yalue p vblem for a quaml li- near equation of the paTabolic typeo DDkI. Al SSSR 97 no.4:605-61DS Ag 154. OUMA 7:9) 1, Preastavieno akademikom I.G.Petrovskim. (Mfferential equations, PaTtial) OLM111, D.A. - WWWAMJ~~' 15tability of the 39umann pro-olem. UBp. zmt. nwLk 11 mo.1:223-225 JA-7 236, ()Ma 9:6) (Differantial equations, Partial.) MJ-zCT VSSR/MLTIIEMATICS/Differential equations CARD 1/2 PG - 496 AUTEOR OIwTJNIK O.A. TIT13 On discontinuous solutions of non-linea2 differential equations. PERIODICAI Moklady Akad.Nauk 109, 1098-l')l (1956) reviewed 1/1957 - A bounded measurable function u(t,x) is denoted as t solution of the Cauchy problem ZU r4~Vtixlu) (1) + 0 U(0,1) - u0(z), t;~O - boundedly meastirElle, 1) for everv continuously differentiab2e function :F(t,x) which vanishes outside of a finite region, the relation holds: +0D 'bf u(t,x) +-0 f dm dt + J"(CI'x) u (m) dx - 0, j j [17-t -7-1 1 f 0 > 0 where the first integral is extended over the halfplazie t.>0; 2) for(ever finite domain D there exists a monotoniAy decreasing function X(t) I t ), 01, where for two arbitrary points (t'X 1) WLd (tIX2) of D for t> 0 the inequation Doklady Akad.Nauk 109, 1098-1101 (1956) CARD :/2 PG - 496 u(t,Xj) - U(t'X 2) X 1 2 4, K(t) is valid. The author proves that the solution defined in this way exists for (1) and is unique. For the function -P here it is assuned that it is defined for t,x,u:?/O, that it has continuous derivatives of second order, where 0 is 1)ounded if u changes 0 and that yul (t,x,u) for all x and t > 'f Ulu > in a finite interval. INSTITUTION: Mathematical Institute of the Acadeny of Sciences. ~A Z- 25-7-6/51 AUTEORs 018Y331k, O.A., Doctor of Physico-Mathenatical Sciences, Professor at-the Moscow -University TITLE: Let Us Be Friends, Say the Youth of Al'L Continents (Budem druzhit" govorit molode2h, veakh kontLnentov) PERIODICALt Nauka i Zhlznl# 1957P # 7, P 4 (USSR) ABSTRAM Yjung students fTom many foreign countries attend schools In he Soviet capital. When their studies are completed they re- urn to their native countries, but t1ey do not forget their former friends and teachers. When tallng part In conferences and meetings abroad, the author notice,d that representatives from all corners of the world got along fine. They love their own countries and at the same time shtim sympathy toward the others. To everyone, peace is dear. It is also a necessity for the development and growth of science The article contains one photo. AVIILABLE: Library of Congress CaTa 1/1 1. - ; LI I- /., 01MIX, O.A. Discontinuous solutions of nonlinear differentlil equations mat.nauk 12 no.3:3-73 HY-Je 157. i UBP;) (MIR 0:1 (Differential equationi) AUTHOR-s OLEYNIK'O.A. 42-6-11/17 TITLS: of the Generali2ed Solution of the Cauchy Problem for a NonlimeaT System of Equationa Apyearing in the 19chanics (0 YoUnsivennosti obobahchenzogo reaheDiya 3adachi Xoshi dlya odnoy nelinsynoy sistemy uravneziy, vatrechayusheheyaya 7 nekbanike) PBRIODICALi Uepekbi Matematicheakikh Nauk,1957,VOI.12,lr.6,pp.169-176 (USSR) AMSTRACTt The same method which the author bas alreaiy used in several Papers f8ef-3t4-7for the consideration of iquations of first order, here Is used for the investigation cf the equation 'j v ~u + 0, -~T - t7x Z t where %P I -e 0 in all arguments shall have cc ntinuOUB derivatives T of second order and 0. In the claBB of piecovise continuous 1P vv functions which besides satisfy the condition u(t'x+O):!su(t'x-O)' and in the class of bounded measurable functions (with the same condition) the author proves the uniqueneso of the solution of Card 1/2 the Cauchy problem. On the UniqueneBa of the Generalized Solution of the Ca?ichy 42-6-11/17 Problem for a Nonlinear System of Equations Appearing it the Nechanics Five Soviet referenceB are quoted. SUMMITTRI)i November 2, 1956 ITAILAILE: Library of Congress Card 21r- SUMBOT USSR/XLTBBMATIOB/3)i:f:ferentia1 equations 1.1RD 1/1 PO - 734 AUTHOR 013JMX O.A., VZNTZEI.T T.D. TIM Thr first boundary valufa problem and the Cauchy problem for quaBilinear equations of parabolic type. MIODICAL Mat.Sbornik,n.Ser. _41, 105-128 (1957) reviewed 5/1957 The present paper contains the proofs, the elaboration and some generali2ations of the author's announcements in Doklady Akad.Nauk 17.L 6D5-6os (1954). INSTITUTION: Moscow. ALITHOR GLEYNIX O,A VVEDEMUYA N.D. PA - 3126 ^; " c '7 ~ ~'PLX u~;jo f tae CauckT Problem And the BDundar;' Value Preblen For Us Nonlinear lqaations In A Cla3s of Unsvead.T Fanati*io, (Reakenlyi zadachi W:mki i kraQTb-YCY 2adathi-dlya mj:Iineyrjk'A uravneniy 7 kJasse' razryvAftk fanktaiy -Russian) MIODICAL DbklwV Akadsmii Nauk US!2,19557s Vol 113, Nr 3. PP 50-506 AD"iT,9d 6/1957 ArImad 7/1957 AB-STRUT Tke present paper XwniaboB the vorrtot So=latioi i~ of 09 Zaus)m. Problem and t)ko boundary -value problem for tke epation &%- ?8t+44-(tp*.,u to=) -& -~ 0 witkir a larp'domain w1t)k uns- isad7 iriltig- 60un-, dar.7 condition. !~Jae general acluticm is dstsrmins~ kere ih "* #~rdme witk Us p"r by OcAOIOIX=Xj, Mokl.".NauksVol 10�, & 6 (1956). Tkin prese3s it aqui-ral'-nt to Us determination of tke general 3clution by Us ifitro- duetion of a 'nyiniaking T13soaltr,, ie. tke bound &rj- .-value (ILI tke para- MOUY & tends towBrd zero), -of take soIdtions of Us torrespond1mg problem Is SouOt for t1a paraboliv equation f, a%/Ul-BU/a 4 ~ a? (tPjtS'U)/&+ T Noxqu) 1.) CUUCH114 Problem? T(t,9xjvu) aM T (tjx'9v) kave a teady derivationg of se- cond ordere U10 > =-a aer=sd to a0p17 and, uo(x) it assumed to be a limited function me urabl* at aU. x. tt first tka geniara3hed solution ol C,%WHXIO problem is jv~ for Us oquaiton written dcum abcre, Tkis generalized eclu- 91* tion exist ar4l U'unique, jk furtkiai Usorem, is glien and yroved. 2,) Us Boun4wy Val-as Ilrbblens Tke aut)=B ex=Jne tNe boundary problem Card 1/2 for,the e s4lon given above witia Us conditiorm u(t9O)-U)^)" Ike Solution of Us Caucky Problem And Uke Boundary Value FA - 3126 Itr-oblem For tkt Nonlinear Zquatiow In A Class of Uz steady Functions o u(t,,l)-uiM in ~C),oD for some quasilinear equationt PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Matematika, no. 10, 1961. 33-34, abstract 10 B 153. ("Tr. Vaes. soveshchaniya po differentsialln. ura-,rneniyam, 1958"- Yerevanj AN Arm SSR, 1960, 98-101) TEXT: The authors consider the quasilinear equations U + ?-T-Lul. ~ 'E VU t --- ~) x '~ x2 C > 0 -4 u '~ 1P (u) 0 + (2) and the initial conditions Card 1/4 ult-0 U o(2) CDU- for 1-> - OD , U 0(I)-> U f Or I OD (4) Let T(u) be so that there exists a solution UIE (X-I-t) of (1) so ttiat -P u u for co )--~,u. for 4 CD Let exist the integrals 00 [Uo(~) u.jd~ and ~ ET 10 U -co X Then there exists a solution ue (x-kt) of (1) so that Co [" 5 U(~' 0 -00 Card 2/1[ 32448 S/044/61/000/010/012/051 On the asymptotic behavior of the C111/C222 and there holds the Theorem I : If the initial function u 0 (x) satisfies the above mentioned postulates then, uniformly in x, the solution of the Cauchy problem for ?I) with t->co tends to the solution 'Ue (x--kt) which is dettermined by (5). If for certain constants oL > 0 and M > 0 it holds kdditionally lu0(x) u d~ !5 Ble -00 OD IU 0 00 U+j ds-< 111 e then it holds -St I'U". (x - kt) - u. (t,x)l M 2 for all x and t, where B> 0 , H 2> 0 - const. Card 3/)f 3240 3/04 61/ooo/oiO/0'2/051 On the asymptotic behavior of the C11WC222 let u- for for p,(u+) t Let uE (t,x) be the solution of the problem (1), (3), (4) 11 '- < U+ ~P"(u)> 0 . Then for t-.> oD , ur (t,x) tend s uniformly in% and i' tends to H(x/t). And finally s If uC (t,x) is the solution of (1), (3), U(X,t,) the solution of (2), (3), if u satisfies the conditlon~, (4) aid ii u- ~ U = a , tpll(u)> 0 then it holds uni f ormly in x u x --~ a u( a for t-a~co. Proofs are missing. [Abstracter's note : Complete translation.-I Card 4/4 3245D /,6,25700 AUTHOR3 Oleyniko O.A. S/044/61/000/010/0-4/051 C111/C222 TITLE: The solution of basic boundary value problems for equations of second order with discontinuous coefficientd PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Iffatematiks, no. 10, 1961, 8,39, abstract 10 B 170- ("Tr. Vses. soveshchaniya po differentsialln. uravneniyam, 1956"- Yerevan, AN Arm SSR, 1960, 113-114) TEXT: The author considers the elliptic equation (a,,(x) u 0, a,j = aji T _X' X = (X,'..." X M aij (i) -- sufficiently smooth everywhere in the region SL with a probable exception of points of certain snooth (n-!)- dimensional manifolds in which the a ij may be diSCOntinUO'LS. These mani- folds decompose rL into a finite number of regions Card IN The solution of basic boundary 32450 S/04#61/000/010/01~/051 C1111C222 k1 denotes the boundary of the regions SL k and SY It is assumed 1 that a . at both sides of has the boundary values a~- and ai~ ij k1 11 1) The boundary S of rL is smooth. The author seeks a function u(x) (classical solution of the Dirichlet problem) which is continious in + S and which in all points of T~ rkl ~ satisfies the equation L/ and the conditions u1 f (2) du a u a -L- on F k dNk I d1l1 k1 here f is a function given on S 0 ai > 0 const ; du/dNk ~ du/!Ni are derivatives in the directions of the conormais of Besides.. the generalized solution of the problem is considered, i,e. a u())6:"V2 which satisfies (2) and which is go that for every F(x)E ,Y(1, (J?-) which 2 Card 21+ 3245o The solution of basic boundary vanishes on S the relation aa ~ u ~-F d 11 It ii 21X Z Xj S/044J61/000/010/01,-/051 C1111C222 - 0 is satisfied, where a is a function in1l which in the points of A-L is equal to the constant a i . It is proved that the solution cf the Dirichlet problem classical and generalized) is unique. Unde3 the same assumptions for a JX) and a j(x) the author considers the first boundary value problem and the Cauchy problem for the parabol-.c equation u n '>7 (4) t . Z a (2) U Jtj=l ( ij x Likewise generalized solutions of the Cauchy problem and the nixed problem can be obtained for a hyperbolic equation with discontinuous coefficients ; furthermore the solution of the first boundary value Card 3/4 32450 S1044J61 /000/0 10/0 1, /0 51 The solution of basic boundary ... CI1I/C222 problen amd the Cauchy problem for equations (4) in the case oere a 0 and 4 aij depend on t and i and have discontinuities on surfaces of ihe space x being variable with the time (cf. R Zh Mat 1961, 7 B 205)- [Abstracter's note : Complete translation -1 Card 4/4 ILIIII, A.M.; OMNU, O.A. (Xoskva) As7mptotic behavior of solutions of the Caueby problem I)r some quasilinear equations with large time values. Hat. sbor. 51 no.2:191-216 Je 160. (MIR& 13:9) (Differential equations, Partial) 3-fo 86821 S/020/60/135/005/006/043 C111/C222 AUTHOR: Ole7nik,,gA. TITLE. A Method for Solving the Generalized Stephan's Problen PERIODICAL& boklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol.135, N0.5, :)P-1054-1057 TEXT: Let S be given constants kvalues of the tinDperature u for which the state of aggregation of the medium changes). The points Si(Si`-Si+1) divide the u-aiis into V+1 intervals. Let 1 1 be the i-th interval. A continuous function u(t,x) defined in QtOz-.t~-~T, D-.enx