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YAYZELI Boris loaakovIcb; CNW;l Boris TWerovich; TSO',KUJM!KO,, N.G., red, lTbermoolectric Infrared drying chanber for the drying of paint coatings) Elektroterr.Dradiatsionnaia sushill- naia Ranera d1la sushki lakokrasochrqkh pokrytii. Le- niWad, 1963. 29 p. (Leningradskii dom nauchno- tekhnic'neskoi propagandy. Obmen peredo-vym opytom. Serila: Zashchita metallov ot korro2ll, lzmosontoikie antifrik- tsiomiye I dekorativnye pokrytiia, ro.6) (MIRA 17:5) XA'f k7rl 3 r. a n,- K*~nvek*,.,;~, mnp: ",% 1, ;7~ ism/wAicime - virus Diseases Feb 52 '"As Chronic Course of Botkinta Disease ffpidealc Nspatitis7," Prof M. A. Brener, D. N. Okun', Cand Med Scip Chair of Propt-deutic Therapy, Kazakh Ned Inst "Sorv Med" Vol XVI, No 2, pp 9-11 Of acute hepatitis cases, 90-9% are due to Bot- kin's disease, uhich spread to a considerable ex- tent during and alfter World War 11: 35,000 mem- bers of the W Army in Worth Africa had hepa- titig. The epidemic bat)ire of this type of jaun- dice (Botkin's disease) vas established by USSR authors. Botkin's clisease my assumid the 204TV USSR/Medicine - Virus Dismses (Contd) Feb 52 following forms: (1) acute epidemic hepatitis (tbe usual form); (2) prptracted epidemic hepatitis re- loulting in. (a) recovery or (b) transition into the chronic form; (3) chronic epidemic hepatitis with the folloiiing waifications: (a) bonprogressing with possibI6 regression, (b) slowly prooressing vith late transition into atrophic cirrhosis, (c) rapidly progressing vith direct transition into mixed cirrhoaim. 1) kandidat maditainBkikh nauk. (Alma-Ats); PATIAH, Y.N., -~A t -A ta ) Capillaroscepy In hemangiomatosis (Rendu-Oslsr disease). Klin. mad. 35 no.2:141-142 7 157 (MLYU 10-4) 1. 12 kafedry go3pitallnoy terapil (1.0. 2BV. kafodroy-dotannt TO. H. Ochkur) Xs2akhBkogo maditsinakogo Instituta imeni 7.H. NDIctova. (AUGIOMT031S, differ. ding. OBler-Randu die. froz liver cirrhosis, capillarDBcooy) (11VAR CIMOSIS, differ. diag. 031or-Randu die, capillnroscopy) (CAPILIARINS, in variouB dis. capillaToncopy In differ diag. of Osler-Rendy die. from liver cirrhOBiS) BMPIYBYA, Raykhan Abikeyevna, kandidat meditainokAb nauk; LKLUM, Mmid 3atAnovich, kandidat meditsInskikh nauk; AW13A,3.M.. takhnichaDkI7 radaktor [il7pertanBion and Its pra-vention) 01-partonichaskala bolesn' I e9 'prednprothdania. Almn-Atn. Xa2akhakoe gos. Izd--yo, 1955. 30 P. (NLRA 9:2) M.P.Ma SICS) rX"PTA 7-Dl:' A :3PO 6 7101 3317 Tnb-rml I ed. 40 4058. HELIOTROPIC TOXIC HEPATITIS. ITS THEATMENT AND 341011BYLA-li- IS -?Russijkntexi)- Okun D. N. . Obu)thov a A. V. , lievy a kn a D. N.. Sokilova N.F. - ZDHAVOOK)J)-t.KAZ. 1958. 1313 (26- 32) Tables I Stricter supervision of food production ib necessary in order tu prevent conzump- lion of grain infestedwith heliotrope. Medical woOters 3hould be conversant with 3 minimum of agrilechnical meazuytB aiming at destruction of heliolrope. Occur- rtnce of a suspected case of toxic heliotrope hepatitis should lead to immediate measures being taken. aimed at discovery of all suspecledcases in the early stages. and admission of 211 such cases to hospital for early and comprehensive treatment. Patients recovered from the disease should remain under prolonged observation -with, whenever possible. repeated Investigations of liver function. as this form of bepatItle rnay_be~on~! "ronic. ACC NRi A?6019224 scuicE, COLS: UI/02,40/o'61010/CD2/Cc~83/0090' Aumoi3 Ckun', E. D. ORG: Institute of Solid State F-hysics and Semiconductors, LN BSSR (Institut flzzi~? tvardogo tela i poluprovodnikov AN BSS.71) ITITIE3 Width of x-ray linas of polycrystals of nosaic structure SOME: .0 ESSR. Doklady,, v. 10, no. 2, 19662 83-36 TOPIC TAGS2 x-ray spectrwn,, line width3, line Intensity,, polycrystal ABSTRACT: The problem of scattering, of x-rays by polyerystals mado up of crystallites which in,#Lrn copsist of mosaic blocks is treated with the aid of the kinematic theory of x:=a saatt,~Ang, taking into account the angle of disorientation of the blocks relative to- same 4taedian" -plane of the crystallite. The effect of deformations at the boundary between the blocks and within the blocks is disregarded. An exoression for the integraa width of the x-ray line 0 is obtained from the function D I/B gives the reduced intensity at tho point of the diffraction line as a function of angle a 9 . It iD assumed that tho disorientation angles arv =AU and 11nitod by a -v&lue " ~=_j j aria that the incoherent scattering under considoration in possib.14) F 'T~ h03314-66 ACC Nih AP6019224 -;for A disorient& tion angle that is not too small. The final expressions derived &'0r 2 nLOA Cos 4 n2 q6 L,, c 0; 0 ='RA X511? 2nLoo. cos 1D sin, Cos 0 2 A cos I -exp ('2-LID Y =2 61 vbe" A 2 is the atgle of disorientation betwoon two neighboring blocks, and 10 _Awmcpres.sion (61) is the root-mearz-square.At-nensiOn of a block. Tha derived expres- -zi a= were checked in the case of aluminumilind found to apply satisfactorily, 76 'paper was presented by Sirota3, N. 11.) me-m-bor of' All ESSR. Author thanks N, N. Sirot tor-the suggested topic and frequent cUscussions of the resets,, ard S. M. Clekhovich for-Teviewing the latter. Crig. art. has: 2 figures, I table., and 7 for=la's. SUB CODS3 201 SUM DAV 3 23Sep65/ ORIG REF; OD6/ MH RBF3 W2 OM41 1, F. A. USSR/Medicina Card 1 1/1 Pub. 123 12/19 Authors I Balinukhanov, S. B. and Okur', F. A. MU I Effect of x-ray3 on the blood chart of goiter patients Periodical Vest. AN Kaz. SSR 12, 83 - 87, December 1953 Abstract t The relation between the blood chart and goiter, is explained. The chan- ges occurring in the red and white blood ccrpuscles after troatment of goiter with x-rays, are described. The data presented are bagpd on 5ctusl case histories of i65 goiter patients treated wtth x-rays. Institution : Acad. of Sc. Kaz. SSR, Alma-Ata Presented by : A. N. Syzganov, act. memb. of the Acad. of Sc. Kaz. SSR Ow% Vork me't'h*413 of the affi*loniy promoter 2ergpor oP;-14-'.'L.C-!f .1 1010 lyawv* *Tt. dol'. 21 no.4:12 lp 158. 'XTU 11;4) (scrapers) O,KUNI G I ) inzhp .. ---4 -!-j Camenting local rced =ate.-Im*A3 iri R7azan ?rc7!m:-e, 2Z mo.6in ze 165. (HU-7-A. 1218) OMIT?, G.T.I.; LC'-7r,-.)Y.TY, V. Ye. now to org=iza the work of a fore-"n7 MAshinostroitell no. 12 1. 4-6 ja 7ob 19:1) 25668 SO: 110 -OPIS' ZhIU-11AI ")Yl:ll SLACY, :;7). cmvpj~-6. S - TUKATAN, S.A.; XUIN* O.N., doktor'teklmichesklkh nauk, professor, .W*X~Avfi."' retBenzent. flasign and malnten&nce of cDcoon-opening mchin&Bl tFatrolat-yo A cbml-n- zhivanib kokonomotallnykb manhin. Moskva, Goa. neuchno-takhn.1%d-To Ministerstva promyshlannikh tovaroy shirokogo potralbleniis SSSR, 1953. 162 *P. WIMA 7:6) (Sericulture) (Bilk industry) -CMI. G.S.; XCHAROY. V.M.; KATS, Sh.N. Use of MRShchl'5--54 Instruments In tAst1mg for creqp amd lnzx-;:-erlCd strength, Zav.lnb. no-11:1387-1388 '59. OqIRA 13:4) I.Wantral'ny7 kotloturbinnyy In8titut In. I.I.Polmunova. (Testing machines) -hRD;'tlV, U..A., ukudomik; G.-h-; -XUN- G-S- S-Z'; OS707.n, L.Xb.; YAIMM21, Y.T. Yacuu-m investigati,)n of deformations of wtural 211k irradiated by gumm ruys. IMAN U2.SS.Ssr.fi2.-mt.nuuk no.3:32-37 160. (M116 13:a) 1. Institut yadnrnoy f121ki i,N U2M i UzbekBkly mauchno- is3ledovatel'skiy institut aholkovoy promyshlonnosti. 2. UzSSR (for -tvrifoT). -(Gami-u ruy (Silk) (Materials, Effect of radiation on) L97sawl _Lrifdv, V.1o, La&"adetu of tk& as&A.-mw of 34164468 V&~ava- Tpluua draft e-1.1 TL-t!:;f6-f I k*jlbjjULv lgv&sitya 1kal.ait seat uttatoko, mi. urty. rialke. twa. 1940, W*.4' OP.59.64. tuff Uattwaaj %us authapol tuf6stigattess (NAr.1-7) Me praOss"s beatio"d to the title or* 1S.6018st6j, wharol'y it was st.t&4, By it is paamlido to otlata gy.11 "1y"r4m of %tit of "Pr" GAIJ Of W198610 lot LN t&"41&t6 00&t&Zt With the weamer; &AA t"Ir salattoam. t% 7&4 ties of tLa Craft copolyLarloation, of U& S"Usaba fit TO @At:rtLl'v Wtu Itypos a" mesbyluatacrylsto to b. :i.:mta&aivd than their r"Attgo VLtb Vinyl &estate. no o,"theot. at "aft 6:8041y"Fes tot&& easily plus to vregawo of wathyl Sla"all " It Its rdutLoo Is, "441aFat" I.Y alorl %be "I& of Its bdi*r *"As to to o"Illoat4j. It the graft of sty"S "a "ayl"ts- cgr4 1/2 -71.t. t ".a plug USA&I MAItloom store M "a'" Uppa.- t6a ORA"astri. "alf"A fihy"- tils SSFOlYalli ,Woo If the f1hrv 6 tit 4"J"Lol"t"rylato (graft 54-40~) -takes pig I filor*. at* 3 "fopbasoof 10 $-tot. 4 p6lish a" I L"WUMNI rastitut ysj&rwy flulki LF to ass ( IT 1-16ty i es or the MiLl 2 a Kay 24. 'W ZHOLNOV, lu.A. ; OKUNIj G.3,3 PIAKSIV) B.V, - s Recording tacbmetor. l2i, tekb, no. 3:12-14 Mr 61. (Taebomoter) (?MA 14;2) OKUNI, G.S.; CHIZHIKOV, A.G~ Aerating and Bti=irg graim d=ing dryi-mg. FWO~. I elek. acts. sel'Xboz. 19 no.6658-60 161. (MMA. 14:12 i, (Grain-Drying) MIN Pi 7 3/844162/000/000/0t30/129 D423/D307 AUT'HUR:3 3Arifov,lU. A., Klein, G. A., 7ilippoy, A. S., Androva, N. Yu6,~AdIlkhodzhnysva, G. A.9 Okun', G. U. and Oialpovat TITLBi Radiatior grafting of vinyl monoiers to certain natural and cherical f Iberia !;Dlmcj;3 Trudy 13 VB9iaoyoznoSo soveshchanlya po riadiatialonnoy kbi- mil. Ed. by L. Li. Yolak. Hoscowt Izd-vo LN MR, J~%2, 470-475 TZXT: The-presen% work is a continuation of-previous Inveiatiga- tiona by Arifov and Klein, With the objeci of obtaining grafted copolymers of a$yrvne, rethy1nothacrylaU and vinyl acetate vi %h raw silk, ca,)rone and viscose. Irradiation was carried out wit, a C060 aoureb at a r donage of 105 to 5 x I ' r*p on solutions of the various organic solvents. Grafted polymers of natural monomers In silk, cayronv and viocoze jith styrene and methylnetbacrylate wars --- lorned =or* readily than W th vinyl acsta%&4-and grafting with sty- Card 112 6/844,/62/ODQ/ODD/OBO/1d9 Radiation grafting of ... D423/D307 rene took place on direct,contuct of fibers with pure styrene and with a uolution of utyrL:ni An nothunol. Uraftipg with methylmutha- crylate took place by conditioning the fibers In the presence of substances which dissolve polymethylnethaerylatep i.e. acetone and acetoacotic ester.The extent of i;rafting was Increased with increase of douage up to defined limitsl nfter which it is sharply retarded, Methyloethacrylute grafted to viscose produqDd material which could be dyed with basic dyestuffs and by grafting styrene and methyl- methacrylate to the various fibers It was found that their dynamo- netric properties were Improved. It was also found that copolyne- rization of fibrous materials with styrene and nothy1mathaerylats with up to 50 grafting, took place within the fiber. Thera are. 5 figures. ISSUCIATION3 Inutitut yadornDy ffmiki AN UsbBBBR (Institute of Nuclear YhyDicnj AS UzBBR)- Card ~/2 Oxulqj, G.S.] CIIIZHIKOV, A.G. Units for grain drying. Biul.takh.-e)con.inform. no.2:92-96 ,62. (Grain.-Drying) OaRA 15:3) ARIFOV., U.A.-, KLEYN, G.A.; 9~~,G.S. LAPIDUS, L.A.; PASHIMSHY, S.Z.; XIM.? G.S. Ph;fBical and mechanical propertiaB of Bilk and fabrien manu- factured from cocoonB killed by ga:-jna rays. Izv. AN U7,. SSM. Ser. fi2. mat.nauk 6 no.2:59-66 162. ORRA 15:9) 1. Akademiya nauk U2SSR. (Sericulture) (Gamma rays-Industrial at) lAcations) ORMP, G.S.; YTITSYN, S.D.; CHIMIKOY .7 -A.G.; ULIRIKH, N.P., kand. M-Pxho2. rzu3c, red.; SPICHK311, r-1--d.; FEYZIM, V.I., tekhn. red.; MPIMIA, INI.N., tekhr. rad. (Devices for drying grain abroad; a vurvey of the foreign literature] Ustanovka dlia sushki zerna za rubezhoin; obzor zarubezhnoi literatury. Moskva, Sellkhozizdat, 1963. 2151, p. WIRA 17:1) ONUNIJ GIs,) 1-nibo Calculating the duration of the drying of grain In a layer. )bkh. I elek. sots. sellkhoz. 21 no.3:20-23 163. (MM 16:8) 1. VBeBoyuznyy nauchno-iBsliodovatellskiy.inatitut mekhanizatigil sel'skogo khozyayatva. (Grain-Drying) DRAPIKOVS;-IY, V.;_C~Iml, 1. Direction dispatchsr. Gra2hd.av. 20 no.12:11 D 163. DERA 17:2) 1. Nachallnlk sluzhby dvizheniya Ukrainskogo upravloniya Grazhdanskogo vozdushnogo flota (for Drapikovskiy). 2. Nachallnik dispetcherskogo punkta Kiyevskogo aeroporta (for Ckun'). XUROCMM., A.P. j Dpt2_~:Ij Pnomatic Belf-balancing syNtems 1=,tekb. no.2310-n JA 163. ()MU 16j2) (Neumatic gauges) 1.v 7LIn k v OYRUIN ~ , !Lh. U. Vasil3yeva, N. S. and Man', Kh. 0. - "The dyna-dcs of affectIve 3 dromes In electro- tonvul3ion therapy,s Trudy Tsentr. in-ta pslkhiatrii, Vol. IV, 1790 P/ 335-41 SO: U-4934, 29 Oct 53, (1etcp1s 'A"hurnal lny~ch Statey, No. 16, 1949). SOURCE CODEj UPA367/66/003/001/Ole,9/0192 AUTHORt _kkun', L. OiMs Institute of Theoretical aril ExRerimental RhysicgA GKIAE-JInstitut teoreiiermskoy i eksperiment, oy fiziki GMIAE) Neutral alphaparticles if SCURCE: Yadernaya flzika, v. 3) no. 1, 1966, lag-i92 TOPIC TAGSs alpha particlep particle interaction, red 'ioactive demy ABSTHAM.,' Recently To Do Lee suggested a model of nonconservation of CP parity according to which the responsibility for the nonconservation rests Ath hypothetical charged -particles which have not yet been observed since they are rather heavy (ma> 5 Gov~. In the pr03ent note the author conaiders a model in vbich the q'-particles are neutral. in experiments with the participation of real,?-paxticles it is found that even if decay X20--)27r is caused by the presence of a super-imak interaction with M a 2 (L. Wolfensteir.s mdel)p tho affects of nonconservation of CP narity mV ---',be on the or%ier_of_unityo__Thc-author notes that-his-fomulation' of the ;.dr-field model differs somewhat from that of Leo in that the antiparticle for' 'itself I el-*4 is Z' rather than ?r and the electromagnotia current in the . :Jagrangian contains only a J component and no X component; but this differ- I'ance is purely terminological. The author thanks I014.0-bbifirmt and 1-.-Ia Orig. art, hast 6 formulas . Pftrj~_j W*interesting discussions. 1/1 SUB COM 20/SUBM DATEt _3GSep65Z OT1i_HU3_S_03_,_XJG1- ACC NRj AP7012838 SOURCE COM UR/03671,66'004AD06/1202/1206 A'UT)ioRj 0kun'jL*; Pontakoryo, be; Rubblap X, ORG: Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Ob"Yadinennyy Inatirut Yadernykh Issledovanly) TITLEs Four-lepton decays of plminu3 abd k-mesons and possilble anomalous Interactions of leptons SOURCL3 Yodernaya Mika, v. 4, no. 6, 1966, 1202-1206 TOPIC TAGS: pi meson, X neson, lepton, radioactive decay SUB ODDE: 20,18 ABSTRACT: Four-leptonic decays of the type -jr -~ eve').e- and K -'.,evja+p- are discussed wilth the aim-of determining whether 'Cheir experizental Investigations can give Information on the validity limits of quantum electrodynamics ard on the possibi- lity that thRre exist additional Interactioris of leptons of the type 010(pp). or jue)(jlp). at is shown that avall- able experimental data on -the validity of quantum electrodynamics -require the branching ratios of,11 ---~ eve+e- and X evp+p- to be IaBB than 10-9 of the tot.&I decay rates of Ir and X mooons. Card 1/2 DOTSENK02 L.A.; OKUNI, L.A. Automatic control of tiv~ wire broadens"ing center of 1,o3tov-ra- Don. Vest. sviazi 24 no.1:23-25 ja 16-40 (MIRA -17:3) 1. Zwestitell nachallnika Rontovskoy-na-Donu direktsil radiotrans- lyatsionrxy seti (for Dotseriko). 2. Nacha.11nik stantsionnoy sluzliby Rostovskogo-na-Donu radiouzIa (for Okun'). M IVLARIZATION OF rbLFCTRONS UT TNE L)V.C,% Y or A Trenrfatedbyv filmskr-Karsakofe frotm*9GIadY-AGXva.k ri.a.s.R. taf, e,40-2(1955). SP. The porksibility of determining the gt comstantx by mealtur- Ck [PC the o)rreintion,ai the spids of We docallAg a-meatidrsmd Qt (he emtt6kA,&Irtmg the decay *&s in- watipted. ?~O mon4uOdifitivt at the pollLrization of the einiront kn the-d"ay of the polArittid t,4-mosan made it poasible to fuliy dotdrmtte the value of thece g, cenotants. (F.S.) 11 960 AVC--ir-2489 MIN 13 L. D. Ckunl, L. B. - "Sume Problems in the Theorl of Beavy V-ezqons and ikfTs~r- ons." Acad Sci USSR. Moscaa, 1956 (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate In Physicomathematical sciences). So: Xni2hnaya leto-Dis', No. 10, 1950', pp 116-127 li 7S, 4 p r-.O.,O)ar i~l, C-~,W atg! balling ~fil g,~ 4 dilek-t A K Tllt3l~Ull P-11,1V ~71 (w -rrtci~..r m"u~tep;,A 6~ fr" aiwl tounki Wl - VTI /Y/; Z luartivily Clin M a 1- 1~ Ol... 1. 1f56. 30- 'we of mptavole-' Ir. Ole w=" of xwu-nf pil iioort ~UN ak~d L. Ii. ~~jj, AtoPm. .41196F4. wo ?jatir.3 flw~ M~rn-av IQ nucloal mul-il~lt~, I-kS-R Ini, A, vo,ffi 0'- mwll- Q~m k. 4,,tbd - h USSR/Muclear ysics - Elementary Particles Abet Journal Reforat Zbur Yizlka, No 12, 19M~ 33936 Author Okun', L. B. Institution None Title Charge Exchange of K-MeBons In Hydrogen and Deuteron Original Periodical Zh. ekBperim. I teoret. fiziki, 1956. 30, No 1, 213-219 Abstract The momentum approximation Is used to calculate the charge- exchange by deuterons of X-mosons with spins zero and one and with and without exchange of parity during the charge exchange (total of 8 variants). C-3 Card 'USSR/Muclear ibyD1cfi'-)- 31-omentary Particles Abot Journal t Ref*rat Zhur - Vizlka, No 12, 1956, 33913 Author : DXun', L. B., PonerancbuX, 1. 7a. institution : AcAdemy of Sciences USSR Title : Isotopic Invariance and interaction Cross Sections of %--Mesons and Higb-Energy Nucleons with Nucleons Original Periodical : Zh. Eksperin. I teoret. fiziki, 1956, 30, No 2, 424 C-3 Abstract : Based on the isotopic Invariance, the authors show that at high energy of colliding particles (~:,>109 ev), when the processes are very probably Inelastic, the differential cross sections of scat- tering of the %-mesons by nucleons and of nucleons by nucleons are independent of the charged state of the colliding particles. The sRiDa applies to the corresponding complete crols sections. Category : V33R/1taclear PhyBics inf-mentary pa- ~ ticles C-3 -Abs Jour :Ref Zhur - Fi2ika, ?b 2, 1957 lio 3148 Author :KObl&Tev, Lyu-, O~'Awlt L.B& TItle :Concerning the Sj-)Fn-of th~_T -particle. Orig Pub :Zh- eksPerim. i teor. fiziki.. .1956.. 30, no 4, 798-799 AbBtraCt :The non-m-eson A -nucleus disintegration is considered. It is shown t-hat were the spin of the I. _/I particle greater than 3/2, the lifetime of the 11nuclei would be considerably less than observed. Card -7n),,j x ------ ----- - ----------------------------------------- ---- ------ AbB JouT : ]Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 2, 1957 110 3140 Author : Okunt L.B. Sbmush?,evich, M-1. 11nat USSR eraction Between Title : Capture of K- Mesons by Deuterons and tbe Int Hyperon-- and Vacleons. Orig pub : Zh. eksperim. i teor. flziki, 1956, 30, No 5,. 979-981 Abstract : 7he nmentum upgroximation war, used to calculate the cross section of the absorption of a X- Meson it deuterium with production of a nuclieon, -1,'-meson and hyperon- Equations are obtained for the energy spectrum of the ir-mesons. The energy distribution of the qjj' -mesons near the upper boundary of the spectrum dePAU&s on the character of the byperom-nucleon interaction occurring upon capture of a K- meson. Card SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD 1 / 6 FA - 11229 AU11ROB OMV L.B. Trvariance and the"Strange Particles" v Zurn.eksp.i toor.fis, 30, 1172-1173 (1956) CABD 2 PA - 12729 properties ~f isotopic spin and "strangeness": K 17 N A 0 -1 1 0 0 +1 -1 +1 -1 2 -2 1 1/2 '112 1~2 112 0 0 1 1 1,12 1/? .dpart from the particles, also the correspondin& antiparticles, --ihich are marked with , are investigated. One of the most direct methods fer the verification of the correctness of the hypothesis of the isotopic invarian-.e of fast uroces3es under participation of the "strange" particles is the ex- perimental examination of the relations between reactions resultinr from this hypothesis, which differ from one another only by the charCe car, ditions of the particles concerned. Here three types of such reaction.- are investigated: a) Reactions with particl iitlon of It Particles vrith T 1/2, for Inntancc the scatterine of K-meson3 by nucleons K + N K 11, cir ~,)re exact: 1 ) X+ + p X+ + p 4) Ko + n - X0 -# T, 2) K+ + n K+ + n 5) Ko + P - Ko + D 3) X + + n K0 + p 6) K, + p K+ + n V Zurn.eksp.i teor.fis,.10, 1172-1173 (1956) CARD 4 / 6 PA - 1229 impinges a pion bundle with the same number of x +, x-, and x 0-mesons. As interaction on -the occasion of this reaction is isotopically invariant, and because target and bundle are not isotopically polaTi2ed, the number of %+ (x-)-mesons knocked out of the bundle must be equal to the number of x0- mesons. The positive pions are absorbed Am reaction 1, the neutral pions in reactions 2 and 4. This immediately results in a I - C12 + d4 or a 1 - 26 2* c) Reactions with particivation of 2 particles with T - I and 2 particles with T - 112, for Instance the production of a L-particle and of . K-meson in connection with the reaction 2 + IN -),T-+ K: 1) 'X+ + p T+ + X+ 6) %_ + n - + Ko 2) x0 + P 0 + X+ 7) % 0+ n 0 + K + 3) 20 + + + x0 6) 71 0+ n - + x + 4) + - + K+ 9) x+ + n + + K 0 5) + P 0 + X0 lo) %+ + M 0 + K+ From the charge symmetry there fo3lows: a Cr 69V2 679 d3 W Cle, a4 0 L199 05 w d10' V Zurn.eksp.i teor.fis, 10, 1172-1173 (1956) CARD 5 / 6 PA - 1229 Next, an Isotopically unpolari2ed pion bundle and a nucleon target are once more investigated. As in the preceding case the numbers of 02+ (R-)-Mesona knocked out of the bundle must be equal to the number of x -mesons: a + a + a M 2 (d 2 + a3 1 4 5 Z + :Besides, the numbers of produced + and particles must be equal to one another: 0 14 03 + (14w 2 (a2 + V 5). From the two latter equations follows: d30 cr 53 61 + CF4= 26 2+ cr 5* Analogous relations are obtained for the following reactions, each of which be- longs to one of the types a), b), or c): ?xoduction of heavy mesons and hyverons: I ) a + Iq ---,? -A + a + K(c) + d + N + K (c) 2) x + d -)A + N + x (b) 4) + d A +x+n+x (c) Capture of X-mesons: 5) + 3 + (b) 6) + 1i + x (c) 8) X + d-) A +N+ a (b) 7) + d + (b) 9) K' + d -4 [_ + N + V Zurn.eks.p.i teor.fis, )0, 1172-1173 (1956) CIRD 6 / 6 Pi - 1220 Interaction of 1--hyperons with nucleons:. 10) + 2? -) L + N (c) 11 + 1; + 17 (b) 12) + 3-) A+ N + x (o) ?xoduction of antihyperons and X-masons: 13) x + 3, -> N + A + (b) 16) N + N d + L + (c) 14) x + 3 --- )N + + (c) 17) N + 11 d + K + K (a) 15) 21 + V --) d +I + (b) Innihilation of antihyperons: 18 + 27 --) K + , (c) 20) + N X + X + X (a) 19) + N 4 X + x (c) Some of these relations were already previously obtained. (ILGELL-LUNN, lec- ture delivered at the Pisa Conference, T.D.L~E, Phys.Rev. -9, 337, 11055 'ERANCUKand Prof. 1.W . SLIU~KLVI This work was supervised by Prof.I.J.'POI assisted in the work by means of valuable discussions. This is a nearly literal translation. INSTITUTION: USSR/Buclear Physics - Elementary ?articles. C-3 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - 7imi'ka, 30 4, 1957, Wo Author : Okun', L.B. Inst Title : the Probabilities of '~; -Particle Decay. Or I g Pab : Zh. eksperim. i teor. fizim, 1956, 31, No 2, 333-335 A'bstrac!t : 1-i-mi ions are obtained for the ratio X of the probabili- ties of the decays -0 p -~- 7-1 () andj!E:~'-* n -t- which result from the fact that the ]*&see of the am-plitu- des of the weak n decay interactions (for transitions in- to a state with a definite isotopic and usual monentum avi parity) are expressed in terms of the scattering yha- ses, corresponding to the strong interaction in the final state. 7hese limitations depend on the spin and Wity of the -5~ -particle. If the decay interaction ebanges the isotopic spin by one half (.6 T =~12) than X is a function of the lifetime ratio 7 = -C v -r Card 1/2 i r 3999 ~,f,A~ r4 the A imrtlm~o d'el th. PAT-1cleo. JOZ-1y B 1. floffol? D.L.]; PXLGIo L.B- 1013M., L.D.]; DOML, L.., in2. iirars]-ntor) Burning out of,&alin nuclear roactoro. Jaderna energie 3 177 Jo 357. L,"UN . ....................... -3 4 8 ON T A 11 PqiC~BABII OF X Wgrada-L"an A ut tt~* of dw 4,tvay of th& hm,-r. j R 4m lau'Dna m-Ew-ou nw mu-mirria R;I"ns -=,a kt-P -O~qsrzmil- *1 mg"CWLSIO,~e at v:cr, tWwAo uri rwrA40W %Iwo parity lo rioWed Ul tri.6 LiAo dt-fw AAd ck-t P T."Wj CZECHOSLOVAM/2hiclear Fhysica - Nuclear Power ana Ttcbnolog7 C-8 .AbB Jour : Bef Zhur - nmika,, No 3., 1958., No 5589 Author : Joffe B. L.., Okun, L. B. Inst Not Given WSW Title On the Consumption of Fuel in N=Iear Reactors. Orig Pub Jaderna energle, 1957: 3,, no 6., 3.68-3.77 Abstract Translation from the flussian. See Referat 2hur Fizlka., -1957, No 42 i67io. Card 1/1 On the Problem of Nom-Con3ervation of Farity 131 the FA - 27o7 Cass of Interactions. terferauce term. The psaudoscalar t9rx3 proportioxal to 01) become equal to zero also im the case in which a scalar and a vectorial coup- lin exists. Also in the cast Of SUC9633iV8 protonaea W- + p .4 jT+K0, .J~ + r" the pasudoBealar torms will be lacking in the differential probability. It is therefore zot possible to datorzins by m9asurizZ the asgular distributiois of the 7~roto= whether parity in hereby conserved or :xot. Also on the ocaaaiox of p-decay, phanomtna may occur which are commeated with t~* mox-toraervatiox of parity. The authors here exazing the P-ds4ay of a polRri2*d mucleu3. Also im the mo-st simple eanes of decay, the differames betwean the possibility of the conservation and nom-comseryatiom of spatial parity is laeling if the demand for charge soxjugatiox is taken iato accoust. ASSOCIATION IRMNTED BY SUBMITTED 21/11. 1956 AVAILABIZ Card 2/2 On the,/4-Decay of the X-Re3ons and Hyperons. PA - 271o VI-me3on,, and all decY7 acts of the particles with the strangeness -1 through theu-decay of the r*--meson. The paper under review indicates other conclusions which have tobe drawn from an application of this hypothesis, and discusses them. Also the?-decay of a cascade _~-hy_ peron is discussed. An experimental confirmation of the conclusion re- ferred to in this paper does nit yet prove the validity of this hypo- theais2 as It is possible that also other premises lead to these results. (No reproductions.) ASSMIATION FRMYTED BY SUBMITTED 22.11-1956 AVAIIABLE Librar.T of Congress Card.2/2 On the theory of the Scattering Particles by Nuclei. Pk - 2711 dmm. Herefrom the eqaation of the surface 5 is determined whid, limits the "permitted domain" of the parameters u.-5ad here. After com- putation of the number of collision -which the particle I suffers in the time unit, an expression is obtained for the factor F. In conclusion the general expression for F for various values of the parameter are specialized. The formulae obtained in this wa7 are aimpllfieAon- siderably in both limiting cases rVf2 - 0 and ml/o2 - 1. Here ml and denote the ma3se3 of the particles I and 2 respectively. ill.) =OCIkTION ?RMNIED By SUBMITTED 29.11.1956 AVAILA= Library of Congress Card 2/2 RE& I "or. fit 32, No. 1, $4.1 - 8 "looll. in avam" Asftmirv ;m"Iy irlaiuk(A W t%otk r-p a0 14--a &map ft 4mv-dar oorr~kstlzm 4 Muom OLM PctmArcm r-mm"ams u tair 10BUR373, I.TU.; 'OXMI. 1.'B. SisultAnems -production of -A and O-partlel-sm. 2bur.skmv.1 tear.fis. 32 no#4:933-934 AP 137. OUJU 10: 7) (?articles, Momentary) AMM .0.1WN) Lo FONTEWRvo., a, 5t)-b-52/56 TITIZ ig"04NIS on the Slow Transition Processes of Elementa-, Particles (Nekotor~ye zamechanlya o medlennykh protsessakh prevrashchaniya ele- menturnykb chutits, Russian) PERIODICAL Zhurnal Eksperim. I Teoret. Fiziki, 1957, Vol 32, Wr 6, pp 1587 - 1568 (U,S.B,R.) As is knownj two typeB of slow ~roceaass exist: a) Lepton *procesBes: n Y. 4 P., iD -10 a .6 Y p -i- n 7Y -4. eu +' K-*iu +)r X.-Iiu+ J~ +'Hg, K-+e+ +We b) Processes not connected with leptons: X 4 2r,, X - 37t., A, (2) -* N + 7F, r' -* A + W L=-j The constants of the interaction raaponxible for those processes in the units (-4 we a c - 1,, where u denotes the mass of pions) are nearly of the came order of magnitude 031 - 1t-14 - 10--las This leada to the opinion that all these processes.are based upon one and the cam mecha- nism, Ise. a universal FEM interactions This idea is confirmed by the fact that for all these proceases.parity is not conserved* Perhaps the processes a) and b) are processes of second order with respect to neu- ~Card 2/2 trino interaction. Naturally, also other schemes are conceivable which EMS' -M XOBZARIV, I.Tu.; DOW, L.B. I ............ ... mm,~N-- Prol4bill-ty of S. -h7peroz di3intagration consider1mg monconserration of parlty. Zhur. sksp. i teor. fiz. 33 mo.1:296-297 Tl 157. (Ytatlclaq, Momentary) (mm 1019) AUTHOB: Okun', L.B. 56-2-29/47 TITLE: note on the X93 Decay ( 0 K.3 -raspade PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksparim. i Teoret.Fizik'&,1957,Vol.33,fir 2(6),PP.525-526 (USSR) ABSTRAM The present paper computes the energy distribution of electrons and pions in the case of X decay. The inyeBtigation of the processes A K V+ 20 an kO-) el + V + NY) is very import - of decay + d ant Nr the explanation of the character of weak interaction of el- ectrons with each other. it the outset the matrix element of the X decay of a X-meBon at rest Is given for the, con- taining no derivatives of the Lepton functions. Vith the help of this formula an expression for the probability of the emission of an electron with the energy E0 and of a pion vith the energy Ex is-easily-obtaihed. This expression is then transformed. In this way the following expressions are found. 2_(,_ 6)2] + 14 and +4T(1 _L)2 45TO - L). Here the functionB~S.~V4T ~ST are only dependent on the Energy E. of the pion and independent of on the Energy 3 0 of the electrons f,- 2BIS /('W-RX)l e0_k'X/(M_EX)' I- to