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ACCESSION NR: m4no488 3/0080/64/037/001/0:150/0153 AUTHOR: Shibalovich., V. S.; TITLE; The thermal oxidation destruction of the divinyl styrene co- polymer SKS-30 and the properties of the resulting products SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, v- 37, no. 1, 1964, 150-153 TOPIC TAGS: polymers, viscosity, 2ow-molecular polymers, synthetic polymers, divinYl 70, styrene 30, oxidation destraction, chainmole- cu'les, carboxy2 group, primary fragments, copolymer fission, film formation ABSTRACT: This report deals with the preliminary results of an in- vestigation on the oxidation destruction of copolymer SKS-30 (divinyl 70 and styrene 30 parts by weight), and the resulting fission productzo In the experiment made during the investigation, air waB blown "through a 7% xylene solution of a purified copolymer at the rate of 90-120 liters per hour in the presence of a lead-manganese naphthenate cata- lyzer. The resulting data shows that the oxidation destruction of the Card .1/2 ACCESSION NR; Ap4olo488 SKS-30 copolymer takes place in two stages. Me destruction cacurring In the double bonds of the chain molecules in the first stage is com- pleted in the first 4-5 hours. The next period is characteriZed by a further oxidation of the primary fission products of the copolymer. In addition to Its high degree of unsaturation, the low-molectilar polymer resulting from the oxidation destruction contains a unique Initiator of further polymerization and a number of oxidized groups whose polarizing action Bbould affect the activity of the remaining double bonds. 'The above-cited data justifies the conc2usionz of a two- stage process of the oxidation destruction of the SKS-30 copolymer, and an increased reaction capacity of the fragment-oxidation and pro- ducts. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and I table,. ASSOCIATION: Leningradakiy tekhnologicheskiy institut imend Lensoveta (The Leningrad Lenzovet te ,chnoloZical Institute) SUBMITTED.- OlJul62 DATE ACQ; 3.4i?eb64 ENOLi 00 SUB CODE: CH NO RU SOVI 012 Own: oo4 Card 2/2 kL 621 T?-1-6-5 ACCESMON NR.- -'~P5016945 `~. =,~77_7 AUTHOR: Slavys-nanova _Ys J,_.1 CWhrimmik I.S. '11TLE.- Effectof the navire qr~~ %-usco,41ty of certain reqlm on theIr emulslrlcntli~n t water by meano of acoustic VihrfW'('.RA SOURCE. I_akokrapo-,hn1YY(- ma*#-,1n1v ) ikh prinienenj.v~. no, 26- 96 TOPIC TAGS- ernulBificalJon, fiyd.-~~dynamlc "'Ibration disversM 8ystem, T-,~Wt) emulsion stablIfty, varniFih ba-se 'md vlt;('(pf~ity L~e em(Ilsifted pr(-"h!Ct.H ~)n ABSTRAM The c-,Ffect '~he zaat'.1 particle size diatrffiutier3 !in,! emZ'If4i", i~4 res )na war, q1; id 7 (W t1%-a-nj_qh t~asc. 321 - I), resins were: rr;zin. g1vi'E,t Aid. i~~ pliUallc rqsin tncydjlie~l ro-s4ill (varnisli bapqo N'' TLe mnulloifie.,Wan was carried out wW~ the base of organcoibe-,on varnish V, 4'V. hydrodynamic vibrator. mul thp were mrmoniv nnd tho M-Ir wivitinj Tha use d 321-T ixnd M;'!, fhii diry4~,r9olly 4 tho mralrzfcm c.,innido, o' The depmdence of thf, diaporrily .-,n Liv, y1firoirflT Lp mor-t pronounee.4! ovey it ve!-v r,; v1seosity range wbvqi the vilirstr-- ~p u_csed~ a n,,"h-_qroqT.F% le propoi;od for Q*1 ~UpVmi rft Card L 62117-15 ACCEMON NR: Aptinio-ci effect of acoustic vibrnUonn. lbe Altmd !o tlip ec-incluslon Ilat flomiatlO v hl'l mm bia u2ad Jor emul9llji,-Lg ri...glal miA prf.-~dtwts . pf.1-tioulpfly thage With F vinoc M- tv loc POJDG. Cirig. art. I-nr~ 3 ~)rui oi; and Lsibls. ASWCLATION- 4u GUB CMEI ml% '74C NO av.1"!4OVI r,)", Ccwd IL-Ant A k "'r AnO26528 SOURCI MCI Mt/021MA5/000/M9/0070/0070 AUTWR3s pjp~ms ~O.LjOkhrlawzjco 1 3 ORG i none TITIZi .Method for obtaW- ng modified pollcaprooka Class 39t No. 175226 Samiounced by LeAbtzrad To takhnologicheskiy lwtitut)_/ MtA (Leningrads BOOM n' izobreteniy i tcrtarrqkh znakoy, no, 19$ 190% 70 TOPIC TAGS% yalycaproamidet polyzer, adhesive, adhesion ABSTBACTs ThU Author Certificate presents a method for obtaining --dViod poly- caproam1do'by treating with low molecular weigh'. compounde, To im- p !=aV yart high thermal and jh ~siy ca=t'ies to the polyner,, unsaturated &:Ldehydes are 'used as law nolecular weight cozopounda, SUB C013t 07/ SUBM DATEt 08Ju164 UDC 1 5,47.381 I- ---- - --------- L 115~4-66 E1AT(m)/EWP( J RM CC NRt AP-- A 6000354 SOURCE CODEt UR/0286/65/000/021/0048/0= F AUTHORSt OkhAmnko, 1. S.; Dlynkonova,-Z, B. ORG s rione TITLEs Met&d for obtaining thermosennitized carboxyl-contaWnp, latex. Class 390 'i N-Q,17606OZainnounced by LaqLngad Technological institute Lonfiove (Loningradakiy t9khvo1ogicheskiy-Uit-itut):7 V --- SOURCE t Byulleten inobratenivitovarrwkh -znakov.--no-. 21#1965-p -48 TOPIC TAGSt rubber, synthetic rubber, rubbe r chemical, latex ABS TRA(M This Author Certificate presents a method for obtaim-Ing theraosensitized carboxyl-containing latex with the aid of thermosenaitizing agents. To speed up the process of gel formation and to Increase the thickness of tho rubber gel layer, a mixture of aqueous solutions of polymothaea-1-ic &old nd polyvinylalcohol or its derivatives are used as thermosens Itl zing agentes -The-loolutiow are m1--ed in the ratio-of 1.5tl to 2.5ilo sm corg, n/ som ruE, njui64 Cwj A M 678.OU.5t67it.7"*332+678.7.;4.72 D'IrAMINOWly Z.B.; I.S.; nMYGV, I.F. Effect of moralectrolytes cn the associatlen of acid and po]-yvimil. alcohol in solutiow. Vysckcm. soe-d. 7 ro.6: 1016-1019 Ja 165. (MIRA 1,8-.9) la L-aningradvkAy tekhnologichoskly InBtltut imera Lensovat.a. L 541.46?-65 Ex", I ra J '~EPF k E: i TffmTGTWNF. 4 F JR! )0e 0" 6, S/ 033 -W ALITHOR: Shibalok". TITLE: I rrv vp Ps i r,Le :4,; -s r styrene, cupolyim~r SOLRCE: Zhurna' TOPIC TAGS: d iv in~ destruction ABETRACT: Forma-t4*'~-i an%~ r, W a 5 3bJective Of VV Un ~~K'5-30 divinyiDtyveite We"re. Uns d as- r4w materia-1 11- 1 a avave the I.Cillowing characteristics: averagu~ j661ioUlar~. weight 30() to 400, percentage of detiva oxygen (in form of s, abin pav,ny- 0, acid numbr-T' wil-hin 10 to 15 mil I i;zramz; cf Krif c,r E, 0.13 to 1. polymer, Iodine numl-er, * '7 f i I number of 42 niiili,,rarn~ f a i 71 g F, LCard 112 54962.,45 AVESSTM NR- A-,t~71;i-*~-- prepared from ,, he p r mi, f ri npo Tr. ar were hardened ir, thiE m 17,- 3r,.j tions were 1.5,Y f-: C ro r, ii ~ tr, j, i exhibit ch,,i-acie~.; Ei :i~~r ks they 6re noifusing ar.,, ir i-rrPve: Its rate Is fast (a4 31'~iY"- 0- e w. T h, i r -4-n0 vzm! cli-.- -0)(Y The activation energy c>f t~)t- har-Fnir:g ig 10i~cal/mol. Ori~,. ar. 1 t-Able and 2 figures. AMCIATIGN: [Pningrads~;,, Institute of Technol,-,g,~~ SUBMITTED: 0 INo 3 - slip NO IMF SOV: U05 712, L R .J, Card 2/2 L 18419-66 EVIT(m)AWP TC(m)-6 MI/RJ4 _ACC NR: AP6003428 110M.GF, COT,Fj U,1/01')O/~6/008/001/0163/0-l-,7 44 C~ ALITIHORSt Bayoras, G. I.; Okhrimonko, 1. S. 3?N ORGt Lonin".ad Technological Institute in. -Lonnovot (LoningradnKAy tokhnof-og-J.-ch-o-skl-y-fn-stitut) -TITLEi Modification of mixed polyarddo7. with acrolein SOMACE: Vysokomolekulyarnyyo soyedinonlya, v. 8, no. 1, lr)(A, 161-267 nnd in5ort facing page 166 TOPIC TAGSt polyamide, polymer i zation, reaction mechanism 548 mix-l'i poly'1:7~ilz~') ABSTRAGAt The reaction of mixed polyamido 548 (1) with ncrolain (T7) at varlni;s temperatures, reaction times, ratio of componenta, and with vnrlou:, c.-II.-.3yots, was- investigated -in. the hope of imparting thermal reactivity to tho product. Ethanolic solutions (2(Y,,) of (I), containiniT various amounts of acl,", cntalyst3 (H3PD41 HCOOHI CH3COOH) and freshly distilled (11) were omployed in the reaction. Variable conditions of the reaction and proportion of the product aro tnbulntad. A schematic representation of the reaction is offored as Card 1/2 TJ-DGt 678.Olt54+6W).#.)75 L, 18419-66 ACC Ri AP6003428 + + Q11C-C11-C1(3 R-N-CO-R Ii-cll-cll' which indicates that the process occurs aiinly at the amino and ide am FT 12P3 with formation of alcohol-soluble produc:la of high thermal reactivity. It was shown that, cross-linking occurs under drastic temperature conditions. Thermo- mechanical and x-ray data indicated Lhat lowered crystallinity and oricntation of the polyimide followed its modifin-~ticn with aldehyde and its subsecuent thermal treatment. Roentgengram3 were taken in the B. P. Opolkin X-ray Crystal- lography Laboratoryp-~TI im. Lensovet. Orig. art. has: 3 tables, ) figures, and 5 structures. SUB GOBEi 07/ SUD11 DATEi 0%kr65/ ORIG REFt 032/ OTH REFi 006 Card 2/2 LIW,, ACC NRj A?6025622 Son, CIE CODE: U]A/(V-1)/66/OOO/O33/Wr//1 AUTHOM13): llashlyakovskiy, L. N.; Ionin, 13. 1.; Okhrimenko, I. S.,- Petrov,, A. A. ORG: no-no TITLE: \4freparative method for phosILioi-m-contninia,,.~est~ei:s.I Class 39, No. 283385 Za~mLunced by Leninvad Technological Institute imoni fe-nsovet (Leningradskly i=80170gicbeskiy iwtitut)_/ SOURCE: Yzobratoniya, pro=jnhlenrqjo obraztsy, tovarn;rja mnalti, no. 13, 1960, 77 TOPIC TAGS: phosphorus, polyester, pol7condenzation, phosphonic acid, glycolA )MINMT: This Author Certificate pro.-3onts a =9thod for yrepaing 0,osphort.,3- pontaining pol7astDrs by po1yco-ndDn3nt1On Of &1kylphOBpbonic Cblo- tides with aliphatic or aronatic glycols. To broaden thg/assortment of phlo orus- ro~tnimimg polymers having h14 fire resista J7 d I adhesi nLz an goot Qni ~o retals' Ahlorldes witb 1,3-diene groups at the phosphorus atom, e.g., (2-me07y=, 4utadien;X, Ahoubonic chloride, are used as the alky3phospbonic chlorides. Co4j 'SUBCOIE3 07/ SUBMDM: 22Apr65/ATD.Pmm:,5-d6 UEC: 678.674 678.85 cord _1 43900-66- AIX N)6 7~P6015656 CA) SOURCE CODE: 1JR /0413/66/000/009/007:)1/0072 INVENTOR: BMeras, -G. 1. ; Okhrimenko, 1. S. ORG: none TITLE: Method of preparing pol amidA;~~ arnishes. Class 39, No. 181274- jannounced by Leningrad Technological Institute im. Lens 2-ne-tiLeningrads My tekhnologicbeskiy institut)) SOU'RCE: Izobreteniya, prornyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 9, 1966, 72 TOPIC TAGS: polywnide, varnish ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a method of obtaining polyamide varnishes with a mixed polyamide base in a mixture Of 21COW&B with the introduction of a modifier. To improve the physical and mechanical properties of .the polyarnid e -arid -the varnish acrole)n or-crotonic is used as the modifier. [Trans- lation3 INT] SUB CODE: II/ SUBM DATE: 26May6b/ C.,dl/l UDC: 667.633. 26:878.675-9:547. 381 W RWn 1 o4822-67 W(J)LEW Edp(t)lzrl I'TP ACC NR, JX60067ii A SOURCE 'babii-wo_j 037C61 002 1602310023 AMORI Qdudmhkoj_ L S.; Verkholant'sev, V. 080 1 none TITIZ) Aqueous thixotropic parkerizing priming compositions for coatinLXasting moti surfaces )% SOURCE) Lakokraooohyqp materialy I ikh primeneniyaj, no. 22 19662 23-23 TOPIC TAGS3 phoBphate., ruat inhibitor, protective coating ABSTILWD Paekerizimg priming comositionD were prepared from SY-5-70 MU-10 pyridiine- containing copolymer and phosphoric acid. Thixotropic dispersions (Pa3t8s)-ti:1t ca".7 be readily spread with a brush wore prepared by coAgulating the latex of the copolymer' with concentrated (62%) H3M, 7heir viscosity, rate of thixotropic go3-ling, film- XorAing capacity, and the physicomechanical properties of the filmsjlVaro found to de- pend primirily on the ratio of the polymeric pRrt to the acid intr duced. In the course of drying of the film on a notal surfacey a certain redistribution of phosphor- ic'acid taken placol part of the acid remains In the film, and the rest btcomes di- rectly bonded to the notal (a pbosphato film 13 visible after removal of the coating Calculations ahow that in order to obtain a phosphate film g thick on stsel~ An of the H3?04 contained in a 30-40 p film (at a ratio of the po3,ymar ailt SX3-70 W-10- I td 33P% of 70330) la required. The pyridine-containing priners were found to bo a3 uDci 667.,621 i o4822-67 I I good as VIP-O? No. 138 standard primera,. and to hav* 3everAl advantaZ93 Overi6. latteri .they are simple to produce and do not require pigmentation or tbo use of or- . Mic 361yetta. 7hey are recoamended for u39 on rustirig and wet ateel surfacob In I teaparsite '611mates. Orig. "t. ha-a3 3 ligureD and 2 tables. I SUB CODSI III SUBM DAM manol ORIG REF3 0071 OM W3 004 OWIM-103 L 9 J1. 2778. ORMHUXO. L. S. 3spoI'xovAzi)ro Snamogo OboruabohovaniyA I Organhatalya Snabsbani7a Im Jt6ewvk*h i YArterov,%kM Tsek~ov. XharIkov) 195-4s 16s. 20sm. (H-vo Vy3ab. Obrizovaniya SSSR. Xharlkb. lnzb.-Zkon. In-t). 100 ek2. Bexpl.- (54-54896) SO: latopiz' Zburnelrqkb Statay, Vol. 42, hoskva, 19,49 :RRUSTANTSIV, N.-, KOLTYPIR, S.;,C-UMDTNM, L. The AC--;915 motor oil ;)rDduced of eastern sulfurims petrDlauxe. Ayt. transp. 36 nt).3.2sl3-15 3) 158. (MIR-A 11:12) I.Nauchno-1991eduvatall3kV Imatitut a-vtorobII'MDgD tramSPDrta. (AUtO]5D'bIle3--1u*brIca'tIon) KOMVAIIOVA.? L.P.; 011GUMMKO, I.S.; STRUGAIISM, Z.S. Determining the energy of gaynna-ray quanta In a xenon bubble chamber. Prib. i tekh.ekBp. 4~ no.,6:26-32 N-D 361. WIRA 14:n) 1. Ob"yedinennyy inBtitut yadernyZi iBsledovaniy. T.adernykh isBIedovanI7,. Varshava (for Strugal3skiy). Bubb2s ebamber) i 2. Institut Ga-.-r,a rays) Y, I. ~ I., 1. 7. , n., 1 71 :7A S. L. A. PjA (7~7MO, V. "P--utrAl OP.rajigv rarticlen ProductIon on Yrnnn Ni;cIrl In f1~ r) r~.Y/C ypzlvn Beam" report preBentpd at the Intl. Conference on Figh FnerFj Myntca, (",neva, I.-ii juiy 1962 loint Inat'Aute for Nuclear Fleseareb LOOTAU)17 of ),j4b rnerAlem 1. A., 1V.VJi7%, T, MM-MMY, A. ~., o?a-M";.N), L ...... ...... "CrossZectton of tht rrrrrntton of/r-)&r.3mz In tt;rj Cmul(Tnl~ Field of tbe Xenon Nucleus at the ?Ix)pntt= of PrImary/1--Mcsons ~) Gev/c" repoe. prezented at the Intl. Conferenee on Vigh Yn-ri-j Geneva, 4-11 July 196.1 Jbint Inh, for NwIvar Plenearch Lab. of 111n 1nArglem, NI.-na, 1962 rt,l Af of the ,es-.ct-,r-n ~>-Ifl jDrirv!ryW-,-,:~:L;onss 164. tIA '(11 A~CESSION NR: AP4042562 - S/0056/64/046/006/2023/2027 AUTHORS: Gramenitskiy, 1. M.; Ivanovskaya, 1. A.,- Hanarek, T.; Okhrimenko, L. S.; Prokesh, A.; Tikhonova, L. A. TITLE: Investigation of the reaction 7r- + Xe 7r- + 7r0 ~ Xe for 9 GeV/c primary negative pions SOURCE: Zh. e%sper. i teor. fiz., v. 46, no. 6, 1964, 2023-:02 7 TOPIC TAGS: pion, pion interaction, pi meson product, negative pi meson, neutral pi meson, xenon, Coulomb field ABSTRACT: The production of negative and neutral pions in the inter- action between negative pions and nuclei, with small momenEum trans- :1 fer to the recoil nucleus, was investigated in a xenon bubble chamber. The greatest interest in these reactions lies in the process of pro- ducing a neutral pion in a CouloTb field,.fox this reaction can yield information on the interaction between pions and gamma rays. The se- cerd. 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4042562 lection criteria and the measurement procedures and the data reduc- tion procedure are described in detail. An upper-limit of 1.0 + 0.2 is estimated for the cross section for production of neutral pions in the Coulomb field of tho -xenon nucleus. This estimate does not agree with results by others and possible reasons for the dis-, crepancy are suggested. "The authors are grateful to Ye. V. Kuznet- sov for calling their attention to the tbpl%c, to M. I. Podgoretskiy and A. S. Marty*nov for.helpful discussion, and to the staff o*;-: tech- nicians that took part in the s6anning and measurement." Orig. art. bas: 3 figures and 4 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedinenny*y institut yaderny*kh issledovaniy (joint Institute of Nuclear Research) SUBMITTED: 19Jan64 SUB CODE: NP DATE ACQ: ENCL:; 00 OTHER: 003 IM REF SOW 003 Card' 2/2 L 2_120-105 ZdT(m) D W,?/AMjSSDjZSD(t' S/0056/64/047/003/0801/0605 ACCESSION NR: AP4046389 AIMIORS: Gramenitskiy, 1. M.: Okhrinenko, L. S.; Slovinskiy, D.;V Strugal'skiy,_ Z. S. TITLE: B'stimate of the cross section for the charge exchangelof negatiya ions on quasi-free protons at 9 Gev/c _p N SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 47, no. 3, 1964, 801-805 TOPIC TAGS: charge exchange, pion proton scattering, exchange cross section, elastic scattering, bubble ch.-m-m3er ABSTRACT: In view of the scarcity of data on the exchange Gcattering of negative pions by protons in the energy region of several GeV, the authors investigated the exchange scattering of 9 GeV/c negative pions by quasi-free protons in a xenon bubble chamber, with an aim. at investigating the cbarge-exchanga reaction Card 1/3 L 2320-65 1ACCESSION NR: AP4046389 7T + P " 7T + n. This was done by scanning twice the photographs obtained in the bub- ble chamber, and selecting all the prongless stars within a small region of the chamber. A total of 116 such events were selected from 55,000 stereo photographs. The angles between the y quanta and the angles between the y-quantum direction and tba.direction of the primary negative pion track were measured. Much attention is paid to the separation of the baekground events and the events which can ibe mistaken for the investigated charge-exchange reaction. "khe- final estimate for the reaction (1) is found to be 0.48 + 0.18 rib for scattering by xenon and 0.04 0.09 rrb for scattering by the ex- change quasi-free proton. In the case of pions of 200 MeV energy, the oxchange cross section is -0..03 � 0.03 rb. This indicates that the clastic charge exchango of pions at 9 GoV/c is vanishingly small. "The authors thank Ye. Dogdanovich, V. G. Grishin, and M. 1. Pod- lgoretskiy for useful discussions, and also N. Smirnova ~n- Card. - 2/3 T 2: -- C, 6 ,ACCESSION NR: A-P4046389 lova and G. Stroylkova for help with the work." Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 4 formulas, and 1 table. ASSOCIATI'ON: Ob"yedinenny*y instit-ut yadorny*kh isalodovaniy (%7oint Institu-te of Nuclear Research) SUBMITTED: 21Mar64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: NP NR REF SOV: 007 OTHER: 008 Cora 3/3 OKMIMMO 'N.I., gornyy im~h.; URPOV.) A,F., gornyy inzh.-, I.Xb,,, Sormyy lnzh.j AMMOV, M.I., gornyy inzh. Luproving boring and blasting operations in the UchalyMlina. Gor. zhur, no.609-40 Je I&, WRA 15:11) IS Uchalinskky rudnik, (Uchal7 region-Blasting) (Boring) 01MMUM, NA.,inzh. .1~ I Studles of mw am junning Selentlyle Research Institute for Drilli.g n am qss vans on wall sinking unaor emplax conattions.11, Trudy TM113T no.l-. 134-141 158. (oil Ion drAlling) (MIU 11: 12) 11(0) SOV9.3-58-10-5/19 AVMOR; Okhrimenko, N. M., M~yshav, A.I., and Xzuvchenko, 11.8. TITM: The Experience in Using Cellophane as a Prevention Against the Absorption of Drilling Mulds (Opyt primneniya tselloftna pri bor,te s PogloBhcbeniyami) PERIODICAL: Neftyimoye khozyaystvo, 1958, Nr 10, pp 23-25 (USSR) ABSTRACT: laboratory and industrial tests have determined that cellophane is a good drilling fluid thickener and esn prevent the escape of fluid during turbine drilling. Tie tests have shown that the channels of the tarbodrill'3 turltine remain free of clogs when the cellophane concentration of t1v drilling fluid amounts to 3 weigbt-percent of the fluid volume and the size of the cellophane particles range from 0.5 to 12 mm (Toble 1). 1he tests have also disclosed that the celljopbane particles do not drop out vhen -the minimum fluid viscosity as determined by the SPV-5 method is 22-25 seconds and the static shear stress in I and 10 minutes is 38 and 43 mg/sq cm, respectively. The industrial tests were carried out in the Ymkhanovo rayon of the Miybysbev oblast' where it costs 30,000 - 150,000 nibles I)er vell to 31revent drilling fluid escape (%ble 2). Mie authors conclude that cellophane can be obtained as vaBte products from the food industry or from the cellophane producing combine - card 1/1 N.t I 1 -1.,' PIWIYANOV., I'j" NOv =bIhod for ali--t-nating circu-1ation Issz. Noft. khcz. 4-1 rc.-~: 18-20 Mr 163. 1 7. l1 ~ r ()MD13NKO, N. N. Xantbomatools of the bons vitb h7partansiTs manifanations. nin, med., Moskys 30 no. 6:77-78 June 1932. (Cl)fL 22:5) ~ -,,Y-ny-- , , -, vvvj~ Teneficlal results of surgery In a ca.Ba of tubarculoma of the dura miaw -of 'the spiual cDrd, 7op,neurAhir. 17 no,2:57-58 Mr-A_p 15). (HLPA 6:5) (4inal cord-Ttzors) OUMIXEM), Y. X. (Llvov) Surgical ~treatzeut of meningoenMhalitis complicated ?~y saptic hemorrh&gs. Yop.nalrokbir. 18 no.6157-59 3-3) 254 (MM 8:4) (MINOMCOMITIS, Complications, hamorrh.) kCUWRAL MCMFAGE, stioloz7 arA palhogensis, Meningoencephalitis) OXERIMANK0,N.N., RUHUR, 7.T.(VYDv) Cerebrompinal fluid examination by stages In the diagnosis of cerebral tumors. 74pp.neirokbir. 20 no-3:37-39 MY-Je 156. (HIMA 9:5) (MUM, nOlDplaSMS diag., CS7 exa . In stages) 11 CIRTBROSPINAL YLUID, In various die. ( brain tumors, exaz. in stages) OMIRDENIO, 3.3., podpolkornik med.2luibly, IJYXII, X.M., poapolkmmik zed*olu-zhby (Chits), lightning damage to the -brain and Bpinal cord witb retarded formation of =altiple hemangiomas. Yrach.dala no-71733 J1158 (X-M 11;9) (=CTRICITY,, INJIMIRS nOX) (TUKCRS) IMMYMS SYSTE)I--VDUM AND INJLTAIN) ,CMMDMM, N.3. (Chita) Surgical therapy in extensive pneumocephalon. Top.-nalrokh1r. 22 mo.6.-42-43 3-1) 158, (MMA 12:2) (BRAIN, vdv.. A Inj. causing ynaumocaphalon, ourg. (Mus)) .j N'll., pDapDlkDVnl)C mealiBinakoy sluzb-by.- MWDD7MT. 7.X., myor meditalmakoy sluxb'by Significance of 3morn ooze ophal DgTaphy Im diaposis and expert testl- mouy It closed 'bralm traum, Toem,-medobur. mo.9368-70 S 159. (N33U 13:1) (SRAIll was. a Inj.) (TMrMCULDGxk?RT) OKULUMWINKOP lial.-.- podpolkovnlk neditaimkoy Blu2hbyj,-WiODOVSXIY, V.X., r-ayor Blu-.hby; MISOYED, L.P. Clinical aspectB of aerous moningitla, 7ocn.--mad. zbur. no.5:1,6-47 My 1161, (2,211111GITIS) 0-11JA 14:811 OKHRIKFMOJ 14. *N.- BFLODOVSXIY 7. X. Obita) .0 y Fascicular tvitchinge in spinal tumors of bigb locall2ation. Yop. neirbViir. no.6361 361, (MIRA, 3-4:12) (SPINAL CORD-TUMORS) (EMMMIKO, 11.1%; GURTORIUSK17., P.A. (Cbita) Cmbimation of carabral teratma with solitary tuberculosis. Vop. neiro),hir. 26 n0.6354 K-W~2 (MM 170) UTRIN, V.V.1 CLEWMEY20, N.N. Dlagnc.stic waue of the chanRem In the ccmpoBition of the cerebrospinal fluid and the fundw oculi in tumora ard arachnoiAitea of the brain. Zhur. ne7r* I Pikhe 65 ne.5:667.-671 $65. (MIRA 18451' 1. Gla-myy vc~7ennyv gospitall in. Burdenkc, Moakva. Oximl~mmm, N.i. Paking grooves for rectullinear tbroe.09. Stan.1 limtr. 29 rio.V:*19 D 258. (1141RA 11,12) (Scrow mittitO OKMUKEUO, O.r. Bow we improved the construction of threshing maebime, )%6kb,, sill.boap. 13 mb.12zl8 D 162, ~(MM 1622) 1. Qlavn7y lmzb. kolkbDza 17~ercd*j Xhotinskogo ra7maj, Sumskoy Dbl, (ThreBbing nachines-~Iaintenanco amd repair) ~XHRDWKO, 0. 7. 7hey worked w*n. mekb. sill. boBp. :14 no.2:30 7 361, (MM .16' 4) 1. Glavnyy inzb. koMosa 'Vparodw. (Yarn maebanizatign-ij OKBI)ENXO.v O.F. .our reinirks. Mekh. sill. hoBp. 3.4 zo.4il3-19 Ip 163. (MIRA 16: 10) 1. Glnv3~.V Im2h. koDrhma "Vpored" S=Bkogo prvIzvodstvvnnogo upravleniya Sunskoy oblasti. OKIRi*ENKO, 0. 1. VARL)YEV, A. A. and WSHEZDT, Ye. A. - ---1 "Method for the '4uantitative Determination of the Content of Sulronic Acid Groupa and Carboxyl Groups in Cationites by Titrating Them," an article included in -the book "The Theory and Practice of tiie Apt-lication of Ion-&change Agonts," edited by X. V. Chmukov and published k- the AS U3Mj 1955., :164 pp. S .0 - 0 20Z :,j t A.-Mll 0 i -e I Pill : 1 V".13L : .i sl A Vk 0 lull' for O'A joe. tuD Ita"a r rvss*i, 7A %"pk an w-'fmpe ib aw of fulfa=104 Fdro -,d' I pan, -his M"h:o % li, DI-mtr ando afthyi, sad Adottwt4 In caso A Cd. Fe VAL ffma tL? 01M Tslesar I-instt=mental 3Bnehik I- iwgig-o Portable manual roller-cutters. Suggested by P.Dkhrimenko. 3ats. i Isoby. predl. v stroi. no.15:31-32 160. (HIRA 13:9) 1. To materialam trasta Metallurtmon'twh Ministerst-va stroitsl'Btva USSR. (Cutting machines) .41. RUDIN, V.P., prof assor; OKIRDMIZO, R.D. Acute millary tuberculosis In younA pacpla. VrBeb.delo no-7:701-705 JI 157a OILRA 10:8) i. xafeara ftiziatrii (zav. - prof. T.P.Ruain) liyevskogo maditsin- skago Inatituta (TMWGULOSIS) XUDIN, 7.P.,* professor; OMIMIM, R.D. Mliary teeroulosis It iolddle-aged and old -people, ?ht,,,,cjju, I lerap.tub. no,8sl87-191 '138. OaJU 13 37) 1. Is Wedry Ttixiatril (zaT. - wof. 7.p. 3wim) nyevskogo wdi'talnekogo Institute, in. Aked. A.A. 3ogomolltva. (Tolmatums) RMIN, V.P., prof.; OMMIXIM *R'D&------ Acute miliar7 tuberculosis In young persons. Pat.,klim.1 terap. tub. mo.8rlW--~196 158, (M IRA 1) 1?) 1. Iz Imfedz7 ftixtatrAl (zav. - prof. T.?. Itudim) Xlyavskogo meditsinekogo i-natituta Im.almd. A.A Mogomolltsa, (TUMCUWSIS3 XHAIIMA, Nikolay TakovIevich; VAS.ILIYZY, Turly Mikhaylovich; OKURWAO 3egina Xirilloyna- TZGOZOV, Y.P., red.; IJJBWP Y.Te. , t [Conpaction of earth for Toad fills] Uplotmenis gruntoT doroshnykh nasypei. Xoskva, 3auchno-t9khn.Izd--vD X-va avtomobillnogo transp. i shoBseimykh dorog :RSFSR, 1958. 142 (NIHA 12:4) (Road construction3l I USIL313Y, Tu.X., in2b.; OXMUNRVKO, ILA. saw roneri on pneuratic turas. ATt.dor. 23 nD.7310-n J1 160. (XIIA 13:7) (Rollers (3artbwork)) VISILIM, 7U.M.; OMP-MaO, R.K... Ereoting emban3ments of %mtarloggad soU treated with dr7ing agents, Avt* dor4 27 no,.2:13-14,F 1164. (MRA 17:3) e - f OKHRIMENKOt T. A., CAND Tmi Sol, PAOC133ES OF 370"ING AND V46a 137ABLISHMENT OFASASjt PARA- W-Lm 7EEIRS P01 A 3Y371W *f HININO 'IV SUBLEVEL HYDRAULIC SRXAXING IN XU28A8. MO3COVj 1960,o (MIN OF HIONER AND SX0 SPIC ED A USSR, M03CON MIN INST 3V 1. V. STALIN). M.) 2-61t 211). -167- BOYNO, A.A.3 in2h.3 DRUKOVANYY, M.F.) kand. tokbm. nauk; BAWKIN, I.A., inzh.; ZAYTSEV., A.F.~, inzh.3 PDLESIN)Ya.L..~ inth.; SO-;'OIZV, G.G., inzh.; ZnUKOV, V."Y., karA. tnkbn. nauk; TOPCHIYEV, A.V., prof.; YEDFqNIKOV, V.I., kand. takhn. nauk; OKIREMKO, V.A., kand. takhn. nauk; XEL)NED, M.L. kand.tekhn. muk; hlJZN-zTSOV, K.K.y imzh.,- AABDIOVICH, I.!.; IASNYY) V.X., i-nzb.j LIVSHI'Al"S, I.L., kand. tokhn. nauk.. rtirsermont; BMAIM, A.1.2 lnzh., ratrenzDnt; WHILINA, L.N., tDkhn. red. [Brief handbook of a coal raining enginoer] Kratkil npra- vochnik gornogo inzhewra ugol*noi sha3khty. Moskva, Gos- gortekhizdat, 1963. 6~9 p. (MIRA 17:3) LORSHIN, Boris SavePyevich; SELETSKIY, R.A.2 dots., retsement; OMIMMO, V.A... red, (Sslecting the location for sla-ing a mine chaft; annlytical and graphical methods of molving the problPm] Vybor meata zalozheniia styoln shakhty; analiticheskie i greeicheskie spo- soby resheniia zaduch. Moekva, Nedra, 1965. 63 P. (FIRA 18:4) DKER ~MjPYeniamjn-AnI=c-vic2ip kand. tekbn. nau2c; NIKOPOV, G.P.., kand. tekbn.-nauk, retBenzemt; IVANOV, A.7e.,, itzh.,, otv. red.; NURMUUXKMMA, Y.F., red. lmd-va,- n'3N.7XA, C.11.3 tekLn. red.j IDMILBA, L.N., tekhn. red. 10perstor of 17draulic giants in coal nines and pItB]Gic1r0MD- nitorshchik na ugo2lxWkb shakhtakh i kar2erakh. Moskya, Gos- Sortekbizdat 1962. 263 y. (MIRA 15:12) hydraulic miming-Zquipmnt and supplies) !M51'.17, V.3). Instruction ghould be revised. Transp. strol. 9 no.11:61-62 N 159 ()IIBA 1):3) 1. lachallnik uprsvlanlya Stalinskstroyputs (for Demisov). 2. llnchall- nik proizvod8tTenno-takhulcheskogo otdela Gorem 3o,3) treats Gort- ranostroy (for Okhrlmanko). (Mallroads-Tmek) IVANOV, M.A., inzh.; IZTEOV, N.L., inzh.) FARGIR, D.P.~ kand. tokhn. nauk Ideceae"3; OtWMZNXOj, V.Y.p Mbb- Beat cont-rol technique using a thermocouple. Vast. elektroprota 34 no,6:57-58 Je ~63. (MM 16:7) (Hydraulic t bines) (TaIn rature-Mb Purement) Xlerzoeouploar ONHRMEMO, V. lo., kllnlcbeBkiy, ardinator UBe of wagon therapy in s=e eye diseases. Oft. zbur. 17 no.4: 228-232 362. (MM 25:7) 2. Is Wedry gla2ny)tb boleney Czav, - prDfo Aw M. Roaigina) LlvovnRogo moditBinskogo Instituta. (OPHTIRALMOLMY) (OXYGEN THERAPY) L 20241-6 -"-',.T( b ~-p: lJ'Tl(c)/AFE7R j'4 ti ACCESSInN NR- AP590i177 B N Lt. z Improved cechrw L(-Qv o r ~f v rgj~nL E 1 4 3 7B v v SnURcF: prot zvodstvo. nj. 12, 1- TOrIC n i C e C~ v 's') A v Q Ia. i n g d i e I? f v v v p up , 'd - - --:n-e Cj, n_jj_q I r TRt Ire k~ A rl v I - -17 N I mon r n 1 . 8% caner ariti uqe ti e r e n p n t -Arir e for fc. r-v 1 r!w i i t, p f., n . jrcugh machined, heated to llbOC, and forged in i iaL ~r f ~. f't 'Ales 6 On the ban Is o 11 the exp e r I man te I rasul t a , ca n ca r o w!--. a contac! a -t V. I e, - ' I :.I ' ' v p r e -ielprted for faralng 700- 1 2 0 0 - 2 r. : n r -n q a , 1 1 1 e a n a a ares n t rl d "j r t tel f r~' p 1 e a t a 0 f c i E I ri c o 7 00 -V, ,~i T v i n ~! o t; e r e 1) e a C e d Cord ', ' 4' L 20241-6, ACCESSinn NR.- AP50(111~,7' in 20-25 hr a-id forped inte, rouric' rlr 20rj x 100-mm billets Without rehioating. T v t-) u wan ended at fr)rged by t h e a b a v e t echt, I r-iie !,act a teum t le 9 t reng?h sn e I o n R a tion of 1 a d,,, - f a i t, a o f I EA 19 strqngth o f 7 2 Q ! ~a Yj a i,. ul a n r t c t,), p, h n e 9 11 o M- comoared w i t h 90 k P, : m m a n d by specif i ca t i n n q 1~ P, r u t u r e I L f c 5,J C Im 6 e r A F4 t " e was 115- ^2 0 h r A '1 8 0 h R ~l e T t 'I It n 0 h r r e q u i r e-, d b v s v e r Or I g . a r t h a s : f ' 2 ~j r e ti v, t A e q ASSOCIATION: ENCLI UU -S#ft !;iiiiLt NO REf SOV: 000 f) r I I E R i ,U ~r!) A T D " R - , onammao, h. ). - Te~hnoaogilz gorJachpi mhtampDvki stall. mo3j.,va, Mashviz, 1949. 280, (4) ~,. illjz. Bib2iograpby: p. P80-081). (Terbnique of steel drop forginX.) 714; TS253-055 SO: Hanufacturing and Zvchanical En,-Ineering in the Soviet Union. Library of Congmss, 1953. 'l P, noc',f In al In tho ro,-ioal 27, !?~O, P. -2-J'9. SO: U-30/,~, !I Nn-rch 53, (NA-0-PIS zhurli'll. 1),.! 11 statcy, NO. 1. OWrMWO1) Ya. M. 2. 'U.W (600) 4. Deformation# Obcbmics) ?. 'Priority of derivation of analytical formulas of specific presoures of depo3tis betweer. flat Mockes. Yeat.saah., 32., no. :12, 2952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, _ ApVjj -1953, Uncl. i -OMMI I -M. dotsent, katdidat takhnichaskikh nauk, Uperimental IzvoBtigation of the upBetting process. Sbc)r.InBt.stall no-32:392-408 154, NMI 10:5) Xafedra kovki I Sht&MpDvld. (Metals--Cold varking) (DeformtIon-a Olechanica)) Okhrixenkv, 'Ya. H. I An ExperlmnW Investigativi of Defo=.ation During Upsetting, Report 21, pp 220-2L5 frm 'Tekhnologicheskiye ProteseqBy Obrabotki Stall i Splavov,, Sbomi'k 33% Metallurgizdat, Moscow) 1955, 452 pp. ~A )(O~ -A I osBor, doktor takhnichankikh nauk; YMSOV. N.M.. 3;i2=0 ~ T.P.; TAMYSKIT, I.Ta., radaktor; L&WI, 3.L. iQVMHRM, U. M.; VAIDT. N.A., radaktar; SHPAX, Te.G., (Press voftimg of matals] Obrabotka metalloy daylenism. Pod naucbuoi red. I.M.PaTloya. Moskva, G9s.nauc)mo-tekbu.I%d-To 11,t-ry po cbernei I tsyatuol metallurgil, 1955. 483 Y- (HLRL 9:1) 1. Chlan-kerrespondext ill SSSR (for Paylo-O (metalwork) OMDMNlO, Tax,,aoteent, kand1dat takhnichaskikh mw*. Jxperimental InTestigatlon of deformation by swaging. Sbor.lnst. stali mo.333220-245 355. OWU 9:6) I.Xkfadrs. koTkl i zhtappovki. Prodstavlano professDrom V.I. Zaleaskin. ,(Strains x3A streases) PL43E I BOOK LVLOITATION 400 Okbrixenko, Takoy Mikhaylovich OBnovy tekhnologii Soryacbey shtm*orki (Principles of Drop 7orging) Honcov, Xwbgiz, 3.957. 328 p. 15.,000 copies printed. Reviomrs: Aristorv, V. X., Candidate of TecibnIcal Sciences, and MoDkov3koye VAAheye tekbrdebeskQye uchilishche. Kafears, )n1y-n&chno-ghtwvovocbmDgo proizvodstva; Ed.: Shofman, L. A., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed. of Palishimg Rouse: Melhova, V. A.; Tecb. ];dz.: Model', B. 0. and Tikhanov A. Ya.,* Managing Ed. for literature an heavymachine building (X&shgiz5: Golvvin, S. Ya., Engineer. PURPOSE: This Is a textbook on forging for stuAentB myeeIxUzing In this field. It my also be useful to :9rocesB eagineers. COVXRACFE: This Imk contains all the 'basic facts on forging,, 3zosDing and fo=- Ing of wtal In a;coramce vith government regulations for min'Ing and met&Uargical iwtitutes. fte Aithor stresses the Importance of forged parts In the macbine- building and in t4e autmotivo ixkdustry. About a quarter of the Soviet annual C Ara 11b Princilles of DM Forging 4w steel :production is reported to be used for forginjr- Modern forging methods and machinery are deBcrlbea, evaluated,, and illustrated. The advantages of forgings over castings and naebining are a"cussed. Tha author 3)reBentB suggestions for the ixyrovement and streamlining of forging methods. Wo pcraonaltties am men- tioned. There are 177 references of wbicb 166 are Soviet) 9 English, I French, and I German. TABLE OF CMITENTS: Foreword 3 Introduction 5 Ch. I. Preparation of Stock Frcm Raw Materials 9 I. Raw Materials 9 2. Shearing 10 3- Cutting on a cold-brea~ing die 16 4. Goz cutting 22 5. Swring 23 6. Slectric spark cutting 26 Card 2/8 Principles -.)f Drop Forging 7. Accuracy of cutti2g and waste 400 26 ch. n. Preheating Metal for 7orging 1119 8. Methods of beating ana types of beating =%agementa 29 9. Temperature ranges for forging 32 10. Duration aaa rate of beating 34 3-1. Oxidation and metbcde of prownting It -49 12- Thema conaitions In forging 44 13. Coordinating the operating rates of beating ana forging equipment 47 Ch. 111. Hot Working Processes and Types of Diex 53 14. Forging in open dies (with flasb) 54 15. Forging in closea dies (vitbout flash, flash forging) 56 16. Analysis of mmufacturing processes 57 17. Machinima &Uovaneem on forgimas 60 C ard 3,t Principles of Droy 7orging IV. DM Forging 3b. FlUb and flash gutter 19. Die parting lines 20. Die drafts 21. 7illet.raAii 22. Hollow forgiz4p and hole spotting on forged parts 23. 71nishing ivressions 24. Ilocking impressims 25- Preliminary shaping operations in dM forging 26. 7ul"ring impressions 27. Zaging in7"ssiow 28. Necking Impressions 29. Fomimig impressions 30. Benain impressions 31. Shears 32. Determination of forging impresBims and forgings stepB 33. Data on constructional elmLa.,ats of a drop forge homer 34. Homer forging in closed aies 35- Comparison of open and closed die for" methods 36. Advantagee and disBAv=tages of different types of drop bammrs 400 69 70 7a 84 83 90 92 97 100 107 M 116 U7 117 119 10 124 133 134 139 C ard 4/t PrIncl3ples of DrcT 7orging 4w Ch. T. Press PorgIng 142 37. Construction of forging 3)reaseb 145 38. Characteristic features of :PresB forging 147 39. 3ffect, of elastic Wormations of a forging :press 150 4o. zjection nechanimB 152 41. Die impressicna for forging pesBes 157 42. BxanleB of forging on cranksbaft-tM weBBOD 159 43. Characteristic features of forging on bydrallUC 3MOSPOR 162 Ch. 72. Cutting and Trlmix)3 Operationn 163 44. Tools and schematic drawings of triming Procebseb 163 45. Defect,b OccuxriMg:ln:fjwh tri=ning and rmch-MA -verationm, 163 46, Trimer dies 173 47- workT2.acce Iwout for :rorslng and trlmdng 180 Ch. M. Detemining the Size of Forsing:9qui:Pment 184 48. Determining the forging capacity of presses and the faning veisbt of hmmerr 184 49. Calculatimg the Torce requirbd for triming 191 card 5/8 Principles of Dra .p 7orging Ch. V=. Yorging on Horizontal 7orging Machines 50- Charwteristle features of forging on horizontal forging nacbia i 51. Conditims for in one step 52. Ist qpet die (gaUtering] 53- 2ndiveet ais (fo2ving) 34'. Piercing dies 55. Pimch ana trimming aiaB 56. Die inxroBsiona for -tulbular stock 57. Die lipressims vith sliding gri-p die 58. Grip dies 59. Die Back-2toy plate (60. 391ements of die construction '61. Zzfomation on the aevelo3nent of tecbnoloMr of the q*etting process 62. Workplace 3vout for forging on horizontal -acbAneB Ch. IL Xxtruding and Piercing 63. Mrtruding 64. Piercing 400 193 193 195 197 201 1 208 209 210 213 215 217 221 227 230 23D 23T Card ~ /8 RrincipleB of Drop Forging 400 Ch. 1. Forging on Specializea Machines and Speci&Uzed Processes 243 65. Beniling on lmlldozers 243 .66. Die rolling Aba;ed forgings 252 261 67. Drwdiug 265 68. svaging 269 69. Sveci&lized :ProceBBeB Cb- XI. Rot Yorge 7iniabi ftora-tigns 274 274 70- Straigbtening forgings 71. MaxuaL trLiatment of forgings > 275 276 72. 3 1 ckling 73- Coining 277 Ch-MrAPMAXIMM of Impraving the Tecbnolqg of Hot 7orging 286 74. various hot :roraing met-boas 286 75. Z=clency measures :tor prepamtory operations 76. R=ciency meuures it forging operations 293 Card 7/8 'Principles of Drop Yorging 400 . 77. Progressive :forsins and aatmation of for" yrocessen 3w 78. Die steel and aie vear 307 79. Selecting on optimm forging methcd 310 80. Tecbnical and econcmical indMB of forging produat1cm 316 MUDIlograipby AVAILABIZ: Idbra77 of CongraBs 00119* 319 Card 818 'JU17 10, 1958 Okhrimenkoj Ya. 34. "Experimental Investigation of External Frictim When Upsetting, Report 31y pp 371-393 from "Sbornik Nr 3611., hoscvw Institute of Steel., MetaU-ur_vizdat., Moscvw) 1957., 451 )jp. SOV/ 137-58-9- 19037 Translation from: Referativnyy 2hurnal, MetallurgiVa, 1958, Nr 9, p 128(USSH) AUTHOR: Okhrim_enko Ya.M. TITLE: ~Exp,,irnntal investigation of Friction in Upsetting. Com- munication Nr 3 (Eksperimental'noye issledovaniye vneshnego treniya pri osadke. Soobshcheniye 3) PERIODICAL: Sb. Mosk. in-t stali, 1957, Vol 36, pp 371-393 ABsrRACT: An investigation is made of the laws governing the friction (F) at the contact surface in upsetting. The design of an appa- ratus for determining the force of F and the coefficient of F, flo! in upsetting is proposed and presented. This instrument was used to investigate the influence of the degree of deforma- tion c , the D/H ratio in the dimensions of the specimen, and the intensity of the condition of stress througholat its volume, upon F. It is established that a quantitative change in F force in anisotropic F occurs at the expense of the value of the fr(-,(! term, a, in the 2-term expression for the law of F, and partly of lio. As e increases during upsetting of specimens to an identical value of Dfinal/Hfinall the force of F declines owing Card 1/2 to 11 and a. It is experimentally confirmed that as the D/H of SOV/ 137-58-9- 19037 An Experimental Investigation of Friction in Upsetting. Communication Nr 3 the specimens and the roughness of the plates increase, the friction force in- creases to a maximum value, which approximately equals one-half of the CrS of the stressed metal. HD established that as D/P is increased in the con- dition of maximal F forces, jiQ diminishes. An increase in the intensity of the body stresses results in an increase in the force of F as p0 rises, Under conditions in which the contact forces of F are less than their maxi- mum value, all factors leading to an increase in the forces of F result in an increase in the upsettirg stress as the specimens undergoing deformation are subjected to shear. At maximum forces of F, increased Upsetting stres- ses, as for example those occurring upon increase of the D/H ratio, are accompanied by a decline in ilo. For Communication Nr 2, see 117hMet, 1955, abstract 33. hl.'r S. 1. Wtals--Processing 2. Friction--l-lathematical analysis 3. InIustrIal equip-anit --Design Card 2/2 SOV/1 37-59- 1- 1630 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnsl. INIt-tdilurgiya, 1959, Nr 1, 1) 2 !(, (USSR~, AUTHOR- Okhrimenko, Ya. M. TITLE: Convexity of Surfaces Reducecl by Flat Stamping With Forging Dies (VypukloFt' poverklinostev, obzhatykh ploskini instri,iinentoill.) PERIODICAL: Nauchn. dokl. %,Vssh shkoly. Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 1, -pp 15-4- 162. ABSTRACT: It is pointed out that the surface con-exity of stamped specirriens nav be explained by considering -i~ system of effective forces in coriJunction with the Boussinesq problem well known in the theory of elasticity. the convexity (C) of the spircimen is a reflection of the concavity of the die due to the elastic vertical displacements occurring at th', end of the die-stamping process. A formula for the determination of the maximum height of the C is presented. An analysis of this formula demonstrates that the C diminishes as the modulus of elasticity of the stamping backing plates is increr):jed and the magnitude of the specific pressure during die starnping is reduced. Card 1/1 AUTROR: .. . . C07/163-EB-2-27/46 TITLE: Inalysis cf thp "Equal" Settling (Analiz "ravnomernoy" osad'Al) PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vy.9shey shkoly. 3letallurgiya, 1958, N.- 2, PP- 153-158 (USSP) A3STRACT: The analysis of thq change of the nominal lateral face of cylindrical bodies was carried out on ideal and real conditions. The problem of the equal deformation where all elementary parts are subjected to the same deformation was discussed. Such a deformation is aotually impossible as there is no deformation without friction. In kinematic respect the single particles in the interior of the body are not subjected to the same conditions. Various deformations are accompanied by unequal changes of the mechanical properties of the metals. The unequal character of the deformation depends on various factors, especially on the different deformation conditions in the vicinity of the surface and In the Interior of the body, as well as on the different types of deformation within the flow and Card 1/2 shrinkage zone. The unequal character of the deformation under S07VII 63 -58-2-27/46 Analysis of the "Equal" Settling ideal conditions is of principal character and Is mainly based on the deformation of the surface of the respective body. There are 3 figures, 1 table, and 4 references, 4 of which are scviet. ASSOCIATION: laoskovskV inatitut stali (NOBOOT steel institute) SUMITTED: December 17, 1957 Card 212 AUTHOR: Okhrimenko, Ya. !1. SOVI 1153- TITLE; The RulQs Governin,-, the For:7iation of Protuberances in Shrinka -e " I kononerno.,:ti bochkoobrazovanipt pri oz;:-alke) (Z.. - PERIODICAL: ?',,--uchnyye doklady vysshoy slikoly. 1,1.etallnr~,iya, 11'1*-,~, TIr 3, pp 152 - 160 (USSR) ADSTFILCT In the present p;'*~)er the tin and iron samplea .,;ore investiL:,; ted as to the rulcs 6overning the maxinoin formation of protuberances, and the quality factor in the for7,iation of these protuberances as .-;ell as the Occurrenc e of vinequal deformation in sl,hrinkni-e. The index V was found for the protuberances, where V denotes the volume of the V the volume characterizin- t'-o b protuber,i nces. Card 1/3 V b 4 AK . where D T is the The Ruiez t,-;c, For.--AJ,3n of hc,:,,~t r,' the T,,e maximum Prot u),er.-- and their poz-itior or. the correc~)ordinj curves were eoj~-tj--,~Cted. T',(, c cam.iles v;it*,l the r-,t::) I , _11rij of th D 0 i t 111 0,' 1t1, 2,7, 3,4 and ij,O Civen ~'r f--'.-7ure 2. From tllc. reoults obtained. maL, be concl,,i.,-~cd t,.-iat tie protu'~erances depLnd on the pro,~,ortio:;Ll maCnitizdez7. T.-.e ;-reater the r~~Aio D c the lo-,;-A- -,sill be loc,,.'6ed or. the ordin?.;te. T~.e 0 - - position o! t*.,,,- :-a-.A:Ju:-.-~ 1)rotuI.,crw-jces,i.e.tIr almci3:~,-I D0 of the mi~,~:imun. is determined by t'.,e tra mL.jnitudes D0 Did. and P- or and There are 5 f i Gurr s ti,)l e 0 H and 6 referen(lb .0, 5 of -,-ihich %re Soviet. Card 213 The I-Rules Governing the Fo..-,.--.-,tior. of Prot ul eranc e s 1 (.~ 3 - ~~ " - 7 - -, C~/.' ~- j , in Shrinka:lre ASSOC IAT 10711: 1;4oskovgkiy in~ititut ntali (Moscor, Steel Institute) SUKITTED: Y'ay 19, 1958 Card 31 113 OMIKIWO, la.M.,ftand. tekhn. mauk,dots.; IAJSHCHIK, To,]), - ~A 7 Impro"d forgive of crankshafts. Toot,. moh. 38 n0-3-0)34-87 Xr 05B. (Oraaks and crankshaf ts) (7orging) (Xln 11 :2 ) CEMTMMO~) 'fat 2141", DDO 71'ech ncl (disn) -- "n-IL, b5pic 1BWA of !n -~p- 0 _~,er Zduc ccw Crder of Lnbor jol set"Cling". Moscow, 1959. 2' pp (NIIn F.IF , ', Mor u ~)q, 102.) Bammr Ins"t of Stenl Im 1. V. Stalin), 150 copies (XL, 7;o 27,, 17 -OMMI),31MD. Sizo-reduction ratio during convecutlTe deformations In Tarious directions causea lb7 forgimg (for discussion). IUS.-ShUM. P?0127. I no.2;5-8 7 159. MRA 12110) Crorling) OKHRIMENKO, Ta.)4. All-Union Scipmt1fic-InduRtrial Confarance on the TechLoloff of Drop 7orging And Cold Upsatting hold In the city of Gor)ci7.,Xuz.-sbtam.proisv. I no.1li48 W 159. (HE'd 13:3) (7orging-CongraBass) OX3MIMZNXO, Ta.M. Regularities of nonuniforn deformation during upsetting. KuS.- sbtam.,proizv. I no.12:1-5 D '55- (XM 13:4) (Deforrations (Hachanks)) ?Drging) S1 I 22~6 0/000/004,t)o9/o i 4 A161/ ,130 AUTHORS: Zale~3skly, V.I., Qkhrlmpnko, Ya.11.- - Docents; Laguntsov, !31., Senior Scientif ic wor~k~_r rni lu A 5XFC (5Kh3s) dic steel FERIODICAL: Vestnik mashinostroyenlya, no. 4, 196o,_5o - 54 Tl=.- rMe subject low-alloy steel for hot.dies has been developed at the Moskovzkiy institut stall (Moscow Steel Institute) and is by now produced by several plants. The process is standardized by 1) 3657-53 (TU.3657-53) specifica- tions of Mindsterstvo metallurgicheskoy promyshlennosti (Ministry of Metalltirgical Industry). 7he chemical composition (in %) is: 0.45-0.55 C; 1.6-2.0 Cr; 0.9- 1.1 Ym; 1.2-1.4 Si; up to 0.04 S, up to 0.04 P. 7he point-in development wa,,- to eliminate the crack networks forming from alternaiing heat stresses In hot dies. Steels were compared not by their mechanical characteristics alone (jG"s, but also by the resistance to hot cracking. Me method of heat ef- fect teats was a novelty, and its authors V.I. Zalesskly,.D.M. Norneyev anJ Ya,M. Okhrimenko obtained Author's Certificate no. 75287, with priority from January 21 1948. The new steel 16 modified chromansil. It Is melted in a basic open-hearth Card 113 S1 I 22/60/D00/C#--)4/Y--,9/014 5 XrC (5XhGS) die steel A 16 i/A 13o furnace. The following production process data are given.- Forging in L, 1~0- 8500C range; cooling in air; annealing in 850-870OC; quenching temperature 860- 8800C, quenching In oil, tempering in 560-5900C. Hardness after tempering is HRC ,,8-42. The upper limit of quenching and tempering temperature relates to dies of larger dirensions (above 150 mm in diameter). The structure of this steel in the'. 860-BBOOC range is martensite. The variations of 5XhryS_steel hardness-with the diameter of specimens are Illustrated in Figure 2. Its impact resistance a'. room temperature is lower than in the 5 X H M (5W;M), 5 Ai G (5XhNV) and 5 X H -1 (5HhNT) die steels, but in high temperature It Is equal with the other grades. In drop forging tests inserts of 5MGS steel proved trore duratle than Inserts of 5NTaTV steel (in forging 14 yarts out of 18 selected for test). The infomatlon includes test data tables and figures from an ENIIPF report of 1959 on prantical applica- tion of 5XhGS steel. in the average, the durability of 5KhGS steel was 10% higher. It Is recommended for use after shoo tests at, Mcskovskly zavod malolitrazhnykh av- tomobiley, or MZMA (Poscow Low-DIsplacerrent Car Plant), 1 GPZ, GAZ and ChebarkuY- skiy Plant-. Its dies do not contain soarce component elements, and It Is twlze cheaper than 5XhhB and 30,1% cheaper than 51(hN7. There are 3 figures, 8 tatiles and 2 S6yiet-bloc references. Card 2/3 5 ;K rc. I. (5NhGS) die steel Fig. 2: Hardness of 5 xr(- (5XhGS) steel (after quenching nnd tempering) in specimens of different diametern. I - surface; 2 i3ore. (1) (Dinmetors in mm, from 70 to i4o rm). Card S/IL>2~6o ,~bw/W4/toq/lb 14 A16l/ 130 s/148/60/000/009/008/025 A161/AO30 AUTHORS3 Okhrimanko, Ya.H., and Tsibanova, M.S. TITLEi Inaccuracy of the similarity law PZRIODICAL: IzveBtiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Chernaya metallurgiya, no. 9, 1960, 57-61 TXXTi The simple similarity law established in 1874 by V.L.Kirpichev could be one of the fundamental laws in the theory of pressure working if it were accurate. It had been studied in application for metal pressure working by S.I.Gubkin (Ref.1-3) who confirmed the previously observed dis- crepancy between thp apecific deformation efforts for the pattern and for V the workpiece. The point is that the relation of the total surface as well as of the contact surface to the volume of a body decreases with the increas- ing size of bodies of a similar geometrical shape. Various authors sugges- ted various correction coefficients (S.I.Gubkin; I.P.Royev (Ref.4) B.G.Golo- vanov (Ref.5) ). An inveAtIgation has been undertaken by the authors with geometrically similar specPhens of lead with a similar relation of diameter Card 1/5 s/14a/60/000/009/008/025 Inaccuracy of the similarity law A161/AO30 D to heigh7; 0.5. The specimens were upset 2",,rdf height and the 77 dimensions and deformation force fixed, then upset again 201,9, and once more 20%. It was stated that the discrepancy from the similarity law was not the same in specimens of different height (Fig.2 and 3). The total specific surface diminishes with the increasing volume of the specimens, and more intensively in lov specimens (upper curves in Fig.2 and 3 ). The same to a higher degree applies to the friction surface coefficient/-3,4 which deter- mines the intensity of contact forces. The lower the specimen the more intensively diminish the coefficients ~.K and 1,3 (general coefficient of specific surface) and the more drastically change the conditions of frictim The concluBlon is made that the correction coefficients (scale coefficients) UBed in calculations of the pressing effort and weight of dropping parts in fe-ging hammers must be different for a different dimensions relation of patt,.,2-.n and workpiece. This has never been considered. It is now proven that the inaccuracy of the similarity law increases with the increasing relation The existing correction data (graphs and tablos) must be Card 2/5 S/ I 413/60/000/00~/0019/0 25 Inaccuracy of the similarity law A 16 1 /jw0 rev!Bod.. Thorn. are 3 Ir'13-13M3 X-ld 7.rviet- -bloc references. ASSOC IAT I011 1.'.oskovskiy institut stali (Zloscow Steel Institute) SU311ITTED: 8 December 1959 Card 3/5