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29729 S/169/61/ODO/CO8/'b5O/O53 34M Onl) A006/A101 AUNORS O.khaWm"AyA,,,_j4.Y., 11natrusin, lu.B., Bokit-yanakly, I.I., shohap- etnov, R.Y. Regularltl_eB in the excitation of shcrt-perlod o3aillations in mid- dle latitudes PEMODICAL: Referativn7y zhurnal. Geofizika, no. 8, 1961, 42, abstract 80280 (V Bb. "Xorotkoperiod. kolebanlya elektr.=agnitn. yolya, Zemli, no. Mozcvw, AN SSSR, 1961, 17 - 22, Engliab summary) TMI The study of short-parlod oBz1llat1cn3 of tolluric currents during the IGY was carried out at stations of the Inztitut fiziki Zerill AN 3SBR (In- stitute of Physics of the Earth, AS USSR) (Borok, Alma-Ata, Petropavlovsk-Kam- ohatskiy, and Alushta). 7heae Inventigatiors made It posz1bla to detect a number of common regularlties of short-pez-11od oacillatirns in riddl.9 lazitudea. There are two basically different type3 of short-pericd esa-I'Matlonj namely' 6.W stable oBaillatlons, pc, with T " (15 ! 40) 39c wid train-t "pe cacillations. pt, -with T e,_00 7 90) sec. 7he maximum namber of pc~ cases occurs at local mIdday, and pt at 100a1 midnight, Independen-t, of tho Icngitude of the station. M19 Card 1/ 2 2W29 3/169/61/000/008/050/053 Regularities in tht exoitaticn ... AOD6/AlO! diurnal run of po ia asymmetrio ar?- hms a bro3i r.&x1,nwm around milday. 7he In- crease of pa amplitudes occurs 1.5 timsB more quickI7 Lhan their damping. A somewhat increased po number was observed in s-wmmar as compart-i to the winter. Thediurnal pt run has a sharp maximum around locAl midnight. Seasonal variabili- ty was not observed for pt. Arpplitudes of short-"rl~d oacill2itiOnS in middle latitudes are low, being fractions of a unity and a few my/lm for pa, and several mv/km for pt. There are indications of a tendenoj for increased short-period oB- cilla-tion amplitudes at seaside station.3. Previous cvncepts on -the dependence of pe and pt on universal time were explained as follows. a comparison was made of the diurnal run of short-period oBclllat-ions on ztations located close in the longitudej a comparison was made of unclear maxima obtained from a small number of cases. This did not permllu the detection of tht longitudinal effect of maxi- mum shift even for substantially remote atations; moreover, there are oBcilla- tions, in both mcdes, correlated w1th universal time, which occur seldom but are very intensive. [AbBtracter's noire: Complete translation] Card 2/2 -1 L 00309-66 E'dL'(l)/.rPA(s)-2/FPF(n)-2/T-2/ETC W IJP(c) lerd 'ACCESSION NX: AP5016659 UR/0382/65/000/002/0111/0122 539.4+621.689 .AUTHORt VasIlOyev. S. V.-, 0khemenko, H. M.t Smirnova, L. G. 11 Ir ~ I C1111 ff ~r TITIX: Experimental Investigation of the magnetic fields of an induction pump SOURCE* Magnitnaya gidrodinamika, no. -2~ 19,65, 111--122VI' p, magnetic field, magnetic induction TOPIC TAGS, electrqTa~~tLt;__pj~m ABSTRACT:, The-spatial distribution of components of the magnetic induction, V in the gap between two-layer winding inductors of flat-type linear Induction pump is studied. The test device operated at 00 KVA at current reading of 120 AMP. (operat- ing without a load). The effects of loading on components of 0 zire indicated. ,Both thermocouples on various metallic plates inserted in the gap and magnetic probe coils were used to obtain the data. Also given are data on measurement of Integral distribution of components of B, demagnetization coef f iclent , and secondar-I lwakaje_.7 Various-fringe --effect a -have -been-m6daured. --In- addlt ion, it is shown that -the above agrees- with calculations wbich were carried out-assuml-irig the plane-paral--' I Ilel geometry for the magnetic field, Or1g4 arto hast 5 formulasp 9 figures, 1 Itable. CoM 1/2 AIAMIDYAN, AM.I.y dotsent; GMAUAN, L,S.y kand. blol. nauk; t-LUIUMAii, '!,.Kh., mlaclBhly nauchnyl sotradnik; MOZWYAN, O.Ye.; OMIKYAN, V.M.,, starBhiy laborant , - - EffBet of decortication and X-rays on the phagicytic activity of laucocylues In rabbits. Vop. radiobiol. ILAN Arm. SSRi 3/4247-52 #63. (1-URA 1'/:b) f-f,~T~9-67 -EWT ACC NRj AP6029970 SOURCE CODE: uR/0413/66100010151016210162 INVENTOR: Okhil'kov, G. T.; ~ergeyev, B. B.; Belonozhko, G.C. ORG., none TTTLE: Ignition composition for bridgeless alectroigniters. Class 78,0184677 SOURCE: Izobret prom obraz tov zn, Po. 15, 1966, 162 TOPIC TAGS: primer, explosive, detonator, Ignition j-mition composition for ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for an i electric igniters vitbout bridge circuits. To sqcure saft operation of the electric igniters In the presence of eddy currents and increase thit stability of the electric resistance, the com vosition contains components in the fol.lowing concentrations: potassium cblorate,1149-31%; lead rhodanide) 34.7-36.7%; crystallize graphite, 15-131; and high viscosity colloxyline, D.2-0.4%. fw' A. VV79 IPVI SUB CODE: 19,91VIIISUBN DATE: .18jan65/ rjh)ii!IA,V.A. On 20 06tober at 1500., Y.A. Oknina wJ21 sub.-lit her diwertition for the of Candidate of ChL-raical Sciences on the theme "Photocalorimetric M Me hodB of Chemic:,I JoalysiB of Natural Phosphates and J~6mn Containing Oreg" Vachernyaya MoBkav, 10 Oct 1950., No. 240 (V141) ORFMI, F.1.1 OEHINA, To.Z. Dormancy In plants As & procems of tell prote-plasim division. ?rncly inst.fisiol.rAst. 6 ne.1:85-102 348. Owu 9:9) 1.1notitut f i2lologii rastemI7 ilmeni X.A.TiM177JLZ9TA AN SSSR. ippotoplasio) jDarmandy (plants)) - SFMNOVj V.A.; OXHIMEMO, A.I. _ Caloulation of solid prealpitationa. Trudy Xaz,,WIGHI no.16-87-92 161. (praoivitation (YAteorclogy)) (ZU .15:5) S. K. . ji~r-iuAl, J, -ar chFrni~al P-- cozmi., rays anI origin of :j!~AT.- ltvsrprAtivnyy -.r.-ar-nal. A~~r~,,nomlya I Geodez',ya, no- 12, itp!r&c~ ("!r, ~.cnrercntnll Vo ko:,mlch 1959. v. Y, AN 191 - 195) Ine aut.nor:i rot~~ !hat. the rclative ~fntent of htavy mict,! --ry hl;~n In prlmnry radln*lm, wker-or. th'? rmlon cont~r.' 1~ Y-1 in Ic r3tta -NI ec'-'T!e' r:qz, ! In CaTly sln~,!! of 3,j-,,-rn:7v5 #Ixplo 11 Icn3, The t-rT~ratijr- of ,;:t 1: pxpin: Icn altzint. iprrc xjm3tnly d"'K, d~nsj -.y o1' enveZov- Vnd~-r th-.~Ot Dyntheals of heavy n'.C101 is polsiv- rrr irit ,,n. pro-!w!~,i of n~,A*rcm capt.Urp- Sln~r the most Im t i,)urcr I.,; r,*nn. :T-~ Craction will vanish, AMI 1~~ rele",ve %il: cf (Y. -particles rp.3y proceed aa a res,il~ o! thxl '-N :;rle, In IhIs prc~ce5i the role of beta-decay will be LniiWnficm,t. Car-i I f2 4t 7;- f.: A0011AL01 1 ce"."'t ~,f will tv lncvev,-~d. rr,~,vo!i L Z 1'i H 0 KvP ft ti, IV ON U E KINCTIM OF "Ill P ISOTHERM A I 7RAN-1rQfl1d&TZLnX,.LWE T04ESMILZILMA 13, yt,-- ---.~U-L)umv DA'l Vu. ~ OKI 'An, Sept. 1054. V.P. Tmaillated b'y Dr. J. D. qy6ll WtWp Al.~4t Ak~~ Nt.~j_k ~Jt. 101. Sj'3-8(1q5G)' A qmantuja mm&Wo-*l study h" bma made on the martcasfta trAnafformatlan near iibaolute tero 1:~ order to dattrmha the nature of the factors Woollno LM trans- formAllrin proprilvi, RmIts ahmr that the rdtQ G( marlerwim trmi4formatl(m doe.-i -vtt ilepml on tho tompariv Wro fit tomporatures olozo to abooltite rpro, 'Mus the vibrntioazi ensra of tho Ptoms fit the chief factor which dolorminus L" rato of the Gar on -'el ',e IN10. varl'I'le ZAKMKII;2 I.I.) 04HOLDBYSTIJII, 0.711.; MUM;], X..A. . Exchang a reactions of aIIqls between organomagnesium compounds and halides, Izv. AN SSSR Ser. khim,. no*7:1347-1349 JI I&.. (141 RA 17: 3) 1* Inatitut elementoorganicheskikh soyedinenly All SSSR. Pc--~IPT-4 RM NR: AP40435150 S/0020/64/157/004/093Z./0937 AUTHORS: Al ke drQv 91 - ----'-A , I u, ; OK.',-il c-,vy* _rt in_, _Ory TITLE; Moesbauer efre~, 4'n un!iymmetri cal C ~'T ing electron 4-jonor substltuentB organotin compou;id, tetrhvP,,.1int t,-%n spectrum, elecf.rc)n donor group, tripheny-Itirilith'Lum, hexaat~-'- tAnn&ne, hexaphenyidl5tanrane, quadrupole splitting, iSCIN71"il- doublet line ABSTRACT: The resonanc6 absorption spoctra -,)f unsymmetrica.1, tin C unris containing electron donor (with reapect tc~ th; MPID atom) substituents, and of certal.n other tetraValent till 0,-,f ,verp atudled. Pleasuremeots were mada at liquid nitrogeTi te SR-L19 (as SnO ) was used as the r-ray source; the f-quantur' key was regisiered on a roa-~rnance counter. The spectra of 0,.'3-QnLi (triphanyltin-lithium), R Sn-SnR, (hexaethyl- and icdN 1/3 .3 L. 16719-1, 5 ACCESSIM) NR: AP40~3550 ne ) and R3 SnR ' type ccmpounds were ail singlets wit.11 ;ii-o distanna i at 1.45, 1. 0, cor esponding to line widths of 1 5-1 4 r I Reprdleas of tne electron dz)nor sab&L.LLuent bonded direc'.1-; Sn# the quadrupole hpiittingAwas 0, Lne symmetry of the of the-four 3n bandu w&.4, not nfliceably disturbed, and trio Jti i. of the s-electrons near trie Sn -9 nuclatis was incressed on.", While A - -0 1. n dono r c o r. t a i n _i n g- mol e ca I e s R SnD t~.e -;:j n pole splitting in acceptor (A) type molecillf-'3 ftnsrk-n V a 1,!. 0'1 to 1+.a mm/sec, depending on A. In batn ~f these types c, f -.3n pounds the iaomeric 5hift varied within - 5C?% of 6 - 1 .)(1 for symetrical R Sn, indicating tbe iiomeric shift cauCed by oJl'- acceptor groups was compensated to a .7reat degree by the elle i- donor substitutent-9, in inorganic tin compounds, Cvarieed fr-~~) T.1-w-COMPOUMda of.t'46 ryp-- tC"'~J' the res h a quaAnzwupj.4e absorption spectra r d .3 dou~)3 t 9tructure, the indreased witt increase in, number of 5ubatitutent radica-i i smaller In polymer3 in comparison to the respective monowevs. valites for & and J for (C P10) Sn(OCO(Cli C1 contain: rij-, bond, were identical with tfmeie for th-j cor;4s~o'nding ansa!-~- Cumpound; 6 again depended litt.'-a on the exchaiige of al~y-~~ z3 ACCESSION Nfil 14A Y' 4,,') 4155 0 -2lectron acceptor groups an(l u1nio-,i norie r~n in-creasing the number -)f The resonanci absorpt~0,~l f0-r (~-H`03Sn('05, (CH3)3SnCllL had only singlet 1'nes and waa the samt, 1 1- 1 (CH3)4Sn, indir-ating e"h,'rige Of (--'H3 by C6H5 or a conjugated bon gradient In the Aectric f.e)d :not change the elecu~or, dens!lty or cause a p inucleus. "The authors t~iank T Krasnov L V L,a%.-n for supplyinz s- pies nf the organotin an(j M Ye Dvatkin and G K. Senlir. lvaluable remarks in di-scuusiz-ig the work 11 Orig art. lhaa~ I table ASSOCIA11ON: Institut neftfkhin)khefik.-3jTo sirAeza Akadernii nauk (Institute of Petrocheniical Svnltheais Academy of Sciences SSSR); !nw! ~elamentctorganicheskikb soyedineniv Ak~,demfi nauk SSSR ~lnstit-lte of .jnj&e4ljc Co .5 " en f moskavsi~ u nIX.2L ) 8 1 'j, go gr univemiteta Im M V L-orntmofiova ~ Moscow State University) Submitted: 24Api-64 Eric! 0 0 Sub Code ~ GC, GP N, r 1-1, f.- f "S (,~ v") C, Other- 010i1 L ACCEO'SION NR f~ 2! AV' 0CM.! 0 12! '22 (1. TTT L E S,/ h ir- a medium s;c SOURCE*. AN TOPTC TAGS 0 'An v 0in iodide .A.Bs,r TP A',--'. was alkyb~ i tion of 21 of the ;Ileull. A I kvii rf- 71 and :1 a d t table ASSOCLAIT it, 001 SUB CODF co, d 2 , 2 L 15694-6'~ FPA, TV" !r /E p "'i, P /'F 4 i -SD---3TA F ri AtCESSION NR; AP4045840 Rzo,w/'2-~- AUTHOR: ZaktuL~ILL, 1 la~ t A, 0khloby4ni-in, 0. Y TITLE: Srlt I It! b ', S~l ~A C t,! F t!fg L(F! r t c 0 m po "m cls. D and its de ri*/;jt i v(.,. e 1, ~k N no SOURCE, AN' TOPIC T A C, S) L r f- f -de r - v ~i i v i~.- acetylenic cnrnp,-mrin i! ~,i a. i 7 =--, F7-- --77 1 - -,~ - . - I - -W89TiV'k-,7T-` ln-te--nv-firv- -,-*f lip- 'tb rt- with accitv~c- r-ornpounas in me preserc.,! Y.--) t- T f I Q of cl;-,ss (C2H02F~ an-d Irl Pll'fll 1-r- dF7 ing to I an (I Al~('E.7,-STC)t' Nil A vi-eld of up Or I.: -io i n ~Iprpl~ !hc 'Ienic corn t J, veci, 4,32) (1962) on Ine i isoproWmylacef. Pnp wizh F. V"j:lfq obfqjnPri derivative.9 cinna T': mmeral acids ;mld ~,n, -)d a ane . Orig a r ~i - in5ritut etffmvntuurganicne"iktj uutdinumy Akademn riauit z-,z:iz:,rt cif thi. Aendomm, e)f SUBMITTE'D, '26~~ -SUB CODE. k Cord "i 2 SVT (m)/FFF~. OIAM A ~.O Rc-4 R fACCE56ION NRI AP4044709 4UTHORs Zakharkin, L, I.; Bregad2e, V, 1,; Okhlobytintin, C. Nu. ITITLEt Syntheels of derivatives of bsrenol'~ .'SOURCIj Ali 93SR, levestlya. Seriva khimit-beekaya, no~ 9, '.064, 5 1540 JOPIC TAGSt barene, organoboron compuund, organosilican o r g an o t i n c o m T, o u n d , o ~ a ri ri, h -7 fi It (y r u ti c o m p c it a d i iABSTRACTi A s tudy h i? uh h I an, e rv a t L ve a__o f _ b-a Z A h d rk ii, , L V 1; -, a t .3 e vYA . C h a pc vv Yu. VkhIcb76tJn, Izv, AN SSSP. Ser. XhIn., 1963, 2)38) and 0. Ivith orgauo-sillcan,,~ I-, zift , v--tue rcury . and -phcaphorug chlo rl da I ferm a ~cmpasunds Ii vhich the element atom it; at :sc~i- ;'to the barene ring. The re-actIon of phenylbarenyl) lithium utiozi for-aed C-phenyl-C t rise thy1chlorosi I ane hi Sol (trLuethjIviIvI)baren6 (eap 104-106C) in a 61% yieldr .t12 L10442,-~ CC985TON YR3 KP4044709 fill Lt.% I reacted WICh triphenyltin Chlolide to form tripheriv (!ap 186- C) in ala 84% yield and with me th- (ph*nylbaranyl) tin 18~ mercury bromide in a benzene auspension to form methyl "phenyl.- 19 - 16 0 C',I in A 621 yield. baronyl) mercury (mp 1, 1 also renctini dibexylphoe phipous ch I a r i de to f o rm (I L lie xy I ( pheny lbarenyl ) ph ) qh (imp 9-10C) in a 5',X yield. Orig. art. haa! 6 formula@. ASSOCIATIONj lastitvt iplenvientoorgani-heakikh aclyeditmnly AN q;S J(Inftitute of Orgenoelamental Compoundej-" 55SE2 ISUBMITTZDt 16Jan64 ATD PRiSfit 3110 KN CL r (I jSU6 CODKI I C , 'G C NC REV SOVi 004 OTHER- Cmd AIMS.ANDROV,, A. Yu.; CKHIDBY-STBl,O. lu.r FCLAK. L.S,; SHPUTEO,V.S. Mossbauer effect in imaym. etri-cal organotin compounds witto electrcn-donor subBtituepts. Dokl. AN SSSR 157 no.4:934-937 Ag 164 (MIRA 17:8) 1. Institut neftekhlmichoskogo sintaza AN SMR! Institut elementoorganicbeskikh soyedineni.y All SSSR i M~Stitut yadelmoy fi2iki Mcskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Predstarlero akadamikom V.I. XabaoYmikom. -'OKV4L-08YS,rw' 0 - YV- M-SR/Cheriiistry - Synthesis 'A Pub, 22 - 32/56 Authors , Skvarchenkc, V. R.; LeviTia, R. YA.; and Okhlobiatin, 0. Yu. Title , Synthesis of nydrocarbon3. New method of synthesizing I there (oc~.anehtrene,1, and their Periodical j Dok. M 35SR 99/5, 789-792, Dec 11, 1954 Abstract t The reaction of splitting tetrahydropthalic anhydrides under the effect F-10r, 1 4 , vi-as used In the drivation of tricyclic condensed hydrooarl),-Mt-, e-Y m, hy drophenanthere (actanethrone), 4,5-cyclopentanoindan and Lheir Ttw basic, diens JhVAroc,--- Dona fvund r'Q ba dicyclopentenyl, the first of which conbined with maleic anhytirLde y1elaed 1 2,3,4,5,6,7,8-octahydrophenanthrene. Gther hydrocarbons derive~j from 1,1t- licyclopentf~iVJL riixeki witn r.-aloic, clLraconic and -Gennan i 1~ Institution The M. V. Lomonosov State University, Moscow Presented by: Academician A. N. Hesmeyauov, july 16, 1954 ;LJ& Ov 7_11j MTHORS: Zakha*rkin, L. I.; and Okhlobystin, 0. Tu. 20-2-20/50 TITLS: The Utilization of Aluminum Trialkyls in the Synthesis of Ilemen-tal Organic Compounds (IspolIzo7aniye alyuminiytrlalkilov dlya sinteza elementoorganicbeskM soyedineniy). PERIODICAL: Doklady AD SSSR, 1957, Vol. 116, Nr 2, pp. 236-238 (USSR) A13STRACT: An connectinn with the fact that organoaluminum compounds were easil-y accessible in recent times the problem naturally rises of their utilization in the synthesis of other element-organic compounds. In patent publications production- methods were described of organo2inc, organocadmium and organonexcury compounds of the type R.MeX, as well as of trial- kylborines from haloid compounds of the same elements and from a mixture of alkylaluminum-halides which forms on the action of appropriate haloidalkyls on aluminum: 3 RX + 2 Al :~ RAIX2+R2AIX. Is far as this reaction only takes placB with the lower alkyls (B not higher than C3H7 ), this method can not be considered Ceneral enough. In Card 1/4 the present paper the authors studied the interaction of The Utilization of Aluminum Trialkyls in the Symthesis of 20-2- 20/50 Element Organic Compounds boron-, antimony-, arsenic-, phosphorus-, tin- and mercury-halides with triethylaluminum and tri-isobutyl- aluminum. In all cases investigated an exchange reaction takes place under formation of an aluminum halide and of alkyl derivatives of the elements taken. On addition of trifluorboro-ethydrate to tri-isobutyl-aluminum, triisobutylboron forms at 60-650C. The same forms on blowing gaseous trifluorboron through a triethyleluminum solution In decahydronaphthalone. The interaction of tri- isobutyl-aluminum-othyrate with a suspension of trifluor- antimony in ether takes place just as easily. The inter- action of tri-isobutyl-aluminum with arsenic trichloride in ether does not lead to trialkylarsine; chief products are, however: inobutyl-trichloroaraine and di-isobutyl- chloroarsize. The interaction of tri-isobutyl-aluminum with phosphorus trichloride is more complicated. The formation of a complex of the reaction products with chloroaluminum takes place as the result of an energetic reaction (in- Card 2/4 dependently of the type of solvent). Yrom the reaction mass The Utili23tion of Aluminum Trialkyls in the Synthesis of 20-2-20/50 Elemental Organic Compounds isobutyldichlorophosphine can be distilled off in a Tacuum. On further heating of the rest a radical decomposition takes place unier formation of volatile products and elementary phosphorus. The interaction of equimolecular amounts of tri-isobutyl or tri-ethyl- aluminum with mercuric bromide or sublimate in ether or in hexane chiefly leads to symmetric dialkyl derivatives of mercury: a) Diiso-butyl-zercury and b) bromo-isobutyl- mercury. Diethyl-mercury was obtained from sublimate and triethylaluminum In hexane. Stannic tetrachloride yields tetxa-i3obutyl-tin on the action of tTi-isobutyl-aluninum in heptane at 40-480C (after decomposition by a VaOH-aolution)~ Besides, tri-isobutyl-tin-oxide can be isolated by distil- lation of the rest over sodium, apparently by dehydration of the corresponding hydroxide,, Thus (iso-C4H ) and (iso- C4H9)3 SnCl for; in the case of Interaction o? tri-isobutyl- aluminum and stannio tetrachloride. There are 14 references, 1 of which is Slavic. Card 3/4 The Utilization of Aluminum Trdalkyls in the Synthesis of 20-2-20/50 Elemental Orgatic Compounds ISSOCI.&TION: IMBtitute for Element Dreamic Compounds AN I)SSR (Institut elementoorranicheskik)i soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR) PRESENTED: By A. N. Nesmeyanov, Academician, May 8, 1957 SUMITTED: May 7, 1957 AYAILABIE: Library of Congress Card 4/4 ALTNORS: 41akharrkiri, L. I., Gavrilinko, V. V., Okh1ohyGtin,O.Yu. 62-1-18/29 TITLE: The Action of Tr-letbyl ldw~dnm, and D-iisobutyl Liuminum. Hydride on Metal Chlorides of Grow VI in the Frosence of Carbon Eonoxide 01' tllu ardTuii;stt:n Carbunyls U, (Dey.stviyo trietila-juiiiniya i (iiizobutiluljui:iiniy,,,,idi-ida na khloridy metallov VI Crappy v prisutotvii okici uj;l~jrodn.sirltez karbonilov khroiza, molibdena i vollfraLla) PERIODICALs Izveatiya Ali SbSR~Otdoioniye Khimicheukikh Fauk, 1958 Nr 1 , pp loo - 1o2 (jsoli) ABSTIUCT: The action of triethylalurainum and diisobutylaluminumhydride on the above mentioned chlorides was for the first tine inveatigat- ed by Jab and Cassal (reference 1). Both found, tli--.t carbonyles of chromiu-m, nolybdenum, and tungsten are formed in the reaction. Later this method was inve-Btigated by means of LangnesiuL-orGanic compounds, i.e. in dfferent varianto. The authors rihow in this paper that for the obtainin,", of Cr(CO)6, T'Ok'CO)6 and "006 triethylaluminum and diisobutylaluminunchloride can beized with Succenn., i.e. in carrying out the reaction of the chlorides of L the m'talo of the 6th group with triethylalumin=a in etheric solution. In the reiction under the same conditionJ with diiso- Card 1/2 butylaluminumhydride Cr(CO)6 aPd 110(CO)6 wi~r4D obtained (with a Tho Action of Triothyl AInninLm an I Diisobutyl ;%lu;n1num Rydride on 6," - 1- 1012) Yetal Chlorides of Group 71 In -the Presence of Carl.~on 2onoxide. Syntiic.An of t1v Chromiu::;, - n~olybderium-, and, Tangsten Carbonyls yield of 73 - 75~u) The 3ynthenis of the triethylaluminum and triiBobutylaluminuia (of w!iich diisobutylaluninuiahydride was produced) woo carried out by the authors correspondir'.;-, to the reaction of Ziegler, Gellert, Zosel (reference 5) frou, alurainum, hydrogen, and the corresponding olefin. There are 1-1 references. ASSOCIATIONi Institute of Elemental-Orfanic Compounds, AS USSR (Ir-.-,b'Ltut elementoor6anicheskikh c3oyedineniy Akademii nnuk SOS-R). Sb'B;.-:ITT.ED: July 12, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. Triethylaluminum-Syntbesis 2. TrUsobutylaluninwn-Synthesis 3. Chronim carbonyl-Synthesis 4. Mol7bdenum carbor*'I-Synthesis 5. Tungsten carbonvl-Synthesis 6, Diisobutylalumininihydride- Production 7. Notal chlorideB-Chenical reactions S. Trielbylaluminum-Chmi-cal. reactions 9. Diisobutylaluminumhydride- Chemical reactions 10. Carbon monoxide-Applications Card 2/2 Sov/63 - 3.- 6 - AUTHORS: !~arkevich, TVA irents--_ I Candida-yezi of Chemical SC-1 en- cez, Okhlob7otin, O.Y-a- TITLE- Conference on Iletal-Organic Syntheoo3 (Soveshchaniye ~o loorganicheskin sintezam) PERIODICAL: Khimicheskuya nauka 1 1~roL;yshlenno3t'. 1015C., Vol III, 111'r 6, p C-21 (USSR" In june 1956 a scienti-fic-technical conference took -place ~n nloscow dealing with metal-organic syntheses of aicoholi, :_-0TX- merz, acid3, etc The conference vaj atterded by 50 ists from 10" different organizations. The followir,,-, presented, O.Yu. Okhloby.,-.tin,, L.I. Zakharkin, Institute of E! enent -Organic Comyounds. "'11he Use of 1.1uminum-Or.,-:,nic Co.-'~- pounds for the Synthesis of Other Ele-merst-Organic Comuounds"; V.V. Gavrilenko, L.I. Za)(hrirliin, Institute of Compounds, 11~yntheois of C~irbonic Aci(13 and Alkylhal on the Biui3 of Aluminumtrialkyls"; I.M. rl'.horlina, L.1, Za'Yr'-_-r3,in, Tn3tltute of Elcment-Organic Con;pounds, "Proluction of Aldehydes -From 37.14tryls and Dcuble-Deco=.rcsed A_-id(,,S by D-4- i3obut-~" 1-~' lur.-.4' Pr~duvtion"; V.Y. ~isituin, St~,.te 3 12 CommittQe for nf he USSR Council of 112t-nd:, of the of Inluzo-trial Production v~ cthyl-Lnud b..- t'-e E'2Lctrel.*75i~; of Compounds of Tr-i.- etlh~-I,Aluminur.,"; C"-rLcrov, 1".". Chowych-alova, A11-1,Trion Scientific M~sc-arc,, Institut-e of 1,,Ynthetic Rubber, of '1_7 ~ethyl-but~ylen-l anil 2-A:1,i1bUte1,-1 on t1-:0 Baois of Pro- 1,ylen, Ot -Butylcn a%,,1 17ith tho Applic%tion of '2r,` - ethyl-Alumin,="; '.:.I. Farberov, S.I. Kr~-ul:ov, Kutlin, "Selective of Propyl.-M and Its [Joe in Tecl,.iloal I nhe,-es"; A.1% Slad:-,ov, V.A. 7Tarkev_ich, Scientific Resc,-. c Institute of 5.,-nUetic Alcohol.- and OrZanlc Prodnots, "P.~,,)- duction of ificher Alcohol's From Oz-,,anic Cor!T,,Qur:(1!3 of Alum-nw..". It hao been recommended to install an plant for the production of 3inple alk.;ls and pure suzsr_cr~cl aluminum whicli are necded for netal-orcanic -l,,nthesis and are not available in the necessary quzxtitics. Col,~Oluia Ca-l 2/2 ohol-ld be arrznced at intervals of 4 011ths. AUTHORS: 0kh!, 0. 7u., Zakha,.*k-,.-,, L. 1. 50-1/62-58-5-1j,/2-2 TITL?-: The Action of Alumini-ar. Tz-lallkyls cn PhoNphoru.- lkz~ (Deyst-riye a1yum-.!Lni'Y-1V:ria1ki!-cv na trekhkliloristyy fusf:~) ?ERIODICAL: 12,,restiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniyo khimicheskikh ra-,;k, 1958, 3r 8~ pp- 1006-1008 (USSR) A3STRACT: The interaction of the aluminium. trialky13 with phosphorus trichloride has been investigated only little up to no-m. Organo-lithium-,magnesium-and 2inc compounds alkylato phos- phorus trichloride to the trialkyl phosphines. In the intro.- duetion the authors discuss the investigations carried cut 'by Xhaxash as well as the work on the effect of mercury dialky! on phosphorus trichloride (Refs 2-4). The findings of this papar are that after the interaction had taken place between the aluminium trialkyls and phosphorus tTichloride all three stagea of the alkylation of PCI 3 may be o'btained: AiR 3 + PC1 3 ->R'PCI2+ It3PCI + 'R3Al. In the present short report the conditions for the synthesis of alkyl dichlorophosphines is described proceeding from the Card 1,12 phosphorus trichlaride and the corresponding aluminium trialkyls. SOV/62-518-e-15/22 The Action of Aluminium Trialky13 on Phoszhorus Trichloride Theie are 9 references, 2 of which are Scylet. ASSCCIAT103: lustitut elementoorganichesk.rkh sovedineniy Akndemii nauk SSSR r-rms~-'~ute c~ 31amental.;-Organic CompounaB AS MR) - -' '. I SUBMITTED: Narch 5, 1958 Card 2/2 .07HORS: Zaakharkin, I., 0'khlob~rotr., 0. 1u. 2 TITLE: Regroupint-, of Aluninun TrialkylB (.PeregrUDpirovka alyuniniy- trialkilov) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdoleniye khimicheshikh nauk, 1950, Nr lo, pp 1278 - 1278 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors found by the example of triisopropyl oluminum and tri-sec.-butyl aluninum that secondary al~;.inum trialkyls regroup into primary alwminum trialkyls on heatin;3. The described method of the production of triisopropy'L aluminum from (i-C 3H7)2Hg and 4~1 doos not only yield triisoprolyl alumin=2 an the authors suG.-coted (Ref 1), but tilso the mixture of triisopropyl aluminuxi and triDroDyl aluminum which can be separated by fractionation. The triisopropyl aluminun produced in this way can be completely converted to t~ipropyl aluminum in a sealed ampoule. Tri-sec.-butyl aluninum, produced in the reaction (sec. C 4H9 )2 HE; with aluminum can be Card 112 converted under the same conditions by reGrouping into Regroupino of Aluninum Tri all-1:y! a tri-n.butyl aluminum. In thij case P-hutylene and di-n. butyl aluminum hydride could partly form. Tri-n. but.11 aluminum could be identifii-A by neans of n.butyl mercury bromide; boiling point 1360. There is 1 referencc. ASSOCIATION: Institut ioyedineniy Akademji nnuk, SSS-R (Institute of Ele!"W"'tw7 Organio Compounds AS UM) SUMUTT-ED: June 6, 1958 Card 2/2 5(3) '7 AUTHORS: Zakharkin, L. I., 9~-_h~, Yu. TITLE: On the Reaction of Realkylation in the Aluminum and Boron Trialkjl Series (0 rea~-tsii perealkilirovaniya v ryndu alyunimiy- i bortrialkilov) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akadenii nauk SSSR. Otdelt-niye khimich2nkikh n-u!., 1959, 11, 1, PP 181 - 181 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The nuthoro write in a alkyl or triaryl boron a reaction of realkylation products of incomplete aluminum are formed: letter to the cditor: On Ac-antirC, tri- R-B with triall,yl nluminun R1 'A I 3 occurs. Thus R' 3B, R3'11 ond realkylation of initial trial!.-yl R 3B+R I al --4 Ral + R 13B al= 113 Al; R= n-C 4 R9; '-C4H9' C6H5; R'= C113 C 2H". Mecaune of the high reaction temperature (120-18~)o) thc, le- fin ic separated from the R Al forned in some cares to a Card 1/3 considerable degree. Conneq~ently correspondino ~ialkyl On tht, Reaction of Healkylption in the Aluminum and Boron '1')0V/62-5')-1-57/,-,)C, Trialkyl Series aluminu-m hydridev are produced. In the interaction of triisobutyl boron with triethyl aluminum, for inst-.nce, triethyl boron and diisobutyl aluminum hyilride were obtainel. On gradual heating (up to 1800) of the nixture of triphenly! boron with a double quantity of triethyl nluminur. triethyl boron is slowly distilled in pure nitrogen current. After the distillAion of the -mixture (C 2H5)2 AIC6H5 and C,H Al(C H in vacuum triphenyl aluminum remains in the IL 5 6 5)2 residue. Under equal conditionn, trimethyl boron ic sized from (C H 'B and (CH Al rith P. yield of Tri- 6 5)3 3)3 methyl boron is slowly separated on heating the mixture of trimethyl aluminum and tributyl boron up to the boilint; point. The tributyl aluminum beino produced contr.,ins tip to 25~o dibutyl aluminum hydride. In the interaction Df tributvl boron vrith triethyl aluninum triethyl boron an(I also a nixture of t-ributyl aluninun and dibutyl altiminum hydride is forned which contains 50,~~ of the latter. Card 2/3 "C - 'z ~ / 7 r~ On the Reaction of Realk7lation in the Aluminum and Boron j V Trialkyl Series ASSOCIATION: Institut elernentoorc-anicherkikh coyedineniv AkaJcmii nauk SSSR( Institute OfZl,-Z*_ntnl )r!-anic Compolln"s of the Aca~e-y of ScienceE, US'R) SUBMITTED: September 9, 1958 Card 3/3 50Y MY/62-59-6 AMOFSs Zald.,arkin, 1. 1: -32/A9 TITLE& Synthesis of Bwmtrialkyls by the "tion of Organo-netallio Com.pmmds on ~,ue FAters of Ue Metaborio loid (Polucheniye bortrialkilov deyatviyem netalloorganichaskikh soyedinenly na efiry netnbornDy kialoty) PUIODICALs Izvestiya Ikadeaii 3aauk SSSR. Otdeleniye lr*h4--4ohezkikb nmek, :1959, Nr 6, pp 1135 - 2136 OSSR) ABSTRACTs Me reaction mentioned in the -title has hitherto hardly been investigated. In the present investigation the borotrizlIyls frou alkylaetaborates (RM), (wi-+,b R27CH~, zwC JL) vi-tb aluminim 3 4-9 trialkyI3, mime dialkyls and nagnesiumbalold alkyls were ryzthetized, (HBO) 4- JURY -4 P +11 3 3 B? 203+ (M)3A" R's !CO5' "Y9 +ZnO + (RD) I (BMO)3 + Znl~ -4 'j'R in) " zr-~' Y7 CHMO~ + RIXA ---) 13 4. w + x9 4-W*X, ILOX.P. Ri '4S' 2he reactiona occurred witb higb y1eld. In the erperinental :p~ the methods for the production of borotrialkyls an daroxibed. C&M 1/2 The yield in borotrialkyls obtained by different methods is Synthesis of Bxo#trialkyls 1y the Aotion of Org=o-uetallic 307/62-59-6-33/36 Compounds on -the Estera of the 21ataboric Icid :given in a table. There are I table and 2 referenowi, I of vhioh is Soviet. 1=CUTICIS: Inatitut elementoorganicheald1b soyedlm~niy Akadeaii nauk SSSR (Institute of XlzmerUl Orgarde Conpounds of tbe kadmjr of 3clences, U33R) SUBaTTEDt Deoember 24, 1958 Card 2/2 8229 113/079/60/03P007/004/020 13001/33063 AUTHORSt ZakhaTkin, 1. 1,, Okb1obystinj Of Tub TITLEs Reactions of the Alkyl Exchange in the Series of Elements of the Third and Second G:rOUPB (Al, 13, Zn, Mg) PERIODICALj ZbuTnal obBhchey khimil, 1960, 701- A No- 7, pp. 2134-2138 TEXT: Suffioient,y c;n7enient methods are n w available for the conversion of organoaluminum com oundB into organoboxon compounds (Refs- 1-4), whereas c the reverse proce s has not yet teen possib e. The authors of the piesent 8 paper attempted to exchange the radicals between organoboron and or8ano- aluminum compounds. The reactions uf the exchange of alkyl derivatives of different metals (Refs. 5-8) are well-known, especially those of lithium. This Is also the case with some alkyl derivatives of sodium and mercury (ROfB. '7,8). Apart from the exchange reactions between 132B6 and (Y5)3 Al$ as well as C? 5MgX (Scheme 2), which were deBcribed 'by E. Wiberg and P, BtTibel (Bef, 9), such reactions have hitherto been unknown for aluminum- and 'boron trialkyls. The exchange reactions of the 7-adica3s Card 1/3 82294 Reactions of the Alkyl Exchange in the Series S/079/60/030/007/004/020 of Elements of the Third and Second Groups 10011BO63 (-Al, 13, Zn, Mg) between aluminum- and boron trialkylB were studied by the authors 1y a re- action of triethyl aluminum or trimethyl aluminum with boron txiallyls and boron triary2s according to the scheme 2 Al -+ RIB ;-~P Al + 2 1. The 3 3 3 reversible reaction may take place with a complete exchange of radicals if the more -volatile component is removed from the reaction zone. It may be assumed that this reaction proceeds in the following stageV3 R Al + -RIB-)R RIAI + R'R3j R RIAI + R'I->RR';Al 3 3 2 2 2 3 + R21RB' RIB + R B 3 3 The authors studied exchange reactions of triethyl- and trimethyl aluminum with tripheny! boron, tributy2 boron, and triiBobutyl boron. The mechanimm of radical exchange between or;ganoaluminum- and organoboron compounds could not be clarified. It was found -that alkyl exchange also took place between organoaluminum- and organozinc compounds as well as between oxga-noboron- and organozinc- or organomagnesium, compounds (cf. the three LaBt-mentioned schemes). There are 13 referenceB, 4 Soviet, 4 Gernan, 4 IJSp and 2 British. Card 2/3 82294 Reactions of the AA'kyl Exchange in the SorieB 5/079/60/030/0071'004/020 of Elements of the Third and Second GrOUPB 3001/M63 1 kA2, B, Zn, Xg) ASSOCIATIONj InBtitut e1ementoorganicheBkIkb avyedineniy Akadenii nauk SSSR (Institute of Elemental-organio Compoumdr of til Academy of Sciences 'USSR) SUBMITTEDs JulY 8, 1959 Card 3/3 CXHLOBYSTIU, 0. Yu. Cand. Chem Sci - (diss) "Synt'l-le-sis of eleiLento-orgaric co.:ipounds with the aid of aluminum alkyls." Moscow, 1061. '/ pp; (Eoscot-.' Order of Lenin and Order of Labor Red Banner State Univ imeni F. V. Lororosov); 120 copies; price not given; (KL, 5-61 sup, 177) S/026/61/000/004/002/002 A166/A127 KUTBORS: Zakharkin, L.I., Doctor of Chemical Sciences, and Okhlobystin~ 0.7u. TITLE: Aluminum-organic Compounds PERIODICAL: pxiroda7 no. 41 19611 89-92 TEXT: The autbors describe the properties of aluminum-organic compounds and their uses in the polymerization of olefines, 6pirit production and the synthesis of carbonic acids. The Institut ele,mentoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR (Institute of Elemental- Organic Compoundss AS USSR) has found that carbonic acids can be produced b7 the action of dioxide on aluminum trialkyl at high pres- sures and temperatures: (C2H 5)3 A' + 3C02 --2-(C2H 5COO)3A" Card 1/2 Aluminum-organic Compounds S/o26/61/000/004/002/002 A166/A127 'The method can be used to produce higher fatty acids uued in the manufacture of synthetic detergents and emulsifiers. The use of aluminum trialkyl gives higher fatty acids of normal structure and -without side branches which do not give lats toxic to the human body. Thus the method can be used for synthesizing edible fats simply frow crude oil. It has further been found that aluminum-organic compounds can be used to synthesize alkyl derivatives of zinc, caumium, boron, gallium, Bilicon, germanium, lead, tin, mercury, thiillium, phospho- rus, arsenic, antimony and bismuth. The method has been used to produce tetraethyl lead, valuable as an anti-detonator in motor fuels. There is I diagram, ASSOCIATION: Institut biokhimil im. A.N. Bakha AN SSSR (Institute of Biochemistry imeni A.P. Bakh, AS US"-R), Moscow. Card 2/2 ZAKHMUD, L.I.-, STANKO) V.I.; OEHLOBYSTIN O.Yu. . Reactions of decaborane and pentaborane vith nercapta-3 and sulficies. -Tzv.All S5SR.Otd.k1him.nauk no.1l.-2083-2C84 'N 161, (XIRA 14:11) 2. Institut organicbeskoy RhAnii A-m. N.D.Zelinskogo I Instit,it elementoorfanicbeskikh zoyedinenly AN BSSR. jDecaborane) (Pentaborane) (Sulfides) 30168 s/o62/61/000/012/000/012 7 (-) C) Bl!7/Bl47 AUTHORS: Zakharkin, L. I., Okhlobystin, 0. Yu., and Strunin, B. 11. TITLE: Synthesis of organic beryllium compounds PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. I7vestiya. Otdeleniye khimickle:3kikh nauk, no. 12, 1961, 2254 TEXT: In the present "Letter to the Editor", the authors report on studies of the noncatalytic interaction of metals of the 2nd group with halogen alkyls. Powdery beryllium was found to react with halogen alkyls oven in total absence of ether or any other catalyst. With sufficient duration of the process, alkyl beryllium halides are obtained in satisfactory yield: Be + RHal 1300C -> RBeHal 12 - 60 hr R - C2H5v Hal - I; R - C 4E90 Hal - Br, 1; R - C5H ill CaHl7v Hal = 1. Similar to alkyl magnesium halides, alkyl beryllium haliden are insoluble, and separate as a precipitate during the reaction. Analysis shows that Card 1/3 303M S/062/61/000/012/009/012 Synthesis of organic beryllium... B117/B147 the yield 0g. butyl beryllium iodide reaches 65-70% of the theoretical amount (17 C ,0 9 12 hr. without solvent). During reaction of the obtained alkyl beryllium halides with cyclohexanol the correspordirgl-alkyl cyclo- hexanols are formed in a good yield: / OR :~K R H = C H boiling point 61 0C (10 mm Hg), n 25 1.4623; d250.9226; R = C 1199 2 5$ 0 25 D 25 4 4 boiling point 90 - 91 C (10 mm. Hg); n D 1'4635; d 4 0.9141; R = C 5Ells boiling point 970C (5 mm Hg); n 20 1.4667; d 20 0.9162; R - C H boiling D 8 17' point 130 - 131 0C (10 mm Hg); n25 1.4610; d~5 0.8633. Abstracter's notet D 4 1 Essentially complete translation .I There is I non-Soviet reference. TLe reference to the English-1 anguage publication reads as follows; H. Gilman. W. Schulze, J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 49, 2904 (1927). Card 2/3 3010 S/062/61/000/012/009/01- Synthesis of orgAnic beryllium... B110147 ASSOCIATION: Institut elenentoorganicheskik)i soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR (Instituteof Elemental Organic Compounds or the Academy o-117' Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: October 26, 1961 Card 3/3 30169 S/062/61/000/012/010/C)12 B117/B147 AUTBORS: Zakharkin, L. 1., Okhlobystin,___P_,__Tu,_, and Strunin, B. N. TITLE: Organic magnesium synthesis of elemental organic compoinds in ether-free medium PERIODIUL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh - 2255 nauk, no. 12, 1961, 2254 TEXT: In the present "Letter to the Editor", the authors report or, studies of noncatelytic organic magnesium synthesis. It was found that mafnesium easily reacts exothermically with halogen alkyls either without a -olvent or in various paraffins, and that for the synthesis no specific solvents of the isopropyl benzene type are required. Organic magnesium synthevis in the absence of ether was used for the production of various elemental organic compounds by one- and two-step synthesis of (aryl) derivatives of a number of elements: EXn + n!U) gX ERn + nMjSX 2 EXn + nNg + nHX ERn + nNpX2 Card 112 30169 11 Organic magnesium synthesis of... B117/B147 R - C 1Y n-C,119; V E = H9, B, Al, !3n, Ge, 2 '_C51111; n_^61113; n_C017; C6H5; Si, Sb, P, As; X = Cl, Br, I. The yields of elemental organic compounds amount to 70-90%. P. Shorygin is mentioned. [Abstracter's note: Essentially complete tranalation -1 There are 4referencess 2 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet, The two references t . English-language publications read as follows: M, S- Xharaoh, 0. Reinmuth, Grignard reactions of nonmetallic substances, I;,, Y, 1954; D. Bruce-Smith, G. Cox, J. Chem, Soc. 1961, ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: October 31, 1961 Card 212 ol ~o S /07 0/61 /031 /01 J/ 011 --'0 15 ~22811'11365 .AVTJIOJIS L.. 1- TIMY-I S.Tntbesi3 of somp zoetalloorg"it compounds by meaw4 of the alumimo trialkyla ITRIODICAM3 Zhurnal obBhebey kbjmij,, w,, 31,, no,, H, 1961 3662-36,65 TELT 3 Thiz stu~ay o1 -the reaction of triethyl and vitb -the chlorideB of 2nt 13, Ga. 6e. and Sn is a continuation of pre-vious research by L, J~ Z"barkin and 0, 'Yu., Okblobyatin (Rof , 1, DokI. AN SSSR~ 1169 236, 19-57; 2b. obshch,, kbimii,, 30., 2134., 1904)) oil tl-~- ust vf alumbio trialkyla Ir. the syntbesim of metalliorgan3c compolln"If- Anhydrous 2aCI2 'ran reacted with Mt3&1 by btating tht% inixtu r,~ f,) - 3 hTo at 10,0*9 the dietbylzinz then being separate:] from 4b.- F! XI! by 1 2 It -vacuum distillation,. The reaction As rf-Rersible since the niAborg 1), prepared a mixturs of *tbyl- and diettly3aluminum cblorid,* from W.C.1 and Et n. Trimethylgallium Tars syntbasiz.'5d from Mik M anI Gac". 3 Card 1/3 S~yntbesia of 3ome-. sj/070/8-t /031.1011./0). oo D,228/D363 by heating the mixture for 2 br,, at Se amd distill Amg,,,lff th-? 4~j In the onag of tatrziatb7lgermanium, the originai mat-erials.-E* .3 A:i, iv.1 I 041 -mere boated for 8 br, at 120 - '030 aftPr whi,.)) Vni~ tanloill.,)-i -v~ diluted vitb ,ttbor and docomposed by NaOll; TAP. tbro d i ~s t I -I to, If t from the washed and dried ether It-yer similn:- I in the pro parvition of t P trfii SO bU IXI jl~ VIIIIIIIiiin frrm ro~ Coil') V~. ft Vie rvrithc~;is of isobutylboren dichlor.,de invo!-~,s the interactiozi il~ BCI 3 ,and isti-DU3Al at 20 for approximately 1~5 br,,, fokJowid Vy thk. gradual beating of the solution to room- t,~mp~- wNur t aiid lt~ .4ohqeqiiI-.f~- distillation; etbylboron dieblaride -as .3ynthe6p~,z;-j f .,cj, 11031 r, :1 Z 4, 3Al at a temperature -of aboul, ...5 Thi 811010cs prepar-) stannous oxide by 3tirring a solution o! coobydrous SnO~I wqi ).P,) Plj~ A~. ?, - I4!i0II PvAd tbi~ V~~ for 2 h, ai. 110 - 115 This wat Jarorjps~J by S/079/61/031/011/011/01 5 Synthesis of some-, 3)228/D30'5 then ir*,.~Ied and dried; it muy be Ivrified bI.T reprecipitntion from an HCl aolutiun -with NU 3~ There are 11 referencear 2 Soviet-bloc and 9 mon-Ewy-let-bloc. The references to the -1 most recent English--Innguag4 publicatioms read as followam C. 1, Kraus. B. A, Flood, J. An. Chem. Soc., 54, 1635 (1032); Y; 13. Brindly, W. Geirrard, M. F. Lappert, J. Chow. Sot., 1958, 824; P, A, McCusher. 6, F, Hennion. Z', A~ Ashby, J.' Am. Chem. Soc,,., 79; 5182 (1957),, J. D. Bone-ycutt. J. M. Riddle J~ Am Chem. Sot... 82, 3051 (IsGo). SUBMITUID: November 18. IOGU Card 3/3 ZAKIHAAKINI, L.110 doktor khim.nauki OXHILBYSTIN, D.yu,. Alumimm organic oompoundo. -vriroda 50 no.,4:89-92 Ap $61. OW 3-4:4) I* Inatitut alementoorganicbeekikb isoyedi-neni7 AN SSSR,, MDkva, (Alumimm organic oompounda) 3/062j62/000/011/007/021 3101/3144 AUTHOR53 Zakharkin, L. I., Okhlobystin, 0. Yu., and.Strunim, 1. N. TITLB3 Use of organomagnaBium compounds for synthesizing organic derivatives of the elements of groups 11-7 in non-ethereal medium 2BRIDDICAL3 Akademiya nauk SSSR, '11-vastiya. Otdoleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 11, 1962, 2002 - 2008 - TZXT3 It is shown that ar-ganni-magneBium compounds are easily synthesized from 3ag and alkyl halides in yields of 80-92~, even without the uBual Grignara catalysts (etherv amines, etc.). Halides of the elements of groups 11-V are easily alkylazed with the resulting organomagnesiun com- pounds. The reaction was performed in N 2 by addition of alkyl or aryl halides RX (R - C 2H5 to C9H191 C6H5' P_C23COY X ' C" :Br' 1) to nagnes"M -chips and, as a rule, by utilizing the developed beat for the reaction with the gradually added halide (or oxyhalide) or Hg, 3, 11, Si, Ge, Sn, P, As, 3b. The further treatment is carried out as in the usual organomagne31UM synthesis. In some cases alkyl and element halides were made to react Card 1/3 S/062/62/000/011/007/021 Use of organonagnaBium cozpounds... Z101/3144 simultaneously vith Mg. By choosing the appropriate solvents (heptane, iBooctane, decalin, dodecane), work can be done at high concentrations and optimum temperature. The folloving syn~hesez were mades tetraethyl tin; triethyl tin fluoride was precipitated with XF froz the triethyl %in halideB formed as by-products; tri-n-butyl boron, Yield 85%; tetra-n-butyl silane, yield 79%; nethyl-(n-butyl)-phenyl silane from Mg vith n-butyl chloride in heptane, and addition of (CH 3*63 5 )SiCI2' Yield 859~, b.p. 1250C/4 ma lig, n20 1.4930, d20 0.8749; tetra-z-1butyl tin, yield 90%; di-n- .D 4 butyl tin oxide (additIon of SnCl4 at -1000, yield 65-A tri-n-butyl 20 20 ,germanium chloride, yield 60,1,'v', b.p. 1040C/I = Eg; n,) 1.4638, d4 1.0252; butyl dichloro phosphine 'addition of P01 a% -7000, Yield 45%, tri-n- % 3 'butyl phosphine, yield 66%; tributyl phosphine oxide, Yield 84.4%; tri-n- butyl srBine, yield 80-7%; tri-m-butyl stibine, yield 73%. triisoanyl aluminum, Yield 87%, b.p. 1520C/I~mm Hg; triisoamyl tin fluoride (reLction vitb SnCl 4' pret'p"a"On with a ), yield.82%; hexyl dicbloro pho2phine (adaition of ni 3 at -700C), yield 46%; trihexyl phoaphins, yield 63%; Car,a 2/3 3/062/62/000/011/007/021 Una of organonagnapium compounda... 3100144 n-octyl mercury iodidct, yield 65%, m.p. 96OC; trioctyl phospins oxides (a) from zagnsium and with simultaneous addition of n-octyl iodide and POCI3 in i-cctanef yield 85~;; (b) from iodineactiyated Mg and n-oc%yl iodide in i-octane, and with addition of POCI 3 after cooling to 100C, yield 67~; zri-n-nonyl phosphine oxide, yield 92.4%, a-P. 35-360C, b.p. 235-240OC/4 m= HS; triphenyl aluminum, yield 75-3%; tetraphenyl tin, yield 74343 triphenyl phosphine, yield 72-3~; triphenyl phospine oxides yield 92.2~; nothyl-di-p-tolyl phosphine.-oxide, yield 80%; triphenyl arsine, Yield 75-7%- The =oB* important English-language reference is: 1). Bryce- Sxith, G. F. Cox, J. Lem- Soc-, 1958, 1050. . ASSOCIATION3 InBtitu% elezentoorganichookil;h so"yedinaniy Akademii zauk SSSR (Instl%ute of Elemental Orgamic Compounds of the Icademy*of Sciences USSR) ZUBMITTED3 Xarob 22, 1962 Card 3/3 ZEMARUN3 l.l.; 0' SMILYI'STIN D,lu,; - STRUI IN;, D.N. Synthebis of organometal2ic compmnds -A, a organomagneslum, co--l'ox-do in an other-free medium. Dok:L. AN SSSR. -14A no.6:-1299-3.302 Je 162. (11 DU -15: 6) 1. Institut element,;organicbeskikb spyedineniy Akademii rgiuk SSR. PredstaylenD akad. A.H.Ilesme~nmovyz. (Organometallic compounds) (ivagneBium organic compowds) ZAKHEMN, L.I*,, 0191LOBr>TIH, 0.7u,; STRUNIN, B.N,, lb:,eparation,ofalIql mainselum baUdes from primary alkyl halides and magnesiim in a hydrocarbon zAl=, Dokl. AN SSSR 147 no.1:108-220 B 762, 04IRA -15:21) 1. InstitUt elementoorganichealcilch soyedineni), AN SSSP. Predstav2eno akaaemikom I.L. Knunyantsen. (MagneDium organic compounas) (Alkyl halides) (Hydroe&Tbons) S106216.5100010011022102c) B101/B186 AUTHORS: Zakharkin, ~L. I., and._Q blobystin. 0. Yu. TITLE: synthesis of organozinc conpounds in 3olvating (solventis) PERIODICAL: Akademiya naiak SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 1, 1963, 19~ TEXT: Rhen studying the effect of solvents on the reaction of metals with nl'Ayl halides it was fqund that the reaction of In with alkyl halides be- came greatly accelerated by the presence of solvating media such as dimethyl ether of ethylene or diethylene glycol, dimethyl formamide, dimethy]. sulf- oxide, etc. In such solvents the alkyl iodides RI (R - CH C 1i n-C H 30 2 51 3 70 i-C 3H71 n-C 4 H9) reacted spontaneously and e*xothermi~ally with commtrcial zinc dust to form the corresponding, alkyl zinc iodides in high yields. As regards their accelerating effect the oolvents cgnq In the orders iao- octnnsa