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A30 PROVIRIJIS Moll Deformations and Stresses in Intermittent Welding. N. 0. Ckerblom ani 1. P. U1fi-3Tu`s3ianJ-. he Ba Sennoe Velo, 1948) No. 12,, lb-ZU). 7"Ift, - results of a theoretical InvestiZativn of the deformation and stresses p;7oduced durine -the welding of short seams are applibd to the conditiona of intenaittent are-weldin with welding currents of 150 amp., voltages of 20, and welding spec of 0.12=.~Sec. Calculated 600* isotheMB are drawn and the variations in ,-size and shape of the zones at higher temperatures are considered. The offects of -the relative dimensions of bead, strip, and interbead Interval on defcnintic and streas for the case of intermittent bead-welding along the t~dge of a strip are 'examinedj and the significance of fluctuating temperaturb conditions is discussed for various method-q of depositing the sean.-S. P t -VOPM &-'V 94UQMRA*Zdffl GJQqA SUM94 'rff=T98T=W2~ VM tow.;4-1.w IreauTmwo T9OTOVOInGpm-*TJTqun2q - fUd -l=T,4VjVqVPZPV Ota JO-4!~%AT!PU VQZTXUMMS i ~Ayv .-qgnox a 7EQAQT MD GO.M299M RGATO '.T%-r4Q~TP.,LL P 9EZ6*,/(K .:'WjM='48tOO OWPZM UT IP3PTQA 'K 0'4 04IVd ft,~Wltg Zol *Voq,.~= ftvdo-La&--T (e) , 194Ttm ftT,4-eaq xo;', sad,;d 4;4~~--4oq pm =no, jo uolprpozd u; BaTuTa% gaTon (T A4'Sk4anVuT pujftpr.-I -ppa o-4 xm-Av4 saxwm= e"To 9 oil OTQa ua2*qAv. dd ~j cafta lt=,M fA-*;as-pv*v Inveox 's *v .:~S.qoaa za ~'p>=Uj:o.4daa.V=2q;Wn jo imnTRTepa-a -:~Xoxcr C,mDTq;M . oK _;.ozj . ~~6T uT., 940MOM 40 4~'tpos TVZTwjail Vw ftTxQ8uT2uU OWT4=TOS =TV vq!7~ jo 4=w4L*dva psjftTuwl sq4 Ta .4,4TA;py, OKERBI.OM, N. 0. Sv,arochnye napris2henila v metBlIckonstruktoUskh. Moskva, ?,%shgiz, 1950. (2) p. disgrs. Bibliography: p. 141-(14,3) Velding stresaes In metBI strDetures. DIC: TA460.04 SO: ~knufacturing and Fechanical &gineeTing In the Scvist Union, JAbrary cf Congreas, 1953. OWBIOVI, N .- 0. and 1. 7. EMMA. ---- ----- Gazovaja vyrezka tochrjykh detBlel. (Vestn. Mash, 1951, no. 5, P. 54-59) Includes bibllogmplq. Gas cutti7)g of precision parts. DLC: TN4%1/, SO, Yianufacturing and Mechanical EngineeAng in the Soviet L~jjon) library of Congrese, 1953. OMMIDN, Xtolay OskarovIcb, -professor-, doktor tekhnIcbenkM nauk; MATSIMM, rJX..';--kKndidat tekhmAcbesld Mark, retsenzent; BAZIUMTIT, X.G., kandidat tekhnicbeskikh nuk, rodaktor; VASILITMA, V.P., "dattor; SMWVA, L.Y., takhaichaskly radaktor fCalcula,tiug the deformations of metal Btructural units durbig veIdIwJ Rascbst Urofustall metallokoustruktali pri avarke. 14oakva, Goe.==bno-tekhn.Ivd-vc saabinostroit.1-tir-y, 19.55. 211 V. (Defornatione(Mechanics)) (KI.'RA 8:12) (vaiaimg) SOV/ 137-57-11 -Z1634 Translation from: Refera~ivnyyzhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1957, Nr 11, p 140iUSSR) AUTHORS: Okerblom, N.O., Baykova, I.P. TITLE: The Effect of the Shape and Depth of Penctration of Parent Metal on the Magnitude of Angular and Transverse Deforma- tions (Vliyaniye formy i glubiny proplavleniya osnovnogo metalla na velichinu uglovykh i poperechnykh deforrnatsiy) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Probl. dugovoy i kontakt. elektrorvarki. Kiyev- Moscow, Mashgiz, 1956, pp 39-52 ABSTRACT: Theoretical and experimental methods were employed in order to 0etermine how the depth and shape of the zone of pene- tration (ZP) in a metal sheet affect the magnitude of angular (AD) and transverse deformations (TD) during bead welding. The following was established: a) The magnitude of AD is a function of the ratio of width and depth of the ZP to the thick- ness of the metal; b) the AD vary depending on the contours of the ZP; the latter considerably affects the magnitude of the AD when the ratio between depth of penetration and thickness of the metal approaches unity; c) regardless of the contour of the ZP, Card 1/2 rnaximurn values of AD are observed in the case of incomplete SOV/ 137-57-11-21634 The Effect of the Shape and Depth of Penetration of Parent Metal (cont.) penetration; d) as the amount of energy per unit length is incre'ased, the AD increase initia!ly and then bvcome smaller again; v) Ow TD become greater as the ratio of depth of penetration to the thickness of the metal and the linear energy is increased; f) when the values of the penetration - depth /metal - thickness ratio are sufficiently large, the variations in TD are directly pro- portional to that ratio; g) the shape of the ZP in!luences the magnitude of TD only at small penetration depths and limited quantities of energy per unit length. In the case of short beads, the angular and transverse deformations may be evaluated approximately without taking into account the deformations resulting from heating and cooling of t):e parent metal. In order to evaluate the angular and transverse deformations present in welded joints of consid- erable length, time differences connected with the deposition of.the bead weld must be taken into account. V.S. Card 2/2 137-5l)-4-7233 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, hletallur8iya, 1958, Nr 4.. p 130 (USSR) AUTHORS: Alekseyev, A. A. , Okeyblom, N. 0. TITLE: The Role of Leningrad in the Development of 'Welding Techniques and the lVeldinS Industry (Roll Lenin8rada v razvitii svarochnoy tekhniki i svarochnogo proizvodstva) PERIODICAL: V sb. : Svarochnoye proiz-vo. Leningrad, Lenizdat, 1957, pp 7-16 ABSTRACT: The discovery of the electric arc by V. V. Petrov. the inven- tion of arc welding Processes by N. N. BenaTdos and N. G. Slavya- nov, the activities in the production of electrical welding equipment by the "Elektrik" Plant, the development of scientific research and design operations, and the contributions of public societies in the field of welding, the training of engineering and technical personnel, and the publication of welding literature in Leningrad, are described. V.S. 1. Are welding--Development--LLSSR 2. Electric welding Card I /I equ-pment--PrcJuction--USSR 3. Welding--Study and teaching r __USSR % SOV/137-58-7-15007 Translation from: Referativnyy zburnal, .30etallurgiya, 1958, Nr 7, p 156 (USSRV AUTHOR: Okerblom, N.O., Navrotsl6y. D.1 TITLE: New Approaches to the Problems of Strength and Ease of Manufacture of Welded Structures (Novoye v voprosakh proch- noBt! i t6hnologichnoBti svarnykh konstruktsiy) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Svarochnoye proiz-vo, Leningrad, Lenizdat, 1957, pp, 125-142 ABSTRACT- An' examination of various at~pects of employment of com- bined welded structures (WS), the influence of the structural shaping on the strength (S) of the WS, and the effect of stresses induced by welding on the performance of the WS. It is noted that the replacement of cast elements intended for turbines of the KuybyBhev hydroelectric station at the Leningrad metal plant by combined welded components resulted in a reduction in the weight of parts from 527 to 338 1, a reduction of standard, -man-hours from 21,542 to 14,664,and a reduction in cost frorn 2,479,000 to 1,563,000 rubles. The following -data are providod: a) characteristics of mechanical S of joints composed of cross Card 1/2 membeYB; b) the reduction in the value of Ub under the . I SOV/137-55-7-15007 New Approaches to the Problems of Strength and Ease of Manufacture (cont.) combined influence of abrupt stress concentrations and extremely low temp- peratures; c) the critical brittleness temperature of specimens (parent metal and butt, T-, and bead joints) made of steel St 3 and NL-Z; d) 5 and plasticity under impact and static loading; e) vibration S of butt joints of steel M16S, etc. It is pointed out that, according to static and dynamic data, welded joints are superior to riveted connections. Endurance character- istics for various types of steel and different welded joints are given as a function of tbP stress -concentration factors. It is recommended that the standards for vibrational S be established on the basis of tests performed on specimens and structures after these have been subjected to loads rather than on the basis of tests carried out on specimens in their original state. A. K. 1. Structures--Welding 2. Structures-Mechanical properties 3. Welded joints Card 2/2 SOV/ 137-58-9-19313 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 9, p 16~ (USSR) AUTHORS: Okerblorn, N.O., Xuzlminov, S.A. TITLE: ___-_MV5-w--Trend5 in Planning of Engineering Processes for Fabrica- tion of Welded Structures JNovyye napravleniya v proyektiro- vanii tekhnologicheskikh protsessov izgolovleniya i3vartifth konstruktsiyp PERIOD-.CAL: V sb.: Svarochnoye proiz-vo. Leningrad, Lenizdat, 1957, pp 143-160 ABSTRACT: The planning of engineering processes (EP) for fabrication of welded structures (WS) must be preceded by the solution of a number of problems connected with the quality of the completed structure, the amount of labor required, the deadline for com- pletion of a given project, the necessity of ordering special equipment, etc. A most rational technology should be selected only after the completion of a comparative evaluation of com- plete sets of production figures offered by several alternate methods. The comparisons should be performed on the basis of computations which take into consideration all major factors Card 1/2 affecting the properties of the metal and the dimensions and SOV/ 137-58-9- 19313 New Trends in Planning of Engineering Processes (cant.) the shape of the VIS. Recommendations art., given on the employment of de- sign methods for the selection of conditions and welding process procedures, determination of deformations in the WS, and the selection of an optimal sequence for assembly and welding operations developed by a number of scientific-Tesearch institutes. Methods of computational determination of welded deformations (D) are examined and derivations of formulae for the determination of the magnitude of D (contraction, flexure, etc.) are given. Curves showing the D as a function of welding parameters are presented, together witb diagrams of residual stresses. Calculations and derivations of formulae lor over-all D are given. Analysis and formulae for determina- tion of the D in elements of welded H-beams (during welding of the latter) aye given; relations between the magnitudes of the D and various factors affecting them are established. B. K. Structu-,es--:.-,'eldinf 2. Weld im-Analys is Card 2/2 RYKILIN, X.N., OMM~~.jj,q., doktor tekhn.nauk,-prof. Some trends in the development of the theory of welding processes. Syar.proisv.-no.11:13-16 11 157. (MI]U 10: 12) 1. Chlen-korrospDnaent AN SSSR (for Dykalin). (Wel,aing research) SOVI 137 -58 -8-17062 Translation from~ Referativnyy zhurnal, Nfelallurg;,.a. 1938, Nr 8, p 123 tUSSR) AUTHOR. Okerblon), N.O. - TITLE: Deformation of Flange Plates Daring Welding of 1-!nhap(-d Mern- bers iDeformatsiva poV.)sr,%Ikh listov pri ,var),e elementov tavrovvkh secheniv- PERIODICAL: Tr. Leningr. politeklin. in-ta, 1957. Nr 189. pp 7-22 ABSTRACT! A theoretical investigatior. was condut ted whie h dealt with deformations whiLh occur in flange plates of welded I bearns and which are governed by var)ous fat.tors that obtain during welding ~%velding condition-,. dimensions of searn.5, and k z-(;Ss- sectional dimensions of element" being welded". COMPUtallOnal formulae are cornpared with experimental da!a obtained b~ dif- ferent re5earcher!~ under laboratory as well as shop (onditions during fabricahon of various -itructures. 1. Ba=s-'.1e1dinr, 2. Popms-Defunsation V. K. 3- Welds-Strezises Ca3-d I/ I SOV/ 137-58-8-17063 Translation I-rom: ReferativnN-y zhurnal, -Metiallurgiva, 1958, .7';r 8, p 123 (USSR) AUTHORS: Oke2-blom, N.O., Savel'yev, V,N. TITLE: Calculations Devermine Deformations in Members During Simultaneous Execution of Two Corner Welds (Raschetnoye opredeleniye deformatsiy elementov pri odnovremennom vypolnenil dvukh uglovykh sbvov) PERIODICAL: TT. Leningy. politekhn. in-ta, 1957, Nr 189, pp Z3-33 ABSTRACT: A method was developed whereby deformations produced by performing two corner welds simaltaneously may be deter- mined. The discrepancy between measured and calc ulated values for the deflection of four Tee and I rnernbcr~: ,~,,ts suf- ficiently small. V. K. 21, 1!etzas_'.153.ding 2. Metals-Deformation 3. VeIdB-Strasses 4. Mathematics Card III ............. . SOV/137- 59-3- 5822 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 3, 1) 126 (USSR) AUTHOR: Okerblom, N - 0. TITLE: Ways of Improving the Quality of Weldments (Puti sovershenstvovaniya svarnykh konstruktsiy) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Prochnost' svarn. konstruktsiy. Moscow- Leni ng rad, Niashgiz, 1958, pp 5-14 ABSTRACT: IvIany technical specifications (TS) and standards (S) tend to mislead the designer in the matter of selection of means of improving the quality of weldments (W). 5 and TS IZ5-55 contain reduced values of fatigue resistance to be employed in the calculation of butt welds with finished surfaces even in the case of steel 3. In the case of W's operating tinder vibrational loads, butt welds with unfinished sur- faces should be employed instead of the J welds so as to ensure a smooth transition from the weld to the parent metal. It is demon- strated that the strength of the W's fabricated with convex welds is not governed by the relationship between the perpendicular legs of the welds. Analogous comments are made with regard to the Card 1/2 TS PIM-sv. 55 regulating the design and the manufacture of welded Ways of Improving the Quality of We'drnent5 SOV/1 37- 59- 3- `822 spans of railroad bridges. In examining and approving any TS or S, the asststance of leading specialists should be enrolled. Residual stresses are regarded as one of a number of factors responsible for a reduction in the carrying capacity of W:s fabricated from metals which in the course of their service had reached the brittle state. it is proposed that the strength of the W's be increased by nicans of pre- liminary loading at normal temperatures (test loading, hydraulic testing, loading during the initial period of the operation of the W's). Failure to take into account the conditions of actual operation of the W's leads to incorrect conclusions (e.g - recommendations made by G.A. Nikolayev and K. V. Bagryanskiy with regard to the technology of butt welding of 1-bearns). Distortion is regarded as another cause of a decrease in strength of structures due to a redistribution of stresses M T. Card 2/2 1351-56-4-14119 AUTHOR: Okerblom, N.O., Professor, Doctor of Technical 'Sciences TITLE: A Conference on Welding in the German Democratic. Republic (Xionferentsiya po v Germanskoy Demokraticheskoy Respublike) PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo, 1956, Nr 4, PP 40-42 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A conference on welded structures was hold at Hallc Alrom the 9th to Ilth October 1957. It was organized by the Palata tekhniki (Chamber of Engineering) and the Tsentrall- n7y institut svarochnoy.tekbniki Germanskoy Demokraticheskoy Respubliki (The Central Institute of Welding of the German Democratic Republic). About 1,000 participants were pre- sent, including delegatva from Bulgaria, Hungary, '~Fist Germany, Poland, Rumania, USSR, Czechoslovakia, Switzer- land, Yugoslavia and Japan. The Soviet delegation from the WTO mashinostroitellnoy promyshlennosti Sovetskogo Soyuza (Scientific-Technical Department of the Soviet Union Machi- ne-Building Industry) included the author of thin article. A.H. Shashkov, Candidate of Technical Sciences' and G.A. Card 1/3 Maslov, Dotsent. Professor G.A. Nikolayev, Doctor of 135-58-4-14/19 .A Conference on Welding in the German Democratic Repvblic Technical Sciences; B.S. Kasatkin, and V.V. Bazhenov, Candi- dates of Technical Sciences; were sent by other Soviet organi2ations. The introductory report vae delivered by State Secretary Tsisenis (Ministerstvo tyazhOlogo mashino- stroyaniya - Ministry of Heavy Ma6hine-Building). The Con- ference heard the following raports: Professor G.A. Nikolayev,on "Problems of Automation in Welding Processes"; B.S. Kasatkin,,on "Automatic Welding of Heat-Resistant Stools in Carbon Dioxide Gas Shields"; V.V. Bazhenov, on "Field.3 of Application and Technico-Economic Characteristics of Welding in Carbondioxide Gas Shields"; Doctor V. Gillde (Director of the Tsentrallnyy in'ot-itut svarochnoy tekhniki - TSIS - the Central Institute of Welding Engineering),on "Use of High-Strength in Welding Engineering"; V. Anders, (Technical Director of TSIS),on "Shrinkage in Girder Parts Welded Under Flux"; A. Neyman (Head of the Otdel 4-slledo- ,.Yaniy TSIIS - the TS11S Experimental Department),on "Strength and Endurance of Joints Wolded Under Flux and Their Calcu- lation"; R. Nyuller, Diploma-Engineer from Magdeburgon Card 2/3 "Influence of the Constructive Shape of Rachine Parts on 135-58-4-14/19 A Conference on Welding 'An the German Demccratic Republic Costs in Automatic Welding" Doctor-Engineer G. Bekker (TS11S Branch at Finsterwalle),on "New Investigations in the Metallurgy of Automatic Welding Under Flux"; F. Richter (Berlinskiy elektrodnyy zavod - the Berlin Elec- trode Plant), on "Highly EfficAent Electrodes in the German Democratic Republic"; Engineer Lakatos from Bratislavaon "Investigation of Gray Iron Cold Welding"; Profesi3or A. Matting from Hannover, on "Light Alloy Metal Structures"; Beme (TSIIS), on "Spot-Welded Jc4nts Under Dynamic Load and Their Computation". The third day of the conference vas devoted to visits to tho TSIS Laboratory and to the Leuna Flap'; at Merseburg, The Soviet delegates also visit- ed the Hohenturm Boiler Plant, the Bergmann-Borsig Plant in Berlin and the Berlin Electrode Plant. AVAILA13LE: Library of Congress CaTd 3/3 oxm"'al, ]?). 0. "On the Worl; nna SuE;Cgentlonn trzde hy a SWeially Or6~anlzcrl Temn (132-igsda) All-Un-lon Conference on Pro3pect:~ ana Trends of the Development u4l Ble-Arcc WeldIng Equipment In tbL- IZSB, from S,mrochnoye Proizvoztvo, 1~)5B, lir 6, PP 13 - 17. Leningrad 73ranch, NTO Mashprom) 135-58- AUT.10.;,3: Okerblom, B.O., Doctor of Technical Sciences,, 1~~rofe33or; -Fxyanishnikov, V.P., Candidate of 7echnical 3( ~iences; and bhykova, I.P.t Candidate of Technical Scioncen, DotBent. TITLLi -6-91-d-ing of .,uart-- Glass (Svarka kvartsevogo stekla) PhAHIODICAL: bvarw~hroye Proi-.vodstvo, 1958, Vir 6, Pp 30-35 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The artinle centains general informaticn on the behaviour of quartz Class during oxy-acetylene velding. Stresses caused by i~eldinr are computed and stress diaerams are shomn. An industriai welding oven, w1th gas-electric pre-heatin.- for cilindrical obje:?tjg meaeuring up to aOO mm in diameter and 1,1,00 mm high, -is described and illustrated. --eldin- tech- noloCzy 41o reoemmended. It is said that the residual, weldint; stresses in glass can be 2stimated b;E the Ceneral -;,eldinc; stre-9s and 3train theory for steel. L by N.O. Okerb1cm. :~ef. 22 and t~e heat prop,%gation theory of N.N. R~rkalin ZI-11 ez-.g wit)i adjustmonts ascording to the physical propert-es of quartz glass. There are 5 figures and 4 Soviet references. Library of Congren5 SOY-135-58-10-16/19 AUTHORS- -OkITZ110M 11,0, Doctor of Technical SoisncsB, Frofasecyt DemyantzeT,ich, V.P., and Petrov, G.L., Candidates of Tech- nical Sciences TI ME Problems of Electrode Standardization in Are Welding (H 7oprosu o st4ndartizatzil elektrodov dlya dugo-roy evarki) PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, 1958, Nr 10i py 40 - 42 (USSR) ABSTRAM With reference to an article published by A.A.TMV-din in a previous copy of this periodical, entitled "Principal Problems of Standardi2atiom ?or Ara-ValdinE Blectrodge", the authors present some principal and practictl observations dealing -with the classification and requirements of differ- ent electrode types. As an example, 4 tables containing approximate requirements of electrodes for welding differ- ant steel gradeat are included. There are 4 tables. ASSOCIATION3 LeninBradskiy yolitakhnicheskiy institut (Leningrad Poly- technical Institute) , 2. Arc welding-Zlectrodee 2. Zlectrodes--Standardliation card i/I SOV 11 ~ 5-59-12-1/17C AUTHORS: _0~~ of Technical Sciences, Professor, ]3aykovB, I.P., Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: Some Measures to Prevent Deformation in Crane Bridge "Nelding, and Their EffectivBness (Nakotoryya mery predotvrashcheniya daformatsiy pri svarke kranovykh mostov i ikh effektivnost') PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, 1958, Nr 12, pp 1-5 (USSR) ABSTRACT: For the purpose of determining the causes of deformation during various stages of welded crane bridge construction, com putations and messurings of deformations were compared and the obtained results were used to carry out theoretical ana- lyses on the development of such deformations. Engineers N.N. Krivenko and S.G. Sadoyan from the PTO Plant imeni S.L, Xirov participated in the organization and performance of the measuringB. On the basis of the analyses performed some variants of crane building technology were developed, eli- min3ting the existing deficiencies. Information is given on some general theories which can be applied to the construction of different welded structures, and are demonstrated on the Card 1/2 example of crane bridge production. The effect of the frame Some NeaBures to Prevent Deformation in Cranp Bridge I-Volding, and Their FffectiveneBn rigidity on deformations caused by -welding is analysed. In developing the technology of assembly and welding of compli.- cated structures the use of reverse bend and the rigidity of the frame must be adBpted according to the technological concli3sions obtainea. There are 3 graphs, 2 diagrams and 2 Soviet references, ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy politexhnicheskiy Anstitut imeni M.I. Kalinina (The Leningrad Polytechnical Institute Imani Mi.l. Kalinin) Card 212 olXkrMW -3*0.,-prof. A Inginearing conf arenas on dof ormtions In hial coxponents. Sudoetroonle 24 mo*8-80-81 Ac 158. ()ffn 11-. ID) ,(Hulls (Navel archi-tecture)-oongreasso) OKMIDM, N.O., doktor takhn. na-ak, prof. Ways vf Improving volded structures. JIzdJ IDNITO)USE 48:5-14 358- (Welding research) (MMUL 11:12) onnwm, 11.0. ~~ 'CalcuUting tho durability of volded structums considering mtresses occurring during velAing. Trud7 M no.199:26-47 '58. (MIRA 12:9) (Structural frames-Welding) (Straims aDd strooses) OmmkNR,NA"&,;X*=TCHxNKO, 7.5. Causa of "whIliker" cracks in weiasa 3)ipeiina joints vith tacidng, -rings. Trua7 IPI mo.199:75-B2 358. %* AM 12 -.9) (Pipellnes-Welding) (Deformations (Mechanics)) j iffi j I Iv, J4 i'14 Paz I 4344 17- i 50 a lly Aj 'I i. , urzm()H, N. 0. Zfficient industrial procoBB planning for the manufactwe of voidea structwes. ivtom. 9var. 13 no.8:9-23 Ig 160. (MIRk 13:8) 1. leningradski7 polIt9khnIcheBkV institut Izo X.I. lalinina. (Welding) (3fficisncry, InduBtrial) .AUTHOR: Okerblom, W.O. S/125 61 600/001/c01/016 A161YA133 TITL'Ej Expedient welded structure designs and mechanized welding processes PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya svarka, no. 1, 1961, 3-12 TEXT: The practice of welded structures fabrication is discussed end prac- tical recommendations are made in view of the continually increasirg appli- cation of welded structures in the country. Some Soviet designing organiza- tions are making the mistake not to take into account the welding technology and its effect on the metal properties. The author's recommendations are listed in the following. Basic standard rules Must be established both for the designers and technolOgiBtB, apart from organization measures.. The "ly- J, ing electrode method" suggested in the thirties by S.G. Sarafarov in the USSR and used in many countries must be employed for the welding of inaccess- ible jointB between sheets in members replacing cast structures; an example Of tSChniqUeB are the -welding apparatus of the Austrian "E'lin" worko for 'welding with lying electrode covered with a massive copper bar (Fig.1 c), or card 1 / & ~,, 22232 S/1 25/61/000/001/10r)i/o - 6 Expedient welded structure designs ... A16i/A133 the Hungarian version with a magnetic field pulling liquid metal into the corner and producing a smooth concave seam surface (the return conductor is s of the led through a bore in the clamping copper bar (Fig I d). Bent blank. kind as in.(Fig..2) can be used instead of the usual rolled angle bar with 'triangle plates welded on (in crane bridge trusses) to reduce the ,rolume of welded joints and to make possible the use of semi-automatic or autoriatic welders. Butt straps are not suitable for machine welding and butt joints with straps have been known for a long time as being inefficient, but they are still used -with railroad car ntructures for joining modern stamped carri- age elements. They could be avoided by a more expedient design of the stamp- ed'elements. Designers must consider that straightening of many structures, particularly of thin sheet, takes more work than welding, and fast automatic 'Welding can lose its sense. Welding deformation can be calculated in advance -without fabricating trial structures. One example is the simple structure shown in Fig.3 where the top side of the U-beam has to remain in the hori- zontal position, The best of the three possible joining ways shown trill not cause deformations. The vertical ribs are first welded to the horizontal sheet, which will not affect the U-beam, and when the U-beam is welded after- wards to the sheet and to the ribs, the bending effect of the horizontal seams will be compensated by the effect of the vertical seams. The condition Card 2/& 5__ S/125 61/'000/001/001/016 Expedient welded structure designs ... A161/A133 (in final form) for the stTaightness of the U-beam in -this case will be )L qn n2 -2 where ~X and ~V is a factor dependint on the heat behaviour of metal; (1, - the welding energy per weld length unit; z distance (in cm) from the weld cen- ter to the gravity center lines of the section; a - distance between o7oss melds in cm] :B - length of croBs weld, cm., If the _R_ ratio cannot be varied. the 4n value can, with relatively little change of the seam length on the ribs. The BtraightneBs of the U-beam can be achieved by varying the (linen-, sions and spacing of the ribs, The frequently practiced artificial means to prevent welding warping (fixation, inverse bending, idle weld seamn, etc.) were proved to be of little use at the LeringradBkiy zavod im. Kirova (Lenin.- grad Plant im.KiTov) vhere large dtforantionB resultedfrom welding "balco- nieB11 to the mair, crane bridge girders, which could not be eliminated by dis- tance pieces (the beams sagged to the inside of the frame when the diotance ribs -were removed) (Ref.4 and 5, I.P. Baykova et al, "Trudy LPI", flo.199, Mashgiz, 1958, and N.O. Okerblon and I.P. Baykova, "Svar.proizvodstvo, No.12, Card 3/1-&