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(- Bf: " ~- N ~ 1 i -' "'. , '; - A - method ef ~ - I 'a' " ': *^ * ec~!' -I a - !:e - ~- - - " - ~ -:j: ~LL : - ' *~ pre pa ra t ; ~: . r , i, r ~ ,~ . (- m . ! " r. , :1 : , ~! ~un-3. .. - - , :4 ~ : -~ - . , -1 H' F 'I ~a- , 't I - ~, -, i . " t . , I ~. I y rx- ~-,, ~~, f -- -- , - jri,4 F , ' r f: ~!,. , : u . ~-: -. . . 11 I?t-- frar , cT- I Ap loci. , I.,.-1. , " . 4., _I ' _, ~, I F:. n I ya ;,N ~-'- -j' * r-L. .1 . T.rj.,j t I t,.)~ ~,r~ ~.-p; ' - r ~ , - I . Y! - _EWT(m)/EWP(9 TJP(c)-.. JD/JP,. ACC NR: AP6003368 SOURCE CODE: UR/0363/66/002/061/0100/0104 AUTHOR: Obolonchik, V.A.; Lashkarev, G.V.; Dq_m!yancbuL_V,.0. 3f ORG: Institute of Materials Science Problems' of Sciences SSSR Qnstitut Academy problem iiatertiloiRre*a. AERemii nauk MR) TITLE: Preparation and some physteochemical properties of rare earth ~'xytellurfdes 27 2~ AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Neorganicheakiye materialy ~SOURCE: 0 V* 29 nk 1, 1966, 100-104 TOPIC TAGS; rare earth, telluride, lanthanum compound, cerium compound. praseadym-1: ium compound, neodymium. compound, samarium compound, gadolinium compound, dysprosium compound ABSTRACT: Ox*Uurides of stoichiometric composition corresponding to the formula M La, Ce, I M202Te (wheae f ?r, $d, Sm, Gd, Dy) were synthesized by reacting rare earth oxides ith tellurium vaporlrn a hydrogen atmosphere in graphite boats at temp4~ratures of 1000 - 1106C. ",rrhe.oxytellurides are unstable. Lanthanum, praseo-i dymium, neodymium, and samarium. oxytellurides are stable at elevated temperatures in air because of formation of a thin metal o)dde film on the surface. The electrical con- ductivity at room temperature and the temperature dependence of the thermal expansion UDC, 546.442124145:543.5 Card 1/2 EW1 (MMETC(E) 1EM(m) AM (t) /rz lip (C) RDWM ACC Nits AP6000688 364RC9 UODE. -:-'UR/0080/65/038/009/2100/2103 4" AUTHOR: Obol-anahLk. V. A*; Mikhlina, To Ms ORG: Institute kr- tbfi-Xroblam _gr Materials of the AN UkrSSR (inatitut problem asterialoved onlys. AN--UWSSRF--- TITLE: Lanthanum selanides and oxyselanides SOURCEt Zhurnal prikladno-y khimii, Y. 38, no. 9* 19650 2100-2103 TOPIC TAW--: selanideq selenium compound, lantbanum compound# chemical reaction, hydrogenation ABSTRACT: A series of experiments was made on the reaction of lanthanum ohlo-r-Ids and1bydrogqn selenlde* This metbod can be Illustrated by the ~t": following 64uatlons t MaC13 + 111.Se ~ L%S93 + SHC1. 2LaC1j+4H$Se LSS*#+GHCI+Ht. Hydrogen was syntbosIzedtrow "099 pure selenium In a quortx reactor . anil.'',wee. passed over lenthanum:powder,.at temperatures on the OC -drder'of 300-1200 Results of the reaction are shown In tabular form* uDc: -.546.654123-- LIPEd 1/2 L. 11148-66 ACC NR1 AP6000688 To obtain jonthanum diselanido,, the temperature was gradually Increased to. 75O.-80O.t and was hold at this level for 2hourse To obtain hydrogen sesquiselenide tbe:tempersture was raised to 1100-11500cond bald at 8 ev for, -2,5 hours,, To study the stability of Ls.239 and thi I ' al, 2 LapSajLp.snd-to..dbtain a phase with a lower content of seleniam, studies -were'aarried out on the hydrogenation of lanthanum sesquiselonides At tam f-350-,!380*tv there was.obtained a black product correspond- peraturet-o by* analysis to lgnthanum 'son Aselenide, This phase Is stable up to Ing qu a temperature or 550c; at higher temperatures (on the order of 900*) there'Is evolved the known brlok-colored lantbanum sesquiselanidee The dita' Indicate that lantbanum oxysolnide, L&202SG,, Is obtained In the reactio"'of lantbanum oxife with selenium In'sn Inert atmosphere at temperatures of 1100-1200t, The action of: hydrogen iselonide on lantban- do or.chloride at 700-8000cl2ade to the production of La So' um~oxj 2 while at temperatures of 1100-12001c It leads to the production oNan- tbanum sesquiselanids, La2Se 6 On beating,lantbanum sesquiselenide to 12000c1n a stream of bydrog;As the selenium content decreases to a 11mil tin&valuecorresponding to lanthanum zosqulselenldee OrIge art, has' .3 figurea'and 2 tables* S'UB.:CODBt 07/ SUBM DATE: 20Ju163/ ORIG R1W -001/ OTH P".- 003 2/ OBOLONCHIK, V-A-; RADMOVISKAYA, S.V.; BUKHANVICH, V.F. Studying niobium and tantalum sulfides. Porcsh,met. 5 0.11-.cJ-I,.4 N 165. (MIhA 18; 12) 1. Institut problem materialovedeniya 0, UkrSSR. Submitted May t , 1965. L 30386-66 EWT (m)/EYIF T I P ACC NR, A?6019663 SOURCE CODE: UR/0073/66/032/006/0567/01,72 A!7HOR: Obolonchik, V. A. Mikhlina, T. M. OFG: Institute of the Science of Materials,_AN Uk-rSS-R (Institut problem materialovedeniya AN UkrSSR) TITLE: Selenides of praseodymiuT~, neodymium, samarium, and europium SOURCE: Ukrainskiy khimicheskiy zhurnal, v. 32, no. 6, 1966, 567-572 TOPIC TAGS: selenide, praseodymium, neodymium, samarium, europium ABSTRACT: Polyselenides of praseodymium, neodymium and samarium of the Me2S4 type were prepared by reacting the respective metal oxides with hydrogen selenide at 750-800C. Sesquiselenides of these metals were prepared by similar reactions at 1100-1200C, or by thermal decomposition of the polyselenides in hydrogen or in an inert gas. The reaction of europium with hydrogen selenide at 1100C yielded europium monoselenide (EuSe); europium selenides with a higher selenium Content were not obtained. The preparative procedure of the selenides, their properties ' their stability in various media, and the preparation of compacted selenide specimens are describ-u In the source. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 3 tables. [B01 SUB CODE: 071 SUBM DATE: 03Dec64/ OTH REF: 005/ ATD PRESS: 7 E'gr Eo r P ACC NRt AP6028294 SOURCE CODE: UR/0363/66/002/006/0980/0983 AUTHOR& Dudniko Ye. M.; lashkarevy G. V.; Paderno,_ u. B~; Obolonchik, V. A. 1,,G1 Institute of Materials Scien,o Problems Academy of Sc~oncesx UkrS4R (Institut c problerd -riaterialovedeniya Akademii nauk L~&cr TITLE1 L%ermal expansion of rare earth 9halcogenides SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Noorgalhoskiya materialy, v. 2, no. 6, 1966, 980-983 TOPIC TAGSt thermal expansiong selenido, tol-luridev rare earth compound ABSTRACT: The temperature dopendence of the relative elongation of EuS, 13US6, La2503, C02SQ3, Pr23031 Nd2SO3, NdZ3031 SM26 S031 Fjm2j-l 1 Pr202To and Sm2O2Te was studied in tho range from room tomporaturo to 600 K. The m6autiroments were made with a quartz dila- topieter. In DaDGing from the rare earth metals to their compounds with an Ionic-cova- lent bond character$ the thermal expansion coefficient a increases (With the exception o fGuropium), apparently because of an increased anhannonicity of the thermal ribra- tions of the crystal lattice. Zip vaj-~,o of ri of the chalcogenides increases In tho rare earth series and in passing from sulfides to solanides; this is also due to in- croased anharmont city. The a valuos of ovrtel-luridos are Intermediate between those of oxides and sesquisulfides. From the a values, the Dbbye tomporatures 0 of the com.- pounds were calculated and found to decrease withincreasing atomic number of the rare earth natal (arcept in the case of samarium). The melting points of the nosquisele- !Lqa~d 1/2 UDC 1 546.6.51/-659'851 452~--' ~1-- --- .. - I t 5~ ACC NR: AP6028294 nides were also estimated from the a values. Authors express their appreciation to - M. I __q, L anclIlk for aosiatanco In the proparation of tho compact T AUJJ~nL and V_t 'bmly bamplos Rnd for performing cherjAcal analy8os of tho rare earth chalcogenides, and also !to S, V. Radzik aZa and Ye, -ing out the chemical analysis of ___MEL Loonova for carry .pyrite and for assistance in tha'-~]Opar~tion of SM~~ and BuS samples. Orig. art. hast 4 tables and 3 formulas. SUB CODES 07,20/ SUM DATES 29jun65/ OJUG M.~F't 017/ OTH REFS 005 Card 2/2 ACC NR- AP6009569 SOURCE CODE: UR/0226/65/000/011/0005/0014 %UT11OR; Oboionchik V A - Radzikovskaya, S. V.; Bukhanevich, V. F. ORG: Listitute for the Study of Materials. AN UkrSSR (Institut problem meterialovedeniya AN UIUSSR) ILI" TIT LE: Study of the sulfides of niobium and tantalum SOURCE: Poroshkovaya metallurgiya, no. 11, 1965, 9-14 TOPIC TAGS: sulfide, hydrogen sulfide, niobium. tantalum. ox ation, CT~5~G-l ~CL*%-Ce- A13STRACT: The interaction between Nb and Ta metal powde s and H2S was investigated witIA ' the aid of the setup shown in Fig. 1, in the presence of a hydrogen flow rate of 0. 2 liter/mln_~ Following purification to remove oxygen, a current of hydrogen is passed over molten sulfur in reactor 4 where it interacts with S vapors so as to form H2S which then proceeds to qua4~. reactor 5 which contains a porcelain boat with the suspension of Nb or Ta. The resulting ;., (1NbS1 6at 1000-130011C, TaS 2 at 1400T) sulfide is then cooled in a H25 current and analyzed for dt~ content of metal and total and free sulfur. NbS1 6 is a black-colored powder which does not decompose in air. Radiographic examination show;N that the lattice parameters of NbSl. 1/3 NRs AP6009569 1 2 91 1-1g. 1. Diagram of setup for sulfide synthesis I - heated tube with platinized asbestos; 2 - Tishchenko flask with cone. H2SO4; H2S synthesis; 5 - reactor for sulfide syn- 3 P?05-filled column; 4 - reactor for thesis; 6 - Tishcheako flask with 15-20% NaOH (for absorption of excess If 2S) are. a 3.336 1 and c = 17.82 'A. Its pycnometric density. as determincd in toluene, was 5.9 g/cm3 against the calculated 6. 0 g/cm3. For TaS2 the lattice parameters are: a = 3.37 A and c = 5. 89 A and the pycnometric density, 7. 10 g/c~O in toluene (against the calculated 2/3 ACC NR- AP6009569 7.16 -/ciii3). TaS is a black-colored powder with a greenish tinge, which also does not de- t, F3 Compose in air. ~Ic resistance of both sulfides to various aggressive media (11CI, H2S041 HNO 31 113 PO4, NaOli (40% and 10%), 11202, 112 0, bromine water) on heating for I hr was investigated. Fin dings- NbS 1 6 and TaS, 2 are completely resistant to boiling in water but to- Lally decompose in solutions of oxidizing agents: conc. H 2s0 4, dil. HN03, and 11202' In addition theoxidizability of NbS 1.6 and TaS 2 on heating in a current of .02 (200 ml/min) was investigated as a function of time. It was found that both sulfides are resistant to 02 at up to 300*C; beyond this temperature both sulfides begin to oxidize and rele4se SO 2' NbS10 6 gets completely oxidized at 400*C and TaS 2, at 500*C; the final products are Nb 205 or Ta 205 (depending on the sulfide concerned) and S02' Orig. art. has: 6 tablas, 3 figures. SUB CODE: 07, 20/ SUBM DATE: 07May65/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF: 006 -~6 3/3 ACC NR, A14601T555 Monograph Obolonchik.-Vasiliy Andreyevich; Lashkarev, Georgiy Vadimovich UR/ Selenides and tellurides of rare-earth metals and actinides (Selenidy i, telluridy redkozemel'nykh metallov i aktinoidov) Kiev, Naukova dumka.' 1966. 161 p. illus., biblio. (At head of title: Akademiya nauk Ukrainskoy SSR. Institut problem materialovedeniya) 1500 copies printed. TOPIC TAGS: selenide, telluride, rare earth metal, actinide series, lanthanide series. inorganic synthesis, chemical detection, quantitative analysis, semiconductor research PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This monograph attempts a systematic review of Soviet and Western research on selenides and tellurides of the rare-earth metals and actinides for the benefit of the engineers, technicians, and scientists working in the field of research and application of rare-earth metals and actinides. An up-to-date collection of research data, mostly Western, was systematically pre-, sented in this monograph. The data concern crystal strucLare, physical and chemical properties, methods of preparation and chemi- cal analysis of aelenides and tellurides of rare-earth metals and actinides (uranium and thorium). A general evaluation of the data presented was made in the foreword. The Soviet scientists, V. P. I APC NR, Am6017555 Zhuze, V. M. Sergeyeva, and A. V. Golubkov from Leningrad, N. F. Luzhnaya, V. I. Spitsyn, and Ye. I. Yarembash from Moscow, and G. V. Samsonov and S. V. Radzikovakaya from Kiev are considered to be the chief contributors to the research on preparation and properties of the rare earth metal chalcogenidea. The possibility of the applica- tion of these compounds in high-temperature semiconductor elec- tronice is stressed in the foreword. Included in the monograph are the most recent (1965) contributions by the authors to knowledge of physical and chemical properties dnd to preparation of certain selenides and oxytellurides of rare-earth metals. Chapters I, III, IV, V, and VII were written by V. A. Obolonchik, II and V1 by G. V. Lashkarev. Thanks are expressed to A. M. Golub, professor, PhD in chemistry, and to Yu. B. Paderno, Candidate of Technical Sciences. There are 121 references, including about 30% Communist :ources. TAB E-OF CONTENTS: Foreword -- 3 Ch. 1. Selenium, tellurium, and their compounds -- 5 Ch. II. Crystal structure and physical properties of selenides and tellurides of rare-earth metals and actinides*-- 18 Ch. III, Chemical properties 'of selenides and tellurides of rare-earth '__g_qEd 2 / 3 ~ ~_NR: -A m 6 b Y -7-5 ~_5 metals and actinides -- 106 Cho IV. Methods of preparation of selenides and tellurides of rare- earth metals and actinides -- 1:13 Ch. V. Preparation of aelenides and tellurides of rare-earth metals and actinidea -- 120 Ch. VI. Methods of detection and chemical analysis of selenides and tellurides -_ 141 Ch. VII. Practical methods of quantitative analysis of selenides and tellurides -_ 148 Ch. VIII. Potential applications of chalcogenides of RE metals and actinides -- 153 Ch. IX. Data on accident prevention in the work with selenium, tellurium, and their compounds -- 155 SUB CODE: OT, l1/ SUBH DATEt 23Feb66/ ORIG REFt 034/ OTH REFs 087! Card OBOIJO nzh. ~, , I-VIYA-44"" -jj~. , ,- - - Automobile repair ahops of province automobile trusts. Avt.transp. 36 no.8:27-28 Ag '58. (KII.RA 11:9) (AutomDbilea-Manintenance and repair) OBOLONIN, A., inzh. Installation of pile foundations in winter. Zhil. stroi. no.6: 28-29 163. (MIRA 16:10) C)jb,%D,4A4//V, A.-z-- DOROGIN. P.Ya.: OBOWNIN, A.I. - - "', 7 - -,.,: : Standard guardrail for mast hoists. Sbor.mat.o nov.tekh.v strol, 16 no.3:14-15 154. (KT.,RA 7!_0 (Hoisting machinery--Safety appliances) OBOLONIN, ~A.I. Installing reinforced concrete water cotduits in quicksand under conditions of lowered ground water level. Vod.i san.tekh. no.l: 36-37 Ja 16o. (MIRA 13:4) (Rubteovsk--Water-suppl.v engineering) OBOLONIN, A.I., dotsent Analysis of causes of the collapse of precast cornices and frontons completed on previously frozen concrete. Sbor. nauch. trud. TISI 8:89-94 '61. (MIRA 15-1) 1. Tomskiy inzhenerno-stroitel'nyy institut, kafedra "Stroitel'noye proizvodstvoll. (Architecture--Details) (Precast concrete construction) GIMXMIIK. L.1.; PASHCHIM, N.I.; OB010HUTA, A.I. Irfect of tuberculostptic prenarat long on the vitamin C level in pulnonary tuberculosis. Sov. med. 23 n0-5:76-81 My 159. (MIRA 12:7) 1. 1z otdela khimioterapit (zav. - prof. G. N. Pershin.) Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellakogo khimiko-farmateevticheakogo instituta Iment S. Ordzhonikidze 1. Imfedry tubarkuleza (zav. - prof. I.Te. Kochnova) 11 Maskovskago goandarstvennogo rieditainakogo instituta. iment, N. 1. Pirogova. (TUBERCULMIS, PUIXOILM, ther. tuberculostatice, off. on vitamin C metab. (Rug)) (VITAMIN C, metab. in pulm. tubere., off. of tuberaulostatice (Rua)) QBQLQNIN,.,,Aleksey Ivanovich, drts.; KASIT5YNA, K.N., Inzh., nauchn. red. [Settingg pile foundations under large-panel apartment houses in winter time; practiceo oi trusts of the Vain Siberian Construction Administration] Ustrolstvo s-vai- nykh fundamentov pod krupnopanelInye doma v zimnee vremia; OPYt trestov Glavzapsibstroia. l,'oskva, Stroiizdat 1965 29 p. (MuA 1A:11) CHIZHOT, D.G.i KOGTSV. G. I.; LAVUHANK0, K.D.; SPIRIN, S.A.; UNKRASOV. A.M.; IVANOV, M.I.; UFATXV, M.Ya.; GRISHIN. I.K.; KOSTIN. POPOV. V.A.; ZAGGRODNIKOV. P.I.; MO`r0V. P.N.; KAZIM11J. A.V.; FOHICHEY, G.I.; MSHOV. P.I.; KESHCHRRYAKOV, V.I.; YRYUMOV, S.G.; LEVIN, I.S.; LXTUCHXV, L.I.; BRUIN, M.N.; OBOLORKOV. M.I.: BATININ, B.A.; BURIYANOV, B.P.; KANATOV, P.I.: kOKORAV, S.V. Hikolat Alekseevich Andreev. Kek. sta. 27 no.10.62 0 '56. (Andreev. Nikolai Alakseavich, 189?-1956) (MLFLA 9:12) L OBOLCUM, V.K.; PLYROVICH, V.H.. SMANOV, Yu.A. e"'Out'r,alizing the deatructi7e action of chromium in wr(ra,-,ht iron by using ferrotitantura and alumlram -!a modlfYing ngents. 7rud,7 SHTO MVTU no.1:67-75 '57. (MIR.A 10: 9) (Iroa-c)iromium-forrotitanium-oluminum n1loys) (Iron alloys-Met9liargy) 4~U.J/4-;Qe aflVAhAWa 11 the Ubrhn.Aw 'effect of IMM-MA, "got fren (,-I mmuy rig d-" rmnsidembly .11e graphllt_~.mdo~A,f Rtw~r ~nd w4kcs Lnq~sibh~ a cruua Ulickex Z-hpn ff~-) ', Lmu J'Cic drUinirliud PITect ot Cr c2u. be l;'elauRii?&d by madil-Ang themst imp by menat d AAd"% _mj At rt-sr r~ tA ~Vrt~x_,T WWMY (tull hu tht Wttze R%v T6j-.6wd of 0,01170 To or Bi. wbkh~ did -tint L, y6et- upo -a th WL-at;lan of the mareablo cav irm dming anneAil."^tbe 2 modifim prdew-tow N g;-~n tv) Al airZFIT~m tfficiml Ehav I ig ;~hrjv~,l ~,Imr 0 Lll;- qk,.- ~,l I lwel. dl~ it, 0(30~_(45KRYR, -OWNS 1.194L n* (OWAW-16 b416 b4, VOL GGLOPUYA.6 Ir. A, Ai.m' hhrm (J- Applied 4 Z4~ I 1i V, I PU I, Vi'10,tt"n of I""Iti'll mill'11, tilo'l ( I '~ 111:11111 :md -1, 1 ""*' I I '( I , " it I, (_ I I: " t 11. -',11- . ; K( M [ -:it it% t 11, 7.', hi I;jj~ -, .; :-4 ~%V p,C,j,j,Ij_ . a naMIN, .& fil,row. ptod,wt ,, ,, .1 r . ......... . OLAi-sol, . IIIIAIV'till- I h, I-ifle, allcr ptitificanoil tllroij~jj I- -1~i) rx(II. . failrd In shms airy Ili,,, of AcH npoit .:cid Owrvas I IIIIr filaoti, jmuji,cl, f:;i,c 1,-- fliall flit- '\]"'A'd pmdm i -rv,poml, bl, I,, il% -I, I,, stittilloll, i c of I 11ml C,11' I", i:lw-V alld Was ohlaimed timitr the mild,r c-plitioll, 'I~ 've-11 as UJI, I~ T ( 11 . .... itv 'fraitic WIV, I"ll'. Illf"I d, "t" comfi- tiolis ( 10~"' Koll, T? III tv'u-tioll) g~tvr xilich , if tr--fill,iii %%illi I[.('. (-w1. flit(, (blAing. .:if(( mik-ing f1w Liftrr wi~ ;i fit hill of -Jdi, ,F .; iiv,k CAf- pcr 2 vim.-V jimis,ntly fit, pr-lm I, .,I, if,,? vniv) vilivrshut hohir r(.tcii,m pumhut-if Iliem. iuch i-criak r,hros-chain Ivoc K. SFASSKIYq S'.S.j OBOWNSKAYAp N.A.j YUGTN, V.I.; GINZBURG9 S.B.; TAGILITSEVA, U.S. Plasticizers for nitrile rubbers based on polymester resins. Trudy Inst. khim. UFAN SSSR no.3.*33-42 159. 1 (MI'RA 14:3) (Plasticizers) (Rubber, Synthetic) 0.- Ir OBOLONSK.IY, A.P. [Obolona'kyi. O.P.1; DFKRTYAMKO, P.I. Tranalatorized low-power aervooyatem. Avtount7im n0-3:38-45 160- (141RA 13:10) 1. Institut elektrotekhniki AN USSR. (Servomechanisms) OBOLDVSKIY, A.P. [Obolonalkyi, O.P.) Problemscon~,6ining the use of power transistors. Avtomatyka no- 5:60-65 160* (MIM 14:4) 1. Institut elektrotekhniki AN USSR, Kiyev. (Transistor amplifiers) OBOLONSKIY, A.PO (Obolonallwi, O.P.) (Kiyev) Boiler furrace &a an object of optimalizing control. no,3:56-63 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. H4bota vypolnena v laboratorii avtomatichaskogo regullrovaniya Instituta alektrotakhniki AN USSR. (Furnacea) (Automtic control) .1 OBOLONSKIT. M., inzh. (Khar'kov) A textbook on organizing streetcar and trolley-bus transportation. Zhil.-kon. khos. 8 no.12:28 158. (MIRA 13:1) (streetcars) (Trolley buses) KIUY. P.I. (stantsiya Moskalanki); XOMMOT, Jj.P.IP Inzh. (Yovosibirsk); ,SHAKHBAIAYIIT, K.A.. dorozhny7 =star;_AMIQIONSKIII,,P.. inzh.; BARTAW, Toy@; WEDIWA, A4,M,, tekhnIk (stantelym Belev); STAROVOTT = 0, S.P. Ietters to the editor. Pat' i put. khoz. w.6:42-44 is 158. (MIRA 1116) 1' Nachallnik putevoy mashinuoy stantsil ID.22 (for Kirey). 2. Stan- t;iya Zenzall OrdzhonIk1dzevSko7 dorogi (for Shakhbalayev). 3. Stan- tal7a Ia7ga Peohornko7 dorogi (for Obolonekly). 4. Vachallnik izyskELtallsko7 partli. stantsiya Taminovataya (for Bartash). 5. Be- levelmqa distantelya Moskovsko-Kiyevelcoy dorogI (for Sukhanova). 6. Zamsgtitell nachallulks, sluzhby puti Yugo-Tostochnoy dorogi, Voronezh (for ftarovo7teuko). (Railroads-Maintenance and repair) 102/~' 1000/003/005/006 AUTHORSs Obolonslk yy,_2", Dekhtyarenko, P. J_. TITLZs Low-Power Servosystem With Transistors PERIODICAL; Avtomatika, 1960, No. 3, pp. 38-45 TEXTt This article gives a description of a designed low-power servosystem with transistors workinC on a raised frequency with an internal generator and transistors. The question is a single- channeled scheme consistin6 of a modulator, an amplifier, a two- phase asynchronous motor, a reducer, a potentiometer bridge and of an RC-filter. The modulator (figure 2) is a reversible two- stroke key-scheme witin, tile two transistors PI D with a low nois,. level. At tile output Tr 1 the rectanoular impulses are sm,othed by the condenser C 2' An experimental study of the servosystem showed that the most effective evaluation of the servosy,,,,tem, trued up to transient responses with extremely little overcorrection is the servc error. The servo errors of the system with transistors do riot exeed til~ose of similar 9~stems v-.ith electronic tubeL within an am'U'ient tum~ert_- ture range of + 60 0C to - 2~)0C. Card 1/3 8h28h S/102/60/000/003/005/006 C 111/ C 333 Low-Power Servosystem With Transistors There are 6 fie-ures, 1 table, and 7 reforences: 5 Soviet arid 2 Ameri- can. ASSOCIATION; Instytut elektrotekhniki j1,N URSR (Institute of Electrical Engineering AS Ukr SSR) SUBMITTED: March 2, 1960 Card 2/3 o w -Power 9ervosystem With 8428L transistors _11/ ' 333 am 1714 pi C, rp, C. lip 1101 (a Card 313 PHc. 2. npmfuHniantma CXCMS CJIIAKYI()IiOi CliCTeMil. 0 10/0: ~;''00L 0 D'71 0 AUTHOR: O-bolonslkyy, Q, p_. (Kiyev' TITLE,- Some IjUe,,;tions of tile LISe )f ~',wer 11r,.odes- PERIODICAL7 Avtomatyka, no, ~, 11960, 60-6~- TEXT: The aL~thor states th~i- ~-.!,~:ough power ampl'fiers -..r. line triodes have many ddvanViges, they ,--ive thod of ellminating the faults, and emu; :)ying power ~ricdes :,onvertcr~; ",~,r the feed of --untrol systems cf 'n--L-n I Z3 q--ency is discussed. On the basis of th-'-- work of O~ A~ V. Ya. Vaksenburg, L. A. Petrov, Ye S. Saltikova and M-M. valcv Ref "Sovetskoye radio". n.-,,, 2- , 19-7) t'le errcr -ir- Fz:n-* in the use of a D-regime is ~-onsidi~red, Improved ven, including a s.-,eme for sriaping impulses of Use of a raised frequency generator is '--~nsidered (up t~-- '000 for the feed of the system. This redu--es the d-imensionE: -f ttie a~- paratus considerably. Cir-uit diagrams and detalls :;f the v,ilvez- Card 112 S 0 2,1' 6 G/ 0 U-- 1/0 0 3ome que,,~tionb of D 3 0 employed are given. There are ~ figures and 5 rel"erences: b' cc ~!nd 1 non-Sov iet-hlo-L . The referen-e t o t h e Br. g I i s h1 6 pub'a-ation reads ~is ' R~ L, Br-~ght . Junrt.,on "iSel ~iq -,,.trhes, Tr,,n~-z, AIEV -- .1 , -~q - . P, P. A 3 30" A'--O 10% lt~~ Y AN, ;j'< - R--e e 'U S L-) a 'a d 2 /2 ODOLG:.SKIY, SX.- - - ~a .. r, s~-In--' dnate shortcon-4-i. s cl' n.,-tri- -ixinr ' C'ii:-, r. 11 no.2:61-62 F 161. (. --. ~11 1. Inotruktor :d-. metodov truda Ta3likento';o,, , --*c- vatcll~;koy stantoii Orgtransstroyr.. (V,ixin-l- :.aciim-.ry) .OBOL YJKVIA, a. A.; i',*; ~ . ' . , 11-f-, -- : :,, . .. I 7'~rurovfzrf, x. T3.; ~Mtrletlc ~;tu.!" r F. F YI i 7- V i DOWi0ts efrectu la-the ch-v,mkv No, Norvars i "q, . "~ T_ A. F, and Obal, alanv*~'.- hi jVa gxt -re Q94- 4, NO ua of thr wet (if photographic MM3 dependg more cm diffusion than ou chezu, iteps. The thicker the emuWan dcpavfted on the film, the doner the proem kinetics reoetab)e part diffusLon, The diguaiun thrOU& the Interface liquid layer Muences the rateg o! -reaction. "tation will, thert(Te inin~- Tht-effeet= diffpTan-6 it led uthe act layer da&ea~ vilth is Ahk4mcp~ pf 14P ernulsloll 6-s" BLYU14BMG. 1.B.; NOVATSICATA, T.A.; OBOLOYANIMOVA. N.A. Determining the coefficient of diffusion of slectrol7tes In gelatin gels. Trudy LIXI no. 5:200-209 159. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Kafedra. obshchey fotografii I takhnologil obrabotki plenki Leningradskogo, instituta. kinoinzhenerov. (Photographic emulsions) (Diffusion) 3 5 L t C, r L d i C h 10 r C, c~ an L:-,d Z, r's c v 3 cc~ s 'LY a s u r,? i r, t r O~-:-d 1/3 c C. c r r Z; s an C, t 1-1 n e re f c t i s -41 Z, s n or-hc,- u Z; ~j S E; d 0 V L~ n t G d C; I rc,.~ Z; 3 --20 OL to ZO 30 0-09p6-, "acb, HKOYTH", A.Ya.; LAZAUVA, 14.p.. OBOL~X"JNUVA, N.A.4 POPOVA, G.a. f __-- Relation between the structure, stabilizing acti:I-n, and tood-city aLf the condensati,n products of phenol with styrene. Flast,maBsy n-.4-11~~-22 163. 0,111A it, 14) (Phenol condenBation products) (Styrene) ACCESSION NR: S/0191/64/000/002/0037/00.*:9 AUTHORS: Matvayeva, Ye. N.; Kirpichnikov, P. A.; Kremen', X. Z.; Pbol'yaninova, N. A.; Lazareva, N. P.; Popova, L. M. TITLE: Alk-ylaryl esters of pyrocatechin pho'sphorous acid - ncw stabilizers of polymers SOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy*, no. 2, 1964, 37-39 TOPIC TAGS: pyrocatechin phosphorous acid, stabilizer, polymcr, 4- (p