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OBWVATSKIT, Fador Takoylevich; LYUMOV, B.P., red.; STARCHAKOVA, I.I., X. [Nature of Soviet trade. System and organization of planning Soviet trade. Retail turnover of goods and its planning; text- book for students attending schools on Soviet trade] Sushchnost' sovetskoi torgovli, sistems i organizataiia plauirovaniia so- vetskoi torgovli, roznichnyi tavarooborot i ego planirovanie; posobie dlia uchashchikhais tekhnikumov sovetskoi torgovli. Koskva. Gas.izd-vo torgovoi lit-r7. No-3. 1959. 75 P. (KIRA 12:11) (Russia--Commarce) OBLOVATSKIT. F. More attention to the theorY of Soviet trade. Sov.torg. 33 no.2:48-50 F 160. 1 (KIRA 13:5) (RUgqj&--GOmmsrce) OBLOVATSKIY F kand.ekonomicheskikh nauk Work of wholesale trade should be Fubordinated to the interests of retail trade. Sov. torg. 34 no.8:20-25 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:8) (Wholesale trade) GRIGORIYA111 GIs.$ dots-I dots.' VASIL'YER S.S., dots. d t - MLIKOVt ".2 dotsq~ LAMITS, KISTM()v9YeL.A." Co 0.) lot. PIROGOIrt dot-,.; jda~eagadj,' 0BWVAT�~-F'-"-" 4 LOV, A-I-Y prof t-S---T'uR-na 1j'A'q dots.:', FEY, POPM Aj:, do tekhn. red. 10 , -red. - EL STARCHAKOVA, Ir vjj. Red. kollcgiia; mercel '9kOn()T-3Ikn torgo :)vr)ckvti (jk)s- (Ekonomics Of 00 G S Mc L, y - GrigOT'ian,, wmu 1.): Vasil'O'q,, S,S'.' 721 P. torgizdavD 1962. (Comerce) GBIfVATSKIII?Y~Oekonau.nauk,, doteent Lot's improve.the Planning of financial indi;es, Sovo torg, 35 4o*9.* 10-13 3 162, (Retail-trade-Finance) (HIRA 16:2) OBLOVATSKIY Q~G--*--- Using vibratory bankers for feeding camterless grinding machines. Avt.prom. 27 no.10:42-43 0 161. (MIRA 14:10) (Feed mechanisms) GBLO ',IIEIIK(),.11,,V, ; G,-WDBWi, 1, T, V.V~ Preparation -if 7- (3 -g-il--~- --, p~c-no;(yphonyl'-3-btearoylazino-I .0 ~+ 14 .11- p~Ta,,, ol one . Zhur pr 3-kl , kb-im ~ 3 5 no, 'i -- 11159- 1161 My 162. (,,'JRA 15: 5) 1, Lksperimen-t~-ayy k-rasiteley i Moskovskly go,g,Luiax,,,3.t-qerL-iyy universitet~ EXCERPTA MEDICA See 8 Vol 1216 N4urology June 59 2867. POSTOPERATIVE RESULTS IN THE TREATMENT OF THE CERF-BRAL TLIBERCULOMA - Rezultate operatorii in tratamentul tuberculomilul cerebral - 0 b I u N Rusu M. and Stanclu A. Spit. de Neuropsit,.tat. Serv. de REV. AIED. -CIIIR. IA�I 1057, 61/ 3 (635-6421 Results of radical neurosurgicai cure associated with streptomycin, PAS and iso. niazid in 10 cases of cerebral tuberculoma: 2 deaths, 8 cures. wim minimal sequelae. The duration of the post-operative follow-up period varied from 6 months to 5 yr. Gaetan - Bucharest (Vill. 15) .0 *F','KC7-'.011PTA 17DICA Sec 12 Vol 13/12 On'hthalrnlory Df- .c 1862. OPERATIVE RESULTS IN OPTO-CHIASMATIC ARACHNOIDITLS - Retultate operatorii Tn arahnoidita opto-chiasmaticA 0 b 1 u N. and R u s u M. Spit. de Neuropsthiat.. Serv. de Neurochir., La�i RTV-.ME . -CfUR. lA�I 1958. 62/3 (535-541) Mus.2 A report is given of 3 cases operated upon for apto-chiasmatic arachnotditia: 2 were cases of sequelae of tuberculous meningitis treated with antibiotics. one came was of menUtgo-encephalitic origin. In addition to the ocular symptomatology 2 cases showed a minor inAwdibulo-hypophyseal symptomatology and psychic perturbations of the frontal type. The operation improved vision in all 3 cases, in 2 of them, the vtsual field even became almost normal again. Seitan - Oragul Stalin (VM. 12) T. Its- A Tv r the ucn.~i~,icro, val of van-,i,2,-l ro wi th Fir opy ri r Sll.ezskELYap va) Vibration of linear nonholonomic systems near the state of a steady motion. Izv.AIJ SSSR.Otd.tekh.nauk.MekhJ mashinostr. no.5:84-89 S-0 I 1q. (MIRA 14:9) (Vibration) OMNIN, V.0. The EPM automatic densitcmeter c - r-r,,4 -ne -lens:.ty cf' rrJacelia. Biul.tekh.ekon. inf orm.Gafi. nauc h.. - !~,iii t. nail ~h. I t-ekh.lnform. I" no.10: 77-79 0 064. (14-TRA 1814" DERYABIN, Viktor Mikhaylovich; 0114ENINA, V.A. red.; PAKAROVA, N.F.9 tekbnored. (International system of units in a smwndary school pbysics course) Mezhdunarodnaia sistema edinits v kurse fiziki srednei shkoly. Moskva, Uchpedgiz, 1963. 109 P. (MIRA 17:2) ~j J I OBMD~K,I, Z- cl- Fialowie -.a,,i. zil za Ifol. 'r, Accessi r-S i-Lst o. iro J-~L or-IfINIFFI, Z. "Siocencza lasu" (Porest. biocenosis), by ?. Obminski. Fecorted in New Books Nowe Ksiazki ) ) M- . 1 , , jurit- 15, 1956. f- I.S OBY-1- Fit Z. Application of short-range observations in ecologic and climatologic researches in forestry. p. 55. GOSFODARKA Z802,OWA. Vol. 99, go. 1, Jon/Feb 1956. Warszawa. East European Accessions List MIAL) Library of Congress Vol. 5, No. U, August 1956. OBH1HM.--Z2- ORIDS, H. Methods of evaluating the ecologic function of fungi in a forest environment. p. 103 SMAN. (Wydzial Nauk Rolniczych i Lesnyth Polskiej Akademii Nauk i Polskie Towarzyntwo Lesne) Warszawa, Poland (journal an forestry issued by the Section of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences; and the Polish Society of Forestry; with English and Russian summaries. Includes supglements,- Biuletyn. Instytutu Badawczego Lesnictwa bulletin of the Forest Research institute, Biuletyn Instytutu Technologii Drawnst, bulletin of the Institute of Wood Technology; Prreglad DakumentaSyjny Drzewnictwa, documentation of the Institute of WwA Technology; and Preaeglad Dokumentacyjny UsnLctwa, documentatLon of the Forest Research Institute. MonthlyT Vol. 161, no. 3, Mar. 1957 Monthly List of East European Accexsions Index (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, no, 6, June 1959 Uncl. ODMINSKI, 2F. A pr.oper view of the role of the HLehurin school in biological sciences. p. I SYLWAN. (WydxLal Nauk RoInLczych i Leanych Polskiej AkadeaLL Hauk i Polskie Towarzystwo Usne) Wavszawa, Poland (Journal on forestry issued by the Section of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences; and the Polish Society of Forestry; with English and Russian summaries. Includes supplements BLuletyn lusty-tlutu Badavezago LespLetva bulletin of the Forest Research institute; Bluletyp Instz!utu chnolog L Drawn&. bulletin of the Institute of Wood Technology; Przaglad Dakumentac yjay OrsewnLctwa, documentation of the Institute of Wood Technology; and Prezeglad Dokumentacijn_v Lesnictwa, documentation of the Forest Research Institute. nthly) Vol. 101, no. 4, Apr. 1957 Monthly List of East European Accessions Index (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 6, June 1959 Uncl. OBMINSKI, Z. Forest Research Institute In-the face of new tasks. p. 61 SYTNAK. (Wydzial Nauk Rolniczych I Lesnych Polskiej Akadevii Nauk i Polskie Towarzystwo Lesne) Warszawa, Poland (Journal on forestry issued by the Section of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences; and the Polish Society of Forestry; with English and Russian summaries. Includes supplements; siuletyn InstytuturBadawcaego Lesnictwa, bulletin of the Forest Research Institute; Biuletyn Instytutu Technologii Drewna, bulletin of the Institute of'Wood Technology; Przeglad Dokument!Ujny Drzewnictwa ;documentation of the Institute of Wood Technology; and Prexaglad Ookumntacyjny Lesnictwa, documentation of the Forest Research Institute. Monthly) Vol. 101, &b. 4, Apr. 1957 Monthly List of East European Aecesiions Index MAI), LC, Vol. 8, no. 6, June 1959 Uncl. OBMINSKIYJ K.If, prepodavatell Bee and ita products in the life of man. Uch. zap. Kab.-Balk. goo. -m. no.12:159-165 162. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Kafedre. zootekhnii Kabardino-Balkarokogo gosudarstvannogo universiteta. (Bees) OBK)K' T~R. Biological method In S=-y Province, Zaahch. rast. ot vred. I bol. 9 no.8,,17 '64, (MIRA 17-,12) 1. Zaveduyushc~e;a Sumakoy oblastnoy biologicheskoy laboratorlyey, g. Romny, Sumakoy oblasti. bmorAev, A. W. 'InveAlgatiou of phase trajectones 4t infmity. Akad. Nauk &S6R. Priki, 390 (19501 (Rusman j Thr Pninr-jr(- system I I I ftx/dt - P(x, Y), dy/di - Q! x, A :S f,--r I-imit-Cw-Ir jf infinak in. the follow- a 4"Mi. 5 it" Aj, 1, Mwiqn- P(I - P~1'1 COR 0. 1al (1) to (2) -th 4,; It anafvrir and not d; Me b I p- infinity ig now imaged y ---into -C, thp- circle of radiiji one. If k KO an C and in > 0, L Ii". fMfnkvinl~ equ.1tic.'I derived 111,111 OIr t,wpf-~: .:1 W- vii0v,~d m(m,r- -r,cl + lkefer- 1,11011, 11-j311- t!14' ; [ J-, 21 ;! ',% ~J~Tlj,:'. hvfj41i,(,c!1, ~~uj ) " !i,% -~!, kf-, _~i,14 ItA11.1 ( I -i ("k i ~, I ~ 41, 101-155 fjQW~ VOil NUm", 0111t1u),litir, Nlioli 0. -wi ~P, fm Is (if N 1,1 t flema 6~~f ti. likes; 11" 11 [if il I t 1t vo ACHED , IA., professor, daktor tokhnicheakikh nauk; LTURSHIM. V.6.. kandidat f1s.-mat. nsuk; NUMM, N.Ta., kandi4at tekhaichookikh nauk; GKORAMT, A I , daktor tekhnIcheskikh nauk; MZEIVIXOT, I.S., kandidat ftz.-nat. ~= NARKTX, K.Te.. Inthener, redaktor; UWANOT, T.G., Inzhener, re- daktor grafichaskikh rabot; SOKOZOTA, ?Jr.. takhnicheskiy redaktor. (Handbook of machine construction in 6 volumes] Spravochnik sashino- strottelia v shenti tomakh. Isd. 2-s, Ispr. i dop. Kooky&, Goa. nauchno- takhn. Isd-vo mashinostrolt. lit-ry. Vol. 1. 1954. 567 P. (KIRA 8:1) (Nathomatics) (NechAnics) 1-14 .957 1-17 Trijri~lation from- Referat;vnyy zhurnal. Mekh-inika, 957 Nr 1, p 3 (USSR) AUTHOR- Obmorshe%, A. N. TITLE- On Some Trinsformat,~on-~ ot E!lIipt.i,, i! Function-i Applicable to Mechanics (0 nekotorykh precbr izc;%,sniyakh ellipticheskikh funktsiy, primenyayemykb v mekhanike) PERIODICAL: V kn. : Elementy ra,icheta tochnykh priborov. Mo-,Cow, Oborongiz, 1954, pp 126 1150 ABSTRACT~ The purpose of thiE work i i tc, pre . ent a brief sy.~tematic discussion of ziome b--,ic charActeri Ji( , and relationships of Jacobi's and Weyeritrds-,i' elliptic d functions which are applicable to mecharic ~ in gener,i. ind in gyroscopict, in par- ticular. The char,,cteri-itics of e'j1p!:( 0 functions are determined through an inver!tion of the elliptic,i!,. The Author does not discuss the theory of functionL; cA , complex variable (but employs complex quantities). N. A. T.ilitskikh C~.rd 1/1 1, Ellipticai functions--Transfarmataon3 Mechani--:-Appli- catl*-:C~ OBMDRSHEV, A. N. by A. 14, ~wd Stability of NoWmImade Systaw Obiterabev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Mekhanika No 50, Moscow Higher Technical School, Oborongiz, Moscow, 1955, PP 75-96 I.-I, The author evamines small oscillations of nonholonomic systems near tbe. equilibrium position and near steady-state motion. in the first cum# Mw author uses equations with indeterminate multipliers, while in the .,"tend case, he uses S. A. Cbaplygin's equations. By analogy with holo. .-adodc systems, the author introduces the concept or the coeffciezrts of lawtia, resistance, and rigidity, as well as gyroscopic and Taeudogy- COW icivate a R*.~ derITOS an OzWeislow far a absractertatic dS . . ...... . . . . . . 56, OEXORSHN, A.U., doktor tekhatcheakikh aauk. professor. ---7 lr*t-w I-- gg~~ On limited cycles. [Trudy) KwTu no.47:45-6B '55. (MLYA 9:5) (Vibration) 19,15, A thoor" 64 M. E~ U*hOvsky, and A, 73 A th, -.J ,dvwtACD .1 .04 Ca". R--J. N"~` F-,: AS i, the motion of the poar ~f 0i the .( rotataw on da -dy- Ect at-ou:4 ! C.d pallu mikh a fix etc diialb*4 tbout iKa ~t6W *Jth a tadius *qual to thi it-fime Of lfldt64 Of dIC b0AY &bOUT the tqiatorial dim-neter of &.e ellipsoM nt ;.rn- The pr4rwf ~,n-slq o A E~k; OBNORSM. A.N., doktor takhnicheskikh nauk, professor- Solving type In (t)=f (t) equations In some particular cases. [T;~O JWTU no.97-101 156. (JUBA 9:8) (Differential equations) V" MMIX. Vikolar Ivanovich; SHCHWROVITSKZY. S-S-- kand.tekba.nauk, retsenzent; OBKORSHU .doktor takhn.nauk. prof., red.; XCCHWOTA, G.F.. stva; TIUUXOT, A.Ta., [Instruments for measuring differentials of gas pressure; theory, methods of research and testing] Pribory dlis tzmerenit mal7kh ras- nostel davlanti gazov; teoriia, netody issledovanti i powerka. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.1zd-vo eashinostroit.lit-r7, 1957. 226 p. (Manometer) (MlItA 10: 12 ) Investigating the structure of turbulent-motion equations for sylteaw In conmetion with possible origination of natural ribrations. Trudy rhat. mah. Son. po teor,, mash. 16 no.64:5-25 157. (NM 11:4) (Neohmical movements) (Vibration) (Differential ecpations. Paxtial) OBHDRSHAT. A.M.. prof., doktor tekhn.mauk Coeffteient of dynamism. gauch.dokl.v7s.shkoly; czash.t prib. no-1:183-188 1 58. (IGRA 12: 1) 1. Predstavleno kafedroy mPribory tOchnO7 makhaniki" 140skovskogo vysshego takhatchee kogo uchtlishcha Iment U.N. Baumana. (Vibration) OBKORSIMV A.11.,doktor tekhn.nauk. prof. Using frequency diagrams in Investigating control systems. Isv.vys.uch~b.zav.; mmehinostr. no*5:3-15 '58. (NM 12:5) 1. Moskovskoys vyasheye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche in. BauMna. (Autonatic control) (Frequency curves) V // A-, PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4233 Moscow. Vyssheye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche Raschety detaley i.mekhanizmov tochnykh priborov; sbornik statey (Design of Parts and Mechanisms of Precision Instruments; Collection of Articles) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1960. 26o p. 5,000 copies printed. Ed. (Title page): T. A. Gevondyan, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Ed. (Inside book): Ya. G. Alaverdov, Engineer; Tech. Ed.: A. F. Uvarova; Managing Ed. for Literature on Machine Building and Instrument Making (Mashgiz): N. V. Pokrovskiy, Engineer. PURPOSE: This collection of articles Is Intended for scientific workers and engineers engaged in instrument making. COVERAGE: The results of investigations on making instruments with complex and design-perfect parts, pairs, and mechanisms, it is claimed, are published here for the first time. The articles cover theory and methods of spherical cogwheel engagement, a new method of manufacturing toothed wheels with *"4Q74'1_ Design of Parts and Mechanisms (Cont.) SOV/4233 alternating ratio within one revolution, a universal method for designing an oscillating system for stability by means of com- plex variables, and precision methods for designing brake centrifugal governors used in instrument design. Some of the articles are accompanied by Soviet and non-Soviet references. No personalities are mentioned. TABLE OF CONTENTS: aevondyan, T. A., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. A Special Type of Ball-Cog Wheel Engagement 6 The meshing wheels have ball-shaped cogs. This type of engagement Is used in those cases where the angle between the Intersecting axes becomes too large. Basic equations for designing such an engagement are given. Presnukh1n, L. N., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, and L. A. Malkin, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent. Involute Spur Wheels With Alternating Gew Fotfto andTheir Use In RistruientBuiidirg25 A new method for manufacturing involute spur gears with a ratio varying during a single revolution is discussed, as well as its use in computers. '_4"4_Q76_ Design of Parts and Mechanisms (Cont.) SOV/4233 Obmo,rsh_e_x"...__X-P Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. De- s gn i an oscillating System for Stability Using Complex Variables 39 The use of complex variables simplifies the general ana- lysis of the oscillation as well as the practical design of systems Kunayev, I. P., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent. Design of a Free Oscillating System "Balance Arm -Strip Spring" Allowing for the Constant Angular Velocity of the Motion of the Spring 50 The exact as well as an approximate analytical method for the above design are presented. Torgov, A. M., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent. Tneory and Practical Methods of Balancing the "Balance Wheel -Spiral Spring" Oscillating System In Timepieces 82 A development of the problems concerning the effect of the unbalance of the oscillating system on the running of a clockwork Is presented. DIVOTBOG. P.M.. doktor takhn.nank; LIUKSHIN, T.S., kEknd.fiz.-Ml3t.nauk; NIBXW. N.Ta., kand.takhn nauko OBKORSHN, A.M.. prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; FLUZOIKOV. I:sl. UKANMUT. A.A.. prof.. doktor takhn.nauk; ACHEMAN, N,S,, prof.. doktor tekhn.nauk, red.; TUUWVZCHO M.P.. prof.. doktor takhn.nauk. laurest Leninskoy premll, red,; LUDRTAYT&W, V.N., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk, red.; PONOMAREW, S.D., prof., doktor takhn.nauk, laureat Leninskoy preuil. rad.; SATEL1,71-.A., prof., doktor takhn.nauk. red.; =mNsaff, S.T., akademik, red.; RESMROT, D.M.. prof.. doktor takhn.nauk, red.; GILIDIN- BM, K.X., red.izd-va; SOKOLOTA, T.F.. Cleforence book for machinery designers In six volunsel Spravochnik mashinostroltelia; v shostl tomkh. Rod.sovet: N.S.Acharkan I dr. lzd.3., ispr. I dop. Koskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhnjzd-vo mashinostrolt. lit-ry. Vol.l. Pod red.H.S.Acharkana. 1960. 592 p. (KIRA 13:10) 1. JR USSR (for Sorenson). (Kachinery-Design) S/179/61/000/005/011/022 S191/mIL81 AUTHOR- ObmQrshev A.N. TITLX. The oscillation of linear non-holonomic systens around the steady state condition PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdaleniye tekhnLcheskikh nauk. Mekhanika I mashinontroyeniye. no-5, 1961, 84-89 TEXT, , Autonomous dynamic systems are considered which are subject to zxon-holonomi~. constraints satisfying the Chaplygln conditions. Holonomic systems can be considered-am-a particular caser of non- holonomte, It is assumed that the equations expressing the- constraints which are given as differential rel&tionships (non integrable in th& case of non-holonomic constraints) can be,solved with respect to some of the velocities. In other words, the constraint equations can be formulated in accordance with the Chaplygin pattern. At least those coordinates whose velocities, with regard to which the :onstraint equations can be solved, are the S&M6. are cyclic toordInates, i.e. the*& ooordinates do not enter into either the kinetic or the potential energy. They do Card 1/4 S/179/61/000/005/011/022 The oscillation of linear C191/skal not enter into the --oafficients of the Chaplygin tonstraint equation. It is also assumed that the same coordinates have no effect on the resiatance forces, the presents of which are admitted. The Lagrang6 6qu%tions of mot~lon are applied in the Routh fors to obtain 6quationm like those derived by Chdplygln for conservative systems. In the present derivation, the conservative nature of the system is not postulated. tach forte to assumed to consist of a sum of a conserratire for~:e (usually restoring) &nd a linear resiatanze forie. The linear resistance force is formulated in tarms of a non-symmetri~,&l mt1rix of toefficients which is the sum of a symmetrical and a skaw-Symmet-rioal matrix. The equation of the disturbed motion in ralation to the steady state motion is derived. The final equations of the disturbed motion contain Inertia coefficients, resistance coefficients, stiffness coefficients, dynamic coefficients of the displacement force, gyroso-opic coeffitients corresponding to gyras-:.opic forces and gyroazopit coefficients originating in the non-symetrical nature of the resistance coeffi*ient matrix (which are therefore called quasi-gyrosoopic coefficients and-quami-gyroscopic forces). Finally, there are modified gyroscopic coefficients and non- Cardt 2/4 S/179/61/000/005/011/022 The oscillation of linear ... 2191/2481 conservative displacement forces exemplified in the rotation of a shaft by internal friction, external friction against the air In rotation insida a casing, the shaft twisting effect and oil film frittion. These forces perform work in a real displacement and can be called circulation forces, or forces of radial correction. They can also be called pasuft-gyros-copiz forces. Two*other sets of coeffi-cients each having a non-symmetrical matrix express the effect of non-holonomic zonstraints and vanish in the case of holonomic systems. The stabllLtly of the d1sturbed motion is examined, The analysis is divided into that of stability in relation to cyclic velocity ccordinates and non-cyclic coordinates. The problem is reduced to investigating the roots- of a characteristic equation. The static stability of the equilibrium of non-hoianomic systems has been erroneously treated by Vhittak&r, an error which was first dLa--overed by the Dutch scientist Bottom and subsequently treated in dttail by M. Alsermann and F. G&ntmacher (Ref.llx Z. angew. Math. und Mach., 1957, v.37, no.1-2). Dynamic stabilLty of non-holonomic systems in a difficult problem but in certain casss amenable to linear treatment. Thus, A.I.Kukhtenko (Ref.12% Analysis of the dynamics Card 3/4 s/i7g/61/000/005/011/022 The osoillation of linear &lql/1C48l of non-holonomic regulating systems by the ex&mple of the automatic control of cutters and cutter loaders in coalmines. Proceedings. Second All.-Union Conferente on the Theory of Automatic Control, v,II, 1955, Edited by AS USSR) has shown that -certain non-holonomic systems can be analyzed by the method of amplitude-ph&se characteristics. There are 2 figures and 12 referencesgIO So-vist-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloo. SUBMITTED- June 22, 1961 Card 4/4 6/586/61/022/085/003/003 J234/D304 AUTHOR Obinorshov., j~,N. TITLE Tensor methods in mass geowetry SOURCE~ Akadentiya nauk SSSR. Institu~ mashinovedeniya. Seminar po teorii mashin i mekhanizmov. Trudy, v. 22, no. 85/86. Moscow, 1961n 88-91 fEXT~ The author described a three-dimensional generalization of the method of determining the moments of inertia based on construction of Mohr's circles. The interpretation of A.A. Akopyan (Ref. 2 Prikladnaya mekhanika i matematika (staraya seriya), v. II, no. 1, 1934) in which the centrifugal moments J yz , iZX,i xy are considered as vectors in the direc- t-Lons, x, y, z, is used. There is 1 figure and 2 Soviet-bloc-references. SUBMITTED-. January 24, 1959 Card 1/1 OWORSHKV, Aleksandr Niko-iayevich; PE'lROV, V.V., red.; GCRDEYI-'V, A.A., red. []ntroduction to the theory of oscillations] Vvedenie v teorliu kolebanii. Pod red. V.V.Petrova. Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 276 p. (MIRA 18:12) OBMRYMMo K.M. Detailed stratigraphy of the Upper Due oeries of the Mgadhi coal deposti on Sakhalin. Trudy VNIGRI no.181:M-94 161. (MBU 15:2) (Mgachi region-4oology, Stratigraphic) -9 TT "Y K.M Hydrodynamic relations between the 4s ate parts of oil pools in the Oko'bykay aeries of the Tungor field. I%Udy VITIGRI no.242:67-71 163. Fracturing in rocks of the Okobykay series on the Boal-Minakaya structure in connection with their oil and gas potentials. lblu.02-75 (MIRA 17:2) WARAMUN, A.A.; OBNATANOV, S.T.; TAMRAZYAN, G.F. Characteristics of petroleum. gas, and water in the Kala series or the Gousan field. Azarb.neft.khoz. 37 ao.6:7-10 Je '59. (MMA 13-4) (Apsheron Peninsula--Pqtroleum geology) OBNORSKIT, P.P. Results of organization of activities in hospitals according to the Pavlovian theory. Sovet. zdravookhr. 11 no.1:42-48 Jan-Feb 52. (CIKL 21:4) 1. Of Hospital No 34. Sokollnicheski7 Rayon, Moscov (Head Physician P.P. Obnorskiy). OBIOMIY, P.P. (KOSCOW). Result of personnel training. Med.sestra no.9:23-26 S 153. Off-RA 6:10) (Pablic health) OBNORSKIY, P. P. Obnorskiy, P. P. "An expeil-ment in orpanization of therapeutic Service in the Joint hospital of an urban region." Min Health USSR. Central Inst for the Advanced Traininp of Physicians. Moscow, 1956. (Dissertation for the Depree of Candidate in Medical ScienceJ So: Knizhnaya letopis', No. 25, 11?56 Work of medical specialists 28-34 Ja 157. in hospitals. 7-draiv.1os.Feder. 1 no.l: 01MA 11:2) 1. Is kafedry organizataii sdrevookhranentva TSentrallnego instituta usovershenstvovanlya vrachey (dir. V-P-16bedeva. zav. Ir-afedroy - prof. U.A.Vinogradov) (HOSPITALS--STA") (HUDICILM-SPECIAIMINS AND SPUCIALISTS) OBNOItSKIT, P.P.-I Planning the operRtiOn Of a district hosDital in a city. Zdrnv.Rog. Feder. 2 no.6:3-8 Je 158. (MIRA 11:5) 1. 1% Hoskovskogo gorodskogo otdela zdrnvookhrnnenlym (Zav. H.S. Lovehonko) I kafedry orgnnizntail sdrarookhrnneniya (onv.-vrof. B.A. Vinogradov) TSentrallnogo institute usovershenstvovanlya vrRchey. (HOSPITAIS) OBHORSKIY, P.P. Organization of nursing in the polyclinic. Yed.sedtra 17 no-9:9-12 5 '58 (MM 11:10) Is Dollnitea No. 34, 14oskva, (NURSES AM NURSING) OBNORSKIYo P.P. Organizational forr- of work of agencies of the public health system in introducing the experiences of Tula. Zdrav. Ros. Feder. 5 no. 3:7-U Mr 160. (MIRA 14:2) 1,-Iz otdela organizatsii zdravookhraneniya Moskovskogo nauchno- issledovatellskogo instituts. gigiyeny imeni F.F. Erismana (dir.A.P. Shitskova). (PUBLIC HEALTH) I OBNORSKIYO P~P. I -.- Medical nurie in the polyclinig,, Hed. sestra 19 no.60-8 Je 160. (KIM 14:1) 1. 7Glavnyy vrach Gorodskoy bollnitsy NO-34, Ho4kvu. (NURSES AND NURSING) (HOSPITAIS~Wn4TIEVr SERVICES) OBNOFway P P - POSFBYF.V, P.P. Voluntary councils - a 4w tom of organization for popular participation in the wbrI ok medical institufAons. Zdrav. Ron. Feder. 5 no.9:3-7 S 16141 (KERA 14:9) 1. Iz otdola organizataii zdmvookhraneniya Mookovskogo nauchno- issledovatel'skogo instituta gigiyenT Imeni F.F;EriMMnA (dir. A.P. (P C HEALTH OBNORSKI-T, F. In the CoUggium of the Ministry of Public Health of the R.S.F.S.R. The state of medical service for workers and employees in the Russian Federation. Zdrav. Roo. Feder. 6 no.8:38-39 Ag '62. (MIRA 15:7) (MEDICINE, INDUSTRIAL) OMOFOXIY 0 P.P. (Kookva) Dispnoary care of patietts with calrdlovascular diseases* Kedoestm 21 no,11:35-39 N 162. (MIRA 16 0) (CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTSim-DISMES) (HOSPITAZ&-OUTPA71MT SERVIGM) OBNORSKITY F.P. Study of working eiTerience of leading public health instittv- tions and its utilization in practice. 149d. sestra 22 no*6s 6-9 Jo 163. (PUBLIC REAT H) (MIRL 16s9) qp~CR4KIr,, Y.; LITYAGIN, A.; YASTREBOV, G., slesarl (Chirchik); MANOYLENKO, L. This is the way we are living. Isobr.i rats. mo.5 (201)t28-29 '63. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Predsedatell Boyeta Vaesoymogo obahchestva Isobretateley I ratailonalizatorov Vaesoyuznogo gosudaretvennogo proyektnogo instituta stroitel'stva. elektrostantsiy (for Obnorskiy). 2. Starshiy inzh. Tullakogo oblastmogo soveta Vaesoyuznogo obahchestva, izobretatelay i ratsionalizatorov (for Lityagin). 3. Chlen Soyusa shurnadistov SSR for rastrebov). 4. Prodbedatell Soveta Vsesoyuznogo obahchestva izobretateley I ratsionalizatorov Rubezhanshogo khimichaskogo zavoda (for Mancylanko). (Technological innovations) GAIDNSKIY, P.P.; KOVALENKO, K.I.; KUVYKIN, S.I.; KNGAREYEV, R.Sh.; KURAVLENKO, V I.; OMOSQV, A.D.; SHASHIN, V.D.; SHMAM, A.T. - Volga-Ural region is one of the largest petroleum bases of the country. Heft. khoz. 42 no.9/10:56-64 S-0 164. (MIRA 17:12') OBNOSOV, V.G. 14ecbnnical removal of scale from the water-walls of steam boilers. Prom. anerg. 1.6 no.8:52-53 Ag 161 (14IRA 1-4:9) (Boilers-Incrustations) OBNOSOV, V.11%, aspirant I . Effect of trace elements on the orgari8m o,' Tain(-. Veterinarl'.a 40 no.lli6l-62 N '6?. (1111"Ji 17:9), 17 1. Tadzhikskly sel'skokliozyaystuennyy inst4tit. OSOVETSKIYO N.A.; OBNOSOVA, A.D. TO emulsifying agent. lakokras.mat. i ikh prim. no Is82 160. 61IRA 14:4) (Emulsifying agents) BODNIYA, M.D.; BARANOVSKAYA, G.M.; OSOVETSKIY, M.A.; OBNOSOVA, A.D.; SALKOVA 0 HOMO Replacing hydrolysis alcohol with synthetic alcohol In the production of spirit varnishes for furniture. 14akokras. mat. i ikh prim. no.3:65-66 161. (MIRA 14:6) (Varnish and varnishing) BODNYA, M.D.; BARANOVSKAYA, G.H.; OBNOSOVA, A.D.; KABAROVA, L.V. Use of catalpa oil in the mamdacture of alkyd resins and dryIng oils. Lakckras.mat.1, ikh prim. n0-5:78 162. (KIRA 16:1) 1. Tashkentakly lakakrasochnyy zavod. (Paint materials) (Catalpa) ABDUVALIYRV, A.A.9- BODNYA, M.D.; BARANOVSKAYA, G.M,g- O-B-HOSWOU., A.qD.; ISRAILOVI D. Continuous method of sylvan polymerization in the solvent medium. Lakakras.matJ ikh prim. no.6:27-29 ~62. (MIRA 16:1) (Sylvan) ABDUVALIHNO A.A.; BCtDT.JYA, M.D.; BARANOVSKAYA, G.M.; OBNOSGVA A.D. Investigating the film forming properties o9 polysylvan modified with FF-,6 &Ikyd resins, Lakokra-q.mat. i ikh prim. no.2:17-18 163. (MIRA 16-4) (Furan) (Resins, Synthetic) ABDUVALIYEV, A.A.; KHAYDAROV, Kh.F.; SAGDULLAYVA, P.; OBNOSOVA, A.D. ta.equars based on urea-formaldehyde resins modified with furfuryl alcohol. Lakokras.mat. i ikh prim. no.2:67~-69 164. (MIRA 17-4) tl-no3cva, ffl5athological therapy in inflarmatcry infecticns of the mouth." Stalinabad State I'ledical Inst imeni Abuali-Ibn-Sino (Avitsenna',. Stalinabad, 1956. (Dissertation For the Degree of Candidate in Yel-'J-cal Science). Knl.zhnaya letovis' No 34, 1956. Mbscow. : USSR : Phamacolo a. r~rd To:KiCo'.of,-r. NX-rcotics Abs, Jour. Ref Miur-Biol, vo 131, 1~58, I;o 61-,oj~ Authcr Obnosova, T. P. Institat. --.ttntIrntrIT ~11117- Tcpzi Insti ~.-Iito TItIc Effect of Ethor Anestho.,ia and Dru:,--In(I,,.cad Sleep on the Devel-mrnent of Inflamv~;ion in ti,o Fharyngonl liucc-,3a 01, Ral~lits OrIF,, Pub. :Tr. Stalinabads1c. moLi. 'n-ta, 1.95' , 18, 119-13o Abstract : An infflan~,iatory reactioi. was obtairted through the acV.on of .-.-.Ylol o.,1 lh,~ 'pharyngeal rLmeosa of rabbits. ;;.he t:Uae t-al-en by the trypan blue cir- c-ulaitim-, in the vasculan system to stain the cosa sGived as an index of permeability. ITembu- tal was -iven subc-utancoucly or irtraparitonoal- ly in dczes of 60 mg./Icg. During sleep- inducec' b,,r Lenbutal, the permeability of the capillaries oj' the ~)herynf,-oal nucosL~ in -abbits decreased. B.,.her anorthesla (30 C,- i)er oxperinent) produced Card: 1,2 v Xffect of ether anesthesia and of inflammation of the fancial mad. 41 no.4:37-39 Ap 156. drug-induced sleep on the developsent mmeosa in rabbits. Biul.eksp.biol. I (KLRA 9:8) 1 - Is kl1niki bolezney ukhm, gorla, I nosa (zav. prof. YA.L.Kots) I kafedry patologicheakoy fictologii (say. prof. I.A.Oyvin) Staliaa- badskogo moditelaskogo institute, imeni Avitsenny.- rrodetavlona daystvitelinys chlonom A14H SSSR A.D.Speranskim. (PRARYUGITIS, experimental, off. of other ethyl & sleep in rabbits (ATM. ETHYL, anaothesia and aaalgesia. off. on exper. pharyngitis In rabbits (ST. . effects, on exper. pharyngitis in.rabbits (Rus) Gass of Inversion of the uterus In total prolapseo Akush. I gin. A40.089 W-JO 0-94 (Nm 7:8) 1. lx rodilluago domm, 11o.6 Inca Krupskoy (glawnyy wrach Z.P. NlkhmWlawa). Nookwa. (UMUSO diseases, *Inversion In total iprolapse In aged) (AGID, diseases $mterine Interston in tot&1 prolopme) OBUCULENSKlY.P.A.; MUSUKOV.L.A. Impulse photocounter. Stan. (Counting devices) Instr. 26 no.5:22-24 y4y 155. (MIRA 8:8) 121-7-7/26 AUTHM CBNOVLERSKII, P.A., MUSYMV,L.A. , SMOTSAM J4.A. . 1~1.#'-V~ Tim: A Photoelectron Device for the Investigation of 3=11 Grooves and Cavities. (Potoelektronnoye ustroystvo dlys, kontrolya glubiny malykh pazov i polostay, Russian) PWIMMA14 Stanki I Instriments 1957v Vol 28, Hr 7, pp 19-21 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: The double microscope of V.P.LIMIX, nember of the AaadwW, is lawwn to be used for the investigation of surface qualif.7 as well as for measuring unevennesses of the surface frm I to 60,A- and more. It can also be used for the investigation of grvwes and cavities of a depth of up to OsO5-0,06 mm, in which case the groove must be sufficiently long, so that the bea= can be re- fleoted from the groove bottan under an angle of 450. The use of a photoelement makes it possible to ciarry out mea uraments db- jeotively and more rapidly. Besides, such a photoelectric do- vice may be used for the automatic testing of varioua products. For the autamatio determination of the amount of shift of the aperture Image it In necessary, Instead of the angle bisector of the microscope ocular, to use the edge of the untrans- parent roller blind and a photoolement. In the oase of the shifting of the aperture image with respect to the edge of the roller blind, the Intensity of the light auzre t upon the Card 1/2 OBNOVLENSKIY, Petr Avenirovich; MUSYAKOV, Leonid Abramovich; SHTRYNTSAYG, Hatvey Abramoviox; KHDTILIN, AlekswWr-lesifovich; PAPAZOV, Nikelay Fedorovich; TUCHKOVA, L.K.i insh., ved. red.; SOHOKNA, T.M., tekhn. red. (Automatic control of a double microse"i Automatic device for checking rollers]Avtometizatsiia dvoinogs m1kraskopa. Avtomat d1la kontrolia valikoy. Moskval FilW Vass. In-ta nauchn. i tekhn. Informataii, 1958. 13 p. (Peredovoi nsuchno-takMicheekly I proizvodstvennyi opyt. Tema 21. No.14-58-140/5) (MIRA 16:3) (Microscope) (Electronic instrmenta) 9(2) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1323 Zhestyanikov, Vladimir Mikhaylovich and Peter Avenirovich Obnovlenskly Tekhnologlya I oborudovaniye proizvodstva detaley i uzlov radio- tekhnicheskoy apparatury (Production Methods and Equipment Employed in the Manufacture of Radio Parts and Units) Moscow, Oborongiz, 1958. 251 P. 11,000 copies printed. Reviewer: Kalita, Ye. D., Engineer; Ed.: Blaut-Blacheva, V.I., Engineer; Ed. of Publishing House: Sheynfaun, L.I.; Tech. Ed.: Zudakin, I.M.; Managing Ed.: Sokolov, A.I., Engineer. PURPOSE: This book was approved as a textbook for aviation and radio-engineering tekhnikums by the Administration of Special Secondary Schools of the Ministry of Higher Education, USSR. COVERAGE: The authors describe the planning of manufacturing pro- cesses and explain the processes of forging, casting, welding, Card 1/8 Production Methods and Equipment (Cont.) SOV/1323 brazing, soldering and moisture-proofing. They describe the manufacture of capacitors, resistors, transformers, chokes, switches, waveguides and delay lines made of plastic and ceramic materials. Equipment used in the manufacture of these parts -is also described. The authors claim that until now the Soviet technical literature has not made available a textbook for tekhnikums covering the subject of production processes Involved In the manufacture of radio parts. They state that the present book was written to fill this gap. Chapters IX and XII and the larger part of paragraph 8.3 were written by Engineer A.G. Rabinovich. The authors thank Engineers Ye. D. Kalita, V.I. Venglinskiy and B. Ye. Chertok for technical advice and Engineer V.I. Blaut-Blacheva for help in editing. There are 21 referencesp all are Soviet. Card 2/8 Production Methods and Equipment (Cont.) SOV/1323 TAB',X OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Introduction 5 Ch. 1. Organization of the Plant, Planning of Pro- duction Processes, Technological Documentation 7 1. Organization of the plant for the manufacture of radio parts and units 2. Definitions of basic manufacturing processes 3. Types of production 4. Technical preparation for production 10 5. Technological documentation 16 Ch. 2. Preparatory Forging Operations, Casting, Heat Treatment, Brazing, Soldering and Rolling 19 1. Preparatory forging operations and preparation of sheet a-aid bar stock 19 Card 3/8 Production Methods and Equipment (Cont.) SOV/1323 2. Manufacture of parts by casting 26 3- Heat treatment of metal parts 28 4. Brazing and soldering of metal parts. Cold rolling 31 Ch. 3. Moisture-prorfing Operations 36 1. General information -36 2. Drying process before impregnation 37 3. Impregnation of radio parts 41 4. Coating with varnishes and compounds 45 5. Production of water-repellent films using silico-organic compounds ("hydrophobization 48 Ch. 4. Manufacture of Plastic Parts 49 1. Prees-forming of thermosetting plastics 50 2. Compression molding of plastics 61 3. Bonding, welding, machining and stamping 64 4. Manufacture of fluorine plastic parts 74 5. Matallization of plastic parts 76 Ch. 5. Manufacture of Ceramic Parts 78 1. Preparation of materials 79 Card 4/8 Production IL-thods and Equipment (Cont.) SOV/1323 2. Formdng the material into the part 84 3- Firing process 91 4. Glazing of ceramic parts 93 5. Machining of ceramic parts after firing 95 6. Metallizing of ceramic parts 98 T. Manufacture of glass partition-insulators 100 Ch. 6. Manufacture of Capacitors 102 1. General information 102 2. Capacitors with paper dielectric and foil plates 103 3- Metallized paper capacitorp 113 4. Capacitors with polystyrene film dielectric i22 5. Mica capacitors 3.26 6. Electrolytic capacitors 134 o Glass - erkawl capacitors 138 ;S Miniature cera-Ic capacitors 141 9. Variable capacitors with air dielectric 142 Ch. T. Manufacture of Resistors 147 1. apneral Information 14T Card 5/8 Production Methods and Equipment (Cont.) SOV/1323 2. Deposited - carbon resistors 147 3. Manufacture of MLT metal film resistors i61 4. Manufacture of fixed wire-wound glass-enamel resistors 165 5- Manufacture of wire-wound potentiometers 1-67 Ch. 8. Manufacture of Magnetic Circuits, Transformers and Chokes 1173 1. Manufacture of magnetic circuits 1~3 2. Manufacture of coil forma 1 7 3. Winding operations and the manufacture of coils 187 4. Drying, impregnation, compounding and hermetic sealing 197 Ch. 9. Manufacture of Switching Units 202 1. General Information 202 2# Manufacture of switches 202 3. Manufacture of iolug connectors 211 4. Manufacture of lube sockets 213 5- Manufacture of terminal strips 214 6. Manufacturw of electromagnetic relays 218 Card 6/. Production Methods and Equipment (C*nt.) SOV/1323 Ch.10- Manufacture of Waveguides 222 1. Manufacture of rigid rectangUlar waveguides 222 2. Manufacture of flexible waveguides 231 3. Assembly of waveguide channel 231 4. Manufacture of rigid waveguldes by the precision casting method 232 5. Manufacture or waveguides for printed circuits 233 Ch.ll* ManufactUre of Dela~ Lines 235 1. General. Wormation 235 2# Manufacture of chokes for delay lines 236 3. Manufacture of holders and casings 239 4. Assembly and w:Lring'cf delay lines 239 Ch.12- External Det ails 241 1. Manufacture of front panels 241 2. Manufacture of name plates and dials 242 3. Engraving 244 Card 7/8 Production Methods and Equipment (Cont.) SOV/1323 4. Photochemical etching 247 Photo-printing 248 : Lithographing 248 9 Bibliography AVAILABLE: Library or Congress JP/rj 4-7-59 250 Card 8/8 I ALITMANS G.Zel, IIn-zh-G;J4U$YAKOV, L.A., insh.; OBNOVLENSUZ F A insh. Automatic control of the tongion of materials during their processing* Makh,i ayton. proisy. 17 no.206-39 F 163. (KLRA 16:2) (Antonatio control) 0 OBDIuvLENSKrY, Petr Avenirovich; Viadindr M-ikhaylovich; . -' [~ jb Tj,!tjlj - I ICH, Abram Grigorlyevich; SHTRAFUN, U.N., kanci. tckm.riauk, i-etgenzent; TERGAT, V.S., inzh., retBenzent; ~-,Ul,-.jM-TN, S.I., red. [Manufacture of c(~ijtrol ay -j i-~.mote control equIF- ment) Proizvodstvo appai-~-itury avtumatiki i telemeklianiki. MuBkva, Mlaolitnu.-troenle, !9t-v,. 4011 P. (MIRA 17:10) OXIOVLEV rovich. dote.; KOROTKOV, Petr Arkhipovich, .4 1 d to.; GUR sandr L'vovich, dots. TL111', boris Vladimirovichp dote.; MUSYAKOV, L.A., kand*'-thkbn. nauk, red.; BARKPJJ, A.B., lnzh.p red. [Fundamentals of automatic control and automation in tha chemical industries] Osnovy avtomatiki i avtomatizatsii khimicheskikh proizvodstv. Moskva, Khimiia, 1965. 607 p. (MIRA 191l) 1. Kafedra avtomatizatsii khimicheskikh proizvodstv Leningradskogo taketillnogo inntituta(for Obnovlenskiy). ACC NRi AM6016006 Monograph UR/ Ob.noylenskiy, -I!,etr '- Avenirovich; Korotkov, Petr Arkhipovich; Gurevich, Aleksandr . L'vovich; Win, Bo'r"is'41i&zdrovich Fundamentals of automatic control and automation in chemical industries (Osnovy avtomatiki i avtomatizatsii khimicheskikh proizvodstv) ~bscow, Izd-vo "Khimiya", 1965. 6oT p. 'illus., biblio., index. 9500 copies printed. TOPIC TAGS: automatic control rrv,.*,nc-,jr, automatic control technology, industrial . automationchemical-plant equipment PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: The book deals with the automation of the production processes in the chemical industry. The components of automatic control systems, checking and measuring devices, automatic regulators, and general principles of automation of chemical processes is described. Diagrams and drawings of some processes and devices are supplied. The book is intended for engineers and technicians of chemical enterprises and for students of higher technical schools specializing in this field. TABLE OF CONTEM: Foreword -- 8 Introduction - 10 :ard uDc: 62.5o,-62.52;66.ol2-52j66.ol2.l NRs Part I. Components of Automatic and Remote Control System - 15 1. General information on components of automatic and remote control system 15 2. Electrom-achanical components -- 22 3. Ferromagnetic components -- 61 4. Electron-ion, electrothermal, photoelectric, and radioactive components -- 75 5. Electrical machinery -- 100 Part II. Automatic Control of Chemical-Technological Pmeesses 6. General'information on automatic control.-- 113 7. Measuring circuits and secondary general-purpose devices -- 115 8. Temperature measuring devices -- 132 9. Pressure measuring devices -- 139 10. Flowneters - 150 11. Level gages -- 163 12. Devices for determining the composition and concentration of materials 172 13. Devices for determining physical properties of matter - 191 Part III. Remote and Measuring Control Systems and Computers 14. Short-range remote measuring systems - 213 0 15. Long-range remote measuring and-control systems -- 230 Card ACC 16. Computers -- 242 Part IV. Automatic Regulation 17. Automatic regulation systems (basic information) - 277 18. The properties of the objects of regulation -- 282 19. The properties of automatic regulators and simplest systems of automatic regulation - 303 20. Regulator components -- 355 21. The elements of the linear theory of automatic regulation - 384 22. Basic industrial regulators -- 437 Part V. Automation of Production Processes in Chemical Industry 23. General problems and pre~requisites for automation of production processes 477 24. Automation of continuous,operation machines and apparatus -- 489 .25. Automation of periodic-operation machines and apparatus - 526 26. Automation of production areas and workshops -- 547 27. The possibility of using computers as an example of automation of sodium production - 576 28. Centralized control of modern chemical enterprises -- 587 Card 3/4 ACC NR. AM601()006 29. Basic problems of reliability of automatic control systems end components in chemical production -- 592 Bibliography -, 602 SUB COEE:07,,13/ SUBM DAM 30Uov65/ OBIG W.F: 047 4/4 OBNOVLENSKIY,P.T. 42608. Vliyaaiyo VoM Na GhiqlewW iOstav I Dviaboatys gaselelya V raillitaskoy Oblasti. V. Svs Ned.-sau. Pooledetviya Voyny 1 Yoropriyatlys Po Ikh Llkvidatd". T. 11. M. 1948, S. 17-24. I V.~ "i. Forests and Forestry Geographical variability of forest varieties and its use in selection work nnd lorest 5ced culture. Trudy Inst. lesa. 8, 1951 September x2 9- !~, Mth4 List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 1953, Uncl. USSR / Parestry. Forest Otaturee K-5 Abe Jour: Ref Zhur-'iol., 110 10, 1(~58, 43950 Author ; Obnovlenskiyw V. M. Inst : Bryans!,- riorest Management InstittIte Title : Some Results of 45 Years of Experience in Creatinr, Pine Culti!res in the Briansi, Experimental Forest;- , . ". - t,~ I -- 44 Ori- Pvb: Tr. Bryansicogo lesoll,'Lioz. in-ta 1('57, 3, 65-77 Abstract: This article cites data on the history o.-L' culti-ires and describes the methods of creating cultures un- der the condition of var-ious types of the forest. This st~idy analyzes the result3 of ciltures cieat- ed by planting and soviing and different years Card 1/2 ZASOROVSKIY, Ye-vgeniy Favlovich; LISM, Serafirl, SergeycreLch; SOBOLEV, Sergey Stepanovich. Prinim-ali ucha--tiye: VERES121, M.M.; RUBTSOV, V.G.; 03110V NSKIY-1.14., prof., retsenzent; SHARAPOV, A.N., Inzh.-lesavod, retsenzent [Forest piantations and forest drainage] Lesn-ye kulltury i lesrrje molioratsii. Moskva, Izd-vo *Lrsnaia promyshlennost'," 1964. 391 P. (MIRA 17:5) OBODA, B. "Insuring the lubrication of turbogenerator bearings with oil." p. 572 (Energetika) Vol- 7, no. 11, Nov. 1957 Prague, Czechoslovakia SO., Monthly Index of East European Accessions (FBAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 OBODANV N. M. pbod&n, H. M, 'Astiid7 rf the v- -rIa- io.,. c) -t' rohalb-.' -'- ~:, " L-~n ~- irmtlid- schizophmnios,,m CU.-mtod. roprosy sovr. neyropoiklatrit (VII),, 1948,, p. 189-98 SOt U-3264v 10 April 53 (LetoPis tZhurnal Irqkh Statay, No. 4, 1949). GBOUu, U.K. io(,F~4x-w-X Organizing the prevention of accidents among children in Leningrad. Top.okh.mat. I det. 1 no.6-.6&-72 I-D 156. (MEBA 10: 1) 1. 1z Gosudaretvannogo nsuchno-Issladovatel'skogo detskogo ortopedi- chaskogo Instituts Issul M.Turnsra (dire - prof. M.N.Goacharovs). Leuingrad. (UMINWEAD-ACCIDENTS-PiSVIWI(M) (CHILMN--CARS AND HYGEBRI) IJC C-iil /,I;, AliSHUTS: G.*Yao*: prof,*: OBODAU' N.'H' starshiy nauchnyy sotruAnik Classification of wounds and Injuries; on IA.I.Tarnapollskii's article, Classification of traunatism. Ortop.travue i protes, 18 no.4:70-72 Jl-Ag '57. (MIRA 11:1) 1. Is Gosudarstvannogo neuchno-Looledovatellskago detskogo ortopedichaskogo instituta in. G.I.Turnera (dir. - prof. K.N. Goncharovs) (WOUNDS AND IUJURM classif.)