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AC.r'-F-'-3S-ioN m:.Ap4o4o569 SUBICTTED. 29Jano'4' DATE ACQ,: l9jun64 ENCL. 00 SUB CODE: AS, lv"el No R12 E'I-QV: 007 onr~~R: co5 Card 2/2 ---- - 7 ~ ---- CBUVIKOV KIY, Vladislav Sergeyevich;. V.','., nauchn. red.; O3VEN-I-KJ.YA, A.A., red. [Principles of dynamics in the structural mechanics of a ship] Printsipy dinamiki v struitelinoi mekhanike korablia. Leningrad, Izd-vo "~--udostroenie," 196/.. 191 p. kj,jT,tA 17:7) 690-66- Air! , it, - 24 51T (d- Am, (Ml ?IV., I- L ACC NR&. AP6015812 -SOURCE GODE~ -.UR/O()40/65/029/002/0261/0281 ` , ~L lip" -(Leningrad) ili~i6k: ji-do Ad 0MV, none TITLE:..,: Saint,- Vignant principle in the: dynamics ~f :bars ZOURCE. -,-!.-PiikladnM matematikal. kekhanika no. pl wo 290- 19659,2 1-281' 1 PIC me e ress, fabriod ted stmotural met Ia TAGS t a. at ABST9APT.: Aptrbicimate s6luti.ons-to equitions'describing:th6~~beha~tio,t of bars under , v and P.-ZLI "I 'somespecific examples are given, ' This ,kokk i 'based an 13 .Go P~',,TIMOSHEM` ("Th4ory' ot-osailiati6ns'in,Engiieeiing",, dtekhizdatp 1932). 4id 6thers a''hiss" -6 ures and -foimulas.' EJPRS1 art, fig rmp: 0l0:" brit Im , olo SM DATE: - -17Ded C 4M . z,- 7 - j c vi NOV(r,,iliLov, v.v. (Len-ingrad) Fla3tic dLsintegrattcr.. Prik]. inat. i mekh. 29 no.4:681-6R.G, ii-Ag 165. NIRA IF-?) ACC NR1 AP6030743 AUTWR.- Navozhilov. V. W (LonLvWad) ORG: none TITIL, : Plastia lootiening '3 r P SOURGS; Prilp-ladnaya matematUa i mokhanika, v. 29, no*- 4, 1965, 681-689 TOPIC TAGSt cyclic load, plasticity, elastic stress, plastic defQrmation, alumimim alloy ABSTIUCT.- The term "loosening of solids" caused by pj4stla de formation (or plastic 7-- loosening) is understood to mean their monotorLto volume increase w1di-ch can be explain(d physically by format-ion of microcavities in the solid. The solJd is treated as a freo-floiTing medium with strong cohesion among its particles; principal attention is paid to altarnated plastic deformations* Two yield criteria--one recommended by L. Prandtl and J. Guest (accounting for the effect of normal stresses or, on the critical tangential stresses in St.-Venant's criterion), and the other derived by Fe Sohleichj~l (accounting for the effect of the mean normal stress ~a on the critical value of ULU man tangential stress in the Hisea criterion)-are generalized with the purpose of investigating the process of plastic loosening in strain-hardening materials* Soul= CODE: ACC NR%. AP6030743 The stress-strain relationships* under plastic deformation,4 ,fe dia- cussed from two different viewpoints: 1) the strain -hardening Oenomenon is ascribed to internal microelastic forces (of intergranular 114wre), :assuming a constant coefficient of internal. friction; and 2) the strain- hardening is assumed. to be caused only by an increase in the internal ,,frictiolvfactor. It e analyses In both cases lead to the conclusions that any plastic deformation is followed by a residual increase in volume.(I. e. , plastic loosening) which is proportional either to the length of the "path" of plastic deformation (in the case of the Prandtl-Guest criterion) or to the work cauaing the plastic deformation (in the case of Schleicher's criterion); the additional plastic deformations due to on (Prandtl-Guest) are reduced to plane deformation (amnidirectional expansion in the plane of shear), 'and the additional plastic deformations due to a (Schleicher) result in an ,omnidirectional (three-dimensional) expansion. An experimental in- :vesUgation should make clear which criterion produces results closer to :the truth. The effect of normal stresses (Y and an on the plastic deformation. ds small in cases of steady loading. In the came of cycHc (alternated) :loading, the additional plastic deformations in eadh cycle caused by a Nil. AP60307h3 and Gn are accumulated and increase monotonically (proportionally to the number of cycles), as does the plastic loosening. After a large number of cycles, the additional plastic deformations caused by normal stresses can reach a considerable value and lead to fracture. Therefore, cyclic -loading is a special case from which one can get an idea of the corrections which sliould be introduced in the theory of plasticity in order to account ,for the effect of normal stresses a and an considered in the yield criteria. 'V .' Three tubula aluminum-alloy specimens (120 mm long, 30 mm outside diameter, 2 nun wall thickness) were tested in alternated torsion, and their elongation (E) and variation in diameter (F-2) were exactly meas - gs. I and 2, .ured after each cycle; the results are shown in diagrams (Fi respectively), where n is the number of cycles, and lines 1. 2, and 3 stand for specimens. Specimen I was subjected to 69 cycles, and speci- mens 2 and 3 collapsed after 21 and 26 cycles, respectively. As the .thickness of the specimens could not be measured exactly, no comparative evaluation of the Prandtl-Guest and Schleicher criteria can be given, since according to the first criterion, the thickness must be constant, and according to the second, it must change in the same proportion as the length and diameter. The theoretical considerations are qualitatively confirmed by the testing. Appropriate experimental investigations are being continued and their results will be published in. the near future. Card 1/5 L 44711-56 ACC NR, AP6C z 8 IC 8 so Fig. 1. ElongqtLon vs the number Fig. 2. Relative diameter in- of cycles.,' crease vs the number of cycles. A.471 1-66 ACC NR& AIW30743 The correlation between the theory of plastic loosening and dislocations, together with their role in plastic deformation, are briefly discussed. It is necessary to bear in mind that the formulas expressing both criteria. which are taken as initial equations in this investigation, describe quasi-static isothermal deformation. It must therefore be considered that the cyclic deformations proceed at a slow rate. The po%;sibility of extending the results obtained here to the cases of fast alternating loading can be decided after a special Investigation, although the qualitative aspect of the phenomenon should apparently be valid also In the case of fast cyclic loading. It is believed that the final deciqion on the applicability of simple mechanical models used in the theory of plasticity can be made only in the future on the basis of the statistical theory of solids, which accounts. 'for their structural defectq; regrettably, the theory is now in A* state of' .initial development. Orig. art. hast 2 figures and 5 foraiUs. fF_SBz v. 2' no. SUB CODE: 20 / SM DATEt 29mar65 / ORIG REF: 012 / OM RM 007 he L08072-67 JD/EM ACC NRi AP6034146 'SOURCE CODE:_ __U1(/04_2-4/66/0_0_0/005/0103 /0111 !AUT110R: Novozhilov, V. V. (Leningrad); Rybakina, 0. G. (Leningrad) JORG: none The outlook for establishing a strength criterion under 'TITLE: _~m 1 ~ex iloadina SOURCE: Inzhenernyy zhurnal. lickhanika tverdogo tela, no. 5, 1966, ~103-111 I > m. In the case of a non- + av central field 6(V + F(1 2))/a (pE/2n) 7 T d 2 2 a ;k is found for the virial theorem. ASSOCIATION: Not given PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED: AVAILABLE: Library of Congress CARD 3 / 3 We V. IIOVOZUWV >and TULUB,, A. V. "Functional Method in Quantum Field M.Leory,," Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk, Vol 61, No i, Jan 1-06p PP 53-102. SUM: 136o p 16 ffHZ VARIATIONAL PIIWWLE AND TRU VIRIAL THWARM FM TH2 CONTINUOUS S t 92S-30(1967 t JET P 4 e ov Me, , J y . A gcivorWzation of the variational principle for all ocAtterift Amplitudes to, the case of the-Dir" equatim 4- '--to prVientol, jm4 tht6 drivil Lheorop farThe mUnuou Dir ~pettrurrv is doriv*d~ Thor results cxi be uj4Mcd -to Pic the twry of Mgh-enorgy al"trort Scattering b)~vuoet. -(L.T-W,) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- - - - - -- 7- Jt7-: 101"VP TIIJ- Variational principle, scale transformation and the r1rIal. theorem In relativistic quantum theory (with summary in Znglish, p.1511. . Teste Lea. ux. 12 noo4:5-24 157. (MM 10:4) (Quantum theory) AUTHOR NOVOZHILOV YU PA - 2083 ;~ k~ ~~~a TITLE * ae ~f tjo~n aid the Virial Theorem in the Quantum Field Theory (Masshtabnoye probrazovaniye i teorema vJ-riala v kvantovoy teorii polya). PERIODICAL Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoi i Teoret. Fiziki, 1957, Vol 32, Nr 1, PP 171-173 (U.S.S.R.) Received 3/1957 Reviewed 4/1957 ABSTRACT Scale transformation here means the trarisfo rmation of the coordination scale with simultaneous inverse modification of the mass scale x (A --~ AxIA, m -+ m/A- , M +.M/,L ; here A is real and positive, m denotes the mass of the mesons, and M the mass of the nuclei. For reasons of simplicity here neutral meson and nucleon fields are observed. The author here investigates two cases connected with the group of "scale transformations": a) invariance of the field equations with respect to this transformation group and the relations resulting t~.evcfrom, b) the virial theorem which is derivec- by means of scale variatiun- Tric field eouations for the meson and the nuclecn field run as follows. D(x,M)y(x'M) Y~ro-/ axt` + M) i'(x'M) - gy5'f (x'm)f (x")' " , ( 13 -m ) y (x, m) - - g ~ (x, M) y5 y (x 9 M) 4h 'r (X,M) These equations conserve theIr form in Lhe case of scale trArtformation if field operators transform themselves as follows. %y1(x,Y,) =A3/2qj(A,x,m/,k) ?I (x,m) -A Y (A x,rp/A ). The terip, f, 3 is the only nonlinear term that can be added to the meson equation without destroying the scale invariance of,,. the field equations. The relations between transformation of the producing operators a+, b+, and c+ and the absorption operators a, b, c are then explicitly given. From the invariance of the field equations with respect Card 1/2 FA - 2083 Scale Transformation and the Virial Theorem in the Quantum Field Theory. to a homogeneous "extension" x - Ax of the space-time-continuum and from the proportional curtailment of the mqF-es results the invariance of the transformation function Ula = (T (-,)). Here 41(4s) denotes the Heisenberg state-vector, In tnc, -!.,cM-'aase of e:6 -+ +- and i5lL -*. -- the transformation f t.on Uja is transformed into the scattering matrix st a . IV An )- In the case of a BETHE-SALPETER-equation a relation to the nucyeus Q of the equation results from the constancy of the field' equations with respect to the given scale transformation. The virial theorew In the case of the presence of exterior fields the constancy of the above field equations with respect to the scale transformations given in the beginning, is destroyed. Variation of the scattering matrix 6SIa , ( - infinitly small) a relation id then not equal to zero. With ;L a 1+ F for the summation over the impinging and scattered particles is found. The integral expression here has the form which is typical for a "virial" theorem of the quantum theory of the field. "i'lithout illustrations) ASSOCIATION PRESENTED BY SUBMITTED AVAILABLE Leningrad State University 4. 10. 1956 Library of Congress Card 2/2 V~ AUTHOR TITLE PERIODICLL -AMMIL"Ju __V - 56-5-55/55 On the Reduction of the Two-Nucleon Problem to the OLe-Nucleon Problem in the Nonrelativistic Domain. (0 avedenii dvukhnuklonnoy zadachi k odnonuklonno7 v nerLlyatl-flst- skoy ablasti -Russian) ?,hurnal Eksperim.i Teoret.Fiziki,1957,Vol 32,11r 5,PP 1262-1264(USSR) iBSTRACT The paper under review invatigates the interaction of two nacleons fixed in the points _?i and ?I and attempts to express the (renorma- 2 lized) two-nucleon martrix elementa by (renormalized) one-nacleon matrix alements.In this context,the author of the paper under review bases himself on the.previously published investigations by G.Chew and F.Low (Phys.Rov.,Vol 101,P 1570(19R,3)) as well as by G.Wick (Rev. Mod.Phys.,Vol 17 339095 The energy operator has the furm ii PAI - 0 . aa H-H +U +U Vo (A)e arfVj.+(A)e_i rk a+ .(A-1,2). Here V4 0 1 2' UA_ ~ e k k contains the operators OA and T^ which are related to the nucleon A; the other denotations are the same as in the first of the above pa- pers.The state with two physical nucleons in interaction with other 76 is an eigenstate of the Hamiltonian HTC~(1920-~)mrn 0+F,:( In this context,E denotes the self-energy 0 the nucleon and E,?Q) stands for the static interaction energy of the nucleons.The sign d-(I41S"I,',S3') characterizes the eigenvalues of the total spin, of the tctal isotopic &Din and of their third projec- Card 1/2 tions.As main fanction a,-:item thu axthor of the paper under review On the Rdduction of the Two-Nucleon Problem to the One- 56-5-55/55 Nucleon Problem in the Nonrelativistic Domain. selects the Zroducts of the one-nucleon state vectors Fa(1,7)FB(2,a) J_ with a and 8 denoting the spin char6e indices-The quantity Fa(lsa,) describes a nucleon with a mesonic cloud and it is the solution of the Schroodinger Is equation(Ho+u )F(i '7)=E F( 1 T) At Q-ioothe ap-ove liste4 products are solutions .o1 the'equa?ion HYCI(19297)- L2Eo+EC(~) 1 17,(1,2,19), (Q_r1-12),and they have the fol- lowing property of orthogonalitj: (F,8(1,2,T), But at firde products these products are nonorthogonal and they are a function of Q. The author is looking here for T. in the form %Va+ld. it is assumed that the nucleons of the cloud enter with I to eirl nucleon into by far stron:,-er interaction than with the o- ther nucleon.Finally,the paper under review contains a step-by-step discussion of the computation of the relevant matrix elements. (ilo reproduction) . ASSOCIATION Leningrad State University. PRESENTED BY SUBMITTED 23.2,1957 AVAILJ,'tBLE Library of Congress. Card 212 56-4-11/54 AUTqORS Novozhilov, Yu.V. TITLEj Nuclear Forces and the Scattering of T -Mesons (Yadernyye sily i rasseyaniye Ir -mezonov) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperim. i Teoret. Fiziki, 1957, Vol. 33, Nr 4, pp. 901 - 909 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The interaction of two rigidly connected nucleons in the pseudo- scalar mesotron theory with pseudoscalar interaction is investi- gated. The main part of the two-body problem is represented in form of a one-body problem. Only the states without real mesons and with one real meson are taken into account. The method to renumber the two-body matrix elements into one-boy matrix ele- ments is further developed. These are then calculated according to the method given by Chew, Low. The potential a-2R which con- sists of 2 parts is calculateds one part is f4 proportional (f .... interaction oonstant), the other part depends on the phase of the scattering of 11- -mesons on the nucleon. Card 1/2 Nuclear Forces and the Scattering of qj- -Mesons ASSOCIATION: Leningrad State University (Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet) SUBMITTED: March 30, 1957 AVAILABLEt Library of Congress 56-4-11/54 Card 212 AUTHOR: NOVOJILOV,JU.V., TULUB,A.V. PA - 2042 TITLI: The Method of Functionals in the Quantum Theory of the Field (Russian). PERIODICAL: Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk, 1957, Vol 61, Nr 1, PP 53-102 (U.S.S.R.) Received: 3 / 1957 Reviewed: 3 / 1957 kBSTRkCT*. The present survey is arranged as follows: I. The method of functionals in the Quantum Theorv of the Field: Introduction: Art Ij The quantum theory of the field and the functionals. Art: 2 FOX'S method of funotionals: Idea of the Method, the deducing functional for the probability amplitudes, the method of the functional and the titatistics by FEW, the equations for the functional of state. Art. 3) The deducing functional for the anplitudes of the new method by TAUX-DANKOV. tivisti ana runctional integration: Art. 4) The deducing functionals for -the relativistic functions: The T-function and the deducing functional, 78Y1flW 13 ampli- tudes and the deducing functional, th-t function Q. Art. 5) The space-time treatment of t:29 quantum theory of the Card 1/3 field and the functionals: The basic aquations for the fourdi- The Method of Funotionals in the Quantum Theory P1 - 2042 of the Field (Russion). mensional state vector, the generalizing YOK functional, the functional FOURIER transformation. Art. 6) The variation of the operator and the functional integration of the FERMI field: In contrast to other methods functional methods permit strict formulation of the equations for tho field functions and make it possible to find a formal solution of the problem of fields that are in interaction. Thin special feature of the method of functionals is important for investigations of a basic character and also for the W03?king out of ap roximation methods (which differ from the perturbation theory5 for the solution of field equations. At prenent work connected with the method of function&ls can be subdivided into two groups (from the point of view of using tho functional apparatus): works ooncerning the investigation of deducing funotion&ls, and works that are connected with the use of functional integration. The idea of the method of the deducing functio- nal was brought forward for the firat time by the member of the Academy V.A.FOK in 1928, and was worked out in detail Card 2/3 The Method of Funotionals in the (juantua Theory of the Field (Russian). PA - 2042 in his work of 1934. Thia method van then used for the olution of st*,eral problems in the course of the years that ; ollow*d, but it was not applied a=d developed on a large cale until recently. The most Imlortant development of the :ethod of funationals is connected. with the introduction of the funotionals of the exteriox sources by SCHWINGER. ASSOCIATION: Not given PRZSBNTED BY: BTJBNINXD: AVAILABLZ: Library of Congress Card 3/3 AUTHORs N oY-aZhk10v-;--M V-.- SOY/54-58-3-3/19 VITLEs On Asymptotic States of Dressed Particles (0b asimptoticheakikh soatoyaniyakh oblache W kh chastits) PERIODICALs Vestnik Leningra dskogo universiteta, Seriya fiziki i khimii, 1958, Mr 3, pp 21 - 23 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present paper the author describes a method according to which equations for asyr,itotic states of dressed particles with consideration of the vacuum polarization can be deduced. According to the Hamiltonian of the meson and nucleon fields, the vacuum of the interactingYz-fields, and ty means of the creation operators 0 A A' of the dressed particles corresponding to the equations 1 2 1H Ail - E iAi a system of eilgenfunctions H can be composed: V fA+ H (E + E + . . .) 12-.' A 1 21 2 Y12- . The operators A + depend on the creation operators i Card 113 and ~(-)(x) as well as on the absorption operatorsf On Asymptotic States of Dressed Particles SOV/54-56-3-3/19 The function Y12_ also depends on the distance R ij between the particles. If however R ij -300.- it is not transtormed into a product of the creation operators of the naked particles which act upon the mathematical vacuum. It describes the Iressed non-interacting particles. If B i j--), -42 for the asymptotic functi-on A+A + and tt-us also for the asymptotic creation 12__ - 1 2 0 operators A+, A of the dressed particles, equations can 1 2 be found by employing the cond:.tion that IY12.,. is an asymptotic function of the H E E R --)04as well as (H 1) 2 ij of the total momentum P. As examples were investigated the case of 2 fermions (creation operators A+ and A+) and of 1 boson and I fer- 1 2 Card 213 mion (creation operatora C* ard A+). 24(5) SOT/54-58-4-9/18 AUTHORSt Novozhilov, Yu. V., Frokhoroy, L. V. TITLE: On the Forces Acting Between Nucleone and Hyperone in Accordance With the ifeson Theory (0 ailakh mezhdu nuklonami i giperonami soglasno mezonnoy teorii) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Leningradskogo universiteta. Seriya fiziki i khimii, 1950, Nr 4# pp 80-92 (USSR) ABSTRAM This paper deals with the vontribution of P-mesons to the nucleon-hyperon-potential trithout making use of the perturba- tion theory. for the investigation of the hyperon-nucleon-poten- tial the following conditions are important: the computation of the potential ought to be Possible within the scope of the non- relativistic theory. It is assumed that in the case of scatter- ing of 7r-mesone on hyperons the cross section has a resonance character and that the latter is very considerable so that it is possible to neglect the not-resonance cross section; if there is no maximn- of the scattering cross section ofTj-mesons in the non-relativistic energy range this theory is not permissible in this case. Furthers the potentials differ with respect to the Card 1/2 degree of their decrease with growing distance; the velocity- SOV/54-58-4-9/18 On the Forces Acting Between Nucleons and H,yperons in Accordance With the Meson Theory dependent terms in the potential are calculated vith linear ap- proximation. The meson cloud is of quasi-static character. With- in the framework of this the3ry of scattering of the dressed particles, expressions are set up for the nucleon-hyperon adiabatic and the velocity-dapendent potential and simplified for the non-relativistic cas-3. The asymptotic expansions of these potentials are Gomputed. In continuation of this the properties of the operator 0 are investigated and the possible r9sonant condition of the scattering of pions and hyperons is determined. It is not possible to obtain the two terms W 06 and W., by the perturbation theory. W 09 contains the pion-nucleon scattering cross section 6'1 or the pion-hyperon cross section 6 2 linearly, whereas W6,61depends quadratically on 6 i' There are 9 references, 3 of which are Soviet. Card 2/2 24(5) SOV/54-58-4-10/18 AUTHOR: Novozhilov, Yu. V. TITLE: Dressed Particles in Quantum Field Theory (Oblachennyye chastitsy v kvantovoy *eorii polya) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Leningradskogo universiteta. Seriya fiziki i khimii, 1958, Nr 4, pp 93-106 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the introduction different interpretations of cloud particles are mentioned in brief (Refs 1-6). It is the aim of the present paper to generalize a method already previously suggested by the author to introduce independent fields for various "clouds" taking vacuum polarization into account. The attempt is made to set up a scheme of scattering in quantum field theory based upon the concept of dressed particles. Part I of the paper deals with the general form of introducing independent fields for the de- scription of dressed particles and groups of particles not in interaction. Part II gives a description of the dressed particles with the "free" Iluailtonian being diagonal. This theory is also applied to the connection of the asymptotic states (van Hove, reference 1), with the states 9f the dressed particles not in Card 112 interaction. For this investigation independent meson, nucleon, Dressed Particles in Quantum Field Theory SOV/54-56-4-10/18 and antinucleon creation and annihilation operators were intro- ducel for each particle cloud and the basic functions were de- termined in terms of this operation (6). The expression for the S-matrix has to contain the weight operator (equation 15). The "effective" nonhermitian Hamiltonian (16) was obtained. The term of interaction H12 (equation (19), (20)) describes the effect of meson, nucleon, and antinucleon exchange between the individual dressed particles. The S-matrix can be set up in a quite analogue form to the scattering theory with operator H 12 as perturbation. A representation, in which the Hamiltonian of the "free" dressed particle H is in diagonal position, was introduced. It is pos- sible to d8velop the perturbation method in the "dressed parti- cle representation" in which perturbation containa only the in- teraction of real particles. There are 7 references, 1 of which is Soviet. Card 2/2 24(5) SOV/56-35-3-271/61 Noyozhilov, Yu. V. WTHOR: TITLE: On the Scattering ofIlDressedilParticles in the Quantum Field Theory (0 rasseyanii "oblachennykh" chastits v kvantovoy teorii polya) PERTODICALs Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1958, Vol 35, Nr 3, pp 742-749 (USSR) kBSTRACT: In the present paper the author discusses a scattering theory in which the virtual clouds surrounding the particle are in all cases taken into account with exactitude. The theory is based upon the use of so-called basis functionals J, which are represented as the products of single-particle functionals. For the purpose of introducing the f-functions the author pro- ceeds from the total Hamiltonian for n nucleons and anti- nucleons (which interact with the meson field) H = H + [H,(i) , Ujj, where H denotes the Hamiltonian of thi, Card 1/3 free meson field, 11N(i) relates to the i-th naked nucleon anail SOV/56-35-3-27/61 On the Scattering of Dressed Particles in the Quantum Field Theory is the interaction operator of the i-th nucleon with the meson field, which is set up as linear function of the meson-produc- tion and -&""JhI1&ti0n )perators a+ and a. For the wave function in a system. of n non-interacting dressed particles in depend- ence on the meson field ~ it holds thad~(1,2 .... n; a-) = - J(1,2,...n; a+)Aot where A a is the vector of state of' the vacuum (The physical vacuum here coincides with the mathemat- ical vacuum). For the wave function of the system of non-inter- acting dressed particles the following equation is finally ob- (1,2,...; a+)A, a F (l,a+)F(2,a+) .... tained; fa cc a ap. . From this e~aation there follows for the basis functioni - a+ a .... f ; A w (qI9 ; a). A A q, q2 a q2 ... The application of the formalism of the scattering theory (ac- cording to reference 2, S-matrix), in the case of an invest:L- Card 2/3 gation of the scattering of dressed particles immediately leads SOV/56-35-3-27/61 On the Scattering of' Dressed Particles in the Quantum Field Theory to a system of nonlinear integral equations ;or the scatter.119 amplitudes. If no vacuum polarization exists, the equation.~ for the maLrix elements are automatically renormalizea anl ne matrix elements can be expressed in terms of tte single- nucleon matrix eiements. In an appendix a formula of tnis ,paper is discussed. There are 8 references, 1 of wnich is :Oviez.. t~7FOCI:%TION: Leningradskiy gosudarstvenyy universitet (Lentngrad '-tate University) UBMI I TTED April 10, 19~8 Card 3/5 NCVOZEaWV, Yu. V., Doc Phys-Math Sci (diss) -- "Cloud particles in the quantum field theory"a Mscow, 1959. 10 pp (Lenirgrad order of Lenin State U Im A. A. Zhdanov), 1-50 copies (KL, No 23, 1959, 159) 21(l) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov/2825 Novozhilov, Yuriy Viktorovich Elementarnyye chastitsy (Elementary Parunles) Moscow, Flzmatgiz, 1959. 184 p. 15,000 copies printed, Ed.: G. F. Drukarev; Tech. Ed.: 0. V. Speranskaya. PURPOSE: This book is Intended for the general reader with a back- ground in secondary school physics. COVERAGE: The text reviews the field of elementary particle physics. Concepts are presented without the use of mathematics. Recent findings concerning mirror symmetry, the antiproton, the anti- neutron, the neutrino, and the nucleon are discussed. No person- alities are mentioned. No references are given. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 4 Card 1/4 Elementary Particles (Cont.) SOV/2825 Introduction. What Is an Elementary Particle? 5 Ch. 1. On the Threshold of the World of Elementary Particles Conservation 1,~ws 13 Familiar particles and measures 23 Photon 28 "Hunting" the elementary particles 32 Characteristics of the world of elementary particles 41 Moment of the quantity of motic'n and spin )J9 Ch. 2. First Step3 In the World of Elementary Particles Discovery of the positron 55 Particleg and antiparticles 61 Conservation of energy or another particle? 65 Beginning of th- struggle for high energy particles 71 Ch. 3. Particles Necessary to Explain Nuclear Forces Characteristics of nuclear forces 1-6 What Is interaction? The virtual photon 78 Card 2/4 Elementary Particles (Cont.) SOV/2825 Nuclear forces and nuclear mesons 84 In search of the nuclear meson 89 Continuation of the struggle for high energy particles 96 Mu mesons and pi mesons 101 Ch. 4, First Results Particles and interactions 108 Charge independence and mass difference 114 Isotopic spin 118 Ch. 5. Strange Particles Invasion of elementary particles 122 Strange particles 128 Classification of strange particles 131 "Strangeness" 139 Ch. 6, Recent Progress Mirror symmetry, or the "right" and the "leftit 146 Antiproton, antineutron and the neutrino 154 Card 3/4 21 (7) AUTHOR: SOV/54-59-2-1/24 TITLE.- Setting up an S-matrix for Dressed Particles (0 postroyenii S-matritsy dlyA oblachennykh chastits) PERIODICAL: Veetnik Leningradskogo universiteta. Seriya fiziki i khimii, 1959, Nr 2, pp 5-13 (USSR) ABSTRACT: An S-matrix for dressed particles is set up on the basis of Hamilton's formulas but without the use of the hypothesis on the adiabatic introduction of the field interaction. Thus, this is the problem of setting up a function for noninterac-;ing dressed particles or - which means the same - the of the complete Hamiltonian 9 into the "free" Hamiltonian which comprises the effect of proper energy and the operat-7 of interaction of dressed particles. The wave function of ',-E; 0 can be interpreted noninteracting dressed particles f n the form of the derivations of the generating operators of tae physical particles, A +, IL+ , X+ , h+ applied to the phy~!--;--l N R x B Card 1/3 vacuum T 0. The permutation relations of the operators A~ Setting up an S-matrix for Dressed Particles SOV/54-59,.2-1/24 with the absorption operators 1% have a general form. In gunern-, the state of the noninteracting particles can be set up by means of the operators of the physical particles. In the the7y of dressed particles, however, the existence of an equation of motion for the field operators which is otherwise mios-L~g for noninteracting particles is presupposed. As the consideration of this case is most difficult, a simplifiers case is assumed where for the calculation of the S-matrix 0 need not be known and simpler functions +(t) with the Yn same asymptotic behavior as ?(t), f 0 are sufficient. In this n way, th~ author considered in a previous paper (Ref 2) the scattering theory of dressed particles of which the present article is a continuation. In � 2, the theory of dressed particles is considered from a slightly different standpoint than in reference 2. The metric operator I is introduced here which plays an important part in theory. In � 3, the explicit A expression for the operator G is found, and the equation is Card 2/3 set up which determines the operator 6 from the effective Setting up an S-matriz for Dressed Particles 307/54-59-2-1/24 interaction operator 0. Besides, the assertion made in reference 2 that the structure of the S-matriz is only determined by the operator U is confirmed. In an appendix, T' the formulas for the operator U are derived which in the mentioned previous paper had been set up without any proof. There are 5 references, 2 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTEDs February 5, 1959 Card 3/3 24(5) AUTHORS: Novozhilov, Yu. V., Terent~yev, 1. A. SOV/56 - 36-1 - 18/62 TITLE: The Two-Nucleon LS-Potential in ti.,e Nonrelativistic Meson Theor~ (Dvukhnuklonnyy LS-potentsial v nerelyativistskoy mezonnoy teorii) PERIODICALs Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 36, Nr 1, pp 120-139 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It is of interest to investigate the question as to what potential that is dependent on velocity can be derived from the meson theory wi Vout using the perturbation theory. In the present paper the'Vg-potential is derived within the framework of a meson theory which is nonrelativistic with respect to the nucleons. Short mention is made of several arguments against such a theory. However, in the case of the two-nucleon problem the here discusse,.'. .:,,nrelativistic method of dealing with the problem is perfecL_,,, Justified. A favorable circumstance is the resonance-light behavior of (Tr- N)-scattering. Therefore, the center of mass of the matrix elements "or ~X- li)-scattering is not in the nonrelativistic domain, and it is just these matrix elements that occur in the velocity-dependent two-nucleon Card 1/3 potential. As to the interaction Hamiltonian, the Pere discussed .4 The Two-Nucleon LS-Potential in the Nonrelativistic 30'1/56-36-1-18/62 Meson Theory method of calculating ths potential does not depend essentially on the type of interaction. In the present paper the potential caused by pseudovectorial binding is investigated. Calculations were sarried out on the basis of the theory cf the scattering of "clouded" particl-es.,Ref 6). He-ormalization ir. calculations carried out without ~c:rrurbat'_(_r* theory presents considerable difficulties whic~a, however, do rot arise in the present paper, because here only the linear approximation with respect to -~ velocity fa used. The probl'em car. then be renormalized in the same manner as in the st-atic ::ase. The first chapter deals in full detail with the -initial formulas for the potential, and in the second chapter the potential is calculated. Details of calculations are not discussed because of similarity with potential calculation in the static case. The last chapter gives a short account of an aeymptotic development for this potential Wt~. The expressions found for this potential for the first time make it possible to form an opinion as to the extent to which the representations cf the nonrrelativistic Card 2/3 meson theory for (N - N'-scatte-ing ir. the range of low The Two-Nucleon LS-Potential in the Nonrelativistic SOV/56-36-1-18/62 Meson Theory energies are correct. The authors thank Member of the Academy V. A. Fok for valuable indications concerning the problem of asymptotic potential development. There are 10 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIC,i: Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Leningrad State University) SUBMITTED: May 26, 1958 (initially), and September 27, 1958 (after revision) Card 3/3 S/026/60/000/012/004/C09 A166/AO27 AL'THOR: Novozhilov, Yu.V., Doctor of Physics and Mathematics (Leningrad) TPTLE: InTo the Depths of the Microworld PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1960, No. 12, pp. 47 - 52 TEXT: The article Is an attempt to explain to the layman the significanc..e of Academician Vladimir Aleksandrovich Fok's theory of quantum electrodynami*cs, as laid down in his monograph "Works on the Quantum Field Theory". The work was mainly concerned with creating a mathematical model of the quantum field theory and an approximate method of calculating atoms. For the work Fok was awardedthe 1960 Lenin Prize. Fok developed an exhaustive theory of secondary quantation tc describe the processes of the birth and decay of elementary particles. An ac- count of "Fok's C:)lumn", the Hartrey-Fok method and the method of Fok's functic-n- als is given, together with an explanation of the need for Dirak-Fok-Podol'skiy's multitemporal formalism. Fok's theory of quantum electrodynamics has subsequent- ly been polished up and some difficulties removed, but the basic tenets remain unchanged. His theory of the interaction of electrons with an electromagnetic field has proved accurate to within millionths when checked by experiment. Thegr are: I photo, I diagram and I Soviet reference. Card 1/1 86904 S/056J60/039/005/021/051 k15-o o B006/BO77 AUTHORS: Braun, M. A., Novozhilov, Y4..L, TITLE: Some Properties of Dressed Particle Operators in the Field Theory PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 39, No. 501), PP. 1317-1322 TEXT: The authors examined the properties of operators of dressed particles, which are determined by single particle states produced when acting on a vacuum. First of all the local relativistic-invariant operator Q(x) of dressed particles is defined, aqd also the in- and out-operators and some relations between these are given. It is further shown that besides a strong limit at large periods (t-*t w) for the production operators of the dressed particles (which has already been demonstrated by Haag (Ref. 1)) such a strong limit exists also for the annihilation operators of these particles; i.e., the annihilation operators of the dressed particles tend, with t-+� aD,to the in- and out-operators of annihilation. The examination of the properties of the operators Q,(x) Card 1/2 86904 Some Properties of Dressed Particle Operators S/056/60/039/005/02-I./051 in the Field Theory B006/BO77 shows that if the expansion in a series for the coupling constant is possible, Q (x) cannot satisfy the causality conditions in their usual form, i.e., the commutator of Cx) is not equal to zero on a three- dimensional surface. The proof for this is based on the perturbation theory. All considerations are limited to scalar particles of the same type. There are 5 references: I Soviet, 1 US, 2 Italian, and 1 Dutch. ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Leningrad State University) May 25, 1960 Card 2/2 3/054/62/000/001/001/011 B102/B112 U7HORS: Trifonov, Ye. D. uzhoab TITLE; Axiomatic method in the quantum-field theory and the proper- ties of symme-~ry of elementary particles PERIODICAL: Leningrad. Universitet. Vestnik. Setiya fiziki i &himii, no. 1, 1962, 5 - 10 T2XT: The symmetry properties of elementary particles are studiej, wnicn result when the following two postulates are added to the ordinary postu- lates of quantum mechanics and relativistic invariance (I and II): It is assurned that there is a unique, relativistically invariant, uniform empty space 10 > (III), and that the energy B,~,ectrum is positive (IV). A quantum theory based on postulates I - iV has been developed by A. S. Wightman et al., whose functions are used in the representation 4 W9 ..... 9. (C." - -C.-O S-I'(AC) W,__ .(Ac;~_., Aj._,)- Card 1/4 S-1 (A) ?(AE)= U(A),?(E) U-'(A), SIQ') 41621000/00110V-1110 I I Axioma t ic _,f tnod in the ... B1 02/3112 resulting from the invariance under the complex proper I,Drentz LI(C) . 9, 9n refer to a f ield with sdin, and U(_'~) is a unitary r,.,- presentation of the homogeneous Lorentz Group in the Hilbert s-)ace. FroM the invariance of the analytic continuation of the Jightman functions under the complex group L+ (C) 4-t follows that the physical theory '-s oil higher symmetry than would follow from the invariance of the *dit_,htman functions under the space group L 1.11 1..... . are in- 91 ..... Yn ~n-l variant under L only in the complex region. In Drder to ascertain whether there exist symmetry properties of W in the coiplex reCion, which could be reiresentedas additional symme j properties of 'N in the physical region, a transformation group R is ietermined, which is different from L (C) and for which W + 91 ..... Yn (RP lpn-1) flL R(,Pi)",[ q)l .... 9n (P1 ...... Pn-1), where pl = Rpi are Jost points. it Is ohown that R nan be roprononted as a product of the reil LorenLz --roup Card 2/4 S/Oa 62/003/031/0jr,1/--11 ,xiomatic method in the ... B102yal 12 and of a ~,-roup R0 ; R - L +/Ro, whero R 0can be found with the K o~,ora- tors of 01) H + F + HI + F1 [H+F-HI-F'I, (2) L 4JH - F + H'- F1, K121 JH - F - H'- Fj. f3 11 1 (M32t M13t M21), H'= i (N,2, N13, N21), F (Mol, M02, M03), F'=(NOj, No., Ng3)- 0with Euclidean M and N ~Lre real. Thus, for example, R 1 1 metrics (rotation in four-sDace) reads D (c) = i + ix(i)- + iK (2)8, , where ~' are real 1 C11 2 parameters; in )seudo-Euclidean metrics (RO) D (Y) + it, Y 2 2 where y is an infinitely small complex jarameter. Thus, the physical transformation R is achieved by two independent tr4nsformations: (1) the real proper Lorentz transformation, and (2) Ro which refers to internal i degrees of freedom only. It is shown that R can be identified with the Card 3/4 S/G54/62/ODV0/1-J3 Axiomatic method in the ... B102/B112 four-di-ension~3.1. isospin group. Academician V. A. Fok s t-an,'~e . 1iscussions. There are 5 non-33viet references. T-,,e reference tj t-.e English-lan~-,uaage publication reads as follows: A. S. '.7ightman. Phys. R,~V., 101, 86o, 1956. (S. S. Schweber. Introduction to the Relativistic ~,-Iuanvu~. Field Theory. Row, ?eters3n and Co, 1961). SUEYITTED: December 20, 1961 Card 4/4 NOVOZHIIDV, Yu.V.; TRIFONOV, Ye.D. Axiomatic approach in quantum field theory, and properties of elementary particles. Vest.LGU 17 (Quantum field theory) the sy=etric no.40-10 162, (MMA 15:3) MVOZHII,OV, Yuv, Axiomatic theory of the s7umetry properties of elB--entar7 Ow. particles. Vest. LGU 17 no.16.-5-19 (MIRA 1-5:9) (Q=tum field theory) AUTHORs TITLEt /62/147/001/012/022 81020 B104/BI02 Gage invariance and axiomatic &ccewto the-quantum field theory RERIODICALs Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 147# no- 1, 1962, 80 - 83 TEXT: The problem is whether it is possibLe to obtain a non-zero electric- charge operator by the transformation A - A + af/ax 9 9j___,~ 91 + iaq f9i OW tul I", i on condition that the quantun mechanical axioms are fulfilled, and that the axiom of relativistic invariance, the axioms of positivity of the ener- gy and of the uniqueness of the vacuum are valid. The electromagnetic field A is represented as sum A 1 + Ao gene* the-wightaan functions W ix,A 11. Here V 9~x,A~ can be represented as sum W 91x,Ao~ + W 9 9~xoklj is 1 0 'the boL.ndary value of the function W 4z,A A describes a spin-0 field, 1 9t i. A, A., a spin-1 field; f, an arbitrary function of x is an infinitely small operator and qi is a Heraitean antisymmetric matrix, eq i the charge. The Card 1/2 1 S/020/62/147/001/012/022 Gage invariance and axiomatic ... B104/B102 complex Lorents group L +(C) is studied thoroughly. It is shown that the vacuum expectation value in space-time transformations transforms according. to the K* representation of L+(C). Furthermore, it is shown that Al is 1. 1X_ an M and an M vector simultaneously, and that ~~ is no scalar with respect to transformations by the generators 9- of L+(C). Further considerations based.. on these results give 4 a 9- + coast for the charge operator. Thus 12 the charge operator proves to-be anuoperator of a rotation about axis "3" in the isospin space. Thus, the field A' is the projection of a pseudo- vector onto axis "5" of the isospin space. ASSOCIATIONs Leningradskiy gosudarstyennyy universitet im. A. A. Zhdanova (Leningrad State University iaeni A. A. Zhdanov) PRESENTEDs June 11, 1962, by V. A. Pok, Academician SUBMITTEDg June 5, 1962 Card 2/2 S/02o/ 162/147/005/0~10/027 B104 B186 .'UTHOR. L'Iovozhilov, ".1.U. -V.---- TITLEt The group of the four-dimensional isospin and the hypt,rcharge in axiomatic quantum field theory PLRIODICAL. Akademiya nauk 665R. Loklacly, v. 147, no. 5, 1962, 6cG - 605 TE.XTs Assuming the conservation of spatial parity, the author enquire3 which symmetry group exists in axiomatic quantum field theory which is based on the quantum mechanical axioLns, on the axiom of relativi6tic in- variance, on the axioms of positive energy and of uniqueness of the vacuum. It is demonstrated that in gauge invariant theories only a generalized reflection has any sense, and that conservation of thV spitial parity of the reflection operatur P, of the spatial coordinatt~s requires L also conservation of the isospin parity of P L* Transition from. thi group of the three-dimensional isospin to the group of the four-dimensional i~ic- spin is possible only whtn tht; isospin parity and, consequently, '%rlen tht spatial parity is conserved. The charge T + I v is obtainea as s 2 Card 112 The group of the ... S/020/62/147/005/026/~,17 B1001~36 consequence of tne invariance, of gauge invariance, anG of the possible transition frcm pseudocuclide,,n inner space to eucl,-aean space. Y is the hypercharge which is an iroscalar commuta~ing witi, T3 , 21 Z2- ASSOCIATION: L~-ninwgradskij gosz~darstvennyy universitet im. A. Zhd,rova (Leningrad state Univrrsitj imeni A. A. Zhdanov) PRESENT-',~'D: June 23, 1*/-62, by V. A. Fok, Academician SUBMITTLI)s June 14, 1962 Card 212 NoMiMjg,,UM,.Vikto"ch; DRUKAREV, G..F-,v red.; LUKIYANOV, A.A., W.~ - --- EeRnno rou. [glementary particles] Elementarnye chastitay. Izd.2., dop. Mo7kva, Fizmatgiz, 1963. 204 p. (MIRA 16:9) Particles (Nuclear physics)) _~ OZHILOVI rueve Axiomatic theory of the symmetry characteristics of elementary partiolea. Vest. LGU 18 no.4:7-14 163. (MMA 160) (Particles (Nuclear physics)) KOVOZHILCNo YU-V-; TERVIVYWO I.A. The i7ftmawncur-POW, -) grOUP In theory of elementary particles. ..Vest. 147.20- 'nor. IOT5-~i 0650 (MIRA 1g.-?) NOVOZRIWV Yw-k VIk .0 "Ayk , doktor VIZ.-Platoln. Tilluk, Prof., -, t I L J, . .0 karid. fiz.-matem. rviuk, nauchn. red. ("4LIb-rIt,UM field theory and olemontary particles] Kvantovaia teoriia polia i elementarnye chastitsy. Leningrad, Ob-vo "Znanie" RSF,9R, 1965. 39 p. (MdRA 18:10) NOVOLHILOV, Yu.V.; TERENTOYMI, I.A. Symetry, of elementary particles in the theory of inhamogenaous groups. Dokl. AN SSSR 165 no.3:530-5)3 N 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy urdversltgt im. A.A. Zhdanova. Submitted February 10, 1965. S L ok, PI SER ~.TP.A -~9 -2) 8 L" :7y m. d o no v a HCVCZEITDV,Ag A. D. "The Effect of Subliminal Irritation cn the Excitability# Absolute Refractory Phases ard ChronmW of Muscles*" Cand Biol Sets Moscow State %dagogical rnst,, moscov, 1953. (R2hBiol,, No 5. Nov 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (11) SOz Sum. No. 521t 2 Jun 55 NOVOZHILOVAY A.D. Effect of direct current of subliminal intensity on the excitability and absolute refractory phase of nerver nnd the muscle. Uch. zap. MGPI 16c)',I'L-28 162. Effect of subliminal rhythmicL,~ excitation on the funct,-,nal state of the nerves and the mu,cle. Uch. zap. !IG&I 169011~-40 162. ~,'-;,UiA 17~5)