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SdUC3K. A.; UOVOT", F, ,4~tho4 for the routine examination of Gorynebacterium dinhtherlae. Cask. epidem. mikrob. imm. 6 no.4:217-221 Tuly 59 1. raborator pro lekarskou mikrobiologii a imminologli Karlovy university v P"aro. (COMMOTIRM DIPIUMMA, culture) BERIAR, B.; CHYTIL., &;-AqYOTIffx?.;--STEJSKAL., J. Acute enterotoxemic nephrosis. Cas. leko cesk. 103 no.18: 486-489 3 My'64 1. Hlavuv I.-Oatologickoenatomicky ustar fakulty vseobec- neho lekarstvi Ku [Kario University] r Pra2e (prednosta: Prof. dr. B. Bednar Dr,12=70,; Il interni klinika fakul ty vseobec- J, 0 neho lekarstvi Ku (Karlovy university] v Fram (prednostatprof. dro F.Herles, Dr6c.) a Kikrobiologicky ustav fakulty vseobecne- ho lekarst7i ICU (Karlovy university] v Praze (prednosta: prof* dr. F.Patocka, Mee.) NOVOTHro F'avllo ins. Fluid combustion of ore-bearing coal with a high ash content in the Lower Silesia Basin. EnergetLka Cz 14 nool2s585-591 D 164. 1. Research Institute of Fuels,, Bachovice. RaVOTHY Pcmlp ins. use of f2uld technlqws in coal combustlon. lwrgetlU Cz 21 noo7s342-343 J3. 162. I i NOVOTNY# Pavel. inz. Combustion of high-ash M618 In a fluid layer. Energetika Cz 13 no,1%l-6 A 163, 1. Ustav pro vyzkum pal-tv, B"hovice. IYOVWHY P Technology of low-grade fuel combustion by the fluid method. Prace Ust paliv 6:1.16-137 163. NINOTNY, P-rel, In7. of, ',ilgn --~ api I -k - - 11 1 1- coal as fuel by tj e fDA " mv- ttx- . Uhl 1 6 304 -3 "j,". I . I , ij 1,-:! 11 f F~",f~ 1 0 , --,o-hov 1 pesepxch % I - - NOVOTNYV Pavel ', inz. Fluid layer combustion of high-ash fuels. Tech praca 16 no. 6:454-455 Je 164. 1. Institute of Fuel Research, Bechovice. TWOMY, Favel Refrigeration equIpment in the health ser7ices. lkltrni lek. 11 no.1:68-74 Ja 165 1. Hlavni konstrukter n.p. Frigera, Kolin. NOTC-MlY, R., YUDr. A search fsr rie-., ways Of fulfillh- tile PrOblem of ewre of adoleacmts. Cesk. zdrav. 12 no.).2.-632--( 634 D 1 64 1. Wnfiitent.llo ZdT-avrjtzJctv!, odbcr pece o pracujici. VIGMAR, M.; HAVLIK, J.; NOVOTNY R. ,Arthrogryposis multiplex congeidta. flami'll-al incidenoe. Cosk. pedUt. 16 no-5-'466-470 My t61. 1. Detake-oddeleni OMM-y.garlovych Varech Prednosta prim. MUDr. -Tosef Fidler Kojenecky ustay pri OUNZ v Karla"ch Tarech Prednosta prim. MUDr. Miroslav Viabnar. (JOINTS abnorm) lout-li '.',Srd O,V,,Z (-;Qroatwu oddelanl On, Z)# Zarlavy V"7 ilrwuo. Pra!--ticky lo~~ So U9 1363~ Vp 421-424' aliyGlonla condile-lona In Occ.,*Itloa *f Youtil.4 SKALOUD, Mirslav, doc. inz. CSa.; NOVOTUI, Roman. inz. Postbuckling beh&-.Fior of a uriformly compressed web plate reinforced in the middle by a longitudinal stiffener. Acta. techn.Cz 9 no.3-.217-249 16.1+. 1. Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Praha 2 - Nove Mesto. Vysehradska 49. n,-, Cs C,: 54; -566 I~d.. f raha 2 vp M.P Vy Sohrad skit 41~. ACC NRs AP6021491 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: NbvQtAX._,;5- (Doctor of medicine); Stanek, J. (Docent; Doctor; Candidate of sciences '34 6 ORG: (Novotny] Neurological Department, OUNZ&eaded by Doctor of medicine S. Novotny Zno,jmo (ffeurologicke oddeleni OUHZ); (Stanelcl Department of YAdical Physics, Medical Faculty, _a&vjPheaded by Docent, Doctor J. Stanek, Candidate of sciences/. Brno (Katedra lekarske fyziky lekarske fakulty UJEvP`) TITLE: Experienon with treatment by Bernard's currents (diadynamic) in q~lo~ SOURCE: Ceskoslovenska nebrologie,, no. 1, 1966, 5944 TOPIC TAGS: neurology, electric current, man, therapeutics, cardiovascular system, electric anesthesia ABSTRACT: The authors to und that treatment with lowfrequency Bernard's currents gave very good' results in 200 patients with a lumboaciatic syndrome* Favorable results were noticed in 78,59 of the canon. 128 of the patients -were hospitalized '; this facilitated a good follow-up of the treat-~ ment. 15.caoos of vasomocor disturbances in the extremities were'. treated; all patient@ recoveredi The analgesic effect of the diani Aynamic current that of..Novocalnee.-.-Treatment of J tri*gemipal neurgl Orig. art. has: 3 tables. [Based on authorav Enge .1 v?3&~ successful., aji a a SUB CODE: Ox / SUEK DATE: 26SeP64 / (RIG PN 1 006 / WV RIF: 004 / OTH RW: 005 FULIKA, lozef [Ful"p Josef]- HATCUSHEV, Iozef (Mataushak, Josef]; tHavotny,, Stanislav] Studies and practices in artificial insemination of animals in Csochoslovakia. Zhivotnovodstvo 23 no.7:87-91 n 61. (MMA 16:2) 1, Akademiya sellskokhozyWtvermykh nauk Chekhoolovatakoy SotsiallaticheAkoy Respubliki,, laboratoriya biologii razmnosheniya. (Czachoolovakia--Artificial insemination) NOVOTNY, 3. C f' ~10 4 ) ?sychi;~t. IUin.--:,I qry~ovy Univ. v .5rne. Odvylcaci of' Lecby alcholisimu 21-eatment of 4~ al~c-Fi6lisui by breaking of tho hzA)it -- D'~k -* TA s LY 1950, ~121 (632'~--r)3TO-- A report of the treatment of 62 alcoholics by provukia~~ the Voldt'Lic" "-fiLh apomorpnine or with antabuse. Both me,hods cz~n be successful ir, suita~)ly ad cases, provided psychotherapy is used si:nultaneously. 'Ireatment anta- buse does not eliminate a moderate drinking of jpirits. Zollo,.-,in,- a r)re,-)ara-. ~io% with antabuse, ether was ;-iven by inIialaLion in place of alcohol in 1~ ca;ics. AfLur an anaesthe3ia of 1 hour's duration no acetaMehyde symptonis viere noted. (Iray-Toronto SO: 2ZIMC.'. jol. 5 Nu. 3 Sec. ~I;JTI :.;are- 191~2 0, iW:Zdco UaW 6sW 16 IW30 is orwo pochlairic Clird at.Nsaaryle Usdvo-ndtar. (Head--- raco.z. mm T*u Oct Im NOTOWS a. -06 fteatment of Initial stages of cerebral arteriosclerosis with tuberculin; preliminary communication. Lek. listy 6 no.13:403-404 I July 1951. (CIML 20:11) 1. Of the Psychiatric Clinic of Hasaryk University (Head - Profo,Z. kuterer. M.D.). EN b I a u BEP*M iZEE f4 qqlmiw :591 40 FRom NOVI K(SVj6vTw r0 ..- vftsw*~ a