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lotsent. Antibiotic and vitamin characteristics of flavone Clucosides of the doc rose fruit and mans for utilizing then In the food Wustry. TrWy MIKEP 10:65-71 156, (NMA IOW 4cheskly institut kholadillnor promrshl a jor, nosti. - (Glucosides) (Ascorbic acid) MOTO dotsent, kimd.blologiaheakikh nauk; TIMT, I.S., kand.tekbu.nauk; DRAMA, A.I., insh.; ZVIGUR, To.$.. insh. Blolocical stimul tore of barley corn and ways of using then In the food Industry. Trak LTIM 13:7-16 457. (KLaA 13 -.6) 1, Zsfedra aikroblologii I blokbinii Leningradekogo toldmologichaskogo instituta kholadillnoy proiWahlennosti, (Barley) A'tP-AJ61AUAJAYA,':PZHOV- I'S' , Tka blolsocal propertles *ad the chomIcal sature of mbstawn lakibitlag the geraluation of graminaceaus aseds. Bot.zhur*42 ne.2t255-260 r 057. (KzaA 10: 3) 1e Tokhaologicheekly lustitut kholodiVapy promyshlonnosti, 14mia- grad. (Plavons) (Germizatloa) (Xwlejr) al~ I Y~- and Stavrova, 9. A. (Leningrad Tachsiological. In4titute of thL- Refrigerating Industry): "Antibiotic and Anti-oxidaat Properties of the d Vitamin CW!-lexw Z4iglish - 6 pages/ report pre3ented at the Internatioaal Insil of Refrigeration (IIR), Annual Heetinto of Oommissions 3,4, and 5, Moscow, 3-6 Sep 1958. 'NOVOTIMINOT. H.T.;YKZIIOT, I.S. Substance regulating the activity of amylass isolated from barley. 14*.' vys. ucheb. sav.; pishch. t1eich. no. 2:47-53 158. (KM 11:10) 1. Laningradakiy takhnologichoolgly inatitut kholadilinoy propyahlen- nosti. lefedra biokhimii. (Amylase) (Be rley) NOVOTELINOT, N.V.: MELUZOVA. L.A. whe7 with ribovlavin with the help of Erenotheclum shbyll. lzv. vys. uchab. say.; plahcb. tekh. no-3:49-52 958. (MIRA 11: 9) Laningradekly takhnalogichookly inistitut kholodillnor pro- Kafe4ra m1krablologil I biokhtaii. Nbay) (Ri'boflavin) MOTOTBLINOT. N.V.; T"Hov. I.S. Regulator of the activity of anylass isolated froin barlor .kernels. ]rauchdokl.vys.shkoly:blol.naukI no-3:164-168 1580 (Km 11: 12) to P~redstavlenm kafedroy mWablologil I blokhImil Laningradskogo tokhnologichaskogo 1n*tItut& kholodilluoy proWshlonnoutt. (AiWI&GO) (Urloy) MOVOTELIMOV. N.V.; SUVROVA, X.R. rnereanIng stablIlty of butter by means of vitanIns P and G. rsvo,vyseucht'o.sav.plohehotakhe noo4.*64-68 158. (KIRA U: U) 1. LenlWadskly takhnologicheekly InstItut kholodlltnoy pro- syshlennosti. lCafedra, mirobiologil I blokhimli. (Butter) (Ascorble seld) (Titauins-P) NOTMLINDIF, N.V.; SWROSOVA, P.I. a stable concentrate of vItauln C frou the frtdt Sf eglantIme. Isv.vy*.uch~br.-x*v.; p1shch.takh. ne.6:62-66 !58. (MIR& 12-.5) - I ,tholadilluoy promy- 1. ~eulugradskly takhnologicheekly institut shlennosti, Kafedra w1kroblologil I blokbiall. (Ascorbic acid) (Aglantine) MMIOTA..L.Z.- NOVOMIgOV, V.*,'rAEDVW. D.A. Resynthesis of vItaulm In lactic acid starters [with ouxuary JIL 2421sh]. KikrobiologUa 27 no.6:733-739 I-D- 158. (KIRA 12: 1) IJ*nlnv#Ankly tW&nologl&eskiy Institut lftolodillnoy promysh- lemosti. (VITAX19S. motab. bloontheols In lactic acid forments (Rua) (LACTIC ACID, blosynthdols of w1taulne In lactio foruents (Rug)) Ncoi6-re-l 1A1bv NKY, JE PAO 1111 1 I vulf Ji ]is 4, S I jul as s 'A S$ jig ;jig jai IV gia all NOTOMINOV. N.Y~.----GOLGVKIU. H.T.; 'STA.VROVA. E.R. Synerglem between ascorbic acid and btoflavonolds. lauch. dokl-.vys.shkoly,- blol.nmukl no.1:137-141 '59. (MM 12:5) U Rekomendovana kafedroy mikroblologil I btokhtmit Leningrad- skoo takhnologichaskogo Instituta kholodil'noy promyshlennoatis (ASCORBIC ACID) (JUTONOIDS) Novamomov. 1.T.; YRZKOV. I.S. , - ~ , I --m pe - low.antibiotic hordecin isolated frorybarley grain. &uch.dokl. vys.shkoly;.biol.n&ukI no.3:178-182 159. (MI13L 12:10) 1. Rokosendovana kafedroy btokhtdi I m1krobtologil Leningrad- skogn Inutitute, kholodillmy prorqshIsTmosti. (AmBioncs) (Rimy) IOVOTELINOV IF V. - YNMOT, I.S. Use of running water after the wetting of barley In the course of brewing. 1zv.vys.ucheb.z&v.: pishch-takh. no.6:37-44 159. (MM 13:5) 1. Leningradskly takhnalegleheekly Inatitut kholodiltuoy proq- shlennosti, Kefedra pikroblologil I blokhImils (B4Lrlqr) (Breving) -NOTgP~MNOV~N V.; YF.ZHOVf I.S. Development and planni g'df the'procins of propar4ng hordecin frcia barley. Izv.Yp.ucheb.z&Y.;pIshch.tekh. 1429-34 161. (MM 14:3) 16 laningradskiy tekhaologeskiy'institut kholcdilinoy prmy- shlennoistig Ka;edra mikr6biologii i biokbimii. (UnBIOTICS) (BAR=) KWHELI p YtI.P.; NOVOTELIKOV, H,V. Effect of the antibiotic vn*omn on the process, of ascorbim -acid oxidation. Izv. vys. uchob..zav.; pishab. tekh. no.5:31-34 *61. (KM 15:1) 1. Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut kholodil'noy prouW- shlennosti. Ka."e-dra biokbimii i mikrobiologii. (Antibiotics) (Ascorbic acid) NDVMELINOV,, N.V.; GOIDVXINA, M.T. Manges In the poly phawlie complex of wi2d rose fruits in the Froces-a of fermentation by peatinase. Izvvys.ucheb.zav.; pishch. takh* no.6t73-78 161. (KERA 15t2) 1. laniWadskiy tekhmologicheakly institut kholodillnoy promy- shlannosti, kafedra biokbimli i mikrobiolog#. (Roses) (Factinase) GOLOVKINA, M.T.; NOVOTELIKOV, H.V.; VSHELYAKI, T.N.; PAVLOVETS, N.M. Antibiotic properties of iritamin preparations obtained from the wild rose fruit by the fermentation-method. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; pishch.tekh. no.5:43-46 163, (MIRA 16:12) 1. Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut kholodillnoy pro- myshlennosti, kafedra mikrobiologii i biokhimii. "5V:- ELI N~'-'11, ~. A. , 1 N Instructions on storin-r sphagnum for surcical dressing. Leningrad. Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1941. 11 P. 1 1101, 0IMPT I I IT 91 s s . A . Novoteltnav, S. A. "Clinic and tmatment of bullet-yround ori,7in contractures," Trudy M Vsesoyuz. slyezda klirurgov. Moscow, 1948, P. bho-450 SO: U-326h, 10 A pril 1953, (Letopis Inykh Stately, No. 3, 19h9 MOVOTWHOV, Uldon of &=shot fracture of the upyer third of the femur with extensive, bone defect. Vest. khIr. 71 no-3:59 1951. (CDG 20:11) l.. Orthopedic Clinic imeni Turner. STRAKSOVIGHp K.I.v PROF.: FREWLI, M.I., kand. tekba. nauk; KONDIUAKOVv IaKop~ kande tekbuosauk; - Mo V.F.,, kand,~ tekh-a. muk. PrInIzal uchafftlye NOVOTELINOVI,.V.N.p &asiatmtVRWAWSCVP VOAOP spots* red.; Hicuum, B.G.$ red.; ELIKINA.' E.H.i teldm. red. (compressors] Komprels6rave miasbivy, By K.I.Strakbovich i dr. Mo- skva, Goa.izd-va 1961. 600 p. (MM 15:1) 1. Kafedra glubokogo okhlarhdaniya Leningradskago tekbnologichs- skogo, inatituta kholadi2suoy pr'JL4yshlennosti (for Novotellsov). (Cempressors) (in] RPL VML7W "A= ~1-0 0 ~2' 0 SOURCE CODE*.- U575170765/009/006T08OW0803 AUMOR-. -Novotellnovp V0 N AUu1ovv As ';09"w;M Mp, MW "OR, ORG: Technological Institute of the Refrigeration Industrys.Leni ad (TeldinologicheskJL7 institut kholodll noy promyshiennosti) TITLE: Analytical~6xpressi6n for'the dependence ofthedousity of J~iquV ature and pressure 4__Mgon ontemper- 77777777 Ik SObRdE.&-. ~'-Inzheuorno-mf izioheskiT zhurnalp ve 9,, no* 69'~1965# -809-803- TOPIC TAGS: thermodynamic property#-liquid oxygen, fluid density., temperatures preasure ABSTRAM The art ate re3Atlonship-~between the i0le proposes ar. approxim debsity p2 temperature T,,and prPssure p of t. liquid , oxygen.. Data from the. literature.were" pr-ocess6d -~ by the method of. least squares, For the det6innination.of the density of liquid oxygen In the temperviture range from 153 to 63 IV- at pressures of (78.5-196) z~~10 the fbUawing Jena1ytica14r0AtiqMh-1p_ is recommended! r T -ao+a as too Too] Card UM 532.19�532.14 F;=~r 17 ACC 9 AMIORs N Novotellnow, V. N. (Candidate of Technical Scienices) ORG 1 Lenin' dcal Institute of the Refrigeration Indust (Loongradekly Vad Technolo ry takhao 0=9 chaskly inatitut kholodillnoy promyshlennoati) TITLEt Effect of nonuniform distribution of axial velocity projection at the inlet in the working apparatus of an axial-flow compressor on the basic parameters of a stage SOURCE: IVUZ. Energatika,, no. 6, 1966, 113-115 TOPIC TAGS3 compreseor stage, refrigeration, axial flov~-pressurep flow ABSTRACTs The effect of nonuniform distribution of axial velocity projection at tile inlet in the working apparatus of an axial-flow compressor on the discharge and pres-1 sure coefficients of an individual stage was studied. The calculation results show ~~ that 1) a deviation of th&.axial velocity projection at the Inlet in the stage effects a deviation of the discharge and pressure coefficients of the stage, 2) an increase ~k the axial velocity projection at the periphery results in an increase of the discharge and pressure coefficients of the stage, and 3) an increase of the axial velocity pro- jection at the bushind\reaults in a decrease of the discharge and pressure coefficient of the stage. haut I figure and 12 formulas.. SUB CODE: 131 SUBM DATE: 14Apr65/ ORIG FM 1 00) 0 V CP *to- f 'It c V- q ~ /J~ Ir-- 1/' 1/ ~ W.A,XOVP, R.T&; IOVMT.L'KOVA. N.Y. I'---"-- Com,nooltion, of vetjv*r essential oil. R"*rt NO. I. -XMdr TVIISIDT no.2:35-89 154. (MLRA 10:7) (Roneness and essential oils) XOPOMINOVA, Her.; RUAIMVA, R.Ta. flaw sencMiteryeas compoumds of vetiver oil. Xhim. nauka i prom. 3 no.4:539-540 158. (KIRA U: 10) 1,VaesoyusnI7 nauchno-iseledomtellskly lustitut sintetichaskikh I naturallnykh dushistykb vashchestv. (Sesquiterpenes) (Vetiver oil) NOVOTILINDVA. 9.Y.; RUAMVA, R.Ta. Cowmaltion of Yetiver essential oil. Report 36.2; Trudy MISIN 00-4:85-W: 158. (KER& 1295) 01somwev and essential oils) (Alcohols) VOVML I NOVA. N. IF. -, R&FAMOVA, R. T&. -. -.1-11, ...... 5 ~. z- Composition of vetiver essential oil. Report Mo.3: Trudy MISMDV no.4:8&89 158. (KM 12:5) (Assewas and essential oils) HDVOTILIMM, I.F.; HAFANDVA. R-Ta. - Composition of vativer essential oil. Report 16-50. Clonal vativer oil. Trudy MISMV no.4.90-93 '58. (MIM 12:5) (Issences and essential oils) (Ketones) NOTOTELONOVA, V.L; RAFAROVA, R-Ya.1p M, N.A. Composition of Yetiver essential oil. RePort MOA Trudy MISMY no.4:701-7.05 158. (Kigh 12:5) (Essences and essential oils) BOVOTELINOVAO 1, F,,, Candidate Chm Sci (diss) - "Dwastigation of the essen- tial oil of vetiver roots". Moscow.. 1959. 11 pp (Koscow order of Lenin Agrio Acad Im Ke A. Timiryazev), 320 copies (KL, No 24, 1959j 128) kand.Wm.nauk Composition of the residual part of Chinese citronella oil after the extraction of gerantol. citranallol, and citronellal. Hael. -r-hir. prom. 25 no.10:28-29 159. (MM 13:2) 1. VossoyuzWy muchno-looledovatellskly Institut sintetiche- skikh i mturallmykh dushistykh veshchest7. (Citronelle, oil) 17 4 ptl 4 00 0.0 0 I , 00.0 0 0 0 0 0 4o . 1-0 v 6 0, - t U Lf e 1~ 11 s. Aril A ~ , _ ._A_ - -A &-A " T oo TeadToaw RISMIN" IP 00 "ot I -A_AA- f-- obox 4m. the b=60" of -eke OR P"t. L"iW.. MR, -4, WI(K IM. [94M SOMMUT- Re"i"d , may,: 19364 woo law If of W": the Westag" of kif f *WOW 00 Mi SftW kq* OW WiAUC iM &a #AbMdfd 66M iw fj~ ' boom faiw to PONNow a t" SprAw. while show on Straw 'ad- " IS ,I doom vrwimW bWr~. Tio ownwa lexqw0w, for, 7_ wjw between V A~a lrc.~ dw Optimum W. " tfio;l~ me" Weft kWed After 24 ho4m* toWbuttempenftm 00 b*l*w the mWnnm M wt afmt their viab&y. NO VfMiVA6M Ot we* lzat fektin humifitia bdow 100 per cent . woo 7.8 -d&& The get aUd eqpall~ wA boik im dsy*t oA im the Orchi no owy forimimw in water. am their IORNM 1~ fthaaw wvn: wAimm a- to 9. optimum it- ad mommum too t 6ll*(lwt4 ~Monacm at P. 00"m wak- Ar *Mom hinow at to SW a maximma a W* . d i i w m mum W " ot tempmtomdhool"Od. flild Olt** mwdmum& wed their wo-_ &to.Wk tim Tbo Tkb"T cl =d= thAt WM drkd after wettim W" cow in 0 0-0 0; 0 0 *'W W W lot v 0 O'o 0 0 & 0:00 W* *of 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * f 0 0 IS! t --1 1 4 1 #F-1 9 N 91 tl T3 W f3 16 ly Q It X IT -07 #- *- 0000*000000*100 Mll 913 3411 UP *84111 4241 . . - . . . - - - - 6. 0 4p* 0 ~ IW* 0 't 0 wo It. S. J& ~Tza "Now Representatives of Muzoraceous Fuhgi," Botanichaskiye Materialy Otdel Sporo- v7kh Rastenii flot Inst Inst Imani Kamarov, Val. 6, Issues 7-12, pp 155-161, 1950. F- li A-) 0 TOROJUMVICH, I.I.; 04M=1~0). YAkhail Vladialrovich, professor; ZMM UATol.l.; -OEM TIPAWY. I.M.; IMOMTAEDY. K.K.; GANUIZU. N-, tekhatchookly redaktor Clungi, mule friends and szwai*sl Griby - druslis I vrogi cholovehme Pod rat. X.T.Gorlanko. Koskva. Gass lzd-vo 'Sovetakals muko~O 1956. is? PO (an 10:8) (ftml) --~ IrOVOMIWVA, U.S. Biological characteristics of Plasoopara halstedit (Farlow) Bbrl. at de Toni parasitic on sunflowers. Bot. shur. 45 no.9:1283-1300 3 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Voesoyusun nauchno-ionledovatellskiy institut sashchity raotenty, lenlWad. (Mildew) (Sunflowers-,Biomass and posts) NpMgZNUFAJL N.S. . starshiy naucbW aratrudnik white, rust in sunflmers. Zwhcho rast. at vred. i bol. 7 no~7:57 JI 162, (MM 15:32) 1. VoesoyusW institut sashchity rastenLy. (Sunflowers-Dimemes and posts) (Albuga) NGVCTr-,LfIIOVA. U.3. Plasmopara, halstedii (Farl.) Berl. et de Toni as a collective species; basis for taxonomic siAdivislon of the gemw Plasmoparm occuring on Compositae. Bot. zhur /+7 no.7:970-981 Jl 162e (KM 15-.9) 1. Vsesoyuznyv institut zashchity rasteniy, Leninfrad. (Mildew) (ComposiQ-Diseases andfests) AM low spool** of Plasa%3ara on Compe"tao. Bot. mt. 0t4. spar. rast., i6t7343 63. (Km 16:20) KHOKHRYAKOV, M.K.; NOVOTELINOVA, N.S.; POTFAYCHUK, V.-r. New f un, us diseases of Cultivated plan.-g in the VIZR no.S!21~:2.47 '63. (MIRA - - HOV=LtUGVA,-,lF.S4 (Leergra,~) Mature. of pamaitim In the causative agaat- of f4" su*- fl m-er mildew -Infooting seeds. Bot.. wkni-. .~48 no-6L64- -To 163. (MM 17:1) NOVOTELINOVA N S - MEIENTIYEV, V.V. Unpublished materials on Academician M.S. Voronin. Tr-ady VIZ2, no.23: 28-39 164. OOL~ 19:2) NOVOTELONOVA, N.S.; PCTIAYCHUK, V.I. Exhibition dedicated to M.S. Voronin and A.A. IAchev3kii. Trudy VIZR no.23:59-63 164. (WRA 19:2) NOVOTELINOVA, rl.s. -. Polymorphism in the fungus Plasmopara (Poronosporaceae). Bot. zhur. 50 no.3:301-312 Mr 165. (YIRA 18:5) 1. Botanicheskiy Institut imeni Komarova AN SSSR, Leningrad. IENKIU,, r.V.# aspirant; NOVOTELIKOVA, U.S., kand. biol. nauk, rukovoditell raboty. Mycoflora of Tuva. Trudy TSSBS n0.10:129-133 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Laboratoriya nizakM rasteniy TSentrallnogo Sibirskogo botani- cheakogo sada Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR (for Yenkina). L 34705-66 ACC NRs AP6025220 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0083/65/000/()04/0234/0-039 AUTHOR: Brezinova, V.-13rzhezinova, V. (Prague); flovotna E.--flovotna-va. E. ORG: Psychiatric Clinic, Faculty of General Medicine,, Charles--University Z' (Psychiatricka klinika fakulty vseobeeneho lekarstvi KU) TITIE: Incidence of sleep activity in EEG of psychiatric patients (This paper was presented at the Czechoslovak-Polish Symposium an EEG held in Sopot on 25 May 1964-1 SOURCE: Ceskoslovenska psychiatrie 0. 19650 234-239 TOPIC TAGS: EEG, psychophysiology, psychoneurotie disorder ABSTRACT: 1219 EEG curves of psychiatric patients were investigated; sleep activity appeared in 27-7%; it appeared in the second half of the examination and lasted 15-20 minutes. External stimuli made it disappear, but in 43% it appeared again during hyperventilation. In normal curves superficial sleep curves are more frequent in abnormal records deep sleep is found more often. All 6 manic patients examined had sleep activity. Sleep-rhythm frequency was less frequent in abnormal curves, mainly in adolescents and in people with mild sleep disturbances. Sleep activity during hyperventilation depends on the length of the examination. Sleep activity in Or g macrorhythms of EEG is connected with marginal factors of psychic disorders. i art. has: I figure and 1 table. (Based on author's Eng. abst.] [JPRS1 SUB CODE: 06 / SUSK DATE: none / ORIG REF: 005 / OTH REF: 005 Card 1/1 ~fl L 13139.66 Z _M_ 5688 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0079/6 5/007/002/01,96/0197 AUTHOit: Brezinova, V.; Novotna,,~_. ORG: -Psychiatric Clinic, Kedical Faculty, Charlea University-# Prague. TITLE:. Electroclinical correlations of high-wvoltage~alpha rhythai in EEG:of "S Psychiatric patient's .[This paper.was presented at the Third Interdisciplinary Conference.:on Experimental and Clinical Study of Higher Nervous Functions held in, Narianske La,zne from 19 to 23 October 1964.1, SOURCE: Activitas nervosa superior, vo~7, no. 2~, 1965$ 196-197.. Topic TAGS: M' ology psychoneurotia order, psychiatry,,,electrophy5i ABSNAcT: ts were studied.,16_3 had, a raean alPlaa-mythm 775~patien voltdi-,e higher than 50 microvolts.. 513 between 20 and 50, and 79 below 20. Higher incidence of hi h voltage.indicates an ab-- 9 .nor mal EM curve.,marked alpha-rhythm modulations . _,-diffuse beta aetivity and no c4anges in the hyperventilation curve* Patients alpha-rhythm frequency have an increase of high-voltage- activity~ in the over-.45; between.20 and.45 a,decrease was observed. Patients with;brain concussion -and epilepsy show a more frequent hien-vo,ltage alpha rhythm,.High voltage is.frlel- quently combined,with IBEG characteristics of-lower.stability. The lability of -the-brain ITPAS7 ..increases at ages over 45. SUB CODE: SUBM DATE on --0TH RlTi 003 ~n _e ORIG REF: 061 bard SKALICUP J.; NOVOTMA, H. Techn. spolupmce: CIZKOVA, A.; VAVROVA, V. .- ------ ---- Water disinfection with -~eroxjdes. Cesk. h1g. 10 no.2:100,106 YX 165. 1. Vojensky ustav hygieny epidemiologie a mikrobiologie, Praha. NOVOTNY, Jiri ~~- The 3,300 km. quality testing drive around Czecho-slovakia. Tech praca 17 no.4:301-303 Ap 165. 1. Decinske strojimy, Decin. 3/194/62/000/006/064/232 D295/D308 AUTHORS.; Klauzr Ladislavl and Novoth~# Mile, TITLE: A limiter mechanism for drives and control systems PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika I radioelektronika, no 6, 19629 abstract 6-2-162 y (Czech. Patentt cl. 2U4t 70, no. 97653, 15o12-1960) V TEXT: The object of the patent is a mechanical limiter of the num- ber of revolutions for drives and control systems. The limiter Is intended for use in.those systems where Geneva-movement'type mecha- nisms are used for analog problem solution* The limiter is of simp- le construction and small dimensions and thus superior to mechanisms of the above type. [Abstractor's note: Complete translation.] Card 1/1 NOVOTNA, Antonia F4tanika pro pedegogicke skoly pre vzdelani ucitelu narodnich skol a pro vzdelani ucitelek materskych skol. (Botany for the Teacher's Schools for the Training of Teachers of Primary Schools and the Kindergarten Teachers. 2d ed. illus., indexes) Authors: Antonie Novatna, Hadovan Hendrych. Prague, SPN, 1957. 274 p. Bibliograficky katalog, CSR, Ceske knihy, No. 36. 15 Oct 57. p. 782. DO-STAL, P.; CERRAX, j. ~- 110VOMA, B. Determination of silicon fixed alkori ar-d &rWI graups in organosilicon ccmpoands. Coll Cz Chem 30 no.III14-39 ja 165. 1. Forschungsinstitut fur organische S)mthesen, Pardubicc- Ryb1tvi. Submitted November 9, 1963. RML, 0.; MIUSKOVA, J.; STUORLIKCIFA, S.; KOK-ARKCWA, TZIMOVA. M.;-RZBM. J.; TVARCH. Fr.; ATAYASCWOVA. lIffect of caprolactas on the metabolism in obese subjects and preliminary obserwations on the treatment of obesity. Sborn. B 160. 1. IT. interni klinilm fakulty vaeobeensho lekarstvi University Karlovy Y Prase, prednosta prof.dr. M.Fuclk; Centralal laborstore fakultni newacnice v Press 2, prednosts, dr..J.Hrabans-, Indokrino- logicke oddeleal FZS - IUM - KIN Proba, vedonci dad.dr. Fr.Tvaroh. (MESIff ther) (HRnCCYCLIC CWWIMS ther) BREWTOVA V ;. HOVOMA,.E.;_ 0 * " - Electroclinical correlations of high voltage alpha-rh hm in EEG of psychiatric patients. Activ. nem sup. (Prahar7 no.2t196-197 165 1. Peychiatrio Clinic of the Medical Faculty, Prague. 2. V.firezinova's addreast Praha 2, Ke Karlovy 11. CZECHOSLOVAKIA V-CMIOVA, J.; VECEREK, B.; jjUVQ2'4a Laboratory of Toxicology and Forensic Chemistry, Faculty of General Medicine, Charles Uni- versity ( Laborator pro Toxil iologii a Soudni Chemii Fakulty Vse- obecenho Lekarstvi KU),,-Prague. "Use of Paper-Chromatography in the Toxological Detection of Drugs. V., Fast Proof of Urine, Based on the Do- tection of its Metabolites." Praguai,Ceslcoslovenska-Parmacie, Vol 15, No,9,.Nov 66, PP 491-495 Abstract fluthors I English summary modif ied, 7: The method uses a solvent mixture of formamide and benzene. The identification is ba:sed on simultaneous occurrence of metabolites of amidopyrine ( 4-methylaminoantipyrine, 4-aminoantipyrine, rubazonie acia, and methylrubazonic acid. Amidopyrine and its metabolites are iden- tified' by color reactions with 7 reagents. 2 Figures, 1 Table, 9 Western, 6 Czech rel7erences. (Manusdript received 1 Doe 65). 1/1 VZWM# M-Ios; SUCHMIEL, Drahmirp NOV07NA..Jindra pimealside cast1mg of anoys on the licr bmis 16 T*CUN6 824vafttiAvi U noon&457-463 Wt63,, 1. statai V~ ustotwy a tacbnolo' ;i~v Praba. (for V":MYdr2- Pr"d trnmaka atrojirm,,%ror Smuciol and Rovotra), VA I I - flau - of gmnuqr th * : c 74, zccb. Wl969 Cf, ~ixs, 24i,9M ~ fAf vras ptoducM In.67% yietd by * . Ii t I b - e r. . t( In,,L kwatu o - to 00. (Eftdiafffs off at 06 foip-) and then 2 b ~'-UR'thtm-prepd. was frece (it El atnalk4ru (&m aP GS in jhyjCCtrijjV_ ~MXA A is of it ~afd. o4 graPhicilOPubilyX cmthddeand Ft as p .,'Pro 40. v oftw M -x6vatill mn4_1~tll ova ME ra r;0.05 r ZELL aumfgairi conig; 0.05%1.1 k ut ep o MIN - by- heating hj'N atru. ce R .6 d , ,t 400' i, l i t a ~ ve w ; 4. jp cow or, a g ha Acttlq&~ higher tha L4N t 400w;.the'. trn mm~. 6irlm out.. TOM st, m-pan y re eas ividt Tfg` A in A UIT tiitAWtnC Ll K 6j - ~3 , Ir qr of an equir- utift~ of M, jullsil rcsowct the beha* * Y Corresponds to thai of.1.1171i Af llud~J!rlll#._ Tr_ - - - J-31 A il %/Application of qpt-, c 11 ogr. t ph yfor the detec- -roxco. 'rece t1611 ~ of canc- im hy" Karel Ilopp, Novotn5- and Jan ~uh 'Chikologickk fistav 1h.ig L 4) ty Provided ivitit flieuri~htl M~111 fil(rr will 3 SCII13t t filler. Ua vus i1scel r-; file 'killref, Of excifinj radLifluil lvas' plarcdwina'Jimm 0.4- tight amdyzvl lly Ilicaus u( 1W, 'ith Mi O'l! Model Iff qjec t r(f.5ta flit N% 1 0,2 "tin. width 1it. vatills.- et Imi, of the sta 'In ni it rel setvol Inir climptd~on. Tile (IMILIP(mifial)(P twelioll of blill. InaterN19 Was subluctcd to AIN chromitograpity n;id nivily,zol spectrograpitically. drip-d-meat ujid fich. front Inr, gnd-atithr,watic huntan lyin. pliatio glaml,.i Siraplen-of atm, n.,here "allimit I cm m.), ivtre in a benium4oAlclamle mixt.; Z-~ of Oictlindir6le (tulf w 5ma"lln"' 'lifthraveltv ail'l/w cre - - . I . I I I - gfVC11 by-minpirg from vmfl;w, ~,-fvtfe!i. 1. It I lais VIKOVA, T.,-_ 110VOTIU, 0. Study,on the relation of employmat milieu and dynamics of physical, development Jj2 vorking ymth and students. Cesk. hyg. "I no.2/3: 127-131 162. 1. OUNZ, Praha 5. (VOCARONAL EDUCATION) (GROWTH in adolescence) SOUCEEK, J.; SOCHMAN, J.; MTYCKA, K.; 110VOTft'Ajp 0.; SIAVIK, K. The treatm-ant of exneritental mouse hemoblastes-'s. Part 3,' fleoplasma (Bratisl.) 22 no.4:425-433 165. 1. Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, lAboratory of Protein Metabolism, Charles University, Prague, Czechoslo- vakia. Submitted June 13.. 1964. wmlcRq W.;HARAMWA, Z.;NOVOTNA, R. Ketjxod of sleep therapy with special reference to wasomotor disorders. Gas. lok. cook 92 no.49-50-.1350-1357 4 Doc 1953. (cum 25:3) L. Of the Institute of Disorders of Blood Circulation (Director--Profe 9. Weber, ND.), Precuo-Mro. CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Humn and Animal Fathof;ens. F Abs Jour Ref Zhur Diol., Ild 1, 1959, 771 Author Kalab, D., Navotan Inst -HMI~~~ Title Diochetdeal DivestiLation of Swine Erysipelas. 1. Use of Paper Chromatot_yaphy to Differentiate Strains of Swine Erysipelas Stimulants Orig Pub Veterin med., 1953, 3, 110 3) 149-i6o Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 22:- lli-ontri~---,tion to tlle riv,~-r forests, DO Fladn. LeFnictvi, vol. 31, n 2/3, Tnde,/ of '-',a~,f, ' %-,vvrr:ni ',, rrocs~~ino RIEDL, 0.; HRUSKOVA? J.; STUCHLIKOVA, Z.; KCKAMVA, A - *0-ff9P-3XAX BLAZEM,J*;, TIMOROVA, M.; RETIM, J.; SPALA, ,4.-. TVAR09.1kif" . 0, JP 6V -"fe-chRcal Assistance; ATAXASOVOVA, Je; TRUKOVA, R. Treatment of obesity with caprolactam. Rev. Czech. mod. 9 no,3:167-182 163, 1. Fourth Vadical Clinic, Faculty of General Vadicihs, Charles University, Prague. Director: Prof. M. Fucik, M.D. Central Laboratory, Faculty Hospital, Prague. Director: Dr. J. Hrabane Institute for General and Experimental Pathology, Faculty of General Medicine. Director: Prof. J. Hapaer, M.D. kiftcrina- logical Department, University Health Centre, Regional Institute of National Health, Central Bohemian Region. Director: Doe. F. Tvaroh, M.D. (OBESITY) (AMINOCAFROIC ACID) (FfRUVATES) (CITRATES) (LACTATES) NOVOTMA,JANDOVA, B. Application of phosphates in the meat industrye po 77. PREML3 POTRAVIN. Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 10,, no. 2, FebrUP-ry 1959- Mbntbl~ List of East European Accessions (EEAI), LO., Vol. 8j, No. 7j, July 1959. Uncl. POLMID ill0an.and AnizAi Physiology. Blood Circu- T littion. A b -31 16ii: R6f Zhuko-Biol~j No 5i 1958i 22170. dvoth-a4hAtsova ifust~ :Not, gIVMY Title :The~7V .f,a-otIof- P6'stiftsUin~-Comitt6s6'Convulsive States, ~'o6 Mid ulAt 16 in. Signifi d'ane' a-'of -EKG :Orig Pub: Pulski Arch. Vied. Wewhetz., 1955, 25, No 1, 45-58. Abstradt: EKG changes were noted in 29 of 49 sohizo- phrenic patients during insulin shook: de- -the T wave and ST segment and pression of tachycardia were noted following administra- tion of glucose. Ventrioular extrasystolies 'Cir'd 1/9 68 U07M.-MIYA, Z. S. 'On the sources of leptospirosis grippotyphosa in the Transcarpathian oblast." p. 160 Desyatoye goveshchaniye po parazitologlchesldm problernam i prirodnoochagovyth boleznyani. 22-29 Oktyabrja 1959 g. (Tenth Conference on Parasitological Problems and Digeasps with Natural Foci 22-29 October 1959), Moscow-Leningrad, 1959, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR and Academy of Sciences USSR, No. 1 254-pp. . _A , k- 4 rj / ~ Z U - t LI: I ech-_ tin' COUNTRY Czechoslovakia CATEGORY Organic Chemistry-Synthetic organic abemistry AB5. JOUR. iMhia., 16 19 59, 57159 AUTHOR Vovo~~A., B.-ezik, Z. , Pridal, J. I and E-0 3T . Not given TITLIT I On the Application of 1,3,4-Oxadiazolem in the Chemotherapy of Tuberculosis 011G. ?UB. : Caskoslov Fareac, 7, No 9, 517-520 (1955) AB'.~'~TRACT : The authors have synthesized 2-(pyridy1-4)-4,5- dihydro-1,3,4-oxadiazolone-5 (I) aLd 2-i;yana- methyl-4,5-dihydro-1,3,4-ozadiazo'~one-5 (!I) aa well as 2-R-5-(4-pyridyl)-1,3,1+.-oxadiazoles ,41-th R = H (Illa), Cgs (111b), and C~H- (111,c) and have linvestigated tha iintit4oercula'- prop- irtien of the above cocpaaads. I !Lad 1~ are prepared by cc.!adensing isonicotiric acid hydra- zide (IV) and KCCE6CWNM~ M 'klreazidl) with COC4 . Illb and IIIc are obtaintd in small *Kaifu&, K. CARD: 1/9 I ~ju4 AB5. JOUR. RZI'JI:Li3-, NO. 16 1959, V, AJTAOR T$31 T T IT 1, ORIG. PUB. 47159 ABSTRACT yields by the dehydration of the corresponding avith P2C5, M;15, a'nd, ir the oaae of IIIb, InY azo.,otropic cehydra- tic,n at temperatures below 270* (decamp) in aromatic ethere, nerolin. or, preferably, (q69010.1 The application of SOC12, COC4 , or 5% oleum gives inferior reaults. IIIa could be prepared only by the method described (RZhKh-JM, No 7, 1956, 19295), yield 8%, mp 120-121* (from a1c). For the preparation of the &bove-indicated ,CARD: z/a 3 COUNTRY Czechoslovakia G-2 CATSAORY AB3. JOUR. 16 i, AUT,90' R TN 13 T . TITLE olicl. PUB. ABSTRACT yield 83%, mp 141.2-141.7 (from butyl acetate). A mixture of 0.05 nol. V and 0.2 mol 80% HCC*H is treated with 12 ml alcohol a-ad left to stand 1.5 hro at 4'1 N-formyl-N'-cyanoacet~ylhydrazine ic obtained, yield 68.5%, Mr, 1.53.2-1.53.8' (from a1c). 0.1 mol. IV is treated without cooling with 18 zal water and 0.125 mol. the aolution is evaporated at 90-950/10 mm, find N- acetyl-',il-isonicatinylhydrazlue (VI) ia ise- iftted, yield 91%. mp 162.2-162.5' (from buty! CA"O'. 5/9 COUNTRY Czechoslovakia G-2 CAMORY ABS. JOUR. 16 57159 AUTHOR 'fN3T. TITLE ORIG. PUB. ABOOTRIACT evaporated to dryness (90-95*/10 mm), the resi- due is extracted with pyridine in a Soxhlet apparatus, F=d the extract is cooled (40, 15 ars), to give Illb, yield 26%, MP 150.5-151' (from a1c). 0.03 mol VI is refluxed with 0.0515 mol POC4 in 50 al C06 for 105 min, the U6H~ is distilled off, and the residue is treated as in the preceding case; the pyridine extract, evaDO- rated to 15-20 ml, is refluxed for 30 gLin with 50 al alcohol (in the presence of charGoal) to CARD- ?/9 COUNTRY Czechoslovakia CATEGM ABS. JOUR, X-I'Chim. , AUTHOR TITLE o. 16 OR, 1 C, .PU i1. G-2 57159 A B5 T -R A 'V"T so fiei oubstanca with mp 265-2640 (from a1c). III with R = a-C,6 Yj Could not be prepared by the dehydration of VIII with FlOC13 . All mp' a are corrected. A. Tachilkin C.ARD: 9/9 NOVGTNY,. A. .Progress in chemotherapy of tuberculosis. Cesk. farm. 12 no.2: 82-205 F 162. If Tyukumy ustav pro farmoii a biachagii Preba. (ANTI;UBMWAR SCHREIBER, B.; DVORAK, V.; CHYBA,J.; 4OT Maromboambolism. III. Philmemary anbolism as a cause of death. Vnitmi lek, 11 noe2tn3-119 F 165 1. 11. vnitrai klinika lekaroke fakulty hyglenicke Karlovy University v Praze (prednostat prof. Dr. J. Syllaba); Porod- nicko-gynekologicka klinika LFH Karlovy University v Prame (prednostat doe. Eir. J, Padovea) a Ustav pro patologickou anatomii 1Fff Karlovy University v Praza (prednostat doe. Dr. J. Stan). FELTV V.; NOVOTNY, A. Relation of carbohydrate and 11pid metabolism In pregnancy. Cad. lek. cesk. 103 ne.43tll93-1196 23 0 164. 1. Vyzkumny ustav endakrinologicky v Praze, (reditel doe. dr. K. Silink, DrSc.) a Ustav pro peci o matku a dite v Praze, (reditel doe. dr. M. Vojta), Y,USIL, Y. [Musilt J.) KAFKAt V.; GAYEKt A. [Hajek A.); NOVOTNY, A.; PADOIJETS1 Y. i?adovec,, J.); FAVLOVSKA, Y. [Favlo-71"tr ~.~ Study of the effectiveness of various doses of 6-azauridine in malignant tumors of female genitalia. Vop. oak. 10 no.3:62-66 164e (MIRA 170) 1. Biokbimicheskoye otdeleniye fakulftetskoy bolinitsy,, Praga, 10 (zav. - Y. Opplt [J. Opltj) J. akushersko-ginekologicheskoy kliniki gigiyenicheakogo meditsinskogo, fakullteta Karlova universiteta, Praga., 10 (zav. - dotsent I. Padovets (Fadovec]). SCHMIM, B.; DVORAKp V.; NOVOTNY, A. Use of a point system In the prevention of thrombombolle dimeaw. Cam. Isk. eask. 102 fto.35:951-M -30 Ac 163. 1, U interni klinika TJH KU v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. T. Wllaba Pbrodnicka-gynakologicka Irliniks LFS KU v Praze,, predhosta, doc. ar. J. Padme. (THROMOMMISM) (GYNECOLOGr) PbSTOPERATM CCHPLICATIONS) PUIXONARY EMBOIASM) (ANTICOAdULANTIS) KAFKA, T. (Praga, 2-ya Sallovskaya, 10, Chokhoslovakiya); MUSIL, M. (Praga, Chakhosloyakiya); ffCffQRUMj_A,,LIfcwotrq, A. I (Praga, Chakhoolovakiya); PADMED, I. (Padoved, JJ.J-Mr-a-gT,- Chekhoslovskiya); PIMP Z. (Picha, Z.] (Praga, Chekhoslovakiya); SHOM, F. (Sorm, F.] (Praga, Chekhoslovakiya) Treatment of mal-Allow% qeoplasms in female sex organs by means of 6-azauracil. Vop'azik. 8 no. l6tU-14 162. (WA 170) KOSATKOVA, Z.;,IIOVOTNYL ~A.- S~CIMEIBFURO B.; TOSOVSKAs Z. Braamlphalein retention in late gestoses. Cask. gastroant. 16 no.2:106-109 Mr 162. 1. 11* interni klin4ka LFH KU, prednasta prof. MUDr. Jiri Syllaba Foradnicko-gymkologicka klinika LFH KU, prednosta doc. MUDfr. Jaroslav Padovac. (PREGNARGY TOXERM) (SULFOUCHOPHTHALEIN) (LIVER FUNGTION TESTS) ITOVOTITYP A.; SCOMBER, B.; DVORAK,V.; CHYM, J.,- MGM, V. Mortality due to pulmonary embolism in gynecology. Acta Uhiv. Carol. [med.] (Praha) 9 no.5:385-399 163 DVORAX,V.;, PADOVEC,.T.; SGMMBERSB. _Ag Firevention of thromboembolism In gynecology. Cas.lek.cesk. 103 no.8t199-205 21 F'64 1. Porodnooko-gynekologicka klinika lekarske fakulty hygienicke KU v Praxe (prednostat doc.dr. J.Padovec) a 11. interni klinika lekarske fakulty hygienicke KU v Fraze (prednostat prof.dr. IDMT Sr Ali onin Treatment of allergic states In gynecology by dessualtigation with histamine. Cook. gyn. 36 no-3:197-201 1957. 1. Gyn. por. odd. Praha 4, prednosta doe. MDr. Vaclav Sebek. (HISTAMINgs tber. use allergic ffnecol. & urinary tract die. (Cs)) (GYNMOWGICAL DISNASES. ther. allergic, histamine (Gs)) (URINARY TWT, die. allergic, ther., histamine (Cz)) .XOTOTFY 0 9MMO DW VAtastames of ovarl&a carcluom Into a caryloal polrp. Cook. ow. 241381 no. 6:47%-W0 iv4 1959. I.. Oyn. por. add. non. v Notals, prednasta dec. dr. T, Sabok Prosektura namcculas v Katalas prednosta Mr. W. Rauchaziberg. (OVART. n4apIpass) (CRUM UTM, nsoplaa=) (CARGINWA) (POMPI) DVORM., -Vadls4f -111 G M 119 i Bedrlchj,.~~I~YJh "~4n; CHMA, Jiri Thromboembolic com lications in -mligrent tumors* Acta Univi Carol, [med.3 (Praha) 9 no.51403-414 163 1. Poradnicko-gynekologicka klin-1ka lekarske fakulty bygie- nicke University Karlovy v Praze (prednostacc doe. IfUDr. T. Fadovec); II. interni klinika lekarske fakulty hygienicker University Karlovy v Praze (prednostat prof. MUDroJeSyllaba), a Ustav pro patologickou anatcmii lekarske fakulty hygienicke University Karlovy v Praze (prednosta 9 doe. MUDr. J&Stolm) uLEL;_'_'06L&L SCIT,BJ-BERJ- B., DVORAK, V., and 1j0'V0Tt4Y. A' , Second Clinic of 1nternal kledicine (I.L. interni kl:Lnika) , Faculty of Hed-ical Hy- giene (Lekarska fakulta hygienicka) Prof. J. SYLLABA, M, director, and Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecoiogy (Porodnicko-g-jnekologicka klinika), Faculty of Medical Hygiene, Charles University, vrague, Docent J. PADOVEC, 10, director@ [individual affiliations cannot be determined] "Point System in the Prevention of Thromboembolic Disease" Prague, Casopis Lekaru Ceakych. Vol CII, No 35t 30 August 63, pp 951-955. Abstract[Authors) English summary]: Investigated was the possibility of using a point system as a basis for the prevention of thrombo- embolism. A conclusion was reached that the problems of prophylaxis in thromboembolism cannot be resolved by a general prophylaxis. The point system was found inadequate because it cannot express the basis and dynamics in the development of the thromboembolic disease. The authors think that effective prophylaLtEc measures should be sought in biochemistry and physics. Forty-seven re- ferences, including 7 Czech and 1 Hungarian, 1/1 SCHHUBER, B.; NOVOTNY* A.; DVOUK, V.; OEM, J. Thromboembolic disease. 11. ThromboemboWc amplications of mWwardial infarct. Cu. lek. cesk. 202 tio.5:125-130 I F 163. 1. IL interni Irlinlim fakulty bygienicks 0 v Frase, prednanta prof. dr. J. Synaba P&vdnicko-gynekologicia Irlinilm Iskarske fWadty bygienicke KU v Praze, prednosta doe. dr. J. Padovec Ustay pro patologickou anatmii Iskmrske fakulty bygienicke KU v Praxe, prednosta doc, dr. J. Stolz. (NIOCARDIAL INFARCT) (TIIRMBOMWLISH) (ANTICOAGMANTS) KAFKA, V.; 14USILO J.; IfOVOTNY A - PADOVEC, J.; SOIN, F. Chemotherapy with 6-azauracil in gynaecology. Acta univ. carol. [med.] 7 no.5:617-633 161. 1. Klixdka chorob zenskyeh a poradnietvi lekarske fakulty hygienicke University Karlovy v Praze,, vedouci doe. ITUDr. J. Padoveo Ustav orgahicke chemie a biocl.omie CSAVp prodnosta akademik F. Sorm Biochemicke oddeleni, fakultni nemoonice v Praze 10, primar MIDr. Mr. J. Oppit. (GENITALIA YaMUZ neoplasms) (URACIL antagonists) (ANTIMOPWTIC AGLOTS ther) UVORAF wid J. CHYSA; S--corld, liltorwii VC TT. ~NY jledlc.ln,~ C'Unic ill, internt I'llead (predrioata) Prof Dr j. SILILAFIA; ClizAr fc~r Obstetrics and C-,,rcrt lo-v klinika~lieacl D.:,ccot Dr J. PAI)OVEC; and Dv-zirtment Ot Fratlitology (Ustav pro patulogirkot: &a.t~mft), ll~.od Dr J. ST~',J.Z; o'lh.~, Faculty of Mellxcal hm-IL,~n(- W Cbrrlos llMverq4lL-,,, liyAml(-ku' KI: r;, L ac-lcjv(,. UniversiLal Pzagu,?. :lThromb( *fabolir Dlaea*e. Part 2. Thromosmbelic C=plicazion.13 of Myccardiall Infarczion," YcIl iC2, N'C 5. 1 Fe,, 63i pp 125-130. P r a g 11 c , i Abstrect: rErgiist, summary raodifled'.: Analfals of 535 I~atall myocardial fiWiarcl-s 1954-1958 by rex, age, mr~nth ot 7tar; atheros--lerosis; htart: puLmoaari enL-clIsT; arrerial ven,~u:-, tiirombrembolic rwyoctrdlal ruptuzi,; AT,til:;~agIL;Innr Latter was nor alu;ays ir, ar oyrlinal TLz-m4-.r. Ton t3bles2 25 ref,~rmces- 4 Cztch, Wcstern, 0 - DVORAK, V. NOVOTNY A.p Influence of age on thromboembolic disease in gynecology. Cook. gyneko 30 no.6:544-548 Ag 165. 1. Gyn.-por. Kin. leke fak, hyg, Yarlovy University v Praze prodnosta doe, dr. J, Padovee, DrSe.).