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L 06573-67 D1T(m)/M?(t)/ETI IJP(c) JD ACC NP. AP6022814 SOURCE CODE: UR/0363/66/002,/008/13%711402. AUrHOR: Havoselovas A. V ; odiu,.I. N.; PopovkIng B. A. university (Kaskovskiy gosudarstvermw unl- ORG: ROAKINjLt of Chemistry. Moscow State versit4t, khIaLchaskLy i(A(UPte'll f thd~jj%q IV ,I TITLE: Investigation o .6-pbI2 cross section of the ternary system Pb-Se-lz SOURCE% AN SSSR. IzvestiYa. Neorganicheakiye materialy, v. 2, no. 0, 1966, 1397-1402 PIC TAGS: lead, selenium, iodine, phase diagram, phase structure, phase equilibrium ,ABSTRACT: The fusibility diagram of the PbSe-PbI2 system was studied by thermal, x-ray, and microstructure technLques. The samples were prepared by fusing suitable mixtures of.pure componentaln vacuo. The results are graphed !md,#bulated. The diagrm of tde PbSe--Pb12 rystem was found to have one eutectic k2intJ10.t this point, at 3840C, the PbSe content Is equal to 14 mol %. Under cooling, the melts of the PbSe-Pb12 SYS- em were found to behave as if they were in a non-equilibrium.candition. This was re- I flected in compensation effects an the cooling curve. X-ray examination revealed two I 1 3. of PbI2 in the melts. The solubility limit Of Pb12 in the solid PbS* at 3840C was found to be equal to 0.8 mol % Pb12- Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 2 tables. CODE:11120/ -S= DATC: 28Mar66/ ..ORIG IMF: Q02/ OTH REF: 004 UDC: 546.815+546.23t546.15 06122=~ ACC - MKS AP6031T23 SOMWEE, COOT,,. ull/03TC 1005/013T/01 T AUTHOR: NagorsLmyap N4 D (V6 Cowl;'Gol'denberg A. E.(Mscow); Movoselova, A. V. al t _Yatsenko, JAE, P_0 (mcacaw)-- Dorivoya, A, (Moscow); Fri Roscow); ORG: none IA 0 &1 TITIZ: Partial phase-diagram of' the Al-Bi-k system SOURCE: M dasit. Izvestiyao Metally, no. 5, 1966, 137-147 TOPIC TAGS" 4 aluminum beryllLun magnesium system', aluminum beryllium magnesium alloy, r 10 qatsy phase diagram, phase -composition, alloy at * ucture 9 I"Erw- eRY3.N4A41- ABSTRACT: A partial phase diagram of the aluminum-berylliun-magnesium system (see Fig. 1) has been plotted on the basis of data obtained by physicochemical analysis of 30 alloys containing 0-90% aluminum, T-17-56.28% beryllium and 0-27-73% magne- sium. Alloys vere velted from AB-000-grade aluminum (99.99%-pure), M-1 grade magie- slum (99.9.1%-pure) and sublimated beryllium (99.4%-jYjre). It vas found that three phases crystallize in the partial A1-0 Be system: sluminum-base solid solution -base solld 1 solution fM (a ); berylllua , and phase. At 445C the ternary e reacilane: ;tel;tlc solidifies according to the folloving L -:t a + *A1 + $Al-Mg-Be I Card 1/3 Uw: 60.T15'725'721 Fig. 1. Partial phase diagram CD .,;of the Al-Be-Mg system I - B~undsry lin6; 2 - two lijUi4 phases; 3 one liquid phase. 06199-67 AP6031723 0 Ternary eutectic. contains 35% Mg and slightly over 0.6% Be. A decomposition of' the liquid phase into tvo sutaally immiscible liqui&, occurs In a vide range of composi- ,tions. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 3 tables. SO OOIX:~ U/ SUBM MM 2TKar65/ OEaG REIP: 008/ 091 REF: 01T v L(kt-^. A ks. U69t of temperatme on smwth ad Pwounst d 44- ;6R I h I E V N "W Kh~ . OWWAS s WnK . a 194 . m' . 4ad 0. A, Aka.- Moak $JJAII, QW73(1"3) cds& *fth touke 00(f ex- 0 * 30 * f h s d ite and 16 Ismed to 23 dayt i , 2 at might 23 m daytime and 8* at night. Low night temp. " growth of sWe-gmums zn4 total root "stem. Night tmp.- at 150 cave the best crop Yield. W% Wier than that from eaffmi. 23* exposm. Lower tifift temp. fsM to chop the activity, but aWed the ftsuspat of iubck- f 1-1 t h h t d eavea and t bts- ydrous ftm e egroMm o bm 0. M- K401104 ACCESSION NRr.,-i"7~72 S10405161V AUTHOR: 31*0 Bi;: VITLE: Evaluation of AZT radloprotective efficacy SOURCE: RAidlobiclogiyag 4,v no. 20, 1964v 234-238 TOPIC TAGS-.' AZT* radioprotec'tive efficacy, evaluation method, wide radiation dose range X-Irradiation, aurvival dose curve# reduced radiation dose effee4venesa ABSTRACT: -A ET radioprotective efficacy was evaluated by using a- wide range of radiationdoAesp as opposed to the 11mited few used in most litorature- tudi4s, and by determining the relation of radiation injury,to radiation dose,- White m#e were,X-irradiated (200 We 20', f ilter 0 .5 -Cu ~ + 0-5 Ai., T6.5 r/mAn) with dose:s of 300 4WO 4750 500s 600, 65o' 700s 800, 900, 2-000a 1100, and 1200 r. FIf t-een min before irradiation a 1%, AET solution - (150 vW]cg) was administered .Mi- 010 Int riaperiton4ally, to experimental , o and a physi, solution was%aftinistered to control.mice, 'Survival. vate and average lifetlma~ dose curves were plotted for a 30 day'perlod follow radiation. ins card 1/2 'ACCESSION, NR: AP4027972 _C014parison of survival.-doswcurves for the experimental and control Mice shows,that -th eI .general nature of radiation-injury does not chanip with ~ AET ':,.but the rsAiation.done.requirod to produce the-same.effect chi in.ges, -AETI.,reducos -radiation dose effectiveness,- bY.: 25, -to 30% for, all investigal;ed doses, The authors strongly'recommend the use of a wide range of radiation doses in evaluating the' efficacy of other radioprotective preparations. Orig, art. has: I tablep 1 figure, hno-issledi kly ASSOCIATION: V entral'.V*y nauc oVatel's rentgeno- radiologicheskiy, Institut MZ SSSRD Leningrad (Central Scientific- Heia,aroh.Roontgqno~-Radiologioal Institute HZISMY SUBMITMED: 25Jun63 DATE ACQ: 28APr64 ENCL: 00 ~SUB CODE: AX -.No BEF SOVv oo6 -OTM: 002 c,,d2/2 RUSASOV, A.M.,-prof.; NOVOSELOVA, G.S. Pharmaoology of amincetbylisothiuronito. Farm. i toks. 28 no.1:81412 Jim-F f65. (MIRA 18:12) 1, Otdol radiatsiompy farmakologil. (zav. - prof. A.M.Runanov) V.-'entrallnego nauchno-iseledovatellsko.vo instituta. maditsinskoy radiologii Ministerstva. zdravookhraneni-ya SSSR, Leningrad. Submitted Oatober 23, 1963, I: EFAII P iU'5004309 '00" 5i0017 ....... A, Ber I in, A. A. Kllapovs 0. A. r-: 77 7 777 f*;tabtlization of pollyethylene 1- "'I"_'E -Flasticheski-ye massy, no. 2, 'VAGS: polymer stabi-ll-zatlon polythyleri(i tor-phthallatc, polymer heat sta- biiity, polymer film, dielectric prcpeTt-;, Ifilm :,'-rength, activaLed anthracene, Polyester RA 7 : The thermal Stability Of pnLyxitl.ylene terephthalate was determined in ~'Ires-e-ace and absence of ther-mall-,: ~-ictivated anthracene to Rtudy thz effect of tabilizer on the mechanical, and' I`i!ms. The thermal of cr,nnh, Lndicatcd by the gas prer~sure, was detor-Ane,(! at -in-! i nc r;~ ase ~,,4 th ox-"gen presgure in "-rw-iily activated antb-a- -It ;;~-k-pared hy ion, the stab] 'lizer t [on -att. , 1% additions were more effective than non-activata,:i a~ithra~ P-ne and decr,-eaqui rhe 7, Ir 2 ACCESSION NR: AP5004309 gas generation at 260C and 450 mm Hg oxygen preAsure to about one fourth of the measured with no-n-stabil ined :'A 1:1r ~ut le-q~,er effect wa5 --~i a L 200C In a lie I 111M a tmosphere , 7i ims wi th D. cti,, at (-d 3nT:',.r a - cen,&, sho;.ed improved tanaile. aLrenSL",;, h(ALh longill-udinal and. crcsswise, an increase, in specillic electrical resistance aTIJ 1 slight decrease ir dielectric loss arigle. Tn 0.11 concentration the additive also had a significant effect on aging of films or uo to 30 days. After ~h', 7,-'~,d, rilri-z- exhfbfte~', goi~)d L a i It! 6Lrength, whereas the strengLh of tion-stabilized -films was reduced to a 'rhe li;iproved inhihicr acrfvf~y of thermally treat- of the initial value. particleg and the be related to the i~5-:ir,.zarton o7i molecuies, as indicare-3 ny puDti,snee. sruciLes. Activated anrhia- -u- I led ~1~ 7-.1 IIIA; !:e. 0 r i F, -4 None 00 E'NC L M 7 E T SUB CODE: OC ?40 UEF "-I Oil ()THE R oui Card 2/2 ACC NR, AF6015,8126 (A) -'SOWWE CODBi -UR/Ojil/65/026/003/0569/0576 lova.- 1. L.i AUMGR,.._Zhenevskaya# Ri~ P R seya_O. 11 No vo e, o Proshlyakova Yet V.-vProshlyakovap E. V. ORG*- - Institute of Animil ~A. No Severtsov, AN SSSR. Mascow(Institut,/ MorpholoU im. morfologii.zhivotnykh AN SSSR) TITIZ: Regenerative processes in the transplant-of intact mliscles of ung rate -6 , n -9. ~SOURCE- -Zhurnallobshchey biologii, v. 2 965) 50--w_5=7 Yo TOPIC- TAGS;~.,~ rat, myology, animal-phyeiology on reoij6ni io~ AMTRACT., :.The,article contains results from research zat n and an 100 operations shaping, pi~cesses in s.keletal muscle transplantsi More th A were, perfomed on 1.5-2-5 month~-old rate., , Cross transplants of the gastro- _cnemius muscle (from one eAremity to- another) were done. A detailed morpho-. -d scription is given of the heaLing logicaIand histological e an. regenerative processes taking place up to 8,months afterthe operationf ~The processes in good-and.poor transplants aredescribed with.respect to the-time passed since 7- the, operation Of 3.1 transplants examined after 6-a-months, 5 consisted mainly of muscle, tissue, 2 had a mixed musclem-connective -tissue structure, and, 4 were predominantly connective tissue* Refomation of :the ~ transplifIV5 ner-.-- .Z Vous syst6m is described in detail, In,transplantation of intact z=cles a,.. considerable part of the material is~lost-and resorbed; intense-oMping prio--. icenses take place ozay, in,the peripheral zone., and the newly, fomed Miscle never,exceede,50% of normal.weight. Orig. art. has: 10figures.-_ CjP*RSI SU13 CODE- 06 SUBM DATE 1911ar6 5 ORIG RE, F 012- OM REF:. 095-1 UDC so :591.169:001.5 MAKOVSKIY, Daniil Pavlovich, prof.; USACM, N.N., otv. red.; L. red. [Dawlopment of commodity and monetary relations in the agriculture of the Russian state in-the 16th century) Razvitie tovarno-denezhrWkh otnoshenii v sellskom kho- z1aistve Russkogo gosudarstva v XVI veke. Smolensk., Smo- lenskii gos. pedagog. in-t in. Karla Marksa,, 1963. 558 P. (MIRA 17:6) NOVOSSIANAL, L.H. Amphibolp of the hastingsite-dashkooodto series fran the Alatuy depo it(eastern Tranobaiklia), Zap. Vass. u1n.ob-va (MIRA 14:9) 225~230 161. 1. Kafedra mineralof U T-eningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. (Akatuy region"Amphibole) 40VOSELOVA, L.M. Allopbane of the Lyazzgar deposit. Zap,,Vses.min.ob-va 92 noo5.-609-612 162. (MM 15:12) 1. Laningradakiy universitat, kafedra mineralogiio (&m-Tau-A.Uq,pbaw) Itlo Pa Is C /6, P- f-j C~ - t", ZWMkTSKlT,,G-I-, kwAidat biologichookikh nauk,- ITQVOS=VL. L.T., mikro- blolog; TELISZISV, K.Z., SAUAWWAO G.10 0- kan"dat bi o*lMteMsklkh non ; ZHURATLWA. To. L. kmgOit: telftil6atkift nS*9 ~ rodaktor4. ATWA, GoDe rodaktar; NOVSWA9 -L*Ao, tekbatcheeldy'redaktor Elpr.oduct ton of the foa acids] Prolsvidstvo plohdwvykh'kielote Pod AIMMI red, II.I.Mmaylevoto Kookwag PlehakeproviWato 1953o 233 p. EmidrOMA] 7:10) lourte aotdY (tartaric aeW (Latio aotdl) I USSR/Microbiology. Technical 41.11icrobiolo&y F kbs Jour : Ref Zhur-Biol., No 13, 1958, 5?569 Author : Novoselova L. V., Shilova A. V., -Rumba A. A. Inst : -A-11---U-n-i-o-n-I-n-s-t-i-tute of the Confectionary Industry Title :New Technology of the Preparation of Seeding Ma-'~erial in the Production of Citric Acid Orig Pub :Tr. Vses. n-i in-ta konditer. prom-sti, 1955, vYP, 11, 136-139 Abstract :No abstract Card 1/1 28 :STUTMB, T. Auroras boreaUs, Astrontair. no*212:20-21 Je 160., (NIRL 13:20) Ofli Or" Heat condual FD-al.65 Card 1/1 Pub. 129-5/20 Author Filippov, L. P., and.Ndvoselo-ra, N. S. c Title. Beat, conduction of solutions of normal liquids odical Vest. 1469k. un., Ser. fiz 37-40,- Peri ik t. I yest. nauk, 10- No 2, Kar 1955 Abstract-.,. . Information an the.heat conduction of solutions to almost absent in the literature. This Information is at definite interest In, three respects: for-,explanation ofthe problem of the:6haracter of thermal motion in liquids 7particularly in solations;,aa a. mans of - physical chemical ~analysls (T.P.~FroutasPyev, ZbFKh, 20 ~91, 1946); and.for practical pur- poqds,. The Chair of Molecular. Physics' Moscow State University, accori- Ingly~posied m-number' of problem on the study:of heatconduction of so- lutions. The.presdnt work is an Investigation' of the simplest case, namely: solutions of normal organic liquids. The results are pre- sented in: seven, graphs, showing lambda, (kcal/m_hr*C) versus % weight at various temperatures for~variousLaolUtioas (ether-benzol, chloroform- benzol, CC14-benzol,'toluolbenzoli qC14-chloroform). Four references B.LVarwtikl Izv. VTj No. a ,J945).- The authors thank Prof. Corr. J%jab. y' of Sciences USSR. Institution Chatrof Molecular :,~Wsics Submitted September 3, l954 PRO 19 ORO VA , V.V. ; SERAF 11,10V v L..A. - 117OVO-SE'll"VA . it. 1. ; TLAKYTA'rl~s I, L.S. Solubility in thE syste-5 acrylonitrile - propionitri-le - wetr--- and acryloni.trile - acetoni-trile - water, Zhur. fiz. khim- 38 no.6:1488-1492 Je 161+. (MILEA 18:3)' 1. Institut tonkoy khind-heskoy tekhrio-ogli imeni Lomonobova, MlosicVEL. 'A Sec 7 Vol 12/11 Pediatrics E,v.CFRPTA YEDIC Nov 58 2945. THE. WOLFF-PARKINSON-WHITS SYNDROME IN EARLY CHILDHOOD (Russian*text) Novoselova, R. S, - PEDIATRIYA - 1958,3 (3349) Graphs 4 The author describes Te'ases. An 11 -manth-wold child was admitted to the hospital with'repeat~d attacks of paroxysmal tachycardia, together with heart failure. The ECG revealed the, ventricular form.of paroxysmal tachycardia. After cessation of -,attacks the:ECG disclosed the W.-P.-Wi syndrome. A'relapse occurred 2 months after discharge., The 2nd patient, 15 months old, With congenital heart (abnormal d of the interventricular septum) has been under observation for 7.5 evelopment months., The 3rd patient, a boy of . 12' was admitted to the hospital on account of serous Meningitis. At the -age of 6 -he sustained a cranial injury. The author's ob- dervitions.indicate that the W.-P.-W. syndrome may occur in children at different aje~periods and can be accompanied by attacks of paroxysmal tachycardia. Vari- oue.factorsi which frequently cahnot be accurately detected, play a part in the aetiology of the aynlrome. (XVIU, 7) rLMER. S*Ya.i TSIRT-INA. F.Go- IWO~70~- -~S-- Problem of arterial embolism In diphtheria. 22 no.9: 1286229 9 '58 Ow u t12) 1. rs Naskovskay detskoy gorodskoy klinicheskay bollnitsy No.2 iment love RuMakowa (gl&vW Yrach - doteent T.A.,.Zm%hk*w). 01 - I 11A, comple art rial embolism (Run)) (MMOU5,5NO. oft*PU arterial, In 41phtherla (Ras)) MOVOSEWTA. R.S., Wolff-Paricinson-WhIte syndrome in children LwIth suamar-7 In lgnglishJ. Pedf4trilm 36 na,301-38 Kr 158. (Knu 11:3) 1. Is detskoy k-linichaskoy bollnitay Ho.2 imeni I.T.Rusakova (glftvnyy vrach-zaeluchannyy vrach HSFSR dotsent Y.A.Xmzhkov) (WOW-PARKINSON-WHITE SYNDROME) NOTOSELOTA, R. S. , Stable atriwouticula;r heart rhythm In children. Top.okb~.Mat. I dot. 4 no-4t82-85 JI-k 159. (KRA 12:12) 1. 1z detskoy klinichookoy bolluttay To.27imeni I.T. %sakova, (glavrq7 vrach - zasluxbounyy vrach RSMI dotsent VA. Xruzhkov). (WRAH -ABNOWaTINS AND DXFORMINS) HOTOSUOTA, R.S.; RAEMUNINA. L*S. Auricular flutter In a -5-year-old child [with smazary In Inglishlo Pedlatrita 36 no*2:77-79 F '59. (IMA 22:4) 1. Is Detakey klinicheekoy bollnitay go.?- imeni I.T. Rusakova (glamm vrach - saslashenzwy Ymch RSM T.A. Kruxhbw), (AURIMILM PIMILUTION, in inf. & child In 5-year-old boy (Rus)) 11"trowdlogral3bli,abonges in childr9n irlth ma&Uo. Vop, okh.- ima. i,diti, 5.jto,6s67-W two ON= 13:12) ii. U "tacy k%~ehosko7 ballnits7 No.2 iwn!L I.v,#4awn, Nookw,a,, MANANNIKOVA, Wezhda Vasillye-iina; VJLYGI!14,, Yelizaveta Aleksandrovaa; Yullyevna; SMTANOVA, Natallya Fetrovna; SUPIRO, Sc&'y'aVvovm; SM&YANIIIKOVA9 Mulya Abrawvqa; NOVUS ---POVA# G.F. . red.; YUMMV'AKAU, red.; KOKIN, N.M., takhn, red. [Course of lectures for gravidas and mothers] Kure lektsii dlia beremennykh i materei. 7 lektaii. 5 izd. Moskva, Medgis, 1963. 238 P- (MIR& 16't7) (PRENATAL CARE) (WOMEN-HEALTH AND HYGIENK) (INFANTS--CAfS 6D HiGive) NOVOSUOVA, R.3,; BLYAKHER, I.Mj NOVIKOVAp A.Vo Disorders of cardiac rbythm in fibreelastosis. Goro-shw. no.12: 86 D 163, (MIRA 17:3) 1. Iz detskay klinichoskoy bollnitsy Mo,,2 imeni 1,V.Rusakova, NOVOSEWVA, R.S.; MMHZR, I.M.; 1101MOVA, A.V. Dioorders of cardiac rhythu in fibroelastooiso Vo Okhr. materin, dots, 8 no,ls 86 163 FhRA 17:2) 1. 1z detskoy klinichesko-y bollnitay No.2 imeni I.V.Rusakova. NOVOSE.LOVA,, Raisa Semenov-na; YUKHNOVSKAYA, S.I.9 I-ad. (Influenza and pulmonary infla=atlon In young children] Gripp 1, vospalenie legkikh u detei ra-.mego vozrasta. Izd-5- Mookva, Meditsinap 1964. 16 p. (Kura lektaii dlia beremen- 4kh I materei, n0.7) (MIRA 17:6) NOVOSEWVAl,, S.L. (Noskva) -Development of Intelleatual operations In apes during an experimenti- Vop.. palkhol no.3:88-98 My4e 163. (laRk 17:2) CHIMIKOV, ftvid Mikhaylavich; GULYANITSKMA3, Zcya Feodoslyevna; GUROVICH, Hataltya Aleksandrovna; KITI&R., IgW HDco2ayevich; KPMNGAUZ., Bella Favlovna; HOVOSUMA VgJantirva T1'Tro1&yaz=_; PLIGINSKUA, Lyubovs ~!MaiCm ; GiOVSKIY, Boris Zinuvlyevich; KL24OV,, V.A., red. izd-va; IAUT, V.G., tekbn. red. [Hydrco-, and electrometallargy of sulfide alloys and mattes] Gidroelektrometallurgiia sullfiftykh splavov i shteinov. 146- skva, Izd-vo Akad. usuk SSM, 1962. 204 p. (KMA 15:9) 1e Men-korrespondent AkademiIi neuk SM (for Chizhikov)j, (Sulfides-416tal-lurgy) (Hydrometallurgy) I (KIectrometallurgy) TWITROU, N.S.; NOTOSEWAs V.Pe (Hoakvo) Sarcoidosin (Beeniez-Boack-Schmmm disawe); ciiniva morphological study. Arkh. pat. 25 noeS265-70 1163 (Km l7r4) 1. Tadiagnosticheskap (rukovaditelt prof. D.D. AsWer) i patmorfologicheskago krakovaditelt - prof* B*P!k Ugryumov) lotdelaniy Waskovakogo nauabna-lasledovateltskogo institata taborkale2a MinisterstvaL zdravookhroneniya PSM (direktor- kand. mod. nauk T.P. Mochalova), Paludri a Iffect of.,-., Ian 4!~ cc, cine ~kalaria, Therapy 8 in the White Count Follovin'g Bi` Indrine) Treatment of Ye4' p oselova, Clinical Dept, Inst of Malaria and sitol" Mad Med Sci USSR, 5 PP 46d Para Mod" Vol XXVII, No 1~ ~-,`ftxuOine,doses of o.6.gram the arA. 0.3 he next 4.~-~9'days Indloate',neatrophillo V016cythes in the; peripheral , b lood. , IDrmall za-, .~,!~;Ilod of . bone:nwirrov to obsei-ved on the 6th or 7th ~.~Aey:aftqr the start, of paludrine treatment.' :~ ,, . ., s in th' whit count, n alu i~.Cbil e e I p d,rine:, treatment' nge ~b I I ~ -. -1 1. 1 1 . 1 1. 58/4M8 role of spleen in malarial lsukqwnla. Ilia, wed., Nookva 4:46J0 AP 150. (Ozis 190): I. Of the ClUd"I Dnartment (Head Prof. U.N.UreyeO." Adtlve:;geobqr of %be Academ.W. of Kidloal Sclenaeo UJIBR), Ims-tl- tat's of - Nei" "a Media" ftm ItoloSy., N of. Pdbl~c ROOM&- u8n;(Dir"tor fto;. P.GJkrdLIyQT,.AotIvs Sesiber'of the Aosdemy -of .NeOc-.g go tonies USSIL). RM.MMU. BUfWIX&, A.P.; NOVOSHaVA, Ye. I. Stmdy of alluical and laboratory charaoteristics In patlents with fraqaant recarrences of mlaria. Ned.paras.1-poxas.bol. -54430-433 S-0 '53. 1* I-x,.kltnlchookogo Welonlya 14qtituta maMii. meditsinskoy paraxitologit IgeLIMIntologli'ministerstva xdravookhranoniya SSSR (direktor institute. - professor PA.Serglysv. saveftushchly otdolonlyan - professor U.N.Throyev). (Valarlal favor) NOVOGMTA, Te.l.; TAB=, Ye.H., professor, deystvite!'W chlen iikademii medi- SSSR, direktor. Characteristic blood changes in aente lu-Pus erythematcaus dirivmminatas. 17 no.8:24-27 Ag 153. (my-RA 6:8) 1. GosiDitailnaym terapevtjchesk&.ya klinika sanitarno-giglyenicheskogo fa- Intl I tets.'A' Roalcovskogo ordema. Lenina meditainakogo Instituta. (Taberculosis) (Blood-4humination) MOTOMWTA, Ye. I.; THATAMOTA, T. G. jUnusual came of erroneous dlagaosts of m2arla. Say. mad# 19 no.11:62-63 1. Is gospitallney terapowticheakoy kliniki (dir-daystvittl1myyablen Akade- ali meditaInskikh muk SM prof. T.N. Tareyev) sanitorno-giglyeatch"kago fakulltots, I Moskovskogo ordena Lentn& aedlitsinskago Institutao (PAT-ARIA-DIAONOSIS, errors) SIM Ya I "The problem of. the f.-a-thogenesis o' lemlampe I n -a In NOV051 m1aria (the role of tho spleea in neumhumora regulation of he- mtopleais)."' ~:First Vbacw Order of Lenin M teal Inot imeni ted I .M. Sechano,v. Moscow, 1956. Uisser*tation for the degree 'of Candidate in Medical Sciences) SO. KnIzhnaya latol-Ass, Jo 36, 1956, Moscow. re.l., L.N. phenomenon and its significance In gyatemic Impus erythe- matosus; review of literature. 23 no.4:222-2W AP 159. (KIRA 12:6) 1. 1z kafedry obshchey I gospitallnoy terapii (say. - daystvitell- Wy chlen ANN prof. Te.N.Tareyev) sanitarno-giglyenichaskogo felmalteta I Moakovskogo ordena Lenina seditsinskogo Instituts, iment I.M.Sechanova. (LUPUS JMTHWATMSO L. M. phenomenon, review (Rne)) AUTHORS: Berdichevskiy, E. G., Rachinskiy, F. Y-a.'179-28 -3-28/61 Novoselova Ye. TITLE: Some Derivatives of Mercaptocaffeine and Mercaptotheo- bromine (Nekotoryye proizvodnyye merkaptokofeina I markaptoteobromina) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Obshchey Khimiiq 19581 Vol. 28, Ur 3, pp. 669-692 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The importance of sulfohydryloompounds in physiological processes is the object of comprehensive investigations. Therefore the mercapto derivatives of caffeine and theobromine are of special Interest to scientists. E. Fischer (ref. 2) had patented the synthesis of 8-mercaptocaffeineq obtained by the reaction of 8-chlorocaffeine with potassium hydro- sulfide. On the synthesis of 8-marcaptothsobromine nothing has been publishedg that of 8-mercaptotheophylline was, howeveri described in a patent (ref. 3). Khaletskiy and Zshman synthetized thiocompounde of theobromine similar in structure. The author" oarri-ed out the synthesis of Card 1/3 6-mareaptocaffaine (I) UaaNomehov changed conditions starting Some Derivatives of Mercaptocaf feine and ldercaptotheobromLine 79-V-3 -28/61 from B-bromocaffeine and the sodiumhydrosulfide dissolved in alcohol. Analogously also the 8-mercaptotheobromine (II) was produced. The sodium salts soluble in water (mercaptides) of the meroaptocaffeine and the mercaptotheobromine can gharma-zologically be compared to caffeine and theobromine and can be used only in place of the soluble preparations of caffeine and theobromine. Of practical interest is the sub- stitution of diuretine by mercaptotheobromine, as the high basicity of the former brings about its carbonization and decreases its solubility in water. As mercaptanes are subject to oxidation the sulfohydrylgroup must be protected against any reactions in order to increase the resistivity of the preparations. Some derivatives of mercaptocaffeine and mercaptotheobromine were synthetized by substituting the hydrogen by the sulfohydrylgroup, this with a view to the fact that sulfides and disulfides can be converted in the organism to compounds with free sulfohydrylgroups. The disulfides were of little pharmacological interest because of their insolubility in water. 8 derivatives of mercaptopurine Card 2/3 were synthet-111,zeds 6 of which were described for the first time. Some Derivatives of Mercaptocaffeine and Mercaptotheobromine 79!-28-3-28/61 There are 4 referencesp 3 of which are ff-avidt. SUBMITTED: December 14, 1956 .,.I;, - . Card 3/3 NQVOSE;&_VArx-j~_4exajg-,' 4o -, POKRYLt S.M., red. . _4 _qy I-Iaa~ ~ gg& [A motor ship sails the Volga-Baltic Sea Waterway) Teplokhod idet po Volgo-Baltu. Leningrad,, Lenizdat, 1965- 136 p. (MIRA 19:1) I(CNCSLSKA-TSOKHAROVAp 41its. Parasitim, and mutual relations between the para3ite and the host. Priroda Bulg 13 no.5:54-56 -s-o 64. NOVOSEUK"ORGIEVA clariftastion of Mweles specIfIcIty of Iscariew lumbricoldes and ma other animal agicarldes. Sauch. tr. vissh. mad. inst. Sofia 39 no.11. 311-318 '60. 11P Piedstemna ot prof. R. Popivanov, rAv. Katedrat% po obahta biologiia. (ASCARIS) NO- V MEL C01-U-1 V: Bulgaria Jkcai;.-mic Degrees: not indicated Af-Iliation. Senior Assistant at the Advanced Medical Institute, Sofia (Vissh Meditsinski Institut, Sofia) ,a, No 1. 1961 pp 8-10 Sofia, AL9.1~oiy .~I_Ljg~~mjv t a "Transplantation in Animals." NOVOSESIrA IWCRGIETA, L. rummological studios on the antigenic structure of eme organs and tissues of Ascarls awmI. ffaunh. tr. viesh. =d. inet. Sofia 40 no.5: 181-186 161. 1. Predstavena ot prof. R. Popivancy, rukoyoditel n& katedrata po abobta. blologila. (ASCARIS imunol) Use.: of passive booWlutinatlan for the study of echin"oCeAl Nauct. v1s8h. -sad. last, SoM 41 no@ 11109-113 162o 1* Pkedetavena ot prof. R. Papivanow. (MWAGGLUTINATION) (BCff=OCOCWS) (ANTI=S) NOVWAudzk Studies on,the antipn structure of the eggs of Iscaris sum (I.). lauche tr. vissh. med. inst. Sofia 41'w.l:n5-121 1620- 1*0 PmdWtaveza ot prof. R. Flovivanov. (ASCARIS) (OM) (ANTIONS) NOVOSELS-KA-TEMAROVA . T Ch the ahtigans'-of the 3mblaccacme md ita int4ttedlary haste Doklo Bol -166 164 go akaide nsiuk 17 no.ltl63 1e Submitted by Corresponding Kember K.Kator. NOVOMLSKA-TEOHAIMVA, L. (Movoselska-Tookharovs, L. On the antigens of the echinacoccus and its intermediary host. Daklady BANJ? no.2:163-166 164. 1. Sulaitted by K.Mai~W, CorrespandingMembar of the Bulgarian Acadaqr of Sciences. TEOHAM, L, Ele,:Jxophcratic tin pi-citut-n. ill Ser3L C!f df;-Z~5!) "nfe,~tsd wi-h echinscc-v~a.,7. Tluivh. tr. v--sah. m-d. 41 no.2~,15-52 164 1. Chair of General Blology (1)1Irect:)r - prof. R. 'Ptip-Irant-:0. ACC N& Ap6020318 SOURGS CODSt 00W65/018/007/0679/0682, AUTHOR: 'Usunoff, G Novo ,gher dal InstAtute, -Sofial Departmnt of General ORGt Depnrtwnt of Pethistr7t Hi i4al .Biology. Higher, Medical, Institute 90-M TITLE: Morphology of a P. malariao-strain after 20 years# passage in montal patients SOURCEt 1~agar~ka aWomiya na nauklte,, Daklady, VO lap no* 70 1905, 6",i.682 ~TOPICTAGS: psychonsuratia disorder, man, animal parasite n9dical research, blood, bone narrow, morphology ABSTRACT-, For.the post twenty years (4945-64) many mental i ,'patients (suffering ff6m ~kogressive paraly:is, schizophrenia, ate.) at the Psychiatric Clinic of the Higher Medical In titute In Sofia have been subjected, -to intravenous inoculation withtheaame,Kaamodium malariaestrain., The .strain was introduced in the oliniaby A,;Penschow andl.G. Usunoff in 1945. 1ho results of rodent detailed investieations described in-the paper show that ',I. aftir a.20-year in vivo cultivation ofPlasmodium malarias by continuous reinoculation in patients, the schizoganic cycle Of the plasmodium proceeds normally although it does.rot correspond in All cases to-the temoorature curve;, .there are no data.on mixed invasion; -2'0,- ~, ho.wrpholokical changes were. datectedi asexual'forms of examined,. Pleambdium =19riao strain; ~and'3* no macro- and- micro&MGt,.qdy.teG- - were found,oith6t. in Ahe 'piripheral blood orAnAhe bona j a a - O%UA461~ 0 irt, bas i gure's- -ArA.-I table p Ori art* marrow he: ati nt 3-ti in 'En CO A V, DATS %pi6.1 VRIG - 007 Novo zs "o) '01 ofmimut A, F, to of mit4oada In 0% 1 VOA. V~re so, 40 u oraw I'M-ma OUdes Mav% Lsdq"d Ofte" rouft" ft" 14 P. ftvlw 04 so as "Uve subw of an Aft"W of v4dial 361mm" an 190 so aw.0 Im AUTHOR4~: Nakhodkin, N. G. , Movonellskaya, A. 1. 46-22-1-2f;.,'24 TITU-:: Investigation of the ~Stru~cure ~ano~, e ?ropertic-s of Tapered Pilms of Ge, Cr anti Bi in Connection With Thpir 5 (Issiedovaniye struktury "econanry Fmission Proterties i -3voystv ~,Iinoobraznykh plenok Ge, Cr i Ri v E-.vyazi s i.'.-h vtorichnoeminsionnymi fsvoystvami) P ~'.R 10 11 C A 1, Nauk Vc.-'.. 22, Mr 4, ijo. 448-~5i In ord--~-r to clarify tf*tp nraure of seCLnaary enlst;ion, it is, interesting to investigite the dependence ol 0,te c,)v1'ficient of necondary emission 6 on the thickness of the film (ti). r-othnrs of the present paper Ps, well others (ri-mt-rt~nves 1-1)) showed,, th t the coefflicient of secondary a L -itso varies %ith a madiftnRtion tif i uD to a (d tY ). This latter virts tieaominated the off?i~-,-'Ave -.i4:Iuth or seoondicr.~ emi.-Fsion. -The i~iveitiration rf rho oi'i'octive tierith of saeondary emission in various sub- starie.#~;3 irm inttels a8 aell an in semiconductora (germanium, an(j :!b-Cs-cathodea), showed, that d,rf varies only 1"versti4ation )f the 'Ptracture and of' the .0roperties of 48-22-4-20/24 Tapered Afm? of Ge, Or Pnd Hi in Connection With Their Socondary FmIsE4ion 1-roperties 31ighly sitn a variation of *the energy of the primary ti'lectrons V of from NO--- 3000 eV. P This fact mokes assume, that d eff in above all determined by the kintAics of motion of the excited secondary electrons- These investiArationg, however, exhibit a shortcoming veference 3). The values of the effective depth d eff were of the same order of magnitude as the limit thick- ness of the aggregation of the film (references 4 and 5). 'In the pres,ent paper the authors investigated films of germanium,'chromium and bismuth condensed in a vacuum. The germanium films with a thickness of from 3 to 100 m)J6 exhibit a continuous atpearance under the electron microscope, that is to say, that no inhomogeneities were disc " er'd at an accuracy of up to a permitted distance Ov below i0o ( In accordance with data from publications (reference 10) it be maintairiodo that rreshly precipitated germanium layers Card 2/4 ire amorphous. The authors also investigated the modification Invest-Algatioa of the Structure and of the Properties of 4e-22-4-2o/24 Tapered Films of Ge, Cr and Bi in Connection With Their Secondary Emission Properties of the specific electron resistance of the condensed layers with the thickness (figure 4). The shift of a markedly increasing resistance in the range of great thickness because of heating can easily be explained by an aggregation of the film, which actually can be observed after the action of an electron beam in the microscope. The thickness interval of bismuth films suitable for *microscopic investigations was within the limits of from 6 - 60 m. Thicker 'Layers were impenetrable to electrons. El;ctronographic pictures proved the assumption that the needles on the film represent single monocrystals. The structure of the bismuth film is shown by figure 5. After the recrystallization a finely crystalline layer is formed under the action of the beam and the texture dioaDr)ears. in thinner layers a stronger increase of the sDeciiie resistance of the bismuth layer is observed, as is in germanium, namely at d