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KOVOUWT. S-1. (Koskya). lllll~-ia Importance and topics of elvientary mathematics courses taught at peda7g= Laistitutes. Natev shkole n6.1:10-18 JA,-JF '57. (T her . Training of) (MM 10:2) (Mathematics-Study and teaching) NOTOSELOV. Serger losifovich.; SOCROU. L.A., rel.; FMOTOTA, A.F., tekhn. rel. ~ . - .", -- - - . Eftnusl an teaching trigonometry] Ruicoyodstvo po prepodaveniju trtionometril: posobie d1la uchitalet. Masieva. Gas. nebaboo.- pedegage ltd-vo X-ve proev. ISYSR, 1958. 182 p. (MIRA 11:10) (Trigonometry--Study and teaching) NOTOMOT, Sergey Iosifovich-, KOISROT, P.S.. red, LWCIal course In elonantary s1gebral ftetelelIVI kmrs els- wntarnoi algebry. led. 5. 'Moskva. Oas. Isd-ve 88ovetsicala namaks.0 1958. 527 P. (MIRA 12:2) (Algebra) NOTOSILOT. 8.1. (KOBCOW) Pow6ra with fractional exponents ad radicals, Nat, v shjw2o noe'3:15-22 MY-Je 158* (NM 11: 5) (Algebra--StW and teaching) 1. 1 gmsmov, S.I. ~. Kothadological consultation. get. v irl:kols no. 4:32 JI-Ac 155. -, (Trigonometry-Stutly and teaching) .5" .10YOSEWT, Sergey losifovich; POKOKABU, S.A., red.; RYBIN, I.T.. [Trigonomtry; a toxtbook for gradoz 9-10 of socandery schools], TrIgonowtriia;'uch9bnIk dlIa 9-10 klassov arednei shkoly. Izd.4. Moskva'. Goo.uchabno-podagog.izd-vo M-va proav. RSFSR, 1959. 95 P. (Trigonometry) (MIRA 12:4) 110VOSXW, Sargey jqsifovichl KOENMOV, P.S., red.; AMOSHIMA. X.L. ral'.-Fz "-v ; TORMINA, R.I., Especial course In trigonometry] Spetslallnyl kurs trigonometrii. 1zdA, parer. Noskva. Goo.izd-vo wWysshaia shkola.a 1959. -539 P. (Trigonometry) (MIRA 13:9) . mv0smy. S. 1. (moskva) -- A , lfxpl&lulng the equation concept. Wt. v shkole no.1:71-74 Ja-F 15 9. (NM 121.1) (Equations) I-OVOSSWV, S. I. (.1fooL-va) i Reason for the even-number rule. Nat.v shkole no.4:43-44 JI-M 159, (14IRA 12:11) (Approximate computations) BXUUVICH, A.9. (GOmelI);BZWLLVSKIT, M.D. (Uzh&oro&);GROWT, L.P. (Keleksgs); DMINGHUK, Ye.S.;TR;LMW, 1-F.Wyev);ZOWTGVITSKIY, YsjF. (Rmtovo); FAZmu , B.I. (Taningral);KLIMMOMM, D.T. (Berdyauxk);JCIL#VDWT, K.S. (Stsrlitamk);XI=YWT. X.F. (Nagnitogorsk);MASTROT. A.Z. (Sterl- itamak);BXFMT, D.I. (Moskva) (Moskva); PROLM. B.R. (s.1ranino Pyazanskoy obl.);PRI=Jff, N.A. (Tarok);SAMOVIGH, A.F. (Sverdlovsk) Discussion of the plans for the programs. Hat. v shkole no.6:5-28 ff!D '59. (KIU 13:3) . (KathamtIcs-Study and teaching) V C. PHASE.1 BOOK EXPLOITATION. SPV/5673 Grebencha. Mikhail Kuzl ich, and Sergey losifovich Novoselov, TO Kurs. matematt,-cheskogo analiza (Course In Mathemidb~Ad Analysis) v. 1. 5th ed- Moscow' dosizdat "Vysshaya, shkola," 1060. 543 p. 22 000 co I' p es printed. Ed. of Publishing House- D. A.- Tallskiy; Tech. Ed. 5, Gorokhova. PURPOSE: This book has been approved by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education-USSR as a textbook for university students of physics and mathematics and future teachers of mathematics., COVERAGE: The book pays particular attention to the basic concepts of mathe- matical analysis function,, limit, continuity) and to certain ideas of modern mathematics 4concepts of neighborhood, mapping, additive set function), and includes.many examples. The-second edition (1948), published eight years aftdr the first; was radically shortened and all superfluous detail, was CardtfW- Course In Mathematical Analysis aliminatedi, Only sli ht modifications were made in this,- the fifth. edition. The authors thank Professor V. V.. Stepanov, the edl.torS.V. Filichev, andthe Moskov.skik'gorodskoy pedagogicheskiy Institut,lMostow City Pedagogical Institute).' There are no references. TABLE OF,ODNTENTS: PART I. THEORY'. OF FUNCTIONS Ch,, 1. Concept -of a Function 9 h Concept of a set 9 2. Set of real numbers 10 S.- Nurdierical, intervals 4. CQnd'ept of a function 17 5, Functions to be considered in a given set 23 6. Mapping 24 Card- 2 /14 ---- ---- NOTOOMOT, Sergey lonifovich; PWOKARZT, S.A., red,; KOVALOKO, T.L.8 ETrIgcnowtr7; textbook for the 9th and 10th grades In a secondary school] Trigonomtrila; uobabnik dlIa 9-10 klassov aredrAl shkoly. Izde6o Moskwa# Goseuchabno-pedagog.W-vo X-va promy.RSM. 1961. 95 P. (KIRA 13t12) (Trigonometry MOMOVi Petr ShwgeTevich; NO SIWVt~j~ e -APTJSTINAv V.S. y ToWovich; F V _M red.; TROMOVe tekhn. [Taittwx an matbamatlas ftr students entering Institut4w of h1gher .Imulwoonj Posable -matimiatike. difa ost luahohn& v vusy, PO Upa 'NookTat lzd4o Hook. univ.-i -1961. 406 p. (MIM 14:6) Oki6~atica) ORMPAt Mikhail Kuzfmich; fi'oVOSELOVf Sergey Icsifovich. TALtSKjy red,; GOROKHOT*mj- [Cowse In mathamtIcal SMIYOWK-re -Umtichekog. liza. Izd.3. 14owmat GOB- isd-VO OV73"haia ahkO2a.* Ft.2. 2962. 560 P. (MM 15:3) (Natbmatical analysis) _,IOVIISF,WV. S.I. (Moskva) Nov edition of A.U.'*mkoyls teztbook wAlgebrair. Kate Y shkole 3-5 1 -9 IV-je 163L. 1435) (Algjbrw-Textbookx) v,, A.N.) MOVOSELG7,,, Sergff qyi SPUVMISTOVA, A.I., red.; VORONINA, .- -Iosif , _jklj_ `-~ 116*&Le1 0 iia" [Special course in elementary alg*'bru,]SpetsialIxqi kurs ela- mentarnoi a1pbly. Izd.6, Moskwa,, Goo.izd-vo Wyeshaia sbko's 9 1962. 563-P. (KMA i5: i~.I (Algebra) YODENOV, Petr Sargeyevich; NOVOSEWV -417 ifoviah. SV -IQs - KAMSTINA, V.S. P i"--'--7wEWFOVq M.S., tekhn. - red. [Textbook on mathematics for persons entering a school of h1gher education] Posoble po matematike d1la postupaiushohikh V vusy. Izd.2., parer. Moskva, Izd-vo Mosk. univ 1963. 425 P. 160) (Mathematics) NOVOSUM, 8.1. (Moskva) C gnts an G.B. Gurevich's article. Nat. v shkole no.3953-56 163. (MIRA 16: 7) (Mathematics-Study and teaching) NOVOSELOV, S. 1. (Moskva) ftlul U&MOSTIch 1drichav; Obituar7. Wt. r shkole ita.3997 My-Je 163. (MIRA .16:7) (tarichev, Pavel Afartaslevich, 1892-1963) NOVOSELOV, S.I. "4- Sow aspects of teaching el-ementeTy algebra. Uch. sap. MOPI 123:227-239 163. (KRA 17:4) GUS&T, 5.K.; MOTOS"OT, S.Pe; VIMINA, 0.1.; GUHAMT. 1,.G,; KOZYRNOTA, L.I. ....... Lead oxide. Patent U.S.S.R. 77*936 s %co 319 1949* (CA 47 no-19:9828 153) "OVOSEW"11 S. P. 1. 2777. Zkonamicheskaya zkspanisya SSHA v zapadhoy Evrope Rosle vtoroy mirovoy voyrW i obo" trenie imperialisticheskikh protivorechiy. M., 1954o 16c. 22cm. (Akad. obshchestv. mauk pri tsk Kpss. kafeda polit. zkonomii) 220 zkz B.Ts. - (54-56662) So. Knizhnaya Letopis , Vol. 2 11955 gay Pavlovich- BIDIIISKAYAl L.,, red.; MUM, Yu., -FOVOOL-ov, Ser t-em. -reef, (The.most effective force of tim preaent, time; t1w contemporary stage of the world con-Mist movewnt]Samia vIffatelinala, alla sovremennosti; mirovoe korm-vnistiche- skoe dvizhanie na sovremennom etape. Hoskvaq Gospolitizdat,, 1962. 78 p. OEIRA 15: 10) (COMM'Di am) S. C SO: VociianiA.-a Eos'enra, Jaauar~-Dscem ber 19l,-,2 NOVOSBWV* S.So, kand.teiffin.nauk Nffftt of x1rc sulfide on properties of copper mattes. TSvet. met. 28 no-3:15-20 Ky-Je 155. (KIRA 10:11) 1. Gintsvetmet. (Copper--Ketallurgy) (Zinc sulfide) 137-58-4-6828 Translation from. Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 4. p 73 (USSR) AUTHORS: Novoselov, S.S., Davydovskaya, Ye.A, TITLE: Experimental Development of Caustic Refining of Lead and Hyd- rometallurgical Treatment of Liquid Smelts (Opyt o5voyeniya shchelochnogo rafinirovaniya svintsa i gidrometallurg-icheskoy pererabotki zh]dkjkh plavov) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. tr. Gos. n. -i. in-t tsvetn. met., 1957, NY 13, pp 177-191 ABSTRACT; A process of refining (R) crude Pb from Sb and As by caust-c melts with added NaNO'3 has been developed and elaborated on commercial scale. The R is conducted in an apparatus cons-st- ing of a reaction vessel conzaining the smelt, a pump to deliver the Pb into the upper portion of the reactor (onto the smelt.), and a bin with feed for delivery of NaN03 into the reaction vessel, all atop the Pb pot. Agitation of the smelt proved unnecessary. The optimum composition of the smelt is 75% NaOH; 25% NaCl. Replacement of NaCl by 8-10% Na?ZC03 is permissible. When re- generated NaOH containing up to 3% NaN03 is used, addition of Card 1/2 NaCt is not required. It is recommended that the temperature r-f 137-58-4-6828 Experint etitat Development of Caustic (cont. the Pb be held at 400-4200C. In the R process, the smelt is saturated with up to 24-28% Sb+As. The NaN03 consumption is 0.6 kg/kg Sb and I kg/kg As. The R ends when the content of Sb and Pb is reduced to appx. 0.03%, where- upoIn the smelt containing 4-5% lead beads is subjected to granulation in a by- pass solution (BS). The precipitating beads of Pb are returned to the pot after washing by the BS. The BS is filtered to separate out the Sb-As pitch, steamed in 2 stages, and a regenerated caustic was obtained (% composition: 75-88.3 NaOH; 4.4-9.5 Na2CO3,- 3.6-3.1 NaCl, 2. 1-4.5 Sb; 0.4- 1.1 AsX with addition of by-pass salt 60/cr.compositiow 55-63 NaCl; 11.16 NaOH; 111.18 Na2C03) it was returned to the reactor. The Sb-As pitch was repulped in water at 80-900 to dissolve the As which, after filtration of the solution, was precipitated in the form of Ca arsenate, whereupon the solution was sent to granulation of the smelt. The Sb-pitch precipitate contained,, after washing: 45-47% Sb; 0.2-0.3% As; 0.4-0.8% Pb. Ye.Z. 1. Lead--Refining 2. Liquid melts--Processes Ca rd 2/2 KOPYL4DV, N.I.L NOVOSELOV, S.S. System Cu2S - FeS - fla2g. Zhur. neorg. khim. ',, no.8:1919-1929 Ag 164. (MIRA 17:11) BOV/136-58-8-4/27 AUTHORS:, Novosolov, �,~~d Yakushin, VIV. TITLE: New Method of Deeoppering Crude Load (Nov-yy sposob obesm ezhivaniya chernovogo avintsa). PERIODICAL: Ts*etnyyeMetally, 1958, Nr,8, pp.15-20 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The'work described was carried out with the participation of,O.P. Shumilov, R.IQ Yushohenko, N.I. Kashcheyev, A.K. Kukharov and A*S. Berazin. The authors discuss dicoppering procedures at existing Soviet lead works, showing the transfer of elements from the raw materials to the dross (Table 1). The reverberatory method of treating dross gives better results than the shaft- melting, but it is not used In the USSR. Since 1927 eftorts' have been made to find a method eliminating dross production (Refs* 1,2). In 1956 the authors proposed a method for continuous refining of lead with the extraction of~:copper Into the matte and arsenic into the speiss in an electric furnace (Fig.1) in which the slag layer (15-30% PeO, 20-35% 8102, 10-25% C&O) acts as the heater Card 1/3 and protects sulphides and metals from oxidation. slag SOV/136-58-8-4/27 Now Method of Deeoppering Crude Lead. temper ature is 12000C, the top and bottom of the lead layer then being at 950-1000 and 400-45000, respectively: eXperiments suggest that for a full-scale unit the depth of the lead to give the required temperature gradient will be 1-1.5.m and that a specifia daily produativity of 15-30,toi2a per z4 will be obtainable. The lead in tapped from the bottom of the hearth by a syphon tube. The authors describe large-scale laboratory tests with a unit (Fig.2) dealing daily with 350-1200 kg of crude lead (91.8% Pb, 5.68% Gu, 1o26% As, 0.56% Bb, 2158 g/ton Ag, 26.,B' Wton Au and 0,5% S). 10-40 mn lumps of pyritea (440'5,% S, 38.83% Fe and.7.46% S102) was used for sulphiding. The effectiveness of the method is showa by-tho'compoBitions of the purified lead, matte and spoiss (Tible 2) and the distribution of elements between the piar.ified leadv.matte and speiss; but an editorial note by FA. Loskutov states there is not enough evidence for ''comparing the now method with the existing one. The method has been secepted for pilot-scale testing at the Card 2/3 Ust'l-Kamenogorsk Koubinat.. There are 2 figures, SOV/136-58--8-4/27 Now Method of De.coppering Crude Lead. 4 tables and 6 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: VNIITsvetmet. 1. Lead--Purification 2. Copper--Separation 3. Furnaces --Performance 4. Lead--Test results Card 3/3 S/I3T/63(OW/OOZ/OOV'034 AOWAIOI MMMI NOW04*10V 3 3 xOpylow, N. I, Investigating the fusibility diagm of ths CUO-N&O system PWOMCALs Refamtlvmyy zhumal, NeWlurslya, no. 2, 1961-19,'AWtract 2A81 ("Bb. tr. V"s. n.-J. "'in-t USITUI, mat'", 1962,, V tallurs no. 7, 56 61) cal and adcroscopical analyses were used to :investigate the we-N&O, system. The composition of the 4 n' tJ al mAlfide mixbuv varied within a 2$ - raMe. A total amber of 70 wIts wels pro6ced. The phase diagram obtaSned'4ifieri considerably from the d1agram plotted by Friedrich. 'In the C -Nao a7stem the -famation of three compounds Is possible, - namely ~ kNL -N&A UO WULIS Mae and Cue fusing with dissociation at 635, .550 and 50?OC, ra- -speatIvely. Compounds, no. 2 and 3 yield -auteatios contsInIng 44 Nae, which crystIM1112441 at 48ft,. Me initial oryaWlIzation of CUL79 occuples a composi- e'tlcu ramp froa 100 -to CuL.A. and JuItJ&L Nee orystsillizatIon. In a rup Card 1/2 -C~ I irAl -1ffQX-WY4-S#-S~VARTA5YANp A.M.; KISHKAREV, V.AQ I AV = H9NKOVr D.O.; SIDOROYSITv V.A. Pilot plant testing methods of removing copper frouWaft:-lead with transfer of the,&Pper Into matte. TSwst. wt. n5 no.5: 25-31 YT s62. (KM 16:5) (Lead-Metallurgy) (Copper-Metallurgy) KOPYLOV, S.S. ; VYUZVAK, L.A.; KASIIAYEV, A.A- Some properties of chamic~d "mpounds in the aystem Zbur. neorg. khim. 9 no.6:1,;03-4-405 Ja t63 QTIIIA T7:8) , NOVOSELOV S.V aspirant; TRISVYATSKIY, L.A., prof., doktor tekha. nauk-, nauchnyy rukkovodite.11 '"ving Fulse crop seeds by the method of mechanical ventilation with heated air. Izv. TSKHA no.5:68-73 163. (MIPA 17:7) NG7GSRwv V, Siberian oil is not a forecast but a reality. Na*.a i zhiznl 29 no.20-9 F 162. (MIRA 15:3) (Siberia,, Western-Oil fields) NOTOSEWY, T. Cale 11-414-- the Index of the labor intensity of machinery zenufacturing. . a Sots, trud 8 no.7:106-112 Jl 163. (mmA 161 1o) I PETROV,, Y*61.- NOVOSELOT V.A.; Prinizali uchastiye: CHVMOV, P.A.; V.P.; XULAYEV, P.A.; POPKOTA, L.F.; LnEMV9 I.M.; BMAYEV, A.M. Flotation of Sibay deposit mine ores. TSvet. met. 35 no-3-- -15-48 Mr 162. (NURA 15:4) (Flotation) (Sibay region-Zinc orals) NOVOSELOV, V. A.; LUMM, Yu. V. "Random Dis'turbances of the Regular Procession of a Gyroscope," Leningrad (Prikladnaya, Hatematika i Mckhanika, (Applied Mathematics and Mechanics), Vol 17, go 1953, Moscow, .PP1361-368, Institute of Mechanics, Academy of Sciences, USSR. B-&673, 22 APr 55 Novosm"', V. A. SmU., 30,00r, f-rm hyewaull-a forgIng Prells. fts.-ght&x. prc--".zv. 5 rAo.9;31-33 S 163, (KM 16: 11) -~j JNWASDW-3 RrR RW/,TD/W/Jr,/W Nh AP5W29V SIC06V6510MI00110WI" ACTHOHSi Grachav, K. YA09 Novoselov, V. A. __jq-gA1 for connercial The choice of electrolyte and tho type of alactroAlt 1~:--~duct,iun of metalUo isodiUm SOURCE,% Khimieheskaya provomhlannost', no. 1, 19655o 57-.59 TOPIC TAGSt electrolyte, electrolytic raello sodium ALBSTWT.- The problem wicountered in obtaining a proper electrolyte and in ,1~-visinv most efficient electrolytic ceUs for extracting metallic sodiumare Three awlticol-led and four cixcular models of electrolytic cells were b-9tween 1955-58. The electrolytes were 42;6 NaCl * 58% CaC12 and 32% NaC-1 aC L, + 26% BaClq. The multicelled models dif f ered mainly in position of the i-Uu9tr" In Fig, I on the Saclosures -Stabi!Jty of production was for 25-30 dWes even for as marW au 75 days in some tests. The priml- of production decline ims short -circuitine between ttia grating -disphragm cathode. This resulted partly frota poor cAntarlag of the grating -diaphraM "rom daf ormation during operation (of eitile.- t~ia grating-diaphragm or of the The design of the chlorinq chamber allowa c~dorine concentrations of Pre5sul'UT ~ Wkkw %rag V-vw- "~ ~* .-V ~~ rocomnend the comer-cial application of circular electrolytic cells with Lnixoduced from below. Orig. art. haot 3 rigures. A;3S~f,191101-1 i none SU BMTIM t 00 ML: 01 I "'I ' .. -,?)DI OrW 1 004 1~ 1 00, U NO REP SOVI 008 2/3 L 40qQ2-66 E.'.'- m)/E'jP(t)/C*r1 IJP (C) JD ACC NRs AP017302 QA-) SOURCE CODE: UR/0126/66/021/00~[067740~77; AMHORS: Volkenshtayng N. V.; Dyakina, V. P.; Movoselov, V-A-~ Startsev, V. Ye. ORG: Institute of 114tal Physics, AN SSSR (Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR) TITLE: Peculiarities of the temperature dependence of electric resistivity of ~Ysprosium at low temperatures SOURCE: F`ileza metalloy i metallovedeniye, v. 21, no. 5, 1966, 674-677 TOPIC TAGS: dysprosium, electric resistivity, resistivity ABSTRACT: The electric resistivity of highly Lim: ifie 1~rsprosium (R 300K/R42K ~105) was measured over the temperature interval 1-5--300K to determino the magnetic contribution to the electric resistivity as a function of temperature. The resistiv- ity was measured on 10 x 1 x 0-5 mm strips made of distilled dysprosium using a cryostat (R. V. Colvin and S. Arajo. Phys. stat. sol., 1964, 4, 73). The results are shown in Fig. 1. These results were found to agree well with the theoretical predic- tions proposed by A. K. Mackintosh (Phys. Lett.t 1963t 4t 140)- This is demonstrated in Fig. 2 which shows a comparison. UDC; 539.292: L 40310-66 ACC NRe AP601 -Rr' -F I LZ q W -fie Zw 259 Ir resistivity*of OF L _zV ja IT Fig. 2. Low temperature electric resistivity% Fig. 1. Eleotri6 d~sprosiuw 1 - total-rpsistiv- 0 experimental results; solid line - curve ity; 2 magnetic resistivity. -4 ~2 1,P.m-aM with a/ROC 1.27 x 10 degrees 2 A/k 30K; dotted line - curve of T function.-.' having common point with experimental results at T = 24K. Orig. art. has: 2 formult;s and 3 figures- card 212m,-,R so comE.- ii/ om pm: 1qAug65/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH 1W: -004 3/121/61/000/009/006/006 W40/D113 AUTHOR: Novoselov. V. F* TITLEs New measuring instruments of the "Krasnyy instrumentallshchik" PLant in Kirov PERIODICALt Stanki i instrument, no. 99 19611 41 TEET: Information is given on instruments being produced at the now shop of mechanization and automation means organized in 1960 at "Krasnyy instrumen- tal'shchik zavod (plant) in Kirov.. It has already produced various measur- ing devices for industries in the Kirov economic rayon. The produced items include semiautomatic and automatic devicestsuch as aninstrument mea- suring the internal diameter and sponginess of coiled springs, fitted with an electrical signal system; an instrument for checking the diameters on multistage shafts with diameters varying from 17 to 20 mm and maximum 160 mm has electric contact pick-ups and emits electric signals ; an automatic device for bushingsl checking the outer and inner diameter, wall thickness evenness, and length at a rate of 7,000 bushings per work shift. An automatic device will be produced for dimensions measurement on automo- bile,engine pistons. It is designed for the use in automatic lines after Card 1/3 S/12Y61/000/009/006/006 New measuring instruments D040 D113 the rinsing machine, as final inspection device for the geom6tric shape and weight of pistons. It will reject pistons not fitting the specification requirements by shapet dimensions, etc., and also divide pistons into groups with 0.002 mm difference in the diameter of the bore for the piston pin. The device may also work with manual loading and be used for pistons up to 105 mm in diameter. Lot production of the following three instruments is being startedc (1) Pendulum angle meter for measuring angles on cutting tools.) wiLhk a wea3uring scale and a 4al. The maximum error of the meter is lo; (2)INSY (-3IChT) indicator for (TKS) hardness meters designed for measur-,ag the -atal surface hardness after cyaniding, carburizingg or other hardening. The 31ChT indicator shows the difference of depth of imprints produced by TKS in-preliminary and final test. The scale is graduated in 0,005 mm divisions, Indications inaccuracy does not exceed 0.002 mm. (3) Electric contact dial instruments called 2.?KJJ (2EKSh) and 313KWOEM), for use in automatic process control systems* automatic and semiautomatic inspection devices. They are smaller in size than the existing two-limit Card 2/3 S/121/61/000/009/006/006 New measuring instruments ooo D040/DI13 electric contact pick-ups and work in the same way in couple with an elec- tric signal system. The dial divisions of the 2EKSh and 3EKSh are 0.01 and 0.001 mmland the measurement ranges 0-025 and 0-05 mm respectively. The error is 0.0008 and 0.0005 mm. The article includes two Photographs showing the pendulum angle meter and the "EKSh". There are 2 figures. Card 3/3 KOVOSELOV., M~ The 2FMh and 3AKSh olectria contact dial instrumant. &ul.takh.-ekon.inform. no.12-.37 161. (IMRA 14:12) (Mecluric instr=snts) 124-58-9-993ZD Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 9, p 66 (USSR) AUTHOR: Novoselov V F_ TITLE: The Motion of Viscous Oils and Oils Having Elevated Freezing Temperatures Through Pipe Lines (Dvizheniye vyaikikh i vysokozastyvayushchikh neftdy po truboprovodam) ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the author's dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, presented to the Mosk. neft. in-t.(Moscow Petroleum Institute), Moscow, 1958 ASSOCIATION: Mosk. neft. 'in-t (Moscow Petroleum Institute), Moscow 1. Oils--Motion 2. Oils--Temperature factors 3, Fluid flow--Analysis 4. Fluid flow--Temperature factors Card 1/1 NOMSMV. V.P. -, CHMIX119, V.I. , - '. , . - 41. , , : - - ~ I... Movement (propulsion) of oil in pipelines. Uv. vys. ucheb. zav.; naft' i gaz no.1:141-147 158. (KIR& 11: 8) 1.Xcakovskly neftyanoy Inatitut Im. akad. I.M. Gubktna. (Petroleum--Pipelines) MMOSUOTO Te7q; C. IKU. Tdpa of hot jetralsaw, Ia Insative p1pollues Wder comatlons of floe comablea before the teggwratme, bas remabsd or to above the tbjpbWvC .polft of I)etroUmwo* Xave Woo' ucMb* sw..* naftl (NDA 2138) 1~ Nodonkly neftygmay lutitat Ia. &Ia&. 1.K. kbtl*. A (POtrOlGVW-PIP*IIVA4)- - MOTOSUM, V.P.; CHMIxiii, V.I. Determining optimal parameters of whato pipelines. Trudy NE no.23:116-129 '58a (NM 12: 1) (Petroleum-Pipelines) '. NOTOSE-MV, V.P. - CH~MKIII, V.I. -- -;:T Cooling of hot petroleum and petroleum products In fftt-dwn pipelines. Truxly NNI no.23:130-140 158. (NM 22:1) (Petroleum-Pipelines) (Heat-Transvission) w0vubmwV.. T.Y.; OMMIKIN, V.I. Thermal condItIons of patrolem reservoirs. Trudy MI no.23: 141-149 158. (KUL 12:1) (Petroleum-Storage) (Heat--Transmission) TUGUNOVD P.I.; K0110SELOV, V.F. ~, Teaperature change of a petroleum product when a hot pipe ie put Into operation. Izv, vyv, ucheb. zav., neft' I as 7 no.3t99-102 1641. 0 1141PA M6) 1. Ufimakiy neftyanoy institut, NOVOSELM.I.F.; TUGUNOVs P.I. Pressure changes at the beginning of a pipeline Los !t becoms filled, Izv. vyse ucheb. zav,; neft' i gaz 7 no.iOsS3-87 164. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Ufimskiy neftyanoy institut. I O~IIVAL' m. V.;., ki ullos --: wl~ ------------- 4 the uchlebo neft' -4 gaz 7 ri .12~63-~6 '64 (MIM 18-.12) 1. Uflm3kiy neft7roy YABU!"~'"' Vsevolod Sergeyevich, prof.doktor tekbn. Lauk (deceased I; NOVOSEjZ_ Vikj2&jSg2"%&26,.doTs*,* kcand, tekbno rauk; -Mr.."m, Vill Bareyevich, st. prepod., inrAij ZW~WV, Gaffen2skirovichp at* prepodop inzhe; &TLIXOVI A.A.# retsen- zent; ZUBARE7A, Ye.l.p ved. red. [Planning, operation and repair of petroleum products pipe- lines) Proaktirovanie, ekspluatataiia i remont neftepro- duktov. [BY] V.S.IAblonakii i dr. Moskva, Nedra, 1965* 410 p. (MIRA 180) -1. Zamestitell nachallnika Olavnogo upravlenlya po snabzhe- niytL narodnago khozyaystva nefteproduktami RSFSR (for Kullkov). NECHVALI V M.V.; NOMPMOV, V.P. Determining the volume of a mixture in the successive pumpirg of gases. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 8 no.4:7?~-82 165. (NIRA 19:5) 1. Ufimskiy neftyanoy institut. KANYUKOVO R.Z.; NOVOSELOV. V.I. - , , -. Completion of oil vells through the use of gas condensate. Nef- tepromi. delo no..7:11-12- 163.. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Nefteprowitlovoye upravleniye "lehimbayneft'". ACC Alts ARm6w. SOURCE CODEr. UB/0312/66/0W/004/G039/G039 -'AUTBDR.- Nov"W"t V. 0, TITLE: Coding Os Wernal aides of a se4menUd automaton t j-'SOURCZ*.:ReL.xb. umUkag Abs. 40269 REP BDV~CZ-e Vr. 80)ksL fh6-takhn. In-ft pri Tomakom. um-4e, v7p., 479 19651 60-64 TIOPIC. TAG& fbdte automaton. switching circu1t, Boolean function. mathematic maftft ABSTRACT: The author dls~usses Mealy-typs sequential. automatons with Z' FI(X. Z). Y =!2 (X, 7), where the multi-valued variables X, Y, Z, Z I are the input and outpd variable and 6w- curr and nest statesp respectively, of the automaton. The a Wristlentauan of the multi-vahied variables by memo of of binary variables is a coding problem whiek determims the complexity of realization of the netvmrks. bastnu& an the codbg of X and Y ,,,,Is &-priori spepifiaL.'an arbitrary select[" of codbg Is possible only for Z. The co&ng Is 1- consklered aoftd ff we have the least; munber of symbols in the system, of Boolmn Anctimn - deterndaft dw ddes of So aviondon And presented in =1n. disjmothe form. The H=Vbroy *am ("ft*hft c1radis via computer 1958, let McGraw-Hol Book coo I.' CWd VDQ WMMLSIL152 ACC M AR6026533 New York N. Y.) In uslyied.The nwftk of astes to used to oandrwt Ow nWriz of the do- 4 sired s7m=a&y of statec Ra optimal form to determhued by codfog the most desinble std" - wd so AentiaU aorreouvg 61a oodhq no method presonoses the muft of posaftides . y q mid provides the bad nedfa far ta to lNuttaw 6 gholaWdow lbe nsm*s rMlAed o . , Sir why fajf 4 fajgf 4 an owzi Is Aj , Ij iT 0" P, ~ ~, I- -~, ~- - - -ft, 1z . NOTOSEWT, V.P., inzh. - Hidden potentialities for machinery manufacturing. the growth of labor ProductivitY at no.12:39-45 '57. (MIRA 10:12) (Machinery industry) sOVOSMOT, insh. ... I--- ... ... ;~:--, -.., - .. Analyzing resources for raising labor productivitY In A machinery plint. Sbor. st.'CHPI n0-15:3-18 '58. (MM 12:3) (Machinery Industry) Matory mmagemnt) c-,;VOV.OSzZIIOT., Awalustion of currout labor productivity indices. Sbdr. at. CM 1101.1508-54 158. (KM 12:3) (ftatery mmgvmmt) (Zabor productivity) , I- .4. ,PE Vlad iir Pavlo i ht. GOLIKOV, Aleksandr Arsentlyevich; W_VQ iD v c - - SVET, Ye.B.,, red. [Potentials for reducing labor and metal consumaption in the manufacture of machinery] Rezervy anizheniia trudo- emkosti i metalloomkosti mnshin. Choliabinak, Cheliabin- skoe krilzhnoe izd-vo, 1962. 141 P. OMIA 17:9) HOVOSELOV V.S. A closing water volmmenometer for measuring the root systems of plants. ftsiol, rast 7 no,W/+3~-2" 160,, (iMA 140) 1. Vses-oymmyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy inatitut Itna, Torzhok. Mots (BotwW)) (Botanical apparatus) -V UPI/ Novoselov, V.'S- Application at the waffirmis d mechanles the computatlaiddstatkWly systems. Vestnik Leningrad. Univ. 1952. no. 2, 24-41 an) After an "tended review of the nietw of Fian oJ, natsh. Math. Phys. 23, 225-239 (1912)] and ;81 modification [Doklady Akad. Noulc SSSR (N.9.) 11, 21 .1 :* 215 (1936)], the author points out vaguenew in the hy- pothesis relating to the potential of the reaction-foroet, aadl in the physical meaning of rigidity, among c 00 and discusses these points at some lentf, 0 d ~~' paper is concerned *'i'th detailed "y of sevwW examples. R. Gubg (Seattlet W#A.).. ~j iD Q Random disturba es~ Linnik~ Yu. V., and Nov selov. V. S. nc Nauk of the regular precession of a Akad rosco e . . p V SSSR. Prikl. Mat. Meh. 17, 361-368 (1953). (Itussian)l Consider a system dx. A Ak(t), A,(I), 13 (i, i 1, dt , z where the functions At (t) (k = 1, - - -, 1) characten V~ I-dimensional random process. Let ak(l) denote the mathe ffat;hemailaal Reviews matical expectation of A k (t) and let A & (1) = at W + k Vol 4 15 Noe 2 Ithat the mathematical expectation of the random fu Feb, 1954 IbA;(I) is zero. Further, let S = (Si[xj, Ak(f), t]l denot an Meohem.105 1-t-dimensional random vector-function which for the nsional Ivalues of the arguments characterizes an it-dime IraAdom process. The initial data of the system (1) ar assumed to be random and given by a distribution wit obability density r P P%*;5.vj -yjO