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/1/0 VO --,, E /_0 V14 1 f , Subject USSR/Electricity Card 1A Pub. 29 - 15/35 AID P - 2965 Author : Novoselov, A. I., Technician Title : Transportable arrangement for Inspecting relay protection Periodical : Energetik, 5, 19-21, MY 1955 Abstract : The author developed and built an arrangement for Inspec- ting relay protection. He presents a detailed description of the arrangement and gives examples of its use. One scheme of connections and drawing of the top cover of the device. Institution : None Submitted : No date NOVOSBIDT. A.I.,teLthnik. z~~' ~-, I Conotamoting vector diagrams of the connection of three-phase counters by the w&ttmter method. Swreetik 4 no.llg28-31 IF 156. (Mactrle engineering) IOCERA 9: 12) Monthly List of Russian Accessions,, Library of Congress, JanuarY -1953. Unclassified. NOVOGMT. A.S., InzhenAw. - - ~ .hwramIM labor proftativity In b=berln& 3153, Nakhtrmd-rab. 7 no.9.9-n (MU 6:8) (lumberlug) nIMOV, N.A., Inshomr; JFovosjwT' k.m. 11 ~ . iVroviM 2udwring t"mioff. Ndch. trud. rob. 7 no-la:9-U D 153. (MM 6:12) (Amberim) --NOTOSIILOT A.S.-, _. _ 6 Using aasca4a, rs2&;F In overhead coammicatious 11mes. Test. eviazi 17 no-7:19-49 A '57. (NLRA lots) I 1, Starshly Inshener Iffentrallnogo u&uchno-I~*ledov&te1'm1wgo Insti- tuta STY&SI, (Alactric lines) voymmyt, A.S., T Sm state standards for protection of wire-comwmication installations. Avtom. toles. I avlas' 2 n#.12:13-15 D 158. (KEPA 11:22) leStarshly Inshener TOentralluege muchno-isaledovatel'sksgo instituts, Kinisterstva evMI. I (Telecommication-Standards) NOTOSMr. A.S. Lightalug-protoction devices. Avton., telex. i mvIazI 3 no.4,-. 6-8 Ap 159o (KIM 22'. 5) 1.8tarshly Inshoner TSentrallnop nauebao-tooledovatel'skoge Instittuta evyaxi Ninisterstva, ev"zi. (Llghtulvg protection-Xquipwmt and supplies) KOVOSEIDV,-,A! Se, Cand Tech Sci (dies) "Increasing the stability of apera- tion of wire:communiceLtions equipment on overhead lines in the face of light- ning discharge". Moscow, 1960. 15 PP (Min Communications USSR, Mbscow Electrical Engineering Inst of Go=unications), 100 copies (KL, 110 15, ig6o, uO 101 DSMT, A.S. Introduction of protective circnIts, In accordance with 5238-58 an-phion state Standard. Axtem., telem. I sylaz' 4 W'07:IC-17 . 1~ fk-*Ado*wp-- (MM& 13:7) 1, Starshly tashener fSentralluago nanchno-lesledovatellsir6go instituta svyazi Kinisteretva avyast, (Pailroade-Cammuntcat Lou systems) NUTOSPILOV. A.S. ftyerimut In the use of cascaded lUhtnlv,-. protection in wire cominnication system. Vast. svlaxl 20 no.S.-IO-11 AC'60.(XZffA 13:10) 1. Starshly Inshener Mentrallnogo muchno-iseledovatellskogo institute, avyasi. (Lightning protection) (Blectric lines-Owerhead) MIKHAYLOV, V,.I.# doktor tekhn. nauk; kand. tekhn nauk. Prinimali uchastiye, YURKOV, G.M., tekhnik; V-1ELtKINA, E.V., tekhnik; 2awrIOV, L.D., otv. red.; VOLODARSKAYA, V.Ye.9 red. [Regulations governing the construction and repair of overhead communication lines and wire broadcasting net- works) Pravila stroitellstva i remonta vozdushrVkh linii sviazi i radiotransliatsionrWkh setei. Moskva, Sviazl- izdat. F--+,-4- 1962. 109 P. (MIRA 170) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo avyazi. NOVOMV3, A.S.,7 kand.tekhn.vauk Use of protective device"A overhead comramleation Bnem. Vast* sviazi, 22 no.7,11-1241 162. WMA 15:7) (ZjecZ;ic lines--Overboad)- (Electric protection)- TAMMSEV, D.A.;,-NOVOSELCIV, A.S. Bipolar pulse Conaratori fc,;, ottidying forToolectrics. Prib. i tekb* ekap, 3 ao*5.-125-127 S-0 163o (NnA 16s 12) lo Idititut krlatellografii Ali SSSR, NOVOSEWV9 A.S., kand.tekhn.nauk W~ W. w,,- Protection of transistorized telecommunication apparatu5 fron high voltages. Vest. sviazi 23 no.7,.15-17 J1 163. (MIRA .17:2) __7 ENT(G)/EWP(v)/T/EWP(t)/EWP(k)/EWP(b)/E*A(h)/EWA(c) 1JP(c) AM ACC-H& AP6002585 SOURCE C006. Ult/0296/65/0001023/0090/0090 INVENTOR: Lassrev, A. N.; Prokashkin,_ 0.A 1111n, L. M. I.; Novoselov A. S.: Barashkov. M. A. ORG: none z Class 499 TME: Brazing alloy for soldering No. 176784 SOURCE: 5yulleten' Izabretenty I tovarnykh tnakov, no. 2.3, 1965g 80 TOPIC TAGS: brazing, titanium, titanium brazing ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate Introduces a copper-base brazing alloy for tits um. To lower the melting temperature of the alloy and to Increase the strength of -To-Into, the alloy contains 2-4Z aluminum, 4-4Z tin, 24-26Z titanium, and the rest copper* (NDI SUB CODE: 131/11/ SyM DAM l2ffs7G4/ ATD PRESS: UJZINA, L.N.; NOVCSEWV, A.T. Mimi ating pieces of "is frcm ccmpost. Nauch. trudy AKKH no.2408-62 164 (KIRA, 18:2) EUTYRM. O.M.; XSUSOV, O*No; IOVOMM, A-V* %%*real voolysts of tho B4LZ-Bg astwo Xaach-dQkl-v7--~-GWWI7; jthin~ I Ichin.taft. no.4:6607-663 ?58- (UM 12-.2) 1. Prodstavlona kofedroy noorganichesko7 khWI NoWovskoV cosu- dantvawfto valversitsta looni X-To Umonosava. (Beryllium halides) (Thermal ana2irsts) --'I BBWW. 0o1.; TRAPP. G.;- NOYMIOV, A.T.; SIVAJIDV, Yu.,N* .. Thermal and the PWO analysis of the SrF2 - W2 system. Zhure neorge kbim, 4 no.3:671-677 Irr '59. OCIRA 12:5) (Alkaline, earth fluorides) 1 ACC NR: AP6027079 SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/6~ AUTHOR: Grigorlyev, A. I.;-Nov(?gel V A. V. (Corresponding member AN 335R) A6 ORG: Moscow State University imo M. Vo Lamonosov (Moskovskiy gosudarstvenny.,f, universitet) TITLE: Structure of compl compoundslof ber7llium oxyacetatelwith ammonia and primary fatty aminesO% SOURCE: AN SSSR. Do'klady, v. 167, no. 2, 1966, 342-345 TOPIC TAGS: beryllium compound, ammonia, amine, vibration spectruin, hydrogen bonding m9lecular structure, IR spectrum, chemical stability, chemical composition, acetate .:A.WTRACT:-. Investigations of the vibration spectra of Be(OCOCH 3)* 2NH ..indicated that the acetate groups in this complex compound are rzonodlato. i ~Jjyidently they participate in the formation of a six-membered ring because of .,the intramolecular hydromen bgn"dj Tho authdrs arrived at this conclusion baving studied theijifrared absorption spectra of the following compounds bG`(0Q0CH-j)q.2C and -'Bq(0G0CH-")q ,2C?Hf Six-mombered rinds constructed t ad tional stability to the compound 0~ the basi K-bond should Impart da ;as a result of the actinn of the entropy factor. From these positions it is pcissible to explain the structure and also the special stability of the com- pounds of beryllium oxyaoetate with ammonia and amines with.the composition of 4 : 1 and 3 : 1. The intramolecular hydrogen bonds play i'great role in the f t' of the compounds investigated. The vibration spectra of the above bo n oxyacetate compounds were studied. k4 = The spectra of the corresponding #'mpounds of normal beryllium acetate were also studied. The results which cbnfirm, the structures proposed will be publiphed later. Orig. art. has: 4 figures. ~JFRS: j6,4551 20 SUB C(PE: 07 SUBM DA7E: 09Sep65 ORIG REF: -007 CJ7/ 1 NOVOUW- a A I I. I KOVOSELOV, Boris Vasillyevich, aspirant Calculation of multiple-Unk systems using a structural network conversion technique. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; elektromakh. 6 no.11:1M5-1218 163. (MIRA 17:4) NOVOSELOV, Borle -Vasillravich, inzh. ~,. Syptsm for synchronous inphase control of two lcadso Izv*vyaaucheb* zav.; siektromekh. 7 no.110,.-2248-1261 164- (MIRA ISRI) jjOvoSF,LOV, Boris Vasillyevich.. starshly inzhener plings in a two-channel servo-sYstl-lm Antisyxwtric cro3S cOu with a common control axis. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; elektromakh 7 no.12il4gl-1498 164. (MIRA 18:2) KRISS, Tullus Zhakovich; VOTOSMV, D.T,, retzenzent; KCROTM, I.F., dotment, rateens"ant, 12MITINOVICH. N.G., inzh.. red.; TIKHOMOV, O~N*j reds [Betting up production standards In the printing industry; a practical handbook] Tekhnicheok'oe normirovanis v poligrafti; prakticbeskoe posoble. Pod obahchal red. K.G.Palltinovicha. Koskvs, Gos.izd-wo Olaknestvo.6 1959, 247 p. (KIRA 13:5) (Printing Industry-Production standards) ovooswro D V, lWovo tbo estsb2bbWmt of work name In the pfttlng . Satq. trod 5 no.US93---M. 11 160. (JOA USI (hinum :Ind"try-prodmolon standards) A. APUKHTINA. H.P.; SHLYAKHTER, R.A.; NOVOSEIDV. F.B. Idquid thlokols. Kauch. i rez. 16 no.6:7-11 Je 157. (MIJIA 10:10) I.Tessoyuxnyjr nauchno-Issledovatel'skly institut sintatichookogo kauchuka Im. S.V. Lebedeva. (Rnbber, Synthetic) (Vulcanization) NGVCBF=o G., starshiy leyUnant S, I i, 161. (MIFA 15:2) Strong s4iring, Voeniveste 41 w~10:% 0 (;M;;;.v fleld mwinsering) NOVOSELOVP I. Economic council at work. Fin. SSSR 37$3-4 Ag 963. (MIRA 16 -.9) 1. Predse~atall skonamichaskago soveta Vyatakc-Polyanskogo gorodskogo, ispoln:LUI,nago kordtlta. , (Vyatakiye Polyany-IndustriaLl managemant) 4, L" V BUCHIN. A.; NOTOSUO!', I. SiuManslon of the moskyleh-402 automobilos Avt. tranSP. 35 UO.St 2143 Ag. '57. (MM IOS9) 1. Noskovskly savod m1olltmshaykh avtonobilay. (Antonobilou-Springs) NOIDSZLIOV IGOR IVA51L qMCH Avtomobill 'q4Oskwich" MOdOll 402'. KonstrAtAya I Takhnicheskoys ~Obsluzlhivwdyev (BY-) I-V- Novoselov (I DR.) Moskva. Haftit. 1959. 354P. Illuso, Plagr9of Tab]As* BibUographical Footnotes* R Leonid Isaakovich; GOWACHIrt rAkoy Radimirovichi W-VOMIMILOT Tevg~64 Markovich; ANDROW"t A~Fg lnzb.t rao; VASIL17NAP I.A.9 red.- Ind-was UVAROVAp A.F.t tokha, red. [The wMaekwich4076 automobile; design and maintenance] Avtomobill Wwkwiohw modeli 407; konatruktaiia i tekbnicheakoe obsluzhivanie. Pod ked., A.F.Andronowao- Hookwat Goo.nauelmo-takhn. Isd-TO mahino- itrolUlit-i7v 1961.- 396'P. (KMA 14:6) is Glawayy konstruktor Nookovskago zavoda malolitrashnykh artwobiley (foi- Andronor) (Automobiles) NovoSLIOV-p-.1 - jr-insh -4- Why the tires wear out. Za rul. 19 na.8:18-19 Ag '61. (MW. IA--9) (Aut=oblles--Tires) -A T- 'of tho frorit'suzpendon of the OI'makvichO car" Ze. rul. 19 no,,c,':Zo-2i s161. ('IPA 14:10) (Autorobiles-Sprincs) NOVOSWV656doingh. ..Can rubber bushings be replaced? Za rul. 20 no.8t23 Ag 162. I . I . (XMA 16:6) (Autombilts--ftrings) Effect of the angUo of froht-wheel alignment of an autmobile -an the vww-'of tlrq**:&td the Investigation of the stability 0 these aA&B,, Avt, praine 28 U0.723&39 JI .162. (XM 16t 6) 1. Kookmakit zavM 7iilo3ltrashmyld~ avtonabi3sy. (Aatmobilso-Wheels) (Tires, Rubber) J- 6-1 497-65 - ACCESSION R., AP5016T78 (JR/0286/65/GGO/010/0104/0104 621.828.2 AUMOR: No Be I. V..i Nemtsav, Yu. M. t 'to y$aii. znaxo no. I 1965-_,~ -44 ~TOPIC.: TA6.-~ a sion, kingpinleas autcmidbile., au eihsions~ aut uspen SP A ABSTRACT, JAn Author CeAiflcate has been issued foi- a ball joint for the indepen- dent kingpinless frout suspenzion of an automobile. For improved hermetic seal, inside the lower paA of the housing is a groove fol- a packing ring which is held eck ring (set! in plave by an end cap retained by a eh The. Fig. 1 of the Enclosure). ba-11 joint's weight s--d size can be lowered if ILhe .--enter of 'he outer joint-housing -1-h--re is displaced relative to the cr_,nter of oscil,ation. Orig. art. has: 1 fig- -Ure (KT) ASSOCIATION: none _j SUBMM Nol b TL Card -it Fig, 1. Ball joint I - Spherical housingi 2 bearing insert; 3 - slide block; pin; press-uxe housing; 6 end cap; groovt- packing ring; 9 check ring. (Hookwa); FILLPFOV, S. (Mbskva) Timink device. Sov.fato 20 n0-1:39 Ja 160. .16~ (KM 13:5) (Clocks and watches) lovouwv. L. 191.1minate def'oc"&% this operation of works councils. voLuzy 4 no.20:57-59 0 156. (WaA 9: U) 1, LRaliatnik kateft politlehankoy okonomll Urallskogo go~uW~tvon- nogo wdversitsta Imni Gorlkago (Works counallej (Notal indLustries) DRUV,, B.,, starshly prepodavatell; MAGO14, V., dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk; MCVOMCV, M., kapitan-mata"ik Flexible drinking water containers for the deck. Nor.flat 21 n6.1:39 Ja 961. (PffId 14: 6) 1. Kafedra "Teoriya i ustroystvo korablya" Vysshego, voyenno- inzhennernigo morskago uchili3hcha (for Druz'). 2. Nachallnik kafedry "Teorlya i ustraystvo korablya" Vysshego voyenno-inzhenernago, morsk-ogo uchilishcha (for Magula). 3. Primorr7bprom (for Novoselov). (Ships--Equipment and supplies) (Drinking water--Containers) - MOVOSELOV. M.V. Lavage of the rumn of calves affected with toxic dyspepsia. Vaterinarua no.1207-38 D 163. (KRA 17s2) 1. Glavnyy vaterinarnyy vrach sovkhoza "Kubantwg Kra anodarskago kraya. HOWOELM M.V . veterin. vrach Course of leukemia and measures for its control. VeterinariJa 41 no.1:31-32 Ja 165. (MIRA 1&2) 1. Sovkhoz "Kuban"', Krasnodarskiy kray. U 16)317-6-1 /34 TI (M) RM ACC NR: AH6021383 Honograph Hagula, Valentin Emmanuilovichv- Druz's Boris Ivanovich; Kulagi VLtaliv DaLtrivevight Mil-oslavskaya, YEketerina Petrovna;..Nla Mikhail Vasilly*vLch-- Flexible shipboard containers (Sudovyye myagkiye yemkostL) Leningrad, Izd-vo "SudontroyenLye," 1966. 287 p. Lllus., biblLo., 2000 copies printed, TOPIC TAGS: containers. packaging, flexible containers. disposable shipboard containers and scientific personnel of the shLpbu1idLnSYjindustryv and of the marine, river and fishing fleets. It conYins general information on the latest types of shipboard packages, disposable elastic con- taLners, including their design, materials, and special uses. The authors acknowledge the following contributors: 1. 1. KorobkLa, A.S. Babayev, Yu.'F. AndrLanov, S. D. Knoring,, A. R. LekhtsLye , Ye. P. V- V. V. Hor z, Po romkLn 0 L. M. Wa-Ptsev, F. R. Nitochkin, and P. V* Marcheako: PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This book is intended f ngLneering, technical Ord 113 UDC 629,123. 562 __L 05317-67 ACC NR- AM6021383 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS [abridged]: Introduction 3 Symbols used 5 Ch. L. General information on flexible shipboard containers -- 11 Ch. II. Design principles of flexible containers -- 46 Ch. III. Disposable flexible containers -- 100 Ch. IV. Free-form flexible containers -- 175 Ch. V. Special problems in the utilization of flexible containers -- 223 Ch. VI. Effective economy resulting from the utilization of flexible containers -- 249 Supplement --`267 Card 2 j 3 AIP6037057 SOURCE' CODE: UR1005G/66310511005/13ii/1316 AUTHOR: Startsev, V. Ye..; Volkenshteyn, N. V.; Novoselov, N. A. ~f, -ORIG: Institute of the Physics of Metals,' AN SSSR (Institut fiziki metallov AN -"TITLE: Galvanom agnetic properties of molybdenum ci-ystals in intense effective fields SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 51, no. 5, 1966, 1311-1316 TOPIC TAGS: molybdenum, crystal, molybdenum crystal, single crystal, transverse magnetic field, galvanomagnetic effect, Hall effect ABSTRACT: The anisotropy of galvanomagnetic prop ties (Hall effect which is er even with respect to a magnetic field of transverse voltage and magnetic resistance) 7.1. of a high purity single'crystal is investigated at liquid helium and liquid hydrogen :T .temperatures in, transverse magnetic fields up to 25 koe. The results are discussed within the framework of the theory of galvanomagnetic phenomena 11. M. Lifshits, Card -1/2 -ACC NR: AP6037057 M. Ya.; Azbel'. M.. 1. Kagaiwv. ZhZTF, 31, 63, 19651; [1. M. Lifshits, V. G. Peschanskly, ZhZTF, 35, 1251, 1958; ZhZTF, 38, 1880 1960). The authors wish to express their appreciation to G. A. Bolotin, T. D. Zotov and V. N. Kachinskiy for. useful suggei4tions. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. .(Authors' abstract [AM] SUB CODE: 20,113/ SUBM DATE: 02JunGS/ ORIG REF: 008/ OTH REF: 0061 SILIVAROV, He; NOVOSILOV, M. Why collective farze of Kalinin Provicus do wt fulfill their construction plan* Sall.stroi. 9 no-1:3-5 Ja-y '54. (NM 13:2) (Kalinin Province-farm buildiw ) NOTOSP.LoV. N. lot's expand construction on collectivo farms of Tambov Prov- Inco. Sell.strol. 9 no.2:3-4 lfr-Ap, 154. OURA 13:2) (Tambov Province-fflarm buildings) NOMSMT, ff.. korrespoudout. .awasm"WAMMOO Workers of the Tmb6,v ramber Camp will achleve mm succosses I& theIr work. Sell.strol. 11 no.l:g Ja 156. (mLaA 9:6) 1.Zhurml mSellakly stroltallso (2~wbov Province-Lumbering) ROWUWT, N. Z~ _~ Competition of rural builders of Moscow and Kiev Provinces. Sell.strol.ll uo.3:8-9 My 156. OW 9:9) (Moscow Province--Construction industry)(Kiev Province-4onstruction IndustrO FILIPPOTICH, A.. 1whener; NOTOSMOT. N. 10-~_ _~ ~_ Carry, out building on collective farms all yvar long. Sellstroi. 11 no.11:3-5 IF 1560' (KHA 10: 1) 1. lorrespondent shurnals, OSellskiy stroital'O. (Bogoredsk *strict-Building) 1070SELOY. N.I. -.1. Cons*114~to successes achi6ved already. Sell.strot. 11 [L.O.121 no.1:6-7'Ja 157. (KM 10: 3) 1. Ilorrespondent zhurnala "Zellskly stroitall". (govotorshakiy District-Farm buildings) --yeliaw, ftato A", SoV, stroi. 12 no.Ilta-9 IF 057. (KIRA 10ill) (State farms) NOVOSELOT, if. ,, ! , ---- - I,, - . - - Simple windmills. Selg strol. 13 no,8:18 Ag 158. (KIRA 11:9) (Windmills) Brochures, o4 fAawl comtruction.put out by province piRlishing ..hatassa Self a; atraLW46 n0,10.030 0 961s (Rxn 14: 11) (Building-rTsch" logical innovations) f1rarm buiidlmg) KUCHMSKIyt L.I.; Novommv, M.P. Labor Irodv4vity in the Kiwl Coal Basin and ways to imprmn it. 'It - 63.. auih tridy-ftru NIUI no.3:3-54 (wn 17.3) TAMUD, S.L.; NOVOSELOV, II.P. :~- Obtaining sulfite viscose cellulose. Report 116.2: Studying the effect of the dr-ring temperature on the reactivity of cold- refinadviscose cellulose. Trudy LTITSBP no.13:21-25 164. (MIRA 18:2) NOVOSEIM, Hikolay Savelly2vich __ I- [Transformation of labor into the prime necessity of life] ID prevrashebenii truda v pervuiu zhi=ennuiu potrebnost'. Mookwal Ixd-vo VfSh i AOII pri TsK KPSS, 1961. 143 P (HMA 1;:g) (Work) lovosm"'p. Shortkomings in economic work. Den.i kred. 13 n0-9:30-33 S'55- (Raulm and banking) (MIRA 8: 12) BuwcmaxL, L 4- IDTOM" P. From practice in using a special credit and payant schedule. Denol kred. 14 no*'365"59 Wr 156. (MU 9:7) (Buka- wd banking) MOVOSuOT ;~~--. Bank control over the payment for goods. Dan. i Icred. 17 n0-11'. 14-28 3 159. MPA 22:12) (Duke and bauldog) (Retail trade-Finanos) XOVOSEWV. Pavel Ivanovich [Issuing credit to comercial organization]Kroditovanis tor- gavykh orgaudsatoli, Moskva,, Goofinisdat, 1962. 93 p. (MIRA 16:1) (Credit) HOVOSELOV IssutM credit for the purchase and sale,of Wicultural products. Dan. i kred. 20 no.6:64-69 Je 162. (KLRA 15:6) (ProduceArade) (Agricultural credit) NOVOMLOV P.,- BOROVIKOVA, V. Issuing credit and the financing of the capital investments of con- sumers' cooperatives. Dan. i kred. 21 no.7t6l-68 Jl 163. (MIM 16: 8) (Cooperative societies-Finance) (Construction Industry-Finance) 15 (0) AUTHORs TITLEs PERIODICALs A.BSTRALCT:. Card 1/2 NOT08610vt Pe go SOT/131-59-T-10/14 Accelerated ' Start of Operation of a Shaft Foxime for .Dolomite Bu=ing (UskoreWy pusk shakhtnoy dolonitoobshigatelluoy pechi) Ognoupozy, 1959, Nr Tt P 331 (USSR). At Me suWatloAcM G. 'Cox7unav and Ye. -A. Mastsqevv a now method of stArCing ' operation'of -shaft furnaces after repairing their linings was introduced do partaint for dolomite -burning of the -WAgnitogorzkAatallurgicii Ziibinat. The lowor-part of -the f=uace- was- charged with burnt -~- in6tead of raw - motallurgidal dolouite-of the fraction from 4 to 20 an. The furnace- was- then heated *1~1. wLth'wac&,- and, charged-with 1500 kg of-raw-dolomits and-4jo kg of metallurgical coke. The furi=e worked- normal3y.24 to *28 hours after heating-W4, 'Until the Introduction 7 of thW ~UqW -:Mithodl a year4 glum of aijout 1.0dooo ioubles was' -'x~ent ~withomt azzy use. After the introductim of this method, prod7lation -could, be started ono d&Y earlier, and a yearly additional qua*tity of 760 t of burat metallurgical sorted dolomite could Ide.obtained. Accelerate&' Start : of Operation of a Shaft SOT/131-59-1-10/14 -Airmace-for Dolomite Burning ASSOCIATION: Magnitogorskiy astallurgichaskiy kombinat (*agnitogorsk Metallurgical Kombinat) Card 2/2 1. NOVOSSLOV, R. D. 2. U33 (6(,'0) 4. Dentistry - History 7. First Russian book on dentistry; historical review, Stomatologia, No. 4, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Acces3ions, Library of Congress, Fe , 1953. Unclassified. VOVOSELOVI R. D., GarxI Led Sci -- (diss) "Deve.IOPM84 of the Meth ds of Fixation of s In -J%W Fractu4ys6MEssia - r- and USSR (Historical Outline)," Len, 1957. 21 pp (Len State Order of Lenin Inst for the Advanced Training of Physicians im S. 1-1. Kirov), M, 50-57, 120) - 38 From Mis history or the development or methods for f tzing fragments of fractured jaws in the 19th cant=y In Rusels. Stomatologils 36 no-2:4143 Xr-4 157. (MM 10:6) 1. Is Itafedry khtrargichsabW stanatologil (say. - chlea-korrespon- dout Akedentl mdttslnsktkh nank SSSR prof. A.A.Lluberg) stamatolo- gicb~Fkago fakulltato lenUgradakogo sanitarno-gigiyanicheatogo seditelaskago inatituts (dir. D.A.,Zhdanov) (JAVS--IPRACf=) ' (CILTROMIC APPARATM--HISTMY) IfOVWELGV,, ~R. D., kand. mad. nat* History of dentistry In Russia. Report Uo. 1: Development of dentistry in St. Petersburg (1703-1917). Trudy KGR no*2:5-24 1600 (MIRA 15:7) 20 TaAafadry khirurglobaskoy stmatologli - sav. kafedroy doteent P.- Vc lamm. (WHINMAD-DENTISTU) NQVMELOV R -D kend. mod. naukirows, TURG70 d'-AlVassistant Anstoodes'], and (sp"W remalts.of mdicdl umnoplaisty In. congonital cleft Palate. Truo, KW no.2.1231-428 160. (MM 15:7) I* Is ki.Wedry Mir"rgichaskay stomtoloffil. - zave katfadror dotme"t P. T. Naumv. PAIATE, Clim). NOVOSELOV. R, -dotsent Surgical correction of a secondary deformity of na&al carziiage following early surgery for a congenital harelip. Trudy Kaa n0.10:415-419 163. (MIRA I-S.-I) 1. 1z kafedr7 khirurgicheskoy stomatologil (zav. kafedroy - dotsent P.V.Naumov) Yalininskogo gosudarstvennogo med. instituta. NOVOMOV, fL-I.,t MCY=OVAP Z.A.,- FUTSYN# D.V. Qcidation potentiml an a characteristic of Vw reaction velocity In the kinetic methods of analyalse Zhw,nsorg*kU=o 8 no.W35-140 T& 163. (KM 1615) 1e ImUtut neorganichaskoy 'ehilaii, Sibirskogo, otdolonlya AN SWR* - (ftidation) (Chemical reactiong Rate ok) (Chemistry,, Analytical) NOVOSELOV, R.I.; MUZZKANTOVA, Z.A.; PTITSYNt B.V. Determination of the instability constants of complexes unstable in time. Zhur.neorg.khim. 9 no.4s?99-802 1p 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Institut neorganicheakoy khimii Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. NOVOSEMV, R~I.;-MUZYKANTOVA, Z.A.; PTITSIN, B.V. Complexes unstable with time. Mar. neorg. khim. 9 no.,llc2590-2593 if v64 (min isa) 1. rnstitut neorganicheakoy khimii Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. '. I. I, _:~ Science Special course in elementary algebra. Moskva, Sovetskala nauka, 1951. 1-bnthly list of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Aprilm 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. NOVOSELOT, S. r~ zquALtions Ihmerical Solutions Solution and analysis of equations. S. 1. Novoselov., Hat.v shkole, no. 1, 1952. 2 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress. 1954. Unclassified. Nollonmt-I S. i. Mthematicians R--vel Afanasevidh'-_ tarichev; sixtieth anniversary of bis birth4y and fortieth year of pedagagic work. Hat. v shkole Voi~ 3, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November-1953. Unclassified. m tw.~ ~- ~ I I I - -:- - I - ~ I . - movosmwv, S. 1. [ftecial amwoo .2. lad. : Koskvs. In elementary algebra] Opetstalloyi kurs elemoutorwi a2gebry. Sovttsicals nauka. 1953. 559 P. (U" 6:10) (Algebra) NOVOSELOW, S.Ls (Koscow). Identical transformations, Kat,v shkole no.3'.76-77 Vq-Je 153o (MU 6:6) (Tranuformations (Kathematice)) XOTOWILOV.~~Aj*; MOMOT, P.S., redaktor; GRIMTA, K.p., ~tAjch4jcb4gkjy In. trIvaG"try1-sv*tGW'iiy .1 kars trienomtrIl. lid. 2-0. Moskivt, "a It&TO Isove4k,sla, niom.' 195C, 491L p. Old* 8:2) 1TOVOSXE-OV, S.I.; KODINOT, P.S., redaktor; GRIBOTA., X.P., tekhnicheskiy [A algebra] Spetsiallayl kurs elemen- special course of elementary tarnoi algebry. Izd. 3-e. Koskva, Gas. Izd-vo ffSovetakala nauka,* 1954. 559 P. CNIcrofilml (ULVA 7:12) .- (Algebra) KOVOULOT, S.I. (Koscow). - -, -Concepts of an equation and an identity. Kat.,w shkole no.1:15-22 ja-v 154. NLRA 7:1) (Mathematics-Study and teaching) RUNK" cow) TrIonoutric squMlons, Kate v shkols no,1:34-39 J~L-Y 155, (Km W) (Trionamtry-Study and ts&cblng)(GmlruoT. 1.I.) KOFOGIMM.S.I. (Koscow) 14~ ~-; An&17*ls of stereometric, problems to be solved by trigonanstric calculation of parametric data. Nat. v shkole no.4:32-41 A-Ag 155., (KUU 8:9) (Trigonometry) (Geometry. Solid-Problems, exercises, etc) KOFOUWir, fi*WX loolfavich; POWURN. 5.A., rodaktor; SHIKIN. S.T.. -"7-'- PWONAWA. A.A., tekmicheskly redaktor. [inverse trigoametrical fuwtlone] Gbratvro trigoams*trichookle funktall; posoblo d1la uchitelel. lzd.4-oo. Nookwa. Gos.udwbuo- pedegog. lxd-,wo Nintaterstva prosveshchonlia IBM, 1956. 126 p. (Trigonometrloal fuwtious) (On 9:5) wwCGzww I521M.19sifevich; PCKCKAMU, S.A., redaktor; RYBIN, I.V.p -7 tennichaskly redAktor. [Algetra and elmentary functions; manual for teachers] Algebra i elementaraye funktall: posobie dlia uchitelet. 4-e izd, Nookwa, Gen. uchabn"adagog. ind-vo Niulaterstva. preaveshchentia MWSR, 1956. 395 p. (mm 9:4) (Algebra) (Panctions) ROYOUMV, S.I. (Kooky&) low trtpuowtry textbook. Nat.v shkale U0.3:8-11 NY-Je '56. (NM 9:8) (Trigonometry)