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December 31, 1967
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Microstructural Analysis Determines Defects Introduced in Carbon Steel (cont. )
advanced equipment for investigation of the structure of metals.
Card 2/2
BASKUTIS, P., prof., red.; YMITSKIS, 1.[Janickim I.]# doktor khim. nauk,
prof,# red.; VIDMUTAS, Yu.[Vidmantass, J.i J, prof., otv. red.;
STANOTISp IO(Stannitis, I.Ip starohLy prepodayatell., red.;
BRAIXImp Sep kande istor, nauk, dots*# red.; INDnMAS, I.#
(Indriunas# I.], doktor takhn, nauk, prof., red.; LLSINSUS, M.0
kmild~ tekbn nauk, red. "ODVORSUS A kand. tekbn. nauk, dotsp
red.; PESIS: R.(Pesyss RIt.F. -Ek:-.d-nOt-ekkbAn~! i~aa, dots*, red.;
SADAUSKAS, T., dots.9 red.; SHESHELIGIS.. K.[Seselgis, K.I. karAs arkb,
dotsep red - VASAIJSKAS, S.P kood. tekhn. nauky dots., red.; ZDANIS,, Yu.
(Zdanio,f J:j, kand. tekbn. naiAp red.; GRIGALYU11ASp B. (Gri OB],,
red.; EYTUTIS, V.[Eitutisp V.I. red.; VIDKANTAS, Yu.[Vidmantaej,-T.I:
red.; NAUYOKAS, I- (Naujokas,I.I# tekbn. red.
fKaterials of the 5th Scientific Technical Conference of Students of
lAstitutions of Higher Learning of the White Russian S.S.R.,, Latvian
S.S.R., Uthu-nian S.S.R, and Estonian S.S.R.] Trudy Nauchno-tekhni-
cheskoi konferentsii studentot vyssbikh uchebmykh zavedenii Belorusskoi
SSR, Latviiskoi 50, Litovskoi SSR i Estonskoi Ma, 5th. Ka=ass, Izdo
Kauzosakogo politekhn. in-ta, 196L 205 p. (MIRA 34:12)
1. Nauchno-takhnicheskaya konferentsiya, studentov vyssbilr1h uchebrqkh
zavedeniy Belorusakay SM, Latviyakoy SM, Litovskoy SSR i Estonskoy
SSR, 5th. (Science-Congresses) (Technology-Congresses)
PAULUS$ Vincas, dots.# kand. teldm, nauk; BIELIWAS., Ksaveras, dots.,
kand, tekbn. n4uk; NOVODVORSKISA Andrius, dots.p kand. tekhn.
nauk; MUNIME., Ero'-1- -
p Sop Takbn, red,
[StucTq of metals] Metalotyra. Vilnius,, Valstybine politines ir
mok-slines literaturos leidyk1a ig6l. 2-1? P. (MIRA 15:3)
Cwmms for premature dawo tO Pacidvgs In ditfu""* Sakh-PrOn-
29 n0.1:22-24 '55- (MM 8:4)
1. Glavprod M tail a
ACC NR: AP7008928
SOURCE CODE: UR/0055/66/000/006/0052/0055
AMR: Tbv0dvorskiYs 11- ya# -- 140vodvorsky, 14. E.
ORG: the Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics
(Kafadra toorii veroyatnostey I matematicheskoy statistiki)
TITLE: Non-decomposable finite-dimensional representations of lie
SOURCE: ~loscow. Universitet. Vestnik, Serlya 1. Hatematika, mekhanika,
no. 6, 1966, 52-55
TOPIC Z%GS; algebra, mathematics
ABSTRACT: The paper gives examples of indecomposable representations of two-
dimensional cozmutative,, three-dimensional nilpotent and two-dimensional aolvablo
Lie algebras that hive identical kernels but are not equivalent. Fcr the latter
algebra is given an example of tm indecomposable representations with the
kerael but of different dimnsions. In the IsimpleAt cases aU indecomposable
repreaentuation3 idth a given k.ernal are.d9sorlhade Origo art. hasi 6 formulas.
OIRSt 39',669
Card 1/1 UDCt 519.2
Apartment houses need a new lease on We. Zhil.-kom.khoz. 12
no.11:15-16 N 162. 04IRA 15:11)
1, Fredsedatell ispolnitelinogo komiteta Frunzenskogo rayonnogo
soveta, 14bakvy (for Budantse*v). 2. Zamestitell,.predsedatelya
ispoluitellnogo komiteta. Frunzenskogo rayonnogo soveta lbskvy
(for Novadvorskiy).
(Moscow-Apartment houses-Ibintenance and repair)
0 0 0 f 0 0 0 a 0 0 0
U Ar, K A It 7 ff. IF ft 4t 9 4 IK
Wig MW w dh:
OW)t C _J
al. a.
-ta PA(kata With Cous-
Ums" la UK-tk acA low.
=d a alkift of the pit COMM4 the
wtabmv istufardpatmts. Tbeiminumimocon:
saimptim after work "Cuts to be mukvted with 4a in
cace of 0"oft mocomm" Itt the "04vil.
Ut"41"a 4UWCAtOo
fd"lls of selcoo wit Gkv *Ive Ism
-'I T all,
Ir * A p
484AIII 4K dim M
so 0 a If I
FIX -&I a
& I, s,.,-
...... -Ly I V. !,!.
Prof. Physical Clinic Iid. Acad. i,:i. S. I.% Kirov, -cl9)iB-; Ilai. Cen., Med.
Corps, Ohalr,Therapy FacultY, -c1918-. "Conternporarj State of K'no-r1eC-:Fe on
the Clinical Treatment of Acute Leukosis," Klin. 'Med., 26, No. 1, 1948.
JO",CDY0iISKIY, ~V. i*".
1,1ovodvorskiy,, V. M. - 'Frequency and nature of nephritis in malaria," Sbornik
trudov (Voyen.-red. akad. im. Kirova), Vol. XLITII, 1949, P. 132-39, - Bibliog: 17 items
SO: U-4355, 14 August 53o (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 15, 1949.)
NOICOYCMIY. T.M.. professor
History of sternal puncture. Klin.aed. 35 no.5:153-154 Ky #57o
(Nm 10:8)
1. It Voyanno-maditsinskoy ordeas Lenins skadesil iment S.M.
sternal, hist.)
puncture%, hist.)
Leonid Grigorlyevich;
V"MKOVO Yejep Inshov nauebW red*; VDOVEKKO, Z.I## redeW-ma;
UWWAp G.D.9 tekbn.rsd&
[Norisontal and vertical conveyance of materials In bmwing
construction] GorizontAllWi i vartiUllayi Uwuiport materialm
v zhilishcbnom stroitell.stwe. Mookway Gos.isd-wo, lit-ry pa, stroit.9
arkhit. i stroit.materialam, Mo. = P.
(Building materials--Transportati~m) (MM 14t6)
Of( 4- 9
t 9MY
two 6!ow
~4 10
A 0 GtMdCfiAftI*M~
Nuk'. sSSW.Trudy Sem. Teogii Malim I Mehaftiz-
16, im 42, 5-S1 (2 plates) (1951). (Rusgm)
One aftha principal ptublems in the-desiodmocimisms
o( desired functicaL The tech6ques,
is the approximatian
dcvctoped by Chebydile and his lallowers afi~ hem sum-
marized. A number a( theorems are derived showing haw!
I the parameters at' a considered mechanism are adjusted to
obtain the greatest number of intersections of the traced
function with that desired function and the least deviation
between them. For several simple mechanisms, like the.
croahead medmism, sine and tangent mechanisins and,
the four-bar linkage, the exact famulas fcw the motions are;
given in terms of the parameters. Several numerical ex-'
amptes are given in detail showing how the approximation
of certain desired functions by them is pesformed.
i M. G"we (Washington, D. C.).
Presnov, Viktor Alekseyevich, Y and Mikhail
Petrovich Yakubenya.
Osnovy tekhniki i fiziki spaya (Fundamentals of Bonding Technology and Physics)
Tomsk, Izd-vo Tomskogo univ., 1961. 233 p. 3000 copies printed.
Ed. (Title page): V. A. Presnov, Doctor of Technical Sciences; Tech. Ed.:
L. G. Mordovina.
PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineers working in the vacuum-tube
-industry and other branches of industry using combinations of metals and
ceramics. It may also be used as a handbook by stu'dents of advanced
courses specializing in electrical and chemical technology.
COVERAGE: The book reviews the results of physicochemical studies in bond-
ing glass and ceramics to metal and has the object of clarifying the nature
How to prolong the service life of metallic molds.
Slevarenstvi 12 no.4:153 Ap 164.
1. Slovak Higher School of Technology, Chair of
Mechanical Technology, Bratislava.
NOVWAMVSrAYA, L.R., savedayushchly; WBOMMO, I.M., nachallaik.
Case of metastatic mUmans of the stosach. rad. ne.3:88-90
W-J* 15 3. (MLVA 6:8)
1. leatgonodispostichaskoys otdoloalye TSeatralluoy klisichoskoy rentgass-
radlelegichasksy bollattay glaisterstm putey soobahchoulya (for lovefastov-
sk"s). 2. Mestrallwkm k1latchaskLya rentgeue-radiologichaskaya boll-
altos, Ministerstva pmtey soobshchoul" (for Zabodenko).
NCVOFAST(NSYAYA, L. R., Candidate Med Sci (diss) -- "X-reLy diagnosis of rigid
antral gastritis". Moscow, 1959. 15 pp (State Sci Res Roentgenological -Rad io-
logical Inst or the Hin Health RSFSR), 150 copies (u, mo 26, 1959, 128)
NOVOTASTOVSI&YA. L.R. (Kooky&. u1. Movo-Bastmanna a. d. 10, ICT. 57)
X-ray diagnosta of rigid antral gtatritts. Test. r4at. I rad. 34
R441:16-22 J&-F f59. .(RENA 12:3)
1. Is III kafedry. reutgqualogii I radlologil, (sav. - prof. I.L. -%gar)
l8entrallnogo, Inatituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey (dir. - prof,
T.P. Ubedeva)
x-ray In rigidantral gastritis (Rus))
Dynamics of rigid antral gastritis. KbIm. med. 38 no.5:101-109
0 0-IFA 13:12)
KOVO,FAS,TOVSKATA, L.R.,kand. med. nauk
144thodology,of X-ray examinstion of the gallbladder. Vest. rent.
A red. 37 no.5.-65-66 S-O 162.- (KMA 17:12)
~Msravskl YD.P.
-Hyglenta evalustion of OUSKofolO pools. GIC.1 @&n. no.5:50-51 ffy 154.
(IMU 7:5)
1, Is Kiyevskoy gorodskoy "nitarno-spidesiologichookay stantail.
(Plywood) (Industrial hygiene)
9 D. D.
ActIvItles of the Kiev city eAudtary-spidealologleAd statloa In
the f1*14 of Industrial bulenes GU. I on. no*6-.42-4 Jo 154.
(MM 7:6)
1. Is Klywelmy Coradalmy sanitarno-spidealologichaskoy stantall.
(MUSUIAL imim.
" *in aotivities of mudelpal saidt,-apIdem. statlaux)
Concerning the article by G.A.Doilikhte smil H.P.Rozova an ffSoss
problems In the work practice of industrial senttetiton laboratories,"
Gig. I son.. 22 no.8:67-68 Ag 057. (141,RA 10:9)
1, Is eaultarno-tpidemiologichaskoy stantsit Kiyeva.
6 V 0 F A -'s -T-o~ / 's k / Y) b ~ -b
T1= 5 W-Pia-r-ticipation of Works Laboratories in thre Endeavors We for the
improvement of Torkift Conditions in Factories and Plants.
(0b uchastii zavodakikh Uboratoriy v.ozdorovlenii uslavly truda na pred-
priptiyakh - Russiamil
FMIMICAL Zavodskoys Laboratorlya,, 1957, Vol 23, Nr 6. pp 766-766 (u.s.s.R.)
ABS1=T In order to be able to control air conditions In factories special stations
hat* been established In works laboratwies in the Kiev area. These stations
were equipped with the necessary apparatus for this purpose. Tb4 entire
campaign as well as the task of training personnel to In the havAs of the
Laboratory for Works ftlew of the City of Kiev. The necessary specialists
are s2roady active and available In several of the acre, Inprtant plants. So-
minarles wersaytablished &M lectures for practical instuctions were hold
A-&A-v,a-ins au avaiuble
at various factories and p1mts for the purpose oarv---
techniwa msm~am of researchAn laboratories for air-decontamination, for
the determination of atmospheric pressure, relative humidity, intensity of
air motion, boat radistion$ ate. Restings of works pkpicians.technical in-
spectors,, trade union representatives. ate. "" also hold for this purpose.
Theme manures caused consider able and lively Interest.
ASSOCIATUR F.DoNowafastovskly,director of the municipal hygienic Research Laboratory df
the Minielpal Sanitary Institute for Spidemles of the City of Kiev.
VAILAM Library of Congress.
-ZOT(VAOMSrATI, L.R. (Noskva)
Nale of mozoine In the functional diagnosis of rIgId antrum gastritts
,Cvith SUSUM In-ftlighl, 111nexlede 37 no-i:55-60 &Ta.# 9.
~IMM 12:3)
i. rs trotly4W kaf adry rentganologii i radiologil (saw. - prof a '
LoLe Tager) TSentrallnego Inatituta asovershanstvaisillya vrachiW
(dir. T.P. Lebadeva).
x-ray after admino of morphine In rigid antrun
gastritis (Rue)) 1*6
(KMHUB, off .
on motor funct. of stomach, vaue In x-ray diag.
of rWd antrum gastritis (Rms))
Production of chrome leather on semiautomtic lines. Kozh.-
obuv. prom. 6 no.9t23-25 5 164. (.W-Tk 17s!2)
,olor nchem-es and efficier.,1. lighting in leather enterprises.
Kozh.-obuv. prom. 7 nc.7:1-4 J1 16510 (14IRA 18:8)
~~f ~nf-hred VPOr1trOsr;QPZ in determining the degree
Ofe3terificatior, of the cellulosci moleculea. Glas Hem dr 28
no.10:537-542 163.
14 Faculty of Techno'logy of the University of Belgrade, Belgrade.
Submttted January 29, 1964.
Coli enteritis and principles for the OrganizatiOn Of its
d(mtra anmg ymmg chilAren. Pediatriia no.501-36 1619
(MIRA 14-.5)
1..1s labormtorii kishacbrWkh infektaii (rukovoditell E.M.
Mwogor:U=) i sektora epidemlologil (rukovoditell I.M.
Anshele ) tituta spidemiologiis mikrobiologii i gigiyery
Imeni Pastem (dir. - 14.1a. Nikitinp zam.
dir. pa naucbnoy chasti - prof. N.V. Tokarevich).
late results of the surgical treatment of pararectal, fistulae.
Mdrurglia 35 no.4:60-66 Ap '59. (Kim 12:8)
1. Iz gospitallnoy khirurgichaskoy klialki (dlr. - daystvitel-
nyy chlen AKK SSSR prof. B.T.Petrovskly) I Moskovskoga ordena
Lenina meditainakogo Instituts, iment I.H.Sechenova.
(BBOTM, f I a tula
pararectal, surg., remote results (Rug))
KRYUKOV. K.P.. inst. 11',IVO.IMIMDIIS",~, inzh
Using, frne-conter clamps on electric power lines. Elek.sta. 29
20.9:85-87 8 159. (MRA M-11)
(Electric lines)
"An Inventigation of the lnflu--nce of I-Mgh rj.,-!grpv~, of MU-1-irr, on ttw- Plardenifq,,
of Cements." Cand Tech Sci, Moscow Order of IAnin C hwnco too hnologioal Inat imeni
D. 1. INIendeleyev, 27 Dee 54. (VIII, 17 Dec ~/~)
Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSF Higher
Mucational Inttitutions (12)
SO: Surl. No. 556, 24 Jun 55
Lj L-~'~
-4 ijp(c) SC
AR50 1505
2M UR/
Ageyevp Ve H. (kngtneer)', and others
Instruvent manufacture and automatic control devices; handbooic in
five volumes. v. 4: Autd-m-TITc- control and automatic devices
(Priborostroyenive i sredstva avtomatiki; spravochnik v pyati
tomalch. t. 4: Avtometicheakoye regulirovanlye 1. sredotva avtoms-
tiki). Moscow, Izd-vo, "Mashinostroyeniye", 1965. 716 p. illua.,
biblio., index. Errata slip inserted. 24700 copies printed.
7-~OIC -AGS: automation, automatic control systems, automatic con-
troller claEsification, static liaearization, designing complex
PURPOSr AND COVERAGE: This is the fourth volume of the handbook;
"!nor-rument manufacture and automatic control devices." it con-
sisti of two parts. Part one presents the fundamentals and defi-
nitions of the theory of automatic control, modern methods of
mathematical analysis and synthesis of linear and nonlinear systems,
and the methods of their d7namic computation. The second part of
the volume contains descriptions of typical electrically, pneu-
_!R_4 ~ LcAj~y .and hydraulically operated controllers, actuating
Mechanisma, and control systems. It also gives basic technical
characteristics of electronic computational techniques applied
in automation, and elucidates problems of the organization and
planning of the most widely used systerms of automatic control.
Part 1. Theory and methoda of designing automatic control systems
I Fundamental principles., eturcture of systems, and a definition
of the theory of automatic control (To. 0. Izvol'skly, L. G,
Rovograwava, and V. V, GI..ukhov) -- 1-18
-0bj,e-ct!r--6f automatic control (Yu. Ye. Ruzakiy) 23-54
3, Elements of automatic controllers -- 58
4. Automatic controllers (Yu. Ye. Ruzskiy) -- 145-176
5~ Hethoda for calculating the dynamics and the statics of SAR
(system of automatic regulation), tha SAC (878t0m Of Automatic
control) and servoeyatems (L. G. Nogr4nava and V. V.
Glukhov) -- 176-230
2 /4
6. Nonlinear ch*aracteriatics 3nd methods of designing SAR and
aervamechanismo -- 230-294
7. Static lineari%ation (G. M. Ulanov, and K. A. ,Pupkov) -- 294-344
B. Variational methods and t,f~e -theory of accumula Ive errors -- 3k4-362
9. Methods for experimental testing of automatic control
gyatems -- 361-387
io. Problems of the theory of automatic control -- 387-419
11. Principles of designing systems of complex automation by
'Part II. The means of automation
applying control computers (A. S. Uskov) -- 419-437
12, CI ,i,Osi-f i-cat-ion of the means of automa on (H4 Ye,
AWOVOU-Y-) ~--43 7!77,4-4-3
13. Electrica afid-eil-ectro-ni.0 controller's--(V.- :-A.: Bo-dne-r) 4 43i,-4-9 7 At,
14. Means for automatic regulation and control of -allict-rical
--dri-ve- ----z -- `-Portmay) 497-525
15*,~..Eie-ctibitic computer technology for autom,ati.c ciDntrol and
regulation (B,_ H* Yakubson) -- 525-575
16. Pneumatic cd-n-t-r--oUe--rW-adX-acheme9 of typical pneumatic SAR
(V# S. Prusenko) 575-618
I Card -A /A,
A utC A I Cf%9!I
rau _4V'~Me
18. Designing 2~stems for control and automatic regulation
(A, B. Ro-d;)v) -- 645-694
-OTHER: 051
Methed In research work for determing standards in meeting the
need for stomatological care. Zdrav.Roa.Feder. 6 no.7:7-14 Jl 162.
(MIRA 15:9)
1. Iz otdals, organizataii zdravookhraneniya Moskovskogo nauchno-
issledovateliskogo inatituta giglyany imeni F.F.Erismana (dir.
rhaidence, of dental and oral diseases in the residente of Kinak,
Zbav.]bL 8 no.11*08-62 W 162. (MM 1695)
1. Nachallnik Planovo-finansovogo otdela, Hinisterstva zdravookhra-
Use of thermocouples for temperature control of IlquId steel 1n
Gte*l sueltIng sectiovA of tho Khxnetak Ketallurgical Cambins.
%aw. lab. 22 no.9:1127-1130 456. (NM 9:12)
1. Kusnetakly metallargicheekty kombInat.
(Thermocouples) (steel) (Smextim)
xovm=Kku$ O.V.
Exprimental investigation of the graphis of directivity of acoustic
radiation from a clr=lar pipe* Frme aeradine no. 18:48-53 160.
(MM 14:5)
(Accuotic engineering)
The UP nonpolar quick-break switch. Biul. tekh.-ekon. infmm.
iW. 4:43-45 061. (MIRA'14:5)
(31potric switchgear)
Study of heat transfer and temperature fields of improved KF-I
and.KF-2 electric resistorse IzY. vys. ucheb. zav.; elektromekb.
4 no.2:136-143 161. (KEPA 14:9)
(Electric resistors) (Electric railroads-Electric equipment)
NOVOGHMO, N.H., inzh.; KIRBYATIYEV, L.N., inzh.; ZASTAVUOY, I.T., inzh.
Ilonpolarized lugh-speed BVP-4 electric cutout. Vest.
alektroprom. 32 no.5:72-75 My 161. OGRA 15:5)
(Electric cutouts)
Heat transfer of type SF-W and LF-9B tape-wound resistors with
air cooling. Sbor. nauch. trud. EINII 2:205-212 162.
(KUtA 16:9)
(Electric resistors-Gooling)
ElectramWetic relay with a 0,9 ' 0.95 resetting ratio. Sbar.
nauch. trud. zixrI 2t249-251 162: (MIPA 16:8)
(Electric relap)
10v9 of an AB~-147pe antmatic device f~r proteoting the Ir6o
electria locomotive from genamtor curents. Slakei teplotiage
6 no.12t2&31 0 162. (MIM 1W)
la Nanhal2nik konstruktorskogo otdela elektricheskikh apparatov
Novocherkasskogo nautbno-issledovatel'skogo institata elaktrovow-
stroymiya (for Novogranko). 2* Novoeherkasskiy naucbno--iqsledo-
vat 10 ki institmt elektravoxostroymiya (for Kirb7at9pv,
(Eleetria locomotives-Safety measures)
(Electric protection)
97 N.M., imzh.; BOOOENIKO, Ye.M., inzh.;
MUSBOV, A.V., ihzh.; SMIRNOV, A.I., inZh.; DOROFEYEV, B.G.,
New designs of air cooled resistances. Vest. elektroprom.
33 no-5:24-28 My 162. (MIRA 15:5)
(Novooherkansk-Slacwtric equipment bdustry)
(Electric railroads-Electric equipment)
(Slectrie- resistors)
ZOIDTAREW, P.A., lnzh.-konstrUktor,-,'SDZOREZOV,, M.A., insh.- nstruktor;
NUMV, V.L., insh.-konstraktor,-_INMDVOGGGRWENEWO. N.M. insh.-
konstruktor; SVERDWVP-'V.Ya.,, inzh.-konstruktor; p B*A*q
inzh.-konstruktor;'SUPIRO, I.L., insh.-konstruktor
The N81 eight-axle a.c. locomotive. Elek.1, tepl.tiaga 7
no.2t2O-25 F 163. (NM 16:2)
(Electric locomotives)
24UTARF.V, P.A., inxh.-konstruktor; KOZOREZOV, M.A., inzh.-konstruktor;
MKLMOV9 V.L.,, inzh.-konstruktor; NOVOGRENKO. AJL,_inzh,-
konstruktor; SVML40V, T.Ta.,, Insh.-konstruktor; TUSHKAKOV, B.A.,
insh.-konstruktor; SHAPIRO, I.L., inzh.-konstruktor
VL80 eight-axle a.c. locomotive. Elek. i tepl. tiaga 7 no.4-.
24-28 Ap 163. (MIRA 16:5)
1. Navocharkaoskiy elaktrovozostroitellnyy zavod L Novcch~pkasskly
nauchno-issladovatellskiy inatitut elektrovozostroyabiya.
(Electric locomotives)
OWSOVAp Ye,,Fol prof*,, daktor biologicheakM nauk; SOROKIMA, T.A.
kand.14ologicheakikh nauk,- NOVOGRUDSKM.. Ye.D.; SUDAKOVA, L.V.
Iterobiological processes in mamwe-soll composts. Zemlede3le 24
no.4:63-66 AP 162. O-WA 15:4)
1. Moskovskoye otdeleniye Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo
inatituta sallskokho tvannoy mikrobiologii.
Effect of Djants on Lhe develcpment of n!tr!fylng ba:*:eria
in the zcnea of ~.heir root systems. Agrwjiologlia no.'.;
720-724 S-O'bl. (M:RA
1. 14Dskovskoye otdolenlye Vs so3r..,,.,riogo
sk,)go instltuta sell8kokhp,,yaystvt3nnoy mih-rob.'ologil.
Acc=ulation of enzymes during the maturation of rarturs-
soil composts, Agrobiologiia no.6:880.,-885 R-D 163.
(MIRA 17s2)
1. Moskovsko-ye otdaleni-ye Voesoymnogo nauchno-issladovatell-
skogo instituta seltakokhozyaystvennoy, mikrobiologii.
Effect of h,--rbtcidea on coil microflara. Agrobiolcglia
no.4:577-582 JI-Ag 10'5. (Y-TRA 18:11)
1. bbskovskoye otdeleniye Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledo-
vatellskogo ins'ituta sellsk-okhozy-ayst-vannoy mikrrabiolcgii
i Moskovskaya cv)shchnaya toksikologicheskaya laboratoriya
Vsecsoyuznogo inatituta zashchity rastaniy.
MOTOGRFMSKIT. ftvLd Notseyevich, 1898-1953; IKSHXJWSKIY, A.. radaktor
[8911 ratorobloloo (soil as a habitat for soil micro-orgenisms);
principle grolups of the soil sicropopuletioul ftchwommia w1kro-
biologile, (pochva ksk *red@ sestoobitentia poahvennykh m1kroorge-
pix"T); asnavoye, gruppy poobvemogo a1kronseelentia) Uma-kta.
Alvadsplis muk ratakhokat 68R, 1956. 401 p. (NM 10:2)
(Soil micro-organisms)
Analyzing barAilln-;r costs of stores and trading enterprises.
Sov.torg. 06.604-5640 '57. ' OVU 10. 8)
T;-. ".
,Alectric properties of mangan so-germanium allffs. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.
fiz. 20 no.12:1509-1518 D 156. (NLRL 10:3)
1, Institut flziki metallov Urallakogg fillala AN SWR-
(Ksaganese-Gerantux allo7s-llectric properties)
(3) SOV/126-7-2-29/39
,iXTHORS: Vasillyeva, I. K., 11ovogrudskiy, Y. IT., Samokhvalov,A.A.
and Fakidov, I. G.-
TITLE: The Hall Effect in the bln-Sb System (Effekt Kholla v
sisteme Mn-Sb)
PERIODICAL: Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, 1959, Vol 7, Nr 21
pp 304-305 OSSR)
ABSTRACT: Electrical and magnetic properties of alloys are often
used when the state (phase) diagram is constructed.
Although galvanomagnetic properties are more structure-
sensitive than electrical and magnetic properties, the
former are rarely used in the construction of phase
diagrams. The present paper reports measurements of the
Hall effect in the two-phase system Mn-Sb as a function
of composition. According -to the phase diagram (Refs 112)
the Mn-Sb alloys are a two-phase system in the region of
Mn concentrations from 0 to 50 atomic %; this two-phase
system consists of ferromagnetic MnSb and free antimony.
These components form a eutectic at approximately 20 at.%
Mn. Samples of Mn-Sb alloys were prepared by melting
together fine, well-mixed powders of Min (99.8% puri
Card 113 and Sb (99.88% purity) in evacuated quartz ampoules.
The Hall Effect in the Mn-Sb System SOV/126-7-2-29/39
The authors studied alloys containing 15.2, 20.2, 28.0,
31.71 44.0 and 49.6 at.% of Mn. The phase composition
of samples was checked by metallographic examination.
It was found that the phase composition of 'the alloys
produced by the authors is identical with the phase
composition of the alloys described by Murakami and
Hatta (Ref 2). Measurements of the Hall effect were
made, using Dilsselhorst's compensator and a galvanometer
with a sensitivity of 4 x 10-OV per division. Fig 1
shows the dependence of the Hall e.m.f. on the applied
magnetic field intensity for samples of alloys of
compositions listed above (curves 2-7) and of pure
antimony (curve 1). Fig 1 shows that the Hall effect
curves have the usual form for ferromagnetics. With
increase of the amount of antimony in the alloy, the Hall
e.m.f. increases and the curves shown in Fig I become
more linear. Dependences of the "ordinary" component
of the Hall constant R (which is proportional to the
magnetic field iatensityo) and of the Hall constant Rf
Card 2/3 of the ferromagnetic phase kwhich is proportional to
and Fakidov, I. G.
AUTHORS: Novogrudstu 'n$.44
TITLE: Determination of the Sign of the E.M.F. for Individual
Micro-Crystals on Polished Sections with the Aid of a
PMT-3 Microhardness Meter
PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1959, Vol 7, Nr 6,
pp 903-905 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The determination of i~he sign of the current carrier
in an alloy requires erif determination for each phase
separately. Boltaks and Zhuze (Ref 1) used a probe
moved by a micrometer screw under the microscope objective
at a magnification of 20. This method is not satisfactory
at high magnifications and the present authors have
adapted a type PMT-3 microhardness meter for this purpose.
The diamond tip was replaced by a tungsten needle in a
suitable mounting with its tip sharpened electrolytically
to a thickness of 6-10 microns and fitted with a
constantan-wire resistance heater (Fig 1). The load was
0.5-3 g. With very hard specimens an auxiliary polished
section of aluminium in the focus of the microscope
Card 1/2 together with the specimen had to be used for centering
the instrument. The technique was checked on Mn-Sb alloys,
12-14-1) 6 00 sov/i26-8-6-5/24
AUTHORS% Novogrudskiy, V.N., X. Samokhvalov, A.A. and Fakidov, I.G.
TITLEt On the Hall Effect~ln Ferromagnetics
PERIODICAL:Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1959, Vol 8, Nr 6,
PP 834-836 (USSR)
ABSTRACTt In spite of the fact that there exists a considerable
amount of experimental material on the Hall effect in
ferromagnetics, there is so far no final theory of this
effect. The Hall effect is most frequently described by
a formula of the form
Ex = R0H + R im (1)
where R0 is the Hall constant for the '*usual" part of the
effect, R 1 is the Hall constant for the ferromagnetic
part, H' is the magnetic field strength inside the
specimen and M is the magnetization of the specimen.
e Another way of describing this effect is by the use of
the formula
Ex = R (H0 + am (2)
Card 1/4 where a =-Rl/R0. It is further assumed that the flusuallf q1
On the Hall Effect in Ferronzagnetics SOV/126-8-6-5/24
Hall constant is determined by the concentration of
conduction electrons n. If current carriers of one sign
only are present, R = I/cen. The weak temperature
dependence of R in some ferromagnetic metals and alloys
can be explaineg by 'taking into account the interaction
between a and d electrons (Ref 7 and 8)t However*
there exists another approach in which the Hall effect in
ferromagnetics is described by a formula of the form
E = RM +- R iM1
Card 2/4
where R1 and M have the same meaning as above and
Ri s a Hall constant associated with the true
magnetization of the ferromagnetic on saturation.
According to this point of view, the constant Ri is
associated with the appearance of a Hall emf due to a
change in the spontaneous magnetization, and the constant
Ri is not as simply related to the concentration of
conduction electrons as is RO. Experimental data confirm
both of these points of view. It is known that the current
carrier concentration calculated from the expression 41
On the Hall Effect in Ferromagnetics
be desirable to have more detailed experimental data
above and below the ferromagnetic transformation
temperature in substances in which the three terms are
comparable. There are 14 references, 7 of which are
Soviet, 6 English and I German.
ASSOCIATION:Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR
(Institute of Physics of Metals,AS USSR)
MaY 17, 1959
Card 4/4
AUTHORS: Gaydukov, L.G.~ an',J- Fakid-cf,, I.G~~
TITLE: The Problem of the Phase Gopipositior, of the G-lbrovitum-
Tellurium System.-',\-Letter to the 3ditor.
PERIODICAL: ]Fi-zika -riiAallov i metaliovefffeniye, 1900~ V,-;l 9'. Nr 11
pp 152-154 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: X-ray and magnet-ic havo '.,A,eon carried ou"i
Hara'dsan Itrat st-ill insuffic~ient work has been !one o--.i
the Cr-Te system. Therefore fu-2ther eleetr-,~-a- and
magnetic measu-,!ements -viere made. Alloys -o;ai* ' ' -r7 5 t~)
;'- I-nin,
95 atomic % Te were prepared from Gr and
Alloys containing up to -0% atomic % Te
Zh-ose witb more than :50% at for
at 700 OC and
hours. Ill the prepared alloys were ferromag.-Letic ai, the
temperature of liquid nitrogen. The temperat-urs
dependence of the electrical resistance of the a'J-.'.,-:)ys was
studied, fro-r,,~ which the Curie temperature ;ias found. ThiS
Card was checked by the effect, of temperature on the ma.-notic
1/2 properties. Metallographic examl-Mation showed that tha
region of solid solution, i-f it exists, is J'n tiie region
AUTHORS; Novogruds!E ~,V~.N. and Fakudov, I.Q.
TITLEi Me-Ra-gnetocaloric Effect and the Magnetization of
Ferromagnetic Chromium Sulphide
PERIODICALt Fizika -etA'I?o
v i metallovedeniye, 1960, Vol 9, Nr 3,
PP 332-336 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: A study is reported of the magnetocaloric effect and
magnetizatIon in CrSI.17 - The ferromagnetic chromium
sulphide was prepared by baking fine powders of chromium
and sulphur using the method described in a previous
paper (Ref 4). The specimens were in the form of
ellipsoids with semiaxes equal to 2.75 and 5.6 mm. The
specimen was mounted as shown in Fig 1 in which,
I are molybdenum leads, 2 is a silver-coated glass
tube, 3 is a copper jacket, 4 is a thermistor and
5 is the specimen. Water was circulated through the
copper jacket and was thermosta ed. The thermal effect
mm Hg which was
was measured in a vacuum of 10-
produced with the aid of activated charcoal. The
thermistor which was used to measure the temperature had
Card 1/4 a thermal inertia of the order of a few hundredths of axec.
The Nagnetocaloric Effect and the Magnetization of Ferromagnetic
Chromium Sulphide
Its temperature coefficients of resistance was 2.8%
per degree at 20*C. The resistance of the thermistor
was measured with the aid of a bridge to an accuracy of
+ 0.02 ohm. The sensitivity was not less than 0.005*C
per mm and the temperature changes were measured to an
accuracy of 4 to 5%- Magnetization curves were
determined for the specimens by the ballistic method.
The results obtained are summarized in Fig 2 to 5. The
figure captions are as follows: Fig 2. Dependence of
the magnetocaloric effect on the temperature for
different magnetic fields (the change in temperature on
magnetization or demagnetization is plotted as a function
of the temperature in *C). The fields used were 14400,
10970, 9070, 7460 and 4150 oe. All the curves have a
maximum at about 33*C. Fig 3. The dependence of the
magnetocaloric effect on that- square of the magnetization
at different temperatures (the temperature change is
plotted as a function of a2 , a being in oe/cm3)
Card 2/4 The curves are linear except near the 02 axis. The
The Magnetocaloric Effect and the Magnetization of Ferromagnetic
Chromium Sulphide
temperatures used were 24, 22.2, 20.4, 18.5, 17.25,
16.35, A.o, 11.4, 9.2 and 7.7*C. Fig 4. Dependence
of the magnetocaloric effect as a function of the square
of the magnetization at 34.9, 36.8. 31.3, 29.7, 28.2.
26.8 and 25.2*C. These curves are linear almost down
to the 02 axis. Fig 5. Dependence of the spontaneous
magnetization (curve 1) and the square of the spontaneous
magnetization (curve 2) on temperature. The open circles
were determined from the magnetocaloric effect and the
dots using the method of equal magnetization lines. The
results may be summarized as follows
t 0 At H (0 is the Curie point)
t a t H"
t >> a t H2
In the intermediate temperature region the phenomenon
Card 3/4 is described by the more complicated expression
The Magnetocaloric Effect and the Magnetization of Ferromagnetic
Chromium Sulphide
m . A t1/2 + AtIA = H
Acknowledgements are made to V.P.Krasovskiy.
There are 5 figures and 12 references, 8 of which are
Soviet, 2 English, I French and 1 German.
ASSOCIATIONsInstitut fiziki metallov AN SSSR
(Institute of Physics of Metals AS USSR
SUBMITTED: July 18, 1959
Card 4/4
ZO 4/9514
AUTHORS t Fakidor, I.G. and-Wovogrudskiy, V N.
VITLE. V-Kall~zffect in
P&RIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1960, Vol.10, No.1,
TEXT i -.-The alloy used, in the.present work was prepared by a
method -analogou's to:that described by Meyer and'Taglang in Ref.l.
The Spec Iiiiin --.wax in: the
Zorn Of a-Plate 10.59 x 5-53 X 0-33 no-
m show4d-that.the:specimen has a Neel
magne easurtments
temperature o.f920C., The Hall.eem,t* with the aid of
a-lo*r resistance tiotentioneter working in cogjunction with the
--.8alvano-eter.haiving a sensitivity of 2 X. 3W' V/mm. The magnetic
measurements were tarried out using a pendulum magnetometer
described by.Doisinicall (Ref.4)A...Fig.1 shown.the dependence of.
th*:KALIII~elm.f.- -on tho external- magnetic field at room temperature
(curve'. 1) -:iiad sit '960C tcurv*-9). 4s'.can be Seen from curve 1, the
dependence, of the Hall-potential-difference, ,on~the' field is
linear in.the antiferromitgnetic,region. In.the transition of
Mn Aug the fer romagnetic state, the Hall e.m.f. increases and
Card 1/3
Hall Effect in MnAu2
2 French and 2 English.
ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR
(Institute of Physics of Metals, AS, USSR)
SUBMITTED: February 18, 1960
Card 3/3
7 4 0 0 Od V31 WS 7, t/40 B138
AUTHORSs Novogrudskiy, V. N., and Fakidov, 1. G.
TITLEs Hall effect intbe matempetic compound MnAu2
PERIODICALt Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 3, no.11, 1961, 3278-3284
TEXTz The authors continued earlier studies (FMM, 1-0, 158, 196o; UETF,
40, 1, 1960) and measured Hall e. m. f. in Mr-Au2specimens by means of a
low-resistance voltmeter and a sensitive galvanometer. The Neel point of
the specimens was at 920C, the threshold field strength was 8000 oe at
~ C. Measurements were made with two field and current directions in
order to eliminate side effects. Magnetization was found to increase with
H in a temperature-dependent manner. At 16.5 0C O(H) is an S-shaped curve
(slight increase up to 10 oe, steep increase between 10 and 15 oe, and then
slight increase again), at 810C it is more flat and crosses the V(H) curve
for 960C at about 8 oe. 61(H) at 960C forms a straight line. The Hall e.
Card IA
6 1 3~jj~l 0 11/005/056
Hall effect fn th6 metamagietic compound ... B!02/B138
m. f. was measured as a function of H between -196 and + 1100C. The curves
are almost straight lines, the gradients, which become steeper with rising
temperature up to the Neel point. At higher temperatures the gradient is
reduced again. Investigation of the temperature dependence of the Hall
e. m. f. showad that the ourves have rather broad maxima at the Ned point.
1. K. Kikoin (Bow. Phys. 1, 9, 1936) has shown that for strong paramagnetics
and for ferromagnetics ab~oe Curie point, the Hall e. m. f.
EH-Ro(i+41ro%)HI/d. I is the current intensity in the specimen, d its
thickness, K the magnetic susceptibility and R. the usual Hall constant.
This holds with good accuracy also for the MnAu2 specimens if Ro and 0(
are taken as 2.19,10-12 and 8.8, respectively. These values were
determined from measurements in the paramagnetic temperature range. In
order to find out if not only magnetic ordering but also the Hall constant
changes when passing the threshold field strenght, EH was measured as a
function of magnetization. The curve shows a break at threshold field
strength. The 07-dependence of EX-ROH, however, forms almost a straight
Card 2/4
~077 3
Hall off eot in the metag~gnetic coir)ound B 10 2'/13 13' ~_! -
li:-.*# the change in direction at throahold field strength ia so little
that it lies within measurement error limits. This shows that both parts
of Hall effect have to be taken into account. Conclusions# Comparison of
EH(t) in the paramagnetic and antiferromagnetic temperature ranges shows
together with the %(tf) measurements, that MnAu 2hasq as a further Hall
a. m. f., in addition to the normal one. It can be assumed that this a.
m. f. is caused by magnetization and that the Hall constant responsible
for this part of the effect increases with temperature. The temperature
dependence of the Hall potential difference in MnAu 2 below threshold
field strength is very different from that in antiferromagnetios such as
Cr or We. It is not certain whetherol changes when passing through the
threshold fi*ld# but the effective fields were found to be very close to
one other in these two states. There are 4 figures, 1 table, and 13
references, 3 Soviet and 10 non-Soviet. The three most recent references
to English-languago publications read as fc1lows: 1. H. Smith, R. Street.
Proo, Phye. Soo-, 70, 1089, 1957- a. A. Doininioalli. Rev. Sci. T!-Ar.,
210 3271 1958- E. 11. Pugh# Phyu. Revot 97, 6479 1955-
Card 3/4
30 773
S t3 1 /003/011 /'0 5/0 5 6
Hall effoo. in tka meteaegntic compound #t. 'B 12 /31 "'6
ASSOCIATIONs Institut f iziki metallov A" : --: - 'Tc- 1. lul
Physics of Metals AS USSR, Overdlovnk)
SUBMITTEDs May 9t 1961
Card 4/4
2-240 (11-3 7, &VA, 1AQF) B102/B204
AUTHORS: Novogrudskiy, V. N., Fakidov, I. G.
TITLE: Teziporature dependence of the Hall MnAu2
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal ekop*rimentallnoy i teoreticheakoy fiziki, v. 40,
no* it 1961t 76-78
TEXT: Of the many substances having various types of spin ordering, hither-
to above all the m W stic properties of forromagnetic substances have been
studied. The authors now study the galvanometric properties of antiferro-
magnetics with a view of determining alone the fraction of the Hall effect
which is immediately due to antiferrohagnati MnAu2 was selected an a
smiield effe
specimen, an antiferromagnetic with threshold ct (at field strerg1h
H>Hthr it goes over into the ferromagnetic state). It was studied at the
Neel temperature T a 9210C and H 8000 oe. In an earlier paper it had
N thr
already been shown that at O