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IVAMOV, A.G.; MINEYEV, V.N,; NOVITSKIY, Ye.Z.; YANOVY V.A.; BFZRWKOV, G.:. Anomalous polarizaticr. of, sodium chloride under shock 'Loading. Pie'. v red. Zhur. eksper. i teoret. fiz. 2 no.8:353-356 () 165. (14IRA l8il2) 1. Submitted August 2, 1965. MOVYANOV &Tad) New mathematical oroblens. Problem 4. gat i fiz BuIg 5 no.2:4:1 Mr-Ap 162 mvi,.- I s, 11. 0. lt2102 NOTIM, N. G. Nekot nekotoryesovi-emeWe elektro.,netrialieskieme-rodykontrolya- proievodstva. PoIjarogrmeto&,hipi. Analiea iampe.-O-metricht4l~tro,,renie analic-a iamtsero-metrich. Tatrovahiel. Vso- Opt novatorov masliinostroehiya kuibyshev. 1948. S. 178-81:--!3ibliogr: 6 Naev. SO: Letopis' ZhuiTallriykh Statey, Vol. 47, 1948 48 gwian- Gel'111411 I,!) I Ila 1- "r 1, ills ql~ is an ~"f t !-',.g + hn,ip Rpml --w; 1 tit yief Difne'n- WIN, where r',4 ig the hi-is!,Ad symbol -mfl F,, i~ an anri I - tit, B _k, t.dx,~ I fr hg., I: it !:I,(' I C1 parallel vector fieldi will lie indepandent of thr :)oillt which tile Cfirr1Pz&(.:VA1 t, [1, quires an ordering of iii ~j,Ii, -!tit. Nti 1, h.: It) ~W[ )P tit iQ1 !.I, til 1!i,. ihir., j V:: but 1, tit) i~wn 1, 1 2: 1!, C~ # The pt themy at J, Vdadar. Karviv F, Novothittky It' Abigve K;.i~, to, !N~3- 1119"41) --Thr g;,- llt~wy Of J. VAtulor (C.A. 46, .1414) 1, &.11.1ell AIM 04 VANtitY &U-OMIA 044 tih- 4.14% Of r.j.SAli,0014 ri,.Alv Z bas klassische lvio-dtLl dei Quauu!n- s:"-. f6) 9, 406-412 11 '6! ian des,7r0iing an enwmbk- tA rk it A pa- ng x- :~titiit)rtikv.,,nsin;iep-.cnfien't varinblesthe print rja! -i 'h~ witi-ir, roo! A of Ou.~ p.irl and A-lepcildelit tcrm sliows ,,a, Lhe qJklations f cqu;itlon ant! ih, t7c -71 cf lf~ Till t-'Itective WA 1 3, 709, 7101. 11. C. Corboi i,'L'~ -4;t 5w 10 r yf irovagamr, r.r. - ., -1 -1-1 ~ - i-,~ ~11--- - I ~ . ~ - - Statistical derivation of the qviantized energy of radiation and gas. In Germu. Acts, phys.RmW. 10 uo.4:407-419 159. (]MAI 9:4) 1. Phyvikallachom Institut der Boland 16tvas UnIversitat, Budapest. (FAdiation) Oknee) (qpantum statistics) NOTGATUT, raroly, aTmdemibw (Rudapest) lewrks made at the 7th ftrty Congress. Vetgy.tud. 66 no.12:627-630 D 159. (=Al 9:4) (Hungary-commumist Party) (Hungarian AcadeEV of 5,-iences) IOVODAT . . raroly, akademikus (Budapest) To the mmory of a great physicist. Ywgytud. 66 no.Ll.-561-563 N '59. (Ultl 9-.:4) 1. Magyar Tudommayes Abdemia, Budapapt. (Jollot. Frederic) (ftsiclets. French) NOVOBAT*Fy, Karo Inertia and grferitat-ion; a lecture delivered on the 325th amiv--roa'7 or the existence of the Lorand Eotvos University'. Fis ozemle 10 no.9: 259-261 a 160. 1. Zotvos Lorand Tudcmanjog7otem Elmoleti Fisikai Intozate, Budapest. NOWBATZKY, Karolyp akadenikus (EludaPest) I,onin, and the natural soiences. Nagy tud 67 no.3/6:327-332 IV-Jo ,6o. (99AI 919) (Lenint Vladimirnoich) (Natural hi3tory) JQVOBATZKY,~Karoly -inertia and gravitation; a lecture delivered an the occamlon of the 325th anniversary.of the existence of Lorand Zotvoa University. Fix szemle 10f"vto.9:259-2619 16L 1. 36tvas Lorand Tudomanyeg7stem 91meleti Fizikai Intexete, Bu- dapest. .,NQVOUTZxr, --------------- Cmmmorative address on Niels Bohr. Fis szemle 13 no./.:99-101 Ap 163. 1. Notwas Lorand TudmanybMtem Enmeleti Finikai Intexete. HOVOBATZKY, Karoly Galileo G&Iilei, 1564-1642. Fiz szemle 14 no.6tI63-166 is 164. 1. Institute of Theoretical Physics, LorFod Eotvos University, Budapest. DVMKI, Josefj, &. (Usti md LabemoRevolueni 86t Czechoslovakia); -NOVOBILSKY,, Tlastimil (Usti zwd lAbsim, Rev6lacul. 96, dZ__Gchoiio-*~a&_F___I `_ Data on the influence of-organic solvents on the temperature of flaw. Acts, chimica Hum 30 no.3:365-373 162. 1. Forachungainst4tut fur anorganische Chemis, Usti nad Labem. WSSLM 1. ; MM CSM J-7- Institute of ftalcal Chemistry, Czacho~20vak Acadmq of Sciences, FralCu*, end DOpt. of Physical Chewlstrn Owles University, Fivgto (for both) Aracue CoUaction of C-cachoslawak Cheadcal Cmmmications No 3, 1963, VP 57h4v4- w%rasonle Awadatlan of PblycUwqnvm Aged In Air* (2) 3/035/60/000/006/005/038/ AOOI/AOOI Translation f'rom: fteferativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodeziya, 1960, -no. 6, P. 18, # 4995 ATIMOR: NovoborskAya. T3?= Obser;%tions of the Comet Mrkos. 1957d PERIODICALi Astron. tsirkulysz,, 1959, sent. 4, No. 204, PP. 5-6 TDO I The conet wazz phot,%Sraphed by means of an astrograph of the M. (Main Astroncnioal Observatory AS UkrSSR (D - 40 am, F - 5.5 am)-in August, 1957. lh-a plates were measured on +-%,-- MM-3 WM-3) measuring machine, processtng was performed by Kayser's method. Five oomet positions and a list of fWrAami-ental stars are given. Translator's note: This is the full translation of fte original Russian abstract. Qxrd 1/1 ROCHCAM9 B.I., kand. #eL'~lmlth*%yayatveur4l& -_ JwkvA. Inkhn. nmk. Sulaos austlap of fee&. ZhIvatnowodstva 20 no;6:39-44 14 158, Oksilso) (NINA 11t6) NOVOBRMSSV. 7.K., kand.tekbnonsuk "-- ...... , - - The completely asebanIzed swin-i fara. ZhIvotwv6dstvo 21 zw.2:8l-& r 159. Wa 12: 3) Owine houses and equipment) NOVOBR"MXV, F.C., kand. tekhn. naxxk New machinery for feed preparation, Zhivotwvodstvo 21 no.11:61-.66 v 139 (MIRA 13:3) (fted mills) NQLO9MSR.,-F.K.q kand. tekhn. nauk; CHICHZV, Yu.I., red.; OKOLEWVAO Z.P.0 tekhn. red. (Mechanization on swine farmal Mekhanizatsiia na svino- lodcheskikh fermakh. Moskvao Sellkhozizdato 1963. 11+2 p. (MIRA 17:3) 3 /62/043/003/028/063 /056 B102/BI04 AUTIIqhS-.. Vekle~nko, B. A-# 11ovobrantsev, I. V. ITITLE; single-electro --uproximatiop in collision theory iERIOD LL~ Zhurns~l ekeperldientallnoy i tooreticheakoy.fizilki, V. 43, no. 3(9), 1 962, 919-926 TEXT- ince 'the single-electron approximation is of no value in varia- U 'onal alculations many authoro have abandoned it (Proo. Roy. Soo. A205, 483, 19-1- A241, 522,1957; Phys. Rev. 108, 7.16, 1957; 119, 1283, 1960). The pre authors now prove its applicability for studying electron - dtom co lisions and show that thi5 approximation can be of great use in calcul-ations of electron scattering from many-electron atoms when the wave func~io -of the sys~tem depends on many variables. This is demonstrated in th ple of an infinitely slow electron colliding with'an N-electronic atom. I~xchange and polarization effects are taken into account. The equationlobtained for the' energy of the system agrees -jith tho'classical HartreeuPock equation for bound electrons. As a concrete problem, the so ,,NtT~~g 0~ a zero-energy electron from a hydrogen atom Is calculated~ Cd /2 3/056/62/043/003/028/063 single-electron approximation in B102/B104 ASSOCLkTION: Moskovskiy energeticheskiy institut (Moscow Institute of Power Engineering) SUBMITTED: March 15,:1962 ~~d 212 !.F. it 11hT yu,.J.; VIRG]MYEV, ConS4 dl,)r4 r Intensity of t.'-.e dif-fractior imag2 f~-Gm, g ra 4- e r a r'--. materials. KonsLr. u-2coraf. mat. ro.1:274-280 N~t.orml,nlrq7 thc of carhor by the method of X-ray wca,;C-'jl!l-,!?. (IJ.TRA 17-111~ S1l82j6!1O(,101Ql 1100 2100=, D038/Dll3 AUTHORS: cNovobratskiv. R. L., Seredin, P. L and Tyurin, N. N. TITLE: Production of forged rods with improved mechanical properties from titanium alloys PERIODICAL: Kuznechno-shtampovochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 11, 1961, 12-15 TEXT.- The effect of the deformation stage on the mechanical properties of forged rods was studied. The rods were extruded from BT 5 (VT5) and BT 3-1 (VT3-1) titanium alloys listed in Table 1. Forgings were cast in vacuum arc furnaces in 2 meltingst and heated in a fuel oil furnace with a mild oxidiz- ing atmosphere. VT5 titanium alloy specimens were annealed at 750 1 100C, aged for 2 hours, and cooled in air. VT3-1 titanium alloy specimens were homogenized at 870 1 100C, aged for 2 hours, cooled to 6500C in a furnace, aged for 1 hour at 6500C, and cooled in air. It is stated that the degree of deformation for the VT5 titanium alloy was zero at 10200C and for the VT3-1 titanium alloy zero at 1030 OC. The annealed and un-annealed specimens underwent tensile and impact tests. The authors conclude that (1) by in- creasing the degree of deformation after the last heating, the plasticity Card 112 5/182/61/0(0/011/002/00~ Produotion of forgod roda D038/D1I3 and strength of the forged rods can be raised with a correspcndirig strlictural change in the metal; (2) to bring the mechanical properties cf the rods t-; the suitable T Y (TU) specifications by forging, the followira deEree -' de- iorriation should be used after the last heating - 60-70% for the VT5 titanium alloy, and 50-60% for the VT3-1 titanium alloy; (3) the new f)rging process improved the metal quality, and reduces rejects. N. N. Averkina and A. A. Petrova took part in the laboratory tests. There are 6 figureL, 3 tables and 2 Soviet-bloc references. Table 1. VT5 and VT3-1 Titanium alloys Alloy Ti Al Cr ITO Pe Si C N H VT5 Base 5.23 - - 0.11 0.05 0.047 0.011 0.006 VT3-1 Base 6.16 2.17 2.61 0-58 0.06 0.040 0.031 0.006 Card 2/2 NOVOBYTDVP A. Atomic dirigible. Grazhd. av. 21 no.lOs28 0 064. (MIRA 18:3) ACC NR9 AR6036138 (414 SOURCE CODE: UR/0398/66/000/010/AO591AO59 i AUTHOR:' Kozyrchuk,'.. L. R.;,Mv F,~~ V., TITLE: Equipment, insulation water-repellent covers, and deck sheathing in refrigerator holds on board ships of the fishing industry fleed SOURCE: Ref. zh. Vodnyy transport, Abs. 10A497 REF SOURCE: Sb. Rybolovn. flot. T. 2. L., Sudostroyeniye, 1965, 158-164 TOPIC TAGS: refrigeration, fishing ship, insulating material ABSTRACT:. Conditions of storage and transportation of fish and its products in refrigerated holds are examined. To assure the correct temperature conditions in holds it is recommended to keep air spaces between the insulation material and the cargo. This can be accomplished with bare and movable gratings made of wood, light alloys, or plastics. A brief description is given of the hold machinery most widely used on vessels of the fishing industry and of initial conditions of calculation and designing of heat insulation, taking into consideration additional requirements with regard to shipboard insulation materials and insulation design. The merits. r.A 112 UDQ 6 29, 12, 06 ALEKSEYEV, Aleksey Nikolayevich; GEORGIYEV, Oleg Georglyevich; RWANOVA, G.I.., otv. za vyp.; 11OVGC1fA.DOVA,,.,,~.A., red.; RAKITINy I.T.0 tekhn. red. - (Medicobiological problems of space for a lecture] Mediko-biologicheskie kosmos; material k lektsii. Moskva, 1962. 48 P. flights; materials problery poletov v Izd-vo "Znanie,," (MIRA 17:3) -NOVOOMOVA,N.V. Contours of by4rogen Itnes for stars of early spectml classes. Uch.zap.Leu.un. no.153:105-113 152. (KM 8: 6) (Stars--spectra) DOMBROVSKIY, V.&.; YOVOCMOVA Polarization of the U~hllu- or certain stars Cephei and Ir-cartne. Vest. LGU 8 no.2:37-116 F 153. (MIlUi 12:7) (Stars) (Polarization (Light)) 112-57-7-14298 Translation from: R6ferativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 7, p 77 (USSR) AUTHOR: Novad, F. , and Pobul, G. TITLE: Closqd-Mesh Distribution Networks in the Estonian SSR (K voprosu o raspredelitel'nykh setyakh po zamknutoy skheme v ESSR), (Electrienergia jaotamise segasusteemi rakendamise voimalustest Eesti NSV-s) PERIODICAL: Sots. pollumajandus, 1956, Nr 8. pp 23-25 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry. Card III rr~p~~ , almAshly nauchnyy sotradnik Chlaraphos for controlling the phiold bug Curygawtor integriceps. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 6 no.6:31 161. (MIRA 26:4~ 1. UkminakLy institut zashchity rasteniy, Kiyev. (Chlorophos) (Surygastera-fttermination) I NOVOD, F. Determination of the fundamental para-m-ters of units for Series compensation. Izv. AN Est. SSR. Ser. fiz.--!w-t, i tekh.nauk no.41 403-409 164. (AURA 18:4) 1. Institut termofiziki I elektrofiziki AN Estonskoy SSR. - MOVOUDt NJ.# aauohny~ sotrudnik f9blor.ofas" insecticide. Rauka, i shizal, Ja !61. (HPA 241) 1. Maminskly ~imuohmo-lsaledovatellokiy inatitat sashchity rostenlyl. time (Inseatioides) NOVODED, M. F. What the control has shown. Zashche raat. ot vrod. L tol. 8 no.12s 17-18 D 163. (MIRA 170) 1. Glavnyy agronom "Ukrsellkhoztekhaiki" po yadokhimikatam. I .&. '- BONDINo V.P.; SVMMIKOVO I.D.; CHI.GARNN- GOA - PANAPMB# K.A.; MEZIN; AJ.; KUDELI, K.A., kand.biologenauk Riyer); VMDED, W.F., m1ad hiy naucbnyy sotradnik (Iiyev) N Mist spraying against the Colorado beetle* Zuhch.rast.ot Vmd.i bol. 7 no.6t5O-53 Je 162, (MM. 15:32) 1. Goaudarstvennyy nauctimo-issledovatellskly institut Grazh- danakaeo vozduabnogo flota,,,Tseso7myy institut, zashchity rastaniy i Ministerstwo sellakago, khoo7aystra 391orusakoy WR (for Bondint Sevelmikov, Chigarev, Panafidin Kazin). 2. Ukrainskiy institut zashchity rasteniy (for Roveded5o (Potato beetle) (Spraying and dusting) 110VOPM .A G- " .y I%, fthting stappa fires. Pbzh. dalo, 4 no.1:17-20 A 158. (MM U:I) 1. Nwhallnik otdala Upravleniya pozbp-rnoy okhrany Irawakhokoy MM. (Vire extinction) (Steppes) KARCHNIKO, Alsksaadr Afansslyevich; LUJIDAY. Aleksaiidr Sergeyevich; KWSHIT. VIktor Vesillyevich; APIRIM. 3.S.. ~rzhener. radaktor; UDALITSOT, A.M.. glsvtWy redaktor [Sestantonatic. device for milling spiral grooves an rollers. SouLautonatto device for machining both faces. -Device for machining slits in threaded stoppers. Device for milling costical Poluavtoust dlis frexerovantia spirel'afth kanavok as valikakh. Poluavtoust dlia frazarovanita dvakh tortsov. PrIsponoblente Cxlta froxerovaniis 8hlttsev v rez1bovykh probkokh. Prisposoblenie d1ta froxerovsaiis koshukha. Koskvs, 1956. 17 p. (Peredavol, proizvodstvenno-takhniche- skit opyt. Ser. 11, Freterrqe i cuborstays raboty. No.T-56-188/4) (K12A 10:9) 1. Koscow. Institut takhaiko-okonomichaskoy informstati (Machin* tools-Attachnents) IOVOi)c-- Rt;~-z tWirv, P. -Z. SMXW. K.Te.. profesgor; FALLADOT. S.O., dotseat; N. P. 1. dotgent-, EIRTUININ, T.F., dotsent-, INOTO pair*, GURMC9, B.S., kandidat tabinletwokift nook-, ABRUAVI(M. D.A., at. prepo"vatelf; GRANOTMLLU. Me., rodaktor. Egiolence of Industrial wares] Tovarovedenle promrshlenceft toverov. Koipkws,,, Goa. Isd-vo torgovoi lit-rjr. Vol. 2. 1954. 663 p.(K= 7:8) (vanufactures) I 9~~' V NOVODImmN. R. I., kand - tekhn. nauk. -----7R-e-fI-e-c-ti;'of visible and ultraviolet light frou the surface of white knit goods, log, prom, 16 no.8:35--38 19 156. (MIRA 10:12) (ftit goods)' (Reflection (Optics)) I- - wynhu"MMIN 0 P., kandilixt ',o .1) tit c!-m slg-jk-h n&uL- (g. L'7ov) J~ - -- -5-r-mmul"W Trandmission of iltkviolet ray's tbr0u& Packaging zaterials. Soy. , P torg. no.9:5) 5 157. (HLRA 10:8) (Ultraviolet rays) (Packaging) KISEM. Ta�1117 StOPSWavich; SHCEINGLOT. Lay Mikharlovich; ARXHARGILISKIT, N.A.; prof., red.; rALLIQ, G.P.. 4otsent, reteensent; IMMIX. N.I., prof.. retsenzent; DATAMT. A.T., doteent. roteenzent: _MVODZMHKIN. P.L. doteent, roteozWeut; RUTUNIN, Gj., prof.. rets*nz~nV-,-3M&MV,-Ir.V.. prof., reteenzent; BORISOVA, G.A., red.; MWISK. D.R.. (Articles made frois silicates. plastics and chemical industry products] ?ovary vilikatmys, Iz plastichookikh mass I khtmiko- moskatollvre. Pod red. N.A. Ark"agel'skogo. Noskya. Goa.. Isd-vo torg. lit-ry. 1958. 320 P. (MIRIL 12:2) 1. lafedra. tovarovedonlya promtovarov Yeasoyuznogo zaachnogo Instituta sovetakoy torgovIl (for Bulgakov). (Glassware) (Plastics) .(Pottery) ,;::---NMMUZHFIN. P.1., irand. tekhn. nauk; IZGKUIW, Ya.A.. inzh. Iffect of the light and atmospheric conditions on knit goods made of lustrous and mat viscose silki Izv."*.ucheb.zav.; takh. leg.prom. no.4:134-138 158.' (MIRA 11:12) (Synthetic fabrics-Testing) NOVO F 9, P.I., kand. tekha. nauk. - Passing of ultraviolet and blue-vtolet rays through dry and vat knit fabrics. Zpv.vys. acheb. zav.; tekh. log. prow. no.4:139.-147 058, OGRA 11:12) 14LIvovskly torgave-skonomichaskiy institat. (]Cv#t goods-Testinc) (Ultraviolet rays) ~-XMQVZR3ZffKIX, P.L. kand.tekhnnauk. doti3e Changes In optical properties of knitted cotton fabrics caused by bleachinge rzvvyg.ucheb*zav9; takholog*prou, no*6:66-74 158~ (NIRA 12:4) 1, LIvovekly torgovo-okonomichookly Institut, Ornit coods.-Tastlm) MYODEWHOM, 110I.. kand. tekhn. nauk. Comparative evaluation of the penetration of ultraviolet and visible rays through white knit goods. TAg. pron. 18 no.2:21-27 7 158. (NI2A 11:2) (Knit goodej (Ultraviolet rays-Physiological effect) ODTODIMHKIN, P.I., W44-4VIRA10 ~-OrNaiffitj of milk fabrids to ultraviolet and blns violet rays. Tekst. prom, 18 no.9:51-53 S '58- (MIRA litlo) (silic-Testing) KOVCDZRZHKIN# Petr Ivanoviche, FATJADOT, S.S,; TER-OVAKII(yo, I.A.; -'- - - ------ ARU[ANMtSKlY.' ' Eclothing and knit goods] Tawary shveiW i trikotasbzqe. Koskwa, Gom.ixd-vo torg.lit-ry, 1959. 344 P. (KIRA 13.-6) Ocnit goods) (Clothing and dress) 110VODERRMIN4,'"?, L~__ ___ Changes in the luster of artificial fibers. Izv.7ye.11chob. zav.; takh.takst.prom. no.4:32-38 '59. (111RA 12:11) 1. LIvoyakly torgovo-okonomichoskly Inutitut. (Textile fibers. Synthetic--Optical proportion) 1. -~KOVODERE NS.F.I.It dotsentv kand.tekhn.nauk Using optical methods for the amlysis of synthetic fibers. Tekst. prom. 21 no.1:43-47 JA 162. (MIRA 24:3) (Synthetic fibers-Testing) (Polarization(Light)) PIJGAGIIEVSKIY, G.F., aspirant; NOWDEPIMIN, P.I., prof. .......... ; '-'' "- ' -' -" i- System for sun exposure test of textile fabrics. Tekst. pro=. 24 no.9:60-61 S 164. (IMIRA 17: 11) 1. Kafedra toverovedonlya promyshlennykh tovarov Llvovskogo torgovo-ekonomicheakogo Instituta. I 38996 S/696/62/000/007/001/002 AUTHORS: Shers-tyuk, A.N.i Candidate of Technical Sciences Novoderezhkin V,P Engineer TITLE: the determination of velocities in an axial turbo-machine, taking into account the curvaturo-of the streamlinewin th*axial cross-section PERIODICAL: Teoloenergetika,-no-7, 196a, 50-53 TEXT: -The problem has,been solved in'principle but the solution is laborious requiring 2 sets:of approximations. In the first ~approximation, the axial velocity 60wp*on*nts-ar* determined from the given tangential components, ignor"* curvature of the streamlines in. the axial cross- sectlon., T".:1c;ntinulty equations then yield.the streamlines and their-curvature. Fron this curvature, another approximation or the axial cowpononts;is obtained. NASA, Report N0.955., '1950, contains an approitimat* formula for obtaining the second approximation streamlines from the first so that a third-approximation is unnecessary, but the computations remain laborious. H. Petermann ("Kon4truktion". is 1956),has given an approximate solution dispensing with Card 1/3 S/096/62/000/007/001/002 Contribution to the determination ... B191/9435 computed with and without consideration of streamline distortion' are compared. There are 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy energeticheskiy institut (Moscow Power Engineering Institute) Card 313 SOU*RCE- CODE:-uR /0413/66/000 /018/0061/0061 ACC NR- AP6033475 V. I.; Manoim. G- I'.; Forshayakova, Z. S*; V V.* Kolobovas j%,vE%,TOR: ~ ~Vqerezhkinfi, S. 1. pucheglazovat r alUe ~Va 13 toRG: none -charged lead-acid storage ~,,ethod of producing positive electrodes of dry TIVE: batteries. Class 21, No. 185989 SOURCE: izobret prom obraz tov znj no. Is, 1966s 61 TOPIC TAGS: storage battery, battery component, positive electro&, lead oxide, electrode desin, method of pr6ducing positive ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a electrodes by pasting, drying, forminpneutralizing the acid, and hot-air drying To simplify production technology, the i them in multizone continuous-motion dryers- ctive acid is neutralized during the drying process by lead oxide contained in the a with relative air ,zaterial. Drying takes place at a temperature up to 20OCp Air tem- humidity not over 30%, and with 5-6 m/sec air velocity for 15 to 20 min. perature is then reduced to 10OC-12OCs and the process is maintained at this temperature for 5 to 7 minutes. SUB CODE: 101 SUB DATE; .08,May65/ Card 1/1 .3.035.23:66.047.3 FUKS, D. A inzh.; NDVODEREZHKIN, V.V., inzh.; SHEYNINA, F.B., inzh.; iZIRAILF.Vi-,-Y.~-.-;---I!UROV, V.P., inzh. New method for using storage batteries in electric power stations and substations. Energetik 12 no.7:27-29 JI 164. (141RA 17:9) DASOYAN, Martin Avetisovich, kand. tekhn. nau-k; NOWA ~!t - Vladimir Nasil tyevich, inzh.; TOMASEEIEVSKIY, Fedor Felikso-vich, inzh.; SOROKBA, M.I., red. [Manufacture of storage batteries) Proizvodstvo elektric-he- skikh akkumuliatorov. Moskva: Vysshaia shkola 1965. 411 P. tmiu 18:6) NOVOI)MIREZ.HKINA. L. H. 'Innervation of an Artery.3 Thesis for degree of Cand. Medical Sci. 'Ifn 13 Uov 50, Yirst Moscow Order of Lenin Medical Inst SwnmurY 71, 4 SOP 52. Dissertations Prosented for Dei-ress in S(Aerica and EnFineering In Moscow in 1950. Yrom Vachermya-va 14osk7a. Jan-Dec 1950 IIMDMEZHKINA, L.N. .. . - r- -- t %f~' n A Of MU S..: e, an(i frLj-'~jj ter 1. Iz kafedr-Y ronnalllr-.,,~ za-T,. L. S)~~anE Smolenskogo ~4tvemi,:,go iT,slengto j.?!Sl j I ~~. NOVOD Bffect of trace e2events In Increagigg the vitanin 0 activity of tomatoes. Fistol.rast. 7 no.1:121-223 160. WHA 13:5) 1. Department of Hygiene, Rostov-on-Don State Kedical Izwtitute. (Tre,ce elements) (Tomatoes) (Ascorbic acid) P, VORMEWEEKIIIA, Yu.G. vitallin C activity In tomtoes. TOP.Pit. 19 n0.1: