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NOVITSKIT, K.Yu.; YURIYEV,, Yu.K.; ZRINGAREVA, V.N.; GRESLI, Kh. rl- -- III-I Furan series. Part 33; Reaction of 394-ble(halomethyl) - furans with metal cyanides. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no.9:256&-2570 Ag 164. (MIRA 170) Lomonosova, 1. Mookovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat im. NOVITSKIl-JLXu-; KRACHATUROVA, G.T.; GALIBERSHTAMp M.A.; KPUNDROR, IJ.; Yiffilynq YU.N. Sypthesis of some chloromathyl compounds of the furan series. Vest. 1409k. un. Ser. 2: Khim. 19 no.6:63,-65 N-D 164. (MTRA. 18:3) 1. Kafedra organicheskoy khimil Mookovskogo, universiteta. IICVIT8KIY, V4Ytio; YURIIEV) Yu.K.; OWYNIK, A.F.; RODINA, N.B. Furan series. Part 34: Synthesis based cn (i -(2-furyl) ethy-La-m-nine. Mur. org. khim. 1 no.lsI60-162 A 165. (MIRA ASO .. VWA 7osudarstvennyy universitet imni M.V.Lamonosova. NOVIDIKlY X.Yu ; YURIYEV, Yu.X.; OUNUIX, A.F.; BORISOVA, G.11. : -I- Furan series, Part 351 Syntheves based on 5-methyl-2-br=oacetylfuran. I no.2138t,-388 F 165. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M.V.Lomonosova. NOVITSKIY, K.Yu.; GRESLI, Kh.; YURIY-EV, Yu.K. *111-----~ Furan series. Part 36: Fff*ect of ~ha solvent on the reaction of 2-abloromethylfuran with sodium cywdde, Zhur,org.khim. I no.3: 539-541 Mr 165. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. NOVITSKIY, K.Yu,; OLEYNIK, A.F.; NAYDEUOVA, N.M.; YURIYEV, Yu.K. Furan series. Part 37: Faactions of 2-vinylfuran oxide wit, th a=onia and amineso 1 no.3:541-545 Mr 165. (MIRA 18W 1, Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. U T 1~;clinical ;;cioncL,.,;) ,2:~ L.,; Go Cal, i'lass and clc:~ :14.3 vooruzlhenlye, no. 5, 1966, 24-31 pt4c o' rZont optic -,lass, optic material, o, LC lrticlo -opreacn-m- a goneral popular. roviow of i;pccial glass and Latorials -"zcCI o17 various o.,,)*L"i_cal ins'.,.%Lrent3. 7ha cloaorts~ a0 1r_rrO:,S, and -.,once-- are also Conerally revie,.;ed including their Gp,6,.,c4 M4 --mlicationo. S*ome co=aon ty)"- o.`C sillicato., and oyidez used for the Of opti*cal L~Iasz; a~:e slho,;m, in a zable znce-Ifyintr t'.'o-*zr hi&I purity contents d -";, d 4c-,tin- t., -c4r standard r, coil-c--tions. 4'"'tor cxnlainin- he winciplas ajad causes o: zafraction, a table containing indices of rofraction, and coefficients of disnerzion for various cro*mz~,lazses and flint.,,lassas is 1, lb_--ic division of in ten claisoo is 6ivon. 'L is monz-A.Gned I.-hat ;,,ioro thex, 80 ',,ypr-.-- of white Clasa and _,Cv - -'es o' colo,.%;d olazz are In the ov--ot Tile for r1e- creasin~~ losses caused by abcox-ption and reflection are briefly discussed and the reflec- tioa porcentpa,-as are t1a3bulatod for va--Ious refraction indices of specially treated gIaz;scz.1_ Ccrd 1/2 L 09341-67 ACC NR: ;26027519 T-ho -orinciplea of reflection f planam mirrors and from variaas ty, 03 of P-4 Zms in oz a dr.- .je a(jVarta"-es 3~ Ze ' rW Out iLcd Z--~d zc=at 0~ reflCet4o.,j 4r Cla--z ard. flintelaas prizms -ara mentiored. Zhe aprlicattion of lenses is also raviewed by ~'igures and fonaulas for daze.-ibing the object-and-imaga relations. uzJ w.- a sariez o-A --'L Orig. art. hass: 10 fir;~az, 3 ta:bloz~, 5 formulas. SUB COM; 11, 20/ SUXI D.102S. Nona 2/2- ACC Nits AP7000560 CA) Soma comc. uvoni/66100010WO05210053 !AUIHOR: Novitskly, L. (Candidate of technical sciences) ORG: none ITITLE: Adjustment control ]SOURCE: Tekhnika I vooruzhentye, no. 11, 1966, 52-53 .~70PIC TAGS: optic range finder, optic system. optic instrument B Mounting and operating instructions are given.for a simple balance-control device consisting of two prisms and two wedge-shaped plates for the monocular control of range finders. The device is designed for use in the armed forces. The adjust- ment operation is based on the observation of two stereoscopic marks, And their deviation at a certain Inclination, by means of an additional telescopic system. The angular displacement of'thg wedge-shaped plate'to .compensate the inciin_qtion provides a measure of the degree of adjustment required by theVfte findere A special method is described for controlUng the adjustment of large range finde:rs. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. [GE] "ODE: S UB 14 174SUHH. DATE! none Card UDC: none X, Use of M-1 high-speed notion-platuro cameras for the photographing of distant objects, Zhur. nauch. I prlkl. fot. I k1no 3 no.21131-135 Kr-AP 158. (MIRA 11:5) (Cinematography) NOVITSKIYj L. A., TRTJSHCfIITSINAp L. V., and AMtOV,, V. 1. Neasuring of emissivilty of solids at temperatures over MOM" Seminar on production methods, physichl properties, and electron structure of refractory metals, compounds, and alloys, organized by the Institute of Powder ~1etallurgy and Special Alloys AS Ukr SSR, Kiev, 25-29 April 1963. (Teplofizika vysokikh temperatur, No. 1, 1963, P. 156) NUVI24M O.LIA. - I ~AdvauUgss of broadwst isoving in KareUa. Trwly Kar. M. AN SSSR noi.2%205-M 161. (KEEPA 15:2) t, 14938.-66 ACC NR.---AP5016701. -vice for regulating-.-temperatures up,to_400OC:by.means-of pbotodiode tube.' Can'be used for temperat contrQlqn, soldering, etc. .(Radio, No. 12,~42, 1964)14 ~6) Ther-~ 'thcontact thermo le. :Measures temperatures'in the 160-5200C ran moprobe W1 I YP. ge Wthin- 06'!-!o1- see. Mmeritel Inaya tekhnika; 'no. 11- 371 1964).' - 7) --Aut M-atic pro- grammed t.6mperature-c.ontrol system.,:11astemperature fluctuation of -0.1% - (bSneupory-, no.-13, 117, 1964.). 8) Supersensitive--h,eat-,regulator. Temperat held 3000C I 0.,0250. (Priborostrovexiive, No. 6-14, 1964). 9) Device for Masuring4irface temperatureq,-,in the 25-12041C range. Oniborostroyeniye,,no. 17, 25, 1964). 10) Therl.- device for-.contactless determination of temperatures,of solids-.,.-Used for :-temperature ~control of.metals.up~to 13000C.-:- (Stal I . no.8 751 Auto- matic color Pyrome-ters.; a).:II.Tsvetopir 1"..which has a sensitivity-of -.iO-and an er-, Jvor of 0.3%;-b) two- models~of "Tsvetopir, 2"--an - industrial model with, a-,temper.-ature rang -e of 180.0--28000C and a- s-ubrange of 300-114000 1Q;~a res-earch model witka tempera . ture range of-1400-28000C.with four subranges.. (Pr&ory i sredstva avtomatizatsii- 0 - temperature heating-system for the UF.MV-100 electron n .. 9-, 20, 1964) 12):High_ ._:micros c6pe.."-(Zavddsk6ya-laboratoriya-, no. 12, 1513,~1964). Kr7pton light. source. -(Avtor~kqye svidetellstvo No.~-160769)_# Graphite source of infrared ra--: 'diation in - t1to -.2-20F m range. (Pribory - i tekhnika eksperimenta,: no. 4, 188, 1964). 15 ) Apparatus -for automatic recording of.dimensional.changes of heated,compone -nts. I Card 2/3.--'-: -7 I A ACC Nk: &P7002705 SOURCS COM Ult/0115/661000/012/009-8/0031 AUTHOR: Novi~IW A.1 Fstrlhenko, 13. 1.1 Varakina, L. Pe . A ORG: none TI TLE : Determining the integral radiation factor of solid-state materials and coatings at low temperatures SOURCE: Izmeritelinaya tekhnika, no. 12, 1966, 20-31 TOPIC TAGS: thermal radiation, low temperature, low temperature research ABSTRACT: The development of an apparatus for measuring integral thermal-radiation factor 6 within the 10--250K range is reported. The apparatus (see figure below) was developed along the lines of the classical calorimetric method. The principal part of the apparatus is thJn-wall chamber 3 with copper flanges 2 and 12 sealed by teflon gaskets 13. A thin-walled specimen tubing 5 (3 mm diameter, 100 mm long, 0.2--0.4 mm wall thickness) is placed in the chamber, which is suspended by stainlei steel tubing 6 from the cryostat lid. This apparatus was tested at 100--200K, and the results of & measurement were found in good agreement with those obtained by A. Goldsmith at al.#(f$Handbook of Thermopbysical Properties of Solid Materials", 1961-63). Estimated error of measurement was 1 8A. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 4 formulas, and 2 tables. 80 CODE: 2D / SM DAM OTJun65 / ORIG RZFs 000 1 OM RV: 001 ACC NR& i s ~ I %ougm al 46 Succeseftl work without checking between operations. Leg.prm. 26 nomIL:44-47 J& 156. (Km 9:6) I.Direktor Leslogradskey ebmvnoy fabrlkl No.; ~ *ProletarskWa pabodam. (Lentagred-ftas Industry) centrallseCroysIr of equIpment, L~C, prom, 18 no,2067 158, lan Ila) I*; Dt"ktor ZanlftmftkOY fabrW 16.2 NProleUrakwa pob~&H (for Wavl3ddr); to' Sumatitell clwndgo INLwaft Z=lagrmskoy fabriki Neal 2 -19fteleUrs" pabadO L Off- Aqf laftituy) NOVITSKIY M.- Shortening-.tim re*dr4qd foi Attaining., planned p4duction cap,acity is tho''i"ortant potential Pf the national scoumq, Fin. SSM 38 no.1t2&-' 32 A f6/*Ik (KERA 17&2) 1. GlAvrVy.spetsialist Strbybanka SSSR. ZAK-HODYAKINAP N.A.~-NOVITSKI'7 M.A.1 FGKOLOV, L.A.! LUKOME11, ?.D. --- t-;t, Proiess oil iodide anod.~,-, oxidat-~~on electrod6. Fart 1: Dependence of pH of the &,gporting electroly',X, no.2g138-142 F t65. c-n a platimm --Icrc- the current deray on ElaktrAhimila I (~CRA, 1-8-t) 1. Institalt elektrokhiird~ AN SSSR. R03020W. T'12.; NOVITSAKII&A*044- LITHOTS, I.T.; RAGUOVSKATA. Tu.M.; I.S.; i&=M. A.. md.-. TIMMIYA. T., Eftlldlug Inspection during constraction.- practical handbookJ Kontrol'Ve obmry v stroitallstve; praktichaskoe posobie* Sosto kollektivom avtoray pod rukovodstvou V.T.Robotova. Moskva, Gos- flalmdat. 1959. 275 p. (MIRA 13:1)& 1. Tessoyttxnyy bank finsnairovaniya kapitallnykh vloshenly (for Robotov. Wo-witskly. LitwInets. Rachkovskeya, Sukhormahkin). (ftilding Inspection) DOBRYNIN, Fedor Tikhonovich; REYNIN, S.N., dots., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; KOLTUVOVA, V.V., dots., kand.tekhn.nauk.. retsenzent; KVITVITSKIY, R.N., dots.,kand.tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; SHLEINAt L.A., dots., kand.tekhr..nauk,retsenzent; RYBAKOVA, T.A.j dots.,,kand.ekon.nauk,retsenzent; "OVEMM~? M.D., retsenzent; RYABOVA, O.A., red. (Principles of construction work and planning and estimates operations) Osnovy stroitellnogo i proektno-smetnogo dela. Moskva,, Vysshaia shkola, 1964. 245 p. (VIIRA 17:12) 1. Moskovskiy inzhenerno-ekonomicheskiy institut im. Sergo Ordzhonikidze (for Reynin, Koltunova, Kvitnitskiy, Shleina). 2. Moskovskiy finansovyy institut (for Rybakova). 3. Glavrjyy spetsialist tekhnicheskogo upravleniya Stroybanka S&ER (for Novitskiy). VMU, Yu.Ya,, kand. tekbn. nauk; DOKUCHAyEV, V.V., kamd. 4---kbn. nauk; FEDOHOV,, N.F. , doktor tekbn. nauk; F~!injmaij Uchastiye: DYUKOVp A.B.,, inzh.;,3WAHOV, N.Vov Imbe; Insh.; AGA, M.M., kand. tekbn. nauk; ~SAKWOVj I.V.#- VOLKOVP V.N.p inah.; ZAWRSHCHIKOVI, O.V., insh.1 HYMOVA, V.G.6j ZOUYTARIj I.A.9 kand. tekbn.nauk, naucbn* red.; KOSTANWV, A.I.; red.izd-va; CHCUUMMA, F.T tekbn. redo (Buildings and struotures in the Far North) Manila i soo- rumbeni I a na Krainem Severe; - spravochnoe posobia. Lenin- grad, Gosstroi:Lzdat, 1963. 490 p. (M MA 17: 2) MOVITSILY.s No; BUACHIDZIO Shoff,, red.; ZHLYMZX, D.r., - Cladvatrial Georgia] lmdustriallatia Grazilm. Thtlisi, Teldmika I do shrom 1957. IM P. (Kim 11:7) (Georgia-Industries) MWMA OT, A*K*; ...-TMI& SAM 0 Bausable trimnalar pac4ne cases. Kans, i ov, pros, 13 no*IIS 411-45 IF 158, - (MIRA 11:11) Is Olavnyy inshener Mursouskogo konsermogo, sayoda imenj 8 mart& (for- Malchanov). 2. Bachallnik fabriketnogo t"kha Umrg=*op kousermop sawds Imal 8 mAa (for lovitekly). v (Bozos) NOVITSMs U.S. :I.iz Waabstofpd for a rural hospltal. Zdrav.Bel. 9 no.2.,75--76 F163. (114ML 16:7) 1. Zaveduyushchiy Verkhovskoy uchastkovoy bollnitay Vitebskogo rayona (glavn.V vrach rayona B.L.Ginzburg). (HOSPITIALS.-FMITURE EQUMMS ETC.) N',)Vw')'r,qjlY N*V. inzh.1 LYALIN, V.P., inzh. Physiewhemical characteristics of coal from the Amysk deposit of the Irkutsk Basin. Elek. sta. 36 no.2i13-15 F 165. (MA 18:4) MAWj P.; NOVITSKLY, 0. Bulk release of flour at the Moscow Milling Combine No. 4. Huk.-elev. prom. 29 no.7:9-10 J1 163. (MIRA 17: -1-1 1. Zamestitell lavnog mekhwdka Maskovskago mellnichaogo kombinata No.4 for Hau). 2. Zamestitell glavnogo ener etika Moskovskogo wellnichnogo kambinata NO.4 (for Novitskiyl. NOVITSKIYP 0. Using a time relay for controlling the discharge devices of shaft grain dryers, Muk.-olevoprom, 30 no.l-.2/+ Ja '64. (MIRA. 177:3) 1. Zamestitel' glavnogo energetika po av-tomatike Moskovskogo mell- nichnogo kombinats. NO*4* eksa; IUDUT, 0.. redaktor; MINNVICH. I., tekbaicheakiy re- ROUT (Waym Serdyuk, innovator of gas pressure welding methods] Kaksyn Serdlu, novator gmsoprosovaho svarluvanila. J~rlv. Dersh.vyd-vo tekhn. lit-ry Ukrabq. 1950.,54 p. (MLELA 8:2) (Sardynk, Kakeyn Antonovich) (Oxyacetylene welding and cutting) ATGUSTINOTION, V.G*; MVITSKLY, O.T. Knocking-out machined parts from conterless grinding machlues, Stan. I Instro 30 nool:30 Ja 159. (NIU 22: 1) (GrindIng machines-Attachments) NOVITSKIY, P. A. and KUNW-r7ov. M. D. wFroblem of intensification of heA- and mass-exchange processes in the bollinga layer." Report presented at the 1st All-Union Gonference on Heat- and Mass- Exchazrze. Minsk, B53R. 5~-a, june 1961 SIMIN&S. Ye.Ta.; NOTITSKIY, P.L.;~.SJKWIAW. G.P. ReatIM of coal In an apparatus with a directed flow of the suspended beds of coal. Uka I kkin. no.4:13-15 160. WU 13:6) 1. Donetskly InAn trIal'zWy institut (for Bydel'san and Novitskly). 2. Stallnekly kokookhtsicheekly savod (for Semenanko) (Coal preparation) 2. . . ' NOVIMKIYI and KLMNMOV, M. D. "On. rntensificatioa of Heat and Vass Transfer Processes in a Bolling Layer." Report submitted for the Conference.on Heat and Mass Transfer, mins~:, BssR., june 1961. KUZNETSOV, M.D,; NEPOMIYASHCHIY, I.L.; NOVITSKIY, P.L.; LYANNAYA, Z.G. Drying ammonium sulfate in a dryer with a direct shifting of the fluidized bed. Koko i kbin. no.8:39-42 061. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Donetakly politekhnicheskiy institut. (Ammonium sulfate) (Drying apparatus) KOVITSKIY, P.V. I , aer-altivJz Proximity and prinelp.le IrAterralation of the --yo use, and fast response of measuring dovices. lzm. tekh. no.1;5-8 ja 164. (MIRA 17:11) DEMONIX. N.L. starshly, nauahzzyy sotrudnik, kand.tekhn.naa ; WTIMIT, P.T., inxh. . :. --.- ., j,evlal.a now problem In the investigation by the electrohydro- dynamic analogy method using models with ionic conductivity, Ixv.MIG 50:91-103 '53. (MIRA 12:5) (Hydraulic models) DRUZRINIIF, LL. starshty nauchM7 sotrudaik, kand.takhaaaak; ]!~Tvfsurv Insh. Automatic recording of equlpotential lines durlag Investigs- tions by the electrabydrodynamic analogy method. Isv.MIG 50:115-130 '53- (Ilectric Instraments) (MIRA 12:5) ITOVITSM' P. V. The following is among dissertations of the Leningrad 4"olytechnic Institute imeni Kalinin: "Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Circuits of Electromectmdcal Instruments haveing induction Receiver Converters." 2 July 1953. A study was made of the errors in the utilization of induction converters for measurement by electric methods of different mechanical magnitudes and means have been established for reducing these errors, Methods are recommdedfor the calculation and design of instruments with induction receiverso which make it possible to reduce the error of these instruments to 0.5%. so: m-io46,, 28 Mar 56 Olekllelrx~7sl'~-- A~' TURICHIS, A.K..; NOVITULT, P.T.. radaktor: YCROMMATA. L.T.. tekhniahs- sk* r"akfMo"~~-~" [Slectric:uMmatents of no&-alectric valimbel'illektriaMaIde lisersull& usildctitcheskIft volloblu. Ind. '2,, por*r, Plaskra. Goo. energ. lsd-owi,'1954. 292 p. (MM 7:9) (slectr1a measurments) I --1 1 ,-- I.,I; ! i / " r f "I/- -I / I L, V ..,0. "-1 .1 /,-'- NOTITSM,P.T.; YWISOW,N.K. A measuring amplifier with an overlapping feedback demodulator. Imetakhono.'4:37-38 J'l-Ag '55. (KWA 8: 10) (Blectric measurements) AID P - 2946 Subject USSR/Electricity Card 1/1 Pub. 27 - 11/15 Authors : Shramkov, Ye. G., Doc. of Tech. Sol., Prof-P V. 0. Arutyunov, Doe. of Tech. Sol., Prof., A. K. Turichin, Kand. of Tech. Sol., Doteent, and P. V. Novitskly, Kand.of Tech. Sol.,, Doteent Title : Certain problems of electrical measurements Periodical : Elektrichestvo, 8, 75-78, Ag 1955 Abstract : The authors discuss certain general problems of electrical measurements* In particular those rising with the rapid development of automation. Remote electrioal nessurementeare one of,the Important elements of automation. The authors concentrato their attention on the achievements of Soviet technIque and indicate the paths of future development In this field. Institution : None Submitted : Not given 4 4. C CE Ot MAQ- AL4CUVTWF OF ME RELUCTAN ARWLK CP , *CT1014- ;'3 _ ' - 4864. VVY'Nirviukif ad Mr. 91SIQLAO"00ro. 1956, No. III 60-:L I= lia"Jan. The ecrvotuanat methods a" laburt--an vA rather Ica& - CUTM. fa particular, modgrn Magnetic r-WerialA require it Mon accur-tte treatment. taking 51(in diect 1vto consideration in ax, applizations. The method preftated IS based partly on theoretical canalderattons cd the complex trutgnetic roluctance and pard; on ex:perimental results obtained on f-,oder-ii, high- perm&Wffity mapatin matortals, such as Armen iron, This MQthC,d tit"t A CQnVeniRD$ grdPhIC3i-anMYt1CAI IGfM to WniCb separate treatment of active wad reactive flux componvata lerAs itsetf better th*n We e%diventional method. With atrong Map tic fields it us oftep ad&quale to dvter~int only mie of ft cowp(~Wnts In det-11 by this Methad. tha Wher beEng da- rived by a Simple "yUi;&i relxtuA~ If It* =4"tlc ctr,.uil to omit LhU a certain atmitoo of it cw4ributeb aio&4 of a* re- lucta=e, It la possibic to dotormtne Elm magnWida a( this contribution onij and to neglect U* r1eat without i5currlzg &A error exceedirtIt 10-15% (as against 3,0-)Wk error with the metbod of averupes In uninvourabla casen)- Two examplo8 ius worked out, V k Call Nr: AF 1154953 AUTHORS: Turichin, Afroim; M. and Novitskiy, Petr V. TITLE: Electric Resistance Wire-Stra-In gages-and their Practical Application (Provolochnyye preobrazovatell I ikh tekhnicheskoye primenenlye) PUB. DATA: Gosudarstvennoye energeticheskoye izdatelstvo, Moscow-Leningrad, 1957, 171 pp., 6000 copies ORIG. AGENCY: None given EDITORS: Editor: Presnyakov, P.D.; Tech-Ed.: Zabrodina,A.A. PURPOSE: The book is intended for engineers and scientific workers who use Instruments with strain gages for measurIzW deformations, stresses, and other mechanical quantities. COVERAGE: The authors state that this book fills an urgent need for a systematic presentation of the theoretical basis and practical use of electric resistance strain~gages, together with design and experimental data. The need is said to have arisen as a result of the greatly Increased number of engineers, technicianst and scientific workers C a rp -4,16- making use of such gages. Chapters 1, 2, 3. 4, 5, and 7, Call Ur: AF1154953 Electric Resistance Wire Strain Gages and their Practical Application (cont) as well as Sections 6-3 and 6-4, were written by Turichin, A.M. Chapter 6. except for Sections 6-3, 6-4, and 6-9, were written 'by Novitakiy, P.V. Fetisov, M.N., is the author of Section 6-9. There are 71 bibliographic references, 61 of which are USSR, 6 English, and 4 German. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Int7coduction 7 1. Basic parts of instruments with electric resistance strain gages. Terminology 7 2. Two ways of utilizing strain gages 8 Cla I - Strain-Gage Grids 1-1 Physical principles of the operation of strain gages and requirements for grid materials 10 1-2 General information on materials used and their properties 12 1-3 Wire grids of constantan 12 1-4 Wire grids of no. 2 chrome-aluminum- Iron alloys 17 1-5 Wire grids of nichrome 18 1-6 Making paper-base loop grids 19 1-7 Making film-base wire grids 25 Card,Q/6 ARUTYUNOI'~Talentim Galporich.; TRICHIN. A.M.. dots.; C-RDTITSIUA-P-J." dot a.; SHWIMULT. retsenzent.; PRFMMHMKIT. A.A.,red.; ZA,BRCDINA. A.A., takho. ra4. CY-lectric asters and measurements] BlaktricheekLe Ismeiitallive pribory i Ismarentia. Moskva, Goa. anerg. izd-vo, 1058.- 631 p. : (KmA 11:12) 1. fatedre elektrearibarostroyenlys Koskovskogo energetioheskogo institute (for Shuntlovelcty. Prabbratheaskiy). (Electric measuisments) (Electric instrtmenti) NDTITSKIT, F.T.; 10VOPASHIMT.G.N.; ZOGRAY, I.A.; OSADCHIr, re.P. Amplifiers used for measurements and equipped with se"Icon- ductor triodes. Poluprov.prib, I Ikh prim. no.3:196-208 158. - (Tr~nststor amplifiers) (MIRIL 1-2.-4) LUTHORSt Novopashennyy, G. N.9 Engineer, 105-58-6-12/33 Novitskiy, P. V.; Docent 7--- TITLE: I Sim~plifi~eda action of the Perfomance or a Triode 1keNdstoi- Amplifier (Uproshchennyy raschet usilitelya na poluprovodnikovykh triodakh) PERIODIOLLs Elektrichestvop 1956% Nr 6, pp. 47-49 (USSR) ABSTRLCTs Both semi-conductors and vacuum-tubes can be characteri zed by the parameters Ri, S, 64, and R input , as well as by the number of anode- or collector-characteristic3 and by the characteristics of the mains-current or basis-cur- rent. With a simplified calculation, however, these cha- racteristics can be replaced by a characteristic immediate- ly mutually combining the input- and output-capacity of the amplifier. A similar method is applied with the calcula- tion of the amplifiers with vacuum pentodes. In this case, the approximated equation '~J - SRload (Ri ~11 "load) is Card 1/4 applied. S denotes the slope. On account of the non-li- -A dimplif ied Calculation of the Performance of ..% Triode 105-58-6-12/33 ft istor AmplIfier nearity of the input resistance it is better, when using semi-conductor-triodes, to apply the factors collector of the current amplification Trom the AO~Tbasis basis to the collector, instead of the tiansconductance,,S.Fh*Dj5 Aftrrepresents the slops of the characteristic I.oll,,t,. f(lbas,s) and remains practically constant both with the change of the method of operation (U basis' Ucollector) as well as with a change of the triode temperature T. When apllying this parameter, the calculation becomes much sim- plified. The reasons for the selection of the supply-vol.- tage, which is usually assumed between from lo to 2o Volts, are given. For the selection of R 16ad the relation R load (1 - 0~8) E is recommended. P power spread on the P Card 2/ 4 K A Simplif ied.Calculation of the Ferformsoce of a Triode 105-56-6-12/33 Trejakistor, fier ,Aml?li collector. The idle current and the displacement current of the basis are obtained from this for the working point in the middle of the torking range of the characteristic. The moment of the voltage loss between basis/and emitter is neglected and the formula for the resist6nee R displace- ment in the basis-displacement circle is determined. Finally.. the complete factor Ku of the voltage-amplification, or the formula for the same respectively, is derived. Lecording to this, the formula for the frequency-error of the ampli-, fication factor of each cascade is written &own. with low.- -frequency and one for high-frequency.. The method of calculation for amplifiers with semi-conduc- tor triodes described herep was largely applied in recent years in the Laboratory for "Physical-Technical-Measure-, ments" under the supervision of Professor Ye. G. Shramkov at the LeWmgred Polytechnica' Institute The method has Card 3/4 proved quite succesful. A Simplified Calculation of the Performance of a Tfjode 105-58-6-12/33 rrmdk~ Am~Ufler There are 2 figures, 1 table anC, 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION& Leningradskiy politekhnicheskiy inititut imeni Kalinina (Leningrad Polytechnical Institute imeni Xalinin) SUBMITTEDs January 29, 1958 1. Amplifiers--Performance 2. Triodes--Performaxwe 3. Semiconductors--Performance 4. Mathematics Card 4/4 ComIdato of Technical TIMs Intor-Univeraity Scleatifir c4ateronce, an glactria mesaurics Instruments and Technical going at Automatlam (1(*zhvuxGvsk&ya mauchnays, kanforentstya po slaktrolawritol lays pribaram I takholefteekla arodstvas svtowatftl) JUMMALs Ix"stlya WyeahM Uchdbnykh gavedemly,mlektraltelthalaika, 1958, or 9. PP IW-135 (am) AIMSMs The conference was k*1A at the Zonlacradekly olaktratakhalchookly Inatitut Imal T. 1. VI-yacove (Zenims) (Lenlr4rall Electra-technical Institute IAdZd T. Z. Ullyanov, (Imotm))an Moveabor 11-15, 1958. The representatt"s of eleven blabor teaching ostablIshmato =A three research institute* participated and a Iarge number of specialists of various bdustrlal undertakings CaMidat . TO sciences awray (Ze Institute) pre".1-md ~n_ I -=9_1 inertia transducer at therma s.m.f. Lot* a 4.c. valtage", ivi3 avorstims with magn-tic eleaento of an Imput restatemals C;aft -It 100 Otaq a signal of 0.001 T and am output volts" OC40 T with a resistance of 4000 Cho. aacoat G. A. Alizeds (jimcha"shan, XodustrIal Institute ai U. AsIxtokov aeated the pelper 'S" d.d. motorl" tranadlicerf with a J; loput tsolstance" (phaso, sons d.c. compensators md particalerly its appLicatLam In the chemical 101MOUT). Wcact, p- T. onvItak (ZOSIngrad 91461COUChAlcal t%TgT7tWgMW%1W-M* paper 'Apparatus fcw masurlAG vibration pormoteral, 41~4crjbe4 a plega-sleattle accoldrageter with a CWW Of 10 to W 000 G.P.s., a sensitivity of 3 to 7 RVIW~occ with a* error of up to 2.5*. Can"dato of technical Sciences D.A_jQ=dWV (UMI pallUchnical Institute) pMW2UA the papir Isel, ate for ultro-samils masitarlag of the level aid the pressure at liquids, which was - at a series of Papers om measuring ma-suetrigal modultso by Gax& 7/156"evris meacts. 2MCHIM. Afroin Moiseyevich; NOVITSXIY, F.T.. red.; ZABRODINA, A.A.. tekhaered, - MMMNW Ellectrical measurements of nonelectrical values] Blaktri- cheside Ismarentla neelaktrichaskikh velichin. ltd.3e, perere Moskva. Goo.onerg.izd-vo, ig5g. 684 p. (KnU 12:12) (Physical measurements) 00* &Una$ the Scientific Conference a& Slectrisal Measuring Instrument* &ad on us T*Q"la&l Movie, at Amboaallas ""nuaga, re olostrolsmorilml-sym priuaraft I SOkb"GboWdo antalwas fivtomstiki) RMOVICAW M9, or J. is 39-51 (9m) ANSIBACII Vote CORSOVOSUG old hold at the 1arAAgwo4skijr sloklratsk SAr A"Sitat la. 1. 1. Ul-jaaav& (loalaa) (Amalograd Institute of Bleatrical AuSiaourlog Imeal 1. 1. 91-ya"i (seals) ) is Agwombor t954. It I" attended b7 sops thou 5W representatives at WUTQCSI%ios, oalentifla research lassitutsm, at the On. Us SIM (Special Reason Office), of Industries and other stga"watio&s. Move Into JQ loat%wma save delivered is she swaStags at this Contorouqo. Is open4se the conference 1. V. Savail$ Ukly underlined the oulaseading importance ata"I"exam AM at aessuring teabasquf for the development at astlocal ~414now. 1. a. Shuallovskil In his loot"S reported on 'Tbb Trusts Is the Develops-at of Methods of AsAIGmativO Card. 1/5 90at"I Of P1rGdu%1I0Q Pat&' end outlined the ORIOASITO y4ealbAllUds of maind radioactive moSboda Is ;;Qh 404%1~01. ire. 0. Skemkow and I. A. Opektar reported an 4 now Minas at mosourled bOOV7 direct ourreass with III* help of the SANCIOW MWAS112 rS8QA4AQS. I. A. lose"lat Investigated pra%lgga of the application of gagnatiq explifLars In automatic& asul In RessarIng %so hAitUO. 'A. V. F&%QJPOV re"nid, as SbA pressut-dar state an the prospects of ~$4u&ota several 4dahmique. r&. 2. Tonkin laressidatot amt revolter features of WA she proopea%o offered by onsaftatia $also aweless. The lecture by X. 0. Aalajyrov goals with probisams of Stabillif of W04464. 1. 1, Rdb&kQT 41SQU444d the NALS, trends In the ' - ave poisi ai g 1. is~shematla&I analog computers and of Gamputers designed tar industrial us*. The report by 1. S.. Aroblolikla deals olth an slectrosie &"toe carrolater for the calaklasloa of correlation tu"lloas In too Sawastiesslas at slade Is the Ionosphere. A. 1. Turdeasaa Card 2/5 "Norled an the &set important methods, glAch SuarihI99 bosh as a4slvo end resolve froodea, true disturbances Is "estate ooloative Umcall-toor disago4*4 Vvehlose of overadlag, 40 V804"&GA, 4" 1161SAGLA4 at functions luau gas to represealot S.-Arto signals. 1. P. Ikurl4la Investigated RON 906PUtI&I 4"1066 with pol"Stod $lete., A. V. revoke and to. X. D%ob4a reported an Inalt"Ont, trwhatormors for outumatta SAISSFUS8418 Nish "Somosla recording. 1. 1. Vshokow ant B. R. loge'r-aarf, reported ad 0 0049atti. Afeikirelited control of Produetian Specifications. S. A. Fatimov AISQU6604 fundamental prolIleas of ,no %ASQij at amitziesso m&ours&& Instruseass alth as Inverse agaverateft tee the of4sur4loons or won.olestria queatilles. to.-It *vmPskov dealt with prob toss of the eanotruation it ~tciifmtiq 4. 9. Wish blot. accuroar. JD.. 1. S&IR, discussed & autoossic 6. a. bridge fir difloda dospulasions. The partLalrooks 14 she 46D42084 listed bolus &&@Goosed The follovind subjects (which. belowev, see *at Simon by the v&mo% sor"AS of the Cowd V5 V. A.-1vftwv2 The planning at measuring elements far V1 Its lasor-Imular"ir Scientific conteraftes am 21*0kneal Measuring lasts"Meass and so the ItabaAcal 88448 or Atilftati" dQ4W4AO #Ata"SiG qUOU*&I-11" ROSOCS 14 d191441 QQWPKt4,SA& a. I'Lawaboakat x4th"a at 44torat"as Mit 4104"a 4rrars it a 4"AssAm 9,4111904016 bs 618014410R. QrA&t&k&jx Problems Im, 0""WrLme alaoscia 4"autiam SHLtreselz lot tretuasoles IS olsairteal La"catiag las&rwoats of vibetama 41`81806. A. IN 9411kafakAll IQVOI 17960 Of a. a. ARISPArembst Aii6mnua bri4dea "d a. 4. 4"Ossmatars i"_iid for the Goatrel of the paramater& of QoQdamfwars LIL sartea protuallai6 16. 1. Stolova done at 414CO4 Andualles, matic-s-chleb, QaA be Used Is. aomaurLa4 :04kniqUe a" OWSON&UGA. A.-&. 0QrQt4WdVI Vl%V%A$QILLQ ressuco. "t Wksid level jidas. Tu. it, Skrip"Itz tko; Q&VQ%Lu7 at a phans-asagitiv4 49"i~iUau Ladiustar for #~ a. atel-eqvAILIArium "Idges. 1. 1P. BuvL44 Ths, opplissUmm of Aftatcumasts $Ltb, aegastio brf4jia, whLok paraLt a. "SplitUatios, at the 404igm at the apparatus "d ths-OuguLtew 'A"t LIL the sessucowat at tulwatitkas. 1. L. krentat Jk%hQ4 of LaGressing the vi Card 4/5 "astavity at QW460s, gas sa"Isora. I Zs ki ek IZ pwwakova 1"& a A-ILAO&C AGAIGGAAwaser Lolasors "A possibilitl of their applicatlaa to ON &AX willy Am makensties AWA saftakirlad LOGUMAtUO. Qp S. lavapo"saWs D"olop"at at xamearAms asplifiers wLth 0441ASSOV SiMadea. 746 T. 8010841-1081, 1. A. Ssirs9v. Ateibbe-jaf, 10. -P. 948TOMOVI PMOISAGi sanice""tar fsequmser -motor ~"rabtad hooordAme $a the pa3es.aouating PrAwSplO. P. 0. SUISIO, 404 A. BOSVkIM"kQTI MOSSIO46 of 00"UrASS OA Wasills'flold stroacth Vi, assas of bkmusb resissora 6" scasseAaers aparatims an Me Eau orroas priaelple. A rovelutles oas adopted hr the aloolas plomag7 4e01108 of She costor"Ge. Which sadisates vows of Improwlse and Oaar"Aakike salsatifla research *ark 4s, she tiou or sukessilea. aUstria seasucLac- end somputiod 1406"que. out 5/5 pz 83514 S/1 24/60/000/006P 18/039 AOO5/AOO1 Translation from; Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1960, No. 6, p. i3o, M4 Novltskiy, P.V.-Novopashennyy, G.N. AUTHORS:, TITIE: Spark-Ionization Method for Measuring Velocity and Discharge of Gas Flows x" PERIODICAL.- Nauchno-tekhn.- inform. byul. Leningr. politekhn. in-t, 1959, No. 3, pp. 66-.70 TEXT; Ionization methods, which are based on the application of radio- -active 180tIopes#V have the disadvantage that an increase of the curpent is con- -In their ar- nected with danger for the present staff. The authors describe ticle two.-ionization methods based on the ionization in an electric spark dis- charge. Between,two, electrodes proceeds a discharge, which ionizes a gas. The third electrode, a measuring one,.Is located at a certain distance from the discharge gap In the direction of the stream motion. The velocity of the flow is Idetermined,-by one of the methods, fromtheAVerage value-of the current over the time interval during which many discharge pulses occur. In the other, more Card 1/2 83524 S/124/60/000rU06/018/039 A005#001 Spark-Ionization Method for Measuring Velocity and Discharge of Gas Flows 74 perfect design, the duration of motion of the vlasma is measured, which is carried away by,the stream from the instant of plasma formation in the discharge gap to the instant of its arrival to the third-electrode, separated by a certain &K distance. Yu. R. Translator's.note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 2/2 SOV/115-59-5-23/27 90) AUTHOR: Novitskiyj P.V. and Novopashennyyj, G.N. TITLE: Half Conducter Amplifiers for Worh with Wire Measuring Converters PERIODICAL- lzmeritelluaye TeMmika, 1959, Nr 5, pp 53-54 (USSR) ABSTRACTs At the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute (Leningraaskiy politek- halcheskiy institut) the authors designed a. semi-conductor measur- ing amplifier. One USOBLit tormeasure dynamic quantities with a frequency oscillation from 16 to 4000 cycles under field condition- s. The frequency characteristic of the entire installation is from 16 to 4000 cycles uniform + 3%. changing of the surrounding tem- perature from + 15 to + 40 C cau4es the changing of output cur- rent of 1%. Changing of the-feeding voltage by � 10% causes a changing of the output current of + 4%. There are I diagram and I Soviet reference. Card 1/1 SOV/1 16-59-6-19/33 9(213) AUTHOR: Novopashennyy, G.N., Novitakly, P.V. TITLE: Increasing the Input Impedance of Transistorized Amplifiers PERIODICALs lzmeritelInayc- toldintica, 1959, Nr 0, pp 49-51 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Great input resistances are required for amplifiers used for mea- suring purposes because they increase the measuring instrument sensitivity and reduce the errors at low frequencies. Transistors are relatively easily used for increasing the magnitude of input resistances of amplifiers by tile order of several hundred kilo- ohms. Amplifier input resistance of several megohms may be obtain- ed. However, the practicability of such amplifiers must be decid- ed separately in each case. There is the opinion that for increas- ing the input resistance of transitioned amplifiers an interstage series feed-back must be used. The input resistance in the simple stage with such a feed-back-emitter followerls Rveh = Re b, where Re is tile load resistance of -the emitter follower; b is the amplification factor of the stage with co=on entitter circuit. The amplification factory may be increased, using in this stage Card 1/3 either compound transistors, i.e., doubled or tripled transistors, SOV/115-59-6-191"33 increasing the Input Impedance of Transistorized Amplifiers or an ordinary amplifier stage with negative feek-back, as shown in fig.l. Since Rvch of the amplifier having negative feed-back is ;Rvch- Rvachl (I +k,4) where RvCh 1 isthe input resistance of the f irst .stage, thus RV&;~Rvch-1 may be obtained with sufficiently large magnitudes of K. It was experimentadly established, that Rp is sufficiently stable at a magnitude of 150-300 kilo-ohm and hardly depends on changes of the amplifier feed voltage and the signal frequency in the range of sound frequencies. The research con- ducted by the Leningradslciy politekhaitheakiy institut (Leningrad Polytechnic Institute) on compound transistors showed that their application is practicable only at temperatures of up to 400C be- cause of great uncontrolled collector currents arising at higher temperatures. The author states that when using transistors PIA and PIE the input resistance may attain a magnitude of 300-500 kilo-ohms. When building amplifiers with.sufficiently high input resistances (Ool5-1 megohm), a follower .should be used in the am- plifier input stage, composed of 3-4 separate transistora. A Card 2/3 further increase of the input resistance requires an increase of SOV/1 15-159-4-19/33 Increasing the Input Impedant~e of Transistorized Amplifiers emitter load resistance magnitude which, as mentioned before, will cause distortions of tite voltage to be amplified in case of temperature changes. There are 3 -;ircuit diagrams, 3 graphs and 2 Soviet references. Card 3/3 MSMIFA. U.S.; IDTITSKIT, P.V..; TMICHIN, A.K. Induction moncontact torquo mters- Ism.takh. 20 ma.1:16-20 ja 159. - OaRA um) Ollectric instrumnts) all Ile r jj t, trw 1,43 1 1 1 K Fix I I r 1, 9 r I ml Al Eli Ir F 32. 4, 9 s I or. k.UTHOR3V Iravi t Iti _F__ Gandidate of SOTI119-60-1-6114 '-TevMlaal Uciences, Preanyakovp Fe D., Engineer, Petisov, M. ff., Engineer TITLE: The Construction of Piezoelectric Accelerometers With Minimum La*firal Sensitivity PERIOPICkLt Priborostroyenij6, 1960t Nr 1. PP 15 17 (USSR) .kBSTRACTs A piezoelectric transducer (fig 1) is theoretically not sensittTe to oscillations perpendicular to a symmetry axi , 1* 0. for oscillations in- the -direction ab (Fig 1) it giv:8 40, signals.A lateral,sens.itivity, however, exists due to several causes.,'As such causes the following are mentioneds Wrong mounting of the accelerometers to the surfac* of the w6rkpisoep.wrofig fitting Ofthe:pIezoelenent.into the acceforojitter, or deformistion of the plesoe'l4otric 916son't -by the mass I (Fig 1)wkdecreasie.of the latera1sensitivity of the. accelerometerg-which is a sod by the afftementioned deformation# by.fixing'the mass li-was~found to be impossible. Card 1/3 it:was found useful to,introduce the piezoelectric element .The Construction,ofFiezoelectrio Accelerometers SOV/119-60-1-6/14 With. Minimum Lateral Sensitivity into the mass laccording to figure 2a,or by the method shown in 2b. As a further means of reducing lateral sensitivity, the oer (Fig 3) 7 authors ai~tio~ft the use of a double-transdu in Whicih the"i teial sensitivity of the two transducers is com- pensateid. A data-iled description is given of the transducer developed,by E.J. Radion together with the autho-ti which is V/ shown 'iri figure 4. This-oonstruction makes it possible' to adjust the acceleratorg so that lateral sensitivity is,reduced to a.minimum. On the basis of this accelerometer a.-th.ree-coaponent accelerometer was developed, which does not exhibit the unfavorable properties of.similar constructions, ~as.e*g. .great weight and unfavorable resonance properties. This acceleiomiter-is, shown-in figure 6. In this construction the two cryot'als.which are intended to measure lateral accile'rati6n in each case consist of two crystals and are ..connected in such a manner that the e.m.f. generated by them Card 2/3 is mutually compensated. Complete compensation of lateral The Construction-of Piezoelectric Accelerometers SOV/119-60-1-6/14 With Minimum Lateral Sensitivity sensitivity is ef.fected by means,of. a differential condenser connected to the amplifier input. There-are 6-figures and Soviet references. Card 3/3 3/119/60/000/06/03/016 BO14/BO14 AUTHOR% Novitskiy, P. V., Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLEt Calculation,and Design of Piezoelectric Wide-band .-Acoelerometers 'PERIODICALs Priborostroyeniye, 1960, No* 6* pp. 6-9 TEXTs Piezoelectric accelerometers are particularly suitable for measur- _ing~vlbratlonal parameters in the frequency range 10_104 cps. Such an accelerometer in shown in Fig. 1. Its frequency characteristic is C_ graphically-represented in Fig. 2. A formula for calculating frequency errors in the lower frequency range is derived. The calculation of a correcting capacitor which Is connected at the input of the measuring circuit and corrects the frequency characteristic at the lower end of the frequency range, is discussed next, and a formula in given for calculation.,Furthermore, a formula Logiven for the calculation of frequency errors at the upper end of the frequency range. In the accelerometer under consideration, the resonance frequency of transverse Card 1/2 Calculation and Design of Piezoelectric S/119 ,16010001061031016 Wide-band Accelerometers B014/BO14 oscillations-is below that of longitudinal oscillations. In order to Aliminate this offoot,,the Laboratoriya fizlko-takhniohaskikh ismereniy LPI (Laboratory of Physical and Technical Measuring Teohnigues of the LPI) suggested the construction shown in Fig- 3. Here, the load is shaped like a T-shaped axisymmetrio body, and the piezoelectric element is ring-shaped.,The resonance frequency of transverse osailla- considerably above that of longitudinal oscillations. A formula, which is sufficiently accurate for engineering purposes, is given for calculating the resonance frequency of the mechanical oyaten. In vibration measurements electrical corrector circuits are used to extend the frequency range without reducing sensitivity. Finally, the author describes the corrector circuits shown in Fig. 5 and their calculation. There are 5 figures, I table, and 5 Soviet references. Card 2/2 S/194/61/000/010/013/082 D256/D301 AUTHOR. Novitskiy, PS. TITLE. A compact high sensitivity wire manometer PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 10, 1961, 32, abstract 10 A274 (Nauchno-tekhn. in-form. byul. Leningr. politekhn. in-t, 1960, no. 8, 92-95) TEXT: The construction is described of an elastiu mano- metric element with wire tension-sensors of a 4-angular shaped tube with two convex and two concave sides. The convex sides are cylin- drical surfaces with their centers coinciding with the symmetry axis of the tube, and the concave ones also cylindrical with their cen- ters equidistant from the axis. Upon action of an external or in- ternal pressure the convex and coucave surfaces are deformed in opposite directions, thus providing a possibility for increasing the sensitivity by employing a measuring bridge with 4 sensors glued to Card 1/2 S/194/61/000/010/013/082 A compact high sensitivity ... D256/D301 the sides of the elastic element. 3 figures. 2 references. Z7Abstracter's note: Complete translation_7 V/ Card 2/2 -- quicir-&cting 009POnNsting Instruments. Ity. takh. no. 1:26-28 ja 161. (MIRA 14:1) (Ilectric instruments) 3/115/61/000/004/003/010 B104/B2o6 AUTHORs )1ovitskiy, P. V. TITLE: Development of frequency pickups for all electric and non- electric quantities PERIODICALs Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, no. 4, 1961, 16-21 TEXT; This article is based on data given at the vtoraya mezhvuzovskays, konferentsiya po avtomatizataii tekhnologicheskikh protsessov (Second Conference of Schools of Higher Education on the Automation of Technological Processes) held in Baku, in October 1960. In the intro- duction, measuring methods are generally analyzed and discussed and it i pointed out1that, in connection with the development of automation of technological processes itis necessary to elaborate frequency pickups f:r the most varied physical quantities. All frequency pickups are oscillating systems, the frequency of which is a function of the physical quantity to be measured. The following five groups are mentioned as frequency-sensitive circuits for these systemst 1) devices with electric parametersi 2) devices with mechanical parameters; 3) devices with variable Card 1/3 3/115/61/000/004/003/010 Development of frequency... B104/B206 time delay; 4) devices with linearly distributed parameters, and 5) devices with three-dimensionally distributed parameters. To the first group belong electronic generators, the frequency of which is determined by-active, reactive, or inductive resistances. The values of these resistances are determined by the physical parameters to be measured. Pendulum accelerometers, in which the pickup is a generator, the frequency of which is determined by the natural frequency of the pendulum, belong to the second group. An electrolytic counter developed at the "Vibrator" Plant.-belongs,-among other things, to the third group. In this counter, the gases being generated during the electrolysis move, along a glass tube,,a drop of a conductive liquido which then closes the contacts of a relay. The gas flow to be measured is then drained off and the measuring process is repeated. The drop is thus oscillating at a frequency proportional to the gas flow. The well known string tensiometers, dynamometers, thermometers etc. belong to the fourth group. These pickups are frequency generators, the natural frequency of which is determined by the mechanical natural frequency of a string under tension. The frequency pickups of the fifth group utilize the propagation of mechanical and electromagnetic oscillations in predetermined volumina. Standing waves Card 2/3 S/115/61/000/004/003/010 Development of frequency... B104/B206 are mainly used here and solid and liquid resonators are discussed. The frequency pickups discussed were elaborated and tested at the Special Research Laboratory for Physicotechnical Measurements of the Kafedra elektroizmeritellnoy tekhniki Leningraddkogo politekhnicheskogo instituta (Department of Electric Measuring Technology of the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute), at the VNII Geofiziki (VNII of Geophysics) and VNIIH im. D. I. Mendeleyev. P. T. Lek and G_ A. Kondrashkova are mentioned. There are 5 figures and 9 Soviet-bloc references. V/ Card 3/3 NOVITSKIrp ~P.V. App4ing cyWrne.tic ideas to the theory of electric measurement units. I=.tekh. no.1:33-37 A 162* (MIRA 14:12) %bernetics) (Electric instruments) NGVITSKIT~ P.V. Possibility of the use of a -cybernetic, method -for Increasing the precision of elhetria measuring instruments. Iza.tekh. no.4: 19-21 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:4) (Cybernetics) (gleatrie instruments) NOVITSKIY, P.V.; 4MDELISHTA-M, S.M. --I Antomatic computers used in measurement equipment. Izm.tekh. no. 5:1-4 MY 962. (MM 15: 6) Obasuring instruments) (Electronic calculating machines) SIUMKOV, Ye.G.; NOVITSKIY9 F.V.; FETISOV, ZORIN, D.I. Concerning the structure and acme fundamental characteristics of present-day electric measuring devices. Elektrichestvo no*8:20-25 Ag 162., (MIRA 15:7) 1. Laningradakiy politakhaicheakiy inatitut imeni Kalinina. (Electric meamwements) SHRAMKOVp Ye.G*; FAVALEROV, Golo; NOVITSM, PT, Foremost trends Ift tbdr development of a general Wormation theory or measurements. Im takh. no.9.*1-5 S 163, (MIRA 17:1) NOVITSKIY., P....V...;.PERSIN, S. M. HMethods of increasing the accuracy of digital measuring systems by the automatic compenzatlon for systematic and incidental errors." report submitted for Intl Fed of Automatic Control & Intl Fed of Processing Information Conf, Stockholm, 21-23 Sep 64. _ygyns=$,- Fundarantal relation in the Inforzation thear7. Elektrichestvo no.5-.93 Ny 164. (MIRA 17-,6) '!'-ACC biR, AR7064367 AUTHOR: Novitskiy# P. V.1 Ivanova, V. ra. TITLE: Generalized critexion of the information content, weight, complexity, and reliability of measuring instruments SOURCE: Ref. zh. Avtomat. talemakh. i vychial. tekhn., Abe. 11A283 REF SOURCE: Izv. Lenlngr. elektrotekhn in-ta, eh. 2, vyP. 56, 1966, 60-62 TOPIC TAGS: measuring instrument, information content, reliability ABSTRACT: It is suggested that the information content obtained from a measur Ing instrument be considered an its determinative parameter: q w logN, where N - equivalent number of various gradations of neasurand, q - information content of the instrument. Xethods for determination of instrument information content with various errors are considered. For one tM of measuring Instrument, a function N = f(n) is obtained, where n - the total number of parts of the instrument* Determination of joint factors is reduced to finding Invariant relations among the number of elements. Information content, and average life. The possibility of developing such a criterion for a specific type of measuring instrumants is demonstrated. It is proven that an Invariant'relation for modern electronic equipment may serve for evaluating the speed of operation of measuring instru-2onts. BibliograplW of 3 titles. B. U. [Translatiqu of abstraat3 AUTMR: Novitsk-Vi. R. P Candidate of Economic Sciences TITW.- Optical "Miracles" (Optichexkiye " chuaese) PERIODICAL Tekhrdlm molodezhi, 1958, Nr 7, PP- *37-39 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It has frftuantly bappened In the histary of mankind that maufacturing processes, sdentifia experiments, recipes of remedies, etc., after baving been kept secret for centuries, got lost and viere then re-discovered. The name is the case --tith the projection of light. It was aVloyed in conneation ;,.ith varlous religious ceremonies in order to mislead the faithful aild to om- Jura up such apparitions as gods, devils, and spectrez. The ancient sciences of Suptian priesthood - mathawtics nnd a3tran- my - were kept strictly secret ad assisted those 7.ho -xre in power to acquire vicalth and rower. Only very few priestz knew the truth abcut divine manifestations. One of them -ms Moses, who later became a Jewish prophet. Outside Earpt the secreet of light projection wm known also in the Near East. Also the ancient philosophers and idealists Pythagoras and PLato knev this secret. It eventually penetrated as far as Chima, ani from it the Card 113 abow kno-qn as "Chinese shades" eventually develOpe-d. It -bras not Optical "Miracles" -!':J'29-58-7-22/23 until the 13th century thAit the projection of light ~ms used also by the Roman Catholic Church. During the 18th century not much was heard of it. Nevertheless, such swindlcrs a-- Saint Gormain "Count Cagliostro" Ocaliostro), Giuseppe Balzano (Dzhuzep-pe Ball zamn)p Doctor Cbsrles continued the practioe of neorcmney for the amusement of kings and the aristocracy. The French Re- volution marked the beginning of a ccumercial exploitation of necromarpy. The physicist, aeronaut, and swindler Robertson organ- ized a public show where it iras possible, against pa~rment of a fee, to ammon, spirits one wanted to see. On March 27, iM Robertson WS granted patent rights for his invention which was by no izeans "ghantly'. In 1802 Robertson also visited 1hissin., The belief in supernatural manifestations had taken ptrticularly fizz root In the Ukraine and in White Russia, a develorment which is reflected In litem'ture (Gogoll). As time went ollthiese pro- jected Images lost their effect and the projecting ap(kiratus was used at schools. The problem of exposing the swindle of these projectod "miracles" preserAs no difficulties whatever in our modern times. In the fiftles of the 19th century it happened Card 213 nearly at one and the same time that a chanber, the interior of optical "Miracles" 30,1129-58-7-22123 widda ma painted black# and wbich was apparently used for optiml. ensAwnts , as fowd at fferculanume and tb&t 91"s projection le=es were found at PoiVoil. Durlog excavationA carsted=& at Wxmh anctent "men made of rack crystal were discovered. La this my pious and religious men wd ~a were deceived by mans of a simple optioal device. Tbare are 6 figurms. 1. Propaganda--USSR C&A V3 AAMOW4, T.G. prof.; MVITSKIXo R.I. dataout. ADBM, K.L." insh.; 07usnqp smahouLya WOO KA.# SAO kmdo skikn* Asuk; TOZOMDUrjr N.I. dot"at 'n molortalize the B=WY of,1&.OJWml* SvistatekbaAL, 7 noo6t26- OM 14x6) !VSSR../,' Cultivated;Plants. Grains. M-3 -~'-Abs~:Jour:~'~.Ref-'-,.Zhur-Siol,,:-1950, No.16, ~729~8. Author Naymark, L. B.;,N-Ovitakiv, S_' :,~Heilo r-usiian., Agricultural. Academy,, Title _r:Of ~.aii,.:Expetime-nt,,-inl.,Cul.tiva~ion..'6t~Cor'n-'at, the :.Trai.ning! Experim~-ntal Farm, of :::the.:Bel6russian. Agridultural;-~ Academy Orig Pub: Tr, Belorussk~ --s,-kh-.' akad.~ _195T. 23, No.2, 93-103. Abstract*4__:Periods.and rates-of-p;anting, significance of dif- ferentcombinations of organic and mineral fertil- izers, influence of shelterbelts were studied, Differentiated periods of planting create planta- tions of different ages which is of practical value for.-the farm, Short planting periods are recommen- ded (3-5 days); 2-3 plants per hill which is as- sured by planting 7-10 grains in a hill (32-36 Card 1/2 -NOWnSUr. S.M.. Inshouer. Voltage Indicator for direct cwTest up to 2 kv. Desop.trmda v prom. I sos?: 36 JI 157. (N=A 10: 7) (31fetric InGO"ents) IV6 V 1~ I AUTHOR: Novitakiy, S.M. Engineer 91-58-5-18/35 TITLE: Voltage Indicator for D.C.Current up to 2 kv (Ukazatell napryazheniya postoyannogo toka du 2 kv) PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1958P Nr 59 p 21 (USSR) I ABSTRACT: A new indicator for voltages up to 2 kv has been developed on a d-c traction substation of 1,650 v. The indicator has been designed on the base of the indicator UVN-6 work- ing with 6 kv. The capacitors of UVN-6 have been replaced by enameled active resistors of the type PE connected to a resistance of 40 kohm. The second end of the ac,tive re- sistance is connected with the metal ring of the indicator to which a 1-5 m grounding cable is also fastened. The new indicator was tested in the laboratory and has been used for a year in 1,650 v d-e installations. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 1. Voltage - Measurement GNUSIfil N.p.. ,)HKARU13A# A.K, p Automatic reading of polarization curves in the coordinates of a potentiall - current density logarithm, Zhur. fiz..khime 39 no.8:2067-2068 Ag 165. (KIRA 18:9) 1. Institut fiziko-khimicheskik-h osnov minerallnogo syrIya Sibirskago otdeleniya AN SSSR. Ale IDTITSICIT. S. S. Later complicatIon followtvC a Immetrating wound of the optsis. Zbw.mvr. t polkh.55 no.99630461 155. (ORA 8: 11) 1. roganavIchaskers. rayounsys. bolInttma Kly"m (ClavlWy vrach- A. I.fttrukY - , (SPIIP , foreign bodIeW, lk2lfe fregment. fatal (JORUGS BODIS, spine. knife frepont after woun4lag) (AMMS. spins, caused by knife abscess 24 years after wounang) causing fatal abscess 24 years fragwnt 24 years after woundLIng) N~OTITSKIY. S.V.; SHPIGELIIWI. S.D. CBS@ of acute intestinal obstruction with asearlaste treated by enteratntv with extraction of helminthe and a one-stage ad,minlatrqtion of oxygen during.surgerY. Nov.khir.arkh. no.4:99 JI-Ag 9590 (MIRA 32:11) 1. Zastavnovaloya, rayonnaya bollnitsa, Chernovitskoy oblasti. AAres Movitskogo: Zmatavna, Chernavitakoy obl.,' Rayonnays bol'- nitea. (IIMSTINNS--OBSTRUCTIONS) (ASCAUDS AND ASCARIASIS) (MGMS-THBRAFMIC USE) MOVITSKIY,,'S.V. (;~itavnap Chernovitakoy (?bl. , ul.Shkol Inayal, d.10) Rare case-of lesion of the rectum. Nov. khir. arkh. no 3: _16 f~o an open -2) 86 NY 4~ (MIRA 15: L Khirurgicheakoys otdolenip Zentavnovskoy rayamoy bolinitay Chernavitakoy oblasti. (MOTUM-WOU11W ANDwuiaFz) V 7 32919 lt;21 119C7 S/194/61/000/011/049/070 D271/D302 AUMORS: Byatrov M., Culya-Yanovskly, V.V., Komissarova, R.F., lov, L.G., Novitskiy, V.A. and SiL'ver- stov, TITLE: Nickel ting of type metal stereo plates in the field PERIODICAL: 117-307M , V zhurnal. AvtomatLka i radfoolaktronika, no. 11, 61, 11, abstract ll'E8l (Poligr. proi;-vo, 1901, 4, 13-15) TEXT: It i The s of electrodeposition of metals in the t t d t th lt d i d it i i Id i u rason - ou a u e n e ere c f s po s V consi ; rasonic6 intensi3y thin ocess which is explained by acceleration of diffus ion phenomena the near-cathodo Layer. Nickel plating of stereo s with the , & e of increased wearabiLity was conducted under the influence of rasonic frequency of 27 kc/s, with the specific power of 0.004 7 1-1/cm2. It in shown that application Card 1/2