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-,,(kat4,r: ule Kiyevokayat d.208, kv.34) _,& L tabor "Wim, Waftral partJ4 iafUd An pilmom culools. Ahiri: 4 za16sl% N-D162 (MM 26:10) 1. Is thir~rgichOokoy Lc d prof. A.F.#Ulmn) Li,- (sav. stituta wditainakoy-XI-W.logii i kUmtoterapii imni I.M. goolionova (dir. D.VAftitWy) (TU=UZAZS) (bM"6FJM) NOVITSKIYO A.V., starshiy inzh. Nechanlzation of major pipo2ire repaIrs, Neftlm& 6 noa22:14 D f(Ae. (MU 34:12) 1. Karskiy netteprovodn7y uchastoke (Petrolews.--Pipelines) KOTITSKIY, A. V, Bilateral partial resection of the lungs in tuberculosis V-0tients. Frobl. tub. 41 no.1-1:27--33 163. Or (MLIA 17:9) 1. Iz Pirurilchaskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. A.G.Gillman) Instituta maditq -1 * -*nskoy klimatologii t klimatoterapii imeni Sechenova (dir. B.T,116gutskiy, zamestitell direktora po nauchnoy chasti - prof. 4,4,.Vatevosov), Yalta. JUASYUK G Ya.9 inzh.; KU09ERUVMO# Ye. Xe.# inzh.; KMM# T.B.9 inzh.; fi;iTsiay, A. re., insh, Re:infomed pom2o for h7draulic structures. Trudy Inst. Orgemorgostrol mo.It9A,-:L31 159. WU 14:3) (kftaulic structures) (Concrete panels) NOVITSKIr B.F.0 kand.tokha.naj-k ToWeraturs calcuUUaw for thermal fish processing appoLmtus. TnW VNIHO 39399-105 t59. (JOA Us6) (Fishery product&-?"serwation) rTTSKTY kand.tekhn*nauk Wthowtical study of the morphometrie indices of Baltic berring. Trudy VN3RO 39tI41-147 #590 (KERA 14t6) (Baltic Sea-Horring) (nahoo-Anatow) MDKA]r. T.IL. kandidat khInichaskikh nau1c; 111y~ Ultossonle method for measuring the degree of leather Assilig,. Log. Prom. 17 no.1:23-24 J& 157. (KWA 10: 2) trawling) (Mtravonic waves-Industrial applications) AUTHOR: Novitskiy, B.G. and Fridman, V.M. 46-1-19/20 C TITLE: An ultra-s-o-nfc-instrument for measuring certain physico- mechanical properties or leather, rubber, plastic and high- molecular weight materials. (Ultrazvukovoy pribor dla izmereni- ya nekotorykh fiziko-merkhanicbeskikh svoystv kozhi, plasticheskikh i vysokomolekularnykh materialov.) PERIODICAL: "Ak-asticheskiy Zhurttalll (Journal of Acou I ics), 1957, V0T-=9 No. 19 pp. 92 - 94, (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: i schematic diagramo photographs of the clamp and of blie instrument itself, cross-sootional draving of the Is-out Se~gnette salt disc grip axe given. Constructional details ard'described and discussed. So are the principles and methods of measurements for various materials. 2 photographs, 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Supersonic Laboratory of the Ministry of Light industry. (Ultrazvukovaya Iaboratoriya Ministerstva legkoy Promyshlennosti, Moskva). SUBMITTED: April, 5, 1956. AVAILABLE: Card 1/1 FmV=' V. H. and 13. G "kxcittna of anouatle vibraill-r-I t,r lt-Jli~flty by a bxdm*rZr-ie trww4ucer" report gubmitted for the 4th Tntl. CornLrcss o C, tic oua ties, CorenbWn, I)L-n=Xp 21-20 Aug 1962, I KOTLYARSKIY, L.B.; KOVITSKIYI B.G.. FRIDIMAN, V.1-1. Gavitation pherwmena due to the af7-.tion oC an acoustle hydrodymamiei emitter. Akust. zhur. 9 no.4.2434-440 163. (MIRA 1:70) 1. 'Isesoyuznyl, nauchno-issledovatellskiy i konstruktorskiy insti- tut khimicheskoga mahsinost-royeniya, Moskva. NOVITSKII, Boll. , kapitan I-go ranga v otstavka, , I Around Europe. Mor. abor. 48 no.129:21-26 D 164. (MIRIA 18:2) TINUMV, A.D.; flQjLZjLM-3.Z.; FOZDJffSHW. A.T.. redaktor; ANDiffANDT. B.T., t.ektmichaskly rMiRN'r (Soviet glldlqj Sovetskil plamerism. Moskva, Isd-vo Doomr, JL955. 140 pe (Nm 8:10) (GlIding(Aeronautics)) brigadir gnmchikov, delegat XIII Oyezda professionaltnykh soyaZov We, are Ahe -.bosses.- Sav. profsoiuzy. 19 no.19:14-15 0 163. (KERA 16M) 1.6 Odesskiy poTjt. D. I 1. - ~) 1'. 't . 117,Uoloirical 11-lethod of Early DiafmOsis of Pregnancy" Alwsher. i Ginckol., 11o. 6., 1949. Chair Obstetrics & G~mecology, K-hartkov Med. inst., -c1949-. MOVITSM, D.A. Acceleration of labor b7 IvanoOs method. Akush.gin.. Konkra, Yo.4: 57-0 JU1Y-AxW 51- (CM 21:1) 1. Candidate Medical Sciences. 2. Of the DeWtuent, of Obstetrics and Qywc*1qW (Read-Prof.D.U.Shmandak), Khargkow Kedleal Institute. VA#TAMOV. B.A.;SHKnBMW. X.D.;NOVITSKIY D.A - =W, 'A Bffsot of season and temperature on frog test lit early pregmaccY. Akush. gin.,..Koskva no.4:71-75 July-Aug 1952. (ML 23:2) 1. Qandidate, Kedical Sciences for Tartapetov and Shevuerzan; Docent for NovitskiX. 2. Of the Ukrainian Institute.of Fxperlaontal Ikdocrinology (Read - Prof. X. N Aftershtoys) and of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynsoolea (Head -- Prof,'% To. Shoundak) of 116r'kov Medical Institate. 1. NOVITSKIY. Docent. D. A. ~2. USSR (600) Pwrperium Control.of hypotensive uterine hemorrhage in puerperium by constriation of the uterine vessqls through the vaginal vault. Akush.i gin. no. 6. 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions* Library of Congress,, March 1953, Unclassified. NOVITSM. D.A., dQts; Iodine reaction for early diagnosis of Pregn=y (with summary in RE6-glish]. Akush. L gin. 34 no-505-37 4-0 058 (MMA 11:10) L Is kafedry akusherstva i gineloologit No,2 (say. - prof. V:F* Natveyeva) 1harikovskogo meditsinskogo Inatitutao' (PREGNARCr TESTS, iodine reaction for early diag. (Run)) HaviTaKir, D.A. [Nowtalkyi, D.A..It datsent ---------- Reaction of urine with iodine for determining the early stare of Preps Y. Fed.takush. i gin. -23 no.5#58-W 161. (VMA 24:12) 1.~ Kafedry akusherstva i g#skologii-pediatrichaskogo i sanitarno- glyanicheskogo fe3culltetov (saveduyimhebly - prof. V1.F.Katveywm Matviele,val, VXJ) kharlkovskogo meditsinskogo, institute, (rektor - r doteent B.A.Zadorozhnvj:[Z&dorazhny1, D.A.D. (PRFAMUCY--SIGMS AND DIAGNOSIS) SEVERNYv-,, Vadim Vladimirovich,, kand. khim. nauk; jiOVITSKIY, Eduard-q#gqr'yqyIph, inzh.; SUROSELISKAYA, .M.U".- I "U6. red. 0 [Synthesis of organosillcon oligomers and polymrs and their stabilization; survey of foreign patents] Sintez kre=iiorganichaskikh oligomerov i polimerov i ikh sta- bilizatsiia; obzor inostranrqkh patentov. Moskvar TsVIIPI, 1964. 34 p. (MIRA 18:5) L 34100-65 EWT W/EFF (WEPA(w) - 2/-EWP(J Vr PeA/FitarlO.Pr4, z&1Ww1W1M ACCESSICK HR.:~ AP50OT434 S/02M/65/660/004/0062/0062 41, Novitskiv E..G.~ Me HOR, j;La1S!LovajE ~V~ 4 SOURCE: Byt=eten I;pbreteniy 1 tova, M kh zaakov, no. 4, 1965, 62 '1`04ID: TAIS: -Vi -1 licon!-, organosilicon polymer, pclysiloxane gell~ i~3~')VIACT: An Author Certif cate has been issued for a prvpai~Ative mathod foz organo- polymers based on -1~pozethxlihenylsiloxane fluid.151n order to produce a gP,,--.ype polyme-i whose Properties -Would De pregerVeR -Rt~Wlbvated temperatures, the'. is mi-xed with 1,2-diethoxymethacrVIatete-tramethyldisiloxana- (sic]. The mix- tu.-e is thickened with aluminum naghthenate and heated at 150C for 4-6 hr. IBM) 170 IIEF SM. Card of polMrimble organo-Illcon oligomers, d' ethoxymetth- acrylate polya,t.Likyl-(alky.Laryl)-siloxanes. Plast. massy no.8:21- 22 165o (KIRA 18:9) S/19- /ZU2/600/011/002/019 BI 01 XB1 86 AUTHORS: Novitakiy, E. G., Korolov. G. V. TITLE: Use of nitrogen oxide as inhibitor of W-polymerization in the gaseous phase PERIODICAL: Plasticheakiye massyj no. 11, 1962,"6-7 TEXT: The spontaneous ej-polymerization of methaorylic acid and other unsaturated monomers occurring at high temperatures supprosaed in the liquid phase by inhibitors such as tanning hydroquinons, etc. (1-2% admixture). However, a spongy Ci-polymer'also forma in the gaseous phase in consequence of high concentration on the walls of the reaction vessel, changes into the liquid phase, and thereupon initiates a spontaneous polymerization, despite of the presence of the inhibitors mentioned. It is shown here that the spontaneous polymerization also dccurs when argon is bubbled through methacrylic acid at 155-1580C, but is suppressed for at least one hour when % NO is added to the argon. Like- ise the spontaneous polymerization of the reaction mixture of polydiethyl- : no glycol phthalate and mothacrylic acid heated to 2000C was suppressed Card 1/2 S/191162/000/011/002/019 Use of nitrogen oxide as ... BIOI[BI86 for 6 hrs when 2% NO had been added to the Ar. This allows of polyester acrylatea being synthesized in the malt almost completely in the first stage of eaterification, and of obtaining oligomers which can be rapidly cured by common radical initiators. There in I table. I/ Card 2/2 YAKOBSONp A.M.; Theoretical-evaluation of the possibilities of the beta- introscopy method., Zav. lab. 29 no.MU94-1198 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Institut metallurgii imeni A.,A, Baykovas 181i4k, Tt=itokoy oblasti) lb"I'alk alnexil "tqro Tr4cb#dolo no,22:1219 5 156, (MM 100) monTSM, G.A. of Shmol'alk nivAral baths In treating diseases of the ausculaskeletal systea and the peripheral, nervous system, TdpJrdr'*fIzLoter. I lechefts.kulllt. 22 no.4:66-67 JI-Ag 157. (KIRA 10:11) Timitakoy (glavnyy 1. Is MxmelnIkskcw vadolechabnitay oblasti wrach G.A.Kovitakly) (rWMtN1K--X11ML WATARS) (JOIM-DIOAUS) (MVOUS SYSTEK-DISMASES) NOTITSKITS G,Ae ' "lft4WiL!v-~'n'ese of treating hypertension with Mmellulk ulneral baths* Trachedela noo49429 AP'58 (KIRA 11:6) 1e Mmellnlkskaya vodolachabuitsa, Tinnitakoy oblasti. HYPS&TUSION) MUMLIMM-MMUL WATM) I NOVITSKIT4 G.O. Clovyto'kyl, H.O-) Hoalth regott I&the cltT-0f KhmOllnik- Ysuka I shyttl& a W05:22-23 Irr 1580 (JaU 13:4) i. GI&YW vrach Yodolechabnltar. g.Khmqj'njk, Vinnitakay oblasti. (KMGLIKI) t'- (BUMS RVOWS, WLTIRIM:PTACIS.. ITO.) MYSHITA~ K*Aop prof.; NOTITSKIT, G.A. Iff~CtIV~U~Ss Of th0 trs&tmUt Of NOM A*rMtoses ulth baths uslag vater frou the Ihmellulk ulneral SpriAge Trackedelo no,lOtIO31- 1033 0 '590 (NnA 13:2) 1. rurort Kbmlgnlk. Tl=ltmiwy ablastl, (SKIN-DISMS11S) (IRIOMMM-MINIRAL WAMS) . M"SKIT, G.A. (Mmllulk) EM701k. the bableological and aud resort of the Wmlue. ftach. delo uo,4t427-429 Ap 960. (KMA 13:6) (=MMX-4M&= RISMS, VATUNG PFACES, IWO.) ~MOVITSK - GrI E4 _4eksandrovich; GOLUB, T.D., red.; CHUCHUPAK, V.D., tokba. red. (The health resort of Khmelln1k ad Its medicinal properties] Nurort, Khmellnik I ego lechebaye svoistva. Kiev., Gosewdisdat USSRr 1962. 3.11 p. (MIRA 16-0) (KHOM NIK-HEALTH RESORTS, WITERING PLACES', ETC. NOVITSKIY..G.A. [Khmellnik, Vinnitakoy oblasti) 'Clinical obe6rvatlons.dn the. 44tion of carbonic-acid-radon baths in treating,diseases of the peripheral nervous system at XhmelInIk health resort, Vrach.delo,no.8:146-148 Ag 262 (KEPA 15:11) (HERVES,.PERIMML-DISEASES) (MMLINIK (4INITSA MVINCE)-B&THS, WDICATED) p 4; / , "', ;' C,r -,- 11/o // -'- ~- A .// K 1. NOTITAKITe SoL. Insh.; SMALOT, LG., Insh, let's prolovC the life of railroad ties, Pmt' I put. khos, no.10s 17-18 0 # 57. (Nm 10til) ("Ilroads-ftos y NOVITSUT, GeorgLy Ivanovich; SIOGOV, Tyachaslav Vladimirovich; BARAXS, - - - - - - e~.nank, red.; BOBROVA, U.N.. (Wood Impregnation plants] Dorevopropitoohnys savady. Moskva@ Gon.transp.shol-dor.izd-yo. 1959. 314 P. (MIRA 12:8) (Wood-fteservation) (Railroads--Ties) Q-100I- NTAMI)) NRs AIR6M856 AUTHORSs Volokhonsklys L. A* Novitaqh G. S.; Polin, I. V. TITLE: Heat, produced by an electrodelused in an electric vacuum are furnace With A lining SOURCE: Ref. zho Tekhnologiya mashinostroyeniya, Abs.-120140 REF SOURCEt Tr. Vass. n.-i. in-ta elektrotem. oborud. - 1, 1965, 77-88 TOPIC TAGSx vacuum are furnace, electrode, beat, heat balance C-&e- rROOF- MOPFIer)-i ABSTRACT: Formulas for calculating temperature fields of a working electrode have been derived in the course of this work and were verified experimentally* It was shown that the distribution of temperatures along the cross section of an electrode may be considered unifom through the entire period of melting* During the lining melting,, the axial temperature field changes only imignificantly. The established heat regime is reached over a long period of time. It would be proper to heat the electrode to increase the speed of its melting. The formulas derived my be used to calculate the heat balance during melting in the lUdage U 111ustrationse Bibliography of 4 titles, CTranslation of abstracg C-4i Aj SOURCE CODE: UR/0276/65/GQ0/0l1/G0l7/GO17 OB CODEx 13 Ca"d VJ- &f uDc: 62l.365.2t66.o47.2.o36.6i 1* SHUMAN, K. 1. , MOVITSKIT, G.T., Xngf. 2. TISSR (600) 4*1 Lifting land caming 7. Usin g~aatomoblle loading trucks at the building of a coal concentration plant. Nekh trud rab No. 12 1952. 9., Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, Gazl- 1. SHMALN Y. i.; NOVITSIM, G. V. 2. USISR (600) .4. Mixing Yachinery 7. Type of concrete and cement mortar mixing arrangements for construction work in the coal industry. Ugoll 28, No. 3, 1953- 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, LIbrM of Congress, May j953, Unclassified. JIMTSM, G. T. 6635 favitskV, G. V. SMYT-MI, N. I. i EOVITSKIT, G. V. OPTY ORGU;IZATSII STIROMMISTIVA TSFI]TRALINM UGIMBOGATITELl"IMH FABRIK H., 1954 48 S SUL; 6L Chert 22SX (YVO UOULINOY PRORSTI SSSR TEKIDI UPR, TSMITR. IN-T TEIM'l 114FORni-asil) 1,000EKZ, BESPRI. 955-2323)P 622-333:622.7,IL69 plus 69:65815 SO: KITIZFA!FrA ITO. 6, "Lncr NDTITSJUT, G.T., inzli, Plan for organizing a standard Oblo* syvtoie of sdxw surface bullding* Shakht.strol. no.9.,22-27 5 057. (KIM 10110) (K ongLuering) Mae buildings) HOUMM, L F. I and NOVIKOVI, 0. P. "Concerning the use of new Techniques in Scientific Research snd Scientific Production by Toboratories of the Institute." Proceedings of Inst. Epiddm... and Microblol, Im.. Gamale3ra 1954-56 Personnel Identified as Participents In Sessions of the Scientific Council Held by the Institute During 1954. Inst. Epidem and Microbiol im. Gemaleys AM USSR SO: Sum 1186, 11 Jan 57. momsm, r. s. Dr. Ked. Sai. .,Dissertation: "The Pathological Anatopq and Pathogenesis of Brusellosis in Xan.0 First Moscow Oider.ofleain Medicaa Inst. 10 Feb 47. 50-. Vechergyaya Kbakv Febs 1947 (Project #17836) USSR t Human ~ and Anim'.11. Morpho'logy, 11ozmal and Pa tho- S-7 Pa' tholo4c Ana tomy logic, Abs Tour;: Re;-, Zhu,z-Biol., 110 3.1, 19582 59952 Author Novitskiy, 1, S* Inst Omsk.~&Aical okic-Anatom h6i 6* is -of Opis- TitLu 6'P##~! Y, and,,P6t gen 3 in -Man, (Go'na"ral, -Data,: 14ox ho~ogy. of tho Ile-V46US tbrstcm) Orig Pub: Tr. --bm'sko-go mede-, In-.-Itn 1957 No 22, 25-,34 Abstract: Ihe -typicalmorphological elmngas caus OA by the iavasion of Opistborchis falinous consist in ch- ronic angiocholitis; structural changes are also observed in the liver and pancroas in th%-.; form of swollen parenchymatous elc-ments, dostruction of Cetrd'1/2 USSB/Human and Iji-In-?-1,11orphology (IT61-min-I and 8_~ Patholo[,icilf' - Circul-atory,Zyston. Ibs jour: Ilof Zhur-Biol., I-To 16, 1953; 74326 Luthor lfovitsjij;:~~~ Inst Oinih Fadical: InMA;itute. Title Pathoisorphology of tha:~.Hoart -An- Or Pub: T:,?, OLiskogo ried.: in-ta, 10,57, Yo 22 159- Lb s t rae tLflonr, 92~c'asos~ of ~bracallosis,.(B) T-:hich under- vi bnt:autopsy, onducarditis v,Z discovorxi in 1F' o-P the diseased. Tho pr,,smcj of spocific b~ucellous ondoc,arditis Cotar:Ancd. Chan- gos of tho ondocardiun are conpared rith cli- g nic od. w-nifestations of tho disease. Involve- C~I._!.d1 -1/2 NOVITSKIY, 1.3., prof. (Cmzk)' 1. -- ... I-,.,-,;'--,-,- Omak Mledical In6titute, ita role in training apecitClists anti developing science. Trudy Perm. gon. red. InBt. 43;24~30 163. (MIM 17:6) NOVITSKIY I.S P prof. Cholesteatomas of the brain according to materlals of prosections perfomed in Omsk. Trudy OMI no.54:5-20 164. (MIRA 18:9) 1. 1z kafedry patologicheskoy anatomil Omskogo meditsinskogo instituta. ~VVTTSKIY, To~,* mekhanil-nalad-hik -- I - I Fall liftere Put' i put. khoz. 9 no.9123 165. Oa-ii; 1p-9) 1. Stantalya Kotlas, Severnoy dorogl., NGTITSKIT, I.V. I IWrovIn.g the oil sump of tractor air filbre.. Ayt.trakt.pron. no.6:17 Je '53- (MLYA 6:6) I.MbarIkovskly traktorosborochmyy savod. (Tractors--Kotors) I'TOVI'T.Sm--, 1. V. G_A,_~tsg~dch Y, ol. f, 1. V. Novits Traktor KhTIZ-7 (The .L_~L ~ , et al., FICZ-7 TracGl: Selkhozgiz, 23 sheets. The booklet describes the construction and regualtion of the garden-and- truck farm tractor KhTZ~7, gives instructions for the operation and mainten- ance of the tractors treats the construction of a shed system for agricultural- machines working with the KhTZ-7 tractor, and gives the technical data of the tractor, rules for washing and parking it, a table of the principal assembly tolerances, and other information. so: u-6472, 18 Nov 1954 Starting an uperimental gasoline diesel ougine. ATt. trakt. prom. no.5:6-8 Mv 155. (NLU 8:8) 1. lbarlkovskly traktorosboroebw sayod. (Tractoro~lneneo) NOVI-Owly, I.T. Lion of the slotted oil filter for the Khft-7 tractor. Avt. I tratt,-vrow. no.9:19~24 S 156. NEVA 9:11) 1. Miarikovskly traktoreaboroahM wt*il. (Tractors-Ingines-011 filters) r2restimitive, out 611 flIters of truck-tractarso tmkt. i "If- khosmoh. no** 402-16 Ap 158. (um ns5) 1* ftw1kaddy traktorombaacbMy sayodo Ormotom--aw"o-Oll murs) t: - ~. --.--BD112,UIY. I.T. [N*Vtstkyl,, I.T.) B-16 d1o"I ev&I"o Makheall'ohosp. U no.2:30-31 1 160. (XIM 23s6) I* IMrlkowekly trWctorosboroebW savo4, (Diesel suctnes) ~ KOVITSM, I.T., Luxh.; LINIMSM, 1-yelt itXh, Two-cylinder D-26 diesel engine with air cooling. frakt. I sell- khosmah. 30 no.9:12-15 3 160. (MIU 1329) 1. 1harIkovskly traktoroeboroohm sayod. (Diesel engivAs --~~Ollag) ADOLIF, V.A., inzh.; LZBEDOSM, G.V.j, inzh.; N qwTv, Toy.,- inzh.,- OUT PMRIQW, A. Lp In&.; FESWAWVI A.I., red,;.BALIM., A.r., tekbn. md.; DUEVA, V.M.p tekbn. red. [The T-16 self-propened abassislSamokhodnoe shassi T-16. Moskva,, Sellkhozizdat, 1962. 251+ p. OWA 15:11) 10 BIW Ikovekly traktorosborachr4y zavod (for Adollf, Lebpdlnakiy, Novitskly, Podrigalo). (Tractors) ACC NR, AP603i385 -s otjRck-dbm-~.--uR[667t~166 J63 6/o og / 1649 / 16.55 AUTHOR: Novitskiya X, L; Razuzovat N. A.; Fatroyr A. A. O.M., lon: nological Institute imeni. ransovet (10ningradskiy takhnologichoWdy ingrad Tech institut) TITIZ; Phosphorus-containing he'Zorocycles. Part 8S Condonsations of glycolphosphor- Gus acid chlorides with aqP--unsaturatod acids SOUNRCE: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, v. 346# no. 9, 1966s, 1&9-165~ TOPIC TAM: chloride, condensation reaction, organic phosphorus cGmpaund, phosphor- ous; acid ABSVUCT: Tha condensation of chloridas of otiviona glycol-,, propylena givcol- ar& 193-butyleno g2yoolphosphorous acids with acrylic,, nothacrylic and crotanic acids- was studied In order'to app2y this reaction to the preparation of chlorides of various di-!. ichlorophosphonocarbwqlic acids. It was found that the chlorides of glycolphospnorous! acids reacting with a90-unsaturated acids yield primarily oligomers of the structure 0 0 ~-CIIR c< -(CR,).Cl ACC. NRs AP6031383 in the fo= of a viscous mass -light-yellow to light-brom in color. The overall pro- cess of oligomr formation is represented follows.* as R 0--C-Ou "fi=C P I+C -C