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NOVITST -Ys ATA, L. "On the question of Toxoplasmosis Prophylaxis Under the Conditions Of a Woman's Consultation" Vopromy -toimoDlazmoza, report theses of a conference on toxoplasmosis, No scow.. 3-5.April,1961, publ. bit Inst. ]~?idemiology and I'Llicrobiology im. X. r, Gamaleya, Acad.,Ifed. SaLUSSR, Yoscowj ig6i, 69pp. DUNAYNA,, Z~Vs'; FADEYM,, H.Aai_NOVI SKAX& LoF Airwitological examinatim in toxopla=osiao Sovet. mod. Z7 noo6s 70-76 Jb 163 (MIRA 17t2) 1.1 Tz , laboratorii toksopla=za Instituta epidemiologii i mik- robiologii Imeni N.For-malei AMR SM. kafedry goopitallnoy pediatrii 11 Haditainakogo-instituta imeni N.ToPirogova i rodillnogo doma No.9 Hookvy* NOVITSKAYA L.I. nus (cod) from the Khadum horizon in the Caucasus. Paleogadu5 lge Paleont.zhur. no.4o.120-130 161. (MINA 150) 1. Paleontologicheskly institut AN SSSR. (Caucasus--Gadidae, Fossil) SAPOTHITSKIT, S.A.; NQffj!jKA A, L j__ .12 Carbonyl bimzlfits compo=ds of lignoaulfonic acids of sulfiton, Uquar, .- Gie-olls, i lesokh1mpromo 17 no,8112-13 064, 1. (MIRA 1811) 1. Gesudaretvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy- inatitut gidrollznoy i sullfitno-spirtovoy prcmyshlennosti.. Leningrad. 0/63/O07/0()2/WT/W8 0125 A059/A126 AUTHORS: Starobinets, G. L., Novitskaya, L. V. TITLE: The swelling pressure of ionites PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk BSSR, v. 7, no. 2, 1963, 103 105 TEXT: A systematic investigation was performed on the swelling properties of sulfonated golystyrene ionites with different degrees of crosslinking which contain e, Li , Nat, e, Re, Cs+, Ae, and Tl+ as the opposed ions in the binary mixtures water - acetone, water - methanol, and water - dioxane. The isothez-ms of total swelling and-those of the sorption of water and the organic component were determined as well as the distribution of the components between the phase of the ionite and that of the solution in the whole system character- ized by the curves: molar portion of the organic component in the ionite phase (NJ) - molar portion of the same component in the equilibrium solution phase (N2). The asymmetry of the distribution curve and, consequently,.the selective sorption of waterincrease with the Increasing degree of orosslinking of the ionite, and the selective water absorption decreases with the Increasing degree of hydration Card 1/3 S/250/63/007/002/007/008 The swelling pressure of ionites A059/A126 of the opposed ion. The swelling pressure can be calculated from thermodynamic values using the equation: TrV = RT ln p - RT In aw, (1) p0 where p/pO is the relative tension of water vapor (or the activity of water) in the external solution, aw the activity of water in the ionite phase, ',r the swel- ling pressure, and V the partial molar volume of water. Since the activity of water in the ionite phase is unknown, the simplified equation: ln P-1 (2) V p was used, where p Is the vapor tension above the ionite with a low degree of crosslinking. The.value of ~7calculated from equation (2) represents therefore not the total swelling pressure, but only its component due to the lattice stress. The calculated boundary values of the swelling pressures for the ca- tionites KY-2 (KU-2) show linear variation with the degree of crosslinking, being 2,000 atm for its hydrogen form, and the zeroth degree of crosslinking in- Card 2/3 S12501631007100210071OW The swelling pressure of ionites Ao59/A126 creasing by 70 atm when the styrene content in the polymer is raised by 1%. Thus, the total swelling pressure is found to be equal to the sum of two com.' ponents, one due to the primary hydration of the moving ions and the other to the stress in the lattice. There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Belorusskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. V. I. Lenina (Belo- rpssian State University imeni V. I. Lenin) -STAROBI14ETS, G,L.; NOVITSKAYA, L.V. Swelling,'of ion exchang-ans in binar7. 4&utions. Part 1: Factors Iiif lu- encing tfi%'4electjvA, sorption of water. Koll.zhur. 25 no.6:0'89-694 N-D 163. (MMA 17:1) 1. Beloruaskiy universit-et imeni V.I.Leninaf bftnsk. STAROBINETS, G.L.; KOVITSKAYA, L.V. Swelling of ion exchangers in binary aolutions. Part 2: Swelling presswe of ion exchangemi Xoll.zhur. 26 no.IsIO5-109 JTA-F 164* (MIRA 17:4) 1. Belorusakiy universitet imeni &aaina, Minsk. SOLDATIN, VOSS', NOVIT18KAYA, L.V. Selt3ctive properties of weakly acad cation exchangers. Part, 1. "OhurefizAhim, 39 no,ll,.2720-2725 U 065e (1-1,IRA 18s.12) 1. Lqstitut obahchey i neorganic~eskoy khimii AN BSSR. 11 I ?1y I.A. 1. V T d "r, i U, Iron the Gorrosi)a,t 1,14-1did Zh-17 Steel", ProceedinVs of the Second Conference on 'Retpas Gorromion, Vol. I (1940)~ ItResearch in Cori,oBim of Metals (isslecovaniya Po Korrosi'L 14etallov)". Published by - Lzt. of PiWarical Chealstry, USSil AcadenW of Sciences. Moscav-1)51. Translation--- ATIO-714062-D F-TS-LbjO-A/V. it it6 A M. A, Mwit*syt, jrsdy Korad AfAI. .-wcw of tevi Owta, 0.10. Cr tom. 0 MW wd NUCIV' , we ow g%*'W4"t- -TVA iN &M 14 f(MM960 19 a MdtV* 4-g Ow WWs bawAstift ac abaw sme. It Nch wb* waka fdt on; it the t(co is b_w at tZi a I-W UNN (Mme tkag I be.) the k"s a mt. in *v is ha -03-OW c*dmrv tow Tu g" AMC (it it 9(vtl &-tic C (MI.S. 0,10. Ti (#A%V,; (a (ult impisiml fly "Mine. IRO it. C. P. A. lie* QrOO 1 21 W if 4H Alp va It et CtI 41,0 0o.: A w0 0 0.0o 0 so 0 0 0 0 40 : 4 *'0 0 0 0 V 6~4- O'e 0 _0 000046400 So 0 0 0-0 ~&_& 0 * 0 & 0 0 t 'a 'M "0e NOVITSMA, M. A. Engineer OCertain Peculiarities in the Corrosion of Chromium Steels in 111tric Acid.0 Thesis for degree of Cand. Technical Sci. Sub 16 Jun 49, Moscow Inst of Chemical Machine Building. Summry 82. 18 Dee 52. Dissertations Preseuted forlep-rees in Science and &nprineerinp- ia Mos(,*oX in 1949. From VecherLj2n Koskva. Jun-Dee 1919. 9/137/62-/Ooo/004/143/201 A060/AlOl AUTHORS: Persiantseva, V. P., Rozenfelld, I. L., Novitskaya, M. A., Akimova, T. I., Labutin, A. L. TME: The action mechanism of volatile inhibitors PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 4, 1962, 102 - 103, abstract 41625 (I'Vestn. tek1m. i ekon. inform. N.-i. in-t tekhn.-ekon. issled. Gos. kom-ta Sov. Min. SSSR i khimii", 1961, no. 2, 68 - 76) TEXT: An investigation was carried out upon the action mechanism of vola- tile inhibitors by studying the adsorption processes and the action of adsorp- tion layers upon the process kinetics of electrochemical reactions. The protec- tive properties of a large number of compounds were preliminarily studied by the methods of accelerated tests, extended tests and testing ca paper. All the tests were carried out at 100% relative humidity and at a temperature of 300C, and also in a warehouse location. The volatile inhibitor is adsorbed by the metallic sur- face in the form of molecules or ions, which form as result of hydrolysis in the water film of the electrolyte (complex organic cations, hydroxyl groups, or acid Card 1/2- s/i37/6z/ooo/6o4/14V2oi The action mechanism of volatile Inhibitors A060/A101 radicals). These absorbed groups in some cases slow down the rate of only the anodic reaction, and In others - of both the anodic and the cathodic one. The characteristics determining the effeotiveness of volatile inhibitors are: vapor pressure, absorptive power, and the strength of -the bond between the in- hibitor or protective group and the metallic surface, and also the rate of in- L010 hibitor retardation of the electrochemical reactions causing the corrosion pro- cess. There are 11 references. V. Tarisova [Abstracter's notes Complete tran0lation) Card 212 j Ri_ ~--AP4014130 ENCLOSUREi ~01 1 The speed of -self -wdljuo-~ r ig 2 .-hr)_cf.the steel. lution.(g/m MONO T- In the ternary systew . HN03a-Hc he isst, 1-Hr t, T period ofi, ing was one hour. All A;'d 70 & b v & Card-,Ii3 I if clapo go % NOVITSKAYk M.A.,jt ONES, A.A. I- Syrit-asis of block eopo:ymers of pO2yet171--,7-* C.V-Ide and polyaor7lonitrile. Vyaokom.sced. 7 no.-'G,.1717-1725 0 165. (MIRA 1813.1) 1. Mc-skovskiy tekstiltryy institut. AVERWKH. A.M.- NOVITSQ M.A.; SOKOLOV, L.A.; LUKOIITSEV, P,D.; SOKOLOV, L.A.; 0 LUKOVT wDe Anodic axidation of iodide on a platin= iricroelact-rode. Part 21 Effect of the electrolyte stirring and of the rate of potential change, Elektrokhiwiia 1 no.3:251-254 Mr 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Institut elektrokbimil AN SSSR. It 8869-66-_' EVT(M)LE4(j),ft/EV]A(c) :-RPL-- !Balm AC AP5025961- -_-SORCE CODE: TMA190AM007/010/1729/1725- K6nkin A AtTHOR: itskaza No --A2;, A, 14 OR G _-Mos-cow- Text-Ile-Institute No'skov'skiy- tekstilInyy-institut) TITLE: :Syntbesis of polyethy_1ene-oxide and polyacrylonitrile..bUck copolymero:7. yfisr ZOURCE: ..V sokomolsku arnyye~soyedineniya, v. -7, no. 1965 % :.1719-1725 TOPIC-TAGS: ~organic nitrile compound,,'etbYlene,oxide copol-ymerization, bldek-copol7m6r,.r'eaction.mecbanism pol i1e. #.pol7merization ABSTRACT4 Tbe-possibility or modifying polZacrXlonitrile :(PAN) by_its ~lock.copol-ymerization with pol7ethylene oxide (FEOYwas:investAgs.ted'*' -Blocks CFOP017mer -a theses were effected inequeous solution at. room . I ep~t - - _ temperature und mospheric-pressure-in the presence of an oxidation-' ~reduction._system using,quadrivelent erium salts as the oxiftzi D9 agent and tbe-PEO'end-groups as-the reducing agent.--.Tho effects of,reaction-- time,__and-of - aorylonitril!a,,,.PEO -and -cerium se1t content on tbeblock, e r- eelami-60 Tbe~-_ omponents., -lield and --compo it on ne, ratio--of~e Popolymer 'CGm1& UDC %2,&k�fi78-55�678-74 /!~ - i . , '~ :- r, -~z -W _ II- e~ F-I Ir__. ~' 1 . RWTOV, B. F., AND NOVIMUYA, U. A. Osmotic Phenomena In'Bound Grounds During llwir Nonuniform Salting Izv. Vags- - _9LU21,%khn__# 51g 1954# pp 94-122 The authors expound the results of a prel:bdnary experimental investi- gation into the,characteristic phenomena of osmotic filtration and osmotic of deformation of bound grounds. When "incomplete' semiperm- eable partitions are employed the osmotic phenomenon is calculated acc- ording to the formula of Van't Hoff with the introduction of the co- efficient of semipermeability phi. He shows that osmotic phenomenon in nonuniformily salted grounds can influence filtration and cause deformation of these grounds at the foundation of hydrotechnical inst- allations, in the river beds, ate. (RZhGeol, no 3, 1955) SO: Sum. No. 639, 2 SOP 53 15-57-3-3735 Tramlation from: Referativn" zhvrnal, Geologiya,, 1957., Mr 3. p 180 (USSR) AUTHORS: Rel'tovo B.F.,,,Xojak a Bollshakova,, Yu.S. TITIE: Further Experimental Studies of Osmotic Phenmem in r1oherent Soils (Dallneyshlye eksperlmentallnyye leale- dovanlya oamoticheakM yavlenly v,svyaznykh &-mntaldi) PERIODICtJj: :Ezv. Vses. no -I. in-ta gidrotekban.., 1955, Nr 53., pp ik7-164 ABSTRACT: As a result of the difference L% osmotic pressures between soil solution and water at the contact of fresh ground and salty water,, there occars- a pauking of the soil be*ause of extraction of water from ites At the contact of sqity grow-d with fresh water, water seeps Into,the ground and causes it to awsll. The difference In osmotic pressures Is expressed by the relation Pl - P = A P - 3 h " 119 RT (c1 - c2) where h In'the height of a water column equivilent., to Ithe - osmotic pressure, c1 and 02 are th.-- corAe-16---ations of Card 1/4 15-57-3-3735 Experimental Studies of Osmotic Phenomena (Cont.) salt in the soil solutions and in the water medium, and q9is the coefficient of semipermeability. And kosm h = 'PRT(cl - c2) = _R_(cl - c2), r where k,,,/k is the osmotic activity of the soil. Osmotic 'deformations depend on the variation in osmotic pressures and grow larger with an increase in the difference, i.e., with an increase in the osmotic activity in the soil and in the dif- ference in concentrations. Experimen'ttal investigations were made with the instrument described earlier (RZh Geo, 1956, 3604) on samples of Oglanglinskiy bentonite and Upper Cambrian clays of the Leningrad region. A solution of an electrolyte was used which would have a minimal effect on the adsorption equilibrium of the fjoil-solution system. With low concen- trations.cif electrolyte a filtration was observed toward the lowest concentration of salt. This phenomenon cannot be explained from Card 2/4 16-57-3-3736 Further Experimental Studies of Osmotic Phenomena (Cont.) the point of view of electrokinetic phenomena, nor from that of capillary osmosis as described by B. R. Deryagin (Kolloid. zh., 1947, Nr 9, p 5). Investigations have shown that the concen- Watlonof.salt k9sm does not charge more than one order for clays of different mineralogical composition over a wide range. The coefficient of gravitational filtration in these samples varies within a range of four orders. The Oglanglinskiy bentonite has the highest osmotic activity, the Cambrian clays have less, and the Glukhovetskiy kaolin has least. Activity increases with decrease "in poroaity and also varies "with' ionic' exchange. The effect of osmotic filtration may be used for draining over-u-jist cohesive soils. Laboratory experiments have shown that it is possible to make use of surface drainage. To qccomplish this, the surface of an area requiring drainage is drenched with a concentrated solution of electrolyte con- taining polyvalent cations, such as CaC12, During vertical drain"age in individual bore holes, porous ceramic pipes filled with calcium chloride solution are lowered. It is recommended that a shield of bitumen emulsion be used for a cover to Card 3/4 ~~- 15-57-3-3735 Purther Experimental Studies of Osmotic Phenomena (Cont.) prevent swelling of salty ground in contact with fresh water. Card 4/4 L. I. L. T if7l Derivatives of 4-aslooquinollne In experimental chemotherapy, Ned, pares. i paras.bal.supplesent to no-1:32 157. (MIRA 11:1) 1. ls khtalotenpevttcheakogo otdola Yeasoyusnogo nauchno-teeledova- tellskogo khtalko-farustnevticheakogo, Institute lawnt B.Ordshont- Was. (quiffum) (MARIA) PJIRSHIN' G*N*q NOVITSYATA, YeAs =aos an the antimier bi properties of trichomouacid Iravv; I toks* 21 noo4S55-57 JI-49 '58 (1G; 11m) U TsesoyuzMy nauchno-issladovatellakly khtalko-farmatseTtichaskir Institut, iment, S. Ordzhonikidze; QUIROLM. effects# 6-methozy-2-(4-introstyrol)-4-(.4,-'!M.t~bra-41~lawLne- butylemine quinoline triphospheric acid, on Trichomonas (Ras)) (TRICROUNAS, affect of drugs on, 6-methyo3y-2-(41-nitrostyrol)-4-(o(-mothyl- &-dletbyla- alne)-butylamine quinallne triphosphoric acid (Rms)) A/~ A), MRSHIN, G.M., MOVITSKATA, N.A. the eve-u-04theramautie activity of ease derivpttives of serldine and 4-9=inoqulnoli~e In lamblissis (Ustblia suris) In white nice [with sumary In English]. Nod. parRx. I paraz. Sol, 27 no*2:191-194 Nr~Ap 158 (KIRA 11:5) I* Is Tessoymcgo nauchno-issledovatellakogo khtmiko-fpruntsev- tiche skorp InstItuta isenL S. Ordshoulkidsee (GIMUSIS. experimental off. of acridine & 4-aminoquinoline deriv. in mice (Rue)) (ACRIDIIMS, effects on exper, glardinsis In mice (Rua)) NUIROL M S. effects 4-aminoquinoline & deriv. on exner. giordiFtsia in mice (Rug)) 170) AUTHORSt Pershia, G. _4 9. A., -123.;1-54/56 A_ 307120 Kost, A. N., Grandberg, I.A.'' T.ITLEt The Effect of Pyrazole Derivatives Upon the Central Nervous System (Daystviye proizvodaykh pirazola na tsentraltnuyu nervnuyu sistemu) PERIODICALI Doklady-Akadsaii nauk SSSR# 1958, Vol 123, Nr 1, pp 200 203 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The pharmacological properties of pyrazole derivatives have hardly been explored. The analgesic, antipyretic and anti- phlogistic effects of 1-phenyl-pyrazolone-q- and 1,2-diphanyl- pyrazolidindion-36 (antipyrine, pyramidon, butadion) are well known. Methods developed in recent years of pyrazole synthesis, among others by dehydration of pyrazolines by means of sulphur (Ref 4), have made these compounds more accessible. For instancep 3-motbYl-5-phonyl-pyrazole has proved efficient -as a sedative and soporific. 3-phinyl-pyrazole has similar effects. The difference in effects between these two sub- stances bases upon a more distinct decrease of muscle tons before quieting by the latter substance. The substances Card mentioned are hardly toxic. The fatal dose per os amounts The:Effect-of Pyrazole Derivatives Upon the Central SOV/20-123-1-54/56 tfervo'us-systez to 500 mg/kg with mice, and 1800 mg/kg with rats. The affect of 3-aetbyl-5-~phenylpyrazole was studied in greater detail. The test results,showed that the latter substance has a very distinct effect upon the nervous.system. This affect is quieting, soporific, antispasmodio and antipyretic. At present it is not yet certain whether this subitance conpares in its-way of acting with the known pharmacological groups (barbiturate, reserpine, aminazine, and others), or whether it has special effects not yet described. In azW case this preparation needs more intensive investigations in order to clarify the possibilities of its application in medicine. This is also true of pyrazole derivatives. In a chapter on experiments the method~.of~production of the substance men- tioned is described. There are 3 tables and 7 references, 4 of which are Soviet. :ASSOCIATION: VassoyuzW nauchno-iouladovateltakiy khimiko-farmatsevticheakily institut4m. S. Ordzhonikidze (All-Union Scientific Chemical Pharmaceutical Institute imeni S. Oi4dzhonikidze) Moskovskiy Card.W3 gosudarstvannyy universitat (Moscow State University) - - KOVITSUYAP Tric tacide. Had. prom. 1/+ no. 10:41-42 0 160. (HW. 13:10) 1. Vaegoyumiyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy kWmiko-farmats-9vtioheskiy institut imeni S. Ordzhonikidze. (QUDMLIHE) PFMHIUq G.Nd;'NOVITSKfLYA,-' N.A. Sedit i7hjj~ith-er!nia properties of 3-methyl-5-PhanylpYrazole farm 'i taks. 23 3:21&420 It-Je 160. (phawrawle al no* (KM 14:3) I* The A31-Union-Scientific-Reseamh Cheimico-fter-mr, iltical Institute. (PYRAZOI;E) (SEUTIVES) (BODY TEMPEPATURE) PERSHMP G.N.; NOVITSK4U, H.L. - 'GiMMA, A.A. Potentiation of the effect of diethylstilbestrol on the mamzqa.-y 2and in r bb'ts under the innuence of 3-mothyl-5-phenylpyrazole e)1. Biul. eks NY a fp M. biol. i med. 51, no-5--7tv-76 161. (KIRA 14:8) 1. Voesoyuxaogo nauebno-issledovatellskago khiml co-farrat' che- sevti skogo institurta Imeni S.Ordzhanikidime (dlr,- - Prof. MA-Rubtsov), Monk-wa, Predstarlena deystvitelOnym chl6nm*AHN SSSR G.V. Vygodohikovym MPLE) (AR T) (STIMEISDIOL) 11OVITSKAZA, N. A. *Morphological Modifications of Plasmodidae in Birds Under the Effect of Certain Chemico-pharmacoutical Preparations.* Thesis for degroe of Cand. Biological Scl. Sub 21 Dee 50, All-Union Sci Res Chemicopharmcoutical In%t ideni Sorgo Ordzhonokidze Summary 71, 4 Sep 52. Dissertations Presented for Derree-9 In Hoscow in 1950, From Vechermy-ayn Mosk-7a, Jan-J)ec 1950. ,~'XOVITSKAYAp N.A.; PPSHINp G.H. Mfect.of 3-metbyl-5-phenylpyrazole (phemerazo2e) on the action of substances stimidating the central nbrywo system. FarmA toks. 23 no.6498-493 K-D 160. (MIFA 34:3)- 1* The All-thdon S. Ordshaiiikidas Cheadcal-Pharmacautical Research institute. (P-DAZOLES) (ANALEPTICS) ~;'-UFSTKPIP AL.P., MIMOVSKlY, T.Ji.G.; NOVT.T,':3,KAfA 14 A. p Kinetics of transphosphorylatlon under the influew:e of acid phosphatase of the prostet4A. Binkhimiia 30 no.2,.350-357 Kr-Ap t0'5. (KIRA 1&7) 1. !;&-,iitarn(~-gigi,7~-nielieskiy meditsinskly instit-at, lAningrad. t~ 0 NEFEDOV, O.M.; NOVITSKAY'A,-N.1f.; PETROV, A.D. Production of cyclopropane hydrocarb.ons by the reduction of dihalocarbone adducts to olefins. Dokl. AN SSM 152 no.3: 629,-632 3 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Institat organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskago AM SSSR. 2. Chlon-korrespondent AN SSSR (for I'strov). IIEFEDOVp O.M-;J!QVMMqA,,A~N-; PETROV, A.D. (deceasec) Production of substituted methyltropylidenes by the reaction of alkyl benzenes with chlorocarbene and metbyll-ithium. Dokl. All SSWIR 158 no.2: 411-414 S 064. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo !,?4 SSSR. 2. Chlen- korrespondent AN SSSR (for Petrov). NEFEDOV) O.M.; NOVITSKAYA, N.N. --, , Preparative method for obtaining 1,3,,r-cycloheptatriene, Izv. AN SSSR Ser. khim. no.2:395-396 165. WIRA 18: 2) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D. Zelinskago AN SSSR. W,FEDOV, O.M.;A SKAYA,_N.N., SHIRYAYEV V.I. ~ - - I I _f.. - p Comparative reactivity of norcarnne and aye'lopropune in ionic re- actions, Dokl. AN SSSR 161 no.5:1089-1092 Ap 165. (MIRA 180) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. Submitted October 16, 1964. BEMINAt 0.; ZLOTNIKOV+v L.; LEMU, 'NOVITSKAY&O 0,\/. Kathodologyof 4bor productivity analysis and planning by factors in the petrol6ua refining industry. Blul. nauch. inform: trud i cox, plata 3 no. U:3-10 160. (mntA 14..Il* (Fetroleum industrr-lAbor productivity) I 1 0 ,,,,.taniya Nikolemna. Pri-Imall uchastiyet ZFZLISHOISKAYAg 1, 1. H. v red.; GMA t j.; ffQVITStATA,, O.T.1 SM TITSKILTA, B.F., Ved. red.; V6-RdK-OVA, V.V.t tskhn. rod. (Plevid g patrol*= refining Oroftation; technical,, bAustrialt and f1mcial plann' g] Planirovanie neftepe- rerabstyvaiushchogo prolavadstva; iostavlanim, tekbprm- finplana. Moakva, Gositoptekkisdat 1963. 255 P. (MIRA 16:7) (Patrolewl..-Refining) NOVrrSKAYA, S. A., Candidate Of Vet SOi (dies) -- "The comparative offectiveness of preparations of piperazine in cases of swine ascaridosis". Moscow, 1959- 0 PP (All-Mion Ordar of Lenin Acad Agric Sci Im V, I. Tanin,, All-Mlon Inst of Helmiu- A thOlOg7 im Acad K, I. skryabin),, 150 copies (KL., Ito 21,, Ir,9,, 118) A F(c)/PdP(J)/E;WT(m) pc-4/Pr-4 .61o3-6 SP ESSION NR:* AP4047196 610190/64/006/010/1748 11754 AMWOR: Dontsov, A. A.; ShevFhenk-o, Ye. A.' Novitska E!ojadkin,.B. A. i'll"LE Reactiollof pojyLth~l,~no with dihenzoLl-dayyl d;,sulfide -TT)PIC 'TAGS: polyeUiylcno, vulemii7ation, disuffide vulcanizinpr ,4~nnt, r1libonzothiazvt !iisul(It-lo, polymer structuration F: -k,(:r~J lrlvt~stiln,tedl aL is r t -1(~d t-18.5 parts per 100 parts of Citll(Y In J ;illed with ;litr(p`: rl ',J de- !.he DRTD - thn forri-l'o i-ml - 11-11--l ---1- --- L 261o3~-6_5 ACCESSION NR: AP4047196 mai-imum in aU cases, the ascending eiir-ve. 4eincr a first-ordpr proeess, and the rate 10"16,-3x,ts of the additionof S wid formution of morcaptni3enzotinazol are about equal. At 'T') t oncentrations less than 5%, therf-- no gel iorinaltwil ~,el formation LnCrba.B('s- with ~;Lng "UT101mts Of L1BTD in thp. n-axture, i)t1t i. iv LE, pe :-1 0. S " a-R nj r tur Ba i. y _'~q ft: rp-.ed by the dissociation of L)13T-.) radit-,alls cotinected vvith the pot, ier. A is proposed to explain theiie ruactiom,,, iij which Lhu accelerator first adus to In mixtures with ;3rnall ammints of DBTD, Iffiese p-rtAw-ts are at-able vid Li 110N., Mookovs1dy Instittit tonkoy khhnicheskoy mol-105ovsk (MOSODW ftne ChOMiCal t6--imology inatitulte) IFD: 19Nov63 ENCL. 00 sov. 005 "1 IER: 002 3 // 2 hnolog-H ini, M. V. SUB CODE: X, G 64!547-6~5 R-11 ACCE3SIGN WRt AP5023221 U R/O 190 /(A't/CO 6/011/2015./2a22 Ai TTTK)R ~ Doa tsovs A. A. Shavahanim, Y e - No-vi takay-a * S. P. ,Dogadkin, B. A. sOUR08: Vysokowleiniyarnm sayedinenioo v. 6o no. 11p 196h., 2015-2022 -A jOPIC 'fAGS: pol"thylsne plAstic, vulfur, chem-Lical reaction, P017=rp organic sulfur aonr)Dund A-qSTEA(:T. 7Tz article is the fifth communicatLoq from the series "Interaction of P,:)Iyethylene with Sulfur." The kinetics of the reaction of polyethylene with sulfur in the presence of Altax dibenzothiAzyl disulfide at 190-2000 was investigated. In the course of the rpaction, A'Atax dee-jmpoees, mercapto- benz-thia,iole is formed, sulfur is added to polyethylene, and the bulk of the n"3, V- r ii converted to an insoluble product. nLe Altax consumption, mercapto- e "ne benzathiazole-formatLon, and *ddition of aulfur obey first-order equations, The rate constants of mereaptobenzothiazole formation and sulfur addition atre approximately equal (30 kcal/mole), but smaller then ths rate of constant of Card :V2 Al-CMS10.3 NR: AP5023221 (,,ie consumption of Altax (20.8 kcal/mole). Gel formation occurs chiefly after the 41-tax emiffumption; it ia- accompanied by the formation of mercapto- berizothiazola and the addition of sulfur and ends wKen limiting amounts of ,-erceptobenzothiazole and bound sulfur are reached. When the Altax content 4v increased, the limiting Amount Of the gel Lncceases. Gel formation is sccelar-2tedfby elevation of the tempecature, but the final quantLty of the gel, remains unchanged. The authors conclude that in the presence ef sulfur, no appre.-Lable induced decomposition of Altax takes place; the parLLcipation of A~,ax in reactions of dehydrogenation of "he polymer tncreases, as does the iu~,ft-ie content of the intermediate compounds of the polymer and accelerator, a-,4a',ag at the first stage of the reaction. As a result, both the efficiency a Tid Ue rate of structuration increase when sulfur is incorporated into thit polyethylene-Altax mixture. Orig. art. hass 13 formulas, 6 graphs, 2 tablea, AS-SOCIATIONs Xoskovskiy iwtitut tonkoy khimicheakay tekhnologii im. H. V. 1i)monotiova (Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology-)_ NR RILF SM Card o- ,, (MI-M002" im q NOVIT Novi'IsIcayal T. A. --"Tl--e R016 Of the Dif'Jusivn Process in t-e Chemical F-hol-c.-Iraphic Proccsaini'7 of Phulolon Layer;;." land T(Ich loci, Le-nin,,yrid Inat of Girlw7la En-~~n,~CV3' Lenin-rad 1953. (ReferatIvnyy Zhurnal-Fbimlys, Mo 1, Jan 54) so: stu 1682 22 July 1954. NOITITMAYA. T. '41. 110vitaka-va, TI. ill "On the reqTlication of polyoulfides of calcium and barium in the I subtropics of the Geor, --~Ian SSR, 0 Trueq in-ta tashchity tastenly, (Almd. w:uk Graz, SSR), V01- V, 1948, P- 55-58, - Bibliog: 11 items SO: U-4934, 29 Oct 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inyl-h Statey, 'No. 16, 191,9). 1. S.A.,, ROVITSM GEGERVA, G.V. 2. USSR (600) 71. *Concerning the Application of Some Combination mixtures in pk"At Orchardgm Trudy In-ta Zasholdty FaAeniy AN Graz. SSR (Works of the Institute of Plant Pro- -,..~.tsction,, A6ad Sci Georgian SSR), Vol 7, 1950v pp 159-169. 9e Mikrobloloffiva, vol, xxi, ream 1, moscows Jan-Fab 1952, Pp, 121-132. Uhalassified. A ~4'-; a ' '* * :' - ,. o' ubtropic* 1 to A e ~'S 1. RA A'A6j PIT, R& on A gric~ a t"'S'.-Of tbe:Oeorg on,.SSR Can ,,A ', _11 d1oprill~Uill*iIi, t; 0 --imeni V~' I's -Uniii) Bei DWI 'i-8 or LenizA Akad. selkhoz'nauk. imeni *a L": X4*.1W*i: NO 12 PP1 Do. op Cal wor4i ea. exper p a in which. subtr Pr nce ~A (w1th i6fire ' to: &~:'c '0 ; ,, 41joQ.Preparationo proved,.fak mdjra-6ff:kOjqjnt', ljoin) t ously iA~e&:Insectieides Aluch Ai~114041um~ C&Uaiqg lob*. ''.0tiou: k. 1_e iplekut. ~Otru 0 &1 lxto*ph4~o pretent ih't ftsi try'stIiouMs showed,.tbAt th*_10th4l:O~t i a ect rem no i0i:*tibura, after -whieh i de t,gradually creooo~ ' IA ,'ta hour'A. 4WA*.. Qompletcily~ eliminated..- Oboe .r- ' ~Ywt~ Is* ~ demonstrated. tbAt ~ th oy.,or J04 iir* e apr jilba",~vIth"the.'new compounde.did not affect v4vvraO~_- -.vT of coccidIA:andmites''. r. Finieci:~:p~o 0 ion A00 oncealment:during the operat 24ft to 20 days,after the operstioxv: ~A'" the to ibocPAW. ~Infested with. iriaects,,: as a result.,of'the ' Z ~ -,, Ooegqq~~ - of their natural enemies, the ento" . se iwthors -advocatti a method combining bio Leal ~.*AA,cho~mieal insiaticide measures. They suopot., ra- loq*i4 a fresh supply. of entomophages Ont6AAQ .77 MA Acrew "9f -Coe 1 141 "on: ~O~od'. 24"I~ UM/General and SpeciaUsed Zoclo&7 - Insects6 P. Abs Jbur : Ror zhur - Biol&p sD go 19580 4M67 Author : Haprimlashvillo N*K., Sovitsiza Inst Title ~rnikeettaidoe-,-and:,.tho,,Biological.Mothodo-of Controllinc:PeatG., Orig Pub tkxobioloey,::1957--xo~a, -104.108--:1: Abstract Octazathyi,. Y&Leh--:Ln a O~2-0.3%" concentration. led -to the dcath..of all.--the -red-citrus mites, wes. ineffective -vhc!h used, agminst:~scale ~"inscctz-*.:--. Oetawthyl, was,. less - toxic.. to Ethe -to thoredl mites An -the above c;Oncentrationi-O etamethyl -di& not ~kiU the natural ene- Mies;, of,~_tha-seaje indQCtS:L"_ _,-the, Cryptolae= , the rodolia, the IYUdOruso the khYlokorUs, nor the ]predatory mites, wtich destroyed the plant eatting injurious mites. The OntOwPhaGi continue to cat profusely and to matiply Oven arter treatment with this insecticidee While Card 1/2 _gOVITSX&YA, T.H. Studying the effftt of pstrathion on scale insects living on farimaeous -olants. Soob. AN Gruz.SSR 18 no.4:457-"2 AP '57. (mm 10: 7) 1. Almdemlys nauk Grusinskoy SSR, Institut sashchity matenly, Tbilisi. Predstavleno Olmdemikom L.A. Unchavell. (Parathion) (Scale insects) RMMIUY, II.V.;- TOMBINSWA, L.R.; Characterlstice of'Besenchuk corn ear1r, &ad Twlotiev. 104 vpf-,mchfib. may. v jdgshho no.4t2O--23 (MM 16. -Oddeskiy tommiagicheekly institut, imni Lmonosom, i;fedra biakhimli serna i sernavadMiya. s,rREKOVA,, V.Yu.; TARAKANOVA, G.A.; PRIMITKOVA, V.P.;-14OVITSKIY, Yu.I.- Some physinlogical. and cytologic-al changes in germirating seedo In a conBtant mgnetic field. Report No.l.- Effect of a nonuniform magnetic field of low intenGity. Fiziol. rast. 12 ro.5:920-929 S-0 165. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Inatitut fiziologii ruaWnly imant TivaiI1-avlova AN SSSR, Moqkva. IIOVITSWA, Yu.N. luse of synthetic tanning materials in the leatber indust.:r; list of domestic and foreign literature received by the Ubr=7 during the period from 1959 to December 1962] Prim- Rente sintetichaskikh dubitelei v kozhe4ennoi promyshlennosti; spisokotechestvannot i inostrannoi literaturyj, postupivshei v biblioteku a 1959 PO dekabrI 1962 gg. Moakwa,, 1963. 16 p. (MIRA 17%3) 1. TSentralInaya naucbno-tekhnicheskaya. biblioteka legkoi pro- myshlernosti. VINIMMO..rekaterina redotovna; TIKOKMOV'A, TaPyana Kikhaylovna; KOKUIAYUN. Allbertina AnlreysTw; i(OVITSUTA, r-ully,!~-~jEckimpTa; SUSTROVA Zoym Alskmandrovna; ITAUOTA. A. or. a 0 , SMO 1000 tokbatcho.skly redaktor I~rlvglng wild grasses into cultivation] Vvedenie v kulstum d1korastushchikh traw., Petrosayodsk, Goo. imi-yo FArelo-Plaskoi ask* 1956. 63 P. (Km 9:12) (Grasses) USSR / Ilant Fhysiology. :~Anerel Nutrition. I Abs Jour "Def Zhvr Biel., '!o 8, 1958, 34270 .1 Author :_17ovitslwyc', Inst .-.cvdomy of Sciences of Letvion ~SR Title The F."ifect of the Seeking of Seeds Prior to Soving in Solu- tionD of Trece Elements upon tho Ylold of Flrnts end on Their IntornRl Processes. Orig Pub V sb.- -Alikroolementy v s.-kh. i meditsine, Rigc, M Lett :65R, 1955, 247 254 Abstrect Tempering to drought of barley during pre ~,Irnting steges -nd c in conditions of dry cultivetion, in solutions of trece elongnts (1g H3BO3 to 9 liters of wvtar o~ 10 'arEms of H~'50-~' 7,)or_ hectere norm of seeds; 8 g :.nSO to 10 1. of water and CO ..In S04 per hectere norm of seeds) over v period of 24 hours, increesed the yield by 28,'; throvIgh the ection of Mn, Oerd 1/3 18 USSR / rilrmt Ehysiology. iiinaral Nutrition. .5bs Jour 11of Zhur - Biol, No 8, 1958, No 34270 rctivity of the tissues cnd the cct-leso activity in increcs- in-, ca compered with untompered lants. Sorking of corn and fo'c~'d-cabbeg-e seeds in solutions JB03 and Cu3O'4 during the stc,res of pro--plentiner, causes acceleration of development If -nlczts, end increases the yield of seme, es compared with corresponding controls; the above takos plece under condi- tions rrovalent in &relia. The oxperimeiit wes cerried out in the "Prelian Biologicel Institute, r, brcnch of the Acede- v- of Sciences of SSSR (Fetrozevods'-). F. &hcherbekov. Card 3/3 19 USSR / Muadow Cultivation. L Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biols-, No 10, 1958, No 43981 above-the-grounill mass folLowing the Oevulopment stages. A gradual increase in the carotine accumulation from the germination stage to the flowering phase was characteris- tic of the red and meadov fescues ' Dew grass was also distinguished by high carotine content during its flower- ing staguo' Timothy contains less carotine than the rest of the herbaccous grasses covered by the study. The rai- sud carotino content from the &crmination stage to the flowerinG phase mid the lowering of I+, toward the seed mturity is characteristic of the clovers. A lowering of vitamin C content I%= the gerrdnation stage, to the phase of the s=1 ripening was noted In all herbaceous grasses. Bic greatest vitamin C content was noted in the dew grass and then in timothy. Clover contained more vitamin C than the herb,=eous grasses. No great difference Card 2/3 USSR/Cultivated Plants Grains. M-2 Abe J- Ri e fZ.- bu; rBlo"ie-s' _W 7, M9 tuft Title Pro fth, aImn =fl~ -sowing Sced2restment a Corn, - ~ : _im A. Dikia to: Orig Pub Tio,.-Khrei m 6A N.SSS R, ,i Abstract tance at, the .0f, corn cold I~Or resis ~thq purpage , . e,o,,.the.AdadecW.i.of.Saiweeo~LSM.a pre- w 1 -iiIIIIii 6i:th~'Gee~ A.An soliitions- Om*. was --perforlm q o c of.r.deronUtrIent solution -13,30. A r. Clio 0 zopok - 80 =a., 9o#_ 0 mxdsA. *tof ]I -the JeWs - mo subjected for, -15 days .-to; the Jutim Of or &I ting to'cVersturce -5p + 27*0~0: nd-frm.418-to. -t 200 varying every 94 hotirs (2) oi e*ery i~ Iiours'(3 Card 1/2 RDTITSKAYA. YUJO. Treating seeds with solution. of certain traco elements to Increase the drought resistance of plants. Trudy Bet. insto Ser. 4 no.22:74-94 158. (NM Il: 7) (Plenteg Effect of aridity on) (Plants. Iffect, of boron on) (Plants. Iffect of manganese on) ROVITSKAYAl Yu.Ye. Water economy of plants a3irelated to.soil,temperature. Trudy Kar. fil~0AN SM no 28:40-51, 116o. 14:9) Effect of soil temperature oft) (Plants--Water requirements) SARSKAYAO T.A.; NOVITSKAYA, Yu.Ye.; SyClIVIA6 z Growth and developmental cbaradteristics Cf.pOtatW5 in cold soils. Tmy Yar. fil. AN SSSR no.28--70-76 #60. (MIRA 14: 9) (Plants, Effect of soil temperature on) (Potatoes) DROZDOV,, S,N.; NOVITSKAYA, Yu.Ye.; KOMULAYNEN, A.A.; KURETS, V.K. Effect of frosts on the y*ld and some physiolopical proceEses in --pring wheat. Trudy Kar..fil. All SSSR no.28:86-94 16o. (MIRA 14:9) (Wheat) (Plants--Frost resistance) KMOVINq ~Ll.; DR07,WV,, S.N.; NOVITSFAY*j, Yu.Ye.; K%WUYMs, I.A.V- KMTS, V.L Iffect of frosts an the 3deld and eqw "iological processes in gprIn wheat. D*J. AN WO 136'n*44:97"82 F 161. (KM T4--1) 1 16titnt blol6gli Wel'skago filials, Akadeaff dauk SM. "stavleno akademikom A. L. Xursana"m. w (Vhaat) (Plants$ Rfeet, of temperature on) MARINCHIKI A.F.; BUZAKOV, I.F.; AO-V-ITSKM-t-Lu--T~~-; Effect -.Concentration of the umtr%Wt wIttion on t1w water balance, a tati.k.of pigments, and, thi - Proda"Wity, of sugar beets -as related to tb~ climatjc-~conditions. Fisiol. rest. 10 no.6:625-633 N-D '63. (MM 170.) 1. All-Union Solentiflo Research 344or Boot Institute, K-iwa_v. ~7 DROZDOVP S.N.; -012W A.,_jujg.,, KCRUIA-ITEN, A.A.; SYCIEVA, Z.F,,- . AY BARSKAYA, T,A.; PEF14IN&A, L.A. Effect of frost on certain phys.-IologAcal processes of s:)ring wheat. Trudy Kar. fil. AN SSSR no.37-,42-51 164. (kRA 180) NOVITSKAYA, ru.Ye.; FERMINOVA, L.A.; VOLKOVA, R.I. -,~-j Effect of soil moisture and fertilizers on the yield ard certain physiological indices of sugar beets. Trudy Kar fil. AN SSSR no.37-.87-97 164. (MiRA 18:3) you I I JKAYI)i NOTITSWA. Z.T.- Iffect of vitamin 31 on tissue carbohydrate ustabolisma Klinened.s Moskva IS no.10:86-87 Oct 50. (CLNL 20:4) 1. Of the Hospital Therapeutic Clinic (Director-Prof.L.S. Shwarts). Saratov Medical Institute, Baratov. NOTI"Wn V~~- Llgl~~ Throwbosis and embolism in cardloysecalar diseases. for. arkh., Koakwa 25 no,5*-19-23 SePt-Oct 1953. (CM 25:4) 1. Candidate Medical Sciences. 21 Of the Departowmt of Hospital Thers" (Read -- Prof. L. S, Shvarts), Saratov Medical Institmte. Discossion an P.M.Stopanaw andL 2I.Frolanko' a article. OSM data olkAbs- treatomt of rhg=atlvmog Torap. arkh. 26 no.3:88 W-Je 154. (MMUMnU. thereff) (NM 7..g) NOTITSKATA, Z.V., dots. (sarator) F--"00"!~eerl-n~t ffplenopnt~ with subthroebocytonts ond gnstroentero rrhpgis (Korrivnikov's disease). Klln,zed. 36 no*6:29-34 Ja '58 (KIRA 11:7) 1, Is kafedry gospitalluoy ternpii pedintricheakogo fakallteta (znv. - prof. P.I. Shamarin) Saratovlakogo meditsinskago instituta. IA, SPUMIC, case reports. splenopathy with subthrombocytosis & gestroenterorrhagla Ous)) (GASTROEMSTINAL SYSTEM. hemorrh. same Mas)) -MMMKAUS Z-Wpdotsent (Uratov) Pkoblwof coamom4nol and 3doolnothomcie syndr=oso 38 no.Ilt29-34 N160o (KMA 13922) I. rs kafeft-gaqdUlluoy twepli pediatrichook fakaliteta (=Vs."! dakt4or . moditainkM nauk Le. WbmsUcvard=tovvkop usateinakojo Imiltutit (dii-# dote* NoL. rmw), Je:TS,Samt,,*vokogo maditainakogo institutas GROMDVAL, Spectrol*otamtric study of complez compounds of praseodyaluin with lactic acid. Test. Nook an. Ser. 2t Mo. 15 no.405-58 JI-Ag 160. (KIRA 13:9) 1. Lafedra analiticheskoy khisill Moskovoskogo universiteta. (Praseodymium compounds) (lactic acid) RK ACC NRs AP6022792 SOURCE CODE: UR/0079/66/036A102/0244/0254 AUTHOR: Razumova, N. A.; Petrov A# Aep Voronesenskayap As Kh.; Novitskii, K. I. ORG: Leningrad Technological Institute im. Lensovet 'Leningradskiy takhnologicheakiy institut-r- TITLE: Phosphorus-containing heteroo-yeles. VII. Study of the condensation of chlorides of glycolphosphorous acids with pha,beta-uneaturated aldehydes, ketonesp. acids, and azinee SOURCE: Zhurnal obahchey khimii. v. 36. no. 2. 1966-2AA-2si. TOPIC TAGS: heterocyclic bass compound, organic phosphorous compound, condensation reaction, organic azine compound, glycol, chlorinated organic compound, aldehyde# ketone, acrylic acid, substituent, ol-igamer, polymerization, IR spectrumi spectrun analysis, chemical synthesis A13STRACT: 2ha reactions of certain chlorides orglycolphosphorous acids with :benzalacatone, acrolein, crotonaldohyde. acrylic acid. acetaldazine, end lacetonazine were iniestigwted. The condensation of chlorides of ethyleneglycol-ei 1propyleneglycol-, and 1,3-butenediolphosphorcus acids with bonzalacetone iI ;results In-the fomation of the corresponding substituted 3-isoxaphospholins. i il-oxides. In the condensation of the chloride of othyloneglycolphosphorous !acid with acrolsin ad crotonaldehyde. oligamers were obtained. formed by the ':original addition of the chloride to the cwbwWl group. Tisatment.of these Alganors with PCOL, yielded the dichloride.of beta-chloroothylphosphinic Card 112 UDC: 5/46.183 + 547-~S + 547-39 + 547-288.1 WWOV., A* G.,, dotsent; Wq-TSK4. A.B. Techrde of ertra-=se-ulo-perloisteal plombao of the tboracia cavity. Milrurglia no4lxS3-M t62, (KM 15tl:L) Is rz Ukrainakogo nauelmo-iseledovateltskogo ImUtuta tuberku- leza imeni akad. F.G. Minovskogo (dir. - doteent A.S. Mmolat) i. Simei=kogo khirIurgichookogo swatoriya *Primr'Y** (glavr47 Vra0h I.T. Sokolova Ldeceased]). (IMIGS-COISAPSE) NOVITSKIY A I Cand Red.Sai, (diss) "Arterial blood supply of the meduffaboblo*ngata in direct and collateral blood circulation.,, (Expaiimental-morpholo Ical research)*" LIvovq 19589 13 PPj (LIvov 91 ate Red Inst 200 copies St t (KL9 29-60, 127) il"WITSKI-Y, A. 'L,,. ~;TGI,I'ITS M., A. N.- "Analysis of the Joint and Separate Uncovering of Layers under t~e Conditions of the OShal-chterskantratsit"I trust." I'lin of Hieher Fducation USBi7IZ, Donet-s Order of Labor Red Banner Industrial Inst imeni 11. S. Khrushch~, Stalino, 1955 (Dis5ertations For Degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences) 5.0: Knizhnaya Letopis' No. 26, June 1955, Moscow ZIUZWV,, Mat kand.takhm.nauk, nauchnyy rabotnik; ZBORSHCHIK. M.P.. insh.; 'U=CbUY rabot0k; ZEMMAUT, T-.V. . Inzh., nauchm iA6tnIk; KOUPANOTg K.Ae' kandetakhn.nauk, na=bzyy rabotulk; MOMp T.P.. kand.tekh.n.nank, uaimchnyy rabotn1k; KIDWIM. D.1.0 kand.tekhn. usuchuyy rabotniko,-NDTIMIY, A.MjLz_ksnd.%skhn.finukg wmebuyy r&botnIk;'PN)KOIF'=V. T.Fg na-delaW rabotulk; SAPITSUY. I.7., kand.takhoonavke nauchMIrobotnik-, YAOMMTSKIT, A,%,, kdnd*tskh.v&*, neuchuyy rabotnik; LIMVICH. S.M., dotsent. red.; SIMSMVSKAYA* TeeLog redelsd*; BMISLLTSKATA9 LoShow taklinorede; ALMTA#. Twjo,, [Working gently sloping seamis at grai4t depths] Rasrabotka pologo- v0stiusbAlkh plastov n4 bol'shikh glubinakh. Pad obehabol red. SoNv4pkavicha. Noskyaj Uj;letakhIsdat. 1958. 209 p. (MIRA 12:2) 1. 4talino. Donstsk1y industriallnyy institut.' Doustakly IndustrialInyy Insti,tut (for all extept Llpkovich. SImshkovskaya. Bereslavsksys, Aladova) (Coal mines and mining) LIPKGVICH, S.M.0 dotseA; DOROKHOV, D.V., kandetakhn.nauk; NOVITSKIY, A.Mp kand.tekba.muk Similtansous determination of the height of the level, and size of the panels along the strike. Izv.vys.ucheb~9zave; gorezhilio 7 nooWD-1/+ 164. NIRA 17:3) 1. Donetskiy politekhnicheskiy institat. Rekomendovans, kafedroy ranrabotki. mestorozhdoniy poleznykh iskopayemykh, NOTITSKIYO A.U.. (Zeningract, 8-ya SovetEtkEqp ulef C1.280 kv.8) r=o~ftwi~ilftry metallic ostoosyntheole'lik olftvlole frRcture [with Ishl- VestAhlre 80 .6tu-I6 je #58 (NDtA 1197) OMM7 in AMI o no Is Is 2-Y khtrugichookoy klinIki (zav. - prof. G.A. Gaasyakov) Zei3ingradskogo inatituta usovershoustrovanlyn vrochey In, SoNe lKirowso I bollnitey Im. Lenin& (glavt*7 vrRoh - V.S. Razw1kh1n). (CLAVICLE, froct. Intramedullary metallic osteosynthosto (Rua)) immozo, r,.s. (raningrad, 8--ya Sovetskaya ul., d.28,. kv.8); NOVITSKIY, A.F. (raningradl, 8-ya Sovetskaya ul., d*28p kre8) Operative treatment of aermial luxation of the clavicel. Vest.khire =o.3tl3O-:L33 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Iz 2-y kafedry kh1rurgii (sav. - prof. GA* Gomzyakov) leningradekogo ordena Lenina instituta usovershensWovaniya vraehs7 im. 3.1-1. Kirova i bollnitsy im. V.I. Lenina (g1. vrach -- K.A. Shelomentseva) go Leningrada. (r.LAVICLF,-DISLOCATIOZI) N'OVITSjfJYY- A.S., inzh. Ultrasonic sorting of bronzes. !,'Ashinostroenie no.111:310 43'-Je ";4- (MIRA 17:1-1) NOVITSM, A.S. Treatment ~-,f ct;rnn~~c -,fl-ema kva-!uron"-Idasc-. Sov. med. -18 ne.;-;1:9-12C T61 165. 18:8) 1. I/x)gilevsk-';y oblastnoy ko~,hi-.c-ienerolo2'1~,ht.-sk'-y di-nanser (gianvTj vrn-h A.YE. KurLchkov., I BeirrLs-.!k.;y logichaskiy inol.itut. - karid. ired. nauk O.P. Kowv; nauchn3rf rukow;ditell - detsent Ye.S. Fevzner), NOVITSKIYO A.S. Changes-in-the-poaition of the-oleatrla-axls of the h"rt foUmUg. delivery in.mftral,valwe deftat. Akush. i'gla , n0.123&34, 065. (MIRA-18tio) 1. Kafedra--akuaheratva.i ginakologii (zav*- prof# A.I. Malinin) i.k&fedrsL.propadavtikI vnutrannikh bole sney .(zav.- doktar and. nauk prof, Me A, Levina) Odamakogo meditsinakogo inatituta imeni Piragova,