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USSR/Diseases of Farm Animals. Diseases Caused by Protozoa. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 3, 1958, 12275. Author 4ovinakaya V. F. Inst 4C_ Title ~diu in Su-auru of Animals. Orig Pub: Veterinariya, 1957, 110 4, 54-56. Abstract: Pyraldin was used for treatment of su-auru in arti- ficially infected horses, dogs and mice as well as in naturally diseased camels by means of a single subcutaneous injection of 0.01-0-15 gr/kg in a water suspension (1:5, 1:10). Positive results were ob- tained. The prophylactic effect of pyraldin against su-auru in animals, with unsignficant side effects, is stressed. Card 1/1 GALUZO, I.G*; MVINMTA, T.F. - w- .A5ri4l: . ra l&tjonshipg of trylaosoms occurrivC ~u wild and farm "Imlso I . Afroo Inst. sool. AN Musidt. SSR gz228432 158. (MVU n: 7) . Orasakhotan-Trywaomosdasis) NOVINSKAYAp VO.F. and GLAZUNOV, 1. G. 117he. Tryp'anosomae of the Kazakh"tan Animals." Tenth.Conference on Parasitological Problems and Diseases with Natural Feservoirsj-~22-29 October 1959p Vol. II, Publishing House of Academy of Sciendes,,-USSR, Moscow-Leningrad, 1959. Institute,of Zoology of the Kazakh Academy of Sciences, Alma-Ata NOVINSKAYAt V. F. "Me OAtivation, of Trypanosma on Chicken Unbryos." 'Tenth Conferenceon Parasitological Problems and Diseases with Natural Rezervoirs, 22-29 October 1959, Vol. II, Publishing House of Academy of Sciencies, USSR,, Moscow-Laningrad, 1959. Institute of Zoology of the Kazakh Academy of Sciencess Alma Ata NUJIMSUYAO V. F. and BUTOVSKlYt F. anwanasaw of Mazekh,stdn 1-%r=t5*" Tenth Conference-on Parasitological problems and Diseases with Naturel Feservoira, 2.2-29 October 195?9 Vol, 11, PublishIng Fouse of Academy of Sciences, USSR9 Moscow-Leningrad, 1959. Institute,of Zoology of the Kazakh Academy of Sciences, Abm'Ata VOTINMYA. T.r Clqltlvatloa of trypenosoms in chick W*r7age ft%* last. soolAlff Usakh.SSR 22:78-&t 060. (MM 13:7) (TrypanomasUals) NOT . PxTzSM. T.K.; TAMIN, Kop. Cousidoring probleng In protosoolog7o TestAN Dumkbe SSR 16 no.6s7g-W Js 160o (MM 230) (Protoscoloor) GALUZO, I. G. I NOVINSKAYA, V. F. I Nownelature of trypanceams in wild animals of Mnakhstan. Trudy Inat. xool.. AN-Usakh. SSR 16.'206 162. (MMA 15, 10) (Kazakhstan-TrnencaamUsis) .GAUIZOP I.G.; LEVIT, A.V.; V.F..; GOU)SOVP V-L; GORDIINOVAP Z.I.; XUZOVKIN, Ye.M. Epizootiological foundations of the rietural foal of tozoplasmosis. Trudy Inst. zool. AN Kazakh. SSR 22:27-33 164. (MRA 17:12) POLAND / Chemical Technology. Pharmaceuticals. H-17 Vitamins. Antibiotics. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 23, 1956, 78705. Author : Novinski M. Inst : Title :The Influence of Ecological Factors on the Con- tamination of Active Compounds in a Medicinal Plant. Orig Pub: Biul. Panstw. inst. nauk. leczn. surow rosi. Poznaniu, 1956, 2, No 2, 94-116. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 16 wirtsul', G. D. I,Tlle Vllonendoscore as am'Apparatts for Ari-plif--ving Sowd -Por the Hard of Hearing", ilest. Oto-rjno-jarin!~eL. No. 2p 12,46, Moccow. -c1948- o 'v 1 "0. -) K- I ~ I G f J-) 0 WMI~( , G. D- K w"wRr_lZt I~A " - (I -knee Mfl4xo Fell dWm & ...00-Wp,WNW- Of lubIMYSjwhp" f the P. 43 Atd=b. go. 12# D". 50. cut, 20# 3o, VArch.195" Foot - Abnormities and Deformities Diagnosis of flatfoot. Felld. i akush., No. 7,, 1952. Monthl- List,of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress. October 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. ROTINSKIT,-G.D~.,~- . - , 1~1'~~-k-%~ Combined ch~wtherapy of hesdachs. SaTst- vAd- 16 no- 7:34 JU4 1957. (CLNL 22:4) 1. Moscow. IZOVINSKIY~ G*D* (Koscow)* 74W T F ~- W ~ - Renarks on 146.Pirogovis article "On the erythrocyte sedimentation re- action.* Klin.=d. 34 no.4:81-82 An 153- (PT-RA 6-7) fKaod-4edimentat Lon) (Firogov. L.3.) MVIRS11Y. G.D..(KoskvgL) Diagnosing laryvVml para4als. Test. oto-rlu 17 uo.4:68 JI-Ag '55. (MM Sao) (PARMSIS, lary=. djag. (LARM. pamlysta ding.) NOTINSKIT, G.D. (Noakfa) Om otorldaolmyngologla namencUturee Test. otorlao 18 noo2:57 Xr-Aip 0 56. (Km 9:7) (02MINOURUGGLOGT-ICKMIATM) NOTIRSKIT, G.I), (Kooltva) seas@; a nosologic entity (with summary in English] Tait. oto-r:Ln. 19 no.1:62-65 Ja-F 157 (NLRA 10:4) (MINIBUS DISIASI) (R=) 1V 6t SUBJECT: U R/Modicine 25-5-23/35 AUTHOR: Novinskiyj G., Dr. and Shofnan, M. Dr. TITLE% Acupuncture - (Chzhentaxyuterapiya) - PERIODICALs Nauka I Zhisn' - May 1957, No 5, P 51 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The noodle puncturing therapy has been known in China for many centuries. It consists of pricking Into certain spots of the human body with a special needle and turning it several times. According to Chinese exports there are from 100 to 720 such spots, each of which corresponds with some body organ or an illness. Two puncturing methods are dis- tinguished: one soothing, the other irritating. Acupunct- ure has given satisfactory results when applied against sciatica, heartaches, muscular rheumatism and similar pains in other organs. Tests have revealed that satisfactory re- sults largely depend on the skill with which the needle is handled. Acupuncture has been 1&tely adopted by a few Soviet Card 112 hospitals. AUTHOR., Novinskiy G., Physician 4-6-25/30 TITLE: Needle Therapy (Igioterapiya) PERIODICAL-~ Znaniye - Sila, 1957, # 6, P 37 (USSR) ABSTRACTs A now treatment was introduced at the Moscow Polyclinic Hospital imeni Doctor Botkin (Moskovskaya politekhnichaskaya bollnitsa imenirdoktora Botkina), based on an ancient Chinese method - the Needle or Chen-Dzyu (Chzhen-Dzyu) therapy. Recently a group of Soviet physicians visited the Scienti- fic Research Institute of Peking which is working with the Chen-Dzyu therapy and is headed by Mrs Chu.-Lyan. The Soviet group included E. Tykochinskaya, Doctor of Medical Sciences, M.Usova, Candidate of Medical Sciences and N.Osipova, physi- cian. Usova introduced the now method at the Hospital imeni Botkin and reached satisfactory results. The therapy consists in needle pricks in various points of the human body (100 - 720 points). It is now applied at some Moscow polyclinics. About 157 persons have already been successfully treated for eczema, headaches, insomnia, bronchial asthma and neuroses. There are,2-oketches. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 ture) NOTILISKIT, G.. vrach Yeadle therr--.,,Y. Znan.641a -52 no.,6;37 Jo 15?. (I:LPA 10:8) (Acu;uric aft*24mm In the,oyela2off of latracrunlal -blood elmaUSUK w1th CUA1682 112atratlonew: by A*A* r4k2W# A*Ie Tauunkof NOVI"* d by 0. 1".1=kJy* Thw"S"re i pallhe 28 3o;q8uwn51 (KIn USIO (=now@ A*Aj (UMMOO A., Is) 30(12) SOV/25-59-3-44/46 AUT.HO.RS: asunova, K.V., Physicians TITLE: The Medicine of Yogis (Meditsina yogov) MiRIODICAL: Nauka i zhiznl, 1959, Nr 3, pp 78 - 79 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author describes the philOSODhical outlook of yogis and their way of healing dise"es ~ by breathing exercise, special diet and strict self-control. Card 1/1 TOMMY, G.D..j(jfGskv&) - Concerning Chen-chlu therapye Trach.delo no.51.545 MY '59. (N2A 12:12) (ACUMMM) 17( SOV/25-59-9-44/49 AUTHOR: Novinskiy, G#D., Physician TITLE: r te to Us PERIODICAL: Nauka i zhiznl, 1959, Nr 9. PP 77 78 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This article is a review of the book "Manual for Diagnostics in Changes of the Pulse" by the Chinese physician On-su, published in 1958 in Shanghai. The special diagnostic method described in this book was already applied in ancient China., The Soviet scien- tist Professor V.G. Vogralik, devotes much attention to this diagnostic method in his book "About the Basic Assumptions of the Chinese People's Medicine" , pub- lished in Gorkiy, in 1957. Card 1/1 USTMOV, DA.pnauchW sotruWk; PLTASUffOYA. X.T.pvrach; NOTINSXIT, Gal)* Zmffm=. To. Letters to the ed1torse lauka I zhlsnl 26 no.1:77-79 J& 159. (MU 12: 1) 1. Antoratorlya blefisiki Tuesoyasnogo nauchno-imeledovatell- skoI instituta xhivotnavolitya. (for Ustinaw). ?MP=OLNT RLIS--PEETSIOU)GICAL MTM) (RABISS) (LYAD POISON19G) NOVIVSKIT, G,D,,vrach; MUMMA# K*V.lyrach YAdletne- of yogis. Ikuls I shisn' 26 no*3s?&79 Mr 039, - (KIRL 22:4) (yo", ffATM) i *f 'k liovinny. G.D. (Kooky&) Awlev of TqS~ ZatemucriLls book 67anctIonal disorders of the Internal organs in 111n.mA. 37 no.g.,155-156 5 159. (Nm 12:12) (TIMMIMIA) (ISTAXAMVA, T.S.) BDVIRSKIT, G.D. (Kaskm) ftrgottou mammoript of A.A. l.ktarinow on acupuncture therapy. Zh,ur.nevr. 1 polkh. 59 no.10:1259-1260 159. (NMA 13:3) (ACUPUNC2= hist/ - . Q~ NOVITSKIT, G., uchastkoyn yrach ------------------- ------- - ONediclue dlosame.0 M.takho, 3 no.7:63-44 JI #59. (Km 13-,8) (MGS) -- NOTITEWMATYL G.. vrach; VOROBITXW. L... insh.; VoaOBIYRTA. L, l)Jofjzjk Diagnools by instruments. Isobr.i rate. no.8:12-14 Ag 160. (alagwels) (ML 13-- 7) 0(~Ucal Instruments and apparatus) U.L.RM]Kff No Inx12,; MVINSXITI G, $ vracI2 An Invention should subsist. 15abrol. rate. n6*12216-18 D 160, (Medical Ins trupeato &a aLKaratux-Tochm- logical Innovatlaps) BUOV. Vladimir AndroyevichLjYlM2UI.-*wziz-QmOaxich; SHALY2, German Mikhaylovich; PMITODA, A.I., kand.takhn.nauk, naucbnn red.; S2AROS2j=TA, U.N.. red.izd-ya; L*Te. [Electronics In medicine] Blaktronika v meditsine. Moskva. Izd-vo uZnanie.O 1960. 29 p. (Vassolusnoe ob3hahostva 13o ras- prostranonliu politichaskikh i nsuabnykh snanti. Ser.S. Biolo- giia i maditaina, no.21). (MIRA 13:12) (KIDIM EUCTRONICS) SPERrOR, A.K. (Sochi);. HaRNSKU, G.O. (Moskva); nOLO'7j D.A. (*Vbyshey--*b:L.) Concerning -Ptofe"or A.M.Siol's article Olotes an medical. thouggLt and an the problm of tech .nic In the field of. Internal zedialne.6 Us.-med. shur. no.600-94 N-D-160. (K= 13:12) (NEDICIRg nnUtHiL) (SIM ,.A.M.) I p 88917 3/025/60/000/012/005/0015 A166/Ao26 AMHORS: Novinskly. G.D.; Vorob'yevat I.A.; Physicians; Vorobly.ev, L.N., Niji-neer TITLE: Acupuncture Apparatus PERIODICAL: Nauka I zhiznl, 1960, No. 12, pp. 46 - 47 TE(T. The,Kafedra biofizW biologo-pochvennogo fakult-teta Moskovskogo uni- versitetalmeni M.V. Lomonosova (Department of Biophysics of the Biology and Soil Faculty of -:the ~ Moscow University imeni M.V. Lomonosov) has designed two devices for finding the exact location of acupuncture points. Research has shown that these points, as specified in Chinese medicine, are covered by more friablelcon- nective tissue than.normally. This can be detected by an electronic device. Wb~,=n the electrode finds such a place it causes a neon lamp to-light. In cases where it is Impossible to make use of the electronic device a portable acoustic appara- tus can be used.: This consists of two dmall metal tubes tipped with rubber caps, which the physiciam,inserts in his ears. The tubes are then scratched along' certain lines of-,the body and the physician analyses the resulting sound. The acupuncture pointis indicated by a weakening of the sound, otherwise the sound in both ears.i's the saie. The principle of the device*is that, the sound caused Card 1/2 88917 S/025/60/OW/012/005/0,06 Acupuncture Apparatus A166/Ao26 by friction against the body Is transmitted dissimil:arly thzrough media of differvnt density. The difference in this case is between normal connect-ive tissue and the more friable skin oVer the acupuncture points. Work on improving these two de- vices continues and,the scientists concerned are investigating the possibility of designing a portable semiconductor device. Card 2/2 KYARDI, Ya., brjgaj~~ (g.Tallin); D.PRANOV, G. (g.Nullchik); KMZEV, .Yu. (g.Nallchik .9 SHAPAUN, IT., inzh. (g.Krasnodar); MOMM Yu. lg.Urallsk); VAISINTIWi, N., inzh.; MVITZ19.7p G., vrach Imwmtiona* Izobr. I.rste, no,9:12I-13 S I&. (YJRA 14:8) 14 Nachallnik tekhnicheakogo otdela zavoda imeni Zemlyachki, g. Urallok (for.Khokhlov). (Technological innovations) OGNEV, Boris Vladimirovichl ^prof.,,-, NOVINSKIY a -g22EG~~!-La vych; STMOSTEMOVAt M.M.j red.; t=ig,ET., takhn. red. (Medicine and pbraieskeditaina L fizilm. Voskwa, Izd-vo nZnanie"0 1962. 64 p. (Novoe v zhi=ij nauke taUnIke. VIII Seriiaz Biologiia i meditsina, no*19) IKMA 15: U) 1 Chlen-korrespondent Akademil, maditainakikh rauk SSSR (for Novimadyg Dgmv). (MDICAL PHISICS) NOYMMIl G. isobretatel 9; DFIJUMOVA, V. login"r Isar= fro& "o Isobro i rats. no.7.-15-16 JI 862. (KERA 16-3) I* Kamspondent shurwaa Olsobrotatell L ratsionalixator* (for NUVINSM G~ vrach -39 AP 162. HedEwa as an inventor. Znan.sila 37 UO.4. (V-VA 154) and appliane (Mdusao) (Electroalo apparatus OGNEV, B.V.p prof.; NOVINSKIY vrach I---- -11"D Lobacbevskii's geometr7 used in medicine. IUn.tekb. 6 no.?-:16-17 962. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Chlen-korrespondfnt Akademii meditsinakikh nauk BSSR. MUN) (ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY) NOVINSKIYS:G-X. (Moskva) cri the prepgaItion of artificial idwral waters in Hustiao, VOPW kur. v zioter'. i leah. fiz. kuVt. 27 io.5: "7T "t 8-0162.7 (MIRA, 16 -.9) (HINg", IWERSp ARTIFICIAL) lit NWAZre right? 14VwA rate, so.5 (201)40-41 163. (MA 1697) DI&IMAN) TZSR "Sam Problems of Michurinist Biology," Voprosly Filosofil" No. 1, 19490 .Current Digest of the Soviet Press, Vol. 2, NO. 5, 1950, Page j. (rn aL Ubrary). --7 SICIY .,Ovil: , I. I. nI. V.- Lpzitn's book "MateriaLism and Empiriceriticism" and the tc-achLigs o"L Acad-mmician I. P. Pavlov.0 by NovinsZ 1- 1- (P- P-7-1) SO: iolamgl of General Bidlo-gy (Zhumal Obshchei Biologii) Vol. X, 110. 4. 19411) OPARIN, A. 1. NOVINSKIY. 1. 1 600 USSR (600) Biology "I. V. Stalin - The Great Buildbr of Soviet Science! Braokhaven Gtxido, Vol 3, No 9, 1950 XOTIMSKIY. 1. 1. Against the dafenso of Weismannism. Zhur.ob.biol. 14 no-3:238-246 Vq-J* '53. 09-11A 6:6) (Origin of species) 11OVINaly, I.I. kandidat f llosofskikh nauk. Uni'ty of the organism and ths onviroaxent. Nanka I zhiznO 20 no,6:1-4 -TA '53. (KLU 6:6) (loolog7) (Bioloa-Philosophy) Banner of uIlItant materialism; 50th anniversary of TJ, Lenials book w1ktarlallsm and empirlocriticles.8 111kroblologila 28 no-39 321-327 W-46 159. (MIRA 13:3) (Scrun natural science, role of materialism In develop. (Rum)) -NOVINSKIYP V k1elan in and the philosophical problems of biology. Priroda noA~ -3-10 *Ap 162. (KM 15:4) '(Unin, Vladimir Illicb, 1870-1924) (Biology-Philosophy) AUTHOR: Novinskiy, N.A. sOir-115-58-4-37/45 TITLE: A Standard Frequency Receiver for 200 kc (Priye"mnik obraztso- ~voy_..- chastoty 200 kgts.) PERIODICAL: Itmeritellnaya tekhnikap 19589 Nr 4, PP 88-89 (USSR) ABSTRAM The receiver consists of a 3-stage RY amplifier with a phaseshifting circuit in the output to obtain circular scan on an oacillograph screen. A narrow-band crystal filter and differential transformer are used to isolate the 200kc standard (carrier) frequency from the other frequencies transmitted by the radio station. Aligning and tuning de- tails are givent and the method of using the apparatus with the oscillograph is described. The receiver was used to study the frequency instability of crystal oscillators us- ing transistor triodes in the 200kc-5Mc waveband. The sen- sitivity is in the order of 40 microvolts. There is 1 cir- cuit diagram. 1. Frequency modulation receivers--Design Card 1/1 ?ec; J; ~~P) AGCESSION NR- AP4047245 510142/641007NO41048910496 AUTHOR: Novinsidy, N. A. TITLE; Two-circuit tunnel-cliode generator of harmomc oscillations SOURCE- 1VTJZ. Radiotekhnika, v. 7, no, 4, 1964, 48'~-496 -~-OPTC, TAGS: tunnel diode, tunnel diode oscillator, harmoni.c generator. ABSTIUACT: A two-circuit tunnel-diode sell -suEizained -oscillation C'enerator ;S capable of producing harmo-aic ir a wide frequency band, iis stable in operation, and permits obtaining an output voltage higher thian the supply voltag,-,. The current-voltage characteristic of the tunnel diode is rpproximated by a third- Power poiynornial, and fundamental equations of phase and amplitude balance are - p. .,f~t iiL By solving these equations, formulas for the frequency of oscillations Ur _1'P.r7vf,d, and conclusione re pulling aind stability are. drawn. Exp,irimeritally determined effects of the bias voltage arid (tun-_'lal -diode) Card 1 /2 L 13789_6~5 -NR- -P4047245 ..-AGGESSIOM A mperaiffi-re Vii6ii-th-6' fequaikifiWaWil 64-- -'b ghe r for weaker couplings. The reliability of the generator was detarrIll ned ir.)rn .3. 3-months' test operation. The frequency stability was higher by one ordcr when. the generator van placed in a thermostat at 60G, which is explained by the fat. t tiat the parameter -temperature dependence of all components was elirr-unated. Orig. art. has: 7 figures and 15 formulas. ASSOCIATION, none suami-rTED; 30Sep,63 ENGL: 00 StM CODE: EC NO REY SM. 002 OTHER: 009 7t o? Polak. nudsian), B , , 1),4d, IV' 2, 2, 6~-70, Ref. 7h. hi 4747~ i conics, 6'r, begin ll i el torsion of 4 tbin-w4 The conscum I Armirumed chat the i . . . . . .- s t Is ",Wr per, croda their (;wr- Pi"'" d i n r,, daot, a, of the bearn sec 0 on~cjt rairfaca is small. the cOMC11 Cf th. P-pblm , clution 4 An 0,pp-A, vvj PLC bar hsi; arri, -,cknt*m 11 'bich Alaus rbin-'ralie'l b,) A tht L"~~e -.Ine of Thc C,111~~41 4,F- I"R(h of the f, 16 R! 4, Irk b , il -S, cri6n li-enem the thigk.14" LIZ, F'*zxD Thin-allea onlIcil bos btsfru -~Il arc dpcura;:,4 ?)V 'lwl"'liv. 4r~i 0,, ITOV321SKCY, YU.S. -43-.V, 164 A new manual. Zash"-- rast. ot 7-reld. i bol. 9 no.10 (MIRA 18.0) loviAgm ru 3 XU4~1~ MLt for tbonw.1- on&-dUInfe*UM. Z"heb. r"t. at mdw,1,,bol.*. 6 no,n*14-15 9 1614' (=A 26s4) 2. QUvW aponm Bypanskay ablantuoy stantalL sashchity rastenlye (Ses6-Mainfection) KHIZHNYAK,, P.A.; NOVIIISKIYO- Yu.S., agronom, SHURKU.S, I.; GARGAUN, G.; FILITSIli'*-V.-,'-'-G'AR'D'l' W-l,, V. Information and brief news. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 9 no.5:57-60 164. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Gosudarstvennava inspektsiya po karantinu i zashchite rasteniy Ministerstva sellskogo khozyaystva SSSR (vor Novinskiy)* AIMIM. G.Ta.;. ISATIM. P.S.; NOTITC10WO K.K. -, PIZDBLI, I.A.; SIDCW* To.; MWOT, K.Lo,red. txd-va,; LAGUTIIFAq l#K.,t#kba,.red. [On *scov colrotruction sites: practices of tWmoscov state -Trust *Stroit~ZO.l lk stroikokh Koskvy; is opyti raboty gookovskego a sto 65troltel" Gopuder'stvqnnego 'oksom frudovogo Krasnoge Znsao i Ire os. tsd-vo lit-ry po strott., arkhttv I stroit. notortalau, 19586 89 Pe (MIRA 11:12) (MOSCOV-Constraction Ladustry) UOVITSKAYA,.1. P. 3iogeochemical Lab. Acad. Sci.. Uenteral Inst. Health Resorts, M, (-1943-) ItRadioactivity of the Sungul Peat Muds,' Iz. Ak. Nank SSSR, Ser. Georgraf. I Geofiz.. No. 3. 1943 :1 ~`.,. BARMT. V.I.; ROVITSUTA. A.P. DiffusLon. of radon In nativo mdg. Tmdy Blegookbin. Lab.. Abd. lauk I - :5) s.s.s.R. io.q, 163-n 149. (MA 6. (CA 47 no..16:8319 153) BARANOTs V.1c; XOTITSKATA AARt Absorption of radon by native wide. Trudy BLoigookh1u. Zab., Akad. Jkuk S.S.S.A. 10.9. 1754S0 149. (=A 695) (CA 47 noil6:8319.153) BAUM-. Irel.; ROVITUArA, A.P. Dynazics of gin e=haup dtwing respiration of air containing thorou. Trudy StogookhIm. Lab.. AkmA. Sauk S.S.S.R. 196.9, 183-9 '49. INWA 6:5) (CA 47 no.16:8208 153) NOWTSKAYA A. P. Ndvit!kM A. - P. - The Influence of Himidity on Fetanation. The Sixth Session of the Committee for Determining the Absolute Age of Geologic Formations at the Department of Geologic-4eagraphical Sciences (OWN) of the USSR AcadftW of Sciences at Sverdlovsk in May 1957 Irv. At Nsuk S.-S614, Ber. Geol., No, 1, "956, P. 119-117 author Fekarskays. T. 3. BAMOT. T. L VOTITSUTA# A. P. Iffect of moisture an *wmatlon. EadlakhlmllA 2 no~41465-490 l6o. (MIRA 13:9) (Radon) (Radioactive substances) CATFMRY- ~i,' Plant Physiology. RespIration and Metabolism I Yoln AUT-nolt, PrOiccll"YkV, A. A. VoViTokeya, U. V. rF S T. I TITLE Activity off Lipase 8nd ACCWUU1atiOn 010 Fat in the Flax end Poppy Seeds. or~10, PUB. Dokl' JIN ss.Shl 1957, llb, No. 2, 27~,-276 fi. i~FTR!, ("T ~he LC'i ied at the Institute Ca Y'ty Gf 'ipase was deterzi L . PlImt Ph~gio-169Y7~ U&SH -by yarma=vs eLkalimetrie met.,101- Wi.tyh the ~aUtho~,s ,b-Da ViZi6lOgiy -jr, ) 6' : -t 'Conta- ~ 6f feat: - refl:tLstc- watric ly. 'relatil'a f% dont6 in the 0 ID-1 t jit Seeds V.,A C with~ - the r,~ez ag ~rapidlyr,ddrl.~)g 2 '-days -,Ig tlma of p.oc4ecta,~=st intensively in the onsompg this pro~azs . period etween U,6-13th_and 26th ds,~*, , -Iji flex" nd su 014 t e,m3tX MIM O'lalt, ,Ir V-P 1, f j46jj IF: 3t accoiLulatioa coinci- I int ded with the maximum activity of 11pue. No such cczplet~! cmo- 1/2 'PADZCZrIYW. A.At,.--NOVIT8XArA -M-Oks-e- -bear1w plants [with S=mwy -"ortles of lipas* in seeds of all inIftlish]. Blowalla 23 no.4:612-615 A-Ag 158.. (mm 12-- 3) Lv Institute of Plant Physiology AcadmW of Sciences of be U.SeSeR., Moscow. (LIPASW. In oil bearing plant seeds (Rus)) (Fu=, 1, 11pasee In oil bearing plant Read$ (fts)) IOVITSKATA, G. V. Cand Biol Sol -- (diss) *Aotivity of Uposeg, and the conversion of fate in plants." Moo, 19599 19 pp with graphs (rn4t of ftsiology of Plants In K. A* Tftiryasev, Mad Sol USSR), 180 copies (KL. 50-59, 145) -20- MOVITSKATA, G.-T. - ------------ Lipase activator of wheat germs. BlokhWI& 24 no-ZOU-3116 Nr-Ap 159. OCIRL 12:7) 1. Institute of Plant Physiology, AcadoW of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., i Noscow. (LIPASI) (VMKT) (PROT3116) NOVITSKAU 9 G.V. (Moskva) Idpa"s in animals, plants# and micro-organisms. Fixiol. rin, 46 no. /*:29-0 Ap 160. (KMA 13:10) (LTPASE) L E~ F'Wrl /mr,r i /F S (-17 '1 -(V f , / kMC(a)/33D(a)/A5(rm)-2,/_AUr D D ACCESSION NRI AP4049144 51002DI64115910GI1020810209 Kavevirsa, A. V. in, A. G.; Hovitaka~a, G. V.; TITLE: Possible participat'-o"no 6_1 i_t it i'd 'a Cd' 'I ii'~ reactions ~_; 1) U F. C E. :AN SSSR, Doklady*, v. 1-79, tic. 1, 1964, 208-209 TOPIC TAGSi photosynthesis, linolentc acid, alpha linolenic acid, ionization A:5STPACTt Intereat has recently been directed toward the specific role of RITiha-linoltnic acid in the ohotosynthatic reactions of green plants. ;t.e calls of aEuglena gracilis grown in darkness lack this acid; how- ' --1 4- 1 laht. che cells turn green and their acid aci,l were placed in the ionization detector of an argon 0~. G. Pye and Co. Ltd.) containing 20 mcu Sr". The temperature of Lh,~ detector wae, 190 + 1*, the argon rate was b0 ml/min, and the elez- trode voltages were 730. 1000, 125U, and 1500 v 'In successive tests. dernctor-electrade voltage on the degree of ionization Card 2/3 I -U~75el-,05 ~CCESSIOK NRI AP4049144 SUBM13'TEDi 29Apr64 No REF SOVS 001 ENCI. i S'-'B CODE LS OC OTHER: 009 A T DPRESSi 3140 OEM VERESHCHAGIN, A.G.; NOVITSKAYA, G.V.; KAVERIIJAv A.V. Possible participation of linolele acid in photominthetic reactions. Dokl. All SSSR 159 no.1:208-209 N 164. (MIRA 17.-12) 1. Institut fiziologii rasteniy im. K.A. Timiryazeva AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom A.L. Kursanovym. NOVITSKAYA G.V.; KAVMMTA, A.Y.; VERMECHAGIN, A.G. Quantitative determination of linalenic acid by the L)velock ionization detector. Dokl. All SSSR 159 no.3t672-675 J t64 (MMA 18a1) 1. Thatitut fiziologii rasteniy imeni K.A. Timiryaseva, AN SSSR. Predstavlano akademikom A.L. Kursanov7m. NOVITSKAYA,,.,G.VI-; KAVERINA, A.V.; VEERESHCHAGIN, A.G. Effect of weather conditions on the fatty acid cc7z;;~osition (-fL linseed oil in successive generations. DokI. Ali SSSR 160 no.!: 230-231 Ja 165. (MIFO- 18:2) 1, Institut fiziologii rastaniy im. K.A. Timir~azeva AN SSSR. Submitted May 16, 1964. NOVITSKAYA G.V.1 KAVERINA, A.V.; VERESHCHAGTN, A.G. Triglyceride composition of linseed oil* Biokhimlla 30 no.6.-1260-1268 N-D 165. (FdRA lgrl) 1. Institut fiziologii rasteniy imeni K.A.Timiryazeva AN SSSR, Moskva. Submitted April 9, 1965. 0d, A/ 0 V. Yrs/~/-j "7- , 1- TTUTYUNNIK", B.M., doictor teldm. nauk; ITOTITSKA.V-A, I.I.. inzh. - Solubility of hydrogen In fate, Naele-shir, prow, 23 no,8v13-14 157. (MM 10912) 1, Dartkoveldy plitekhnichokly Institut. (Oils and ftts-Testing) (Fqdrogen) witrzIUMMIJ40 o. doktor tekhn. nauk; NOTITSMAO, 'I.L. lnsh, ChamoUrlatica of the hydrogenation of fatty aelds with lWdmxjnq bydrate, lbalt-shir, pro*. 24 no,2:12-13 058, (NM- 1113) I* V4640YUSBYY nauchno-isoledovatellakly Institut shirov, (Acids, Fatty) (Hydraslue) (Iry&ogenatlon) TIM ZURRY , ILY.. doktor tekhn.nauk;,~ Lr~ j.,I,!~0 insh. - Use of ultrasonic* In the preparation of catalysts fmr the bydrogenation of fats. Hkol.-shir.prom. 25 no.110. 13-25 '59. (NM 13:3) 1. M%arlkovskly politakhaichaskly Institut Iment V.I. Lenina. (Ultrasonic waves-Industrial applications) (Catalysts) (Oils and fats) TTUTTMIKOV. B.M.; MQTIT4LLTA 1.1g. Action of a setbanol solution of Iodine upon fatty acid radicals. Mr. kh1z., zhur. 26 no.2:218-221 160. (NM 13:9) 1. lharlkovskiy polltakhaicheskLy institat. (Adids. Fatty) (Radicals (Chemistry)) (Icidine) 1y! TIUMIMMY, B.H., daktor tekhn,z:auk;,.-MDTITSXLTA. I.1., inxh. New methods of pre!=IM Industrial, catalysts for the bydro- genstion of fate. Visel.-rbir.p.-me 26 no.6:18-21 Js 160., (UM 13:6) 1e Kbarlkovskly politobdaheekly institut imeni T,I.Laninae (Oils and fate) (Wdrogazatiosk) (Catalysts) f '91 nUNNIKOV B.N.,, doktor tekhn.nauk; Nechanim of building 1~~gftatlon catalyst fron nickol formate. W-ro prom, 27 no.22:17-21 D 1610 (MM 24:22) lo' .1har-1kovokLy politekMichiAly Institut Ineni T.I.Imilms. (HY&'og -on- atlon) (Catalystso Nickel) TZUTYUNNIKOV, B.N... daktor takhn.nauk; NOVITSKAYA, I.I., inzh. Zffect of the nansaturation degres of oils on the efficiency of the nickel-formats catalyst. lksl.-zhir.prom. 28 n0.92 1&20 S 162, (KIRA 150) 1. KharIkovskly politekhnicheekiy institut, imeni V.I.Lquina. (Catalysts,, Nickel) Lu... Ord 1/2 -555 i,6 -62 yor/7-s~g)jy,4, /f,8, GULTAKOV. T.M.; NOTITSKATA. X.,B.1 SWOVA, X.P. Results of the reorganization of the hospirmlization systen la leningrad. Sov.sdravo 17 no.l-.14-17 J& 458. (KLRA 11:2) Is In stantsit storoy maditainskoy powashchi (glavW vrach T.N. GoInkov) 10010gradskago gorodskogo otdalm sdrawookhramnlya (zqv. dotsent A.TsAisel*v) (HOSPITAIS roarganis. of hosp. In Russia, results Otun)) GALIBOSHTA14p HAo; KRACHATTJROVA# G.T.; MCIVITSKIYj, K.Yu.; YURIM,r Tu.K, Reactivity of 5-nitro-2-oUor=s".-hY1furan " 5-nitro-2-ohlormathylsolonaphons. Vest. Moak. un. Ser. 2% Mimi 20 no.4:83-85 Jl-Ag 165. (KIRA 18:10) 1. Kafedra organlaheskoy khimii Moskovskogo gosudarstwunogo universiteta,