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~15( 9) SOV/69-21-1-13/21 AUTHOR: Novikoval Ye. N. TITLE: The Swelling of Vulcanized Rubber in an Acetylhydro- peroxide Solution.- (Nabi)khaniye vulkanizirovannogo kauchuka vmstvore gidroperekisi atsetila) HRIODICAL: Kolloidnyy zhurnal, 1959, Vol XXI, Nr 1 pp 91-96 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Research has been made on the effect of inhibitors and initiators on the process of swelling of rubber in -benzene and xylene solutions of the adetylhydroperoxide. The iron palmitate was shown to have an initiating effect, and phenols, ammines and oxyammines - an inhi- biting action. There are 8 graphs, 1 table and 11 re- ferences, 10 of which are Soviet and 1 German. ASSOCIATION: Minskiy Gosurdarstvennyy meditsinskiy institut ( The Minsk State Medical Institute) STjBMTTTED: May 20, 1957 Card 1/1 ::OVI?i6GVA., Reaction of antloxildiat., percxide of Dd!--IiA!l PSSR no.12:51 1-5 D 166. 1- In-Wtut ObshcleY i mo- oy khimii AN BISSR. X alcadonilcom A" BS3111 (F-inone) (Antioxidants) A,,Ye.N. [Novikava, TA.M.); PLYUSnVSKIY, N.I. [Pliusheuski, M.1 I KQV I Effect of inhibitors.on the Itherrall decomposition of IsoproTyl- benzene hydroperoxide. . Vestai AN BSSR. Ser, fiz.-Iuekh. nav. no,30"3 162. (MIRA 180) NOVTT&DVA. Ye.M.c. PETUNM', M.P. Uhylphewls and 44TIarylphonols as Inhibitors; ofo(-pinem avitaddation. Doicl. AN Bssm 6 noaoq4i j& 62. (MIRA 15t2) 1. InAitut.obshchey i neorganichaskoy k,himii IN, BSBR. Predwtavleuo akadadkom. AN BSM Wjermolemko. (piziens) (Phen6le) (Oxidation) ACCESSION NR. AT4048062 A UTHO.R: Novikova, Ye. N. TITLE- Nitriding_of Ti alloys at low pressures ~'C)T T.-C E: Sovexcha~ilye po metidlurgii, metallavedenivu t primeneniptl-tanalyegq__ na Ovint.111lography of iii 5th, Moscow, 1963. Metallovedenive fita. animn ~oveshchaniya. Moscow, fzd-vo Nauka. 1964, 132-13~ TOPIC TAGS- titanima allay, nitriding, titanlurn allny mechanical property, titanturn aining alloy/alloy VT wear resistupe, alurninum- containing allov. molybdenum cont. B'~ UPACT: Previous publications have noted that flip- diffusion laver --.)n Ti in pure aL normal pressure is formed at temperatures abnve. 80k. The dLffusion 12yer nf two zones- the upper one is a thin nitride layer and the lower ovie. is a thicker L 16390-63 ACCMSjO$_N4.:,"-A~"62. u: r.atim-vtu geneIrauy- inwer nitrogen flow of 0. 09 and 0. 03 Uter per minute w" used- The.-d hl)urs. The 20-hour process was at 950C and optimal pressure. The tests show-nd that '.ering of pressure in the chamber from 760 to J-0. I inm HIZ during nitriding of TI alloyb .-ids v. a 50-10013) increase in the nitritic-d layei, wfifle the dopth of UIC brittle nitriae (ie if, decreased several times. For each Ti alloy at a certair temperature and duration, . ., ---- n-,., ---;- --4-- .4--ti, -f ~k- 1--- 'M- ASSocIATION: nonO suBMITTED: 15JuI64 ENCL: 01 OTHER: 003 X0 RE 8611o L suB CODE: MM Card Fig. 1. Scheme of the n1triding process under low pressures, 1-nitrogen bottle-, s pressure reducer; I-silica get vessel; 4-vessel with P205; 5-vessel for getter-, I-ni~riding furnace; 7-titaniurn shavings; -.9-gample.3: 9-cylintirical vacuurn furnace; j'. ,-gas valve; 11-primary vacuum purnp: 12-diff"13slon pump: Ei-place for measuring ,8 C&d 3/9 NOVIKOVA, Ye.N. [Novikava, IA.M.] Decomposition of tertiary butyl hydroperoxide in the preselice of inhibitors. Vestsi AN BSSR. Ser. fiz.-tekh. nav. no-4:53-66 164. (MIRA 18:3) L 3oo6-66 W1VvT' )LfWP(b) IJP(C).- _ACC NRI-- All 5025592 ~'milfi~jzrAjB/jYj UR/0129165/0001010/00i9/0022 621.785.53: 295 kIMM: Nov iko va, Yd. - N. Gurievich,~Si I.;. Nikitina,-L. H. TITLE. Suitability of,nitrided VT14-all6y as a _&tarxmaterial j termi skaya obrabotka metallov, no J0,1965 19-22, _.S-OURCE; Metallovedeniye i che and top:half of insert facing p. 24, TOPIC-T&GS-, titanium-alloy,::uitriding, metal, friction) wear resiatance, transmission gear j! ABSTRACT: *The _VT14'titanium alloy (4.3%.Al, 3.22% Mo,_-end 6% V) in- thermally- hardened-Atate.(water quenc~in~,from 8600C.and agingat 500'C-for-16 hr) dioplays an. ultima~ .te.136-treng t' hof 1,15.kgl. and a plasticity of,20%. L -ike-.all-the*other titanium the ~714 displays low antifric n properties, and hence it.must be surface-hardened I(i.e., in this case,, nitrided)teforeit can-be .used as the material of friction-couplings. The nitriding ii performed In a--flov of purified N2at. 850-, 9500C.~'Experimenta with rollers and.gears produced from_hot-rolled_.rodo o-f-nitrided VT14-alloy monophase -region and,anded (the hot deformation began at 1050%. 950"C' Which-corresponded to the (Y 4- 0 region) showed that their wear resistance and.precision of..Meshing were sadofactory.Thedepth of diffusion coating on the gear.tooth vas:~0.084,10 mm.. Thus, alloy,VT14 in nitrided form may be recommended as 1'/2 OkOVA /6 ~ 'I Y~', P, 4 MOVIKOVA, YeVs. a"I~ 'g,otter. Yrachdelo no.10:1097-IM 0 '57. (KRA 10:12) 1. Sanitarna-Videmiologicheakaya stantsiya Krasnoarmayskogo rayona g Llvovao 4VOT PROVINCE-GO-MR) POPOW. T.To. kand.mad.nauk, ](OYIKOWA. 're-.Po Inuorins and thlocyaulde content of drftUvg water.and food products an h dsiol -8901 Ag 858 (MRA 11:8) An area of endmIc golter*' Trac e lips 1. Msfedra g1glyevy pltanlya I kommumlOnoy g1glyany (gave - Prof. Me Stolmakara) L'yovakogo, maditainakago Institutme (001m) (FWCltnm) NMKOVA la.P.J, assistant Trace elements in the potable water of Lvw Provl=e aM ondemic. goiter, Aig.: L am* 26 no*9:80-M 3 161. (KIPA 15:3) I* Is kafedry glgiyeny pitaniya i kcmmmallno7 gigiy=7 Llvmkop meditalwkogo institute, (LVOV PROVINCZ-VATER-AMMIS) (TFACE ZIEWSM) (GOITER) ,NOVII(OVAP TOOPO-SLIVOO Iffect of cobalt, iodine, and 6-cothylthioraci:L on changes In the thyroid gland in white rate. Vraah. delo nos4:140-W Apt63- .31 (MMA 1617) lo Kafedra gigi7sny pitaviya L km==l Inoy gigiy=T (zav.-prof. A.I.Stobkkova) i kafedra gistologii i embrialogii (zav,-prof, A.P.Dyban) meditainskogo inatitdta. (THMID GLAIID) (COBALT-PHYSICLOGICAL VMT) (TODIM-PHYSIOWGICAL EFMT) (URACIL) MOVIKOV (L 'vat) West, of cobalt an the morphological structure of the thyroid glud In white rats with a diff*rGnt iodine content in their dist..ProbI4:~ndok. I gors. 9 no,301-34 Vq-Je 163. (HIRA 17--J) 1. Iskafedry gigiyany pitanip i kammunallnoy gigi"r4r (say. - Prof. A.1. Stolmska7a) i kafedry gistologii i embriologii (sav. - prof. A.P. Dyban) Llvovskogo meditsin- skogo instituta. NOVIZOVA, Y44P. =art of cobalt an the Iodine content of the thyroid glwd in nip dispandtW an its various lovels in the diet, Top. pit* 22 no,2s45-4 *-4 163. (KM 17:2) 1. Is kafaft g1glysay Idtanlya L kammmallnor giglyarq (sairo - Prof. A.I. Stolukm) Llvovakogo maditainokaga Instituta. NOVI KOVPj__!q_sP # Fr'-%ct of fo5d .-ations with a different iodine and cobalt content on the iodire levP1 in the thyroid gland follow."Ing the introduction of 6-methylthiouracil. Vrach. delo no.3tllO-114 I*- t64. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Kafedra gigiyeny pitani.vr i komrinallnoy gigiyeny (zav. - prof' A.I.Stolmakova) i kafedra gistologii (zav. - prof. A.P.Dyban) Llvovskogo maditsinskogo Instituta. ZHERMSOV, Ivan Petrovich; NOVIKOVA Ye S..: red.; SHMM, tekbn. red. Radio engineering] Radiotekbnika. Izd perer. i dop. Moskva,, Izd-vo "SviazIpm 1964. 662 p. (MM 17:3) BORTMOVA, N.V.; FREYD1.11-ly L.Fh.; KH P.MER I I.; NO VI Ye . s PrerAration of' prop-i-mallle-hyde by cat-aljrtij- dehydrrgenat-lon of n--propyl alcohol. lzir. AN 'SS )SR. 34, r. kh I m. no.10.-29.45-18/,9 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. institut organichaskoy kidinii iim. lll.D.Zelinskogo ANT SSSR i Moskovskly vavod ll',31,o:,,lmyye eftx7% MOVIKOVA16 Ya.S. NwUcvA0 yo. Sot -The synthesis and rivatives'of ustalodobenzole Towk Order of Labor Had Banner Xtrowo Towks 1956. (Dissertation In Chadcal Sciences). investigation of certain do- acid." Kin Hlglwr ftication. Polytechnic rhat Imml So No for the Degree of Candidate SO: Knishaya Piel No 23, 1956 k I/Synihe of stime h-alogtr derrijflvei oi v IT ad ; T~ r~ liv K t;-Omo mwv lcjWOM w4h PCI, jp~,, b" WL'wh hv c,,nventional "ol. NOVIKOVA, Ye.S.: WORSHIMA, L.A. *-~~ 4a of thlovenicarbasones and a-lodobensohydrazonos of saw halide derivatives of bensophanons. Zhur.obekhlu. 27 no,5il249-1252 my 157. MBA 10: 8) 1.2ouskly politakhnichookly Institut I Tomokly muchno-Issledovatell- skiy Institut vaktain i syvorotok. (Semicarbazones) (Benzophanone) (ffydrazones) 5 (3) AUTHOR: Novikova"re* S. BOT/153-2-2-11/31 TITLE: Condensation of Iodobenzoic Acid Chlorides With Aromatic Hydro- carbons and Their Halogen Derivatives (Kondensatsiya khlor- angidridoy iodbenzoynykh kislot a aromatichookimi uglayodorodani I ikh galogenoproisvodnymi) PERIODICAL: vysshikh uch*bnykh eaved*niy. Ithimiya I khimicheakaya tokhnologiya, 1959, Vol 29 Mr 2, yp 204 - 206 (USSR) ABSTRACT: One of the most topical problems of theoretical organic chez- istry is the explanation of the rules In the reciprocal effect of 'atoms in organic compoundsp furth*rmorethe explanation of the effect of molecular composition,and structure on the direc- tion and rate of reactions and on ths'physiological activity. The great number of compounds not yet investigated, include the compounds mentioned in the title& the hydrazones and thiosemi- carbasones'af the halogen derivatives of'-bonsophenons. It was Intended to investigate in this article tho-subject mentioned in the title,, with the o-,.A- (Refs 192) and p-iodin* Venzoic acids, etai Furthermore the rules noticed-in the reciprocal in- fluence of the &tons In their-rate of condensation reaction, Card 1/4 should be compared to the physiological activity of these hy- Condensation of lodobenzoia.Aoid Chlorides With SOV/153-2-2-11/31 Aromatic Hydrocarbons and their Balogen-Urivatives Arazoness and.thiostsicarbasones-(Ref 3). The course of the condensation-keac .tion-,of-the-thre*-aention6d-iodine b*nzoic acids.was-studied,with-benzeno, toluene.-naphthalene, fluoro- benzono,-chlorobanzoneg.bromobansonet-,as well an iodobenzene, furthermore with.dichlorobenzen*, dibronob*nzone and diiado- benzone,in the presence of-anhydrou a.aluninum chloride6 The- results are shown-in a diagram-(Fig 1)..1t proved that the- rate of the condonsation-reaction-in.the cases of the mono- and-dihalogen always higher-with o-iodine ben- zoyl chloride than with other &aid-chlorides compared. As far as the decreasing activity is cOncerne4i'O one could also see that the substances chosen for the oondensationt in theirre- lation to the scid chlorides of &4 three Lodobenzon oids, place themselves in ihe following 4rder: naphthaleuG5 Zolue") bonzone~ fluokobonzene) iodob nz*n*> bromobenzene chlorobon- zens"~diiodob*nz ne> dibromob:nzen*. Some of the lierivatives of the a-lodoben:oic acids, nameiy: the thiosemicarbazones of e-iodobenzophenone, a-iodo-, pl-fluorobansophononeg a-iodo- -pi-chlorobeasophonon!/as well as the hydrazonea of m-iodo- Card 2A bonsohydrazid*, of a-iodo-pt-fluorobensophonans, of p-iodo- Condensation of~.Iodobenzolc- "id Chlorides With SOY/153-2-2-11/31 Aromatic Hydrocarbone and Their E[&log*n Derivatives bonzoph*nono w*ro.nicrdbiologically examined by means of the method of the surface film (metad poverkhnostuoy plonki) on a liquid potato sodium with a breed of tubaroulosia bacteria of the type *Ikadsmiya*. A comparison was made between the re- sults of the cours&.of the condensation reaction of a-iodo- bonzoic acid chloride with benzonep fluorobenz*ne sad chloro- benzene (Fig I-V) on the one hand, and the data of the bac- torlostatic examination of thiosemicarbazonos on the other hand. An interdependence was noticed b6tweon the composition as well as the structure of the radicals of the thiosemicarb/&- zone molecules and hydrazone molecules# and-the antibacterial'' activity of the latter on the one hando- and the reactivity of the corresponding acid chlorides,,as.wall as the aromatic halo- gon derivatives in the ketone synthesis on the other hand. Do- creasing r*activity: benzene) fluorobenzone> chlorobenzenol the ~erios of the decreasing bacteriontaticactivity: m-iodo- bonsophonone-thiosenicarbazogo> a-iodo-pl-fluorobonzophanone- -thlossmicarbazone> m-iodo-pl-ohlorobontophonon's-thiosemicar- bazone. The mentioned rule is not clearly expressed. An far Card 3A as the position of the iodine atom in the radicals is con- Condensation of Iodobonsole Acid,Cblorides With BOT/153-2-2-11/31 4ronatic llydrocarbons a4d Their Halogen Derivatives- corned, the metaderivatives have a greater bacteriostatic ac- tivity than the paraderivativ*a. a-Lodabonsoylahloride.ii loss active than p-iodobensgyl ohlorido-(Flg.2). Thers.are 2 fig-- ures-and 7 r*forenoes,.3 of whioh.are-govist. ASSOCIATION: Toaskiy politekhnichookly institutl K~isdr& organicheskoy kh'a" (Tomsk Polytechnical Institutel Chair6f-..- Organic Chemistry) SUBMITTED: January 13, 1958 Card 4/4 OINUVRIMOK, I.P.; AKSEIENKO, V.M.; TEIOVI - Y - ye.s. .!Ksv Capracipitation of Ljaleniwn, W tollurium with tO aid Of Colloctora. Izv.TPI M-.115-119 161. (MIRh 16:9) 1. Predstavlono nauchnym seminarom k2fedry anaUtlabodkoy khimii Tomskogo ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni politeklwdcheskogo instituta imeni Kirova, (Selenium) '(Tollurium) (Precipitation (Chemistry)) PAPEf*IOV, Lev Zakhzu-ovich; GORON, I.Ye... otv. red -1-1.'~Myl Ye.S.p red. - '. (Level indicators] Indikatory urovnia. Moskva, SviazI, 1964. 41 P. (KIRA 18; 2) NOT !2M6&&V, C"odiagnosis of cancer of the corpus and cervix uteri and of neo- plawas of the ovaries, Akush. gla. no.2:40-42 NarApr 1953, (ML 24:3) 1, Docent, 2. Of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Head - Prof. 1. 1. Takovlev). Sverdlovsk medical Inatitate and of Sverdlovsk Scient.ific-Research Institute for the Care of 11~otber and Chlld~ BERSHYEYN, V.A.,, inzh.; Prinimali achastlyei KRASIL"'JifiCILIKOIA, B.L., inzh.;.NOVIKOVA Ye.V., inzh,; LATUN, A,V., inzh.! (;.'-J-'KOV, D.I., 7 .3... prof., dcRtc;:' tekhn. inzh.; KITAYCHIK, inzh. ; GLI 71'ali, nauk; SUPRUN, L.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, nauchny/ re-J. ~ STMI, kand.tekhn.nauk, [0-tress-rupture strength and creep of glass-reinforced plastics for use as shipbuilding material.) DlitelInaia prochnost' i. polzuchest' stekloplastikov kak sudostroitellnykh materialov. Leningrad, Izd-vo 111.4orskoi transport," 1963, 92 P. (Leningrad. TSentrallnyi nauchno-issledovatellskii institut morskogo flcta. Trudy, no. 53) (M:RA r:6, 1. Sotrudniki TSentrallnogo nauchno-issledovatelts-kogo kotloturbinnogo instituta. imeni Polzunova (for Crekov, Fitaychik). NOVIKGRI, YOOVO Tranpiration of hy&optjtes and their role in the general Um of water through evapmation from Kenglp Fkiewwotr~, Trudy 1=16 boto AN Km&kb- SSR 1643-18-135 *63 (MM 1708) BEZBCRCDOVv M.A., akademik; M401SIIKO,, NON&S tekhn.nauk; ZMMNA, L.A., kand.tekhn-nauk; NOVIK*O- , ye4zop Light refraction and crystalliziM CaPacitY of *--.sea distributed , p in saw sections of the system ffa2O - CaO - BaO - Z%- SiO2- Sbor, nauch. trad. Bel. politakhe iiwte no.82:29--33 (MM 15:5) (Glaos resewch) (Sypteme (Chemistry)) ZHbNINA, L.A., kand.takhn.nouk; KRIPSKIY, A.M., insh.; NOVIKOVA, Ye.Z. Preparation of arystallins glass materiAl from easily malting White Ihissian clays. Sbar. nauch. trud..B-ol. politakh. inot. no.8209-85 160. . (MM 15:5) (Glass r-r-facture) (White RusSia-CIAY) 4b . --,NOVIXDVA lu.N., Production of the Tong Technician Station film stullo, lun.tekhjr no. IL: 70-74 8156, (JCr8A 10: 3) Notion pictures In education) NMUOVAP. Yu.N.1, insh. (Nuruansk) Contact-spark method for obtaining samples. Energetik 13 no.11:29-30 11 165. (MIRA 18:11) - NOVIKOVA, Yu.N. Analysis of ATSK-12 alloy by means of the IFM-l spectro- photometer. Zav. lab. 31 no. 12:2466 165 ONIIRA 19:1) J. Mr., Leningrad Physico-Te6h. Inst.., Acad. Sci., -1941-cl,,9-. Ybr., Lcninrrad 'Polytech. Inst., i-_. Lf. 1. Kalinin, -cl9L,9-. "Studies of Polymers: X. Dielec- tric Losses in Polar Polymerss" Thur. Teich. Fiz., 14., 1.,,os. 1-2., lqj;)j; "Dependence of the Dielectric Constant of Co-Polyners on Temperat-vre," ibid., 19, No. 1, 1949; I'Detenz=inp the Dipole Monent for Co-Polyners," ibid. Jan LIO hera -.Dialectric-Constants stry iTenendence of the Dielectric onstant of on le=-per-ature"I P.. -P. hobeko, and 0~4- P. vikhaylova, Z. 1. NovikCA'a, Lemingrad*Ph~j~rsic6ch&,L Inst, Acad Sci US Leningrad Pol~tech Inat ~mdni 1~ pp "Zhur Tekh Fiztl Vol KIK, No 1 ...Co-wpolyners were obtained in form o' films and pressed otrips, dielectric Los's ang capacity I;mre zteasured. both on a Vin bridge and a Q--mater in ran~-o from 10-' to 10 cycle/sec, and t erature coefficient of capacity was measured by pulsation method n? a-ycle/sec. Thu.5, influence was clarified at a frequency of 6.1 of molar and nonpolar sections oil macromolecule on variation af polymer's dielectric permeability at various temperatures. P~ 24/49T7 NOVIKOVA; Z. I.; RABKIII: L. I., "Design of Coils with Shell-type and Toroidal Cores," flew Works in the Field of Wire Communication; Collection of Information) Moscow, Svyazlizdat [19571 85 P. Abst.: This article explains the calculation of optimal dimensions of coils with toroidal cores designed for operation in the audio-frequency range,, and offers a method for calculating minimum volume (for a given Q-factor and inductance) of a coil with shell-type and toroidal cores. As the basis for their calculations the authors assumed a constant ratio of the inner and outer coil diameters. The article discusses the following specific phases of the problem: the principle of calculating induction coil Q-factor; calculation bh the H. A. Stone method of optimal ratio of dimensions of shell-type cores for audio-frequencies; calculation of the optimal ratio of dimensions of toroidal cores for audio frequencies; method of calculating the q-factor of a coilr taking into account winding hysteresis eddy-current and initial losses. Examples of these calcula- tions are given. AUTMR- RABKni,L.I., UOVIKCVA,Z.1. 109-"A7 AF~ TITLE: Calculation of ng Coils %Tith Ferrite Core Operating in the Range of Sonic Frequencies4Paachet koll tsevykh katuahek a ferritovym serdechnikom, rabotayushchikh v oblasti zvukcvvykh chastot, Russian) PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnilca i Elektronika, 19-57# Vol 2. Ur 06. 762-768 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: Calculation of the optimum measurements of a ring core of oval cross section is carried out by taking the constant mt1o between the outer and inner diameter of the coil into acaount, The opti- rwaa inverse amplification factor %arranting a miniiam voltme 04.1 the coil in the case of a given quality is palaulated. First oal- culation of the quality of the coil with core is carri-id out, and it is shovin thAt the derived fonula cannot be solved in a general fom. Therefore further simplification is necessary and oftlcula- tion must be carried out for two special mace: 1.) For the case in which Obm's resistance and the resistance of initial and frequency losses predominate, 2.) For the case in which Ohm's resistance and the resistance of the hysteresis losses predominate. (7ith I Table, 3 Illu- stmtions and 3 Slavic References). Card 1/2 109-6-911T Calculation of Ring CoiJ3 with Ferrite Core Operating ia the Range of Sonic Frequencies. ASSOCIATION: Not given PRESENTED BY: SUBMTTED: AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 240) AUTHORS: Rabkint L. I.t Novikovap Z. I. SOV/48-23-3-20/34 TITLE: Electric Propirties of Magnetodie -e-cTr-1cs and Ferrites (ilektricheakiye evoystva magnetodielektrikov I ferritov) PERIODICA L: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskayap 19599 Vol 23, fir 3. PP 388-396 (USSR) ABSTRACT:, The present paper deals with the investigation of the dielectric properties of a number of nickel-zine-ferrites with different initial permeability. Table I gives the names of the investi- gated ferrites, their compositions and the conditions of sintering. In all investigated ferrites the existence of a range of relaxation, the phase angle tangent line and the dielectric constant were determined. Figure 1 gives the depen- dehde of the tgf' in the frequency range of 2 .102 to 2.io7 cy- cles on the frequency of the investigated ferrite samples NTs-I, II, II and IT (Table 1) at room temperature. Only in the case of the sample with an initial permeability of 1p5O0 gauss oe-1 a maximum is observed at room temperature in the frequency dependence of the dielectric phase angle tangent line, which shifts Into the range of higher frequencies and Card 1/4 increases as soon as temperature rises (Fig 2). The imum Electric Properties of Ragnetodielectries and SOV/48-23-3-20/34 Ferrites of the phase angle taAgent line was also observed in other ferrite samples at higher temperatures (Pigs 3, 4 and 5). The dielectric constant of the investigated polyorystalline ferrites increases considerably-with temperature in the range where tg1" has a maximum (Fig 6). In the case of.high freauencies the dielectric constant depends but little on temperature (Pigs 7 and 8). At low teaperaturee,%howevert it changes with the frequency in'the investigated temperature- and frequency range..In figure 9 frequency dependences of the phase angle tangent line and of the dieleciric-constant of nickel-zinc- and manganese ferrites are compared with. practically..equal values of magnetic permeability (gz:,2,000). Table 2 gives the parameters of dielectric- and magnetic characteristics of a slowly and rapidly cooled ferrite sample NTs-,III on a frequency of 60 kilocycless. Modern nagnetically soft magnetodieleatrics may be divided into two groupa: ferr6plaatio*substances - mechanically strong magne"odielec- trios with weak coercive force, and ferroelastic substances - elastic magnetodie *lectrics, also with weak coercive force Card 2/4 (Ref 1). The authors investigated magnetodielectrics of Electric Properties of Magnetodielectrics and SOY/48-23-3-20/34 Ferrites natural rubber and Alsifer powders and nickel-zine-ferrites with -magnetic permeability of 250 gauss oe-I and 1,000 gauss o$l The results of measurement are shown in figures 10 and 11. it may be seen that the dielectric constant increases with in- creasing amount of ferromagnetic and decreases with constant concentration of the latter in the case of increasing fre.- quency (Fig 10). The phase angle tangent line increases alao with increasing amount of ferroutagnetic. The frequency depeii- dence of the ferroelastic substances on ferrite basis on tg r i's due to the tg 3' of ferritea themselves which are dependent on frequency. The frequency dependence of tte ferroelastic sub- stances with 90 % ferrite NTs-III an tgd has, in the of higher temperature, a tg 4' maximum (Fig 12) on the same frequency as NTs-III in figure 6. The electric field in the core'does not only depend on its electric parameters but also on the form of the core and the kind of the coiling. Figure 13 gives the scheme of a toroid coil according to calculations made by Kornetskiy and Veis (Ref 2). The effect of the thick- ness of the insulating layer betieen core and coiling upon the quality of the coil is shown in figure 14 and the Card 3/4 24M AUTHOR: Novikova, Z. I. SOV/48-23-3-21/34 TITLE: Investigation of Dielectric Properties of Ferrites (Isaledova- niye dielektricheskikh avoystv ferritov) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskayag 19597 Vol 23, Nr 3# pp 396-402 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Dielectric properties of nickel-zinc-ferrites and solid solutions of the nickel-zine-forrites of stoichiometric and non-stoichiometric composition were investigated as functions of the annealing temperature and with respect to the rate of cooling and the surrounding medium. The frequency dependences of the dielectric constant and the dielectric phase angles were investigated in the frequency range of 200 cycles -:- 10 megm- cycles at room temperature. Figures 1 and 2 show the frequency dependence of the tangent line o'sithe phase angle for zinc- and nickel-ferrites which were annealed at 1,200# 1,250 and 1,3000t. and slowly cooled until room temrArature was attained. Both ferrites differ considerably by the position of the ions in the crystal lattice and their magnetic properties. Figures 3 and 4 show the frequency dependences for equal ferrites at Card 1/4 different temperatures of annealing. Both ferritdo have the Investigation of Dielectric Properties of Ferrites SOY/46-23-3-21/34 by the amount of specific resistance (Fig 12). The frequency dependence of the phase angle tangent line according to measurements made by Koops (Ref 1) is shown in figure 13- Summrizingly, it may be said that the relaxation frequency of the dielectric phase angle tangent line in ferrites does not depend on the speoifio resistance, measured in direat current* Maxima of the phase angle tangent line occur in three certain ranges of frequency: 20-40 kilocycleal 100-200 kilo- cycleap and 1-2 megacycles. The relaxation movement of any particles rather than the heterogeneity of the material is the reason for these losses. The relaxation maximum of the phase ,,angle tangent line in the frequency range of 100-200 kilocy- cies isin connection with the existence of Fe2+_ioua in the sample. The latter cause the conductivity of the ferrites, st;ictly speaking, of the electrons passing from Fe2+ to e. ')+ (Verwey mechanism). A redistribution of the ions in the p crystal lattice is due to the variation of the duration of cooling,j whichleade to the formation of ner relaxator types or Increases the number of the existing ones. There are 13 Card 3/4 figures.2 tables, and T referencess 3 of which are Soviet. 71 =AO93 PUM 1 3001 UPLOITATION L,1 ~ Y~~"nsnlya., 34. Rtnak,.1959 tow Ikh - - -- si6ystv*. DoklaQy . . ... heiliclii ItFj rjilahisklya I filiko~;khW~ JV . ftrr&#Aaa thysical and thyalcoafteoical rropertles. Reports) j Pinst. ud-ve An Ma. 1960. 655 P. grrats, slip inserted. L 4,000 *aptsmi printed. IPMO943 saucholy movat DO MAGAstigma As =11. 0%4e1 A =1469 w 511 ! . , oSo t4la, I voluprovodniltav AX 0 " I I rislk AdItarial joards step go. 1 4. N. 31rots, Aca4estaW or the itarl 24 - Ka 1 d T o. n or . AamasnLr of notencem, JMs K. t. below, Frorassor, as Gkil, Prorsesorl 9. R. ftlivangv; Froresso A. V. Taleanin. Pro- or resear. q. a. Smoianskil. traressar; a. -or "&sea and 01athematical Solenceal 2. It. 3a Iyarealtal and kl h T ! Al ~ ot Sholovs . y; L. A. Mankirov; 14. or tablishing Sousex 3 1. volowAnavlah. JW.. - a ZKVG book is phisical-C-fiem'1jets, "Ats, elestronlos OnSiftera, and technical persomwl engaged In UN Production and ame or farromagnatic materials. it may also -be "Od by stud cGurveS In radio electronics, e _ obyate* MW Physical chamiatry. . COWMAOt me wait contains reports presented fit the Third All- union conference on rerrites held In HInalt. belorusslan 33M. I I with 04604 tIC trm&foma-.Ian L 104trical " . :, : a properties of rorri tea. studi r the growth ?iEF~ la crystals. prowess In the chemical and ph"t. x 0061MOBAS41 analysis of ferrite*. studies or forrItes having it P"U"644" b"UMSIS loops and WAItIcomponant ferrite systems 401MIng spontaneous rec$&nW&rltl. rrgblem in magnetic &UPGOtIon. highly coaralve forritas. magnetic spectroacop7. ferriouspetle resonance. "Pato-optics, physical principles or ROMS fQrrltG COMPMentS In electrical circuits, anisotropy or mi ti Co 1e l l t d i T m at c ca an e r em. *to. ttee an Nab- c propert P* r notIsm. 40-033A ( T. Tonsuvokly. ChaIrman) OPKA01204 She can- Parrites (cant.) SOWAM 7 Vag% 3,, 1 otochealcal. In- a ke _ 4 - t-- and A~ X. GardIns. gas larrites for the be and jam Frapfirtiss or t r VW*PnWffMMVIV an% t a, aWn,the conditions or Synthesis and Thai one I Discussion or the Itracedingi Itepart I N. 1. Struts. X-Ray A A I 1.1kin, and 1,4;,h1,=1 v I tion-ar-UN Ternary System and v. X. strata. investigation or the Irreat or composition an the Properties at Pasnessum- Manganess Parritos Card 6M qhrd Colo 3/048/61/025/011/026/031 G4 0 B102/B108 AUTHORS.* -Rabkin, L. I., and Movik TITLE. Comparison of electrical and magnetic properties of nickel- zineferrites PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheakaya, v. 25, no. 11', 1961p 1413-1416 TEXT: In earlier publications (e.g., Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz.. 2 110, 3, . U, 388 (1959)) the authors had shown that the properties of ferrites are 2+ strongly affected by Fe ions. Now they have studied the effect of the Fe 2+ concentration in Ni-Zn ferrites upon resistivitypi?, dielectric constant, magnetic permeability, p, activation energy of conduction E and upon the conduction loss angle, tan 6,, dielectric lose angle, tan and magnetic loss angle tan 6 . Results are summarized as followss-.-At low frequencies, electrical conductivity and dielectric constant increase monotonically with rising Fe2* concentration. IA as a function of the FeO Card I NOVIROVA, Zinaida Leoutlyevna, doyarka; KOIaMTSEVA, O.L. red.; AVDEYEVA, New methods In dairying] Novye matody v molachnom khoziaistve. Y4- akva,, lad-vo ~Sovetskaia Hosallap",1961* 28 PO (KM 14: U) 1. OpytngWa seVskokho2Vaystvemnsya stantsiya Vladimirokoy oblasti (for Noviko"). KOZLOVSKIY, G.l. [Kozlovs lkyi, H.T. ]; NOVIKOVA Z.H. [Novykova, Z.H. GOLUBCHIK, S.A. [Holubchyk, [Slyva, V.D.] Processing of nonmalt products with hlgh protein content In the brewing Wustry. Kharprox., no.lt4l-44 J&-Mr 162. (MM l5a) .1. UkrNDIKKP (for Kon'lovskLy. Novikova). 2e Kharlkovskiy pLvovarenyy zavod No.1 (for Golubehik, Sliva). (Brewing) IOZLOTSM, G.I.[MwlqwlWt H.1.1; ALOVINOVA. Z.I(.[Novykova, ZAI; ASMOVA, LWAAkolonang ZAI Iffect of f*vmofftv obtained from sold fWigi on same vegetaWe proteins and carbohydrates, Khar. prom. uo.1253-56 Ja-Xr 163. (MIRA 16:/,) (Farmntation) - -------- - L 5 e-:, 65 9~rr(m WEPF(WE5FRO FP1jR1rX)201G41'1 59/003/o6iq/0621 J1dC-E-S91'-0-NNR: AY5019584 ADTHORI T V. I-. r, T:'LLE: Derivativep of Carbalkoxymethylpho5RhinO-U-9-9-qida-- SO DURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, V- 159, no. 3, 1964, 619-621 TOPIC TAGS: ester, acetic acid, organic phoophorus compound ABST R ACT: It was established that by reacting triethyl or tributy'A-stanny- lace,vic acid asters wl-th PC13 and varying the ratio of reagents, compounds Of theLfojl~ow" tqpes could be synthasizeds Q2 FUH2 XOR I 2:1 R3 SnCH CGOW + FC1 cip(CH GWR' 2 2 2 ~~(CH2 COOAI)3 Card 112 L 58),99-65 "xEssioli im AP5019584 ---->(R"G)'2PCA2C00R'- Eaters of sbustituted phosphinous acids of this t7pe could also ba prapared starting from the Chlorop osp ines prepared by the reactior. with tzlA~ id astera. All derlva4'ives of trivalent ---ore synthesized underwent oxidatim in a13 W-ith sl')ontanoous heating. aoluW Lona of g ib Orig. art. has: I table. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Mo8cow State Universtiy) szj-BAirTE.D; o9jul64 MCL: 00 SUB CODIE: OC,GC NR REF SOV. 005 OTHER., 000 im *444* 4 0 4141* 4 0 0 0 0 0 00 W- w ir 0- t-W A- 4 -t- _04 .0 If a * 0 0 a Is, tt Uk of it a It It it a K a16 LF a or ar (I a 4t 6L eke - , I a , i't *******,_L 01 JL-.&-AL I ~ , . fi~ " ~. .-. kw -_l___--__.._, IT _9 fT6-(,9:e_ , ~ WOMAN W-clitet, &.0 "ClViallvil -Leo Aw 4 00 A: !-so need of of *A via. 7. WS-wk(lim WAM. 46 on the % 10 dstv miltor demrvatkm NMI (4111- to 517-A WAF- "a4mcia d4* WK wi"v o4plitwAnqtT, tlw wed :Mb dovi INAY ;J.A. CU-4,410 fill o4tt"ItIt"N J, fNI 3i 644.0 &W 710.2 4a4 tog twail % MI J'A. I VAIA, AtUl 44 the ((,"r ~dvt too ft. a ulull vk4fut Oct t Ow cwmc tot (k0 failAsaftawd tAOXI %ftwilw(of. 14, 4'. P. A. ei'm Use Mass west Sao* VA -zoo a Sao. %lVdIAlfor ......... 444 &W at *.IF Ask a L a -11 at all 41 at 0 eg - Ig ;&% I 46 6~0 di V-Sm, a 0 00 0: w a,*:*. a 0 0 412. 0 6,0 0:0 0 s, I so ~,,Ajo - NOTIEDVA-DARTSIGER, T.I., starshly prepodavatell. Role of the nervaim system In the parmsabilitr of salivary glands. Dap.t& p*v.L'vIv.uu* no.3 Pt,2:20-21 '52- (KJA 9:11) (SAMART GLAMS) MOVIKOWA-DANSIGAR. T.1. Affoo-U-0-f 'blood transfusion an cholesterol motabollano Frobl.gamat. I perel.krovi 2 ao-3:41-46 My-Je 157. (NLU 10:8) 1. Is Llwovskago asuchao-tasledowatel'skago instituts perelivealys krovi Wr. !-- doteent D.G.Fatrow) ~C"STAROL, 14 blood# off. of blood transfusioa (Rua)) (BI"M THAMSFUSION, effects on cholesterol %stab. (kus)) YAYES, S.B.; NOVIKOVA-6-DARTSIGER. T.1.; AKMOVA, Rj.; KRIVORUGHKO, R.A. State of hemopoiesis and gases of tho blood in transfusions of blood preserved with cation exchangers fOlloving hORIOZrhagea- Sbor. trud. Ltvov. nauch.-issI. inst. perel. krovi i neotloxh. 160 (MIRA 16:12) TSIGER T. 1. Zffect-of hemotranafusion on the cholesterol content in ths ~blood.serum follewing-adute hemorrhages. Sbor. tr"ud. Lf-rov. mauob.~-issl. inst. perel. krovi i neotlozh, khtre no.4t 177-188 160 (MIM 16tlZ,) JKWVAq R.,N,; nMMIGHKOt N4A*; TAUq $*Be; VQ~APLA~~MMIGZRs T*Le Iffeet, of transfusion with cationized blood an 'be hmod7nudeep blood protelust and phagocyte activity of the laukocytoes In blood loss. Probl-gmat-i Peral-krovi 5 no.6t5O-55 Ja #60. (MA 13t22) (HE40MMZ) (UMD TRARMSICIN) (BI=D PROTSIRS) (PHAGOOTMIS) NOVIKOVA-DANTSIGER T. - 'i-i. Gl,ycolytic processes in wasbad out eqtbrocytes and the offect Of eadim-laaWw-an tMaw- Gm&ti. i -r*r*l,, krW.,. 1165-68 '65- (MIRA 18-.10) 1. TIvovskiT instItut parelivaniya krovi. A~ E.A.; KARPAVICIUTZ, M., red. TOME, M.F.j_~OVIKO'~A [General zootechny~ Bendroji watechnija, Vilnius,, Leidykla 94intisp" 1965. 486 P. [In Lithuanian] (MIRA 18:6) NWIKOVSFAYA, N.A.; ROTEMERG, I.L., KLEPTSOVA, A.P. Chemical reagents. Standartizats-iia 27 m .12-42-44 D 163. (~ErUk 17-4) LASTOVSKIY, R.P.; MIKHAYWV, G.I., bMKOVSKAYA, N.A.; PETROV, D.A.; DAKSKER, V.L.; MOMYA, 76.773~V 1, G.E., red.; PIROZHKOVA,, A.I., tekha, red. [Urea for intravenous injection] Mocheyina dUa vnutri- vennogo vvedeniia. Moskva, Wes. naucbno-issl. in-t khim. reaktivov I osobo chistykh khimicheskikh veshchestv, 1962. 10 P. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Sovet Ministrov. Gosudda-- komitet,po khimii. (UREA-THERAPBUTIC USE) AUTHORL'. Movikovskiy.. B. S. 89-2-lo/35 TIT124' High-Voltage Sources for Sinele-Shot Strongly Focusing Accaleratorr, (Ob istochnikakh vysokogo napryaAeniya d1ya sillnotoohny1di wqkarite- 1-11y odnokratnogo deystvija),, ERIODICAL: Atomnaya Enerviya, Nr 2, pp. 175-178 (MR). 1958, A-MMi-AW: For the purpose of obtaining protons mth 2 - Y MeV with a current intensity of some ten mA electrostatic generators cannot be used any more. k'or this reason., interest is directed'again to the cascade neriet.or. The principal disadvantahe of the simple caseade generator is constituted by the fact, that the output voltage is strongly pu.'-saw ting and possesses- a great internal resistance. If, however, the re= gular- cascade scheme is connected double (symmetrical) or threefoldj that isto say in parallel, it can be shown experimentally as well as by computation, that this system becomes useful for the purposemen= tiored in the beginning. It is recommendable to employ the symietric scheme in plants, where the main stress is laid upon voltage stabili- tY* In plants, which are destined to deliver extremely high val7jes of voltage and current, it is better to employ the three-phase sy3tea. There are 7 figures, 1 table. Card 1/2 mcli.voltage Source for Strongly Formaing, ;xrejeratoro. 8q_2,I,7./.'5 SIBEIVED: June 27, 1957. _4:VAII,h.BIZ :Library of Congress. Card 212 1. Proton accelerators-Design 2. Accelerators pit: tail All 16 1 APH ;a -t Bali g PI-8m.-H Igg. NEI CAI 3 la Jill 1 g jv~ ~51 A A 11 , I cat se od lie DUN oil's -9 2 Ta 9 A BEREZHNOY, B.0 inzh.; NOVIKOVSKIY -- inzh. - I-, . Water in 9L spiral. rzobr. irats. no.12:5-6 163. (MIRA 17:2) ~ KOTIKOVSM ztzh.; MOSOT. Tu.G., insh. Colmatation of canals In the Mara, Mun, Gidr, I vol. 12 no. 72:39- 47 D 1604-k (NM 14: V (rAra r= Canal-Beepage) NCNIOWS]EII V I insh.j SO-KOLISUUp V.V.,, Insh. use of synthetic materials to prevent waterlboses dqa to sespop ftcm canals and reservoiks. Gidr. L mel, 13 no./#$22-29 Ap go, (PaftA i 104) bio-inaledovatel'okLy Institut edrAekhniki I MIS 4briaition canals and f1mes) (age (Reservoirs) 15-57-2-1743 Translation from: ReferativnTy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 2, p 87 (YSSR AUTHORS: Novin, R. B., Sergeyeva, R. T. TITLE: Stu4Y of the Conditions of Leaching Turquoise (Izucheniye usloviy vyshcholachivaniya biryuzy) PERIODICAL: 5b. nauch. tr. Gos. n.-i. in-ta tsvet. met., 1955, Nr 109 PP 177-182 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry Card 1/1 -~q ;,9A-;,-S-R",NM, Yo-B. Theox7 of cement copper flotation. Sbor. nauch. trud. Qn- tavetweta no.19:103-3.18 162. (MM 16:7) (Copper-Slectrometal-lurgy) (Flotation) NOVINv R.B,; SHCWMKOVp V.A. --------- "I Combina.tion, method for the ore dressing of oxidized copper ores. Sbor. naueb. trad. Gintavetmeta no.19sl3O-347 162. (Ore d[ressing) (Copper ores) (MM 16:7) NOVIN,, R.B.; SWHMBAKOV, V.A. -Ways of increasing the recovery of copper at the AImaUk Ore Dressing Plant. TSwet. mt. 35 no.5sll-17 Yq 162. (MIRA 16: 5) (Abalyk-Ore dressing) (copper-i6tanursy) NOVINTFINKO, A. I. I dactors of Mosaic Di3eases NOVINENKO, A. 1. "Insects as Diseases of Suiar Beets, a Collection 60 thelVariety-Seed Administration or -PP. 99-111. 464-04 SA2 SO: STRA SI - 90-53, 15 December 1953 of Sugar Beets," in Ynsalc of Articles# Publlshlng ffdm5e Sugar Industries, Liev, 1930p VOLKOV# VA; - "l, AM17018 of transient processes In a tuned omplifier with high-speed automatic gain control. Radioteklmika 19 no.6.o 24-31 Je 164. (MIRA 17s10) 1. Daystviteltz"s chlany Nal4chno-takhnicheekogo obehohestva radiotakhniki L siektronvyasi imeni Popovs., ; VOLKOVO V.M.j NOVINIKOVO A.G. ~... .... ~'.. :1- Almaris of transient processes in a bandpass IF axpllfier with instantaneous, gain control according to the radio pul-ae envelope at large signal levels. 1zv.vys.ucheb.zav.; radiotekh. 7 no.5:624- 628 3.0 164. (MIRA 1814) !IFGVINY.G-VA, T. F, "Die Results of Disinfecting the jUr in an Infectiuu.9 Hospital by Means of Ultraviolet Rays." Cand Med Sci, Gorildy Illedical inst, Gor,kiy 1954- (P7,hBioly No 3, Feb 55) SO: Sum. No. 631, 26 Aug 55 - Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertation Defended at LISSR Higher Educational Institutions. (14) AID P - 5069 Subject : USSR/Engineering-Welding Card 1/1 Pub. 107-a - 9/11 Author ; Novinshteyn, B. D. .=.r -TiR, "' 2 Title : ir welding of 3,000-ton hydraulic press rej Periodical : Svar. proizv., 6, 30-31, Je 1956 Abstract : Three large cracks in 57-ton upper arose member of the "Fellzer" steam-hydraulic press were welded. Also-one broken column *as welded and worn-out threads on both columns of the press were bonded and re-threaded. The author describes the technique of the work done In June 1955. The repaired.preas has been In operation since that time. Five drawings are illustrating the procedure. Institution : None Submitted : No date Dissertation: "Treatment of Hypertension by an Ultrahi a -Frequency Zlectrl c Field. ft ~h Cand. Med Sci, Central Inst fdr the Advanced Training of Physician3, 1 Jun 54. Vechernyaya Moskva, Moscow, 21 Mlay 54. SO: SUM 284,26 Nov 1954 '551C14I 7f the cerebral cortex in the treatment of 1Wpartension (with sumwry in French] a Zhur.nevre I pelkh. 57 no.9:1152-1156 057, (MIRA 10-11) (DLATMW. ultrabigh frequency irradiation of cerebral cortex In ther. of 4ypertension 0tus)) (UMTBXSICN. therapy. ultrabigh frequency irradiation of cerebral cortex Otus)) (CARNBR L CWTBX. effect of irradiations ultrahigh frequency waves, in ther. of hypertension (Rua)) ~'-1`/61/004/003/018/020 UTH011s Novinakaya, G.A. --Me -dyftamids of W-stimple ex-It-.remnI regulator with oscillatory search PERIODICAL t ~Izvesttya vyaahikh uchebny1ch zavedeniy, Radiofizika, Vol -572 .41 N0-3,~Pp-566 ZXT:, -A simplified modelof extremal regulatoris-examined. ear-cit'is carried:: out- over a bolic object characteristic with. para, one. .ar -two--maxima '(solid line,in Figi.12). Three stable limit found,- C], C2, C3 in Fig.12, in dependence on the- am, parameters. The work was carried'out as a graduation YU.I.Neymark in 1959. There are,12 figures and 3.- Soviot-bloc references. ___:--..'~-.ASS0'C1AT10N:. Nauchno-Inaledovatellskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy Institut pri Gor skom universitate (Scientific ,and-:Res4arch Physicotechnical Institute at'Gorlkiy University) December 61 ig6o A16VIMSICAYA.,G.M. NOYMMU, G.M.; MIKOVSKIT, G.T. Iddselon- of IrIcabacterfun tuberculosis by Intestinal and gastric wall@ in-cMerimikital tuberculosis Inloo, Probloitib. W.2.,57-61 " 154. - (an ?-.5) ,1. Is laboratorit kafedry pstologichemkoy fixiologil ( GITOII~Gbiwvskty) Kolatowdoago saditsinskago, InstItuts, ( (201kMaIs. experimental, SemlesIcn-of X. tubere. by Intestinal & gastric walls In dogs) ("MMOIRWRI.M'SYSIU% In various diseases. Oozper. tubera.. on Ission of N. taberc. by Intestinal & gastric lia'La in ftq) NOT19sur Changes In the motor activity of the sma2l intestine In doo In szperIm~nta2 tuberculosis, Arkh,pat. 18 no.0108 056 INLRA MID) 1. h kafedry pektologicheakey f Islologli (care - prof* GeV* Feshkovskly) Kolotovskago neditsinskago Institute* (rNMwtM) (TMCUWSIB) I N K h ~- H, (--. M. NOVINSKATA. G.K. (Kolotov) Changes In the secretory activity of the upper segments of the small intestine In experimental tuberculosis In dogs. Pat.fistol. I ekep, terap. I no.4:52-53 JI-Ag 157. (MIRA 10:11) 1. In kafedry patolegichaskoy fitiologii (say. - prof. G.T.Feshkov- skiy) Kolotovskago meditsiankago inatitats. (TUMCUU)SIS. experimental. small intestinal secratory funct. in (Bus)) (15RASTUM. SMALL. p)Wstoloff. seeretory funct. in exper. tubere. (Rus)) BUD'I"PLCfMVSKIYT A.T.; VEKSOLFECTIM, R.A.; MOFEVA, A.G.; NAVRCIISXIY~ D.S.V, NOVII'MAYAP 1.111.- Emergency aid in acute coronary insufficiency. Kard~clogila 5 no.1:87-88 Ja-F 165. JMA 18:9) 1. TSentralInaya stantsiya skoroy medits-Inskoy (glalurnyy vrac~h U.K. Gavrilova; nauchryy rukovoditelt - prof. S.V. Shestakov), g. Kuybyshev. 110TWEATA, L.D. (Nookya) In vivo diaguosts of hepatic hamagions. Klin.mad. 35 no.4:1?2-124 AP (NLU 10:7) 1.,, Is chetwertogo upravlaniya Kinisterstva adravookhronenlya SM QlAynyy vrach I.S.91roneukof timuchaly rukovoditall - doktor. maditainakikh nauk T.I.Iwanow-fisnamov) (LIM. neoplaaw . aMIqm, Meg.) (ANIOVA, diag. I Iliver) mman 0 V. F. 4727. NOVINSKAYA. F. V. Tripanozomos (su-auru) verblyudov i loahaday i borlbs, a nim. alms-sta, izd-vo akad. na,,T- kazoaro 1954. 28s. a ill. 20 m. (akad, nauk kazakh. oar mol. nauke. - selfskazu khoqaystvu. 5) 2*000 ekz. 30 k. -- (55-25) P 619:616.9rt SO: Letopial glynall nykh Statsy, Vol. 7, 1949