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CMRKII, TO.K.; JJR(zLff. I.N.; EMSYM, M.1 Ir - MOVIXOTA To Ir Solubility of gypsaw to a dietilled liquor fras the soda produc- tion; Zhur.prtkl.khts. 33 no.4:788-796 Ap 160. WRA 13:9) (Gypsum) (Soda tndmetry) B.; URMCHEYE79 ?.A.; BARANEZIKO,, S.Ye.; MOVIKOVA, re.F.; BUKffAMYEV4 R.G.; LAMXOVk'- I.A.; -KUHZHU Deterodnation of the individual hydrocarbon comosition, of gas condensate fields of the Ukrainian SSR. Report AverWd g"- condensate of the-Shebelinks field. Izv. AN SSSR Ser.khim. no.10S 18oq-i8l6 o t630 (MIRA, 170) i.~ xnatitut orgamicheskoy khiuii AN SSSRI Kazan' i YsesoyuwWy nauchno-issledavatel'skiy Institut gaza, Khartkov. 'IOVTKC,!A, Ye. G. - "Inva,516iration of the vegeLatlve, components of the orientation wid conditioned refle:-zez; in pu-ppiel; durirl~,, ontoCeneuis.ll :~o3cc-;, 1-5-55;- Alcarl ll~:Id Sci Inst of liormal arld Pat'. .lolagical (Dirmnftaillor,; I'ov da;-me of Candidate of IL-dical Sciences.) SO: Knizlinalya letppisl, No 48. 26 November 19555). Moscou. VOLOKHOV. A.A.; KOBTSH. V.I.:; NOVIKOTA, B.G. Method for recording re -tration by mean* of a thermistor. Zhur. 2921 (MIRA 9:8) vya.aerv.detat. 6 no.2:3 -345 Nr-Ap 156. 1. Loboratorlya aravaitellacgo ontogeneza nervnoy sistemy Institute, normallnoy i patologichaskay fistologil ANN $53R. (RESPIRATICK, function tests spirometry of laboratory aulmals during experimentation. appar. & method) (UBCBATCRY ANIMALS appar. & method for spirometry during experimentation) I , r tic, If' 1 4-2-1 MOTI&A, reeG, t Ing the vWt&tLve co"onents of the orientation and conditioned. defense reflexes In puppies in ontogetwels [with summry IwInglish]. Zhurevs.namdelat. 7 no.ItIO3-113 J4-F 157. (NM 16:10) 11 laberatorlya araTattellnego ontageneza vArynoy statemy Inati- tuta uormllnoy i patologichookoy fiviologit AMR SSSR. (saw, pbratolva, -in orientation & conditioned defense reflexes in puppies (2")) (ZWMTICNo pbysiology. . same) (virm, orientation, cardiac & reap. reactions In puppies (Sus)) (Ewl". CMITIOJMD, heart & reap. reactions to defense reactions in puppies (BUS)) TOLOEHOT, A.A.; IfINITMA, G.Mv; NOTIKOVA, Ye.G. 3hwelaqpment of autoncnic phases of orientation defense and conditioned reflexes during the ontogenr of a comparative $Orlen of animals. Zhur."o.nerv.delat. 9 no-3:420-428 NY-is 159. (KIM 12:9) 1. Laboratory of Cw4Arative Ontogenents of the Nervous "ten, Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology. U.S.S.R. Acadww of Kedical Sciences. Koscow. - physiology) (HZSPMTI(9 - physialoMr) , CMITIONW) (HM ) jWMirA Amw features of r*splrgLtion and cavdlW MOtIvItY TWFIAC with Me -14~ [With amour In Inglighl. 714 shw- 45 no-2:02450 In Popp OL 220) 1.1ron7the laboratork of contogenesisof the servoum, mrstamil Inati- Md 01040 fte 10106re KGGCOW- t7te Of ~%UIARA Ipbyilol age f motor In Aevelop. In Young doge (us)) (Aamo -effects* an hout & rasps fwwto develop. In dogs (Din) MMY. S.PO; BOVIMWA. Te.G.; GORYACHETA, V.V. Det*rvdnlng the concentration ef bids, glues by the refractometrIc method. Zav.lab. 26:111-112 160. (NIU 13:5) 1. Ural'sidy filial Vessoyuzwgo nauchno-Imeledovatel'skago Institute, abrazivov I, shlifotanlya. (Glue) him I mot 2"WITITIGN 30V/1406 Akfid-10 oa4* SM _ftrognl" venhahestva I opektroakoolla (3truature of Ratter a a:trouavy) Koseow, Ud-vo AS SWR, 1960. 113 V. Drata 110 Insarted., 2.300 copies printed. Mull. V. Aotaxhavp Froressor; Tech. 24.1 2. P. 1palonove. 20"t obligation of artlaxad Is IntarAod for physialsts 404 thaidAta Anterested In ~WtroaaooLo methods or researoh an itholistr4lature of saWillos.sail related problems. Vlw'artlal 4a Sontalned Ift.itkils eallostion'wers ta kes rilft Of.this ZhUrPAI filldhookOr M IX"', ( 36drivad 6r , ChoodstrY) ad an oweemed WI th'all "itpofe"le In ftsuivoh on the st"turs or is the Isataole afroats, frobliisis NAwot4w)wautv o the stri4turo of aqueous so utlefts or t vil"tralg1too.',isvid he, "gaistry at a&*;*% Compounds. Rotor- . ad"a sesames". individual arudles; '?fit aiahor thanks the VaUowln far having tilirtlaUsted -d th olt l t r o i m y o . a e"aampoundol V. 0. Golovi IN. C vikolayev V %:,MAe)wryavyy, Vs. S. 2hur- 3 Zkilldo He thanks 1 . v. A. . arodakly Top hit disausetanor tho mat to. A" gr.," SM !TjbAL A= 1110,o I tA ohorkaoskly Vo o ag V*a v u ,a. Ole rel tables of eunge in. t 36-4aturs, or Po ytool-Alo ritintutol. lyethylene at. X"'OngLoft". ;Ly 'L To zox~ 3- Na Al Wese i M We y Zoo opla,zerolat an th y R p 80;tL ''fhoutl' 1' ' 111M "'SWRMOM- lob .. 2 . U am. I., 4 Sygtem nation NodUbvis, of. in 'jZnstItut khlziU stitkatov (Xnstituto of: Latilly. at: Salost4a)] .Struaturs, or ftio4umans Glue '93 F A"V,-V&WV ig-thank" ror,Uving plotted the Curves ' ~ iti- and top the arystalliz an sn& P. *P*4ummw for a- long. lM6nj y a. V r t*Wjjeoalj&"taj Institute T xarpo - r,Zzabss %-XleatronlWaxagnotto Suselptibility oule Certain the, SIx-Nomber Carbon RLng ;g 5 vi n8 Model th'SWUd at the ft** Xloa :: ~ 96 Woudov rist'sathor thanks 1. V. ftlaahows" and-B. To. ft _' - ' To. W. curly"OTA Aho, ofterlega. WoulAtIons. am Far am, V. "Mow for their SuSpot1ons. a and ~ " 6 (Znstltut obohdh4y I _!& v W . K. kova (Institute.0 " khWL ; reaftia unr Gessral.and lazircafte ChjMj�tfy lMfra L X. S. XUMokOV)j' ti o di b f Alk i C l o n& on Um ors o or r o Tasperature appondene t rYtral-skivi plitokhM hoaldy Lnstltut Im. ; t0chvita .1"StIt'Ite Iment (Ural rol pl.~ nrow,, 3"vqUovsk)). Paris or ~urfaeo Nnsion kTAtLA=t lAtiarY Or C0119"103 o 71 /& cari 6/6 V go-g a ...... K-HID-EKELI M.L., RAZUVAYEVS~ G.A.; 90-Y!RN..y8-l.; SMIRUDITA, L.A.- v i KHRUSHCHp A.F. interaction of 2.4.6-triphenyl-l-phenoxyl vith solvents. Izv. AN MR. Ser. khim. no.8:1530-1532 Ag 164. (MT RA 17:9) 1. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR i Gorlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. U.I. Lobachevskogo. I.K.; TAZIM,.Zh.Sh,; KOROLEV, A.S.; TERS EV9 Boll*, prof.$ doktor; KOVIKOVA, Ye.I., assistent - -------------------- Extraction of gold from rebellious carboniferous ore. Sbor. nauch. (MIRA 15:3) triidi~ Kaz MU noO19:1442 , *60. (Gold ores) lore dressing) NIGMATUILINAO G.A.; SATTAROVAI A.S.; ZHAKHAKOV, Kh.; NIOVIKOVA, Ye.l. stab pod WWMNA with vabAs obWned by Im # - i Cr, M, 044 81, C, P, 3, V, W mW Mo. Orig. W. I ftg=e wW 3 tabbs. AgSOCYCIONg Nme SUBWTTPMt 2864p" ENCL. 01 BUD CODE: IC, UK NO RZI, UOVI "I OTHM. 000 .11- cad t-~ 0 i( x NR .4,T R: --TI s erkovaitskaya, I. A, N.Py*o va', "Lol ~"J~ Arr-perometric determination of P~ (Jenum Ln swels by titration V,* copper '-:C)URCE: Lenin ad, VrAversit-et. MoOdy ko~hl a estVejIn6gO--oprCdSle e7ieMILtnwV WYK (N-f-Ithods for the quar-titative determinLttion of elements. Le-n-ingradTzd-vo lAningr. univ~ , 19,34, 69-71 T IC TACS- molybdenum determination, steel an.-dysis, =perometric titration, copper sL;fate, zinc amalgam 0 rolybde-num. in steel based on developed r determining, r e -Gn W1 MO -1406-65 .kccESSION NR: XT5007816 ~,--ood agroement with values obtained by gravimetric analysis of steels wntaining Ma, cr, NXI, Cu, 6i, C, P, 8, V, W and Mo. Orig. art. has: I figure and 3 tableb. ,'-&9OCJ'A-TION: None SUBBUTL~,D; 288erp" E NC L: 0 1 SUB CODE: IC,MM 2/3 (SUSLIM) (PLAGM) M, 4- 4F ar 0 0 -W _$q 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 It 11 is It ff. is 17 If if X a It a is v a it 4f it AE 45 do 46 a k F 1- --L-- . I . r Q I- (L 4F. veoeet TV'D oVA Ihaj-. #11CVCRT-Ct i CAN" tw dw an I Is do aW V. 1. WOR c lq~ !~Ij aiyg 4.N0, 4, I0___2w0 ) 'X " : =~tcdvg fic W *(e due gt. t%e the iRtetvity v( dark-be brim dev Sea = Me extra of vowdus 4 0-0 he imm_MT k -Opm of the Cemp,ifgifff. 4 scarqw. OW acifity, T* ut i**tcd Writ the Mixed MM *ow*d no dmoe. wt It 141kev tk- part [a atte Abo Indwatts dwat"Wtwe'44 fl"'Avov "U yuw d4gliefolft 14 a" 4 fuwf~rwp 4,1 f1w c"falff" %im 0 6,411 A ;1' JIMI Go lkvdtmpu. 4 (be ftwes cv*dts he an (wfemw in WWIIY so which keds to a oftulmian tA ate popteim Imm I. it was Owtvod tk( ctiodu has a cattlytiv vCwt un the cifia. S 111di"tit"N' of Swraft. Imictow gal gkw%~. Slift Stmrtj MOCT than V Is ret~lutfmkf"I. S. A. Kaigialm it so '00 gee Us* 0 464 its emkwtiorfii **At. I fit. N.I.J4. al 40 It IN, of do 4 All 9 so 62 6 t a K froi it ft u K IL It u a w 4 0 0 a 1111M low -to *f-A At 49 fe fn 64M POM WASS b -go! W, isda" 41. the -9 6k4".-fG#, (km (A IWAAW is(he WNW 4 will, -90 t owd tbo kti. . Ok M- :!VLft.G t. 400 .1 Pik. MA 40"b" 4 Kawk 40* = 0 -0.40 womma bw pampa" (a a ~ pwk mat dmM thecefi- rot be docrj @A -W .400 thm 34 amotho, A. Pophk-gu-Cwtuct so* too U at'! vull-qAt -nt ~fu. W, CJ f- i MOVIKOVA. 74.10 Avadnation, of some, Industrial fish ad whales as to contest of vltwdna I-hJ6-.WA'B2- Rybaoys Khos. 28. 16.11, 57-0 052. WaA 5:n) (CA 47 zo~,16:8320 153) PXBXPZL"MIK~ RoRop kandetakhawnauk; OVIOTA To I., miadshiy nauchnyy storage of frozen fish glazed with added antioxidants. Tm4y TMO 3504152-458 158s (mmA i1m) 1.'Labdratorlym noway takhnolocil Vassoyasnago nauchno-Iseledovatell- skago Instituts imarskago rybuop khospiyetva I oksmograf It* (71sh. Prosen) (Antioxidants) PZZMWCA, JHI,.R4,kwW.t~kbn.nauk; DATEMAp ru.5,j, kand.tok-h nm*i m t 7r nomcbm A Z6 xotmdnik. Pblytm"turated 'Me., -.of cod-liver oll. -nuly -MIRO 45:80-88 162. (IUPA 16:5) (Cad-UVW Oil) (Acids fatty) USSRAIetals Testing Sep 50 "Apparatus for Determination of the Electrical Pesistrince of Alloys at High 'Amper-atLTespo ',Re M. Rozenblunp Yee L Novikovat Con S.ei Res, Inst of Ferrous Metallurfnr "Zavod Iab" Vol XVI., ITo 9, pp 1135 Device consists of tube electric furnace and precisiondouble Thomson bridge. Heating nducted in atmosphere of neutral gasir of N. A Pt vs Pt-Rh thermocouple is used. IS CO Apparatus.satisfies. all conditions required. PA 169T62 GULYAYEV, A.P.;-NOVIKOVA, Ye.K. -, Determining a tendency for grain grovth in atructval ste-els. Zav. lab. 30 no..10:12P-9-1230 064. (MIRA l8s4) 1. TSentrallpyy rmuchno-issledovatellskiy institatt chernoy metallurgii imeni Bardina. S/l2q/63/ooo/oo2/oo6/oi4F 3193/3383 ~,,-.''AUTHORS:-~ Borok, Golubeva, L.S., Shchagoleva, R*P.- and Ruch*yova, N.A. TITLZ:~ Dilatometric studies of binary titanium-bass alloys PERIODICAL: Metallovedeniye itermicheakaya obrabotka Metallov, no. 2, 1963. 32 - 36~ oc z Dilatometric curves were constructed in the 20 - 900 range for the.binary Ti-Fe, Ti-Cri, Ti;--Co, Ti-1-2o, Ti-V, Ti-Xb and -Ta alloys .containing 2-104,al.of the alloying elements, the consii-I T i, -ray i of these alloys was determined by metallographic and X diffraction analysix.and the hardness of the alloys after various heat-treatments-was measured. Experimental test pieces were prepared by powder metallurgy. No deflection points were observed -on: the dUatometric as in the case of specimens annealed by curv 800 or 900 OC with'slow-cooling; the slope of the curves, -,,Indicating that the coofficionts of U was constant -the.alloys,s tudLid a expansion:-of L, .the annealed condition werc constisat'4 ',The',,hardness.: of tha annealed alloys was either equol I to -:6- hIgh&k.:than'that of ~tha,apecimens quenched 'from the A-renge, Ca,rd,IA- 129/63/000/002/006/014 studies ... F-1 9 &-elements content an the havdnass the effect Or~the alloyl~ 1. The dilato- (HRC) or the quenched alloys being shown in Fig. metric curves or alloys with a sufficiently high content or elements-stabilizing the P-phase (Fe, Cr, Co) had deflection pointsi in the temperature rangeof the w-transrarmatlon. The alloy with the critical (4,10-concentration.of Fe had in the quenched condition! a two-phase w) structure and high (RC 51.9 hardness. The ._-'~-dilatometric -curve of this alloy showed no contraction associated with the . formation of the w-phase and the wcpansion due to a reversible. (P j u);;~ (P * ct). transformation started at 420 and c eas ed. at ~ 490- 'wC. -In the case of the quenched alloy with 65' Fe, consisting orthe. P-and partially precipitated w-phases (hardness 44 *- 5)9 th -a w-phase was precipitated completely on heating, as a i ;,result of whichtho hardness of the alloy Increased to RC 53; the .1-dilatom*tric. curve showed a contlaction associated with the 0,)'w ..,transformation in the. 170 -400 - C range and an wcpansion in the 4751 -300 _C::interval, 4h*re.tho (P + (a) 4 (P +; a) transformation took, plac*-o' The hardness of quenched alloys with 8%, Fe. consisting]' a stabilixod:P-pha -,increased on heating from 41-5 - 530 of, th so, contr on the dilatometric curv 1he action and 0 of Atar" 4 S/l29/63/ooo/oo2/oo6/oi4' :~DllatometrLc studies .... S193/Z383* itatlon of the w-phase. this alloyindicated only a partial preelp I arerrects-wero observed in the Ti-Cr alloys in which, however Sifi;L]L i'thb volumetriLa changes were less pronounced;. the critical to content was about in the case of the Ti-Co alloys. X-ray diffraction analysis showed that quenched specimens of the.4,,L, Co-Ti: all6y ha I _'_ ,_:. ~d a two+1phase structure (0- and partially precLpitated (0-Phase)-t; the ~rectpitatLon of the u-phaso in this alloy on 1~1-'heatinz. Undica ed by an Incronse,in hardneaa frow 48 - 50 RC) wax9i for some unknown reason, not reflected by doflection points on the I dilatometric Gu~ve. In the case of the Ti-Mo alloys the volumetric alloy only, indicating that the cCf ect was observid in the 100,." Ho 0 -transformation did not take place in alloys containing 2 - 8 Mo. nt latometric curves for the i: No defLaction poi a were observed on 4i -V$- TI-M and TL-Ta alloys. This was attributed to the fact that I Ti _-1-the a-phase In these alloys could be Corused only. at a high concon- tration ok: the Alloying elements (12 Nb nd :26 400% TO.,:- There are 3 figures and I table.. ard 5/4 S/10.9/65/000/002/006/014 Card, 4/~: ~7~)270-65 (w)/WF(t) jr, 7,77 j-1'F'i/JDJ'HW~ !jR/2776/65/300/039/0016/0023 ~,,~cmss.icw NR-. A15016055 k r.~ulyayev, A. P.; Novikova, Ye. of h:gh allay struc- Effect of rar-e eazth metals and boron on 1he properti~?s t4raj. ~stge~j4 Z/ Moscow. Tsentrallnig nauchm-N610dovatellakly inst.1tut chernoy metallurg' -Y n pavy ir wteels and ~T- trudov, ~o. In a 1, ny S 1.6-23 'A" S-: alloy sleel, metal -nEc~-,ani -31 -~r,,mpe. apli` examination heat tr--atmvm~,[ M an, I WoT~-- -~I '-T -- '11hree steels, 2-ianical properties, lall e I I ~ - I.*-"-- , .1; me'~allO- '--~X-.Pared on the basis Itemperatures. ,h(! otber two (1,90%). Mnanat "Pq rQj' lie i~;- .Card 112 AC,--r--c'S"rON HR: AT5,016055 ,e~; for austenitizing temperatu.-,er, ~,anginp fr,,-#!-. 05D-21 200ni- were ddv~-ermined by two s--Pa-al-p techniques and were talbuiat for all of the ste-els. ' No di'ference in ris tic mechanical prove rt -ies%'r grain-growth. tendenc hs was observed betweei "k,*hNVii and 'SKhGNM steels. Thf-se same steels, at temperingifem ratures of 2000C, almost identical thresholds- of cold brittleness, whille aft tempering at 550 00 ENC' : 00 SU13 CODE: KH 110 REF GOV: 002 OTHER, 000 I., - .Card 2 2 1. No. 4, RALMIRL, T.A. - NOVIXOTA, U.K. Dateraination of combined butrric and acetic acids In cella2ase aestobutyrate with a small batyric acid content. Plast. wasy no.12: 53-54 '60- (NMA 13:12) Ntyric acid) (Acetic acid) (Cellulose acetate) Using radar for observing drift ice In the White Sea Strait. O.keanoldgiia 3 no-4i730-739 C63. (KMA 16.- 1-1) 1. Arkhangellskqya gidrometeprologicheslaya observatoriya. VALERIANOVA, M*A.; MOVIKOVA, Ye.M. Variability of lWdrologic conditions in the southern part of the Norwegian Sea. Trudy Len. eldromet. inst. no.17t 3-10 164o (MIRA 1816) ~---j(ffjjODV,k*, , - -TtA WitridIng titanium alloys In pure nitrogen. Titan I ego splavy n6.3:35-40 160. (Kim 13:7) (Titanium alloys) (Case hardening) Worm by as odmadw wAdod. F L. X. PeticivAL. Ziusm Pri". Xhim, I,( OW, t-%i11W f-MMAIIM Age diWU-Wtl itt 90-411-M f- fftj~ U494j&ftl; LCIM" 'Ailk A 11(441itt! ClIs Xt4-99)k A~NVUI It$ CO 490 4-VNUMVIC41 iftO.AtIlly Aj.C4%f(j&fC%tAj*. uhtte IbA~ wills 410 1641C itICCI&I'le. MIC" "191% mAy intedeft by formaim at kpicovamic ocid-o, The gwo. .c,fuf" age: to &d t"iffiOW& 4 ficlow AM W t1d. (ON 110%li,.110 &W iflICIM6,401Y fiffACC the IfCl wills 0,51 X "Alift its the tocrtemm 4 bgtgmvtwt" f4lur. fork"reActive Lctum%. alleg, AMrs. cof The gragmt. *AM t4v mg. 0 S N K01 I. f(raf 10-441 fou". Mule wilts OAX MR16. &($d SH(for &K A luth, 11. 111. K4MlfAl-td 7 NOVIM, Ye. N. NOVIKOVA, Ye. "Quantitative Determination of Carbonyl Compounds by Heans of Wme Formation." Sub 21 Apr 52, All-Union Sci Reis Inst of Synthetic-and iiatural Essential Oils. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Chemical Sciences). SO: VechernMI-14oskva January-December 1952 content of go" and an deco.". L. M. Fd -W, N. Navik&a. ff. A. ShmadayslAys, OW A. P. W . -25-7 tmethods am deaft9mcf.. ~L iMuLm the -exta. d the airarmatic principle %ft CHCI* Wd the fcm-d of the solvent. as. an azeatic* mixt. with KOW. Ift methvd can be umd f4w the anatislo of 2H'VafmW4=Wi, liquids. lothe2ndznethadtheMIESMSORMEeMOgd dhmtly as an ateotropic mixt. with CcHm. R can be MW only for the analysis of liquids contf- Jew thm 10% Of H20. Wadituir N. rjukanky 'OT/.cr - C/'/ IYO v.1-71 ~~ . &-~. PZTROFA. L.9.; DDIrIKOVA. U.N.; LnDIKOVA. A.P. mmmmmm~ Qumt,ltatlvo datermInation e linalool. Truo VIIISIDY no.2:71-74 054. (MY-14 A lo: 7) (Linalool) MOVIKOVA. TeX.; LF.VDIKOVA. A.P. DetermIning sugenal In distillation waters. TrWJV BILISNOT n0.2:151-1.52 154. (,4mA 10:7) MIG-enol) P37WA. L.K.; Lld~Ag TOOK* qmantitatlyw dots'ruination of ketouss by mans of oximation. Zhw. Wkl.khlA. 29~ U01.5483,488 W 156. (MU 9:8) L V6620YUSIVY nawhao-lemledowatel'skly institut slatotIcheskI& I'zatmmllgykh dushistM vembehostv. (OXIMS) .7 A". AXSL L41 .-11e methGd is b=d l hy* d4 "al., 7dion of Ok. by udug t -b Mwelyw. h - v ='V- ei ' z =Tli v w e f i s en and . Iivt of j3d T JL WhrPk rtduxed tot S win, In the preseact of the caWyol. Aft" Cooling, tht WOC7ated HjO is titrated wftb the FL~hff MR- Sent. A control &t4. it run on the sotvtnt ard r-geut- On a vnte= the Mf.*tLtre Matete of the ak.. ~3 - Q k f l l am - s. u or tert dew. M suitab4c ary a Preg -cadily dehydrutias primary and secandax-f ata the 14 a M LgixPML! m ! L~:- ~Z Dettrrndaot~;ra c4 ac~j~' R. .~4. Nuvd.-Ova wd !j Ai, - -P, "m=mz 14M, : .01. .-M -T-T-.T'MVY'!q3! -if hytirtilyriny Acli' i,, a kzwqr- Y.- of ii u 2) Mvt* ajauag We ex- cuas 1 LIO iii"~ 7zld~ bl-ke (p~,Vd iraW mm.VF4,111, PITROVA. L.M.; MOTMOVA. TeX Qnantitative determination of ketones by the o3dantion method. Trudy VNIISEW no.4:76-78 158. WM 12:5) (Ketones) (Oxines) PETROVA. L.M.; MMOVA, Te.11. by the oxlmtion method. Trudy MISMY no.4:78-ft #58. (JCERA 12:5) (Aldebydes) (OXIMS) BUGO-rdrOVA, A.A.; MROVA, A.R.,'. MITZKOVA. Te.M. I Detection of chlorine traces In bjn&yl and phet7lethyl alcobols. Trudy VIIIISMOV no-4:154-156 '58. (KM 12--5) Oblorine-Analysis) (Alcohols) PVROVA, L.N.; HDVIKOVA, Te.N. 1 I- PolarographIc methods of analysis for controlling the pro- cessing of coriander oil. Trudy MISUDY no.4:189494 '58. (MIRA 12:5) ' (Citral) (Polarograpby) (Issences and essential oils) NDLDOTANSKAYA, SKVORTSOVA, U.I.; ZOBOT, re.M. UttlIzation of the polarogmphic methad for the anslysis of orris oil. Trudy MISST no.4:194-197' 158. (MIRA 12:5) (Resences and essential oils-Amlysts) (PolarqCrapby) ROVIK.OVA, U.S.; Detardning alcohol and water content In perTww azd countic liqtd4s and In'iood asisenceso Yaal.-xhir.pron. 24 no.11:20- 22 ~58. (Km 12'. 0 is Vaesoyunyy muchno-Issledovatel'skly Institut stntet1cheskildi I natural'u.1M dushistykh vashchesty, .01swences and essential oils--Amlysis) (Xthyl alcohol) (Water) 5.0) 307/75-14-3-16/2" AUTHORS: Petrov& Lol.j jovikova, Yee N.p Uvortsoval A. Bo T 1TLZ; Detirmination of Carbony; Compounds by the Reaction With . - Amines (Opredeleniye karborLilfnykh soyedinenty reaktaiyey s aminami) PUIODICAL.- Zhurnal analiticheskoy khImIij 1959P Vol 14, Nr 3t PP 347-351 (U ISSR) ABSTRACT: ~The determination of aldehydes was carried out by addition of a solution of o-toluidine or aniiine.-in benzene and titration of the water formed in consequence of'the reaction with th* reagent of , K*Fisober.(Ref 7)- ~n aromatic'alda- hyden.which,react quickly and quantitatively with o-toluidine the titrationda~h be- performed directly in the reaction solution* Some-aliphatic aldehydes react but slowly with :aminetv~ In this cass.-the *star formedis distilled~-off with benzene ind'ddtermlned~in the distillate with the re- agent of K., Fischir., This, regigent is also used for the titration of water . which mak.'have been.present In the aldshyde already bef6reo There axe 5 tables and 8 roferonoes# Card 1/2- 3'.of'vhich sire Soviet. SOT/75-14-3-16/29 Determination of Carbonyl Coa.pounds by the Reaction With Amines ASSOCIATION: Vgieaoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovateltakiy institut sinteticheskikh naturalfnykh'dushis-tvkhvashchostvtKoskva (All-U,nidn Scientific Research Instituteof Natural and Synthetic Perfumes.1 Moscow) SUBMITTED.: January 11, 1958 PVMVA, Lff., kand.khim.nauk; ROVIKOVA, U.N. Now notbods for determining the alcohol content in the essential oils of geranium, rose, and citronalla, Mal.-zbir. prom. 25 no.8:21-23 159. (XIIIA 12:12) 1. Vaes"usnyy nauchno-Issledowatellakly- Inatitut aintati- cheskIkh I naturallt7kh dushistykh vashchostv. (Issences and essential oils) (Alcohols') NOVIKOVAS YO.S. laramphle detornlmtlon of slzw In powder. TruV MISXDV U64-5ts)-u 1619 (KIRA IMIO) SKMRTSOVA, I.B.; FETROVAj L.N.; Qwntltativi determination of aldslWdes. In the presence of acetals. Zhur.snal,khlu. 17 no.7t"6-897 0 162. (KBRA 15~23) 1. All-Union Scientific-Ilesearch Institute of Synthetic and j Iktural. Terfumes, Xweave (Aldehydes) (Acetals) SOVIK07A, YO.M.; SKVORTSOVA,~A.B. -Contro-l of the synthesiis.of ionone-preparations and the astimtion of.their qua4ty. -Trudy VifflggDV,98-103 963. (WRA 17:4) MYFIT9, L.A.; SHULOVO L-M.; MLDAVANSKAYA, G.I.; SKVORTSOIIA, A.B.; NOVIKOVA, U.N. -, - z - - -,; Oximation of torpenacyclehexanones. Trudy UIISNDV no.6:M-116 163. (MIRA 17:4) PsUwA..-L.x.j''sKvQM07A" A'B'; NOVIEDVAP roswe 116teralustlan of aldshydedr- In, tft-progl4mao of Intolus zhur. it no*ls331-136 ;s; 1631-6-1 (M4 16M 2, A224hion Solentifto-Res"rob Llatitate af Synthetic and atural Parfmom, *Waiow.- (Almetw6s) (gotones) (Aniline) CHSTYAKOV, Vladimir tfikhaylavich; NI)YIKAV-A- XBO&S kand. kh1m. nauk, dots,p nauabno red*,- NIKITINA, H., red. Unhibitors of metal corrosionl Zamedliteli korrozit metallov; ingibitoryo Minskp Nauka. i tekhnika:', 1965. 60 p. (MIRA 19:1) Namov-A ye,N,; GMVICHO Sol.; NIKITINA, L*P,. Using the nitrIded VT14 alloy for gear Vneels. YDtailloved. I te7moobrometo noolOtl9-22 0 165* (mart", -j8:11) a f it iv to I. a - 14 is, it -V w - to p it. a a m is x IT 11, m , a if u aICU it v*NA; 4f u it a is r 00 "*~tj ~tt row" Goemm. AOkfw*k* Kum, - -114-milim)v cf Ci A w4w . . SA4 cog*dc w(MI a*4r%d. W- Cf ' (44 1*14wil, =14 walec a, m* "'knivaccd clay wAvemaim qf 0.23,41's am. WM st 1i . No Atrkt l DO gdm*m butwom 44OXPOW ad c4fairic coke W114 oil. Wmac Ckys bavft a h4ts Of"Pum Tam am vrgy w"kQ"Ir*q,,Uk*tbwr CA WOMM 4d"pdw Iuv saw ' A, F k c act dW oval NO. t"w. secskin"im. 0 too iseo 80.0 us" 4- it a IgA a 0 I I Ll VA I 62 a I JIM at OGG t f t 'r f it it u u m is if: f[ it u a if. 0 9 It Ar a bt* kv Kowa 0 WdtKaz r-AL p A - - -L-Akll it I . A . 4~. c r - C-L Ako i#4~4 -16-9 --f, 10 a" dwir as ad. r4owmia ow fly. @m p(Alir stm "d 04 am Vilk*t" 4"wq (it cfav. w4IIf awd. see tat 9 60"Miocow of Ake. (Me. Et. ieco-rc. ISO-so, '-Am aLm) "d 2 wor-d filwam of Their aw. Pak-i- am refimtim's. For the 001%vat. Of diermt ck-.. H^ MftCo IKIo C,11., CjjCf,. Cai, kmwm, coo Abqgr n*t 6"" ;v; "W- The adoom6m and the rvtoR advoibmis wed 11W tchjjw,j. sm"i" cap"ke we the ratartic wliv. roo ir-W vapm Go the N*mtu 'wd the wx PET WIft wim 4 admcbeut 1. wsftmt. (Or obe d. of ti"m AM: clay. 0.17 cfay. 0,17 0 in; ca oxr day. 0-10 MR: ow an aniaw 0 M OAS. Ralhow"a Use Aso-sta SCULLMIC&L LSTENAtM CWINKATIC41 5114114"t, 0 0.0 wig 0-0 0 al 0 w0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0_0 Alo;o:o 0~0-0_0 o.g 0 0 0 0:0.0 0 Al I-vw lost *IV 11 tsM u 0-99 0". . IN, 44 0-0 40 0 Los NOVIKOVA-1 - re. N. rwooje"~If.,..and MMOVA, re. 9. "The collodial chemical properties of koksagyz rubb or with respect to the structure aiid the matho do of cultivating the rubber pland*,, Izvostiya akad.1 nauk BSSR, 1948 go. 6, 95-109 SO: ~U-3261, 10 April 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 11 1949) , 4, if 1;'OVYXCVA le. 1. Ye---molenko, 1~'. F. and Novikova, Ye. N. tDeen..ujsj-fjc-F-tioji of oil Ln the -3,agunuslan deDosit", Uchen. zapisk-,L (Belorus. gc~-- Wn-t), issue 9, !N-11-, !~. So: U-3261, 10 April 53, (Letopis tZhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 121, 10/49). MOTTKOTA, To.L. kandrdat khimichwjO*:n&r*.1 Catalytic-action of Iron sidts d4lag oxidation of rubber by atma'spheric - oxygen. Tastor Ali Uk. no.5:lz4.wj32L J;--O j52. (Rubber) (Iron salts) (04iiiian) WaA 7:8) AAc)l,CTXILfl., -Ars.2. 10.4, No. 5, Itf-34; ~J' IS.Vi, 50, 1424U, Natunil mbtwr w" "1k wo-m evaporatw w form rubber lilms, llfan tilt 0yupon4wn ch. IoUa~inq antioxid4ats ware, addod w tho rubber whitAom: Oic tooton"mmwt, ~.Iid friti-tiw, oi the acetam extratt, OL-nmpht4..vLm:no. ~-asphthy!- amizie. and Byrj!~.&qurmgth(jc:hangoa by Ing 20 2,uaphthcd (XV), rhe dlarrxitax,~ the-rurim compt! : l - Th i Ir al . e tale, e ln alone and I .05%- P - ts Wl t The resul lux. oxidation time rangvl from 3 to In ate. or dioxane . that the character una position of the aiihWtutjon groups revults were dr4d. MR.. Mr~N, Me, OMc, and COX) of an "OnuttIr antiou- of the corrtspond- dant affect the antioxtilativt prapu-tlft of the aminva. Far, nts were studied: the relative Viscosity of the rabber so4j. oxWLaed e-tample ophenyftetbane, , in the pit5cnm of 11 i,, much tower than that oxidizzii in the' ft1tamine ~LiTF~ t ists rv a VV -,jue relation P_x bet,*"n ud V!!SeeFc of I; the r3; AjT- Page 410A. DZ. fm. In R-e f. zr'. 1), (P e S~. CI 'A C~ s4t V 30it-In"a rho P~-mxa pmr, --sr used ar I-vsr rr, R_ql-k; anci Wntainz uv Lo, ~jz may ble o,-3dIn6dl atrzar-beric sx* NOVM-VA, ?,. N. ruli ill the proltill't :If ivhbito"" k,;4 A .. ..... . ..... ... . rl . ~O~ui JA I 5t 4 d amijne3 On L latiml c 'xpd. eA#K are pn-sent- Liwln , W", timm olkhttion at .130'. 'nl~~ ila-w bldlcalr the lc"47-ing yi yl- Ing arler of anAin- inhibitim: p-h3rdfl)-typhell -O-napbillt if !-.rfl NOVIKOVA, To. Sorption of Inhibitors from solutlons* SboronaucheraMmAtekb1n. AN BOSR no.5:223-232 156. Wu 10: 5 (Styrene) (Rubber, Synthetic) (Sorption) was Aud tilan 0 ?Ac2jBspWi Zkw- 11 Ir 0,05Y SW Ehe A Fya- MOVIXOTA, Ys.N. =MWWmw-W-wvl-l, Inhibited oxidation of o4-pineue. Xkw.ob.khlu. Z6 no.4:1097-1102 Ap .156. (MLIA 9:8) 1. Inatitut khlmdl Akedemli nauk Belorumakoy SSR. (Oxidation) (pinens) TOKOLZIMD, X.Fe; KOVIKOVA. Te.K. Vs-e~sf&~tlon of natural hydrocarbons by se2ective vatting of hydrophilic bodies. BGV no.29:189-116 156 (IftPA 1141) (Pistroleme-Refining) (Dehydration (Chemistry)) NOTIKOTA. Te.9,; YMMCLENKO. NAP, Oxidation of rubber In films in the presence of inhibitors and initiators., BGU no.29:197-209 156. (KIn 11:11) (%bber) Oxidation) HOVIKOVA, Ye. N. and N. F. YERMOUNKO "The Relationship of Sorption and Deterioration Prevention by Inhibitors in the Oxidation of Rubber" P. 133 Sbornik nauchnykh rabot, vyp'- 6, (Collection of Scientific Works of the Institute of Chemistry, Belorussian SSRO Academy of Sciences, No. 6) Minsk, Izd-vo AN Belorusskoy SSHO 1958, 271 Pp. Sorption.of the hydroperoxIde of alpha-pinene b7 silica Col. DokLAN 3M 2 no.10:416-418, 9 '58. (Ru 12: 8) 1. Predstavleno akademikon AN BSSR H.P.Termolanka. (Pinene) (Silica) AUTHOR: Novi kova, Ye. N. SOY/79-28-7-61/64 TITLE: he Influence of the Substituents in the Molecules of the Inhibitors on.Their Protective Properties in the Self-Oxidation of a-Pinene (Viiyaniye zamestileley v molekulakh ing-ibitorov na ikh zashchitnyye svoystva pri avtookislenii a-pinena) PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: ,Card 1/3 Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1958, Val 28, Hr 7, pp 1993 - 1997 (USSR) The aim of the present paper was to investigate the selfoxidation process of a-pinene in the presence of an initiator and of counter-oxidizing agents with respect to the different chemical nature and structure of their molecules. It is known (Ref 1) ,that a-pinene as an unsaturated compound can be easily subjected to~self-oxidation which, is accelerated by oxides and by metal salts (Ref 3). The good oxidizability of a-pinene is further connected with the fact that phenols contained in turpentine are separated from it in the purification process and in fractional diatillationg on which occasion the a-pinene looses its natural counteroxidizing agents. For this reason such agents The Influence of the Substituents in the Uolecules of SOY/79-28-7-61/64 the Inhibitors on Their Protective Properties in the Self-Oxidation of a-Pinene must be added to it which slow down its selfoxidation. It may be expected that the stabilization of a-pinene with inhibitors, :as in the case with crack-gasoline, -is more useful from the ~economic point of view than its purification by repeated distillation. The hydroperoxides (Refs 4t5) occur as primary products of selfoxidation of the a-pinene, which initiate its further oxidation process. The discontinuation of this chain reaction of self-oxidation can be realized by the reaction of the antioxidizing agents with the radicals of the hydrocarbon to be oxidized, or by oxygen (Ref 6). The disturbing effect of these agents depends on the chemical nature and structure of their molecules. Therefore it was of importance for the com- parative estimation of the activity of the inhibitors and for the explanation of the mechanism of their effect to trace the enrichment of the peroxide compounds taking place in a-pinene. There are 6 figures and 10 references, 7 of which are Soviet. Card 213, Vic Influence of the Substituents in the Uolecules of SOY/79-28-7-61/64 the, Ifthibitors'an-TheIr Protective Properties in the Self-Oxidation of a-Finene ASSC61ATIOII: Insti'tnt. khimii Akademii nauk Belorusakdy SSR (Institute of Chemistry AS3362mWalsh an) SUBMITTED:- may 6, 1958 I.. Terpenes-ftidation 2. Terpenes-Fractionation :3. Oxidation inhibitora-Molecular structure 4. Terpenes-Molecular structure 5. Phenols-Separation Card 3/3 YMMUZO, N.F.; NOVIKOVA, Ye.g. Structure and preventive action of oxidation Inhibitors for rubber and otber no.42s65-93 1 58, 1 (MIRA 1211) (Antioxidants) (Hydrocarbons) NOVIEDU,, Nevilwa, N.H.] Iffect of Inhibitors on the oxidation of rubber In d-pinons. Vestal " BSSR. Bar. fix,-twkh. nav. no.2#41-46 1.59. (MM 22:6) .(Rubbor) (Plnens), (Oxidation) NOTIXOTA. U.N. Effaylkava, 3.1.1 --~- ... Affect of Inhibitors on the photo-oxidation of rubber and at-ldnene. Vestal AN SOSR. Bar. fise-tekbe navo n*93:50-55 159* NMA 130) Oxidation) (Rubber) (Pluene) ROVINDVA. U.N. Sorption of perazIde compounds by clays aud oxides. DoUl. AN BSSR 3 no.10:405-407 0 159. (MM 13:2) 1. Predstavlano akadealkou AN BSSR NeVeTermAsukoe (Finene) (CUO (Sorption)