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ADTMTAv X.Z. Z-rar therapy In hosolytlc ost~*&rthromis; prelladuarT courml- cation. Froblgemat.1 perel.kravi 4 no.m-3i-34 D 159. (NnA 13 s4) 1. Is ?Sentrallnogo ordena Letdna instituta gavatologil I perell- vanfla trovi (dIraktor - dayiWitellayy ohlen, AM SSSEt prof. A.A, Bagdasarov) Ninisterstva sdravookhransulya, SSSR. (HWPHILIA COMP11) (JOMS din.) SOBOLEU, S.S.; NOVIKOVA. ~ Z*Z-.. (Mosk7a) Hnmrnaphrom almulating arytirania. Klin.aed. 38 no.3tl3l-231+ Kr'60e (KM IL6t7) 1. Tz T.Sentralinogo ordena Lanina institata gmatologii i pere- liva.niya krovi Hinisterstva zdranokhrananilr SM (dir.-deystri- tellnyy chlen AM SM prof* A.AeEktgdamwov . (ERYTMUKU) (KIMEM-4ANCER) KR&JEVSKIT, 11. A.; IMMKOVA, N. M., doktar mad. nauk; KHOKHLOVA, It. P., kand. med. muk; 110MOVAP So Z99 kand. med. nauk Moskva Interrelation of 066SOUS-azid'heratopoistic tissues in some diseases Pat uo-6:1-10 161. of the blood systemoAckh (MIRA 14:12) 1. rz Wentrklfnogo ordena-Lienina Instituta gematologii.1 perelivaniya )=vi (dir. - days"T' '*hlen AMI SSSR prof. A. A. Bagdanarov) 7.. Dayistvitaltm" chletl=SR (forrI[M"vokly). (BONE) (MUTOPOIETIC SYST24-DISMES) IIGVIKGVA, (Moskvar ul.Stopazi, d.8, kv.15) Hole'Of X-ray inwastigations in the- differen#al diagnosis of splanom9aly-of various,crigins. Vest. rent. i rad. 36,no.4: 31-39-.Tl-Ag 161. 15:2) 1. Is TSintiallnogo ordena Lenina instituta gematologii i perelivanlya lalil7i (dir. -- deyetvitel Inyy chlen ANN SS Lft Prof. A.A. Bagdasarov). (DIAGNGSIS, DIFLOEWTIAL) (SPLw'N-:.WEfGWpHy IUID DAIAVAT (I RAYS) .NGVIXDVAt, L "itle coolficano in hmophnia,, ghlrurgiia 37 no-3,00-92 1* 1619 (KM 143) Is routganov*ogo otdelftiP (sty- I- B- WMdOh) Mntr4a lao Cade= Lnlm.i=tituta gmatologii i perelivanlya krovi (Cigi;o de"twitalliVy eblen AM SWR prof, A.A. Bagdanaray) Win,iAteretva sdravockhran!mi7a SOL (MEOPMUA) lomxo7lg - - -------- T#Zianu of ontoom"107UP2"la (00tomyslonalemols)o ftobl. lll~tol perel.krow U0.2121-V 062. (MIRA 15:1) 2.1illwatologichookoy k3JmJkJ (save -prof* K~Se MlItain) otdolmiya ~ (sav. - ddctor medozmk I,Be awrevich) L:mawlopamtmiaheokogo otA*Ieuiya (Sav. - profs Nome FAMMOVU) llijAril!nogo ordma TAmim inatituta gematologii i perelivani7a krayl (dir. - dotisent A.Ye. Melev) -Nlnisterstva sdravockbranemi7a (INCOPOIA) (OSTKHMMITIB) 3 i i NOVIK07A._Z.Z 0 kand. med. nauk; GARIM, N.D., doktor mod. nauk X-ray therapy of. bamophi.Uc ostooarthroses. Nbirurgila 39 no. 5:87-92 14Y 163. (Hrn 17: 1) 1. Is rentgonovskogo otdeleniya. (zav. - doktor mod. nauk i.B. Gurevich) i khirurgichoskoy kliniki (sav, - prof. DAL Gro7.dov) 'iSentrallnogo ordena Lenina, instituta gemato- logii i perelivaniya. krovi Ministerstva zdravookhranwdya NOVIKOVA, F g-judre7AmuU-_VOLKOV, K*la.p red.; DEKMIYEvp V.A., red. izd- v&; KURMHOTAp V.A.g fAkbot rode (Flum~ial,groups of Abs USS.A. md methods of their 4f=lmtlml Flwnsorvyo gruppy MA I matody- lkh goqmdefta. Hookwav (lose Ind- vo FWyeahalat awolat" 1961. In pe (MIRA 1-4:8) (United Statoo-Big bualwas) KUTSOVOLt H.S.; SIDOROV, K.V.; UOVIKOVA, F.S.. inzh. Fiftieth anniversary of the "Moskabel" factory. Vest. elektroprom. 33 n0-3:4-9 Mr .'62. 150) 1. Direktor zavoda "Moskabel'" (for Kutsovol). 2. Glavnyy inzh. zavoda "Moskabell" (for Sidorov). (Electric equipment industry) NABIYEV, M.N., akademik; IHRAGIKOVAj U.I.; ILIYASOVp A.I.; RUBO# V.M.1 NOVIKOVA F.V.: GLAGOWI, Ye.D.; GLAGOLEVA, A.F.; EYDELIMAN, A.S., [Liquid mixed fertilizers produced by treating phosphates with nitric acid] Zhidkie slozhnye duobreniia na oanove azotnokislotnoi pererabotki fosfatov. Tashkent, lzd-vo 114aukall UzSSR 1965. 402 p. (Wh 18: 8) 1. AN UzbekSSR (for Nabiyev). 2. Institut khimii AN UzbekSSR (for Ibragimova). 3. Chirchiskly elektrokhimicheskiy kombinat (for Illyasov. 14OVIKOVA G. Cand Phys-i4ath Sci, (dies) "A lpha-disintegration of certain uneven nuclei. Most 1958* 10 pp (Acad Sci USSR) (KL, 16- 58, 116) MVIKOVA j Git~ I ym=t; DEIIISOV p B*M , yunnat Lt a pond, M. nat. no.21:28 N 1619 (MML 14: U) 1. oradnevskaya shkolav ftitmWdy raymp Hookoviftya oblAAt- (Ducks) 11 KOVIKOVAj G.A.; PZT~IOVAt E.A.; USHAKOVAt V,I.; FZOF1L0VAj Ye.P, I Formation of diacetyl and acetoin by lactic acid streptocacci. Trudy Iiist. mikrobial. no. 6:87-92 159. (KIRA 13:10"" 1, Kafedra.xikrcb1d1mAi Moskovakago gosWar5tv6Affft6 IUniversiteta. (BUTUIONE) ji~iifiWIONZ) (LACTIC ACIV BACTMIA) KONDRATIYEVA, Ye.U.; NOVIKOVA,.:.G.A.; KUZIIETSM, V.HS Antimicrobial properties of carbamide resin and its use of scme micro-organisms. flauch. dokl. vys. shkoly; biol. nauki no. 2; 166-170 164. . (MIFA.17:5) 1. Rekomendovana kafedroy mikrobiologii Moskovskogo gosudarstven- nogo universiteta imo M*V*LcmonosovtL* SHAPOSHNIKOVAO VON*; !~ ~A,~j ISAYEVAj V.S. f, Development of Proteus vulgaris on apthetic media. Vest. Musk. un, Ser. 6t Biol., pochv, 20 no.6:29-32 N-D 165. (KERA 19:1) le Kafedra. mikrobiologii Moskovskogo g*sudaretvannogo Universitsta. Submitted December 17,, 1964. age & 8 P 9 Ali A Are ROVIKOVA, G.G& mediun with condensation water fron rosolic ac-ld medium in differentiatirk-, between B. coli co=!%une and B.coli aerogeneso Labodelo 4 no.5:39-40 S-0 158 (MIRA 11:11) is Is Gorodskoy sanitar,n(~-opidemio.logteheakoy stantaft g. Dragobrah. (AUGBACM AMOGXW) (ZSMMICHrA COLI) (BAamrown-CUMM AND OWUREP MBDIA) SUP"OVA N.V. "�G-V-IKWA Increasing- the sedimentatiom stability of enamel paints containing barim and iron oxide reds by weans of the -addition of surface- active agents. Lakokras, mat., i M prim* no,4t2O.28 163. (KM 16-.10) BLTWMG~ ITAROVA, T.G.; NOTATSKLYA, T.A,;._50VIKGTLt_GG,, Study of the processing of cinematographic films by jets. ftur. 7=1 5 no.4:473474 160. (KMA 13:12) Taningradakly institut kinoinshenerov. (Notion-picture photography--Films) BURDIN, Viktor FedoroTich; EUJDAKOV, Viktor Uaillyerich; KQZMVA, LYUSTIEUG, V.F., inahj Ved. red.; SOSMOVSKIY, A.A., insh., red.; SOROKINA,, T.M., tekhn. red. [Device for measuring step-vise changes in capacitance]Izme- ritell skachkoobraznykh.i=eAenii.emkosti. Chetyrekhkanall- nyi kommutator k elektronnym ostaillografam. [By]V.V.Rudakov i G.Lflovikova. Moskva,, Filial Voss. in-ta nauchn. i tekhn. informataii, 1958. 15 P. (Peredovoi nauchno-tekhaicheskii i proizvodstvannyi opyt. Tema 36. Noop-58-78/13) (MIRA 16:3) (Electric capacitance-Measurement) (Cathode ray oscillograph) (Commitation (Electricity)) VASSERM, P.I.; CHEBOUREVSKIX, V,V.-. Prinimalf uchastiye: FEOKTISTOVA., A.A.; NOVIKMA G I '- BRLTYSHEV V. Li Determination of the inaulatiNre characteristics of lacquer- ^paint coatings based on their ohm;d rqsists.71s. Zakokras.zat. I ikh prim. no.205-44 161. (MIRA 14*'4) (Protective coatings) 'ZAVALISHIMs, kt MOVIKOW G.I. -for fracpenoy control of the spew An.inv*rtaF-M ag trwwIfftM Or "Yeabrancum-electrid-Abtift.; -Sbwrab.j* vap.eIektrau9A. ne.737&85 .164.~-- -(KERA 16ol) (IbetrIa motor's ~duo,Uoa) (Automatic-Control) UVALISHIN D.A. bMVIKOVA, GJ" inzh.; CHZHEN BIN-GAN [Cheng Ping-kang], kwd te&.nauk Transistorized frequency converters for regulating the angular velocity of asynchronous motors. Elektrichestvo no*:Lls37-" N 162. (MIRA 15:21) 1. Inatitut el mekbanild AN MM. 2. Chlen-korrespondent All SM (for abin) * (Electric motors'. Induction) -(Frequency changers) GFXZOV. VladWr Leonidovich; NOVIKOVAOGalina lvanovua; KOVCEU& S.A., red, .. (Transistorized frequency converters for automated &.a. drives] Poluprovodnikovye proobrazovateli chastoty d3la. avtomatizirovanzWkh elektroprivodov perememogo toka. Leningrad, 1964. 24 p. (MIRA 18:3) �r N!% Rki- N o v-T K 0 VA-,1 0'.1:' SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CALRD 1 / 2 1-1 - 1771 AUTHOR KONDRITIEV,L.11., NOVIKOVA,G.I.t SOBOLEVrJU.P., GOLIDIN,L.L. TITLE The a-Decay of Pu"2477. PERIODICAL furn.eksp.i teor.fia,a,faso-5,771-774 (1956) Issued: 1 / 1957 The authore'investigated the aspeotrum of two plutonium sources within the energy range of from 4.800-5-050 NeV by means of the a-spectrometer of the Academy of Science in the USSR. The results obtained by the experiments which took 2 weeks each, are illustrated in form of a diagram. A 1 08 Al, which is known from literature, and which is due to the a-deoay of Pu on to the level 4+ of the daughter nucleus, is clearly marked. The authors were able to give precise definitions of the parameters obtained for this level. Besides this line A 1. also the lines A2 ' A3'A4and A5 are visible in the spectrum of the source A (12% Pu 239, S&A FU2409 e-0'.2% PU241, 4 0.2% Pu?42 ). In the spectrum of the source B (80% pu239 , 17% Pu 240 , 3% Pu 241 , 0,5% Pu 242 ), apart from the line Al also the lines B 4 and B5 are visible.The last two lines are apparently due to the admixture of Pu 241 and N242 in the source B, but the line B5 originates from the superposition of the first satellites. A table contains the energies and relative intensities 'of the a-particles of PU 241 242 241 242 and Pu The line A apparently belongs neither to Pu nor to Pu 5 SUBJECT PHYSICS OARD 1 2 PA 1246 AUTHOR iGOVDINS :L.L., PEKER, L.K., NOVIXOTA, G.I. TIM Alpha:Decay V fix. -nauk,, 51, 459-5 FZRIODICAL~ ~sp 41 (1956) Publ'. 7 /-1956: ~~'reyiswed 911956~ ~Thia sirvij As--, arranged as~follow.s: ri"ntal technics, a corre- Us litioni (quite ~ieo~lztl eEX:minsd'by~th*'determinaticn of the Y..a7raya.are angulai~ corr*litions.lietween, :6-particUi and- rays) I the - classical theory on, , he evel'df the dAught r: 1 usl(the indi- of *Gay ground l' e nuc e -depend more' o' h vidual~ -properties'- - nuclei.. a t a -number -of r on the p.otons than nuxb4r*df neutionsi a_6*pparsntlj_be'cau*e_in heavy nuclei there are far more -.neutro".than,pro -tons. On, the . occasion- of ~ a-de-day. the, properties of the mother nuoieuix.~and':_niot -6f -the daughteriuc'i bi - 1- essential part); the One, pro. ~a - y - p - sy'. the, diviitici.of nuclei from the ~spiheriiisil shape and-the rotation structure of the ex-c.itia-leielou.the rot'ation-levelp.and,the fine structure of a-rayal the in- tensity of,tb:e,.liues in Ia-spectra, simplified and notsimplified transitional thiAntensity of a-transitions on rotation levels. Summ!a- The. present theory of a-dqcay is not satisfactory. Essentiallyg has.boon-done except computing the-transparence of barriers for a spherical nucleus. Thisist howfiverp quite insufficient because the a-active nuql*i,:ars-1by'no means spherical. Nothing whatever is as yet known about the probability of the creation of a-particles. Mideniable progress was made by the discovery that & considerable part of the lower excited levels has rota- tional character. Nevertheless, many points still remain unexplained (par- IZOVIKbV.~,, G. I., GOLtDIII, -1. L., FOIMPUT"IMI, L. I..., TILMYAIIMV, (!cad. Sci- USM-) '*Rotational Bands -Ath K and Low Excited Levels of Uranium-235," paper submitted at the A-U Conf. on lNuclear Reactions in Madium and Iow Energy Phy3ics, Moscow, 19-27 Nov 57. lVoili Kovp4 G -1 J., 48-7-1/21 AUTHORSt Kondratlyev, L.H., Novikove, G.I., Dedovq V~B., Go2ld1n, L.L. TITLEs oG -Decay of PU 238 ( Q(' -Raspad Pu 238) PERIODICIALs Izvestiya Akad. Hauk SSSR, Ser. Fiz., 1957, Vol. 21, Nr 7, PP- 907 - 908 (USSR) ABSTRAM The knowledge of the o(,-decay intensities on the successive lay- ele which belong to a totation level permits to draw important conclusions on the formation of the daughter nuclei. The most accurate values of thsob -decay intensities can be determined by direct measurement of the o6 -transitions by means of an GG -spectrometer or by an ionization chamber. The determination of the intensities by other methods somtimes leads to great,+ + errors. The low intensity of the transitions to the levd1s 4 96 and so on make it necessary to chose comparatively short-lived substances for the Investigation by means of an o(I -spectrometer. In this work the hijhest excited states of rotation of u234 which show themselves in the OG-decay of pu238 were investigated, where the investigation was carried out by means of a magnetic o(,-spectrometer of the Academy of Science of the USSR. pu238 Card 1/2 was obtained as a product of the 0(,-decay of Cm242 which had 0) x0 U A. 6, -1 AUTROR NOVEOVA, G.I.j KOWRATOYEV9 LeNes SODOLEV, Yu*P.,, TITZI The Alpha-Decay of Puif.31. (Ajr&.r1aAp&d pU239.- Russian) MZODrCAL Zhurnal Eksporim. I Tooret. F1s1kI 19579 Vol 32, Ir 59 pp 10119- 1021 (USSR) ABSTRACT First all the paper under review makes reference to some relevant previously published papers and thus outlines the present stage In the Investigations with respect to the above problem. The authors Investigated the a-speatrum of ft239 by "an* of a magnetic a-spectronet*r in the energy Interval from COO to %120 NeV. The first diagram In the paper under review represent* the a-spootrum In the energy Interval 59025 - %120 NeV. One can see quite distinctly a line that corresponds to the level of 84 keT. A second diagram sliows the part of the spectrum situated In the energy Interval 49850-5vO8O N9V. With certainty one can see here an a-line corresponding to the level with the excitation 'energy of 151 k*T. The Intensity of this transition amounts to (0.013 0.005) %* The excitation energy of the level with I - 9/2 belon6ing to the rotational band with X - 1/2 amounts to 153 kev and thus coincides with the energy of the level discovered by the authors of the paper under review. Thus the energies of CARD 1/3 ASSOCIATIOS: MS=TZD BY: SUBMITUD: AVAILABLE: The Alpha-Decay of Pu 239. of PU 239 and the lowest level of same parity. The transitions to 13.2 and 52 keT take place with the levels with the energy 84 and'151 oonaluding, the authors of the the r-transition.between the 7/2. (3 reproductions) - 13.2. 1957 Library of Congress. %-3-LV55 the rotational bands have the the levels with the energy I - 2. and the transitions to keT with I a 4- In paper under review also discuss levels with the spin 1/2 and CARD 3/3 0-viko vg SOYN-59-4-33/51 AUTHOR: 0 -'1 Candidate of Physical and Kathezatical 'Sciences TITLE: Inv4-qtij;iti6h9 -6 f Nitbj eAr-- Spa atroscop (Issledo*aniya po aeii,: -, I ~ I ~ .~ . ... I py- 0. r0 skop PERIODICAL: Ve i4tu i-kAkademii nauk SSSRt 1959P. Nr 4 .v 11 6;-.l 1 -8 (VSSR) ABSTRACT: iThe A_Tth' Annual~ Conf4r4ace -on Nualeir-'Spe ctrosoo~y was held in _Kbitik:# 0tvie4zi-likiiary, 26th -add Fetruary 2nct; more than lea- .~ ~: ~ , - ; - _. - :_ ith' - ous ~nucletr repbrt deli*4r6d'e it -vari d9i -as 11- with the thb resonance adatt6ring ,p as we dpplicit bft 6 th*:.,*GthOdivbf- -the: th4or 'of y, puperf luidity'for purpose oz-, inv,estij;0#g, tho,: properties of the a onic.., -Ze:~Faker rQpOX` e -'On SU 00066013 uuoleuz~ So_Ae livt 4nV 0-1 1 d' i U with the~ge i ~, of Uon -.nucleus. _!~Ora, z4 xq~461 the .4fid iM'A L* IWVY or --reco Aaw, Withod-d izxv6stigatiz* the: tie si-And-striud d_Jtdr4-_-_of~th ~tobleu of non- e,nualeuso The. 1 tidzi'o-f,4-dritjVih,_th f trorig nteractionlw" conserva 0:, gasp _O a -Xi dal 5- T B ly ev, explained bj, Ya* A; Sudkodinakiye A. 3 g 0 a 0 sy card- 1;/2 - and V.4* Solov1yev spoke-about-the application of the method 21(0),24(5) AUTHORS't Goltdin, L. L., 1[ovikova, G. I.F SOT/56-36-2-25/65 Ter-Martiroeiyan, K. A. TITLE: PERI ODICAM ABSTRACT: Card 1/3 On the Shape of M-Active Nuclei (0 forms 0c -aktivnykh yader) Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 36, Ur 29 Pp 512-516 (ussa) Theoretical papers (Refs 1-5) have recently been published, in which the Intensity of CK -decay on levels in one and the same rotational band were calculated. Intensity was found to be dependent to a,conaiderAble extent on the shape of the nucleus. Utilizing this sensitivity, the authors investigate the shape of various heavy nuclei with the aid of the intensity of cx-decay on successive levels of the main rotational band of the daughter nucleus. Proceeding from the results obtained by a previous paper (Ref 5)t the deviation from the spherical shape is calculated according to r011 +0( A("34) + c"4P4(cos4)1- The coefficients cit and or- of the development according to 2 4 Legendre polynomials P 2 and P 4 are calculated, as also On the Shape of m -Active Nuclei SOV/56-36-2-25/63 U2 W - b2)/a 2=zz. 2 4R/R (a, the large, b - the small semiazis of the nucleus), and further also-the quadrupole moment Qo and the 24-pole moment Q The numerical results 40 obtained for four even and three odd nuclei are shown in a table, and the 7 diagrams of figure 1 show the influence exercised,by the shape of the nucleus on cK -decay probability in the case of transitions to excited levels of the main rotational bands. Numericel results are in good agreement and show that the contribution made by the term ot 4P4 (cos.) to the nuclear shape is considerable. Mucleus U2 a2 a4 QjbarnI 4arnl U 235* 0.34 0.161 -0-058 13.7 -3.6 NP 237*' 0.34 0.160 -0-056 14-5 -3.6 Th 229 0.39 0.177 -0.030 14.7 +2.0 238 PU 0-31 0.138 -0-052 12.3 -3.9 U 236 0.28 0.119 -0.026 10.9 -0.7 U 234 0.33 0.148 -0-041 11.7 -0.9 Card 2/3 T028 0.39 O-1T3 -0.025 14.1 -3.0 On the Shape:of cK -Active Nuclei BOV/56-36-2-25/63 (tile original~table contains hurmerous further data concerning these 7 nuclei, as e.g. the ratios of the decay probabilities for various states). The authors finally thank G. 14. Adellson-Vellskiy and A. P. Birzgal for mathematical computations. There are 2 figures, I table, and 6 references, 3 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: July 9, 1958 Card 3/3 TMITAXOV, TO.P.; ANUINA, N.P.; GOLIDIN. L.L.; MOTMOTA. G.14; POW"At W. 1. Spectrum of Internal conversion electrons accompanylog a4-4ecay of U233 and the energy level diagran of %229. Zhur.~ksp.1 teorofts. 37 w.4:917-92? 0 159. (KMA 13:5) (Uriaws-Inotopes) (Thorius-Isotopaq) (Diectrons) NOTIKOVA. G. I.; VOLKOVA. Ts.A.; aOLIDIN. L.L; ZIT. D.N.: TRITITAXOT. r--r. 0. - Radioactive deca.-r of Ao277 and excited 18~616 of W23 MA ?h 227. Zhur.okap.1 toor.fis. 37 no-4:92&937 0 159. (KM 13:5) (ActInlum-lootopes) (rhorlus-Isotopes) (Iwnctun--inotopes) GOLIDIM, L.L.; NOVIKoVA, G.J.; PiRoaovA. M.; MWMAKOV, Ye.r. Alpha-decay of Th229. Interaction of nuclear levels. Zhur. eksp.1 toor.fis. 37 no.4:iI55-1157 0 159. (WRk 13: 5) (Thorium--Deca,r) 442% 5/04 62/026/012/003/016 BI 1T%186 - AUTHORS: Tretlyakov, Ye. F., Kondratlyev, L. N., Griabuk, G. I. Novikova, G. 1.9 and Golldin, L. L. TITLE.- A double, air-core p-spectrometer.having a toroidal field 'PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR.. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 26, no. 12, 1962, 1470-1474 TEXT: A P-spectrometer for investigating modes of decay using a coincidence.' method is described. Its principle parts are two toroidal coils, each weighing 400 kg, placed one above~the other and divided into-4 sections connected in parallel for cooling burposese For each coil the distance between source and detector is"800 em. Each 'coil consists of 600 insulated turns made of 0-7 an stamped copper, which are assembled in 60 cka pa ges. They are.symmetrical with respect to the median plane of the coil, connected in series., reinforced and cooled in the middle by 2 am ah4st brass provided with a water-cooled pipe. The dimensions and the resolu-, tion of the apparatus are determined by the distance f bet sen the qource~ Mt ;)c (detector) and the median plane of the coilg and by the co fficiei Card 1/3 5/*8J62/026/012/003/01f doublog~~air-co -spectrometer ... BIIT/BI86..-, re: P 16L the -momentum of the squation, p cm). a Kni (A).tlwhe from - 0 eictro6s, to,~ be - facused i:i~i current- i6teheit aM hs: fs n A number 4f being o turns. so 400,X 0.8 were,ch~osen as ptiaum:values., The qoil a- are i: case carrying cou * : pt-er-turne on the,out e id to . compensate Parasitic Xields wh are not up when current flows roust ioh -:thia do ;V"Uum OCk,_ in. the middle :af--. the Coee. ~Jiermits_install A &*.ion n tV6L'C6jjj'jhsn the -ppe.r ng. urdes betwee h &tj of y are . .4 '.the loisk--Ahere am.,viloo'n seals f6rth4.-roda connected with-, eXt ~7,L",_,.~.'' ,~~~_4ik6h*ii*oa~bl4j Aj 'till Ato -:count -.-Ad usta le~ 4 firagas. a n a a or#_.wItU,stAIb a or* axis:of at -the.appar uson a t 6L Col] -Iwo currvqt _'Serve,4a detectors. Th LS are- supplied from . ..''Stabilix6ra-controlled by d-c tube "plitW rise -.The power supply system ~to,asi n JL atab lised current makes it possibl fit i of 3,- 70 a for ',-"cO:hii"oui: operation. &C 80.~vq, orA60 v with the two coils connected in ~v the series. ':Each Of ~4art _z, magnetic fie d atimponents:ia--domponeated to,. . t" i_ ' jjjs4,_:WhL f Sq-CQjjnsC n: 1/50 by-3-thre-efold ca I a *&by a a &b 1 Isor made of tranaLitorse -Debuning %~e,4pqaratus.le vory.:sIm it c ones:down to chscklng-t~hat. the component.wore accurately sade.a4d - l a correctly &SO mblid. Wit hL j' 4- _MouraC ind a 5-mm ~ diaphri4pi one section. of t he (roll has. ;,Aresolut 10i., of M :open-.dlap#rw the card, TRSTITAIOV' To,, F.; KMRATSYEV,, L. ff.; GRISM, G. L; NOVIKOVA, qe- I.; i4suff Le L, Double .tran-fres f, -are ter vith a toroidal field. Isvo AN SM. Ser. fis. 16 no.12:3470-1474 D 162s (MIRA 16: 1) 1. rnstltut tomoreticbmakoy I sks"rimutaIlnoy Mild AN SSSR. (Beta-my Mmetrometer) SHNIKO, P.L., red.; red. (Transactions of the Soviet Antarctic F-cpditionl, 1955--il Trudy Sovetskoi. antarkticbeskoi ekspeditaii, 1955-- Le- ningrad# MorBkoi transport. Vol.35- 1963. 370 p. (MIP,A 18:6) 1. Sovetskaya antarkticheskaya ekspeditsiya, 1955-- "A All &aaaal Congreaq of Nuclear Speatramaer: (TIll rosbagodsore eavasikoo"tge pa ya4arney apektroakepil). I P01110010"I 98"m fistabook tku Sauk. 1950. Val. 65..11C 4. III Ila (goon) , l ans In to" p AM"Of I file Nth Oswego at Nual;Ar apeotrosooDG Loolograd frea S&ovaz7 3 to Fo%ru&vy 3. 058. It was allood" by Soo agiontists tram like Van. iursher by scientist& tree Ch me Franc*. palace. 9sa;ba#Is1&kI&, Smagory. Soolorn largest! Tasollowla, and the Mongol Desearalto 1990110. 4 main leatures AD4 about go reports note howd. the Dean 194tores dealt milk problems concerning Mual*&r Boasts, Ili l , a- "a 040ov, r-radiatleft. Internal conversion. and auc Ass"Cles. Corrtsponding Neater, Academy of leafage%, USNA. atened the conference. Loottizes were hold T.Tm. Gooch", Ira. 1. toopin, S.P,toylke (ITZ,Al UkrSdit) as light sug2ot sodelall.g. taker (2411 11602-tibrko it USAR)i 1U.N.Shlrokov (mov-soloas state Wire &tj). L.A.3jjLT (LFTX.LoDl o Xr , l X 7 &"A14; m $ D.O. 114"A Id at al. on levels "a 0 AlkbAsov. A.P.Grintarg. and t a. Citationo.1 1: 41 .1,944tre (Lnz) an "Ting found 20 Sol IA at, Ia. and *4 nuclei. The "as research workers "A mass 1194rtod an Is discovery of vibrational 1.1ovele 1 164 f t d f W bs. metho o the - 040141 by means o Ift 9 . 11 , 'fulemb ("Ion) excitation at X..." I NOT. L.E.Poker (SAX GS31) gave a survey report - RCQncor"AC 3009 Particulara Is Vibrational &ovals of Deformed NuclW. Lootures **to Isold also Inta D.F.zarstokly (Al 333A - A*331) an radiation transitions In deformed nuclei with the side - 1/21 T.S. Wtool- 2 N:rl N39 (244 scientific ltsawsmh Z"Sltute of ftZolas, Moscow State Univaralty) an In 19"1 displaosagns "d the probability of corre ding 4 - and a - transitions 1.1044 nuclei& 3.1P.ZsrS%aklj:M3ZU - AS 0331) an the Anflusnag at tbs spla-arblt& dowollog ulhan tbs wastia moment$ of the nuclei, A.Z.DLS- (All 5332 -AZ 933R) an the *114tenso of light a%alol with h1gh neutron or proton saossal V.A.XA-avteov (US-Laningrad polytechnic Zaaeltule) an the XGVWAtlOa at AING16011 Fair& 14 12401611 *al-41n, A. P. 101410, O.S.Xavlkova, KA.Ter-Hartirogyma (TTL As 435A) OR AlPhA dfQkj an rotational levels or add ARG1411 I.e. So Or (Al 5331 - AS 193SX) on alpha decay of monsphorIC&I : SIA 101 (Surve.01 A.I.Alikhanov, G.P.Tellseyov. T.A.trublao" T V-Xtgblov (tTL AN USSR) an Folazifat Ion. Ileftoure"ns Igo ; a01004rons emitted in the P.docoy of tallop LuI77, L . ftw. S.'" W. 0.1'. 2. 1) at Wall as in Shat of Gr9o 'n4 -194, *,AS- -91T-P-Aod&kQv (AN 3342 - A2 9 0a NOMOUP1. 9 giants of Min (0-7) sagglar correlations In U .400841 I-A-DRIPSGIF "d Tu-IF-terekhow (TTL AS 2393) an investigations or one correlations and tbs resonance Starlas of 7.radislionj I.I.Earlmov &04 (09-908409 $%&%o University) an the broxastrahlung at longitudinally polarized slactronal and Tu.4, ftt*q (NOV) an tbs fef*CtlV* Gross SdC1IQQ Of the SOASteria, Of P9l&rlse4 electrons and poaltrons at polarized electrons$ Irs-A.Chw4ars "4 ZAG-Taurs (Alta) ea uo dateraination at the Intensity of the components of the scoot" o.opectrus according to $be Perot 41 ermaj. Z.B.Syry4nova. and TV-P-luslow. LOO (Leningr:d *tat@ University) an the ,as. FulAtion or the probability oil the permitted old at the fttl"m @"two at ol"troose b a 1,107rgOVA 1-1. "Treatment of D7aentery by Pre-~reuions From Local Raw 1,11aterial -- Bistalbin and Bistalform." Cand Med Sci, Molotov State Vedical Inst, Molotm, 1953. (KbBJolj No 2, SeD 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical '-issertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (10) SO: Sum. No. 481p 5 May 55 KALYMRNYYj, M.U.; PETfWSHKOv G.1-t.; NOVINVA, G.P. Flocculation of Candids utilis and CarAida tropicalis yeasts amd its relation to flotation. Mikrobiologiis, 34 no-5s91&- 92/* S-0 165, (MIU Ado) l.'Tb*soyuwWy nauchno-issladovateltakiy institut gidrolimoy i oullfitnospirtavoy prowyahlennosti,, lanivigrad. 1, V~P(OWWPOWT P---h/Pr-4 RM ACCEMOMM- APSOINT9 TM/0374/65/'000100310015/0020 678:639.32 1, MOR, mar A 1--(Leningrad); Sidoravich, Te. A. (Lenin4asj); Novikovs, 0. Y&. TITLE: Influence of the crystalline phase in rubberlike polymersk on their elasticity SOURCE., Mekhanika polimerov, no. 3, 1965, 15-20 TOPIC , TAGS. divinyl rubber, isoprene rubber, natuxal rubber, rubber elasticity ABSTRACT: The article deals w1th the influence of crystillization of d-iy !E~tl (SIM) and ,,_,i prme rubbers (NK, SEI-3, SKI) of regidar structure on their elasticity in the transition ti-mpurature region, The elastic properties of the pol.ymers Y.-vere determined with a KS over a w'd,-. temperaturv raige, and the data obtained were used to elastometer, I 1 'ate Lhe rebound elasticity and the dymamic t1asUic. modulus. Crystallization was (:u- I dilatsirnot-rivaliv. Plot-q of ffie.uimnerature c1pnenrit-nCp- of I 592 ?,4-65 ACCIESWN NR. APS016979 ASSOCIATION.- None sUDYTTTED-. 26Dec64 ENCL- 00 SUB CODE: MIT OTHER: 002 V2 ACCESSION NIL: AP4043M 8/0138/64/000/008/0001/0005 AUTHOR: Novilunm, 0. Yo., TrapeznIkova. 0. N. 'TITLE: --tometric Investigations on the crystallization and melting of On i~ crystalline phase of chloroprene rubber SOURCE: Kguchuk I redna, no. 8, 1964, 1-5 TOPIC TAGS:, rifter, chloropreae rubber, rubber crystallization, rubber melting, refractometry, refractive Index, polychloreprene, syntheticrubber ABSTRACT: The effect of the temperiture of crystallization (T.,) on the melting temperature (Tmelt) and the range WAT = Tcr - Tmelt for polyMoroprene rubber was determined by a simple and convenient refractometric method. The range of melting temperatures was found to depend linearly on the temperature of crystallization. no tempera" lig mall, ce of the refractive index of polychloroprene samples, crystallized at different temperatures, as well as of amorphous polymers over a temperature range of r -35to TOC was alsomessared, usingIRF-22and RLU q of the Abbpjtype. A scNBM&Uc view saddilso --it'dwipparatu fqi-ciaii-dii -Ri~w-~meter an given. TWWaWd shim lbat optimunt crystallization In obtained at -10Cs which agrees with CWd ACCESSION NR: AP4043966 the dds of dUalumeftle measurements. -With increasing T melting temperature of the crystalline phase Increases slightly, but the melting rip decreases. Me experi- mental daft show that *A ringy on of crystallization of polychlonprew samples can be detemined Cically, Orig. art. has: 6 figues, I table and 2 formulu. ASSOCIATION: Mauchno-indedowatellemy Inatiftt sintstlebaskoge KsuchdM; V00010yuseyey im. S. V. Imbedeva (M-Unks scifttific Research hwatuts for BpftUe Rubber) ZNCL: 00 SM COM: UT No Rzr sovs ou 07TEM. M 2/2 5 -D5 AGCESSIOV N~L: AP4047668 SI'01381164/0001'010!0007/0012 AUTHOR: Marey, -A. I., Novikova, G. Ye., Kuznetsov, N P / k9 79 TITLE: ~~];Yst llizationof stereoregular butadiene rubbers SOURCE: Kauchuk i rezina,, no. 10, 1964, 7-12 TOPIC TAGS: butadiene rubber, stereoregular synthetic rubber, dilatometry, rubber crystallization, rubber microstructure ABSTBACT: The crystallization of stereoregular butadiene rubber was investigated at different temperatureo and the effect of some structural factors such as molecu- lar weight, degree of steric purity of the rubber microstructure and the degree of polymerization on the crystallization process was studied. The microstructural in- vestigations were effected by infrared spectroscopy and the molecular wt. was L 13815-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4047668 bi tArl'i -.04805 fi~ 6-5 -Thi s~~vaxtmn M_:iova --not depen~--:on-:_the --mit6d -:of prepnratiw nor on structural molecular factors. The kinetic parameters are calculated by Avrami's equations. They describe the process of crystallization with sufficient accuracy except in the initial and iftnal stages, and can be used for the evaluation of the kinetics of crystallization o~ different polymerg. The tabulated data on the relation3hin between tntrinoic viscoattv and crvutallization show that with Card 2/3 L 13815-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4047668 ASSOCIATION: Vaesoyuzny*y nauchno-issledovatel'13kiy institut sinteticheekogo k.%Lchuka im. S. V. Lebedeva (All-Union Scientific Research Institure for Synthetic Rubber) 3 OX-41TTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE., OC NO XKF SOV.: 002 OTHER., 010 Card 3/3 EWP(J) Pc-4 RU Awr (M SSMN NR: W 049782 B/0138/64/000/011/0013/0018 :T1 tL jff,- r-on~ruboer cry6W1ft#ion!: SnURCE: Kauchuk i rezina, no. 11, 1964, 13-18 TOPIC TAGS: rubber crystallization, natural rubber, synthetic rubber, carbon black iller, Polysulfi-de crosslink, monosulfide crosslink, rubber elasticity AMTRACT- Tlie literature on the effect of fillers is sparse and contradictory and applies only to natural rubber. This work Is an attempt to expand the knowledge to botli natural and ~;vntbetic rubbers. Two methods of investigration were used - --t study of the crystallization Of rubbers In the free state by the. dilatoroatric method, and a study of deformed rubbers from the point of view of recoverability. A comparison was made of the kinetic curves ob- -tinti-d by the dilatornetric methods those obtained from the change in recoverability. The klnctics of crystal1ization of natural ruhber wert! studie(! at -25C. tii(;sc of synthetic rubber SKI-3 at -25C and of rubber SK-D at -38, -46, and -56C. DaLa on cry;3tailization of de- formed rubber were processed Arith the aid of the formula ig-c 0, BT 11/2 ~ 19" V2 1/ 2 L 17563-65- ACCENION -,NR-. -AP40497&2 .P _1 Ig I gme r a se tit 0 cut b~ the Etraigbf`_Uie~'i6~~bie ajds and correWnds to the half time of crystallization of the %; -, nn.e 1 .1 in the absence. of crystallization : nd B is a magnitude showing the effect of stress and determined as the I-Lngtnt of the angle of the slope of the character- 1~;tfc straigbt line to the axi-9 -r . For- unstressed rubbers, the ability to crystallize in- - rf: ~ ss~s with an increase in the carL.-t_--black- content. The same was obsgrved for rubbers crystallizing under conditions of deformation (comprcssion),~' Ile inquence of filling de- penbs on the type of transverse links. For natural rubbervahd SM-31;kith a predominant r-outent of polysulfl&- Unks, there is a noticea4le change in the parameters IgTO 1/2 and B. P;~,r rubbers w1fh a predominant content of monosulfide links, filling changes these param- '.OV~rs Very little. In the case of SKD, filling affects cry.3taJljZqtion analogously. Orig. art. S figures, 1 table and I formula. ASSI)CIATION: Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut rezinovoy promy*shleanosti (Scientific 3"u:iearch Institute for the Rubber Industry); Vs,-soyuzriv'v ~auchno'-jssledovatel'skiy institut _I T~j /EiT j FEY` T J 'IR: 41riO16514 j/65Aq7/0%/1117/1121 )C I'M er N. P, Aa r-Y3 t8 11 i z th.,.ine a tion Fo f i ir e t b MY-g, q~q Rkta-yarpyyq, 9 f'5 jjj'~' - I b am; Ott 1041' 9 IC TAC-q - crystallitat organic chemistry, alastomor, eynthasis, rubber, poly-vier, resin 'T To minimize the crygtnI]iz-abiIV-;- o" the urethane re3ins, the elrect t 4.~-,!! ----c-ii1ar weight of polyesters IthE) cnncon~.ra t-f an,! ',he f'h is lYnties"s have hee.. ob"ained from reacLicir, r -stil- ~'J~j t,49 , The dilatometrilc -a N.)-iikova (4-Ya Nauchno-tekhr, 4:11~1.:-: V 0 P f--l' 0 i ~Jh i 'Td i re- '..0, -,:1 i ka uchuka i re ziny z i sy oki id--v t 19Q3, 1 na s beon L 6-2997-6-5 ACCESSION NR: AP501653j, lvot. 6-'~.ObOgW ir um yata,1lization process; maxim rate, half-life, and 5 i I fia "I oft- t6bl shed' that: *-d the - I 8 . acreaulng~ depui :t 6 t 66 b~_' A angth- o" pt-lyester segmunt of the chain, by Increasing the degree of cross-linking, '-,,r df.sti,=bing the orientation in the polynor by using one-step synthesis, it 1'3~ e to lower considerably the ref7ins' crys ral lizability. Orig. art. has: 3 graphs and 4 tables- hno-ls5ledovatellskiy institut sinteticheskoao VsEsoyuzn3ry nauc k, v ,'A'! Union Scientific :Researc_-~ 0" .:"r:-.i.',-G"f'' I! 10A, t7,64 _UB COI~!:MT GC 110 `,S6V.-*' 003",:" ~OTHER!~,- 000 NOVIMOU, G.Ye.; TRAPZZNIIODVA, 0-9- Ibw type of crystal structure in gutta.-perchao Fisetvorotela- 1 nool2:,1789-1790 D 159. (MM 13:5) 1. Yisichosidy Institut loninaadskogo gosudarstvannoff univorwitetao (Gutta-forcha) TIUPSZUIKOVAp q.U.; LOVA, Gre--*. 141MOTAt SSO Idght scattering. in crystalline polymers. Part 2: InvestIga- ting the temperatqre depealence of the -refraetion, I vadl an of both the crystal 14 and the auarnhc= so- a Pha Polychloropror and deternining. the extent crAtiiiiZationg Opt, L spektr. -11 no,!3:353-359,s 1..61,- (MW 24:1) (Light-4cattering) (Chloroprene--Ootlwjt~,,Aft!~ Properties) Y-ORDWA I!orsAtion ahd m1ting of gutta-percha crystals as oibserv4d.under A'.1microscopeo Vast@ IPU. 18 no.16t69-76 163. (MM 16:11) SOV/78-3-9-22/ze AUTHORS: Savitskiy# Ye. Id.p Terekhovay V. F., Novikova, 1. A, TITLE: The Phase Diagram of the Alloys of the System Magnesium-. Neodymium (Diagramma sostoyaniya splavov sistemy magnij'(,~~neodim) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1955.8, Vol 3, Nr 9, pp 2138-2142 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The thermal analysis, the microstructure, and the determination of the microhardness were used for the construction of the phase diagram of the system magnesium-neodymium, The hardening method was used for the determination of the solubility of neodymium. in magnesium in solid state* Chemical compounds of neodymium and magnesium exist in the solid solutions of neodymium in magnesium within the range of 40 - 60 percents by weight neodymium. Considerable structural changes of the alloys occur with an Increase of the neodymium content up to 1%. if neodymium is added to magnesium, the hardness is increased and the mechanical properties of the alloys are improved. The strength and plasticity of the alloys in the system neodymium- magnesium in the region of the solid solution on the basis of Card 112 magnesium are increased with rising neodymium content. At 150 SOV/78-3-9-22/38 The Phase Diagram of the Alloys'of the System Magnesium-Neodym-lum and 25000,the alloys of magnesium with neodymium are consi'derably more solid,than pure magnesium. The microstructure of the alloys changes to a great extent in alloys with 10% neodymilm, ..they reach the maximum dispersion at 25% neodymium. There are 4 figuresp 2 tables$ and 7 referencess 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut metallurgii. im. A. A. Baykova Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Metallurgy imeni A. A. Baykovg AS USSR) SUBMITTED: January 219 1958 Card 2/2 6006194 SOURCE CODE:. -7165/000/00t,/0027/0030 IIRI03 AUTHOR:, Vil.'kova- N.- Novikova,-J.; A.; Alavutdinov, D. nI Tn UzbSSR,, (Fizikote,khnicheskLy institute A,J4 UZSISR) ORG::--rhy~iicotechnic atitute,-AN TITM__ The use of, foamed polyure ns for manufacturing solar energy.collectors tha SOURM kh Gel-iote nika,-no. 4 -,1965, 27-30 TOPI C, TAGS a d olar energy,. so ar energy collector polyurethane,.foame polyurethane :f0. amed: plastic, plastic mirror, epoxy resin, aluminum.filled,epoxy resin, energy con- - energy conversion, polyethylene terephthalate ~ABSTRACT.~.OA method-for making':solar energy collectors from,~rigidjoamed Polyurethans -lia4d with mirror-~like'pla6tic films is:described. Polyurethans used for this purposel 'were.prepared from. branched polyesters of dicarboxylic acids and triols or the combina- tion.of the latterwith diols; the polyesters were combined with aromatic diisocya- nates.~: Foamed polyisocyanates,were obtained by combining,a polyester resin prepared .yce-rol -(1.-3 -moles) sebacic acid 1(0.5 moles) and adipiclacid.,0.3 moles) with -toluylene diisocya,nate in a,,10:7 ratio at zoom temperature; water was used to enhance foaming; the*foam, was stabilized with IOP-~Ior op-io emulsifier (0.3-0.,5%).. The foamed-plastic obtained had.good mechanical properties. Iwo types of solar energy j collector'wembuilt: one-piece paraboloid collectors with a diamter,of.280,or 410-mm, and,facet, collectors mounted from hexagonal facets with sides,55 mm long each.l: Card T. ->-5)A47_66 ACC NRi AP6006194 The-one-pleice,collectoris were-made as followa: metalw-coated poly(ethylene terephtha-I late) ~ film fixed between a'disk. and a ring wasinflated to, the required curvature, thus forming a-parabol6id.mirror;:the-~i.~yirror was coated.with-it thin layer of liquid .:epoxy resin which cured on the inflated film. After that foam was applied on.the'. mirror obtained; polymerization of the foam lasted about 12 hours at room temperature.. The weight of the.,foamed.collector.of 410 mm diameter was 201 9, while thel.similar collector,madd fromfilled epoxy resin.weighied 930-1000 g; the.temperature ofthe heat receiver in the focus of the collector was.88OC;.convexity h was 5 cm, and focal ler-gth was 21 cm, The facets for the.facetcollector wereprepaied by pouring:foam into moldsi -The:facets were linedwith an,epoxy resin mirror, obtained by~applying liquid'epoxy resin'on the aluminum.~powdered glass.-After curing, thefilm was stripped~,by heating*the..mirror on the glass :substrate to. 160-190C for 2-3 hr. An experimentallmodel assembled,from 19 fac.ets-with a total surface of-1444 cm, 2 had a focal length of,.0.5 cm. Thereflection coefficient.of the-facet was- 0.9; the focus nt^had an area~of'150.dm2;-.the-teinperature,of:the he-at receiver in the focus point was initially 250C, but decreased to 115C after 60 days.of exposure because of the, damage-to the mirror-surface caused by'dirt, dust,and cleaning. -.The problemof pro- tecting the mirror surface hasmot yet.been solved.- The polyurethan substrate re- :tained-its high mechanical properties after.60,days of ex"osure- the color of the-.~. p 1, - foamed- plastic tHianged from -light yellow -to -dark yellow. ' The.expedience - of the use of foamed polyureth-an for-a solar.energycollector for the Central Asian climatic-con-, ditions- was -demonstrated. The-technology of preparing thin epoxy~ri~sin mirror has been de el ed. ~rlj.~ -art. has: 2 f res-and 2 tables.' ABNJ. SUBWDE: 11 UBIM DATEt 06Au9V ORIG MY 1 002/ ATD PRM s F 7X MnTMV., G.A., prof.; LOGIROVA,, R.A.,, kand.msdamauk.. dotsent; NMKMAp IsMos kiiindemedowu*1 assistent I =-------- F-- Sanitary and hygienic characteristics of terrampin production, Gig. i san. 26 no.9:85-88 S 161. (MIRA 15:3) 1- Iz kafed17 gigiyeny I Moskovskogo ordem Lenina meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.M. Sechenova. (TMP,,W,.-IN) lake s Influence of the trough form in determining the character of the lake. Vop. 26,1951. 9. Month List.of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APr.-"-l 1952. 19ff, Unc]_. KOCHMKOVA, G.V.; NOVIKOVA, I.S. *am Determining the gntibacUrial activity of p icidin by agar - .diffusion. AntiblotilLt -A 5, no.2s:L20-122 HL-Ap 'm". (MM 24S 5) 71, I* Institut po izpkaniyu novykh -ant~biotikov AM9 SSSR- (GRAMOIDIN) ~ KO.CHF.TKOVA,, G.V.; NOVIKOVA -;-#S. Supporting the active sUge qt-.vrganiww producing gramicidin C. Antibiotiki 6 no.2sl63-164 7 161. (MIRA 14: 5) Institut po isyskaniyu novykh antilblotikov. AMN SSSR. (ANTIBIOTICS) (B40ILLUS BRMS) 37201 5/560/611000/011/007/012 E027/e635 AUTHORS-. Zhukov-Verezhnikov, N.N.. Mayzkiy, I.N., Yazdovskiy. V.1. . Pelchov A P.. Gyurdzhian, A.A. Nefed'yeva. N.P., Kapichnikov. M.N.. Podoplelov. I.1.. Rybalcov. N.I.. Iftemparskay&. N.14.. Klimov. V.Yu.. Novikov. S.N..'Nlovikova. 1.S.. Petrov. R.V.. Sushko, G.I., Zal-charov. A.F.,. Vinogradova, I.N.. Chamova. X.G. and Buylco. Yo.A. TXTLEs Tht.rosults of the first microbiological and cytological experiments in Space in Earth satellftes SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Iskusstvennyyo sputniki Zemli. no. 11. Moscow, 1961. Rezulltaty nauchnykh issledovaniy. provedennykh vo vremya poletov vtorogo i tratlyego kosmicheakikh korablay-sputnikov. IL4 - 67 TUT., Tho authok*x reportIthe results of their investigations of biological objqcts which had been exposed to space conditions in satellite vehicles. The first part of the work was devoted to a study of the survival of cells of differing levels of er n0ation under the influence of radiation and othor S."56016110001012 /007/013 E027/Z635 The results of tha --- unfavourable factors. in comparison with control materials which remained in the laboratory over the same period. In experiments with bacteria 2m1. samples of suspensions of Escherichia coli. Aerobactar aerogenes.. Staphylococcus aurous and Clostridium butyricum containing 500 million organisms or spores per ml. wore sealed in ampoules, and exposed to a space flight of unstated duration; the number of viable individuals after the exposure 'did not differ sinnificantly from the values for the control samplea. A similar experiment was carried out with the T2 phage of E. coli and the 1321 Phage of A. aerogenes. which were eont in the second satellite; again, no sigificant reduction in the titre of the phage preparations could be detected after return from space. Similar results were obtained with preparations of phage sent into space in the fourth and fifth satellites. Two bottles and six tubes of Her.& calls. some-of whichier* saturated with oxygon. war* exposed to space flight Card 2/5 s/56o/6i/ooo/oii/0O7/Ol2 E027/E635 ,The results of the conditions. after it had first been shown that vibration and acceleration did not detach the cells from the glass. The cultures without oxygen appeared normal on return, whereas in those exposed to oxygen most of the cells had degenerated. Subculture ahowed that c,00,; of the cells. wheftr detached from or remaining on the glass, were dead; however. two tubes gave good growth, and the calls which grow up showed no abnormalities of morphology. No antigenic differences could be detected in the cells in onaphylaxis and dedonsitization experiments in guinea- PLE3. ra subsequent space flights fibroblast and human amnion cell cultures were Audied. with similar results. Pieces of human and rabbit skin wore also used. On August 12th 1960 two pieces of skin 2.5 x 3.5 cm. in size and 0.5 mm. thick were taken from a human donor, placed iii Hanks solution and sent into space in the second satellite. On recovery they were regrafted on the original site in the donor and became firmly attached after seven days. Card 3/5 S/560/61/000/011/007/012 The results of the --- E027/E635 Similar results were obtaiied with two other donors. An apparatus watt devised for making a subculture in space. in order to study the ability of bacteria to multiply under space conditions. In experiments with Glostridium butylicum no d6viations from the controls were observed. The second part of the work wau devoted to a study of possible genetic effects brought about by exposure to space conditions. mainly by looking for the production of ~.auxotrophic mutants and lysogeny in bacteria. The former were Aetected by inoculation on a layer of minimal medium which was then covered'with an overlay of the same medium in order to fix the 4alonies. When the lattar had grown up their position was noted Pad an overlay of complete medium was then put on, and the colonies which then grew up as a result of the diffusion of essentialnutrients were selected asauxatraphic mutants. No such mutants could be found in suspensions of Escherichia coli recover*4 from the second satellite. The experiments on the induction of lynogenic baidoria, ware carried out on a strain of E. coli lysogenized by a X phags, which had been exposed to cosmic -Card 4/ 5 17 S/560/61/000/011/007/012 The results of1the Eoz?/E635 radiation in the fifth satellite. Free phar-e particles were' retroved by adding phage antiserum; after the and of the latent period the action of the antiserum was cut s~~rt by diluting 1:100.streptomycin was added to inhibit the host organisms. and the mixture was plated out on the indicator strain in order to count the phago particles produced. The results obtained, considered in comparison with control experiments. provided no evidenco of induction by cosmic radiation during a space flight of ninety minutes. No difference was observed in the plaque morphology. No changes could be detected in the chemical and physical properties of calf thymus damgribonucleic acid recovered after a space flight. The results as a whole indicate that no damage.was suffered by isolated calls during a brief exposure to space conditions. There are 6 figures and 10 tables. SUBIMTTED: May 23. 1961 Card 5/5 Z.RUXW-VERMHNIKOV,, N.M.; MAYSKIT,, - I.N.; YAZDG,VSKUP V.I.; PEKHOV, A.P.; SOMA-1-58-6-3/25 AUTHORS: Pechkovskayap K.A.7 Shedid-AK-huzemil H.A.~ Orlovskiy P.N., Livshits, F.B flovikova 1 5 and Bryushkova7 I.I. TITLE: Chemical and Physico-Chemical Methods of Evaluating the Properties of Carbon Black (Khimichaskiye i fiziko- khimicheskiye metody otsenki kachestva sazh) Part II: The Fundamental 'Structure' of Carbon Black (Soobshcheniye ID pervichnaya Istruktura' 3azhi) PERIODICAL: Kauchuk i Rezina, 1958, Nr 6, pp 8 - 13 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The colorimetrie method for evaluating the dispersity of carbon black was discussed in Part I (Ref 1). This article describes investigations on the 'structure' of carbon black. After defining the terminology of learbolt black particles', crystallite, and the primary and secondary aggregate, methods for the quantitative evaluation of the fundamental 'structure' of carbon black are discussed. None of these methods was entirely satisfactory. Com- parative evaluation of the fundamental 'structure' can be achieved by defining the oil number and-the 'structure' Card 1/3 index. The form factor car- serve as an added character- istic. The partial breakdown of the fundamental 'structure' SOY/WB-58-6-3/25 Chemical-and Physico-Chemical Methods of Evaluating the Properties of Carbon Black of jet carbon black leads to a decrease in the oil number without causing appreciable changes in, the unit surface. The.fundamental 'structure'-inhibits granulation of the carbon black. The secondary 'structure' makes granulation easier. The degree of the development of the fundamental 'structure' indilcates a change in the technological proper- ties of the raw material mixtures; mixtures containing carbon black with large primary particles are usually more viscous, can be sprayed more quickly and give a thinner deposit than mixtures containing carbon black of normal structure. Jet carbon black (with partly disintegrated fundamental 'structure') imparts to vuleanisates, based on SIW, a lowered modulus, a loiurer degree of electro- conductivity and increased bonding strength to cords Card 2/3 (Fig 3). The degree of dispersity and data on the 'structure' of various Soviet carbon blacks are listed in SOVAMP,58-6-3/25 Chemical and Physico-Chemical I'lethods of Evaluating the Properties Of Carbon Black Table 2, and Table 1~ gives the physico-chemical and technological properties of American furnace carbon black. There are 5 tables, 3 figures and 13 references (7 F-nglish7 2 German and 4- Soviet) ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut shinnoy promyshlennosti (Research Institute for the Tire Industry) 1. Carbon black--Pbysical properties 2~ Carbon black--Chemical pro- perties 3. Colorimetric analysis--Applications Card 3/3 S11081/61/000/023/054/067 B106/B101 AUTHORS: Pechkovskaya, K. A., Livshits, F. B., Orlovskiy, P. N., Movikova, I. S. TITLE: Comparative study of the physicochemical and technical properties of test samples of disperse furnace blacks of the HAP type PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 23, 19619 560, abstract 231'347. (Tr. N.-i. in-ta shin. prom-sti, sb. 5, ig6o, 68-8o) TEXT: The results of a comparative study of the properties of test samples of disperse furnace blacks (DB) of the HAP type from liouid raw material and import fillblack 0 are presented. The increased a~sorDtion surface of the DB blacks and their higher oxygen content can retard the vulcanization process and sometimes diminish strength of vulcanizates. As to dispersity, the DB blackst produced under semi-industrial conditions from liquid raw material, are not inferior to the beat blacks of type HAF. The most important physicochemical and chemical properties of the DB blacks are given along with the electrical conductivity, internal frictiong Card 1/2 S/081/61/000/023/054/061 Comparative study of the... B106/BI01 and physic omechanical properties of LL4C-30AH(SICS-30AM) rubber containing DB blacks. The latter tend to form secondary structures, which entails incomplete dispersion of the black in the compound and, consequently, leads to a decrease in abrasion resistance and strength of the rubber. The properties of vulcanizates containing DB blacks can be improved b'v modifying the formula for the rubber compound used to examine the abc.IV2- mentioned blacks. [ Abstracter's note: Complete tranalation,j Card 2/2 S/4138/61/ooo/oil/005/007 A051/A126 AUTHORS: Lezhnev, N. N., Terentlyev, A.-P., Novikova, I.-S., Kobzeva, T. A. TIV21 The chemical nature of the surface of carbon black pEpjoDICAL I Kaucht* I rezina, no. 11, 1%1, 21 - 27 TW:. The authors have developed a new method for the quwtitative deter- mination of certalwoxygen functional groups present in carbon black, and have tested the validity of methods previously iised. A rapid and accurate method for the ftUrnination of aotive hydrogen In darbon blacks, using an ether solution of the Gripard reagent, was also developed. in addition to a method for the alkali- metric titration, of the acIdIc groups of-the carbon blacks withaustic soda and sodium carbonate. By assuming that the caustic soft reacts with all the acidic groups and the sodium carbonate only with the carboxylic ones, the phenol and carboxylic groups in the carbon blacks were determined. The general nitrogen In the carbon black was.determined by the Kjaidshi method. The latter is a variation of the method Introduced by A. P. Terentlyev and B. N. Luskin1y. Combustion can be carried ovA in 4 hours, and chromia acid Is used as the oxidation catalyst. Con- elusion* awe drawn on the nature of the oxygen bound with certain carbon blacks I S/138/61/000/011/005/w7 The chemical.nature of the surface of carbon black A052/A126 from the developed sethads and by comparing the obtained results with data of other non-Soviet authors, an*ata, of carbon black investigation using the para- magnetic electron resonance method. However, a large portion of the =ygon in the channei'black has not been Identified. The most complete identification of oxygen was made for that.boundl with experimental carbon black of the XM~(KW) type. Data ofthe chamel black analysis, both of the initial and of that containing chemically adsorbed nOOZOU6 A (D), ~D 2 HA (F2KA) mid also captax MET OW) led to the assumption that these substances react with oxygen-containing radicals of carbon black at the position of the weakest-bound hydrogen atom (HN-H and RS-H). It is pointed out that carbon black chemically interacts with various ingredients of rubber and probably with raw rubber or polymer radicals. Thus, the following are thought. to be chemically activel 1) various oxygen-containing groups, 2) Sul- fur-containing compounds - In the case of carbon blacks, produced an the basis of petroleum and coal, 3) free radicals on-the surface - non-coupled electrons of atoms of carbon and oxygen and possibly atoms of sulfur and nitrogen, bound by chemical bonds with carbon atoms of the carbon black crystalline lattice. The sulfur-containing groups are thought to Mwe the structure > C - S and --PC - SH. The active hydrogen is thought to be in the groups, - COO and -+C - 0 - H. Re- ~O - R Card 2/3 S/138/61/000/011/005/007 The chemical nature of the surface of carbon black A051/AI26 sults obtained.-*jArified the.machanism-of,interaction between the carbon black and accelerators of vulcanization and anti-oxident of the secondary aromatic amine type., A satisfactory correlation is derived In a comparison of-the theory of polymerization and hydrocarbon oxidatio;n with two cases investigated by the auth- ors; Channel blaok~processed with MMI channel-black processed with F29A. There are 2 tables, I figure and 14 referenoest 6 Soviet-bloc and 8 nor.-Soviet-bloc. The references to the 3 most recent English-language publications read as follows-, H. V. Drushel, J. V, Hallum, J. Phys. Chem.' 62, no, 1, 110 (1958); Gj Kraus, r. -t. Chem., 25i 177 R . j Collins, Hubb. World, 139, 219 (1958), M. Beroza, Analy (1958). ASSOCIATION., Nauchno-issiedovatellskiy institut shinnoy promyshlermosti (Scien- tific Research Institute of the Tire Industry) Card V3 MWITANTS, Yu.A.; KISELEV, V.F.; LEZHNEV, U.N.; 5MM*--~ FEDOROV, G.G. !Ynthesis and functional analysis of oxygen complexes on a sur- f4ce-of freshly cleft graphite. Dokl. AN SSSR 143 no.6sl358- 1361 Ap, 162, (MIRA 1514) I.Moskovskly gosudnist7enivy uOversitet in. H.V.14sonosova i gauchno-issledovatel skiy institUt Wdnnoy prowsboAnnoRti. Predstayleno, akademikem H.M.Dubininym. (Graphite) (Surface chemistry) (Oxygen compounds) LEZHMP M.Ne; TERENTITEVp A*P*; UOVIKOVA, I,S.; KOBZ&VA, T.A. going the brominetion method for the testing of carbon black. Eauch. i rez. t65. (MIRA 18920) I* Nauchno-issledovatellokiy institut shinnoy prowyahlemaosti i Moskovskiy gosudarstwennyy universitet imsni M.V,U=ouosova. TEMTIYNV, A.P.,L.LOTTOVAI &__ __L Sodiun borohydride in organic analysis. Report 2t Analysis of sugars. Mmr. anal. khim. 20 no. IW226-1227 165 (MIRA 19 ti) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstyarmyy universitet imeni H.V. Low- nosova. Subuitted Decanber 8,, 1964. LEZRIEV, K.N.; KOZYRFV, B.H.; GARIVYANOV, N.S.; RYZWOOV, Yu.M.; NOIITK95A,,,-" Probable mechan*sm underlying the reaction of carbon black with phenyl-2-naphthylamine and mereaptobenzothiazole (captax). Dokl. AN SSSR 159 no.5:1127-1130 D 164 (MIRA 18:1) 1. Hauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut shinnoy promyshlennosti i Kazanskiy fiziko-tekbnicheskiy institut AN SWR. Predstavleno akademikom M.M. Dubininym. TERENT'YEV, A.P.; WVIKOVA, I.S. -... Sodium borohydride in organic analysis. Report !.- Determination of carbonyl group in organic materials, Zhur, anal. khim, 20 no.7t836-841 165. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Lomonosov Moscow State University. KOWMIYTSOVA, T.S.; NOVIKOVA I V. Photoelectric method of recording Interference bands In white light. Opt. I spektr. 8 no.3:363-370 Kr 160. (mIn 24:5) (Interferometz7)