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,T hod - - - A AUTIICRj x d r- e v TI TLE h r, i - I n i t i a t -i u 1' L () vi e r T,,.n (Terla'-) - ~-, ;~., p , IjT CDICAL: VeFtr,lk Len - 11,-t6 ABSTRACT- F t h. e i o~, j t t C I was ab tIA, no i f r-...m the I f, in -3 C I P 13 Th, r e t I I c, W t h , I r, I E! vi r A . their vf r k 'i F- -r f -a z- - 3 -n t~iL~ e r t,, 7 ~A '. , T '. .. r. W- . 11, - ' T the d -.n I t-2 r r- t a Fr a r th" -'e- "r fi- 'Int. t - - rr, I n a t r, l 1-Y T r, I t i ird ThermodynamIr ln%rest-tuti-r~ -f ~-w- r ,maB de6t,~--tp-l --n the ,al r of t- ( 4 2 "I c -, I 10 apor -ip r and the a' d 1, .3 %7c:, i.. we rt~ T, e a. u r e :1 1 r -3 -r tr~, t 1 jr~ tfl~l t r i,, t r F r ha r -i t if r I e rn i n, U X 'he T 7 -1 f' t o,~i, trie r s I mk-, tare f ur *.]IF. r f -)uri .1 t h s r r o; () r t ni, t i, r-, ture r,ii r? )f rr, r. '.~,o f3jjl' to ',h(. sclvme ~ 3 Card 213 The rin odyn a mi cI n7e3 tiv at -- :,r, Tunw., ter, ,~vapuratin,~,- si:.iul tanecugly Frc,-. the data pres~,ir~, mpasurr-men*s thr? t~.,irmod~/namic de termineal for thi j li .3pr-, ur t I onati )n -ess disproportionati on fur th- 3--,l I.,, YCI wFis the temporittiire r;i-xo f' from oc to ~~ic, rr,1 4 T ki,~ r tab 1 e!3 15 r r- f, r on 9 , f vy h I , h , r- Sr v Card 5 (4) AUTHORS: Shchukarev, S. A. G_-4*-f-- 30TA 5 9 4 Andreyeva, 11. V. TITLE: Dependence of the Disproportionation Pressure of Low Tungsten Chlorides on the Composition of the Solid Phase (zavisimostluprugosti disproportsionirovaniyn niz3hikh khlorilov vollfrrimil ot goottivn tvordoy fnzy) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Leningradgkogr) inivorsiteta. S~,-riyri fi7,iki I khtmii, 1959, 11r 2, pp -9-02 'U.') ~Ii) AB:iTRACT: The thermodynamic f ~,I- 1.-_s:~rnporti,nati -. f 4 and VICI2 to the fin~il rrc1-:cts ani respectively, is only possible if in the existIng r?c!iA phase no interaction of these gubq*ances o-cur-. In t, ~;onne,-tion, investigations of the depeniien-e menti-jned in th~ titlc_- were carried out here. 7,C1, wa.9 1.,3,-. i3 initi-,' for thc 1) preparrition of the low by repeated reductif-,n 'Rr~",7 r. 9 r Card 1/3 and WC12 by di3proportion)~t t -)f ':.-- I Th,-- i n ii Dependence of the Disj;roportionation Pr9:3:iur-! -)f -;G Low Tungsten Chlorider on the Composition of the !3,)11(1 Phnge mixtur( used for the lnve7-0~ ,4 ,~, which contlir,~I-,I and 'NCI2and Also metall4c 17, ,T,, 7, rt rin 1.,,, 7 ~ I by Ref 6, . The reoults nro indi c, to-,' In tible 1 t pressurii over the mirture was ut,itically determinc? t,- qunrtz-Jinphrag.m zero -nanomat- (n,~e Refs 7, q) th pressur-3 of the steam -,ve r ,t .,*,," r~I differeit ratios C'I :,V at Ii' rent .-,,np.-.:- .-ros 'T,~-bl, shows ti, a t the i so the r,,n,,) I ' i., t' the steam At 'he interval 4.6-4.0 C1:W rL.--, v-i-. ips -,f tht- is the-Imal line of the disproportionati n ~-eo ;ure -,f t~,e pure WCI I' This statement shows that th.,rr is i f-ertr,~n 7nlunllity between SCI,5and WC1 4' The ins,-'~-t:ility of tne substanc?a in one qnother is determined by tho ~,)ren~zurp of the di9propo.-tionnted aterim over tho WCIi + WCI, mIxture At various :*atios C1:W (Tnble shows perfe-tly horizontal Card 2/3 isothermal lines. Table ! shows the lisproportionntion Dependence of the Disproportionation Pressure of SOV/51-59-2-11/24 Low Tungsten Chlorides on the Composition of the Solid Phase pressures of the steam over a mixture of VC1 2 + metallic W. It shows that there is a certain interaction botween the mentioned substances. A comparative X-ray invogtigatinn showed that Wrl2 exists in the range 2.0-1.7, and some unknown lines can be observed beside the lines of the latter; in the range 1-0, there are only the lines of pure metallic tungsten beside some unknown lines. Therefore, the dpt,~r- mination of the lisproportionati~)n 3cheme of the mixt,ir,~ "IC1 1 2 is rendered very difficult by the exi-;tonce of q solubility of WC12 and W in one another. There are 1 tQ71es and 8 references, 3 of vh1ch are SUBMITTED: June 1, 1958 Card 5/3 5(2) SOV/76-4-9-22/44 AUTHORS: Shchukarev, S. A., Novikov, G. I., Suvorov, A. V., Maksimov, V. K~ TITLE: The Thermographical Investigation of the Systems WC1 6 - W03V WC1 6 -WO 2' WC16 - MOC15 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 9, pp 20611-2066 (USSR) ABSTRAM Tungsten oxychlorides are only occasionally described in publications. However, as tungsten forms a considerable number of oxides and chlorides, a corresponding number of oxychlorides may be expected. The equipment used in the investigation is schematically drawn in figure 1. One of the thermograms drawn by means of two U-21 reflecting galvanoaeters is given in figure 2 as an example. A scheme of the electric furnace is shown in figure 3. Figure 4 represents the melting-point diagram of the system WC1 6 - WO,. From this it is evident that two oxychlorides are formed in the system WOC1 4 and WO2C1 2' From the melting-point diagram of the system WICI 6 - WO 2 (Fig 5) three Card 112 hitherto unknown oxychlorides were deduced: The Thermographical Investigation of the Systems SOV/78-4-9-22/44 WC1 6 -W030 WC1 6 - W02' WC16 - '(0C15 3WC16* WO 2' WC160W02 (or WOC1 3), and WCl 6'3W02 . A simple eutectic and regions of partial solubility in the solid phase were ascertained in the melting-point diagram of the system WC16 - Hocl.5 (Fig 6). There are 6 figures and 5 references, I of which is Soviet. SUBMITTED: June 16, 1956 Card 212 307/78-4-10-1/40 A"THORS: Shchukarev, S. A., kovlkovo G. 1#1 Kokovin, G. A. T11LE: Determination of Saturation Vapor Pressure and Molecular Weight of Tungsten Pentabromide PER-10DICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheakoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 10, pp 2185-2180 (USSR) A13STRACT: There are only a few data available in publications on the bromine compounds of tungsten presently known (WBr 61 WBr,, YBr 2# WOBr 4' W02 Br 2). For this reason the authors report on tensimetric and thermographic determinations carried out on WBr 5* W(CO16 and Br 2 were used as initial products, which re- act under formation of hexabromide which was decomposed in ' The tenBimetric determi- and Br vacuo at 2500 to give WBY 2 5 nation was carried out by megns of a diaphragm-zero-manometer made of heat-reeistant glass of the P-15 type. The temperature was measured by means of the PPTV-1 potentiometer. Table 1 gives the values obtained for the vapor pressure of WBr 5 betseen Cai'd 112 170.4 and 384.40C and 1 - 655 torr. In figure I the curve SOV/76-4-10-1/40 Detem ination of - Saturation Vapor Pressure and Molecular Weight of Tungst(.-n Pentabromide log P f(1000) is shown. Between 2300 and the melting saturated T K point 2950C the values are below the calculated curve owing to impurities. The computed values for the vaporization and sublimation enthalpy and -entropy are in good agreement with the values obtained by L. Brewer (Ref 1), whereas the resultant melting- and boiling points deviate from the data available in publications. According to table 3 the anelynis of WBr 5 gives a bromine content somewhat higher than that corresponding with the formula which is due to bromine adsorption. The values computed at 676.20K and 742.20K for the molecular weight of WBr5 are likewise above the theoretical values The presence of polymerized molecules in assumed. The solidification tempera- ture obtained by tensimetry deviates a little from the value- determined thermometrically (Table 5). There are 1 figure, 5 tables, and 6 references, 2 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: June 1, 1957 Card 212 SHCMEARY,V, S.A.; NOVIKOV, G.I.-, AlfDRETEVA, 113. Thermodynamic Inventigation of the Inwer t,mgnton chlorides. Vest.LCrU 14 no.4-120-131 'S 9. (KIRA 12:S) (Tunp9ten chlorides) SHCIMKAREV, S.A.; IVVIKOV. G AIMF&YFVA, 113. Effect of thn coripwmition of the oolid uhase ontbe iispro-Dortiona- tion pressure of lower ttingsten chlorides. Yest.LGU 14 no.10: 7p-,92 159. (9IRA 12:6) (Tur4,,aten chlorides) 24 ( 7) ~ 5 (4) A Lr! " A'CV S "'Tivorov, A. V. , :.hchuffl:~,,r~_- -') A. SOV/48-23-1,)-30/39 ....................... . PITLI"' On the Posvibillty of a ', :~Iecalar Spectra.1 Analysis of Vapors 'Sithin a 4ide Tomp3rature PEUCIDICAL I Izvestiya AkaulemJi rviuk Seriya fizicheakaya, 1959, 'lol 23, Pp 1246-1250 (ITStJt) Ur 10, A,B~THACT: For the analysis of gas- and vapor mixtures it is possible to use the opectrum of this irixture in the visible-, in the ultraviolet-, ur in the infrared range; whereas in the ultra- violet ranee the cuantum enor(,ies are already so high that un-called for pho-tochemic-al r,~,-vstians occur, the strong influence exercised by temperature in the infrared range is a disturbin6 factor, For the investigation of a complex system in equilibrilim, a spectrosccpic. method is. in any case, insufficient, becwase is necessary, besides the partial component pressure3- to know alac the total pressure in the system. For theii determ~ivrition it J.E; possible to employ W statistiral method, b!:~'. the menbrane method (with zero manometer) was fcund to be especially useful. It was found CaXd 1/3 that the amount of abso~-pt--)r j.s influenced by pressure, and Ot. the Possibility of a Molecular _'pe-,tral of jov/46-23-10-30/39 Vapors Afithin a -tide Temperature -Range still more by temperature. Ohe temperature dependence of the amount of absorption has hithert,~, not been quantitatively investigated. Such an empirical method was the aim to be fulfilled by the authorv. An inlrestAlgation of the temperature- dependent variation of aboorption and optical density in iodine vapors resulted in the formula Ky - xx T, where x, is a quartity which is independent of temperature. For its verification the system N 2 04 No 2 - 110 - 0 2 was investigated in the range 18-4800C. Fie7ire shovia the measured temperature depondence of the pressure p and of the optical density D. The diagram may be di,.r3-ded into 3 ranges:1) 16-looO, equilibrium N2 04 ~ 2N0 2, 11) 100-2000, pure NO 2' 111) 200-48001. equilibrium 21102 - 2110 + 0 2' By using theLsobert-3eer law a formula may be derived for the determination of X.- X,, = (%,/p)(R/d). For a given frequency the follor~jln., is thus obtained: Card 2/3 hi the I'G-,- L~jility of a :.ol-,:~cul iz Aralysis of -50V/48-2,x-10-30/'39 Yapora Cti, r, ~-- Ade Temperaturo x5575 ' t O.D00,1, 'l*ii.%iI!lr investilrationo woro Carriod out of a number of ixtures: ;;C1 6 "1' C 15 -C12 ; 170c1 0 (111 VICI Cl and fi 0 C 1 ~.O - ',OCI - 4CI 4 2 2 6 2 2 2 4 2 For the system .40CI 4 ;i C 16 -1110 "1 (112the temperature dependence of p and 1, is rilso shcvin by v diagram in fi_-ure 4, There are 4 fi6ures aad I Loviet reference. -,&.'I,iTIjN Khimicheskiy fakulltet Lenin-rudskogo gos. uiiiversiteta im. A. A. Did9nova (Chemical ~-)epartmont of Leningrad itate University imeni A. A. Zh~anov) ~-Ar,,j 3/3 28 (5) AUTHORS: Novikov, G. I., Suvorov, A. V. -1OV/72-257-(.-40/r3 TITLE: Membrane Zero Pressure Gauge for the Measurement of Vapor Pressure in a Broad Temperature Interval (.Membrannyy nullmanometr dlya izmereniya davleniya parov v shirokom intervals temperatur) PERIODICAL2 Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr 6, pp 750-751 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Several years ago a production technique was worked out of membranes for zero pressure gauges without the shortcomings of the pressure gauges according to reference 2 (Ref 1)~ As the membrane chamber is also in the present case not quite small enough, a device with smaller dimensions and a flat membrane was constructed. The pressure gavge may be made of molybdenum- or pyrex glass as well as of quartz (figure 1, scheme of the pressure gauge). The glass membrane is made from a glass ball which is blown and then flattened (Fig 2), A rodlet is melted on to the surface the shift of which in connection with a motion of the membrane indicates a change in pressure on an opposed needle, The sensitivity of measurements depends on the quality of the membrane, the Card 112 thickness of the rollet and the deviation of the top of the Membrane Zero Pressure Gauge for t-e ;',Ieqsurement of SO V/32-25 -1, -.10/', 3 Vapor Pressure in a Broad Temperature Interval rodlet from the needle. The high accuracy of measurement of the device was confirmed in determining the vapor pressureg of sulfur, mercury, iodine, nitrogen oxides (Ref 4) etc. There are 2 figures and 5 Soviet references ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy go3udar9tvennyy unlversitet im A, A, Zhdanova (Leningrad State University imeni A. A. Zhdanov) Card 212 28(5) SOV/32-25-9-27/53 AUTHORS: Novikov, G. I., Suvorov, A. V., Bayev, A. fr. TITLE: Method of Determining the Pressure of the Saturated Vapor of Difficultly Volatile Substances PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, lir 9, pP 1097-1099 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A method was developed by which the sample is vaporized in an inert gas in a cloW vessel, the inert gas acting as elastic medium which transfers the vapor pressure to a pres- sure gauge outside the high-temperature range. From the scherne of the gauge (Fig 2) it may be seen that the substance to be investigated evaporates in a cylindrical quartz vessel which is housed in a furnace and is connected to a diaphragm zero- pressure gauge by means of a tube. The latter is contained in a thermostat and transmits the pressure to the pressure gauge which permits measurements with an accuracy of * 0.5 torr. From the measurement results obtained on the apparatu; describ- ed the preaoure of the saturated vapor of KCI was computed, and a curve of the dependenoe of the vapor preaeure on tom- perature was plotted (Fig 3). Comparison with the correspond- ing values in Stall's table shows good dgreement of the data. Card 112 There are 3 figures. SOV/32-25-9-27/53 Method of Determining the PreRsure of the Saturated Vapor of Difficultly Volatile Substances AS.7)OCIATrON: Leningradskiy gosudaretvannyy universitet im. A. A. Zhdanova (Leningrad State University imeni A. A. ZhIanov) Card 212 - -4071KOV, G.I.; KAXAPXHYA. A.A.; RYABOV. A.M.; 611VOROV. A.V. Improved circulation method of determining the dissociation pressure, lev. rye. ucheb. cav; kh1m. i khim. telch. 3 no. 5t952- 958 160. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Leningradskiy goeudaretvannyy universitet. Xafedra obahchey t noorganichaskoy khimii. (Gaaes-Analyste) 0' L S/078/,6 0/005/006/ 002/01 e B004,/BO52 AUTHORS: Shchukarev, S. Novikov, G. I-- Vasillkova, I. V-., Suvorov, A. V., An(I-Fe-yeva, 11. V. Sharupin, B. IT., Bayev, A. K. TITLE: The Thermodynamic Properties Of Chlorides and Oxychlorides of tji~ ~sten and MolZLdenum 0 ~j PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol. 5, No. 8, pp. 1650-1654 TEXT: By applying various methods, the authors wanted to check the formation heats, formation e trm"Oand formation enthalpiee in the case W_ -It of Mo- and W chlorides, published in western papers (Refs. 1, 2). They investigated: WC1 6' 110cl 59 MCI 4f MOC1 40 WO2 C12(obtained by a succensive chlorination of WO 3 and MOO3 by means of CCI 4~ moo 2C12 (obtained by the reaction between MOO 2 and C12 ); MOC131 WC1 V WC1 5 (by the reduction of MOC1 5 and WC1 6 by means of 11 2), an.] MoCl 2' WC12 (obtained by diepropor- Card 1/3 The Thermodynamic Propertie,3 .f Chl:)rides S/070/60/005/008/002/101,3 and Oxychlorideo of Tungsten and Molybdenum B004/BO52 tion of MoCl 3 and WC1 4' and 11oOCl 4). Two calorimetric methods were applied: 1) Comparison of the heat of solution of the investigated substance to the heat of solution of a substance whose heat of formation is known (Table 1). 2) Combustion in oxygen (Table 2), Furthermore, the vaporization, depoly merization, dissociation, and disproportionation processes taking pla,-.e in a state of equilibrium, were spec tropho tome tr ioally and tensimetrically investigated (Tables 3, 4). The enthalpies of formation, and partly also the standard entropies of formation were calculated from the experimental data. In Tables 5 (Mo compounds) and 6 (W compounle) they are compared with the data given in Ref. 2 which were adopted almost unchanged by the US National Bureau of Standards (Ref, 9), The values determined by the authors are 1.4 1.7 times as high. Therefore, the dependence of the free energy of formation of temperature is different altogether 6 This is 0 graphically represented in Fig. 1 (compa-rison of determined LH and L F for tungsten compounds, with the data of the National Bureau of Standards), and Fig. 2 (comparison of the eH form 0 f Cr, Mo, and W chlorides., with the data of the National Bureau of Standar,1s). There are 2 figures, 6 tables, and 9 references: 6 Soviet, 2 US, and I Dutch. Card 2/3 -/07 The Thermodynamic Proper".1lee. ); Ch-rriaee D, a/' 6o/'005/00G,'C02/0 I i~ and Oxychlorifies of Tuntsatf,,-, .'A X,:.,jodenum B004/BU'~2 ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy goaudarntvennyy univorsitet Khimichookiy fakulltet (Leningrad State University Department of Chemistry) SUBMITTED: May 6, 1959 Card 3/3 2557M S/07a/6 1/006/OOP/0 !0/0 1 a B-127/B220 kbTHORSt Novikov, G. I., Polyachenak, 0. G. TITLE& Thermographic method of measuring the pressure of saturated vapors of difficultly volatile compounds PERIODICALs Zhurnal neogranicheskoy khimii, v. 6, no. 8, 1961, '951-'952 TEXTs The authors used the "boiling point" method which has the advantages of the method by L. G. Berg (Ref. 21 IZV, Sektory fiz.- k.him. analiza, 22, 140 (1953)). This method makes it possible to determine the moment wheT the vaDor pressure of the substances equals the pressure outside the reac- tion vessel. in the present case, this moment was determined from the temperature drop of the substances, which occurred with their increasing evaporation near boiling point. The apparatus required is shown in Fig.l. When experimenting with hygroscopic and easily oxidizable subotancee, the reaction vessel is connected to a vacuum apparatis and filled with pure and dry nitrogen. The current from the differential thermocouple is measured by a mirror galvanometer of 10-9 a/mm-m sensitivity. Gradual pressure drop was effected in the system at constant temperature, and the Card 1/3 )200 B A'ITHORS: Novikov, G. I., Ancireyeva, N. V Po TITLE- New metnod for tt~e ayntnes:9 of low 1 PERIODICALt Zhurnal neorganicheskGy knimii, v t, n:; TEXT: The object for the present study was to elalbo,-at~- ~i m,-ttod T-rmittlng the production of larger quantities (kir~7ramq; of' :ow cn~orideq. Production by reduction of WCI 6 with hydrogpn is n~-, arivan*apr-,)~is. and fDr larger quantities it also requires special d~paratu,3 lf~e langer of explosion hazard. This studyviveB theorrOlca~ an~ Inpir experimental confirmation with regard to the redurt:,on j! -Jitr. phosphorus. On the basis of the th,,rmcdjrwkm-,, (lata S, A. jt-ri.k~trev, G. 1. Novikov Pt al., Hefpratyiloklfidov Vill (Abstracts of the reports from the ,vi fiz. khimii, M., 19~8, p. 220;, 11 F)od yip,,I -,! 1:,f~ - :r;,. ri, rt:IAW~14 Card 1/4 2 t.-, 2 ! 2 New method for the synthesis ... S /0 78/6 1/-,() B 10 7/B 10 1 '), ~I'll le-vpr , tte is found to form from WCI 6 and white phosphorus equilibrium of the reaction IWOCI'Is - (~'cy 0 9 - ~WC141 i at 200 C lies almost entirely on the right-hani side., so that the Findl reduction product would be free of contaminating oxychloride ~B =solid; g - gas). Phosphorus has also the advantage that 1'~ may bt- qr~curately dosed and the reaction conducted in the evacuated glass ves3e.. Red phosphorus was used for the experiments and the reaction temperature was therefore raised to 250-300 0 C. WCI 6 was prepared by rea,-,tion of tungsten with chlorine at 500-600 0C. A glass apparatus (Fig.) was uspd I'or preparing low chlorides. WCI 6 and phosphorus were filled into vessel B. For the preparation of WC1 59 slightly more than the 5toichiomietrically required quantity of phosphorus was used, slightly less for that of WCI 4* The vessel is then evacuated and sealed at a. B is heated to 250-500 0C, the volatile PC1 3 and POCI 3 are condensed in C. After the reaction, C is Card 2/4 A tu --------------- ---- ----------- e r s 7 Ir, j t hit y,: i ~3 o u r e ",a I I., -)/07F3/61/006,/Ol 1 1015 015 Thermodynamic atudy of binary ... BIOI/B147 1. 1 membrane method. The formation entropy was calculated from the difference. Results are given in Table 2. There iire 2 tableu and 6 references: 4 Sov ie t and 2 n~)n- Sov i Pt . The two references to Enp,,Isr, lanpuaj-Y,e publications real as follows: G. TakeshikojIma. Electrochem. Soc. Japan, 20, 173 (1952 1 ; K. Ninhihava, Tanla, T. Shimiza. Chem. Ab3tr., 46, 10HA (1952). ASSOCTATTON: Leningradskiy posudarstvenn- -iiversitet (Leningrad state University) 1) B M I T':'F D Octol),r 12, 1900 Pablf- :1. Lefrend (a) comoound, ,b) mi form' C kcal/m-)Ie; (c) I~S form' entropy units/p-mole. 21 KCI LMA, KCI 3 LaC13 3KCI - (I'C(13 3 KCI 2 CC(33 K (1 -3 CCC12 -51777~-(, 25 4 1 2 f-4 S 3 K I Pr 13 i 11,66�0 -7./.�,:;, 3KcI ; -6,311 �O, 24 1 -1,0 3 K(:I- N (I (A 3 KCI 2 V11.1, J0,I)EI,o 7,4()�O./,7 -1/j,08�4),38 15.36 f:0, 70 67 -4-4). 37 + 1,9�0,3 - 17,5�1,0 + 1,2�0,3 -20,2 �i,0 Card 3/5 ;kA Therriorr -IT) ~iC ~jw c a! z)rim~ -TyliE- tr: trig: ~.tuav _)f t, T;,L-l r 1~ I u na. 1 1,).b2, so- L ... I rcharact~-iis ic. c.' the f~r:aa f f 0 C' t ';-' - L 2 1 :-.e Z rCI ~:, t ki U 11 n 0 s L; re a c S (xKCI-y'-rCI solid + s C, d I' L! 3 ,.'1 1 ta f0., NOVIKOV, G.I.; POLYACHENOK, O.G. Study of the PrCl Pr system. Zhur.neorg.khim. 7 no.5: 1209-1210 My 161.- (K~R- 11:7) 1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet, khimicheskiy fakul'tet. (Praseodymium chlorides) (Praseodymium) 17 4 "-C )/024 r i r and :i t~ 0 -2 r r r fL 7; f) f* i r t t ri po ir. a r I J~i t ura t. i on v~ipor prvF1 ~7ure& of' t h) . . . 1093-1;124c,C for CeCl 9CI)C' for Pri,'I and 1 1~40` fol "'t C I T.he renulf.,,; ire ~-iven in Fi,-. For %d]I, ure --)rly qpp,roxiratp, af; t ho 1 n , 1. i t INd r~ (, n t Fi m i r 1 1, P r .Tahle 6 rivef tho I~oilin~, , I)VI'l-ol iti,in orith~il w"it1,01,101or I.I.troli"!I '1-'HVod from tt)e re!wl tq . "'tie boi I i ri~.; ;,,oi t ts ;ii i? lowor t. han tl~o ccrr-.~ porA itir, published data (:.. 1. !~arriion , j . ici,or . . , ~ , 601 ( 1952 ) ;V. V. Serebrennikov, Xhimiya redkozew-Priylkh elementov (Chemistry of Pare Earth ElerrientL;), Tor:,:ik, j, R. (". 7ic'kf!ry, Chomintry of trio Lanthanont;, London, 1953, P. 2,"J) . Th(-, entropies of fusion were calculated Prom the melting Toints of the chlcrid- studied, and from th(~ heats of fusion fiven in the above referencfi 7). The evaporation and sublimation enthalpies calculated mainly from experimental data are considerably hijher than the published fifures (An. N. Nesmeyanov, L. A. Sazonov, Zri. neorfar. khimii, 4, 230, 251 (1959)). There are 3 Ifigures and 7 tables. AS-;OCIATIOJ: Leningradslkiy rocudar!Av,~ni-qy universitet (Lenirerad 3tate linivorsitl) Vi A/," I u r;i fi T n r) r V I T'V ;I I r, p I t T. C- t hud 5, 9 F t' 1 t i t y r I r Vii r f r' r e -t t I I I t it r, C! P.~; rl V r. t !~p r i d i a,-r;imF~ //T K t h~~ I i I - ~, , u ra i n v~,pcr* pr,~s :i i r t2 r t if o ifferent r ) in 1, -) ~; i t i r e r, t ~"j "; e I " 10 r a ~- ( r~ wn; o n TI 5 1 ;-%d LnC 1 5 ' T h e i r o r ~ ? r a ir r e e- h t, ~, r i ia r1 i~,:, ,, i , ~, () rc. e n t r a t i )r, f t hc - , I to . T ~, s., r ~-. i ,j r, r) ri - m o n , t o n i - variatirn in the ri sn of t~-- vapor prt-?.~ure line when pansint7 from pure j I y 3~ 7 r .2 r. 1 t r~t u r s ti n r, 7 f T~ e F~ hp v 'ip r.t :II n e c 7- p r, e x v- c t .1 f I r. J LnC I ,-i r- e 7! 1 ~i j F., 011! 1," J J e f; LI r' r t., r e va r a t i r n t,,~ A i -, w I-i va v r F~1 .7, F,, It c o m pn 9 r-,n n f, )w ou. e f9 r ~-,, o f ~;al tn, K21 a n d Lr C I m u S 0 V,) rarc (L Eir t h co r- t en t h e va p ;~, r d e c r ea!; e 9 -ov i t h r i a i r E t nm pe r a f,,i r e w,,.! cri may ~)e due to d issoc i a ', i ,) n o f the volati lFj forms of "he compounds In tht, malt. There tire 9 figuren and 11 tables. I 1)07/006/0 1 -1/024 u rc- nd or o,,()!-w It, r!z t,vi, .',yy Lin i ver!z ra n i v e r!; i Card MOVIKDV, G.I.; BAYEV, A.K. Vapor hydrolysis of rio-oble chlorides of potassium ai-,d rare earth elements. (La,Ce,Pr,K,6). Vest.LaJ 17 no.4:154-160 '62. (MIRA 15:3) (Rare earth chlorldes)(Hydrolysis) NOVIKOV, G.I.; BAYEV, A.K. Characteristics of the evaporation of rare earth chlorides in the systems KCI - LnCl3 (Ial Ce# Pr, Nd). Vest. LG1U 17 no.16:69- 97 162. (MIRA 15:9) (Rare earth chlorides) (Systems (Chemistry)) 339 ?j -, - 7 S/67'j D" Cj 4 M r ? AUTHORS; Novikov, G, I and Bayev A K TITLE: Saturated val, i pressures ~Df tain ,-inthanons iind ()v,-r tht- ~,yo-T.-inL; M, La, Ce . Pr , IN Diurna. obshl-hey kh:mii v n, TEXT- The vapor pressures wt.,re mt--aqure.j toy --t mi.1,.ar jew-point' methoJ, --,ver molten LaCl,, CeC~ PrC., -anj N C at '124-12200 O'j ~ vely Dependence of the f!--,rm In P - f(1O0U-,'T`K) mired [Abstractor's no-e: tent neat and entropy! I C- 2 4 00 4 1 -9 2 (1 fin d 9 t) 1 Q 4r es 1) e pre~3,qucc n temperature nf !hF- ,Js,AF,: and L~H evap fir. d A sevap beer. det,~-r 6H and z2~S nci ~t-fined t--~, rr-t~,Lly " f7.1 B o i I i n g p o i r. t .3 c) f La C I~:- r' - ,P -ar. 1 NdC1, were found to be 11~7,)O, 15550. ~nd 4 I-)r, Card 1.,'2 ~3a~,~ratei .,.,if,or pre,--iures ~)f 39 r) 7 '1/ D :-f G 4,~ D 5 G ,;, ~, -, `C br~ ' o w va 1. u P 6 vi o t e d I n th (~ 1 14 t P ra t i) r e'jjrr,r sil oo me,,f3urel ),jer binury r~iloridf, 1 0 be tween - 11000C and 6 (-) 0C i n d t I i e s z rT, a t ~- F, ,)r gl n-,1 0, 4 '~ .0 50 g samp. es ) vere analy zed f or C I bind I t found th~,', the concentration of N' in the japors ~i ! temperatures which is thought to be connected wi tt~ the liss .~:iaT of volatile forms of the compounds There dire Z' ~ a t I e E; r. A rpn,,ee. 5 Soviet bloc and 5 nnn-S~,vietl-blc( T n c. t- ` ~! r 9c t, Englieh language -ublic tions read ~s E H a r r i L~ir, n - Lem 60,1, 1952, Viikery Che~nis-,rj *he La-n 1, h ar - n 3 [Abstractor s note- Essentially traris.:,"..-n T I - -, T7ED! -,anuary Ii v- t n Wan h I g~,f~ r I-,n r e f t - , , - , - Card ? C YAW GUI~-FAN LYen Kung-fan); Ll 6HA6~-t~HZIIUN LLi Shao--huxlgj; NUVD-V, G.I. ThermodyraLmic invegLigati,ij of t4orium ovfch.loride. kiur-roorg. klilm. 8 no.1:89-93 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:5) (Thorium c1dorides-Thermudynamic properties) ilffl YUY-LlNl, [Sung Y&Iin); INUMN G.I. A'.. " .- Thermographic snd calorimtric study of the system samarium trichloride- potassium chlorido. Zhur.neorg.khim. 8 no.3:700-703 Mr 163. (MIRA 16:4) (Samartum chloride) (Potassium chloride) (Thermal analysis) EWP(q)ArkT(K)/B])S AFM MIJVIJG V078/63/008/005/002/021 sl' AUVOR: No-Akov, G. 1. and Folyachenok, 0. G. S' 7 TITLE: A study of UdCl,-trd and PrClj-Pr system 'tn 7e AL: Zhurnal neorgshichaskoy khimii,, V* P-mour LI, no 5., may 1963,, 1053- 1059 TEXT: For the systems referred to in the title the authors obtain iso- therms of vapor pressure at 11800. By using the obtained thermagraphic and ten- 0 simetric data, the authors computed values of heat content (&H298) and free energy, (A F?98) for the formation of the solid dichlorides NdC12 and PrCl2.- .4 P.99a - -169 � 3 kcal/mol & -167 1 3 kcal/mol A F-0 - -158 � 4 kcal/mal & -156 � 4 kcallmol. 29.8 There are 4 figures and 4 tables. The most important Eng-lish-language reference reads as followat L. L. Quill.. the Chemistry and Metallurgy of Miscellaneous Materials, 1950. Card I/P) &ssociATION: TheLeningrad State Universityo Chemistry Department I 106h5-6 EPF( a PI!, 7-D-1~r-11-- ACOMSION NR: AE130012?.6 s/0078/631008/006/1526/1527 AUTHOR: Folyachenok, 0. G..- Movikov, G. 1. TITLE: Vaporizationlof the rare earth element trichloride SOURCE:* Zhurnal noorganichaskoy kbiall. v. 8. no. 6. 1963, 1326-1527 TOPIC TAGS.- vaporization. rare earth element trichlorides. L&M sub 3. CoCl sub 3, PrCl sub 3, NdC1 sub 3, ErCl sub 3, entropy. enthalpy ABSTRAM, Th* boiling tmporature. vapor pressures and anthalpy (heat content), were determined (experimentally), for Lat Co. Pr, Nd snd Er trichlorides. They were calcuated, for all of the other rare earth trichlorides. Orig. art. has: 1 table and I equation. ASSOCrATION. Laningradakiy gasudarstyenny*y universitat, Ehimiche*iy fakul 'tat (YnIMad'State Uhiversi~y. Department of Chemistry) SUBMXTTM: 12NOT62 DATF. ACQD: Oljul63 ENCLs 00 SUJWME: 00 NO REF SOV: 003 OTHM: 002 k es Card 1/1 L 13ohg-63. -EWP(q)/EWT(mj/BDS -'A"TGASD -:-4D/JG-- - ACCESSION KRt AP3003470 8/00781053/008/W/156T/15T3 AUTMOR: Folyachenok, 0. G.; Novikov, G. r, Tr=: Stability Of lower rare-earth chlorides SOMM zhurma worgaidaheskor 521, W, at no* TOPIC TAOS: rare earth, rare-earth chloridep, rare-earth, enthalpy, rue-eartbL disproportionation,, rue-earth reduction, Born-Kaber cycler lanthanide, chloride, j =1 sub, 3.. KdC1 sub, 2, XdCl. ABSTRACrt The thermochemical, data required for the detemination of the stability] of lower rare-earth chlorides ban been obtained. The.heats Of formation ;of NdCl2: and, NdC15 vere determined- calorimetrically to be -163.2 an& -246-5. icallmol,! respectively. From these heats of formation the enthalpy change in the Portionation of NdC'2 by the reactiOU.' 3=12oolid It. 2xdcly + NdgoldL was calculatedL to be -3A kcal,, and 430j, 15 �L I EV. The temperature of non. variant equilibrium Of the disproportionation vw found tO be -46C,, belov Wtdch c(lrcl L 13049-63 AaMION RRt M30034TO NdC22 lor thermodynwicaXly unstable =4 can onl3r exist in the frozen state. The heats of formation of 'an anide (La) dichlorldes In the eolI& state were calcu- lated by means of the Born-Haber cycle and, are given in Table I of the Enclosure. The data in Table I suggest that. the heat of sublimation Is the main factor which. determines the heats of formation of the lower ram-earth chlorides. On the basis of the data given In Table 2.. for WlZ disproportionation by the reactiom, 3rnclolu rA101., solu + 11400lid i the ftllowing quLUtative conclusiom concerning the stability of the ram-eartbL dichlorides were madet 1) rn addition to the known smai2j, Euci2, and mix,, the, stable dichlorlder FW1,Z andL TmC12 cam be obtained. 2) Among the less stable dichlorides,, in addition to the known MWla and. M12, it is ajriarertly possible to obtain In the solid state W12. 8nd R00121 which are stable at elevate& tem. -peratures only, and. ErCl which is apparently stable at room temperature-, ~ 3) for-, mation of L&C12.. Cen &Z,, and. TbClp cannot be exy;eeted in the solid state or 20 in the melt. Calculation of the equilibrium constants for hydrogen reduction of Lnell to W12 revealed. the possibility of complete reduction of WIS, EuClst and. Mlyt but of only partial reduction in the case of 11d,, Pm, Dy, Ho,, Er, or Tm, Calculation of heats of formation or W1 by means of the Born-Haber cycle Card ~63' re 13OW- ACCESSION NRt AP300ATO and of Igo and w in its disproportionation by the resation: 3W12solId "A015solid, + Insoliev vas amied wti the results am given in Tdble 3. It vu determined that the formation of monoch-lorides in the solid and. molten states is negligible. OrIg. art. hasc T tablesp 11 formulas, ad, I figure, ASSOCIMON: Eaningradskly gosudarstivenny*y univereItat, 01micheckly fakulltet, (UaLngra& State University,, Department of Chemistry) SUBM==: o%T=62 DM AM: 02Aug63 ENCL-. 03 I SM COEE: CK NO OF Sovc 013 016 Card 3-1~3 ........ A 'ACCESSION NR: AP3003486 S/0078/63/008/007/178511796 AUTHOR: Folyachenok, 0. G. -'Nov1kov,.G. 1. TITLE: On the pressure of saturated vapor in the LaCIS-La, PrCIS-Pr, and NdC13 -Nd systems, SOURCE: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khtmil, v. 6, no. 7, 1963, 1785-1766 TOPIC TAGS: 'rar'e earths, rare earth chlorides, lanthanum, praseodymium; neodymium, PrCls,, NdCl$, LaC15, vapor pressure, solubility, boiling-point method, heat of rea:ation, Pr(II), Nd(II) ABSTRACT: The ~Apor pressure of the PrCls-Pr, NdCls-Nd, and LaC13 - La systems and the solubility of the rare' earths in the chlorides of these systems were determined in the 1180-13500C range. The vapor-pressure samples weighing 0.1-0.2 g weremdasured by the "boiling-point" method in heavy-walled quartz ampoules lined with molybednum to prevent reaction of the rare earths with quartz. Vapor-pressure diagrams plotted (see Enclosure), indicate that :card 115 F M. ACCESSION NR: AP3003486 dissolution of atomic La occurs and that ions of Pr(10 and Nd(ll) form in the melt. In all three systems the tricfiloride was the only compound to vaporize. Instability of the dichlorides in the vapor phase is probably associatdd with their. high heat of. vaporization. -The positive deviation from Raoult's law observed In the PrCl -Pr system may be attributed to the presence of some atomic Pr. The experimental heat of vaporization in the single-phas'e region was close to that of the pure chlorides (LaC13, PrCl... and MCI.), indicating that the overall heat effect of processes occurring during the dissolution of the trichlorides in the melt was close to zero. The difference between the heat of v6porization of the pure trichlorides and that of NdC15 and PrC15 in the phas e- separation region is governed by the heat of reaction of the disproportionation of the dichlorides. The latter was found to be 38 � 10 kcal for NdC12 at an average temperature of 1250*C, and 24 � 10 kcal for PrC12 at an average temperature of 12306C. For thermo- dynamic calculations from the data obtained on the disproportionation of the dichlorides, more precise information concerning the nature of ions formed in the melt on dissolution of the metals, as well as experimental data on Card 2/5 ACCESSION NR.- AP3003486 specific -heat of the trichlorides and dichlorides, would be required. Orig. art. -has: I figure. ASSOCIATION: Leningradsldy gosudarstvenny*y universitet. Khimicheskiy fakul' tet (Leningrad State University, Chemistry Faculty) -SUBMITTED: 27DecG2 DATE ACQ: 02Aug63 ENCL- 02 SUB CODE: 00 NO REF SOV: 004 OTHER: 002 card 3 /5 AP3003496 P MM Hg 10 Mir 14 t t l a o me WC13 Jv A Card ENCLOSME 01 Fig. Vapor pressure in the LaC13 -La and PrGJ3 systems- 4WCESSION tM: AP3003486 ENCLOSURE 02_ POMM He . M ifamol Metal Card 5/5 Fig. 2. Vapor pressure in -Nd system the M15 A- in " ~ -, f , , C, "r ;, 'a I. ; :,- ~ ,.! K : I , 0'', . ,, ',f, , . t, , . POLYAC,"NOY 14( POLYACIIENOXV O.G.; llov.1~0111, II.-: . ThormodynamIc study of dJ-. and 'r, chlor iris, 9 ot . Vest. ILU. 18 no.16:1~1-134 ',) i . (MITtA I ~ " ' 11 IqLYACHFNOK, ().G.; "13VIKOV, (-J.-,. ~, ri tura torl val,t) r , -, r!i:, v-, )! */l I ' 1. ~- :!,,~nfi r'. :n. ~;:- . - - . - - * -- 3~ no.8:2196-~"VO A,7 ',,-3. 't"tchloridei of rar,.- -- ',~ ( r4, ~j --, '. . - -1 I . Le n A n F~ r a ri,,3 e, t v v,) 9 -:,,; ~~ -.r, in n Ty i n ~ ,, r- r r- -, ,,- t . i8i8',,_6 16.WP(q)jEW-r(m)/BD3 AFFTC/ASD JWIJrjlJD SIT dNR: AP3006833 S/0079/63/033/008/2797/2797 AUTHOR: Polyachenok, 0. G.; Novikov, G. 1. TITLE: Investigation of dichlorides of rare-earth elements .--17 -2, *7 SOURCE: Zhurnal obshchey ktilm i, V 33, no. 8, 1963, 2797 TOPIC TAGS: rare earth metals, dichlorides, phase diagram, ther- mal analysis, preparation, solubility, bivalent ion formation, standard enthalpy of formation, neodyniur.'i, NdC13, NdC12, PrC12, chlorides, samarium, SmC13, SMC12, EUC120 EUC139 YbC12, YbC13, Sccl 20 Sccl,, scandium, yttr1um, LaCl 39 lanthanum, praseodymiun, PrC13 ABSTRACT: In a study of rare earth dichlorides the phnse diagrams 01, Cho S-1cl 3-Sm , ScC1-Sr, and YCI -Y systems have been obtained gmcl.-.~m In 1, 11 e rr. a Ifn I v r, I s 2 17: -1, composes on rieltinz), samarium is considered r.p rvs'oler a Stable com'n~ound' In 7me a :e C':M'7"~ "Lnd , 5-j': . 3.1c tz~d'p - dere formed. Reactlon of SMC13 with metallic to be the best method for obtaining pure Card 1/2 L 18161-63 ACCESSION NR: AP3006833 Smcl 2- Compounds EuCl 2 and YbCl2 are readily obtained by reduction of the trichlorides with metallic zinc. Scandiumllichloride (Sccl 2) melted at 806C with decomposition. In the ScC13- Sc system the intermediate compound 2ScCl *Sccl . which decomposes on melting, was obtained. The solubility 0? yttrfum*4n YC13 was only 2 mo17 at the eutectic temperature, 716C. Vapor pressure measurements for the LaCl 3 --La,AP rCIl 3- P r , N d C 13- N, 401, f C 13- Y, and ScCl -Sc s'.'stems show that4atdn c dissolution of La and Y occurs an t'-'It r 2 +'4 d 2 + 2+ divalent ions of Pi 9 . I and Sc are formed in the melt. Fo r the disproportionation of the dichloride to the trichloride and the metal, A110 was found to be 13 kcalhiole for NdCl2 and 8 kcal/mole for PrC12; In both cases AS* was equal to 3 eu (at an average tem- perature of 1250C). The standard enthalpy of formation was -163.2 kcal/mole for NdC12 and -246.5 kcal/mole for NdCl,. For solid PrC12 and ScC12 the enthalpy of formation was appr~xtmately -163 and -145 kcal/mole, respectively. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITWD: 22 Fab 63 DATE AM 30 Sep 63 EUCL: 00 SUB CODE- CH NO REF SOV,- 000 OTHER: 000 Card 212 t,rXEC."ITON N'1: AP4012450 3/0078/64/009/002/0472/0475 AUTHORS: No-rikov, G. I.; Polyachanok, 0. G.; Frid, S. A. TITLE: Fusibility diagrams of systems formed by samarium and ytter- bium di- and trichlorides with potassium chloride SOURCE: Zhurnal neorg. khim., v. 9, no. 2, 19641 472-475 TOPIC TAGS: samarium dichloride, sanarium trichloride, ytterbium dichloride, yttorbium trichloride, -?otassium chloride, binary chlor- ide fusibility, fusibility diagram ABSTRACT: This work resulted from ;he lack of data on the stabilizink action of alkali halides on the diialides of rare earths. The formation of solid phase compounds was observed and complexes were traced in the liquid and gaseous phases of trichloride3. Since there also is no literary data on the effect of KC1 on rare earth dichlor- ~ides, fusibility tests of Sm and Ybdi- and trichlorides with KC1 were made and fusibility diagrams plotted. It was-found that thd solid state compound KCl~2SmCl2 decomposes during melting, while KCl-YbCl2 malts without decomposition. There is a sindlarity of Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4012450 :these fusibility diagrams with those of Srsl2-KC;_,_and Ca% -KS1 due to the sim:Llarity of ionic radii of Sr + -Sm4-- and Ca -T"+ (1.27 and 1.06A). The SmCl -KC1 system showed, in addition to the 3KCl*SmC1 and 2KC1*SmC'3(2ready known)s a new compound KClo2SmCl while the3YbC1 KC1 system forms only 3KCleYbC1 . Complex ions weAl .observed in thfliquid state. It was also founa that a marked in- .fluence of KC1 on the relative stability of rare earth di- and trichlorides can only be expected for neodymium dichloride. Orig. art. has: 2 Figures. !ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy gosudsarstvenny*y universitats khimiches- kiy fakultet (Leningrad State Univeriity# Department of Chemistry) ~SUBMITTED: 04Jun63 DATE ACQ: 26Feb64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: CH NR REF SOV: 007 OTHER: 005 2/2 NOVIKOV, G.I.; GAVPYT1CnNYCV, F.G. Pressure of saturated vapors of the chlorides of -,a, Sr, ez. Zhur. neorg. kh1m. 9 no.2:475-476 F'64. (MIRA 17:2) KIJRBANOV, A.R.; SUVOROV, A.V.; SII(JiUKA14EV, S.A.; NOVIKOV, G.I. Themodynanica of tantalum chlorideB. Zhur. aeorg. kt-im. no.3:520-525 Mr 164. OGRA 17: 3) '-ACCESSION NR: AP4029180 8/0078/64/.009/004/077310777-** AUTHOR: Polyachenok. 0. G.; Novikov, G. 1. TITLE: Dissociation pressures of samarium, europlum and ytterbium trichlor- idea SOURCE: Zhurnal neorganicheakoy khimii, v. 9, no. 4, 1964, 773-777 TOPIC TAGS: samarium trichloride, europium trichloride. ytterbium trichlor-. ide, dissociation pressure. thermodynamic characteristic, static method, zero manometer, dissociation constant, heat of formation, entropy of formation, hydrogen reduction. samarium dichloride, europium dichloride, ytterbium di- chloride, solid trichloride, liquid trichloride, solid dichloride, liquid dichloride ABSTRACT: The dissociation pressures of molten SmCI3. EuC13, YbC13 (LnC131iq. LnC1211q. + 1/2C12) were measured, and from these the thermo- dynamic characteristics for theme rare earth dl- and trichlorides were calculated. The chlorine pressures at temperatures up to 1000C were measured by the ata- tic method with a quarts-membrans zero manometer (G. L Novikov...A. Ve 5mrs; CWd. ACCESSION NR: AP4029180 Zavodsk. laboratoriya. 25, 750 (1959)). The dissociation con1tants for SmC13 \and YbC13 were calculated according to the equation: K - D'. 41. and of EUC13, Nz. -T- in which chlorine formation is much greater. by the equation: WT;~_ 2*C16V From these data the standard heat and entropy of formation of the Sm, Eu and Yb di- and trichlorides were calculated. The data agree with literature values. Calculations were also carried out for the equilibrium in the dissociation of the solid trichlorides according to the equation: LnCl3golid4==:* LA2Cl2solid + I/ 20gl and-for the reduction of the trichlorides with hydrogen: LnCl3 + I/2H2 f===:f LnC12 + HCL The equilibrium chlorine pressures over the molten tricMarides at 1100-1400 C were determined: \N &MC1gP U-82- -9,061 IgT 17 300 9,061 Ig T f /3 ACCESSION NR: AP4029180 Orig. art. has: 3 tables and 5 fomulas ASSOCIATION: beningradskiy gosudarstvenny*y universitat Xhimicheskly fakul'tet (Leningrad State Uaivvreity, Chemistry Faculty) 29AprG4 ENCL.4 00 SUBAUTTEM 08VebG3 DATE ACQ. Sun CODS: Pa. CH NO REV SOV: 004 Ora= 006 IJ ACCESSION ZIR: AP4029196 3/0078/64/009/00411OL71LO19 A'L;T;iOR: Frid, S. A.; Polyachanak, 0. G.; Novikov, 0. 1. TITL'.~ Vapor pressure and vapor composition in the potassium chlorideaamarium, yueroium, calcium and strontium dichloride systems SUiRCE: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, v. 9, no. 4, 1964, 1017-1019 TOPIC TAGS: potassium chloride containing system, samarium dichloride containing system, ytterbium dichloride contaiiiing system, calcium dichloride containing system, strontium dichloride containing system, vapor pressure, vapor composition, KCI-SmCl sub 2 system, KCI-YbCl sub 2 system, KC1-CaCl sub 2 system, KCI-SrCl sub 2 system ABSTRACT: The saturated vapor pressures in the KCI-SmCl KCI-YbCl2, KCI-CaCl2 and KCl-SrC12 systems, and the gross vapor composition oi'the Is tte r two systems were determined. The saturated vapor pressures were obtained by the "boiling point" method at 1050 and 1150 C above melts containing 25, 50 and 75 mol.t KM (figs. a, b). The data show the systems deviate from MaouLt's law only slightly, and that the KC1-C&C12 and KCI-YbCI2. and tha KCI-SrCIZ add XCI-SMC12 systems are Card 1/3 ACCESSION UR: AP4029196 similar. The gross composition of the vapor (the potassium and the alkaline earth content) at 1050 and 1150 C was determined by flame photomeEry. The data show thc alkaline earth dichloride potarsium chloride ratio in independent of tempers- zure. Thi-q ratio (,MCl2/KCl) doea decrease with Increase In Initial KCI content In ,ho melt, and decreasea in going from Ca to Sr. Orig. art. has: 3 tables, I figure. ASSOC 1AT10,N: Leningradakiy gosudarstvenny*y universitet im. A. A. Zhdanova r,-iiPaiche!ikiy fakul'tet (Leningrad State University, Chemistry Faculty) SI; al-I 1 17ED 30Sep63 DATE ACQ: 29Apr64 ENCL: 01 SUB CGDF: G C NO RU SOV! 008 OTHER: 003 Card 2/3 ACCESSICN "A: .AV"29196 io . 10 0 ybctj o3mu, wa* HY, 40 to 9-A low. q___ Ij V Ij j0 1) % ENCLUSURFst uL Fig. SaLurated vapor pressure-composition diagram in the systems: a--iXI-CaC12 and KCI-YbC12; b--KCI-SrCI2 and KCI-SmCI2~ Card 3/3 AccEssim NR-. Ap4o4o531 6/00T4/64/033/006/ar32/074T AUTHOR: Novikov, Go Iq Folyacbenok, 0. G. TIVE: Halides of the mre earth elements at a lower oxidation state SOURCE. Uspekhl. kb'rnL,, v. 33, no* 6p 1964# 732-747 TOPIC TAGS: literature reviev, survey,, rare earth element, rare earth Matal C=1 pound, divalent, rare earth compound, ram earth dibalide, Mrs earth tr1hal do, metallothermal reduction, boArogenatica, vwm= dissociation, divalent rare earth oxycbLlor:Lde,, divalent ram earth oxide, divalent rare earth chal ogeaide, divalent rare earth sen'des, divalent ram earth telluride, divaleat rare earth sulfide, physical property, physical chemical property, calorimetry, heat of formation, entbalpy of formation, phase diagram,, saturated vapor pressure, electric conducti- vity, density, dissociation, dree eaergy,, entropy,, raze earth diebloride, rare earth difluorlds ABSTRACT: This literature review in directed to the rare earth elements in the divalent state, perUcularly to their halogen compounds which must occur as inter- mediates In th* produation of the ram earth metals during the electrolysis or 2( Card 1/3 ACCzwx(x U: AFW4031 metallatbazoa reductlan of the tribaUd"O Mwwlodp of the properties of the I halides mould heV estsb11nh'oVt1nn - a colditims and reduce electrolytic lasses. It to tbouOt that the dIfferamew In the stabilities in the laver degree of OxIfttiou Might be UtIllsed In the separsitim of the elawats. This wmnary Includes a dart outl1na of the chwIstry of the cosWowds of the rare earth els- wwata In the lower oxidatIm statep the pxWertles and. the synthesis of 'the rare earth A-1halld a (b0zosenationg vacum distIllatlono xetallotbarzal, reduction In- AA_ - cluding reaction with the - - - inswe earth meta 11, of the ram earth tri- hAl 4 d 6)' and of the p.ozideep and cho'cogm,1446 (sulfldes,, selealdes, tellurl"s). AftrUM IS gi"n to the p4$jC4Lj aad pbySICa_Ch-4 __" studies on tAw ram O"ItA d1chlorld * Also discussed am tJw calorimtry of the dichlorldes and detarMinatIONIS qf their beat and entAaW of fd=&t1=;*, phase, diagram,, saturated wVor Pmmmeat *14atr1c conduatlyltbas and densities of the rexe earth trichlorULe-zare earth natal systems, the AIsGoOAt1= of Sao Eu,, and Yb trichlorld": 10tj * ic 9N,.tkw jossl2g&a a1A their free swrgyo beat 0 Of fOnMAUQ " M=2 IbELLtY of the exist4ace *f rare earth dIbal;Wes# Me avAhwo eawlWW, ?a Pacle and TU% shoulid be obt&IA-;l able- In addltloaa twthe boom We ffn# Zee Tb sxA go d1chkwideso and the loaxis stable SoMe wA ErMe shoaSA'abw be abistashle 'a s"'Um to P Val ep but U, Coo LY j . . . . I , . . . I I I . . . .1 . , : 'I . . I 1 1. . I , .. ! . . - I .. . - I . - . ;: ? I I 1 1. . . I I i (~ ~ " . ; 1".% 1,11 " e, I Y , .1 ~ . . ,-M, 1 [3 . - --,! - , - ,, ~, ; vr, e r f 'h ' , :, (,f r,-I-rj7,!,.:!7 rtnl Tbp , ~ty f t!~~ . _.. -- - rarlybderum. 7,tur. neorg. kinim. lU ti,;~3-576-5:82 I~r ( '~'-RA - P ~ 7 - TOP, ~fffi w L,61083-,65 T -ACCESSION N1t: AP5018250 UR/0078/63/010/007/1668/1674 546.6661131 +.321131 AUT1101t: Novikov, Go 1. qavryuch ov,,F, a TITL9 4 C lox formation in the vapor~hase of the system orbium trichlorLds potassium chloride SOURCE: Zh,urnal noorganichoskoy'khimLL, v. 10 no. 70 1965, 1668-1674 TOPIC TAGSt irmium lompound, erbium chloride, pSLiksoLum Warids, potassita compound, complex formation, rare earth ABST"M Data were obtained on the volatility and stability In the vapor phase of thi complex KErCJ4 In the XCI - ErC13 system at 800-1200C. From the "p*rL- metital data on the saturated vapor pressure as a function of temperature, the A- thermodynamic..characterLatLcs-of -the-equilLbrLun (XgrCI4) (KCI) + (ZrC13) A FT -a 5900D 32 T and.of the hypot stLcal sublimtiod pr ess 6 :-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5018250 0 fFErC14j--:0 (KErC14) -57000 41 T- 4 FT were calculateds The existenze of the compound KErC14-in the vapor phase is indicated,-by--the- fact that a maximum appears on the curve representing the assures i V -of - the laelt--(the - partial-Pr f ErC13-and XCI versus the compos tio 'other pure substances present in the vapor are_XrC1V-,YC*4, and 12C12)- On the basis of certain data obtairad and also literature data, it to concluded that .the formation of stable complex compounds takes place in XCI - LnC13 syst (which Include the entire rare umth famIlyp In being a IAU%tb#AA The Camp*und Ual4j, %61ch does not exist In the crystalline state, vaportma from real a the mlts# mW Its emtent to the vapor Inc' ass I the I& La serieso OrIS,.-.- arti,hass 5 f1presp 4 tabless and 19 formulas, ASSOCU=Mt none STIMUMPt 1Upr63' SHM: 00 SM CODES IC NO REF WVt 001 VTHERf __010 . ............... BAYEV, A.K.1 NOVIKOV, G.I. Thermodynamic etudy of rare-earth ax7c~lorides. Z-ur.r;-eurg.krim. 10 no,11:245'1-2464 N 065, (WRA 18s12) 1. Leningradskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet, khimicheskly fakull- tet. Submitted May 12, 1964. r 1, ~, ", I I I i ell , i, -f~ . W"I , ~ .- " , u . I . ; - - -,*,', rTI "I'll v , ~ " c - 4 r- -r ~, , '. -, , - , , 0 n () f, . , Fin mt- , , , I e, ; :::. (' rio. -': linCi - , "I. "'. ~ "I I I 1, 1, - . ~, I '! A -- 1,711 1% - '7c I "'C . 1r"- , ~. : . ; 7C,L,l I., -,- F, ~ : ~ I I -f ~i, (~ - --; ; , * ).'' - , . . , ,;~_,Cj - D--l- : ', ~'I,UT-. f~' I ~ Tt'. ,I., Tf . iL -,, . , ", : - '7 '. - _ " I , D ,,, . , . () 1911) r -.EC(m)/F-PF(c)/EPt(e~-2/a,'P(t)/E'~qP(b)-- -Pr-4/F-U-4 IJP*~*c) PL,/J- Q ACCESSION NR: AP5,014164 UR/0080/65/038/005/1160/1161 546.65'131 AUTHOR: Novikov, G. I..; Tolmacheva, V. D. TITLE: Preparation of anhydrous chlorides of the rare earth elements SOURCE: Zhurna.1 prikladnoy khimii, v. 38, no.' 5, 1965, 1160-1161 TOPIC TAGS: anhydrous chloride, chloride, rare earth element, carbon tetrachloritt ABSTRACT: High purity anhydrous lanthanuAnd erbiumqhlorides (LaC13, ErClD i were prepared from La2(C204)3 anCErJC204) -4-5 H20, respt~ctively. In each case a 3't.o 4 gram sample of oxalate was placed In a quartz vessel and a mixture of CC14 and chlorine was blown over the sample for 30-40 minutes at 2000C in order 1 to remove air and moisture. Then the temperature was raised to 4000 to 4500C and the oxalate sample was subjected to the CC14-C12 mixtures (chlorine saturated withi i- carbon tetrachloride at room temp.) for 2.5 to 3 hours. The flow rate of the I xture was about 3 to 4 Mr. Finally the temperature was raised for a CC14+CI2 Mi short time to 6000C. The resulting product was found analytically to be close to 100% LaC13 Or ErC13- Spectral analysis showed the total impurity (Fe, Al, Ca, Mg, 1/2 L 54959-65, ACCESSION NR: AP5014164 Ti, Cr, and Mn) to be less than 0.1%. -It is concluded that this method may apply also to other rare earth elements since all the oxalates of rare elements decom- pose at a temperature close to 4000C. Orig. art. has: I table, I figure, and 2 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy gosudarstvenyy univeraitet imeni A. A. Zhdanova (LeniaEad State University) SUBMITTED: 2lHov63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: ICI GC NO REr SOV: 002 OTHER: 009 Card 2w _7~ MWOVO A.1.1 POSPELOVo A.Pos NOMOV, G.l. Fnesurs and upor composi'lon In the mterm MCI - Csll*~ L::d KC1 - CoOlo Toot.LGU 20 no#22slol-108 165, (MIRA l8ij2) 'D/J'Vj'G L ACC NR, AP6021966 SOURCE, COECI UR/0153/66/009/002/'0V,'0/C,] - AUTHOR: Novikov E~a.,-3 ORG: Inorganic Chomistry Dopartr-it, Ulniwrrad Stato UnivortdtL in. A. A. Zlicl.-L-o. (Kafodra neorganichoskoy khimii, L~oiii~g-r-a-dski-y--go-s-u--da-ru-t-va-i~~i-Liii-io-r--itot) ~b IV TITLE: Thermodynamic characteristic of the reaction of rare earth lorides with hydrogen and certain metals in the gaseous state SOURCE: ~1 IVUZ. Khimiya I khimichoskaya tekhnologiya, v. 9, no. 2, 1966, 180-184 TO?IC TAGS: free energy, rare earth chloride, alkali metal, alkaline earth metal, hydrogen ABSTRACT: Published data on the thormodynamics of rare earth chlorides are used to examine their reactions with certain eloments of groups I and II of the periodic system in the gaseous state. These reactions arej (LnCl3) - fal + 312M~C,12) M 3041) $ 3/2(C12~ 9- 3 C, 9 (2) 3/2(m,')g + 3/2(Cl ) 3~2(1-1111~12) (3). 9 2 9 9 4Z0 at 1000 and 19000K for (1), (2), and (3) was calculated for various rare earth elements. From these data, values of the free energy of the overall reaction L.Cord 112 UDC, 536.7?;661.865 ACC NR. AF6021966 Uncl + 3/x(M) 3/x(MC1x) + (In)l (4) 3)c 9 at the same temperatures were calculated for 1/2(H2), U. Na, K, Ca. Mg, and Zn. it is apparent from the equation itself that the reaction In the gaseous state is easier the greater the exothermic effect of formation of (MC1x) from M and C12, In group I, Li reacts most readily with the trichloride, and in group II, Ca does. The free energy of the reactions (IXIC12)e +- (Ln)l + (C12) (111012)9 2(M) 9 -2 (ZfClf 9+ jLn) (where In Sm, Eu, Yb) was also calculated for 1/2(H2), Li, Na, K, Ca, Mg, and Zn- Orig. art. hasi 6 tables and 4 formulas. SUB CODE: 07/ SUB14 DATEt O2Jun64/ OIRIG REF: 011/ OTH REFt 002 L 141731-1,6 ACC NRi p&6020 UR/0078/66/011/003/04W/0503 368 SOURCE CMFi AUTHORS Sug Men-tseng; 1krAkov# G4 I. ORGs none TITIES Vapor pressure and composition in the KC1-ThC14 system SOURCEI Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, v. It, no. 3, 1966, 4913-503 TOPIC TAGS$ vapor pressure, potassium chloride, thorium compound, potassium com- poundq strontium compound, lanthanum compound ABSTRACT: In this workp which constitutes the first attempt to study compounds of M1-Cl-ThC14 systems in Vapor formg the total vapor pressure in the KCI-ThC14 system was measured by the boiling point mo~ Dd. The vapor pressure data obtained by ana- lyzing the condensates over the malts~4 - s can be explained only by assuming that a com- ex compound to which tho co,npositlon KThC15 was ascribed by analogy with NaZrF sses into the vapor state (the other substances present in the vapor are KC1, 5 3 K Clp# and ThC14). On the basis of the experimntal data, the equiiibrium constants N-re calculated for the dissociation of this complex$ (KThC1 5) - (KC1) + (ThC14), 12 UDC1 546-qq-l:-4ll3-l-+-y46.3Z'-131+531.7 AROBOV, I.A.;.NOVIKDV. G.Irh. Time relay with a cold-cathode thyratron. PrIborostroenie no-3: 2&29 Mr '59. WRA 12:4) (Zlectronic Instruments) (Time signals) Ions 2. CYclotrons I 1~13-lr-3trumentation tf- , I.' I~ f -,-, - ' ' - -:: ' r ' -- -. (- ~, ( . , ~ :, ', I , , , ,, -1 "' 4 - ~- . . . . I ., - ~l I c . I . . 7 1,-1, 1r.' . I " .-]- , !, -. , I . .1 .I . ", ~ I, I r;,.; r . I . , :,' - 4 --, . . ". - " - , , -, r, . I - . , . ., - I --I . . 1. lfr*TkOi. d, V.' -1~~f. 11INTI"M it. 11. Docent 2. USSR (600) 4. Abdomen - Diseases 7. Acute pancreatitis w3sociated with the clinical picture of acute abdomen. Khlrurgiia, no. 12, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May 1953. Unclassified. r NOVIKOV, G.N. Give careful attention to the sugpestione of Dublic Insnectors. Bezon.trudn v prom. I no.10:34 0 157. (MIRA 10-11) 1. Tokhnicheakty Inspektor Stallaskogo obkomA profnoyuzn rnbochikh ugollnoy promyahlennosti. (Stallao Pro7ince-Mine Inspection) BOGGSWVSKIY, Andrey Kikhaylovich; ZDADQVICH, Vaniliy Imeont'yevich; KATU'r-U, Yevgoniy Nikolayovich; MU14ZI, Georgly Fedorovich; MSHAN,&TSKIY. Boris Antonovich; JIMESNOV, Viktor Ivanovich; NOVIKOV. Georgiv Nikal.Vovic4i [deceased); ZRMIGA, Pavel "Td~ey'eivlch; SAPRiYXIN, kleksey Petrovich; SACHKOVSKIT. Oeorgiy Semenovich; FRERK, H.M. obnhchiy red.; KEI-MV. A.3.. red.; TIKHONOVA, Yo.A., tekhn.rid. ,,;, -I- [Textbook for engineers on -marine Intornal combustion engines] Uchebnoe posobie dlin inekluinika III razriRdii po sudovym dviga- teliam vnutrennego agoranlia. lzd.2., peror. Pod obshchel red. K.TS.Frenka. 14ookva, Izd.-vo 'Horskoi transport." 1959. 711 p. (Karine engineering) (14IRA 12:9) C, $1 1110MOVt L, . J;ovikov, C. 11. "Studies on *he ecolot~y Df 3alt-re.91sting T.:ant3," Trudy Botan. in-ta Im. Komarova, Eksperim. botanika, Issue 6, 1948, p. 20r-17 - Bibliog: 14 items SO: U-3264, 10 April 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal lrqkh Statay, No. 4v 1949). Sep/Oct 48 Desert Plants Water Balance aWter Balance of Certain Desert Plants," G. N. Novikov (deceasea), Bot inst Imsai. V. L. Xcmarov,, Aead Sci USSR, 4 pp "Botan Zhur" Vol V, No 5 Studistl water 'balmmca of following plants: Spiraea hypericifolia L.,, Kochin prostra.-ta (L.) Sebrad., Artemisin subldsaingian Keller, Ababasis truncata (Schrenk), Atriplex carlik C. A. M., antl Statice oulTruticoas L.. Tables show ~M 58/49T7- USM/Siology (Contd) Sep/Oct 48 dedly variation in water content in the aasimilat- ing organs In various perloas. of vegetation, transpiration In grams per hour per gram of freak vaight, maximum dally variation in water content, 6tc. Submitted 16 Apr 48. 58/49TT CHUMAKOV, I.S.; YARJEJN, O.D.; NOVIKOV, G.N.; MAKAROVSKIY, S.A. Cenozoic sediments of the Logninogorsk trough In the Rwi.-Ty ~ y Altal 444 the boic ataj,es of Its tofKation. Trudy Kom.che*.p*r.`Usl28-138 ~ ~ ,63. (MIRA 17:2) NOTIEGV. G.H., Inchener. Gentralized electric power suprpl7 for lumber eaterprIaes. Kekh. trud.rab. 8 no.7:32-37 O-N '54. (KLRA 8:1) (Enmbering) (Zlectric power production) NDVIEDV, G.M., inzhoner; GAVELIOV, V.P., 'nzhaner. - The KL gantr7 crane. Makh.trud.rab.10 no.4:31-24 Ap 156. (Granes, derricks, etc.) (KLRA 9:7) , inchener, GAVRIKOV. V.P., inzhener. Using winches with continuous notion cables in lumber skidding. Kakh.trud.rab. 10 no.10:36-39 0 156o (VI2A 10:1) (humbering-K.achinery)