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+ S/056/62/043/005/029/058 Depolarization of /j, mesons in solids 8102/BI04 f a 0*6)t 0 - 80, 130-10-9 sec. The curve P(x) calculated agrees well with mtasurements. The aaymptotio behavior of the polarization in the case of strong fields (X2AP 4h NO ) is given by P - 1 -( I -f )v -g/x3 . 1-30/K 2. . The role of the dielectric constant of the medium is investigated after a discussion of the following depolarization mechaniamas relativistic Inter- taction of the moving muonium with-the lattice fieldl exchange collisions of the crystal electrons with the muonium; formation of'& negative suonium ion. V-,R-/2-105 Is obtained for the frequency of spin-exchange collisions, where N is the number of free electrons per ca For n-type Si 3-1012 < N < )- 10'5 ca-5, -t rj1O_6 sec, and 5, lo'-9>> 3.6- 10-" sec. The fundamental assumptions of the theory, naglely the + depolarization during a certain period which is terminated by Ionization of chemical reaction, are finally discussed in detail. There are 2 figures. SUBMITTEDs May 17, 1962 Card 3/4 S/056/6-/043/005/028/058 Depolarization of,,,+ mesons in solids B102/BI04 Fig. 1. Dependence of P on the chemical relaxation time i. The vertical lines correspond to P-1/4 and IA-wo, P-3/4. At the plateau P a 1/2. Card 4/4 - MOSOVP Vogt Effect of zero vibratione of the form of heavy =c2el oa ths'probability of CC,;-decay. Zhw.ekap.i toor.fiz. 42 ao.3:806- " a 161, MU 14:10) (Huclei,, Atondc) (Alphit rays-Decay) Z/1 NO 0 '96 12 2040 1 AUTHOR: TITLEs Mosov, V. I. 5/08 9Y609/004/002/020 Boo6P91B30070 Effeotivpjless of a System of Rod Absorbers in a Reflected eactorm PEaIODICALs Atomnaya energiya, 1960, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 262 - 269 T&M The effectiveness of a rod system in the core of a nonreflected thermal reactor hes been studied many times (Refs. 1-3). Here, the author investigates the criticality conditions and the neutron flux distribution for a reflected, homogeneous, thermal reactor in two-group approximation. The absorbing rods are assumed to be circular and arranged at equal distances from one another in the active zone or in the radial reflector, and completely immersed in the reactor, which is supposed to be cylindrical. The equations for the moderator density q(r) and the thermal neutron density n(r) are first written down, and the solutions in the form q - 5 41 + S 2t2' and a - y, + ?2 assumed. With k d&eff'( 1+a 2 't)(I+a2L2 where i is the neutron age, L is the thermal neutron diffusion length, Card 1/3 I Effectiveness of a System of Rod Absorbers in a 5/089/6oA2d$/004/002/020 Reflected Reactor B006/B070 general solutions for q and n are given, and the boundary conditions are formulated. In the following, the solutions q and n are written down for q cylindrical reactor which is unreflected at the ends and has a symmetrically arranged system of rods in its reflector (see Fig. 1); the boundary conditions are formulated, and the determination of the criticality conditions is discussed. In the neit section of the paper, analogous formulas are given for a cylindrical reactor with mantle reflector, in which the rod system is arranged symmetrically in the core. An in the first section, a system of 2(k+l) linear, homogeneous, algebraic equations is obtained for the k-th approximation, which nay be solved for the 2(k+1) unknowns. In the last section of the paper, the equations obtained are discussed in detail. Figs. 2 and 3 show the change in the effectiveness of the rod system and of an individual rod as a function of the radius a of the rod for different distances Ra of the rods from the core center (the rods being in the reflector). Fig. 4 shows the dependence of the interference coefficients on the number of rods. From the diagrams it is concluded that the effectiveness of the rod system increases slightly with inoressing-a and decreases very slightly with Card 2/3 Effectiveness of a System of Rod Absorbers in a Reflected Reactor 84222 310891601009/00410021020 Boo6/BO70 increasing R. . The calculations are made on the assumption that the rods absorb thermal neutrons completely, but do not absorb or slow down fast neutrons. The author thanks ra. V. Shevelev for discussions, N. N. Ponomarey-StegAm and re. S. Glushkov for assistance, and R. V. Kuleva. for carrying out the calculations. There are 4 figures and 8 references, 5 Soviet, 2 US, and I Swiss. SUBMITTED# November 19, 1959 Card 3/3 S/069/61/010/003/014/021 B102/B205 AUTHOR "Tosov, V. 1. 1 TITLE: Effectivity of a system of absorbing elements arranged in circular symmetry in the core of a reflected reactor PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, v. 10, no. 3, 1961, 269-270 HXT: In a previous work (Atomnaya energiya, 2, No. 4, 262, 1960), the author used the two-group approximation to study the critical'equations for a-homogeneous thermal reactor equipped with a system of absorbing rods which were arranged in circular symmetry in the core. 7hese equations were obtained in the form dt infinite series. Specifically, the author calculated the case of thin absorbing rods, neglecting the azimuthal deDendence of the neutron flux on the surface of the rod6 and confining him'self to first approximation. The present paper deacribas the calculation of the case of thick absorbing rods with the help of the results of the previous paper. The arrangement of the rods is s6wn in Fig. 1. The fuel element consists of a thin Jacket which is filled -,,ith core mdterial. The jacket is ablolutely black for thermal neptrons Card 1/ 5 j 20153 Effectivity of a system of S/089/61/010/003/014/021 B102/B205 without absorbing or slowing down fast neutrons. For this case, the critical-equations are given by 03 X m-0 n-0 03 0* G* h-0 M-0 n-0 + at- Rn 'IV. k) X X cosk B1m, B2m are arbit rary constants; Fnlfmk' !nITmkI RnITmk' 11nITmk are the corresponding functions of the radius of the fuel element (afe), of the radius of the reactor (R r), of the core radius R a.3' and of the proper- ties of figaile material and reflector (N - number 'of absorbing rods, n - summation.l.ndex accounting for the azimuthal dependence of the neutron; flux; m and k are the summation indices accounting for the azimuthal Card 2/5 zateotivity or a system of S/089/61/0!0/003/ql4/021 dependence of the neutron flux on the surface of the absorbing elements).! if one restricts oneself to the k-th approximation, it is necessary to solve 2(k+l) linear, homogeneous, algebraic equations for 2(k+1) unknowns.' The results of numerical computations are given in Fig. 2 and in a table.;' The latter also contains the values of a /R (1) and [-,k for various~ fe a.S eff approximations. Fig. 2 ahowe 6k go a function of' a, /R . From the eff * Ae a.~ table and Fig. follows that the first approximation (k-1) suffices even for thick fuel elements. In the critical equations for a reactor having a system of three fuel elements, the*angular dependence of the I neutron flux with respect to the reactor may be neglected (n-0). In the case of numeridal solutions of the resulting critical equations, it is possible to restrict oneself to the first two terms in the power series of, k and n provided the diameters of the absorbers are large enough (--0-3 Ra,3). R.. V. Kuleva is thanked for calculations. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and I Soviet-bloc reference. SUBMITTED: October 11, 1960 Card 3/5 ------ Effeotivity of a system of ... s/oag/O/olo/00/014/021 B102/B205 All , Fig., Is 11 Absorbing.elements. Jaffa 2 Core 'IX 3 Reflector. a 4 Abaorbing jaaket. Ef fectivity of a system of.... Card 5/5 S/089/61/010/003/014/021 B102/B205 A woo% K-O."t=0; mo;M_40 -1 : M-1: g-2: on-2. n=2 1-2 13,56 0. to5l 0, lost 0. tm. 0, lorm U.513 0,07.17 0.0737 0.0750 o.0750 Al 3/089/62/012/004/OC6/014 1 r' 2 AUTHOR: No3ov, TITLE: Effectivity of a ejetem of rods in a roactor with refli)c-tor, taking into account epithermal absorption PiMIODICAL: Atomnaya energvUl V. 12, no. 4, 1962, 726-,~;,q TEXT: The effectivity of a system of absorbing rods in a reactor with radical reflector is calculated in a three group approximation. This investigation is an extension of former calculations made by the 3am.6, authcx (Atomnaya energiya, 9, no. 4, 262, 1960, and 10, no. 3, 269, 19611 to the case thnt the epithernal neutron absorption t;a-y no longer be neglected. It goes beyond the calculations of B. Violfe and others insofar as tilese have only treated the case of large dimension reactors without reflector, and only considered the approximation that the diffusion length of thermal neutrons is small compared with the deceleration length, and further that the rod size is small compared with the diffusion length of therrmal neutrons and the reactor dimensions. The results of the calculation can be seen in Figs. 2, 3. There are 3 figures and 10 referencou: 2 Soviet and 6 non-Soviet. Card 1/1 S/089/62/01 210041006,1014 Effectivity of a Byatem of ... B163/B102 SUBMITTED: April 27, 1961 Fig. 2. Dependence of the effectivity of a system of six absorbin- rods cn the rod radius (R refl ~ 1-47 Rcore I Rc . 1.2 Rcore , Rcis the radius of the circle on which the absorbing rods are arranged). The curves A and B are valid in the case of the rods being absolutely black for epithermal neutrcns in the energy intervals 0-15-0-3 reap. 0-15-15 ev- Curve C shows the case when the rods neither absorb nor decelerate the epithermal neutrons. Curve.D has been calculated by the two group approximation. Fie. 3- Radical flux distribution of thermal and epithermal neutrons in a plane (-~ - 0) through the reactor center and one of the rods (rod radius a - 0.8 cm; Rc - '.2 Rcore). Lej;end. (1) active zone; (2) thermal flux; (3) epithermal fluxi (4) reflector; (5) abaorbing rod. Card 2/3 S OVE't, Atomneya, eviergiya, ve 15,t no* 1p 1963# 71-74 :.TOPIC TIGISt reactor control rod 9 reflectirg~nuolear reactor ABSTRACT o In the previou papers by the author (Ato=aya onergira, 9, 1960, 2621 10, 1961t 2691 22, 1962, ;26)t the critical conditions and the dLotribiltions of the neutron flux vere calcu,;ated for a homogeneous reactor vorking vith thermal neutrons. The control rodd-1were ausu ed,to be evenly spaced in a circle in the active zonev or witn respect to the radial reflectcr, The present vork extends the dt-veloped calculations for the case of absorbing rods fully introduced into ithe reactorl and spaced at randome 'rho author expreages.his gratitude to MY Pon0wzxev-Sto,Dn for valuable suggestions and help in the development of computa-0 tion imthods of the efficiency of controls in a reactor vith refleotor"o' Origo art* bast 4 equations and I f1gure* ASSOOIATIONt none Card PaIMAREV-STEPHOY, N.N.; - aqer;,r~.r4aj Theor5ti,,;al and StUdie.9 Un the ef'f1ciency of absorbing ccntrol rods in a reflicted reactor* A'tme energe , '7 .Li no.2tlO3-10-, Ag (MIRA 17:8) L 14360-6-5.- ACCESSIOU NR; AP74043985 SUBMITTED! 10oct63 SUB CODE: NP NO REF SOV: 003 ENCL-- 00 C)"PHERt 006 Ccrd 3/3 L&WEENKUS D.G. 11050. V.111. Measuring api.aratus for two-frequency Inductive electric prospecting. Geolet gtotiz. no.W34,-136 163. (KIRA 16'-4) 1% Inatitut avtomatiki I flektrometrii Sibirakogo otdeleaiya Ali' SSSR.. Novosibirsk. (Electric prospecting) NOSOVO V. H.; PONOWN-STEPNOYt H. H.; POPTNOYo K. I.; SAMYLY E. 0. KAbsorption materials of the dispersion type for the control organs of thermal reactars.* Report presented at the Symposium an Physics and Material Problems of Reqater Control Inds Program,, Tiowap 21-15 Roy 63. EW(q)1MC(fi01ZW(8)1BD3 A~MIAW JD L AE4Z.2_63 310011000105310359 ACCESS AT3002246 AUTHOISt Fridkin, V. 9080y, V. 9 lei TIT LEI The role of barrier contact in radiation mechanism of ZnS-fiims SOURC;: Optika i spektroskopiya; sbornik statey. v. 1: Lyuminestsahtstya. Moscc~, Izd-vq AN SSSR,, 1963o 353-359 TOPIC';ADS: kineticag to% negative chargal,corona discharge, quenching -:ABSTRACT: T~e kinetics of radiation in a negatively charged film of Zn3-Ga,.CI wa3 inve'stieatcd, first under the action 'of direct electrical impulses of variable duration and than under an opposing field of linearly increasing potential. The negative ionic charge on'the f Ilm was prodw ed by corona discharge in air. Fur- thermoreq to study the relation between qu~nchtrg and electron redistributions in enorU levels, the film was obatrged and pre-irradiated by.tte above time-dependent opposing electric field with linearly increasing potential. Curves Vere obtained for radiation intensity as a function of tire with different, positively charged, variable Impulses and linearly increasing potential as parameters. The results are interpreted by mearli of a concept uhereby the adsorbed tons on tte. form a space charge. The presence of this space charge then forms ajueftee card 1/2 L 194?2-63 :ACMSION MR: AT3002248 This is connec~ad to ions in ionization levels by means of electrons, barricr. -suitace barri'er (first transition) and to radiati n c nt' !tunneling thinueh the o e ar (third transition). --,wTh4~.luth 1,~ M., Orlov, F. F. Volckanshteyn; 9 '-or 9 hela ;A. M. Bonch-D ~~irid I dev.1f 0 art':hast 8 figtwese ASSOCIATION: hone. SUBMITTEN 2Wan62 DATE ACQ: l9ffaV63 ENCL: 00 SUS CODEg PH 110 REF SOT: 007 GrHM: 003 L 2 '6746-66 EWT(1)/EWT(m)/99C(k)-2/9WP(t) IJP(c) JD Pi~_c NR, Ar66.U47 51 SOURCE CODE: UIVOO 2/0322/0,W 4nakhavitakaya, v. A. ORG: stitute of Cry itut krista3lografii AN-SM) TITLE: OLBervation of====s iq Sba when measuring photocon- ductivity spectra 21 SOURCE: Kristallografiyal v. 110 no. 21 1966, 322-323 TOPIC TAM : electrooptic effectp antimorW ccupound., photoconductivityp forbidden bandY pressure effect., absorption edge, ettrie poire,;, single crystal ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlAer work by one of the authors (1yakhovitaka- ya, with K. Gul4rsmov et al., DAN SSSR v.' 161, no. 5, lo6o, 1965) dealing with the shift of the width of the forbidden band with pressure. In the present investigation the authors checked on the shift of the abnorption edge with increasing field by in- vestigating the photoconductivity of SdSI. The measurements were made with single cr7stalA grown IfIxom the'melt, with the field applied along the c axis. The maximum of the spectral distribution of the photocurrerrt coincided with the edge of the ab- sorption band and was close to 650 nm at room temperature. The temperature was close to the Curie temperature 23.5 i 0.1C. The result shows that the maximum of the photo-- current shifts bY 7 1 1 z=') corresponding to an energy shift per unit field of 1.1 X 1D-5 ev/v. This is in satisfactory agreement with the results of J. Hubeks (J. Phys, Chem, Solids v. 24, 957p 19631. The authors thank V. M. Fridkin for a discus- sion of the results and help with the work, Orig. art. has: 1 figure* SUB CODE: 2D/ I Sum Ian: 24maw65/ om REF: 002/ OTH REF: .005 Card two SWA ACCESSIM HR: AP019833 5/0181/64/006/003/0764/0770 AUTECM: Abdulgm~ldov., So A*; Zheludov., 1. So; Nosow, Vo go; Fridkin, Ve KO TITIE: Oa internal field distributica in sin,310 crystal photoeleatrets SOMM: TiMa tvardogo tela,, v. 6. We 3# IA# 764-770 TCPIC TAGS: internal field distributicap single crystal, photoolectret.. photo- electric field intereleatrode spacing, space charge, field distributim ABSTRACT: Vie hetero- and homocharge dist-ributioas In 112atoelectrets of s1nmle crystals of additive-colored IM, SO KL-jCr2O7 and US have been Investigated, usins: the 31dat 1wobe techaique of Me Yo Ben Sira, Be Preto E. H =1 kr and A. Many (Fays. Rev. 115* 55# 1929) and, Harnik., Ben Sim,, 11ratt,, and So Peter (So Apple ftsem 34..2o7,, 1963)- It c=sists of depolarizing the photoelectret by meaas oC a light Iwobe in a directIca perpendicular to the internal 112ot.xlectria fieldo Ite MI spec!nen var. polarized first by P_ 0-5-kv field with exposure of the vhole crystal surface to 546m mcaochromatic light., and subsequently by a 2.0-W fleld with central illuminatim culys rnteraal field distributions are represented gMphIcaAr as functions of the intereleatzode spacing* Both barrier type and space Card 1 1/2 ~,Acassiou NEt: APW19835 charge type distributions are observed. For the central illumination case an jas~m=etrio field distribution was noticed relative to the crystal center. Similar experiments store per-Corned on, the rest of the specimens. In CdS. under all Polarization time durations, the field showed an inverse direction at the cathode I a forwardp positive direction at the anode, Orig, sit, has: 6 figurbs and 3 iformulas. 'ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografit AN SWR Moscow (Zastitute of Grystallogra,- phy AN SSSR) SUB14ITTM: 29Au&63 DATE ACQ: 31m=64 ENCL& 00 SUB CODE: PH No R .2 sov: oo6 araR: 006 L 38892-66 W (1)/F-'eJT(M)/T/EWP(0/ET1 IJP(c) JD ACC NR, A]p6018559 SOURCE CODE: ug/o1B1/66/OG8/OO6/19W/X90q AUTHOR- Fridkin V. M.; Gulylmay,, K.; rarakhovitskaym, V. NO Tikh*- V- H-; mirove; It. A. ORG: Institute of Crystallography, AN SSSR, M=caw (Institut kristallografii AN SSSR) TITLE: Anomaly of optical properties of ferroelectric SbSI la the phase-transition region I,/ q- ;f ?"71 SOURCE: Fizikm tvardogo tela, v. So no. 6, 1966, 1907-IM TOPIC TAW: antimony compound, phase transition, Cur-e point, ferroelectric property, forbidden band,, pressure effect,, paraelectricity, electrca Interaction, phonon inter- action, temperature dependence, absorption edge, AjAt&-4-,% ~ABSTRACT: This Is a continuation of earlier work (DAZI SSSR v. 161, 2D6oj, 1965), where ,an anomalous4 large shift of the intrinsic-absorption edge was observed in SbSI single crystals with Increasing pressure. The present study Is devoted to a more de- tailed investliation of this shift, and discloses that the anoma1y appears only1n, the *-ricinity of the phase transition. The authors measured the dependence of the width of the forbidden band Z an the hydrostatic pressure p and the temperature T in the phase- transition region. K crystals were grown from the gas phase, the width of the for- bidden band was determined by measuring the shift of the maximiim of the photocurr and the high pressure was produced with apparatus described elsewhere (FTT V. 7, 3,965). The pressure wu measured with a resistance manometer and the temperature w" 2 L 38892-66 ACC NRs AF6018559 measured in a vacuum thermostat. The reaulto show that in the vIcWty of the Curia point the values of d%/dT &ad (()Eg/C)P)T became anomalmly large, A'WaY from thG phase-transition pointo the variation o IS th same as determined Iry the direct electron-phonon interaction d%IdET - (f4aT)VO Vehereas in the phase transition re- gion dE /dT is determined by the temperature expansion of the crystal and dEg/dT :~> (48T)V. On going from the ferroelectric into the paraelectric region,, the electron-phonon interaction terms decreaaes in absolute value by a factor of almost 2. The authors-thank V. L. Bonch-BrtWevic p R. A. $uric, and A. P. Levaryuk for a digeus- slon of certain resu2ts obtained in the Pr-e-s-ea-woirk- OrI-9--U--E--~--- ~3 figures. SO CODE: 2o/ mm un: o7jul65/ oRiG REP: oo2/ om FjKF: oo3 r. Ad 28446-66 EWT(m)/WF(t)/kT1/W(k) IJP(o) JD/19 NRi AP6016580 - (A) UR/0182/661000/005/0026/0027 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Antonenkov, 0. D.; Anychin, M. A.; KLlar n A.. F.,- Hasikov, S.-M. ORG: none TITLE: Coefficient of reduction in explosive forming SOURCE: Kutnechno-shtampovochnoye p-,oizvodstvo, no..5, 1966, 26-27 TOPIC TAM explosive forming, steel sheets sheet forming, steel formability ABSTRACT: Experiments have been conducted to determine the relationship between reductions in erplosive forming and the weight of the explosive charge. Steel specimens 70-300 mm in diameter were tested In two explosive forming units of different design (one with a soft and another with a rigid water conyainer) with explosive charges of varying weight suspended at.a certain Ltonstant~teight above the tested material. The results of experiments with St3 ad 2K131ateels are show"n in Fig. 1, in which the horizontal axis represents re =uctions (the ratios of cup diameter to blank diameter) and the vertical axis represents the specific charge ,.weighta (g/d!6, wheLe g is the charge weight in g, d. is the die.diameter in mm, ,.and 8 is the sheetlthickness in mm). Region I represents the conditions under which the desired reTulffion cannot be obtained in a e1nFje operation; region 11, the can Card 1/2 UDC: 621.98.044 (a) (b) Fig. 1. Dependence of the reduction coefficient upon the explosive charge weight. a) SO steel; b) 2Khl3 steel. ditions under which full reductions are bbtained without material failure; and region,111, the conditions'under Oich the material-ijails. Point A represents optimal conditions under vhich maximum reduction (0.63-0.67) can be obtained in a single operation.~...Grlg. art. has., 4 figures. SUB CODE-L-13/ SUBM DATEi. none/ MG REPt 002/-'ATD PRF.SS:,5-0 6,6 I'uglcm. Zhur. NOSOVO VORO HIxed problem for a hyperbolic equation in a nomal cy,11ader. Izv. M SSSR. Ser. mat. 29 no.4t861-876 165. (MM 1819) T L 20*C,04-' --iVT(a) ACC NRI PY601z50____ SOURCE CODJEi UR/OOWmro3 -Wo- 2 75-3 99 75-03 AUTHOR t Nosovj V~ R..(Moscow) ORO: none TITLE: A--problem arising in the theory of optimal control with aftereffects SOURM Prikladnaye matematika i makhanika, v. 30, no. 2, 1966; 399-403 TOPIC TAGSt optimal control, boundary value problem, functional equation, vector function., integral operator, uniqueness theorem ABSTIMT1 The following system and functional are examinodi 1) ox (t) + B (t)x (t - 1r) + M (t)u W. (1) (P (1), 1 EE 10 and z 0) + a. ~1 - T) 0r T) + U, (1) H (1)"U'( 'Q) df. Jul The problem of finding their optimal control is equivalent to the boundary value problem t)s (1) -z'TF- A'js)x (1) -r B (j)z (t -'T) - At (0-1 (')M$ ( e At (t)z (1) - D* (t +,t)z (I + 1) - IF W + 0 Y + -t))x (1), jo, Card 1/2 L 26oo4-66 ACC NRi AP6012559 Certain simple sufficient conditions for the existence of a unique sobition of the boundary value problem in more general form are established. The integral eperator (b) + S (D (Q (t) +R(.t. +MY+ F M M + A W) d4j, has a unique fixed point, which is a solution of the more general form of the problem (1) + V (I)X (t - -t (I C (1)y M + 11 (1); D (t)v (t) +.E (I)y (I + '1 (0) + F (I)z (1) +(1) 1 Two theorems are employed* Orig. art. hasi 37 formulas. SO COM 12/ SLTBMDATF,.- 21mar65/ ORIG RLIFt 001/ OTH REN 002 SYROI-VATNIKOVS N. I.; 140SOVS V. S. "Heat transfer in a dust-gas flow in tubes." report submitted for 2nd All-Union Conf on Ifeat & Mass Transfer, Minsk, 4-12 may 1964. Ural' Polytechnic Inst. KOSOT T. S Insh.; LEGMA, N. F.9 insh.; WMMMM, T. 1.0 -.-- I V - !I tdoceased) Jish, Hardening by heat treatment of low-carbon steels. Ket. I gornorud, prom. noolt25-30 Ja-F 163* (KMA 16:4) 1. Ukminskly inatitut netallov (for Nosov,, Legeyda). 2. K4m=- narakiy astallurgicheakiy sayod (for 1whenetakly). (Steel-Hardening) L . I l,FG.";YL)A , N . ?'. ; T-','~*' III W, V . i - , NO"'A"V, V -.; - I I I'M- Mechanisai pro-,er'-'es of St 3kp of heqt treatment. Metalloved. 38-40 Ap 16~. st---l depisnding an --)-)J!t'Aon3 i term. obr. met. no.4: (KR.A i7s6) 1. Ukrainhkiy nvu-hnc-llsslcdovat~..l'skly institut motallov. RUBTSOV, G.K.;.NOSOV, V.S.; SYROMYATNIKOV, N.I. Rapid heating of electrical steel in a fluidized bed6 143talloved. I term. obr. met. no..6t4O-42 Je 164. 1. Ural'skiy politekhnichaskiy institut. ;. I . ?l,lY10lVl$ V.S,; LFIGEYDA, f ' .... r. -~7- hard~rl~rtg 1r, . - . (W,1 ~- 1A - '! ~, :.) 33 N-D 163. LEG&M, N.F.j TYURIN, N.F.; NOS07, V.S. Investigatinf the mechanical properties of thick St- Up steol sheet made from various parts In height of an ingaty before and after heat treatment. Sbor. trud. UNIIH no*9094-404 164 411PA 18:1) 1;(;j0 . V,", , jr,7,h. ; )i I 1 11. 1.# &,k- I- r , pi,,f. "i h.; _ "AMly ff Qif~ ~.Clftt (it' It pe)jy4jian(r4i~A fl ,fit 13!,1, 1; a m JD VUrtICILI C .NIIM.,el. 12"r. V.111. uc')10). Z;iv.; en,~rg, 'I r,r,.l2:fr^--73 D 1 (-.4 . 041RA 18:2) 1. Urul.'Lkill poll tekhnielleakiy institut ir,erii Yiro-,,,a. llr(:d- .1 3taviena kafedroy teoretichesVikh o3nrjv teplotfAhniki. GOLUBOV, A.Yo.- N.1.; '07 jj~![ A Effect of the rate of plate cooling on the quality of the metal dfter rolling. Met. i gornorud. prorr.. no.1:33-116 Ja-F '65. (,MIRA 18:3) (SverdlOvsk); SYRUIYATMIKOV, N.I. (Sverdlovsk) Hydraulic resistance and heat emission of pu-varizad fuel and gas streams. Izv. AN SSSR.Energ. i transp. no.1:149-152 Jft-F '65. (MIRA 1814) /211A(d --i-I'VDIVI I IT (11 A &,:P W ACC W. AP5027704 SOURCE CODE: UR/01'9/65/000/011/1)020/0021 AUTHOR: Zakharov A. Yo.; LegRZ4Ax_N. F.; Nosov, V. S.; Vollter, Ye. V. ORG: none TITLE: Heat treatment of low-carbon and low-!jjgy ate! plate SOURCS: Metallovedeniya L termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, un. 11, 1965, 20-21 TOPIC TAGS: metal heat treatment, tempering, cooling, ferritic steel. pearlite'steal ABSTRACT: The Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Metals-in collaboration with the T&NIZ nar Metalkqjr hMOMT end,the Kc _S~U C jaqj~_develOed 4 new industrial process of t e heat EAitinent (ij~_e'AFh" '"n tempering) of St. 31ateel plate: quench- ing from 890-910'C and water cooling in the press, followed by tempering at 500*C. At the Konaunar Plant the thermal hardening is carried out in continuous roller hearth furnaces. Plate 4-50 mm thick and up to 12 a long can be cooled in the press. The squeeze exerted by the press is 130 tons; the water-spray pressure is 2-3 atm. The microstru4ture of the plate is initially (after rolling) ferritic with a small amount of pearlite; following thermal hardening this microvtructure is pearlitic- ferrttic (the amount of pearlite increases). Studies of the mechanical properties of St. 3pa steel before and after this heat treatment revealed a marked increase in the impact strength of Vsermally hardened steel (3.9-7.4 kg-a/cm2) compared with the in- Card 1/2 UK: 669.15-194:621.785.74 L 9643-66 ACC NRs AP5.027704 pact strength of the nofthardened steel (1-!*7 kg-m/cm2) at temperatures as low as -404C. In both cases the threshold of cold brittleness is the same, -25 to -30'C. Thermal hardening enhances the fatigue limit from 6 to 32% and reduces susceptibility to stress concentration. This technique of heat treatment was experimentally tested not only in furnaces but also in rolling mills on employing a special installation for utilizing the heat of rolling in order to increase the mechanical properties of the plate. In additiont the of ac~elefated ;fatejr cooling was also investigated for the steals l4KhGS1 SKhL-4,1&;c9Gt2ol~f4S,I-SKt-Ml6S,f 3M,"~20K~'(plate thickness 10-24 ma) 1-ng roTI-lini--inii-ie-aiiei--teiiii-le and yield atrength by Findings: thermal hardening2dur Z an average of 2-4 kg per mm and impact strength, by 0.5-1.5 kg-m/cm , while at the same time reducing relative elongation by ~2%, i. a. the increase in mechanical pro- is considerable. As the thickness of the steel plate increases, the effect by water cooling decreases, and in the presence of 20-1m thickness this o longer in active. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. SUB COM 11, 13/ SM DkTZt none/ ORIC ILIFt 000/ M11 REP: 000 card 2/2 i RTM), 1*,!P%(rr0/ET CIE17 (c )1EPF(n)-21FWrj(m)1ERA (d)/FC3 (01/9!4 (1) Wrl ACCESSION KR: AP5019428 UR/0020/65/163/003j0624/0627 < ~AUTHOR: N v. V. S.,*'Syromyatnikov, K. 1. -0 Fundamental relationships of heat transfer in finely d192!rsed flows t~SOURCE: ff GSSR. Doklady, v. 163, no. 3, 1965, 624-627 ITOPIC TAGSi heat transfer, flow analysis, graphite ~ABSTRACT: The authors st dy heat exchango between a heated m-cface and a suspension u .of graphite in air in a path which is closed for both phases. A tube, 2S m in dia- i ;meter was use d with particles of natural graphite 0.0103 mm in size, and a heat ex- hange surface of 0.0742 m2 in area. The coefficient of heat transfer and the ~quantity of transmitted heat were determined by the enthalpy method and the steady ;t hermal. flow method, The weight concentration of the solid phase wan varied f-rom 0' ilarity theory,! !to 242 kg/kg, the bulk density of the material being 44() kg/m3. Sim and dimensional analysis were used in interpreting the resulta. 'It teas found that the relationship between concentration and heat exchangl? varies in rigions where the :stream Is saturated by solid particles, and that the mez-hanism of radial heat trans- ~fer also varies. The heat transfer coefficient reaches a maximum at a concentration- L 1657-66 !,ACCESSION HRt APSU19428 ~of 110-130 kg/kg (30% of the density of the static layer)., This is the critical point in the beat transfer process. Both the relative and absolute values of the' !heat transfer coefficient decrease with a further increase in concentration. The :optimum density of the flow depends on the siza &nd shape of the particles, in- 'Creasing with the diameter of the particles and the bulk density of the material. ensity is independent of the flow vel the concentration isi -The optimum d ocity. When dis .'loss than 30 kg/kg, heat exchange is 2-2.5 times higher for heating of a finely ~persed flow than for cooling. This is explained by the presence of fine particles :on the cold surface of the tube. At higher concentrations, the results are identi-'i :cal for heating and cooling. The material properties of the particles have prac- ically no effect on the heat transfer coefficient. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 9 formulas. ~ASSOCIATION: Ura.1'skiy politekhnicheskiy institut im. S. M, Kirova (UrAl ;technical Institute) SUBMITTED: 2SJan65 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: TD, ~HO PZr SOY: 002 OTHERt 002 Co,d 2/2 ZAKHAR(Ylt A.Ye.; LEGFYDA, M.F.; NPSCVp V.S.; VOLITER, Ye.v, Heat treatment of Irw-carbon and low-allo7 sheet steel. Metalloved. i term. obr. me~,. no.1100-21 X 1615, (M.-RA 19312) -L 13051-66 - E'4T(s)/EWA(d)/EWPM/VW (a)/UX .b) IJPW JD ACC NRs APS027912 SOURCE CODE: UF40133/65/000/011/1036/10.3399 AMOR: Kazarnovskly. 0. S. (Doctor of technical sciences)l Dryspik, To. P. (Engi- neer); Legeyda, M. F. Mngl6er)-, Zakharov, A. Ye# (Engineer); Balon V. I., Engineer); VoiltelFt ye. V. (Engineer); Mosov, V. So (Engineer); KonstantLn-ova, T. A. (Engineer); bukhomlLna. A. P. (Engineer) ORG:_ v n.-I. Institute of Metals (UkrainakLy n.-I. Institut metaUov)-, KommunarskiyKetallurgical Plant (KomunarskLy mst&Uur&Lcfteskiy savad) TITLE: Strengthening of low carbon semikilled St 3 a steel by heat treatment SOURCE: Stall, no. 11, 1965, 1036-1039 TOPIC TAGSt carbon steel, low carbon steel, heat treating furnace ABSTRACT: A heat treatment was developed for St. 3ps steel plates of 12 and 25 mm thickness by heating In a furnace to the temperature range 890-9209C and water coolin on a quench presse This treatment resulted In an average strengthening of 20% and 4 6stIsfactM plasticity level. Three separAtte h"to of steel were heat treated. The coMositIons ranged as followst C-4.16-0.19%; Kn-4.46-0.62%; OL-4.08-0.12%; 9-- 0.036-0.0461%; ft-4.012-0.034% and Cu-4,050-09056%. The details of the process were described. The steel plates wers heated In a roller type ftmace to t4oporatum for a holding time of 1.5 sLa/mo CooUng was done in a qmch pro" with a water flw COM 1/2 U0Cs 621.76 ACC We APS027912 rate of 1700 *3/hr. After quenching, some warpage could be noted, particularly In thicknesses up to 20 am. Mechanical properties of the heat treated plate In flat and round specimens were determined. Yield strength, ultimate strength, % elongation. S reduction In area and Impact resistance were tabulated for heat 1 (12 m thick), heat 11 (12 and 25 mm thick) and heat 111 (25 mm thick). Frequency curves were plotted for the mechanical properties of the heat treated plate (frequency of occut nce as a function of strength, ductility and impact resistance) and average values were given for these properties. The effect of tempering after quenching was also noted. In general, the strength decreased slightly and the ductility Increased. Tempering had little effect on Impact resistance. McrostruclCures showed that the structures after quenching were predominantly pearUtLc-ferrItLc, with fteedle-like ferrite distributed along grain boundaries for the 12 vo thick plates while In the 2S mm thick plates there was smal)-r gralned, needle-Ilk* ferrlt6. The highest strengths and lowest due- tilLty were ob. Ined in the 12 mm plate. However, the mechanical properties obtained never fell below the following levels for the heat treated condition: yield stress-- 30 kg/xm2# ultimate strangth--44 kglm2, % elongation--16, and Impact strength (at .400C)--3 kVlcaZ. It was mcomwmddd that low carbon steel plates strengthened by the above treatment. be usod in place of low al.1-ay-e-&-steele ATo be effective the O~tL- sun carbon cmt4nfz for Mat tr4atment shou14 be 0*12-OoMe I -Orig., art. has: 3 figures, 2 tabl4s. SUS COVES 11/ SURN DATEs 00/ ORIG REFs 004/ Mrs 000 L 443d4-66 EINTM_ - G9, URCE CO : UR -j-_ - .1. r - __ ACC-NW,--MM306i4_ DE jd4fji~QOOO 016/0105/0105 INVENTOR: Hosov. V. V.; Rzhevsk1yt_.V._Y. ORG: none TITLE: Device for strength determination of soft rocks. Class 42, No. 185099 SOURM Izebretenlya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 16, 1966, 105 TOPIC TAGS: ro k at e~gth, rock meFhanics, rock strength gauge Ind 1P ABSTRACT: A device has In designed to determine the strength of soft rocks. It consists of a free-traveling piston connected to a liquid-fUled cylinder and measi Fig. 1. Strength-determination device Glass tube; 2 rod. Card 1/2 UDC: 539.533.002.54: 622.023.6 ACC NRs AP6030614 element by means of a steel rod. -The measuring element contains a balancing liquid whose height in the glass tube is directly proportional to the amount of resistance offered by the rock as it is pierced by the rod. Fig. 1 shows a cross section of the device. Orig. art. has: I figure. [DHI SUB CODE: OS/ SUBH DATE: 24Har65/ ATD PRESS: 5077 L 2142--(16 - MiTM/M OW - - ACC Nit; ;TIRB-491 SOURCK COM UR/0203/65/005/0051095a/0960 AUMOR; Gramitak!Z, L. V.; Heyermlov -.A. F ; Nosey, V. Ye. '44,55 --- ~41155'___- .ORG: Institute of Terrestrial MaAnstism. the Ionosphere, and Radio Wa PrQ SO AN SSSR (Institut zemnogo magnetizma, ionoefery, i rasprostraneniya radio SO AN SSSR) TITLE: Decade counter with ferrite-transistor elements SOURCE: C-somagnetitm i aeronomiya, v. 5, 1965, 958-960 TOPIC TAGS: pulse counting, decade counte ABSTRACTs A decade counter with three ferrite-transistor flip-flops and one four-, winding core with rectangular hysteresis loop is described. 'As seen from Fig. 1,: the Tp2 care switches into the 1 state at the count of 8. The ninth and tenth pulses alternately switch the first flip-flop (TP3) into the I and 0 states. Winding V2. of Tp, transmits this transition to core TP2 and switches it into the 0 state. The pu se emanating at this time from Tp winding V4 triggers the blocking generator (TI and Tpd, which resets all the Hip-flops. The counter functions in the ambient temperature range of -30C to +55C. The bias voltage Ek may vary from 9 to 22v without affecting the operation of the counter, The limiting counting frequency is 'q 109 tM41. Clio 1 (17q Acc Nib APS025491 Read out Ut.**- ILr Bia4 no RemovinS- pulse 19 16 X0 Fig. I . caa 1Pj counter with ferrite-trancis or', i elements In Pul 13 07A A JIM 510 ts:v~ ve JYA 7A 1~c Read output 30-50 kc under normal conditions. and 25 kc at +55C. Reliability is increased by including 51-ohm resistors in the transistor collector circuits., Orig. art. has; 3 figures. (BD) Card 22 ACC NRt 4KP5025491 SUB COM RC/ 9(MM DATH'i 210ct64/ OILTO RBFI '009/ 0711 REFS Ool/ ATD, P'9989.4ft2 NOGGVV VOze Every second worker is a voluntary inspector. Put' i put. khoz. 9 ao.11:18-19 165. (MIRA 18:11 ) 1. Starshiy inzh. i nachaltnik shtaba obshchestvennykh inspektorov,p stantsiya Chishmy, Kuybyahevskoy dorogi. NCSOVj le.; PMKCVSKIY, A. Placing the, concrete of a buttress in movable farmurork. From, stroLe i inzh, soor, 5 no.3:51-54 4-Je 163* (MIRA 16:7) 1, Glavrqy inzhe stroitellnogo upravleniya 2Khimstroy'O treats. 4Kommurarskstroylm (for Nosov), 2. G-lavnyy takhnolog tresta OMmaunarskstroy" (for Pyatkovskiy). (Coke ovans-Design and construction) (Concrete construction) IfGSOVP YO-9 wtoroy.-pildt.,(ruzbno-Sakhalin-cile). Boris. Grazhd. av. 20 rw.l017 0 163. WIPA 16.12) BURTSLT, A-V-; SAGUSMY, V-V.; VJPAROV, B.P.; MGACHE7. A.F.; SHIRNOT. G.P;; AORONOTA, Te.l.; GIZIUYTER, VA.; ?I M. A.T.; SMCRUE, Et.S.; DORWEMMO. S.P.;,XUr 9 WWV~ T .5 HLI. D.B.- ZOLMUM. N.M.; SUII~=O, A.M.; TASILTUr. A.?.; STIRIMV, I.A. Using exothermic mixtures for heating the heads of steel castings. Promi,energ. 15 no.6:14 Jo 16o. OIRA 13:7) (rounding) HOSOV.Yu.. Inshener __ ., - ".., 1 . *, Keehanized,roof caving In Moscow Basin mines. Kast.ugi.4 no.q: 4-6 6155. (KIRA 9:1) (Koscow Basin--Coal mines and mining) NOSOV,Yu., Inzhener Iztendible natal prop for temporary mine support. Kast.ugl.4 no.7:19 J1155. (KLRA 8:10) (Mine timbering) 11""'Ildy Of %~V~ rcsov, ;I(,- of 'vi AUT40R.5s 11050V , Yu. A., Ratner, 3. B~ SOV/57-2 U-Y - 1 5/~5