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sA26/62/oWoo6/oil/020 Stacking faults .... F,193/r.383 2 lov-5(2tan 200 + tan 0ill 6200 - 2~Lld= 2 Tv2 where 0 is the Wolf-Bragg angle. Ifavin - determined the dislocation density P in the deformed metal by the Williamson and Smallman method (Phil. Nag., 1956, 1, 34), the authors calcu- lated the width r of the stacking foults.from r = a/pd whore d is the interplanar spacing. Since, according to the theory of clesticity r = pa2/24TY Y where- shear nodulus, a - lattice parameter and y - 3nergy of the stacking faults, y can be calculated from 1102d Y = - - 0 1 2/0' a Card 2/5 S/126/62/014/oo6/011/020 Stacking faults E193/E383 In addition, the residual electrical resistivity of both cold- worked and annealed alloys was measured at the tsmporature of liquid helium. The results are reproduced in a table. The pffect of annealinM temperature on the magqitudb of A R/R , where it is the resistivity in the cold-worked condition, is demonstrated in Fig. 2, where AR/R is plotted against the annealing tempera- ture, 0C, for the alloys indicated by each curve. Conclusions. 1) Plastic deformation of Ni-Cu and Nf-Co solid solutions brings about the formation of stacking faults. The energy of the stacking faults decreases with increasing Cu and Co contents, as a result of which their width and-density increasei. 2) The plastic doformation-induced in6rease in the electrical resistivity (6% in J, the 40,,; Cu-Ni and 3y, in the Co-Ni alloys) is too large to be accounted for by the presence of dislocations but can be explained in terins of a sharp increase in the density of the stacking faults. 5) Non-nionotonic variation in the electrical resistivity with the annealing temperature can be attribiAted to the interaction between the stacking faults and the alloying additions; at certain tempera- tures this interaction leads to the formation of microhaterogen- eities of the concentration of the solid solution in the stacking- Card 3/5. s/126/62/014/oo6/oil/020 Stacking faults .... L'193/F,383 faults regions with a resultant change in the ifidth of those defects. There are 21 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Institut fizilci metallov AN SSSR (Institute of Physics of Metals of the AS USSR) SUBMITTED; August 26, 1961 (initially) October 20. 1962 (after revision) 6 Key to table: 1 - Material; 2 - Block dimeqsions' 10 cm 3 - Dislocation density, 10-*'64 I./am, calculat4d f ront D; 4 - 2%lagnitude of microdefects in cold- worked condition; 5 - Yislocation density calculated from Aa/a.10 ; 6 -~ Energy of the stacking faults, y, org/cm; 7 - Change, la, in the residual resistivity. .Card 4/5 ~rl ~*ADOV NOSKOVIA,jN SKIY, V.D.; SOKOLOV, B.K.; TOMILOV, G.S. Control of strain hdrdened steel articles bi coercive force meamwements. Zav.lab. 29 no.7:819-821 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Institut fiziki metallov All SSSR. (Steel-Testing) t/O~Kc. v1q, ~V.T L 1T699-65 Ff-4/Pad Krd/JD/gd ACCESSION 992 AP4042041 S/0126/64/017/006/0845/08sz z AUTHORo Sadovskly, V. D.g Sokolkov.__t*._NoJ* Petrov&, So N.1 Eavlov,_ V. A I Gzydukov.-M,_G.t Koskova, Mo 1.8 Kazan, Do Ye TITLEs The effects of hLgh-cenperatur# thermo-wechgmLcet treatmmt!~ on the -host restogauLa of KIPM77TYu R alloy SOURCZt . ftelks aidtall I mecsiiovle~e-lnlye' V. 17. no. 60 1964, 84s-85Z TOPIC TAGS: nickel al.loy. chroolur containing alloy. aluminum con- Wning alloy.creep- &t@, racrysts'.LtratLon, boron containing alloy, KhM77TUR alloyo Chkfu* mechanical treatment, host resistance ASSTRACTs The uechod of hot plarttc deformation combkned with quen- ching was used to enhance:Che stress-rupture streng.Lhgof susteattLe stools. The authors Investigi-tTig-eposoLblItty of applying this combined method to KhN77TTujt' a 41MOOLC-Cyps 4110Y. spectuens Ito s' x Lt.$ x 70 as wera* annealed at IOGOC for 8 hro and rolled wLth a reductLoo.of 25% at a calling speed of 1.5 m1mLa. The process Card 1/3 ' L lT699-65 ACCESSION M AP4042041 of recrystalILz&tgj1w46 suppressed by water cooling the specimens Immediately aftes plastic deformation. All specimens were aged at 750C for 16 hr. Hacdaeag was 265 113.~ At SSOC and under a access of 90 kg/=%20 the rupture life was extended from 4.1f 100 hr while the creep rate decreased from 4-8 x 10'2% to 8 x 10 per hr. Above the SOO-600C range a deterioration of strength characteristics was ob- served. The authors attribute the adverse effect of the combined me- thod at 750C to the rocrystallization during testing and to a possible higher rate of coagulation of the strengthening phass. The decramse In the creep race and the ir~cre4se of tha rupture life were verified by x-ray method. The authors point out the formation of a polygo- nized substructure and to a boundary distortion In the form of cher- acteristLe serration during high-tempocature deformation. They con- tend the A the substructural boundaries Impeded the travel of dislo- cationsl1during creep. while the distortion of the grain boundaries low454 the susceptibility to latercrystalltne failure. The authors suggest that the Kethod of.Lnvest "Igattan may be insufficiently deve- loped for an exhaustive Interpretation of the results obtained and of the peculiarities of the structural state of the material. Orig. art* hate 5 ftguresel, Card 2/3 L 17699-65 ACCESSION HRg 'AP404204t ASSOCtATtOgs lastitut ftciki maltallov AN $SIR 410stitute of the -Physics of Ketals-Aff-fiSW SUAMM90i WuI63 ZNCLI !Go f6us Coact KH 00 RE? SOV11 012 OTHER$; 008 Z Card 3/3 MOSROVA, N,Iet FAVIOV, V.A. I; 11.-~~fet-ta of packing in face-cente-rad c-ubde metals dnd alioTs. FIz. met, I metalloved, 20 no.36,42&.432 S 065, (HIRA 18111) 2. Tnatitut Miki Meta.1lov AN SSSR. VSHIVKGVA, N.F.; UOSXO'VA, N.I.; FAMV, V.t. DefoiTation defects of p-icld-ng in rhodius and irridit=. Flz. met. I matalloved. 20 no.3:460 S 165. (MIRA 18S11) 1. Tnatitut fiviki wtallov AN SSSR. PIRAYEVSKArA, re.M.; AROSHKINA, N.L.; NOSIKOVA, N.N. Aqueous reciprocal system of the chroma*,Rs and bicarbonates of sodium and ammonium. Zhur. prikl. khin. 37 no. 5089- 1000 Ky f64. (HMA M 7) ARTEI.IIYL7,, Vladislav Ilikolayevich; , Lev Viktorovichl- NOSKOVA R F. red.; GOLUBKGV.P.T.,prdf*#r6de; ZWINJV .N.0teun. [Laboratory mawiAl on high-vaemm plTsics] Fraktikum p0 Mike vysokogo vakuuma. Samtov, Izd-vo Saratovskogo, imiv.# 1963. 325 P. (KnU 17:2) ANDRUSHKEVICH, V.S.; BULNIKOVA, V.P.; GRIGORIYEV, M.A.; ZHLRKOV9 Yu.D.; SIVITM4, N.I.; SrALIMMOV, V.S.; TRUBETSKOV, D.I.; SIWMOVO G.N.; SHZVCHIK, V.11.; NOSKOVA. R.F.I. rode , [Electronic superhigh-frequency devices) Elektronnye pribory- overkhvyaokikh chastot. Saratov, Izd-vo Saratovskogo univ.9 1964. 197 p. 011RA 18:4) GAVRILOV, Petr Ivnnr)vich; 11O.W)VA 1(.F.,, rod. , ".1 - 6'. . - [Renearch on and the practice of ueldir-g with r-sti.L-al gas] Issledovanie i praktika svarkl prirodnym gazom. Saratov,, lzd-vo Saratovskogo univ., 19614. 254 P. (MIRA 19:1) KUZIMINA, Klavdiya Aleksayevna; f~OSKOVA, R.F.,p red. [Treatment with bee honey and venom) lachenle, pcheli- rxwm medom i ladom. Izd.2., dop. Saratov, Izd-vo Sara- tovskogo uo~ *# 1965. 78 p. (MIRA 18:12) NOSIOTA, R.I.; Goylmzi, GJAL. Photometric observations of the lunar 601466 Of Augmgt 5-6, 1952. no.ig.:13-26 156. (KUU 10: 1) I.. Kogk*Txkoye Otdoleulye Tgesoyuzaago astronozo-geodezichaskoga obshahestTa. (Icupses. lumw-1952)-- UCT7-~ S/035/61/000/1001/)05/019 3117)-0 tIV44411X6111;-7) AOO1/AOOl Translation froml Reforativnyy zhurnal, Astronomlys, I aeodazlya, 1961, 'No. 1, p. 45j # IA339 AUTHORS~ Salomonovloh, A.Ye., Kashchenko, V.N., Moskova, R.I. TITLE: On Intensity of Sun's Radio Emission at the 8-mm Wavelength Band PERIODICA'"s "Solnechnyyo dannyyaP, 1959/1960, No. 9, pp. 83-89 TECT: The authors present the changes of brightness temperature at the 8- mm wavelength during the period from 1957 to 1958. Observations were carried out near Moscow with a 2-m parabolic reflector. The average brightness temperature of the Sun during this period was equal to 8,000cK, the temperature of the quiet Sun was 6,400 t 8000K The correlation coeffiolent between the brightness temperature and the summary ;~e& of sunspots amounts to~0.4. There are 5 references. N, S. Translator's notes This In the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 1/1 3.1710 78028 SOV/33-37-1-28/31 P.tWHORS: Amenitskiy, N. A., Noskova, R. I., Salomonovich, A. Ye. TITLE: The Radio Image of the Moon In an 8-mm Wave Range PERIODICAL: Aatronomicheakiy zhurnalo 1960, Vol 37s Nr 1, PP 185- 186 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Observations of the two-dimensional distribution of the thermal radiation of the moon in the 8-mm wave range were made during September-November 1959 with the 22- meter radiotelescope of the Lebedev Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences, USSR. Owing to the great resolving power of this telescope, it was possible to obtain values of the radiation temperature for separate regions of the moon. There is considerable dependence of the distribution of radio brightness on the phase of the moon which appears to be a3ymmetrical. Thus, at the first quarter the western part of the moon is brighter, and the reverse is true at the third quarter. The difference between the maximum and the minimum Card 1/2 temperatures in the center of the disk is more than 40%. The Radio Image of the Moon in an 8-mm Wave Range ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: The authors thank G. 0. V. N. Koshchenko, and V. in making observations. references, 2 Soviet, I is: J. E. Gibson, Proc. 78028 SOV/33-37-1-28/31 Basistov, N. F. Illin, 1. Pushkarev, who assisted There are I figure; and 3 U.S. The U.S. reference I.R.E., 1, 280-286,1958. L--bedev Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences, USSR (Fizicheakiy Institut imeni P. N. Le-bedeva Akademil naUk SSSR) December 11, 1959 Card 212 4~119VIZ S/033/60/037/oo6/004/022 Je/ 7 IZ-0 E032/E514 AUTHORS: Kuzlmin, A. D., Levchenko, M.T., Noskova, R. 1. and Salomonovich, A. Ye. TITLE: Observations of Discrete Sources of Radio Emission on 9.6 cm Wavelength PERIODICALt Astronomicheakly zhurnal, 1960, Vol-37, No.6,pp.975-978 TEXT: Preliminary results are reported of observations of discrete sources of radio emission on X = 9.6 cm obtained with the 22 m radio telescope of the Physics Institute, AS, USSR. This telescope was described by Salomonovich (Ref.1). Altogether 50 sources were recorded of which 34 were observed for the first time in the centrimetre range. The results obtained are illustrated in the Table on pp-976-977, which gives coordinates and various characteristics, as 'well as identifications with optical objects and radio sources observed by Haddock et al. (Ref.3) and Westerhout (Ref.4) on 9.4 and 21 cm, respectively. The table includes a number of interesting objects, among them two planetary nebulae (NGC 7293 and NGC 6853) for which radio emission cannot be detected. For these objects an upper limit for the flux density of radio emission is estimated. These estimates are included in the table. Card 1/2 S/033/60/037/006/004/022 E032/E514 observations of Discrete Sourceii of Radio emission on 9.6 cm Wavelength Acknowledgments are expressed to the following persons who took part in building the apparatus and in obtaining the data: G. G. Basistov, N. F. Illin, V. N. Koshchanko, L. A. Levchenko, S. K. Palamarchuk and V. 1. Pushkarev. Acknowledgment is also expressed to D. V. Kovalevskiy who organized the programme for the radio telescope during the observations. There are 2 tables and 7 referencest 4 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut imeni P. N. Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR (Physics Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev, Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTZD; may 14, ig6o Card 2/2 KUZIVIN, A.D.; KOSKOVAp R.I. W- Identification of exciting stars and the determination of the paruntera of emiseLon nebulas from radio-astronoov data. Astron.shur. 39 no.2:241-246 Mr-Ap 162. OURA 15:3) 1. FixicheakLy Institut Im. P.R,Lebedeva AN SM. (Stars) (Nebulae) (.Udio astronoaq) N~GFC,VAP 1, - I r:.,j !;-, "-,r r ~.I% , 'a. -- . A." - ; -, ;-.. ~, I !"-* 42 3pectrophotom,try of cf ;*I'l i I.. no,511038-1044 S-0 165, WIRA 181.10) 1. Goaixdarstvnnnyy InjtAf,--A Lii. KUKURA. Jol NIURTIC, T.; NOSKOVA,,T.; 11:11SCHLOS,., SQFI;TA, E!, .0 Group autography in the study of the Fedagogic process. Bratisl. lek. list-W 41+ nc.9t513-517 15 N 164 lo Katedra hygi-any Lek. fakulty Univerzity Kmenskeho v Bratislave (veduci katedrl akadamik prof. IATDr. V. Pbcha. DrSo.) a Katedra automatizacle a -milaelf- M.ektrotechnickej fak-ulty Slovenskej vysokej skoly lechnickej v Bratislave, (veduci katedry prof. dr. inz. M. Salamcin, ncaltel Radu prace). KIJKIJRA,J, ; MTKLWIG,T.;_14.!~O%Ajq SOBOT'l, R. Continual recording of motor activity in pupil during lessons by means of a "beat electroactograph"'. ffetiv, nerv, sup. (Praha) 7 no.2:187-188 t65 1. Department of lfvgiene, Medical Faculty of Komensky University Bratislav, 2. Mukura's addrasar Bratislava, u1. CeskoslovernUej armady 52. L 12942-66 P6005676 6 ~7-9 IC5 6 6 -016 --- ~7 ACC NR1 A SOURCE CODE: 6d2161a 18 AUTHOR': Kukura, J.; Mikletic, T.; Noskova, T.; Sobota, E. ORG: Department. of Hygiene,, Medical Faculty, Comenius University, Bratislava TITLE.- Continuous recording of motor activity in pupils during lessons by means of a seat electrograph (This paper %as presented at the Third Interdisciplinary Conference on Experimental and Clinical Study of Higher Nervous Functions held in Marianske Lazne Afrom 19 to 23 October 1964.) SOURCE: Activitas nervosa superior, v- 7, no. 2, 1965p 187-188 TOPIC TAGSi bodily fatigue, man, psychology~ behavior pattern ABSTRACT: Virat symptoms of fatigue are manifested by an increase in motor activity* From the functional aspect of the cerebral cortex this phenomenon is called protective excitation, The auth- .ors doscribo an arrangement which they designed to register the movements of pupils on school benches, The number of.movements increased from the Ist to the 3rd lesson; there was a drop in the 4th lesson. In individual lessons the number of movements 'decreased.,up to the 15-20th minute, and then began to increase again. Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 1 table. fJPRIS SUB CODE: 06p 05 SUBM DATE: none ORIG REF: 002 1'. A. 17. A. "Eetho('n of r eaching the zi:l~'J(,ct ID tA.,91 iri 1.1-.o crurse in srcondary schools in the iijit of tl.(~ ta-,,~s of' pol~tecLnir c0%czA.4c,nII. -(,sccw, I`Kl- cco-. State Pf-daCoi-,ical In-st i~neni Ir. L(:nir,. (Lis-st,rtati. n fcr lhc Dei,vee of Uandidate of Pedagogic 3ciences) Knizlinava L!,,tol'is, , !"o. IX), 1. Oct -,5 jv LISHMSKIT, S.K.. 5,tarahly, nauchryy satrudaiiq NOSMTA,, T.A., glavW vrach protesnago zawoda. Orthopedic tre&tKent Of calesLasal sPurs. Ortap.traym. I protes. an-3:37-39 KY-Ja 155. KRA 8: 10) 1. Is Rishaicago nauchno-Igsladovatellskogo lastltuta ortopedll I YousUnovitellnoy khtrargit. (CAW, AIUM, diseaft6s, calcuuml ispure, ther.,orthapedic tachaics) .., I N o _S K 0 V - I :.Ft , MOSKOTA. V.A. Matroma) -"-Nwwo Amw % % Cthodol"O&74'lm studying the subject "Corrosion of netals and its prevention.' XhIm.r shkole 12 no.6:23-31 I-D 157. (MM 10:12) (Corrosion and antlaorrosiveg-Stuo and teaching) I,TCSKOV,% 0 T. 1. Noskova, T. I. OThe effect of Injuries to the peripheml nervous IL-, nink on healirg of bone breaks (wLperLmental Investigation)." Kishinev Stite Iledical Insts Ghair of . Hospital Surgery. KishInev, 1955* (Dissertation f or tho Degree of Candicbte in Medical Science) So: KnIzhnaya letopis', No. 27, 1956- I-110scou. Pages '~,4-1-09; 111. MOSK07A, T.I., kand.ned.nauk (Ghernortar. al. Sheychenko. d-2 kv-5) --------- Morphological changes In preserved blood vessels dependIrg on the preservative used, time of exalsion and length of preservation. lroy.khir.arkh. no.6:114-117 N-D '58s (MMA 12:3) 1, rafedre gospitalluoy khirurgit (zav. - prof. T.L. Khenkin) Cher- novitalrogo, aeditsinskogo, instituts. (BTWD VESSM-TRANSPLASTATION) BOGDOOV9 JQQ,; NOSKaVA, V,N,; Bg&%=T=p AoS., redoi SEMSMWKO# T-A-t - [Leningrad and Leningrad Province] 14ningrad i Leningradskaia. oblast'; kratkii spraxoobniko rAiingrodp Lenlmdatj 196le 127 p (raningrad Provinc*-Vasaription and tray*l) (HIU 14: 10; UCSKOVA, Ye., prepodavatel Life of a machine. Standartizataila-29 no.6:23-24 Je 165. WIRA 18:12) 1. Altayakiy politekhnicheakly Imtitut. 1110SKOITAY To. A. Bee Cultmra - Ryazan' (Provirce) How I enlarged the colleetive farm apiary. Pchelovoistvo 2? no. 3:8-15 Mr 152. July -1 9. Month List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 943 Uncl. Production of a atraia of hawn ties feedinig. on rabbit and Its sigalficance,for the spl~q rma membrane technic. Top. rims. :! ao.1:53-55 A-IF ' 57 (KLRA 10:5) 1, Tauchno-LaaledovatelOskly Lactitut Yak-Wn I gyvoratoL-, g. Molotov. prod. of strain feeding on rabbits. significance for epLdermcmembrans technic) (Rum) 1(artability of Rickettsia prowa-zeid and pere-3ectives of obtaining living typhus 71a-cinas. Limr.-m1krobtal.epid L tr=u:-. 2;.3 no.?, 11-14 it 057. (KIRA 10:10) 1. Is Kolotovs1cogo laeti,uta vaktsin I wvorotok. (RIC"ML,m ;'iQWiZXK11, variability, role in prop. typhus Uiw)) PSEMNIMOT, A.T,*, NMMTA, Too G.; FAYMM, L.I.; TATOUN, 1. Sh. Certain characteristics of post-infeatlon lmm=ity in typhus following reinfection of &ninea, pigs in varions recgptor zones. Zhur. aftrobAol. epid. I 4-mm. 29 do.10:99-4= 0 158. 0113L 11: 12 ) 1. Is Permakago lnetttmta vaktain I eyvorotak. (MPOX, Immmol. post-vacatual I==. after re-W3ot. of gminea, pigs into various receptor zones (Ran)) KOSKOVAv Yfe, V. Carid BLal Sai -- (diss) 4),~~ of the Root-p3re of Lemon Seedlingp.10 Mos, 1957,16 15 pp 20 am C; (Moo Order of Leatm Agriaulturml Acmdemy :L=,K. A. Timiryasew), 110 oopies (KLq 25-57f 1-1r1) - 31 - USSR / Cultivated Plants, Subtropical and Tropical M-B .Plants. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., 1958, uo 16, 73185. Author t!osk:)v'a Ye V Inst Mosco AgA~kUral Academy imeni K. A. Timiryazev. Title iSome Characteristics of Root Feeding in Lemon Seedlings. Orig Pub: Dokl. Moak. a.-kh. akad. im. K. A. Timiryazeva, 1957, vyp. 28, 327-331. Abstract: Resul'tt's are presented of vegetation experiments with leinon seedlings under various ratio of clay particles with structural elements of chernozem turf soil, Active roots of lemon seedlings have no root fibrila. In the absorption zone, feeding of the plants proceeds by means of the whole non- suberous part of the root and the pseudolenticels. Card 1/2 149 MOSKOVA,_r~,V,_ . - - -- Vital activities of plant roots and conditions determining their absorption power; as exemplified by lemon and apple ceedlings. Uch. sap. Kulb. gas. ped. last. no.35:57-82 161. WRA 15:9) "Roots (Botany)) (Plants-Issimilation) MAZYGMv 0.; AMOVA. ri.1 , dotsent.. nauchayr rukoyoditell Indoor cultivation of lown. Sch.zapeWbegaeopedoldsto We37S 51-56 162. 1 (KIRA 16ti) (Loam) o 31 -, Ov 174 3 of ttlo of Fuel an,' of Prei--eatinz of !.,.orki,v 1:3-xture on the arx", '-7conomic In:llr-,~3 ol" Cnerati-n tl,e 1-:A f,.-4c- a u ca of an4rr. A`ric.,1~1-;ral Acad, ia`un3s", 10,55 L 25, 1' Jun 55 For Degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences ;SRAKHOV, Yu.A.; NOSKOVS, A.A.; P.01MANKOV, P.G. f Upper boundary of a foaming state on sieve plates. ZhLr. prikI. khim. 37 no.9:2074-2071 3 164. (14IRA 17: 10) WIM. Oftaddytt; N3SMWICZ. Taddust Acute coronary failure with microinfarction with clinical and electrocardiographic pictures of myocarital Infarction, Polskie arch. mod. wewn. 26 do.6:965-9?t 1956. 1. Z oddztalu wawn. Szpitala in. Dr. Karola Jongehera, w Lodcl Ordynator: dr. and. N. Taub@ i Zakladu Anstamli Patologiczaaj A.M. w Lodst, Klor. prof. dr. med. A. Prussezynaki, Lodz, u1. PrzedsaIniana 75. Szpit&l In. dr. X. Jonschera. (krOCAUIAT, INURCT. differential diagnosis, coronary failure with microinfarction (Pot)) (COFDMff DISMS, differential diagnosis, myocardial Infarct simulated by acute coronary fatlure with microtnfaretion (Pot)) NOSKOVICZ a 0 - ;...SLU'KwSKI, Tadeuss Renal leslons In cases of Schoonlein-Henoch's syndrome. Polski tygod. 1sk. 14 no.46:2037-2039 16 Vow 59. le (Z Oddclalm Wevnetrunego A Sspitela tn. dr. K. Jonschera v todst; ordynator. dr mad. K. Taube).* (KMPITS, pathol.) (MMURA, pathol.) -1 Transient branch block daring, the course of anterior geptal Infaration. Polski tygod.lek, 16 no.5:182-184 30-T& 161. 1. Z Oddslalm Wevnetrmego, OAO Swpitala Im. Dr K.Jouscherm v Lodst; ordynator: dIr mad. X.Tambe. WOCARDIAL IIYAMT compl) (EIRART BI= atiol) NOSKOWIC.zj, Tq- FROIMZAKO J. Usefulness of am]-l-frame radlogmpby in deteating heart diseases@ Kardiel, pal. 6 no.149-50 163, 1. Z Famdni Charob UkUdu Kmzonia Klerownikc dr R. Famignem i a Vejewodsklej Prsychodni Pr%eciwgrmzUczoj a. Lodst, Dymktmr: dr Z. Czerw1mBk1. (HPART DISFASES) (THORACIC RADIWWJ~) _NOSLK CZjT.;__, Split heart soundis caused by bmvdle branch block. KmUoL pol. 6 no.4t247-258 t63. lo Z 11 Kliniki Chorob Vewnstrznych AH w Lodsig kierownikt profodroJoJakubowski. -ROSWWICZ. Tq DOLIMSXAj H, Prepyatolic mrwr - strial systolic =rmur, Urdiol, Polt 7 A003017-219 .; 164, 1. Z 11 KlIniki, Otorob Wownstrsnyoh Akadoxii Medycinel v Lodd (Kisrowniks prof. dr W. Kusial)~ NOSKOWICZt T.; BOLINSKAI H. Opening snap of the mitral valve in the case of mitral stenosis coexisting with aortic insufficiency. Kardiol. Pol. 8 no.3:239- 241,, 165. 1, Z II Kliniki Chorob Wownetrznych AN w Lodzi (Kierowniki prof. dr. W. Musial). V MUMUL, :erzyo mV ins.; KOSKOWSKI, Jerzy, xgr inz. The unit CMDG-2 wA the now wage system for workers employed in coal headjmgs of the Slupiec mine. Viadom prn 13 no.6:199-201 ,re 62. ORLMTYU, Jerzy, mgr inz.; HOSKOWSKI, Jerzy, mgr inz. Mini g thick sea= by slicing layer by layer frox the top and the use of an artificial root. Frzegl gorn IS no.11:612-617 N 162. --A P-ROVRH SOURCE CODE: UR/0153/65/008/0051084610850 AUT.11OR: Hoonikov, A. FO; Blokhj G. A. ORG% Resin Technology Department, ~a~ro itrovsk Chemical Technology Institute im. F, Ee Dnerz-henskiy (Kafedra tekhnologiL reziny, Dnepro- -patrovskLy khimiko-tak-no ogicheski7 institut) TITLEs Vulcanizatio n of synthetic rubbers with gaseous,-systems Ott z lite carrf eo area 1. Vulcanization of cis-l,4-but3d1ena-5(SKD) and oodium butadlene (M) rubb.ers with sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide * x I SCURCE: IVUZ.~ Khimiya L khimiclieskaya tekhnologiya, v. 8, no. 5, .1965, 846-85~O TOPIC TAGSt vulcanization. synthetic rubber, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulf ide ABSTRACT: A study has been made of tile Vulcanization of synthetic rubbers with sulfur dioxide in combination with hydrogen sulfide and 'wercaptans. The vulcanizing systems were prepared by adsorption of these gases on A and X type zeolite carriers. Study of the sorption and desorption of the gaseous systems by zeolites showed that the bulk of the gases is retained in the zeolite structure at temperatures at which rubber mixtures are prepared and procesoed, and to released Card 12 UDC: 678.028:66.022.37 L 27838-66 ACC.NRt AP6002212 only at vulcanization temperatures, Titus, scorching' to prevented and vulcanization made possible. Experiments conducted with cis- butadlene (SKD), sodium butadiene (SKB), and butadiene-styrene (SKS-30ARKH) rubber mixtures showed that these rubbert can be vul- canEted with combinations of 302,and HZS or 2-mercaptobenzothiazole, The physical and mechanical properties of VulcanL20t06 thus prepared were on par with those of oulfur-vulcanized rubbers. The effect of was-studi-ed- for SK '8 rubber~and 11aX aeo'lite, It was shown that the reinforcing properties of the toolite are very poor, and that the teolite sharply -Lncreasas the residual e.longatLons of vulcanizatess Orig, arts hast 3 figures and 3 tables. (BOI SUB CODE: l1/ SUBM DATEs 30Jun64/ ORxr, REFs 004/ ATD PRESSi AP6019736 : UR/0063/6 AUTHOR: Roanikov, A. F.; Bcrodushkina, Kh. N ; 1!eguslavskiyp D. B.; Chernukhtna, A. . ; Khcmiif-6v,-X-.Y.. ; 315-kh, G. A. I ORG: Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Chemical Technology Im, F. E. Dzerzhinsk;y 4 5 (Dneprope-crovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut); Dnepropetrovsk Tire Plant (Dnepropetrovskiy shinnyy zavod); VNII of G2ass Fibers (VNI1 ~teklovoloknt) TITLE: Porou. silicon fibeliVacting as carriers of gaseous vulcanizingAll nt and accelerators SOURCE: Vses khim obshch. Zh, v. 11, no. 3, 1966, 348-350 TOPIC TAGS: vulcanization, rubb r, silicon pla tic %Z IT ABSTRACT: The effect of porous silicon fibers containing hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, and sulfur dioxide on the physicomechanical properties of tire[5rubbers was investigat- ed. The pore diameters ranged from 2.8 A to 75 A. The vulcanization temperature was 143-1630C and the vulcanization duration was 10-80 minutes. The fiber contents in the rubber wore as high as 10%. Up to 10 wt %, the Incorporation of the silicon fib- ~rs affected neither the vulcanization process nor the mechanical properties of the t1re rubbers. It was found that rubbers prepared using ammonia accelerator were qua- litatively as good as those vulcanized with sulfur compounds and diphanyleuanidine ar-- 1/2 UDC: 665.86+675.5 -I ACC NRo AP6019736 celerator. In all cases, the tire rubbers vulcanized with woonla exhibited excel- .I lent mechanical properties. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 2 tables. SEB CODE: U/ SUBM DATE: 16Jun65/ ORIG FZF: 004 Card 2/2 L 4-5822---Lk 'ct)Lz I ." i:, (C) Am ACC1W--UF610-z4330 (AT SW= CODIRt UR100211661000100410463104a7 AUTHORs No@ 0 1P.-Ifoanikov, At .; Blokho ff. As--Blokho G. A. nikov A - 0 OW g DnegCqpdrovsk eel ShSinvorIng rnstitute- (Drdpropetre. 1Wy kWLmlko-tokhno- logichrQ77 InStYtut) / ID 0 TITIS i M of butadione-nitrile rubber with hydrogen mdfide fin the pres- once of dl-tort-butyl peroxide introduced on zoolites SOURCEI AN UkrBSR. Dopovidig no. 4t- 19669 483-487 TOPIC TAGS1 vulcanizationg synthetic rubberg hydrogen M21 zoolite A RACT butadione-nitrile rubbers (SKN- It Is shown that rubber products based on can be obtained with HZS and admixtures of di-tort-butyl peroxide DTBP Kf 2 6 K 21S 6 --(o-.05-0.5 pts. by wto per 100 pts. of rubber), Synthetic zoolites were used as carri- ers (INUa for ff2S and NaX for DTBP). Unfilled rubbareq or rubber* filled with 1n4rt f Uller chalkg eta" ) were found to surpass sulftu-cured rubbers In physicounchanical propert as# resistance to theraml agingg and stability toward aromatic hydrocarbons (xYlons . The paper was presented by Academician AN UkrSSR Ovcharenk*# re Be CrIge art.., hast 4 f1pres and I table, SUB CM91 it/ SMW DATICI 30WA51 ORM RMI 007/ OM RVI 007 is I ACC _NRI Iq SOURM COWC UqOO21/661001041OM310147 AUTHORS Nogdkov. 0. F.--Kosrdkov, A, F.; Blokh, 11. Ao--Blokh. 0. A. Owt Onegradralk Mmiaal 9ndmorIng rhostitsde (0dprapstrm1V Wailka-toMrid- logichrvy Ins-tytut) TITZE I Yvj Isni zati .1 of butadierm-nitrile rubber %dth hydrogen rjafide In the pre lo- once of di-tert-butyl perox1de Introduced an zoolites SOURCE$ AN UkrRSR. Dopovidle no. 4,, 19669 483-487 TOPIC TAGS1 vtdcanizationg synthetic rubberg hydrogen sulfidep toolite ~.qR,ILZL It Is shawn that rubber products based an butadlene-nitrile rubber@ (Sglf= 226 X can be obtained with %S and admixtures of di-tert-butyl peroxide DTBP -To-.05-0.5 ptso by wto per 100 ptsof rubber). Synthetic zoolites were used an carri- ers t for H23 and MaX for VM). Unfilled rubbers,, or rubbers filled with Inert filler chalkg eta*) were found to surpass vilfur-cured rubbers In phytilcomahanIcal Rraport an# resistance to therud agIng,, and stability toward aromatio Wrdrocarbons (XrlAns - The paper was presented by Acadedetan AN MvSSR Orchavenkog F. Do Ortgo he art, .. as 4 figures and I table. SUB Coots it/ SUM VAM 300651 OUG R3F9 007/ OTH RV9 007 cam is MSHIKOV, Z. K.; KOSNITSIM, 1, S. Fishing - TmpleKents and Appliances Cutting out seine sections In staggered formation. Ryb. khoz., 28, go. 5t 1952. Monthly List 2f Russian Accessions. Ubrary of Congress October 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. W I I SLADKOSHTEYEVY V.T,; AKHTYK.,K[Y, V.I. YOU1.41149 R.V.; KUCW1-1--NSKTy, YU.N.; SLIMIKO, A.M.; Prialmali uchuatiyei GRIGORITEV, F.N.; DRUZHIIIIN, I.I.; OSIPOV. V.G.; PARASXHOKO, R.A.; KOPYTIN, A.V.; KOLESKI-K, Me,; KHAVALADZHI, V.I.; 114SOCHENKO; O.V. Material balance of Smeltirg with continu*ua casting. Sbor.trud. UNIrM no,11024-130 165, (MIRA 18tl'i.) IIT-',-Z0MTK, Ii . 'it. Hosolyuk., V. 11. "Electromagnetic Oscillations and Waves in the Physics Course at the Intenwdiate School." Mm Education Ukrainian SSR. Kie- State Fada- gogical, Trist, imeni Gortkiy. Kiev,, 1955- (Dissertation for the Derree of Candidate in FbdagoLical Science) So: Knizhnaya letopis', No. 27, 2 July 1955 NOSONOT. 1. -'-foa-fressing automatic stock waterer. Bell.strol. Z5 no.8.-23 Ac 960. (KM 1398) 1. GlALTW inshener-makharklic KracnodarskW flli&U 31suchno-LseledovatelOokogo inatitmta aelgainca atroltall- sty&. (Uttle-WaterfaC) 1 11 X. V.N.; NATDICEE, A.A. (KireT) Surfaco activity of oxygen In liquid copper-oxygen alloys. Zhure f1s.idde. 34 no.5:1018-1020 My 160. (KMA 13:7) 1. Akademiya nauk USSI. Ynstitut metallokeramiki i sretaiallnykh splavovl'i Kiyevekly godadarstvenuyy universitat Lm. T.G. Shevchezko. (Copper--03q&en alloys) (Surface tension) 81566 S/076/60/034/06/05/040 m5go61 AUTHORSs Yoremenko, V. N., Naydioh, Yu. V., Hosonovich A. TITLEs The Interface Activit of Oxygen in Liquid Metal Solid Oxide Systems PERIODICALs Zhurnal fizichaskoy khioti, 1960, Tol. 34, No. 6, pp. 1186-1189 TEXTs The wettability of the surface of aluminum oxide and magnesium oxide with copper - oxygen melts was examined (Table, composition of melts from 0.0 to 5.4 at% oxygen). The degree of wetting was determined from the angle of contact (which depends on the Interface surface energies). The angle of contact was measured photographically on drops of the metal zelt resting on the oxide, in a special vacuum apparatus (Ref. 5) in argon atmosphere at 11500C. Experiments with the system cu(02)-A'20 3 showed that the oxygen present in copper greatly increao- the wettability of the oxide with copper. With the help of the Gibbs equation It was calculated that the oxygen adsorption on the Interface V\/ Card 1/2 81 The Interface Activity of OrYgen in 5/076J60 034/06/65/040 Metal - Solid Oxide Systems B0151B061 of the metal melt-Al 203 pasees through a maximum at an oxygen content of about I at% (fig. 4). Data on the excess concentration of the oxygen bound to the surface of the oxide indicate that the latter is adsorbed at lattice junctions where the aluminum tons are, causing the adsorp- tion of an oxygen ion on an aluminum ion. Similar statements were made with the system Cu(0 2)_N90' where the wettability of copper on magnesium oxide by oxygen is not so greatly increased as in the case of Al20Y There are 4 figures, I table# and 8 referencesc 3 Soviet, 3 American, I German, and 1 British. ASSOCIATIONi Akademiya nauk USSR Inatitut metallokeramiki i spets1al1rq,1.-,h splayov (Academy, of Sciences UkrSSR, Institute for Powdyg_ Metallurgy and Special Alloy . Kiyevskly gosudarstvennyj universitet im. T. G. Shevchenko (Kiyev State University Imeni T. 0. ahavehenko) SUBMITTEDs June 30, 1958 Card 2/2 affmays"no S.S., 6nd." mauk; MSOfi#lCfi, A.A. ikys of lacra4slzzg the effectiveness of coatrol2lng dust In taLace. Borlba z all, 502-206 162, NWA l6zl) lo Makeyevakiy'pAuchao-taiiladovateltiikiy imtitmt po besopelaostj rabot T gOrUOY PVQMY13bla=oSU. (Mine dusts-Provention) KMOMMO, A.T., IMNOTICK, -L.6. - Nffeat of the main ele=uts of mineral =trition on the aacu~- amlation of alladolds In lupluo, llul,lust,blol.AN ISSR U*,3c 725~-IW 158. (KM 1397) (ALrAWIDS) (Lupra) VECHERS A.S.; BRTUK&Rt 0 O.K.; J ,WMVICH, L-S- Blacbemical'abarmaterlatics of potato varieties bamod on the comosition of con sap. MI, Tnat, blol, IN BM no.5:296-195 t60. (KM', 1497) (PMATORS-VAMMM) (PLARS-CHM-11CAL AIIALYSIS) N, 0 Soov I~'F, if. D. ,(Organization and Develop4ent of Foatal Communications in the USSR". One of a series of Telecommunications lectures given by experts in the scientific research institutes and educational institutes, SO: Vast. %~yazip p 24, No. 6, 1952. NO -Soo 0 V I t ~1 40 6(0) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2800 USSR. Ministerstvo, Bvyazi. Tekhnicheskoye upravle.niye Novyye razrabotki po organizatall pochtovoy svyazI; Informat- sionnyy sbornlk (New Developments In the Organization of Postal Communication; Collection of Informational Articles) Moscow, gvyazlizdat, 1958. 166 p. (Series: TekhnIka BVY&ZI) Errata slip inserted. 8,600 copies printed. Additional Sponsoring Agency: USSR. Ministeretvo avyazi. Tsentr*llnyy nauchno-Iseledovatellskly 1natitut. Reap. Ed.: A. Ye. Vasenin; Ed.: R.A. Kaz1mIna; Tech. Ed.: K. 0. Markoch. PURPOSE: This book is Intended for post office workers. COVERAGE: This collection of articles discusses efforts of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Communications Card IA New Developments SOV/2800 to organize and mechanize work processes In postal service establishments. It describes the organization of postal functions and ways to determine the efficiency of mechanized operations. Some articles discuss future development of the postal service. No personalities are mentioned. There are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 NonQnovich, N. D, Basis for the Overhaul and Development of Postal Service In Moscow 4 Nosonovich, N. D.,and G. A. Yurasovskly. Organization and chanization of Fostal Services In the Suburbs of Larger Cities 26 Card 2/4 New Developments SOV/2800 Vasenin, A. Ye. Principles of Planning Postal Service Establishments 44 Matonev, V. N. Examination, Study, ard Analysis of Postal Flow 48 Nosonovich N D Method of Calculating Production Areas, -WorIFHId`o-nW,_ and Equipment in Postal Service Establish- ments 60 Origorlyev, N. D. -Overall Mechanization of Postal Operations 80 Medvedeva., N. N.,and A. I. Shatov. Methods of Calculating the Technical and Economic Efficiency of Mechanization Facilities in Postal Service Establishments 100 Abene, V. A. fInstallatlon With Several Degrees of Select- Ivity for Semi-Automatic Sorting of Parcels 120 Card 3A New Developments SOV/2800 Barsuk, V. A. Method of Determining the Efficiency of Mechanized Parcel Sorting 130 Kostromina, A. G.,and N. D. Nosonovich. System of Organizing and Mechi-nI-zTn-g--Pr-6-du&t-ion Processes fo.- Expediting Periodicals in Large Postal Service Establish- ments AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (HE 6237 R85) Card 4/4 JQ/Muih 1-6-60 0BYCHINK, red.i SIDOROVA, T.S., red. (Organization of postal co=.unication] Organiz4atsiia pochtovol sviazi. Poskvag Sviazi, 1965. 286 p. (MIRA l8t9) WAYIPM MWA/M1k)'&TG(-M) -jM- C "14Ft-7-AM01007 GOURCE,CODE: UR/02 i%'165 /000-1-022/0078/0078- --f-UNIMITOR: Arinushkin, L 8 Pollnovskiy,_A. _Xy. Nosotsev,_I. 14. OR(' : none TITLE: Locking device for moving parts of mechanisms. Class 47, No. a76472 SOME: Byulleten' izabret.eniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. ?2, 196,i, 78 TOPIC TAGS: valve, valve design, liquid rocket engine ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a lock-ing device for moving parts of mechanisme,such as li '/ " -quid-rocket engine val es Dohrairdng a rod vith a scaling cone c controlled by a pneumatic device (see Fig. 1). To ensure two-vtV actica of the Fig. 1. Locking device for moving parts I - Rod controlled by a pneumatic cylinder; 2 - sealing cone; 3 - spring-loaded bushing; 4 - thin rod; 5.- head. UDC: 621.646-.983 L 10779-66 ACC NR, AP6001007 devicelit is equipped with a spring-loaded bushing, which is coupled concentrically with the stem of a rod. This stem is made in. Ahe form of a thin rod with a bead which disengages for the repeat action. Orig. art. has,. 1 figure. ITH I SUB CODE; 211 SUBM DATE: 290ct64/ ATD PRESS! KOSOVp A.A. likiw dafA on alkali ltr~,~yto In E,%,itott !AL-u~,c .. F~)Ob. .4B G:~uz. .1;SR 3i no.i-.81,88 j*1 10. (1141 R A ) ', ~, -, I dt NOSOV, A. 1. *Af,,,e Arottomy of the Upper fiosvpir~~tory Tract In the Silver-Black Fox.* Thosis for degron of Cand. Binlogical Sci. Su'~ 24 Apr 50, Moscow Fur Omfl Pelt) Init S-Luarmiry 71, 4 Sep 52, Dissert.-ttio-in Presented for Depreeg in Science and !;nc:inPe-jnr In Moscow 111 1950. From Ve~herrcmya Mo,3]cv,,t. Jar,-Dec 1950 XOSOT, A. 1. .I'-- - " ~ ~ ~ How we Introduced the lower echelon business accounting. Transp.strol. 9 no-5:39AO VT '59- (MINA 12:12) 1. GlavW buktKalter mostopoyazda Vo.813. (Bridge construction-AccountIng) KOSOVO kand. takhn.nauk; BOTVINIK, Boris SholomovLah; BULIH, Vasiliy Petrovich; GONCHAMV, Tksiliy Savellyevich; SAPMIN, Vladimir Aleksandrovich; MIKEEY TAO L.H., rad.lxd-va; KARLOVA, G.L.v takhn. red. [Over-all atechanizatIon and automation at repair enter- prises of the lumbering industry] Komplekanaia. mekhanizateiiia I avtomatizataiia na remontnykh predpriiatliekh leanot prc~- myshlennosti; sbornik statel pad red. A.I.Rosova. Moskya C Coslesbumlidat, 1963. 68 p. (MIRA 16t7#1 (Lumbering-Machinery) VAKRURKIII rV.H.; GLADSHTEMI L.I.; KAPVIWV* S.S.; KLIFDV# S.A.; LEVITANSK.IY, I.V.; MLLIIIIII# HsN.j_jNq�0V$,-AJ'.; PAL'Mv Yu.A.; FOLYAK, V.S.; POPOV, G.D.; RAMUDCV, V.M.; KRASYUKOV, V.P.; SOKOLOV# A.G.; Prinimali uchafftiye: GORHATSKIY, Ye.I.; MATVEYEV, S.S.; SMLETSMq N.S.9 prof., retsenzent; MITAMMOV, K.K.0 dots., retsenzent; BOWTIIIAI A.V., red.; MIKHEMA, A.A.# tekhn. red. [Light~-veight supporting metal structures] Oblegchenriye nesushchie metallicheskie konstruktsii. Koskvav Gos- stroiizdat, 1963. 282 p. (MIRA 17:2) V. .2 AA '-00 -so d ft ( : 00; "fe w a Tbo go-ollow 4t pe"Wom A tTLfiUWACV 0 St y ff j *00 . . g Cr. p(%ft qgd" ji SM TWkMqQ 373- w'f WnW-Cv) 048 4 4d P 00 . ww 4 1K ami A. K. Nmw- AI. -",R~. (C%j ($(At the PitrA(C OAWIVAU- ~v" o - - ircly otti, irt Twknocnift" iN OLVI-AC4. VXCIU 00 talk" lim N"Cfldk is to be fuoixd upm as 4 hume'-Ch4-111. 00 00 f,1C1VAtk*t1, : 00 moo Soo coo 9014 go tcoo ; : 44fick"GC44, iff"06019 CtAllwCalo's IT a Is;; -ItIj ; j ; I li" tf 0. a 0 0 a 04 0 0 0 0 0 * a KOO go 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 &A-"L * * 0 4, a 6 0 0 0 0 MELM A. K. USSRAinerals Jun 48 Nitrates soil RGenesis of Potassium Nitrate in Nitrate-Bearing Soils of the Plains of Ture- menistan," 0, M. Dzhmayev, A. K. Hisov, Bot-Planting Inst, Turknen Affiliette, Aced Sci US09 8 pp "Pochvovedeniye" No 6 Niter salt bottoms of subject plains are the result of disintegration of olet townsp castles and cemetaries. Salt bottoms not related to such disintegration contain very mual amounts of niter. In all cases nitrates result from direct a ction by microflora, Niter salt bottoms are bio-geochamical occurrences. FA WPM HOSOV, A. K. Mr., Botanical Institute, Tu6=en Affiliate of the Academy of Sziencas or the uwx "Water Content in the leaven of the potqto plaat," Izv. Turk. fil. A-11 SMs no. 2:55-60 1749 petmntAlivo ebutt-terulks of the dovelopllact (A-tud. flowor Wis of fiul! trett. A. 9. Nnsov. [wea. Mad. SS R ITAtim, 1054, No, 25M.-The study dtAt with theqptatI.~u' uf the transfcrtnit~ms 0 suzarv in the Dower btids 0 pl=, appIc, pear, ptarh. wnd np,.rot trees in vrdcr to bad the IMIC Qf fit the LuddevrIt'PI-ifult; kht tf(vzt of light was ajs,~i The rtiults lod"ted that light dws Inot play any signIfiewit Toli., in [ba bud drirclopiLtnt d&lnj the whiter-ipt-Ing Imriud tuid that during thtj (Lne tFe syu~ thesig M sm-rww. ptclominates ow its 1)uring thj Ep~int (A the b~vls ml lutmw hyJrc,Jy3I9 ,I !iucroqt ItLci 14.qrv, maching a t-,wx, at the fli,weting 6-vr. 'nicrell A pd;311L'114:11 ktWertl Ll:-Z liptiOg Viiilr tions lit bid-- and the vanall-ation pttriod (At the plants, thefrult vts wit-h a mUtively late 11ovverits timr ore malo- &,ott* to Ott annual wintei, crupi chamttrized by a'lang vernalsvition period. F.. Wk-rbIckI NDSOV. A.r.; LvAnu, A-x- OawkAAC':rdQ%W1&W Reciprocity In ontogeaesis of potatoes of the nat"mal tuber and the plant growing from It. lzv.AS Tur1c.SM no.l,.47-55 155. (KLRL 9:5) 1. Institut b1ologit AN Turkmeatkoy SM. (Potatoes) 4 1 Country : USSR H Catoaory: Cultivated manta, ComerciaL. OiL.Bcarin(;. Sugar-M-aring ~Ls Jcvl:: RMIMOL, No 11, 1~,56, No 49016 Author : Inat :AS Uzbek SSII TItLe :Results of Vic Scientific Research Iforl: on cotton CuLtivation Carried out by the Acadm%v of Sciences of the Turlmmi SSR in L956. Or!,,, Pub: V sb.: Hater-aly Wzhresp. soveshchan-4r. po hoordimtsi. nauchno-isaled. rabot po khlopkovodstvy, 1957, g. Tashkent, -*X MSSR, 1957, 77-82. Abstract: No abstract Card :L/1 ,AUTHORSt Nardina# H.S. and Nosov, A*K* SOV/165~-;-_58~-&;, 5/24 TITM On the Importance of the Leaves of the Upper Row of the gain Stem of Cotton Plants for Seed Formation PERIODICAM Izvestlya Akademii nauk Turkmenskoy SSR, 1958P Hr 6, pp 3T-41 (USSR) ABSTRAdTo the removal of all bolls but one ta cotton plants for the pmr- pose of improving the feeding of the remaining one did not hold good since all leaves do not contribute evenly'to their nutri- only the adjacent leaves, in-special measure, do so tion, but . in the process of photosynthesis. This decreases, however, upon removal of the bolls. The anatomomorphological character- istios of the leaves in various tow bevels ire different due to the difference In their chemical-physiological functions, whereby the upper leaves are considerably superior to those further down In the iat*nsity of p4otosynthents and respiration. The amount of sugars is higher and those display more favor- able forms - enriched by albumin. While the reserve matertalep most important for the weight of the individusl seedep ooze from the.adjaoent loavesl the germination-determining vittains are delivered preferably by the leaves of the upper row due to Card 1/2 the greater intensity of their formation* It seems, according- SOV/165758-6T5/24 On the Importanoe of the Leaves of the Upper Row of the Main Stem of Cotton Plants for Seed formation 1y, that the embryonic life of the seadegoes through two* con- secutive periodsi In the first th6 ferment ayetem is formed, in the second the reserve materials. In the latter, thenp the necessity of the activity of the physiologically active leaves to act present. This is also reduced with the advancing age of the plant* Finally practical Instructions about the handling of the plants, are also given.. There are 3 tables and 13 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONs Institut botaniki AN Turkmenskoy SSR (Botanical Institute-of AS of the Turkmenlaa SSR) SUBMITTED,t May 20l 1958 Card 2/2 Qpggj--JL--KJL-l JkGondaj7 products of photosynthesis 14 fine-fiber cotton p2antso YWale rast. 8 no.2:179-282 9610' (KhU 2483) 1. InstLtuto of Botanyt TurkmanJax&oS.,R*Aq&da7 of Sciencesp (Cotton) (photosynthesis) POLYAKSKAYAO L.A.; OXIIII, ;~IoVCHAFIOV, K.Ye.; NwRAML-p N.T., profsp red. - KUVRM,, k 01.0, zed.1td-ve; IVONTIYEVA, G.A.,, tekhn. red. fruportance of some vitamins for the vital processes in fine-fiber.catton] ZaacheAe nekotorykh vitaminov v shisne- delatellacett tonkovolakalstago khlopchatnika. AshkhatkAdq Ixd- vo AN Tarka.SSR, 1963. 34 p. (KIRA 16M ,1, Chlen-korrespoudent AN Turkm.SSR (for Nechayera). (Turimnis-can-Cotton growing) (Plants,, Effect of vitamins; on) ~ - NOSOV, A. K." , , Results of studying the PhYsiOlOgY Of Soviet fine-fiber cotton. Izv. AN Turk. SSR. Ser. biol. nauk no.5:29-32 164. (MII~A 18:2) 1. Institut botaniki AN Turkmenakoy SSR. RABOCfMVt I.S.; LAVROV, I.-F.; PLLETSKM, LN.; TRAM-NIKOV, F.F.1, KDSTYUCHEIIKOF V.P.Lj2z2L-.~j samRaff K.M. Grigariv Yllich Dalaukoj, 188f-.1864; an obltuat7, Zz7. AN, Tark.SSR. Ser.biol, nauk ro.lt99---`.03 t65. (MIRA 1925) PALETSKATAp L.N.; LOBOVA, LAVROV, A.P.; RADOCIIEV, l.S.; BABAT&Vt, A.G.- TRAFMfi-IKGV, F.F., HSTYUCHENKO, V.P.; NOSOV, A.K. Grigorii Iltich Dolenkc, ISW---1964; an obituarT. Fw:hra7eden...,.e no.5t!l%-220 My, 965. WIRL 18:5) Y050T. k. re HOSOT A T - BWDri, D.T.,- XISENISHSKI'r. I., rodaktor; FATAPOr. K.. it' +,sla;; chaskiy redaktor. [SLactric spark method of working netalal Maktroiskravaia, ebrabotkiL netallov. Koakva, Y'ves. keoperativnee izd-ye. 1953. 1~63 p. NLRA 7:7) (;Ioctric spark) (Ketals-FInlahing) I I I.ClInriv, JIL. V. 4503. Nosov, A- V- 1954 31L3., bkluch. Tekhri. Upr. Ob:-.en Avt. ukazan V kontsE ~otovl-Lniye i Rc. vol. t Shttr.,i.-,ov el,;kt,-oi~~krovyra -,i~oz;OL , - M., Izr C, .. Ob-,., 5 t1l. 23 srr.. (T--eitr. Swet ~ro.yk;l. Prri,.,.vo,-.,.---Telchn. 0;,yto, . i3yullellen, 2.1.). 1.000 Zk-,. B-5j. teksta.----(54-i.4,63,,~zh) 62~1.961.002+621.7191): 537-52 -,o".Cjv, V. 4506. Nosov, A. V. Kholcvlnoye vo 0,.:h,-,-)iYe motall '0v- Y., koiz, 19~4- 35 5-, vIlYuch- Ob . , S ill 22s-r. (Tn, Ar. So-.rct Pr.ryslkoop nA.-Ai T Ui,P. - - u -!-C)izv(xl.----ptekhn. op-tw.. Bylillete.,il *2-/). ?.O,;~, c:k7.. "k,zany I,r IrfP. 621-77 gmmov, ruriy ivanovicii, bmd. tekkn. nauk, insk,; RLGLZM,,, K.F., ImA.v ved. red.; SMELIKG,, S.Z. 1, dots.. red.; SOROX1114 TK.,, tekkn. red. (Welding of nickel-sillcou alloys]Svarka nikelskremnistogo splava. Moskva, Filial Vises, IzL-t& nauchn. L taichn. lafomat- alit 1958. 14 p. (Peredovoi naaahno-takhnichaskii I proizirad- Avennyl opyt. Tam 12. No.H-5&-385/28) (MIRA 160) (Nickel-silicon alloys-Welding) TASILITV, I.T.0' Inzb.: MOSOV, A.T.0 Inxh, I*-,---- Cal=latlug wars gears with varyiizC pItch and cmttIvC then an univerva machine tools. Tru4 XIIMMWK uo.26: 3-15 158. OUL 130) (0eartag, Warn) 82783 KAO SOy/184-59-5-12/17 AUTWRt Engineer %Tfm C Chemical Equipment Made of Titanium PERIWICALt Kkindaheakaye mashinostroyeniye, 1959, I(r. 5, PP. 35-39 (USSR) ABSMC?t The use of titanium-%nd Its alloys for #peolal purposes In the chemical industry Is reviewSd. Table I contains data on the chemical composition of "ST I" (Vf )c6technically' pure titanium and the follow- ing al oys: I i9T 3p ( It "IaT 11 (vT3-1) "BTV Qj!j "OTV VT3 %. 3- )T MT 5~ ON .Iff V IV ( )(/'STV' (10)q5' Table 2 contains data on the physical properties of the aforementioned alloys. Technically pure titanium (VTI) and the OT4 alloy are most suitable for manufacturing chemical equIpment, according to their chemical, physical and technological properties. Sheet titanium to produced in sizes of 4OOx2.000 mm to 1,000x2,000 ma in thlaknegses of 0.5-10 am, and 12-30 mm upon apecial-order. Seamless pipes are produced from VTI,and VT5 In dimensions of 6xI to 54A mm In lengths ranging from 2 to 7 M, The production of electrically welded pipes has been started. MetallujZgical plants produce forgings, shaped rolled stock and wire of up to 0.01 mm diameter. 'Methods of processing titanium Card 1/4 and its alloys are discussedi cutting, planing, turning, milling, 82783 Cheadcal ZquIpment Kode of Titanium SOY/184-59-5-12/17 drilling, grinding. polishing, pressing, welding and heat-treating. Cutting of technical titanium Is comparable to that of "18-51 grade stainless steels. Cutting of titanium alloys to considerably more difficult. Good results can be obtained at cutting with vibrating disksi hars of 160 mm diameter can be out within 10 minutes. The Soviet industry has experience in cutting sheets with guillotine and roller shears. F r machining titanium and Its alloys, tools with 93KV (VK-j or W (M) hard.alloy tips are used. Literature aontal= very. little information on the planing of titanium. Accord- In& to data available, cutters with "W-5P (VK5) hard allay tips are used for planidg. Kachining; conditions are about the same as for%&W steelis. . Killing with hard alloy cutters is done at speeds of 28-158 x/adn, 0.03-0.08 mm; feed per tooth, 1.25- 4 mm depth of cutting. Cutters have the longest life when aulfurized oil Is uged; water solutions of emulsions are not recommended. Drilling Is done by high-speed steel drills or drills with hard alloy tips at speeds of 3-5 m/zin'or 10-15 m/min, 'respectively. The feed for holes of 5-10 = diameter is 0.1-0.2 mr4/rev. Threading is done at a speed of 15-25 m/min. Tapping Is performed with tape having checkered tooth at a speed of 1-2 m/mIn using a mixture ttgul'fofrezolo and olele ac1d an a lubricant. Only wet grinding of titanium to performed, Card 2/ 4 using Uses made of green silicon carbide with a granularity of 80