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S/126/62/013/006/002/018 Optical properties of ... E202/E492 Vanadium: cl - 2.9 + 8.05 A 2 0.034 c? - -3683 x-5 + 2167 X-3 - 392 + 33.4 X + 0. 139 X3; Gold; el = -0-5 + 37-2A 2 - 0.12 A4; 3 2 C2 = 1.55;L _ 0.0024 X . (6) Detailed contributions of various groups of electrons participating in the above expressions were identified. The groups of optical.electrons found were related to the s- and d-bands. Current carriers in small d-bands contributed relatively little to conductivity. Additional Uata ou Hall coefficient confirmed two types of carriers with the conductivity in the d-band being of the hole type. In the case of gold, similar results were-obtained by means of the simple method of equalization, which proved the reliability of the method of approximating polynomials. There are 6 figures and 2 t&bles. Card 3/4 S/126/62/013/006/002/018 Optical properties of ... E202/E492 ASSOCIATIONt Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR (Institute of Physics of Metals AS USSR) 4 SUBMITTED: January 17, 1962 Card 4/4 LEVKOVO A.N.; KOSOV, H.M.; PONOMAIWAs V-I- faraday effect in copper oxifte and iffeldmi= Aear tim main absorption band. lzv. vys'.-ucheb. zar; fix. no.ltl7l-175 163 (ba4A 16t;) 1. Urallokiy gosudarstvennyy uniTersitet, imeni A.H.Gortkago, (Faraday effect) (Copper oxide) (Selenim) AFANASIYEVA L.A.; BOLOTINO G.A.; NOSKOV, MA --- - ------ Magnetic rotation of the polarization plane with.reflection from antimony and bismuth in the infrared region of the spectrum. Fiz, mt. i metalloved. 19 no.6044 -To 165. (MIRA 18:7) 16 Institut flziki metallov AN SSSR, ACC NRs SOURCE CODE: UR/0126/646/022/005/0787/0789 AWHORS: Afanaalyeva, L. A.; Hookov bl M. ORG: Institute of the Physics of I-leta-isp AN SSSR (Institut fiziki motallov 91 SSSR) TITLE: Spin orbit interaction and ma,-rotooptical Kerr effect In forromagnetic metals S.OURCE: Fizika metallov I motallovodonlyo, v. 22, no. 5. 1966, 787-789 TOPIC TAGS: Kerr offoct, cobalt,, nicl~el, Faraday effect 'n The frequency dependence of the Korr constant for cobalt and nickel in ..---,TABSTRACT: i ','the spectral region of 8-20 microns was dotermine~. The eyperimental re--ults are shown graphically (see Fig. 1). It was found that these results support the phonon raechanism for electron scattering in farroragnetics proposed by L. A. Afanaslyeva, A* N. Voloshinakiy, and M. 14. Noskov (F12-11, 1966, 2110 288) and are irjcoripatiblo with the inhomo-eneous spin scattering mechanism of A. N. Voloshinskiy (FI-24, 1964, 181 10).1 it is concluded that the square dependence of the Kerr constant on the frequency a the sign of the magnotooptical rotation in cobalt require further clarification. The authors thank G. A. Bolotin, A. N. Voloshinakiy, and 1. G. Fakidov for helpful discussions. Card 1/2 UDC: 669.017:5~~--_ Fig. 1. Frequency dependonce of the e,,ra 7'. Korr constant for cobalt and nickol in tho intorval of ce C 8-20 microns. N10 NI 01 ------ ------ J--- 2- j Orig. art. has: 1 graph SUB CODE: 11,9 20/ SUBM DATE: 06Apr66/ ORIG REF: 005 card 2/2 VASILENKO, Aloksey Hikolayevich, kand. tekhn. nauk; DRYWAKOV, Yevgeniy Vasillyevich, dots.; ISAYEV, Sargey Ivanovichp kand. tekhn. nauk; KORVEYCHUK, Nikolay Karpovich, kand. tekhn. nauk,, dots.; KOFANOV, T(tLc'hvaLm 14-ranovich; assistant; KRUTOV, Vitaliy Ivnnovich, doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; MIRONOV, Boris Mikhaylovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; NEVATULIN, Iskander Nigmatulevich, doktor tekhn. nauk, prof'.; NOSOV Mikhail Vasillyevichj, prof.; SAI-OYLOV, Mikhail Igor I ~avlovich, kand. tekhn. ass s an ; nauk, prof.; KHVOSTOV, Viktor Ivanovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; SHISHOV, Yevgeniy Viktorovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; YUDAYEV, Boris Nikolayevich, kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; KU1YRIN, I.N., dots., kand. UUmAgilk, A.M., dots., retsenzent; TUPTTSYN~' L.A., rc-d.ii=~Ayft-il G.I., red. [Problems in technical thermodynamics and heat transfer] Sbornlk zadach po takhnichaskol termodinamike i teplopere- dache. (By] A.N.Vasilenko i dr. Moskva, Vysshaia shkola 1964. 369 P. (MIRA 17:41 1. PrepadAvatellskiy kollektiv kafedry termodinamiki i teplo- peredachi tioskovskogo vysshego tekhnicheskogo uchilishcha (for al.1 except Kutyrin, Shvedov, Tupitsyna,, Fufayeva). 2. 14o- skovskly aviatsionnyy institut (for Kutyrin, Shvedov). . 110~xovt HO re Helainthological exTedition of the Gorkiy Teachers' Institute to Gorkiy Feservoire Uch. zap. GGPI 48:91-94 164* Role of gulls in supporting the focus of Ligula infestation in Gorkly lbservoir. lbid,:95-97 (MIRA 184) XOSXDT, Yj, "-"" Mv--It- I Kulti-disenslonal physicochemical di&&Tww based on the principle of multi-41ciensional axonometry. Doti.AN SSSI 94 zio.1:139-92 Ja 054. (KM 7:1) (Chemistry. Physical anA.theoratical) (Axonometry) HOSIff, R.I. - zr Construction of graphic representation for malticompment systems by, meatm of wmlLtl-dixwmxlon&l axonowetz7. rxv.Selct-flz--khl anal. 26:14-29 155. (KWA 8-.9) (Systeze (Cbenistry)-Graphle Sethods) (Axonometry) SOV/IZ4-57-5-5Z39 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 5, p 19 (USSR) AUTHOR: Noskov, N. 1. T IT LE: The Dyadic Graphic Method for the Determination of the Position of a Normal Spatial Seven-bar Mechanism (Diadnyy sposob postroyeni-;:% polozheniy normat'nogo pros trans tve nnogo semizvennika) PERIODICAL: Tr. Seminara po teorii mashin i mekhanizmov In-ta mashinoved. AN SSSR, 1956, Vol 16, Nr 62, pp 5-10 ABSTRACT: The paper suggests a graphic method for the design of a normal seven- bar mechanism which for prescribed positions of the eriving and the driven link is reduced to a problem of the design of a 14-angle polygon with prescribed positions of four of its side"'s. The solution of the problem requires only the construction of the orthogonal projections in which the suggested method differs favorably from the one by V-.,V. Dobrovollskiy [Teoriya sfericheskikh mekhanizmov (Theory of Spherical Mechanisms). Mashgiz, 19471 which requires a construc- tion of the spherical projections. V. N. Geminov Card 1/1 9 4c All g Al; tv q W1 LIP Sal 9 hp v CS is to I list a is III's j 44 All of ~41 5M AUTHOR: Noskov, 11. 1. SOV/78-1-3-22/34 TITLE: Rep'resen'taion-of' the Five-component System by the Method of the Monocentric Square (Tzobrazheniye pyaternoy vzaimnoy siatemy po sposobu monotsentricheskogo kvadrata) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 3, pp, 626-644 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Comparative analyses and geometrical inv:estigations of the aqueous four- and five-component system were carried out by the figure and vector method. The plotting of the figure diagram of the four-component systems K 2so 4-Na2so 4-!4gso 4-H20 was carried out according to the method devised by Jeneke and Buke and the plotting of the figure diagram of the five- component system K +, Na+ 1 1.192+11cl., SO..-H 0 according to the 4 2 method developed by Skoute and Buke. A complete diagram of the four-component system was plotted at 250 accordinp, to the vector method for the crystallization range of glaserite Card 1/3 OK 2s0 V Na2so4 ) and all surrounding crystallization ranges Representation of the Five-component System by the SOV/78-4-3-22/34 Hethod of the Monocentric Square as mirabilite (Na 2soV10H20), astrakanite (Na 2s0 4' 141gso V4H2 0), epsomite (1430 4#7H20), schoenite (K2so 4' ugso 4' 6H20), and potassium sulfate (K 2so4). This diagram is shown in figure 12. In the diagram the composition is illustrated by points, left and right, without an additional index. The diagram of the five-component system was plotted according to the monocentric square method. For a better survey several crystallization ranges of this system are given by detailed diagramain figures 22-26. In the construction of the polycomponent systems by the method of the monocentric square spatial figures and proje-.tions become superfluous. The diagram gives the ooorAinates of all components, including wateron the same scale and in wt ~. On the diagram according to the figure method the coordinates of salts are given on one single scale and in ion % and the coordinates of water in mole %. By this method it is possible to illustrate the simple geometrical structure of solid and liquid phases in complex Card 2/3 systems. The vector diagram of the four-component system . Representation of the Five-component System by the SOV/78-4-3-22/34 Method of the Monocentric Square Nicl2 + K2so4 :Z7--- K2C12+ NiSO4was experimentally drawn and given in figures 30-33. The vector method can be used for the plotting of diagrams according to the figure method as well as for the representation of multi-conponent systems. There are 35 figures, 3 tables, and 3 Soviet references. SUBMITTEDs April 5, 1957 Card 3/3 NOSKOVO N.I. it Mechanization of labor-consuming auxiliary operations. Manhinostroitell no.4:10-13 Ap 162. (HM 15-5) (Industrial equipwnt-Tealwological innovations) NOSKOV Y 11.1. Diagram for systems having oorno- comroncrits ~;niall Zhur. heorg. khim. 9 no.8:2007-2010 A9 164. ],.,:lily L 46285-66 &4T(ia)/V&1P(t)/ET1 IJP(c) 'JD/jrW/JG ACC NRO APS025329 SOURCE CODE: UR/0126/66/020/003/0428/043Z j-/ AUTHOR: Konkau.N.L; PavloV.V.A. ftmws- WIMENNNOWWWWO&W ORG: IhAtltutd of ft&Us of Metals, AN BSSR (rastitut ftzfld metallay AN 60R) TITLE: Stacking fialts in face aentered cubic crystal systems of metals and alloys SOURCE: FIzLk& metallov I metallovedenlye, v. 20, no. 3, 1966, 428-432 TOPIC TAGS: metal crystal. crystal lattice structure. cubic crystal. crystal J& ce defeat ABSTRACT: The hardening coefficient, corresponding to the third region of the elo#Ltion graph, was correlated with the probability of stacking faults formed in the lattice J Y"re metals and alloys. The hardening coefficient increased with the density of stacking faults. Au, A",2u, Al NI, Pt. Pd aild homogeneous solid solutions of Au-Cu. NI-Cu, and NI-Co were a prior to tensile ) st& ~~l stronVpla~W deformatto ty of stacki~F faults was determined by x-ray diffraction and the hardening coefficient was derived by re- lating cross section reduction to intrinsic stress. rn metals with hilft density, failure occur- ed without marked load deformation and the destruction F~rface was located at 460 to the sample axis. At I*w fault densities. failure was aharactertzed by formation of a sharply do- Aned neck, I.e. under strcuc lcoal deformation. Effects of stacking favlts an the hardedng UDC& 638 ACC MR@ coefficient W on the meds of ddstrwtton were related to the change In the dfalocat Ka ton trua tare. due to the differad mo*LUty of #Wt and of Intact dislocadons. Orf C. art. has: 4 figures and 1 table. SUB CODE: II/ SUBM DATE: 03Aug64 /.OHIG REF: 002/. OTH HEF: 008 i-C LUKISRaTO G.I.; RCDICN(JV, K.D.; KCSK07v N.T. Chain of glove boxes for handling radioactive substances* Atcm* energ. 19 no.5:486-488 N 165. (HIRA 18t-12) NOSKOIF Hd, of the Dept. of Episootiology) Chkalov Agricultural Inst. w 7he cow" and treatment of ascrobacillosis in grown cattle.IT SOt Veterinariia 24(l), 1947t. P. 19. NOSKOV, N. M. "The Cold Method of Rearing Calves," Veterinarlya, No. 1, 1948. Mbr., Chkalov Agrioultural Inst., -cl948-. .I- . - I - -, ;t, .m of '. i ,- .. Agriculture (How to keep alive all the calves born) (Chkalov) Chkalovskoe izd-vo, 1950- Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congrass, July, 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. ~,".'.. .-..1. - " ~ , i ,,, : . Agriculture (How to free farms of brucellosis) (Malov) Chkalovskoe izd-vo, 1951. Monthly Ust of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, July, 1952. UNICUSSIFIED. NOSXOV, N. H. IIOSXOV, author of K011,4ktotllez ("Colibacillosis") Chkalov, Chkal. 12d., 1951. 4 pages (Chkal. obl. AdmLitstration of Agriculture. Administratior, of Agri- cultuml propaganda Chkal. obl. Scientific Veterinarjr Society) Unbound. 1,500 copies. SO: Report U-4502; 28 August 1953. VP BQOX� ON v MARY M-ICI-NZ terinarlya, No. 11, pp. 63,64, vor. 1951, Koscow, Russi4a ma per:) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 . I-rdii ~,- .~ 4 'Production experieace in veterinar7 medicine and zootechnics on kolkhozes" Chkalov. 1951. 16 pages.. (Chkmlor Oblast Administration . of Agriculture, Adninistratioa of Av-ricultural ?ropa,~anda. Chkalor Oblast Scientific Veterinary Association) SO: Tot-., 1,%rch 195Z, Unclassified. .0 0 0 0 0 0~ & 9 0 0 0 * 0 * * 0 0 * 0 0 * * 0 0 * * & NIOSKOV, N.: Swine erysipelas and the fight ngainst It. Chkalov. Chkalov Publishing House. 1952. 8 pages. Free. 2,500 copies. (Chkalov Oblast Administration of Agriculture, Administration of Agricultural Propagazida, Veterinar-j Uepartment). SO: Veterinariya; 30; (1); January 1953; Uncl. TABCON 0 0 0 0 Cont n, an&-Cantazi6u& Diseases in Lni=ls StucILV of the role of sheep in the epizootiology of malignant catarrhal fever in cattle. Vaterinarila 29 no.304,47 Mr 152. 9. Monthly List of Russian Acces!Ians, Library of Congress, Suly 19% Unclassified. 2 ROSIOTt - mr.1crich doteent. kandidat vaterinarafth nauk; . _ r,,:,)(Ikh IdttkIG i9r; rIDOTOVA, A.JF.. takhatchaskly radaktor Eftudausatals of retstag calves] Oanovy vMshchivanits telist. Koskvs. Goo. izd-vo aellkhox. lit-rr, 1956. 295 Iz. (KLRA 10:4) (GRIT*B) Country :(;-4JE MIO-IJLOWX.Tl-- cato pr C Py 1"glarla, 11115~ r,4CO9 Ab3. Jolir Author I-NoskOV3 IT* M. rnstitut. --w - T I t'l a , P!FlrneC, 71,~.I.slnj- of Mir~ B,~3~5 fo ~ J. Orig Bib. :Nas cho,,,-, 19')"/) No C-11 586-588 Abstract :-This stu(~y rienir, t.-he vat,,Ini, netho'.17 of U hig,bly pi,oduatillD opt'113 [It thO ond bu-Es%a:,a ololastt breellpg T 1:4, ov Card: 1/1 M4, L-166sAWdeveterinarnyth mak Iffect of age =d fasding on the quality and compagition of the blood serum of calves. Agroblologila no-32#358-36o mr-i '59. (KWA 12!9) 1, Orenburgskty (,get Iskokhowraystvanw institut. ,load-Analysis and cheutstry) (Calves-randing and feeds) W. V.S.. prof.. dolctor vater.nauk; ZHMYM'g A.A,, prof., doictor vater.nauk; PRWMZMSXIro N.M., dotasato Jmad.v,*tsr.a&uk* 0 MITWT. S.G.. prof., doktor vater.nauk; ITKIN, B.Z., dotseat; MOSKOV N K dotsents kand.yeter.n&uk; TIM' UKOVA. -1 takim.rad, Errinciples of veterinary medicine] Ounovy vatorlaarl.l. lzd.2.. Ispr. I dop. Koekva. Goe.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry. 1960. 437 p. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Direktor Tisesojuzaogo Instituts gallmlatologli Im. X.I.Skrys- blaa (for rershov), 2. faveduyushchiy kafedroy fistologii Tsenta- gradskago vaterinarnogo Inatituta (for Zhuravell). 3. Koskovskays vaterinarasys akademiya (for Preabrashenakly). 4. Uvedulushchly kafedroy aperativaoy khirurgli Koskovskoy vaterinarnoy akqdeaii (for Talltsov). 5. Zaveduquahchly kafedroy el?izootologii Oren- burgskogo aellskokhozyaystvannogo Instituta (for loakov). (Taterinary madicins) NOSKOV# N.M4 I - Inn~tory reactions in calves in ontageneOls. Slul, ekap., I biolo mod. 50 no. 8:80-83 Ag 160. (KMA 13: 10) I* Is kafedry veterimrno~-aanitarnoy eksperitzy i spizootologil (zav., - prof. A,Ya, Lukin.) Orenburgskogo sellakokhozya7stvannago, Instituta, Predstavlena. deystvs chlenom AHN SSSR V.V. Parin7m. (INFLUMTION) JOSKOV, N. U. Amd Bee Vet Soi -- "Studies an the dmmmmmbW immunobiology 1*4~- M19- I of uffifiodad calves*" MosAmminki, 1961 (ifids Vet Acad of the ffln:~vt 4r RSFSR.) P~ M, 4-61, 205) .Z21 m- UOSKOV, Kikolay Kikhaylovicht kand. voter. nauk; BYRDIN4t A.S.p red.; - (Hadback for practigal leoqons In spizootiology] Ruk=odstwo praktichealdn saniatiiam po'eiscatolagil. Maskvaq Goo. Isd-vo sellkhos. lit-ry, zburnalov I plakatovo 1961, 343 Pe (Ku 24: a) (Commmicable diseasso in -animls) MROPOY~ V. N. (Professor) and NOSN3Vp N, M. (Docent,' Moscow Veterinary Academy). "Ketabollom in caLves; during ontogenesis., In normalcy" and in pathoLogy..." Yeterinariyal voL. 39,, no. 2j, February- 1962 pp. k5 Nos LOV ,a N.H.,. ffof . Give the green light to educational films. Vaterinariia 41 no.10tIO3 0 164. (14IRA 18: U) 1. GorIkovskiy seltakokhozyaystvennyy institut. AI';,:NKO, Yi..~', kand.'r;k))r,.rF4uk; -~()V, I'Ll ZTFZDKIII, A.%, inzh., HAODSEY, Z.I., irah. Control of liquid flo-w 'Lnto a ves?.el using o1ectrodes. Prom. energ. 17 no.12t26-31 D 162. (RITRA 17:4) U3SII/Soil Science. Tillage. Land RecInvation. Erosion. J-5 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol-, No 6, 1958, P-4817. Author U1.10skov, P. Inst Title : The Advantage of the Malltsev System of Soil Tillage. Orig Pub: S. kh. Sibirii., 1957, No 91 19-23. Abstract: No abstract. card : 1/1 59 BR"yy, Z.A.; KnIMA, V.Z.,p ste nauchno sotrop red*;-AMLOv-A. R.F.p red.; ERATT 0 L.V.0 tekhn. red. (Upid method for determining the breaking length of cot- ton yarn] -*kWessnyi metod opredelanila razryvnai dlitq khlopchato-bumazbnoi priazhi, Koskva, 1962. 63 p. (MM 17:3) L, Moscow. TSentrallrqy institut. naucbno-tekbnicheskay in- formataii legkoy promyshlennosti. mosro-TO, S.A. Use of hydrolysin L-103 add aminopeptide in 'surgerr. Akt.vop.perel. krovi no.7:311-314 '59. (KMA 13.-1) 1. lafedra obahchey khlrurgil 116.2 Voyeano-maditsinstoy akademit Im. S.M. Kirov& (nachallalk kafedry - zasluchennyy dayatell naukl. prof. No$. Idelt"u). (BLOW PLASMA SUBST17MS) .- 1---- 1. - Ti I 'r,; .. )6 . i. 2 71 (-,,h -!r'O,YOV, --. 1. - Stakhanov ski y PI M- POv.Yz;h0i Ya PrOi z voili tel Inosti trulln na shaMt-ir, (11~3,hemaya Uoral~. I-e~hanl z ya tr.:fir)ycrki ?h i rribut, 1949 NO '(', C. 1-3 SO: Letop-lis' Zhurnall.yPh O'tatey, Vol. 3(, 1.9149 PRWKURIN, T.T. XCSXGV S I Some results of using levels of 7,5~.hlgh in working wide pitching some. Vol' 31 a*. 12 t 13-16 D 0 56. (an 10: 2) I* Tomeldy politekhalcheekly Inatitmt juenj G.K.Kirms (for Prosku- r1n), 2. 11achallnik shakhty 'Severnays" treata, revisrovagoll (for Itookov). (Xugnotsk Basin-Coal mines and mining) ~. K. , 1. 1% -- 1"Plal. *.,)r -'ui) 2 ~ ' t -2, VOSK07 I V , I I C~~ x" ral Sci ite3 T.-,~f, of t r-." al 31.'ra- ~, ros. (Ts" IP 3). ( DU~,urtati on for .,a ')(igma c~ la Teci-,.ilc-il SO: Vec~ierna~rs :'osl,-va, Janiuarr-Denunbur 1?52 KOZLCVSKIY, Arkadiy StepanovichL~%qp~PY2..S.Koj nauchn. red.; HIKHkL'C=, Z.V.# red. (Roofing operations] Krovellrye raboty. lzde2e, perer, i dop. Moskvat Vysshaia shkola, 1965. 383 P. (MIRA 113:2) 110SIOV a, kardidat tekhnichaskikh nauk, r6daktor; AMILTAM, Ta.K.0 KCDVKW, Lora., takhnicheakly radaktore [Instruction for using roofing material ftA insulation undgr winter conditions] Instruktsil& pa, ustraletvm rulonnykh kroTall I zidrolzo- 21atall. v, z1aulkh uslovilakhe Koakwa, Gas* lcd-vo lit-rr po strol- tellstvu I arkhitakture. 1954. 17 p. (H= 8:5) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.Re) Kinisterstva stroltalletva. Takhnichagkoye Upravlonlye. (Roofing-Cold weather conditions) MSXOT r eh. imaAldat takhnichasidkh nault; ZRUUTLIT, BA., qETOTT V nor, r or; MIPOKKUSHOWA, Tal%, rodaktar; PXRSOX, K.N-.o takhzd,chookiy rodaktar. (Larim r*llod roofinc matoorial under vlAter conditlonal UstrolatTo raUnalkh krovell v st-M uslovitakho Kookwa, GotAid-va, lit-ry pe straltelletyu I arkhltekture. 1954. 80 pe WRA 8:5) (R~qflug) r j rj 5 ko V , S ~~, XOZLOVSKIT, ArIcadty Stepanavich; "Vnv -Q~,kaadtdat takhnichaskikh nauk, nauchW redaktor; TYAPXIN. B.G..radaktor lzdatellstra; TOKIR, A.M.,takhatch4skly redaktor [Roofing work in rural building] Drovelonya raboty v sel'sk= strattelletva. Hoakwa. Oce. itd-vo Itt-ry po strolt. t arkhtt. 1956. 93 p. (KM 10:4) (Roofing) KOSIOV, S.K., kandid&t takhmichookikh nauk. Roofwork under cold weather conditions. Tav.tekh-l porod-op.v @trot. IS no.10:25-18 0 056. Mm 9:11) (Hoofing--Gold weather conditions) K. HOSXDT, 5.,c,~nd. tekbu. nauk;XOZLOVSXIT. A., Inxh. Afficlent methods for covering roofs with rolled roofing mterials. Stroitall no.96.15 8 159* NIBA 13:3) (Roof Ing) XOSKOT. S.K.. kand.takhn.nauk; ODIKOKoV, S.D., kand.tekhn.narak; SIRMIU,, M starshly takhalk; EMOTA, L.T., starably takhnik. Frialzala uchastlye SURALIKAt M., aledshly nauchnyy sotmdjmlk. SKYORTSOVA, I*P*g redolzd-val TXKKll&, re,L,, takhn,red, [Albun of technological schemes and drawings of the equipownt, Instruments. and devices to be used In covering roofs with rolled materials] Allbou tathnologichaskikh skl3an I chertezhai oborudo- venlia, Instrawatov I prisposobleall dlia ustroletya kro"ll Iz rmlonnykh materialoy. Koskva, Goo.izd-vo lit-ry po strolt.. arkhit. I stroit.materialam, 196o. 48 p. (MMA 13:6) 1. Akadauiya stroital'stva. I arichitaktury SSSR. Institut, organi- zataii, makhaaizatsii I takhnichosicoy pomoshchi stroitel'stvu. (Roofing-Rquipment, and supplies) "I-, ROSKOT,-Sor.w-e-imiLd.takhn.nauko- PrinimalL mchastiye: BKXIN. &.I., inzh.; TIMMUOT, I.K.. (WIMOKOT, S.D., kund.tek"nauk, naucbAYY Md-; AZRMTANT, re.K,, red.tad-va; JUUKOTA. G.D., EUsIn& rolled roofinc materials in coustruating roofs] Ustroistvo pakrytii a ralannoi kraTlei. Kookwag (;os.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit.* rkbLit. I stroit.saterialax. 1960. 180 p. (MMA 13:6) : . Akademlys strottellstva L arWtaktury GSSR. Institut organl- ateiiq ackhanizatall I tekhaichaskay pozoshchl stroltellst=4 2. Instrmktory peredavykh setadov trmdainstituta Orgstt*.y(far Belkin. Tikhoutrov). (VAJOfing) JA Lis is vs 0 v rg fill 41 I PHI NOSXgz 6,11_1_~,takhnnauki RrAZANTSUkr L.I.p red.izd-va; -WIAV, D.'ra.t [CionAraction of roofis using roofing materials] Vistroistro, ~LL a rulomol. iamisis rsd,2,, LW, i. dapo Haakwap Goes Isd-vo 1:Lt-ry po strait,,, ariglt. I stroit.mitterialmv 1962. 200 P. (MM 15 t 5) Is Akadamlya stroitelletva I, arkhitektur7 SWRo rnat-itut orgunisatell, mekhmalsateii i takWdchaskoy pomoshebl, StraitallatIm. (Roofing) IWSKOV, Sargz Usonikovich kand tekhn..r?g,p i NIKIFOEDV, L A. SMIM. UWJLLU&g UaUrt nauc~-n red.; FATENOVSKAYA, H.I., ;ed.; BOROVNEVP N.K.0 tekhn. rz. (Waterproofing In Industrial construction] Ustrolstyo gId- rolsollatsil v pronyahlennom stroltellstye. Moskva, Gos- strolisdat, 1963. 214 p. (Waterproofing) (IGRA 16:9) HOSKOV2 S.K.j, kand. tekhn. aaukl SAMOMINA, T.fl. a inth. Sele*tiag the type aAd the composition of waterproofing elements, Prome stroi. 42 aa.M42-46 0 164. (MLRA 17&111j NIKIFOROV, I.A.,, kand. tekhn. naukL12~~~~nd. tekhn. nauk; SAMOKHZA, T.H. p inzh. Experience in using reinforced roo;.p. prom. stroi. 43 no.9:11-13 165. (MIRA 18:9) F-ov, V M 44 -0 AA: t 3 j q-11 MOZOT T.A. 0 inth. Three-legged auspanded ceatrifuges. KUumash. no.5:42-43 s-o 16o. (KIFA 13:9) (Centrifuges) NSEDIVY, v A Nl,- 741.424 Proizvodstvo lintykh molatovylydw shtampwi (VaLu.'acturn ^.f cast drop- .58 forging dies) Roekwa, =aehgiz, 1953. 97 P. illus., diners.. tableE. "Literntura": p. 97-(98) wimor, T.G. Spruce an an indicator of river bod stability. Pr1roda 49 no.11s x 160. (X3A 13: 11) 1. GosuWatyanDry g1drologlabs.ficly Institut, Lenivgrado (gyruce) (Itivers) e, 110SKOV p V. G. Formation and developtaent of islands in the channel of the Markha River, Trudy GGI no,8197?~W 161. (111PA 15.2) (Markha River. -Islands) NOSKOVO V. G. . -I: . Fozmtdon and lovelopment of islands in the channel of the Markha River. Trudy GGI no.88.77-90 161. (11111A 150) (Markha, River-Islands) TMFEYEV, A.A.g, kand. tekhn. nauk; KQV&MKO, P.P.,, kand. tekha. nauk; PPMBRAZHKNSKAYL, I.N., inzh.1 K,,O-SKDV V G ftzh.; NWIKAI, Av"4ftft'Isd-va; KIMKfft F.K f tekhn. red. (Album of designit of reinforced concrete slabs for precast pave- menta of city roads,, sidev&Iks and Bt-metear tmcks]Altbom kan- struktaii zholezebetonnykh pUt dUa* aboMkh pokrytU gorodukikh dorog,, tratuarov i putei tramala. Koakva,, Izd-vo, N-va ka-min. khos. FISFSR, 1962.~ 31, p. (MIR& 16:2) 1, kkademiye, kommunallnogo khozyayatva. Urallskir nauchno- insledovatellskly-institut. 2. Urallskiy nauchno-isoledovmtell- ski]r institut Akademil ko nogo khozyaystva (for Timofeyev,, Kovalenko, Preobrazhenskaym, 1910 kov). (Pa4emats, Concrete) NWKOV,. V,G. Remqults or the inapeelon of roud sw~-'Lasing Jr, Sver-dIsirBk. Umich. trudy MMH noo24P.11-18 'L~ (MTRA 18 v-~ ) YKKHLAKOVA, N.G.; NOSKOVp V*G. Use of stabilized soil In city road Wilding. Rauch. trudy AKKff no.2408-49 164 (KIRA IW) NOBKCN , T.G. . romation of the raningrad, floods; ]Aborattrry studies. T-.Ud CM no~117&119.160 16/* (mix ligif HMOVI, V. 1. Pine Signifiemce of garhering pine soods from difforent forests., Los, kbeze,, 5, Ko, S# 1952 9. Kanth List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Kaymaher - 195~, uncl. HOSKOV, V. I. "The Ecology and Individual Variability of the Ca=on Fine and Its Tmportance in Forest Seed Production." Cand 1gr Salt Voronezh Forestry rnsto Min Higher Education USSRt Voroneah, 1954. M, No 9 Fab 55) SO: Sum. go. 631t 26 Aug 55- Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (14) USSR/Plant Diseaves. -Diseases of Forest 111pecies 0-2 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - 15:Eol.,.ITo 10, 1958, Ito 44451 Author Ifoskov V.I., Kegrutskiy S.F. Inst Voronozh Technical Forestry Institute Title Coatribution to the Problem of tLe Origin of Witches' Broom on Pine Orig Pub Hauchn. zap. Voronezhsl,.. lesotekk.n. in-tap 1956, 15, 207-210 Abstract The authors' experimentation on initial infection in the formation of witches' broom on pine led to a denial of any effect being caused by actinemyces and other microorganism3. The findings are presented ofthe cultivation of another generation of pine from seedE. which were gathered with witches' broom. it was discovered that 45 pine saplings in cultures coming from the planting of one-year old shoots of these seeds had inherited the characteristics of witches' broom and by their fifth year were already quite distinct from normal both growth and morThological characteristics. card 1/2 1'kOS'YNOV V.V AUTWM: rerykalova, T.T., Moskov, V.V. 32-11-14/60 TITLE: Short Reports (3) (KorotkiYe soobshaheniya) PUIODMAL-. Zavodskaya Labomtorlya, 1957P Vol. 23, Hr 11. pp. 1308-1308 (USSR) ABSTRACT% It to suggested in this paper that the datemination of the molyb- dew= content in chromium steel with a high contaut of chrouium be carried out photooolorimetrically, by which iron in the presence of' PoWslum brov1da Is regenerated by chlorine lead. Oblorin* 1e&4 in COMMeation with strong sulphurio acd.4 results in a considerable stabillsation of the ooloring of molybdenum thioc7azate and shortens the time of detemination to about W minutes. Por oarrylvig out the analisix 0.2 g steel and 20 ml ooncontrated EU1 and EN03 are d's- solved; 10 aLl of concentrated H,%W are added. For purposes of ellmlasting nitrogen the solution is heated up and then mixed with distilled %star up to 500 ml. 15 ml each of the solution in put Into 2 retorts, where each 10 ml of the 50% K004, and gach 5 ml of a 10% solution of EBr are added. Later* 15 ml of the 10% solution of N%CKS and 5 ml of the 10% solution of Sna12 + distilled water up to 100 m2 are put into one of the retorts. Into the other retort card 1/2 only 5 ml of the 10% solution of SrO12 am added. After 3 to 4 min. Short Reports (3) 32-Ii-i4/6o colorimstricatica with a blua light filter is aarried out. ASSOCIATICHt Kusnefe-k Metallurgical Combiae (Kuznatakly metallurgichookly kmblnat) AVAILABLE: Libmr7 of Congmas Card 2/2 t -I-. -- -- ~ ~ , f, - KUSTMOVIGH, I.M.; PATLOTWIT, ',Yu.T. Cdeaaaaa&]; rUGHINA. INK.; ITOSKOT YJ - GAKS. N.M.: rAYGILISON. A.Kh.: SlIKINCKO, V.A.: POPOT. T.G. Brief reports. Zav. 10. 23 no.11:1393-1395 157. (KM It: 1) 1, Kagnitogorekly industriallnyy taklinifta (for rustanoTich), 2, Ir- kmtekly rayod tyaxhalogo mahinostrwraniya ix. JCWbyahava (for Ph,rlovikir). 3. 1rusustakly metallurglahealdy lcombinat (for ruchina. Waskov. Drobyasko). 4. Tarkhan-ralymikoye rayonnoys geologom%vadach- novoi upmvleniye Dallatro7a (for F&MCellmon). 5. Kharlkovakiy farm- toev-tidbasidy inatitut (ir6r samin,ko). 6. Miarlkaviskiy institut Insheneroy kommunalgnogo stroltellntra (for Popar). (Vmtallur&7) (ChOmIcal aPParatus) BAMMWg ToDot HWKOV# V.T& Doundace tfw optlan amatime fbir the coiwimu-u C%O.*Vgdo OC Pbanol" Zwelejo la na*3042-3" #65o (NIVA 18CIZ) -P, - GARBER, Yu. N. jj~., Using the miethcd of high-frequency t1tratim for the anallsis of the products of coke and coal chemicals plants. Koks L khim. no. 8249-54 162. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Kuznetskiy filial Vostochnogo uglakhimicheakogo instituta. PANFILOVP I.A,; = V.V W- MWANEW ftterui.nation of-bommne in coke-o"n gas. 7Av. lab. 29 no.6t662-664 163. (MMA l6t6) 1. Kusnetakiy filial Tootoctmogo nauchno-looledovatel'okcizo uglekhImIcheskogo inatituta. (Banxene) (Coke-ann gas) SDIUKHINA, G.V.; HARSKIY, V.D.; NOSKOV, V.V. Photometric determination of sirall amounts of pyridine bases in phenols. Zhur.e.nal.khim. 19 no.9:1155-1158 164. (MIRA 17t10) 1. Kuznetskiy filial Vostochnogo nauchno-isoledovateltakogo instituta, Novokunatak, 1;ca,4uvt Yu.A.; VATALA30V, S.i.; Gil-i-d~YAT"V, V.I. Lquipment for the lcoa'eair,,~-uj; of ',Iju-l? load',:; frozen zo. et, ". X'atallurg 9 no.():12-13 Je '64- (l,'IiU 17:9) CEMMATIT. T.I., inzheaer; ROSEDY. rm.A.. Inshenere ffechanlicod loagening of froges or*. Ketallurg 2 no.1:32-34 Ja '57; (K= 10: 4) 1. Ra6Todltell sektors otdolonlya strottellsykh mashla Tvasayusnage nauchus-iseladevatollskago lantitmta transportacge strottelistva NWramastroya (for Cherurayev). 2.lrauchnyr gotrudnik otdoleftlys skspluatatsil zkol4znykh dorog TSontrallmage okftv Institdta KinistorstTa putey soebahchaiLiya (for goakov). (Kat*rials hamdUn 'k (Tools-Vibration5l SADIXOT'. P.P.; AW"UTA, S.L.; LIESM4. ?.P.; smiuo;r, Te.r.; Pnaonvsar, Tore, lash. red.; TISMV, LoB;j,XLTOLIGHMMO; V.A*;-PM(N; A~To; MOSM, Md.A.; T*.M;. tekhtarede , .'. [Technical equipment for large general-purpose freight yards] Takhaichaskoe asnashchente krupnvkh gruzovykh stantsit obehebago ol'zovanlias Kookwa, Gos.transp.thel-dor Izd-vo. 1958. 186 p. oacowe Moskavskii Institut Inzhenerov shelecuodorozhacgo, N traneporta. Trudy, no.161) (1(11?A 12:2) (RallroMe-Tards-Mquipment and supplies) ISKIMIOT. Teygonly Kons tantinovi ah, kand.tekhn.nauk:; UOSKOT. Turijr Alskaindrovich I insh.; rMSHIN, N.D.. red.; [roreign rail transportation of freight which freeces together] Perevaski emerzainshchikhala gmzdv na zartxbezbnykh zbaleznykh dorogakh. Kosims. Goo.transp.chel-dor.isd-vo. 1959. Ill p. (KIRA 12:9) (Railroade-Cold weather conditions) ROBOT, lu--L-JJ~~- Ipparatum for wwhixig b= carso Festa7lial WS 20 w.5.-63 C62. (MML 14.-S) (Hai2road&-Kqulpmnt and suppUes) GOWDER-1-UL, B.A., inzh.; IDSKOV YU.A. inzh. Centralized traffic control of public tranaportation in London. Avtom., sVIaz' 6 no.1:44-45 Ja t62. (MIPA 25:3) (Londork-Hallroads-Signaling) GINDICH, M.G., insta.; MSKOV,.,u.A.0 inzh.; NOVIKOV, A.I., inzh. Using a vibratory percussion unit for unloading frozen. loose materials. Mekh. I avtom. proizv. 18 no.6cl9-20 Je 164o (MIRA 17:9) GINDICUt 14G3,'MV, Yu*Ao '11bration-I-ercuss ion unit for unloading frozen bulk fTei~ht. Blul-te-kh.--&-on. informe Gos* nauch.-isel. nauch. i tekho in- fom. 17 no.9t7/+-76 9 164 18c1) MATALASOV S.F. kand. tekhn. nai.,k;,. I Yu,A., inzh.; Prinimali uchastiye: P 0 NOSKOV F RAMODUIP V.11. , Inzh.; STIGAK, F.A. , kand. tekhh. nauk; CHINAPEV, S.S. Inzh. ; KIJRITSYII , V. 1. ; YAKIIDOV . VI.A. ; VAVIWV . G.S. , atarsHy mekhanik; OVCIIIIIIIIKOV., Yu.P., starahly mekhanik; DEVICHIIISKIY, Yu.V., .9tarshiy laborant; GOLIDEIMIL, A.B., inzh.; VORORIYEEVA, 7.M., starshly tekhnik (Transportation of goods subject to freezing; problem in the theory of freezing and the mechanization of loosening operations.] Perevozki smerzaiushchikBia gruzov; voproBy teorii smerzaniia i mekbanizatsil rykhleniia. Moskva, Transport, 1964' 13" P. (Moscow. Vaesoiucnyi nauchno-issl.edovatellskii institut zheleznodorozhnogo transporta. Trudy, no.273). (MIRA 17:9) Y u . A -IATA LA SIGIV.9 S. IF CHElUi Y A Y !-. Vi J'alltnization of U,~ urdGe~-.-Inf- Q." frozen freights. 40 no.12:932-934 1) 104. 1. Vseoo~iwnyy nau hno-iuslodoviitolls~ly InstAtut zholo.:nodorozhrlop transporta l'.Ilnivtorstw-. putey -ioobslichnni-pt i Vsesoy,,anyy ruiur.-hi.o- isoledovatellskiy,.,,t transportnoj,.o stroitellotva Gocsudar6t- vennoifo proi-,vodstv(-rno,,.c, katiteta po tranoportncam stro-if.,A'stvo "S"SH. "I HATALASOV, kand. teWhn. nauk; NOSKO" V ' . th. V ~ t. ~, Improving the 11-ranspcrtation of freezable lailk Zhel. dor. tran&p. 47 no.1;27.,29 ja 165. (MILRA 16-~3) GW-UYUK, G.N.;::NALDZHAN, V.V.; NWKCV, Yu.I.; AIDEYANOV, V.A. Determining the strength of rocks using irregularly shaped samples. lYauch. trudy KNJUJ no.14:165-168 164. Properties of conl and enclosing rock of some Karaganda Basin seams. Ibid.tl76-183 (MIRA 18W 206T9 5/120/61/000/001/013/062 021,5-300 B032/Elllk AUTHORS: Savellyev, V.Ya., and Noskov. Yu.0- TITLE: On the Theory of' Corona Discharge in Nuclear Raftation. Counters PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1961, No*l, pp-47-50 TEXT: The present authors have developed a theoretical relation between the corona discharge current and the voltage across the counter on the one hand, and the counter and circuit parameters on the other. The basic condition for the appearance of a positive corona in a counter is YK > 1 (2) where K in the gas amplification coefficient and y is the total secondary emission coefficlent (including all the secondary processes). In a previous paper the first of the present authors and V.A. Kononanko (Ref-5) showed that the gas amplification coefficient K can be represented by the formula Card 1/8 20679 S/120/6i/000/001/013/062 E032/EI14 On the Theory of Corona Discharge in Nuclear Radiation Counters GXP V i- P In 2 (3) IU. In(Ala) X0 where V is the true anode voltage, Ui is the ionization potential of the gas, P in the pressure in atm, and %o is the mean free path of an electron in the gas at atmospheric pressure. Substituting Eq. (3) into the condition yK > 1, one finds that V - - a P In y/In 2 (4) UI In(A/aT ho When V reaches the value V.1 corresponding to the beginning of the discharge, the above inequality becomes an exact equality so that V = U, In A a P - la-! 1 (5) 8 a IXO I n 2 ,~ This equation shows, in particular, that, other things being Card 2/8 zo679 S/12o/61/coo/aoi/m/02 E032/Z114 On the Th~~or' of Corona' Discharge in Nuclear Radiation Counters equal,,the use of a cathode having a low work function and consequently.alarSe y, gives rise to a reduction in the discharge potential, Va. The reduction in this potential has been confirmed experimentally by replacing a nickel cathode by an aluminium one. Subzt~ituting for aP/AO from Eq.(5) into Eq.(3), it is found that V - VS exp Y vo wh er e vO ty, 2n (A/a)/In 2 In order to determine the instantaneous value of the anode ..potential in acounter connected as shoita in Fig.1, the following calculation in made Fig. I C V Card 3/6 2o679 S/120/61/CGO/001/013/062. E032/F.114 On the Theory of Corona Discharge in Nuclear Radiation Counters The charge due to electrons reaching the anode wire in a corona discharge in a time dt Is given by *K dt (8) dql T where T is the time for the displacement of positive ions from the anode to the cathode. The charge reaching the wire from the capacitor C charged by the external source UO through the external resistance R In given by d UO . V dt (9) q2 R It follows that the chcnge in the potential of the wire is dV VO 1E j dt (10) R T It has been shown (Tolchanov, Ref.4) that, provided b6V/Vg < 1/2 in (Ala) , Card 4/8 20679 .1.')C)/61/k)u0/00 1/ 0 13/062 1:U3;~V., all On the Theory of Corona Dischai*ge in Nuclear Radtation C'ountars the time T is given by 2 T -- A~ In (A/a) A In (A/a) 211 + V 2~i + Vs Substituting L-.qs.(6) and into AIAI,(10) (V - Vs)/v0 = n' No - V.)/vo no, yA2 In (A/a) v t/RC 2 + Vs it is found that 0 (12) and usitig the notation (13) This equation cannot be integrated exactly. However, it can be simplified on the basis of experimental data. Measurements carried out on real counters, workxnc~ under the corona discharge conditions, have shown that the true voltage across the counter Card 5/ 6 2o679 S/12o/6i/ooo/oot/ol3/o62 E032/E.114 On the Theory of Corona Discharge in Nuclear Hadiatiort Counters does not va-ty very much when the anode voltage is considerably changed. Since the magnitude of Vo in real counters is 50 to 100 V, the overvoltage in the case of the CA-I-7 (S,%T--7) and C(4M-9 (SMI-9) counters does not exceed 20-25 V, and 1 (toes not exceed 0 to 0.5, it follows that the last term in Eq.(14) can be expanded into a series and the first order terms only need be retained. The solution, of 1"q.(111) then reads qOr R R(I + q0) (15) r + -r +- R and the corona discharge current passing through the resittance. R is given by. UO V V0 IK it ` 7 q) (16) Substituting Eq.(15) into Eel,(16), the final expression for the current is found to be given by Card 6/ 8 20679 b/120/61/000/001/013/062 BOWEI.14 On the Theory of Corona Discharge in Nuclear Radiation Counters = UO - Vs - VO exp (r + R) t (17) K r + R r Rc In steady-state this becomes ix0co = (U0 - Vs + vo)/(R + r) Analysis of this equation shows that the corona discharge current is proportional to the magnitude of the overvoltage and inversely proportional to the sum of the load resistance R and the internal resistance of the counter r. It can be described by a series of straight lines passing through the point x -L V9 - v0 (]Lg) Secondly, when the corona discharge Is initiated, the initiaL current is not equal to zero but is given by iK min !~ vo/(R + r) (20) Card 7/8 20619 S/i2o/6i/ooo/ooi/oi3/O62 E032/E114 On the Theorv of Corcna Discharge in Nuclear Radiation Counters All these results are in full agreement with experiments and cannot be obtained from the classical formulation given by Werner (Ref.1). The experimental results which the present authors used to check the theory were obtained with the SAT-7 and SNM-q counters using load resistances of 10, 1000 and 10000 MCI. It is concluded that both the theoretical and the experimental results suggest that the optimum conditions obtain when the load resistance exceeds the internal resistance of the counters. There are 5 figures and 5 references: 4 Soviet and I German. SUBMITTED: February 13, 1960 Card 8/8 X) U r-, PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATICN W113380 Titarenko, Mikhail Vasillyevichand Igor' Alekseyevich Noskov-Dukellskiy (recessed) Releynaya zashchita v elektricheskikh siste* kh (Relay Protection of Electrical SYstems) [Lvov] Izd-vo Llvovskogo univ-71959. 375 p. Errata slip inserted. 3#500 copies printed. Ed.: V. V. Blikh; Tech. Ed.: A. V. Malyavko. PURPOSE: This Is a textbook approved by the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR for use in power engineering and electrical engineering departments in schools of higher education. The book may also be of use to students of tekhnikums specializing in relay protection and to engineers and technicians engaged in the designt installation and operation of relay protection systems. COVERAGE: The book discusses relay protection of the basic units of electrical systems: transmission lines, generators, transformers, motors, and bus bars. In writing the book the authors have complied with the requirements set forth in, "Rules for the Erection of Electric Installations" (1957). According to the authors, thitir book repressfits-aii attempt to compile a textbook correspond- ing to the program oT the course, "Electric Power Stations, Networks and Systems," existing Soviet books on relay protection being inadequate for the program of this Card 1/10 Relay Protection of Electrical Systems 59113380 course. The authors thank Professor& G. Z. Sclidlfttsk:~-, I. I. Greben I, and Ragineers N. L. Sadmovskik,, G. G. GlovatsklVand Ye. N. Z,:,sim fcr their help. Chapters 1 to 8 were written by M. V. Titarenko, Chapters 9 to 12 by I. A. Noskov-Dukellskiy. There are 61 references, all Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Ch. I. General. Information on Relay Protection 5 1. Purpose of relay protection 5 2. Basic information on relays 6 3. Classification of relays 10 4. Requirements of relay protection 14 5. Basic, reserve and auxiliary protections 1! 7 6. Operating current 118 7. Standard sylabols of relays, contacts and circuits for relay protection 23 Card 2/10