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Pressure-worklng Processes (Cont.) SOV/3368 effect of dimensions and form of the derormed area. Equations expressing this relationship are derived. Persiyantse4p V. A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent. Dependence of Resistance to Deformation on' De- formation Speed. 128 The author analyzes the unex2lored field sistanCe to deformation in hggh-spead hot forging. Certain,principles of such dependence are deduced on the basis of analogy with cold-stampifig practices. Shekhter, V. Ya., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Appli- cation of the Theory of Actu#I.Streas Ourves to Varlous Temperature Conditions of Deformation 146 This theory, thus far applicable only to cold de- formation, Is analyzed for possible application to hot-forging praetice. Protopopov, 0. V., Enginetr. Investigation Into the Practice of Upsetting Pipe Stock. 155 Card 4/ 6 Pressure-working Processes (Cont.) SOV/3368 The article Is divided into three sections: problem of stress, problem of stability, and experimental results. The article analyzes the.process or defor- mation of stock in the press and derives formulas for prese.force. Orlo7, P. K , Candidate of Technical Sciences. Experimental _InvestIgAt1;h of the Formation of Flow Lines In Cold Stamped and.M~awn Body Sections of AtAtomobi'les- 169 The article covers the surface layer of sheets, for- mation of flow lifies as ig result,of elorigation stress, flow lines In deep drawing, and flow llne4 In cold- worked parts. Polyaj~ov, I. S., Engineer. Aspects of Rapid Heating of Forging Blanks 183 The author discusses and evaluates five methods of heating: raold heating In a flame furnace, Induc- tion heating, arc-furnace heating, heating In an electrolyte, and heating In molten glass. No definite Card 5/6 Pressure-working Processes (Cont.) SOV/~368 conclusions as to economic advantages of any of these methods are drawn. AVAILABLES: Library of Congress Card 6/6 AC/08 4/26/60 150) fKASE I D= KUL401TLTION wv/"A 4 ( a )v I V 14 1"!04 ,r:& $art* FatlovIch Zvoror I ortrl onty Aleklandrov ROOT, M'E!.7DR!L= Qam4vy taortl abrehoW motall4v daylenIxes (Fundamentau or that 2kearp C 9ttal foret ng) Wsaow, K94hgLa. 1959. 53a V. grMta 6I cup Warted. TOW coptc4 Printed. SO.* K. V. Statashell rd. Or NUISKI"t SOUS411 A. 1. UrOCIO, O'ciattri lath. IM. 2 a Z rd. roe Ut4rature 11fairr FAUIL44P I01IU;6 Xm4nqtr. -01n",, I PURMCI we Wok to tatanded roe onglag4re =4 114L.McIcto *Orkers atudstog the thdOrCtIC&I PVQbIMW Of OOtaa foretfiC. GOVEMICS I"d goluctLve work pamortodIr recle4ts the costes"rtry rd* sat" =ddaho Afffft"to A c 'It 4.tug rav;, Co=;tOOd. The use of tho" methods to 111ustriA44 to ansijwsj~p of Gatth. go pqrsomauttais "V swattoned. 19T SavIlets I? g0row, and 13 *%Usk. VORIMT~p 1116A.; TASIELTAT&T. 6.8h. low way of preparing bUdes for cutter piLrts on agricultural mehinery, Kuz.-Shtam.prolsv., 2 no~1:10-14 A t60. (KEU 13:5) (fe,ricultural rachinery) (Shast-astal work) HORMYN, I.A.t doktor takhn.nauk. proft; KISLYT, PeTees insh- Ame plastic torsion of circular rods. rzv*vY%otEctiabeirav*;maigttiztostre no.11:34-46 t6a. (KMt IAF:I) L, Noskovskir avtomakhanicheekir inatitut, (Torsion) 5/032160/026/008/033/046/XX BO2O/BO52 AUTHORS: Iforitayn# I. A. and Kislyy, P. Te. TITLE: Determination of Xechanical Characteristics of Steel in Torsion Testing PERIODICAL: -Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 1960s Vol. 26, No. 8, pp. 999 - 1006 TEXT: The method of torsion testing and computing the mechanical cha- racteridtica from test results, is specified by FOCT-3565-58 (GOST 3565-58). The authors' method of computing the true mechanical characteristics of steel in torsion testing without the conventional complicated and time-consuming graphical differentiation (Ref-5), is described in the present paper. Fig.1 shows the solidification curves calculated from formula (2): v - v e + k la(y/ye) (whvkre v denotes the contact stress on the cylinder surface, y the displacement on the sur- face of the distorted cylinder, v a the contact stress corresponding to the, physical elasticity limit, and y. the displacement corresponding to Carct 1/2 NoRnSYN,f I A - SEMETER, V.YA.; STLPANUIIO R.L. Kawfacture of generator po2ea by cold peripheral upsetting, Kus-shtam. proizv 4 no.6:1-4 Je 162. (MINI 15:6) (Forging) D262ID506 AUTHORt iuLt-9-n-, I,A., Doctor or Technical ~Saiences,, o, TITLEt High-speed loading in stamping PERIODICAL Vestn1k7 mashinostroyeniya,' no. 12, 1962, 54 - 61 TEXT: This Is a review of the main problems in the development or high-speed loading in stamping techniques. It takes into account results of recent-research in this field published in the Soviet-bloc and in theMest and also refers to certain practical achievements attained in various factories and workshops. The following points are discussed in detaile the effect of the speed factor or, resistance to deformation in hot and cold stamping; speed of flow of metal at various points of the deformation area; the effect of the rate of deformation on heat generation; the effect of-high-speed Card 1/2 KMTSYK,, r.A.; sEx, rt 1,;,, v-,,ra,; BAZTXp A.S, Mnufjtctuzw of flamed bushing type parU for"# Kuso-*htox. proiny, 5 no,10:4-6 W closod-dio 0 163~ (K=, 16c 11) 1'. NORITSTN I.A.,, d9ktor +,ekhn. nauk, prof.; GOLOVIII, V.A., kand. takhn. naux, &tsent; BAZIE*P A.313.j inzh. I De"Jopment of processes !:,t closed-lie forgIng. Vest. mashinostr. 43 no.12:38-42 D 163. (,MIRA .17:8) NORITSY,Np I.A.? pr,f,,, doktor tekhn. nauk; SHOUITER, Maes dots-t --kiiid. tekhn. nauk; ROVINSgIr, O.S. . inzh.; BMIN, A.T. kand. tekhm. nauk# retzenzent (Fundamentals of the design of sheet-metal stamping shops] Osnovy preektirovanlia teekhov listovol shtampovki. Mo- skva,, "Mashinostroenie.0 1964. 306 p. (MIRA 17:4) Mail ACCESSM9 fat AP4026247 G/0M/64/aaa1ca-j/ovA/ao6i 9VMBSt I.-A, (Doctor or technical sclances, Frofesoor); Lubyansklys YUS 1. (Encinsar) MU: Deformation of metals with electric spark dischargoo in a liquid SOURCE: Veatnik maihinoatroyaniya,, no. 3v 1964p 564A TOPIC TAGS: electrid discharge, metal forming, blast forming, motal shoot forming ABSTRACT: The use or electric discharges in a liquid to form motal parts by a method shown schemoUcally InFig. I on tho Enclosure was investilated. An Rr, circuit is-used to discharge electric energy into a fluid (durin,, a character- istic tim T = RC),, causing a shock wave which deforma the metal blank Into ',;he Me.. The amount of energy JAparted to tho shock wave depands unon tho circultr. used and. the distance and geometry of the electrodes. An overall officionev of 3%, can be achieved. It has been found-that the positive olactrodo shoulA b4) conical and grounded while the negative electrode should have a ccmparativol~r large area and should be connected to the negative terminal of the energy ampply. .It was also determined that an optimum voltacre exists for best results with a card 1/3 ACCMSION Nil: AP4026247 given discharge energy. For the Internadit-ato anorQr ritnge (1250-7200 joitlea) the optimum voltage was found ex:perimentally an 30-kv. The relation was also established for a disk. Hore d = deformation or samples K = coefficient which depends on the electrode separation and material# D = die diameter, t = sample thickness, R = distance betwoon are and die,, W = energy released during discharge. The use of this method to produce various cylindrical shapes is also discussed. Orig. art. hdst 6 fiWxrez and I formila. ASSOCIMON: none SUB14ITTCDt 00 SUB COCC. a MOOP DATE ACQ: 20APr(;4 ENCL: 01 Raw SOVI 007 OTHUR: 006 Card 2/3 A=85109 Us IF4W6247 part die. Fig. 2. Schematic of procaus 9xCLO$UU WL Cacd 313 MORITSYNP IL, doktor tekbn.naule-, prof,; GOLOMI, V,A,, kand.tekha.nauk, - d~ti~nt; AKARO, I.Le, inzh, 11sat relagae duirng die forging cad pressing, Yeat.mashinostr. 45 doo9t59-64 8 165* (KRA 18110) NORITSYN, I.A., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; BEBRIS, A.A., kand.tekhn.nauk Sheet-metal drawing on double-acting presses. Vest. mashinostr. 46 no.1:61-63 Ja t66. (Y-IRA lqtl) ACC NRs AK003646 SOURCE CODE: bit[012~ f/bdoxiWO AUTHORS: SP .AtajrA,-J-.-A& (Doctor of technical sciencest Profeaaor); Golovint V. A. (Candidate of technical aciencesp Docent); Bukin-Batyrevg 1. K. (Engineer) none TTTI.v.- Increasinj the extrudability of structural carbon steels Tor cold extrusion SOURCE 3: Vestnik mashinostroyenlyat no. It 1967t 54-57 ITPPIC TAGS: metal extrusion, carbon steel, plastic deformationt ferrite# pearlitel annealingl, hardnest, metal heat treatment/ 10 carbon steelt 20 carbon steel, 35 carbon steel, 45 carbon steel ABSWULV.- This work establishes a quantitative relationship between the conditions of preliminary heat treatment of blanks and the cold extrudability of the most widely used structural 'carbon steels 10, 20t 35p and 45. The low-carbon steels (10, 20) were subjected to suberitical and supercritical annealing. The high-carbon steels (35, 45) were subjected to cyclio wmealing and to other combined treatments. The tests of 10 steel showed thatt, In the presence of supercritical (740--760C), cyclic (4 cYcles from 650 to 76ac) and high-temperLture (1050C) annealing, strong grain growth occurred, which reduced the hardness (see Fie. 1). rt was established that the maximum increase in extrudability in achieved for 10 steel with superarLtical a~nneallngv for 20 steel with normalization and anumaing, and for 35 and 45 steels with cyclic annealing and ACC N& AK003644; kC/m A kelam; Fie. 1. Curveis of bardwlv4; of 10 (a) and 20 (b) steel an fx=ati= of heat troatmat with normalization:and annealing. The obtained results can serve as starting data f calculating the loads on tools and for selecting heat treataent Conditions. Orig. art. has: 2 graphs and 3 tables. SUB COD2 : 1301 /Su~ DATEt nons/ WIG RM 003/ OM RO: 004 ACC NR& APT004798 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/6T/000/001/013610136 INVENTOR: NorLtsyn, r,A,; Lubyanskiy# Yu,r, ORG: none TITLE: Die-Corging press. Class 58, No. 190212 SOURCE: Itobretenlya, promyshlennyye obraztert tovarmyye zmaki, no, 1. 196T* 136 TOPIC TAGS: high energy rate forging, electrohr-draulto forging, alectrohydraulic forging press, explosive forming ABSTRACT: .This Author Certificate introduces a pulsed-action electrohydrautic forging -press. To sake possible simultaneous applicatiop of a statirm~ pressucSthe table of the press can be moved up and doud by-'a hydraulic drive. Env SUB CODEt 13/ SUBN DATE: none/ ATD PRESSt NORITSM K At th4 most important seetorse Sov.profgalusy. 6 no.13:59-0. 5%-60 0 458, (Kin 11:11) It Predsedatel* raboohago koaltate Clmsovskogo luspromkhowao (Form Proviaos-Luabering) NORK 0. A. "On. the syntactical f=ctioa of' latonatinn." report submitted for 5th Intl Cong of Phonetic Sciences, KlensUr, 1W. Germany, 16-23 Aug 64. GARGASAS., L.V. (Viltnyus);-WfUCLIEr V.V. (Vilfnyus); A1-UMUSKiM,, R.a. (Vil Iny=); OSIPAU ~vjl , nyus) Or anising polyclinic attendance in cities of the Lithuanian Sov, zdraw. 20 no.9:16-20 161. (MIRA 14:]2) 1. Is Respublikan go nauchno-metodicheskago byuro sanitarnoy statistiki (dir L.Margasas Villnyus). 1L1THUAH=1(;AL U"') MORKU IGH. UxAuils JFikoUysvnz x ~ - i 7 - '-" " .. 7 - (Way to spirttual and pbymical regeneration] ftt' k duJdiovnoum i ficicheskomm Toweashdentim. Los-Anzholes, 1957. (KIRA 11:4) (MIND AMD BCDY) GARGASAS, L.; NORKIENE, V.; OSIPAUSKIENEI, J. The health status of Inhabitants of Slaulial and Panevezys in 1960. Sveiko apeaugt27-33 Mr 163* 1. Respublikinla mokslinia-matodials sanitarines statistikas biuras. ROMIN, Arkadly Musmich; KUR=TgTA, A., redj; KIWIMOT, A., (the UG.-IN standardized hydraulla driT*g 4oustruction and operation] Unifitalrove=yL g1droprivod VC61K; uatroistTo I skepluatataiiae fashicente Gos.lxd-wo, UtbakskoL SM. 1959. 46 p. (KIU 13:8) (oil JuAftulics machia4ry) BAZHIK,, zasypahchik domennoy pechi; GULIN, G.; KYAKMN,, K.; ZOLMARE79 B. Equal possibilities but different results. Mr. truda i sots. strelch. 5 no,7:32-33 JI 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Predsedatell tsekhkoma dmezmogo taekha metallurgicheakogo kombimta imeni Seram (for Bazhin)., 2. Vneshtata7y tekhnicheakiy inapektor Sverdlovskogo oblastnogo soveta professiowltnfth soymov (for Gulin), 3, Predsedatell komisaii okh.rany truda zavodskogo komiteta Bogaslovskago alyuminiyevaeo zavoda (for /+. Spataiallnyy korrespond-ent zburnm2a ItOkhrana trude i sotsial Inoye strakhavanip" (for Zolotarev), (Sverdlovsk Province-Work clothes) I IM-LU'llif 1. A. coal -Malysis Mechanization of selection and sortine uf coal swmjes. Izv. VTI 21 No. 6, 1952. October 195 193 9. Monthl List qf Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 2 p5, jjncl. I -- I T NGAI-MM, I.A. Coal - Testing Placing a mechanical coal testing apparatus design by the All-Union. Heat Engineering Institute in the fuel supply line of an electric power station. Izv. VT1 21 No. 8, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 1952 PrA, unci. NORK3310-I. A. Rat. 4* Electric Power Plants Introducing mechanical t*sting devices for coal designed b5r the All-11nion rhati.tute of Heat Engineering at electric power plants, riv. VT1j 21j, No. 111 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions Library of Congress, Februax7 j953. Unclassified. MORICIN. 1.A.. inch. ------ Dependency of the width of the &liog device on the maximum coarseness of coal for testiag. Toploenergetika 7 no-5:93-94 NY #6o. (RIBA 13:8) (Sampling) (Electric power plants) .KORKINO I.A.-I insh.1 KRASNOV, K.U,, inzh. ImPrOvemOnt of a mechanical M system sampler operating in large coal conveying systems. Xnergetik 11 no.ItIZ-13 A v63, (Boilers) (MIEEL l6a) 69,43 :1y 1,'-3) i n. I-,_.NORKIN, I.M.. aspirant Modern conve- yor transportatlon of overburden and coal at the -'Trebendorfff strip mine. UU.01' 40 no.4.67-7o Ap 165. (MIRA l8c5) 1. Leningradskly gornjy inatitut. ORKIN - ~ %--% 11 - K. B. N *A ththod of IntansUe Datorminatioa of the Mitraime Value of a Yhdti- variabJA ftwtion* It Report presented at the Seventh Scientific and Technical Conference of Young ScisnUsU of the ftatitate of Wmation and TeleuechwAca of the AS USSR. March 14-16 1960. fig 1L Ills A D Cali At .fibli-cl l! 14 1 sit 11ji 9 t :1 fit ON CIADZHIYEV M. Tu. ;GULIKO, Ir.B.; DZULTALOT, A.R.; DUDIIXOV, TO-Y8-; KAMOT, V',Dt; LITOTCHMMO, LA. ; HOEK FROKKOROT, N-L- Seventh conference of young scientists of the Distitute of Autowatic and Remote Control of the Academy of Sciences of the U.O.S.R. Avtom- i telem. 21 no.9sl326-1331 9 46o. (mIBA 13ilo) (Automtic coatrol-Congresses) M ~~~ (Koskva) Cwcerning a certain rethod for the autcoatIc search of an extrexua funation with multiple variables [with su=U7 in English] - Avtom. I, telem. 22 no.5t618-6Z3 YV 461. kKM 14:6) (Electronic calculating machines) 45775 3/194/62/000/012/088/101 q~oo D413/D308 AUTHOR: Norkin, K. B. TITLE: A system of automatic transmitter tuning using an automatic optimizer PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no* 12, 19629 73, abstract 12-7-145 zh (In collection: Avtomat. regulirovaniye i upr., M., AN SSSR, 1962, 144-153) TEXT: A system of automatic transmitter tuning has been develope& and tested in which the output stage is tuned to resonance automa- tically from the cathode current minimum and at-the same time the coupling to the antenna is adjusted automatically~to maintain this current at a given level. For preliminary coarse tuning of the transmitter, the system contains a unit for selecting the drive stage and a unit for coarse tuning to resonance. The tirae for tuning the transmitter is 10 - 20 sec and the accuracy of maintain- --ing the cathode current minimum is O.'5%...After tuning, the system Oard 1/2 3/194/62/000/012/088/fOl A system of automatic ... D413/D308 hunts about the minimum point because of noise, with a period of 10 - 25 see. For accurate tuning to resonance, a single-channel noise rejecting automatic proportion:'.1-action optimizer is used which seeks the external value of the controlled parameter by as- quential steps. The adjustment of the antenna coupling is carried out by a very simple three-position regulator with a zone of in- sensitivity. A theoretical analysis is carried out to select the parameters for the optimizer, taking into account tl~e effect-of' noise onthe operation of its integrator. An intense 50 c/a back- round has no effect on the stability of the system. 2 references. Abstracter's note: Complete translation.2 Card 2/2 KMw,q K.B..(Wakm) Problem concerning the synthesis of a unir eeal functional converter with a given wmber of controlling par=eters. Avton6L telem. 23 no.S:2063-1089 Ag 162. (MM 15-7) (Electronic calculatirg machines) KCFXM, K.B. 01-foskva) Automatic adjustment of an universal functional generator with plecewise linear apFoximationo Avtoxa.1 telem. 23 no.10:1343- 2351 0 162. (KM 15:11) (Electronic calmdating machines) (Automatic control) K&KAROVSMs, SK.- NUFM K.B.- TITSWj It.1f. Using IVA-1 optimallars for neh Friboraii'.-asulo w.4tZ5-27 Ap 163. 1 (KM 16t4) (&=wows sktinc) ~53"fxonlc dontrtly ll:~RVIVI NITHINNOV, V.D. 1 1 .4 - I.- ~. - . I I - ~ Jtzp'i(~ p'Je-!ArA oFeratlonal ampVfler--,, with an eff'ripart I petwaidon of fl,ltkm*,%nt drift, Fril-imitropnia n -o*e.*Z2-23 Y, 164. (M-TRA 17:10) L 2503-66 ACCESSION NR: APS019.402 UR/oio3 WoWoo!/1216/1222 62-506.1 A UTHOR, Norkin, K. B. Moscow) TITLE: A.pplication of the theory of mean-square approximations to a linear-ea, ad,aptive simulator SOURCE., Avtornatika i telemekhanika, v. 26, no. 7, 1965, 1216-1222 TOPIC TAG . control simulator. adaptl ve cont-rol aimulhtor ju,'Ij Oil i A linear cbntrolled simulator (see Enclosure 1) is considered whose jABSTRAC transfer -function coefficients can be changed by-applying external signals. Variable resistors are represented by blocks a0 , a I . bog bL and are numerically equal to the coefficients of this transfer function: W (1)) bo + bw 4- b2p' + b.Dn coefficIients aj , bi are to be set in such a way, :'-t ao+dtP+azp'-+,+a,,pF' ha a specUled outptit signal y (t) to produced as a response to a specified Input t t 1 signal f (t) In order to avoid successive differentiating (inacceptable for T f T' 2593-66 !ACCESSION MR: AP5019402 f computers), 'it case is considered when y.5/0(()d1 0, 0 0, U, i n). ISucce.solve integratibn'of the functions of the above type combined with some si lifying mathematical techniques resulta in successive approximations to the MP exact uolution,, An Idea and a block diagrarn of a physical realization of the abovc :Bimulatorare.given.. "This work arose as a result of an analysis -of an experimental determination of linear-plant parameters conducted in. 1AT (TK) ijointly Nvith V. D, Spirldonov.." Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 18 formulast iASSOCIATIONI none SUBMIT TEM, l5jul64 ENCL; 01 SUB CODE. DPj It ~NO REF SOV: 001 OTHER: COO Card 2/3 MEN Ivy L 4 068-66 KV(T(l) 0 ACC NR, AP6019772 SOURCE CODE: UR/011916610001006/001310016 AUTHOR: Morkin K. B. (Candidate of technical sciences); Spiridonov, V. 0. (Englacer) Cherkashma-7-E. i-.XLM&1neeV) ORG: none .14 TITLE: Widetand molifier'with a semiconductor modulator-demodulator channel SOURCE: Priborontroyeviye, no. 6, 1966, 13-16 TOPIC TAGS: wideband transmission, dc amplifier, junction diode ABSTRACT: The authors discuss the development of an amplifier system which can be us- ed as a control element for guided models. Tho requirements of high grain, and stable wideband amplification of control signals are met through the use of semiconductor e14- meats and a modulation-demodulation technique within the amplifier. The modulator- -demodulator channel Is solid state, the de amplifier uses tubes. A block diagram of the system is shcwn In figure 1. The design of the modulator is based on the nonline- ar voltage depen(tent junction capacitance of special pn diodes (Yaricaps). Principles of operation, characteristics, and specifications are outlined. The demodulator COn- verts th* amplitude variations of the input signal into pulse-width variations of a 10OKhz rectangular ways carrier signal, using variable storage time of carriers in transistors. Tbe. averiage of the demodulator pulses is then taken. Waveforms illustrat 2/3 UDC: 621.375.121:621.375.4 L 40068r66 ACC NRz AP6019779 in -------------- Tr ---------- 1-11 Pur - 0~ 'E -------------- Fig. 1. 1--modulator; 2--transistor am- plifier; 3--demodulator; 4, 5, 6--dc am- L plifiers ing the operation of the demodulator are included. The schematic diagram of the modu- lator-demodulator channel is shown in figure 2, The averaged demodulator output is input Fig. 2. DI-D4--diodes of type D808; DS and DG--tYPe D104; D7--type 0813. Cl-C6=33,000 pf. L 40068-66 ACC NR, AP6019779 fed into a dc amplifier using electron tubes. The output voltage from the dc ampli- fier can be~m'ade to vary between -100 and +100 volts. The overall amplification fac- tor of the total amplifier system is 107 at dc and greater than 100 at 10OKhz. The modulator-damodulator channel increases the qjstem gain by a factor of more than 1000. Because of the careful design, no special temperature compensation circuits are re- quired, yet the system perforns as specified over a temperature range of 10-600C. Yu. N. Vladbdrcv, Yu. A. Hellnikov, and V. H. Nesterova took part in the development of the dovice. I table. 1141 SUB CODE: as/ SUBH DATE: none/ ORIG REF., OID/ OTH REF: 001 3/3 aVFdP(v) IFWP(k) /,FWP( h) /FVJP(l N022696 90 URCE CODE: UR/000016610001000/029110303 AUTROR: Norkin. K. B.; Chad evo Ve me ORG*. none TITLE: Self-adjusting models and their potential uses SOURCE3 Moscow. Institut avtomatiki I telemakhaniki. SamoobuchayushchLyesya avtomaticheakiye SKEemy ( If-instructing automatft systems), Moscow, Ud-vo Hauka, 1966, 291-303 TOPIC TAGS: linear automatic control, nonlinear automatic control, self organizing system ABSTRACT: This report deals with stork conducted In the Laboratory of Self-Adjusting Systems of the Institute of Automation and Remote Control (laboratoriya samonastrai- vayushchikhaya statem Instituta avtomatiki i telemekhaniki) since 1958 and gives the state of this work, evaluates it, and discusses future prospects. The author differ- entiates the commonly synonymous terms "self-adjusting" and "controllabl&' model; the latter is any model whose parameters may.change under the action of external signals regardless of method, purpose, or even existence of this action; the former Involves a 11contrallable" model with goal-directed change determined by some criterion. These concepts are defined In detail In 21 block diagrams an4 component schematics, with great attention to linear and nonlinear controllable models. All controllable models L 07-~W-67 ---- --- ------------------ may be used for problims with or without a standard, i.e.. which respectively have a device whose outpul: signal to the Ideal which the controlled model must approach, or whose criterion of quality must be found by a more complex method. The former type of problem is beat reaearched at the present tine. The practical design of controllable models Is also far advanced, both linear and nonlinear, as is also theoreticaL work. Definite success has been obtained in applying controlled models to specific problens. Combining the controllable model with an automatic optimizar gives prospects for stable, efficient, continuousg and automatic search. Orfg..arts has: 13 fori"es; and 11 figures. SUB CODE: 09/ $MIN DATE: OZKar66/ ORIG REF., 007 L/00 S/124/62/000/003/036/052 D237/D302 AUTHORS: Norkinp K.M., and Spetstsi, G. 11. . . .............................., TITLE: The order in which components of the complex gaseous mixtures burn out during combustion PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnalt Mekhanika, no. 3, 1962, 1000 abstract 3B649 (6b: 3-n Vaes. soveshchaniyt po teorii goreniya. v. l# M. 19 09 160 - 162) TEXT: xhe purpose of this investigation was to confirm, experimen- tally# that amounts of reactants influence chemical relationships. Combustion of water-gas and natural gas was studied by the method of separated double-cone flame.'It was found that increase in the air innut increases the combus-libility of hydrogen* Combustibili- ties o~ methane and CO were comparedp the order of burning-out was established and the experimental set-up was described. [Abstractor's note: Complete translation). Card 1/1 L 43883-66 EUT(d)&T(l) - --- - 6616513 ACC NR, AP SOORJ~ CCDE: UH/O 13 INVENTOR: Kreynin, S. I.. Lashevs iy, R. A.; Makalmov, 14. N.; Rabkina. N. Khavkin, V. Ye.1 Skvortsov, A. M.; Horkin, 1,. K. ORG: none TITLE: KemorY devic Clas 21 No. 184935 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, proqrshlennyye obraztsy,, tovarnyye znaki, no. 16, 1966, 55 TOPIC TAGS: computer memory, computer storage device ABSMCT: This Author Certificate introduces a word-organized memory consisting of multisperture ferrite plates, and a magnetic decoder with transformers using multiaperture ferrite plates (.9*ee Fig. 1). To increase both the speed and capacity Fig. 1. Memory device 1 - Ferrite plate; 2diode matrix; 3 - bias winding; 4excitatioa winding-, 5 - ovitput winding-, 6 - printed winding. Card 1/2 uDe: 681.142.07 L 438a3-66 -ACC NRt AP6030573 and to reduce the required power, the magnetic decoder contains a d1ode matrix of integral planar structures with a.number of p-n junctions equal to the number of addresses In the device. OrIg. art. has:. I figure, (JR1 SUB CODE: 091 SUM DATE: MW65/ ATD Pass: sols Card 2/2- ~ afflAR16.0mom DECEN"JED /9~1/ . C, 16.3 /r"r ff / 'Y/ "v MUM, gikobtr Sergeyevich in inland water traaspartation] Buftilterskii mchat no predprUatliakh rechnago tranporta. lid. , 2-o* pererabe raniagrad, lxd-vo 'Rachnoy transport,* 1957. 356 p. (NEU 11:4) (bland water transportation--AccountW) HORKINP S* Do "On Periodic Solutions of a Linear f,"Orlogeneous Differential Equation of Ue second Order with a logging Argment.1 Moscow Order of Lenin and Order of Labor ited Banner State U imeni 14. V. Lamonosov, Vologda, 1955 (Dissertation for the Degree of Bachelor of Pirlsicomathematical Sciences) SO: Knizhnaya lAtopial, No. 32, 6 Aug 55 11ORKIN.S.E. (!raoea) ---- I with a foment Containlag a given a4gl4' OCCMTtag in the work of-& navigatmv*, Kat. Y na2:a7-M Kr-Ap 155. MRA 8:6) (Geoustrr-Problems. exorcises, *to.) (Uxlgatlan) 1. t Ak AI,V~ el /%' 1, S~'C'F I MCMIPS.R. (fologdat) %4~-6 ~0144