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aj060/6Y/0Oq/00WO005/0O27 AUM014 Kondratlyer, 1C. T TIM-i Thermal radiation of the 9.6-miaron absorption band of atmospheric ozone SOMM Leningrad. Uaiversitet. Problemy* fialki atmoofery*, no. 2. 1963, 1-27 TOPIC TAGS- meteorology, ozone, troposphere, counterradiatiou, atmospheric ther- mal radiation, atmospheric water vapor, atmospheric stratification. tropapause, atmospheric vertical temperature gradient, earth radiation balance, atmospheric 'outgoing radiation, stratosphere ABSTRACT: A study of recenA experimental data has been made to detertaine the ab- sorption (transmi:xion~ function of the atmosphere in the region of the ozone band (9.0-10.3 mi, ronal, and use thedwired absorption, (transmission) function for investigatica(af the dependence of the flux of thermal radiation of ozone oix var- Lous factors change of the content and stratification of O-c and 990 in the at- Mosphere, thermal stratification, etc.)-. The investigatiolt also a;ught to est&b,- lish what fraction of the flux of thermal radiation in the spectral region 9-10.3 microag in in relation to the totaX flux of atwspharle thermal, radiation, The data are from the litorsturer rather then from origima research* Critical review card l,'ACCESSrON XM.: AT4033367" of these data indicate that absorption of radiation by water vapor in the region .9-10.13 microns atroz'Cly influences the results of determination of atmospheric counterradiation G~T(z - 0) in this region of the spectrum. The decisive fectorn for GA-k(s - 0) and PA z - 0 (where GAIand Ga'rare descending and ascending fluxes and F,&Ls effective radiation) are the water vapor content and vertical distribution of temperature in the troposphere. The influence of ozone dominates only when there are very small quantities of water rapor and a large ozone coa- teat,* At the tropopause and farther aloft the absorption of radiation by water vapor and the change of the H20 content in the troposphere onlr, slightly, iaflu- ences the results of determination of G,41. The principal factors here are the vertical distribution of-temperature and the temperature of the earth's surface. Since GAJ-averages less than 5% of the corresponding total flux of atmospheric counterradiation GJand water Taper plays the principal role in determination of G,4-k. the influence of ozone on G,~p aWd therefore on the radiation balance of the earth's aurfacet is extremely insignificant. Stratospheric ozone has a still smaller influ6ace on the total flux of outgoing radiation. It is concluded that in computations of the total flux of thermal radiation which do not reqmire high accuracy the influence of oxont, 04a be nalleatede It ap.Years doubtful that the results of surface measurements of atmospheric radiation in the region of,the -)r determination of the vertical diatributian of 9.6/j-bana of *xono can be used f Card I Id Acassrou w.: AT4o33367, Ozone, Orig. art. h": W for=las, 7 figureg and 10 tables- ASSOCIATIONt laningradskly universitAt (rAningroA University) A! oo DATE ACQ: 23Apruft EMM: 00 A Cold 3/3 ACCUSION MR: AT4013366 612960[6100010020028f0047 4- AUMOR: KoddratlyaVe X, To'; SLyllske Kh. Yu. Tr=t The thermal radiation of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere SOURCIC: Imingrad, Vnivocgitet. fcobtwri* Miki, atmoffea*# no, Ze L963, 28-47 ITOPIC TAGSt Atmospheric physieng atmospheric transmission* atmospheric carbon ~dioxide, atmospheric thez"L radiation iABSTRAGT: Recent theoretical and experLsentAl data have been used to determine the absorption (transmissions function of the atmosphere in the IZ-19 micron xegiono The derived function has been used fai investigation of the dependence of the flux of thermal radiation of carbon dioxide gas on various factors (change in the :concentration of COZ and H20 in the atmosphere, thermal stratification of the atmosphere, and others). In. determining the tranemiesion function of the atmo- sphere in the spectral region U-18, microns the functiom wilt be dependent ott both the content of carbon- dioiid~, gas and on the content of water vapor. A change Lm ~the content of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere appreciably influences countacradLation only if the piresenci of water vapor in the atmosphere is not tLken into accountt but this case, is not of pzactLc&X significance because the atmosphere 'garx oputains both carbon dioxide got and water vapor, ra other cases chanson in .:ACCUSION NR: AT4031368 icounterradiation as a result of an increase or decrease in the CQ? content ace extremely smalL. The greater the total water vapor content in the atmosphere, the ker Lathe dependence of counterradiation on a change in the quantity of CO, !In the cones 0-109K and 40-SOOK G 7.10. is almost indbpendent of the O)z contenVof 'the atmosphere. In thexafte 80-940N the water vapor content of the atmosphere is I insignificant and variations in the concentration of 002 witt have an appreciAbLe !influence On CL2-L8- However, as a result of a decrease of the C02 cone ntration ;from 0.0Z7 to 0.015% the counterradiation in this latitude zone decrease: only by 0 :#O.OQZ Cattenzan. (;12-16 constitute& on, the atetage only about 30% of the totAL !cauaterradiatLon Go of the atmosphere@ A change La the water vapor content in the atmosphere influences the value; GIZ-18 far more than a change in the content of 11COz. In the case of a temperature inversion the influence of a change in-the! 1content of OOZ and water vapor on counterraCation is somewhat Less than when there is a normAL stratification. Orig. art. has.- 5 figures., .17 formulas and IZ tables$ ~eaingradskLy gosudarstvanny*y unAveraftet (Leningrad State UnLversft.4 !ASS0G1=0Kr SU& CIA ACQt 23Apri64 ENCL: .00 1SUB CODZ:* AL -NO Ur Sovt 001 OTHERt -OL9! RONDRATIYEN, K.Ya.; NIYLISK, Kh.Yu. Scc* revults of theoretical calculations of the angula.- distribution of beat radiatloh from the earth as a planet under real conditions. Trudy GGO no.166:62-83 164. (MIRA 17:11) VAUMNM, 0 K.Kh [Vahenommq K.19 kand. itallskokhos. nauk; NII-9?Uqj__ E.V, tKiinepuug E.) Hybrid turnip "K=sllcuo" Zemledelie 26 no.5:61 NY 164. (KM 176) 1. Estonskiy nauchno-looledovateltakiy inatitut samledeliya i malioratail. MITUNIKOVA. 0.1. fi;W64-Q't-~r gonorrhea with anthomycla. Sor.mad. 20 no.7:3&39 it 056, (KLU 9:10) I* Is otdala goaorrat t mikroblolcgll L prof. ll.ILOvchinnikov) TSentrallnogo Institata (dir. - dotseat N.M.Tumnov) SSSR* (tay., prof. I.N.Forudoulaskly kochno-vemerologichaskago, Kintaterstya sdravookhrmasatya (CHLCRAKPHOLCOL. thir. use gonorrhea) (GOROMM, ther. chloramphanicol) SIZAK&TOINKHODMAYNT, R. MT"-' - - ~~l rg~ vvw,125~ Genesis of sedimentary for tions In lead ores of raltanata limestones. Izv. AN Us. SS2, Ser. geol. no.3:2?-33 157. (HIRA 11:9) (Wkanata Kountains-Lead ores) NIZAKETDINCIVA, G. A. Cand Vet Soi -- "Effect of various doses of biamycin and streptomyoln upo the fuAptional state of the cerebral cortex In healthy animals and underp"gonditi6s a&,* WAkL*mo" Kazan', 1960 (Uln j* Agr USSR. A Kazan' State Vet Inat im M. E. Baunan). (KL,, 4-61, 206) -306- KULOVA, N.A.,, prof,; KAZAKOVO I.F., starshir nauchnry sotrudn1k; -LIJUIETDINOVA, O.A*,, kand, veterino nauk Timminity potential of cattle vaccinated against brucellosis and paxatyphoid fevero Uche zap. M. 89:183-195 162. (MTIRA 18%8) 1. laboratorlya eksperimentallnoy pRtologii i Vziolugli (zav. - prof* NoA,Krylova) Kazanckogo veterinarnogo inftitutA. 4'-b AAAEfP1140 VA., M, 1 1 SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS WCLRD I / 2 PA, - 1769 AUTHOR IMOTIS.L.9 MTLJA110TjU`,(;*q ZAXCALGTLrZ-A-, NIZAIM"INOTL, 9- P0DG0RZCK3:J,M.I., JU6,diT,L. TITLE The Investigation of a-Stars Produced by Negative Pious. PERIODICAL furno*kap.1, teor.fies31#faso-5,T56-T61 (1956) 1957 These or-star* were produced by negativo pions which had come to a standstill in an eaulsicn chamber. This eaulaion chamber consists of a large number af layers without carrier and permits the exact measuring of the energy of the secondary particles I>y determination of the range of.ionization. The emulsion ahambor used in this case oonsistect of 126 emulsion layers of 4504" thickness each. The chamber was exposed in the stratosphere for a period of 7 hours. When looking through it was observed that light negative meaons got stuck, and those stars were selected which contained at least one secondary charged particle. Further- more, the true length of the traces; of all secondary particles was measure,! and, if necesiaryt followed from layer to layer. When looking throught in particular those a-stare were iavestigated from the center or which traces of slow electrons could. be followed. Such electrons are essentially connected with the mesoatomic stage of the capture of a negative pion, and they are usually created an the occasion of the capture of a negative pion by the heavy nuclei of the photo- emulsion (Ag and Br). The traces of the very slow electrons t&ke the form of thickenings,p arid, the I-stars corresponding to them were brought into connection with the spallation of Ag- and Br-auolei. 33116 S/638 ,/61/001/000/043/056 Wit 17/ BIOB/B138 14L. 2.700( kUTHORS: Nizaastdinovap M. k., Lobanov, Ye. M. TITLE: Effect of radioactive radiations on the magnetic properties of ferrites SOURCE: Tashkentekaya konferentmiya po mirnomy ispoltzovaniyu atomnoy energii. Tashkent, 1959. Trudy. 1. 1. Tashkent, 1961t 267-270 TEXT: The variations in the properties of ferrites under neutrons, protons, and gamma irradiation have been studied. Variations in magnetic and electrical properties attributable to variations in the crystal lattice depend on the nature and dose of the radiation as well as on the composi- tion of the ferrite. For this reason, several types of ferrites of various shapes were investigated. Irradiation was carried out at the reactor of the Institut atomnoy energii AN $$$a (Institute of Atomic Energy AS USSR) (thermal neutrons), at the synchrocyclotron of the Ob"yedinennyy institut yaderaykh issledoyaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) (660-Key protons), and at the Fisiko-tekhatcheakiy iastitut AN U&SSR (Physico- Card 1/2 3331A s/636/61/001/000/043/056 .Effect of radioactive radiations B108/B138 technical Institute AS UzSSR) (gamis, rays, 350j000 r/hr). measurement showed that total losses increase more rapidly with increasing field strength after, than before irradiation. The hysteresis loop became more rectangular when the ferrite was irradiated. Coercive force generally remained unchanged. Variations in the properties of ferrites under irradiation are either attributed to displacement of the ions in the lattice, or to variation in spin exchange iateraction,in the valency of the ions of the interstitial metals, in ion spin orientation, and in domain movement. There are I figure, 3 tables, and 5 references: 2 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. ASSOCIATION: lastitut yadernoy fiziki AN UzSSR (Institute of Nuclear Physics AS Uzbekekaya SSR) Card 2/2 35603 S11661621000100110051009 B125/B104 411 AUTRORSs, gizameldinoya. U. A.# Lobanov, To. It. TITLE: The influence of nuclear radiation3 an ferrites PERIODICALt Akademija nauk Uzbekskoy SSR. 'Izvestiya. Seriya fiziko- matematichoskikh nauk, no. 1, 1962, 44 48 TE.XTg The influence of protons and gamma rays on the magnetic permeablliV Jm,, and the dielectric constant(S- 61 C2 has been determined for a cobalt-barium ay3tem which filled out the cross section of a coaxial line. The measurements were made with the input impedance Z , at4short- Ni s" -oiviuit and Z at idle run at 5009 500 and 600 One of the first idle, investiga'~Ions of this type was made by N. V. Vollkenahteyn and A. 1. Orlov (Izv. AN SSUR, ser. fizicheakaya, vol. 18, 1954, no. 4, 494). Tho influ- ence of rays on the magnetic properties of ferrites has boon found by N. U. Omellyanovskaya(Atamnaya energiyat v. 7, no. 1, 1959). The followirg expressions are found /4 X-1Z and 6 r,9/7. with Zkf - Z.1t)rl and C Card 1/2. Rut M,AYEVj~ R.T.1 NIZAMEMINCV1 -K.A, Hathimatical modeling or the chtmical process of adsorptiaL using an electranic computer* Vop. vyah, wAt. I tskh. no.3:119423 It4, (,MM is 19) L-42092-& srP(,,)1TAwPM1ET1 TJE'(c) JD ACC NRs AP601928S SOURCE CODE: GE/0030/66/015/002/KI09/KI13 AlMHOR: Akhuakov, G. A.; Gasanova, H. A.; Hl=etdinova, H. A. 47; W-1,: Institute of Plqsics of the Acadeny of Sciences of the Azerbaydzhan SSR, Mkt;E TITLE: Optical absorption, reflection, and dispersion of GaS and GaSe layer crystals Ili- -1V1 -10 SOURCE: Physica status solidi, v. 15, no. 2, 1966, K109-K.113 TOPIC TAGS: gallium optic material, crystal optic property, Brillouin zone, excitan absorption ABSTRACT: Optical reflection absorption and dispersion in GaS and GaSe wvre measured with a quality prism spectrometer at near normal incidence. The re- spective spectra are shown in figures 1, 2 and 3. The sharp decrease in absorption at 618 mu is attributed to exciton absorption. The increase in reflection with wavelength at 484 mu for GaS and 618 mv for GaSe was caused trl multiple reflections within the crystals. The possibility of a relationship between the reflection peaks and Certain transitions in the Drillouin zone is discussed. The authors thank Prof. G. B. Abdul- layev and Dr. F. M. Gashinizade for their help. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, I formula. (141 ACC N14 AP6019285 44 wavelength (ou)-t- Fig. 1. Aburption spectra of GaS and GaSe at 3009K* 2/3 LO It LT ZAt LT /Jr Z or VWj ire re IM 410 W S&V SAO Wof W wavelength (mv)-l' Fig. 2. Reflection spectra of GAS and GaSe at 3004K. R-reflection of the sample; r-surface reflectiou. m-Ammmu, ra.r. Rhigoophere w1croflorm of corn In trptcal Irrigatad Starozen oils* Uzbobiol.zhur, no-2:5-13 '59, (MIJU. 22:7) : . Institut botanik-I AN V%SSR. (RhIzosphare microbioloa) (Corn Naize)) FrUKMMTA. TiL F " -- ,-- Some abaxacteristics of bacterial Interrelationships In the earn rh1tagphore. 'Vzb.blol.zh=,. uo,,5:32-40 159. (Km 13:4) 1. rnatitut botanikl AN VsSSR. (RHIZOSPMEX Klcmrorm) (CM (MAI7.1)) NIZAHETDINOVA, Ya,F. Some properties of of cotton guwosig. no.":63-72 164. Pse-ado.TonaB rrjAlva,;ea--wm, a &guLt Nwich. trudy TasYGU r,~:.241. IficA. Viva'; (MI-F-A -L8.7") NKUMVp P.; SAYKCHNIKOV, 1. (Sezenov, Gorlkovskoy obl.); (Kazan!); VOSHKUUT, 1. ' Frcn the mallbax. Kest.prom. i khud.pranys. 4 no.406 lp 163. (MM 16 t 10) 1, Predsedatell abshchostvennogo soveta bytovogo kmbinata, Shakhunlya Gortkovskoy oblasti. NIZANMODZUM -A. I ~, I , ~. -;- ~!.p "., ~ Solution of the fadawntel prollemo in field thenry f or a aphere. Sbor. nauchw-issle rab. TTI ao.150-U-124 162. Solution of tho f=damntal problew In the field theory far a apherical layer. 125-00 Ogn 16;9) 22(l) GOV/47-59-3-26/53 AUTHOR: Ilizamov I.M. TITLE-. Feeding a Cathode Tube From an Electrophorus PERIODICAL: Fizika v shkole, 1959 Nr 3, p ?5 (USSR) ABESTRACT: The author recommends the use of an electrophbrus in case it should be impossible to use a high-vol- tage inductor for the~feeding of cathode ray afid gas-t discharge tubes. One of the tube electrodes io to be directly connected with the conductor of the machine,4 and the other through a 2-3 mm spark Cap, It is not sviitgble to connect eleQtrodeless tubes in this way, as the spark can break the glass, particularly at the sealed end. ASSOCIATION: Vanyshevskaya sredn aya shkola, Buravevskogo rayona, (vy Bashkirskoy ASSR anyshevskeye Secoudary School., Bumyev- skiy Rmym, Bashkir ASSR) Card 1/1 NIZWTr,Kwl,.- maxter-poyar Gontinuoun dellyerr of vegetables, ObshchostT,pit. no.2c48 157. (KIIIIA 1l-.4) (Tashkent-Tege tables) fil"T, BA. the KD-54 narrow-gauge motorcar. Biviasich.-alcon,,inform. no.2:66-68 16o. (MM 13:6) (Railroad motorcars) NIZAHOV,, inzh.; IEUN-MUTSKIY,, P.Z. . inzh, Namov ga-uge MD54f-4 dimsel locomotive. Elek.L tepl. tiaga 5 no.12:32 D 161. (HIPA 15:1) (Diesel loc=otives) BAGIROV,, S.H.; NIZAMV, T.I.; EFENDIZADEp A.A. Bit load. Izv. vys. zav.; neft' i gaz 7 no.6:21-25 164. (HIRA 17s9) 1. Azerbaydzhanskiy inatitut nefti i khimii imeni H. Azizbekova, i Energeticheskiy institut imeni I.G. Yesimana. ARATOT9 X.S.; KAPLANO NIX, Iniho; W=AKGVAI- K.K., inzh.f GUMA, K.I.t Lash. Tarious.inforfttion. Mael.-shir. prom. 29 no.309-40 Jfr 163. (MM 160 (Oil industries) RAKHIKV, A.; BRONOMMY, V.Ye.; NIZANJUDINOV, Kh. Preparation of grephite plastics from graphite ores in Central Asia. khtz. zhur, 8 nz).602-78 164. (MIRA ISW 1. Nauchno-lsaledovatelfskiy institut khimil i tekhnolagli khlopkovoy, tsell.yulozy Gosudarst-vennogo komi-keta khimizheskoy promyshlonnosti pri Gosplane SSSR. VOLODIM. K.U.. lnzh.; NIZAMMINOT R.G., lnzh.; PUCHIDYSKIT. T.T., kand. takka. nauk. Bench testing of wet transformer@ of lov capacitro llsk,stae Z9 noo6t?7-79 Je 158. (9M lltq) (Slactric transformers-Testiag) HYAKININ, Ye.G., kand.tekhn.ntuk,, NEZ&MI)INOI~, R.G., Irah.; SHATROV, M.A., inzh. Temperature condition of a Compounding process, E:electrot-Ahniket 35 no*l2t50-51 D 164o (MIRA 18:4) NIZARMISK&O 3. POWID "Publications Issued by the (F-Afeth) Ketallurgical. Institute and its Staff Between 1945 and 1954p" bY S- IUMKQ(SKA; Prace Instyt w Hinisterstwa Ifutnictya Gliwice,, Nos. 2-4. 19559 NIZANKOWM, Czegbw Nstho4 of praiwration of transparent anatonical preparation with special. reference to a new methoC Postqw h1g,me4edcav. 9 ao,2: 155. 1. Zaklad Anatomit Oplimaj A14 WrocIm. ul. Chalubinsklego 6a. (AMMMY. Transparent anat.madal. techatc.) NIMSKr, J. GEOGWR & GEOLCGY Periodicals-. KRASr SIMENISKA Vol. 36, no. 2v Feb. 1959 NIZRANSKY, J. Charm of the Beskydy Mountains in the wintertime. P-42. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) W, Vol. 8, No. 5, may 1959, Unclass. NMI V, Autmatia amtrol is the bass for techwlogicitl dwmlopcwnt, NO 3 no, 1:44,46 A 1161a (KERA 14t2) 1. GlaTm spetsialist Goaudaratvonwgo kcsite'ta Scmota Kj=strar SM yo avtomatizatail I muhinastrorniYu. (Autmation) KIZK_,_Yladimtr Jlvalldoag4 KUMAROVSKIT. L.B.. Imadtdat takhnEcheektkh awWF,--n&Rx-chw -rodaktar; SKMKOTA,A.P., redaktor tzdatelfstva; KIDTMT, D.Ta., tokhaLcheskiy rodaktor [Automttvaktoa and dispatching in water supply systems] kvtosati- cataita i dispatcharLwatatia statem vodoanabahenita. Koakra, Us. Izd-vo lit-ry po strotto t arkhttelcture, 1956. 241 p. (KUM 9:11) (Vater supply sagiaeartag) MIZE: V.K. Instruments used- in scientific research. Friborostraecie r&3.9: ' IZ-14 S 161. (MDU 14:9) (Research) (Instruments) 4f 33448 S/119/62/000/001/001/011 D201/D302 AUTHORSt Grishino A,I,q Kavalerov# G#I , Nize V.E.1 Orshanskiy D.L.9 Pavlenkop V.A.9 Bot8kov: B.T.1-, ~a~WYurkevich, A*P, TITLE: Recent trends in the development of instrumentation SOURCE: Priborostroyeniye, no. lp 1962# 1 - 5 TEXT: A survey of recent trends in the development of instrumenta- tion within the Soviet-bloc is given. The main objective is the standardization of instruments with the aim of simplifying the auto esses. A group of new temperature gauges mation of industrial prot is based on the dependence of gas viscosity on temperature. Another class of gauges is based on the temperature change of a plate re- siatance, in conjunction W4th a compfrisating plate and an electro- magnetic circuit. Efforts are made to utilize the Austin effect. For high temperature operation (above 200000)t graphite p-n junc- tion thermocouples have been developed* New flow gauges have been produced for the petroleum industry. Several interchangeable high- Card 1/4 33448 5/119/62/000/001/001/011 Recent trends in the development ... D201/D302 accuracy feed-b4~& devices have been developed for measuring vari- ous parameters s*oh as pressure and vacuum gauges, strain gf&ges, thermometers and density meters, Nucleak resonance methods are be- ing developed for contactless flow measurement. Ultrasonic and ra- dio-interference methods are used for level measurements and recor- dings. All new types of instruments are incorporated in new automa- tic control systems# developed around them. In 1961p 400 types of electrical measuring instruments were in production, varying from laboratory standirds to high power distributing panel instruments. High sensitivity miniature meters are under development (1 - 2 cm3 volumet 5 - 10 microcamps range). The accuracy of portable instru- ments is being improved and their di~nsions are reduced. Digital instrumentsq both of continuous-6~ction and sampled data types con- tinue to find more and more applications. As far as analytical in- st-ruments are c6neernedp the main trend is to increase the number of methods of analysis applicable in practice# to increase the dis- driminating propertiest sensitivity and speed of operation, to stan.- dardize the electrical output, to develop analytical instruments suitable for automatic control processes, to develop automatic and Card 2/4 33448 S111916210001001'10011011 Recent trends in the development ... D201/D302 semi-automatic instruments. Thoseof interest are stated to be the newly developed series of standardized galvanic gas analyzers based on the micro-concentration of oxygen. Another method has been used in developing a spectrophotometric gas analyzerv with a sensitivity 10 times greater than that of the basic instrumentl the instruments have ranges from 0 - 1*0 % volume of nitrogen in argon and 0 - 0.5% volume of nitrogen in helium. The range of gas analyzers based on infra-red absorption has been increased by several new instruments. Mention is made of a new instrument calibrated in 0 - 0.05 % C02P with output adapted to an automatic control Bystem. New types of mass-spectrdmeters have been developed""with mass number ranges I to 600 ME# revolution 300 and sensitivity (argon) 0.002 %. All spectrometers are being revised to form a single range of six in- struments* A radiospectrometer has been developed for the electron paramttgnetic particles: Its production has started. Electrometric methods of liquid analysis and control are under development. Of in- terest is stated to be an industrial instrument for measuring and controlling H01 concentration in wood pulp with a varying solid to liquid phase. Other types of concentration meters were also develo- Card 3/4 1 3340 S/119/62/000/00-1/001/011 Recent trends in the development ... D201/D302 pedq both for inorganic and organic analysis: Some are based on spectrometry. As far as the computer technique is concerned# three main trends are consideredt The use of universal electronic compu- ters for scientific and engineering calculations; the use of compu_'~ ters in economics and for processing large amountk%of information; Application of control computers for the control and automatic con- trol of industrial processes. In new computers the existing mercury and CRT delay lines are replaced by magzretic core memories and tu- bes by transistors, Modular technique is-widely used together with micro-miniaturization. A new storage element has been developed ba- d'ed on the effect of stable internal polarization. Another interes.- ting new component is the magnetic triode, consisting of a p-n junc- tion# formed by alloying the intrinsic material with lead and tellu- rium~ Card 4/4 NIZE, SaodzWerz The universal automatic. Przogi tachn 84 no.40: 113 6 o-163. 1. Panstwowy Komitet to spraw Automatyzacjf f Oldowy tfaszyn przy Radio Mittistrow ZSRR, Kbakwa. Order of Ufa of cht1drem in swatorta wd pr*ventorta. Gruslica 22 no.11:825-827 Nov 54. Samatortun prssaiwgruslicas d1& dsteat v Jawortu (ONTRATIONAL TMMAPT, in vartans diseases tuberce In children, 21fe order in sanatoria) (TUMGUUMIS* in Infant atd child thoro, oacV. as part of life order tu sanatoria) SIMMODGEW, Karl& . ..... .-I ~~ Irfectof INK on tuberadin (truzlica 31 no*6t670-672 1. Sanatoriun v Jaworzu. allergy, In BOTo-vaccinated chUdren. ZaT63- fflzj%ORODGW-,-A!rl&,t KRZYSZWnU, AUM; DUAS, Atlian Iffeat of BW on spedific Uslow La orgsze during ftbermdosis in guinea pigs Leocted with strain 9,37Rr. Grusllas 25 no. 12:M-994 D60,57. t 2. Z Sanatorium Prxaol:w&ruxllcxsgo d2a Jklool v Jkworm Wrektor: dr and, K, lizagoradaew. Adres: Urssava,, u1. Placla 26, (BOG TACGIWWN, eximr. off. on develop. of gastrointestiml tuber*, in gminoa pigs, cowparison of various wars of &dala. (Pol)) KEMTSZXMEAt Aana; MEGORMCEW, Maria Changes In cutaneous tuberculin x9=1tivity in children rollowing oanatorial therapy. Grmllcm 31 n0-1:33-40 163- 1, Z DzIalu Hatodymno-Organizacyjnego Instytutu Gmllcy Kiercninik: doe. dr, 0. Buraesevski Dynktor Instytutut prof, dr W. Jaroazavies i % Sanatorim Frzectwgruslicaego d1a Dzieci v Jkworzu Dyrektar: dr mad. K. ffisegarodcow. TMERCMSIS IN CIULDROOD) MMUM RVACTION) (ANTITUBMCULAR AGENTS) , N12GORCDCOW. ip 4 The LWortmt yot neg2acted impo&Awe of co2ors In production. Phwgl techn wo5ls3#5 210 f6Os I NIZEL I PV,! -L Y!t------ a-trg "iltri ~t-od- gap W,--i~n 0~'-r ~ rf'.1f" I - (.~Aj,j 11?:9) r,ircuit for installin an 'rte 164. r, pulse generator. Za7- !ab. 30 na.11510 r,,Pta IO'l- 1. Urallskiy in5tItIlt WKOTI Tr.j BUMrSTROV,, Alkylation of areuvamo.;I-N-alIqlamides by trecondary and tsrtlar,r alkinols. Zhur. ob. khIm. 33 no.59152M-1522 Yj 163. WRA 16t6) 2. Ampropetrovskiy- khimiko-takhaologichankLy institut. (Sulfonle acids) (Alk7lation) (Alcohols) L L6j09-M EWT(M)IUF(u)-21EWP(J)ITIEWA(h)IEWk(l) V'/OG/GSAM ACC' NR: AT6006239 (A) SOURCE COM": UR/0000/651000/000/002110026 ,AUTHCR.- Nizellsku,'Yu. N. &S Institute of Chemistry of High Molecular Compounds, 6H UkrSSR (Institut khimii Vyso)c65;71'eVulyarmykh soyedineniy AN UkrSSR) V iT!TtX* Study ~f structural changes in c2Erone fiber by means of sorptij SOURCE: AN Ukr6SR. Modifikatsiya svoystv polimerov i polimernykh materialov (Hodi-. fication of the properties of polymers and polymeric materials). Kiev, Haukova ~dumka, 1965, 21-26 TOPIC TAGS: synthetic fiber, sorption, gamma radiation, radiation effect, polyvinyl alcohol, caprone ABSTRACT., Sorption vneasurements1were used to study stru tu 1 h ges induced in p ra c an ~caprone fiber bygamma radiationtand subsequent graftinflof polyvinyl alcohol. Iso---, -a measured on both the original- therms of sorption and desorpilon of water vapor wer fiber and fiber modified with pDlyvinyl alcohol. The coefficienta of diffusion of ,water vapor into the volume of the fiber were calculated. Experimental data ohowed~ Z_ Ca-rd 112 L W39-66 ~ACC NR: AT6006239 :that the hygroscopicity of caprone fib r changes &3 a result of both the irradiation band the grafting of RqlvvinYl alcohol! "I The increaned sorption of water vapur on fi-~ bers-irradiated with doses up to 5 Mrad is due to the degradationlof polymer chains.' ,,At higher doses, the observed decrease of sorption is due to the ~6rmation of cross- 4inked strictures, which decrease the affinity of the polymer for water vapor and 'thus cause an increase in the diffusion coefficient. Orig. art. has: 6 figures. ;SUB CODE:' (37/ SUBM DATE: 060ct65/ ORIG REr.- ooq/ OTH urt ool Card 2/2 I N- ACCESSION im: Apwiook 5/0021/64/000/002/W$2/0084 AUTHOR: Gtxty*rya, V. So (Academician); Khchan. 0. 0.; K*1banovstk;f*y& rue A*; wFolak. L. So; Nizol9s1ky*y, Yu. Me; Frolova, V. So TIZE& Radiolysis of cyclohexane adsorbed by synthatia zooUtes S00CE-t AN UkrHSH. Dopovidi, no. 1, 1964. 82-84 T0?jC TWS: radiation chemistry, radiolysis cation-exchanger, =Ieaular sieve, zeolita, synthetic zoolite, type X molecular siave ABSTRACT: Tha present work was done to determine the innuence of the chemical cokposition of the adsorbents on the composition of the radiolytie product-s of cyclohexane. Synthetic zeolites (co=ercial CoX, 14~, Na= and Wil) were used to adsorb cyclohexane, which was irradiated with CoOu gazza-radiation. The radidlytic products ware analyzed by gas chr=atography. Me results indicata that the presence of two cations in the zeolite, ona of them. of variable valence, is important for the formation of an adsorbent actively affecting radi4yals. Orig. art. has 2 figures and I table. Card 1/2 ADCESSION Nat AP401006L ASSOCIA71011f: Insty*tat khimlyl p624mriv i morx=ariv AN UkrRSR (Institute of the Ch=istry of Folynars and Man=era, All UkrRSR); Insty*tat naftokbimichnago sy*ntezu All SFM (Institute of Petrochanical Synthesis, AN, SFM fU-krainian oquiva- lent of sss.47) SU4UTMD.- 2OJun63 DLTZ ACQ: Web% ENCL: 00 SUB COM; ca. 1"M 110 REF SOVt 001 OUMS 003 Card 2/2. RIZETIO, Branko. Dr. Vlodorn **pacts of aviation aphthalzolog7o TOJ- San. Pr66l- Raw. 13 no-11-12:573-580 fav-Dea 56o 1. Ocuo odjoljanje Opes bolnice u Splitu. (MIGINS, AVIATION, ophthalmol. aspects (Ser)) (OPHTMMDWGT, aviation ophthalmol. (Ser)) UTZGURF,TSKIY, Z.D., lnzh. ff.,ilng clamentn of tbr3 vun~:-,m fiinction th-3,--.--7 for the accuracy cr thq ce ieful mine-ral cow'!rta and th1::kn3s!; of ve--,wiits during gerimstrization. (Trudyl VIII14I nc#50%292-)'11 163, Stntil.itical regult;:40.eq of the di.-itributton of usellil mineral contents in cartain ilrnl dcrofsitc. Ibid.,.31:2-322 (MIRA 17Z1-0) "',',T~FIY, -11-,-M~. GARie,% S., jrzh; N17GUB 2 ~ ~, !-~, f " n -_. - -, v- --- a" r rff Quantjt%tiVe 01 `~"' t)lr-' "C""' -, - -.0 * t , - in coal dopolit,. fl,mi6y)'1141C :.-3 ., t ~s R. 141ZGURF.TSKIY, Z.D., Inth. DistriboatIon cu .rves of metal in ore bcdie3. (Trudy VNIMI no.47t272-277 t62 WRA 170) of let$ 66' .4 3.0 eo'r 06 effed of &5.0 -e 0 .4, ~VOP L060TV 0 eso ovi 0 6 .46V4 0 V&Ox I 965 ,Oelue jig% G 69 .4ere c to t of 5"i 0 e& vLtv, , c 0 OtVi 6 e5,, e IT p Te -11, 0.0 ,At's ASS res toe eg's Ov P-e e le.5 t ljO tile IL e 4, ea, %le , o0c *tVe 1CO& 'BOI& , e t rts (~)j 'Ace 10 10' Soo .0e Or S!Oe t 0 0. OT trjol a, to 1) vpaz~ "VLtet .,,se je 6s tvxe c ter OT Lie V66 -At 017~1' IXO-, I,... 'At eirs; T %jv , 00,6~ tcO oTV' ecce tc~ tes 60 " eT e stri 4 J~O OP to -to IN .Ve 06 ol V's e I t fl~ te 4 IIY-- Wait L 9293-66 ACC NRs Ar5o26405 Fig. 1. Over-all view of the in- staUstion. 1 - Eccentric cam,, 2 - bellaws, 3 - capj 4,- mounting stand, 5 be3Aum Dewarp 6 - container for IAquid nitrogen., 7 - lead screen, 8 - thermootato 9 - Nal(Tl) crys- .tal, 10 . FEU-13 yhotomultiplier) 11 connutatorp 3.2 ft otem,, 13 stuffing box, 14 - radiation source, 15 - absorber, 16 - high-voltage ACC NRI -AP5026405 procedure are described briefly. Typical resonance absorption curves and the temper- ature dependence of the amplitude ol the maximum absorption are presented. The ex- perimental data were reduced by a procedure described earlier (G. A. Bykcrv and Pham Zuy Men) ZhETF v. 43., 909., 1962). By using large statistics, a stronger source, b*tter instrumental geometry, and single-crystal samples, the authors were able to establish the presence of anisotropy of the Mossbauer effect at 4.2K. The magnitude of the anisotropy was found to be (1.08 � 0.02)p and to go through an inveraion in the region T a (40 1 5)K. The temperature dependence of the Mossbauer-effect aniso- tropy can probably be attributed to an overlap of the optical and acoustical branches of the pbonon spectrum of tin. OrIg. art. has'. 3 figures and 1 table. MM CME: 20/ MM DATE: 2ojui65/ ORM RW: 0031. 0TH REF: 002 Cc" 11T."IfAlrarly, P. IT. Engineer, Krasnvy Proletariy Flant,, *Ylodern Vathods of Paintine k~tchlne Tools. *Stanki i Instrument$ 10, No 1, 1939. Report U-1505, 4 Oct 1.951. ;tr(:;, , , - r.. - "; KABLOT, D.F,,- sAgoy, Nizwsxir, P.G.; ixx,rAxm. rx, professor. rotseasent; LURIU, G ' --ftdMacto . ETechnologr of antostobile and tractor constrmetion] Tickhnoloeta aytotraktorostroonlia. Koskys. %im. nsmdmo-takhm. izd-vo vaghLao- stroit. i sudastroit. ILt-rr. 1953. 628 p. (MM 7:6) (Amtomobilts-Xisaigm. and constraction) (Tractore-Dissigs. and construction) . NIZIAP~Nsroy, 0 (-, 12(2) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2513 Maslovs DmItrIy Petrovicho Vladimir Viktorovich Sasov, and Pavel GrIgorlyevich Nizhanskly Tekhnologlya avtomotostroyenlya (Technology of Building Automobile Motors) 2nd ad, Moscow, Mashg;Iz# 1958. 694 p. 15,000 copies printed, Reviewer: A.A. Anders,, Engineer; Ed.: B.V. SmIrnov,, Engineer; Ed. of Publishing Housez L,1. Yegorkina; Tech. Ed.: A.Ya. Tikhanov; Managing Ed. for Literature on Autmotivep Transport,, and Agricul- tural Machine Building: 1,,M. Baumanj, Engineer. PURPOSE: This book is approved by the Department of Secondary Schools of the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR as a textbook for students of machine-buildIng tekhnikums. COVERAGE: The book describes fundamental machining operations,, methods of machining characteristic parts of automobiles and motorcycles$, and also problems connected with planning machine shops In automo- bile plants. The book describes machine tool attachments and gives basic Information on attachment design and adaptation to automobile Card 1/ 20 Technology of Building Automobile (Cant.) SOV/1513 and motorcycle production, In the compilation of machining data, highly productive and progressive technological processes., charac- teristio at serial mass-production of parts, were taken Into con- sideration. An a basis of the text, the authors used their tekhno- loglya avtotraktorostroyenlye (Technology of Automobile Tractor Construction) published In 1953. Special attention to given to the development of mechanization and automation or production processes and to new achievements In the field of technological proceases In the USSR and abroad. Docent L.P. Maslov, Candidate of Technical Sciences was responsible for Parts 1,11, and III; Docent V.V. Sasovp Candidate of Technical Sciences for Fart IV (with the exception of Chapter XXIX); Docent P.G. Nizhanskly was responsible for Part V and Chapter XXIX. The bibliography consists of 19 references, all Soviet. TABLE 0? CONTENTS: PART I. F M AMENTALS, OF PLAN MIN G THE TECHNOLOGY OF MACHI M G PROCESSES Ch. 1. Production and Technological Processes Card 2/ 20 RITMARL 011ASHTILl. Shalva reftmovich; AXITIN, . , L i0m 111tche apetaredaktor; PXNISOTA, I.S., redektor; KIRSAMOVA, N.A., tfkbztLch*akLy redaktor [Dust control in dry boreholsel Bor'ba a POW pri sukhom bureali *hpurov. ~Kaslrvel lad-To YNOS Frofiadst. 1956. 45 p. (KM 100) (Boring) (Klan dusts) 'Starshir nauchnZy xotruWk, kandidat teichnichoskikh nauk, reaml In boring bl&at holes, Iota, truA no.4:123-124 Ap 157. 4 4 (MML MO le"Tbiua-skly Institut akhrarq tru& Vs4ooyuxn4go tsentrallnego movets. professional lvqkh soyuxav. (Dust calleators) RIZHARADZZO Me, starahly nauchW sotrudnik: TBIOT-54. Okhr. truda i nets. strakh. n0-1:78 JI 658. (MIRL 11:12) I.Tbilleakly nauchna-IssledoTatel'skly Inatitut okhrazW truda Tassoymnogo teentrallnogo saTets profsoyurov. (Dust collectors) NlZffAga & andr ITeno-vic# CHMASHVILI* Shalva TefluoTich; _Algkg DWSWA# I~S**7i;d.4V; . --jam$ B.I., t4khaered, [Over-all dust control in underground mines] Komplakonos obaspylivenle podsexalkh YMbotok, Koakva, lxd-va VTzWS ProfLsdstg 1960* 107 pe (MA 14:1) (KIne ventilation) (Dust collootors) MIZHAROZE, A.I.; CHILASMLI, Sh.Ye.; DZRMASHVILI, G.G. Dry dust removal during pipe fintahing. Ketallarg 7 no.9t 32-33 5 162, (WRA 15:9) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy institut, akhrany truda, g.Thilisi. (Pipe mills-Hygienic aspects) NrZHARAD22, G. I.: Meter med Sci (dies) -- "Mterial on the clinical asDocts ------ and the pathoarchitectonics of the centiul nervous system in young children in toxic forms of bacterial d.,yeentery". Tbilisi, 1958. 14 pp (,nmai state w'A Inst)p 200 copies (KL, 110 4, 1959, 131) BOKERIYA, H.S.; NANEYSHVILI, B.R,; Y~RHW~D~ Some problems in the pathomorphology of the central nervous system In young children with different forms of pneumonia. Soob. All Gruz. SSR 26 no-5:619-621 My 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1e Thiliaskiy gosudarstvennyy Institut usovershenstvovaniya vrachey. Predstavleno akademikom A.D.Zurabashvili. (CHILDREN-*,:DISEASES) (PNEUMONIA) (HERVOUS.SYSTEK--DISEASES) VISHNEVETl,--.,,l.YA, NIZWRAD'Et G.l. ClInIcal invorpholegivil ;hmirets In I;lrvv in cepela of the nowborn. Lcob. All Gruz. SSR 30 no.3073-378 fir 163. (141RA 17 16) 1. Tbilisskly gostaiaratvannyy :6.iWtut;verjhanstvovaniya vrachoy. Predstavleno akademikom A.D. Zurabashvili. NIMARADZE, G.I. Pathogenesis qnd morphology of pneumonia in children during the first days of life. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 35 no.3:681-687 S 164. (I-1IRA 17: 11) 1. Institut, usavershenstvovaniya vrachey, Thilial. Predstavleno akademikom A.D. Zurabashvili. Gslo C,r,--6wniL&l prieumontas in r;ewb.:;r-. '-nfaeLs, 2oibb. ~.N rorliz. !.-j? /.!' "Jolilb'7-194 0 165s (M.MA lg:-j2) 1, TbIllsOly goikudermtvennyy inatitut %jacvlmrsYenfitvcvariya vrachays '.Iuh,,JttAd Apr!l q# 1965o L 02427-47 /T Vdqr a _ja.FP(t)/ZT1 IJP(c) JDJJG ACC NRs AP6031728 SOURCE CODE: LM/0136/66/oo)/009/0072/0074 AUTHOR:--Kojch1n. 0. P.; F 1 p nko, V. V.; Nizharadze, K.'S., Abramovich, E. B. 8umarokova, N. V.; KaFtahchikoy, V. A. ORG: none TITLE: Synthesis of niobium carbide with a low nitrogen content ~7 SOURCE: Tavetnyye metany no. 9, 1966, 72-74 TOPIC TAGS: niobium carbide, high purity carbide, niobium. earbide synthesis 00"700UA~0) onledlloe- I OV/ Y410 LC f, 4.0, 0*-(/Ce 'V. 0,416m,coz- stpwmests ABSTRACT: An investigation has be made of the various factors which contribute to the contamination with nitroge Lid 25aenfliof niobiun carbide produced by a continuous process In the Tanmxan furnace. The investigation results showed that the only significant source of contamination was the inflow of air into the reaction chamber when the furnace was opened every 30 min for charging and removing the final product. Modification of the charge chamber decreased the cross 3ection of the charging shute from 1GOO to 160 cm2, cut in three the number of openings required to charge the chamber, and sharply reduced the amount of the air flowing in through a narrowed charge shute. A hydraulic lock was also installed for combustion gases, uhich'made it possible to increase the pressure of gases in the furnacd,-,to 100-200 Hg and thus practically eliminate the Inflow of air into the furnace. L 02427-67 kdc NR- AP6031728 The resulting inorovement of the process substantially improved the quality of niobium carbidL- produced. The niobium carbide produced in the modernized furnace contained- 89.32-89.63% Nb(+Ta), 0.03-0.14% Fe, 10.0-10.4% C, and zn3,v 0.028-0.059% N and 0.14-0-52% 0, instead of the previous 0.3% It and 2-3% 0- Tantalum carbide with a low content of nitrogen and oxygen was also produced in the modernized furnace, and itis believed that pure'earbi-.3 of other refractory metals can be produced in It. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. Sul 4:07, 1 SUBM DATE:' none/ ORIG REF: 005/* OTH REF: 001 Card .. IIZWARAM, Radis lastaTich; MIMI', ladazhda Nakarevna- fw"l- i -.11-. ~ I .. ~ ~, 1 -.~~ k , Adsher A. . R, (Adsharoksla A-Sa- Natwd,, aes.izd-val 1957 263 P, [In Ckoraisul - (MIRA 12;2) I (Adshar A.S.S.R.-Icanoala conditions) NIMUM, Hadim. Izetovich kand. keogr. nauk, dots; GORIMU., S.,, red.; DZHUUTI, V. . red.; GOP-;'OIIDZF,, V., teklMo redo [Soviet Adsharia; economic and geographical features) &wGtffkAi& Aftharlia; ekonomika-geograficheskaia kharaktaristiker, Batumi# Gas. :Lxd-,wo,, 1961. 259 P- (KIRA 24:10) (Aftharistan-Economic geograpb*) JUMARADZE, N.V. Ertso mercury ore manifestation. Trudy GIII [Gruz.) no.2s 105-114 163. (MBA 17:9) NIZHARADMO S.R. ~ -.1 ~, ~:: ~ - ! -j,' Projective scale an a conic section and its propertAls. Vch. zap. HOPI 123095-406 063. (MIRA 17:4) NIZHARADZEF S.R. (Batumi); SOLHTSEVA, T.V. (Moskva) Construction of nomograms on universal curves of the third order. Nom. abor. no.2:145-152 164. (MIRA 18:3) KIZRWLI Mir,. N.Y. First oonference of the effiatency pronotera sad innovator& of the Stalina Adminiatration..of Gas Ka-ins. Gas.prom. 5 no.U:51-52 Ir f6o. (KIRL (Gas, latural-Pipelineg) NIZHEGOLTSKIY, N.Y. Device for packing linear cocks with greases Crezprozo 6 no*Z: 36-39 161, (HIRL 14:4) (Gas,, Natural-PipelLnes) QMXGORODOVq A.I.; PGRTROV9 H.N.' red.; MMA, V.H.q tekhn. red.; TRU- ---KM3Kt-'O-.1r.r tekbn. red.9 [Peoplep machineryp ad crop yields] Liudip telchnikag uroshai. Md- skyap Goo, izd-vo sellkhos. lit-ry, 1960, 46 pa (Him 24:7) (Farm meabanization) .N~ N clay Pbysico-technical ud water characteristics of cracked clays. Gidr. strol., 20, No. 1951 Monthly QLt or Mgolaa Accoysiono, Librei7 of Congress, November 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. HI -r Olf w . Development of autiollnes in oil fields. BIul,MOIP.Otd,9eel*38 no,UI59-160 Kr-AP 063. OUFA 160) (Petroleum J(Uwlogy)) 15(2) SO-7/72-59-1 -10/16 AUTHORS: Dcbuzhinskiy, V. I., Zayonta, R. M., X"49 r~iov if. if. hm? - l TITLE: Faience Firin'-, in Screcne'~ Tier Carts of 011-Heated Tunnel Furnaces (Obzhij: fayan.-a v e,:r&.,)irovnnny):!j etazberoch- -f, otaplivayenykh r7azutom) ,onet1.akh ttinnellnykh nerho nykh va,, , . PERIODICAL: Steklo i keramika, 1959, !Tr 1, pp 29-33 (USS-11) ABSTRACT: In 1955 G. A. Biryukov, 11. 31T. Termakov, 15. D. Kuznetsova, Assistants at the Kirovskiy zavod stroitellno-o fayansa (Kirov Uorks of Building Faience) and the authors of this article sugaesteJ to protect the pro4uots to be fired against direct exposure tc the oil flame by refractory screens. A series of firing tests without molds yielded good results, and therefore 2 tunnel furnaces were adapted to the new firing method at the Kirov Works (Fig 1). The control diagram of the furnace is shown in fiSpire 2. A two- step*shelf for Vie products to be fired is shown in fiLmre 3, its parts in figure 4. The shelf parts are made of cordierite developed by R. r. the NIIStroyi-oramika. Table 2 shows temperature conditions for firing in molds as Card 1/2 compared to that carried out on shelves. Due to the adaptation SOV/72-59-1-10/16 Faience Firing in Screenea-7 Tier Carts of 011-11eated Tunnel Furnaces of the tunnel furnaces considerable savinCs an well as an increase in the furnace output and a decrease in specific fuel consumption were attained. There are 4 fifpures and 2 tables. AS30CIATION: Kirovskiy zavod stroitellno-o fa anua ki (Kirov Works of Building Faience~ Card 2/2 VIVECORODUg 0. Cffyzhehorodav, 0.] Idea of a rolling mtll operator has been approved by an acaderdaian. Nauka i zhittia 11 no.10%4Z-43 0 061. (KIRA 15:1) (Rolling (Metalwork)) liTZHE30Aonov, P. S. NIZHE,30RODOV, F. S.-Trocedure for Teiching Hirh Jumps Usinj the *Rollo Method.' ,inenriwr Defended at USSR Hi~her *(Dissertations for Degrees in 3ciance and Env Sducatioml lnqtitutionn.) State Order of 1-3nin %nd drder of Red ~,Iinnnr Tn7t of Physical Culture imeni P. F. Legvart, Lenin-;~rqd, 195q 901 Knizhna" LatoDis', No. 25, 18 Jun 1955 For De~Tee of Cmcli,'ate In Ped-,-,,)g1ca1 Sciences NrZEM=cpoV~ V, M.: Master Wd Sci (dies) -- "The effect of ascorbic acid on the course Of carboVtoxicosis". L'vovpl958. 16 pp (Llvov State Med Inat), 200 copies Mo No 4P 1959, 131) KIZHWORODOT. V.H. Vitamin 0 metabolism In the nniaml organism an affected by small doses of carbon monoxide. frach.delo no.2:i8i-ia4 r iii. (KmA tio) 1. Wedra obshchey jgI&Iyany (vav.-prof. W.Z-Karty=k-) Wrovskogo neditsinskago Instituta. (ASCORBIC ACID) (CARBON KOHOIDE-PHYSIOLMICAL MW-CT) NIZHEGORODOV, V.M. Capacity of some tiffaues of the animal body to regenerate dehydroascorbia acid In chronic carbon monoxide poisoning. Zdrav.Bel. 9 no.7t64-66 JI 162. (MMA l5cll) 1. Kafedra obahchey gigiyeny (ispolnyayushchiy obyazannosti saveduyushchego - V.M.Kizhegorodov) Grodnenskogo md1tsinskogo instituta. (rektor - dotsent L.F.Supron). (CARBON M3NOX1Dr--T0X1QO=Y) (DEIMROASCORBIC ACID) NIZH EGO RODQVt V.K. Effect of chronic carbon monoxide intoxication on the d&117 vitamin G requirmwt of the anlual organisa. Mrsx.Bel. 9 no.I200-53 D t62. (KTA 16tit 1. Kafedra obahchey gigiyeny (Ispolnyaywhchly obyazannostl saveduyushchago - kand.*edvAuk V.M.Nishegarod.oT) Groduenskogo, seditsinekogo institutas (ASCORBIC AGID) (CARBON M3NCMnE-MMlO=ICA.L EMCT) VORMIN, A,P*j NIZHMRODQW T 14. dotsent.j. KALINEI, I.T., asslatent - 0 , 7, Conditions of storagep trangme. and use of palamou chemicalco Wrwe Bel. 9 no.lt55-56 JV63 (Km 17 W 1, ra ke-fedry obohche-S clglymy ( sav. - d*Umt T.H.Hisheg*.- rodow) Gradnenskogo ileditainakego Lnstituta. -L 078~2-67 11 (G)L!~Z(M LILF~q ~-2 IJP(p) KCC 91 AP603381T SOURC4 CODE- URj016G/66j=joo4/oioij=c AUTHOR: Nizhearodovm ; F~adSy V. V ypm Ye. H. - Sh~ E~over L. P. LJ4 F _gj_ _k ~ '7~ ORG: -DeX_qrtmnt or Wav6 State Univeral.,t cafedm volawrykh __Z (r TITLE: Q.-switching of ruby laser with help of bleachable filters made or phthalo- cyanine solutions SOURCEA Moscow. lveraLtet.' Vestalk. Seriya 111. Fizika, astroaomiye, no. 4, 1966, 103-105 TOPIC TAG5: ruby laser* laser mod kation, passive Q switch, liquid Q switch, Matal phthalocyanine I I t,5' ABSTRAM: The dynamics of development of giant pulsesand optimization of paraneters of a ruby laser with a bleachable liquid filter, the Q-switching efficiency of the filter as a function of its absorption characteristics, have been studied experi- mentally. The experimental setup consisted of a 120 mm ruby rod 12 = in diameter ani a cell with a phthalocyanine solution which was placed in the cavity of the laser. The cavity was formed by a mirror with 99% reflection and a plane-parallel glass plate as the exit mirror. The bleaching proceas was initiated under the effect of fluorpscence, then developed under the effect of an ordinary laser pulse which grew into a giant pulse by an avalancbe-type mechanism. The coefficient of initial trana- mission (T).of the filter should satisfy the equation RIT2 t Reff, where R, Wthe card 112 UDC: 621.378.325 L 07832-67 ACC NRs AP6033817 Q reflection coefficient of one of the mirrors (99% in the experiment) and Feff Is the reflection coefficient of the exit mirror. The vidth of the absorption band of the bleachable solution should be less than 300 X and the shift of its absorption peak in relation to the pulse emitting wave length should be less than 50 X for a good Q-switching filter. These conditions were met to an optimum degree in solutions of vanadyl phthalocyanine in nitrobenzene, zirconium phthalocynnine in nitrobenzenc and in benzyl alcohol. Giant pulses of 70, 70, and 55 W, respectively, were obtained with the above solutions, at 12 kj pumping energy and T r- 12%. The cAtput power of the giant pulses was one or two orders of magnitude lower with tht: solutions of aluminum phthalocyanine chloride in nitrobenzene or ethyl alcohol ana : -:--cnnium phthalocyanine in toluene or ethyl alcohol. The authors thank S. A. AkhmTnova ana R. V. Khokhlova for valudble 'dia cuss ion... Orig. art. has- 3 figures and 1 table. bUB COEE: 07, 20/ SUBH DATE -.",225epW ORIG REP: 0031/,OTH REFe. 0031 ATO PRESS: 5101 q, Card 2/2 -be KAZAKOVAj re.A.9 kand.tekhn.nauk; CHERHYAVSKArk, M.K.; NIZHEGORODOTA, N.V. Mirichment, of wedc nitrous gaires by adsorption In a fluidized bad. Khim.prom. 'no.7:506-512 JI 162. (KRA 15:9) (Nitrogen oxide) (Adsorption) (Fluidization) NT7 ORCDTBEV ff. Nwhinery cleam the premims, Ckhrotruda I ootsstrakfu 5 no.1008 .0 !62. (KERL 15:U) .(qleaning michiner.- and appliances)