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SOV/IZ4-59-7-9139 D Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mokhanika. 1950, Nr 7. p 117 (USSRI AUTHOR: Ninua. N-A- - TITLE: On the Calculation of Unbraced Trusses (K ragchetu betraskoe- nykh ferm) ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry an the author's dissertation for the de- gree of Candidate of the Technical Sciences. presented to the Tbillsok. in-t inzh. th.-d. transp. (Tbilisi Institute for Rail Transportation Engineering), Tbilisi. IM ASSOCIATION: Tbilivsk. in-t insh. zh.-d. transp. (Tbilisi Institute for Rail Transportation Engineering). Tbilisi 1. Bems--Msthemat feel analysis Card I/ I SO,./1z4..i8_lC H716 T?'ar.s:jt:cn from, Referat.- nyy zhurnat. Melkfian'ka, N58, Nr 10. p 141 ;'USSR) AUTHOR- N.nua N. A. TITLE- Calculaticn of Trusses Without Diagonals (K rdSC11011 ~eZ aS~CISPYMI ferm) PERIODICAL: Nalichn, so0shO.. Tbil~ssk. ;T-,,t zf.. -.d. transp. , 1157, Nr 12. 51 pp, At. ABSTRACT: Calculaiiw, of equi -paneled tvsses w:thout d'aganalp with hori- zontal ctiord mern'lers of equal rigidity and - ertical ponly is studied under the action of a concentrated force acting on one of the joints of the frame which Ws previously been resolved into it% symmet- rir a] a-id skew symmetric components relati-,-e to the horizontal axis. One ot the poss'-ble basic systems of the method oi forces is chosen - a series of three-hined frames - In which the calculation is reduced to a system of three-term equations bv groupng the pr.ric-p,Al unknowns rel,*t*~e to the --ertical axis of -%vmmetry of the frame. By neglect*ng the deformations caused by lcng.ludiral and transverse iorces the number of the fundamental equal Card 1,/Z to the number of pinels in the truss. Explicit expressions for the c. Trusbes W'tt,aut Diagcnails SOV/ 124 --513-10-11716 tupddm#:1t,!ul ;_nl,,nowv,s are given fic,r the app)'c4t.on o: tLe ccricentrated Icorce At d'tfcrer;. j-, its as well as graphs And tables tur the terminal ~,cnding moments in the -di (;~-;4 V.,nels. CcnstructIon ot the intluence Lnes is stud'ed. Some aliclWable sump'", c-Al'.o-, ii are V,-o,t,,tcd clit. A. A Gor ri Cara Z/.' NIMV W., Yeej, Doe T*Gh Sol (dlgg) -- *Mwuvtjcsj principles or the warkim Pro- coots,, methods of couNtatlon and design of a regenerative rotAry air-heater vith a amble bell awor"s Moscow# 195,9., 23 pp (Ws Trtusportatlon USEP, Mmm order of Lents and order of Labor R*4 Banner Inst of Rallromd Tmwport R*Imers Im 1. V. gt&Uu)p 150 copies (KL,, No 21, 1959# 114) 18(5) GO il ii~.3-5? -9-9-8/25 AUTHORt 111zn1ra,,, and Kumskov, V.T., ar-4 Aksenov K.F., "C ft=atGL--5f Technical .3aiences TITISt Regenerative Air Heating in Cupolue PERIODICAl: liteynoye proizvodstvo, 44959, 'Nr 9. pp 27-29 (USM) ABSTRACTs Utilization of outola outlet gases represents one of the most Importan factors In increasing foundry pro- ductivity. The Iron Foundry Imeni 7ovkov has Intro- duced an air-heating proces8 wherSby 1he outlet gases having a temperature of 500 800 C are passing through a number of balls plaoRd In a cylinder (Fig 6~. The air-heater Is provided with a rotor that has I sectors and serves for rotation of the balls. The optimum diameter of balls may vary from 3 to 10 mm depending on the cloanliness of gases pw-itig through them. TS9 function of the air-heater consists of an alternating admission of hot gases and cool air into the cylinder. The gases entering the air-heater are iving a part of their heat to the balls which, in heat up the air passing thrcugh the Sylinde-- A Thus: the gases coal off from 80 toor-50 , wh` .1;o Card 112 the air becomes heatoft tip '40to 400 4,-c 110 Rotation Regenerative Air Heating In ',Upolas Z")V/ L'5 of balls intensifies Pl-bo process of heat-oxchange between the gases and the balls, and favors the rate of air-heating, At the same time, the 4ir-heater 'leaning medl-am purifying the oupolri. serves hs a i outlet gases* There are 4 graphs, e) diagr=s rind 2 S3viet references. Card 2/2 lartut, Has. &at tromfor mod malstance in a regonerative rotary alr proheater wIth a enable ball-type capplage Trio MIT uosI)9cII9-121 161o (MIRA 16-4) 2. armsf-Irly Politakhaichookly institut. (A.Ir Prob"wro) i I 'j, liikokTi I -,- ~ ": ~ '-' , ~ -1, 1 11 . I- . f ;Iri N44 ; 7 - , - - , . ~ .- -,~ - k --t , (Pagenerativp rotary atr prele-itprfrl ?,gort-ratinyi vrselhOhtklu.qhcUi.r,',& I Koak-ver . Vyeshai& shkola, 1965. 105 p. (PiFA IFL7) IH~VGAR I Data am *arthqustkes cm the territory of the Kongollpm People's 14nmblla. Stul. Sov. t)o Won. no.6:13-35 '57. (KLU 11: 3) 1. Z=IW nauir Hangollskoy Iforodnay Recaublikl. Ulmm-Botar. (Koqgolls--NarthquAk*~) WO, I., Kla nauchou outradrdic. Colarlsistry and its afflEastion in pharmseentic ana4sts. famatellao Soft& 14 wo3c6-9 Nmr4ame 54a (oommumme In pbanwomfle malysts) XTOFMV, Z., starshly laytonant; BUM, T., Iwrtftnant Solution nf prohlevis Wase 9-12 on pr-Rparation f1re publishod In no.9. Ir"noest. 18 on,12:74-75 0 158, (KIRA 12:1) (Shooting. KtIttary) (Tank warfare) EMU% T.C.1 UWANMUt A.A.; KIOMM, -t-K-f TATSABI=v r-L- 46st or wwwlso "PT do go rostontim of lmpahvd emwimuce of moved0a In *Me at - r, uftada (witA T"titaspaur), Ttgwv rddi,MWV 6403-= t62* (NM 16t2) (mmiaz Tmn) (MURMU) ACC N44 Apwml t-c:;-C- -[6 04 101017i16,106-. AM MRc 111p1, Zdamk (Engimor); ravdanc. Jarcalav (EnGiraor) OAGs Lw+AtUte Of GOW067 wd C&rtOGr*PhJvv P&rdubdLce (USUV rcodet'* a kgeWgraf io -d h V jTjjZ: Proparation of a sactoral GU=MrY Of cultural &"A9 in &ccot &nee '6-it 'w data of real estate redstArs zon, =, j GeodetlclW a kartografioI7 obcor. no. 4, 1966. 104-106 TOPIC TAGS: pumbed card. comput4r, aconocdc syston AWWZTz FAVerience in proparation of tho curmary by mans of v=chod-card mchinery is doscribed. Summw1as were propared of all Ulw aubtyWs of production ani of th* total vabwa of paroelA ty kWs., AMIcultural cooporativas mra clAwsifie-d In Grou accardIng to their amas. Proaessas usad In a gur"Milne dapartwnt ad in a co tar contor are discumsede Origo art. h&ss 2 tablese /Dasod on authors' Z'na. abs-.17 fJP?J8 36.80J SUB COM 09, 05 / SM DAISs none LA .1 t, r, -j~ r yfil- - -i e--; 'ch; n Ka 1 -1, 1 -F ,, - Pl (F,~-onnm~c roglcns of trc. Ukraine Ekoro=Ictni rai o ry Ukralrq. Kylv, Pol~ tvylav- Ukrai rC~ , 1965 , 94 p . (FIRA 16te) PGUtXD/Cbe=Lca1 Techaoloay. Chonical Products and 2,wir Appli- if-15 cation. Industrial Ora=La Opthosis Abs Jour : 1bf Sur - 1dUu.j, ?b 24g 1%8# go &2559 Author c Rms S. Itist Title : ftv~ Catalyst in the Synthesis of Mbutylphthalato .(304) 3 as Orij Pub : RX240 Chou..- 1-957# 31., N6 3* IAT-1048 ,",b;tract: In the synthesis of dibutylphUxUate (1) byW--rification of C0901E (ir) with phthalic anhydrite (rim. cataiYate (K) normlV euployad are: orGanLa or oineral acids, lnor(;anlc uats,p or Lou exchaa3a reffins. Thu uso of Ldwral. acids LpartIcularly H2W4) rasults in the formtion of tar and re- quLras neutrolleation of Um product. 1he use of or~pnlc acids raquirvs$ In addition to the acutrolirationp sapam- tion of the productj, vhichj, at tines IaWsa~ unduo 4iffi- cultist. Mjority of tho inorj=tc acid salts nust be ea- ployed in mthar larle quantities. F#.,(604) (IV) my be uood convealently as t- cetalyat. it tas not3b~an eupLoyadp Card 1/2 Popp t -44- Pftd,',k I 1.11~ ~tif ZkayA-~kl ANT P-twttylij Mimi). Pot. 41,&0, juiy rv lvf~ -rp, tic, w F~A 'A 1,., 1. ~--v 14114"NaIATO ".. m-gr lnz. 0 1 Thermal crw:ks oni breaks Jn massJvc co-cret4- Vccka. nosp wodna 24 nD. 4:131-135 Ap t6/.. 1. EnerCcT;rolekt, VarsfAw, V.L.; E . 7 d the I r fin t tutf_,T~ %I i,-)?l t! Si t!V I ty. !Z'. .-.Fyi3 il-lh-b,2rjv.', Un khIm.takh. 8 1. Urallakly KIRAZ, Sawaryn; CRODKOWSK&,Edward DWnlshing the polychlorobenzene content in the contimtous chlorination process of benzene In liquid phase. ChaKia stosaw 8 no. U117-128 164. 1. Department of 81ochesistry, College of Agriculture, Szczecin (for Kiras). 2. Departmient of Organic Chemical Technology, TGohnical University, Szoseoln, XMIN"OF L. -- - So= sapecte of linear and nonlineer pl-"P! I equations. Usp. mat. nauk 19 no.tslO,11A jl-..p 163. . (KT;, Ito'.)) - -A BOBROTA,, L.Ae; NIRZMRG, MoAo Adsorption of methane from a bydrasolc xlxUwo uNIM SwIltem, Neftepere L nefteubluo no.2%32-33 164. (MIRA 170) 1, Uf1makly neftyanoy InaUtuto Salavatakly k=blnat. NIPENURGP M.D., .4n:h. Work practices in cantrolling thq carr-ling cut of reVll&t'.f-,nj. Becop. truda v prom. 8 no.12:35 D 164. (VIIRA 1913) 1. Upraylenlye Moskovskogo gorudskoga ckrugs Gosularstvennogo koadteta pri Sovete Vinistrov RSF-R po- r.&dzoru t& bezcpsar4m vedenlyem rah-~t v prowlehlennostl I gornomu nadsoru. NIRMkTs, -G., agr., int. ------------ % east abatownt and shorter.InC of the tim of canstr.,ictim of 4rdroalectric powr gutions. GOAP wodm 21 no-89317-320 Ac 161. 1. "Nherg~pr*Jekt* - UM. NMENSIATT I, S. agr inz. C~'-Tm I " T*-~--- ~ DetermInation of earth presmav on buttresses nameiq soil foundationse Goop wodne 24 no, je. 144 put on 1 11-16 1 1, Energaprojektv Warer4ma, VIREMNATi, Sslosal: vbT Litz Cowntation of radq arA &UUTW salla in the coastraction of dame and powr tunaels. Gose wodna 23 no-2t6O-67 F '63. 1. Kaergoprolakts, Warasawn. 'ku'~'Wt I'sirenbur.,"-, V. 1. Foutov3kiy, 1. Ta. , Cher;:&~oy# V. 1.. I T U t On :;uuc Arjl Porivativea of CycLno,,c:i '.hiourea (0 nqu"-.otox'~'~-h ari1;)roizvodn;(%h tuiantionoclicviny) I'MMODICALs Zhurnal Obahchey r-himil, , 1950, Vol.2D, Nr I I 54C-2C)3(t:3S1TQ A1137RACTi In publicationo a number or thlourea conDomlu wero de,=ibod which posiess biolojcal activity. A InrGe rijm*~cr of t ~: 4, r, c papers tras recently devoted to the dorivativeG of zL,--Ano1!Ac-- urea (thio3emicarbazide), 4Lnona whoa conpoun,!r. of an an"Itu- berculotta activity were found. Other derivaltives or t%2"OUMA could aloo be of interest, thun o.,~,-. thooo Trith ttie Cically active cyanoton -roup. 'i"Im it was attez-1tal to n.*n- theoize some 'hu casil,, accesilb2c (ii-ol.)aroulfocyanic acid, "hydrox-anthana") 'Xo-..--.ula (1) ----rved au initial product. Thia product which had alre.-,d;r ':.ccn -,',tain- o d b,' r Vdhler 1~-21 (reference 3) foraa fro:a pritarjaitm thir~cya- Card 1/3 nate and zulfuric acid In the cold. In tho con-iorniw,, 7 Gn Sone Aryl Derivatives of Cyanoen ';hlourem no-3-thlon-1 fz,4-di thiazolid Lit with aromatic anincti t~-e !:o'p- rocycle aplits with eli-tinatior. of clencntary rrulfur fo~--.g t-aryldithioblurates. Ditliiiobiurate asily orld1zos i r, aaaln converted to a cyclio di-thiazolidine conpound (III) "thiuret" %rhiih under tho influence ol" a caustic p0ta3h, SO'U- tion is aubject to splittinC, uTiere urea manifests itsolf as a potasslua salt of the inoforn (Il). us 4he potasai"i salts and the netbyi etlera of 'lie itnfoz:i !T-aryl-11.1-eyano-,en-tliioureaL were %~-nthcsizad. It wi-z fCzn-` that# in contrast to &rQ-tatle fonzic acids, and C(-aninopyrimidine split. up "hydr=rthane". "dcr wliic': conlitions o,41* leterocfclic (not or dithiabiurmtas) for=. 114. ras shown that the p2tagaivz oalta of cyananidodithiocarb-~-ric acid' ard !7-ar,*;1--T'1-c~r.-.--,iZ~- t%foureaa with various netals rield precipitatea inzol-,;b1c. in water. On exa~zination in Wiro tho urea-aalts praved to be inactive aaalnat the toriao There are 2 triblua, andl 13 reference3,1 j'L wl ic"i i: 51-:- o ASSOCIA'.1101, tUral Polytec,,.nic Inatitute (Ural I zlItty poll Card 213 institut) NIMIVROg V.L.; POI;TOVSr.IY, I.Ta. Cyanoethylation of I-phenyl -5-to tray o, linoth ion*. Zhur. ob. kh1m, 34 no,100200-3203 0 164. (HIPA 1701) 1. Urallskly polltekhntcheakly Institut imwni S.M. Kirov&, Sverdlovsk. 50) SOT/156-5?-2-29/48 AM023; Postavokly, 1. T&. , ffirenburg, V. L. TITM Thissomicarbaside Derivatives of InIno-41-acetto Acid (Tiosealkarbazidnyye proLzYodrrjys ininodiukausnoy kisloty) PSRIODICAL: Wauchnyyo doklady vysehsy shkoly. Khialya I khtmicheskaya takhnologlya, 19590 Nr Zg pp 330-332 (USSR) LBSTRACT: the derivatives of laino-di-scotio acid have gained considera- ble Importance as complox-forming compounds. $one of thong the so-called "complexons" are not only applied in analytical chemistry but also In msdicIW6, as dotoxicatore promoting the separation of detrimental &*tat compounds. Substances containing another group beside the residue of Imino-di- acetto acid appeared to be of Interest for biological or- periments. For this purpose thiourea was chosen as it shows - to wall as some of Its derivatives -roactlaw togethw wilh various metal saltal spart from this thiourea derivatives or* &Is* basterfoldso, and fungicides. The compounds a_Kff_C_KH_N .#*CR 2-COOR (R - C a 4 **~- CH 6 51 P-ClC6N4t P-CH3OC6H4' Card 1/2 3 2-COOK SOY/t56-59-2-919/48 Thiosenlearbaside Derivatives of laino-41-aaWc Acid 1-C 1OP7 ) were synthesizedeTables I and 2 shoo the physical data of these empounin. The reactivity of. the eodium salts with.respect to complex formation with met ale wls polarographt- cally *xamine4. Soluble complexes form with Co + at P5 2.4-12-0. Thor* are I table and 4 reforonctog I of which In Soviet. PEOWN D Urt Wedra organichookoy khimil inatituta In. S. M. Xlrova (Chair of Organic Chemistry# inent 3. M. Kirov) Ural'skogo politakhnicheakogo Ural Polytechnic Institut3 3MITTIM July 22# 1958 Cord 2/2 POSTCPISKIYO I.Yal; Hii-l-VUBUiLp V.L. Aminomethrlation of I-aryl-5-tetrazolinethiones and the structure of the bases obtained. Vzur. ob. khim. 34 no. 8s2517-2521 Ag 164. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheakiy institut Imeni S.M. Kirova. J'j iKf- flu IN PHAS9 I BOOK EXPLOITATION 951 Sverdlovsk, ftgsla- Lmstitut istorii partti Sot stall stiche skoye stroitellstvo a& Urale; aborulk statey (Socialist Construction in the Vral Tudustrtal Ama; Collection of Articles) 13"rdlovsk) Sverdlovskoye )michnoye iz4-vo, 1957. 345 P. 5,000 copies printed. Ed. (front of book): Zuykov, V-N., Candidate of Historical Sciences; Ed-(back of Imk): Getltng, N.; Tech. Ed.: Fallmtaa, N. PUMSCt This collection of exticles is tatevAed ror the general madar. COVERM The collection contains reports on the economic growth of the Ural Industrial Am&, including the development of farming. Particular attention Is given to the role played by this region during the 2nd World War. Fbl&tively little space is devoted to the current Five fear Plan. There are 20 photo- graphs in the text, some of which shav industrial objects. TAMZ OF COMMM : Buzuaov, V-V-s- Defeat of the rnteraettonal ratervention att4 of the rolchak Movenent in the Ural Fbgion 5 Carld 1/3 Socialiat, Construction in the Uml (Coat.) 951 girwnbwg, Ta.L. Restoration &M Consolidation of Swtet Power in the Vml the Defeat of Kolchak (1919-1920) 43 Pl*ttcbkia, V.A. ?w Ural Perty Orgenizatlon to the Struggle to ftgtom the WOU00AL XCOROW (1921-1925) 79 Ddikovp V.K. The Vml Pkrty Orgenization in the ftruggle for the &cialiat E&dus- tri,alization foucy (1926-1929) . 110 Zwjtavs VA. Contribwtions to the Ratory of the Creation of Vml Neav7 rmaufftry (1.930-IL932) 145 Zu$iwv, V.N. %e Ukal Party Orgudzatims in the Stru"Is for the Victory of CdUmative lkmL" lT7 ftmte:wmk*,, M.S. Nevoto bats of Uml Workers Dart" Ow Gnat Patrtatle W" 2U Card 2/3 FUuMDI-TRLXYJL. L.D., WA.takhn.nauk; DU=DTM'rA. K.P.. ingh.; 111IMMSMU, Met insh, - - - -- - ~ -1 Using mm kfids of mrathotic fibers to tho kalt CooU lmdustrre log. pros. IS 20-7:20--22 JI '58- (KIM U:9) (U1% pods ladustrr) (Textile fibers, Sruthetto) AIRMUIMN. D.E., irdth.; LOBLEICS. S.G., inz1%. . . . . z . I - 10PIlowlag tho qmllty of 'ChlortnO yarn. fekat.proa. 19 tio.10:70-72 0 159. oalA 13:1) (yarn) (Knit goods) 0 Nummm, B-zat amdwgy outrudidks PREMUMNA, CO.,, amchrry MMCUv JFJ.v smaWWy sotcWka; AUNTAP A.D.0 mand"'F mU4ftftj RUMMt KA.t mohrqy o*UvM" MUMe S.O.y Mundkef-we of oblarla knit underwmar md its Useapeatic ume. Tdmt*pmo U so.697U73 Is 161, (KUtA l5c2) U V.1-amm.- nauehme-ImIsdowtollsidy imtitut trikat"bucy pro"Almmati (for Wirenekton, he. tit*2&va,, rkrehimp AC&?am), 2o rustitut obahatisy L kowunaltnor, giglyaw (for Rapoport). 3o TriMUmbnap fabrika lba"w"Ayna ZWYILG (for Kablents), (Adt 104AN (adomer) 1611.1-1111mo C, praftsoor; fIM01!HrjIIX, I.. inshetter. MI attlifttles of an absorptlas cold atcra& pisat for the praftettea at JkWrofoL tb*l.t4kh. 31 n0-4:20-25 0-9 '54. (am 5:1) (~frtgersttas ad rtfrigtratUe mobtagry) (ftering) 'Using hydrmulic horizontal emshers In making roofing paper. Strol. mat. 7 na,W5-26 r c6l, ZXIPA 2413) 1. Kachallnik tekknicheakago otd*I& Odosakogo mberoydnoCo selods. (200finc) KIRIMETWN, Z. Sh., irmh. Kethads for calemUttne, ttso reqntr~A for 4rylag roof im pm"r, Strot, oato 6 no.3:11-35 Kr 160, (NIVA 13:6) (looring) NIUNSH-IFTi Z r. I Z. Sh # v anch. tekbn. nauk Use of double-dalled steel cylindqrs In drying rocifing T.Aper. Strot. mat. 10 no.11:26~,17 N 164. (MIFU 18: 1) URKAMAYEEVP T.B.; MEMO# F.Y.; KIRZETIlt"K, K.Y. KrCect or LKYront molybdonuml and mnganese on some quality iMices of tomtoese Trudy,AN Kaz4tkb,SSR 20044-155 'C4- (KIRA ISSI) f 11ROW-IMit, Z.Sh. Wlatl= dMr for oardboard. Im.prm. 36 no.lt2O-21 Z - 962. 10A 14:3) 1. Sach-Italk tinkhMehaskoto otdola OdimmakoCo rubaroldnaCo savoda. (Cardbwwd-Drying) Akoj C5A C)4lowdes !'3rt.rd USSR/Net,als Gax Cutting Avg 50 *Cutting Torcbes Operating on Gazes Other Than Acet- Yleoe,' A. K. Rinburgj, Engri VNIlArZiMn (All-Unim Sci Res Inst of Autogenous Welding) "Ay-togen Delo- 110 VP 22-23 VIIIAVTOM developed two cutting torches, 9ZP-49 aza URZ-49, for oxjgen cutting using illuainatiqg gas, coke-oven gas, and methane for preheating. lorches have two changeable Injectors and five re- T so-vable t1k;s. Gives operating characteristics. Jtx~erlments shoved possibility of cutting low-carbon steel& from 5 to 250 am thick. Speeds were sivLiUr tJ---Wlkt&]A 0" Cuttlag (Coutd) Avg 50 to those of oxymetylene cutting, but cost is con- siderably lover. 16TrT2 USSR /Engineering - Plaze Cutting, Feb ~ I Equipment Methods for Designing Itjecting Torcbes Operat- ing tn Subetitutes for Acetylene," A. K. Vin- b=g, Engr, VNIIAvtogen 'Avtogen Delo" Wo 2, PP 9-13 Ust~d meethane and synthetic coke gas. Studied detra of apti'== ratio of gases in preheating mixt; detm of conversion coeff betveeb acetYlene " substitute gas; permissible snweeeds of fuel nixt flov :rr= tipB; cons=pticn of oxygen ana fuel; orifice d~menxioms for fuel mixt; detzi USSRitngineering - Flame Cutting, Feb 51 (Contd) of bole-diumms in inZector " mixing cbamber. St,eel up to 250'mm thick may be cut c"ici"tly by torches of this design- 18ST20 14 WRAftinowing - rimis Cuttiag, Oct 51 Processes Wfoct of Oxygen hzri~y on the Process of Sur- face Oxygen Cutting," A. K. Ninburg, EW , =&"an *A"en, DelO" No 10, PP 13-16 944cribee expts with. oxygen of 8 grades from 85.5 too 99-h% pwo. Surface cutting of low-carbon sUel is impossible with oxygen of purit-Y less tMp 95%. There is optimm cutting rate for omb value of oxygen purity. At this rate x&z VmAuctivity of operation and min oxygen con- .91uption are attained. 202TItl 1. K. almestigation of th* Pkr&m*tora of Surfaces of fhcycezz Outtlar aAl Methode of Torch Dooirn for Ihis Process With the Us* of Totrious Gaass," sub 13 SvP 51. Wascov Order of the labor Ited Bawer Nigher Technical School imal Rawtan Dievertattone proomted for sclonco and emetneoring d~Crs*m in Xascom during 1951. so: am. 110. 460, 9 fty 55 USM/kMgin"ri" - FISM Cuttug, 14301 3fty 5.2 "Replacing Acetylene by Other Fuel Gazes in .QV5cetylene Cuttingj" A. X. Kinburg, Ew, VNn- avtogen "Avtogen Delo" ]NO 5, YP 9-13 Develops methol for detg technological yaramters of Awl mixt, such && axyg*n~gas rttio aad coeff of cubstituting other gases for &cetylene, and for ealcg orifice diams and permissible mte of mixt flow. Kethod gives &U data necessary for desigming tips of cutting torvhes and permits detg pcwsibility for utilizing given gas in CxYgen cutting. Only IaLowledge of Sms ccMe in required, calorimetric newsurements being eliminated. fism M44. Inflarew of rw*r 44 Des I=t Ir 09 Oulp" aterewo Ila F(ws"&) & X. M1116WIC Ogiv, V. It am P. txlqL fav,rowalod m we* f a tkat M "t Iwo. (ma W; Pwwr to mc4 ("- CIVIPS POW"If the" 1. an p"lamm We to 4f" smaafwwm P"-Ivdy .9 the cult" x%d wAg. 100114" 10- -It M Tat4d-- tiod rut*. tuft CNO LCCZSSIOX VRt AP4019234- 6/0056/64/046/002/06Tl/O6T2 I AUTHORt TITLEr The positive pion plus proton to twepions plus nucleus reaction near Us thresholi SOUROM zhurnal ekspere L Uor, fix*# Ye 45p sac 2& 1964* 6n-M TOM TA(;sT Integral Loy equatiouxt algebraic Low equations, scatm I taring amplitude, soalteriz& saplLtuds expansioul, ualtarLty condL- t1on,, crossing relational R/D a4thod, Salzman, siethadl, Low equation solution ABSTRAOTs~ Reaotiona In which, two pion& are produced by" collivion. between.& positive pion and a proton are considerod. near thresholdl, and the differential croas sections of these reactions are obtained, accurate to third-order terms In the relative =orzenta of the prb- duood particles. This Is a refinement of earlier work by V; V; AnisovIch, A, A. Ansellat and, V. N. OrIvov' (ZhET2. v. 24t 2240 1962),' who oarried, out the calculations to sooond-order terms Izalusive only, The remQte obtained eery* as oL first-ordor corrootion, to 1/2 LOCS68101r, X1 t A314019234 to the proylaus results. The total probability of the three; article reaotion o&A be obtainedby an=-ing the earlier remate and, 9060 obtained. In the present paper. Nin conolusiou.1 am deepIr grateful. to A.A. Ansel'& for help vith.the work.* hast 7 formu.- lae.. ASS0011TION: PizIko-%eIr%-nI*h*9kiT iaztLtut, I&, A, P. laffe Al BSSL SUMTTXDt lOoNI63 DAU ACQg 27X&14k nOL t 00 i Mi 00M PI 10 RX? Sff 003 OTMMI 002 -Card 2/2 N ifil,.Yu. +- 7~~ Ths I-T-f4 p .17/Y A/ rasetion near the tlwvs~.oid. zwr. eitsp. I teor. fiz. noe21671-672 F 164. (1-1 1 U 17: 9) 1. Fitiko-tekhnicheakly inatitut imani A*F* loffe AN SSSR. CHEasYKII, Vladimir Petrovich; III-RIZAA ::.T,, red. - , - ~ I (Effect of al.acialization upon tho le.-el of Inlor rroduc- tivity) V111anle upatilalizL'DU nr urwenl proiz,.odl- telOnosti truds. Yosk-va, Zkowxlknp l;,)(,5. ~9 p- (!,Ii~A 1919) BGIMARSNXO, N.A., inzh.; RATM, A.M., Inth.1 SUCWT, K*A.j. Inth.; OUBANOT. Y.P.. Inzh.; SMIX. N.M., inzh.; TARAKAXT. G.P., lnzh.; IYAXOY. S.M., Insh.; RM, A.D., inih.; ROr(AXH, Sje,,~knn4.toklm. nauk; FILITTOT, T.T., )r.%nd.tek1m.nmukj Lumm, V.I., inzh.; nmICAKI'v, Tei*A., inzh., red.; XHITROT, P.A.. [Handbook for machan1cs of a construction pro~ectl Sprevochaik mkbaniks stroltallnogo uchnetka. Pod -red. X.A.Sokoloys. Noskvs, .1son.isdatellsk.-polie,T.ob*edlnenie M-va putei soobahchanila, 1960. 619 p. (XIU 14-3) (Mechanical engineering) (Road machirAry) (Railroade-Construction) AUTHMSS TITrZt :~'49 rAO~1'106/002PI5 Kirk, A.D., ftller, M~Z. Automatle for the Welding of Reinforcetmmt Mesh PERIODICALt Blullaten' takhn1ko-okonomIcheakay Informatall, 196o, uo. 6, pp. 10 - 12 TEXT: Ttw Busheretakly stankoremontnyy zavod (Bushevets Xachint T061 Re- pair Plant) has produced in 1959 a welding autm=tIc with a capacity of 3,500 welding spots/hour for the welding of reinforcement mah up to 4.5 rn wide and or Practically unlisit length. The welding rAchine it; a desI&I of the invefitor P.I. Beletskly ad w" projected by the design o,4~ftce o or the Ministerstvo transportnogo stmitel'stva (rinlstry of 7=nsport Construction). The automatic welding machine operates in the following way: Actuated by a rope drive* a welding transformer with electrode panel Is traveling along the welded bed structure, wh1le the carriage with the upper shunting clamps travels along a girder.. Drive I with the aid of cam 2, layers 3, pull 4 " squeezing springs d1splaces the upper beam upwards and downwards, while drive 5 with the aid of Card 1/4 V~ S/193M/000/006/W2.M 15 Automatic for tho Welding of Reinfamemnt, Mash Aoo4/AOOI crankshaft 6 makes rram 7 carry out recIprocatLnC movo- ments In the horizontal plane. Mie indexing rods 8, actuated b7 a speclal rAgne-t and gear wit-h rack 9. can rotate aromd their longitudinal axis. Loo" ing installation 10 Is mounted on the bed. The clot width of this Installation can be regulated according to the be-- dl&-.eter of the mesh being welded. Prior to welding, the bars are straightened, then the J=Situdinal bars are placed in special JIS holes located at a definite distance rrom anoti,mr. The transverse bars are placed into the slots of the loading device. The Card 2/4 69813 S/193/W/OW/006/W2P15 AutematIo 6r the Welding or Reinrorcemet t Noah A004/AW I longitudinal pitch or the automatic In not by displacing the at-op bushes an grip rods 12. The working cycle, or the automatic begins with the fram or th* feed mechanism being moved towards the loading devicso the notch** in the indexing rods tall" with the *lot or the loading device, and roll 13. while the left end, or lever 14 r1ses. The right *rA of the lover to lowered and & transverse bar rails into the notch ofthe indexing hook - the utmoat iert position or the cranKshaft. Then the frame with the transverse bar Is displaced towards the reverse direction, I.s, in the, direction or the electrodes. When the transverse bar has reachod the welding line, the frame stops autoriaticatly and the transverse bar is fixed, over the electrodes. Then springs 15 with the upper shunting clamps are pressing the bars against the lower electrodes. The time of preliminarr. pressing and welding time is controlled by an electron time relay. After having welded a %hale row or spots, the welding transformer stops In one or theutmost positions, the reed mochaniam is actuated and the frame together with the indexifig rods it tr&veling again towards the loading device. The ready mesh Is lifted with the aid of a special winch, wMah rotates In synchronization with the read drive or tbo auto- matic. The following technical data are present*ds dimensions of the m4sh hmey- combs - from 80 x 100 to 250 x 400 mm; mesh adjustment Interval - 20 - 25 on; number of spots welded simultaneously - 2 or 4; diameter combination of rods Card 3/4 896'13 8119,3160AM10061"2p 15 Automatic Cor the Welding of' Reinforcement Pksh A004/AOOI being woldedc of swath profile steel - from 3 + 3 to 16 + 16 mm, of steel with chan&tng profile - fro* 6 + 6 to,8 + 8, mt duration of the automatic cycle (when operating with Cour else-trodes and & mesh width of' 4S400 ma and a pitch of 100 am) 4k seconds; welding delay - 0,04 - L.4 seat bean pressing Coree; - 800 - 1,200 kj, power of Y*Iding t~.-snsrormer - IOT kvas nPoessary power - 62 kw; water con- x=ptlon for cooling the welding spot - 0.25 m~Vh; overall dimensions (length x width it height) - 6,663 x 2,3W x 1,900 mm; weight - k,4(Yj' kg. There Is I figuro, Card 4/4 NIFINg A.D. Kake sftll adchlaerl evuilabille to t~i ewintml-tim c! *,:-" 9F-: r- tation systwee Trans* @trots 13 0163 OUR4 179?) 1. Glavnyr inigh. Gio-nofir) ujjr&,rlmlj% zekhwtiratil~ &tie* VUKA, ro.A., starshly prepadavatell. . ..... Acadeadc practice comforence of CheRlStrY teachers of gold&- vlan schooles llhin.v shkole 14 no.5s92-93 9-0 959. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Ufadra Wall Timspollakfto Cospodlustituta In. T.G* shavchanke. (M*ldavt&--Chswlvtr7-Studly and toachir4g) KIII)OANt laborant Mmidng film from the trucculent layer of" the onion. Zdmv,.Bel. 9 na.Zg56 F 962. (KIP., 15111), 1. Kafedra, obahchey- biologii Vitebskogo neditsinskogo inatituta. (rav. kafedror - datsont E.M.Zubln&). MART CELLS &RD TISSUES) L 02271-67 unt.form In this tint appreatimatlos and to be given in OuGGOOding approxidatIODS OF the solution of the diffusion equation for the total flux calculated In the preceding approstantleme The results of the cmWutations are m q3 -red with those gLvm by the simple diffusion, Uwmw,s md it to concluded that the curvature of the Lou trajectory slgaifl~ptly affect& On chargLog current only when the radius of tho sphere to less than 107W mg and that the GINVII diffusion theory to adequate ib" the radius of the sphere is greater them QaS x 16" cu, The f luctuatioas of the mudwr of to%* an the sphere are calculated by treating the charging of an ensemble of spheres an a 1krbow process, It to concluded that Ike fluctuations are negligible ubAn the radius of Uw sphere we No *of x 10 4 cog but that they imicresse witk decreasing radius of the sphere end are app, alable obea the redim to of the order of We lea swas, free path,, fts some" of error J& the fluctuation Calculations a" discussed.@ The mtho4 of the present paper can also be employed to treat th* charging of "electria prowided It am be assumed that the charge to uniformly distributed over the surfaces Orig, aft, b"t W fermalmet 6 figureeg and * tables. Orog Sm Omni 30 OWK UhTNC 1707" ORM wwC 004 am awl 002 'Ord 2/2 , Vm&. C AMIte of smaou md sanitary aarm for participate in um 1:90 gpupU*ls& of ftiUm Provimo. Zdraw. Seuc. 6 nos 702-53 19160. (inti 13M 19 WAvqy Ymb NWIevokogo oblastoop vmdwbFA-flSlMlltW- Wee d"Pammus ASPEM) Treatiment of pulmonary tubarculos:4 or the larerlor lobe in adults. Probl. tub. 42 A0.10S.14-20 164. (KIRA 18M) 1, 2-ye t*rm*mvtIch"kor* otdolan4e (sav.- daktor w4. nauk 1.5, Serseyev) Koakovskogo naucUo.1saledovstel'skogo Instituta tubarkulass (direktar-kard. mad. nauk T.P., Mochaloval tatestItell diraktaSpo nauchnoy oh"U - praf. D.D. Aseyev) Klnist*rstva sdravockhranonlys, ItSFSR. POPOV,, A. j AIMLST, a.; NWAXJAN, P. I We -L --- A----.aL- I ---'. I -:: --- -------- =- Oil of Uw fr%dt Ail&utlmo clandulosa Desf. D~Iaady UN 15 fko,2tU3446 162, 1. Chwdsch--t4cbmoIog"cbvs IwtItut, Soflap wA Institut rVar arganischo Chouie der Bulpriadban AWOKIG dor Wissomehaftenp Sofia. Torplogt Yon Aksds=ieaitglied G. FA*cv, A=Ivt B., [Aleksieve Bell NISARJAM F.,14 On the nitmU4 of substituted &11qlaryl indowt. DokWr UK 15, no.&845-48- 162. 1. aselsobp-toohnolotis oho a rnatitutt, Sofia. TwpIsgt von AkadodmitgUed D" ivwwff CITGAOTP Del* AZA&MV# Be CLIAImievo SOIL mumms. P- (Kishanian,, Pj Nitration of certain 2,J41aryle-oubstitutod indones, IDO"y RM 16 nasV169-472 163P I* Cbmulach'-techmlogisches just1tuti, Sofia& Vorge1w Von AUdsalsvitflied as Ivema [IVawVO D.) a (Arvichi WSAXTAX, G.B.; PWMOWV, I.M. Iftraralogical comp"Wou or Paiscowds eiv stAles in the scutb- tasUrn part or the Armenian S.S.R. &p.Arw.otd.Tw*.aln.*b-ira nos2ift-94 16)e (Knu 16c 10) TSERTSVAD7E, Sh.l.; FAWFLAKI, O.K.; HISAWAS, G.B. Agroollmatic conditions of =Lntaln fruit growing In thq Armenian S.S.R. Trudy Tbi.1141GRI no.12:8,4-101 163. (141RA leO) MDORCT, rd.?., kandetakha.asuk; TaIMITKYSEIre R.N.; GLLCDKNB14T. Ta.D., kandetekbi6nauk; IKOW100f. V.Y.; ROSSINWIr. X.I.. kand.taUm. naukr WSIKIN, I.A., koadvtokha.nauk; KOUMTKATA, A.&o~ Laths; 116AS-OWMAKIDOTA, G.K., insh.; PAVOTA. G.Kap inshot Rrlrlrl qI?VmaLIT, 4.L.0 insh.; A I I)LmIur. 1.9" insix,; TURITSUr. 3.Y,, Lathe; zmxoyA, x.r.. Lush.; mi IN, K.K., rettongent; KRITMIT. S.M.# doictor tekba.umuk, red.; Kagme, K.r.. doktor telchn.nank, red.: GALMICKOV. T.D., kand. vimal.- sin. nank. red.1-. UULISHIN. Issme Lathe# r"*; K&T$Wp ReAss insh., red.; NIMTLOY. A.T., doktor tokbiu. nauke red't FIrm 0 Gov., insh., red,; lArOPM, ra*D,, rod*; RUSW, G.A.9 kend.tokhausuk, gjiyW r*d.: STA321TAXT. V.1e. inshee m4e; T"s GoTep Lasko@ mdol TIATWA, O.K., red.; =ICKOV. G.Te., takhm,nd, tk&oloa mad voter scomiew of the voice-owl Otdroloells I raftoo knostalstwo Tolgo-Doeme rod md. saxritakago i cmimmus. Ifookwo. Goo.onerelod-ye. 1960. 146 p. (KIRA 13:11) I* Nosewe Tossolusayy propktao-byskstellakLy I wuchno- I seledo.- votol'sIdy Institut OftdroproyaktO Imal S.Ta.Zhmk& 2. Daystvitell- nly ddem Akademil, strottelOstwo L arkhttokturr SSU (for GrIshIsh (Don Uver-Ifeter resources devolopo*at) USWChmical Technology. chaptical products &M Th4rjr ApplicatIon -- Treatment of natural Wen and petroleum. Victor fuels. LabrIcantso 1-13 Abet Journal: Referat Zhur - KkL&Iyao No 2, IM, 5498 Authnr: Fgrabova, X. D., Ninarbayeva, K. S. IustItutions Academy of Sciences Uzb*k I&W TIC.e: 4drocarbous of the oil F~mctlon of Khodshlaba"kaja Petroleum Original Publication: rzv. An U%SSR, 1956, No 2, 65-70 Abstractt Investigation of the oil fraction of "-5ia* (golldLfIcation point 4400, Iq5o -- 51-0 c3t, flash point 2:2210 Br-) of Kbod-hf- kao (Ferska~*) petroleum (Sp. Gr. 0.835, W 218, paraffin content 5.66%). Arter prellainary separation of solid parafflas the all was separated In aromatic and paraffin-oaphthealc bydrocarbous (0) by stepwise freezing of d1chlosthano solution. On cooling to -2510 paraffin -naphtbAmIc 8 of MW 407 vvr* separatod, having the compost- tIOD C29-23571 consisting of 30$ sonacyclic and 7% b1cyclIc Card 1/2 NISARUTWA. K.S.: IMONNATW, a.Va.;3=(WA, re.a. Tsdlvt4tal aromas sAd lix-lwubdrfd uphthetw h0rocarbom of the n"skl&Wd gas coudowate. VicliekhIsethur. w.6-.65-73 059, (KIM 13C4) I.Inotltut khtrAl AX VsSSR. (4drecarbSum) (Naphthon**) . , '. ,I r 0 , ~T ~,- c-, Z: I IYA. j0;.) jef ~of 1111AUTA, T*,d., issioner; KOR'rV=XXO. AA.. in"ner: RAZANOTA, X.D., ire sum"t"W the Gamwe of deetructlas of palat on weld4d GO&M of agrImItiftl n&oMa*~, gellkhosmaklaa no.1:32-3 of eawr Ja 854, (an 7a) 1. gave& 91t""Y Akga*. (ralat-v4sting) I I - , /t/X- -qx~- yc~~ 4) 08MUM. U.S.; SIMMIC G.Te.; ZMTU~ . A.L.: 114LIKA, TO.U. p4w*w Gmmo oC ibe comgWAttem of prim cost Ife. LV ta dippLee SOMM. folommmmublas ",Jt2f-30 IV I%. (OM 9ts) 1, Welm fteldwebW I kellet"W Wall bn*4m*ksop govaAmetvow- aqp "llessitela load T.M. xeletaft I ISMIrelonva laboWw"s ft"" *mmmwy ~ - (ftlat) NIWWVSKATA, L.I.; PADERIMA, N.H. b-masses of oxidative phosphorylation in the liTer of guinea pigs poisoned with staphylocace4l toxin. Vop. Md. MIX. 9 ho. js256-260 Yq-Je 163. (MIRA 170) 1. Otdol blakhiaii I otdel a1kroblologii Instituta skoperimentallnoy additsivy &M SSSR, lAningrad, Hrs-EV.Sal, L. A.t Author's abstrret of a Oissertation an "The so-onration of zirconium and tmfnium by the mithod or rectificatice submitte(I tovRrd the RcademIc degrpe of Cpadidate in Technical Scisn-avt. Fin.Igher Edrucat'on Ug ',R*' Moscm, rast of f1wiferrous MAWs end Gold t-ent 11, Kalinin. moamwe 1956, (Dissertation for the Derrem of C-ndirete in Technical Sciences) KnOsImmys, lotopislo go 39t 1956, Koscow. L I'--l Y - ACC "AR; PX6031726 C'~L. pcLruscvirI-,, 1. V. (Morcov); slaellcon, L. A. 'Xo:;Crjw); o 'Le, (Moacov) ORG: None T-- On the problem of producing r, Ajicidf.-G Ly Ly(Irc,-cn re----ac- A'k _ _ .tion of titanium and silicon tetrachlorides SOURCE: IV; S33R. -~zvestiYa- MotallY, no. 5, 1966, 169-176 "'C"PIC TIGS: silicide, chenical reduction, titanilwi cor--po-and, chicride, L-"IcGn c=- , - d, zetal purification pour MICT: Vine article is a continuat"on of a previo-aa parcr on 2rG~.L;Ct- r 4 by rimaltaneous ~Wd,,-ogen reduction o' t1taniw: "d silicon tctrac~,"orlue, i?ctru3evich, I. V., Nisel'son, T . A., Belyayev' A. 1., "Or, thc Prolauctir'n of Siiicides by Si-multancous Hydrogen I'le-duction of and O'ilicon Tel, rzch - SSSR, Mctaily, :1965, No 5. 55-57). -'iSi2 wal; a tl(flt" '7';& 0.7 In diweter under the folio-ding conditions: 011C~4:T-IC14 ratila in r.1- vapor-gas mixture--2:1; IWdrogen exces~i-2200A,*'; rzte of hydrogea f1crd-0.3 w,d filwsent -.emperature-1190-12000C. A denze silicide deposit waz for-.:,ed wit;i a Unifon: ,diumeter at a rate of 0.15 9/cM 2-hr or 0.3 rz1hr for rzdial growtL rate. Tne yield of 11 i7~ Lq AUTHMt kx f/Vi a o n p L v A. 32-12-W71 TITLIs Short Reports (4) (Korotkiye soobahoken4a) - PIRIMICALe Zavodskoya Laboratoriya, 1957, Vol. 23, Nr 12, pp. 1519-1520 (USSR) ABSTRACTs In this pap-or an Itaprovod type of v*V*tLo mixing device is roooffl- needed, which differs frco already known devices of this kind by the fact that hers, contact between the movable mixer and the walls of the vestiol Is exaluded, and that aW sort of disturbance of op*m- tion Is reduoed to a xdni=zv. The mixer I* destined for a h1gh num- ber of revolutiovis of the movable part for any kind of the heterogo- neous wdium. When It Is mounted, "clal oars is taken that the mouble bolt of the mixer =at fit well into its manLng gook-et. For this purpose It in rtoommonAod to select the socket and the bolt In such a manner that the motion of the bolt In the sockot Is cotarly jamed, and that by careful subsequent &TInding of the bolt the aLni- m= of pormitt*d friction be attained. This Is done in order that there to no play whatever between the bolt and the socket. There Is Carfi 1/2 1 figure. Short Reports (4) t 2-12-0171 ASSIMIATICINs Institute for Biological &r4 Kodloal Chismistry (Irwtitut biologiahookoy i rAditsiukoy kMaiL) ATAMMISt Library of Congrves C*X4 W2 1. Kagnetic mixes-Devico 2* Kagnetic mixer.-Operatian AUTROR: 50r/165-58-3-49/49 TITLE: The Separation of Tantalum, Sioblum and Zirconium by r-ractional Distillation (Razdaleniye tantala, n1oblys. I tsIrkoniya metodom rektifikatsil) PERIODICAL: lauchnyye dakledy vysshey shkolve Metallurclya, 1958, Nr 3, PP 265-265 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A rapid separation and purification of tantalum and n1oblum Is carried out by the Interaction of the pentachlorides with phosphorus orychlorideo The metal sample Investigated, wt.1ch had the composition 22,5% Nbl 59% 7& and 18% Zr, was converted into chloridea and then was treated with phosphorus oy4ohlorlde* The following fractions were obtained: 1) Roblux traction with about e6% Nb and 0,1% Ta. 2) Tantaium fraction with about 81% Ta. and OPO15% Nb. Zirconium was not found in there fractions. The inter- mediate fractions contain tantalum, aloblum and zirconium and may be subjected to the fra-.tional distillation another time. The method or the fractional distillation of p*ntachlorides In the presence of phosphorus orychlorldo has some advantaCes &a compared to the fractional distillation of the simple penta- chlorides of Mobium and tantalum. The reaction products of Card 1/2 n1oblum and tantalum with phosphorus oxychlorL4e are character- SOT/165-58-3-49/49 The Separation of Tantalunt Sloblum and Zirconium by rractf=al Distillatien iced by a higher volatility than the p,entachloridost and they also show a Cr*ater dirference between boiling and ateltine. temperatures* There to I reference, . -ihic-h Is Soviet* ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy Institut toyetrkykh metallov i zolota (Moscow Institute of Won-7*rrous Wale and Gold) SUBUITTEDt January 219 1958 Card 212 uscav-DC-608W SOV/76-3-8-12/43 AUTHORSt Yagodin, G. A., Fozin, G. S., Sisellson, L. A. TITLEt The Leteruination of the 3elative Volitiliti vf the Prod4cts of the Interaction 3etwoon ZrCl,, HfCl,, and FOCl (Uprelelenie otnoqitelnoy letucheati %ro(!-Aktov vzai_ode.-jtviya ZrCl, i HfCl, a POC1 3) 4 PEHIO'DICAL: Zharnal neorganichcjKo~- ;,hi.ii, 1950, '101- 5, Nr G-, pp. 1971- 1972 (u6sri) AB-MACTs In the prc-SeInt 3tUdj the 3.-.-.OUnt of the relitive volatiliti of the products of the interaction betf,~-en ZrCl 4 and HfCl. with POC1 3 was deturmined by means of a re-circalatine, ap;:arntLas. The hafniua content in the eampleu was deterzined by radioactive af 181. The basic rsiteri-ils were purified ').,; at-ir.3 of the sub- limation method. The hafniua coutent in Vic basic z-i4'-Lria'L 11fO 2 amounts to 0,0 pf-.r cent. The relative volatility (a) of the axterials inve3tigited aiaoants to 1,160 t 0,003 at tho pressure of one atzoophere. Card 112 There are I figure, I tible, and 3 referc-nces, I of which is COT/ I 70-3-2-421 4~ The Determination of the Aelative Volatility of the Prodacto of the Interac- tion Between ZrC1 49 HfC1 49 and POCI3 Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs koskovski~, khiaiko-tckhno1ooiche%kij inctitat in. D. I. Rendelcieva. (Cheuical-Technulogical Institute iweni D. 1. Mendele,iev, %oncov) Hoskovskil inatitut tovetrVkh uetallov zolots im. U. 1. Kalinin3 (Institute for Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold imeni ;_ 1. Kalinin, 11:oscow) WBUITTLDt December 12, 1957 Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Winellson, Lo I., Perekhresto Go Le SOT/7e-3-9-24/,vC TITLE: On the Systems TiCl 4-o.'IbCl5and TICI 4- TaCl5(0 sistemakh TIM 4-YbC15 1 TiCl 4-Tacl 5) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal noorganicheakoy khImii, 1958s Vol 31 111r 9, pp 2150-2110'.5 (VSSR) ABSTRACT: The fusion diagram of the systems TICI 4-MbC15 and TiCt 4-TaC15 was Investigated* The temperatures and the melting heat of T&C15 ard ffbC15 were deter--ined by thermodynamic calculationi of the o-cpertmental results obtained. It was shown that the pentachlarldes of these systems approach in broai concentration ranges the Ideal ones. The meltln~g, temperatures of tantalum pentachloride and nioblum pentachlorlde were determined by means of extrapolation of tke liquidus lines. TaCl 5 has its melting point at 216,50C and NbC1 5 at 204t50C* The meltLng heat of the pentachlarides of niobiu= and tantalum, calculated from their solubility, amounts to 9915 for tantalum Card 1/2 pentachloride and 9#95 kocal/rol for nioblum pentachloride. 501/78-3-9-24/58 On the Systems TICI -NbCl and TICI -TaCl 4 5 4 5 There are 6 figureA, 1 table, and 12 referencesp 5 of which are Soviet* &SSOCI&TIONt KoekovskiI institut tavetnykh metallov i zolota im. M, 1. Kallnina, ~Moscoor Institute of Son-Ferrous Metals and Gold imeni go I* Kalinin) SUBMITTED: July So 1958 Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Nigel$ SOT/78-3-12-4/56 ivag__L~_ TITLE: II. The Separation and Purification of Tantalus and Nioblum by the Rectification of Their Pentachlorldes (11. Ratdolenlys 1 ochietka tantala I niobiya r*ktifikatsiyty ikh pentakhlort-loy) PERIODICALt Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khIalig 1958# Vol 3, Nr 12, pp 2603-2617 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A critical anslysia was made of the volatile compounds of nloblum and tantalum for the purpose of applying then In the separation and purification of those ol*ments by the rectifi- cation methods The pentachloridto appeared to be of Crest Im- portanot In the separation of n1obium and tantalum. Theoretical calculations showed that by the reotifleation of the ponta- chloride* an effective separation is possible. Accompanying elements, for example Tip St, ro, Zr, V, Pb, WO Ko, P, and others can be separated by the rectification method. Rectifi- cation plots were calculated for TaCl 5_NbCl 50 and these are given in figures 5, 6, and To In the present paper the separa- tion of niobium and tantalum and the purification of thcso Card 112 elements from the accompanying impurities was carried out by SOT/76-3-12-4/56 11. The Separation and Purification of Tantalus and Sloblum by the Roctirl- cation of Their Pentachlorides rectification at ataospheric pressure and using a coluan with 25 plates. The experiments were carried out using chloride mixtures with varying niobium and tantalum content, and the accompanying elements. For a successful separation It to absolutely atcessary that all acid-contalairiC chlorides of niobium and tantalum be absent. for the production of purest chlorides chlorination with CCI 4 at 290 to 3100C or with SOCI2 at 240 to 2500 was carried out. The chlorination proceeds ac- cording to the following reaction: 211bOCl 3+ Cal4 M 0 15 + 002 NbOCI 3 + 30cl2 NbCl5 + 502 The boiling temperatures of the pentachlorldve of nioblum and tantalum under atmospheric pressure were found to be the following: Taci 5 - 234.Q_+ 0.250t XbC1 5 -248.3.1 0.250. There are 7 figures, 5 tables, and 57 references, 17 of which are Soviet. SUNITTED: August 10, 1957 Card 2/2 543) SOT,/76-4-4-42/44 AUTHORS: Pla,allson, L, A## tdel$shteyn, L- B-, Ivanov-F-hin, B. 1. TITLE: Investigation of the 3yeten Reason* - Silicon TotralodIde (Zzueheniyo sistemy btnzol-totrayodil kreantyt) PERIODICAL: Zhurna 1 neorganichaskoy khiati, 1959t Vol 4, 9r 4, pp 954-956 (USSR) LBSTRACT: The authors investigated the system SIJ 4_C636* Silicon totra- iodide-in puro state was obtained by distillation. C69 6 and S'J4 form a system of a slap'&* *uttatlo type without chealcol inter- action of the components. The solubility of SiJ 4 In benzene was determined by a visual sInthelvic method. The data on the solubtlit virtualir form a straight lint In the coordinate system 17T-165, where,T denotes the absolute tomperature, and I the nols, number *fSiJ 4* The solution heat of SIJ 4 In benzene amounts tp 6.2 kcal/colo. The aolubility of the laildes PJ39 A12J61 SbJ 3, ErCJ, and AsJ, in benzene was investigatLb4l the Card 1/2 results are contained In table 2. THese compounds frequently 507/78-4-4-42/44 Investigation of the System Benzene - 5111oar. Tetraic4lde act as impurit!s3 in sill.-ar. tetralojide. S'Ingle oryatallizatian does not yield-parost silicon totralodide. The phase equilibrium crystals - liquid in the system SiJ 4-C6a6 ii characterized in a table. There are 1 figure, 2 tables, and 2 references, I or which in Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Voskovskiy institut tsvotnykti metallov i tolota im. M. 1. Kal!- nina (Moscow Institut.e of Nonferrous Ketals and Gold imeni M. 1. Kalinin) SUMITTED: November 22, 1956 Card 2/2 On the Transformation of the ELvdroxo-compoanda of SO'T/78-4-6-29/44 Gallium, Indiuag and Soandiaz Dwring seating gram of Xs3(8*(OH)6j.2H20 was taken and to given in figure a. The dehydration temperature of sodium tatrabldrozoscandiate to higher than the corresponding temperature or the tetra- hydrozoindiate, since the polarization effect of the indium Lon to graat*r than that of the acandlux ton. The thermal trans- formation of the hydrate of the sodium h*zahydrazoacandisto to given 'by the following reactions lr&3150(oH)J' 2F'20 _* '(m3(So(O")61 + 2E'201 3 '1 -4 "0(0")41+ 2'raOK' [So(OEI)t' lr&(Sc(OEI)41 -4 K&ScO2+2ff20. The corresponding radiographs of facpa(oa) 41 'Ka 5L In(OII)j -2820' their heating products, and the radiographs of sodium met*- Indiate IaInO2 and la,180(03)61.2320 and their heating pro- ducts as well an the thermal dissociation of the sodium note- scandlate KaSc02 are given in figures 409and 9. There are Card 2/3 9 figures, I table, and 8 references, 5 of which are Soviet. 5-M LITIONS: dhokap 1. A.# Toytovich, 3* L*# SOT/76-4-8-16M TME.. On Compounds of Pentachlorldes of Niabium and Tantalus With Phoaphorozychlori&e (0 soyedinenijakh pentakhloridev nioblys, i tantala a khlorokislyu famfora) PIKRIODICAL: Zhuzzal neorganiaheskoy khiaiip 1959t Tol 4, Ir Oo pp 1803 - 1808 (USSR) LBSTILLCT: The inytat1gation of the systems NUCL 5 - FOCI3and T&Cl 5 - Foci 3 is of practical isportance sines the distillabl* ro- action products of these systa2s may b* used for the aspara- tion and the purification of tantalum and niabium by rectifies.- tion (Ref I)e The phase equilibria crystal - liquid and. liquird- vapor were Investigated. In contrast to the phosphorozX chlo- ride compounds of ZrC1 4 and fffCl4 which are aharact*rlzed by a strage coolifte, xbCl 50 POCI5 and TAC15*Pwl 3 crystall1go w*llo Both systems form monosolocular, thermally *"12y dlasaclavlo compounds in agreement with rtforence 2. The aeltIng Uspirstae Card I of WbO15010cl 3 is 124,,5*t. that of T&C15e foci3 132.4*. The -ClW=IWq T.E.;,KSELISX. L.A. Stadying the offlalanay of retorts of varlaus t"" for the diatili'llation of siUcon MlogeaMes, lzrvpuclwbs&v.; tevet. mt. 3 mo*2c235-W 960o - (Km 154) 1. Kramnoyarekly iwtitut tmUykh mtan*v; prablemmqu laboratortya aMstlkh metaUaw, matallftheakfth soyadtnmuiy i poluprovoWkn7kh mterlaum. (aul4on imawes) (Olatiuation appamum) Is.-( filo 6aii$ +W SOT/N-5-T-271/45 AUTHORSe L* A.# LarLonovao L, r*, TITLEs On the Interaction of Zirconlux Tetrachloride With Phosphorus Fentachloride A PERIODIULt Zhurnal neorganicheakoy khirkilt 1960t Tol 5f Wr 1v pp 172-174 (USSR) ABSTUCT: The authors carried out a thernal analysis of the system zrC1 4 - pal5 and determined the relative volatility of the products of reaction of ZrC1 4 and 11fC14 with PCXV The liquidus temperatures wero d*terminad accordinr. to V. Fe Alekeoy#v. The temperatures were measured on a PF potentiometer by meatto of two themocouplee connected In series. The themoG-rams were recorded by a Xurnakov pyrometers Results are shown in a table and in f.-*,gure 1, The congruentlZ zeltine con-pound ZrC1 P(.*l 4* 5 (melting pointt 5650) is formed. Figure 2 illustrates the do- pendenct of the loearithm of' talmr concentrmtion of the eom- pounds ZrC1 4 and ZrCl,*PCI 5 upon the reciprocal value of the Card 1/2 liquidus temperature. The f;trong curvature ic Indicative of 68US 76-5-1-27/45 On the Interaction of Zirconium Tetrachloride With Phosphorus Pentachlorlde association or the two componantep which is in accordance with the formation of MCI 4#PCI5 obaeryed at low temperatures. The almost equal composition of the aseotropic and the autectic point corresponds to the composition of the thermally Instabi compound MCI. V PC150 The product resulting from reaction of PCI5 and commercial ZrC1 41 which contained 1~ or HfC14F Was rectified in inert atmosphere. The eepamtion could not be carried out as completely as In the experic#nts with POCI 3 do- scribed In reference 5. If the rectification is carried out without inert atmospheres lyophobic, flakes of zirconium phoe- phates develop under the action of atmospheric oxy(;en which clog the rectifyine columns The relative volatility of the azeatropic rectification products of ZrC1 snd FEM with PCIC 4 4 was determined to 1.15 and 1.14. There are 2 fij;ureep I table, an4L 7 rerQrencess 4 of which are Soviet, SUBMITTIDe September 17s 1958 Card 2/2 90 0 (4) 6=0 SOV/78-5-1-59/45 AMMORBg Yedorov, To r., Shaaray, Fo lop lia,allsong, Le lop Petruoavichv 1e To TITLEs On the Production of Elementarr Boron PZRIODIC&Ls Zhurnal noorganicheakoy khIsli, 1960, Vol 5. Nr 1. pp 226-228 (USSR) ABSTRACTr After giving a survey of publications with r*fsrenco to a paper by IN 1. Shamray- and To I.Alkheyer (Ref Qr the authors mentlon that commercial boron has a urity or about 9*. Boron with a higher degree of purity (99%~ is produced only in small quantities. The authors kttempted to obtain pure boron by re- ducing DOI3 with Zn. Themodynamic investigation af this re- action (Table# Fig 1) indicates that it may be carried out within a wide temperature range. &e boron chloride reacts slcv~r even with liquid tince Za was evaporated in a device schematiard- ljr represented in figure 2. The reaction took place in a quartz tube heated to 10000. It was stopped as soon as the tub* was completely filled with the reaction products (Pigs M). Card 1/2 The latter were decomposed Into Be Znr and ZnC1 2 in quartz 6Wo BOT/76-5-1-55/45 On the Produ*tIon of Elementary .Boron &a-poulog by distillation at 10000e The boronp the purity of vhich is not givenp contained impurities of To, Mnt Zn, &If and Sio There are 4 rigursew t tabltf and 16 references, or which are Soviet* SUPRITTITs My 31, 1959 Card 2/2 46 S/07 C/60/005/02/003/0't 5 AUTHORSt Ni.,el I son, ". A.. mzcvich, 1 - v ~ ACO-4,/Bo, TITLEs Synthesis of TantEjlu2- 4nj I-lidea b.,- lntertict;.un of TaCI and NbCI W11.6th 11 J6 and SIJ. 5 5 2 4 PERIODICALt Zhurnal neorLmnichpskoy kbizii, 1%0, Vol c, rir it PP 249-254 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The purpoce of 'he preaent peLrer was the prepariticm rif pure iodides of Ta and 11b which miLht be uoed in he proluction. of pure Tm and rb. The authnro firot inveutiE;ated tho reaction be'ween TaCI5 and NbCl,' cn the one hr-ndani Al, Y6 and SiJ4 011 the other, ty -)f 7~nalp;lv, Ths th'=,al j vas made in A sle,71-0 vial (Fz.6 1), the heatinj: ~,-.Irveo -4;~Te !6- corded by zr,~mrs of a Kia:rako7 pyrcm-ter. Thf, re-1111tr nro a),.rwr. in table I ind fiC~ires 2-5. The reecticiin with IMCI pr-e-d 5 more vigorous1y "an thrse with TP-Cl5s in which cor~no:tica PtCl z.6 at 13-.:er te=-Pc~vit,,re ana with a hiehor rearits with Al T effect thin TaCI , The of th4R iolides ~f Ta Eind Nb wasp carricd Ith 4 excer~o Al j " r Sjj in !i vial E-h--wn Card 1/3 ut 5j#4 2 6 4 Synthesis of Tantaluz- and N1-3bium lod.-des by G4J -3/07Y60/co ")102- 1 C0310,; Interaction of T&O &ad NbC'A Wit'- A1,J Fird BOO., B0116 5 5 2 6 4 4 " 00 in fifure 6. The rev.-tior, with NbCl- ;:Ar-, -220'0, th'Lt with TaCl nt, 400-420". The 5 iodiden of A2 and Si weiv r~--mjved either 'by '78CUJZ2, or by vanhinG cut ulti, All under exclicion of raoi.qtture. Vie valyveo cf Tho remultunt i-Ddidea ~-md their c-xperiment(~! f,j--U1[4A LrC- in tuble The iodides ~rar,3formed into ortlet; vere inver'A- (;(Ited f-111taincd *.ru." 111im !-,en' of &I or Gi. The cmplofc veict~.on takeo place betwve;; Al2 J6 and TaC1 5" C111ortne is rc:zov--d tv a pra.-ri!7ally c.-,zpk~ts extent ty rt recond lreat=,-it t.4 T;4~ r,:- VbJ5 A!-~6. T-!1~- 4 compoaltion of tho ir-li3oa corros7cndedl to tlle forixlae Tali d Nb j Th~) ol A!,J rivec b-:mtte-,~ 4.9--5to " 1 4 - 5 - 4 . (" ^ ~ 6 results than that of SIJ Thore are fi!:;i~rec~, t,:ible,3, vv! 41 4 (-f ASSOCIATIOM Hookovskil institt,,t lavefnykh me~tallov i zolot,, in. V. 1 't Card 2/3 linins Ollasrow 1njtit,.t6 of Nonferrouo and Gr,,I,t