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Unlyerma pneumatic loader and unloader, Roch. transpe 22
no.1049 0 163. WRA 16tl2)
NIKULIN* M.f insh.
Aaeomodattwe and 4quipmat in harbors on the Volga-&atia
Sea Waterway. Rech. trwwp. 23 oo.7A6 J2 164.
(MA 17: 10)
I -XIMUNt, Mg 11mb.
Extend the Introduction of innovations In the work of parts.
Rech, tramp, 2,4 no. 10:30-31 165,, (KPA M12)
,-. r 4: -
j ; -~,
kr"\ ~ .-
IUWI,K.A., ke"i"tIakhaichaskikh &auk
The wast off IsInt operettas of the prIuaa7 motor of a diesel
locometive. Mr. LIISW vo.145:149455 '53. (KIRA 8 3 10 1
(Dt*sol locametives)
WISMI, lt.A,, bmAi"t takhmichookikh mmuk.
Ilimplifted oqaatioas for trsuwisat olectrems"bmaical proossaw In it*-
allecowti"e, fbor*UIM mo,VW106-114 155. (MM 9t6)
(Dlm*'L Ucowstiv")
(;Alm(, re-&Tive doktor tokhasauk; NIUMIN, K.A., kard.tekhn.nauk
k44trodymmda.brakIwC of a diagol locomotive by ugi tks
Priam motor. SWr.Lllgff no.16?:U2-1)0 059. oflalla 13:5)
(Mailroods-Brak") (214401 locomotives)
Clakkell,, TokaterIna Yakovlovno, Doctor of Technical Sclancese
V16dlmdr Arsenlyovlah Kozhevnikov,, Englnoerp Boris a*orglyevich
Kuxneteov# Engineer,, Andrty Vladialrovich Lapinv Candidate of
Technical Soleness# NUchall Andr*yevIch Klkulln,, Candidate or
Technical Solencess and (Irlgorly Semenovi-A--tz-rinp Engineer.
Elektrichasklye mashiny I islektrooborudovanl3a teplovotav (Electric
NachInes and the Electrical Equipumt, or Olesel-glectrIc rAco-
motives) Mdscow,, Tranazholdorltdat# 1960. 218 p. 10,000 copies
Ed, (Title page): Ye. Yao GakkelIj Ed.t 9. 9, Xhutoryangklyf Candl-
date of Technical Sciences; Tech. Zd.: Ye. ff. Bobrova.
PU"0SE8 This textbook was approved In 1958 by CIUUZ (Glavnoye
--,cavlenlye uchabnyul zavedenlysial - MaIn Adulnistratlon of
Schoolb) of the Xlnlstry of Rallroadso for use by students In
Institute* of railroad transportation,
COVXRAGZs The book examines the purpose,, arrangement,, and operation
UAW elements of electrical transmission In Diesel-electric (D-Z)
Electric Machines (Cont.)
locomotivess and In auxiliary machinery and apparatus. ' Infor-
Kation on the structure of electrical machines and apparatus
and exasples of their design are given. The circuits of modern
Soviet D-Z locomotives Including the new TZIO and TZ50 locomotives,
are described. The alroult of the TE-3 lot-produced D-E locomotive
14 OXAM10CL-In 4:et*Ile,(3- - rielmary mat6rlilh tnolitdid in thb bdo~ come
from the texts of courses given by teachers or the LemngradzkLy
Lnetitut 1nahenerov zhelemodarrozhnogo, transports (E*nlngrad
ines."itute or Railroad Transportation Engineers), and from the
Kharlkovskly xavod*Zlektrotyaxhaash jKharlkov Noavy ZlectrIcal
Machinery Plant). Chs.1 and V11 were written by To. Ta. aakkellj
Ch*1I by N. A. gLkuUn and To. Ta. Clakkellj Ch.111 by A. V. Lapin;
Ch.1V by 0. S. Win (see. 7 by V. V, Strekopytov, Zng1neer)i Ch,V
by B. 0. Kusnetsov (sea@. 9 and 10 by Ye. Ya. Clakkell); and Ch.V1
by V. A. KozhevnIkov. The authors thank A. To. Alekseyev, Corre-
spondIng nmb*r,, AS USSR,, K. 1. Rudaya, Candidate of Technical
SoUnces, and A. D. Stepanov, Doctor of Technical Sciences,, for
their advice, and Ye. F. Kholmovskaya and 1. Fe PushkarevsEngIneersp
and A. N. Korotkova,, Laboratory Assistant,, who helped with the
manuscript. There are 29 references,, all Soviet.
- VIOLIN* X.A., datment; SMAWf p I.L*# imbe
WficLerAl of Uw op*mtL*a of th* primuT wtor of a 41*eaL locamtLvee
TzWy MIM w.1750645 tfil. (Mm l5gl2)
(Diosol 1"Owtivos)
ACCESSION NR: AR4041626 f1foaTite4fQ001006fA01VA027
SOURCE: Ref. ch. Aviomatilog t*lemeL%&nLka L vy*cMsUtellnaya temwdia.
Svodny*y tam, Abe. 5A224
'AUTHORt Shoploy, 1. 1,.
-TITLE: Theory mod mathematical simuiation of optimum control of autonomous
power systems
CITED SOURCS: 8b. tr. lAningr. in-t,xh.-d. transp.. vv*p. 206. 1963. 132-!145
:TOPIC TAGS: optimum control. power circuit, power system, diesel locomotive,
mathematical simulation
~TRANSIATXON: Considered In the theory and simulation of optimum control and
adjustment of power circuit of a dienel,locomotivo. It to maintained that methods
of calculus of variation are unlit for finding the apt Imum, equation of the power
circuit of a diesel locomotive inasmuch as -solution of the problem to a large
4egree depend& on ftetore which have random character wW,. therefore, ap-
lCkrd 112.
Wication oC probability methods in expedient. The most universal criterion is;
1considered the average efficiency of entire power circuit of a diesel locomotive
Iduring the time of work T for a portion of run. Expression for fuel consum
Uou In relation to average efficiency may be presented in the form
st0efficlents of. Uw sqwtlem em be faud bF 4'reodc or, amayuc method during
sotlation of sqM&Uam of mokion thrw*o ran at a given value of the we4At of theV
train od Wie of muUme Daring maution of proUmp with use of rimental *
tripoo processirig of datA Is corAucted, by methods of correlation =,*. Opumilke
waue ar %&v is fowd frm equation dG/dt. - 0. There art offered methematical. r-* I
mcdeU taking into accowt tho characteristics of & diesel engine, superchargerl.1
fuel and pressure indicators,, and also actuating mechanism which allow us t
nelect optimm conditions for rumilng the train and an optima method of cant
of fuel consumption with litU* expenditure, of additionaL time. Offered method
wer be appusd to arw autummom, power systems withvA essattial changes Fow
%illustrations, Blbllogre*rt 8 referonose*
SUB CODEat V.A,* IN ENCt4 00
Card 212
NIMILIN, H.A,, ".I.teUmomukv dotsent; SHMULOV, I.L.,
-, --, - - ''.4- .
-r- '!
,"cry ar4 zathmatica,,, w0deling of optinal c.~nsrol rf ftlitcnl ;, a ;,,-eer
syst4ase Ste~r* trud* I.JIZHT noMsI32-145 163o (m:RA 1811)
Flaa rt
Electrocardiogram ani its si&nlflcance In the i;tu~y of the )cjrk of the heart.
Felld. i aku:;h. NO. 3, 1953. List of Russian Acces3lon~,, Library .)f Cxni-,ress, Junn, 1953. Ur-cl.
L 5-06-66 ~ EW(I (;/.EPF(n,, -21E-r, (r) IEFAk~ -2 IJP(c)
ACC NRt AF50W P86 I'll FC9 CODSt UR~&7/65/ooo/005/0112/OU5
AUMORs Mikulin. M. 0. (Mcscow)
OR,3t none
Ting: On Royleigh-Taylor ine~ab,lity In Z~:RL"Ch
501ACK3 Zhurnal prlklndnt)y mekhartikA I tekhrilchemkoy fit.1ki, no. 5, 1965, 112-115
TOPN TAGS# plasma inVnbJlIty, staWlity criterion, plAnvot pincti, nqnntic field
A031JUM The stability of & Z-pfta~li is thooretically Tfie plasma
Is a.,joumed to W in Lho form of' an i-ifinite circular cylJtder at zero pre3trures
A current is astnuied to f~r-lw alung the plAsma BUrfACU in tile %-direction, an azimuthal m~gnotic field. Under the resulting Lorentz force the
plasiss mccelerstea towards the axis with a unifom accelerAtion g. An Initial
smiLlA d1irplacewnt In assumed to exist at the pl&-;ma surface t (T. , () ~' d,, E, I')
at thty point (if, t): " _-- F, ~ "I* A differential momentum bAlance of tbe plasma notion
along, with the perturbation under the aswimption that these perturbations can be
reprembntod by wip(in + lksip leads to the roijowing pressure talarice
Card 1/2
L 5386-66
ACO NRi AP027278
P - r- A A, -4m 11,A k 114o)j H,
Further snalysis of the governing equations of notion revult3 in the following
imtability mods for the setsi pinch
I WK I 2~n'K,
Ar + + ki
g 1*11+ Ai 0- K -. - 4-
This eirfression is then analyzed Ln some detail for two cases. Case It k - Oj
m ~ Op leads to the conclusion that the surface cr the discharge Is unstable for
all valuea.of m, Case 2. m - Op k j 0 shma that the dieplAcement of a particle
alone the plamm surface ccrresponds to a Rayleigh-Taqlor instability with the
instability growth time
The author thv*.v
Lly m for his influence v4 wauablis comments on the work.
Origo, #As heat 22 equatione,
SUB CODFt RMp SM4 Wit lal"65/ ORIO RVo 001/ OTH RU 1 007
Card 2/2
ACC KRs AN01874% SOURCE CODE: UR/O(MT/6610361006/11491115L
MUM Nikulls, K'Q'
"a: Ron*
Tr=: On the stability of a flexible current-carryLog conductor In a laftitud
magnetic field
SOME: Zhurnal tokkalcheskoy flalkl, V. 36, no. 6, 19660 2149-1151
TOPIC TAGS: notion stabIlItyt magnstohydrodynamIcs, magustIc fleld, electric current,
electric conductor
ABSMC'als The criterion derived by M.A.LoontovIch and V,D.Shafrawv (Fialks plazaW I
problem uprawlyajamVkh termayaderafth reaktfly, t* 1# Stre 207p K., 1956) for the
stability of a flexible cylindrical current-carryine conductor in is lancItudinal
magnetic field with respect to smooth sinuous displacements whose amplitudes are small
compared with the radius of the conductor In shown to be valid also for Me case of
smooth sinuous displacements of arbitrary amplitude. Unlike L4mtovIck am4 Shafranov,
the author employed the scalar potential, rather than the vector potentials to describe
the nagustle field. Tke stability condition Is derived for distortles of the cooductoo
Into an elliptic holix whose tangent makes a arp.7.1 angle with a Itze parallet to the I
axis but who** oe"-uejor &ad saul-alsor axon my be arbitrarily laMe. fte author
thanks Professor K.LJAVLA for valuable advice. Orig. art. kase. a forodad.
SM 0008: 20 log/ SM BATS: 2UP145/ ORIG. RM8 001/ aim ILWI 001
Card 1111y)4jo =-*S'ARA
Prochnost! tallindrichesk1kh obolochok; abornik statey (Strength or
Cylindrioal Shells; Collection or Articles) Moscow, Oborangiz,
1959. 15T 9. Errata slip Inserte4o 2,400 copies printed.
Ed. (Title page): V.M. Darovskly, Doctor or Physical and Mathesiatt-
cal Sciences; Ed.: 3.1, Bumaht*yn, Engineer; Ed. or Publishing
House: A.?. 3tarykh,, Tech. Ed.: V.I. Or*shkina; Managing Ed.:
A.3. Zaymovskayav Znginsero
PURPOSZ: Th1s book Is intended for alreraft jot-engine designers and
production engineers.
COVERAU: This collection of nine articles covers problems or statics
and dynamics of cylindrical shells which aria* in the caft4lation
of stability of jot-engine cases. Results or now theoretical and
experimental lqvestigations are Included, No personalities are
mentioned. References follow some of the articles.
Foreword 3
Card 1/6
Strength of Cylindrical Shells (Cont.) SOV/2276
zakharova, A.?. calculation of a Circular Cylindrical Cantilever
Shell Loaded at the Free 1bd by Uniformly Distributed Transverse
Forces 5
The Xbove problem Is representative of 1) jet-engine cases sub-
ject to stresses and deformations due to forces of Inertia or
the rotor In nonlinear flights, In the general case the sarety
coefficient' and the clearance must be determined. The article
is primarily concerned with stresses and deformations.
Zakharovao A.P. Flexure of a Cylindrical Cantilever Shell Rein-
forced With a ItIgid Radially Loaded Ring 43
The cylinder is reinforced with a rigid ring at its free end.
The force is applied along one of the diameters of the ring.
The problem is similar to the problem described in the first
article and was treated analogously, Displacements due to
flexure dlfftr but little from displacement& determined In the
first article, and the category of the displacement in nearly
Kshnyakin, R.T..' Influence of an Axial: Tensile Force on the Sta-
bility of Cylindrical Shells Subject to Flexure and Normal Zxter-
nal Normal Pressurt 55
C ard 2/ 6
Strength or Cylindrical Shells (Cont.) SOV/2276
According to the author the simultaneous action of an axial ten-
sile stress and external pressure has not been thoroughly analyzed.
He considers a thin, circular, closed shell under torsion. Other
loads produce a mouentless stressed state. The expressior*of
stresses and deformations are giVen.
Daravokly, V,N, Stability of Circular Cylindrical Shells Under
Flexure by a Transverse Force Combined With Torsion and Internal
Pressure 72
In this article, the results or the author's former work are
used to simplify the evaluation of the stability or cylindrical
shells under the simultaneous action of torsional moments, In-
ternal pressure and transverse rim forces. The author describes
conditions under which the evaluation of the stability of the
shell may be determined by simple foraulan. The above analysis
Is applicalbe to the calculation of combustion chambers of jet
Darevskly, VA., and SA. Kukudzhanov. 3tability of Orthotropic
Shells Under Torsion and Normal Pressure 95
Card 3/6
Strength of Cylindrical Shells (Cont.) S011124276
The authors estaolish basic equations for the determination of
stresses, moments and deformationsp and tien analyze separately
cases of the uniform transverse compression, torsion, and torsion
with pressure, The established formulas are valid only within
the limits of elastic ftformations.
Kukudzhanov, S.N. Stability of an Orthotropic Cylindrical Shell
Under External Transverse Pressure WIth AxIal. Tension ajid Torsion
With Axial Tension 109
rn this article, resvJLt& obtained for an Isotropic shell by
R.I. Kshnyakin are generalized for ortho,'-ropic shells. In or-
der to establish final formuias, the autuor considers the sta-
bility of cylindrical orthotropic shells under outer transverse
pressure with axial tension, and the aw'-abillity of cylindrical
orthotropic shells under torsion with axial tension.
Serdyukov, V.V. Stability
Certain Loads
The author considers the
shells under the action
neous action of torsion
studied on the basis or
of Anisotropic Cylindrical Shells Under
stability of anisotropic cylindrical
of outer pressurep torsion and simulta-
and normal pressure, Stability Is
more coupl*t* equations than those esta-
Card 4/ 6
Strength of Cylindrical Shells (Cont.) SOV/2276
blished by M.N. Mushtari In his theory of thin shells (1938).
The established formulas provide a method for determining
critical stresses under simultaneous torsion and norual pres-
Ndkulin,, MeV, Influence or Axial Stresses on the Frequency of
Natural Vibrations or Cylindrical Shells 131
The author In concerned with natural vibrations or near-eylin-
drical shells, due to the dynamic action or an unbalanced ro-
tor or to gas-dynanic Impulses, In both cases the detormina-
tion of natural vibrations of the system In Important. The In-
rluence or axial stresses on the vibration frequency is con-
siderodp generally speaking, as Independent or pressure. For-
mulas and graphical mpreaentations are given.
Mikul-In.jUt.- Natural Vibrations of Cylindrical Shells Prestressed
b7y- _T_o_i4 tonal Moments 146
This article is a continuation or the preceding article. The
author reduces three differential equations of vibration to
on* differentall equation of radial displacement. Thus an
Card 5/6
9 ~
L 98645-66 ril T P.
--- Ug
-C NRf AT6001262 :'~O' r"Ce, ""ob-Z! uptOUCV6 MOOICU 005~'/01,--&
TITU;: Free vibratinns of smc-oth or structurally Pmisotrojic , c lindrical shelln in
the prenence of static loads
AIMHOR, Nikulin, H. V..
ORG: none
SOURC-1.: Prochnost' i dinamiku avintsionnvkh dvikrateley (Durability and 4namics of
aircraft eng;lnes); sbornik statey, no. 2. Moscow, Iza-vo "Kishinostrojeniye", 1965,
TOPIC TAGIM vibration analysis', cylinfirica.1 shell, combu:%tion instability, rocket,
vibrut tan
ABSTRAM Vibrations of jet or mc"-et engine airfra;-),-,; or structural components can
be e;xcLted by fluctuations of the air intake, the Nel flow rnte, or by oscillat3ry
tcombustion. The latter may be partIcularly dangeroun in rnn~jet engines. When tje
Ifreq'uency 6hara 'I of the engino component and of the Axpressed oucillatitpn3
are knovn , dynamic loads~ 6an be calculated. and the dimpr-Prous rfnonance conditions can 1
bn ansessiA in the pre-cent article, theoretical and experime-ntal methods
were developed for deterrdnlng the natural frequencies of rmooth orring- orstringer-
stiffilned cylindrical shells. ~,Such shells can be considered eta mcdels for simulating i.
or nozzles. In the analynis, formulas were deve*-oped
Laic UDC: 534.i-i6.oi4.1:62-215:621.9-434:53LI.2
9 36~~-66
ACC HR, AT6001262
for re.1culating the effect-of axial and torvionfa loads or nornal proasxre either
indi-ridukily or in various combJnations. The experi--P*ital assembly permitted testing
under axinl loads, torque, and oxti-rnal. or Internal pr!ssure. Excilation was carried
out elect rommgnetically and the wave pattenin wsre obtained t7 wetting -the shell our-
biack dye. As a result, seyeral pl:)ta of natural
face with kerosine containing a
frequencies v9. Individual or combined axial and torsional It,ads and pressure were
obtained for variouz shells. The results indicate that the frequencies calculated
,terlorntiLl data. Among the
by the derived formulas are In good agreeme-nt with e)m
ctatic loads, the normal pressure vas found to haye the strongeBt effect, the torsion
al, r. smaller effect, and the &xia.1 load the sr.-Ulest effect on the natural
frequencies. Orig. art. bas: 45 figures and 98 formulas. [PV11
SUB CODE: 01, 201 SUBM DAM 17JU165/ ORIG RU: o16/ ani PXF: 0121 ATD PRFM:
*Alt Iple-puTose 'brt&Aoo in rqwtr &rA preporattes shifts.
Knot. gel. 3 U0.12:14-15 0 #54. (" 8-6)
1. lachallaik ot&ola organizatell troda. I carplaty shakhty
*Zapadvoyme-KaTital, Mayo komblumta wastavugol,
Coal at"S SA& stutog)
5/04 62/000/002 064/092
C I I lyr-222
AUTILORs Nikulin, R. A.
TITLEs On the (iu;-,ation of the approximt,te calculation of real
rootu of ttlicbraic equutions
FERIDDIG-L3 7vfar0,ivn.-,:y zhurni.1, Mato;,,utiku, no. 2, 1962# 45t
~--h.,;tri.ct 272,10. ("Izv. Kry;,ik. ped. in-tt~", 19570~,50,
.?1, 1251-253
"ALAT& An 7nethod for real rocti. of
al~;cbru.ic equitions i.,; uuji~vot(~d, the bitalu of ~Phich it; the followinG.
Evary cqui-tion with (11-.+l) ter~au can be writttn in the form
k-1 oi~ f~
aix + bx - C, (1)
where bxf!S is the term with the smalled exponent, c iu the free tern
cd I
and aIx A are the romuininj; terms of the equation with the nifns of
the cocfficientu beinj; CjVCV. It is USSUL19d thiAt OfI)o cK2> 0(3>
Card 1/3
S104 416 2/000/C.0 2106,410?Z
On the quoution of' the . . . CM/C222
> Let
a X CU (i It2to.op k-1) (2)
bxI3 ay
where uihua the oame ziGn as rt,q and v h4s the Game airn an b. Then
(i) becomes
u + v
bne finds fr.on (2) und
U, (Y) ex lor, ULpI log T + qj
Cird 2p,
:"A"" "j-,)5/OC4/0 72
TT ME o r..
of the mechaniz.-.9 for cinsoidal
,P-'-'RIODICALs 2ofor.-,'--v.-jyy zburnal, Matematika, no. 5, 1962, 66,
atatract 541,420. ("Izv. Krymak. ped. in-ta", 1961,,12,
The author considers a cissoidal transformation (Cf. Ref.
5A419) in which the fixed axis line in a straipght line. He also eives
mechanisms that traneform a circle into t~a -Ii%omedes conchoid and
ellipses and hyperbolae into cisaoidal c-.irva:, cf 3-rd order.
Abstracter's note : 'omp!--te tranalat!on.
Card 1/1
AUTHORSt Sokolov, Z.A.9 Vasillyev, A.H. and KI_kvilint N.G.,
TITLZt Deoxidation of Low Alloy Steel Entirely In the Ladle
(Raskialeniya nizkologirovannoy stali polnostlyu v kovehe)
PZRIODICALt Ketallurg, Ir 12, 19589 PP lif - 17 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs The authors describe 43 experimental heats of types 09G2
and 09G2D low-alloy stools made to investigate the possi-
bility of carrying out all the deoxidation in the ladle.
The deoxidisors in lumps up to 50 mm across were added fron
bunkers; first silicomanganese (20-25 kg/tonne steel) and
ferromanganese (2-2.5 kg/tonne), then forrotitanium
(1.2-1.5 kg/tonne); finally aluminium (0.9-1 kg/tonne) was
added manually. The additions were made smoothly and were
completed before slagging started, In a few heats some
metallic manganese was added. The metal was teemed via a
tundIsh. Samples were taken during melting and pouring.
The authors tabulate (Table 1) and discuss average melting
conditionsl compositions of samples and metal temperatures
Card 1/3 for the experimental and for l1+ ordinary heats. The
duration of the former was 8 hr 40 min and of the latter
Deoxidation of Low Alloy Steel Entirely In the Ladle
2 h0=214 min. Mechanical tests on samplos taken from
rolled products of the experimental and ordirary heats show
that the properties are practically the sare and superior
to standard specifications (Table 2). The authors give
comparative figures for consumptions of deoxidizers and
the resulting cost changes per tonne of steel (Table 3).
They quote a figure of 1+5-55 roubles conversion cost
saving per tonne. But an editorial note points out that
most of the saving is due to the substitution of ferro-
manganese for metall1c manganese# which Is not related to
the method by which deoxidation Is offected, and that the
real sav1W which can to credited to deoxidation in the
.ladle are the reduction in heat time and silicon and
Card 2/3
Deoxidatlon of Low Alloy Steel gntirely in the Ladle
manganese losses. The ladle deoxidation method was
adopted at the ruznetskiy metallurgical combine at the
end of 1957.
There are 3 tables
ASSOCIATION: Kuznetskiy motallurgicheskly konbir"t (!:uzj-,,:-tEk
metallurgical combine)
Card 3/3
MIIMYLZTS, K*S.,, kand.takhji.nauk; IIIEULIKv K*Gp Lashe
FAtural agini; of open-hearth rail steel. St&l' 23 nr,.7:648-650
J1 0639 (IURA 16:9)
1. Kuzmtakiy m9t&UvrRIcheskIy kombinat,
(Steel-RcMening) (Railroads-Rails-Testing)
I ftw.~W~
114atrowdiwaor and Its signiflaawo In thd 4" of dardfac
funatlea In most, IfelOdsher A almsh, no,3:12-16 Mar 1953, (C= 24:3)
"14-4 -
llectrwardfaaapbW in more bMartant diseases. rallbber & Wmk.
no.ts:25-29 Apr 1953. (ML 21$:f4)
1. Moscow,
3 t orgtyovlch
UPrisetples and techatVw of elect recart tegrapiw; a samot for
aursom W#layed to *14atrecardlogre*1a esettesel Onnevy t tektotim
staktretcardlegrafti; v poseshano sestm-la'boramtke elektrokardto-
graftafteekoge icablasta. Wasitwe, Wgts. 1956. 203 p. (mm 9: 10)
KMULIX# KA. (Naakv&l
Work of th* aane as sleatrecardtaeraphic tocbnteten. Ked.sestra
15 ao.5:17-23 W 056. (MLIA 9:8)
YUKHMETSy Ulkolay Sezeno-- tch; GGREISINA, Alckw~rdra Yevseyevm;
KDAKIN, VIP tiff ir Andreyevichj LUULZ, hikolay Grigarlyevich;
DARUSHIN, lIntmir IvanovIch; SAMM-MA, Nina Alekreyevna;
LYMOO Adullf Ivanovicbs MAMMA, Lyudviga VladImiraym;
RUDNEVA, I~aisa Semenovnt
[Manufacture of rails at the tuznet-,k 11'etallurgical Cozbine]
ProizvAstvo rellsov na Kumetrskom netallurgichaskom kombinfite.
Foskva, Izd-vo 4YbtallurgiIa,* 1964. 22.1p. WIM 17t6)
1 Jl:
For De4rec of ',-n(ll(:ate in ',~-rlcultural Sciences
MUM, Witalar Xuj['v4cht,XMIN, k.T., rtdot FJRTSIOT, 1.9o,
.... __ I- - I ~C
4~~*' red.,
(The sudivIded rMAS of COITOOSITS farm and tboir attligatles)
SedollWo foody kolkhosaw I lkh lopotteoveals. Atatlegrad,
ftallogradakee imiabsoo lad-we* 1960, 116 p.
(KIRA 11#912)
(Golloctive fares--nuance)
. i
:, I A';;, - - 1 . , I nrio r
Moscow Tool Pljint (-1944-)
"'Pne desirn Tochnolo(7 of Srci.etrlvil Prol Ile Tom,)Ints.18 Staiki I In%trumsint Vol. 15,
No. 10-11, 1944
3R 52059019
ainvostiCation of the Precision of Hemarac-urin, Ricrcmatic Pairs cf Screw
Xachaniaze.0 Sub 22 Jun 51. Moscow Autemotive Mechanics last
Dissertations presented for science and enginserIng, decrees in Koscow during 1951.
SO: SUIN- NO- 480, 9 VAY 55
AUTHORs Annenkova, Ye.G., 1911kulln Shashkin, A.$., Shuyslov
Tu.A., Dotsents a I andidates of rechnical Sciences
TITLgg Ways of Improving the reaching Process (Puti sovershenst-
vovanlya uchebnogo protsessa) SomeConsiderations on the
training Course in Metal-Cutting Machine Toole (Nekotoryye
soobrazheniya o kurBe metallorezhushchikh stankov)
FERIODICALs Yestnik Vysshey Shkoly, 1958, Nr 3, pp 63 - 65 (USSR)
ALBSTRACTs For the purpose of rationalizing the teaching process, the
above named authors have made the attempt to utilize a maximum
of general4zations in lectures on metal-cutting machine tools.
The trial proved successful. New, methodical and scientific
principles for preparing lectures permit the study of machine
tools according to a unified plan. The structural analysis -
the basis of a course - defines the structure of every lecture.
Visual aids are not excluded, but they serve only as autili-
ary matort4l for the lecturer. Principally the lecture to
built on miximum generalizations. These mret kinematical
shaping of surfaces, the theory of kinecatic chains, schematiz-
Ing the work of mechanisms, explaining the hydraulic outfit
Card 1/2 of machine tools by means of structural sweep, and the appli-
Ways of Improving the Teaching Process. Some Con3iderations on the Train-
Ing Course in Metal-Cutting Machine Tools
cation of structural kinematic schemes.
ASSOCIATIONt Moskovskiy poligraficheskly institut (Moscow iolygraphic
Institute) Moskovskiy avtomekhanicheskiy institut (Moscow
Autoaechaaic Institute) Mookovskly vechernly cashinostroltell
nyy Inatitut (Moscow Evening Machine-Building Institute)
AVAILABLEi Library of Congress
Card 212
**etwaAv4g weak =gmtla field@ &M radial velocity on the actar
mtrfvAm,,.Astr*a,, taIr. no,,183.09-13 JI 157, (KIRA Ilty)
1, Crymimju a6trafts Iche okay& aboorwatorIju,
(Phataelsatric waammmate) (V44Vwtjc fielAs) (&m)
11 I-r'T
'3-0/0 %V/35-59-8-6359
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomlya I Geodeziya, 1959,
Mr 8. p 38
AVrMRS: Mikulin, N.S., Sevornyy, A.B., Stopanov, V.Ye.
TnU NV Solar IO.W*t(*rdph of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory
NO -
PERIODICAL: Irv. Kryask. astroflz. observ, 1958, Vol 19, pp 3 - 19 (Engl.
ABSTRACT; A device of the Crimean Astrophysical Obs*rvatM of AS USSR,
designed for measuring weak magnetle fields Is described. The
device is based on the design of Babcak magnetograph (RZhAstr,
1955. Mr 3. 1072). The measurement method 19 based on the
alternate suppression of the components of magnetically split
absorption lines. It Is shown, on the example of the line
5250.218, that the fluctuation of the flux amounts to 0.8% when
this line Is split In a field of f'-10 gauss. A theoretical
analysis of the capacities of FEU VEI photamultlpllers, employed
jointly with the tower telescope of the Crimean Astrophysical
Card 1/3 Observatory. yields - 0.2 gauss as a limiting magnitude of
!7T T;F
4 , -~Y
Solar Magnstograph of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory
measurable fields. A 10-m spectrograph with a grid producing the light
concentration of the 5th order In the green region (dUperelon In 0.2 A/Mm)
Is used in th* design of the magnetograph. Two slits, 0.04 A wide each,
aeparated from each other by 0.06 A am located in the speatrograph focal
plane. In front of the entranc* slit of the spectrograph, there Is an electro-
nic optical modulator, a plat* of ammonlum hydrophosphate cut out perpendicular
to the crystal wds. When the voltage ( " 4.6 kv) is fed to the plate, It be-
comes double-refraoting; if the voltage Is varied, one can modulate by the
circularly polarized signal. In this way, a constant flux T with the modulated
addition & T hits the FEU photocathode through each of the exit slits. Signals
from two MJ am fed Into a differential amplifier employing a 6N2P tube; the
constant compments of the anode voltage are mutually compensated In the ampli-
flor, " th* modulated (at a frequency of 124 cps) s4pal Is doubled. Then
the signal Is amplified in narrow-bandjimplif ter (of the 28-114 type) and, after
self-recorder. The modulation Is perforned
demodulation, to recorded by an EPP-,O --,
by an electromagnetic relay which Is fed through a phase-Inverter from a fre-
quenoy modulation pickup and which Is comeoted, through an RC filter. to We
Card 2/3
8 1 L, 63
Solar Kqgnstograph of tho Crimean Astrophysical Observatory
control grids of a differential cathode follower. In distinction from the
Babcock magnstagraph. the compensator of radial velocities functions auto-
matically. When the lines in the exit slits are displaced, a diffortnco In
voltage arises between the FM anodes. This difference to amplified by the
amplifier and gives rise to the rotation of a line-shifter which briigs the
line back Into a symetric position relative to the slits. 1he eethad of
adjustmnt of the device Is described. The authors show the reproft2lbillty
of recording. the recording at different time constants and dlfferw4t slit
heights. The operational alit height Is 10 to 30". An example to wesentod
of the chart of magnetic Intensity Isolines for a portion of the soltr surface.
0.M. Ulkollskly
Card 3/3
3,Kq0 (/~ Sri)
AMORt Nl!~!.UnN S
6/056/5 1/000/009/028P56
TITLEt So" Improvements of the magnetograph of the Crimean Astrophysical
PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Astronomiya I Geodeziya, no. 9, 190-5)1, Vj. rib-
stract 9A502 ("Izy. Krymsk. astrofiz. observ. 1960, v. 22, 3-8,
Engl. summary)
TEXT: The author dencribes come Improve--~nts made In Uie desl~n of a
phitoelectrical magnetograph Intended for recording week magnetic fields on the
Sun. The employment of a double output alit (see Figure) makes It possible to
measure the strength of magnetic field from the difference effect of modulation
depth In the "Ings or a Fraunhofer line being studied (Babcock's method), to
judge on brightness In the registration spot being measured from. the Intensity
or the central part of the line, and to register radial velocities (and turbu-
lence In the spectrograph, Reviewer) from the magnitude of unbalance voltage on
(FEU) compensated by shifting the line In the alit by means of a plane-
parallel plate. The Improved radio circuit of the magnetograph to presented.
Photoelectronto multipliers with better parameters are used In the magnetograph.
Observations of the thermal radiation of the soon. 1zv. Kryu,
astrof1s. obser. 30:273-283 163. (1aRA 17o1)
ulai-ui, 11.3.
New dctailB in tio circult of the utgnot,-grah of tiol r7rl~~.~an
Astrophysical Ob3ervatory of the A,~admy oil Scicn-es 'Of t:~q 'I.
S.3.R. Izv. Krym. astrofiz. obsor. 31:2109-211 16.1..
NIKULIN* H.S., kand.tekhn.nauk
- .1
New methods for sachin-Ing hard materials and allays(according to
the a*aterials of the all-Unlon coupetLtLcu). Vest.mashinastr. 44
no.707-139 JI 164. (KRA 1719)
1. i r, 1. .~. :~ ~4 , 1, .- 7 .- - ,