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ACCOOZOW =8 Ap"Ned" Ali ValftnAoILS Mooring VoJej A%~# 4LIN TrTLE9 Xessuremmist at Uw relativ* eveilloter strangtimt In the opmetno at stands Iran by dw setaL absevoi4ma =tbed 'SCUMS Opkilm I jV*ktmb*Oj*# w.14l so.6p 19640 TIT-= TOM TAGNS: o"Illator strength, from,, aboarptlen spectrm, low smaltiplet ABSTPACTt Despite tim fact that there have been many studies devoted to deternina-, tion of the absolute and relative oscillator str*ngths, of transitions, in; different atonx and.tons, there: are still many lacunse. in the data, particularly for tm. re- gion balow 3000 A, Accordinglyp the present work was devoted to measuring tbo rela- tive oscillator strength# in the spectrunt of the F* &too by the method of total ab- .sorption. Specifically, there were measureg 61. lines in 10 multiplots in the 3160 to 2750 2 region, departing from a6D and aPF levelso The iron was vaporimed in a graphite tube furnAce# equ1pped with a system of spherical mirrm that provided. for 4 r 8 12 or 10 passaces of the light through the vapor column. Th~L &P&Ctr& werf rscorJqd by means of a spectrograph with a 60 x IN plame diffraction V*SLW cmd &A ACC Nits "N00023 GOMICE. Dr.: UIVOO 5 V66102 I/W 5/0 5 `0 21C,5307 AU-271019: Kozzlov, M. G.; Nikonova, Ye. I.; Startsev, G. P. OPZ: none .TITLE: Absorption spectra In the vacuum region of aluainum-group metal vapors. 1. 'hallium and aluminum ISCURCE: Optika i apektrookopiya,, v. 21, no* 5# 1966s, 532-53T !:021C TAGS. aluminum, thallium, metal vapor, absorption spcctrun, abcorption edge, i ionization potential, line spectrum, continuous spectmra, occillator streng~..h ABS'ATACT: 'Nie author& InvestiCata the absorption spectra of alumlnu:m and thallitr-i Ivapor in the spectral region 21D - 150 nm, in which are loc' n corAinua ated the ionizatio V land the lines correspondirq to electron tranzitions to levels lying above the first I ioniza-tion potential of the atom. The spectra were obtained with a continuous- rpcctru;--, isource (hydrouren discharge in quartz capillary), a vacuun oven with graphite heatlr~; Clezent. (described in Opt. I speAr. v. -16, 710", 19&4), and & spectrograph. The thal- liu:= spectrum, photographed at 2D30 - 12OOK, consists of a series of lines convergirz Uo a limit at 203.0 n=, a strong line at 200-T rm corresponding to a tr"aition froc. ;* e ground state to 6s6p2 4P3/p, and a very broad line below 170.0 nm correspcndlng i th ,to the transition 69-16P 2FJO 2 - 6S6P2 2b 3/2' 7he maximum absorption cross rection of the ionized continuum is 4% megabarn (Mb) at 203.0 nm at the edge of the series. ~Anei oscillAtor stret%th of the 200.7 na :.1ne IS 4 X 10-3. Zle lifetime of the correspond-,_ Card- UDC: - 5i35.341; 543 20.62 ACC NZ, A?7000( )23 irg 6s6p,2 '6?31;a state is 4 x ID-3-4 sec. The aluminum spectra were photographed at tenq)*--mtures 1400 - 1700K. Me absorption spectrum consigto of a series of lines con- ver" to a Uait WT.0 nwo two lines at 2,93,6 and 193.2 nm corresponding to the 392b 2~0 - 383PP ft transition, which are of Interest In view of the sharp gap ob- served In this vicinity in the solar spectrum., and P. quartet of lines between 176.1 wA'177.0 rq, correspunding to the transition 3523P 2FO - 393P9 2F- The obtained oscillator strangthe'for the 193.6 wid 193.2 11ncs,, 0.21 and 0.25 respectively,, do not agree with other published data...The oscillator strengths obtained for the quar- tet, range from 0.002 to 0.008. There are no pubUshed data to compare with them. The: ilumi=us absorption cross sections range from 100 14b, for the continuum to 120 - I& Yb' for the I In a. The lifetime range from 1.2 to 6.7 x W-2,3 sec. Orig. aft. ban: 4 flawes,, 3 forWAU4,9 - MA I tab]A E021 MM ME: 2D/ am DATiz: l2o4i65/ om Rm oo~/ oTH Ra: o08 ATD PRESS: 5109 S L. 4 r ~ (-- ~ , 4 IVf- K IV ~ I I R I F - ~\. NIXONGTO T.S.; NLKONOTA. r4r.r. Absolute else trophotamstry of the solar caroas luring the totALI solar eclipse of July 9. 1945, Igv, Kr" astrofts. abser. I pt.lz 83-101 "47, (Em-Corons) (Photamtrye Astrasoutcal) (NM late) NIKONOTA, I.K. Nikeaev. 1.S. sad mmn& S-K. glzpertmmt in phateelectric can- parts** of %rightness of nocturnal skies to Stateat 094 IF&rtI96AoTk&,* Imettra Er,-wk. astrofte. observataril, Val. 111. 19". P. 109~-Il so: U-28M. Lostople zhumalodykh St*A*Y. to. 1, 1"9 - I ITIPMOVA"AL K. Be KO sibmwa - YU Ph#t22jM!jgL* D*tww&rAti6n of tbe Gt*,Uar ItWI uds of Stm and rAm L4adaV of Sci cd th* V&Us Izd, Mcccow Vol. 4t X94to pp. IU-144 From: soatidy Uvt of Mamian Aca"Ziom Dscmibw 1951# Vol. hp No. 9j, p. 25 Stars, varia~.!,j ~31ar F,-jO+Onj--cj,j,jc lzv. antrofiz. Obsnr. r.,r Con[r^GS 11)13. IT' , Jur.#,- Stars, Varlal~l- an4 th, Crin-an A8trc','7s4,f-"l .Stv,~llar corruting thn dlininlition of lli,ht in "I,,- narth's ser-vallions, of vmriablf~ atars. Izv. Yryn. antrcfiz. nlo. "onthl-r L12t ~ of gi sqlan Ac-r, ~.A Lit-rary of Cori!-risz ti Il 'InC, to*iA. Yt:-. K. lhotoel.ectric !'agnItudes of Pric-ht Reftrerce A~rs l.-r ~f Izv. rxymskcrf AzitroflT. Cbserv., 31, 1954, 7,.--,Pr) An accurate estAblIstment of ntellAr mrnitudea ~W'We the !,tr,--o:-.phcre under cons-Verntion of li;,ht W.sorptinn I-t, tl-.e tcrrrtstriml mtnwr~`-(,re Vnq rocepse,'. Stellnr mgnitudes defircd LV- 0. Ippm, (Aalrx-Ly-g. J. 1112, IIJ (195J) urre lisc-l n-i '(R:'hA,-tr, Vo 9, 1954) reference roints for o 3- : '"311~8, 11 Jnn 55 "Ptotoklectric Color 1'.,terr.1r,,qtIcr. (,.f Me ~;ur..* I.-v. Erywo-. #tctraf17. 12, pp 56-63, 1954 The color equ1vtl,nt of tke sun we% movaured In 9,vczter 1933 at the CrImeva Astroph7sicril Obuervetory (vIllees, Part! 2fnekoye). -Jalre a :,orona electrophotometer with tin untizony-cestum phbtorjujtI,-)Jjvr, Pniiitfler tubee, and a Calvanometer. Schott filters 047 ind 20 12 w-re used. The vunle color ladex wee found to corrpapind to the star G8 of the su-in oequenc" untl to the uj~per tr4go of the color-luntri)sIty dierrirt, I.e.. the sun to- Lxga to th" bronch corAbC out from tho subelivit r#El,,,n. (R;Wtr. Wo 7. 1955) Sum. No. 681, 7 Oct 55 'ftv T-. Dioxertat.ton: "Acute Intestinal Obstruction. (Data from the Lurgical Division of Clinical City Hospital No 2 at Sokolinaya Gora)." Cand Ved Scl, Moscow Fedical Stomatologlcal Instp Ministry of Health FMFSR, Koscowp 21 Jun 54., (Yedttainckly Rabotnik,, Kascow, 4 Jun 54) SO: SUN 318j, 23 Deco 1954 ' s S&OAtmod Ivor% tAlortwul $04 1 W4 elitug voll we" &Jubs,14 blodk clW-14mWO 909% OWt*l 'r. tbm'v, e-26 iza 7 "WAR. PpewL-~ JJCPFL)CI -A 04 - cl t" 00 to one clat4igJas ba'a or T4 MOM) kg S"90 r 1~10= tao ftv" " TOO r% - - 1J t9jfiD-a U-4 0% ro am, dsaudo detandmUm of satwaftd vqW pressom for emu 4~ufkios or 119d". ftw.tls.m" 29 w.4:615-619 Ap 155. (MM Ste) to lnd~falddy wdvwotfmt to, Vol* laulaso faddost. (Tqw preamwe) USNOOF, VA*tTs:,,xZQwICff$ G. To Xlectren slerescove sam"stlau of strtwtural cksmew in cotton fiber during Ow voptatlem parlels Vat. khtwe thar* ma.3tl2-19 160. a) (KIRA 13d I I. lastlW kkiall pellsorev Aff traSM 2. Cides-kemspealeat .'r At 110SM (for ft~ww). (Oastam) UTTM, a*&4-~~ ~Cg, a~-Ir. Ikeetrou ularescope stair of the Wrotborml Products; ottslood by the lWdrutiom of elbk*r oduralme Valke khis. dur. W.I#g4l-la I" (KM 130) 1. ImUtat kkluli AN Us= I luetttut khtoll poltissrow M lYsSM (COLIaMr) PWAWNp 04v.#,-m ims G V. fjWdjUU*A of cattom "Uulmo. trab. kbdx. skw. WACU-15 '60* (XVA Ull) 20 Imutut 9-11-All polineray AN UsM. 2. CU*rr-kwroop*rA*nt At VWGR (fw wwwww). (ftuulooe) NIKONOVICH, G. V. Cand Chas Sci - (dies) "Electron microscopic study of cotton fiber in period of its developaont.0 Tashkent, 1961. 22 pp- (Academy of Sciences Uzbek SSR, Joint Academic Council for Chemistry of the Division of Geological-Chenical Sciences); 170 copies; price not given; (KL9 6-61 sup, 199) UWASON, Kh.U.,, prof,, doktor khim. nauk; MIXONOVICH, O.Y.; &WITSMI, A.V,, rod*; KARABATEVA, Kh.U.P [Clectred sicroveopy of cellulose] KUktrounaia, mikrookopiLs Asellialovy. Tashkent,, W-To LW. nauk Uzbekskoi M, 1962. 262 p. (KIRA 150) 1. Cblen-korrespondent Akadeall nauk Uzbekskoy M, Direktor InAltrm- ta khtmis palLmerar Akademil nauk Uzbekskay SM. rukovoatell labom- toril fisiko-kbimii taellyulazy Institut4t khfxli polimerov Undsaii nauk Umbekskay SM (for Usmawv). 2. Institut khijtil polimerov Akad-wit neuk Usbakskay SSR (for Nikonovicb). (CelIcaose) (Electron microscow) NIKONOVICH, G.V.; LEOXTI M L, SA.; USK M V. Kh.V. :.-I tUctran nicroscope studies of modified cellulose fiber# hix.valok . na.61 55-61 163. i& 17sl) 1. TasUentakiy Institut ~himii polinerov 4=. PUTIEW, Tu.P.; IrIFONOVICH, G.V.,, TASHFULATOV, ftL. Degree of ordering of various cellulose preparations. UsbAhim-stur. 8 no.lt75-81 164. (KIRA 17z4) 1. InstItut Matt polinerov AM Us=. U. v lion of raV t 1 tj 71 f? 0 a r ~i !,r-i4s trrt) at-till T-Lr "i ru.~4" "k- r~ vi~ ri r' R X f I be r He i T I ma r or 1~ I At mumbai fif 41 rn 'i pc, y - q., a virrt iz.rqmIwprqtj c ,, r': rA of tba uril.ti ir. V,44 I q T F-11C, T- I rr o m T-. Ium Iffert-11OW sAnd --r 71: 1 L cr ~I "rofla at-utit"'. ~,n tho R t 7-.v- t su'. - 4~',3rP !On wo II - (m ri tu~~ fro-m -,zr elartron mlcrw~roplc ump , c a , , ~ " ~- I (,p r-i lilt imItrsaoWc 1, 14,1-fY5. M111,31 01 AMIM) tan ce-rried out for 30 vdinAve Rt V-jo ',oollizW of 2.4,11 it point 2304, 'T farlhe- studies the vsatc~rla.' trnnt4~1 wl'-'i !51 a`kall for 24 hc>ars vt OC 7A].ai) vilth 62-% for flve mim:'-mn tit romm t tm fo rn L ar i~ V04 vr-, type-g :~r SUPvr- otripAure vsre found. The !,X, Kirill, Find F~.-;rtllsar, oroke doyn during j pvrs Lim 1,Ato rather lamr, f in* -, isorA)garmoum f Ibr 1.1inr 14-j*.rm, vitb rvmth avsm qs . ',Ihati2lcm and Fabelta Oty%ml az,,,J rsg~,-id ad-gea. Hydrol;rSIA M- 3d c r"tall Iteg of rpq-~:Iar o.'rrr4Rt^J f:)-rm, r P rig % ng u p to I 100 1 1 zi I atw, th , w,, th concentration occurr-~Ing R," of the 96cowl y vnrlac In thri~w4 i.,h,' 41.xe, tendt" xi he -,j prrwipd tc) lAck uniforlydty. rher, lpvittlp - strongly bont. rA' !J-P jTr-~;p m-cAux-, I cry t4, - A ll~ wr ~Fn! rr~)armblIzg those prc4ucti-I try ~:-Jlzlol~ivlfl, ro-it -(,W?~ p4trhf1pi br*:)allo-. tit-Gatrollt of tb!) lacond F-r,-up jirrne~iwnd 4 nf pAr.".1clas of shapo. Tht; -~f 31 arvJ to a afgtom )f P111tv'r-, i llr~31 L& ~i 71'~IN gind FIStAW.8 va ~,,k and T.'s 0 1" - or Gut"-nn !a:- r KT L v I % RIKONOVICH9 G.V.; LWNTIYEVA, ' P.j F;-!iNl;A'A"A, YtI.11. Structurq of the surface and ultra-.1ti-An ao!ctlw,!i --f pclyrLs~,: fibers. Khlm. volok. no.5!54-59 165. tKIPA 18! lfji' 1, Mauchno-lasledovatellskly institut kHoti I tektrologil khlopkcvoy tsellyulozy, Tashkent. iUiu_)-4_6 W(P)AWPOO Vd/RX CC NR, Usmanov-, sh, U* 0,V.*; 4aontl.yova, 3 Ye. T.. 'i, ORG i Institute for Chemistry and Tochnolo.L_-Y or Cotton Collulo'sis'j Tash ent QY_ so uUNY), Onatitut kbLr k .i' 7 eii '14 ',,"j -or cross-11mkod callulo-4 derivatives. The TITUFA SfAjdjr of wip4)rmolecular structure prlo-rlvv~tis of the reaction of call,ilose arA opic0lorchydrin Et 7ysukomolekulyarnyy9 sayedineniya, v. 7) no. 12, 1965,, 2132-2134 TOPIC TAOSt caUulone, polymer, celli)loao la3tic, synthetic electron Mjcro3cv~Ty "Olmular structure ;T,, The isupermolecular stracAure and -icma -1 tho proportiq3 Of the products Jac G-Lalnod In the reaction between callulose, Arid apichloro4drio wore ntudied to ~elucidato the effect of supemolecular atrutturej on t-he propertie3 of crosa.-Ilnknd collul,otis dirrivatives. The work was carriod c-.rt raInly by electron-nicrosctTy, but it w0 it-ray spectra were also investigated. Flochanical propurti#?3 such as vtren~;th eta under dry and wet car-Witions wore alao f;tudi!.4J. The rozulta are ~7 proso4itosd kn graphs and tiables (non Fig. 1). It is Concludc