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Liv-c-av i.lf Forromagnel,ic kr~pllfit,r.3 oil the D.1sturbance Principle SUBMITTED: alao has a wave cha'ra'ctor. Vw Parts 11 and 5 are :Amil"11, to thf~ Parts 2 and 3, rr~npective-ly. In th-! said that the resuRn obtalned are valld Jn&-p~?ndvn~ I of the type of natm,al o,~,Iclllatlow; '111 initial quality Qc,, the a ttenu,,i t Ions and fill-in flictors ~ can be calculate-ld or m-aslirf-A. There are 7 references, It ."Joviet, 3 11-:73. T1 U. S. referenceo are: It. Suhl, Fyvz- Rev., 1957., 394; H. Suhl, J. Appl. Phys. 1951 1225; P. K. TIQ11, If. Suhl, Proc. I.R.E. 1958, 462,8-'foo. February 23, 1959 Card6/6 5JUN/006/0L4 s/iog/Woo I F140/E433 AUT11014 t NIkol'skiv- V_V_ T ITLE: The Investigation of' Holtow Systems With Animotropic Regions by the ~.,ethod of Vtrenftin tions Pt.l. Ifesonatoro PEUIODICAL: Radioteklinika i eicktronika, 1960, V01.5' N".1t, pp.1802-1810 TRXT: This paper wan propented at the Session of the Section for Ferrites of the Society of Vadi(pengincering and Telecommunications imoni A.S.Popov, January 13. 1960. and also at the Jubilee Session of the Society(May it), L960). Three groups of problems have been posed in applied electra- dynamics; study of the general properties or holtow systems containing gyrotropic bodies, to determine their possible applications in radioengincering, and methods or realizing the corresponding devLceiv. the detailed analysis of' specific devfcos for the purpose of engineering design and problens in connection with ferrite-parameter measurement. Problems or the first two groups have not as yot been solved to a satisfactory completeness. Card t/3 88158 S/109/60/005/OLI/006/ot4 E140/F485 The Itivestigation of Hollow Systems With Anisotropic Ilegionx by the Mothod of Eigonfunctions. 11t. I .Resonators Aftor Walker's (Ref.14) contribution. the lack of information on the elgenvalue spectra of gyrotrople systems has been particularly strangLy felt. An for the calculation of mpeciCLC devices, their irregularity constitutes an obstacle In view of the non- quasi-stationarity of ferrite elements. For generality. this article applies to antsotropic regions the ordinary method of eigenfunctions, in resonators, waveguide and a particular type of wavegulde transformer. The problem is reduced to an infinite 5ystem or equations frnm which numerical methods are derived for une with electronic computers. The methods developed permit, in principle, consideration of all geometricaL features or real microwave devices. The derivation leads to matrix equations with the unknown frequencies in-the principle diagonal if the dimpersiun of the antsotropic medium to neglected. In the presence of dispersion. the unknnwn" alsn enter into the remaining elements of the determinant. The example or a generalized cylindrical resonator completely filled by ferrite in presented to illustrate Card 2/3 88158 S/109/60/005/0LI/006/014 E140/R483 The Invtstigation of' Hollow Systems With Anixotroptc PegLans by the Mothad of Cigenrunctions. Pt.l. Resonators certain poLnts of the article. Thor* or@ I figuro and 15 reraroncess 9 Sovt*t and 6 English. SUBMITTEDs rebruary 15. 1960 Card 1/3 2 o4. 16 s/ i (,r)/w,/oo5/ol2/Ol&/O35 47, /.400 ca/so IJ04) Eiga/E382 AUTHORt Niko I IskLY, V. V. TITUS Investigation of tlia Cavi!y Systems wLth Anisotropic Regions by the Method of Eigen Funct tons. 11. Waveguide Transformer PERIODICAL: Rtadiotekhtstka i elektronika, 1960, Vol. 51 No. 12, pp. 1960 - 196 7 TEXTv The first part of this work (Ref. 0 was concerned with the problem of a resonator with an anisotropic regLan so that it is now possible to consider a waveguide trans- former based on such a resonator (or equivalent to it). rhe transformer ts shown dtmgrairunattcally in Fig. 1. This is a cavity containing one or sevoral anis,.%1tropLc regions V and having N external 1~ort--% through which waveguides are connected to the system. ir otay a basic rieLd exists In each waveguide, the system can be regarded as a 2N-pole relative to far objects. The problem of the transformer differs from that considered tti the first part of this work by virtue of the nonhotnoKetteity of the boundary conditions. Card 1/8 2OU16 s/loq/6o/oo5/ol2/0I4/035 E192/E382 Invostigation of the Cavity Systems with AntsotrG-4c Regions by the Method of Eigen Functions. 11. W&veKuide Transformer Here, It is necessary to know the tangential components of the vector or ie at the terminal cross-sections (S10 S in Fig. 1). If F-1, and H are not LP SN 171 given on all thecross-sections. on the remaining ones it La necessary to know the relationship between E _1:~ a nd H Ir I i.e. the external loads of the corresponding waveguides. In this case, the solution of the problem leads to the determination of the field of the transformer L Pand RP and the matrices of Its input admittance* which relate the fields at all the terminal croqn-sections. First, an auxiliary problem relating to a resonator with a nonuniform anisotropic medium, which Is excited through one or several apertures in its envelope 50 is considered. It is shown Card 2/8 j t.-~/oo/oo5/olz/G14/m Investigation of the Cavity Systems with Anixotropic Regions by the Eethod of Ligen Functions. 11. Waveguide Tran*Corm*r that the 6ystem is described by (see Part 1. of the articlo)t A j 1POL"llk.1 + Wal) Q gRk,. I - The expressions defined by: A j Qij F. B j TJk F are also introduced, where A and 0 re composed oC the coefficients,of expansion of ? and -14 and the matrices (likll and lTikjj are expressed on the basis oC Eqs. Card s/log/60/005/012/014/055 E192/E382 Investigation or the Cavity Systems with Anixotropic Regions by the Method of Eigen Functions. II. Waveguid* TrKnsCormor The problem of a waveguide transformer with t~o perts was solved by G.V. Kisunlko (Ref. 2). by using the above results It is now possib.le to Investigate such a transformer when It contains a nonhomogeheous aninotropic medium. The transverse eigen functions or the waveguldes are chosen so that tho coaditionst t - h on S h on 5 t [n 2 1 i 1(2 o (2) are fulfiLled,where a, are eLectrical tranavorso Cunctions are magnotLc of the rirst and second waveguides and h , transverse functions. It in shown that t a solution is it% the C*rm: Card 2W416 Investigation (of the Cavity ~,)Y,,,tvms with Antsotroptc RogLons by the Method of Ligen Function-'. 11. Wavegutdc TransCorner 11 Y !, A IL - Y 1. ( I I I kAl i ( 12k 2 B2 = Yt~21)kl, AI Y If, 2~.,kA, where j i. Y 14 T 1.2) (16) tl i(tiolk k(-0JI are the admittance watricen of' thq- transformer and 0 1.2 are the vectors with components If 11 b2-, ... (which are eLements of the proliminary matricem). Eqs. (15) can be extended to a mystem with N exteutuil p rts (Fig. 1). On* Card 5/8 20&16 5/109/60/005/012/014/035 E192/E382 Investigation ot' the Cavity Sy.,~tem,,% with Aninotropic Regions by the Method of Eigen tutictions, 11. Waveguide Transformer of the simplest traneformerA k3 the system based on a regular waveguitW the waveguide in tasually such that It can contain only the fiandismental fin)(1. In the case of an arbitrary waveguide, tranat'vraier as Shown In Fig. 1, the ficild can be approximated bv tlip eigen funstions of the corresponding E-problem, for wliicls E - 0 on S 0 . However, for r, %imple rrgijlor-wavejtuiolo~ traneCormer It to possible to choose much a syslt,m of eigen functtons that they havo n tangentiaL cnwjwonent of the vector C' at the terminal cross-sect&tons. There exist other methods of invostigating the vavegutde traw,4former by employing eigen functions. Otte of thesc wettwam., which to based on 4 different solution of the a~sxilirtry probleta of the resonator excitation, iv dtacusse(J. it &:s ziww Assumed that the field g"', -W of' the resoviestor wAth rjowinsform anioctropic medium con be expressed In torms of tho elg-ii functions byt Card 6/8 Investigation of the Cavity Systerr- eith Aninotropic flexions by the Yethod of Ligen Function.%. it. Wavcguide TransCormar rot fi: rot fw~ &(r-) E, - 0 sa S. It in shown that the solution obtetined by this method is identical with t1tat expressed by Lqs. (6). Thtw above methods of calculation are suitable for the investigation of yarious Waveguide problems such an circulators. phase-shifters. directional attenuators and other devices which contain mag- netised forrites of comparatively large dimensions. Card 7/8 t s/iog/60/005/012/014,(035 E192/C582 Investigati on or the Cavity Systems with Aninotropic Region* by the Yethod of Eigen Functions. II. Waxeguide Transformer Nil- There are figures and 3 Soviet references. jj SUBMITTED: March 14, ig6o Card 9/6 204 29 s/io9/6o/oo5/012/0271035 (/1 yo, E192/E582 AUTRORt Nikollskiy, Vo Y. ii_ethod_~_f Eigenfunctions for-the &xtern&L TITLEt On the Problem, of t1octrodynamice PERIODICALt Udiotakhnika i alektronika, 1960, Vo:1.5). No.12, pp.2055-2054 TEXTt The,mothad of eigenfunctions is widely, used in the solution or the internal problems of electrodynamics and it is thought that it could be applied successfully to the external, dicrraction problems. In order to apply the method to, & diffraction problem (see Fig.1, where A, is a body and F is a source),, the external space S to limited artiCicially by a sheath whose Corn. ' O (Car instance a cube?. The field produced by can be very simpL O the source is expressed in. terms of the eigenfunctiona'ar tho region V thus produced. As the region is expanded, tho affect or its bogndary on the process is reduced until an inatint L4 reached when the solution does not differ significantly fron'the true solution (in the absence or the boundary). The very princip or the artificial limit of the region is known in quantum stechanL The question or a suitable chaLc* or the boundary is quit* important Card 1/2 S/109/60/005/012/027/035 E192/Z,982 On the Method 'of Rigenfunctions for the External Problem of Electrodynamics since, an exaggerated extension of the region V, , is undesirable .from tho point of view of the c&lculation ties* Thor diffigul % are I rijure and I Soviet re,for*ncew. SUBMZTTZVt April 'it,I -960, r- - - - - - - - - - - t ...Car-d _2/2-..- KIKOLISM', FEDOROV, F.P., dota., rotoolazent) BUM;SKIr, V.B.t kaM. fizih-matem. nauki red.; FERKCVSUYk, G.Te,, red, izd-va,# GARINA., T.D.j, ukha, red, (Zlectromagnatic field tbeorr) Teorift eleictrawpitnoCo polia. Koskvag, Goa. izd-vo *V~rsshaia shkolap-10 1961. 370 p. (KIRA, I~cZ) 1. Kafodr& tooraticheakikh opow redlotakWki Koskovskola anergeticbetskojo inatituta im. Kal*tova (for Worov). (zlectromgmtic tboary) S/Laq/61/oo,6/ool/009/023 CJL40/ZL63 el-3304`419W 11310) AUTHORt K ~* I TITLAt Investigation at hollow systems wLtk aninatropLe regions by the method of eigonfunctionso Part 111, WavegoLdso PERIODICAL: RadLotekhalks, L slektronika. val.6, I(o.1, 1961, pp. 74-80 TILM This to a continuation of the authorls previous work (an resonators. ReC.L. and an wavegulde, transformers. RoC.3). The formnlaa are derived with a view to calculation an digital computers. The waveguLds considered consists of an ideally conducting tube of crass-eection So with arbitrary contour floe containing an anisatropic cylinder of croas-4oction S. Tile propagation constants of the possible wave modes of the system or* Cound, The results arrived at or* simpUr than Car the case of th* waveguido transformer (Rtf,3) for a number of practical cases, Car example, the propagation constants oC wav*guLdes completely filled by anisatropic (oog., gyromagnetLc) media. Two notes are attached to the article discussing points raised by the card 1/2 2U31 S/109/61/006/001/009/023 Ic 140/1c IL63 investigation of hollow systems with onlaotropic region* by the method of eigenfunationse Part 111, Waveguides preceding two parts. Thor* are I figure and 3 Soviet references. SUBMITT&Ds may 13 196o Card 2/2 , i I NMLIIM IT.-, ~*-T Variatien principle for hollow-opaeo gptw&, vith aninotropic madiun. Raclictekh. i alaktron. 6,no.9tl583-1595 9 161. (MIRk 14t9) (Wave guidoo) t1loatric romotators) (Ificrawaves) . NUOLSKIYo V-V-l SUKRY(l Y.G. jtj~, mr~h,~d for hollov cy tent with Anl5o*Mjc "djupl,, Wi,3tekl-.. R a - (KIU 14-.9) i elaktron. 6 no.10,.16 16&4 0 161. (Wave. iruide7s- (Liectric resonators) 6 S/1 09/62/007/OU4/C,~)`O/G It, -3 L D230/D302 L 10 AUTHOR: 'ikollskiz, V.V. N 1.~TLE: Double-aided evaluation of the resonant .,rreq!1O!!c4;eL of hollow electromagnetic cavities with an non-homogeneoue medium PERIODICAM Radiotekhnika i elektronikap v* 7. no. 4, 1962, 601 - 616 T:XT: The double-sided method of evaluation Civec a relatively simple Yjay of designing irregular resonators. The-accuracy -.f t*,. Tesults in simpler form is satisfactory for most aptiIications; in principle, it can be extended indefinitely. In the case of c'cc- tric-mode ercitation (dielectric body In the waveguide') it ib tively easy to prepare a table of the resonant frequencies in ter.-,7, of the parameters q# r. and 02/p1, where q - a form facto.-O F - di- electric permeability of the mediumt P, and P2 -spectra of the cor- responding reciprocal operators (the square of tho ratio of t'Ee first two resonant frequencies of an unfilled cavity). These valuen Card 1/3 /62/007/004/003/013 S/109 Double-aided evaluation or the B230/D302 fully define both limits of the dominant frequency lndepen~cnt of the type of irreGularity. In order to use the tabulated results In the design of a reaonatoAr of any type the value of its form factor is required beforehand. A test function f I is introduced au a spe- cial caae of the normalized intrinsic field; bece.-use of "r. simpli- city it is convenient to use; it, has, howevere no absolizle aftinta- E:eu. It is possible, in principlerto evaluate not orly t4c r,* " also other resonant frequencies. Analorous Probie:.~s ofv L~ i i d,~ resonators are examined. In all complex cases considerel f,c,~r- ttlin cases of non-reciprocity) the cutl-off waveruide frequcrc_-_-:, -are determined. Using this nothodr it In also poc_-ible 'LD the accuracy of a Creat variety of approximations in ry A. & w excitation. In all cases conaidered the niximun obtaiialbl e o r ~.Iho ayeMge resuit .%Tau found; as an example, tabulcted --a coz,g~daon between the calculated and eX arAMertQ1 racul t'l oaua or r**tanguiar roaOn&tOr rully M?21 with. In appendix the following special canea of cavity re~-_natr,:, nod: 1) Rectangular resonator with a cen'.rally-p2acad cylinder; 2) Cylin4rical resonator with a cylindrical Card 2/3 6/109/62/007/005/019/021 NikoVskly, T.T. AUTRORx "TITLIs 7-on--the--problen of :two side estimation of natural 4requenclas of hollow elect tic reso PER =2 Radlateklialka. I elektranikag To 7# ILO* 50 19620 907..- 911 =Tc A further contribution to a pr*vloux paper (T.T. llkollakiyo, .Rad&pt*khn1k& I elektronikap vs. 7P no. 4,, 19620 601) canc*ming the 2 upper lialt of the lowest natural frtquoncy v of a resonator with an Inhomogensous antsotrop1b medium. A special a"* of a cavity fil- lad with-foalte dielectriple consUarede The upper limit of w2 In I de''tormined using the elgenfunctions of an empty resonator. The case of a oubio resonator containing a dielectric parallelepiped with e/ro at 10 Is exam1neds The resul too can also be applied to a oylla- drical cavity with a dielectric diae at the bottom for the ass* of Card 1/4 3/109,/62/007/005/019/021 On the probles of two old* D230/D306 an Soo-fiold. Izaet results are'compartd graphically with those ob- tafted from a functional Po ?or the 2,io-fleld the functional P gi- ven excess values of cavity volume* The author also considers cylin- drical cavity:contalaing a coaxial dielectric cylinder (EA. N 10)v whose diameter Is equal tog or lose than# the cavity dlamot*rt res- !,:poctively. In both cases the fundamental field in Effil, and the 3111- field of an emptt cavity Is taken as the test functiono In both ca- ses# when the dielectric filling exceeds 20 % of total cavity volu- me# the funationil 7 given excess values with a relatively small . error* The functional 7 can only be used for the caicuiation or W, in a quasi-static.regi-ne for which the quasi-static approximate theo- ry of e3 illation appli.-so If the,fundazental. field Is substituted into the functional 1, the resulting w2_valuoo are less than the I exact values If the dielectric filling Is 5 to 20 % of total volumes This law should be valid for different forms of cavity and dieloc- trio filling* There are 3 figures and I table. SUIC11ITT:M: or 29, 1991- Card 2/2 Pot~ liggiAULA& CamernInC the OTarlatlotma squivalence* of gyrotrople wave guides and cavitLes. lUdiotakh. L elektron 7 no.7tl249-1250 9620 OURA l5s6) (Wave g,.ddes) (ClactrIc tvaonators) NIKOVSKU, Y.Y., lnz!;. Ralsinor the height of a bmah with tims-bap of a r1we-o mm"A. strait 7 noollt 36-Z? 1063 (iaRA 1.1c') 1. Dkitrcinkly s&%-" mastovykh zholezobetcrailth kcnutrukts!jo ACCESSION NR.- AP4038613 S/0109164/0091004/06ZS/0633 AUTHOR: Nikollskii, V. V. TITLE: Fourier niethod for hollow shap4d systoom with an anisocropin 4aterogeneous medium :SOURCE: Radiotekhaika L slaktronika. v. 9, no. 4, 1964, 6ZS -633 TOPIC TAGS: SHF resonator, waveguide, waveguide transformer. microwaves. resonator theory ABSTRACT: The Fourier mn4thad of determining natural fraquencies. propagation constants, and admittance matrices was developed earlier by the author for resonators. waveguldes. and wavegulds, transformers. Its Limitation has boon the fact that a total set of vector functions obtained from the problem of a nonfiLled resonator had to be known. The present article to free from this litrdtation: no got of analytically specified vector functions for the region in question is needed. Card :ACCESMON NR: AP4039613 'An expansion into vector oigen-functions of the electromagnetic field of a shaped- envelope hollow system is wade. The get of eigen-functione to found from a ~problem dealing with a region that encompasses the hollow tystern. The applica- bility of the Rita and Galarkin unthods to demonstrated In a resonator example. "The author is thankful to V. G. Feaktistow for useful discussions of the above problems. 11 Orig. art. h": 40 fornvAas. ASSOCIATION: none ;SUBMITTED: 13Fsb63 I :SUB COIDE: WoM DATE ACQ: 05Jun64 NO REF SOV: 007 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 000 Card Z/Z St0l09164t0091Q06/tJ4S,/t356' ACCESSION NR: AP4043666 AUTHOR: Nikol'skiv, V. V.; Sukhav. V. G.; Karniy*nko, 0. to I Ortov$ y4 P, TITLE: Calculation of a rec "Ular waveguide containing a lon.g(tud(na magnetized ferrite by the eig4efunct(on method I SOURCE: Radlotekhnika i elektronfkA. v. 9,. no. 6. 1964, 134S-1356 TOPIC TAGS: wavegulde, ferrite, longitudinally magnatised ferrite, ferrito containing wavegulde ADSTRACTs Sao'ad an the Galorkin-Rits theory, a method for calculating the propagation constants of and fields in a rectangular waveguide partially filled W1 a longitudinally-magnatized ferrite is developed* The problem to valved as boundary problem for the wavtguide cross-aection; Ma"ell's equations are used. Phase shift and attenuation are calculated for a wide range of, ferrite characteristlego'faixte and c6nfigurations of the systotn* Programing tinn and, Card I /Z 'ACCESSION "it, AP404968 techniques ate discuosed-is.'"tt as the accuracy of calculation'. rundanwataU. characteristics of- the system are t1aillied by isolating various awdes and by anaLysing their spectral composition," A few nuawric*1 W'MMVLOIF are calculat" and data presented in graphical, form, Orig. art. hsav 15 figures forawlssp and t table. A=MATIONt none SUBbQTTICDt ZZA"T6S, E N C UP 00 SUB Colm: ic NO REr SOVi 005 OTHERt 005 Card /Z HIKOLISKAP V.V.; SU;~ICV, V.G.; D.I.; V.~. --- F-. nV WA WJ WI OW -.t' Wft%g~, Calculation of a. recfAmgular wavegjide wIth a lorgitudinal'A7 zagnetized forrite using an e1goinfunctIon mt~:;d. Wintekh. I elektrcn. 9 1345-1356 Ag '64. (MIRA 17:10) 'KA)USLEY, dlk ,;~ j, i iw~.; ""I '' ' ' _: i A r ~ 1 - 1 ;, , i~ . ; 0 , I !,r I . - - 1. . . - p ;. 4,0 , _. . 11.v I Excrotlnn ()~ LAIScon ur;d hfffr.~r -, r~:' 0 () ," Nirlba s sil. 02?7-,!~~') 164 C, ~ '. .;, I r:.:) I 1. Rn 0 t I-) V~,'~ I y 4.1 t it ; " n ~, " I t..~A t. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Z eCl.: Du 10-4 t7e, A J Z JM 0 U ~Y-; I! J%j:" "6T tfmr CC 6"" - ORIY -04 v i as jo oft"o," ;* a*"* wim rNmew4g. at -, --'A -,r' t( -10=aaftw "%Jv OR% zalshb &old **Rptfdj KZ Um. 94,10,;Mjm age ODMITU DI'T ul *T'403ft DT.%l jo atioloci JIM063 aqj tn pmaj Ow 1~"j vcc7:::r tq qsj=v* oev"19 &maTZ*ajM - opft CC d(I I=u;j9MA&~V -mm ~m q2=,2,,l4fj 3j,;TzwjOS qQq2fj 'AW-ttft *1 *8 vw w ad *21 .10M;DODT4 FM jo Orvjzq&W44 Mr. Vtm slaxuml -10 00-mog 76 p"'I acxas&~R6 00aiisald N'Kl3,-1SX,Y, YA. U. YA. D. Sulliu~ -in, c,,j h c: r a,- r 11 t u ra Ia n Ini.. 1f, rid, r: D,- It. r, i,7 ti 'Fv.! er-linarlyal .10; 11; Nioverbi3r tncl. T AD * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 USSR / Diseases of Farm Animals. Disaaaes Cituxed, R-2 by Helminths. Ab5 Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol-, No 2, 1958, 7370 Author : H. V. Badanin,,-YA-k_-Nikol1ek1y Inst i Not (liven Title Pecularitles, of the Measures For Fighting H*lmintht,-.. aim of Farm Animals In Vzbekiston. Orig Pub: Hauchn. tr. Uzb. a-kh. in-ta 1956, lo, 63-73. Abstract: Measures In the tight against the basic helmirths of sheep are examined. Card 1/1 119OLISKIT To 0 bW~T*t*rLn&rFM* Sauk =L== methods or 41121041 lmwiml di"als of Nalodso Thymalosla Sled Avlt*lUmfa. Infectlaw of Wwop ad Coate wider fleld coadl. tloms. Trudy Vx.mmb,-Ivvl.ln~t,v*t* UtUL-W 161o (=A 1612) (lubeldetan-Gootada) (Skomp-j~araol""") (Goats-ftraolted-4"ts) I KIM -D k"WT*teriwwppWW nauk SIWUfted =AW of mdaroseWle dl&Wsls 3f Nml*sla 10sation In shmsp ad pats. Trvo W16SAW 0610 (KIPA 16 t2) (Ilzbeldst4a-Zestoda) (ftrasit4"hoop) (ftrealtes-4mts) "RwAwt F'S.I~K9010,89up ra'D, Im"Lelm or dm" IW tm"t~ trf~sphldm In Um ban. Trmft 24114-175 t6l* (P=- I~CO (TabskisUa-Zoolmorm) Wrtalts"") "Diagrosis of ir rheen." Vetertnartya, Vol. 34, Uo.5, Vbi L ; i ~rr of ,,!kr,j'jqkjy, Ta. D.- Institute cS Uzbck Acarinoy of AIrrimiltur-al Saic-,!rr. VIKOLISM, Y&*Dev k"o vetar, muk Therapeutic affectivVneds of calcium arvenate in agearlasis of hions and chicket. Sbore natichp rab, Sar. NIVS 6tI73-184 163- (KIRA 18i11) aoRxsmcm, ru.r.; Yt*OIFAMOV, G.F.; MELINIXOTp P.; MMLYWO, T*.5.; SMIENYAO R.; rROUNp L.; IDDYAW)VO V.; KUM, ISM, Ta.D.1 LUZIAMINO D.; AZMV, D. Inrormation and brior news. Utorinariia 40 no.201-96 F 163. (MIRA 17t2) N tmat cd I ru s I n f P on ,a t. or in I a - bs .Vet-rin.,irl"a 41 61 Js 164. (VIPA 6) 1. 3aratovskaya niu7!,r.-- !n-sledovatt-lskaya veterinar-na-ya stantalya (for Nikollakly'l. 2. Ralakovskaya, rayo"-iayw veterinarnaya lab-natorlya (for Plskunav). UwHlff, P.M.F Ex SKIT i Th*k GLIculation of antematia errors for leysts vith self-adjuirting ill&t linfw. Gso4i kart, no.1&18-22 Ja 161. (Km 1692), (ravel (bavvying instment)) IZ4-57-Z-Z459 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, Nr Z, p 133 (USSR) AUTHOR- Nikol' skiy. Ye. N. TITLE: Calculation of the Body Shell of an All-metal Passenger Car for Torsion (Raschet kuzova tsellnometallicheskogo passathirskogo vagona na krucheniye) PERIODICAL: Tr. Bezhitsk. in-ta transp. mashinostr. , 1955, Nr 13, pp IZ5- 149 ABSTRACT: Description of an approximate calculation method. relative to torsion, for the body shell of a passenger car which is considered as a closed shell with cut-outs. The theory of thin-walled beams with open profile is employed. The sckematic calculation model consists of two thin-walled, trough-shaped beams, connected to one another by means of elastic partitions stressed by shear. The contour of the cross section of the stringers is considered nondeformable. The rigidity of the stringers under pure tors.:~,% is assumed to be negligibly small in comparison to the sectorial rigidity of the stringers. The terminal-walls are assumed to remain undeformed within their plane. The calculation is per- Card 1/1 formed by means of a combined method. 0. V. Bychkov 1. Passenger vehlclea--Torque 2. Mathematics AL i 7 lid NO; , , , ., -; v4il T WA41 flat tb p MLWWJ b lbb MA Ttd r, CaUl. , WIMLISKIT. U.N.. d*ts., kuCtskhn.mult UslffC F.F.Falkwleble metbod ts amsljrxlmjC %bo strossed stato to tho Umer seettas of the body of a closed-sholl type of passefter car. Trudy DITM no.17:13-31 157. (MIRA 11110) (ftl1roade-ftmeowr cars) KIKDLISXIT reg. data., kkad.telrba.0fluic 0.0~~~~te of n -*hapsi abstio: applicable to the If,wer seetion of the body of a Clogod-ghell type of pasim *r car, Trudy SITX #57s WPA litio) (Rallroods--Fassonor cars) I GKITL P. muffiaNSKIT, Sargay faitillyevich, doktor takha.nauk; 04-c-L(WIT, reyvair xlkolay%vLch, prof.0 daktar Ukhs,ssako NIUVWXY, Low Rik-olIP--- jovick. prof.0 daktor tokhm.mmk; ;;;i. AUkmW Alebwadrawlsk. prof,, daktor toakhmeamak; SUVIRO FamId Abramoviob, prof,* doktor takhm.amki IARAKWK. U.S.. md.: SOMMA, Te.N.0 Ukha.rado [Daslgm of rallroad care for strsv4thj lAschat vmouaw as pracb- nost'. ftd red. A.A.Fopows. M~Wm. T"olsdatellsko-pollas ob%dlnenle X-ve ptttel saabehahmalls. 1960. 359 P. (Rallnedo-Cers-Coustruct Lou) I 1#75D BOTW807T Nikallskiy, re. K. TITL&t The Schwarz Algorithm in the Problem of the Thvory of Elasticity of Stresses PERIODICLLs Doklady kkadecxii nauk SSSR, 1960. Vol, 135, No. 5, pp. 549 - 552 TEXTt S. L. Sobolev (Ref. 1) proved the convergence or the Schwarz algoritha using the displacement problem of the theory of elasticity. Kere the application of the Schwarz algorithm is investigated for the stresses in the: region DI which can be reprea4nted at the auz of the two partially 12 overlapping region# D, and DZ" The existence of the limit or a function and its agreement with the solution& of' the theory of elasticity in the, region D, is proved with the Schwarz algorithm. and the exclusion 12 principle. rn the stress problem the freedom of choice of the, original vectorial 4trese function in the region D . located within DI is limited Card 1/2 191OLISfAr ra_lr_g prof., doktor tekhn.nauki VERSHIIVSKIT,S.V., doktor mauk,, retsens*xt; GAUXOTA, ILS.0 Lash., red. DMINA, CF.,,; TUMMY, A.Ye., tedw.rod. (Railroad-car-typo mh*11s W'I;Wopen1ngs; theorstioal bases for stress Investigation] Obolochkl a vyresaul tips vagom- alth kusovow; toorsticheakle oanovy lesledovaulta sapriashouil. Moskva,, Ylashest 1963. 311 P WRA 16&9) (Slastic plates and shelis) (RuIlroade-Cars) .1yly dckU KOV, TIE, t, a.1 (IMIRA Acc Nitt Ghadurp Loonid Abramovich (Doctor of Technical Sciences; Professor); Chelnikarv Iva" Ivanovich (Doctor of Technical Sciences; Professor); Mikollsklyp raw Nik*Uyevlch (Doctor of Technical Geienceep Professor)# ff1kol'skiy,,YL1vgen1y Mikolayevich (Doctor of Technical Sciences; Professor); Tech- n1cal Sciences# Docent); Kazansk1yi, Gcorgiy, A.1ekseyevich (Candidate of TechnicaL Sciences); DMatkav# Vladlisir Fedoravich (Candidate of Technical Sciences) Railroad cars; constructlono theory# and design (Vagony; korAtruktstya teorlys, I raschet) Kadcove rx&yo "Ttamyort"t 1965. 459 p. 111u4., biblife 60000 copies printed. Textbook for rallroad transportation Institutes. TOPIC TACO: railway equlpment,, railway rolling stock, milmy transportationp raU- WW Vehicle dAtA MR111WE AND COVERAGEt The book deals with the conatructionp strength calculationsp dynomicap choice of technical-ecunoodc pmrameters, " sizes of rallimad cars. It Is intended for courses on "Railroad Cars" (constructionp thearyp calculation) far those specializing In "Railroad Car Construction and RailrorA4 Car YKnagementa of h1gher tedmIcal In4itutes for railway trwwport. It to destgoed to be a baste course for furtbar specialization Is special-purpose cars such " refrigerator carep electric equipeent, of railroad care# techno1W of construction and repair of rall- road carev mad other s"claLties. It to degigmA for gtudowto itw bove some almAnt- ary lacrusition an car construction and car strangth, Card 1/2 UDC: 425123/,24 MC404824 TABM OF COSTEN (abrifted] i Introduction - - 3 Ch, I. General information on railroad cars 7 Ch. 11. Dimensions - - is Ch. III. Technical mid economical paremeters of freight cars 30 Ch, IV* Principal diate for strength calculAtIons of railzomid care - Ch. V. Wheel pairs - - 55 Ch. VI. We boxes - - 69 Ch. VIIO' Springs and &hock sbiorbers - - 105 Ch. VIII. Trucks 142 Ch. IX. Frams wd bodies - _ 187 Ch. X. Ghock-couplir4: devlc*d - - 2w Ch. X1* Principles or' railroad Qnsalce - 252 Ch. Me Freight cars - - 337 Ch* Mlo Dulk Care - - VO Ch* wo ftsimuger cue - - 3m Ch., XV* PrImIpIss of 4se4p# caustruettoup and tectift of care h23 BUS COM - IV WM MUs 2UUYW ORM RM 218/ OU JUWc 010 - MIZOLISM, is. (Ifflamcmd) A 163. With Ntwo mblirim eirfloors. Toes. NO& 10 --It 116ii-1611P (Ndmulm warfmv) A NUKOLISKIT, Yu. (Tula) V*lu&#Awr beglamlage In the club for wat4r @parts* Toom. smm. 39 no.3o27-28 NO 163. (MIRA 160) (Aq=tle sports) AY.I.IJUEV, V.L . Cc., ff SOURCZ, CODEC M, 1OW01661OW10WI027310302, 0"07.4.103s AkulaySv.. oklyp No A (Leningrad); Rkolf J.t (Leningrad); Sborovskiyp At r.' (-=ingrad) CIO: none T! 'LLE: Danping of forced vibrations in tho hull of a sh1p institut problem materiiLlovedeniyao Rasseyaniye energii pri kolobaniyakh ulprugikh sist4m (Ehargy dissipation during vibrations of elastic systs").1 aukova duaka, 1966# 292-302 Kiev, N TOPIC TAGSs vibration analysis,, marine engineering ABS-ZLIC.-IL: Calculations of forced vibrations using data from previously publishea- Iit,eraituro yield calculated values of the amplitudes which# as a rule# are con3iderabl lovar than experimental valua3v that is, there is an error on the side of danger* 'Ine experiments described in the present article were conducted under deep w4ter condition4 which eliminated the effect of factors such as shallow waterp mooring walls " cther ~ch-'Pa. Yfeasura=ents ware made of the forced vibrations of the hull of a ship at 'differant values of the eccentricity,, in the presence of vertically directed anid .undirected forces, Based an the experimental data,, curves were plotted of the zhan iin the amplitude of the forced vibrations as a function of tbAir frequoncre rn iwor;dng up the data# the decrements In the free damped vibration@ wwo determined from I i C.'j 112 A 07569-6-7- ACC N14 V6029373 the resonance curves by the knoun forwAA where b - (~24,)Alfis the relative width of the resorwce peak, found with the of the Co cad vibrations equal too half t1w mucimm values In the proseneo r0 of resonance,, the value of the dynamic coefficient is cargmted vith the deasment,6 ~by the following relationship A. --' (2) 6 A f igure shaws values of A for ships of various confioxationso After an wrtanded, :athazatical davelopsent.' the article arrives at tbe, followlag formla for deterainati(a of the dynamic coefficients 10000 :Orige art. bass 15 formulass 4 figures and 2 tables, :So CODSs 13,, 20/ SM DAM 2V*b"/ =IQ RZfe 007/ IM We ow/ am asrs ooz Y r I It MIX ;,K 111KOL.'sKly, YU.I. ... Sone, problems In the xet~-od if In"-rpretingr graylty .2nonalier, in reolorically, closed areas of the westprn Pirt of Central Asia. Trudy VSEGEI 42-70-64- "(0. (MIRA 14:9) (Kara Kun-Gravity prospecting) ESILYAND, H.G.j HIKPIo'Mr, rit.Le Evaluation of the methods of quantitative Interpret-stion of gravit&- tional ammalies above a vertical shelf. Izv. AN Turk. SSR.3ar. fiz.- takh., khim. I geol. nauk ro.467-65 163o (MIRA l7t2) 1. Mel ranyodochnoy geofizlkt L seygwlogit AN Turkamnskoy SM. TAWTP 9-9-0 PNW=MSKITp X.X.; POL&TAYA, X.I.; MMU, G.A.; MIKIMO S.L.1 ISAMOMA, A.0,; TWIMFO K.P.1 =of Ivy-Vzy (ChIls 15-weLls TITOW, X.T4.0 ?Mf?U&Mp A.1,; UMMORA# T.T.1 GIRFAKMAO OXI ZUxEVq A.V.l II ~ISKIYp Tuatel Wme O.N. ftablem of the wthods of pological Is"sUgations. (TruOyl TOM 92g91-98 163. OGRA 17W IWT( 1 ~191 NR: AR4044?V' S! 0) 6 96 4000,'005 fM 2 1 DOI 2 L4 1-i Ref. th. Ge-oftaila, AIPH F 11RAt P_' P W: The -.jae of spectal-i-ed -nmplitern ir ~~;(_)U'RCr! Tr. Vsss. n i wool- inAa, v 12, 19fil. 100 Tr")MC TALUM 11cophysics, wentlM rJoci, regional component. locux companent/ ttlym ~IILA110N- Repot to cm the !;-I riltimb-It'n-7 dr-"-loper" In 19SQ-1960 All-la'nlan Sete imww, this complitor in based n, if H, I' ""r prift, 11,10 In lomign"I for 9t, ~riansforrm lion .w,owlal flelrb, ~ncludfiiR 07~e breukdorwn al the !Ield bAo leml arw] r6~gjciinRi -ornpow~-,ts. for ~~onvertfisgthe Initial field novi )evel, Or. The ipoU-in-n-w wp,~* ~jx7pr-,)v-d, qrml re(ornmended lor serifti. lt~~ ti,yn 4n 19PI. AR4044203 ES, Op C 1.1 )o MKOLISKIT, lit. la Nottiods to allow for the zero creo-p '.r, TirAy VSEGEI 104s74-82 164. (Y-6 RA -,, 8 ~ - ~. Y~Sjr. A.R,,Lz uzmcxixg T.G. fis"Gurist," of 56 dhr~sww soWdiplold wboat feme ftvU U4, blelo AN MM nao5s2W-M 160* (ML, 24M (WMT BX=M) ZXWU, A.Ro I 9sur ru MaWK, L.K.. 0 AsmlU of Us stu(tr of pro&wtive lims of the sq&MplofA bytrid Tritiew dur%WX, Tr, vul#aso Diul, lftt. biol, AS US mG'l,5s28%-29d f60. (MBA 14L7) ~ (WMT SF89030) I I -NUOLISKITp U.K.; KUMKHIKj, T.Cls Yaterials an tho stOy of the inheritanoo of quentitative sharacters in maphidiploid Iinse. Biul, Inst, blol, IN, HM W*5t299-3M 160. (KML 240) 9=1 9SUrg U.K.; VAMIIMCII, 0.1. ft~- Galculation of the heridity of qwmtltative features of wheat 1dIVIoUW b7 dispersion analysis. Rule Insto biol, AN ~ vo.6439-2" 161. (KIM 15t3) (WINAT 1 16) UUMISKIY, Yu.5, Th4ory of the welem clmv!es of 41,'I'srentisity1r, fwrl"A~:ra V11 s 33: 17. '04 Wd. Fit -1141, Sauk 1951, 21'.: 1 HWIMAq. fit i 1"f #s Art jwIn wit, V-11,0 latt~-- 4 ~A X :3 X W tr. (CYI'Wirii~ 14KA4 C4 b, (XiMary 11.0) Ift a Irwir's 4a-'d rcr elfwTi- intlom) U-IfOresct(cl, Ifit nvIl itith IM (OUO*iug b-f-W.UIA 1A vatA J. - I + I IV- MIZI)JIMMpowl, wh"f is tile rmin r'1 fix"tuco.fiv thtntvki If"llan'l 1"n All'i P'.Mvinis rft life t t th tv". of felt n"troan U-Ainz in Un filwin CA fil. uwcb i We *Ad L"- tfsp. ZIzt tis the rit4n r2u) C4 ti"16ti-m callIttax and ,"a crovs scrIL-mil f-r Wn, T. ,) rr~-Cs-ij ImArts. NoI/Artnive pm-TfArd Ja v-so ottb--xl ft!;Tncqtv arv ZI-PeItted an p&gvr In the olb--r =~?I'M an kou". tioik ch;umt~,r is uv4 lot c-untLrig rJ jA;c lr~grrmvws. [a ticxib mfthr~ls laytrs & %sturld V Awl U L~ in U.- "r C4 V~'t L- knold. vfhkb "t plac-A in 6 wot of t4e 1: .Itkv. a, I ---livitkii alm C*Lupwtef- wur-r ls-.4-W 1. --.kwa- 11r\ Category : USM/'K=le&r Ettysics - Nuclear Reactions C-5 Abe Jour ;Rot Zhur - rizika, Wo 1, 1957 So 558 Author :Katkov,,, V.P.,, Nikollskly, Yu.V., cd Stolyarov, G.A. Title :Determination or taf-Ilatto orthe Average Fiselon Cross Sections of P" SM U235 In Uranium-Water lattice Blocks Orig Pub Atoni. mergiya, 1956, No 3, 61-64 Abstract fte ratio of the average fission cross sections of Pu:239 and U235 me determined in uramiun-vater lattices of natural uranium and ordinary vater. For the sake of comparison, this ratio vas mq%sure$ far a uranium-graWto reactor. It is established that the ratio