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UrKOWSKIr, K.K, Protection against corrozion of uAdorCround metal structures in F~qncoo Zasheb.asto I no.W33-134 JT&-F 065o (MIRA 1815) K KOVSKlY K astantinovich;- FROLOV, a7evel llekseyevich; -A~~BAT=AKOVA~,T..A.~,r ~. [Uss, of polymerle naterlals In the equipawnt, of communica- tion systems) PrImnenie polimarrgrkh saterialov v tekhnike dallnol sylast, Moskva, 3vlasl. 1965, 107 p. (YTRA At12) Tr ACC AW3U360 Mcmograph UR sikollskiyo Konstantin KoOtantinov-'ch; KrOlov, Pa-vel AlWweyevich Use of polymeric materials in lonx distance communicationN(Priaenenve Polimerny materialoy v takhnike dallney avyazi) Moscow, lzd-vo "'SvY&Z"', 65- 0109 P. illua-- biblio, (At head of titles Kinisterstvo avyazi S4yuza SSR. Tekhnicheakoyo upraylenlye) 12,000 copies printed. Series notes Lektaii po takhaike avyazi TM.IC TAGSs polymer chemical, oottmiunication equiprent, comunication industry, coraunications wire, polymer chemistry, plastic PTiNSE A5D COVELUGE:s Application of polymer materials (plastics and others) to long distance oocamication technology is presented in a considerable detail. Starting with a general explanation of polymer chemistry, the authors proceed to the pro;ertiW and characteristics of polymer materials used in co==unications. They then continue ! by describing the individual polymer materials and their uses and point the direction-I for future research and development. The book is intended for engineers and techni- cians wor1king in the design, construction, and utilization of the coz=mications enterprises. TABLE OF CXMTENTSo Foreword - - 3 Introduction - - 4 Ch. 1. Basic concepts pertainLig to polymer materials UW8 678.06s621*5954 - -- --T f~ ~y L 01994-51 ACC NR AM6023689 Ch. 2. Properties of -in polymer materials used in long distanoe commmication technology 2.1. General information - - 13 2.2. Polyethylene 16 2.3. Polypropylene 22 2-4- Polyinobutylene - 24 2-5. Polyvinyl chloride - - 25 2.6. Polystyrole andAtyrorkoz 28 2-7. FluoroplastiOMIL - 29 2.8. VinylplastLa-- - 53 15-111 2.9. Fiber-glaso reinforced plastics - - 35 2.10. Foamed plastics - 36 2.11. Electrot Cal sheet LLSinate (resin-saturated paper) 38 2-12. Kipor-N 9 2:13: r--AO5 40 2.14 Classes 41 2.15* Pressed powders and proceed materials 42 2.16. Epoxy resin& - - 44 2.17. Epoxy compourids - - 4,5 2.18* Polyester rosin PW-,IP- - 49 20190 Synthetic clue ---30 2.20. Bitumen 56 CWd ALr1il0a; Nikollaki~-, K. N., 1C) TITLE: C- G ".G I the Pecaliaritiez 04" thf-' il,tLr ,%r C tiva :tutono.~ou- Oblwt zi"nQ,;o te;,pf.-ral 6 j r i. rezhima Tavinakoj avtonoiano.; obla.-Ai) PERIODICALi Meteorologivai Gic1rologiya, 1957, ;ir 12, i;,,. 22-27 ABSTRAM The orographic influencea are of dv.-at i:.port,iixe for tht: Uent of synoptic processes an"' for th,.- clvLracter of thf.. i.-' the Tuvin district. In this district ii-. --inter the prcdo;Ar"tii-.g of the little cloudy weather with lii;4t wii.da in ob.ic~rved aa re- sult of the frequent fomation of the aroaa of hi,~h prenoarti. fact, as well as the low teLiperatu're cause a hit;*h deneity ai.(; steadyness of this air layer. The nataral protection by thf- tain chains contributes to the atability of thi3 air layer, Vv!re- fore it is wheather destroyed under the inflaence of t!ie tarbulant air nixture in the adjoinini, ground layer of the air, nor accur- ding to the passaj;e of fro;.its V;rGj6h th13 nrea. As from the tables I and 2 In to 'Uc seen, no -;-iLdj (> 10 acc) nre observed in Yyzyll in winter. Here, an abaolutv cnlz iz Theanaliais of the cloud formation ahov3 that in vinter hc;:c ;.0 oloadineas is obaerved below 6oo ;.. The lac*~-.inr, of the thavin; Card I/ weather daring the viriter and of thu iieavy flactiationo ir. te_;pe- On the Peculiarities -1 the 4inter Tcmijerature Conuitions of the 50-12-4;~l TW& kutonomouu qbj"t. L rature points to th-it here realli dous not takc placc ar-, change of the air Lzones (in arv case ziot in the adjoinin._- :;,-G-,A;-.d layer in a certain height) and a "otatiorali Air zksa" "illa i., t""f_ mountain-fa-alt. As from table 3 is to lie seen, i!. tnin dintrict A':. winter as cooential teL;Veraturc invor3ion is ulb:iorvud, -xh.:ch, beginning on the ground surface, is preserved durin-, the period, in the course of 3 wint#!r Loaths. Thle cozijlr.,te deiitractllc'.~ of the winter inversion takes place in thL- first dais of Apri", ;j o la r cause the increasing heating of eroand und air by the diation predominates the ni6ht refri,;eration. The anal.,,sis of the aerological ana synoptic data a~ioxa t",iat th-t height of the upper inversion b_undar.~ decreasea in the pre,-;c;i~;c of the pasuage of cold air ;.,asst_s over the cointry of thc autonomous district and of the follo,-in.,- infiltration of c~'2,_' arc- tio or coatinental (Siberian) air ::~asscs. Th(- infor-.ationj a' the huight of the upper inversion and the con"itiol'.3 of Its alterition of great practical i%;~ort,;ncr, for ti,,c ;iir traffic. The presence oila, considerablt, air lajer (1,3-2 in th~: Tuvin ~iountain-faultj which Lis ~;enural2.( a low Card 2/3 pared to the surrounding do;aain3, in the valuc3 of On the Peculiarities of the Winter Temperature Conditions of the 5o-12-4/11? Tuva Autonomous Oblast. of the average temperature of the lower 5-km air layer above the domin concez-ned. There are 3 figures, 3 tables, arA 2 Slavic ref- erences. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. Meteorology 2. Temperature 3. Density Carl 313 AUTEORSo Filimonov, V. P., Nikollskiy, X. 11. 50- 5-18- -4 - 14/2 TITM On the Scale of Fire Susceptibility ani the Forecast of Fire~ Danger in forests (0 shkale gortmosti I prognotakh potharoopasnoott v lesu) PERIODICALs Meteorologiya I GidroloGiya, 1958, Nr 4, pr 38-59 (J'JSR) ABSTRACT# For the determination of the probability of the rising of forest fires is used, as is known, such a scale. It is base4 upon a oomplex index of the susceptibility for fire, which was worked out by professor Neaterov. This index is a prodlict of the air temperature at 1300 hours multiplied by the saturation deficit. The s= of such indices for a number of days, at which no rain has brought more than 3 am precipitation characterize the degree of fire susceptibility, which according to the value of this su2 belongs to one of the fire susceptibility classes. The computation of this coefficient together with the specialized fire susceptibility forecast in a big step forward In the forest fire prevention, though this method also has some deficiencies. Above all there Is no good correlation between the repetition frequency of Card 1/3 the forest fires and the corresponding fire susceptibility Ic On the Scale of Fire Susceptibility and the Forecast of Fire 50-58-4-14/'6 Danger In Forest* classes, which are determined by means of the mentioned method. Season particularities of the rising of fire@ are not considered, especially not In springt when they arise at a low value of the fire susceptibility index. The wird velocity, which plays a role in the fire expansion, is not ooasiderod. The fixed criterion of the removal of the fire danger - the precipitation quantity of 3 an, Is not brought Into connection with a precedent period of ari4ity. Besides preotpit a! ion,juantities above 3 = are not considered. B, L. Dandre (r f. suggests a fire susceptibility scale and fire danger classes of a somewhat different types, Instead of the product here the sum of the air temperature and the saturation deficit is used. The class-sc&le here is based upon the season principle. Separated for spring and au=er. Thereby the forest fire danger to to increase with a con- siderably lower fire susceptibility index, A special coefficient is introduced, by which the fallen precipitations (in an) are multiplied. Also a so called negative fire susceptibility was introduced, which charaoterites the moisture degree of the litter of leaves. A scale of the Card 2/3 extinguishing of the negative fire susceptibility is worked On the Scale of Fire Su3ceptibility and the Forecast of Fire 50-50-4-14/2~ Danger In Forests out. It indicates the day on which, aft.r the ri3ing of the neeative susoptibility, a fire can rise. Corrections for tl.o wind velocity are introduced. Therefore the scale by Dandre comes much closer to the conditions, which really prevail in forests. By several exacplee of application In the voois of the Tuvinskiy autonomous district the author could convince himself of the advanta(;ee of the method by Dandre. There are 1 table and 1 reference, which to Soviet. AVAILABLEs Library of Congress 1. Forest fires - Statistical analysis Card 3/3 519.(JLISUT. K.N. .-- formation of secoodmy cyclones over the seuthera regions of Krasnoyarsk ferritorys Trady 00 so.WsUS-132 I" (MM 1316) (Krasnoyarsk Torritory-CVoloses) AFAII&SIYEVA, P.A.; VANTLMOV, E.S.; NIKOVSKU, Kb.Sh.; EXELINUOV, D.Yee# doktor tat, nauk, red.; BACKNIV, G.I., red.; CHATSKATAl, M.G.t tekhn. red. [Ruhr Vall6y as the economic basis of Weet4wman militarism] Rur - okonomicheskaia baza zapadnogermanskogo =111tar1wao (MIRA 170) :;7 k ~a ;- P A 1 s J~ 7`06 wo MEMNON, L- soft, o m at t*t= ' & *oil 400 me ., 480 460 Ole it* walm.w4e'l, toffoolv" c"Swe'laft 400 '00 Id 0000* 0000 0000 v W I x a A 1-1. 06 u x It of c of 00 OWN of At. Kira& P6, *Q. .9 1* *000"m Od 6"N qvIew"m OW46. Gm age 4&q S.MP4 M ow* 44w to ed -r-, W F--v 'A 0, 0; 0 0 too too 0044 0 two af-ts WIP 0 R-w - 0 to 0 0 0 0 H j tr w 0, 4 a ti K -too a* 00 00 .00 moo ad'am Ofem"W- PW-CIv L 00 eq #I 90 00 4.1 f. m Me 11 1191h In thr COWf*Wor' #SW*c f_4 f.rWift'" &Q, IOw 0.11. " w"I"4tif -"444b.1 Ilw I-dwo*fv f-I low C4, ff"". f-4411'"d low A* feft4h." 44 14. a f"Ll 11O."S .40 physics Inst. im. P. M. Lebedev, Dept. Pbysico-Vath. Sci.. AS. V _00 C, le Is 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 q a o 0 0 & 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 o a lei & 0 00 0 0 00 0 00000060 0 0 : 0 00900 Los owe .00 lee .00 -00 0 o o 0 0 a 0 0 o 0 o a of 0 as 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 NIKGLISKII, K. V. (;~xantum processes. tloakva, Goa. lzd. teklin.-taoret. 1940. 348 p. 9=?SKIY, K. V. "Relativistic ForwAlatIon of Quantun Interaction," Zhur. Ekapgr. I Tooret. Fiz., 13, ". 7-So 1943- Physios bot. In. P. M. Lebedev, Dept. Phygico-ftth. get., AS. HIMM'SYCILI, K. V. "On tho Them of Meows," DOk- AN, A ". 5-6, 1543. Physics Inst. is. P. 14. Letwdev, Dept. Physico-Hath. Sci., AS. KIM-"-'SKrf , K. V. ,On a ftv Tbacry of Slectrozognetic Field," Dok. AN, 41), No. 8, 1943. Mysics Inst. im. P. N. TAb*dev, Dept. Phystao-Hath. gel., AS. rr it I SKIT, K. 1. L.MW go 'Concerning Infinite Matrices That Are Used. in the Theory of Secondazy Quantization,,* X. V. Nikolskly, " Inst Izeni Lebeder, Acad Sci USn "Dok Ak Nauk WISr Vol =I, No 1, P 39-W, Discusses certairx possible determinations of unzaturul mathematical entities which can be tioeful in forwala- tiorL of quantum-mechanical lave. Thus, it A. is a ma- trix of range 5 with a certain Odlagonalw with numbers a, b, c, d, and one, then A5 becomes abcd.-I, where 9 is a unit matrix. This to then generalized for an Infi- nite matrix. Submitted 6 W 50 by Ac&d S. 1. Vaviloy. 4W 169f% .1) Ak4d Yh4 muthar r4isn tLe qw-olian ro', thf,-Y,-f o Id lio bwed or- 21 thiM cw6" -rn rerms die ofdiaA. y (%14tr-c ~-oj)d ll~Alrlmll l4junliollo antlarle'u, if O~Oiw 4", l0lislu fix P'. t~ois-n~" 1.1r.. It TF43thOrO t ICA I U%Vt IM, 1 6 EN T'r d irm o Abol "teim-ticbeA"i j)AL%V-, v. 19, 5 CIL 12,3~.ja vw"*Mtlt matri--C, algabim l,b* &to or thic artielm to t-n ah- thnt simplo 'vr-MAlifts In Ole- I gitibre eftn be ~x pro &cod i n R a az n j ri ous a t v R a-Pw roco ror. f, -4. Jolag the extricws r) 41 1 n (I I ~j 'h 1, expreavea the IS or In general, I'A JO + 6~' - L A K9j AJP,;O~ properti e4 of bi nomtpl c,,off i c pots mrsA thet r oquivs- o a 1.0 ~14 LA eel pi-opertf os caa bp oxprveoat~ I n torus of tbo r4el ationolhipm ~Pll 3Pn1*O"wmtOLtiv0 Ont I t i'0 rf n6trtsf, t0d tyT mt'O%n* v f tha matri coo D Lad r e a u i t a i mc i %, ii r p o q r, t) ro, Kfimmo fk4e,,~tton in tna serlem x 7 C, rfn ~4 In AF h KI ta r j r% -Jra~ A r a n o ' rt rm P n r~ q i -t N 9 r t~a a D e 9 pi a P, a I o n e j- ti I ii 1 f f c- ijt LLA 4 r q I i,k rl ulpod to Pxprese eqmstjon tn the form (S. ~wre n too w positivy intager. x and are arbi travy n, be.-m and ~i (,o 4, r r ic i on ts whi rh. 1100 ~WAA 1~0*n 01 11,11 41 Cl -Ilpf veac'd -IV . I t i s a- t~d th a t th o r v t m cp p rsm mi p t. w e r3 r~l Ui a A ja of f I DI to d iffervncps v rh a P. I an Lt n ! arwij i LoA i a f ri 0 v rk4; V v ! r 113 f o m I i , si v Fk,4 via i )n r o r a ,, r, , m i p i p.7'rpr C"d ILA tirpr*smed ia "v form loo the idqpnti'- metrix of ranu a? I o f r. n 6 r N n- 1 4 02 9; 9! u f In .11~ gist 1 14 Z 4 it 51F, I As Aa i its 4.1 11 4 9 0~ all q a ;l gig, Alokut-ndrovich; SOWNEV, I.G.p kand.tokhn. rAuk, retsoRz-e-nX-;SfX red.lad-ve; CUSMINA, V.I.p takhn,, red* [Forging titanium alloy blanks) GoriacWa shtampovks c.4o- tovok ts titftnovykh splavov. Koskvs, Mashinostroenia,, 1964. 227 p. (HIRA 170) AN4036543 UFMCM Mal DM forging of pro&wto US& of titwdm alloys (Garywhera shtanpo*& Sagotowak is t1tanow7eft ~A&Vw), modems MM"hinostiole ilsof 196hp M p. inse., I biblie. brat& slip lrmrW~ W00 coWs VrIAW6 'TOPIC TWSs drop forgift, t1twd= &Uor# twat tmtmft PRP039 W COMMIts The book deals with the basic problaw at On Udmlaact producing (trap fbrod blanks froat titanivet alloys. The thervAl-4machamical rfttmsi of forging, structural elements and, accuracr of the blanksp equipimant selection$ !calculation of tolersweve detarmination of forces for forging, mas r1wwwalg eta, .are considatad. The book in intended for wginews and toohniciazis In plants &%A 'design bw"vA* It will. also be ussfva to teachers, students in bIgher educational institutions and gz%dmato students speciallaing in drap faging of setals, ,TAKE OF COMM (AbAdV411 3 Ch, 11 ftlet Information as Utselm Card AIW36543 !ch, ir. Gamma Wtwlegleal properties 20 Ch* III* Ther~hmwdcda pw&UU" of p~dw" r9ce Xg In Uw bet GWA 37 Ch, IV. Dfdtgn 010VAntf of forged biUete - 96 th. V. Tolawme - US lCho V14 lpwgln sed " forgift - 137 'Cho TM, Nnt tnataint of blaMus frm titudm allop - IS? 'ch.. vin. rrAtima baut - too 'Ch. IX, Owtalis feataw at the dootgng mwhisd v md wo of dl" - 86 ch. x. scau rawwa rrm rwgea bulau - nS Ch. 11, WOW nuawas - ra KbUopift US SUB Wat NX SUMM901 2406463 N W Offs 034 IAIZ AOQs 26Apt4k cwd . 1. jyi I-'r; I i,~; A,, . I? . TOLKOT. N.A.; KALLIS?OV, S.D.; MkOL.IsKlye L.I. .0-w a. -- mimvldmftw~ Aractless of lba Worker F.Umoviov factory* Tokstoprow.,16 w*12:W- 143 r566, (pan 10: 1) (l,wamvo--Teztllo factarles) cr a;,ro r!crc-.' re a r, I rns ;)r(du,-* D JK I A N w ~ I I (MIRA 16110) Is K-,vknvpk!,T goffuljrf;T.-7firxQr! Lr,lve.-P!tAto 5tatr.,,*,*Ad December 22, 196i,o IIIKOLIUIT. L.K., tasbwmer; BOROMIT. T.G.. ingherter. low mtMd of *nxrLmwnt&I ttattag of dvauxle proccages La the aparattam of Dtes*l hers. Ikkh.strot. 10 no.6:16-20 AC 153. OM" 6:8) (File driving) -NIKOWSUT L .H fush.; OZMSV*t L.V.P inah. gall for" of blian " prelfAinary operation to press forgi (11such. tr%dY] EUMU-34 3811-37 160. (mm uglie VrOrgin,60 rulo"IL(mt, L#. Wo The theory m0 design of railrced care ut-ryp 1947- 2" pe (49-15194) Mookft, Got. much,-tokhn. lcd-vo mashincotroLt. TM5.15 112-57-7-14903 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektratekhaika, 1957, Nr 7, p 157 (USSR) AUTHOR: Nikolskiy, L. N.. and Methevoy, Yu. T. TITLE: Method for Determining Amplitude -Frequency Characteristics of Electrical Equipment Used for Recording Dynamic PrG--esses in Machines and Installations (Metod opredeleniya amplitudno-chastatnykh kharakteristik elektro-apparatury, primenyayemoy dlya, registrataii dinamicheskikh protsessov v mashinakh i moorusheniyakh) PERIODICAL: Tr. Dezhitsk. in-ta transp. mashinostr. , 19S5, Nr 13, pp 107 -1 It ABSTRACT: An electromechanical generator is used for electric oscillations. It consists of a disk rotating at various speeds and provided with sinusoidal teeth and a console plate with pasted-on wire tenso-pickups. F.Ye.T. Card 1/1 123 - 1 - 97 Impact of the force which is changing in tipe according to a definite law; 5) the method based an the wave theory of Impact. The author eites various formulations of impact phenomena, (14. N. Bukhgol'ts, Ye. L. NikolaL, L. G. LoyateanakLy, A. 1. Lur'ye, at al.), determines their diversity which makes the study of this problem difficult. For the appraisal of structure's stress conditions under Impact stresses the following four criteria are established: 1) the comparison of the elastic line, of a beau under impact stresses with the elastic line under static loading with a force nu- merically equal to the force of impact; 2) the comparison of theAA-t. value, where q I sigmal is a streseg and t(Lat.) tLm with Its value for which the change of mechanical propordes of metal be- card 2/3 come substantial; 3) the evaluation of sizes and POM. Alokmay Alsksan4rorteh, toktar takhnichtskikh aamk, profaaaar: IT19OLGKIT, L.N., doktor takhntckegkikb mauk, ratesucent; WRIKIN. seek, retsousestj AFAUSITST, A.X.~ ImadUnt takhmickookIkk make rodaktor; rATVXTWA, U.Noo tekbAt- cheekly redaktor [Strefttk of materials; tkeery and practice) SopretivIonte mtertalow; toortia a sad&eJdo Moskva, Go*. muchoo-t4kha. tat-we amebtaostrott. lit-rye 1956* 475 p. (MI" 10:2) (Stranth of "tertals) ra-.k FIT Matt"C' I for (4T" for rn I prefeaver, doktor takhatchoskikk simuk, Noterstning offlateat parameters for frtattom appwatus of wOmt1a couple" and calmlattft the forces of inacte Taidt.,atiolotor$15 Jo 156. (WAA 919) loleaft1taidy lastItut trmwportnoge owhinastroysslys. (Car caupltmp) MUDDLISKIT. L.N.. profess-3r, daktar takhideheskikh seak. Notbods of detersdaing Ow rated wagoltuds, of Impact force delivered to the car through automatic coupling. feet.?SNII "s 16 no-3:39-43 YT 157. (KLM 10 5 (Car couplings) (Impact) ZIIDLISXIY. L.L. prof.. doktor takha.cauk CalcuUtinc tho fore* of Impacts paegtaC to railroad care thmugb automatic coupltMq. frudr BITM w.1793-12 157. (MINA IMO) (Car caupltua) (Impact) .,,!~~~toktor tekbn. awk, prof. NgVkSd Of OftlaUlAtod delendUASIOU of oyofttl*Ml ft"llity of Motion units in automtis qoVltW. rgBt. tMI of 17 W.4t 26-28 is 158, (car COWUNCO) (UK Ut6) JUXUL'Alf doktor takhm. nauk. prof.; E!'4LX1TCbGV. 1.T., Irth. Shock absorbers for autametto catzplqro vtth rubber-metal um1ts. Test. TSVII MPS IS no95t36-39 Ag '59. MU 131l) 1,ftanshy institat transportnogo wahinostroyenlya. (Car COMP11"ge) ThatWINGLIT, Ser&sy fasillyevich. doktar takbn.n&uk-. KIEWSLIT, Tavonir 911colayeviche praf.9 dattor tekhn.nauk; *IKOLOSEIT, Lev likols- jkjrof.g doktor teklm.neak; PONTo A)Ak"YVO "~FOV~CK- praf,O daktor tokbu.nauk; WAMM, Leauld Abramovicho rraf., doktar tekhn.asuk; SARANIM, ru.S., red.; IMOIA. U.N.~ EDestep or rallroad care ror stmacthl zeschat vaccmov no proch- nostO. Pod red. A.A.Pop*vs. Xoskwa, Yme.lidatellsko-pollero obledInanis 19-ve putol soobehahmalta, 1960. 359 p. (NUA 1411) (RallreaU-Cars-Coustructlan) SWURg Leonid lbrawvichg doktor tokhn. nauko prof.; ChWOKCV,, Ivan 1,vanovich, daktor takhao mmuk,, prof.; NUCL16W. lay IS . doktor takhtte nauk,, pror.; 1113RUTip GsorcU RUTYX"ClUetht k&W. toUn.naukt KOGAN, Libor ArzlkoTichp 1 kando tokba, nauk; DIVYATKOVp VWimir F*doravlch,, kaM* tokbne nauk; CHMIIR,, Viktor Vasilljovichp kande tokbn. nauk; MOEMVINKINt X.A.g insh., roteenz-ant; &-JMWVSW, N.G., rod.; lllllAlWA#.XeA~# tekhn, rtdo (Dealps of rallmad care] Konstruktall vapnov, Moskva, Wes. IsdatiolOoko-pollgre obwodinmde H-vw yet*L soobabehonliag 1%2. 415 P. (MM 1514) (RaUroade-Care-Dealp and construWan) NIKOWS AJ[wv-doktor t4khn.nauk, prof. 1 OZMOVv inzh.j LK9 -z-- - DUDIXKOVO V.G. 0 Inshe CharacterIsUce of the changes In the forces and straws*@ of the car structure due to impacts on the automt1c couplers Vest. TSN1J M 21 na.10-7 162o (KIRA 15:2) 1. Bryansitly instItut tranapartnogo mashinostroysmi3m. (Railroads- Car"outruction) NIMLISKITr L.M., doktcr tekhn. nauk, pmf.; SE;LIIWV, I.V., kcid. tekhn. Vw.,ffTqv Mop lnzho Wark of friotion matorfals In a ahoak aboorber. Tosto wshinostr, 43 no.1003-37 0 163o (PaRA 16oll) 4,N.O doktor tekla-,. rialiko Prof.; LAM-~YCi, V.A. p dcktor tekhn. rauk, reta-enzent; SL-Alt-,X~, Yv,*., lnzh., red. [Fricti,-n shock abmorborD; i,l.#,Ir de:!Ign and conatruc- tion] Friktilonme az--ortizatory iv~ara; ranci-AA i kcit.strulrovante. Movkvi, Mrishinontro(mle, 19f.4. 170 p. (111 il 17; j ~ ) V.- 'r--h - Inthe -10 wo Nev forging rolls wltb a eontinuo-,.-n roll fcrgirg prccesa. [Ifauch. trudyl PIMMSha 110-13 '65. (KIPA, 1616) IIIXOLISY,IY,_L.11., prof.; S-ELINK"'V, I,V., dut~,er~,- Effect of changer! In ths, I)nr-,ic goometr!cal pAramt4rB of friction shook aboorbers on t~-eir efflclon--7. Tri;dy, PITIJ no.;'113-9 164. (Y,lRk 1e,8) okcc NRI Shadurp Leonid AtawovIch (Doctor of Technical Sciencea; Profesaar); Chelnikov, Ivan Ivenovich (Doctor of Technical Sciences; Professor); NikoLlsklyp Law 91kolarevich (Doctor of Technical Sclencee, Profe'suor), Nikollckiy-,-%ieW'14iYritliji4ii6(b6ctor of Technical Sciences; Professor); Proakurnev, Petr Grigarlyevich (Candidate of Web- nical Gciencesp Docent); Kazanskly, Georgiy Alekseyevich (Candidate of Technical. Sciences); Devyatkovp Vladimir Fedorovich (Candidate of TechnIcal Sciences) Railroad cars; constructiong theory, mid design (Vagony; konstruktalys teorlys i raschet) Moscow, lade-va "Tiansport", 1965. 459 p. illus.0 biblloo 60000 copies printed. Textbook for r*Jlrwd transportation Institutes@ TOPIC TAGS% railway equipmentp railway rolling stock, railway tramportationp rail- way vehicle data rURMSE AND COURAGM The book deals with the construction,, strength calculationsp dynsinics, choice of technical-econoodc parameters, and sizes of railroad care. It to Intended for courses on "Railroad Cars" (construction, theory, calculation) for those specializing In "Railroad CGX Construction and RalLroed Car Management" of higher tachnical. institutes for railway transport. It Is designed to be a basic course for further specialization to special-purpose cars such as refrigerator carap electric equlpowat of railroad carsp technoloa of construction and rvpalr of mLL- roa4 carep ad other qwcWtlose It Is des4pe4 for students wbe bave saw *14meat- ary laormtIon = ow construction and am strength. UDC2 625f23/-24 ACC MRs Ak