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XARAMIKUUWAj.~.j_NIKCLOVO K.1 DOICHIROVAp 9. studlon an the radlocoUvity of the thermal and cold ursUrgrourd u-sters in the Chopino Valley ud it@ inudiato orwirons, Irv fis atom BAP 9 no,2391-98 162. - NIKOLOVO K.; EMUROV, Khr. Urmulum In the springs of the Vitasha Kotmtain determinall with differentl,-l luniniscent ptw%',=eter. lzv flz &t(= UN 11) no.l: 67-73 16-2- A. FisIcheski instl Wt s AnB pri BAN. 1 1, K I .'i, ~V p 10 . # F r ;.*. ; MUI l. " i 'j i * ,, 0 (-, . , rl f),~ " , - N I I K. , j nnn. ,.:c I I. n L st,wifjy r. f* ! r,,; ;,,1 .1 11) 1 i~.! ift 15 'lc,.Inj 5-7 0 '~-4. 3/08 6210001w6lowliT 10 ..'y AMORS a Xikolov, X., ULkhaylovet T. TITLEt Fluorescence nothod for the detornination of uraaiun M10DICAM Reforativnyy shumal, Mintyal no 6 1962 1339 abstract 6DI07 (Prtroda, Y. 109 no- 29 1961: 5; - 631 TEILTs Uranium to doterairt4d ty previously xtraosing it rr= the nolutlon In to be analysed In an extractor diagram giv a) with diethyl ether (1) the prosence of NN No as salting out agent. Tte solution to be analysed 4 5 is filled Into the axtractor, & #mall amount of water and 50 al of I are -filled into the receiver, and extraction to mA* for 4 hr. If taidtfics- tion of the solution In necessary to avold hydrolysis,, ENO la.filles Into 3 the extraotor*through a lateral opening. Aftsr the extraction is terai- a&%ed 1.14 dletilled off, the romainifte aqueous solutLon 0f,1102(103)2 is evaporat' the residue, Is mixed with'90 or a mixture, of S&P + X14CO 5 (10), Pros the sixtur* obtafted.boods are proluaed and, the, card 1/2 T NIKOIDVO K, F=etlaial urinary in--ontinerice sn'l itz; trestnant.,brclogiia 29 no.A-s32-31* '64. iMIRA 170) 1. Urologichookayn k2inika (zav. - drtsent st. wmbrov) Vyashogo meditaln.-skogo lnotit,,ifa v f, -41 8 ZVI (to MIDOU97 AV-nK;M "Log], list- xi'Aoih - Lkito r4w*pkLw-.u t 7 Itard 74 11 ya V'A a& ------ I _i - J"V 7j- -igilt -.V--- -,- - -- -------- --- 11:4" --IZ- -no-.- 1/7 -41,964 -121-12'6:- ch-lit vx -eater cooled r4actar. reactori j.;;, t;~,gjukA& r-p 1k rose "z ci rc lat-v rir -wit r& Es' of 4 two y if=-t watar= LK Thslollowlngi- rccordtdz !pH clectrorqu, 4y,:Z:ml !Ak -psram tars Veze - - - ~ , , 1 dllct:~Vll:: 'l, ry u4 iron, Chlorcina ard almiumn co-utent. Thoix val s. &.-~s very auvhczities~, lats--fira- Cited Srcm a r- nu i I --vt is- of I ihm dist illate.- 4ry rasidue- and an- eff ort Is mu!~ a tlxp 14 ~l t si -11IF-Tabl" Ars .~bx the spwtrojOsphic 6 tudy - of ttw~ j?.-~A.MW Cwa lll~ ACC-F.VV40tifliv. 1ZO042TV ~----- ---- To t~ wi Tes ~Or i i MOiN rallipbly identified rollably identlf".7d re I Lob L-, tdtr~tfflv4 I 0I ~Irlj mim rvilably Identiffe-il v31 inbly Wentif ted re I Lob 1,~~ tdor tt ' t1mu' En ngn nose relis-bly identified reliably-Wentiffed reit4biy Wqvtiffed -agne-Dium r cm, I Lattly identif io-d reliably identified rellably idetitif lej Ti tanitin. reliably ident1fled relieblv Identified ruliably identif iel (:.)t)ve.r, 11 rel-lably. Identif left- tracel ' ~ ~-tv'UsMy identMird- -raliably- identificd 2 obsetat U"n, S,& ral.lably . 4dentif led reliably Idalslif Led absent Wall ' -Bb -calcitm, ~-reua uly-Adentif ifid -reliably (dentiftod- abser. t roitemlo - t&utif fv4 - absent, 6tielit doubt E~il -Absent aboint doubtful absent- aboent doubtf.-u-1- dckub t f u1 abotnt r;sRublf-Adeatifted doubtful- abaelat Uvent i~ doubtful doubtiul absout 41C T ACCUKCX 0.0 AOUT09 AVIROR.- likOloWs L J 000TIAWs It- Tr= t Pur-Iftcatlici-of watter in the primary cimdt or tjw M-2000 reactor in 50flao and ccatrot aC Its quaLLty SOLT42s. - r1manks. Ahadadya as Skddta. risidwaU instftat. rmstbs m FISIL. .che&xlys InstItut a AM (News of ~he Ustituts of Physics wd the Atomic Nuera Scientific hessamb raunfixtLan), v. U, no. 1-20 19630 193-199 T,CPIC T60: XRT-1=,, w0am, rwwtor,, reactorp ~Ircultp too exdmwW filter AMMIs , DAMENh as the Eff-ww reactor in Sofia Went Ixto operation vaum recent1y (18 SeptwUr 196L), this aw04vis deals caly With amspAps taiven to f M the reactor's primary circuit With hl&h-quality distillAU. the reftItA of the quality test are annarlzed in fig. I of the Zsclasure. Xt to indicated that Pff. electriq.&I conducUme, dry zvsl&w,, ad the coctomt ck Lr=, alladvowe OMMIUM and abloriM SZO Within this 11MILU r*COMWCA*d fCKs the OpMVM Of SMUt rawarck reactors. LLkM" repft-W aft "t& an the offodtl"wd of tM varL -4fte Vy do ion-exc4-jg* filtersf " veIL " tha, first visual olps of oarrosiaL in Iha primary' clr=it. OrIj. art. hms: 3 figures, 2 taXes. Cwd ATANASOV, 11.1 NIX01-07, K.; KWAL07, Khr. Kidney transplantetloo and (,;Ijr Isit arArril YL'r',rFl14 (Sof Lia) la no.lwovl. 165. 1. ?Uinlka po urcilogila, Vilamh edl~Olnfl~l invtl4u~. S-SH-i. (direktcr - dotsent St. Lambroyl * WIXOM. K; BURIC. 1. Use of polarolds In titration with fluorescent Indick0ore. Arh. farm. Heavad 5 no.2-3:92-95 Apr-Jitly 055, (C.MTRDLYSIS. t1tration -?Ith fluorescent indtc&tors, polarold pltttes (Ser)) WIS-RiCkmerml Biolo67 - Cytology. B-2 Abs Jbur Ref Zhur - Biol .,, go 5,t 19%. 1PA Author YeaLleym-Dryawyakap O.A. Nikolov, M. Tnat a - ------- Title Cytoch=Lftl and, Cytologicel, Characteristice of Vicro- and Vecrowpores in K14rtsy Beane. Ori~: Pub Zzw. Botan. Ln-t. Bulgar. AN, 19~6x 5# 347-357 Abstract A histockeedcal study uas condixted on dynantcs )f nucleic acIds In micro- and macrosporagene3Ls of kidney toanz. It vas established that spthesis of DNA mad RICA cccurs Inde- pendently or one another. MIA is mbsent In muclet of the =heaporluxo sticro- au-A macrospores, wbile larre quonti- ties of M are contained in the plascm of Ithese cells. The authors criticize the current concepts of rnelc!tis wA consider the picture observed in the iorcnhaue as a result of fixation. The vievpoint iu expressed thp-t nror,~&aae chromosome of the first and se(!on4 divIsiorn, form enew Card 1/2 -Vti~ktqg ts rosoetton tri pulmonary cancer. ghtrurglia, So:ta 9 no.5:449-J#53 1956. 1. Vissh mad. tnet. 1. Merionkov-Sofita Katedra po fakultetaira khtrurgita saw, katedratat. prof. G. Popov. (LUNG WMPLMIIS, surgeryg 3"j)) -' Iffect of gang1topUptc: drugs. Khirurgtta. Soft& 12 n0-5-6:535437 1958. 1. Is Klimikata pa raktzltetsim khtrurgU& pri TNI-Sr)f1tA. (AUMOO(IC DM. effects# ganglion blocking agents (Bul)) LAMBRET, St.; ATAKASOV, V.; NIKOLOV, K.; VULCUMA, St. ust or the Intestinal loop In plastic urolofical rurgeryo r1auche tr, vlash, meC Insto Softa 9 no-0165-180 159. 1. Pndsta"ta ot pror. a. Popow, sav. Kat4dmts po khlrurgichni sabollAvanila I urologiLa. (UBDGJXITAL SYSTEK surg) (INMTM SOML tranupl) LMMWO St.g dote.; VIANASOV, Plastic operations for tba, preservation of the kidney In gone types or bWdm*phvsIe, Mirurglla,, soria, 14 no.7s599-607 161. 2, Romb m4itelneld InstItut,, sortia Kattdra po khlturgichmi sabollayantia s arologlia. Zav. katedrats prof. G. Popov. (MFJXWMSIS mwg) NICOLDFF, H. (Nikolov, Kh. I Chromatin extrusion and cytmJxls during the alcrosporagenesis of Nodicago sativa L. Do"y BAN 15 no.2:195-&98 162., 1. Predstavleno akad. A. Popovju [Popov, A.), chlen Redaktwiomoy kollegil i %m. otvetatvannog - redaktara, *Doklady Bulgwalcoy Akademii Nauk, 0 I . 1!1(- liA,lr-P, I!, - F"'. T , :;. 1- 1-+:', " . - - 1~ A I , 0 , A meth,-4 !*f,,,- I- - WN 11 no-150C.'4J-4-505 11~4. 1. labrimtir-7 -,f grnei !-.-s pt **rti f, 1 *---: ; f 11'stit"Itp nf Alint In lu.,qtTy" !~, p , I" A. !oivre A,'J* GEORGIEVO G.M.; MIWbDVq Khre . I- -- -1-1 -- Nbrptolftlo,, anatonle aM cytombryoloele studl" of the vi"rous ears of Pba bulbosa L, var, vlvlpais lCoelar, tav,, rhat bot BAN 7t225-2A5 060o KHRISTOV9 MA.; HIKOL04, Khr. Developmat, of the eabryonlo eta in certain species of -the Poa paw. Izv last bot BAN 7t201.223 160. NIKOWV, Khristo N., tvkhe Proporaticn of pumping istatlons for witomatlon. ?:btdro*,ekh i selior 8 no. 10:308 063o MIKOfAy, KosUdin .. aww-.w vw'w"- Neutron actiration analysis., PrIroda Dulg 12 no, 4: 12-16 Jl-Ag 063. ---- Hot atoms. Pr1roda ftlg 12 no. 5: 18-21 S-0 0639 Is *N . NIXOLOV, Kostadin Fornation of radioisotopes on earth itni in space. I'lliri.-A& BuIS 13 no.5o62-64 S-0 164. 4111KC,"XI9 L.; U111111", YJI.; 11. Dc3ulfurization of cal'-t iron uryler .acutimr. T) n4:x!iiui Fwm-irM;r,2iu,,r. (manisterstvo na t,pzIhka'-a nromlihlenoct) :ofiia, Pulf:aria. Vol. B, No. 7, JuV 1959 !!onthly Lint of East Europepn Acr!csvlons (E~-Al) W, 7-1. 1" December 1959 Uncl. :7K'U,;V, 1. 11 L. ; ~:- e:-,,? rv i n; - ,r-' t r, . ~ nsn , . -5. P.ko:7T.~JU`l',").;:" !01. ', '.-P. 1, 1)",-* 3'1 : "nnthly Id9t, of :-l'aA :-'Aropo.-an 1-l", Vol. .., ~-ct. 1',',5, Uncl. L 156114-66 E;WP(J) H4 SOURCE COMs BU/0011/65/018/b04/0343/0346 A UMM I Dimitrcv, Chr.) Nikoloy 14 ORGt Departaw"t of Orpnic Chajstryp Sof,& UnIversityl Sofia T1TtEj 060"tric IsomIrs of j:Ph!vIP9ntara--2' 50TRM - HU19 Arska "em'" rA DDkladb v- Igo no. 40 1965, 343-346 "'M TAGS & isomr, IgmtrizatiOnr arclWtk. -.7ftoO46-bon, IR "qtr=, ABSTRAM 3-'phanylpentana-2 has been synthesized and described for the firat time in 1903 by Maps (Berichto, 36, iqo3, 36,02). Later other researchers used 3-phanylperitene-2 as an internedisry product to obtain 5-phenylpeQtans. No attempts were made, however, to isolate the tvtj Zeomatrie iso-sors of 3-phenylpentens-2 and hence the constants publlebtd for this non-se(mrsted aromatic hydroe*rbon should obvi-)uoly be refemd to the mixtures of the two stereoisomars. The present paper reports on the resul.4 obtsin6d from the Isolation, identification, and-isomerization (in terms of' caxd 1A L ic;614-66 ACC N)6~10 beach ot'ar) of t~"two powstric 3-phon -h _8 _y1yontons-' i~aMro, The article 'presents *11 portinent constants and give# the IR spectra and chroustograsis of-the two '- isomers, The paper vas submitted Iry Academician D. Ivanov, 15 December 19649 DrIgo art@ has,4 figures. ZYM-7 SM CCCR t 07 SMM DATE I nom M Mr 1 009 SOV REF 1 001 (;;ird 2A DOIEV p L, MIKO!~ff ~X.I. - Sam structural chaWs occurring in the coura* or an extensiT, chlorination of m2phons and bormyl chloride. Zhur prIkl. kh1jr. 38 no@ M2363-23o6 0 165* WRA 18t12.) 1. Nauchno-issledavatel'skly Inatitut khimichsakoy protMblennoott,, Sofiya# Bolgarlym. Submitted Febr. 12,, 1964. KONKOLT, Thoge AUdar, dr.$ NIKOTOV, Laszlo, dr. The health and -voclal statua of Inhabitants over 60 years or ace In a aining area. trepageemwguff 11:341-345 9 161. (WLTH MMS In old og*) (IN TR AL MWXCM) NIKOLOV, K. *Regulation for the basic conditions in the accountirC of the comodity- material prices." MCHErNM I KOICRU V SKZKOTO SrC)PAtWVO, Sofila, Bulgaria, Vol. 4, no. 5. May 1959. !~"I' Monthly list of dast kkirore Accessions (ELAI), LC, Vol. 6. No. 6. Jiw 59 Unclas T, V, WLGARIA/CultivaTOd Plants - Potatoes, Vcgctiblou, Hclonc, M-3 Abe Jour : Rcf Zhur - Biol., No 3, 1958, 0777 Author : gikolov, M.p M"drov, Khr., Dobrcv, K. Inat Title Delaying Germination in Potato Tubers witli the Aid of Synthetic Cnemical Substances. Orig Pub Ovoahcharstvo I Cradinarstvo, 1956, No 59 48-53 Abstract An Investigation was madc into the cffcctinencss of the chemical preparation developed In Bulgaria under the na- me of NES for delaying germination in potato tubers to bc., wal in aumcwr planting. Positive results ucrc achieved. The WZ pr,-paration delays gcrmination of the eyea and does not reduce the qualities of the ttibers as iced. When treated the tubcra;rive betvccn 15 and 47% increase In yield. One kilogram'of preparation is uscd for each 100 kilograms of potatoes. Card 1/1 TOMCN,, Radoslays dots.ketenol NIKGWVp Mikhatlp Insho Influance of sulfur and cooling speed on the graphitization of highly allicic tcapered cost Iran. Tekbnika NIc 13 no.11 11-13 t64. PETAOV, 17,, inZh.; NJYf)ICV, M., InZho --- Sone meth:)ds of meamrIng wave -)f ., , -,~ I r, - - -,- 5,n- mtriml tdo-viri) lines* Rad1c) 1. tO -~O - , ~'I 064. -111K,qPVj__gSho - Increasing the leading role of the BQlgarlan Commmist Party in solving tho problaw of the accelerating W11arlan socialist development. Spisanis 840 5 no.lill-5-133 e6o. (SW 9111) (Bulgaria. -Camudst Party) (Bulgarta-Somosdo policy) mKotcy, K.L. Nrreat or vitanin P? on the higbAr nervous aystm 9aftem. ned., Sof Is 8 no-7:8-15 1"7. 1, Is ratedrarm na patologichas f1stologlia prl M 1. P. Pokyloy - Plov4tr Sav. Icatedreta: prof, L Telabarov, (03MML CORM, off. of drup an nicotinic mold an excitability in doVp (NICOTINIC ACID, off. on cerebral cortex excitabillty In dogs t I BULGARIA PETROV, Docent St., DOZAROV, P,, Colonels of redloal Service, NIKOLOY,.~ Captain of the M941oal Service; Chair of Military 710:L4 Tnerapy CVPT - Read Col. Prof. A. Kaleev)# Nigher Military Medloal Instltute "Treatment of Acute Pneumonla with Broad-Spectrum Antibiotics" Sofia, Voenno Meditsinsko Delo, Vol 21, No 6, Doc 66, PP 30-35 Abstracti In olinical gtudlea carrIed oifon 404 patients, the theran tic effect In aente pneiwonias of broa4gpeotrum anti- blotion (biomyoln, hydroxytetraoyellne, and cry hran) was compared with that of penicillin applied alone or In combination with sulfonamiden. Tt was establiuhed that application of blomyoln or hydroxytetraoyollne re4uced the courne-of treatment or the avorage by two days as compared with penicillin. Furthermore, a change of the antibiotic because of Ineffectiveness was required In a looser number of oases when treatment was carried ou". with biomycin or hydroxytetraoyoline,, The therapautio effeat of orythran was not Inferior In any respeot, to that of pentoillin or sixowvt M. Our Pe--rle's DeNce atle Radio. RAPIO (Ra!-I--) 19:3:SGP 54 NIKOLOVj M. the M (EM21) Radio Mixer Tube in the Phase Invertir4! Stare. *RADIO" Ministry of Cu=unicatlons,, fUc23cNav. 55 EXOWV.. Karl& T. 0 Lash. Brtak&m in Ow *Teup-r tolsvislon modivre. Ufto 1 tolmisifA 11 no-4flu ove UJIMOV I M, -Lush. --------- L-- A"dradclan Abram Peddravich Jdffo. PAao L tolgvl&Ua U no.10# 1292 062. NIKOLvi, R. Explosion@ in the conbustion chamber of the compression diesel engine. p. 21 REMINIKA. Vol. 4, no. 5o June/July 1955 Softies Bulgaria SCOCEs East Zurop.;&n Accessions List (ZEAL) lAbrar7 of Congress, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 1"7 Nir-owv, N. "ftU% the 11p1te from Karitat-istok and Bali breg before buming it in the thermo-electric PlAntas" pol (TekbnUms Vols 7# nos 3# 1958# Sofiiap Bulgaria) Monthly Index of &wt &wope&n Accessions (EFAI) LC, Vol. 7, No. 8. August 1958 I PNIKC(Ivy N.; VIFILVA, S. 1!7R;:;A, S. About UA qvality of our extracted colrpl;nnono. p. 3' Vol. 51 lio. 8, 1956, IEZITA FPCIIISHIENCM T LGI JN' L Oc T SOMS, hACFiria Sos East. European ;-ccesslun, Vol. 0, No. 2, Feb. jr,57 Nyin"s N 0 aft"riamts for bisachinc extrutod aolopbmW with activatod Issal. cLW-mO IZIMILA,, Seftlas BuIVAav Vol* 6# 1958e Mathly List of Sast Savpean Accessim"s radex (MAX)o Ttw LIbmry of coagrefer volwe of me. 8g AU&Wt 459* unalwalfled .41YOU'v, n. . plicAtion of high and a,:pirh1;,h param~tprs o" the stean in "An the constv,ction of Dow-rful conacnsin7 electric stations -In Bulgaria. P. 1 (El.ektroenerglia, Vol. 8, no. 10, Oct. 1957, Sofiia, Lali,-aria.) Monthly Index of East European AcceLsio:is (FFAI) LC, Vol. 7, 10. () 'Ime 1,;56 !;IKOLOV, n. ffEcorlo,11Y in utlLizing the water storage construction and the water msourcca by a group of users." p. 6 (Elektrocnergiia, Vol. 8, no. 11112, liov./Dec. 19,17, S,.,flia, 3,il ;aria.) Monthly Index of Fast European Accessions (Eu:,',I) LC, Vol. 7. lo. 6 v June 1958. NIKOLJDV, M. "Concerning ttw reacessity of construction of atomic-eloctric plants in Bulgaria." EUKMUUGIIA9 Sofils, ihdgarlav Vol. 9. no. 10/110 Oct./Now. 1958. KonQ4 List of Ust Swropean Acceesions Index (EUI)v The Library of Coagresep Tolow 8# no. S. August 1959e UhcLwsiftC4 KOMTAW111OV, V,; UIKOIA)Vj N,; MMIKOVI., St. Torolnolea suWstod ror the e2ectrlc resixtanc* t*mdmftrY* mashincou4mm n no*6:46 Ze 162. NIKOLOV, lilkolal I,,, Thromboolist,ogmp-hy #trd ,t3 possible luse 'Ir. rb,)tetr;,a. Akusb. gineke 3 ns-4cl.4-18 '(1. li.!"- F.1; , , t , L , 1 . -'. - . , - , - - . . I , . . . , i , - '' . j ~ J~, .: . . % , , , ~;,: - " , , ;,.,; : -~ 4'. NIKOLOW, Nikola, Lath.