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KIKOUCO I"Lu, ins. I of M~fttum In mtlreo&. solsonuo J* 17 se.11/1287-17 0 ~-,Ln7j--r 1. "Capacities of railroad tracke and stations; an answer to an article by '-omrade Milf-irad Pejovic." p. 23. (jelglakUs Val. 10, no. 1, Jan 1954. Beograd.) ~ ~ ~ -ACMK AUNG&W Vol- 3, no. 6. Library of Congress, June 1954. 301 XMI"I MA Of A"I & MCI. xMiKo-ric, J. Oftattl4attems In tairminalody, e."evottofte, and rrisetl4oo for cauntottan -it tho rests- tamw of rattroad tMete. 0 (P. 121) ZUMICB- (Jv4POUvmdw 2010salOG) beednA. Vol. 10. so. 4, &mrII 1954. 801 Ihint Smpoo~ Asseesteme TA*S. Vol. 3. no. 8. Asast 1954 himic, J. OUTOLICp Jo Transpertati(n prebIms of westem I;erbia. p. 29( Vol* 110 go. at Aug. 195t ZELFIZNICE. TECUOLOGY Deogrsd,, Tugoulavia Sot Test iiurop*an Accessionag Vol. 5, Foy 1956 Imam, J. MKOLICO J. Risso"s aspect of tho us* of roilmad care vith Ereater ca;vcity. P. 435. 7 , Vol. 11, No. 12, Dec. 1955. ZEL=IC& TLCMKLCGY Negred, Yugoslavia Sol seat Awapma Accessionst Vole 50 May 191,46 NIKOLIC, Jesdimir Vwk mtput of rallroad cars. A 164. Zolesnies Jug 20 no. 1: 41-46 7 ? 1 1 !1? ltm-moyer of ril , . ! Jug , 1~ nn. . , I -- , ') ',)!. NIKCLIC, iozdizir S. Paigrado rmilrond jtlmtic)n. 7AIesnice Jug 20 no. 808-46 Ag 164. .j. ItIOLICV, %0'*;tdtmir 3s What 'I's the Z!ft?fjjjjg capaclo.1 of a rallra&I trark. ' * "A til I tt W,jg 20 n0.1101-33 N 164. . !, t%, r' L! it, 1 -.1 r *,A C '~ r~ 1!~ '.- J, : ~, L;_- - - -. - . Tmpxol ths~rap*r of inflr~mnttl.rY lv-'l rvwr ff-,r-.,n ~f lrpt!~-j CrI.. jr,~. 02 r,-,11117-1.26 FIIVo .j 1. poltkllni~-,t 1, 1:07" 1. .1 ?V.gor~ta Bor-n".1. humeleasal oberseleftetles of epUmde lame orytbomatomse Irpski sib* **3Ak. I*o 92 nool0s"5-490 0 064 1. 111 to saradnes 9dredle, *brig KI&40 u abograft (Uprafialke ". &. ap*a brawle)s a wv=o Raiko, dr; ft-rft- Jul dr I Wofili (m) OAr sowlen" with aw awl"Um of trieftleft WLAMIM poUgs" Ulth MJIVMt b~M"Ukl"o ow.gism. A no.9s##35-"2 taurom Idlafts I NW1810*66 IMGV*" (Wavfdkl Prot* 169wwu) WOO &M~ Lim upym uwr) Dr Julijn.nn _t.!KOLIC rAffillaLion not given,l Belgrade. "Clinical and Pathogenetic Significance of Antibodies in Mesenchynal Discases.11 Glasnik, Vol 17, No 1, Jan 63; rp 26-30. A.~,3traCL : A review primarily of the US literature, without refercnces: rh~~aTt_oid factor, method to identify it, incidence and significance; antinuclear factor and LE phenomenon; dirferential diagnostic possibil- ities based on nerologic reactions; pnthogenesis. NXGUCqV.j KAIPMMIJABl !*AISU,6_ A a"* of alcoholic pMhosts In a child aged 3 yeam wd % 4 amths. Wouropsihijatrija 11 no.IsI3.0-112 #63 , Is In Wouropsibijatri4skog odelmja Mavne pokrujinske bolmlee (macelniks prof.dr.WeVurdelja) i Centralr:og docijog d1opmosm - ?IovI Sad (upramiks dr.S.Zaluderski). fty1mc,ollared'sanitetaki PO%P*Snfk A-T; SMUG 'Zoams 0 "Mitotski kwo"a I klass &-r prUary oa"I~ a&& subercm1"Is 69 th~ l%ft-Ob6*m%Is" 00 6 0"00. #Bowe 17 ".39261-266 Or 160. 2, Vejuawdle-Imbs abLdm%% 'A JOW44M, Im"Itut 66 tubwWmm- (lum"IMIS MLIGrAff compl.) (a= MMUM cowl.) ~ r LI r-,lAA"kA (). ; NIWJ~. MJANOVIC, Jal"d J.; JF.VTOVIC, Anka D.; li I .. B. Went of insulin on th,8 WtOolies of prot-tini. llpil.3ii. !nj glucides. Pt.5. Glas Hon 4r 29 no.9110t465-477 163. 1 - CA"adcal InstitutA of the Fmculty of Wdlcln- of thq Untvarsity or Balgrado, Belgrade, wW Nenrop3ichistric k'Itnic, ni' I.-,- Fi%ciilty of Mmdiains, Belgrade. Submitted P~V 13, 7T, '11511mrfil 'All IM OR NIV)Uc, sots$ "istast Farwaceitskas fwmltetaL Colorimtrie t1trattes. Arb.fam.leofmd 5 w-2-)1764* Apr-J'All 155. (nx-MLYSIS, colortastric titration, Indic. & techatc.(Ser)) v xmmo .safm (boom&) .- ---A-A~ O~tmt diswwi&UCG of 6.4wtbgq"iwuxoo T" mt fts Ub iw.UoW)-475 1"o IWAIWICp J.J.1 WRAWAAMMIGO NA; NIMCg 9.N. U9100% or INSIMUS 48 the wtaballem at prowl"" upido mod &I - 4 4 ~ - no Tm wrimm up" owtout is few pig sto postesto In d"p laww'lls @am* UIA misdo Impol. 26 se.2slIl-M $62. 2. NWdjSld bWti#Alk fta*100106 tAWWAO 992MOSIMMUIAWki LAMUtUt M I Swaro-paltQatr1joba Walbs Neftelmhog foluateta a ftepvAu, (Mag Tawirt lam=) (UM LVIN) (SCUSMMIU) slZOLICA- Ljujwal KWIC, 304milal GAVRI14VIC, hmAej -W--f ~- IKilrubinmis In a SMWI" i8tant at tem. god. prql. A no. 51 10.1" 0 65. 1. 111alka $a 6,04koleg1ju j akwe"two Klinicke bolmlees povm gMM (limpainas hvf, dre Slafte S04010) 1 9110 "ki labwatorlLjm Kllnleke belalee a NGVM OR& Naftlffiiks No* &r. lbra ftftjkow). BOGDANOVIC~ M.; NIKOLIC, L.; SOTWASOVIC, S. Vivianlite from the peat bog -ear Ilorgos. Zen1jiste biljka 12 no.1/307-81 J&-D 16). 1. Acrioultural, Fawilty of the University of Belgrads, Belgrade. C*Untry'. Ac&UMIC (ISAJUAt ft twu Aw cattle am r,_9 A.MUIMOW lost .- 19610 sowr" I met 1 or sprogew leptift of imers at I" oft"m 9*r Pau; Pattems" at no 'at 0.1mm"We so Ot A:--IJ" J. :Ar- t L 'CL- A 51, r A ra' ii ~.-q at job 6w, ML MW RIKOLIGO M. Is It earreet et divi& tlw fwwuAws Into various eategorles, as for lastame Into categarles of the harbor, frontier, and oostimental shipping agests? Hafta transp 6 mo.WW43-287 Ap 062. EMA 16 somb in ww so " words" at som""s on"* &u a twmmag psi= Wwo 0 so4%7*-W 0 '42- MUC, 16p 106-~# Val MU=9OWIC4WJI6K*jp inz.j.WXOL1C,K*, dr. FqdropopMe Am Fatima ~ to the Aminj =d UwkI was@ In 1961 md 290o MAr*VW Vol a-101 962o NIKMIC 0 M. Tremawtation of beavy frelot for go Kosovo 11 Tbameleetric Fewer MO. NOw tr&W 9 no. $00-596 As 163. &.1 MMUZ' Jokov &.1 laLCTAMC, Dlidtrijo, hoftUUU~o at moftm adm4mt diagwas et sombna %~ a. ad., gus, V WJIIS5-110 IV 1630 U mowopomjatrljda kunlift "Wdelm*46 ftindt*ta u bwwmda (1pamike pror. &. Um Joldc). UAW swrLAW) MOMAN DIAOMU) 11MANK STATISTICB) 1 JIM rtoll 'XX) "M 'VE L~'l M."...', IRS,. tw=- 0. MUM410 LAW. NaM414; KIM=. NUMAS M - --- $dMV610"S toneving weloway rM Moormisaw sew. no-S-41403-ow aw-aw 5). 1. IDIOM bl"Ahk w ~- pw. ar. Meanowto) Id"It" ftwokww us. &. S. smile) a" pru tir 346.31919". moon w 0 MUNOW %nw fooor"t r~ -- - I - - - - 3 tabs".) ("Hoommis, MUMLS 011befees P") InGLIC, N.9 dwe dr*# DIKLIC~ Dog dr 1~ h eqnmq ad at O"to uwoctlwss dloosaw In childna md addleosents with ""I reft ~"- to Uwir prevenumo %me slam. A no.91m*-A" 8 060. 1. nUdM sa infektivm bolootl ObdialrAkag fakultota u boped (UpmwMk proC* 4r XJKlaw. a) 01~ In W.6 child) N A a aampy of amrlot tevor. Brpski arb. colok. lek. 88 no. 5: %) iv l6a, 1. gUalks sa lnr*kU"w bolesti Nedlelambeg Multate Univeretteta v Beegraft. Gpravniks pref. dr VAUmd Iftlesevie. (WAMM nM tbar) IC, Kiovar SWkj arb, S~Uk. Isk. IS no.61627-436 In 51WIS s& jeektivue bolostj NW#ln&Wg ftkvltota ValverstUta %leave&. "Vnlkt aw. Prof. & K"ta Toderowle. (MMA MOO UIOLICp Klkall*,, prof. dr; PW-'ICp Zlvadin, dr.; BC=C,, &riola, dr. Fmmum of ~lot ftwo- with comm claboun. NW. clam. 15 W.111 19640 2 o". 1. Mann se laftbuVas belestl lbdirstseug Multeta v asocreft Md. opm"dial prof. &r N. sibelle) (WAIM MM pmv & wntrol) (GUM QLMWX tber) OMMOVIC# kalm Do# pmf*p db" NUOUC# IfUnileg doee, drl SMOVIC, AU-16UP dr, A rare cam of lwaUn Intwisatlon, FAd. ciao. 16 no.2967-70 IF 162. 2. 914nika n lnftkUvw tolsoU ftdlelaWbg fakultstis a %Mc"wM (T. & upravailal Prof. 4r N. Kkoue) MMUMMMM ease reports) ~s SOMMUlp VArkog UNICO Aml LSWl, lival WSKOVIC,, lkdoolawl ift v2swc, a!92" FMtWC, Zlvoftal SUVAKOnCp T*jl*Uvl WGRAMMANO DUN@= F"Wee"I ""badles Is WAI-empm prouctleno vejmmmt. ppegL 20 mw.6t34&)S0 So 063. IQ land is odmWetwom moutu a sr"je u Bwgmdup "aladd feWtot v lb"ftp Maike n lnf~kUvm bolosti. (TACCINU) (TACCIUTION) (AlWfnM=) 5 LIG. Milica. Dr. ligniflawo of apsempbIlle stlaw to "Glustles or Man, Meese, VeJ. mm. proal. Dow. 13 me-11-12:02-56b New-fte 56. (MCII% OZATION, evatuastes, or nommom to ny in wwwwome nis" (860) (SIPAIMPUUA, is move, evaivatiom et ritseem to rty Oor)) InOUCO Nlli"g Vojpd alubadk M kLum dr Tm prdA&4m of -1 A~~ d"Man In PLISWO vejosm proo-O ofew. 17 se.U11281405 1 060. 1. V,- - - - I - wpoledial"I Iratitst u Z~ (mialas ~w RASKWICIO. B. -. MIDLIC. M. .- . . ....- lhwd~to of WWI@" clinical form of momeslor dystrome NW* dues. 10 me.913w3ft " 0. IL,, Ism sp 1%tJottiolis blistIft Wedletedws fdoltoto a Beforeft VpwdkI PP*t. IM JoIde. (NMM A AWMCA, ~- (Ser)) IAMC. J.-,SWaLaA. Jakwl XIMDLIC, Millsov; PIJUMOVIC, lbealoca - wamommm Flv* cases of Rotors strommulan pelfealag, Srpekl arb, coloke lek. N# w.5:616-622 W 56. 1. Neare"IMIJ4trieks klialks N"IC18*66 fakulteta u SeegreAls. Vpmvuik: pref, 6r,, Uropt Jokle, (SUMNION, P0190 I c"0 re"rte (CII Kilisaw; TZUWM, 14,wam OhmmW in " dwmp flaw la oftmVerad Wollslas mpdo 434000 11 am* m0 10 fto"Saw"U&S kilaus N"Isimb" fabals"a % sawaft (onnal we, &. W, I*is) (NMMUg mobin Iml fl%U Is daspe In Immve"s Wellsis (ow)) post-wfAl peremelso SmAreld of 30 coaft, "ki W16 colsk. Idk. as M466dwab ifts 570 I* now polhijarls" k1lauft ftdloiasftg rawtota a Deep*&; VPIFaVMlkl PFOto &o WM &WSo (~~, OOMPLO 1"WIPWIM PWOWGIO (sw)) mw~, "Gopm I pwbmu (ow)) Pq * md mnmWsal mlt~sUU~w In amto porpirria. lkp-hd ark emlsI4 3sh. 88 se.1211213-1239 8 040. 21 M-"=Jon kll&M NoMelookeg ftbol tote OhIveraltsta as sped lks pF~t. &r V"w J*Me. (MWRMTA pWdol) (WOMMIC PANUMATIM) XTIOLIC, Kiliff"v, dr ----------- gmvlg. Ned. Ciao. 15 mo.pJW132 Mr 161. Trest~t of MPS~thml& 1. Name- thijatrijolm blialls Nodicinabog Multots, u 16ogra& (Vpmvnik3 pmr. & v. Jeade) (NfASTMM GRATU tber) - NIMUC 0 KLUE&V Thmobols of the Internal *mUd artery, 3rVskI arL selaL 2sk, 0 so.)OM-328 XV 162, lo lb- mp~IUjstv1jsM Malks V"Ieladmg ftbateta Valverstlets u bwpeft. Vp - v Iko pref. dr Um Snide. (CUMML MUM M T~Ns) - UWArrAROVIC-RICILIC, Kowa; T-wMWlj-Mv-l C, Du"n 4 mmg of &- -toWmiUs. Srpskl arb. selek. Isk. " 80.41477-4" AV 9". L ft- plhlj4*ljdw WaUm FAMeWbW ftbultets TalTmit0la u loopsft. "vaftt Prot. Or Im Jddo,, F~MJatrijda belalft U bspaft, Vpmvelke pl& dr St*m jovesawle. (INUTMOSIM cass reports) mmuco uniftv %~W�O"m 0t As smftrlw "T*bml &"917- SrPPkI arb- "Isk- Isk so wowsm?-Un 0 1". L Inrapdujawijda kumis 6"dS~bl MWtOta %IVMlt~#A 9 ftepeft Vpnvalkl pMt. & VOW Idds. ( --- -AWM60 D~W -S KMWC, FAUMW 2 Obsom of rongedom Is opmeNods owls foUmlor thmmostaw. Smskl 0116 403416 1016 0 W.Ullwm 9 161. it -- -- -- JOIN UINAIN minsing twmlfmlka 9"Ve"Itets, a -rm-. For* dr from Ad" (IffAMMM OFATU mg) (1~ surf) 9 NZKM=p VAUoavg SMOKAKA,, Jakowl TMIC, Llabl" a-._ no@ of tooft -of no son vouts. *pal ub. 0824k. la. 90 W.JSW#6" or eta, 1, %W"dMj6pljSlR Muffin Nmftmlmmb~ twhaf0ts %Ivenl,- fat& u 1 0 1 IPM!W*o Ira I are-"-,U,-eo 8) 211"m NIWVANM*IC U. K$ " DIM trijo AMU himlsenom ot the optic p*IU& In acute vascular dises"s of On bmis, Srpski aft. mloI4 2ok. 90 so.6i"9-04 Ja 162. 21 WJoln kUnlka %dietsming Maltals Valverst- xmwwmja fats 6 vPmvftIkl Prof. dr. fm J*klo. I" rcm" MMMLWULAA OMMM) (G"IC Jabwo Ono=, Millowl BW"TAIMC-MOLIC, Essars In Gooft vwml- bmin dloo"". SrPidd wou ZZO-14167ft-.7/04121-W6 A-ft 162. Ampapsm)SWIJBIR kunths ftafitsmang fWalteta ftlwonl- Ufa 1- 0 dko pit. dr aw UNNAM) Qd~ Aft ou~l r-~GOSLAVIA -I Srbaljub STOMMOVIC, Dimitrije taLOVA."OVIC, t,9_j_tqav__V1KOL1C and Joko POLCKSTC, 1-curarsychiatry Clinic (Neurorsihijatr1joka klin-iki) Head Prof Dr Urox JMIC, Hedical Faculty University of Belgrade. "The rroblcm of Cancerorhabis In Clinical Practice." Belgrade, Rry.!.k~_Ar'hiv ga Celokurno Lckarstvo, Vol 91, No 1, 1963; rr 57-62. Abstract (Lnglish sunnary modifLcd]: DrLef discusslon of 17 ratients: ii~ and occurations; severity; causes ucre mostly latrogcnk . '.:en concentrate on oral-cutaneous reaLons, women on breast and uterus. Several suicidal attoarts. Sed&tLve treatment was required. Too tauch stress on cancer education can LnstL11 too much of a holy fear of cancer e9yocially In aaotionally labile, roorly educated persons. Six Western and 3 Yugoslav references. J 29 ~ALDJICX,; and Vora. Neurop5yehirstric A Clinic of Fedical Faculty of Ue University (Neurapsihiatrijska Klin4xka Y,edic1nr.',:np Fakulteta Univerziteta), Head (Upravnik) JUN, Prof Dr. Uroq; ReIrrado. "Clinical Signs of the Occlusion of the Anterior Cerebral Art*r7" Belgrade, Srpski Arhiv za Celokupno Itkarstvo, Vol 9h, No. 2, IW; PP 133-136 Abstract: fFrerch aurrinary modifiled) Study in 17 patients with arteriographic signs o occlusion of the anterior cerebral artery, in 10 of these without any other vascular lesion; clinical patterns and description of aphasia in h, hemiparesis in all 10, epilepsy in 3. 1 Yugoslav and 18 Western references. Manuscript received Ili Jul 65. 23 - I .r v, -C mi -- ,p "p36 sk=6 (2"grMv &I= 01"WISA 46) .~-m -- pavv St &Ivln maddm in Topolaw laftstri"o Tobolks hgo SappUdbMmtwo 22 M*28317-320 lb 163* ftwimilL 091jews induatzljwm outiouls Save=wg ~~ is -=; asored, LAZOTIC. Ttktor: 11INDLIC. Ntroolav Liagmi owelegga to a young odult wltb meteet"oo to taborculme conteal lympb so&". Srp*l aft, colske 14k., Ob 26*526774ft FAW 56. 1. 21rorehe o"ljeWj* Gradshe belaice a Soograda. Sefs prof. dr. 2461ma z0fammic. 0441JOYS as we. a" I gplo Grodske bolaice u Ioqpmdi6 Sets ", dr, mosl4ar SoIrmlic. (IDVM Im"Immem. "UWtem" to Suborc. ewvlcal Irmob "4*0 Oor)) ("DEMMUS, LTM IM, complications, conical metastames from tongue to tubere., IywpW*aItI~ (Ber)) ILIC,, CAdmirl XIKOUCq KireaUv; BAYMC,, lkt&Uja; FMOOVIC, Djordo Cystic fsmu~ at tlw runasal simoom. Srpokl ar'12. colok. lek. 91 w.ltl*9-52 Ja '6r. 1, OWrinolaringolooko odoljonjo Oradsto bolates u lb"du Soft 4r. Codmir We' (PARANASAL iINUSZS) (CYSTS) ITIDSIC, Wroclaw Vadervater selowtates to the Adriatic %&,, 311drograf,ced 1958 (Mlis%A 1999)1253499. (out 911) 1. best$%$ sa, blolsoju mm - mrwtsj, (Adriatic 8m) (TOUNISIM) (loseelawta-loww"Phy) 'AIKE)LIC, Firoslayo dr. ftettft or 4u"i-ts o" the ovorerewth ard oorroalcm of ship bottme. Nifteent PO to (Pau* #&)I*. PARMOVIC-FWZ, Warlja, Ins.1 qlWLIC, Kireelav" dr. - ~,Ibo OqBbme. ~ 0 -1 'U ressallb In t" area ~~U=wd timhl ho=d awing Runwst "d I - - - qmmwmmm"www Mawirow diving " a wthad of iave*tigating tfa sea, KWagr;Lr god 19MIn-150 '160. (=I lot 6) ILGIQ*L SAmutatt affiffij. (UTM& WMAM) (asse"W"W) NIKOUG-p Me; ZAVOMIO V. % an Ondrseadn" or I" spassmus phaunda aftuals (awe) (TMI48121. ki of Jws 6 W.18M.U MP 061. Ma 10,9AO) i. tabomu" or usuff ;mg amini. (Tv"fafa) 111MYLIC. Nib&. Prin.dr. - Are ~ vlr~s &M am vim &too"@* emlog up? OW.~, lowl W 8 o@.1:53-56 M5, 1. fteterow Swed u Now" left, Upwalks Mlm Ellmlleo (VIM otsafim posetbtlifff of am Ttfto &is* COAMA by fwu. of ~ virs"s (Ser)) Imetwy of woum. $rpm w.12695-4" Jos 155. 1. al = s"Ijem& Opsto belalce, KnW#Jww,Softdr. Iretes K"WIC. (&MXM,o %lotory) Ammer to Me articlo ou OMW for revision of nNes weeclastionage elm@. lm. Ims.. saw. 5 28.1-2171-77 Jft-Jm* 56. we" u Iffem as". -URMOU (TAM= AS iA ralbies vow., Is Tw4pel. Oor)) (mum, pw. & sestrol TMG* 6 Is Twasel. (Sw)) POPOV, &oats; ANDLIC . wilan a , W4 wrole1w Is a* wedleal sch"I of AlexuArla. 04. 41"s. IS so.":206-207 Agr4by 56. (Mwff. btst. is Avelest, lopt (Sor)) laxwe Kilau No alph""Islawls. Srpsld at. SOUko Isko 00 WAAS jo 160. 1. Vre2s" M8110 019"OlmbW faWtstm ad"re""s a 3~~Spb&16 vpmmuo & Sava ftibme. virwom oftmmje fts"Im ba2ml" v a... & 11"Mu &Mavis. (Maw wm~) VMS-Tet we *Iwu,ls ti - rq~- (Tolob"Modkkaijo, Tel. 2v no. 3p JOr 2953, beograd-) zut Iol- 36 NO- to a* "at - om,AAbna of COMM". irebre"T. IYA Imp IM2. W.'or,puta n of ~-'.m:lo-laycr colln." Y~, lio. It, Oct. 19'53, -:coi-,ra,t, Yw,,o3li-,rla) SOt Monthl-. List of Za. 1%. Europoan Acccts'kons, (EZAL), Y,, Vol. ~Ios ce 1951t9 Unclo 120 Do wLA=,;% UIO&1444"tle~-.-N,33ld 0 2 0 Z I I A 15'i 7 TL 2*-t ~77 MINIMA I I -I C It, Ulam" adena (Camj~tivltl" parmdtarla); an F, m ig Rttema dj~ at skiphWO96 P. AS (AMT ZA W== MUS %1. 30 w* 3v 1%2g Zeembs T*pg&vU) SO: honthly List of East European Accessions& Vol. 2, di, 4bmry of ConM.9s Attruett 1953, Uncl- EMMICs 10mlas Or., Ucmb PEWSANd Gb&f"%Sr Of 41PA WiLtMiSf bMMA 08 the OWY Wd esmstdmtt~ of uwmnl etr~tme" da"ag World War 11. 1. 11toods 2 datislaustes, a mum=, *well aserility, la Tagool. &Wigs World far 11) (mullf, ottel. 6 potbwa. witmin 9 ftfie.. in T""l. &aria& World Var 11) -tare, ~wl' wwq~ - - . f%pooff". A b-t. I aft. I=, app-oupt L"ol. VksmiR at bw a N"Kf%ng* qow~ m the, so-tAbw k meMm d lsl~ bodit. bloL Or MM68WM k sm6w tft "am w it "or pgq-- 0"awnsteme go wwif" wismiseets end atedsom come" by vowittes denetaw Is the 02teralmostem 009 joseaffec, I", mb.0 ftftjwo 9 U-31111-143 Nw-jimas 55. (TrIAMN at 9MCIMT. to tomat" of Gerama Clio, sepate A the?. (MIDIM OF WAR, fto. wisest& 21 deriso In eon", ettal., Otis. comeentrattom comp, 441616" (Ser)) Ismat" of Gerson cescontrattas aspeets & Aer. (Ser)) VIKOLIC, likela, Dr. 10MILIM t~mmefbcttom of the tomcm: "Stributtes to occupastowl tremstaleffe owe &moo Sarejewo 10 so. I t " Jaw-ft% 56. (TMWIIAMBVLAX JOIIT, via, & tair. occup. cimustrig smilsteml tu%eftettes of to%po, mat. & clime aspeets. ($W)) (,OR=, &i9. UseftwHou wilateral, caused oecup. 12J. of joist, amte cline Sep"to, (Ikr)) (OCCUPATIngiL VIsMU, taj. of tompermodiftlar joist, caustvg untlateml tumarGettes of temau", amt. & Clio. sepwas. ($or)) silos= 21kesa,&r --'- -- -""me pwaiougwal WWU rMbum at mtwrfa Gam*401imebtel"O " a of IVA M- 0946 Sfb*f #SMO%V* 12 ".3:1-39 W-je 159. (=RUL =Ton GIMIN pb~0101 .) 4 %NWQ,21026/101 AWN=$ out" 411 eal"S $gas"S,- -restONSWISO Pao" -&&ban ArS MIb M= UdM*-,, log 12 621 11b"Me. ' . -201skma. I 41MOSSIS A 0 S"O - %rat 200 1 1000 4 Goo slalom "1 0840- I" everstuo atels* betas ONA fe jdq go trMOIGUM of rel" are 661wider lawsweim tia reliabill ussew SYGOSIS With twums IS to eliblet to a "so IN Orwate am roe "A0414 diselpattes. wo a= % Ins j4 OPA% p#A obtaI&A if reg"alkeres Op --'amMA114e of relays card $/2 alven ram* co, ..I t z) not glveu./ V*WlMM lutitut* *t tM IPGOPIO'~ ASPAIIG Of SO"Is (V6tWlftftkl lagtitUt NarOdSO A*Pblg* DoAL @Beebe" of W76401" is bbskunp.0 AwOwras fASOVAC. lettvajo; NIZOLIC. ftskal lifts diessom of fte rowfttery we" In obtlam. Imkl 0%. eel*. Ift. 0) MAOSID61-IM3 081 550 1. %UjsfatMs Idialka NAlsimb" fWadtata a l jp VPPWSIks poro dr. obtljo Astmis. (~N ?is* Im taftst am miss viral (2w)) (PIM ETA in taftat and child, Tint Is")) (It= Know, W*w%ltlG & P~Uta Is child. (for)) Tint pospilratwy &"owes in sbu&sa la ambalatery pnwtlcoo NUIJ~,,S*We 11 v9*2-PI97-201L 159. UWDAIGRY IRAN IWMM,ta 129. & Gkild) T Dumm Is %r. & obtid) I UNTAO.Scriveje; WMC,DM14*; HKOL.I.0,ftekal; ItLTROVIG,3*rtTojG ---I Ifunte jmfj~ in GUI&Oft. compluestom is iko rempleallery gross, *Pkt aft, 00104 Isk 07 W.7-816"-Ol A-4 '159. 1. ftdljstrWft klingift %dielmokeg tsbaltets s SOMOrs", wfmvuiks Preto Ar lbtl^ Aorsold. (INUMM Is tat. & Obtu) wouce P. Diartbm In ddldm. Rojemp bW~ 12 n9.2/3tl3?-l#* 960. . (NAMMIL Is bw & 0") MIKO=v Paakal Chrome towtulus Is shildrom ad Its effect m the piston ad dimunift It as polmomy Ulm. Shodioluse DPW. U me.NW. WI 0". 10 ft"Atrias blim" MI&GIA&CS f*ultot& u INS Rol A - (uprawralks Prot. 1614mmes) N IF N I I vu nu~ reftes) I roast) HIKMICO Faskal, dr. -------------------- Pklmmmff aboven in chrmle towIlUtle In oblldrm md their dirramt"l dissmade. NW. clam. 24 W.M485-w 0 160. 1. ftajatrijdn klians YAUslwba ftWtela % I elp I (Vpnvr4k$ pmr. dr. a. Tasme). (IMUUTIS OMWI) (Lm IDLUAM stlel) NIMUCt F4dalt &.; RO=IC . Parivajo, doe., dr.1 RU=cp V4;jlslAv, dr. logeftfAve oudbw =atft~UUmw in dom mim. Is sUl&m. ad. am. u ao.ulywm 5 160. I* lkp"trljda klimUs MW*Imba Waltola a I ap - I (Vpre"dki prqe. D. %ggng). " -I~I~Aj *Ijda Walla WU4m%g takidliela u 2 ~p - I (ftmmlk pmr- & V. am@). 0~ owl) (low p".81) SDONOVIC, Kledrae; DO-IMMC, SlobodanC HIKOLIX", hsk&2 lindleaUmis for tousillesUM to ddldm. Arpold arb. oolok. 1st. W.616"-700 So 'GO. O&wLwUrlwlwft kIlMho NAleladme ftbdtata Univeraltala a loopeds. Ipmvnikt pet. ar Ersd* MwImse, PsAjetrieft k1latka a&- INA - .-ftftliketa Valverallote v Doegradiso ftwevalks prot. 4r lbuja is. 2. on I Vrpkl arldw 9a sele- kqm 14"retwoomw %raw"), ("Mumm) SMOLIG 0 F. 4------ NarmtU miss of the liver in norwAl infanto and preachool cUldron. ftojew 13,ao.l#27-29 161. (LMR) RMUC. ftsball DOMW C, Slabo"al KRAGUMIG, Vantas am db~ums sm ellnival OW bastorlolooml eaposts of abrade tommillItle In sh,124rom. $rpsk wA. selsk. 2sk. 09 no.21 175.2" IF 1". L fe"Jalrijobs k1loths Fadlelsobog fhWtieta Valversitists a I lp i la. Oprovalks prot. & larivejo Theme. Owruw larlogebobs Malls NWeInsh" taWtsta Valvorellsolm a Doograft. 9provoiks Prot, 4r growle ft&ia". 2. Clan %0u b" odboval, O"kl arbiv sm W241how leborstwoop (ter Domwo). (IMEWTIS) unwc Ap!!R;s, dri XMIC, Dmoolaver d3$lTWDlMc, 2"mir, dr ML comomm"Umto m as Pam and rk#Um In wnal nWol ddlbm. lbd. glee. 16 20.11"42 A 162. Is hdijetrijoks k2lailm Nedlainakeg bktdtota u Swgraft (Upsyniks pW, dr D. Taome) in lar a child) zMax, hdgll middu -Ida "%&Me in a ddid, *"m arb. solok. lake 90 W*7/81"7-"2 JI-ft 062. 1. bftja%4)oka kUaUM WdlainAM ftkw2tots Volvemitata u begleft lpravalks pmt. 4r. owivejo %alme. (MUM Lm Slv~) . JU The structwo of our apicultural prodwtionaand our balance of psy0ents. p. 1. (MASM. Vol. 4, So. 7/8, July/ Aug. 1936 (PublIsW 1957) SO: Montbly List of last Ivropean Accessions (SLAL) LC Vol. 6. No. 12, Dec. 1957 Unci. am am O*dPmnt for un comesmuce 18*49try. Gradovin#Lr u M.S1292-2" Ac 163. 16 Orgo mkntw SWwOtwijat4 fdolekth kmimija Savem *24webbolowe I otzojwa N-vatdo. POPOTIC. Wlvejo; NILEWTIC, Peter; NINDLIC. AM , i"j ----dieptapstle Cam of gompaltal mbr, sie CIO sms-Ilood horsts, 37poltl w%. calsk. Isko 85 m.1$92-UM Jon 57. 1. Itt Istorm klimiks N4WUCIMkeg fdMIte" a leftrad Vprwatk: Aldresubw ladomorlJowle. beftelieftl lastitut MAlsimbeg feWtote a Denied , Vpmvuikt Stojas Sadie. (IMMIA. VIAPKIAMAIN. eow r"ort eels-jejum-liaml. coqps. Uor)) lalouct IRVM of qmUtyo Xlek**UbnUm VzT 5 Doo3.-99-100 262o I# Org, nknlkar Sdretw1jeta Tabolak1h Mmialjo (74W*bg Liv*Aleeva 4). NIKOLI: P R. dr. ; LjF; it: , S. Ir . Udiapbotogranhy of rAfl,"ological cf t-to -%' .. Nod. glas. 17 to#~I-j255-258 Ja - , '63. 1, Radicloski institut Medlainskog fskultstA u beograi-a (11prurrillk- prof, dr. B. Boonjakovia)l Iinstitlit la tuberkulosu UR ~rbl.',e (;)i- rekton prof. dr. 11, Grujic). GEURGOT.f l(XOUGtRj-. KAKSDVVIGjZ.s DRASKOVVIG,R. ami"t td~ of - mtbnlm Am hplr**Uorb 6014 solutimes abotsmAs Gm " Ar 27 uo.,qA6*i3-a3 v" - 1. Ift DWU RUOU betiftU of Ikolow Islanowt lbt-IWW- ntm gqprtmmlkv lb2grade..%ea.