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The Determination of Uranium Ly Using ilotaxelia lod&tq tion of X-104 in ;0 per cent H 2SO 4 (the ouro Y-,~oee an in UP initial eolat-.on; uterk for prs,:1oitt%t!,.)r in tiisto I n&d %-) li~- rpiuctd t.-, ,,no tin i t' i. n olritiv nff a 1,: *;- n!,iff, -- 1ji.7 r -ol In 1, ho tent joLuti,in )1.1 lviri- %han - LAI ill erjir ixallpr -M,-nts t;f uranium i mg) u ratio -f ~)l i ti,tiv- 'I - t,-Irit -,Mt ion anl the volum-;v fil' ~he tample is favorabil-v. ' an per cent mOuilon i:' K-104. to 644-1 :n0st V~)Uwv fts~k..Pltq to t w t c 63 t h a '. *' 1. -1 C rI t1a i -, e, 4. 3,; !!. ' . ") rM-0. Irlo cipith'.e a fl.11 *nr;,d & gla-ju t---n-er ani -*slot-el rith a diluted qiluti-)n of potsiesan -,calat- in oilt.-br-c ncli (0,4 por of K-70 i in ono per cpnt N 2 !"C'41 and tn,?n w;!t, alcohol !nd ethRr. Th" procipitate thus obtatned r%n be ir 1,1 sit 00.121) until -its weight is constant Aani it stiii -Ptsinq its constancy at a tomperazurs, of 170 . If the proc-iipitnte was washod with a solution of KJO.' and wl,h 4icuhol or!.v. Je- 0. ;ntoW of tranium in It,.* pr- cooposltitn r,.iir*n at 60 Tho c, cipltat~ was iatormined by titration eltn porsangars-4 anti by CL-4 214 Slowing to If 0n' The iodate ion was letorained iii(-attrif~R11Y Th# bet* rei no ti on of lJrani,.ja b.~/ U-~i no rotme to lim to I& I- _,-1O/C,.I urt"r th- 1~.Jl 1-1 M tkif, uranium wits ox itlizod tv t-,.d nowive J, Pt. -. rsor." an p-?i carigavate. The abeerce of potaivelum in th * pr cipjt%tv wag; di?t-#~ruinod with a microcryitalloscooo v04 H, FtC161 403truction ~!f ths precipitats, rAnI ~e;sryrion of th* urantup. Tne prevp.-tnte dried at ~ . loot wit contain any %ater -~ryjtAlliss- tIon. 71joy procloite;.t formed under the given coMiL.oav there- fore correspon4a to %ne rormula IIIJOR) 4 &n4 may be uged tor thc ate *iim!u-ri z lot prrinati,)n of or& ni tie. o, 'it r - - . : , -V - ;t1rainsation 1L alao possible. For Olls purposo the procipktato to dissolved in H 28o 4' Mixed W'th & solution of Kj and t1trat- et *;th ttiosuiphate. A portion of the iodine formed roacts 44 4itt qja4rivalent wan;,umt U 1 2 4 2 H Uri? 4 4 HIt# Therefore. thore, aro 22 (4.~ # 2) vqaivaitntr if lading for every &too of uranium. Copper and molyb4qnum 4,3 not form ledatos under the con4itions montlon9d mod can zoreover be rosoved by electrolysis ut st mercury ratnod-. Vtr.4ditim ia Card 5/4 reducv4 In ttiv, electroiysiq and lows nc* !rAvrI.Pre! Oltn thu d*- 5/189, 62/000/005/004/006 Allmerin, L P.g ft XUL01MOV62 lie AO t and Nasalovichl, 1. me A'study of thw system umium (IT) - uranium MIODICALS Moscow* vlftv~roltoto Tosialk. Sorlya-Ut TRITI The electrolytic roduction'of Salta was studiod on an H4 cathode In -0.1 1.1y Holt a" HOW 4" under X2# with a Pt anodeq at 40 50 said 12 &1500,*for up to 4 hours, from solutions am 0 01 or 0.1 eel 'of V gr Ittere rho bloom* &qmoss of redu tlift w0" obsorved in Oe4X H 2 O*2X yo 4# ans v*22 NCIL04 747 - 49, 40 - 44, NA 34 36 A respestivoly) for duration of 1*5 - 2eS broig at 12 15001 furtiter' lacresses of aeldity or Une of reaction Is& to a doeresso In t1w out 1/2 AUMAMS Ip.; MMUMA, re.R.; TIXKMVAp V-1-1 WBRM&o L.V. - fsft~umm PNPWUW OC blval"t vam"~ saw JoAft 7 W4282WO4 Ir 1620 i5s)) 1. Ambnow a md"Mitot Immi loommems kmtwm maiitidmbw 0 (VMS"= osqpmmm) (caftualb-fe"tias Mau=) AGUMp IP.19.p IUK=MAg U.K. lbowwtiftl prim1ples' ~W tsfierrelaUsuMp of the eboti trio moUnds of dwm&nl amlials (gamy). Jmw.lab. 29 no.7#7?)-M 100 (NM 16A) (92"trechem"al fasuals) VA A04-YANo P.K.1 RIKOLAISA. re*Pol FabOLBEKO" . R#Ke - . pbtontimetric titrotion of titanLum (TV) -ith a solution of vacadim (11) mulmoo thweemlokbIme 19 no.lOt22110--1222 86" (mrm l7o22) 2e &VOTmon"OT Moscow Atate l7niveraltys AWTAX, P.19.1 KIKOLAr9VA, Te.R.1 DO-INA, L*A9 goUstign of gm ~Isotromtric wth" of detorodniag urwilta by titntics vith vomWate and om*lsxom, Zav.Ub. 30 mol2tl43&-U3I 064s (KIRA loll) 2, Mokovskly gosaftretvennyy uMverettalt in. W.I.Laftnosava. XUDUMAV le.S& (U%A"k) BwasUg ft"cated to the topic Mmts In sprlno* Male v ~MmJa wo2s 76-" " We OMUNV"Udy ad Ueddft) (am 1664) MIKOLAT"A, U.S. mdayal of the pop2ar ftpulus bals"Ifere L, lot,shur, 49 noolle 1644-ii4T N 164. (Nlu is, I) 1, lagaukly peftgaglabookly institut, IIZGUFUA, UNSOMIT G*tmdlLik- ~.Vwr"PT,v- wA~ ~ T-m.,v .~" imbatatoldeldel dbmwm Is at lanowele sorms. %%* aft.weac -ans. two."topmolawai 953.(~ 7110) ) (Imbess"m OSAMU) TOUK* Te.L. daktor votorissru^h nauk; NIKOZAIWA, To.Ta., sia"kly nwhlwy setrumt, FAMORWWA ft~689101461 utift of altrw1*164 I&Wo %forlowdla 34 w,6181. ft As lyre (om 1019) to SesehmMvewWy -- hao4tearelligy laftitut vefArlmrv4ft pm- pmtow Ulateleratm selldw" kbospre"s OW (mir"Ielet rap-rostelogleal off*$$) JU KOUTVAt T0.18. Tectomiss of KasaA fty bamd an vete-.borrA melsol: turm7bw data, ftirtops,geol, I geofise nosS120-23 955a (MTRA ISO) iffi: AR5018563 UR/02qq/65/O00/0lJ4/B010VP,044 4110MICH: Ref, zh. Biologlyn. 3vodnyy tomp Aba. 14D325 AINITOR: Grazinp V. F.; Nikolayova# Yo* Yao TITLE: Fernentation of oleandon-yoin In a denp growing culture of I(-, t ~12om coo antibloticul CITED SOURCE: Tr, Gos. nauohno-kontrolln, In-tn. veto prepVxatov# :v,. 12, 1961t# 291-295 TOPIC TAG"': forrontrition, oleandomycin, antibiotiej, pharmacognouyt animal, hijabandr7 7RAMLATION: Conditions for producin? oleandom7cin for imon of hunbandry were Investigate(l. ~ho expnrimenta were carried out at 26-2,51) in flanks with a vibrating device and in fermontarm with a caprhait7 of 45-100 litArn, In working up ttie componition of the i T"m410.11-mit the beat rAnults wore obtnined by combining different cor-onritrationn of moybenn flour with sunflower oil caku amd gluoose WJIVI P-1,3101iffent UsIng a MIA maitum to a banQ with 3% runrlmor oil Cr,rd I/P_ L ACC'ESSION Kilo AR5018563 calot, mid 1,,5% molassest the -yield of oleandorm7cin was 322 units/ml.6 Cott;onjiacd oil oak* was found to be unsuitable for oloandomyoln btaii~.I-nl,hsisls. Native olo"domloin doos; not I-ova Its aotivity art-or -orp thmn 2 nonthe of storsigo at 3-5'oi, As Yashkoyo OVO MIX: LO KNGLI 00 C-c-A 2/2 *On the Xorpholog7 of Opening* nnd Ghannels, In the Purtitilon if Auriclos in Humns." Thetis for degra* of Can&. ke4jestj Scl. ziub 24 Apr 50, Secoml Koscqw St,,,tq Medical Sol, Sub 24 Apr 50. Second Moscow State mealc#41 Ingt. Imenj 1. y. St&jjA SumRrY 71, 4 so-, 52, D14vmmrtfttlp"_Pjm&ntgd tar DggXM I,& Sci#=2 Ana F.Wjmerln& It MOMICON IA 1250- Prom VXgA"jW= H,)s)wa. Jftn-Jec 1950. arm$ at foolsood assadmim of as woos ad a&& moksm" MIAF at @worts jug". ftfa.amr.blol. I 36 At I". (am 717) 1. hatsft supm4mvavqmw "Evil a S"PopoSlabodmv ~SGWM (ow, - . TAO*Idmv) It lbablidsw malsolaebw IMMIA low rxftsum (air. atmo & aww" fin ap) ~f ordouffe at ou=lmus @a seems Pdoo widlir Elam 00~0 .%Cf. at "Ind"us as amm" J"40 &""1V & saw"Im I& 6w) SUPTAYWA, Ire.Te. par"m ad eamle of am sopka IW to Mao AA26 ~44066. 1 Nor. 32 "at" (no Sig) 1. u basby wil"ab"W wou"I I sprw,&Ivw "mol 16madeew t $"too& lmft-wwww(~. w Gum"Weemsefto m sm poomm c W. cow) (man$ oft"W am "oftuffe Goom wwlml~ ft""= & snag) NINDIATEVAI-11,21. KOMMUTO Ts. IstradvOlse work Nam In 00 Wildift Mtffi&lo lsftwtrY* Sots. Wed 8 As 163. (NDA 160) 1, Movae" uprwlmly* promVehlonnooU *tmltsl'nyW materlalow L stroltelorqu detels" (for Mtkolayom), (Ymmm-bdl tog mterials Industry-Prodoetion standwme) NIKOLAYVA# TU* go Cmd Acr Set - (dios) 05tu4j of Early Sts"s of the bib Develome t of Chicinne in Conriection with Various Portods and Cmditions of In Prosarvation," Nessavo 1955. 19 pp 20 ono (ftl lee 111*16 of Poultry Raising of the Min of A or RSFSR), 100 copries Mp 27-57glOB) - 55 - LMIKVICN, P.A.1 MOMALICY, G.F.; KISHAESTICH, X.G.1 ZI%MCH, I.F.; SAFMNSNW, A.?.; KLINOW, F.A.j CATDMZVICN, N.M.; SILIX, MLS.1 HMMM, F.T.1 -IMAK, N.V.; MUMMV CH, O.A.; ~WA# ToNal IMIKCIMIT# A*T*; TARATUTWOO P.I.; AIRMT, G.A.; SINKATM, Sh.S.IGMACWWA. K.I.; fAVWA 1"I VOUMM# ILA.1 OMWNBWM. Oj nd.; r"01 zw"Ap T.0 t0khMa Redo (Nasnal for livestock misers) 3pnvodwlk dilvoteavadao 2,9 dep. I Peter. led. peask" God,Is&va 6011khas'llt-ry MUM, 1963. 462 P. (WRA 1610) 1. GlavaVy scotakhaik Upravlesiya maki Nialaterstva selfskop khospayetva Salonwakoy SSA (for SafradwMabs) (Suwk and stock"-dzii -11410 A. ; "ll EFLITA, A. I. I S~'IRW'A, A. 1. ; 'R750"A, Ye.1- A Olu V I V V u a ll,.IKWIfJVA, A.D.; GUTt Tu.1 ; VIKOIATEV; Z,~Aoj AYZr.i,;JE-!G, I:IKIIAYWVA: T.V., red, [AgroclimatologIcal mamal for Stalino Province] Agrokli- raticheskii spravocmik po Stalinskol oblasti. Lenlr rado GldrorA3teolzdqtV 1959. 101 po (MIRA 17 lel 1. Ukraine. Upravlenlye g1droretenrolcgichesk-ui rlu,-.htrf. 2o Nacliallnik Otdela agrorAtoorologil Kiyevskay g1dro- meteorologlcheskoy observatorli (for Salspova). M=MV, 469,,, red,* V redattrawmal prlml=ll nabactlyos MUM K*Ko; 11.60: ff&~~e M.s MJ~ls Moo "s dullmso WePos ~%. T.Lt WAMUW&o red.1 Enna* T&Jl.. tehme"GO (summ of moys"w'sk Froviaml a emotes statiAtleal mall swedw khes"Isswe moisaffskal Obleotil kftskli stalletlehoddl GbOU116 Rolaswak" knishmse led-we, 1900 1" V. (IIZU 12s)) lo flyamewift (Frawlafth Obleeftep slatlettOwaft" iWmIsalls. 2* SeaftlOolk MalkletlehaskeW urmwlealys Ullyawwokey (for mm"sw). Mlyesevsk Proviso*-8tatl Wes) SIMONOW. To.P.; MEMWA. A.I.; MMWVA, A.I.; XnfflSOVA, To.K.; KISNATLOTA, A.B.; 13WDWA, K.A.,- NOM. V.V.; OK. Tu.I.-. KUUUTJNA. LA.; Av~~' N.M.; MMIATLOTA, K.S.: ZOMMATA. TO.C. Me: Vona$ N.V., S* (AgroolbwIto reforence Uok as Nikolayev Frovinso) Agroklim- 141sh9ddl pe-wesbalk po likelsevskol O'blastI. LawAsaude Mrs- wtoor.led-vo. l"9. 103 P. (NIZA 13s2) lo KWw, Sidrowtoorologialwokays otoorwatorlys. 2. Xachallalk oWWI& agrousleoftleat 11yowskey g1drowtoorologlOwskey observe- twil (for "lepwwo). TRgGUDCVAg A*Sep at. insh.; KARLSMEOp A.P.p iragh.; MKOVA, A.V.p at. tokhmik; SIKA19MA LA.# at. tokbalkl KOWUNERM, zha." telthal I M J, - tokbuftj SMAX9 T.T.j, tekhaik; CMVYACfWKO,, V.A.p tekbaft; YSFRIWV, X.V.p red.; DIMIYMKO, G.S.p tekba. red. [Vmml on the yuppIj of moisture available to basic farm crops In the Ukraine] Spravochnik po sapasm produktivaoi vlagi pod onnovWs sell skokhoiWayst"nival kulltureal as Ukralme. Kiev, Goasellkhasisdat USSRp 1963. 547 P. (MM 16112) 1. Mel agrorete*rologii Klyevokoy g1drometoorol"Ichisboy obeervatorit (for an exc*pt Yetrwovp Derenanko). (Ukraine-$Oil moisture) RADOWaNg 9J.; SIDGRGVv RJ.; RUIVAKOV# G.A.; KILTLAIZVA, Z.K.; IWAMWAO LJ. DMOUP&I" UO famp"Itim- of torposs - INIA-M SIZImme IF wo Stu" at ps.-liquid 0 &&OILS, I lood"ame promm. 16 W-4224-15 16). (XMA 1697) 10 I="%* morte- I Usloadmidowlimp flatow sibbsks" elftiftip a ~. (fts chromm"graphy) (Impme-AMLIPIS) AUhHO'RSS Sorgeyov, 0. Ya., Titova, V. V., SOV/69-5-6-2/25 Savitskiyo To. M., Zhullkovs, A. A., !,I,k 0 1 a Y_~~~ TITLEi The Mechanical Properties of Uranium (Mokhanichookiyo svoyetys urana) PnIODICALo Atonnaya onargiya, 1958, Vol 5, Nr 6, pp 618-623 (USSR) ABSTRACT# The toot apparatus ( =.- 4%j with which the hardness of uranium at Increased tomp"inturo and the expansion of uranium at increased temperature were Investigated In a neutral gas (argon), are represented by two sectional drawings. Measuring results are given by a graph. The following details are mentioneds The hardness of the uranium decreases with increasing temperature. If temperature rises up to 6000C, hardness decreases from 350 kg/a22 to 50 kg/mm2. A regular variation of hardness In dependence on the carbon content of the uranium (0.07 to 0.24 %) was not observed. The presence of carbon In uranium samples Influence# outflow pressure if thee* samples are pressed in the at-phase. The Card 1/3 outflow pressure increases with an increasing carbon content The Mechanical Properties of Uranium 30-1/89-5-6-2/25 (0-09 to 0-24 %). At 6500C and a degree of deformation of 75 % the outflow pressure Increases by about 60 %. Yor uranium in the Jr-phoso outflow pressure decrease@ from 4 kg/sm2 at 83ooC to 1.8 kg/aa2 at 1050oC. Ultimate strength and creep strength increase with an Increas- ing carbon content in the uranium. In hot-rolled uranium with a C-content of 0.01 4 ultimate strength Is d b - 36 kg/&a2, in uranium with 0.24 ~. C-cont nz db - 52 kg/a%2. The creep strengths in thoge cases &:ount to 23 to 31 kg/RM2. At temperatures of from 100 - 1500C all mechanical proportion characterizing the strengths decrees* monotonously, whereas the properties that characterize plasticity increase. For uranium with 0 12 % C-content one finds that at 7500C 6 b - 12 kg/nm~, 46 - 018 % (relative elongation), OW - 51 It (relative narrowin of the press*d surface), at 6oo0c d b - 71kS/mm2 1 7. 23 ~, # - 76 %, and at 8500C (Sb - 0. 8 kg/m% , j - 31 4, V - 97 %. vuranium, which has a volume-contored lattice, has the highest 4ogree of plasticity. The totragonol j4-urentum is Card 2/3 inclined to be brittle, and velocity of deformation to more The Mechanical Proportles of Uranium 3OV/89-5-6-2/2r sowitive to to"Orsture. Decau"-of the low sysimstry of the rhoubto lattice of, ot.uremiua, the letter to ckarac- terised by sharply mrked &nisotropic properties. fhere are 13 rigures, 2 tables, and 3 references. SUNNI? M I July 16, 1958 Card 3/3 oil 510"1(001000104 /a 3/009 AWMIMe iffmovt a- Tag$ Vitever Z. P., Mus Wborma Treatment of from M1011CALs AikewWs emorglyaq 1960. Tel. 6. ft, 4. 540-347 V 2=11 MW autbers Investigated tb* 10loosee exerelsed by the seers- a" aierestrustu* " well " the seehamloal properties of cast and b*f-r*11#4 arsalum: at inareaset and room tomperahm, Traxim, rau hardened from various cooling media, in water of different tomp*rs- turos, from different phases, with varying Pample dissaters. Repeated hardenings were made. Results of measurement are shown. in fig7uros,, t&bl*#, anct curve*. 11ardening reduce@ the grain sise of uraniux. Strength iner after the, bardewing fro& the 'b*t& ph"* by about 50%, from; the Cam& phase by 0%. ]Nposted hardexist of ur"lus Increases its creeping strength at tomptratarov 'below 400 C. The 4*ST** of change in the aacro- and- micro-. otruature and depends on the chemical aospoettion of ur&iiiujt. Strength increases with the increase in the cooling r&tt from VIB C"d 1/2 ~ Merespetwgmesels In ssk~ ftt. abor. 47 no.9sl333-1338 5 162. WMA 160) 1. T"Mwntddy ooeftrstvomWy univereltot imai T.1.1anina. 1= ot")) (opwoo (assaw)) i I/ 1. 1, 0 phrololeoud shus~sues or peum PUMMUM In MW Q& tne, DW, AN 2JA no.1:221-2" s 1620 Om 1519) ~ -AL&- -A ~Mmly goommot"My mi""It" in* To 10 laninal 2~ Wukdadbm Tom, Sdadwvya. (Ask tm) (spomte"Gam in pbots) I --l-, -- ----- RPM 0 it W-4 4 a a it as w, a sto t I *- # ...... ... .. u 17 7V. .wj to Nit fig 460 0 0 0 4k a I Istwe all Irvvia* I@* 00 is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 I z kl.i~ ; - 1~ ,-.. Z, --~ a .: ; .I I - ~ -1 .. . .. . nFormation and Separation of Tar in Water fml a peat gas Generator," Vodosrabzhonis Sanit. Tekh. 1939. No. 6. 59-64. RR~x ff~at. 7hur. 1939, No. 10, 99-100 K"tics of Ow processes of the sern. of coarsely dispersed tar and the production of *tar foram" frow peat water are &3crlimd. The affect of pH Is di3aussed. Expts. verified Uie supposition that tars r* formed tri processes of eordensation and cxidation of ;Aenols ard aldelVdes. NOR- pip* It 0 ***4po I I A A. L is 0 11VAO A& 1410.ift C1016 MA 0 0* 01! wwwralawse woo for VINIF wou OC GS- as bNod 00 as aw"Oeim at W Gas bloom as adom am INS Oeej e*,' . I"u 01011OL - Tbe 00 SO-3, woold or 00, eqviLUW9mw welb;M-67-the as maw gnu 4"49 da. me to "t attorwa Iw Mau swwwwm- r Iftwo for 940 1 i M is *a water. me imississ abow see minimio as IN I MIA Masurg Vero swatme &a, *Woolf .400 east readw weve. Obtalwa at $a 4, to owe st Fib Ow 1" 600 a* intarcw* Id'sk as 400 a- sair6petrio staftet car a* de"MANDUM, ft U_ go go 0 _Mw ON Mao a V~ am T e v~ ip dii 86:6 v of st Ita 000 so 00 00 so 00 00 : : # 0 : 0 * * t 0 is as game" of *a me"-61-ilb SUSISO **go* 00 Fo to oovi OPP . 01 b 004 000 rallwy 1. 14. AIM low P, of dos& Owinsh" of "MOM qwwv~_ tA tow""O MGM~ ;ILI Iva- 00,T&I 00000t:00*00000::* a& AIF& Z I i-* & 9 0* * 0 0 00-0-0 Fi- don am A. al a-ft 401L ab ~. no 1p few 60 49 OW WAdMWO 7. iso4bag H %4'% so I* awbm;-i mbd. ftemaptomit 00 11 bd. a 6w 0 md wo-M owl WWI v a, md-- a. N. Kam*,"* AIN Zve kAoZiv -Ss)~/,, .w NIXGLAUVA, Z.. V. I F-DD PA ltgT?l Vhlw sop 90 Head tier I in n of C*Wm ad ft %ad= In vatuml U twoy% A. -slat Tom"* (11O.D61co) W TA M# lb 9,p pp IM4063. bood = prompliks" Ca me I " emolm mi in pmdpiftte tttb arl~ mopmu PA low .1. I> cr~ "I -T f'. AWMIS LMRIIMO 29.19. 5 Z.V. V-6-3/54 Its& I 68MAWNtIft at emu me. (Op ro delealro uslyW h=is -Ontsir Owlatm, susaw INNIUMNIA& - -b"flas J"To Yet 23o Xr 6o pp 02-655 MWIMWI 24w of tbo %"% V ' ftr the M M-Olm of affall IMA somostwa- Hoom an sawww"66 110) nosal alftedo L) IM d~lle saftmide 91W renw, Is Samoa as vay smoluvot ad so sessaf thww# &I" of frat 1 0 MI a Son*~ (4g. Ma W NdA or at as$ aw offusatun of to% Is polaw 0 to selistlew swMAmbW b"Wes lood also soppers sluee or IM 9MMIND Almoolueo. In tow sum at of Oft"Goe owtbad polualm 4gwdft nst be wW so a wespato oldebe beowwo~ of Ito psfi~aia memo to SUftoolt to ObUla. In to so" of lAw sesood memo we 104 dwwwto pnowtatles Is - I I elft a Ifts ple- Idpitstaing %*I* ftes distaft aw wave at Vw analrds prosses. Pwriew blast" of No "M lath diuds ad" w tulwas add 60082- ontes fAw pmeWflaftem of ImA Amaleo ta eader to avoid *me ftimbadu wor vsftatl~ on waggatel for both sethelso dKtdb agn Came IV2 AMOMI likolayeve, to To, Irreall'shchikov, A* 1. WY/76-32-7-15/45 TITIM I Sw Amodio Oxidation of 1"repa at a Proosure Below 500 Ats (Amodnoyo ektalonlye vo4oroU ped davlonlyou do 500 ate) PRIMUCAL: Sbwaal fielehookoy kkinit, 19589 Vol, 32, Nr 79 py-1545-1555 (VM) ADMACT: Ameng the scientists who have published papers in this field Pe D. Lukovtoevp S. D9 14vina and As No Prunkin (Ref 12) found the logarithmic function between the potential. and the cur- "at density of the hydrogen tonisallon while on the other hand S. 14 Frushis sed N. A. Aybasna (Not 14) carrIeS out investigations to explain the lont"Hom kinetics of hydro- geme In the present popor the authors investigated the Ioniza- tion process of tke 1Wdreges at the anotes of platinung goldq troop cobalt sed silver tutdo within a wide potential range up to the potential of wWgon formation* The cajor part of the taperimeato me ~&"led out In an apparatus already 4*- oeribed, elk a working pneoure not exceeding 600 atmosphere@ obs9late prosewmp sad the rest at a pressure not exce*dlng 100 atoespb"es absolute proosoree The investigations at soooth cord 1/4 platinum were carried out in oulturie said solution and solu- 50-06-12-7- 15/4, 5 The Anodic Oxidation of Hydrops at -a Pressure Below 500 Ats tion of caustic sodal It was found that the anodic polarization ear"s of activated platinum at different pressures have in both solutions the same shape$ the straight function of the potential vs. the current density slowly changes over to a limit ourrento The anodic behavior of Cold In acid solutions Is similar to that of platinum, with oleo the influence of an carll*r anodic treatment being found. In contrast to platinui a thin oxide file forms an goldp which ist however,, not the @as* In 0w alkalin* medium who" the polarization curves dis- play a 4ifftrealk charactere SIlv*r aside was Investigated only to the alkaline medium a thick As 0 layer being formed in the anodic oxidation. Th* anodic ourUs are in many a ros;eot simi- lar to these of platimung a dependence on the hydrogen pres- sure Is found and the limit lenisation current density of hydro- gen on Ag 0 Is considerably smaller then In the case of gold OR4 platilume The media procesio at pare electrolytic iron In solutions of emmatte sods taken place to throe stageov while that of*Arwo* Iran take@ place in two ~to&~* In the expert- tests with cobalt It was obsorv9d that In 091 N solutions of ceastif sods the limit current density to higher than In Card 2/4 1 5 solutioneg an whick.occastan the occurrence of an oxide SOT/76-32-7-15/45 The Anodic 0XI44tION Of 97drOWU at G FrQMsurO Below 500 Ate file me obeer"4. to tM explaostime of the experimental re"Ite obtained it is mentioned that the getivation of plaidmium to emseeted, with the tam lexi4e layer which may be of as aboarptIm maturo; In this connection the authors point to the observations vshby To No Selina and A. 1. gresilleMbIkow (Bet 6)8 the linear function of the diff*r*n- tial aboarption, beat vs. tke dogres of the surface filling "Ser"Re to No 1. Tookis, (Not 19) in baoo4 on the electron "sorption. "w letter log however, explaImM on another best* fw%054' sad rq and It to pro"& by experimental re- salte obtained 1W L* A. adveftwe and Too No Kolotyrkla. Vador the "~I" of the preem@* of a two-dimensional slostr" We at the slootreft sartow @ome considerations ars, carried out "plaWing the Ferml statistics (R*f 20). In tko explanations of the observations as4* at the iron else- tiode The obeorvatime n4o by To To Losev and 9, No Kabonov (Set 22) are seatiamods shilo In the *see 40 cobalt the &s- 8---9 lftmd$ by A. ff. ft"ass"v (1Mf 23) in roferrod tog Card )/4 stating that the hydropm oxidation takes place simultaneous- 05722 AMOU2 WrOys, Tu. Tu., Nikolayev&, Z. 1. SOY/32-25-10-11/63 Mns: Separate Dotermination of Dibasic Ph*nols In Waste 'Water antl Diluted solutions PROMMICAL: Sawodskaya laboratorlya, 195% Vol 25, Nr 10, pp 1166 - 1192 (USSI) AMUCT" Nothods of determining individual phenol* have been developed which are of Importance for their utilization from waste %&- %or, as *ell as In connection with their different toxicity md different odor intensity of their chlorine derivatives. The determination of resorainol# pyrocateah1up and hydro- qulaon* is doacrlb*4 in special chapters. Several modifications were applied to the method of dotorsining resorainol as sug- Stated by Willard and Wooten (Jktf J)j thus, it was made more somaltive and precise. The viol,st-eolorod compound formed in the presence of resorcinol, pyrocateebing and Iodine is *x- tracted with a-butanol (instead of poetone), the molar light alboorption coefficient amounting to 9552 (instead of 6365 In sastone)* The method was tested on mixtures of pure dibasic phosols and Industrial waste water (Table i). If the waste wa- Card sh tor is colored, and contains large amounts of substances dis- 05722 ftyarate Determination 09 DIbasic Phenale In W"te 3OV/32-25-10-11/63 Water au4 Diluted lolutione ad jWro"Sochin either Wag eliminated by an extraction,, with a-bulksmolg of their ouldstion producto obtained with le"so (ome wariest), or by &Wag noorcinol, and pyrocat*chin to Me Osere solutioe Is the photoooloriestric soasuroment (911A Me addition of oulphIte to prevent oxidation by air). VM sawitivity of the method to Isdiestod with a molar light SWVPIOG Goofflolost of 910 (Table 4)- There are 2 fieuroo, 4 Sableag and 3 refereamseq I of vhIch an Soviet. ASSOCIATIONi lastitut V09690 (TOP630 Institute) Card 3/3 USHAKOVA X.N. , starshiy n4"c"'nyy sotnidnik; 111POVAP A.V.P MI'Ldilily rauamyy sotrudnik; W 1,41NAP, G.P.; 111=UVA,, Z.Y. , rAldshiY Uuctmyy totrudniki A.M.; PrNCYA, VX-, irzh. lnftotrlal processing of 90 Tla acetate silk In ths knit goods Industry, Tekst. prom. 24 no-9:35-38 S 164. OXIT'Ll 17111) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauclno-lailedovatellskly ID3titUt lokusat,"ernogo volokna (for Ushakoyn, flopova). 2. Pukovoditell syrOy"voy gruppy Vassoyuznogo nauchno-looledovatellskogo instituta trikotArhnoy promyshItnnosti. (for Kuzlmina). 3. VSe30yUznyy nsuilmo-lesledo- vatellokly ln3tItUt trikotazhnoy promyshlemosti (for Illkolayeva). 4o Rukuvoditell oy-,Iyevov gruppy Fouchno-Iseledovatellskoy labo- ratoril trikotazhnoy f6brIki in. Dsershinskogo (for Katsenelen- bogen). 5. Hauchno-isolodovatellskaya laborstorlya trikotazYnoy fabriki im. Daerzhinokogo (for Ftyzhova). LURITE, Tu,TU,j WINUTEVA, Z.V. =Mftft. Detevedoottes of sommtode phowls In wasto wat*rs Ir poM alto t4grer1w. Zov. lab. 30 no.819yy-%2 1606 (WVA ISt 3) 1. TOOSOYSIM RAIN looledo"tellskly InstItut vodoembehonlye, kamlisetsli, g1drotokknichookikk moorAshaniy I Inshenernoy eld"W"Iellis r if I ~' ~ , i 1"Alk 'I "r.- v .11 ,;,I .I . "Influence of Sltr'%cs-Af!tiva Oro,-inlc Sw)9vtnees on the Klesti-i o,. Hydror"'.1-inn Discoi,trge on -i Mercury SIP-itrYt-9.6 Tneil- ~or '), C-L-A. .1171. Sub, `2 Jun 49. Moscow OrdAr ol' lanin SV%te U Iment H. T. Lomonoqoy. 5um nry 81. IR Doe 52# Dissart;illins Preqgntad for Dogregs In Science aml i;wiAL2ZjK IN ilascow la-IZ2, Irrom Ts-chergen Kal&j* An-Dea 19". db lit 0l 6 dead TO p r -no al* at do mmum at sumhup nwu~ at $@"a= "Mommim at 1 -1 -3 4 016 OddAT ~ W 1b. It IM 9. Owtur IL MIUW Aglasim, Libnry of Coqms, 1953. unclassified. Tr tj u s s ~1 4 k' e T1 4 t r i e T u.-!t CF trr~ Al ill 0, it tit ---lo I &I il"A. 4 , ' - I - 04 Abs Jow Aef Zhur NhWya,, ft 80 1957, 26307 A-it r B.B. B~kln Title Nechmalms of Influence of All-'I Metal Ions of Process of Slectrodeposition of Copper. Grig Pab Zh. fix. khWi, 1956, 30, No 7, 1676-1677 Abstract At the addition of 0.01 a. solutions of alkali metal chlorides to 0.001 n. -I- solution ad at the transition from Cs* L ' to U+' a shig o1 the pot=tW to the positive 81" 111 taking place on polwogrems of electrical reduction of the - ton at a current of constant strength up to I Y. fte "bore ex- plain such an influence of the cation radius by the Influence of the cations of the potential distribution on the double layer. In presence of less hydrated *Ad more adsorbent Cs+ Ions, the structure of the double layer is lose diffused then in presence of U* in the eoow concentration, i&ich, according to the theory of retards& d1scharip, sbou2A result in an acceleration of the Influence of metal cations on the process of electrodepositlon of Cu, proposed In the work of R.N. Vksenin and S-V. Gorvschey (RZhXh1m, 1955, 28568), to discussed. Card 1/1 "Ma PRUMN. A.W.; KMKAYWA-n=ItCTI(X, N.V. SMAMM-mmuft- A04*16 twisetios of Gases MA adoel"Ies, or satte". Test. ftek. M. ser. "Wea. no. kus. 12 M,%169-uw 157". (NM 1115) I.Eao&a Ouklirdalull N"bmbT - - -twomese volverelletse (meetreebod (Gailow) VIF r -, iM.1- -7 r -r ~w 2o-4-53/6o N.V. The Supor-.equIvaleat Adsorptloa of Catloar ona Negatively Charged Beroury lurt.oo. ad;orbtalle kationov as otriteatellso sar7asheamey powerkbaoot rtuti.) POZODICAL Dokladj Akadeall Sauk 88829 195T, Vol. 115, ST 4, pp. 751-754 (100102) ABSUACT In a demeastratiom of slestrocapillerity It Is usually sawood that among the aaorgaale Ions only the salons possess a specific adsorbabilityl that the oonaeatratioa of the anorganis ~&%to" is as olostris double layer is only determined by the quantity of their charges. But there ez1ot published data ablob point to the laaeaursey of such a egaelvalos. A direst eonolusiom on the alf.'areat 04- eorbablUty at the oatioas of alkaline metals In solutiome of 0,1 9 - oblorldes bosomes alear from Grahame's paper she dateraised the prestes values of the dIfferestial sapselly of the latter. Ilia conalusioas are In bad agreement sith experimental &&t&. In order to avoid coatra4letioas to the Interpretation of test results, It to simpler to CAU 1/5 soomae a eartals, although sot large, cation adoorptiom 20-4-33/60 Tha ftpor~-3quivaleat Adoorptlea of Cations on a NegatIv*ly Charged ?Us *emwls"*& "If bwov*vp ast be seseldored as Ua- equiveml" siadt the "$a are Is Saab solutions own"tad by as W adamptlem, The seat Oeavlaelmg data samoor" the sepw-equivaleat "Ilea adsorptles mW be Aftined bjr osammmmse of the differeatial oap&"IW as aegativell-ohmood olootrode @art*@*@ to the passe" or afth an mdm, as e.6. J', whose ad- emmilem In the marraes LWOW saftedly larlsom"s the vaise or the aitror"Sial sap4wity. fteb memoureamto are pwronw& by the authors In 0"1 a selutleas of of x"It 54JO Cocle cei, as well as In I'l 2 solutimm 941, 1 5 9j + O'l 2 solo I 1 901+ 0, 1 1 WI I I 1W + 00 1 1 Wl The date we given, la fig. 1 2 sad 2 A. Frou Shea follows CAn 3/5 that In She ones of sufflol"Oly negative polarlsOleas 20-4-33/60 ?be Owpor-Equivel"t Adsorption of Cations an a Negatively Charged Nersoary Serte". ASIOCIATION: 892017m: ATAILASM: CARD 5/5 so form of the deserptlem, pook somialammablF okmages es traaalUes from 01' to J'. Ike tapering of %be peak ladleatee a m46om destrustlea of %be adsorption lager wiftla a narrow domiala at potential last*&& of do"rptloa whiek If observed as a oortela potential (9 V). lbers, are 2 flWoe and I Ilavlo roferonses. Boas given. July 27. 1957. Library of Congress. 2041&5-39/59 1,35TIACTO Anjoll to- I quipbstO Z.nollenill va-Vedof0v 0 on the Per Voss 14Jjtolvj4--- nz main n9, reextsiv be a of Tri I elms jazina 951-990(ossa) r b Influence ile t The olilan 'a) or 5991p, auction -10 f at 1950, "I""09 aniona Persu V&uX SS3Rs ~GVJOIAO Volts@ lyadeciii to tte referring 91 a ttjo I)OV-1ady laoine Q Made SO f tribOnzy t 0 tive 'rence action 0Gle.-tro 0* stron 0 Of t refe ad the r more duct firs stud rys T utbors d jercu c arG.Orcurys %be The S teRT-Shave rO Of a 90 t at title on a of the ~b&cjtgrO J%L OU rOcOs t the oleo- tions illft 13100 P LOS 0 & SOJU trocap - 0 to a surtl U'194.0110 ur" the oleo ry ejectIr to the tatic rep ercu an I o tal ctros 'amrol? 3 0-2- at th 0 of the ficult I old d in %he 'PC tisls* 00 Golua 00-lizatio" or8d d'f' 010serve 'tive poten tions into ap do is rend( t C; 3,n be r nago ncentra ted aus to tro I strongo jous cj_i, =odors 3relLse of r 01 th in Vat do' 'P ears lasine of 32 00 vhic'n dis94 Jbenzy auction duction of-Vil 1C 32()8 re tion Of io 2 r,ard 1/5 I 2041&5-39/59 The Influence of Tribenarlanine on the Persulphat* Anion Reduction PI%32wmt July 27s 1957# by A. No FruskIng Nember, Academy of Sciences Ussit SUBUTTSDs June 220 1957 Card 3/3 On the Adsorption of the Ion Cs* on the Surface of a SOY/2o-121-1-36/55 Mercury Blisotrods, Is adsort*4) than a sodium cation. A conclusion on the superequivalent adsorption of Cs* can also be made by comparing the corresponding curves of the capacitance of the fluorides and Iodides of sodium and cesium. Those data on the super- equivalent adsorption of coslum, were also proved by slectro- capillary measurements In 0,1 1 solutions of N&F, W&J, Wo and W. An Important fact 13 also the displacement of the maximum on the electrocapillary curve from -0,471 In the case of X&F to the value of -09468 for C~1P and from -09815 for N&J to -0,033 for C*J. There are 3 figures, I table, and 9 references, 3 of which are Soviet. SVWTTW My a 0, 19 50 Card 2/) On the "morptiom of the Ion Cs* on the surface of a SOT/20-121-1-36/55 Serevey Mootre" 1. Cesium fams A"Mytion 2. Mercury electrodoo-Moorptive properties Card 3/3 5(4) 30-1/2 o - 12 -' - 2 515 7 Al?rllOR3: ffikolayevawYedorovicho ff. V.# Fokina, L , A Petriyq 0. A. TITLE: The Influence of Inorganic and OrGanic Cations Upon the Re- duction of the Anion PtC1 40 on a Vercury Drop Electrode (Vliyaniye neorgenicheskikh I organicheskikh kationoy na vostanovleniye aniona PtCl ; na rtutnom kepellnom elektrode) FIRIODICALi Doklaay Akademli nauk 333R, 1958, 7ol 122, n1r 4, pp U539-642 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It was interestina to invent1gate the effect of the most active inori;anic and oreanic cations on the electric redilotion of the anion PtCl;. A diner&= gives the polarization curves of the reduction of the anion rtCl" in the presence of I n chlo- ri4es of nlkali metaX An adnixfure of an indifferent electro- lyte Increases the velocity of the reaction in the whole region of the adsorption potentials of the background cations. The velocity of the reaction depends on the nature of the back- ground cation, but even in tho presence of I n CsC1 the slow- Card 1/2 ing down of the reaction is not totally otopred. The organic lot *I At., ;g -19 71 a 4 .-J eg. f. Jp .1j. it P1 ill ji T7 T L~ - r- rF- F '71 'W- V- 7 T I %-s' -T %, T 1/54 AWHOT-I's I Dam"king B. D. t Nikolayeva-Pedorovich, 5. V. TITLLi The Adsorption of Lanthanum Ions From "$foa-lly lMalino Solutions (Adsorbtsiya Ionor lantana, is r=ODICALs NauohWe doklady Y.Yeshoy shkoly. 12iimtya I khj-:1c!,Uo1-.aYa tokhnologlya, 1959, Nr 1, pp 43 - 47 (USj::) A13TRACTs The Adsorption of la-ithanum ions to inveatf.-atad in al%alino pR VAngov where no lanthanum-hydroxide procipil-ition W-8 place. The d1frorential capacity war, -4,aull ---el on an clectrode formed by a pendent =ercury drop. T-La nC t'.c hy4roCen Ion corcentration by a NOR addition clearly influ-naco tl-.e curves or pot,~ntial depandonce of tho differeitAir-1 ca-,a,!ity (Diagram, Fig 1). Ia the minimum oA' V,o cur-;,v cr~p--,citly - potential# which do;iends or. the diffwlbillty of V- '~~ tiouble layer near the zoro cLarjo ;,oint, t%~ "Z', a-Rition cauzen a capacity increase. 'T~.e aini:~uz Is cortlmwA* shiftcd toward positive potentials. Moreover, the c--pat;,L,;f decreasea -rith an increasing pH on ctrong na,,ntlive polarlz:~tion. 7:.,-~7,:from 3+ it Is concluded that complex basic ions a . nct ci---plc La Card 1/3 ions are adsorbed in vreakly allaline colutions. "LLa The Adsorption of LantLanum 'Lvns ?ro= wonkly Al,:alilre 7/115 r, -I 1 "50 4 3olutions in Itoccow in Octobor 1956. GratitLdj is exprossed to Aca- demioian A. 1. Frula!,,in for his ad-rice concerainr, Via rork. There are 3 fiZ,"es ani 0 reforeLcov, 5 of ! are Slovi,~'.. ISSUCIATION s Kafeirs, elj'::trokhimii Uou%ovakogo gosudnralvennuCc, universi- tota. im. 9. V. Lomonosova ( CLuir of Elcctr,,,c',.ewist.-7 of Uogcvw State University Imeni M. V. L,,mon,ritv) SUBMITTEDs MaY 8, 1958 Card 3/3 ,., $4 - , ~K -'C-- - F Ityvj - TWA"XT.& SAMMY. A.P. JjjWrA . k Uo was obwors3relf MIS for podolms hr"Ono afte.taftylL W.11310.12 159. (UM 13, Is) (Rr&ogm) "187 The Mechanism of Ueotrodoreduction of the re(CN)5- -Anion SOT/20-128-5-41/67 on a Mercury Brop Slectrod* presence of & 30,e2 , solutiou of KC, (Fig 1). The lint' current may be measured according to 111kovichts equation. Ampe- 9 drops 91this the range of the sero-charge potential shen the 3trolyto concentration, Is reduced. The amperage attains a ainlr- t -192w and does not change, any longer even at more negatlv* Laloe The same behavior was shown by 2. 10 3 and 5. 10-3 r ions of Ilft(09)6 as well as by the corresponding Co- and Li-- it, a comentration of 10r*3 I* To determine the depondenc(_ . - reduction rate of P*(CX)3. on the potential@ corrections were mado 6 for the polarloatIon am-weo according to tho equation of the thomw of somestratiou polarisatlon for r1rat-order reactions on the drop oloctrodo by 2, 11, Voyman and To So Dagotakly (Pot 8), Calsidatione ImAleate that witb Iscre"Ing polarisation the redwtion, rate dould have risen by 30-40% as soon as It had astal"d Its mistmem (ne 2). Tke lack of this riso an exportmes. tal ourves to explained by the fact that with Increasing cathode potoatial, the roduction, rat* of the anion rises but slowlys and Card 2A that with Increasing segatIve surface obargep dropping time L;:0 66181 The MembaMew of i2setroderoduction of the IP~(CN)3--Anion 301/20-128-5-41/67 on &Msapry Dftp Mootrode 6 Intensified with Increasing concentration and length of -a carbon oWds. ftpertmoatal data in4loato that the course of IN $3% 6 reduction in principle does not differ from that of 3,,)'' - -eductlowe bedustlem curves were calculated In "cordance with t' Noyeam-Bagotakiy theory (FIC 2)j they represent the fo ro of experimental curvosq tut deviate by up to 204, wit., range of Ow potentials -1.2 to -2o2. 17"his to explained b. .'-sr potential distribution In the double layer. There :i,;urso and 12 references, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONo Mookovokly gosudarstvennyy universitot is. N. T. Lamonosova (Moscow State University Isord No T'jamomosov) A00, SUMUTTZBo July 299 1959 Card 4/4 KIKOI-A CHP W.I.; DMUSKI P a. a,; PuRn. 0. A. wfmA of suftn-"Uqe I -As fabousaw ft Ww oustmwe reamUm of =low. Coll Ce chn 25 w.1212981-M 9 160. (Mul logg) 1. umut nalab"o "dout madmdp am* ~v nw&no um (awmfum) 0- gh" 40"Ve sawtomm") (hkl~) UMKIK. B.S.&. KILOTAra"EDOROVICKS? N.V.; 1YAXOVL, R.T. (Mmeov) of aglow of allphaue adeseld selft an the 4"Onzy, ,, md offset of the" salons sa-Vie k1notlow of slootmeAm pmeofte". XMr. t1s. khts. 34 00.480%4w Ar 140. .. (lam U15) (&&wds "ids) (="Widest off4mr) siltatic , __T;q~t W*T.; nWXUJIl A.S.. &L Refte"m st "*MISS osbaLlsoolow hwift wvtlvo substiftmw Is %bait 1~ eowdft&Uoo spom m a drappift swomy elsetrado. 2*1. M ~ 116 w.54135-1137 0 %Oo (MM 13110) 1, mm*ovekly poswe"gow wive"Itst Is. N'T.h"Now"s. (abbalt coup9=48) (neat . *Gpplad wrmwr) . -0 N.V. 8 to=o OA. -.49 low at houde owvl~ at plsw~ as go mmy da~Uvbo BurAi6ftlee 35 mA&12WU'"X a (IVA Us?) lo~mlvll on -most mom mimeltot Im" Wolsmmmses~me (naw~ 041-wWaft) 4=0 n"U"UU4) - 0 IMPIft =Me) aimumme ]La. I . MNDQIDMN A- at -- oau~ = mormyo shwj%sokmme is- - -mw 0 -6 a Me OM 2497) lo ~r G~ - - --- --di wel"s Imal x0voLmosoffee (jVlMdM eallponft) -&~--A=) PUM 0 O.A. I RUO 964p"m at tho red"tiss of aw ft (OR odes m a &Gppbw 161. . Zbw.tis.khft. " d, (M=A 14:10) -m-IWS Umd N.V. Lammoome DAMS U-1i 0. A.; Kz I N.V. --w- SH94 of dlmwlwd ozmu an oo*iUopaWc pobsroa~oo Zbw,,flsAhln. 35 moolls2643-2645 10 '(do (KIM Us U) - A- -A- l. moshowiddy Euvvuwv MM& Met iffiml ImIlloollmse Qxrom) Urevm*) M 8/02016t/136/005/010/032 3004/3056 AM=$ Prw*lnv A. N*# Acadomislan, Potrly#-Oo A*# and TIM$ The current - time curve for the reduction of anions an the dropping electrode PUIODICALs boklady Akadesil nauk SM# v. 136, so* 5. 1961, 1156-1161 MV# VhIle the curve for the current I as a function of tleo has bees studled for reduction procosees, the rate of which decrease@ during ad- sorption of noutra'- organic substances and orgaals callose (lefee I-))V such studies are locktug for those cases whore the roactles rate Isorsos*~ rapidly with Increasing adsorption of catlosso Such cations are totralbulkyl samaealue (TU), totreanyl samonius (TAA)v totrahex7l smassive (in), and 3+ 2M Le, a VM curve I - f(t) was studied here for the redustion of 520i sad Fe(05)3~ go the dropping sereary slectreft In the prosomm of M, MA, 6 3+ 2- TAA9 and JA 0 and &If*-for the reduction of MI. A la tM prosenoo or Ce" 1/40 8/020J611116/005/030/012 IM surrest - Ilso earve for 3004/2"8 olostrode equals that is the voisse or the solattese it a surrieteat assust of "Hoso has saousiulatoA on the surfase to Goselorsto, the re"t16% the mime oessentratiou near the oleetra4* still roaming rattlelestly his&@ 2U svoultiag ro&uetion earrest, ezooods I& b1l, drops quiskly after em. samp"on of the &Mors. In this case of FtCll- this offeet was set. observed 4 2~ to the presonse of T&Av because T" aceelerstes the rodustion or Pta 2- 4 seek loom then that of 3 0 . In this as,sop Me Increasing ocespatim of 2 6 the slostrodo Vy aetioup has am lahlbit*r7 efroolke us appearasse or maltural asaillatious of the current was obsorv*4 under eartais sondiftems. .r3 ~,Sjj 2a2*8 + 14"6-5 N' I(C '09 )42]1 at a sell Pig. 2t shows I w S(4) -in jr volt&" of V e -1029 v, Similar oscillations were observed. I& 16-3 5 gei(cx)p if a resistance a - 47 kohn (V -'-0o9 v) was couseelsod is so-'rise to the call. fig. 2P shows natural 0~41114ti*84 An I . 10-3 y g2pto, + 3*10-5 At 11 a -1e2 v9 4 10 RC09)4111 at V ' -1-09 V' $01" 3/6 nMKWg A.S.g akadsaiki PETRITO O.A.1 EKDLLTro-A-r=l"lOvlcHf N.V. Adn"Um at blib law m a Uvely d"ged swowy - ej"Wo2yU IstwIt". Ddd. 0 = 237 ao.1.096-8" Ap 162. (NIRA ]As3) U mW vmdLvwoltot la, N-V- 1402moomo IL noft") (Imetrefts, Wo"Ing ~Mww) (RWOWG 4mble low) &.1,01 "TtYANANATANA, S.; NMWIA71ff&f=QMMC*,q N.To 6w am r~ MWIM. lkwom UM awuwm- go* "OU ~Islu) 10 boufts I M.- U M NwkovdglY vww~wwwv U6 V6To bmanomMo ovwx ff. T. A. It 0. A-$ a V- - .-- 61,11" at GlAdw od ofiewpum =a ""Ism =won 63=11 @6e U7 69.48 so** (ou 36833 Imouto a ~ I Mftbwddy vp~ ole ishok 66 IL Idomwoome RTBAKOV, I (;,V. A*duction kinotleir nt the S 0 anic'n rn a rctatj %,r lead slectroft. Zhur. fit. khIm, 38 n,).2:500-503 Ir 164, OCRA 1,718) 1. MmkovaILLI gosudsr#*.vvnny.v irwn'. Imenoupra. 91901ATEVA-FEDOMUCHO N,V , I IKGl%OPlA5(Xq :;.M.1 RYBA&M, B.S. Alostrored"tion of ptf,2- an a drMing wreury ol*ctndo, Zhurs floo Was 38 nootolU7.134-9 IV 964. (NM 18112) 1. Nookswokly govisdorsOm"j, mivoraltoll lmnl Lemomovs, suwttad July 100 19636 V ITSIM, V.K.j DAKAWIS, B.B.1 NIXOZAYWL-FWOWfICH. HA. West of the adsorption of orpals surfeetmts on the kinetics of Ow elmetrolytte roduation of anions. Owe flS. khtne 39 no. lolZ%134 A 165 (KIM 19 11) Is Mankovskiy govAUretvmmyy miveraltet Immi N.V. Lawaneews. ftWl%%4 Noy 23P 194. r,.F. --- PrIacipal results of V.s aftdif~s of matcral cc*UUons In *.e LaIvIam S.A.ILs 1720-1917. Trudy,oot.1 tookh. 37 s97-20 161* (YM lJobw (la"a-physictl geography) GIGALIRI, V.S.; KOLFUTSKAYA, C.B.; CWHINNIFUli, G.S.; YU.I,.; GEBELIP G.Ya.; NIKOIATEVA-POMBERG, K.I. Use of the 10-1 apparatus in the clinic of the Scientific Research Institute of Clinical &n4 Experimental Surgery of the Ministry of Public Nealth of the R,S.F.S.R. Report Wo.2. Nov. sod. takh. no.3t 58-60 165. (M1FA 19:1) Hf~ ,T; K 1 Y 7 k -KIIA'I~ ' :.%Vt Iv): IV 'f.. V., k, ritoinj Garoy %cietmkogr, -,'cyuz&. i, yov on 'terrestrial rrbi*,-,. v. I ko-st., 4" no.,-~'. 5-,-Q ".0 Gerway, Jo"takcg* S*Yu"; KW-Mll~ I " 0 ftm gMUMV Squft pwralisytgmat &Tiatoilp rod.; MVUWAP Lo %Ohba, redo 11b wj~vem Is on opm 044m) VOGUMM& ~ oloyvl 611'8~1 ,-- IsUMk&4romwGGvl& NO- Ulsku o lgd-" a 1%4. 197 pe (KM 1713) 9 H Y ';'Kly 0 V a 'A n 1, 14*.,,* fe I -it. , " I I. h , I on *_ _- r!-A-k -I sz-o I t4vt .5--, 9 G v . , ~y S4D_TetJJk')#?0 "OTUZa; MiZPYLYA-T qI. " rr* ILA woo _461 Gem red.; WVS11 X.P., general-leytanant avlatalip red. [Hello, unlvereel) ;~drrmitvul, vsslonw!& Yoz4va,, !,*o- vetakala PoaBllav 1964. 212 (ELFA 17:10) !T,l Fl( Ak i4 MOOMMUMO W14 inn t F- I I a y 0 1 rt I I n 4 ip t ri 1 r - 0 o f on 11 1 0' R s 4 r, 9 u L05 U Re, Io IMIRMIlliffla., M-9M.-Ma 1mv-1 Ella mv irt x v o v i on i f +Vj I A r i !vs c) r I h c c 3 n t z t r c n -,n r n r; A A A h t 14. it ),r, q! r. a 0 P ~,: 7 AvlAtnivn i no. 7 n. fi r c, n tv i I i i~- r I o~ I, n on t c, r, - fl r P-11,ft et~t I a I r t f~ t -A- I r o r,!! 1. - .1 , ~ . I k jj_ f! c r ,. P-7~-,n*--i-~:, tl~c r r prc~lur~o-i !n m q IA- r P. j r, r r, f c h c n c t. rf-n- I on I n jv1di t I on , Prr rr s n r)r P~~zcntrrg ccncluled thnt this t A - - chtmical reo-.-ti t~n is nuntained by F-Laes e.,,,-;-pinF. fron rrupting volcnnoez. Color photogral.-ho taken during the Voskiod-1 iipacc .1,11ght reaffirmed the L 20606-66 ACC- 14R- AP601oohls prentmce of aerosol aectimulations, On the basis or these latter photo. rrap'.-sa, Professor Rozcnberg proyed that the aerosol layer causes an .anomnlous twilight pheromena and that the appearance of this layer is definitoly related to volcanic activity. Orig. art. has: I figure. [SAJ BUB CODI;,-: Ch/- SUBM DATE: none/ ATD PREGS:ql-Zq' Card HIKOLAT-W-VIGHt lit. ----------- Amwtm7 &GtlvltY Of she rema tubtaos in &w mdo eam m=m ..Inum. rat.11SIOU46p. 160. (NMA IL. is WO&Y ptlew F ti-44*01 (sm. -prof. S.N. ftwlspko) botitut'a. WWAM�W (wimp) amwe is an late of off""Ve PISMO flare the "to st Ww"im ad besumal fil"Gual is ths Imra womm -- Kau samp, U4. Md. a = we 9090--a Vs 2400 (KW 13o12) 10 Is lodleft nalsissu (WT. - Prot. ax rawledo) I Nedwabas adus MOM imulate Is" IX ledowne der"Wits"dow Almu ~ 8m Ax Tww"llb. @I= apru) (3~ slcmw) NIKOIAYVICH# L A* Cond Vol Sol -- 'Irtwtlon of tho 4 kIdneys In sorm lOnGitls&tlcue* 110so 1961 (Inst of Nomal and Puthologlooll phystolggy# Aosd Ned Sol USSR). (KL, 4-61, 210) -3q- NUMAUMNO lJo (Nwkvu) ww6dotw of dMMOUSUM of UO pathmemle astum of high arviranomw tmBpmmtm an Uw bool on aqpw4mmnt ftr at*- d4MtS in PMUGMI P&tMft9lOlCClCSl StMISO. ht. rislol. skep. tar. 7 vo.50349 "163 (KM 1702) 1. h kaftft patologickukoy flatologii ( off. - Preto S.M. ftvlmko) I Nookovskoge ordWne &min& oWtolaskago Institute laml. ToNeftobwovao GASPART49, S*A.; NIKOLAYEVICH, I.A. it"" rww"m relimbf umlat*ml h~pladty of ow r9ml aft*ry, WolsOle no*4slAo-19 163. (KIM 17110) 1. Is katedry operaUvW khlrwlll (saw.- prof, G.Te. Ostro- kh") we It Nookovskage owltol"kap laoutata 1~1 Plr*gma I karedry patolooemokay f1slologil (saw.- prof. S.N. ftvlenke) I Makovokage wdow Lanim wditalmakfte 1"Ututs Imml sedown.