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3,01/00 AODOI/AIOI
AUIMg Nikolayev, P. V.
TMX1 A photoelectric system for automatic guiding of telescopos
MUODICALI hereretivnyy shurnal. Aatranomiya I O"ezila, no. 5, 1961, '$-77,
abstract 5A4518 ('5b. rabot po vopr. elektromekhan. In-t tlektro-
makhmn, AN SSW, 1960, no. 4, 189 - 201)
Iwo Vw proposed aystem of photoelectric guiding consists of an optical
guide reesiving the light flux from a star, a modulating device whe. the light
flux Um pvceeft, and a photomultiplier. The voltage obtained from the latter Is
amplIft4d Wd supplied to a phase-mmsitive rectifier; two reference voltages of
sinueoldal shope, phsee-ahIfted through 900, from a modulating device are also sup-
p1led to the rectifier. An a result of comparing the phase* of the signal and
reforftae voltages, two d.-o. voltages are work*d out at the output of the rectl-
flers they are a1guls of error for two &"a of the telescope. Zach of tht sig-
nals to wilinee by a a.-a. emplIfIer, an electromechanical amplifier, and pro-
~osde to V.* anature of a servomotor which, through a reducer, to connected with
the axis of the tolescope. 2he modulating device performing the function of a
cam 1/0
AUTHORS: Sabinin, Yu. A. and Nik olayev P.V.
TITLE: System of automatic guiding of telescopes with a
semidisc light-beam modulator
_PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtowatik&
no. 9, 1961, 45, abstract 9 V360
fiz. observ. 1960, 24, 205-219)
i redioelektronika,,
(Izv. Krymsk. astro-
TEXT: A photoelectric tracking system with a semidisc
light-beam modulator designed for auto,-.,&tic guiding of telescopes
is described. The application of a sin-diar system totally excludes
visual guiding, since it provides an accuracy sufficient for obtain-
ing good photo raphs of sections of the sky with several hours ex-
p sure. The Ip9otoguide is being tested on a 1220 rn reflector.
%stracter a note: Complete tr&nslation2
Card 1/1
13* 271 a
Is I 19 x 0 06 rij /,p
AUTHORi Nikolayev# P.V.
TITLZt Automatic slope control of phot4W*loc%rIc tracking
SOURCEs Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut elektromekhanikle
Sbornik robot po voprosam elektromekhaniki. no. 5.
Moscow@ 1961. Avtomatizatsiyaq tolemokhanizatelya
i priborostroyeniyet 149 - 161
TEXTs Systems of automatic star tracking normally work with a mo-
dulated light beam. A change in the slope of the measuring device
unavoidably results In a change of the slope of the whole tracking
system. In the series produced 03T-17 (M-17) photomultiplier with
a threshold sensitivity Ot drr 10-10 lum, SIN ratio p a 10 and af
20 c/o and using the optical aperture with D - 150 ma and K
the light beam may vary by a fact of 2291 for stars with *f?.;tOiV*s'
temperatures of 300001. In the present articles the author consi-
ders meanst by which the changes in the tracking system slope could
Card 1/4
3/573 61/000/005/013/023
Automatic slope control of ... D201YID0305
1225 mmv at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory. AS USSR and has
operated sucassfully for the past two yearet providing for normal
photo-guiding operation with star* from the sixth to sinus Ihm mag-
nituftes Fig. 5 shows the calculated (solid lines) and experimental-
ly taken curves (aroseW of I " f(2) for a typo M-17 photonul-
tiplier having parametersI y uaT6 PA/lump Y , a 10 s/lum (with 47V
supply per stage)# To2 - 1000 a/lun (with 78 T supply per stage).
Curve 1 shows the operation of automatic slope control with
supply for the first photo-multiplier stage. Curve 2 relates to
the carrier applied by means of a slotted disco It In stated In
conclusion that the above system of automatic slope control ofcho-
to-electric circuits of automatic star tracking permits a roll 1e
operation# without a-my manual adjustments with the bri htness of
the object changing Aousands of time** Supplying the first stage
with a higher frequency alternating voltagov makes it possible to
introduce the carrier into the amplifying circuit without the addi-
tional complication of a slotted diso modulator. Varying the slop*
by varying the supply voltages reduce* practically to sero the of-
feet of "fatigue" of a photo-multiplier# because the latter opera-
Card 3/4
3 0 (/,J-/, /#,g0 D201/,I,302
AUTEORSj X~~ and Sabinin, Yu.A.
TITL3s An electric light beam modulating machine
PERIODICALs Priborostroyenlyto no, 1# 19629 27-29
TEXT# A short description is given of the electrical machine for
light modulation designed by the authors at Inatitut eloktromekha-
niki AN 3381 (Institute of Blectronschsnics or the AS USSR). It halo
a hollow rotor and is designed to be used in the photoelectric auto
Matto guidance systems for telescopes. It consists of a combination
of a two-phase synchronous inductive reaction actor and of a two-
phase synchronous generator with a permanent magnet excitation. The
windings of both motor and generator are placed in common grooves
of the stator. The ratio of the number of motor to generator poles
is a multiple of two in order to avoid the coupling between the
currents of the primary circuit of the motor and the generator vol-
tage. The rotor consists of the rotor of the kynchronous motort
with a squirrel cage s.c, starting winding jpd of permanent magnet,
Card 1/2
ACCrX(W 08 MOWN SA04/63/0W/00MW411X0
AnWHSt Sabinin, Yu. A.s Nikolowp Pe To
TnUs A system for automatle e1joting and gaidance, of an sminathal telescope
SOURCEs Novaya tekhnika. v "tronamill materiaIr sovesbahe Kamissil
1 priborostroyane pri Astronom. sovete AN WSRO Moskva# 18-M we 1961 go Moscove
Isd Yo AX SWA4 1963,0 2&36
TOPIC TAGS* telescope, altasinuth mounting, equatorial mounting,, VT transformorp
photoelectric guide, following arsteip electronic aq~lifier M 17, motor SL 3619
:tachogenerator 31 161
ABSTNUCT i The authors point out that with the development of large tolescopee
designars are turning to an azimuthal system for supporting the tube because of
several advantaged over the equatorial mounting. Some of these advantages arot
greater simplicity of constructiont possible securine of tube rigidity in only a
vertical plans (thus diAinishing the weight),, convenience of using 1qdrostatic
bearings for both rotating =*a,, said good working conditions for the Mirror (which
rotates only about a horizontal axis and W thus have a mare reliable system of
Card 1/2
System for tho autobatia control of a stir intarforowter. 3bor. rob.
pa vop. oloktromkh. no.9rl6l-175 '63. (KIRA l7t2)
Analysis of the operation of a photosloctrilitransincer uaing half-
dise moduUtor in automatic tole9cope control q9tems. Sbor. rab.
po vap. elaktromkh. no.9:175-189 163. (MIRA l7t2)
AC` CMSMK nits AT300"W
AVMWs Gorews# go lop Bablain Ike -Ael PUrolejews FO_Tel Shumakhoro A* go
iTrMs Astmatto ocapowsuft of carratars In stsuar tolosoopso
iSOURCEs Noways tsMwdks v astm 11 asterialp soveshcho Koodeall pribot tropne
Ipri Astronowe sovets M 3381tv Nowkwat 28-20 spr*2p IM go Xwcowp lod-ve M SSW#!
1963, &I-n
'Topic TACNj C"aagrain Wascopep pholoolectrio following systeat AP 250 Cossegroin
~teloxcopov autowstia control squipientp M 4 trowformart IM 2.6 motor t~Uscopd;
!ABSTRACTe The problem of building apparatus to cow"nosto for deformation (bonaw
of the telescope tube has arisen in recent years because of construction of largoo
jaxtensivoll AMUMauct setaof cal. Instrumentse Slim all tolescopoes besides
having a maridUm sirclo and a Ummilbs an boUt an so equatorial wountiagg
conVon"Um of d1roo,sawa onw becomes of berAing most be modo IW ps r
corroctIon of boft *a deaUnalbloo ads and Wo boar axis* Pho goomeWcal can-
isidersUsas On saftwe have tend ~Iow to-dounime *at the SOMOU
I for 9"6t =a how &F40M amt bee IF6 sorgesUaw an Use aWo automailm br
ACCESSION KR-- AR4041524 S/OM/64/000/005/AO11/AOII
SOURCE: Ref. sh. Avtowattka,teles*khaniks j vy1chislitel 'says tekhatka. SwodnY*y
tom. Abe. 5A71
AUTHOR. Nikolayev, P. V.
CITED SOURCEI Sb. robot po vopr. elektromekhan. In-t tlektromekhon. Goo. koo-to
Sov. Min. SSSR po avtomatiz. I mashinostr.. vy*p. 9. 1963, 175-189
TOPIC TAOS: phototranaducer, automatiq telescope guidance, modulator, luminous flux
TRANSLATION: The phototransducer in the automatic telescope guidance system serves
for detection and measurement of imnge dinplacemrnt of a star from the optic axin.
At the output of the phototraneducer an alternating voltage In produced, the &.4pli-
tude of which depends on the displacement magnitude. We consider different cases
of operation of a phototraneducer during the tracking of stars. 1. General case:
when the image of an infinite oource (star) in the focal plane has a spectral power
desoity of radiation. 2. During tracking of infinite monochromatic sources of light.
3. The cast when a luminous flux of complex spectral composition In distributed
evenly over the ontir* area of the image of an object in tho focal plane. As a
Card 1/2
ACCESSION NR: AR4041527 S/0271/64/000/005/AO76/AO77
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Avtomatika, telemekhanika i vy* chin litell naya tekhnika.
Svodny*y tom, Abe. 5A430
AUTHOHi Sabinin, Yu. A.; Nikolayev, P. V.
TITLE: System of auton-Latic control of stellar interferometer
CITED SOURCE: Sb. rabot po vopr.-I elektromekhan. In-t elektromekhan. Go@.
kom-ta Sov. Min. SSSH po avtomatiz. i mashinostr., vy*p. 9, 1963, 161-175
TOPIC TAGS: interferometer, stellar interferometer. automatic control.
automatic control system
TRANSLATION: The system of automatic control of & stellar interferometer developed
by the Institute of Llectromechanice consists of devices for automatic guidan-ce of
I instrument to a given point of the celestial sphere, rough guidance of it after.
'the object of observation, wd devices of automatic guidance. The first
Card 1/2
Representation of equationa by nr)roi-,.-kts c-f tt.#? gewla.
DokI. All WSR 157 no.6:1293-1296 Ag I t).~. . Wi:a 1,789)
1. Sverdlovskty goalidar.-Avonnyy Ins.11tut. lroJstrkvlpnn
akademikom A.H. Kolmogorovyr..
SABININ, lusA., otv. red.; NIKOLAYEV P V re-d ; RUDAKOV, '.,*.~.7,p
- , e, "
red.; VITASUKOV, V-A.0 red.j'futx ff SN, -e-10
[Automated electric drives; servo systems, Cont"ll and
converter devicen) Aytometiatrovanrq'i elaktropriyod; sle-
diashchle slatenW. upravlenie I preobrazovatelln7o ustroletva.
Moskva,, Nauka, 1965. 172 p. (MIRA ISO)
1. Loningred. Institut elektromekharilki.
LUU1 (JC)Z u q1j"A '1jj.%'Jp 4-.L,/.v UU !IU.-A [),)IIO'Iuoo Aciziualij jq_L -YiiU ItI211 jo igicquppmu 3191p
-jjutJ :Jujull t3ju:'UJ"t!ju"jA 'a Illuum"llu ul 1,1111ol ')~iotjj 01 aticip suol)[pu0i lapull
-01LAIIJ Vq-Cj.'j.j UU 11) 6,ij lo IquoLup'Aly') uc 1:fj4jr (11 IM)
-J,Jl'j JO JjPj!jt:Uj) )ql j0
; I U U'I!
j U U~) I jtljl~ A IIA ; t~ ;u 0_1 -i4j All I ~1&11' Cfl jo t4 L,j Ild 11 IlIkIlojoild )AI jp~u4q aicitu 2111dol a.% ap
10 plolls.-I.11.11 SI!.N11
UILLI j J)Z--- jjcI ~-Iwpo:q ~~-)ppd Ivoildo (P!.'A sa4roivilol
'H~ JO '~~C - .1
iifj 'j""(1 uolic-i'Aci 'it XjjAIj!Wl.)'., 3t,11
'JLJA'~ J01 Xpiqu-, tllnj jou=) pvtmip,
jo kij-)A(LLV U',/
WaISSSOA138 'tuaqsjCH a;)uvpjnJ
-)jjjj )jJu'j'-'qA -I OT111OU0.11t;u :k")V'L :)I,loL
~~:J:) it) _I~jj vi"'tjo~) title joijucia 't3tualfibi 2upi"'Ujj
_n )-j
I j I fit, LA'� ii
-VApIq 'jX)Aj.JdUJj)i,+) CUUUA.OJ)2j)ULUOjAV )jjut,qjaLuoi)4jp In)IIE;uj *IIS%-' NV -_',L')IJA0S'
aaueptid ~kfouujjjj 31lutuolnu joj uw~qsAs aArp ciploDlao~w4d
Ul j';UJj:j _.)jJ"JJj'J ii: P4'~ 10 IYJql,)LU JI(I jo ucillujinn altilbsod at(j, ::I'I,Llj,
V Ak 'LIVINuS 'd 't!AOu4x_6II A 'd Fi~ 64 ; 1101 UJI V
I AkCC NO-1 AT UR/OOW/ 05/000/000/0-O"WO I OP
A UT1101t: Karabanh, Ye, D.; Loparev, R. M; N-1kolftyev P, V., 1)(4yrv, 0 V.
TITLE: Photoelectric slave systems for telescope controi made of semiconductor and magm-
tic components
SOURCE: AN SMS11. Institut elcktTmnekhant Avtomativirovannyy elektroprivorl; tlkledya-
Shchlye, proo-brazovatelInyye ustroystva (Automated clecLric drive;
tracking Systems, control and converter devices). 'Moscow, lui-vo Nauka, 1965, 90-100.
T PIC TAGS: servosystem, telescoped -, "
telescopic equipment, semiconductor- device, magneul
ADSMACT: After a brief description of photoelectric nutvmatic telracope guidance systems
which i-notlidate the light flux b5, means of half-disk modulators, the nuthors prw-rnt the fune-
tionni diagram, the circuit diagram, and detailed descriptioa of the aivration of an experi men-
tal photoelectric slave systein rnwlo of.rc-micanductorifi'i~l-~iiFnctic cornjK)nvno3 nrwi used for
fel,-cof- control. Thp EiAection ot optimal operatingr jx% imfti~rf; nrv tJ0;cuRsr1, the tran-
r..I,,nt procv;--zes reqi0ring a correcting loop for stal,Mz,ition irv rinal 'vz, (1, 1110 throreticni
Y I nitic-n of th(, corm-ling
cs0m--,1c9 of the accurac - of the arv Vivcn. 'flip d(,1,rr-fl
clrcu'lt. par=utj~rs nve,!(,d for a vjx,ration of thr sy0r-,n 1:~ -iccomplishrd 1)y cledr-Onic
Modeling. Orig. art. haA: 37 formulas and 4 figurer.
L~v~d- V-2
~,Cc N it
NO RE F SOV: 004
OTHER: 000
A A, T 11
Catd 212
L r,50 -7 G - (; 6i~~- ( ra d Ah
A=74X_ AP5022644 Uli/00,',49/65/019/002/0199/0200
AUTHOW: IZreq t - Yu. A-,; 1Tek0zYrSv,, A. Ir.,. flikolsyov,, F* V610 d-
Stukino, Yo* Do
TITM Artificial Model for studyinjr, gnmrA ray spectra of
re..dioactive fallouts,
SOURCM., Ata=aya energiys# v. 199 no. 2# 19659 199-200
TOPIC TAOS: mtmw ra4lation, re4lation simulation, air pollution
ABSTRACTI: The measuremento of rawma radiations above., the earth aurrmee
contaminatod by Co-60 inotopon arn described. For simuletlri~ rndio-
active fallouts, one hundred of Co-60 sources of 96 m7 Ya- equivnlant
units were used. Each source wna plac"d in tit" contm of a. 40 r 40 m
square at a heipli of 10-15 cm over tho fyrounC Tha surface density
was abotit 3,8x10- mcurle/sq m (3.5.10-2 1.103v/aq cm see). The dose rate
at one-motor level was 1.75 mr/hr while at the altitude of P,00 M. this
rate was about 0.12 mr/hr. The radiation spectrum wns monnured. from R
helicopter flying at '20-200 m with a speed of 50-60 km/hr. The mnnoure-
ment time was .30 ago for three crossing flights. A 100 x 100 mm Hol(T1.)
arystal wets used. for the spectrometer arranped on tit~ basis of Al-100
- ~~ - mc
ACC N~[ AP5022644
analyzer. The resolution was The results of masuremen.tq are
shown in Fig. I of the Euclosure where the aspect of' rammn spectrum
above the Co-60 contaminated aren is presented by five curves plotted
for fivo altitudon. Compnring thoir experimentnI results with onlcula-
tions tho authors concludm Mint their (Iota coincided well with those
Otainod theoretically, Thin ooltioldonne in Illustrated in two graphIP4
Orig. art, has: 3 graphs,
NO RUP SOVI. 003 OTIMR,. m 3
ACC Nli AF5022644
fig, L
Curve 1: ett 20 rK
3 : 4 110
4 ! * 150
5 too
oitGt Astronomical Cosimittes, AN SSSR (Astronomicheakir sorat AN SSSR)
TITM Characteristics of tremor of etar*g!ks arA calculation of a system, f or
ae,~omati* VLIdance, of telosi-opos I~L, 1~. 1.
SOUjC9t AN' SM. Astrommaichesidy sovet, OpticheskVs, nestot&Itnostc semnor
atnosf try (Optical Instabilitjr of the earth's atmosphere). Moscowl Isd-vo Itsukao, 1965#
TOPIC TAGSs stellar 6stronowroF atmospheric retraction,, astronomic t*U*cV*, lirwar
autonstla control systemit pbatmeleatria method
ASSMXTt To sovetwe hi&-pecision guidanco of telescopoe, it is necessarr to pmvIde
compeweatlaft not, only of systematic errors but also of randow displacw4efft ts; or the
image from the aight line because of anomalous refraction or substantial amplitude
Yariations, Before p1miing a photoolectric following system. for automatic guidance$
it is import" to select a system or circuits that will meet. all those requirements,
and will guarantee continued oWation within acceptable liaits or arror. Systematic
error& in operating an. equatorially mounted telescope arise f row variations in
atmospheric rafrootion and from fladmC of the telescope tube, The author finds
expressions to, correct for each of these factors, and graphs are prepared to illus. i
tr&to the nscessar7 corrections for systematic errors, adjusting the hour angle WA
the declination so this dopends on the hour angle. Expressions are then fourA for a
linear following system to express deviation in refraction angle and in &,VlAtude.
The author concludes that satisfactory automatic guidance requires .91thor amplitude-,
frequency characteristics of the variations in brightness and position, or it
requires statistical characteristics of Visse variations in the foft of spectral
densities or correlation functiona expressed in absolute values. Noise of the photo-
wiltiplior has not bow axamined in this paper (bocause of lAck of apace)s but it
should bo considered. More work is needed to detersains what other factors affect
the quality of the stair Image, OrIS, art, Mai 6 figures and 26 forma".
SUB CCDS3 03/ . SUEN DATM ~51 Q= RSFI 005
# A?~ -i T I ~* ~ ~ r x - ~V'
ACC NRi AR6004W SOUP= COLE j EM/0269/65/(XC/010/0015/0015
ku-111ORS iINikolayev, P. V,; Rozhnova, I. P.; Sabinin, Tu..A. -0 L3
TITLKI Proupecta for the utilization of photon counting in phot*oleotric follover
systame used in astronoW
f SO=Et Refs she Astronioulya, Abe, 10,51-132
164# 173-185
W SOURCEs In. !!2Mk. astrofiso observe, v. 32, lc
TOPIC TA&St photoelectric tracking, astronomic telescope AZT-7 astronordo telo-
ABSTRAM The possibility of im ing-the detector soraltirity in photoolootric
follower a7stem used in astronorels reported. 71ho use of the mthod of photon
countW, allows an incrqaWe of Xotoguido sensitivity by 2m.5-3:3 f an accu=ilation
tixa of 4 Goo. Observations wore edrriod out on tho ZT-7 ohovn
that utilization of this mothod allows a comploU~ so ?n Of Lhe problen of auto-
matica.11y guiding instruments of average size. Vo Yes _kranslatioix of abatrac-t7
cwd 2A UDCr 522.617
ACC NR, AP6034885
ee=odulator for attenuating the quadratic component of the error z1gra.1, I-) a modula-
tor, 5) preamplifier and basic power amplifier. A detailed description of the eloc-
tronic circuit is presented. Orig. art. has: 6 figures.
SUB CODE. 03,09,12/ SUBM DATE: 2lApr64/ ORIG RM 003
-Card 212
AUTHORs SO11/140-59-1-14/25
TITLE% Oa Solvable Systems of an Equation With an inazorphosis (0
razroshayushchilfisistemakh uravnenlya i &n=o-fozoy)
PERIODICALs Izvestiya vysshikh uchobnykh zavedeniy. Matematika, 1959,
Nr 1, pp 145-155 (USSR)
ABSTRACTt Lot (1) F(t) - F(t I't2't3 0 be an equation analytic in g
and d)(t) ' Tl(t2't3 ).?2(t5ot 1).\~(tl'YF(t) - 1 f11 (t 'A.
f (t )If ~t )I be its anazorphosis. If the functions
12 1 is, i *Y I, T2
in the A-factor Y ' -*lNf2N#3 would be known ani If in the
nomogram there would exist three not colinear points t 5 . t 3k'
then accordino to Z-Ref 22 the unknown elements f ik could te
determined from the identities Y i F(ook) T1 (ok)~ (ko) f 0.
kel ~2% ik
The elimination of V2 (ko) fik leads to the determinant
I (oil) 01) (oi2).*,(i2); ,(oix)
Card 112 Y I I
A" 7E C, P "41kolayev,p.v.
TITLED Anamorpho3e ro A" Equatinn,3 Wh A,!:, t ar A - Fa - A;
H-RIODICALt Izventlya vygqhjkh ii-hetrykh
Pr 2, pp 167-175 (USZR)
APSTRACT The ronult!-, rf tht! pr(.-f~cn' paper ars., a:reaiy
numroua publications of tho author
The author consilere an an,t.,yl 4.~- --junt Fi" F~
ana the conditiong which havo !c, t- nVipf.-I ~y
a representation
(b ( t xv, (t2, t )T2 ( t 3 0 t -F(t) f (t f
1 )lr3( t I - t2
is possible. For equationg wit, ar, A-fa--*cr tho rv.'~r,r Tr-~;
an effective me'h:~i for !hP constr,-irtion of ~hd?
7here are 6 ref-rpn~es, 5 of which are 3-,vi,lt, ard
ASSOCIATIONsUrallskiy politpkhni~;heskiy Infifit;t imeni Z
Polytochninal Infit'A tlite Imeni .7).?'.Xirov)
51JR11TTED: March 12, 1958
Cari 1/1
Sulfitation. fakh.prom. 28 no.1:47 134. (PEWA 7.- 3)
1. Glaynyy Inshener Orekhovskogo eakhernoeo zavnda. (Sugar indu*try)
Taroe of oontact friction In pressing almlma and certain
almImus-b"s allop, TSvet. moto 34 no, 4t48-50 Ap 160.
(KIRA 14:4)
(AluRims) (Friction)
1.120DA 8/136/61/000/004/004/006
AUTBORS: Globov, Yu.P., ands
TITLE: Stresses Due to Contact Frict-lo-W-0-u-r-Ing Utrusion of
Aluminium and Some Aluminium-Bass Alloys
PIRIODICALs Tsvetnyye metallyq 1961, No. 4, pp. 4.8-50
-Tax I The accuracy of analytical detornination of extrusion
pressure depends to a large extent on the accuracy of data on
contact friction, used In the calculations. Although several
formlao for contact friction have been derived (Refs.1,2,6) they
all contain parameters which are difficult to determine either
analytically or experimentally. Consequently it is easier to
determine the magnitude of contact friction experimentally. The
contact friction phenomena during extrusion of alumintum or
aluminium alloys have certain specific featur*s, owing to the fact
that those materials tend to stick to the container wall and form
on it a lining, so that friction takes place not between steel and
the extrusion material, but between the welded-on lining and the
extrusion billet. When the temperature of the container Is near to
that of the billet, welding may readily occur between the lining
Card l/ 5
6tresses Due to Contact Friction During Ixtrusion of Aluminium
and Some Aluminium-Bass Alloys
and the billet, In which case friction Is replaced by plastic shear.
Vhon different alloys are extruded from one container, the
situation is complicated by the fact that the chemical composition
(andq consequently, the properties) of the container listing changes
contimouslyg being often different from that of the extruded
alloy. For this reason the only reliable data can be obtained from
experiments carried out under Industrial conditions, and since data
on contact friction during extrusion of aluminium are scares, the
present Investigation was undertaken. The stresses due to contact
friction were determined during extrusion on I )0t 1500~ 2000, and
5000 t presses with the aid of a method due to I.L. Perlin (Bef.4)
which consisted in the following. The extrusion pressure
(P, kg/cm2), as indicated by the manometer, was plotted against the
distance M, mm) travelled by the extrusion ran. Two points were
then chosen on the linear portion of the P (L) curve, and the
difference In pressure, &P, and the corresponding distance t\L
travelled by the extrusion ram between these two points, were
Card 215
Stresses Due to Contact Friction During Extrusion of Aluminium and
$ome Alumlalum-base Alloys
measured. The change in the magnitude of the friction areaq
was calculated from the formulas
PtP = 7rD. AL,,
where DK Is the container diameter (m).
T*kpo In the plans of the container vall was
Alp - F IR
Tkp Ftp
where Fn Is the cross-seetion area of the extrusion rami. Data,
200 tests carried out under various conditions of
obtained Turin
temperature extrusion speed (09 and elonlation (p), were
analysed. Typical results are reproduced in ig.2, whers Tkp
(kg/=2) Is platted against the extrusion temperature (t, 00.
Curves 1-6 In Fig.2 relate to the following conditions$ (1)
aluminim, extruded at v = 31-52 sm/s*c, 21; (2) aluminium,
Card 3/ 5
The friction stressq
then calculated from:
Stresses Due to Contact Friction During Nxtrusion of Aluminius and
Some AlumWum-Base Alloys
4-5 mmlsec P = 4.5; (3) alloy AK6 ~AKO, v = 0.5-1.5 mm/sec,
191 (14) ailof 695 (V95)9 v = 0.2-0.6 mm/soc,(v 13-33,
alloy AS (AT 9 v = 11-18 no/sect f = 15-35 alloy A'mr5B
(ANG5V)9 v = 0.8-1.01 sm/sec, p = 22. rho following conclusions
were reached. (1) At a constant extrusion temperature the stress
due to contact friction during extrusion of aluminium alloys varies
within wide limits, depending on the extrusion speed and on the
elongation, the former parameter having a more pronounced effect.
(2) Above a certain critical Yalu* of the elongation ( ) which
-15, further increase in p r Illy no effect
amounts to 13 has P actics,
on 'r (3) The results quoted In the course of the present
inv*sViption were obtained under conditions most frequently met
ia industrial practice and can be used for calculating the extrusion
ressure for the alloys studied.
ere are 4 figures and 6 Soviet reforenc*s.
Card 4/5
OWI-vM%wMw transforsers on miWle-die"I onCtm creaws. CIS1.1
UMIORM 52t159-170 '59. MIA 12t12)
(Oil hydraulic mehinery) (Crams, derrickme etas)
d A 4
Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Study of the dri*ve of freight elevator
mechanism in construction crones using tuirbo-trmnsformers." Mos-
cow, 1961. 23 pp with diagrams; (Ministry of Higher anJ Secondary
Specialist Education RSFSR, Moscow Order of Labor Red Banner Con-
struction Engineering Inet imeni V. V. Kuybyshev); 180 copies;
price not given; (KL, 6-61 sup, 222)
Amalysis of the aKtorlor characteristics or a hydmulic torque
convertor when soloatift It for cowtruction wW road =chinos.
Strol. I dor. mob. 6 mo.NU47 Mr 161. (HIPA 1414)
(Powr tmnmIssions)
POSY,S,LOV, ti,.N, , inz-h.; R.L., Inth.
Mdbr car with hydromischanioal tranouission. Torf. prcm.
38 no.6:15-17 161, (HIRA 14:9)
1. Torfopredpriptlys Imni Klassona (for Pospelaw). 2.
Vgesoyuznyy onchao.-I"ledovatel'skiy institut stroltellnogo
i dorozhnogo mahimetropulys (for Nikolayev).
(Hailrow mter cars)
SOV/120 - 591- 3 - 15/4 f-
AUTHOS: Kharcheako, I, F. Nikolayev, R. M., Nekrashevich, A.M.,
and Zeydlits, P. i. .. ------ I
TITLF,: A Computer for Studying the Motion of Particlqs in a
Linear Electron Accelerator (Schetno-reshayushcheye
ustroystvo dlys issledovaniya dvitheniya chastits
v lineynom elektronnom uskoritele)
PERIODICkL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1959, Nr 3,
PP 71-76 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This mechanical analyzer is supplied with the parameters
of the accelerating system and indicates the parameters
of the output beam (energy spectrum, phase width of
bunch, mean current); it is also used to examine the
phone notion of the pa.-ticle. The z axis lies along
the waveguide; A is the phase of a particle relative
to the acceleratIng field, U is the initial energy .
of that particle, and c is tRe speed of light, 0 - Z/C.
Eq (1) is simply the kinetic equationj ;~q (2) gives
the change in phase occurring in a time d and X 19 the
wavelength in the guide.. Xq (3) is the integral of (2)
Card 112 and (4) is found by combining (3) with (1). Nq (5)
KEFAacaw, i.r.; muma. ra.B.; MMOLAUT, A.M.; KOUIWV, To.A.g
WISAMO. To.A.; ?3~0, X.19- -
Investigating the Intonation between an *Ioctroa bow MA
plawsm. gbur.okspei toor.f1s. 38 50-3:665-692 Or 160.
(R=A 1317)
1. Finiko-tokhaftbookly Institut AhMazill mak Ukralaskor
(Slectrou beans) (Plasm (Ionized @&Goo))
AUTHORSt Kharchonko, 1. F., faynberg. Ya. D. , JLi_Xp~lqiyov1 1. N. ,
Korniloy, To. A., Luteenko, Y*. I., ani Pedenko, 1. S.
TITM Interaction of an electron beam with a plasma In a magnetic
PZRIODICALs Zhurnal tokhnichookoy fiatki, Y. 31, no. 7, 1961, 761-765
T1XT# The interaction between a bean of charged particles and a plaoza
has great physical and technical significance and is therefore subject to
the present study. In a plasma In a magnetic field, an electron boas coy
interact with both 2 and 9 waves. Moreov*r, paramoter resonance may occur
mince the arising wove@ load to a change of the parameters which is
porlodloal In space and tins. Wh*n the frequency of the plasma particle*
stands In a certain ratio to the frequency of the electromagnetic field
foraing by self-sodulation of the electron been when moving through a
plasma, parameter resonance I@ possible. This ratio botee*n the frequency
cvof the longitudinal waves, due to the interaction botsoon bean and
Card 1/3
Interaction of an electron be&& PIOO/D209
plasma, and the cyclotron frequency COBis given by(v- p or by
2TV . 2wH where L is the periodicity of the wave in the beam. V the
E 0 p a
velocity of the bean (p-1,2 ..... ). However, also other instabilities may
arias shen an electron beam interacts with a plasma. The experimental
arrangement for the present studies provided a 50-2a elsitran bean (5 kov)
to interact with a plasma in a vacuum of 10- 2 - 10 -3as I#, The magnetic
field strength during the experiment was 2000 gauss. The results showed
that at certain magnetic field strengths the electron beam becomes unstable,
which leads to a widening of the Closing plasma (from 3 to 30 as) and a
decrease in the bean energy. When the electron beam s%~ pro-molulated on
a frequency f instability occurred at four magnetic field strengths
corresponding to the electron-cyolotron frequenoles of 'f f If and
2 2
2fa. The width of these unstable ranges was only a few per cent of the
cyclotron frequency. The h. f. oscillations generated in the unstable sons,
Card 2/3
SCUPCE CODE: upVc,~a6/66/(x,),1/(x)6/cr,)4 llcre4T
AUTHOR: YA. Vasilenko, B. T.f, Volkav YE. D.; Nikolayev, R. K.;
Durchenkop. P C
Potapenkor V. A.; Thlok, V. T.
UkrSSR (Fiziko-tekhnicheskir
OPZ: Physicotechnical Institute, AcadeW of Sciences,
institute Akademil navk UERM)
. X=jtmtIOG wd th~TmUZ&tjon of plan& oftlUations in a gtel.larator
sw=t nnumi eksperimentaLfacy L teoraticheakw fitiki. Piagm V redaktaiYu.
PrIlOshOdits T- 3# 00- 16# 19"t 243-24T
2WIC am$ ONAMMUNd U, roe I*** gloom plasm simtran
GOC1114414 %, ples~: eleeft4n so a - t shoo= VWfOR +Per, F."
AMMMI avow* soon" "w- I Ive pnmseee on the bdowim
cc a MOIR a also" --.&L--- 904wrial"'S rm"-
ta"I via, "D -wttugw balm& as "a-
sw""""left ft" go's a X W6 a*,, ad w &MN/19 a 7.5 a W*40 T* ~1"
111tow COUMUM 60clufttomp a lawwt eieetrie noia cr iaqp sqaituss
(Z > Elt 1.56, z 10-0 w/T*)# v" applied to a plasm produeod in the stollaratar che&-
btr by & pre-ionization, rnerator. All the "rirwmts were made at Initial neutral-
helium pressures 5 x 10- x 10-4 in )(g. The experiments consisted. of measuring
the plasms, current wA the loop voltage In the chamber, the plasm density# the x-
radiation from the diaphragm limiting the plaRm& pinch and from. the chamber wLUs, the
1~ tF "r
00 a amp P... Is, w. I
Lam -.dWw -
00 .0
?4P bow- I Mr.
10 0.1 L go
000 11 wMiampla Pw so gg. 40 d- WO'". Ca.
;.~~ lp 0 L .00
11111111 bon Wood. 060
000 J~~ 440
006 400
ll.i Ito
~ I -
Igoe%% 00000
0 900 01,98 ges,
0 0 0
0 000
00 0
-Ir W- Or OFAi,= m -1 :A. ~L
Wits- tws~*S~t 09 0 p- w W ar wim aOW-6:1-A- Q P- -F
.0 Ilk Er
so A ", - m P- ~'
fee 000
*as 060
bm GAM
A th. SM11- see
moods wmard"Mioss. so Im,m, A.I. The
Im"Ib. GO." Ibrw Foe see
ao. towo. a 4)- pdal..
-=11 gk IS I pw P61 be.
~6 .4 be doA Palo' goo
004 Tw ld 4o&
low she"ll WAAdvir %bt I AK fell" I sow
U-1400 Co'"W"Vell ------- goo
mi-i Mai
o.T.'Gf;q- Vo ta
222 so 0000000000
A A M, W*vir-w, 6'~ P 1.
z~ o ire
41, tr-
I t
r 1% ~f?
0 0 1-! 4 4 4 It 04, i~ v t I,I v. 11'. r
f A!- f ,(to
4 1
-f A. Az !.I
A ~ Io j~:F e,
'6 t-
tr Fri Of
I At '4 f ,41t
Ttf T t;;7-~-j C %'tft!$N-
C `01-zwi
!-.I v
it wit, C-1.1,
Q ::.- 4. !,A.
k 0 ilk L4,4 !A
tf ig 'Mfj.~gr
L v,ac4~4:; may b-~ m- lirl, *A
liolWaal vales of d1ffereat comoentratos &M preparations of vitomin
C. DlokMuivu 16, 169-74 '53. (KMA 6:4)
(CA 47 soMsW 153)
1. Vitmda last., Moscow.
11(MTV, A.F.; AUICMA, 0.1.
Vitamin 7 goatee% of tried dog ro" fruit as affocted by storso
in different costalmrs. Amotati~. Trudy INITI 5:126-IV '54.
OWU 9: 3)
1. sloolmlebookoft "iberstorlys.
NUU!&YiiV, il.?.. hLA4A;4(.Vh. A%.?. Waskys)
Dr7 st&ble wLt&tsla A preperatimse (with sva*Ary 1e J;twltohl '49 .
pit. 16 z)o.?.,53-56 Mr-Ap '!7. (911ph 10:1u)
1. to btokhtrich*plrop, l4borstnrit (raw. - Irmaltlet hiclogicheskik-h
rwuk III.P.Likolayev) lseao7usnogo nauehno-lesle4evatellskrwo witemla-
flogo inatituta, 1400kvo.
(VITAMIX A. prqp.
dry stnbloy vrep. (hus))
Maim i AL- IMANDIA, A.F.
460111strX sollso of vwlme "SladdWOO *a vlUals A eamees-
SWee md the propamttou of vttauto A amlolow for a" In
"I=I w"bas"re Traft Mll 611VI-In 099. (stu 1317)
1. vessems" vitautawy lusitat"
Bleatelabookwa ubomserus.
low Prepratims of witselas A, D, &s& 312 for f"dliqg parposoe.
Tndy Mll 6#137-1" 099. WU 13 M
1, Teessygnmy v1saulm" lastitus,
IRAbluickeeftys Ubersterip,
by, b1oly dispereek stable prepratiew ef fat-soluble
witandsis for preorUctle and therapeutic purposes. frao
Vwx 60M4-147 9990 (XIU 13 17)
vidibluicbesicap Isiberatertre,
Influeses of sulfurous aWqtrldo m %be preservative of secortle
sold In dry doe rose. TrW TWITI 6rUI-164 059. (KIAA 130)
1. BlelMulabselays labowtorlys Taosayunego uaacbso-loolode-
vatellebw vltaulmm* luotltuta I acbelkovskly vitantaw
(ASMIC ACID) ($Lwm Dioxin)
Obafte Is The &must of ascorbic acid sod Its derivativoo In
the fmIt of the dog rose sod In products prepared free It.
Trudy VNITI 6tl6i$.-I?2 I.",, (NIM 13:7)
1. vess"lwy vitautww Isetttat.
Blokbistchosicays, laboratorUmm.
lonumme of svbot&vc~$ related to vltaula P an tho stalblIlty of
ascorble &aid. Trwr VIM 61172-176 159. (MIYA 1317)
1. Tbo~sy IWY somehma-leeledgwatelookly vitauleftly lustitut.
Blolthimilebeelays laberaterlys.
P*Atemd stabillsod witmin A conamtnto for fe"ing
paV~, Tit, roe. I lkh lop. mo.6sU5--155 163.
(KM 17s 1)
2. YeseWmalWy naneWo-loolodovatol'skly vitml=Wy Inatitut
I V"ooyusiWy mauchoo-loolodmtel'okly institut som I
pro&Akt*v yego pamrabotki.
7-Alkyl derIvativeo of qwroetls awl their antloxMising
effoctivemse, lsv. AN SM. SerAbLa. moOsI617-1621 S 163.
(WA 160)
1. Institut khisichmakoy fiAiki AN SM i Vmsoyuzmyy nauchno-
isoledovatellskiy vItaniaRyy institut.
(Quarestim) (Antioxidamts)
Atrtl(OR3t Nikolayev, Re F*j Tarutinj P. P, I Romanovap A. F.; Wthesins, Le Ko
ORG t none
TITIZ.- Method for manufacturing it witaminized animml. fodder pritparptioni, Close )0't
Ho - 176oh3,
SOURCEt Hyulletent lsobretoniy i tovornykh snakov, now 21, 1965. 41
TOPIC TAGSt food technolo&yr commercial ardmalp vitamin,, calcium co"ndt rdeatiftic;
ac id
ABSTILACrt This Author Gertific4tte presents a method for mamfacturing, a witaMnized
animal f(xider preparation containing ritamin A, molAsses, and soybean. meal. To
insure: complete vitanftawtion of the preparation, riboflavin (82)# nicotinic acid (PP
and calcium pantothenate are dissolved in tho molasses. Next# atabilized ritwdri D
is emlsified in the molasses, and vitamin ft2 and soybean meal are added to the
mIxWr9, The mixture Is thorougUl mixed, crushed# and bagged.
MR C40DISt 02/ I= DATIt I?A*)
Ll J,4 S/032/61/027/004,'007/026
1_2 V 9, 1 B11O/B215
AUTHONs ~ikolajt~, R. S.
TITLZs Study of polymers with a polarization microscope
PUIODICALs Zavodskaya laborstorlya, Y. 27, no. 4, 1961, 420-422
TUTe Aullff-7 (UP-7) polarisation microscope was used to study polymers
in transmitted and reflected light. A -3-5 as thick. approximately square
specimen (-10 sm - 10 ass) was first filed down to 1-2 an, then ground with
electrooorbormadus no. 180 and no. 20. Lose solid polymers such so
Getinake and phonoplast were first saturated with molten colophony and a
10% addition of zylene. Polymers with fillers (glass Textolit9e, Getinake,
laminated plastics, and other ph*noplasto and sminoplasts) can also be
studied with reflected light. The ground faces of the preparations are
then glued free of air to the slide by moons of pine baleen. They are
again $round with slectrocarborundua 160 and 20 down to the required
thickness In parallel to the surface of the slide. The finished spociaen
of 0.01 - 0.02 sm thinkness Is examined under an MFF-1 (KBR-1) microscope$
and OR114-T (UP-T) microscope In transmitted light, with 40 to 500-fold
Card 1/5
2 115 3
Study of polymers with ... B11O/B215
magnification. Thus, the individual fillers (wood fiber. wood dust.
glass- and sebwatoe fibers, *to.) are clearly visible. In polarized
light, wood- and asbestos fibers show polarization effects. Glass fibers
with binding resin do not cause bir*fringence, and remain dark under
crossed nicols. Their examination, therefore, requires reflected light.
In transmitted, polarized light, examinations require 40 - 100-fold 0
magnification. The stage with the preparation in turned through 360
during the examination of structural components, and their coloring
during flashing and extinction is observed. However, no light must be
reflected. Amorphous polymers which remain dark when the stage Is
turned, and crystalline polymers of strong or week birefringence can
thus be distinguished. Quartz plate and interference light of the first
order are best suited for the examination of week bir*frirg*ncel violet
coloring of the preparation changes L=*diattly. Amorphous polymers
show no interference when convergent polarizotiv. light is used and the
stage Is turned. Crystals of quadratic and hexagonal systems show a dark
aroma, those of orthorhombic, sonoclinic and triclinic systems shoo two
hyperbolas. In polarized light, interference colors of the first order
appeared In some zones of flat, duabboll-shaped polyethylene specimens
Card 2/5
Study of polymer& with ... B11O/B215
with steady transiti0n from0the narrow to the wide part during their
ponsion at an angle of 45 (with respoot to the polaritation planes of
11cols). They were follow*& by nook formations and local deformations.
3ven alth hundredfold magnification, the ezpansion of graina into long,
thin throade could be observed. The polarization colors showed transitions
to higher orders, even to ohite. When the nook formation reached the
widened part of the specimen, break occurred. Deformations within the
nook were Indicated by interference rings. Before break, intensive flow of
deformed fibers Into the zone of break took place. In the eiaminstion of
torylons and polytetrafluoro ethylene, hardly any deformations showed, and
break occurred suddenly over the whole *rose section. The method of
exasination under the polarization microscope to suited for additional
control of the production and processing of polymers. and examination of
their deformations. C Abstracter-a notee Three figures cannot be
reproduo~43. Structural examination of polymers In polarized light.
Group Ao phenol formaldehyde resin (novolak and resol resin*), polymothyl
natkaorylate, polyvinyl chloride, copolyaor of styrene with nitril* rubber
(CHIP SIP). group Bt copolymer of styrene with scrylonitrilic acid
CH-20 411-20), cast polystyrene (birefringence in this case say be ex- V~
Card 3/5
3/0 32/61/02 7/r.04/007/02 5
Study of polymer* with ... BIIO/B215
plained by internal stross). Group Ct polytotrafluoro ethylene, poly-
&aide, polyethylene (two hyperbolas occur in convergent polarized light).
Conditions of
ex0ainotion Absence of birofring-
once Weak birofring-
once Strong birefring-
polymers polymers polymers
group A group B group C
n parallel, completely darkened slight brightening intensive bright-
olarised field of vision when and darkening of ening and dark-
ight (with turning the
tags soas parts of prop- ening of sozo
roomed 0l
through 360 uni- &rations or the to- parts of prepara-
icols) fora violet coloring tal field of vision tion~ or total
duo to quartz plate occurring four field of vision
times when the occurring four
stage is turnodl timeel sudden,
partial or coaplete complete change
change in violet in violet color
coloring duo to
due to quartz
quartz plate plat*
Card 4/5
Study of polymer@ with ... 8110/8215
Continuation of the table
in convergent, no interference slight darkening passing of branches
polarised patterns and brighteningi of interference
light signs of passing patternel interference
of branches of crosses (uniazial
Interference crystals) or hyper-
patterns bolas (biazial
Thar* are 3 figures and I table.
Card 5/5
Ir w
9 0
" If,
, - 1. -
00 .00
.0 was-
00 me Now r too.. 4-1
11% 9, k 1 11,
0 = I Ae
~A t*ttd tm ww"W
00 1-
00 A@
1016&LWW&L t"004" cte"Olcatsm too
ti& too
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-no, sale a a Ia a 949
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0000 0 1966669
o- wo- wW, to- t t o- t
A- LF, IL W, IF r W Pc
* 'X KI
1-0 d"Ist
'ama'a now smum" on ft won=',
sb*Mpm ftd ft~ C,
c 0. mai it VA la NMI
'0*4 1044. it 0-vu, op 0.40% 8 vulc 4.-,
6,41a =d W. Ow it) C 0.13, me 0.41.
0,(m ams cown ~d
ftd~s), . Tbp mrsi.
mq6id wd dm so fAmbond qjjjj,,,W + 9,%
'(N. "A "own"
w hw4pwmilt. madw dew 160 a bma,
mom 0*0 dmwwfen pahow
00 41 000000 feet 0 foe 0410VA
06.0000660660 06660060i
SKAKOV,A. I., kandidat Sekhnichookikh naiik; NIFOUTM.R.S.. komd1dat
tokhnichookikh souk
Strengthening rail fee% during the rolling process.*l.dor.
6 no.12:1(~-12 D147. (KI" 8:12)
111016ATXWOR.S.. k"didat tekbutcheskikh nauk; KlIHX=0,Ye.F.. kandidAt
---' t-elifiiiAimIrIkh amk
Can*om for short ~*rvies &ad brookdowns is railroad traction Coming.
Tokh.diol,dar. 7 no.1:19-21 Ja 148. (NM 8: 11)
Opowl fw thD glm*lc Usitse Ike No btkpUrsvp
TO& 8"t d" 2w mum Ge lit
v%~.Ofi 1w Vol UFO we n
olowis ISO$ f4r 00 ado at wmtw alwity.
......... .
0 off
a It 64 IF 0V 0 0 W .2
. l
4 #A act*
o0 is
go zoo
o* 1*0
00 Of ftimMkig IfIrs Itip for fr.4wag jjam~~ :00
TV446 UIAMG 0 1Affr %9-mki 1,, If,, -,
%1 s, k
4 a
fir" wig saws
0 0 to 0000 0 to 00 o o o o 0
0 z 0 0 00 0 0 9 0 JO 9 0 0to 0 a 0,11
0 * 0,0 0 0 0 *_O * 0 0 40 0 0 0 000 0 SA 0 0 0 * 0 0 00 0 000000
i OAa a 0It
of A 6 1C
B *0
L 0 .00
1xv INO-Im
00 %wdWW tP94#41tIls W14440" SO
f9mew qw
woo%" OW-40"d
1 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
41 *****of 0000000*0-
0&000 0
0000"60:00?, *got
0 1 01 9 A
4.1~0~N-M.===- --- - . . . . - .
xr~w w e, 6- o- w w
ur 4, 0-1 i, 4, a 0,
~jb a 6
-ralmow- 14W
k p
14W"Mlws odd"
of ri.,re
pe see**
~- r;- - --- , -I I
~ ;7. -. .
"Ptnaliz Kbaraktera Tslomov Rel'sov i Detalel Podvikznogo Gostava," (Analysis of the
Type of Breaks of Rails and Details In Moving Parts), 88 p., State Pailvay Trans-
portation Publ., Moscow, 1951.
NTKOLM-M. R. S.; M11M.-HKO, YE. F.
New technique in making toothed traction gears. Vast. wash., 32, go. 1, 1952.
IlgRtW LL" gl bleal" hccessloas Library of Congress October 1952. UNCLASSIFIfl.
F T I - . 'I;;- , , ,I -
f L~ I F.- C' fvio~~ V.
IM034TV. Roma for, eyevi4b. kandi"t WEI&Glahoeicikh mmk, datseat;
lasbmer, reAmktor; 10 5, D.N., takhmietwokil
[Oftess of brodow Is rellfts ~1ask pwSo MA rails] Mokfty po-
leask &oWoi po&bbmgo mtove I rel8s4v. Nodme. fte. I --I.
abol-4w. IsAI-ve, 1"14. 1" P. (~ 7112)
(NsWs-4b%fve) Obilreads-lbils) (ftilreaft-IbIlUig
- 1- ~ -
Ikolustion of Cr4W @pets In fractum of steel spectmems, Uv.
1&b,21 ".1011201-1203 055. (KM 9:1)
1.1seeffusay mumbao-Iseledevatellekly Institut, ogm*Vo?ow.
- alm"INT. R.6.
Method for reproducing fatigue failures In rolls. Z&v.lab. 22
no.6:721-724 '56. OUAA 9:8)
1. Toosawayy mauchmo-isslodovatel'skly Institut shologcodorosh-
NIKOLAYEV, R. U On Teoh Sai -- (dies) ONorphological studies of the breaking
of parts cC railroad eWiPwmt as a ;aw4 of .- the eausee of breakage.'
Mos. 1957. 25 pp (MIn of RailaWs USSR. Moo Order of LAnin and Order of lAbor
Red Banner lust of Iftimers of Railroad Transport In 1. V. Stalin), 12-0 co-Aes
M. 43-57, 88)
.Jgiwv. N.B.. k t4at toiNntchookikh r4ok.
feeip trw*o free fr~ iqmots. Pat' I put khos. a*.3s?-8 Wr 157.
OkIlreade-firowk) (mm 1015)
NIMUMS B.S.. kaMidat tokbuichogiclkh mauk.
hall dWeets. their "two md elassifleation. Zhol.dar.tramv.
39 sq.6:bbjI9 Jo 157. (MM 10 - 7)
(sell roods--Malle)
RIKOIAUVe Meg dots., IrAn4, tokhm. nauk.
.-.. -1-11 1 ... '... - - -- - -
laveatt#pting asumos of breaktag In rails of presest-4ay maufaetwv.
Trudy T5111 MPS so.15400-73 '58. (KIU 12: 1)
26 (5)
AUTHONSs Nikolayev# No S., Kolosov, 1. To. SOV/32-25-0-30/44
TITLZo Analysis of Practare Surfaces of fatigue of Cracked Tempered
PMODICALo Zurodsksys, laborstoriyat 1959, Val 25, Ir Gg pp 990-991 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs It has been observed that strongly tempered tool and ballbearing
stools haWbubble-sbapo brittle fracture ftrfaces (F) when they
we destroyed by fatigue. These fatigue fracture surfaces (")
differ from other fracture surfasso by not having a concurrent
some of primary cracks. At the fatigue test& (IT) of tempered
tool stools (T) for example of trend VIO, OTC, 9KhS of a hard-
ness of R3 a 60 t I usually no fatigue cracks (?C) have been
observed. Tie fracture occurs very rapidly without a saccessivt
development of (FC) (Rot 3). In the present case it was observed
that at a thorough investigation of numerous (7) very fine (FC)
were found at the b*gLnnine of the plastio fracture (F1C I an
stool 9M). The primary (PC) in ton"M (T) are often round
and develop near the test tarface (Fig 2). Thee* (?C) are of a
radial shape and are located iamodistely underneath the test
surface. The reason of this occramce in not yet known. (n)
Card 1/2 of this typo &Is* occur at (FT) on samples which were cemented
Analysis of Fresture Surf**@@ of Fatigue of Cracked SOT/32-25-8-3,U/44
Tempered Tool-stools
or nitrated (Ref 4). In such cases the lower stress limit of the
metal beneath the tempered layer ***no to be the cause of the
developed (FC). The (F?) of tempered (T) proved that a large part
of the ample@ had primary (FC) of the last_s*ntios*4 shape. This
kind of (FC) can be well observed with a microseopv VBS-2. There
or* 2 figures and 4 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATIONs SugusVy neuchno-issledaystellakly Institut zbel*zn*dorozhnogo,
transports I Leningradskly politekMicheskiy inatitut (All-Union
Scientific Resswelk Institute of asillroad Transportation and
the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute)
Card 2/2
KHMM' V.I., Lashener-podpolkamiki KLOLAYZV, S.A.#-inthenor-mayur
mesbulest"s to ropla" memal labor, Tostola".Yl. wo3s6l-64
w 0"0 (9m 1486)
(ALrplm"-ftdpMt ad MMU")
USSR/ Geolngy
card 1/1 Nb. 46 14/!6
Authors Hikol&*v,', B, A.
Title Certain laws on the formation of shrinkAge cracks
Periodical Ity. AN SWR. Ser, geol. 4., Page 134.. July - August 1954
Abstr&ct Letter to the editor offering a critique of the roport by P. E. Offman
aryd A. S. Hoviko*i entitled "Lave governitig the For-rAtion of Shrinkage
Cracks on the airface of the F&rth".
Institution I ....
Dabdt%W S bW"t 24 p 1"3
A, - - - - -- - - - ~ ~ " - -
Map notation for certain patterns In the geographic dletrlbution
of rivers. Itart. no.4:21-27 #53. (ml" 10:12)
(Map printing) (Rivers)
A ~ iI - . !.
Qmantitative charocteristics of soandorIng shore Units. Sbor.
st.po kart. no.8:29-36 155. (MIJU 10: 12)
(Shore lines)
Mathematical and Statistical (Cont.) 741
to various W oliments, thum providing a mathematical basis for
the analysis of cartographic data and for their more exact use
In map making. Articles 1-6,,8,, and 10-19 were written by
A. Nikolayev and articles 7 and 21-31 by N. K. Bocharov.
Article 9 was jointly written by the above-mentioned authors.
The authors thank reviewers W. N. Volkov, Tu. V. Kownits and
editor V. 1. Sukhov for their help In preparing tha book.
There are 121 Soviet references (including 3 translation#).
Preface 3
Ch. 1. On the X*c*msIty of Statistical Analysis of Cart3graphic
1. Possibilities of visual analysis of a map and modern
requlrownts 5
2. Basic problaw of statistical analysis of cartographic
representation 7
Card 2/5
ACC NPi kP5028746 UR/0096/65/0,^jo/012/0~)';~()/O()32
AUTHOR: Lenin, N.D# (Candidate of Tech. Snl.); Nikolayriv, )G.A. '(Engineei)
PIS-n t RM
ORG: Central Research Institute for Cor:plex Automation"(Tsentrnl'n7y
TITLE: Use of pneumatic means In atitomntion synteme for thermoohan-loal
SOURCE: Teploarxerget1ka, no. 12, 1965, 26-32 14
TOPIC TiGS: automatic control system,J10 tic control a 'stap,
.Ar"M Aroma ft water parificat'L
ADSTRAOT: The article presents a detailed description of a pneumatic
system for the control of the water treatment Installation of a thermo-
elqctric plant. Complete flow diagrams are shown for the operating
pneumatic units as well an for the calculatinG circuits. The "Parus"
nystom dencrIbed here Is built on the modulo-block principle. The
nodulea are constructed on neparate bliae plates, anj..,ganmutatlon be-
twf?en the modules Is effected by p_q~y-v .7. Widely
.Any~___~qt~arlde~ AU b tn
ceparatel blocks are connected by pneumatic cable'. It ir, stated that
one of these systems has been Installed In one of the thermoolectroic
plants of the Moscow power system and It Is concluded that this system
card U -DO-
- L!I-j
Vladivostok s guidebook) Vladivostokl putevoditell.
Vlodivostoki Dallisdatp 1965. 125 P. (KIRA 18111)
j. A.
- - : f'l'- -, ~ I,,, . Z
5 t"' k laborator,,T*, ra' 0 tA- .,c , I .! i - r. ~ -1
I - k Ccsen,,r.~iz'lt, 'I" - I"" '-
" r-,-
-,ran al for work cn )I,.ctrlr rach , . _/. Yo:, ..,
V, I _q I 2f Rim- ',,,n Acrp,,-I~ i_n, '101 . " %?" - " K~.-' " "'; - -
1' 4-
i.I.-; WSUROT,
N.V. -, NIKOZATST S.A.; ANTIF. I.T., rodaktor:
(Electrical sMimertog] Blekt rotokhn lira. led,, 3., stersetipsoo,
Nookwag Gone *norg. led-vo. 1954. 528 p. (NM ?flo)
(Blectric owlsooring)
POPOV. Vlktor Stapswvtch; KANSUFA)V, Molar Elkolayevich: KINIATWO
S= A Admirmteh. SOMDI&Mff. S.T.. rodaktor: LAMONW,
W. Too, wmmmxc~iy rodsktar.
(Itectric ~W~rlrgj siektrotekhalka. ted.4--os, perqpr. Nookwa,
Goo.ourg. led-ve, 1955. 40 p, (KLM 8: 12)
(BlaKrte orgimering)
PWI, Vlktor Stepanovich: KANSUlt0f. fikolay Alkolayevich; 1111:01ATIT, Sergqr
Aletaq A.b.-, -tqwnT-cw*--
A&avlch,* USHNIN, V.A.. re"ktor; XONTASHINA.
Cliectrtc soclueortag] Blektrotekhatkoe Isd. 5-oo, topr. Noekve, Cos.
tad-vo. 1956- 350 P. (RUA 9111)
(Blectric onalneortne)
POPOTO Two vlah; KAOUROYP Pikolay Nikolvevich
(=Sopd", 10 9 fA=_ mrmy AIMMMUNIMN
ZMXNDVITSKfY,--ID.TA.f dots.p "40
Ar sekha. Sauk . red. ;
in, K.P., tekhm. red.
(Aleetrie 4agitworl") gloktmtekbolks. lad.7., porer. I
dop. Mbskwa, Gosmorgols&t, 1962. 543 p. OGRA 16:6)
(IL1*ctris oWneering)
PCM. vmor rApmovicill mamma* NUMISY sumlejovick Edefte"I
A &-Bat= -tdrovt4hg ~ nuff . Me.. 4604osse
kmGL%9Wm*OMk9, *I wisur, 1C.P., ""a. M4.
Elulactri"I Gu4morlml lgd-?'* P*rsr' 1 der*
ask", Gos,,ossrg*lsd-vos IL90o 54) P. (RUA 14t 3)
(mectrioal esoomrins)
ACC NR- AP6036719
elements did not permit co-AUCtiDg a tborough investigation. Test@ in "yes-no"
circuits were conducted at frequencies up to 2. 5 cps Jsoftw up to 10 cps). at ZSC
and 40-70% humidity; the elements were regarded " warepairable equipment;
supply pressure. 1-4 kg/cm i twelve different type@ of elenants were tested.
The value@ of the mean time to failure are tabulaUd. It was found that:
(1) Relay-type slerneate have a least reliability ia the 2. 5-5-cps range; (Z) The
mean time to failure for diaphragm- &ad abutter-type slannate has the mean
order of mi4pititimM oW is practically is"peadeat of their circuits; (3) The use edi
a supply pressure of I kg/cm%. instead of 1. 4 kgIc=6, i"reaeow the reliability
ad the Olennate todeld; (4) Oemerally, the failmme were ease" by wears wA
their distribuden awmas to *Ibey dw swumal low. DetaUs el tostis wA hiets for
nsederaiasd~ we diewasmA. Orig. art, Met 4 Rgar", 4 dermelass m4 I ablej
$=Cam# is 6=M.DATXs ems 000 AWs 002
AUTY013i Sydin, L. N., Nikolayev 50-58-5-12/2o
TITLX# Zxperl*nce OrpalziN teorological. Services Duxing the
,, I Power Plant (Opyt orea-
Construction of the a
nizatmil gidrometeorologicheakago obalushivaniya stroitollatya
Stalingradskoy gidroolektroetantaii)
PnIODICALs Keteorologiya I Gidrologiya, 1958, 9r 5, pp 48-50 OUR)
AMUCTI Seven years passed since the beginning of construotion of the
largest power plant on the Volga. At the outskirts of the new
town Volabskiy, at the high Akhtuba bwA, the buildings of the
Stalingrad Hydrometeorological Observatory (Cidron*tooro-
logicheakays observatoriya) rise. The meteorologist@ and hy-
drologiste came here since the beginning of oonstruction. Du-
ring %he tias of organization of the building their work was
restricted to simple Information to on the Zurrent wtath*r and
water level, forecasts for the next day and long-term forecasts
of the TsIP(Tsontrallnj7 inatitut prognotov). In the course of
time the superintendents of construction made higher demands.
Not only an extension of Information, but above all a nor* con-
orote and specialized ijformation were required. A spooializ*d
card 1/3 Hydro-keteo-Bureau (Gidjom*t*obyuro) of IT-th degree and a me-
Immeld ~N- OrmalsIft --ft 2644a arvIame VAILM6 the 5o.58-5-12/20
a a Armlism of as Sballoo" FjOsseleaUle ftmr rimt
w, goaviWer bell (15oe a in length) was laid across the Los
whisk se"Ider"If accelerated the transport of bVIlding a-
terialso 'be belt 9" disme"ted oalZ 2 hours before the
breaking of the Lee, An outlook and 600clustems we given.
1. C~tmtjoa-4btsorokgIcs1 factors 2. Scientific pereannal
-Performance 3. K$dmlaa
Card 3/3