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BLocatalystit. Pr1rods 521 no.10#1?,23 163. (PURA I~sl;')
1. Obskovskiy InstLtut inshenerov transporta.
Principles of rodeling (.11 !2I-,^-at-%IAyq,,3. 33' ;~- . 5 t
580-601 IV '64. f)dI.RA 1'7:61
1. Moskovskij Instit,it inzhererf:v O.ransports.
, ULAXEV. Lov.-Alck3a!~-.!~rcvich; TULUPOV, Alok-eye-vich;
Frinizal uch~kstfyi6'LMR., Y.A., dots.; AWM-aV, Ya.G.,
red.; STIUKOVilli, N.D., red.
(TIVaical claomistril Fizichoskala khlmlin. Yoskvap Vya-
shain shkola, 19E4. 440 p. (YIPA 1'1:9)
LRAVSKIMP A.F.; 111MIATEVp L.A.; 1*X!-T.';YIYF Mi.; Y.G.
Powerful high-stability soLrce of low voltage. '.zv. GAC 23
no.3%243-244 164. (H 1 ~.A 17: 11 )
ls;IKGuyk7;, Lev A,I "knA r"i riv I "h
(chdiff,isty-y of the Cf-11] xh.Ir..J!A k1s)tfl. Yrrkvok, l.'sulka,
.1964. 149 P. (XnA 18:11)
NIKOIATV, lAv AUksandrovichl ALAVEliDOV, Ta.G., rod.i
N.D.g r9d.
(Blocatalysto " their mdels] Hiokatalizatory i lkb mod*1J.
Moskvag Vysobata shkol&, 1964. 197 p. (MIRA 1813)
i nhizfil 21/12, Y-) I , Dec 19"1!4
An r~.-InnLtin:1 In t*,,, Of the n r
(7 f
mi incrv!vc, r r,
r r,
to !,:7,
"T I I
AUTHOR: Nikolayev, L.K., Er4_ineer 110-1-18/19
TITLE: Discussion of the Article by A-Ya.Lcr.-.bcrC:, vestnik Elektro-
prom,yshlerinosti 1957 ;io.6 "On tle Dcsi[7;n of the rost
Powerful Possibic Gene'rator for a'Diesel-clectric Loco--otive
Using Single-armature Construction" (0 -~royekt.;Lrovanil
moshchnogo predellno ispollzovan-o,7o teplovozno,o gencratora
lat'i A.Ya.L--.rber-a)
v odnoyakornom ispolnenii) (Pc, povodu s,,
MIODICAL: Vestnik Elektropromyshlenriosti, 1~56, Vol.29 Alio 1,
'18 - '19 ?UsGi).
ABSTRACT: This letter is rather critical of Lembmu's art4cle. It
doubts whether such a lar6e Liachine sho-Ild be z;ade -,ithout a
compensatinC windin,.s and adduces rea~..onz bricfl.*r,.
SUBUITTED: Aub-ust 20, 1957
AVAILABIX: Library of ConL.,,resz;
card 1/1
Gms" of - bmt ambago I& the tat cooler of the
OrIteaw adt wd wp 9'w Its latewift"Usa, 1sv.vp.u~b*bsav.;
plawk.tem. W.3192-96 062. (OU 1517)
11 LwAnp y tokhmuVIcbmaidy lutiftt kbalodillmy
1- 4 1., -- 0 Wedra tokhw1agIdwakago abonuloveaLys
roabmbpqm pm"W"StIv.
(WrIsmatIm ad r*Mseratin mchIam7) (012& &W fau)
Determining the design criterion of a tuW&r fat cooler. Was.
ind. WAR 33 no.4o4,9-51 162. (MIRA 17t2)
1. Lming"bdekly tokhnologichoakiy Inatitut kholodillnoy
provablemwett 0
TochnIcal 4nd oeonosLe orriciency or rat cooling in a cooier with
knifo rolls. Ixv.vys.ucha:),zav,; p1shch.takh. no.50-9 163.
(WRA 1602)
1. Leningradakly tekhnalogichaskiy inatitut kholodillnoy
prmyshlennosti, kafedra tekhnologicheakogo oberudoviniya pishchevykh
proizvodstv i kafedra ekoncaiki pronyahlennosti I organizateii
ftIffulalft um "OrrIcionts of beat transfer for the
MUBO Vp ell cooler. Isv. vys. uebob. mv.j plahch.
fthbo mo69113-126 163, (KIM 1713)
1. loonlWadekly toMmIftichooldy Imetitut kholodilluff
pu--.# blemosti, karedm tokbwloochookop oberudevanip
pii*cbovykh prolsvedetv.
Isto"Alfleation of the beat 010haff" in the cooling of animal fate.
11,T.vys.uWwb.z&v.j plebeA.Ukh, nools247-152 1640 (MIRA 17W
1, tAntr4redskiy tocktaclogicheekty institut kholedil'W
proWshlennesti, katodre tekhmelogichem4p aborudovaniya
pisMhevykh pr*iavodstv,
NIKOLAYEV, L.K., inshj UZINSMOVA, N.V., irtzh.j inz.h.
Use of diff4ront t7pes of elactrical machines. Elektrotek~xlkx 36
no,lsl5 J& 065. (MIRA l8s3)
rl I K'C- L 11 Y E v, L. N, ,
21SOUTW,&.X., lusbamor
Weet at the aim of Me pvwe MA the tYp* of the dwel 04
the strasSM at dowel J91sts. (Fromi Jourwd of Forest Froduets
lossamb Sooloty, 195) vol.3, no.4.1l.p.14-17.72.) Der.prom. 4
ao.B:)1-32 AC 155. (NUA 8: 10)
NIKOIATW,L.N., lashoser
Now t"o of stemls& ehmbor (]Pro*, MOW 00.1, 1955) Der.prm.4
80.9331-32 3 155. (SM 8:11)
(Woodworklog awhlnm7)
Imm"'Wo '"0s talh4wrg
moshmi"d Italsbuls of PMO14 wisk ansk"le resuw.(From
OUW I&OW froMm Jowod* w.4W9. 1"0. Der.prm.4 U0,341
31-32 0 1". (wad flatabild) (OM 911)
5110"Tv. LJ.. laskager.
..... - .
Wrest of beetles " the Gookoddal propentes of we" (Irr"..
orr"Wedinso iriftleth &=M&1 Mooted at the An"I"M voed-
Pregame"' Aggeolation'o vol.50, 1901 Der.prou. 4 00.11131-32
9 '55. (Unlied "atoo-weed- -lestles) (WAA q.- 2)
SIMMAM, L.N., Isshoser.
ftmlowo from bud weed fiber posele Ovem MOW f"des
jewpodo 80.4uo. M sma aim calm's abw So. 2"91 1"0.
Dar. pp=. 5 so. 1: 31 j& I % - (am 910
(amt IwAvstry)
MINDUTP. L.N. Inshoner.
foole rw trawofftl rib-clulo'g of vemeor (Frcm 'veneers am
rlrrod* so.9. 1955). Der.prm. 5 no.2:31 8 '56. (NIJA 915)
(8WIt8OrlaM--V~ffAWrG &Md V*a**ridg)
^NMXTZV. S.D.. lisheaer, MIKOUnT. L.W., jn%h*n*r.
Production line for making barrels. Derprow.5 se.6:25 Jo 156.
(NMA 9:9)
l."ontrallWa maxichao-iseledevatol 'okays laUraterlys, rybasy
(Astrakhan--Barrels) (Assembly-liso methods)
AUTHORs Nikola4rev, L.N., Engineer,
TITLEt Foreign Technique (Tekhnika za rubezhrm) Autczfited Liumber Mill
(Avtomatiziroyannyy lesozavod)
PERIODICALe Makhanizatsiya Trudoydmkikh I Tyazhtlykh Rabot, 195P. Nr 5,
PP 45-46 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs The author describes the building, equipzent an-1 the operating
method of the highly automated lumber mill of the Latchar
and Moore Lumber Company In the USA. The articlp contain3
I photo and a schematic drawing.
AVAILABLEi Library of Congress
Card 1/1 1. Wood-Processing-USM 2. Wood-Processing-Automation
AUTHORt Nikolayev, L.H., Engineer SOV/116-50-11-16/19
TITLEt Engineering Abroad (Tekhniks so rjbozhoo) Automation of Rail-
road Croostio Production (Awtonatizatelys proizvodstya
zheleznodorozhnykh shpal)
PERIODICALt Mokhanizatsiya trudoyfmkikh i tyaxhflykh robot, 195S, Nr 11.
pp 44-45 (USSRIN
ABSTRACTs This is a description of an automatic aschln*-tool for the
manufacture of crosaties. designed and produced b-; the
British firm "Thomas Robinson and Son, Limit*4".
There are 3 photographs.
1. Tracks (Railroad) -Equipsient 2. Wood-Proceening
3. Industrial equlpmnt--Gt. Brit.
Card 1/1
LANCUTM, Orgey Klkbmylovicki NUMAtIT LeGald 51kols."Ticho,
ONUIWWO S*A*q mde; MOROM, TU!I.. red.lad-ve; MCWRJU*
A.M., SOWN.V04.
Eamin preouses in romids couAtrios) Lesopilowle pro-
WablemmetO senbosbn.*h stren. Moskva. Goelesbuals"t, 1959.
178 P. (~mwvdllo) (Mtn 13t12)
Control of papermaking machinery by **&no of spotme with a
computer. Bum. p". 37 no,700-31 J1162. (PaPA 17t2)
NIZOLAIM of lash*
GmUm~ grWift ot 09 sUck for higb-Crado paper mowaotwi,
Bono prose 38 aooS#27 IV 163o (NM 1686)
(Aver ~hlmevy)
C milgaulwo Low.
VA"Opf" reds wttb "ralers, Sood, A lart. no. 10-41-42 o 060.
(NU 13 112)
Kicatome.wItAm ror dismoueftble vacwm Imtrumnts.
Prib. I takh.okep. 6 no./*:163-164 JI-Ag 061. (KIM 14:9)
1, Mauthoo-loolodovatellskly redlZflslcbookiy lutitut pri
Gorlkovskcs gowdarstvennaa univeraltato.
(vacuum aptantus)
k UJIGIAM. L.Z., professor.
catollsile pmpertles
2 meV202-209 197,
of cowlex "%&I coqpowdo, shia" SWAM I Pfft*
(NM lot6)
Go I - ) (Catalysis)
ow"m p
lot us use ow ro"wooo. Awt.treamp.33 W.1338 J&155.
(mm So)
I* Kramse"reldy &vtotreat ftessed6ostraW.
(Kressodar-Wasoperistles, Automotive)
usounw, No
~ aw
swip-bua ban" bdr 4"IP" for P"m bull A" Umap.
J) W.3110-u IV 055. IAI"I* *015)
L, Uwndmddr wt~W t ftessoOlostr~.9
(am tmdn)
V" of ore*-Irwowe with switrallwo. Airto tromp. 33 &o-4:
22 Ap Is$. (MAU 8: 7)
(ft4w truke-Trallon)
NeeMbislag the loadlag and unloafteg of Craln. AvS.
tnwmap. 33 n0-5:14-15 IV 155. (OWU 8:8)
1. Krasnodarskly avtotrost OlossovftostmmeO
(Loadisc and ualo&41*a)
,-InMDWM j6wwo., -
Nte%aaised washteg of trucks. Avt. tromp. 34 w.6-33
j q 156. (mm 9s9)
The eternal fire burns. Voon.-snan 41 no.120 0 165.
(K RA 18 s 12)
lilroun"i, M., pWpol'A-4DVrlk
Yllgbt safety Is secl;red thIm way. Ko=. 'loom.-h. 511 46 rc.~2:
55-56 N 165. (HP.-A 19: V/
AUTNISs ganin, A.Ye., ghlychkovq L.A,, and Nikolayevq M.A.
TITLBo Reduction of Fluorin*-Salt cons umpTlioii'ai iid "rh6red so- in
Labour Productivity In Aluminlua PrOuction (Snizhaniye
raskhoda ftoristykh soley I povysh*niya proizvodit*ll-
nosti. truda pri proizvodstve alyuminlya)
PSIODICALs Tsvetnyye motallyg 1959, Hr 5, pp 67-72 (USSR)
ABSOLACTI In aluminium production by electrolysis of cryolite-
alumina melts with continuous sell-roasting anodes a
coal-rich "froth" is produced on the bath surface.
Removal of this froth has been considered necessary but
leads to losses of fluorides and requires labour. The
authors maintain that the deleterious effects of che
rroth have been exaggerated. Methods to Improve froth
handling have been tried at the Bogoslovskly
alyusiniyevyy zavod (Bogoslovsk-'y kluminium Works) and
roposed by K.I. Tltnv (1957) aw by L.A. Shlychkov
958). At the Ural Aluminium Works froth removal
has boon completely uliminated, reducing totil, consump-
tion of fluorine salts by a factor of almost two and
Card 1/2 saving hundreds of thousands of roubles atuaAally. The
authors examine froth effects and conditions in terms
Reduction of Fluorino-8alt Consumption and In(.-re&3& !rj Labour
Productivity In Aluminlum Production
first of the equilibrium between carbon and carbon-
dioxide and then of the kinetics of the G-C02 and coal-
C02 reactions. They note the accelerating Influence of
many of the bath materials on the reaction and of sons,
on anode disruption. Sodium fluoride is especially
active. The amount of froth stabiliZ93 when the rates
of carbon input through anode disruption an4 of its
gasification become equal. The authors show that at an
electrolytic temperature of 950-9600C and optimal
aryolite ratio froth accumulation ceases before it
becomes harmful. They eatimate the Increa3a in labour
productivity through the elimination of froth removal at
15-20$ and point out that with this practice bath working
can be mechanized and alumina additions made continuous.
Card 2/2 There are 2 figures, 1 table and 5 Soviet references.
first stomic energy plant in the V.S.S.IL mW
or atmic power engimering. Ooe. ouch. ris.
(Russia-Atade power p2ants)
the developient
no.5si349 057.
WRA 1616) 0 0
KIKO"rvo mj;,,- FROIAT, N.I.
VsjqC glass fibers la monuto4turims last t parts. Prttorestrosato
ae.5115-IL? IV Is?. (flags fibers) (KM IntO
SUV/110-t-18-11 -14/2d
AUTHOR31 Nikolayev# X#D- (Jingineer), and Strashun, A.Z. ji;nglnoer)
TITLks Now Plastic Moulding Materials for4arts with Inserts
Olovyye pressmatoriely dlyo aralrovannykh dotal*y).
PUIODICALs V*otnlk liloktropromyshl*nnosti, Or.11, 19b8, pp.4w-bl,
AB3TRACT: The most widoly-used moulding materials or* based on
phonolformald,ehydo rosins with organic and mineral fillers,
and Include instorial.s typos 1-18-2, 1-21-22, 1-211-2,
K-211-3. Those materials are brittle and differ In
coefficient of expansion from motels, and may accordingly
crack near the Inserts. In order to find materials
without these defects and with Improved resistance to
moisture and temperature, extensive Investigations were
mad* on materials 296-H &" OF?-6. These, materials
are both based on phenol oxasolldo rosins with mineral
and wood fillers. The article describes the results of
a study of the properties of these materials. The
Investigations were made on standard specla*ns, discs and
Card 1/3 rods,, and the results obtained were compared with tabulated
Xow Plastic Moulding Materials for4arto with Inserts.
data for the usual phenol formaldehyde materials.
Standard test methods were used where available. The
physical and mochanicai properties of materials 296-M
and CFP-6 and the usual grades L-lb-2, X-21-22,
K-211-2 and X-211-3 are presented In Table 1. it
will to seen that the new materials are better than
the old In respect of impact strength, shrinkage, and
moulding properties. The moulded component Illustrated
In Fif.ol shows what can be done with the now materials.
The electrical proportion of the now and old materials
are r#,corded In Table 2j, from which it will be soon that
mater.l.als 2964 and QFP-6 are better tWm X-18-2
and ars, as good as X-21-2z, K-2111-2 and 1-211-3.
The niiw materials also have good resistanoe to moist
atmospheres. The results of heating tests are given In
Table;i 3 and 4. which show that the tests improve the
electrical properties of the now amte,rialse Mechanical
tests were made on the new materials at t*mV*rsLurvs of
80 - 12000, to determine thoir suitability for operation
Card 2/3 at moh temperatures. Little change was found In the
Reinforced SOY/110-58-11-14/2U
W*W Plastic Mou:.ding Materials for/Parts with Inserts.
mechitnical properties up to those temperatures. The
mate-slals could be machined In the usual way. The
soul-lingo illustrated in FIg.2 were made up and subjected
to V)sts. The now materials were of better mechanical
streagth during hoat resistance tests than the old. It
Is concluded that the now materials are better than the
old in a number of respects and that they are especially
suitable, for the manufacture of parts with Inserts where
good electrical and meahanloal properties must be main-
tained under conditions of high humidity and temperature.
There are a figures and 4 tables.
SUBUITTUDs February 24, 1958.
1. Molding materiala--Propertles 2. Phenolic resinn--Perforrance
3. Nblding materials--Test results
Card 3/3
Aul' HORS: Nikolayev, M.P., VaSin*or and Strashun, R.I., VnXin-
TITLIC: im-portence in Voing room Plastic* in Instrument
PICRTODICALi Vootnik elektrepr"yoklonnosti, 1461, No.t. PP.,
TEXT: room plastics are used as dielectrics, particulariv in
high-frequency work. Thor* are also applicaticme where tbei-
thermat sad sound-imstolation proporties nre advantag*ou,%. lot Ohl.
paper some data or@ stiamorised em experience gained in umlt,jr foll"
plastics as a structural material for Light-weight. orclinnicall
strong components and as a "potting" material to insulmte
components from their surroundisga. In systems where wei0st f
ittoost importance, the component* are enclosed in houminprx th-ril
consist of a thin Inner and outer akin, the cavity betweeii t1le
bet0 fitleof with rooom plastic. The tome plastic Ix 1hs-rmn--vot1t-
groa: #K-20 (FR-20), a copolymer-phonottermaldehyde re"In and
rubber, with the I'aliowln specified prop*rtiv*:
dennity - 0.1 to O.a g/ce
10 k /c02.
compremsion "trength -
wmt*r nb4orption - 0 .3 k1r/01 per 24 h;
Card 1/ 3
Kxporiener to Using Pass Plastics in Inetrisment Cemstruction
operating temperature - 120'el
11swar Plorinkago - IS per A h;
host eff"Olletivity - 0.028 hest/02.6. C.
In actual 0 p*r1ments, a density of 0.18 R/cml, compreseloti -%frotift,
Of over 12 Zle's 2, spositte Impost strength of 1.11 kPr CW/CM21 ,11111
RhrinkAge of 0.14% with a beat resistance of
obtained. The bond re,aintance to steel is much higher In tbr-
loncont"d Pilots then it to for tinned morfacea. The fOAM14"W
ivrotlue9a Its* generation, asulting in See pressures ton Iho- coo I i o1'
the order of 2 to 4 kg/ealo Therefore, the skinn have., to Is#-
protected rrom deforwAtfom: this can easily he sclitevea i,v
pletting the compono"tin In a press during the vrocegpk of fnawlnX.
Practical cosperience has she" that the foam plnatic I~W-20 In
quitabl" for prodiacing orchouleally strempt foampt for coarlirmfed
For large compensate, thpreoplaptic material* are
r4-coomended. In particular, for radio components a polyptyrenop
room pinstic #14-1 (1144-1) or ft-4 (P8-4) in rocounwnded. 'The
Outhorm used the plastic PI-1, the properties of which were an
Card 2/15
StIUMITTIM: -Vuly 21, 1960
Card 3/3
M" ,
WirarAwit It*
- -- I
"Prospect of development of production of p1pes from non-ferroun alloys".
Report presented at the branch se-minar on draving of tube and aluminum all Y's
on self-aligning mandrels, Metallurgical Factory im V. 1. Lenin, KuybysheV,
24-23 June 1963
(7hvet. Wtally, iio. io, 1963 prp 84-85, author .11tsrostin, Yu. S.
JPIO 24, 651 ig may 1964
RUM= --- - ~
Imw sift outtw. Tnmp. strol. 13 noas32 F 163.
(jusetris wirint-apdpwnt am suppwo) (KIRA ifis3)
sovi I I z-5,1-9 -18236
Tr,inslatlon from: Reforativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika. 1957, Nr 9. p 8 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Nikolayev, 14. 9 Glybovskiy, A. , Berezina, G.
TITLE: Electric Circuit With Inertial Nonlinear Elements
(Elektrichookaya ti.ep' a lnertsionnymi nelineynymi elomentami)
PERIODICAL: Sb- rab3t stud. nauch. o-va Pensensk. industr. in-ta, 1956, Nr 3.
pp IS -24
ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry.
Card 1/1
SOVI I 12-59-3-57OZ
Automatic Traffic Monitoring on a Municipal Electric Transport
frequencies for tens and ten frequencies for units). Data on noise in the
contact conductors at various frequencies to presented. The rolling stock is
equipped with AF -oscillator units and 5-mc transmitters that can be connected
to an isolated section of the contact network. The section is isolated by line
traps cut into the contact wire. The stationary check point houses a receiver
connected with the central dispatcher's station by a cable. The transmitter
output is I w. Receiver sensitivity is adjusted according to local conditions.
Visual signals are registered at the central dispatcher's station; in addition, a
printing device is planned. A block diagram of the system is presented. as
well as phatogrAphp of individual components. such as line traps, a transmitter
with an AIr-unit, And a rectiver, as well as information on design features and
electric supply. Five illustratfori#.
1. P. P.
Card Z/Z
VIKOIATVP IL to CaNd Toeb 561 -- (&is@) 'Study of problass of automation
of the traffis a Telof urban eloetretransport.0 Nw. Mg. 16 pp with
JJAA(4V,ll,, MO JjjVj1f'-kA4 rl
*daft (Aw&4 at GNOW Is 1. D. Pmfll&w)p 0 150 eoples (9L, 52-59, 121)
KOUIVO IK.1.1 KISMHIKS&Ul, 6.K.; OVCPa-NIXGV-Ag V.V., r*4-. lxd-va;
~~f FOROV tame. red.
(Cautnuad Ueffie aftt"I wd OMMAIMUOU de"Cof la
WA1461pa *16SUIMA UWWPrUtIMj MftldtVa 81CM112018119
tantnaimataUg bl*Mrov I owlaal ss garedskow slektm-
tnesperWe Peafte, led-w P-we It, -Ab*s.HWSu, 1962. 177 p.
(KIRA 150)
(liceal tramelt-12actranie equipmet)
(Blectnmle traffic controls)
MLAW. N.1.0 sumehly mwtmyy r4trudalk
Amfiadw "P1~ for witr ~ i Iww dpt~f awl
v6-sJ-W-k.-)6 se.UsI7.18 9 062* (MA 1&12)
1. Abodestr& b"Mm"'afte molualstva tool IK,Dlpwwiioml
DCRIN, V.S., XQM.tekhn.nAuk, ARArz.-LIM4, G.V., Inzh.; LOGM1,1061, S.1.0
NIKOLAYEV, N.M., inah.
Advantage, of designing Urge-torainge tank vessels with elmse
mtacentric height. Sudostroenis 29 no.7s5-8 Jl 163,
(MMA 109)
(Tnnk vessels) (Naval architacture)
. , , , -~ -~ 1 $' 1; '. - - "-. '. - " I :..- .' , 11,0
Lf-el W V li i I -.:, 1 ~. i.: -1 - ;-'* f I . . I I
JA 1. - , -* 9
:~~ to:,, , !t;l ! -,. ; ~-, . -,!I e !- . r. I m. for 4 ~-e - ~ f I P
I . . A I I
ew, #, ,, . :t; i I, -, !, r - 31 5 11 e-2 2 YV 165. 1 , u. I P, -
CC N& AM7002942 ~m) Monograph UR/
Logachev, Stanislav Ivanovich; Nikolayev, Mikhail Mikhaylovich
Vessels for transportation of liquefied games (Suda dlya perevozki sahizennykh
gazov) Leningrad, lad-vo "Sudostroyentye", 66. 0258 p. illus., biblio.
Errata slip inserted. 1, 200 copies printed.
TOPIC TAGS: shipbuilding engineering. ocean transportation, gas carrier.
liquefied j"
PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This book is the first systematic compilation of data
published in domestic and foreign periodicals and literature on designing and
constructing ships for transporting liquefied gases. Special design features for
gas carriwe 4ith regard to the specific nature of cargo transported are explained.
Basic types of forsign-made S&a carriers are examined and the problem of
dimensions, cargo-carrying capacity. and sp*W are disciumed. The question of
the selection of the meet suitable t"e of ship cisterns for liquefied games to
analyzed In detail, isicluding considerations of construction material. shape. and
cubic volume of the cisiarne '" wall sa their Insulation and m~ of securing
them in the bilge. The economics of ocean transportation of gem is elucidated.
The book is latmaided #or oWmers and technicians of the shipbuilding engineering"
1/2 UDQ $29. 123. 543
Mkolayev, Nlkhall Xikolaml_eh~_
Snaryad protIv onaryada; po mterialm sarubeshn chatl (Anti-
u1sells Klealle; Based on ForeIgn PubllcatlonaT C:Cov, voyenuat
N-va obor. SUR, 1960. 146 p.
Id.s A. N. Shorin, Colonel; Toth. Rd.t V. To. Volkova.
MPONs Thle book Is lntend*d for readers Interested In rocket
COMAORt The book Is based on data publ1shod In WW 88841SWISS WISS
It aequalnts the reader with contemporary long-range ball1atre
rockets, w1th problem of sntlrooket defense and Its component
elements, and w1th poes1ble methode of lntereopltlng ballletlc
*1991169 Xo personalities are montloned. "Wro are 84 refor-
one*sl b3 Inglish (4 or tbm In Russlan translatlon), and I
NIKOLATEV9 MeNet inshe
LW% vater levol indicators for steam boilers* Bezop.trul.
v pros. 5 w.4s26-27 Ap 061* OCIRA 14:3)
1, UFravlmljm Sredwo-Volthakogo okruga Gosg*rt*khzuAdzora UVR.
(Boilers-~;hfety ap~aianceu)
DUBA3DV, Alskesindr Alekseyevich; NIKOIATEV, M.N., red.;
[Repw4r of tractors under operating conditloes] Rerent trak-
torov v *kspluatatsioraWkh uslaviiakb. Moskys, GosleBbusisdat,
1963. 81 p. (MIRA 17W
(gut 100"we so sm"w"
46 low
--44 Ck 0 -0 w"J Of 9~wwww~Wrm"
ft ".4010
%%%* sa-we *%I owns -&4M "Now
.0"- #1j few* ~s logo* ow SM V# into *am
"vov# OmMommAlt, C w~ -M%qpv*apd4" An Mossues
_16s"tesolo 446 a." Message sonde ons j0
oommtipi win *0018mmmmod
-61 evowass"
--Pa *v At 0204 -4610 : Aj I* "
A" "I qpwft" so OftTaftj 10
4*6 A,% sitonsesom .
t-0 -.
P-16JOWT "1-41 "I* "skot ol"OHNNANG 0"
Me ellMim"am" %$.a POP, 100.040 see awls
.".,esed" **A &-s SwAg 4w6w4v
;a Rv
-0 SOD.% w0-)
;t #A Op
me. %_j.1jjmo% ;NJ aw"Jolealp" )a 4" 9 me -INAM own*
,(* 2") 1 tot to van"ai 0&"O.
4.9 -(4 Joel ArT~V"
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s`*vTovwwI" -a to I? a-; so-Ift tot mean
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semM-.WAq1 - - sr-o" we '06") LA,", OK? "'I" ste"
Ift -!I--) OKC 0 *0*1) C~? (Irl III'*) 64j1hd
.,.Ali - vi 0.0" we OsTomej 0" MISS $0
-%I so ARAWM Me 1qn%qdW "I -1* 0-0 woo"
61*8 W11% -a- FV 4-9 Mos"O
. 4 Wme u% 1"', low*".10, 04 a* joseem 9 %1$.
"1 46 0. "1- *e` I* w-, ..A " wan, 9t.100 TIMISTO
-J-00-- jo z V1.19. "P. -dwf~ 9-6-14" 6 a%.1-940
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-iL#, W, I'me, OWT ses am
lve" lmav-~~ft; In O.Tstorwom- *TWA as evarrawl ww%eft.
Sam w" :0 am " at
0194" 00-4 -08 -1000110~410 041g, eel, 4
-dd O&MM1% .111=102ad
abassonew onstj G"wumw%ogq)
1-1-mvadl~q 1"i mile omoseave #a W18804 me.
I. evoisfaTsubml *WWI
'WOUMM -1 -0 '#"Tbj --V -1 'A~48V
WTM- .4pt
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9 ~ev .2-."
st ~r, vc
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IV A 'I v 141 Joc-
"All IN 3-24 i
Tj till I.
i th
Ttw eye fIGGiOu. &bur.ok~P. I tow. f189 34 ao*3:752-751# Mr 158o
(pulow flooloo) (NM 1114)
r- r v
I F~
r: r-
. . ~_ I
U71LOTAXEMP M. M.$ GOl-IIWT-f T. 1.19 Wf2ikN, A~i, if** Mow, H. Ye.
Wom6- FeqpmpUaa in Uw BlAbol 8crom of a ftst Reactor.
t"m A ItUd ror Mw L41A Sodnw an Uw hples or ftst wA Int4rndlatA
Smetwes, yl~, 3-U Aw4 1961.
NUOUIrle, K. 5.0 ramrrurwo V. T." bam.-n-ma.-O -.0 1.
memnt adr ameaniace Pwwwtwe of Croes-aectione affootirz
rest-woutrm pv~tlaa In TWILMO Mals.
3wa m6w"va rar Uw DU ftelaw m a& ?bpi* a of Fwt mg Intwmilata
lbe-IN v Tl~o 3-U Avg 19Q.
Aced, Got a ~, limeaw
'A',5/~O;VCI, 7
;t 1 -'2/3 1 14
I Filippov, V. V., Fonlarenko. T
AU'HORS I I*Lk "1y
TITLEt The influence of the resonance structure of t'-e iron cross-
section on the diffusion of fast neutrons
ifERIODICALt Atomnaya enorgiya, v. 11, no. 5, iQO;I. 445 - 447
TEXTt Basing upon energy-group considerations, the resonance effect on
the diffusion of fast neutrons in iron in studied. A formula is derived
for the transmission T(t) - 9- _2 t2 j (5) Z> 18 t~e
11 21
total macroscopic croso section averaged over the enerf4- group. It equals
for thin specimens the scattering croon section &Yeraged over the energy
group in question. For thin specimens with Eq.(5) can be determined VK
frou the shape of the transmission curve and the mean-squara deviation
a 2>_< can be estimated. The experimental arra em~rlt with which this
curve was determined in shown in the figure ni .3
. r(p,n H reactions were
used as a neutron source. The protons bombarding the tritium-titanium
Card 1/0
S M09, 61/011/005/008/017
The influence of the resonance... B102 B114
target (1) were accelerated by an electrostatic generator. The measure-
ments were mad* at zero angle with r*spoot to the proton b*am. The
neutrons from the target which passed the scatterer (2) without collision,
were led through the collimator (3) placed in the water tank (4), and
roached the detrator (5). The scatterer, a cylinder 50 mr. in di#Lmoter,
conpisted of Armco iron, arranged in sections of different thicknesses in
order to vary the scatt9rer thickness. 48 boron-enriched proportional
counters (6) were used to record the neutrons. They were of the type
CIOW5 (SNXO-5) and placed within a paraffin lump. In its 50 mz wide
channel, a polyethylene plug (7) was arranged from which the neutrons,
coming from the collimator, were scattered into the paraffin lump. In this
lump, the neutrons were slowed down and then recorded by the counters. The
background was found to be lose than 0.1% 8f the counts. The angular
resolution of this arrangement was about I . The transmission curves were
mcpasured for several energy groups within the range 0.3 - 1.0 Mov. The
shape of the curve did not agree with Zq. (5), which Is ascribed to crogs-
soction fluctuations in th energy range investipattd. Results were used
for calculating and , the mean diffusion coefficientp
- , the mean free path. Preliminary results are Civen in a table.
Card 211
T?,e influen,':n, of the resonance ... 14
fc,re, o i,.tandn inqterui of 2:, P.11 crorn rectiona are f~iven in Larris, tLe
nr-utron encr(7 < 117-2 >
y in kev, D w t /D - D trio /D. D tille
T scattering ant:10. 7hern arc!
,) ~ 5 - menn cosine of the
I figure, I table, and 8 rererenco~s 6 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. The
publication reads an followni W. 'ionch.
rpference to the Englinh-1nnpuil-e j
,Licl. ~;ci. anrl Ent7ng.. 2, 621 (1960).
-11)'11TTEDi Varch 23, 1961
Jr. -- I
l .
Ke Rr
w 3, A�O, t
I 2.49�0JO
2 1.95�0.04
5j�o 5210.14;
1 : .
1 1.4 2.5,�
I ,
r '
2,011�0A1 '
W ,
I.M�0.1 lit 11
" (f)
1:' ": I
I Z% 27�().ni
I :
I Ii
1X A�()'(In
" 2'Fm�f).(Ij 2.44f-0.
2 ,
jf .f j
I VW :1.2A�0.12 2,55�0.0k1 2,31141.09 1.4-4--l 1 1 . 64 1. (it 1.2410.02
&V?wM� Loypunakly. A. I., Abrtwov, A. I., Alcke-drov, Tu. A.#
An lkja,.-Z-T" Sondoronko, 1. 1.. Cuseynov, A. Q.,
Iven6v# T. 1.0 gazaahkovskiy, 0. C.. lasnotwov, T. r.,
KUSISSOOV. 3. D., Morosov, 1. 0. filows". V I
S&I'aikow. 0. A., Sairockle, 0. 1., 4*1440v,
Ua*cbev, L. N.. Tutkin. V. 0.
?ITL5s Investigation of the 6f-5 (31-5) fast rotator (spatial and
norgy distributim of n*utrofte)
tworgiya, T. ii, so. 6, 1961, 49e - 505
TUTs fte fast r*soareh remoter 31-5 and It* exporlsouttl equipeoni 1.9
described Is brief and come of Its neutron sp*etra are gives and discuseeL
The follogias data are gives$ fuel - plu4oulue oxidel coolant - sodium#
reflector - this layer of natural uranium plus Wait layer of sicke2s
power - 5000 kv. TM "motor bam awW wortleal and horlsostal bolas for
tooketeal and pqotoal ot*419* ead is well ouppliot with experimental
equip"et. Lorrawkly Save, a Usailod deseripties of %be 14-5 r*sotar at
Card 1/0
InvessleatIon of the...
the Second O*noys Conference (1958). Inside the core the neutrons hftve
energies of *or* then 100 kev which they I*** almost coo;lstoly in passage
through reflector and shield. In the outer layers of tbo shield, their
soon goera 4000 not exceed some tons of ev. In the kov range Ocr>" kew)
spectra were essavrot for the soot important boast W clisnools. Vnr the
other see*$, they more determined from threshold reactions. The soft part
of the spectrum within the reflector aso determined from the spatial
distribution of neutrons with 2,45 ov, recorded with Coll r*son&nco Indi-
a -
*star*. The total a*utras flux was determined only at the points where
the PU 239 fission cross section was constant. Direct noistron spoetrun
measurements were carried out to a vertical (09-70) wW a horisontal (8-3)
channel using (so ).Ar)-fillod lanteatiom chamber in the first ease and the
neutron t~te*iftooth" with a-hoseso In the xteond. The neutron
op*otrua of the harlsostal shan"I was also determined ty photoomulsiors.
from the rates of Indicator and fission reactions Au 197 (a-r). al"(-.f)
N ThI12(m,f). 1423(.,r) Ce '5(a-r). and A"?(o,4,) the abrupt
Card 21J j,
:,V. "
Z/00?/b 1/01 IAIC6/0-WO IS
Involtigstion of the... 3102131)8
drop In neutron tnergy In the 01 reflootor soo dstprolz#d, obd the
activit,f caused by resonance noutrone (&n 0 4.~ ow). ?he foot nPutron
flux (b. % 1.4 Wei) in the core center was found to be (2.4 t 0.1) - to
and tots"I flux was (0.2 a O.J),10 14. Lsporinental rsaults were verified
by oft*rIj-droup calculation* (18 groups). Good sgr#s~&4nt between theory
sh4 oxp*riaont was also found for the ohonn*l sp*ctro. the author*
thank D. S. Finkhoolk, X. 1. Arlot*rkhoV, ani the reactor personn4l for
sestotsues. There are 10 figure*, 2 tablet. and 2 Soviet rtforwnces.
SWOMITTLDo Auguot 1?, 1)61
Table 1. Aosotios orove 9*otlorA In the core *enter.
Logindi (1) Seestionj (2) #RpOrloo-111 (3) d 6418slattdo CIVCA In betVA.
Nootran transmission opeatras (0-hadelle) for the harisartal
eheaftstl I-).
S/ too)/61/oi 1 /CC, 6/Crj5/fA 4
2,1- 2102/:1138
AVINWAS j Colubev, 7. 1., lvonov, 7. 1., Nikolayev, L.
SmIrenkin, ~. N.
TIT Lk; i Use of resonance indic-itora for inveotigating neutron sps,ctra
in fast reactors
PLIHIOW CAL s Atomnaya energiXa, v. 11, no. 6, 1)61, 522 - 527
TEXTi The authors studied the posuiltilitiou of uning resonance Irdic3torn
for investi,,at1j).,- the low-emr&j ;)Drt of rioutron Bpcctra in the reflectors
of fast reactors. The resonance blocking =ethod Is diacuesed in detail.
In this case, the indicator foil is covered on both sides by thin
shielding layers# except In the vicinity of rusornnce at E a E 0 .
Resonance neutron flux can be calculated by meenuring the activity differ-
ence I
i 2t 1. (E) 1, (E) I
Card 1/0
-211 r]9
1;/089~6'1/0 1 1/0(,6/C)G5/014
Use of resonance indicators... U10213130
of the resonance parameterst for determining blocking factor r, are known.
;?(L) In neutron flux, r I the radiation width, F 008 activation croon
section In the resonance maximum, Y- a and Fc activition croon onction of
the indicator isotope and total absorption cron3 section of the indicator
respectively. I Is calculated on the basis of the Gurevich-Pomeranchuk
thtory of resonance absorption (e. g., G. 1. Marchuk, Chislennyye metody
rasohets yadernykh reaktorov (Numerical methodn for reactor calculation),
V. Atomizdat, 1958). 'With 2-.1t and I a -7.1to, the ration between
filter thickness t and Indicator thickneasto,,ndthe "draw-out-length" of
neutrons from the resonance re!ion I/Y4 corresponding to its maximui,
2 +
+ 4 (6)
2 12 1
Card 21#
S/08 61/011/006/005/014
Use of resonance indicators ... B102YO158
is found. This relation is used for calculating the blLcking factiri, (cf.
Table 1). 1 and II are xeroth and first-order Desuel functions of in
imaginary argument. Good indicators will show a broad cnergy Cap between
first and second reson%nc6 activation crone sectiona. Table 2 given the
characteristic parameters of several isotopes which are recom..ended an
indicators. Only for InI15, Au197 (broad remonan:;e) and Ls'59 (narrow
1,0 for P0,E0(narrow resonance)
rtsononce)t the relation r
,~L for IV~Eo and r',,r (broad resonanap)
% - ~:~' P r
holdal for the others, 27-0. has to be determined expvrlmuntall)~. If the con-
tributione of higher resonances to the neutron spectrum are negligible,
the activity induced by first-resonance neutrons may be determined by the
9o-called ~1/v law". This method Is demonstrated for two Isotope 8, the
first of which has resonance at E - B 0, the second one obeys the 1/v law
(D 10 (noa)). The neutron flux in determined from
Card 310
Use of resonance Indicators ... B1021BI38
This method was used to det,inine the flux distributions of the 4-9-ev
resonance neutrons In the reflector of the Vl'-5 OX-5) reactor. A gold
foil of 1.50 mg/cU 2 (~b a 0.14) with gold filters of 5-05 dnd 6.10 mg/Cm 2
(A - 0.31 and 0.62) was useds Results are shown graphically 2nd dlacuaBed
in brief. The 2-95-key neutron flux In the Ili reflector of & H-1 (BR-1)
reactor was also measured by this method, using a Na 2CO 5 Indicator foil
aa 1/v detector. The authors thank A. 1. Leypunskiy for Interest, and
1.' 1. Bondaranko and V. V. Orlov for discussions. There are 4 figures,
2 tables, and 4 Soviet references.
SUBUITTLDi April 17, ig6i
^ard 4/0
31069J621012100310 10/0! 3
d2 C 0742 V .7 2 1021D 108
AUT HORS i Gusoynov, A. G,, Nikolayev. K
TITLIt Angular distribution of test neutrons scattered from light
PERIODICALs Atoanays energiya, v. 12, no. 3, 1962, 243 - 246
UXTe Tho ahape of the spatial neutron energy distribution dependa amorg
other on the macroscopic scattering cross section ~(A). f is not known
xactly, especially for light nuclei and higher energy groups. The
hors determined the dependence of~ on tk* ecatt*ring angle. The
r4ular distribution of thl hidber group of fast fission neutrons,
:cattered from light nucle (A