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TWvTAWV, A.P..&JLUWIAZRF,,~": CMW KENA-015 (Ch'W. ft&-tIQ91; XXIWIVA, N.T.1 MUNT, V.A. C14aniqg all moctlemw of coolers without d1oftvattag then ftem the diesel toeenotive. Ituo Oulf W.U00J.5-l" 159. (KM 13 % 4) f (Di"I &ad repair) SUM6dWs IftA.9 k".IAIfta.sAWj SISMSe D.Koo took. 11aftes @I -IN d 610"1 onto$ glib air awlimlqr Ift". I folowmagma. )o me-10141-11 0 460. (NEU I) IS) (Rawl sasteme-ftla vfttber werestow) ACC W, SOW= Met U110076166IG"1011/Z665/200 AUMIts OV.1 lbsew Institute 09 VA1196" grgineers Ofeebwokly Institut inzhenamw Stiolesne"IMMOSM trwr -~ta) TITLEs General pvebluw *9 etalsilicj, mW blegarAsis SOVMCC: Zbwrml 91sletwelaW Wail, v., 400 noo 110 19669 2665-2670 TWIC TAGSt p"aleal chmistryq thernmd7n=ics, bind- Istry, general Ph7*19100 ANTOWTs In a recent issue of the jolir"41 Of PhYsiOdt ChdmistrV, " A. :Nikolayev discusses general problems of stabiHty and autoregulation '01 V&rimm Physical and Chemical systems, ranging from purely mech&n- !ic&l systems, fucb 48 a P"WulUm in a medb4m, of different tempera- ture, to InfalUXeM b~JW, such &~ man. .. . The purpose of the paper was to ciasaity these systems accord- ing to their abiUty to maintain stability. The concept of aspects and subsy3tems in each given system is kdroduced; o. S. . the above -men. tionod system of a peaftlum consists of two subsystems: the pendulum itself and the surroundift air. Attalonent of mechadcal and thermal equiUbriums IMMO&W two SMOMW of the SySt0mg, each expressed by an, UWI~pond~M fmcftm cod MCI 941.11+57T." ACC UR, ANUCT000 The author concede's Uat the definition of the systems with respect to environment is somewhat arbitrary. However, well defined criteria exist for assigning the system to certain classes according to a gradual Increase In the ability of the systems to maintain their stability. Such an increase In expressed by the concept of the rank of the system. In -total, there are five ranks for all potentially possible systeins. A 'brief description of the stability criteria is given below with a def ini - tion of the ranks: 1) Systems of the first rank are mechanical systems; the condi- tion for their equilibrium is that the resultant work of all forces acting on the system is equal to zero. 2) Systems of the second rank are thermodynamic systems. Here a minimum or maximum of some thermodynamic function in the cri- terion of stability, e. S. . it the volume and the inner energy of a sys - tem are constant, the maximum of entropy will be the condition of stable equilibrium. 3) Systems of the third rank are kinetic flux systems in which Irreversible proc ~se take place. 77w condition of oquimrimn is a minimum value of the first derivative of entivff with respect to time. Cmd ACC NR, ALIOU0006 Systems thus conditionecl return to the initialistate 9 deviateed. A decrease in entropy to possible for such systems ff. e.g., work is add*d or heat removed, 4) Systems of the fourth rank ire biological systems. In this connection, the author oluotes a statement by van der Waals from his "Course of Thermostatic@" (1938): "Science does not know whether a principle analogous to that of entropy exists in living matter, and, therefore, conditions given by Gibbs rulq are completely Inapplicable to the peculiarities of a living system. Stabillsatim of living SYMeme in achieved by forced deviation of their subsystems from equilibrium. There Is a certain analogy with flux systems: in the case of the latter, the entropy is allowed to de- crease, while in biological systems, partial deviations from equilibrium 'are necessary to maintain un stability of the whole. M0100cal subsystems are interconnected and this seems to be a pattern 0t biological evolution. The interconnection of biological sub - systems results in the formation of an autoregulation or a feedback .-mechanism. This basic PrivAple soma to be a universal character. Istic Of Iffs- BY 00. a ".1,0008 of Iffe (OrhW OW Is achieved against Cod 313 ACC MR. A61-TWOOC-16 the damaging of adverse effects of the environment; this leads to the conclusion that On cl a Ical evolution of life was completed long ago and that further developmett of life consisted of combining the available biochemical units or subsystems into suitable complexes. The destructive effect of the environment is countered by the dynamic character of living systems. This dynamic character of the structure provides a solution for regeneration. A simple example of this dynamic character is seen froon a chemical system of a crystal of some aluminum salt placed into an alkaline solution. The mem - brane of aluminum hydroxide is continuously dissolved an timt outer side and regenerated in the vicinity of the crystal surface where the pH value In suitable. This simple example gives an Idea of a dynamic feedback acting in living systems. 5) The systems of the fifth rank are intelligent living systems. Such systems can choose the safest environment In addition to the autoregulating mechanism# inherent to their structure. Mental activity 'serves to stabilize the living organism. The problem of modeling the biosystem is also mentioned in the article._ It Is noted tha some funcU~ of the mn~ intricalablosys. CWd 4/5 Tnn Now. MoTIAN, M, A-AL I I ; OWN Ond Iwo ;98 =o C.Roft Irla "106. 00 0 0 & i to 4i" 00 a 0 6 4 li4 4 i too Cost 1k set as 164 a 606A 64 14964, 114-9-1 for 'g- e i'i i 9 0 1 S 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 41 10 0, do 9 0 1 aI a 1 0 9 abs 00 ; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0~ '00 -1 . I., ". I - -, sea 0 *..ile a P: Le 0 0 I i 1 1 i I i : i ~ f I I i I s Opip* TT"1#11#0006*0646609 -t-t k 11L a tat vV-1- -1 ag"A M IVAIAlk I ft~# 45 x w Of4w. a 414 . A. ad W1. "Oob" 60 rows to at wasm Iftr rVem is v, do %meft:C. I%- Amot AGO sh"k ON16 -4 bow im m c in or w*" mot of fbp -14*4 U's-I 1. 14 C bnwq At $*lkwl q-vmwt4 ID44% f 44 C. The 4b*wv 44 belpi" "a C Ibr mwq rapoft Ow i-; to. so. -d %mMm + 0-1 s. 44 C atmall W% Oufte I Or, T" dwqvew d4 fOwft 7 t- shwal Go C (GERA" It" #6m 0 1 ft 4 IN a - vw datwo of Aw"m $4 wmwwblw X NO let" rl" Amw A #40000*0 00*0 001 -0* as 000 see a" 400 .600 see iiFel ;IRMA Sawa# Ov ~77 V Ai v 0 see 4W 06,07 -star Lai 0 40 1-90 L IN -)a hills is all 'a-old **: a 00 v -% JKw A Is d) do* k off fee It elk b Sol fill Oil "JIVI V, ,Dow, so 00 00 00 00 00 0- It fit 2 f22 222ft 2220 fees to "NEW" w v dr w -we Be sP -MAN d ago" Op "W two meow so I i a.- 4 Is, got &L I tftw at w1*41sol (tsism, scales so 0-1 tod in, 40 41 *a w a 19HOU99090909101006606196 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 9 9 * 0 OA-W 14~ *#..I, 411i am $4. aft 9 900*000*69469! a 1*0 :*090000000000~ .I . ll-llf~ 1 -1,11 -, I I dI % ~ - : I - : L - I - 0, 1 r . ~ I, I : "*. r I- . . . .1 , .I,. - I I " . f , r, :. . f . p . I . p :~ * . ~,:i I. ! I ; -.: ---,4 ' :I- -- - c ' r,~ -. , r -I - , - - ~ f , p 1911frI. . ,-l c T t .-,:; - -f '. Cal ',*. .,- ..~ . .1 o , - cor, L ta 'x~ U n iv . , - i " ~: , 1 , - . Also *0 er a_C9 00 0 TF o 'I 940090 oto " I FO CL wow 06 dw **bow SO WIW- (C.A. 4k "V) logo aftow odor ml dUND flommon addomm C..13 d:= imam "Now ~A& - - - - - MON Nlele. - an Miss women ps .49 Is "d psi owdd ? rLpmess: EO wq"v C =on; wo Alai; ad- f0w od fm 4506M 4od 60 ad tesd#& IP MINNOW" In ma-mr- now wo off"T ad do rim= owe IN bass. ow ore Odom MIN, 0*10go =a a Now dhol I 6 simme - coo 11 0 0 0 6000060 0 too !L 4p 41 A a can SON#" AVJWff~j --- jjjjjjj~~ 9 T I as a L 0 ft 0 a 0 % 4r 0 Ly IV4 VAV# ALA- AL-Ilk I W -JFW W mr--]~ -,W 4 A .1-& A. K iA W%- *-*4 of boo* -wo- in- .-44 a4b~. c4ava~t z*1 - MA P. Into ft4cx)~- ib eaft Oman TIrV%CMW.44!O!~; ~~W_7~wwqwvwd @&woman I : 0:#** :#**-4&-**:w -~ a * :1*10 0 0 411L 4 * KOO * -.* * * 0 0 0 a a a nnnmn~ DIN Amnta% r4 t ;a ~411p_ OF Or OF 0' oww 041 k-IA Ir SL Wes d 000 "of see mom ad bomm ba a Ono 008 Ogg 00 @Sol *04 J." 00 00 sell moo see Sol ^ I& " ply- Z, 4=~. 0 r ar . "'V: 1, Science Present-day problems In cataly-sis and its use In i.-Austry. )!oskva. (Znnnie) 1?~l. P-)ntbly Liat of' Rusnian Ancerain , Library of Conj7 April, tTl;r ra ress, , *.T Fn. Fresent-day problo~r-r, in Catah-tir, ar.(A' its u::c 3-:-, l*rv-.u5tl--. I Po matcrialan tsiklA leidt-nil o katali;~c, ~roc.-dt-innilrm v Xos*,-ve. Vo~~-;a - 1951. 30 P- Olt-2906) TP156.S35N5 WMAKelsow - MORPme am n U,810100cal Catalysts, - Prof L.A. 2"MIAT", Dr Cbm get 'Imam" I Zhism'" Vol IMI, No UP p1p 25-N At taw set at a mtbw summmuV7 ad Ommem, discussion at saxymes, states Met LSvQ0tMPtWW carried out b7 UM scLestists in recent 7OWS Ammustmud "as the Uremstarmatift at Am (memosims %rLphm~pbw&c acIA) Late ademosime tipworkwic Get& m"Imm emera ter ww rems- tiom at mw embetamme In MIS COUP fW brlqft about wmwJm sswtmtU&o ter GMISPUG bMto rar gemora" e1" cherve (in Via boft at a9- else emu or m), ter @=w&" uot in tais bw of Immosesset assms". &Seer" tkat in VISIN or - aw O&WIMMA state at ~ Sciescep p"wtIc" smucation, at artirle"I OARYINSO M7 be em"I" to the sew uszB/nu=istry - Rydrogen Perorid~ Doe 51 "Catalytic Activity of C(A*I*X Caboamma of Coo- per," L. A. Xikal"Y, Mosdow rA*t of lallvoM Transport mmsixwero 'a*"' I. V. Stalin -Zhur Piz xhime Vol XV, No 12, " 14M-1416 Investigated activity of Od complexes with 24 lifferent aliphatic wA aromatic aftimmy lpyri-, dim, piperidLine, picoline, aminopyrUine, ear~-- tain purine deriva'O thiourea, &n& somm, CCOV&S not contg N &too as catalysts of Aftmqpn of OW/Chawastry - W34rogn PeramMe Catalysts (Conta) Doe 51 Mmdied effect of type of s&&*&Aa to ft on tetiv. ity. Found thtt activity of Cu caeldezea in- Oreases as their stability ubder actioa of ~202 Solna decrease*. 1"Aimistry - ft4room p0mKide, bec- 51 Catalyst - *x0lation i~etv*Lrt Structwv &n6L CaUlytit Acti%rIV of tdrtain Compl" CONVOUnU.." L- 1- liko"Yevp Mosom Inst of UilromA Tr*nsport Usineo--s J~Vlfff I - V. Stma in --LbAr Pit this- V61 nV,. to 12, rp IUV-1"4 AwAa to"lumes of Cu ox)WAt h10 catalytic ac- tiv4ty in ko deebma wMeh d"Onam oft wature of the* grouV6 ictivity giou with l*v&+J& of hydro- esalbm chain. Influenco of IM2, 011, CXIICIII COOK MA/CbmistrY - XydrcNpz Pemxide Doe 51 Catalysts (CoztA) COWA, con grou" is noticeable 6v= when they or* Is- t* part of mal. Fe coWexas are also active. 11101ARY,-L.A., doktar Ithisi&eek1kh wftk. profm4or. I Ece"Wis am& Ito stalflanso for So Gwoldposet of Nw ants" smawasyl nowis I ow swassis aw reevious, aud- Asdist p"w"Unwool. vlonp IS&I nhosloo. 1"3. 31 P. (am 6111) (Gawfuls) (~atalysls and Its slVniflcance for the develo;ment of the chemical inJwbtr~-; p1blic lekture ~Ioskvaq Znanie, 1953. (*''sesobiznoe obshchest--o ro rasprubtr-nerdiu pulltiches,,lem I nauchnykh %nanii. oeriia 3. no. 149) (Mic 55-1.137) Collation of the originaij as det-~rrmlned from the film: 31, 1 !~icrofibi Slavic h73 AC - - - - - - - - - - - - '"U411C ActIvIty of sursolawric Form of Cdo- ROA. A. Rholaywo-tast of M OW na XMO,, Tel 27,, Be 10# Pr 1592-93. 486WLFUC actIvIty of cle-tetreadamcdaltl 81- *am ("Aws-mit) diffma nvo t"t, or tetm~ glint* (croc**-mlt) vltb 1"Pee to go saftuss Of ~ ---- I I@ I sad the I P , I Itles de no pwadme. vuls ow emoo-ealt, is ow* 2rms a So Its"- -job Coiner *100"40 sea "Ir relo t& the lito at via"* MA mim") NMw"I~lj 1 96 reIg 9 dkiml sms4mill I Alvft*M. Vmkft, 196-ve emmise, 1"##. 31 P. ftftoftmkie dwbdM"e pe reepp"410- sodk politidwkOft 1 114-1 ~611* two 30 69015) (am 715) (114"0 02ONSAO) 1,11 Pub. 147 11/27 ir i I NikoWer, L.A., an1 L'Arijhchevnkly, 1.4, 1hotocatalytic prcp~rttes of Zrill In rkithylene bluf, r(yluction 1"t~-Rction-.q. 1. Zhur. fiz. ~Jilm. 28/2, 265-270, Feb 1954, trr c t I It wai 2stabliahed eXr.nrin)-mt,ally that ZnO in U,. I of c 1 '3 m it A t-0. ;,v t ntrongly accelerates thm, re~Juctl:,-n of rv~thyletne blue! with f ormalAehrJe under the effect of light. Pure ZnO i,~s I'Vinrl to 1-Y les3 active, than ordinary cormr-cial co,7pourAs. An active photocaf-ii1yat *mm obtAJnt!,i b7 adding Vn anTCu co-npo,;Mi to the p-lr-3 ox~r!n. C%A arprarn to bo- a atronger activAting agmt than. 14n, Dig Cu-ioni by mhowed no catilytic effe-,t on thp reaction b-twoen !r.01,yl-irm Idue rtril forrrvild"!hydg. The b1sic ~inetir laws.,governing the reaction of photo-rolluction or dyes In the pre- smice of ZnO as cAtal-5t, are Sqx ref~Lr-nces 1 4-U.-JrR; 1-113A And 1--Gormn (1926-1948), Table; graphs. In-,,titu*Im The I.V. Stalin Institute of Tran-~portaticn Engineers, Yoncow Z%zk,ml tted t April 21, 1953 Mw./Ch=istry Fbotocatalvats Card 1/1 1 Pub. 147 - 17/27 AtAborn I NDolaevp L. A., and Bars hchmrokiy, 1. 11. Til-lt Photocatal~rtic prop-artiso of UO in tho reduction maction of metlqlene blue. Part 3. PolsondAi of photocatalTatq For1catc4l Zhur. fiz. kidm. 28/12,. 22-U-Z!14., Dee 19514 Abstract Experinenta showd that -4ie iona of he-avy rr-tals Folzon the Zr~) photlocatalyst but do not affoct its 1=1noacerre, vdiereas nitrato and rAtrite ions poison the photocktalyst ar.d eatln.Eulsh ito Imilnes- conce. "SubGtam.ea -which extinguish the l=zAnnsconeu of P. Ti-ztoc,%ta- 2,yst masto of coitros, alno to cat~ilytie polDfi" sime UiC7 distort one of tbe ccaTonent- yurts of the active contaro It 3a asawwd that the active center of a photocat-alyat Ins a double (polar) structure. One of the componiont parts of Um catalyst crrrtcr 13 tho ltmirm!cent center the othor is prob-ably the distorted -nrt of the lAttice of the baaio sub3tanco (ZrjO) orlontA in -1o3a -ticinit.-V to Vie lw,-J-n~~,scemu cm,tjr. nirm U'5:1, refc-ronxoj (1954) arA 19-^14). Tali'-as; &raph-3- Ir-aUtittion t Institute of Trani1x-)rtation Engineers, 1~~3c-rw Submi'l6tt-M I IMAY 3# 1954 I I I ~;, 1 4 - IUi ~-"--. -- . I I-*-:-i, 7 ~t' "l~ ~. . -f I ,!, ~~ , 7 ;~I, -;!, ''. _- ]-. ; ~ ;~jl I ~ -. -~ ~ ': ~ I A, J~)-j IIA j A. ri 'To -,oU,11. f ~,~4T-,,o-i i of formation of active centers in ;.hotocataly3ls). in ?irWAU i k;itallza kProijlems of Kinetics aM ;atajjnIn), vol. .;~. lj-Jatcll~ .-iro 'i 1955, rXAfect of on Vv,, alsorLaLility if P. ~-l - Ci 7h~.aatiyjty of4ho'.OiatalWs depeV~s ,reatly on Pr, nenie of orc,,I. n acMr-. A 0 Fb t T1 9 As" .9 kwou and in introduced into t e lattice of Zn,) -.r,:,;itV in~,rease the hotocatalyti-al wAivity of th- latter. .% 'ataly3t cotitaining H,ions is 5 tIMP-3 as WftiVO as a Catalyst CDnt4irdnZ "u-Ionse li,;js of i41, ~a, ~;u and Pb, ~Taseous 1123 as weU as nitrite and :dtrate ionn, poison pi tocatal'yats. Io establish the dependence of the catalytic w;tiwity on 1,,;~nescencep Lhe eff,ctz of a dec-rerse in t~ie c-)n-.entr, Lion of Ue a -tivator k4'u an, ilj Cn the hi.-dnescence has been studied and data pre:;-mted in tables. Since poAtive and negative ic-nz may serve as catalyst pois6ns,, and some substances may inhibit !atal.-r-sis without affectin,4 lwminescenceo it is assimned that the aitive center Iias a bipolar ntx-icture. Luminesc-nce centers are a cart of aztive :atalytic centrxs, for cxii-,ple, ions of copper wid lead are centers of li..-.inesaence ard at tho Barrie time paAs of bipolar catalytic centers. LuWtan~r-inhib'tint; ma; not 112 uench t~je Iurinf'='nce* 5ub-".anlp_~; ;(~11.h q-,;unch 1!.,; lrlr:;~: irc "')Ironn. (.no a-,tivated Irf low of i-leavy :rxtals (i3i, Fb, avaj _n) high photocatalytic aAi;iLy. lhoGe ions -re a -art of t~u acti--e (.-ntur i.;iic;i alle assumed to be bipolar. The active ren'.c,,ra of have clawacteristics which active catAlytic centers lo not pop...-sa. ~alcination of Zn() (actlvgted Iry i1b) over a peri(yl of 2 ao~,rs a~ (,,-J -ecreanes tho~ a,~ti-;it)r t~.v 50.9 at 500 C- tv 2~,Q~6. -_'cxrpres:;ion at hCYAkj:_n dv::reas:_s the ac*,iv_,ty L7 50~, at 10,000 k;/cn by f.O.C. ;arious met-.'-iods of activating z.nQ oxi 'ip are 'ir-us d. "te.,.r si.ich as Iitanium. dlo.Ude, caflrdum oxide, 1 ad o.,.ide wn; -';Trig also In-iostigated. Introduation of ions w:iich aztjvat~, zir.,; ~_)rl !C th,~ a, ove monti-)z~ed send -onductors. ';Iii) systeis: fo,- in *,h,!! presence or 'ro ha-.e Jnv,~st. ',atc:14. ZnZ; ;rov, I t.-) L'C- an 212 k'Mi~-PA!iLry D-irk rfivi e,w J./l PW,. 10 25/A Authorm I Nikolayev, L. A. TItle 9 Critique and Sibiography. -1he book by Cs. K. Borrt)',oy, Catalysig in sulfiiric acid rmufacturo Zhur. f1r. kh1m. Z-9/1, 203---'0'4 Jan 1955 Critical review i~, prescnted of Vic bDok by G. X. Boreakoy entitled "Chtalysto in the lf:imiracturp of ,'~-dfuric hid", pblishlA In 1954. rm-ptf-mb~!r 2~3, 1754 XIUU=F, L.A. Plarts comforemes m problow of cistal"le. Zhur.fis.khIs. 29 so.?: 085-1346 A 155. (mm 9: 3) (Calalr~is) IFILOUM, L.A., doktor thfulchoakikh nauk, profewsar. sees$ at Ow astwe ot the Wastes earrago m UO ch~temr of ressi famelea. Indy allf ao.62/63tarO.-M 155. (~ 9:8) Omeemotive boilers) I I loa To, - kt-k.,0daktar khtatchaskM asuk: AZIUMITAM. N.A. asotetest. favessidpoloa of room tabIbiters. Truly MIT 86.821633W93 153. (IM 9,8) (Sessustive boilers) cvwmis 1 T7 rhOVO-:. n t, 1 - Card :1 /2 Pub. 22 - 31150 kuthon I Mkolayev, L. A., ani Darnhah-3v9%iy, I. N. MIS atelytic pr~~rtfds of sensititers, Periodical I D,-k. )JI SaM- 100/1, 111/1-122, ;an. Is 1955 Abe LrA,3t I The nAture of active c#)nters on the surfnce of Z&O is explained fr= the view point of photlo-catalyfils. Thn qutstlcin on Valether sleatron lovelP of r,&-Uxtures Piro or 1.r-;>ortmnce for th,7 phoV.-astal7tic, effect &M whether catalyai3 centers are in tpproxi7Me ratio to Imirescence centers is debated. It waa fourA Vint pure ZnO fre-s of hear/ metal admixt-uren is not a photo-catalyat end does n:)t accelerate the dye reduati-o-a prooegs w1han expoqe4 Inatitut.lon a The 1. V. StRliti Institute of Railroad -Engirears. Yoncov by i Academictwn As N. Tersain, ;LLno ~6. 1954 Porlodle-11 I Voke AN =-, 10/1, 119-122, 7&n. 1, 1955 C ard 2/2 1 Pub. 22 - 31/50 Abmtra4A I to light. ZnO containinp an admixtura of he-ivy metal Icnj was fouid to be & hi&ly aotive photo-c'ntalynt. H;Z "a eat-ablishei to bq a cata;.ytj,3 nol- son for pboto-catmlyats containing Pb and Cu. the effeat of poistming of photo-caLalysts with Ca. and Ba tora does not result in a change !.n tha lumineacencd. Ton U&M referonces (1940-950- Graphs. i@$ tssfttqw for No oluty of rowtim klmottes, zbw. f Is, libloo memisawtio x 56. (MM 1814) tmbeeww doolosaW -.-- (Qmtmi rem"t4a, M.- Elf-M Z_ 14 t~- ~~ txw/pby4t/~~acvltry - 9 ~~j t,011, axplosions, B-9 Topoebamistry, CeLtsaysis - Abs jour fieferat Mur - Kbinlys, No 1, IM, 504 Author L.A. Rikolayrtc-, Inst Title Catalytical Properties of Comw1ex Metal Cowpouals. or 16 rub Min. muka I prom-at', 1957, 2, So 2, 202-W9 Abstract Review. IdblIoGraphy with 41 title$. Card 1/1 NO&= ~r~lsims in be"gossous catalyst@. Onw. f12. Wis. 31 U8.61 UO-Uft is 057. (NM 10112) tusbovem IrsaMoorta In, ftalim. (Walysts) 1 A oaf vo ~ 117 54) PUM I MM EUV)rrATIM 9w/1-266 Khol"Wo low _Ub-saft itch& Pftft ___. ~_Mdp NOWI&4 v -- I Abosysptvs (un of STMUG to in "Ossused smolow) mummo IS&,." 'AMIYOVO Ms. P, (ftrkes --w-w- dbob~bWk" PIMP Mine P-11 UMboym UMIY. ~01"% VVTp l9%p "p. 110 wS. 20) 46pW oqA49 FIDUA. SPINSWIM MOODY: obWwboot. po .-OF t~ul poUtlebooklkh I undMU t 1, B.; Toeb. 3d.: Verlovp Ae IN rm bwk is intooded for the general render. ~M 2%o book &9&U wIth the 49"101mut GIMA 10908 Of *Yutlwtlc Puftctf: 47nawt1c ribav,, pUwtics,, rubbero,, eU. No persouslItles we matlov*4. so reffievences we given. Ca" 1/3 Use of Systimt1a FrQ4wts (Cont.) SOV/1268 --tulatles or the Structure or Syntbetic N&Uri&lm 6 lba we Stamem sea malmaulast 6 ftmrasterlstles or the strwtwo of mt&U 7 Strum or polymr ma2mcuUa 9 capolawrization 21 lwt*mtlm or polymar absim 12 Memormtem or Syntlistle limberUle am lowtuldlim Cbmalletoristles of abudeal "IM of raw =Aertalm. Catalysts 26 VOW camews"s Occuring In mt- 19 Nest Impartast Types or SynUwUc Nklarlau ad ?Mlr Ow In the waluslat amom 20 CoUa2an md pro&wU romalting rram the cbndcal tre&tmnrt or caluillisse 20 NymUwtic flbm ZL fte of pol7offAfte In loftsUT mad ognftltm Card 2/3 UM of Syntbatle PZQ&WU (COUt.) 801/1268 tp= a ~~ --Urlstlas of the Strwtwm of synthetic paurwA 6 INA ~ a"NO ma wimaul"? 6 Cb~4rutles at taw strw of wtals 7 ssmt~ of p*Umr w1seaUs 9 I= u tim of polywr cb~Lm 12 vatwe at Sys tla MatorlaU am amberlau CbmwteristICS or ObWdG&j pgoing of rW UMerl&U. CMAL17614 26 - -'I- ve CampowAo oecurl" in astare 19 amt jupwtant Type or My. Ue MUrials wAA Their %we in Uw maumml smamw 20 Cellglan " pro6wU lvftltbg rms the ebudeal troaftna of asuml~ 20 97stbotle film" 21 go* or pelyaddso In ladhwtry and ogdmltwm 23 Cmd 2/3 ALTHORS: Nik0l&YOV L A., Sychev, A. P. Soy', 156- 50- 1 -22,1416 TITLE: The Peculiarities of the catalytic Effect of Complex Compounfla (Osobannosti katalitichookogo d9YstviY& komplekanykh soyedineniY) PERiOWCAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly, Khimiyn I khinlcheakaya tekhnologiya, 19513, Nr 1, pp. f? - 93 (USSR) ARSTRACT: The natural complex compounds falfill many catalytic functions important for the life of the cell. The authors s*ucceeded in their laboratory in detecting a great nut2ber of complex com- pounds of copper, Iron, cobalt, silver, and others which are active with renpect to various rodix processes. Above all tno copper compounds with various A:ines turncd out to be active. The authors succeeded in incrrasin, ,3 the activity of co;pcr in the cleavage reaction of hydrog)n superoxide by a factor of 106 even by binding copper to atmonia. In the present report the results of the same reactioi Fire givon in the prerence of complex compounds of coppor wita pyrilinf), ethanol aminer., propanol amine, methylamine, ),.ni propylere-diarnine. Thene complexes have a diffeent acti-,rity, therefore its inveatii;,%tion Card 1/3 permits to explain the catses of the activaiion luring the '-cculiarities of the Catalytic Effect of Complex S~11, 156--18-1-22,`-'.~ conplex formation. The authors had to explain w-.eL.L'.-r a activity Is connected with a low activation ener~7.f, ani to ahat an extent this applies in the can* of true fer-enta -.)r if the conplex fornation influences the pre-exponontial nult:- plier in th- case of an equalization of the velocity. Tne working method is described. Copper acetate or -sulfate wan nixed with a corresponding amino. The activation enera was measured In an ultra-thornostat. On the rtronirth of the ob- tained reculto (Tables 1,2, Fign 1,2) the authors drew tine follovint; conclusions: 1) The activation encrgy of the !oz.-onpo- aition of hydrogen superoxide which is catalyzed by the complex compounds of copper is practically inlecndent of the c--e--:ical nature of t,.e aiden,lun And ap, tne activation en-rgy of t:-.i, ther:-7~~ of ti.r ~-~roxlde. 2) T!-,e authors preuent co;. ono f avoring rr iiinption teat highly unstable inter-~~.-Jilate prod-~cta Play., ' 1-1,ve r e in the catalysis caused tj ti.ene conpl#~xir. re 2 figures, Card 2/3 2 tables, and 7 r,-,f -rencen, 5 of -eh'C.- are The eeculiariti*s of the Catalytic Effect of Complex SOV,156 r8-1-22/46 Compounds -'.:; j",- '; TAT I Ol - Yafe:!ra khInli " inntituta inzhe-. rov trarin-,,wrtr I 1,-. (Chair of Chesdatry of the 16oscov Institute of RR Engineers limeni LV. Stalin) ' j U b ~., I "L T'-,' 1) :OctoLpr 5, 1)57 Card 3/3 hc tr f2 fl 1, Of '-"C)VC C011I)IOX Of r':' toaklincil~'JiY- 1'15B, ':r "T Or i of thp -o-- t .('I] t f, ir, oxilaticn Of oiw:, ci t'-vf~- ii;-, In!! ic i3ra!c~ln anl cont- fnv co 0 f r r r. o b ol I in n i, k1w. nf,, c., J a 0 1k 0 0 IFY o r, ca rn, mr-, t h 0 f r in ~-ihicli copper, 'n thl.- cnr(-, Ies 4 r --( -c t 4, on- arn be L f V ,mod thi t t. tor.:.le:t corpoun' ~- - c onc r ed - ?l I - ; on I v o oke d u) vn V-o.~ verv (-.Fiir7c thril the con-lex for-4 th-,~ cl: rt-,ott-rt~- I ic spftirld* ci~ fii:-.- -:"t . iie. vr'r vwn:.- nl* c0p;,er Of f thr, che!nical id!; influtnce de, onln lnrpol ti,ju u: t`tv: addenda. The ,v?.scnt ;apc-r !-n intenlel to ir) the -.!-,oblem of the YAdenda ir. comr;lex tic In 1,13 V.c t1t1c nmtlcined (l.v. tho iroblpr ci wzino.,: o--' ;,A%l.,ytic ro-,lertl,-:, c,:' 0mr: -!)...;plex OTn-,c)ull !a off Cor-i~er r,:,~ j'heir .'Arlen-lia I'l to co:-.1 (Irl thol r victiVit; irl" t 0 ' 1) "he kir.~~ticr of t) 'a prorew,tr ~,fr n 'o r ~; r t i n,'- - e.~ l.. brwlf--~t '- I-v rclveo tujlls~l ou' to Iw of vtrll:in;-, crttlytic ';it's to tho oxdation of Tyrarjllol. of 07..''Cn ~Yroj"r.llol -'-Iution7 - ;-, ". c~ ntijining iquirolar ntAti( n u: f n r e n " ' J- x 16 -,; r, :~ t' 0 , C I -i ', r, ~.- o f py r I I ~ n c1 j - t, ~--- nn I n7 i no o r nono(!thnnul - -tyis3 rw, illy ancele,-itr t' q -c-f~vr of oxii- - m I n t? n r f o I I i inf-rior o t-i on 1; r. id rt nJ n I n o 1, c rii s, -1 Iv o r loag 17, c o; ~-y r o: - I r t7 c cn inp rim: 1~.x. 1 th, thrn that of er I r, nrr. of compollnl.-., oi, :,o-p,li~r !)rJ :~roprirtt-7 01" !,'009 !j_.. 'ht rc --lilt c, -t-In `P-~cn the c~icmic- I Lo~ortivv of 'he r3r.. V~ -.Ormo I re n' 5 refrri~.'x "'0 T AT I C o -I!- r,;:,) -I.' t i t u t t M f oo~ 'i r, (Chair u. ~~O of U, j- ','ctober I 7ard -XIMAIrW9 IMA41 AMUDKIY, A.A. Wf"O Of ultymeouto mtvoe ou oftt&lytlc prooesses. this. wmam I prse, 3 "9023131-132 190. (I= 11 I!P) to md"m kblull modcov*ago imtttnt& I - I tmasperta. (910fteests uRves-lodustrial appliestious) (C&OAI"19) I A 0. AtrMORS Ilikolayev, L. A. T IT LE i Iv:in Alokse7evich Knblulkov. 1657 - 1~'42 PERIODICALo Zhurnal Fizichesv~oj Khinii, 1r,"O, Vol. 32, N.- 1, (t;:;ZR) ABSTRACTo In commemoration of the 100 th birthday. 111:4n "WG1tL1r.0Ch:1LUnj-." devel- opod under Jendeleycv13 infNenco. Ht; -.jas a ntiAcrA of the f:.,.oua Russian chemists V. V. liarkovnikov ard A. M. Butlerov. lie iorked in the fields of electrochemistry an6 the:.moche-listry, of oreanic- nnd anorganic chemistry. He wrote a.)out apiculture, -.bout the Crimean lakes, a aerios of articles for the encycloicdla. and cany bio.-raphies of fauous scholars. Born in ti-.e faiaily of c, country doctor, in 1357t as the Oth child. With the are of 19 lie studied at the Hoscow University, which he left vt;.th a (-,old :,vdal. In 106-1 he began the inveoitgationo for the purpo4je of representing the oxynethylene in Butlerov's laboratD r-j. 1685 - unealaried lecturer at the Moscow University, 1567 - naster, IU'-.Og - dcctorate (theory' of the electrolytic solutions). 1009 - profesior of t'-c AZ;ricultu- ral Inatitute of Moscaw, 1903 - profen-jor o.' tir ,,ojrc,-.i Univcrsity. 1915 - 1933 director of the '.L'her,-,l Lpa'ooratory at tl-,c- ;,oacow Vni- Card 112 veraity. 1932 - J!enber of' the AS U33H. Farticiptor of nan., con- Ivan Alekaeyevich Kablukov. IC57 - 1942 76- 1 - 321 'J.- -:7res,:es in Paris, Berlin, London, and !,Icw York. I k- ~:,i .3 J i rec t 17 connected with Ostwald and Arrhcnius. Zhere 4- 1 lfii;urp. AVAILABLEs Library of Con.-ress USOCNI-DC-54651 Card 2/2 76-32-5-28/47 AUTHOI: likolay Aw---- TITU.- The Nature of'tho Catalase Activity in an Homogeneous Vellum Ot v rosu o pr1rodo katalasaogo doyetviya v gonogennoy srod:~ PSItIODICAL: Zhurnal. fisichookoy kkimlip1958, Tole 32, Sr 5, pp.1131-1i35 (US=) ABSTRACT: In the present paper the influence of benzene and sethyl- mothacrylato an the "action velocity of the decomposition of hydrogen perozi4s, in the prooomes of various catalysts to investigated In order to determine, If these two compounds always *sort the emw Influeneop an well as If there estate a relation between the ahsalcal nature of the catalyst and its action mechanism. Catalysts with an action through the radical chain mechanism a* well as those forming Intermediary products are ugede The investigations were carried out volmsetrically with kinetic curv,es being taken. From the r*- sults given in tabul" form can be soon that benzene and me- Card 1/3 thylaothacrylate, exert the sea* influence, which in explained 76-32-5-28/47 The Nature of the Catalass Activity in an Homogeneous Sodium by the reaction of the ON-r*41cals. The catalysts can be 41- vided into two groups: those the action of whisk to decreased by the addition of the two substances (the i0no of iron, copper, the chromate-Loss and nitroprussition), and those which are insensitive (molybdate-lon, f*rrecyanide-iont tuagetonate-lea &M the complex cations of copper). The former apparently act according to the radical chain mochantsal while the letter most probably form intermediary products. The catalytic offset of thq solyb4ates and tungetenatee was alread investigated by To. I* Sh tallskiy and A. Funk (lot 51 and Go A* Dogdanov (R*f 611. while the effect of nitro- prussido wass:xplalaod by Uxond&le (lot 3), the forrocyanides by listiak*w I (lot io) and aquopentacyanoferratoo by Sal (Ref 12), who Investigated the light effect. An interesting change of the mechanism of the catalase effect was obaerved In the transition from the simple to the complex ton, a strong Increase of catalytic activity taking place on this occasion. In order to be able to give a more exact evaluation on the existence of a relation between the structural type of the catalyst and Its mechanism of effect a greater number of ca- Card 2/3 talaso reactions had to be carried out according to the above 76-32-5-28/47 The Nature of the Wales* Activity in an Ramogesocus Sodium mentioned sethod. There are 3 figures an& 12 references, 5 of which are Soviote ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy Institut Inshenorow sholosnodoroahnogo*trans- orta in. 1. V. StalinaMoskva oscow, Institute for Railroad Transportation sheneers; iment N I.T. Stalin) 1. Hydrogen peroxide--Decouposition 2. Denzeneg--Chemical reactions 3. Acrylic resins--Chemical reactions 4. Catalysts--Performance Card 3/3 NIOUTU. L.A- ~iuaul Gols"Is Is 0580 Istormlloclate agow"Sim oa the quesslow of AWIl 1"S. Uwe ties Wo. V welkI928-19)3 AS (UM 11114) r I 41 40~ ~ ~ E ~ I I C ENSO kE 1) NIKOLAYKV, Lev Aleko&Mmvlc)j (Chowletry of the coil] Xhimila klotki. Hook-wat haukal 1964. 148 P. (MIRA let1l) - --L11 f L.A.. prof., doktor kkim.sauk polymer oompoweds &ad their S*eMlcsl Impertsum; obselstry lessum far first-year students in sli rious or spoolellsatical Tyeakepoli0orals so"Imalle i lkh tokknl- @hmokes smachmalo; loklells pe kbifdi Me sttAentov I karse TMkh 6"t6lal'809101. VOSkWa, 1942.8400bW 10,-% inGbOVArOT 1939, 21 P. (NMA 1): (Polymers) FWAS9 I BOOK Ef-Tr'1AT'!UO SOV/.-M Dreebev,, Oemmadly GrIgorlywrIch, and 1Av AlokmandrovIch 91kol&M Akl9mlystay joWshaago sostave I Ikh obelashivenlyv (HolUng Stock Stomp Batteries mA Tbelr Maintenance) Moscow, Treassheldorlidatq 1959. 123 p. 10,000 copies print*&, Zd* L.A. XlkolsM. Professor,, Doctor of Chemical Sciences; U. (Inside book): I.A. Nelyayev, ZWm*r; Tech. U.: P.A. XhItrov. PURPOGI: The Vook to Intended for locamatIve crews and repair crwvs of electric loemative, Diesel-electric locomotive and railroad car derots, who are connected with the operation of storage batteries of the railroad rolling stock. COVIUM: The book describes the various types of storage '*,ttt*ri*s used In rail- road rolling stock. Problems of their preparation for operation, ralos for maintenance mad repair, and &"o faults occurring In the operation and methola or their ellaimation ars &*scribed. There is a abort historical description of Uan Is a abort WilstorIcal description of the development of storage batteries. The followleg coutwWrary Soviet scientists, physical clismalsts, and slectro- chemists, *be coatriboted to the theory mad technology of storage batteries axe Card 1/5 Rolling Stock Stam" Batteries (Coat.) SOV/2TOO mwatlameQ TAo KletyWwoklyt XsAo Isfu7shey; STo GoAachey, A.I. Friask1n, med oftere. "wre art so rofenmess. "B12 OF CONIN : ft..I. Gewral latorimatiom on Storage latteries 4 1. Oiddla1mg so& regmtratiag process*@ 4 2. Qalvmle olawate 5 Otrwtwv of the storage battery 7 Speclal roatares of I*mA storage battery performance; hwtorm larlumcing the storag* battery voltW. 5. Degrewat comemtration of electrolyte acid; stormp battery eaf 10 6. CqwIty 11 To outiwi or the storage battery 12 8. Cbmwoug storep bettery 13 go NIckel-1ron alkaUse storage batteries 14 10. VIekel- caftim alkaline otore4p battorlos 15 Cho 11. Design Coamideratioas of StorMe Batteries 16 Card 215 Rolling Stock Storage Batteries (coot.) SOV/2790 Cb. V. balse fpr the Operation of Storage Uttorles 71 25. lmt&Uatlm of a mm battery. T1 26o Commecting the storage battery Into op*rmtlon 76 Conditions of operutiom or storage batteries 79 5*0 Cbenging and regeneration of the electrolyte 85 Cho no lWatemace of Storage bettertes 89 29o Rules of mUntewnce of storage batteries in aperatIm 39 30. Testing storege batteries 94 Ch. M. Defects in Storage Batterlcs mathelr Distinctive Features 102 31. Defects In aeld storage batteries 102 32. 211milmation o1 &~.%eU In acid stored* batteries ID9 33. beroets in alka,114ft"W lmtterlos and their 021milmatlon 112 Clk. VUI# N*Wrs of Storage Batteries 111; 34. Space for storage battery repair 114 35. DiamemblIag storage batteries. Sorting components 116 36. lRepurims componems 1113 Card 4/5 NIEDIATU. L.A. theoretical fewdetions of the prooont-day study of catalysts. Xhim.w shkole 14 me.5:7-18 S-0 159. (KI 36 12 122 ) (Catalysts) NIKCLATZV. Ley Alskeendrovicho prof., doirtor khIm."uic; FATUOYN, I.B., roe.., WICHmm, To.T., [Catalysts: rrou the Owbdoy lectures. 411swe or scionce *ad sagisimerime. raven at the Pelytecinic ftwun] Istallestory: Vo sisterislam ToWmanyth chtenll Poll tekbolebeeko&o meels 'Novostl m&Wd I tekbalkl," Moskva. lad-ve Oftanis,14 1960. 47 pe (Tsesolusnoe obsbahostvo pa resprostrwwalin politleheek1kh I aswhaykh emmll. 11mr.9. Flslke I khImille, no.3) (MIRA l312) (catalysts) In dd lip all fill SINQUIN, Lev Aleksondrovlob; KAKSINOTA, T.T., reA.; TA"U, G.L., - em * ---, - (ftlymrs In tbo earvios af mol lPollmry no olvabbe % dwlo- voke. Hookwo. Goe.uchobno-podagoi.lad-,vo X-ve proov.RWSR. iL96o. 68 p. (Mllu 13:9) (Polywre) X194SAUT. Lev AleksmadrovIch, prof., doktor kh1=.mmm*; KARPOTA, X.L.. -----ii ~oj P~k-9-NO-1rO#- Aekhnred. Eftutbatle meterisle and their applIcatlos In railroad aqvipment) Untstietwokle mteriely I Ikh primmeale v shale snod oroshoot tokbmlko. Moskva. Toes. 1 adetel I ske-pol la,obledinenle A-va putel 600behoboullso 1960- 130 P- (NIM 1319) Obilroods-knipmat and supplies) (Watbatia products) lot 101 .11 mill A IIk pit 1411,16 dill V LIGIATXV, L A Ckt&]Lytic functions of instal Ions in a bomWaoom awdlam, gin. I kat. I ae.1194-103 we-jo 0600 (MJ3A 130) Is Nookovskly ImSitut lashowrov sholeame-dwashaoCo trmwport&. In. I.T. Stialismi. (NOWS) (Catailysis) A. Beater of 9/0"J"AN/Ol/Oft/044 BOIS/mm p"blow of the limlattag Of 219"talrose M14910"I wesulk Aftemal seek SMf 19600 ft Is pr I)-*I two' Aster a Istredustlem *a the assure MA Importemse of the simulatime of fete# she sesher deforibee tkw simple systems obleb re- pm*st the 444MUOR motivatiom OW the Gotten; or Isolated "*IV* Pospe, amd finally simasto" Is immob she astivo emp Is osommeeted sift the highweeleselar owrl*r swonsamme, mod sets " a ostalyst through the rodeation, of the assivesion ewvffo isseerdbW to their streetural tip those simulators are oluiler to Obe revemateo Apars ftem Me womereve prefteme paysime she author reform to she parwre IV A, ?. Wvmtly*vt To. I. Imebume"Ust 1. A. SUMIStekbo To Pospoleval, N. I*' "bes"S &. as", A. P. Sytheve 1. 8. Urpumeng ad &o KYMWOI,4. "A Gosup of formems simulators mad their Sative groups my be sees from SM fobews above. On the basis of memerous Investidatlemet %be author namazy sees" ~ same it to mot the soisestas or smieds awd simulators that re- presew" she meet dim"It POU400 but she dIsseve I of she laws# Going SO Whisk Does $VFW of struslarse of she sawyess we somme v sma others are card I /a JUMAM, L.A. Sme problaw is organic catalysis, Probl., kin, L kat, 20&240-246 0600 (NM 1485) I* Nedwwokly I=UUt Indowor tramportn. (Caftlplo) Obodstryp Orpgo) N=LAILVO L.A. Free radicals. AhIm. v shkole 15 no.3s29-28 RY-Je 160, wic4tls (CbsaLSU7)) (MnA U 17) NEWLano Ldv -.- vacho daktar Woo ~ko r 0 Aosso red* -T 'Im on- W-tT. . ~0~ ff"d tolus"p pbompbonw# potswim) Amto tostw, WILI. moda"o lea- ve 93mmW low. ob4a pe espostaundis plit. I s=ski6-mmUv 29"0 so P. (Nw~ mivw"ut bdo". sousto - twodst"t 00-4) (Itw"M) (ft"pbmd) (ftt"Wiw) to - 17) NIMLAM# law Alakamdrawlebt KAKSMTA, V.T.q red.ITUPIV, R.T., tGAM. ,---Ads (GataVols od sata3foUl a w~l for t~lwrsj AsWls I -kaujims.- " peable alft Wookwat Go@. udal 1- 0 ledw" N-" p"Mr. R"t =~"761-p OMA71zls) (odtau2s) NIKOLAYEV, L.A. Role of nitrogen and pbosphorus coWounds In bloonerCetIcs. 9film. v shkole 16 no-4147-54 J1-As "61. (KIM 14s8) (Nitrogen coWmnds) (Pboophorus organic compowds) Mochadstry) NLKMANVg L. A. [Nlk*2&levv L. A.) Pftbum or tsis evoistum or biomtaiysta. Awlele Wale 16 w.41 1006-LU " 061. (wausts) PIKOLATM9 L.A. Problem of the evolution of blocatalptso Usp.khim. 30 no.3013-344 1& 161. (xI---j 24:3) 1, Makovskly LamtLtut Lashenerov shelesnodorashnago tramporta Lawai i6yostaliass (C&t&IY&t&) NIKOWVf,--Z4v-4UkaarArovich, doktar khIm. rAuk. praf.g FIYNEGDI~, "- I.B.p red.; MAZWKNAp A.S.p tokhm. red. lowments ad their owlelal IPO..- I Ift madeli. Koskvat ,w lo6wo %mist* 1962o 45 p. (Novo@ w ablealp nedwo takhmikep 11 Aertlas flolka I khIndiap a*A) (KMA 15 a 5) (looplem) 141KOLAM lay Alakmdraxichp prof.; 510-TiOVAp LB.p red.; JIL -- -- p L*Teep tekhne rvd. 1C4417018 d2d cbmIstry of the futwel Katalis I khlmdia budembobego. Moskva# lid-vo gZamistO 1962. 45 P. (Narod- iWi md"reltot bd'Uwyt EsUst"mommoboyl fWmI ,Uto no 7~ (catalysts) (KM 15;7 NMLCWO LA*, daktar k"nauk Um prlodloal 'OfspMM kkUdl*ip 1"9-19Uo VbmtoAX SM 32 wo4oI35-kV Ap 062. (Km 1515) (ebodstry-ftria"Cau) 3/076/62/036/001/001/017 BIOIIB102 AUNOR: TITLM The thermodynamics of Irreversible processes and the problems of biggeassis PUIOKCAL: Zhurnal fislobeekoy khIsliq Y. 369 no. 1, 1962, 3-14 TRW: TM a in an enlarged reprodustion of a report hold at the khImichenkly fakUl'tel MW (Chemical Division of MU) 00 16y 3. 1961, which dealt With the behavior of the entropy of Irreversible processes within a system and with that of Its external reactions. ?he Internal processes are xpressed by &IS/dt XAQvQ'PO,, where v a reaction rate, and Q expresses the "affinity of the reaction" (Vt - stoichionetric coeffletent0#4f a obsoloal potential of the component 1). The come AIVI