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NIKOLAYEV A.V ; AMUS-MV, Tu.A.; DWWWT, V.B* -- - F .0 Therg"bodS&I ~tWy of an ~xtMUou of altric acid with tributyl pboopMto. DAL 0 SSSR W so.U1317-1319 U 165* (KIRA 1617) 1, ImUtut margmidookey kkWl $Lbtr*oro otdoloidys AN SSSR. 2. Chle"emmme4 at AN M (for 91kolopw). NLKMA KcLKSlflVLYV, k-k. Um of Ow extraction rV for th* quantitAktlvw eharactarl sties of t1w extraotl4q procoss. DAL AN &SM 16) no.3681-03 JI 965. (MI?A ISO) 1, InALtut neorganicheskoy khIali Sibirskago otdolanila AN SM. 2. ChlegbAwresparAeut AN SM (for Xikolapv). 4 T 7 '. ~ ~ -. : 4 -n vx~m- --i '13 r., flen-it3 n '~:a Or A: (1-T:RA 18,P) A4 U, t T oi zorgar. A.V. roarric!on'.r., i,!(,' r! ~ , ~ i.) ~ - ), t. ~, 1, t, Daklo Ali 3 -,~R le 4 11 r,, ~,: ! I . - 'o 1. Institut l ~ r,, i ~l ~ I r ,, k, rhlen-korrenpondsnt AN ;. "t'. I . (": r~A , , e, ID) " " f- Li., . .. - , .1 r. A.' I . 1. - F ; T I r V A- KAR WWA, T- TZ- 1, 1AWSKIT, 1. 1.0 ftaf-0 2. 3M ("*) aff"s of OW44"s "Olk Tifteses TrW T"s. jut. ekep. Valk- 19 Nbe Is 1952 It b1l" jfjjpgMLtjM6 z4broe or Caiwoes, 1953- vacl&640104- Put. JLT[ - Author Nikolayev, A. V., Cand Chem Sci, and Fedorova, Title Stability of Dorogav's antiseptic stimulant (ABD) preparation in storage Periodical Voterinariya, 7, 50-51P Jul 54 Abstract ASO Is prepared in a form of 2 fractions: ASO F-2 and ASO ABD F-2 is a tramaparent, volatile liquid, having peculiar odor, yellow or yellow-red color, and soluble in water. ASO F-2 does not change very much if It is kept in hermetically sealed vessels and stored in places where a temperature of 3-50 C in maintained. ASO F-3, being an oily liquid and containing no water, solidifies when stored at a tesperstv.rr of sinus 20-250 C. Solidified form of ASO F-3 changes back Into 13,1-jid form, after it is warmed up, without loss of original properties. One table. Institution A11-Union Institute of Experimental Veterinary Science Submitted (~-- llXDTAYWg _&*TA*Awod.khlmlabm*klkh rauk lbtwo at you= Wald em Wo laswoi~ of show Otme tr" a fts~s ra"buft WINW. In* UN agirm-M 15% (amp-a"No" am pnfm) (=A 13110) (he SOUN) 1131WATIN, AoT,o kKnd,khistah"klkh muk ------------ Obt&Wag dieseessroUlasoUWo Truty TIN 22s)07-311 059o (MM 131101 (ftlowel) R=LATV. A.,Y,, kard.khta.mauk Ndbods for Mot rapid detectlon of metallic poisons In amimals which have died of polsoning. Taterluarlia 36 no.10i 61-0 0 159. OUFA 13 11) 1. TeevoyusWy nauchno-Iseledovatel'skiy institut ekspartmentall- my vetertraril (TIN). Opolsons) MIXAMO A.Tv Imed.khtsank rj&ogqdriLu r~tjcm rar snowy. 2raft UW 26&209-2U 162. j(Km 16a) ,1601"n -a I tdialk I* b*Mt"4p 0 v wwwlwrqb~ al"U i 1-1 - p bmlAftU dopm4m=-- veteriagrue MINE - I to L 26674-66 ACC by orgwphosphorw ce4q)oun4s (approximately 30 extraction reagents) tMer various conditions. A linear relationship vas found to eX13t betveen the logarithm of the distribution coefficients and sums of the sigma constants of the substituents -on tba phosphorus ston, )beyed by esters of phosphoric, vww- end dialkyl- pbosphlate oide, tr1olkylphospbIne, oxideop and dialkyl pboophites. The linear ',relationobip round wes better setiefied by the distribution co-offictents in iextraction from neutral and moderately acidic solutiona. CbIerly ccapounda -containing Isopropyl and Inobutyl radicals In the ester groups or at the phoopbom stom satisfactorily obey the linear relationship. A linear relationship is also obeyed by the maximum values of the dist;ibution coefficients for each extraction reagent. The distribution coefficients determined in extraction experiments are ~functlans of several variables) Including the equatants of complex formationg Isalt formtIon (1U acid "die), hydration constants# arA particular distribution .coefficients or the out-stances participating in the equilibrium. ?rom the fact Ahat the logarithm of the distribution coefficients are linear functions of the a;= of the sigAa ocowtante of the oubstituonto, It follove Mat the particular d'S . tribiltion coefficients obey the Ha.-wett equation in the cases coneidered. The correlations of the distribution coefficients of uranyl ard pluterdim" nitraten for crg,innphosphc,ms extraction reagents with the vAlues of the s= of the slgwi constanti of thei subatituents on the phoupho.-us atom are tabulated fcr 24 extraction ayatems Orig. art* hass 1 figure and 1 table. CJMS] SUB CCUM D7 / SUBM DAM' (Mun,65 CRIG P77 1 017 / OTH FEN Oil Owd 2,~? MLASS I BOOK EXPWITATION 30V/6093 Ardashntkove So We& 8, No Goltding A. V. Nikolayev# L, 5, Ruzerv and to No Tatntor Zashch1ta ot radloaktlvnykh Itluchenly (Protection From Radioactive 'Andiatlon). Moscow# Metallurgizdatp 1961, 420 p, Zrrata allp Insorted. 5450 copies printed, 2dooiTitle page)t A. To Nikolayev# Cor*vpondlng Nemberp Academy Selene@@ V=j Reviewers 1. V. Petryanov-ftkolove Correspond- Ing Neviter# Academy of Selene** UM; 11dot No So Arkhangeltakaya; Tech* Sdoe Me 1* Attopovleh. FU M S9t This book to Intended as a textbook for students at vuzes ror mining and metallurgy and Other special fields associated with the use or radioactive lootop*4 and radiation# and also for engine*ro# technical personn*lv and biologists. COVURANs ftoblone of Mvtect%on from radioactive radiation are con- sidered from the phyalcalp ch*nlo&l, and biological points of view. Industrial electronic dosimeters and methods for their Card 1/j0 P"tostion Im rAdiouti" (Cente) 201/16093 mm are deseNU4.9 Sow Note principles of nuclear physics end 01"trenles an I"luded. Ihs material to divided Into I" ps"of *Pk"ls&]L ond 91ologleal News of Protection MM *"low-28"atione ma 4miuntru yesearomentela. Section I 'of %%$ ft"11 pg" V" wj4%%s% by 3, N. Toonter bector of ftshateal felowes, It presents a series or W"Ifes In antermining &waip am the design or ektowing from external Irr"IstUme CWtore, Ift 5 of Section 11# first part* were Witten by go V* AvdashnIkews camaisate or Medical Sclencee,, maleseribe bisioguai meme or protection from, radiation #ad-'tlw Indes for work g with redloastIve, substances* ch"Sor 6'st "*SUN 11, rint part, w" wtbored by A. To 101101"evi It gives ~rual ostuatom of the deelpr In vorung with spostris unsklolftd ralleiestIve preparation@. saw opeetal *swepts, are introfte" which may be userul, ror the ituft of pretostion ftvq Intern" Im"latlon while work- Ins with unshlielded pr"W~Psttqns (*"lovelattlity, *are a" .). antion I or the amend part Tiable sonsontntions etc was WItten- by a. V. 6616,41a, .4ondUato of ftehnleal Sel*ncosv and owtame randomentais or oloetronism and a description or card IAO - -.c S11 W 60/0 W 001/001/022 A057/AI29 AL911M i Nikolayev, A.V..j Shubina, S.N.1 Sinit'syn" M.N. Tl=s Sitraction or the ow of r"ioactive Isotopes with buty, phosphinjo eaters P=10DICALI Padlakhlmdya, v. 2. no. 1, 1960, 3 - 5 TIffs The Present paper Is & pert Of the r*S"rch proarm on extractlon ahamaterlatlas of butyl phosphorlo derlwatlyes. The extraotion of the swe or rea0actIve Isotopes with two butyl phosphln1c eaters, Mealy 04V40411900 Ad (CAQ)(C^)2PD 10" stu"ed. lktraotablllty of ram elements wA ram earth :1siments Is limportant for the extraction techd*w or uramium sid plutoolm fle- elan proftets. L*L. Barger Cast. is J. ftys. Ch=.. 62. 5. 590 (190)j owwrw" alr'Saft VIS 408040000 or extamstablIlty or urmlm wd plutanitme an the mature or amwi-j, , grle 600POIAllds u00d as extractlan solvent. InvostIgatlans am- Oefulm the extr"tion of rare wd ram earth elesects wre =Me o4y with trl- but#l phosphate Einvestloation of the Amrican muthores 1. Warti D.P. Poppards B. Weaver at ali J.N Vlotd*-r at &I; and the SovIet authores A.V. Nikolayev at va, imm, Jo 1, 160 4958ill-or dlaWl-phosphorlo aalds [C.A. Wake. Report no. cow"04- KRWJM, I.L.1 NIKOLAUV,, A.T. 1. .. Relation between the dculnent frequencies In blasting and the a&vs of the charge. TrAO Inst. f1s. Us. no.25s95-lW 162. (MRA 15 1 U) (blasting) (301mmolody) VIKOIAYEIVP A.V.; NIXOLISKATAO R.M.; SHCHEMKOV, Yu.D. Dionne method of detsrminir4 moisture in gypews-bearing said s&lW&ed soils* Pochvovedenie no-31105-108 Mr (MIRA 1714) 1. Nauchno-inaledovatellakly institut pochyavodeniyat Dushanbe, NIRGIAMg Alookaw Veavolodevieb; KMUXV,, I*L.p otv, red, (Selade pr"ertles of molls) Seismicbeside mietva gmtovo Hookup vaukap 1965e 283 pe (KM 18 17) ,;w-l kryr. n) P. 7 ACCM XM019 LUTHOR: Rykalin, N.Y.; Nlkolay~j. A,V.; Fulngin, 1. D. ORG: Institute of Metallurgy Im. k.A. ONY (Ingtitut mot&llurgii TITLEt Heat flUZ In a body Interacting with a plasma jet Z;,4q, 5 yor- SOURONt Teplotialks vyooklkh temp*ratur, V-3, no.6, 1965P 8TI-8TO iTOPIC TAGS: host flux pickup, plasma jet, arc discharge, argon ABSTRACT: The article establishes the distribution Of flo heat flux in Us hosting ol! the surface of an obj~pct by, a itle"A der p a in lot un 'sub-ablation conditions. --the--a-eni-Ity 6-f-tho heat flux In the reaction zone of an argon plasma jet was determined by calorimetric vaethods. The ~plaama was generated in an IMET-105 generator In which the channel of the arc chamber was electrically Insulated from the nozzle (anode), The plaumm-fo=lng gas was fed oonxially with the arc. The soneing device for measurement of the heat flux diotribution was a ateel plate with di- mensions of 120 x 80 x 6 mm vith built-in sensitive elements (diagram shown In article). Measurements vere'made during the experiments at intervals of from 0.3 to 2 sec. The measurements of the heat flux were ,made with a distance of 10 mm between the pick-up and the nozzle of the card I t7 jy Nil kill k : X55 t CCA9 . FP AtWOR Of exi 0 1 a." t rpmr ttho~~, acr~ir r~ a cji~ k riN ;turfmoq A"I F553R. 1MV09t,11a. Fiz1kri no. 3, 1965, 35-49 Tj,- t glasyio Wave, shocir initlati,~m, T7 ~~l no rield of m~:ir ~s .-~sofA. i froo eulfac-o k,ao 4- 4 - 4, - A Dke on Um -o-'-j*r ot' the prLAb=1rrmt wave LFth I tho giz-pleot care is waves i ; h,)ri~trontally tipp' led fQr,~() on tno l ; O t.!, ri,7-tco. Ti-;a Rtrmriqr,i 11 r%:, ~,M, 7 'T.(, Cull 4 1f f f ;W4 t 11A 8 ~VV~ r Zil r J, ~ , ! aty -':7 -.,6 A '-,F,'18 CS 58 A.P~/Ol 7(Y?7 'nei -ho tero approxlzati M, nour the Pmul Ce, mnai thi a in tLnm rop, by '- -- 4, - 14 4,-:f. t1w, --I -zc.,o ellst to ~.j T~Lf: 4 P hi". 91, e, 4 Ai atf-anna fT,% the ao=ce. awl tb---n I- "screna-is. j-attofma wnq 4-,, rtrA S lff~ Y-f?'!fA i ff4--r It, . . . I t sous vo, pji 1, tjj~ -~;p Pr a:,a-cv In t 1 44 ~l a st PA ut L " F-~j Wp~l ~Lp; -6 t-~r'm'v &,rA tao W"k and Alor hla amrnzia.. JVIUVI AkadCULYAL nAUk SAM. luatitat flatirl lavill UdAdrAM of Sciences 355m, Vat -q.uf phygion of tha &-jth) 43c.Q63 T TYR. F-, va KIRIN N Won L ~I C 5, -.~ r7 - (~ 7tz:= I1 7 1 ACC Nit, AP7000491 -- ---- souac:; coo-it U-11001&1/66/163/GD2/03.-,1/0353 sponalag memaer of uze AcadesW Of belowes Us" INUAM6A6.16o(Coriv XFXIRrrTff7TZ.--A.P MUMN A. D.0 Institute of Inorawde Chmdstry, Mariam sciewee Ow (Institut neorganicheskoy Wall Sibirskogo MES; Of "Thermochmistry of Certain Organophosphorus Coispound Moscov, Doklady Awsaii sauk am, voi 168, No 2, 1966, PY 351-353 :Abstract: The heats of combustion and standard heats of formation of tributyl :phosphate (TBP), triisobutyl phosphate (iso-TBP), triethyl phosphate (TZP), Iand triphenyl phosphate (TPP) vere determined. The standard heats of combus- ition and formation of TOP and iso-TBP are very close. The maxinum heat of coo- lustion and ninimWa heat of formation among the substances studied are pos- $eased by TFP. The values for TEP, iso-TBPp and TPP were obtained for the irst tim; that for TSP to believed by the authore to be mDre accxu*ate than i Ithe earlier literature value. Values obtained were: stand^rd heats of combus- tion: TEP -190 -7 13-0 kcal/mOle,' Leo-om -1906.6 + 7-9 kcal/mole; TEP -3 + U.6 kcal/mole; TPP -M7-.g 19.5 kcal/molee Heats of formation: 1-967 TBP -348.6 + 3-0 kcal/aDle;- 100-M -347-3 17.9 kc&1/no~*;--.TWi3~-4 + 11.6 rig. art. has: 2-tableu. i kc&1/1003A '. TPP -280915 + M'kedl/nOlAo liPius 37,023 TOPIC TMNs therrochenistryp organic phosphorus conipound, heat of conbuqtlon CODS., 0 7 1 Struff DATE: 27 Nov '65 / ORIG MEW: 006 ON REFs 005 td I/ I 4AW. yc;Lj CN I STOYA , 1'. A . , dr, t:-, 01-T, t ; -i IKO I," 1~71 A." ; 7~3ZJV~!::' - -"-' 0 11L I, frr j "W.74t7.* ' ','. ril, i n er i t o f din 1A , n j~ v 7. ~ (i r, --. f ~. r,. i ru -, p i I a .1. 1~ r. r, . ' : 1-1 ' - "'. "A "; ~ I f,". (.,, I , " " ;, : I I) 1. Kafodra fqfulitr?t,3k,)y kl.lnirgill (71kv. - ;-, f. ' ..*. I a f-,r tt~nli it. tt I * i ~ nvl, , i-o ',,, fi , ~ t-., ! a , ~.,g I! 10'. sechel,rv~t. SHKROBO O.S., dotsent;.-NIKOLAYIN, A.V., kand. mod. nauk Surgical treatment of cancer of the gastric stump. Khirurgiia 1.1 no.4t56-60 Ap 165. (MIRA ISO) 1. ftkulltetskays kh1rurgicheskays klinika (say. - prof. P.N. Yelanskiy (deceased)) I Moskovokogo ordena I*nina meditsinskogo instituta Imeni S*chanova. A& Hit$ AR7003'234 lifetime of minority carriers. The dissipation time to proportional to the consitant, which depends CIn the degree of saturation. For a degree of saturation equal to 3. with the maximum revolving power of the trigger 0. Iex, see, the duration of the transition process on the collector of the cutoff direct current must be 4-,' 0 '.051 ,z,e, aft, and the dissipation time, muAt be> 0. 025,446,aec. Depending on the od Ii number of tir Iod t is possible to select the value of the resistance Rk in the Flo collector circmvu r small dissipation intervals with a drift triode, the positive, i I i front is formed cutoff conditions. The total time of the transition proc 'a 4 jeder will be Ac see when there are four or Me triodes. and Rk 0 400-IOMOO and the saturation degree equals 3, The results of ohms experimeaW r somb m vwisue eireWle ars, presedaL rrranslation of abstract) JGCJ SUB CODIC: 09.1 MI 212 MIKOLAM AJO; GRIBANNA, I.P.; TAK(NIATA,, I.T.; DQW(N, V.I.; ik-Lqm, J.D.1 JCLRONWA, Z.5.; TSYMOV, Yo.Lj KiSACHNIK, Melep ah"Mik Correlation between the extraotive oapacity of argamaphasphorms extraotiom agents and the d, sonstante of' the submilt"Me at the pbompborus atma. Dekl. AN SSSR 165 me.3078-M N 063. (MIRA Us U) 1. Imatitat slownteorganichemkikh sbyedimmmiy AN SSM I lasti- tut amergamdehookey kbL&ii Sibirskogo otdolon'7a AN SSSR. 2o Oles-kerrespeadelpt AN SM (for Nikolayev). , t A LA k 9 kwjo '---dk4%wiwh; t-iLAUV. L.A.. rodaktor; ii,,.% i.~. A.i., tekhnicheskty relok-tor CTables of elevations. hortsontal orojictions, and chords for tvc~ywtrtc and plane tahle survey*] Tablittry orenshenfl. gcrI%onf#I'nykh prolother.11 t khord d1le takhoometrie-hookol i sonsullnot 9'sook. Clantwred] lid-vo LActiWr.univ., 1957. J76 v. (SurveytrK-Toibles. et~!.) (KIMA 10: 10) GPiDIII, L.M.; ZAKI!Allf)*., E-l"AY0, . . NIKCIAYE7, I I A flydrm-etallurgical mntl:o-I r?f trpatlr,;, Kh-ru A),..qy t-,-Jolt-f ckel arsewite cmcmtrntes. Met. mnt. 3P D ft,5 (I'ly'A I"tl) L I Q-j 116- 6(1 j1/1- I ACC N;'J AP60002.33 5 (); T, F P OD F!TR!07fi9/65/0f)0/00"/0023/0027 Atrill(R.: 111 k o I a y e v , AVP o F, i t y r c v , VL.VI I k IA , r 4 C F, Instit4te of Inorganic Che=1-ntry. Siberian Section, AN SSSR, Novogibirak t i r u t n e o r ga 111 C 11 C Sk UY K D I r, I I '~ 1!) 1 1 r. Y, ogo c, t d v I e n 1 ya AN 55 R I T ITLE: Separation of cation and anion exchan5f-.ra in organic I iqu I d_% SOURCE: AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otdelenlye. Izvestlya. SerlyA khimichtRkikh nau', no. 2, 1965, 23-27 It TCWIC TAW t anloRita, Lou .*xrh&nx#_r&Sin*1t er n ABSTRACT: -7be cation exchanger OL-Alas separated from the anion exchang mixtures of be=ene, dichloroethane, and carbon tetrachloride. Valueg of the dgngityl, ane viscosity at 20C in these systems were determined. The dependence of the time of~ separation was studied As a function of the density of the separating liquid and gr-On size of the exchangers, and the effect of the difference In the denpity of tht- cation and anion exchanger during their separation was demonstrnted. Formulas derived earlier for the calculation of the optinum density of the separating liquid and duration of separation of cation and anion exchangers were confirmed experiment- ally. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 5 tables. SUB CCOM 07, 11 / SUBM DATE: 15Jun64 AP7004632 SOURCE CODE: 010288/66/0001001/002110016 AUT11OR: Nikolayev, A. V.; Kulagin, 1. D. ORG: Institute of Metallurgy is. A. A. Bsykov (Institut metallurgii) TITLE: Energy characteristics of a plasmatron with a magnetically stabilized arc SOURCE: AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otdeleriye. Izvestlya. Serlya tekhnicheskikh nauk, no. 3, 1966, 27-36 TOPIC TAGS: plasma are, plasma resenrch, plasma discharge/ P"Ail- ABSTRACT: In order to determine the effect of the operating parameters of a magntti- cally stabilized plasastron on its energy characteristics, a plasma are burning between two parallel electrodes in crossed magnetic B and electric E fields Is studied. It in assumed that the arc column is isothermal and that a Lorentz force acts on the column Ions and electrons as a result of which the charged particles move along a cyclold in the direction of vector RT). Because of this. the charged particles. in addition to the thermal motion, will have ordered velocity components In two directions only. In all other directions the charged pArticle drift. caused by the E and B fields. will be equally probable. Therefore, in considering the momentum balance such a particle action is neglected. The velocity of charped particles at the boundary of the plasma arc Is determined by the &-%bipolar di;.usion of electrons and Ions. On the basis of the above conaideratio-i expressions are Card 1/2 UDC: 533.9.07 ACC Nk, Ar7004632 derived for determining the momentum Imparted to the gas by the charged particles p unit of t4 the asixtuthal vdlocity of the gas, the axial velocity component, and the total 4LOcity of the gas. In addition, depending on induction and gas dischar:1 the slope of the gas flow, thermal characteristics of the plassa Jet, and the energy balance of the plammatron were determined experimentally. The spectral measurement of the temperature of a plasm stream of hydrogen was perforuod by S. Kh. Akbmtove. Orig. art. h"i 8 formulas, 5 figures, and I table. SUB CODE: 20/ SUM DATE: none/ ORIG REY: 002/ OTH RZVP:. 007 NIKOLAIZV# A.Tjj KARDASH-Up S.R. LwoluUe active sompomd at asparaCivase with ear thy- loollulcee. SloOlmila 26 no.l.:641-45 JI-4 061. (KM 1516) 1. laboratory of Biochemistry or Nitrogen Viletabolism of Hicrobap Imtitute of Biological wd Ne"eal Cbewis", ACM07 of Medical Selonaes of the MRP VIOSOM. (ASPARIGIMU) (WjxzDSTff=l"ukS9) NIKOLAYEVO A.Ta. Adsorption of total protein and asparaginase tn B. cadaverls extract on,d1ethylamzn*thvlcellulos*. Bickbimilm 277 no.3:487- 494 It-Je 62. (VIRA 150) 1. Institute of Blologictl anti *d1cal, Chemlstr7, Ac&&Y7 of Yedical Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Moscow. (ASPARAGINASE) (BACTFRIA, ANAEROT-IC) (FRCTEIKS) (CELLbUSE) IV MR: AP40451W ,,1 1', M I Nikolayev, A. Y a T y u I Cat r tem.T cjp.,jbjr of wjtv;;ynthc,.i4'.q SSSR. Dokli--Jy*, v. 15, n 1, 19164. 229-231 TUF TAC~-, nut (Y4ymhv--3-l-- , tu tri -)I rr fjl~o -2 v I t n ;I r~jprojc licid I 1) ILI y I r. op T rm t v 1: FUCT A modal ainten co-nmisting or afid, b"Itanol. buty'll caproste, *md caorolc _;E3 w ji!4 i l1v t, t g;it C-A r19 I Of a~JtE)- PI p )ns g a n P m --.-r C'CT~ ft; n c -milt -SINI ant v 0 rl~-lfej 4blorba u R .2 -1- i am'r- h a I,-- i-y=t ~--cmu- rz-vm t~tl ~~r th-lLae twq ce-m hi iem-d 11.2M. rpapectively. ThIn Lr ea;L It In the coocentraticm f-,f the -I*h4 orRAnlc phase shifts t-.he "-T;-r*- 1!,brium !n it tcr4ard th.'. fctrr.~~ttl,~ir. of an ad,~Qtcmal ,kmcunt of butyl rwrove. -wh Ich C(l C~~ S S I f IM 1,;( - AP404 i i0 tion of sr--- i the abi4or I jnnHtii:-A of the n- w acld m-IJ thf- t j. p - y. IA it ~cl I I a f; e ~nd -f qflno r-,!,w I c t'Irr the plte?r ~ I r 1? 9 li Art .1 a umi p f 1 , om;j~oneri n -1 re lixl~-hallrt in le RF3 ~~kJ !,3Vc hrvr~ r !,e p van n.i~, r ond P I rin -i ar ~Pon -Tc? i -1 4 f. ~wr, revi, r 1 3 e f "r. r I f - ?it arl I f -a! I r Ir -4r n r rnp 1 71 a j n q,t, r r q 1;1 4r, r 4 H I q a r :1 fit er c 1 rr i gu I "iS Ci?,- IA T [ CW : pervy~ Iq 7,,a d I I -r-k I niq t 1 t- it I in. I M ~echenova (Fl rnr 2/3 f .,4-CEnS,(-Ati ua- AY4045107 11 . JOHaY64 E:i c I- : Q TO R13 COMN, 1. 1 - Vi !..,) A-1:1' 0, fj 6 ovuR ~ f) ".) " 3/i1 c-.-i-----Is,*W/66JO00JZ47/0001/001 WCO UL% AUZ.;Oa: V45110YOT, Ke; Nikolayeve Be ORG: nono TITIZ: Satellite V1~Ws the earth sou*,im Krasnaya %vazda. no. 247. 22oct66. p. 1. col. 3-7 -10PIC TAGS: comunication satellito, natollAte orbit, TV camra. cloud cover. wtooroloGic oatollAto/Holniya-l comunication natellite AB7MNCT: 7h0 fourth cowunications satellite of the 194olniya-l" type was put into orbit in two stages* First the last stage of the carrier rocket: was put into an intermediiato low orbit. Then# %ten the entire systm "s situated over the southern hem1sphere. a command was given for cutting in the engine of the lost stage,, whicho imparting to the satellite an additional velocity, put it into a high elliptical orbit with an apogee over the northern hemisphere. The satellite carrie3 a television camera which can be switched on by command from the earth In any part of the orbit. Its objectives view vertically downward, "HolAlya-111 is not a I comanications satellite alone* It will make observations of the die- tribution and movement of clouds and determine the ebaractor of the earth**. cload sover and the bowdarl" of worm ad o*1A air mosame NIKULAY&Vp B, (Novosibirsk) Intensi" competitions. Padio no.10t6 0 064. IV.- z- rA " 0 -, _:4) ,VIKOLAYFV, B. Giant force. KrIl. rod. 16 nn.80 Ag '(,5. (M:PA. IP18), ACC N- AP6037034 SOURCE CODE: UR/0085/66/000/012/001110011 AUTHOR: Nikolayev, B. ORG: none TITLE: Marina Solovyeva, jet flight world record holder SOURCE: Kryllya rodiny, no. 12, 1966, 11 TOPIC TAGS: jet aircraft, flying training, supersonic aircraft, fighter aircraft ABSTRACT: The article presents a brief biographical sketch of the life of Marina Solovyeva, a world record holder, who piloted a supersonic E-76 jet fighter planef of aerial construction, produced by the A. 1. Mlikayan designing bureau, on a 500 kiln claied-circuit route at an average speed of 2045 km/hr, and in some sectors reached a speed of 2200 km/hr. In 1964, she was authorized to fly MiG-15 then MiG-17 jet planes. The article describes briefly the method of train-L ing she had to follow. (GC) SUB CODE: 01, 05/ SUBM DATE: none/ III Therso4pazio Design (Cont.) SOV41 "q for oxygen. Examples of calculations are given. In addition a now and simplified method of determining the chodcal composition of the combus- tion products of rocket fuels Is presented. To facilitate calculations bead on this athod, nomograms are Included. No personalities are mentioned. There aLre 9 referstaset 6 Soviet and 3 translation# from English. TABLE OF CONTENTSi Foreword 3 Introduction Ch. I. Thermodynamic Parameters of Nondlosooiated Combustion Products 1. Nondiseoclated combustion products 2. Relationship between heat capacity and twiperature In nondisso- clated combustion products 16 3. Heat capacity of nondissociated combustion products 24 Card 2/4 S/Ca I ''63/oC'(I/rwiO4- 11 -V00/051 B 19 111B 1 to J1 LrI HORS I Yoramian, 1. M., Sheyanova, 1. R., ltikolnyey, B. A., Abramov, 0. B. T 1 T L E i Thermometric titratir~n of notic org,-3nic co;zpc%inds --PER 1C,,bIC A L i liefaratiynyy zh~.Lrnil. KhialYa# --.0- 4, 1963t 154, abstract ~G f- ' % a.-- 4r, f47- F-O---kbl Miiikhiz.- -tfkhno~l Or 4 --1756 755 - 760) UX-A S Ths theraouetric titratior. of afjue,);;1; aolutlmr,~; of furfural and ricrAcno oolutions of anlicyl alne~Vdo by 5olutior.3 of tetramethylenE-diamine 51-~ Y~examathylenediaaine has bacn invtstigated and found; possiblo. The cilttivalentoe point waa fourLd from the nallent point on tno titr,4tion cL4rve obt-ained by plotting ta4persturr veraun titrant conaumpti,)n in rdl. Tne c-ptiriua ratio of titrated oolution con-c,~ntration to titrq-ti waa found. -, h'U n*rzir,lity of the kitrant mast be about 10 tinies Wit of the titrated Solu- .ion, oo that there is only a alight volkime change of the reacting :Zixture d'-riag the titration, thus avoidirg nnj bib vari-3tion in 10he specific heat c:~ tne mixture. The order of tho titration in shovn to hive no effect on t,-;41 iuocuracy of tho., aprilyttia. Thu teziperature picir-up corzaiwotod of r C:trd 1/2 NIKOUIZVV B.A., kand.teklm.naak Elsetroamotia mothad of secelerating the mlnklng of p1les amd restoring their bearing capncity. Sbor. trM. LIIZIIT no.196t W-51 11 - (MRA 160) NIKCLAYNY. B.A.. inihener. - OMON*ft*., Using eloctroosuosts in pile sinking. fronap.stroi.6 no.10:13-15 0 056, (Filtzkg(Civil engineering) (Km loll) No I., Gallperin laeor Za B A AUTHORt , , g ,. adwalssuft of ftMWWt-10 ?"sea sou TITLEs & (Mokhanizataiya razrabotki merzlykh Gruntov) PERIODICALs Stroiteltstvo Predpriyatiy Neftyanoj Procvshlennontit 1957, Nr 11, pp. 26-28 (USSR) ABSTRACTs Going over to whole-year cultivation, a process that is d*vel- oping everywhere, and the increasing volume of soil culti- vation in the eastern parts of the country made It necessary that hard-frozen soil@ were worked to an Increased vitent. This kind of cultivation ib of very great importance if it is prepared by electroheating and if loosening of the ground is carried out by means of pneumatic pickaxes. It has already boon proved that loosening of the soil by mechanical means is the most rational preparation for the working of hard-frozen soils. The Dieselhammor, which in mounted on a tractor or on loosens 100 m3 of hard-frozen soil in the a tractor carrier , course of one working operation when dealing with excavations on building sites if' the depth of freezing attains 0,8 - 1 a. This system in first used for dealing with the initial building trench. The wedge is driven into the frozen soil by means of a Card 1/3 Dieselhammer, after which the tractor is moved to the rear, rue *cbAalzatlon of Karthwork in .r=wn Son 95-11-11/14 and eventually the wedge begins to Jar and to jolt, destroying the structure of the soil. this is then operated, the wedge is Pulled The winch of the tractor means Of a wire rope, and is again dri out from the 90i1 by distance Of 400 to 500 m from the firs Yen into the soil at a troyed by the wedge is then removed b t Place. The earth do. ;h* type of equipment which entail# S. y loans Of an excavator, On the excavator will be wor'h while 0 Spending the Dies9lhammer after driving the wedge into the groun nly if it is Possible, Of earth by means of pressure. The rid d, to tear away the clot frozen soils go plow used for hard- is a suspended system Of the typo Of a bucket conveyor Oxc6vator. (Fig. 2)* This machine is able to deal with 30 - 40 a in On* working operation and at a freezing depth of 096 - 1,0 no Wide use is at present being made Of wedge-rammers and ball-ramatre, which are dropped from the Jib crane of the excavator. Wedge- and bali-ramMoro ore of greater efficiency the weight Of which amounts tO` 1500 kg, ?he ball-rammor (see f19- 4) in intended only for the destruction Of sandy 8011 and sandy ground, whereas the wedge-rammor should be used for loam- and loamy soil. The use of the OUSPOnslon system, however, causes considerable wear within a short time. Actually, this Card 2/3 Method is 'so@ sffOctivo than the application of a Dieselhammer on a tractor or a tractor loader which, with a falling weight of 6oo and 1200 kg respectively May be recommended for work of '11")LAYPi, '--.A., 1,;and Ipcn ici -- (dis,70 "U-e cf electric 1, . ~ , ~' ~ .' - - I osmosis for . hap4ovWW the O*4M*r-7VM Or Pile3.11 Len, 1'6 20 vi Win of ~4allw-iys TI.S.SR. Len I~rder of IAn'.r Ir,.-,t nf Fngineers of 9ailrowl. Trananort in Acalird'-.ian V.,,. (13razt-ov) 10 c0 ip-7 M, IM) - 7L~ - GALWIlls X-l-, d4ktor tolchmenauk.; laWrATST, B.A., insh. NBGMNW for destructing from vow". Iff. toft* I pored. op. T swel. 20 2009111-14 9 4500 (ion 11110) 000440 are ) (2&rtbw*vb-4*jA %vattwr conditions) 14(6) SOV/ 112-59-1-462 Translation from: Referativnyy thurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 1. pp 61-6Z (VSSR) AVTHOR: .Nikola"v, B. TITLE: Laboratory Investigation of Electroosmotic Model Pile Driving PERIODICAL: Sb. Leningr. in-ta insh. sh.-d. transp., 1958, Nr 158, pp 19-31 ABSTRACT: Laboratory investigation of the efficiency of uskig electroosmosis in driving one- and two-pole piles into clay under various conditions have revealed the following: (1) electroosmosis aids in quicker pile sinking; (2) electro- osmotic action during pile sinking grows with a higher moisture content and water saturation of the soil, with the magnitude and density of current, and with sinking time; (3) labor savings incre%se with the increasing electrode are.% of a nonmetal pile; an interdependence h&@ been found between the electrode area and current density. An approximate calculation of DC parameters has been developed for using electroosmosis efficiently. Bibliography: 5 items. Yu. M. S~ Card I / I VICULAYRT.. Boris Alaikamadrovich, kinCtakhm.cauk: RMIMW. 2.F., kmad. I ~ Uthn.smuk, nsuchawiive'.; ROTXa=G. A.C. red.lad-vo: TCRG- NWAKATA# 16.Vog tokbnoreds [gains oleatroossoals la plle drlvlng] rapastsele oval a powshchIlu elektroommes. Leningrad. Oes.lsd-ve lit-ry po strolt., arkhlt. t orot t. m tertalam* 1960, 94 V. (KIRA 13:5) (Plectroosmosis) (Filing (Civil englaserIng)) A=TArW A A issh, -. v*mm fte"s pwaiw6 %We simle 17 ao*Us2z-23 2 IdOo (KM IN 12) (Awm ~) (20"bmvtsg ambl"IF) GUMSKIT# H.M.0 Fror.; KWA~ZV, N.S., dots.; FIKOLAYEV, B.A., k=W. taklm _ wwkj 9"aff KO 0 T.S. , red - --- - . - . I- - - - - (COMIM Ommuma On geological field work) Kratkoe rukovWstva PO PrOvsdmiiu uchobnol 66020616baskal praktlkl; uchabnoo po- sables Lenlogradp ImnirgrAnot indwasrav sheldro transp 1961. Q p. (Xiii 25M (2valmering goolea-Stud- and teaching) RIKOIATEVO J.I., inzilf .. ,I@ ClevalwW r*tvr czcavator *-'or warkine frosm growA, Strcl. i der. =eh. 6 nc.1002 0 061. (141PA W10) Ukdtod State 8--Exc ctvQting mebinery) fftzon gro=d) i -NIXOIAMp B.A.p insh.; GiL'M.I*v K.1.0 4*ktor tolkha.=Ak fol" maeblwry In wwUn from grenW. Tnumpa strelo U me.1s -low W55 is 1". 1 (NM ]AS 1) Orem fromd) (saruwarw ~Mowy) I .t .,-A* II%z ~. 1;,-' ':1 " (* cz*n f;ro"~"' -ji i~- ' ", t ---: ' -~ ~- T. '. " j. . :;' r, 'Ap, - Ir - - '. : J. 11 7~c.!: 20 1 tfill (1-U-A !-!: .'j (Iroson Z-,roiuvi) r.-f.0-~j': r NIKOIAYLY b.A. inzh.; GALlfri;UN, M.I., doktor tekhn.nauk -R- Bre&king down forzen ground by chipping It avay. StrOletrjbop,-,-'- 7 w.9sl2-14 S 162. (1141RA 15 s 11 (Frozen ground) ono MIT p N, Ile daktor IOUs. MUN N-WLan'--!. A., lub. &%w or wo brooks" am of ft p I dwe mob. 7 GOOU827628 1 062. 46,lral '. (ftv~ afe ) 111KOLAT isL-Al-Irr-Ld avLah, kand.tekhn. nauk; SITAROW70, T.N., red.; TIMA-ShCV, ii.M., red.izd-va; BEWWrViA, I.A., takhm. red. [Sinking for the construction of deep foundational Opyt khodki gruntov dlin sooruzheniia fwidamntov glubokoro zalo- zheniia. Leningrad, 1963. 30 p. (Laningradskii dot muchm- tekhnicheakoi propagandy. Obren peredovyz opytom. Serlia: Stroltellnoe proizvodstvo, no.6) (MBA 16:12) (Earth-dork) (Fourwations) NUOLATV. B.A.; MMINDIR, P.A.. aka4amik. Mast to-plastle-viecoms properties of &so&. Mrol.A& SM " ao.4:595- 5" is 15). (MM 6:5) 1. Akadealya lbuk ~ (for Ilabinder). (Dogo) I T td t~* wfr-~Clarp ln~hallkkt d,,U% Iq 8 A, fir ~, I-tI I It r I s ~ " ,,,I~-,~ !n4 ?" 0 - tz 1 X I I X 1 Ad - u I Z4- 1957- 10- 1 ZZ99 i*ranalation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mckhanika, 1957. Nr 10, p 151 (USSR) A'JTHORS: Nikolayev, B. A.. Beganskaya, L. S. TITLE: Measuring and Regulating the Resilient-elastic and Viscoplastic Properties of Dough (Izmereniye i regulirovaniye uprogo- elastichnykh i plastichnovyazkikh evoystv tests) PERIODICAL: V ob. : Tr. 3-y Voes. konferentsii po kolloU. khimit. 053, Moscow. AN SSSR, 1956, pp 209-ZZZ ABSTRACT: The article describes an apparatus (D. M. Tolstoy's type) for studying the rheological characteristics of dough, based on the principle of longitudinal shear of the system under investiqation between two parallel plates which. during an experiment, are inclined relative to the horizontal. The shear of the upper plate is occasioned by the tangential component of the force of gravity. The rheological characteristics of the dough were computed from the kinetic curves of the development and decline of the deform- ation. In addition to the already well known deformation character- Istics, three newly proposed characteristics are obtained: A so-called "conditional plasticity"; a "thinning with time". and Card 1/2 a "deformation strengthening". An investigation was made of 'i"-wl r.!( -o-q C( Tllc3mni ams tardy 4*nlt. 11. A Itvn:kIl ~ t '.. t 1"ti. Mii"7.' X'4-0'~ /4" 3, cf. C J C', 7,67( 4 h.fl .1.,41 h~l a hit." P~01;!Z?f 1F) (5f S'l-r IDd X hCS- Vi,,-t)r (T) 11%*4 4~lrj rinmn r! Trj~i~r Mi. t. lr~. ml~ r A tI',- M- wm*4;~V~ *11" ~AJ rtmov*l lv~ -,~e mit. d-f,wv%i6-n wr-14r &,&4 was - - - oms!'-r f:. a J-rn hul vfhritt U~.Am fm n regulu fkA~&4. Agi-g Gt,,,j rrj~aiA &f,4~f-o Oml E. 4. K-4 r. Ad jr, , ~f If t ,ad, w b ii i A frf," M X W' t" 3 X Tril (1-n_ Wil~q cl 'T~lro mupiine M AN-ti.--t lf-j"~j it% p frt~u 41 x 104 in 0 X 10'. Tbe a -jkv bir %,jr;ir &.~l mujirl.~e i2 C-1 au pr'l- Nfwc~'rl- vv";ly 1%;~ A f. pilrmqvl. Nji[OIATU 2 -A - ---- no% essromeo &*To%& to the kto wlsoular oempounds Ibleb.1 b"dopma. 1 80.6146 h 157. imm 1016) I.T~600yuwy Inatitut k%lo"kwoor proor"Ismett 0 (Wwroseleenlar coopuMe) NIKOIAYST, B.A. I SAKARIM, I.A. AlvaluatIon of obeat sad flour %wed on Umm elastic mad viscous properties of Sbe dsoo, Mobel kefdopr*e. I no.8:6-10 Ag 157. (Kim lose) I.Teomojussyy ImUtut khlebopokarmy proMehlomosti. Ohmat) (flour) (Dan&) xl=uuw, NA, , .. - I- . .. . Altemile OW GOGH ~ prodwttm 4 puff p"to. Ibleb, I kad, prev6 1 w.9167-" 6 497. (MM lorll) (VAers wA bakertee-41quipamt amd suppliee) (ftstry) IUOIATIN# D. A., Do* Took Sci - (die*) ONotheds of 67w- - ---------- -.-- -, - ~ - . - -- - - - --- *WJlt&tLv6,~lvw"tlASUOM WA OOntVOl Olt *6 bremA baking 2mhmwWV.G N"P IWI N PP (N0@ InSt Of N&tIOMI ZSWAMMY 1M Q. V. Fl*MnsV)0 100 Sopifto Ust of GlMor's work@ pp 29-;,j (Itjp 1", 96) 466- 9 LKWAIXT. B. A. jWrove the wt?xAs for grading graloo f1mr. and broad. Standar- tisateila 24 ao.908-W 3 660. (KIRA 1):9) (Grain--Grading) (Flour--Testing) (Drend-lesting) I NIXOIArIT, D.A,; SWADIAL. 6.S. Bffect of onsymic yr"rations of molds on the slAsticreel- liens-viscous properties of hydrated protein AM starch structures. DWAS USK 133 20-41893-e96 AS 160. (KM 13s7) 1. TSentrallzWy muchuo-Imaledovatollskly InotItut khlebopelmr- soy proureldonnosti. Predstmloso aim&, 1PAJIebluderose (Proulum) (Itarch) (Raqnmeo) ll~ KINDUTEV, H,,'k',,doktor takhn.rauk; Lrtl;--rlK, L.L. , ins-th. FWWs md el"Us properUss of so2ld fate. VA~I.-ddro prfte 27 mes7s23-27 A 'Gle (NM 1417) 1. s"thalory mambm-186106MUlIddy Imusn't " 1 q I - 004F pdw*aenmtl. O1 A ~Marlw) tur) M -I. .- 1. . -I . . - - - -.- - - - ., L , -1 . - , 77, . -' - ' , , -, I , . "',k I ~thod c-.-f C.-arles a:xtrmnal-,ns in D'ffractl7z, Yr(Adt-,na In Regimo. " Papw--r pres(mteM nt the 14"t AU-Unl,in Cr),if. ~n knl-uatics, z-ac ri, 2.') vay - a i-,-n '~ . Is RASMI. GA.; NIEDIATM. B.G.1 I=OT. D.P. Metbod of sarles In the thoM of dIffrestles of wave@ by plow comer regloss, Vehosae IM vA*266i5-7O 05ae (MBA 1212) 1. laulagrodakey oldelealn Matenatlakes Institut In. T.A* StOklOWS, 14018CPS&SKY gONSdArOSTONAWY =eroltet, (Wavoo-Dlff reet lea) NIKULATZT. B.G.; VASILIYIVA, N.V. sGue qumt1tatIve investigations of the diffraction of waves corner regions. Uchasp. UFU no.2":n-166 158. (XIMA 12:2) (Waves-Dif fraction) c c 5/044j6i/000/002/005/015 CIII/C222 0j.7,300(jD1~ /to #. ) UMM likeiffev, D.G. 111MI ON the P"P466*100, Of lnst&tiOs&17 41Gt%rbAWQ~ 12, 802- Ideal-olonsto media PMOVICALe IsferatIvogy sharnal, Matomatiks, zo.2, 1961, 45, abstress 2D 223- (In ob.s"Topr.41amich.tooril res restr. sermalch.volaO. Z.L.o Loalngr. un-t. 1959, 293-3195 VMS "M sathar investigate* the propagation of waves I& UIWua b*UW lostrople Is layers which 41;:Isgalsk from Ideal-el"lle mefte, 1W the fast that fte Look par"W10 )1M& to at* replaced 1W the $Peroftrs 1) x6tv IRP re o. o coast) (teasslous-olastic sodium) or by 0--# +~ 40(t- C) ... 4 C), 0 (1+ (t- 1C). ..dic), a j Card 1/3 0 On fte propagation of lastatiomax7-, S/044J61/000/002/005/015 C1111C222 where It mA 1%. -- constants, given famations. It to it V< asommad that the medium, consists of some parallel layers Aich am N*Pamted IW the plane@ a - h 0, a a h0419 s - h 04h 1AV ... O0. The conditions of the reed contest are satisfied on the boundary of two layers. "w mather oUtalaa rigorous solutions of the probleas on the astlea of polat-obaw (or other) sources of vibration* for each asdia with fte malbod of the macooplets, separation of variables as wall " In the mm of ~ Idwa olasticty (Petrashon' G.I., Topr.dimm.toor, raspr3stresoymovolas [Questions of the 4yn"Ical theory of the propagation or ~esmic wav*oj Bb.1, 1957, Gostekhisdat, Leningrad). The Im"etlSatlem of the integrals representing the rigorous solution are ewrlod out newly with the am* scheme wbIqh was us*& by Petraeboul In Ow mentioned paper. ftass Integrals have the form Go an it (t,s,k)j (kr)dk a a n (It72*, Beas*l ftnotion). The fusetion It. Is reproser3*4 by (r - a line integral the asymptotic representation of which for large k a" CmW 2/3 On the propagation of Inststionary, 3/04 61/000/002/005/015 CMYC222 be oM&iaod Wift she &M d the clavelleal method of the stationary PhWo. Nor@ she author seeks the 864410 points wish &a isolation method" lonn as she sero solution the value of the Maddle point In the on" of an Ideal elasticity to takes. Furthornare the author welderv two es"stlal somersto ezmples of the functions 7 a and lie. "W cas* of luallmed lefere (without consideration of the diffraction) to comaldered brIetly. In the ~r, the author Uscusass in 4*1&11 those &Aditloaal diffloultles ukich wies In the case of the considered "dim In somparlsom wIft the solutions in the case of the Ideal elasticity. Sopesially eemplete results aro obtained for small devistiose of the a9"= five &K HO&I-elastic one. Y/ EAbstracterts aotoo Complete translation.] Card 313 VIKOLAuvo B.I. As sx6muc dowign rw onsat t1iming of operstioax. Av$oaop taleas owl"I 7 aool&31-32 Ja 16J6 (MM 16:2) I* StArshly elaktromkhmik CbersovItskoy distantall slemallsatail I avlazi Lfvovskoy Asrogto (Iolophommo-4Wpment and supplies) L ~ I ~- 0 C - 6 ".) F-'~'a ( I ) 'R-. 0 110 07 ' 177--A 1' "OURC-' CODF, tlii/(Xj56/(~6/050/0f)3/0321/oB-~6 Born-wan, V. D.; 141kolaye-VA, D.-I.; -~.Iikolayev, N. 1. -Phynicn Inrtitlite (M')skov3X1y inzhenerno-'? Mo3cow Engineering qkly Institut) Transport Phenor;-.--na In a polar gas O'OURCE: Znurnal eksperimentallnoy I teoretic)vskoy fiziki, v. r0, 3, 1966, 821-826 TOFIC TAGS: transport phenomenon, thermal conduction, tenaor gas kinetics, k1lietic equation, Stark effect ABSTRACT: The authors une a kinetic equation proposed by Yu. M. Kagan and A. M. Afanaslyev (ZhETF v. 41, 1536, 1961) to derive an expresnl.on-for the thermal conductivity tensor of polar ganen with linear molecules In an electric field. 'Mis In done b) solving the kinetic equation for the gases in an approxirotion which in quadratic in t~~ parameter of nonsphericity of the Interaction, and determining Card 1/2 L 2-1400-66 ACC NR: AP60.11007 .the corresponding transport coefficients. Use is made also of the direct connection exieting between the change of the transport co- ef f I- I ents of polar gases in an clac tric f leld and the Stark of fect In r(-)tatlonal spectra of moleculeti. It Is !jhown that at a fixed tcmpf-rature, the change in themil condu~tlvlty depends on the elec- tric field and on the pressure only in terrii of the ratio E 2/p, as expz-,,cted from the qualitative analogy with the Stark effect. At large values of E 2/P the effect reaches saturation, and Its satura- tion value Is determined by the nonsphericity of the mlecule. The authcrs thank A. A. Sazyk n and P, A. Kolokolltsov for interest In t-he wor'e: and useful advice. Orig. art. hao: 23 foFr,-jlas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 270et65/ ORIG RFF: 005/ VM REF: 008 "ard V, 212 -A, ACC AP6031448 SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/66/051/002/0579/0585 AUTHOR: Borman. V. D.; Nikola Nikolayev. N. 1. /7 yev, B. 1. ORG: none TITLE: Trans er phenomena in a mixture of -monatomic and polar Ltsgs ~!SOURCE- Zh eksper i teor fiz, v. 51, no. 2, t966. 579-585 TOPIC TAGS: gas kinetic equation, thermal diffusion, molecule, electric field, tensor analysis, monatomic gas, polar gas, transfer phenomenon ABSTRACT: A solution of the kinetic equation is presented for diffusion and thermal diffusion in a mixture of monatomic and polar gases with the linear molecules in a quadratic approximation along the parameter of molecular nonsphericity. Expres- sions are derived for the diffusion and therma 1-dif fusion coefficient tensors of the i mixture in an electric field. It is shown that the variation of values of the correspond- ing transfer coefficients depeads on the field strength and partial pressure of the polar gas through the E2/pl parameter. The authors thank A- A- SagAULLor discussing the paper and for his valuable advice. Orig. art. has: 27 formulas. [Based on authors' abstract) SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 28Feb661 ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF- 005/ C ACC NRt AV7009659 SOURCE COL)E.. Im YJ/67/005/004/0105/0106-1 AUTIM: bormanp V. D.; Gorelik, L. L.; !!I Sinitsyn,, V. V. 'nlA ORG: none 77TLLI- Influence of alternating electric field on tranGport phenomena In pol&r gases GOMCZ: Zhurnal eksperimentallney i tocreticheckoy fiziki. ri.,'ria v redaktrlyu. Prilozhenlye, v. 5. no. hp 1%70 1i)5-106 TOPIC TAGG: transport phenomenono polo? gas, electric fieldj therml, conduction ABSTRACT: This to a continuation of earlier experiments (Pis'na 7.hETF v. 3, 145, 1966). which have shown that the thermal conductivity coefficient (c) of polar gases with tetrahedral molecules does not depend an the field frequency M up to 20 kHz. 7h9 esent paper reports the results of an Investigation of the dependence of c on fl pr in a wide range of f at room temperature, p - 0.2 - 1 = lfg, and E - 30 - 100 Y/c**. Me setup used for the investigation to similar to that described earlier. The In- fluence of the alternating electric field on the thermal conductivity of the gas vas assessed with the aid of the quantity eft-100 where ef " c0 are the valuer, of C at frequencies f and 50 HB# respectively. Under the experimental conditions cf/co de- creases noticeably Wwn f achaMes frm 50 Hs to 2 Wft. An additional investigation of the depenidence of cf/40 on t/2 for two values of f/p showed that within the 1Wts of experimental acewwW tM valme of qr/-co Is detaulned by may am pamwter - the ratio f1p. Me resmU am be oplalmd by t1w ftet that at least In the Investl- Cma 1/2 ACC gated range of to Ps and fe Ums relative dweresse of g with increasirg f Is deterulne4 only by the ratio of Uw tIm of ImIsculs procession In one direction to the tim between molecule colUslow. it can be "rAwd,, bowever, that in geneml eflq) is determined by two ratice of tbase frequencies. A similar Influeme of an altermating m P~!vity or owsen vas obs," The authors ttwok masnet Ic field an On ftermal e m t k I. Xg,Kikoin rar a stumamug alsmsiom am valwWAR GOVICS, V. Volkow for int crest In the"ioAt Tor x" bipw~v &' C Maks6wim, im iri.- A.' Nlkh4locAm Nr usiftl "masions, am T. 1. Rzim;w4w for AW rigures and 2 tbrud", mWellamets. Orig. aft, has: 3 MM 0=1 2D/ I= US$ 3DJ61"/ OR= Ws 002/ M RUs 002 2/2 PASHKOVI, L,Vs; ShINOV, Yu.D,,, retusawrAl R MIMOt &.S.p red.lad-ova; VCIROJMTSKArAp L.V.# tokho.nd. (Interior swinverlw4l Tmtrowmde sanitarso-Whnichealde ,r~14* lmdnpvd,# Oft.led-vo lit-97 po stroltj, arkldto I ftvolf.mterlal~, 1962. 1" P. (Km 15 s 5) 1, QlavWy lm*. tr*Oa Santskh~ftsb-62 (for ftbolmM),, (Omesti's "Nomorl") jjjKOjAyXV, B. M.: meter ~tid Scl (dinn) -- "Tnth'"trIal IMlitrinn In f!e~rluiin metalwork-Ing plants of the cft~y of Tomak, nn! rnnthrAn of rnfluclrv thon.". Tmmuk, 19!~9. 16 pp (Tomnk Stats% Wd Tnnt, Chnir of Surmry of th- rAnlfni~,-- Fy~jenn Fnculty, Chair of Lnboi, T-Lwinnn), 200 copl,)n (KL, ?:,, ~, ri) YAKGVI-'V, P.S.; NIFOIAYEVP D.IM.; PASHWOV, L.U. 11-roviding contalt,ors for sariltary fixturen, heating equirment) Konteinerizatsl!A AM izdalll, materialov i otopitelInykh priborov. MGK,oi, Strolizdat, 1965. 719 p. il Ir.CIAYE'.T.A 2. N-, c tv. r-~ i. rej. [Pechnnization of yastnl enterp.-ise, la irovirice*j' Eekhanizatslin I~rert~,-Ilqtl! pG:rA(,,v7,, sviFtzl Ivar.,~-;Skol oblasti . Vonicvn, ,viaz'lzdat, 1063. p. (X~IRA i7;9) 1. 1:achallnik u~rnvler,~yn lvanO-.,sk-,7 oblast'l (fcr r. 1. i~i,' *- % I hq. n,.jgr. upravlan'.p. s,.Pyxj--i ,.,sn-.vrxr-v t,r.rii (f,-i Karesev MM-AUJUAF T.P., prof.; Ul"IL-11YEEV, B.,Ne, assistout Pathogenesis of liukoxis. In cattle. Toterinariia 4,1 no."32-33 AP 1640 (KIRA 17s8) 1. Donskoy moll skokhozyays tyewly institut. MIKO'LlAypi, B.N. Path toward the developsont of m-~chftnlzatlon In postal service (work Practices of Krasnodar mechanizers). Vest. aviazi 24 no.10vl6-17 0 164. (MM M12) 1. flachallnik tekhnicheakogo otdola Glavnogo pochtovogo upravlonlya Minlaterstva svyRzi SSSR. T V, 'Y PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 3OV/6056 Lyushp Dimitrly Vasillyeviahp and Boris 11~0 ~c_h_Xikalayev Dozlietricheaki kontroll na atoinykh sudakh (Radiation Control on Ato,mic Sh1pol Leningrad, Sudproiglzp 1962. 130 P. Errata slip inserted* 2250 copies printed, Rd. (Title page): Yuo Vo Sivintsev, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Reviewers: Ao Ao Korounenko, Engineerp and Yu. V, Arkhangeltakly, Engineer; Kdot Z9 Vo Vlasova- Tech, Mot Lo No ShIshkova. P PURPMR: This book to Intended for engineering and technical per- monnel of the shipbuilding Industry and the Navy and -say also b* useful to students at shipbuilding Institutes, COVERAGE: Froblems,or ensuring safety fro-m radiation and of doolintric control on ships with atoilc power plants are dis- cussed In popular form. Necessary inforiation froi nuclear physics and vngineering to presentedo The last two chapters gtve a brief description of the radiation-safety systelis and -7 Card 1/4 4_1~ ZADCUTSEV, VladWr Ivanovich; KORMFZKO, Anatolly Afanaslyevich .NIKOIAYZVI borls Nikolayevich; ICYKOV, Mhall Ivanovich; ,(.Hlt*'TMJV, M.;7YXFM-,'iWr.-n''auk, retom"ut$ GMSMV, G.V.. doktor tektm. wwkp nauchn. red.; KVOCHKINA, G.F.v rod.; NIKITIVA, M.L. red* flosimetry of radioactive gaaaa ani aerosols on ships] Do- simetrite redioaktivvWkh gazov i ftorozalei na sudakh. Le- n-ingred,, 9wiostroonts,, 1965. 202 p. (MIRA 18t4) ~Awtstse - Imesetteloes Iml 1947 Medicine - Nosquitoss 'VW-p;rrethrm Abroools--- a Now Nothol for thq Control of Mosquitose Ptud Other Ineecte (1, Tent of Amricrn Froparatione)p" Do No Mikoltyev, A.- To Gutnevich, N&4tcftl Iloseexch Instittit.,9 of Lho -nd the D*Wtmnt ot biology rtni Farwit- oloa of the Kirov Academy of KIlItw7 MeMcIns, 4 pp "Zoologichookiy Zhurual* Vol XVI So 4 Discusses results obtained I.-. t3ating Anarican w-de DVr - Mothrm aerosols. Vistel, containers were f ouad moot convenient. Toz7. of fectlye- am 1M3 IWO '61 ft" 'n tT3P&01&M 'N "Ol "oW 4Cq VnitToqvq T&OW 0904") evemsem Mau 104106"U 0% MUD" OT vminc w"vqRm &AM" G(ow fftv& adft lumm maws ftTema enowme 0m WOOD) I"mm - MTOTvqom 14T Rajou so UT lzoom a" as" C-9) saw lot w"aq%M *,law[= unuft Or OLTOOGANd ftt,4064 It WT "OT4 %own Iq vm (ft4w @I 1 61 9--- NW) abssno Tom%" an C4 ?men inmon is, sun"%"@;! -ut ST4moftl remoub us ma rnam omms sevow T as I== TOA jm Raw 4146 Town PM " T= t6olopma ed eref(wft an .0"OTA). "TOWN af-Vtm gnu% so SO a" inzown, s.p. 1~ -. - -,, FmrlA "*at* of the malskrI&I piweelte in -an (plaossilum gnu) Wd ItO 419COVOry 12 thO UM. Zoole shurnal )0 me.):211-216 N&JF%- juse 5 1 1 (CUIL 2018) I. DopGrtmalk of GeRs"a Dieleff OM ftrasiteleff immul Amdentelaa U.N. ftvlo"idy of the NIIIUM Wicid Aadow imul S.N. Kirov (0"d or DeMbna"andedefiL To.5, hwlovddye ldeqal~t Goneral "Iml c4r"). LCOADTI 1. F.T.; NIKOtAyxv PATWTSKIY. Te.S..&kMemilk.rodaktor; asix. A.S.: WIPEAWW, T-u-: PIMSECHWA. P.A.; LITTION. V.S.. howdidat weditsinskikh mank; DIMIYAXIMSON. U.S.. redaktor; EIRCIM'. R.P.. tokhnIcheekly r*&Lktor. CUep mf DDT &W b"ns*m hexachlorido In the controlling carriers of coutaCtous din*&@@@) PrImanonie WT I Cokeakhloram dlis bor'by e paronaschikemi Inf9ktsIowWkh bolessist. Pod.rod. 3.V. Favlovskoo. Moskva. ltd-wo Akad.noditsinskikh rAuk,$SSX. 1952. 41 P. (T. pnonshch' n*41tsinskin mbotnikan v"Itkikh strook kon"misim. nn.7) rmicrofilml NULA 8.- 9) 1. DeystvitellmVy chlon AMA 35S& kfor Sysin &M Tinakov) 2. Chles- korrespondent AXI SSSR (for Petrishcheve). (MY(Iftsocticide)) (Banzons hexachlorlds) (Insects an carriers of d ls*As*) 9JEW, 1.1.1 ARWROVA. N.G.; GRUMMI, T.Ge (docesse4l; GUTSKilCile A.T.; loffna. 9.N.: OLOVITNT. X.G.1 PAVWWWIT, Tovdmaly filkaaoravlokg sksUmikl IMCOUTWIT. 0.S.; PWILITNW. P.P.j POERANTINT. B.I.Idesessed): SALTATW. W.A.: KWOWWV, D.P.: ININOW. G.6.: INUTSIT. 1.19.: SLAQUW~~IT, D.I., daktor, red.: RUISTA. M.3., (Zatoratery mmol on mdleal parealtolotly] Leborstor"I prektibm mdltslnekot perseltologli. Pod red. A.I.PsylovskW. Loulagmd, Goo.lad-vo md.lit-ry, Leningr.otd-als, 1959. 486 p. (Min l2t9) (IMICAL PARASITOWGT) rAel4v-~iiorl 110 T)U sWicom: UWOIT016610 AV~ i @Aim_ AN. A.; MlImp V. F.; pikolVwp B. P. -3 =: M-4FAIGN lostItute AN Aser-MMA BOOM (FIshicbeskly Institut AN AserbON) TITLBs A_-:,--%two distributloln in a rodma oscluxting gurflace temperature SCUMS ISOMWOO-flatchesidy '-sbanalp v. ID# no* 6v 1966, 70-796 VMt taimpmatwe distributionj, beat equations differential equatlon, heat balance ANTUM Me aftlele deals with a smi-Winite rod with diameter so smaU that the temperaftre Is vaifbm through Its cross sectiono so that the "I= rcowes W %be*,_ or 21near beat f2m. rest etcehmage with a mdlum or sero tavorature takes piace on the side v&UA or the rod. On the surfaco or the rod the toWnture experiences ftqp" oscillation. So correepondirg differential eqmtIom Is solved under maltable bmWlma ecaditlams bW velng the MMml thearm in the staniard mainer. The partle- Vm awe of me dmopin and of zero beat emehange are eomiderod,, mA a plot Is 9b,talned of Ume dimensionless temspraturo vs. dimismelonleas tim for both steW-stOm Od dmVW aeclUstices, at vwIovs dlimensionless distamess ffte the butt =d of the "do Orls* w%* Mot I flaws and 13 rarm"s. $M Cmt 20 DAU I 09NOW am WS 00b CYP Ukfoow[C-4 AUTHOM Nikolayevo V. M.; Plastininp Tv. A. offif I none TITIS: Calculations of Ootoloni ton oress sections of niti oge and aw, n atess and ions In awlted states SOUR(X8 AN M& 160 mgtjjLw~ UgutlAt. irselede"Mus tiolabooker affisedifts'.. vdke (StuWas or Oveleal gam dynodes). Pbsowwq "d-we =0 106. "34- TOPIC TAGS$ phatelon1sation,amygent n1tvaga p Isalsettem wees smatim ABSTRACTs ThS qUW*A= d6f"t =Wth0d Was USW tO 60120dd" tb9 PhASUMIGINtIM Orem sections of nitioge and =Wgen stow In the spwtral %1~0012 p9 161A serreo- ponds to 04ambsioption, frm smetted states. Dw calmUtIewp to AIA um was mob of level energies Civen tW C. Neere (Ateds Am w levels - Cir=Aw M 4679 WaddW ton, 1949) p --a s earried out for NI mW M Aamis and NU ad 011 Im for - -- - - -- - - - - - rwwlr4 from 69000 to 201P000690 In re"Its sbud"d am em"W" w1th date rqpwtm in the literatures wd the adventwe or the 0816aw tembolqw we disamesed. art. baso 10 flgwee ad 9 rwmdas,, SUB Omni 30/ sm nage 31rew/ am we ow on Ewe am No NINOZATNW. B.8.; FATITITA. L.N.; DNITRIM. 1.S.; TIPWVA, Ta.A. - -- - a" Overeb&W arose seetion of nltrqpa lose Is gases. nur. okep. I tow, f1m, 33 no,1:306-307 A '57. (KIMA 10r9) 1, Modwwddy goesdarstwennyy ualvereltsto (Nltrqpa) (lose) NIKOATSY. Marts brafinavl4b; MCMININ, V.D,, tvd,; RORAXOTA, 11.1o, tokhm."d. (Ilim amd pass] Tresda, i tompy. otuoubsidle 19"s 44 P. (novel 0-4kasomi a gsokvu. lad-vo lop-to msh&mar. (NUA 13 t 4) policy) IiIKULAM, Boris Serafimovich; A11715YAll, Ye.,, red.; PRITIls', Yu.p w red, - [Make progressive practice ovidlable to ever-y worker] Peredovol opyt - kashdomu rnbochmu. Moskva, Goapolitizdatp 1961. 113 P. (MBU 15:9) (IrAustrial mnagment) VIKTIAL&N, D.V. , aspirant Ufe of tooL--.od clairls wM ant!frictim. x,.ro,:4tr, Ix-r, vym. ucheb. sav.; rAchinostr. rm.609-UO 061. (Y.Mk W7) le Ishevekly mUmnicheskiy inatitut. Owns) 111PL&TIT. D. .1-1-1 - - - - '. , Plamiag of oil field projects. Seftlamik 2 se.6130 Jo 157. (on& 10:10) 1. stershly Inshover ftal'staskago f1lials Issiltuts, stprawassousts I. (Oil f told*--14uI"wst and 6"Plies) N I VOLA TIM , D. . kaidl dmt tot'l-h nle'.!,*~,4 Dr-31-1 rift-Urk, I Propellers for turbapran orCinops. ftesht.nv. no.10-IM*22 0 '56o (KWA 10: 1) (Propellors. Aerial) RIMLAUT, D., karAidr-t tekhnichaskikh -0- - Amiss for ellulasting Pbr. (Ab7lamoo-MalaWwwo mM umdc. Gmtd. aw.13 XcAsZ6-27 AP 156. repair) (kW 917) " e . . . . .. . . . .. . -., . " . - 1- 1 . - A I . I -i' - .0.