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al Tj VI ill, pill, 1101 f S1 I add a Ill's Vi till 12 Big 7- FT T "Lo= Special Features In the Behaviour of Ruthenitm Hicro-quantities MrIng Its Extraction" towtopw ad PRAUstion tn Chudstry, OolleeLlon of pWra or 2o& AU-MLLan Mel. Web. Conf. au TAW of ft&owtlvt wA 3tobl* IeoU~ps ftd ?4WUAti*a ;z Micad NeumW wd Seiewe, Nuecov. Is&-va At SM, Vo5b, )ODpV. IbU wolum pWlahod the reporU of Uw ChwaLstry Section or tte 2a4 Ag 8el I%eh Omf an thie of FaCowtive ad fteMe lwiwpee m4 rAdiation In Sei~ ftd t1w fttlaml &vnrAW, opmwM by Aced !kI UOW and Oftiu AdWa for Milixotion of Atomic 1wr(Ly under Clouscil of KitUatem UMP ftecow 4-12 Arr 1957. AUTRORBs Nikolayev, A. V. , 30rokina, A. A. , MaslennikoiL, A-3 784-2 9/'.'. 3 2MAt Cerium Xxtraction with Tributyl-Phosphate (Sketraktoiya tsoriya tributilfoofatoa). PERIODICUs Zhurnal ftor anioheskoy Xhimii, 1950- Vol- 3, lir 1, pp. 16o-164 USSR) j kBSTRAC?s After a short survey on respective literature (ref. 1-6) the authors state that diethylether Is by far the beat extractor (table 1). All extractors (with the exception of nitrometh&ne) are explosive under the conditions of strong acidity. The acidity can be reduced to a great extent by salting out (table 2). The strong increase of extraction with the Increase of solditj pormito the conclusion that cerium-IT is extracted as a complex of the H2/Ce(No3)6/ typo. Cerium Is precipitated from the other phase wi th ammontual the yield Is about 90%. In the place of ammonis. also hydrogen peroxide or other re- ducing substaness can be used for extraction. In n HBO milieu ; ; ertain of a the reduction is =ado more difficult but it ecqui specific aharacter (table 8). Subsequently, instructions are given for the production of pure 4-valent cerium as well as for Its prfj~ctlonljjoa raw materials with a content of rare Card 1/ 3 earth@. Ce - Pr were used as radioactive indicators. -Cerium Extraction with Tributyl-k~oa;~~t,~-. 7 63 - 1 - 2 3 /4. 33 4., . I t '. "'nf, id radioactive ig tope Pr144. mue &0,17,ty of t... thorefore initially I.Ach decr.:Gsov, however, af ter f rc..; ~F-4 how (T 112 - 17 14 rATujea). Therf.- ranairD onlj a ji;antitj cf Pr equivalent to Ce 4 (table Iii, It, tal- ani ot!.,~ru the balanced activity regarding Ce and Pr14"47is Lentioned. There are 10 tables and 6 roferonces, 2 of which are 31avic. ASSOCIATIM OwIr of ft"oabWstry, WAcm Isetitate of Wa-Parrms IbUls ad ftm in. m. r. musta (afedn mao- khimli Mookovskogo inatituta tevetnjkh =ctalloy i zolota imeni U. 1. Kalinina). SUBMITTIDs June 18, 1957 AVAILABUt Library of Congress Card 3/3 78-3-4-31/38 AUT301M Kurnakova, .6. G., Nikolayev, A. V. TITLIs The Solubility, Diaeran of the Nitrates of Unuzyl and Thorium With Salting-Out Components (DI:crww raosvorimosti nitratu: uranils. i tortya a vysalivatoly ai) PERIODICALs Zhurnal Neorganicheskoy Khim1i,1q58,Vol.3,Kr 4 pp.1028-IC36 (US.910 ABSTUCTs The solubility of nitrates of thorium and uranium was inv*otl, gated by means of salting-out components like NH 3NO 31 CA(NO 3)2- xg(NO U(NO )30 A,1(10 )3 In 1 5 n HM03 3)2 3)2 CU(NO3)2~ re(NO3 3 at 25 an; 200C. In the iWetem XR 10 -VO (NO a ENO -9 0 the solubility diagram was InvefillUtol. ;A*' double sall 2 2a 4soY U02(XO5)2' 2 9 0 forning In this system was Isolated In purest form. i1th L Increase of the concentration of amomonium nitrate the 9o2ubIl1ty of uraAylaitrate increases. The, solubility of urany1nitrate was also investigated with Card 1/2 calcium-, magnalus.., copper.. and site nitrate as aelting,out 7 b - _5 4 5 " " 3 b The SolublUty Diagram of the Nitrates of Uranyl and Thorium With Salting- -Out Components compounds at 250C. The solubility in the system thorium-nit- rate with nitrates of copper, iron and aluainum was deter- mined. In the system Th(NO )4-Cu(XO,)2"'.5 n RIO 3- H2 0 the solubility curve has three secticust 1) CU(So 3)2.3 11201 2) Th(SO 3)404 H201 3) Th(NO 3)4' 6 H20. By the determination of the density of the solutions the distribution coefficients of urantas and thorium were do- terained in the above-mentioned systems. "there are 17 fij;ures. 0 tables, and 2 referonoes. SUMITTBD# My 9# 1957 ".0, 1 Card 2/2 7e-3-4-32/38 AMIHORSs Mkol A- Ar - r,,rnakoys, A. G. TITL%o ~1'8!0=,,ncont~rat. :f .~,-tqm UO 2(NO3)2-NH4 NO 3_H5O3(C2R5)2_O'H2O (Isokontsentrats sistemy U02(X0 3)2_W84 NO 3- HNO 3- (C2H 5)20-H20) PERIODICALs Zhurnal Noorganichookoy Khiati,1950,Vol.3,Nr 4,PP.1037-1043 (USSR) ABSTRACTe The system UO (110 MH NO AINO -(C Ii ) 0-11 0 to regarded a-, 34; A Ad In3th*201t2 a pentacompogent to a raction of uranium from this system the phase rules of pentacomponent systems are valid. The salting-out effect in this system under addition of ammonium nitrate is explained in two wayss ij by dehydration 2 by decreasing the dis3ociation of the compound to be ex- tracted. The distribution coefficient X of uranylnitrate of aqueous solution under addition of saltina-out cozpounds anounts to 0,7- The distribution coefficient does not chang" with the Card 1/2 increase of the concentration of uraviy1nitrate. As distri 70-5-4-32/56 ("0 Isoconcentrat, cf,~rzfA-m 11021, 3)2_11H4 110 3' HNO 3- (C2H5)2-0-1'20 bution coefficient Increases with the increase of the acid concentration and the ammonium nitrate concentration. "Me optimum extraction of uranylnitrate lies In the range of double salts between amonium nitrate and urany1nitrate. (2 HE4NO 30 U02 (NO 3)2 .2 H20)' The complete uranium extraction occurs irpiluted uranium solutions and concentrated nitrA'c acid solution as well as with i~n increase of the content of ammonium nitrate. There are 5 figures and 8 references, 3 of which are Soviet. SUBMITT'SDo M&Y 9, 1957 Card 212 ;lKl01-AYFJ, A.V. l 1 Diagramm wW series of separstlin In extraction. Lckl. AM SSSR 157 no.5tll56-1159 Ag '64. (HIPA 17 r9) 1. Inst' tut noorganicheskoy khiAdl Sibirskogo otdelonlys, AN SS . Chlon-korrespondent AN S53R. Al 4d IL 0; 4k POO loop 40 MOOCOW 5(4), 21(5) SOV/713 -4 -4-4 5/44 AUTHORS: I., ~rablnsjr. S. K. TITLE s On the Isotope Sinhangs, of Trib4tyl Ptosphate Wit, Phosphoril-o Ao.11 (Ob !-z;otcp, obmeaw trI'b-,j'.1lfosfata 9 foefornoy klslotoy'i PERIODICAL: Zhurnsl neorgani sheakay kh!=tiq 1959t Vol. 4, Mr 4, pp 956-9'/8 (USS10 ABSTRACT: The authors Investigated the exchwige betweea tributyl phos- phato and ralioact.'---e phosphclri~-. azld-sa well as theIr dar! vatives. The covtw3t times rarged from one minute to one month, and the invo3tigatiou covered &c.1 anl-alkaline solutions. The results are 11.34.91 in tab!* i..Thq authors did not observe %n exchange betweer radica-A"Pe phooptorl; &,.J4 anJ tributyl phosphate. By a airAlle waarti6g xjl. tritity'. ;hosrhat-i la almost completv4y freal froz I.hq 0-actlyi:jY c tnegod nho9;'!-orIc 9314. There are I table ani ^, r-4foren.,es. SUBMITTED: February 11, 19.58 Card 5(2), 21(0) 50/17e-4-7-39/44 AUTIOU: PikolaysYl A. T., Kurnakova, A. G., Z. G. TITLZ: Some Data on the Chemistry of Protactinium (Nekoteryye lannyye po khimll protaktinlya) PERTODICAL: Zhurnal neorLganlchenkoy khimil, 19591, Vol 4, Ur 7, pp 1602-1686 (U53R) AMTRACT: The work carried out by the authors developed simultaneously with similar investirations carried cAjt in foreign countries, so that parts of it hvm already been published elsewhere (lefs 1-3). In the present article results hitherto not pub- lished are given. The protactinium P&233 was obtained by ir- radiation (20 h) of solid thorium nitrate. Its hftlf-life was stout 27 days. An invastif;atlon was carried out of the co- precipitation of Pa by thorium precipitaten, by UnO(OH) 2' Fe(OH),, and other carriers, as well as of the tehavior of Pik during extraction. Tablo I given the data of the co-precipitation of Pa 233 with thorium- and calcium precipitates (thorium oxy- carbonate, - hydroxide, -,peroxide, - oxalate, - iodate, Card 1/3 -chromate, -salitylate, -fluoride, potassium-thorium sulfate, Some Data on the Chemistry of Protactinium SOT/70-4-7-39/44 calcium oxal&ti and calcium carbonato)o Thorium fluoride takes no P& Into the precipitate as shown by table 2. All pre- cipitates mentioned are soluble In ammonium carbonate, whore the entire activity of the Pa is dissolved. The method of "similar carriers" was used for the purpose of separating Pa from Th* It Is baned upon the precipitation of calcium oxalate of -carbonate from solutions of thorium bloxalate or -bi- carbonate, I.e.. ju the reaction with the nano anion. Thiq cothod to applicable &.',io to other active nuclei (e.g. splinter nuclet) The nb-precipitation of P& by manganese dioxide was already published In reference 1. Table 3 shows the results obtained by the authors. It shows that in the case of a single pre- cipitation it in worth while to Increase the quantity of the carrier substance to 5 tag/al. in the case of a double pre- aipitation I aglol will be sufficient, 2-3A of the Pa are not co-pr*eipitated. ProoLpitation, however, becomes such more complete If Initial Intensity In increased* Table 4 shows the Jilling results obtained In the came of a primary activity of 1.06.10a top/*In as against 10 6 imp/min shown in trble 3. BY Card 213 using the complex formation with saitcyne acid an extraction Soso Data on the Chemistry of ProtactIntua. SOT/78-4-7-39/44 method was worked out. Extraction is carried out with acetone, and the acetone- and water phases are separated into com- pon*nt parts by means of a saturated C&C12-solution. A quanti- tative extraction with Th to carried out B thi method it is possible to extract also U(TI) and PujIV5 andsall 4-, 5-, and 6-valont elements. There are 4 tables and 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet. SUMMED: February 11, 1958 Card 3/3 5(2) SOIF/74-4-8-40/43 AVTNOASs NUGIAWOV, As To 0 awtopso so M6 TMas lbo Distillation of juthealus Prom Str*ugly Diluted Nitric Aald Malabimm (Abidemk& malaffi4a. LA o"O" r&&bavlWWkX asetsokial&h raolwarow) FZRIODICALs zbn.=-' was -4 -1 - -- I khWi, 1959, Tel 4, Xv 4, pp 1935-1936-(920) ABSTRAM In the pres*ac* of peroulphato and AS* lose radleruth*nIus nal be distilled off to 98% RuO 4 without previous removal of nitric sald (table I)o Tbo,botter oxiAL&IM aff"tv.aospar" to asdi~ bromabe, ezLd&Ua&..*f silver into Ae(11) and its reaction with Ru. A further advantago Is that so gaseous brosias is f&raad*.Tkwro are I table and 10 rof- erences, 6 of which are Soviet. SUBBITTED: Harch 16, 1959 card 1/1 NIKOLAM, A.T.; SIHITSTV. U.N. Stuly of Isotope oxchaW to sow cobalt compounds. hy. Sib. W. AN SM no.709-64 159. (1UU 12:12) leluetttut noorganichookoy khtnit Sibirskogo otAvlonlya AN SSSR. (Cobalt--Isotopes) 5 (2) AUTHOW Xikolay*vp A. V., Corresponding Meabor SOV/20-127-1-31/65 TTTLZ; The Extraction or Ruthenium Xitrosonitrate by the Were or Butyl-phosphinte Acids (Ekstraktolya nitrozonitrato ruteniya *firami butilfoarinorykh kislot) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii neuk SSSR, 1959, Vol 127, Ir 1, pp 117 - 119 (U33R) ANTRACT: The Interest In new alkyl-phosphorus extracting agents for uranium, plutonium, and several other elements has lateiy in- creased considerably (Refs lp2,10). They are able to extract ur d plutolaim from aqueous solutions better than tri- utylphosphato (TBPh) (Ret' 1). Ruthenium Is known to compli- e__~ cats considerably uranium- and plutonium regeneration, since It contaminates the organic phase with 0- and ractivity (Ref 3). Its behavior is investigated only in the case of extrac- tion with TBPh (Refs MOO)- It to dissolved in the form of nitrosonitrate complexes in the dissolution or uranium block* in 00 Y Therefore it was interesting to Investigate the b9- Card 1/3 havior of the first-mentioned substance in the extraction by The Xxtraction of Ruthenium litrosonitrate by the SOV/20-127-1-3i/65 Were of Butyl-phosphinic Aolds Itrosonitrato of radio-ruthenium in the series TBF`h