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A vartical sintering furnace .... 9193/19383
for compacting powder to strip and a vertical sintering furnace).
2) The ndvantage,of a vertical sintering furnace is demonstrated
by the fact that A mintering operation requiring 30 - 40 min in a
horizontal furnace can be performed In a vertical furnace in 1-7
min. The rate or sintering is Increased owing to the following
factors: more uniform heating; externally applied stresses in th"
ainterod parts (tensile in the strip, compressive in bushes); no
trays hindering the access of the reduding atmosphere to the mint-
ered objective. 3) The floorarea required by a vertical furnace
is 70 - 80*; smaller then that needed In a horizontal furnace of th"
same productive capacity. The energy-consumption per item sintered
In a vertical furnace in also 70 - 80%, lower then in a horizontal
furnace. 4) Sintering in a verticat-furnace reduces the din-
tortion and ensures a more uniform structure and small grain size
of the finished product. 5) There are no practical difficulties
.in using a vertical furnace for sintering strip compacted by rolling
metal powders. The tensile strength of iron strip at the sinterinf,
temperature In sufficiently high to make feasible sintering in a
vertiLeal furnace several metres high, The results of the present
investigation haw* been applied in the production line at the
Card 3/4
ALMOR. Niko lay OV iNk-1j.
T IT 1, E. ComPacting and rolling motal powders
P!:R.?60DI(.'AL: Poroahkovayn motallurgiya, no. 1, 19063, ,62 - 48
TMCI.': in a general disounnion of the orrect of vnrioua
factora on the density- of metal Btrip prodt.ced by po,:dor-
rjet,51luirgy t,)chniquen, tho ntAthor introducea tho con~-_pt of
volur.,(),'plana and linear porosity or povdar compacts defined.
rcspttotively, as the rntion V /V, S/5 and L I/ L -har* V,S
ond 1, -aro unit volume, tinit Prose-dection arcirt Oz* Unit letil-th of
a 1"rous body and V I
P SP and L T) the total volwzje ; cross.,
section area and length of porer. ~ontzilnad in V, 5 and L
Ile thon rejacts the vlew that the poro~#ity zind donsity of powdor
col-np,tit,ts are anixotropic and tittotes experimentiil evidence showing
that an the volume of the 9at;iiA_, of a bateli of watal powder
incroader, the ocatcor in tho results of deternination of density
.nd loorie powder decrecases, and that the density of a cold-rolled
iron-powder compact may vary ac.rous its width betweirn 5 and
C.qz,d .1/ 2
Coq?actinj, (ind rolling U 93/'-'38."'
5.6 . Ile Bhow,5 also th-at tho lower the poirder particle nizo
tho higher is the compacting pros:;uro raqu:)--od to attain the s.-Ine
den4itY-.----PdSti21g -onto tho-proble-M o-f-what constitute3 a compact
produ e-a--defct-.t (crack)-froo -preduet- af t er-rollln~
V-e nuthor shows that if a 100e; donne, criclc-freo strip Is to be
r)."oduced by rollIng, the compiet zhould havq un.1-form Iin.-ar porosity
ill 1.1n)" (!:ivi?n di~rection. Ile also Shows thnt incro.-..,sing the ~hic%-
nn!:ts of tho compact brings ab,-)ut an incrof'%sa-in the uniCornity of
-1-1n.-ottv r act -thick
-_porro3ity__acrors tia c,-rip ness which, :Un tuvn, leads
to ir-provwd properties (ducti'Lity) of the flnished product.
T-ae:.-a are 4 tablea.
A S -1, 0,'01 AT: I ON Gor*kovskiy politoklinicho3kiy institut
im. A.A. Zhdanova' (Gorlkiy Polytechnical
Institute lil. A.A. Zhdanov)
SUE11-LUPTED: October 211, 1961
IACCZSSION Ulto ~04042365 9/0049/6410171001/006310065,
IAUTHORs Darugag To Keg Lanutkis, 1, Is; Vike~AWWO-A&-vol plahboothel
;Do Hog Sokbacevg Ve Keg Slaltay*aq as 191-Tay plug So Go
TITL1# loveetigaties of spatial suargy distvibuties of Sa-5 reactor
assecome Is Ifsessor* sodium
SOURC98 Atessaye asurglyaq ve 17, me* 10 1964, 63-65
TOPIC TAGS# reactor obleldlegg nuclear redistioso Irem era reactor
ebleldleso BIR 5 reactere soutres overgy distributlem
JABSTRACTI The possibility of usleg as trou-sre nedles as a relativ;ly
lissuposelve form of aselear-coactor obleldlug be@ bees lavestleatedo
Ore with a blob contest of tree sad oxyges was used to eh4 expert-
loftato Steaderd earleked Ices eve of the followlep coupositleag suits-
ible for coustruatles ead to witbateed blab temperature@ without
siguitleaut aboasse to Its properties, was used as bees materialt i
1601 Fal 301 OS& 41-101 $is NS9 Cos All 19 Nag Pb# Cog T19 Ce lose
bludlag admixtures were added to the coseestrate to Improve its goose
!*treatiesis& propertlese A 59-5 tse& resistor wsa, used Is the loweass
&close Based as the Usesuremesto by all doeseterse the serves of
offobvift. PUldhos'100"t &90# we 30o I, loop
satgtx lamp P
WANZIAmm- voodoo vems 1% "0 sbo~
mom 6m %0 to dessmals" agoofft" to
W oqwa
arm"ica 4c an =Ariz to '~at Weam
tA ftfamum ot a brlqtwtte 0, Awraft the tonaUm
4t a* mf4ru "a
WW not %ohm Pum I". 2W uWvrf'c'm*- "94"" rku~, ft tow" cc
tow= for 60 Lm 4c atmtmA mcks li~ the bi at 4L *out
Amory of u-ta ,wirr pre3sing j,
L , .11 , I
19 no. 10341 '63.
LOBign ard Lonstrtticn cf dies ror tn-i cmtrrn,,;vA'rn rf
metal pawlers. lble.04-83
L ur I lip(c
A-'-C Nits
u6weno SOURCZ CODE.- UR1005816610001005006,11Y361
AUMOR: Lazutkin, I. I. a X1kolS=j A. X. ; Gialtan, B. 1. 50
TITLIN AWWW" cf*" owtioW of 60"Ws stablises stools WA nickel
scummi %t. sh. visikas Abe. 5%69
MW. 80UMs Dyul. Inform. teentra po yadern. dannym, vyp. 1965, 313-319
TOPIC TAGM sodium, nickel, stainless stool, nuclear, reactor technology
ABSTRACTs The removal arose sections (RC) of sodium, stainless steel, and nickel
were measured under conditions or standard geometry at initial neutron energies 0.5.
1.0, 1.2, 3.0, and 15 My. The measurement result@ a* listed In a tabl*. Data wv
also given an the alaiml distances from the detector to a plat* or heavy material,"
starting with which W can be used. On the basis of the obtained d&U It Is poesible
to determime the an 0 dependence of the w or sodIm m4 alckele A plat fbr %him
dependeasis Is glvm. [Trumdaties of Abstrw%)
MA C=s 209 16
Dct.nrm'.nlr,,g thq bc-inor.f-Z hnglot nf feed;rg ~~.e ,ol.Jr.,, )f
;,,--.di-rp. mot, 5 no,50',I.-I~# MY 065,
--)Iltt,l.hW -hpirkly 5ntil.1 lmo-n! 2~!An, v8.
of canAldn' ke of Y-,il -~;Il
,ya -Loe 0. 2 J un,~. I
i,uviis %%'o rim tivcmmc com)lrloNs oV
I'M. ('#FNrItAl. SEC-ONIMIY SCIRAWS lRussian lexi) - X skolary A .*%
MUDY Mr.D. ENST. 1!15r'. 31 161-fis) -
In 4 1A,ningrad schools, offering their pupils the curriculum of a general secondary
efluration, a study was made of the Incidvncr of myopia. Sight testing was cirried
(JUI on 1383 pupils, and 867 of then, had th-~ir refroicthm (hecked. An Lnvestigation
w4i.-o also made of the children's -may (of lift? both in and out of school, of the hygienic
planning of the school. of the condAtionogot u-mework, etc. T'ho author notes several
shortuotoings In the traching programme from the hygienist's Point of vi" - the
:Yvc Hooding of it* pwpl!s in the higher tormit withhomeviork. rit. ror comparison
I Incidence of myopia In the sEhools studio d, the standardirstion method was used.
It arms found that this Incidence was related to the conclitions of natural daylIgNing
In the viasarotn"s. TPw percentage of myopic children ircrossoa " the pupils ad-
vanve from Ike lower to the higher forms, Measerve (or prevercon cc myopia in
children are propoiwd.
........ 111L111,
rcp,:~rt nt `.c- FIV: tll- r ( rv f
Monio A.P.
ftp"a PWO at Mbwl obLUirm in Urank (Antic room).
ftgA sm. 25 sw.#o2)47 Ag 0600 (Kw 238u)
10 is uteft 09w" do"Y 1 PO&Ntb" 'IF- algrodelfto "altamo-
gl6tylalabsebego wdltdlftsh~ Imulaw.
(C M- -0 ICAL MM)
- T i Fl. - 4
- * ~ -
. 10L
Supqrsonlo -f 7,~Gt.7014.71. 140 JO ,j7.
Ir: 17.nnr--'I~.irbrsj*t on6nes)
NIZOLONO_ A. N. , p0 umvaft
%rbeflan es4ta". To6t.7464.110 mo7g92-" J& 0600
(UM 1317)
(Airpumo-%rbojet sw~)
1, -RUDIAM, A.!:.. yolkavait
Asroamutic ballistics simellos; according to the foreICn Wove. Test.
TA4.71. no.3:91-w" W 060o (MM 13:9)
(Umlted Staton-SA121stic mikelem)
% I
% w
Pa.,Rt neutrm propagaticii throurh srA!un. At:=. -nfc-g. I" ns.2s
245-1,4b Ag '64 IPA
IM09ATIR, A. Fe Owd Took got - (41**) I*ftm* of Uw procoss of distillstion of
Na )
mixtwee or sawl alashol 40fimter In Simi* toga &Ed ;~Blti%lbum eolwm.-
now, iss?. is pro a -96-~ 22 s~6 (as or 210%or Mmestlaw tk$=. FA~w
fth"Issisal bet of PWA ledultry in #1. 1. Whey"). 100 smories (KL, 16-6;,, 106)
ftrttteation Is ptys cots. love t7so nebob. sm.1 Vishch.
44%, NP03112&III (1111A 1119)
rateaft Prots"ofm t a t".
-!INUAIN, At 0
wr"t of the re"Sive IM41ok at tub" m ma" treaster la tuft
follue Iffowsom*4basererldwhadbe aq44114>-VA 1560
- (MM Us 31)
1. ftewsm sdiuW1000beekir lastItut plebrAfr4w promwoklm-
aftills Kdewa pro Ow I awatewo
01 to
(Mme t.--aaaer Istluatift dpwatus)
lazolauve A.P.
Wdre4rawds aml*a and Its application In the doolcolve of
file reastriessiou apparat". Trw MY 00.19185-V 158.
OUU 12 112)
(Distillation apparatus)
Me" tr&MfW 4WIRS distills".162 Is tubular plate oclumms. gbw,
PrIkl* k%116 To 32 60.58721-V-4 Pf '38* (WIS 1116)
(HUG tPassfer) (Flats to"W's)
OPwstl*a Of I" f Ima r"tif 108UGS Gslm&. SPIrt. pros. 25
M*5120-22 059, (Aloobol) (WA 12: 10)
?BrjAJMDY, A~-P-
UstribOlm *t tho commutratimw of slootol over tho pl&Uw of
frmctl~tlsg cell. bvv"ouchobossv,;PlsbaboleftAC0511"-
W 1" 0 (NIS 13112)
11 117"ekly takhaeloglabaskly lwtltmt pishchevoy praWableanosti.
Wedre eptsobwads"alys I Nsfedra prots"Gow I apparstave
(Alftbol) Okso tow. )
T.Ii.; lilKOLA-M-1 i k.-P.4 TSIG-,*UXGVg F.S.; V.G.
fjdrodynamle testift of torbWl&typ slom plates. Trudy KTIPP
nooUA72,477 060o (KMA 14 t 3)
(Plate towerm)
TSIUMN.Vi v P.S.; AIWIAWip k.?.
Onto or a nm beer restifleation =it. Spirt.p~. 27 w.)~42-
25 I(Ae (Distillatift appent") (am u8/0
calcuuting the stom conamption rar the b"tiw or beer
resUfleation colm~* IsTo "I- uGbOb- s&T-I PlObsbo t*kbe
noo2s]JO-W 063. (X= 16&5)
L lLiyevWdy tokbaclogichookiy Inotitut pishchOM J'rOmPhlsnnmti
k&fodm gFetsoborudavanip J kar*dra yro%Wssov i app4r&tcv
plabohevykh proisvodstwe
(Distillation apparatus)
SqwtI= of the commetlon bet~n parmatere In the distilUtlen
piro4ose, Invewyeauchabomv,j plebeb. tekb. na.3vl3~-"6,63.
tekhmAeglebeekly ImUtut plafthewwr prdwddom"u,
kafedm pratsesmv i appw-at*v plabsbavjkh prelevedstv I kafedre
(Distillation-Tablos, selculations, Oft.)
DistillIng Industry of Cuba. Form. i spirt, pro*, 30 aa.6124,-27
164. (KIRA 17il-1)
lo Kiyevskiy tekhnolcgicbpsL-ly inatitut pishchevoy premy-ahl9nnasti
imeal MikGYwl&.
km- ".9 tftMv
at woo a 0 a 0 0 o-0 9
* 0 0 0 0
WY4 woo WWWO 0
L. dam
b Now it am
the qvw~ [a tow
offs- mzbm~* 44
doom* bw "m &d the Gow &ddL
am d
OW idN6 40 1~ quorAlft. ft
=0 MINOW dam fto d ahomdkw OW
Am tin &O*r d do 119=
Ik is om
W.66nd d
lovems- Pr NO ths
060mod 40d cr C- L Wmm&e
u-swe adoes age a "No' o
see* 0
YM4 k pw*U~ obesbUdva" ao&v, skm~Mrstvo I ginebologlye,
IV** Ibo 60 so )-So
so* UWat UmrmletOb 3tatey, Vol. 47o 19"
smaxAny" A.F.
[I.F.ftvlov's theories &M principal problem of obstetrics and awcolody)
Valwato I.Fftvlom I mobselshis probleoW simisherstva I gluakologit. NW-
skva, Is4--.-e Akadeall md.sauk MR. 1951. 38 p. (MAS 637)
(ftvlov, Ivan %trevich, U"-1936) (Obstetric@) (ft"Coloa)
;IUUT]ff o A.P.
-.09 "1
IoPJPWlw$s Sawking ad primlpal solesittle pmolad pmb.
low of ousewles MA ameloff. AbMb gin. lbIS6-16 JOID.
M sil (am 2015)
1. Carreop"M Umber of the ASSAW of IWIml Sclemse
(=i 4
~~ f..
ftvl"tm wwory es *a MOW awwms ftass"s as aw 401assitto
bow for solastes of prostleal problem Is obststrise uA 0`080010"s
1b, vyookti %WT. delat. I so. 51"? 641 IWFt-Gct 1951. (CUML 2313)
1. IMIW646
"bm~ll. MW OW. 1.
Cerials reoulte of Wroduction of the pawlawlaa theory iato eclosti-
fie aaj practical obstetrics, Akwhoglibe~Nooku lVoo4:)-14 th" 51.
(CUM 2 11
I* GerrespowUng Ilember of the Academy of NedicaL Scleaces UM A.F.
NUmUyew (Lmlw4pvA). 2. Of the Institute of Obstetrtes mA Grusee-
loff of the AcadaW of N"Ical SelenCes USSR.
.'t.ano,!-ra.7-.a -U~_Alclr-~i'_ 1-~*-~ - I I "I. k.
I':C'u- CIr O-VO YO I'"
(PrepIWImis ad themN #f Istrautorine "VtWxWiou of the foetus]
hatUdilga I Sereptia vwWtu4ro%wI 4wtWti plods. Noiskm, led-"
AkadmIl s9& ~k UM 1952, 102 P* (S& 625)
(Not". anth of)
lbserudletio ftTlowlas tboo" an a Woo for rooroolooloso dmlop~s'
MA toprovesms of otes"floo md ff~oloa In %be 9"104 96146A, Aftek,
Cie., mwkft Se.443-W ftly-Aga 1"2. # r.--, (an 2332)
1, Pre,*.Isore Astive moobw of the U6461W of No"Gal Seimmme low
stalls WILSO w1wwro I
ftawmmmommm~ I
lb#weslsal rowim of poldwropiwUsle of Pau is lebw. Abush. glas
lb I eva mos 8$6-" Sot-ast 1"2. (a" 23SR)
1, 4"1" Nwbw st Us AeadW of *"Awbl &slow*@ GUIL 2. &MinW"-
KRMHUNOMAICA. Tv.r.- G&WASIOU'A. M.L., wareft-nahchly; BILXQL&TZV# A.P.9 diraktor;
ATR"'YANU, i.ih.. sawoftyushchir; NIKOV. K.M..
Me for the alwarmolkerlstlas of Userlas reception. so.1:263-
M 152. (MM 6:0
1, Ishoraterlym, patetistologit 16"trallaoge tiotitut& 4mehoretwe i gin*ka-
16411 AMAMII madital"kikh wak SIM (fer Garmashova). 2. Montralla7y
lasSISO abasherstva, I lgIrAkelogil Akadeall maditalaskikh a&uk SM (for
ftkola"v). 1. laboraterlya lateretseptivavkh uslovNwkh r9flekoov luatitnta
flatelocil in. I.P.Ikvlova Akadonli monk SIM (for AyrWttlyunts). 14. Inati-
tut fivielogli In. 1,Pftvlova AwWaoll nook SION (for Dykav).
(Nervous system) Wiens)
2. ULU 600
4. Vascular Syefte - Diem**$ - labor (ObttotrIcs)
Pregmewre Caimpliestleme of Pregnancy avA labor In caMiamecular dt"ases.
Ainnh. I gin. so. 2, 1952. Ckle%-Ko. epwast Akaftall Neditsimakikh
Ikik 33332
9&. MaUx " 2L UW&A A=AAm. Library of Congress. Jme 1952,
UKOLLMO L P. . Prar.
Active membe- - of the AcadezV of Medical Sciences of the U-SZR
OFavlov's ms.trialistic theori Is the basis of the rec,matruction, levp1orrPnt, and
accomplishme i Its In Soviet ob3tetrics uni gynecology.0 Akual;. I tljn. no.4: 3-14,
J1-4q, 1952
Theorptienl rrvipw of ')f pir, In I Fin.. Ns. 1.
Mar,thiy 1111 Rf kuf~lpr.~ 4ccerviong, lAtri,iy of C,)rfrept.
Dr(ember 1952, ITIM-ASSITIM
SUCIATNT A.F. lauriwat Gtaliaakor pre it; INISIRGY, &.T., redaktar;
LB"Afte w the tbowr set pneelft of obssears~l swouseleJ
lows" %evil i Ple"Ild OuNtallvesits a",,, LIftbW"dJ "so
Is&-vo 040 lit-py News, Issimpe4d"s $Wags 195). 1" P.
ima less)
I@ ows"Iseles" dam AbAndt MAIsetes"m ank ~ (for
sums. Dope. professor; lamme Aoto. professor. daevitollwn ahlou Akadenii
visditelask" ank am warm"WE
Fmm%l4a esA the GW of "Ims"ta. Akusk. t gin. majiZI-36 WW-JQ '53.
O= 6:7)
1. botitat shimberstm I gludalogil. 2. Akadm#a ueditelmkikh sank
~ (for ilwour"). (cosivalaievel
COB m VA. N.V.; MIKOLA m - , professor. attlem-karrespandeat Ak&44ull meditala-
skift mauk , a OF*
8"Im mWUd as a prepamt Ism wbl4k ~ I - - - ~ i the mareet Is WOOS of Pmtothal
mAbw (%bl~PftUd 4edi~). ftv.ndo 17 W-10:27-28 0 '53. MUM 6sio)
1. Oad*Ual" 4p~r"ivmpft mte"w ledmi" Imsitata absebersews I Simalmle-
1111madmil nditaluMM& ~k OM 2. Abm"aWa mdlt4lm*Ub ~k ~
ter Sawla"O. (SWO"Ics)
POLTAKOVA, G.K.; NIXMAM. A.F., professor, dayetwital0*7 chlen Akadeall W&RO10-
sk*b ~k ~* TRWVWw-
SwIr Wow$ t"AIM of SwAom Ufmd~. lep.pedlat. 21 ne.4:56-38 JI-ft 15).
(NM 630)
1. 066aleaVu awarosbiammWft Uotitula skambentva Akademill vwAltelaekUb
seek. 2. AbMWwV& mdlteimklkh amok ~ (for 50016m).
traLATkir ll~. prafeagor, laar"t Stallaafty prealt, red"tar;
0 T.F.. r*diLktar; DMOVA. U.2.. taftnicbeekiy re-
Etwumm of woommm) %mmeor "Musawol. lbskva. am.
tea-" moc I It-IT, M4. III P. Os& 7111)
1. DWetvitelloVy skles AbWWall mdltoiaskikh am* ISM
(hvgmaw, cswliostl~ of)
. I
,ju 'T 'r - '
I r% LjLtT--T # A . i~ . . (! d
Psychoprophylaxis o '' ltLor pidn,;; lacture7 r-r )b9tetric!in,,3. lAntr~-rc,'.
Medgiz, 1954. 28r- ~*
NUUtAUI, A.P. I"w is aWlellolkle oomtrbo, Abol6l Va. m.11
3") Aw-f 0". . (am 716)
1. lbretwitollary @Mae Abb&mll moillel"UM amik SOW
Osbw (Obetotrl")) (Ametboole I& obs6etrIso)
DCMIUVLOH, Kikhail Lysuovich. kaux(ii&&t &*Ut6EQ%ktkh "uk'. 111KOL&TIT
A.P.. rodaktor; SLVSMTN. A.D., tokam1cfteekly rodaktor
(A mothed of Mehoprophrlaxis to lamrs Paisloss labor) Obted
polkhoprectlaktiki bolot v rodakhe IMST, 0". "a. Is&-TO Um"
1"50 171 P. (W& 9:8)
'm -... - 1w,
Eveakneve in labor ami its trestmet) 41mbestO refievot dolstolOusett
i so Imebeals. Itiev. fes. m&,, 194-w9 ~, 1956, 66 p. (NUA 9ilO)
SMOLLM. A.P. v profossor
Mtkoft of p9jwchWrW1Wl&~%1c preprattom for labor, Akwk, I &U.
J2 6663117-21 IV-40 156. (am 919)
Is D"tvlt*lfvwy chlea AM US
pstaless, psyckeprepiwlectic prop., mathods (Ihw))
911GIATWW', L.P., prctf.
Pftmelp~4 aspects of the croatlv* a"Itcation st Favlov's
physiological t~hlao In obstotries and amcoloao Akush.
I gin. 31 no*5342-57 " '57. (MM 12:5)
1. DaystvitelloWy chles AM SUN.
application of Pavlovian theory, rovtw)
RM=a, ILM-9 INVU91180T, &-I-; KI~LAT, To.Z6; KOMSTAMTUM. V.I.;
&Me wolves =11M. so 111111GLAMe &aP*b pW*j NGWOM#IUT*
B.&O, a 0,37i"Imm, X.H., Md.,
Ermucal obstetrics; "looted ampare) 1prektIcheek" dMehereWel
labrean7a 40TY. Steve "Ge"40184-TO MM36 19580 565 pe
(111M 12a)
le 3by9ftl1ellayy alklen Abodault maditaluddlth so* MR (for
BUM& 11! fttroviab
:Wv_#!tt~ -
Essaws " the twory god prootles, of assetheals In labor] Ocharki.
teeril I prektlkl elesbollventle rodows led.2., Ispre I dope
lbekwa. 1b4gis. 1959. 254 p. (NIPA 130)
(A~W& IN 03820MCS)
slum 0 AfFe
Plamda selfttlfla ressan& la abote4ries am& ff~eloff. Toot.
AM ~ 14 06.1190-63 159. (KZDA 22:2)
Is Dwovitellowy sklm An am.
orcmis. In bassia (Us)
NIKOLLUVP L.P. , Prof. (Kiy*v)
FrobLow In tho offielent mumgj~t 0 labor. Pod, aivAsh I
sla, 22 ft.'9135-0 060" IMFIA Zol.)
1. D*WWIt41 Is" chlon AM MR.
" uar,
I, , A. r$
Status of and prospects for rneattwola In labor In the U-5-5-R-
Test. AM SMR 16 no.2s6+40 161. (MI.-,A 14110)
NUOULTEve &*Pe Effiiwlaicv, A*Pej, prof. (UM)
Wplo. ~M stlYareganumU. Ped.9 akuh. I gin. 23 mv.llLD--L5 161.
Mm 1486)
I., DaystwItollmly ablen AM ma.
(WHAM"t v=u) (FINUMEN)
Ia 0- , -, L-kor
-tt Prof
S~ problmw of presont-day obststrIcs. FWp akwhe 1 gla. 23
no.5oX-37 161. Oam usia)
2. Doyatwitellayy cWLm AM SSIR.
Nipb=- A-F-, oty. red.; SHKOLINIX, B.I.p k&Dd. xed. nauk, red.;
IAUbm&Vg W.S., profs, red.; VIRO(WtAMA, S.F., prof., red.;
GRISMMK09 1.1.p prof., red.1 KORNIWVA, A.Lp knnd. mod.
nm&,, red.; KOWSTAXTIINOV, V.A.,, prof., red.1 YEDYAPIK, H.V.,
red.; PAP, A,G., katki. mod. nauk, red.; PZTMWURGSKIY, F.Te.0
prof.0 red.; SAVITSKIY, 'V*Nop prof,s red*; STEPAV9KOV.SKATA,
Ge&p karA, med, nauko redej TIF-08MKO, L.V., dotoop rods;
YOKSMICHp Ye.Ta., prof., red.
(Transactions of the Third Congress of Obstetricians and
Cynecologlats of the Ukrainian S.S.R.] Trudy III awesda
skusherov-ginakologov Ukrainskol SSR. Kiev, Gosmedizdat
1962, 370 p, (MIRA 17:51
1. SOyead akusherov-giWologov Ukrainsko7 SSR. 3d, Kharkov,
1961, 2. Doystvitellnyy c:Llen AMN SM (for Nikolayev).
1,1KOLAYM, A.11.p prof., red.; AA.I't'O';, rvri.
[Anesthensia in labor] -r,,;ov* Le r. A,F
Meditsir.a. 1964. 214 p. (vilro., 18:.1)
1. AkademiyR moditninnkikh nauk Xm;oow. 2.
tellmy chlen AFN SSSR (for Ntkolnyov).
i .~; ~ I-
11 .11
fAamlation of pormstors aheracterlstag the Gnera spoetram
of lAparity Ions In orpUl tiolds of various ~)~mmotrye Tocreto
1. eksper. Mine 1 no* SIW-490 3-0 065 (XrPA 19d)
lo batitut watellurgitp Svtrdlovske Bubaittod July 5, 1965e
L 212,32-66 EWT(1)/EV!T(w)/EWP(t) UP(c) JD/AT
ACC NR: AP6003802 41"JOURCE COM UR/0131/66/C)03/001/02c;1/0253
AUTHORS% Anishchenko, R. I.; Nikolayev, A. P.; Men',A. 11.
ORO: Institute of Metallurgy, Sverdlovsk (Institut metallurgil)
TITM On the calculation of the diamagnetic susceptibility In
the statistical model
SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 1, 1966, 251-253
TOPIG TAGS: diamagnetism, magnetic susceptibility, statintic
physics, crystal lattice structure, Ion Interaction, paramgnetism
conduction electron
ABSTRACT: The authors used(the Thomas-Fermi-Dirac (TFD)je statistical
model to calculate the electron density and from It the diamagnetic
U geptIbIlity-, It is assumed that for each atom (ion)'-he distri-
bution of the charge is spherically-symmetrical within ;, sphere of
radius R0, and that the potential satisfies certain relationn. The
di&magnetlc susceptibility calculations are presented for Cu, Zn,
Ag, Mg, and 0 and some of their Ions. 7Y,e rerults show that the
Card 1/2
susceptibility depends not only on the type of the ion but also on
the pwition in the crystal.I( The experimental values of t1w. nuu-
ceptibility for pure metalq~xAlffer from tho:3L, calculated because
C , 4- 4 - 1,
of the -ram,.--_U ati&-Cez-nunt wIU-i
experiment in obtained it it iz assumed that the dismagnetle sus-
of the conduction oleatrons aw-unts to about one-third
of the paramagnetic ausceptibility. The diamagnetic suAceptibility
of compounds is calculated in t1w additive approximation and is
found to be in fair agreement with the experimental data. Orig.
art. has: 5 formulas and 2 tables.
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 23Jul65/ ORIG R_7P: 005/ Ori REP: 005
Antefttle lliisMw for sattims ilmd hameleor boods. Per. pres. 8
loosen-13 As, 1". (MM Ulu)
leftbribs bla4mboft tools Offnew" Ok"'br'.6
(ftage-cowwwmes) (wasoor ma lliiablow)
UZMRM&t Teloss Dulbriyawmt-MOM
& lose$ limb., rades looomms VWAOO moo
"Amino LOTMOS tdalle"Wo
I -- d1ousawy m -Woodd"I
SIMWO ps derevembraboWme ftd red, I-SAINnifflio lbdmo
ftmtont 19"o
229 p. -odwA 81stUmari") (am 1515)
(R a
a - Fp
Materials on She allselflosties md blelev of the dab In tbo
W110 Sea. TOP.Oft'k. WAS57-42 155. (WAA 9:6)
101wele-plawdy filial Abodemil mmmik $m.
(IMIs Sew-4natftetwe)
91101AM, A.r.
VivT - -~ ~- -
Arctic nowder la Oneip Day (Malto Sea). Top.jkht. se.5-85-94
133. (WAA ?: 5)
1. 361~0k"s as"telys lastitusa Molesil "Colo-fiftakogo
ftll&la Akadoull mauk SM.
(OMW &W-Flowders)
Im"Tu. A.F,
N&VW Is omp Jkw of tw %Ufa %G. Iks, " koopletevebohlo
wre wolsmo-L4 0370 (~ 108)
lo29UwmWW& bleleasbooWn oftsfAin lotltsfa Weleal
lonlignp filloU Abod"I auk ~o
(Ono kr-o"nob)
1, 11,364,6 F4'r(l)/T IJP(c) or,
ACCESSION NR: AP501731,~ UR/0181/65/0r,7/007/2180/218!5-i
~AUTHORS: MuftaYhqva,__~,_~.'; Nlkolayev, P.L_
I ez~eepanov, V. 1.
:TITLE: On the account of the #Intleraction' of the ter-ro I ri the
icalaulation of the EPR spectra of the Iron-group Iona
[SOURCE., Fiziks tverdogo tela, v. 7, no. 7, 1965, 2180-2185
TOPIC TAGS: electron paramagnetic resonance, EPA spectrum, cubic
crystal, crystal lattice structure Ion
Z ABbMACT#. General* expressions are obtained for the parameters of the
!opi.n Hamiltonian of the iron-group ions In a cristalline field or
i I
tcubic ay=etry with account of the interaction tetween the ternw.
~Me Influence of the terms on the opin-Familtontan constaiAs Is ana-
!1yzed for ions with configuration d (n - 1--9) in octahedral and
Itetrahedral lattice points with cubic island Dy=zr_trj. It In shown
ithat it Is sufficient to confine the calculations to the cases d an
Card 1/2
i. 3336-66
A7 (octahedral lattice point) and d3 (tetrahzdral lattice point).
,Tables are presented for the f3plitting, of the ground levels of the
2 3
lions with configurations d , d , and d under the influence of the
Spin-orbit interaction and of an external vnagnetic field, and for
'Constants of the EPR spectrum for th4~ came Ions. It in shown that
th,~, term interaction can become significant In the calculation of the'
,~spiri-liamlltonian constants. Orig. art. has: I figure, 2 formulas
,!and 2 tables.
ASSOCIAT1014: Uraltskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A. M. Gor1kogj
~Sverdlovak (Ural State University)
SUMMED: 23Nov64-' ENCL: 00 SU73 CODEt NPOP
i HR RU SOVt -002 OTHER: 006
t'ard 2/2
MAKSIMV# A.Aej 91K0!:2rr-VA- A.S.
Sonal characteristies at the ObO floWplain during spring and sAb..
wr flood periods. Isv.SO AN SWR no. S. wor. blol.-viad. nauk no.
2 s66." 163. (JURA 16sll)
1. idologichoskiy inatitut 51birzkogo otdoloniya AN 553R, Novo-
Practical standard for wralmating the work of milk tat amparaters,
lavewyeemebobasawsplabdhotobho noel#1136-142 '58a
1. Mokmkly tolknolaglabookly imtltut vVemmey I welochacy pro-
avableameatt, IWO&a prete"Gow I apparatow plababOTM prelffeasswo
(84paratert (Machime)) (Rusterfat)
lawastUpStag the relationship belveen vibrations In separaUrs
wd tM astent of rat resinval from nilk, lsv,vysiueh*b,swO-,
Vlt%c%eteft* w.11IL23-129 059. w" U16)
1, Noskowakty taftwl"tcheeldy Institut iW&~W I noloebwy
proWshlowmett, kafedra tok%nologli volake. I mlathiWI& produktowe
(Creme separators-Vibration)
TamUSsUcs of vlbraUm factmv et a loaded dr=.Lu it mom
sepantwe 1xv. vp. ucheb. mw.; Itsbab. tekh. no.2: gfflNWVGP.
(KIPA 24 -.7)
L L WdW"Aly t*khWjogjdWSkjy I"ti*&t OPUBOY i soloehnoy
........ &II-ostip kafedrs takhnologli malaka i soloebsykh
iw~tff- Omem 4 ~ i a .11, bmt1m)
Iffest of the tochroloff of pmiv~Llon mW balaming an the m"ame
of arem asprator dnm. lev. vyve udwb* sav.; plahch. t4ekh.
no. 5t 92-96 161. (NIF&A 15s 1)
1. Nm*ov*ly toMmolooebeekty 1"Utut Owsw4y i "olochm7
proeVablennosti. Katedra takhmiogil mlaka I molmbnykh produktov.
(Crom sopm &tors)
AUTHOR: Niko-lMov,A.S. Ingineer 133-11-6/19
TITLN-. the Production of High-grad* Steele in the USSR
(Z&6M~W4AWa wtallurgiya SM)
MUODICAL: Stall, 195?, 60.11, pp. 98? - 991 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: An historical review of the development of the production
of high-grade steels in the USSR with special reference to the
rapid increase in production during 194?-1956 is given.
AVAIIABLN: Library of Congress
Card 1/1
Translation from- Referativnyy shurnal, Metallurgiye, 19S8, Nr 5, p 6Z (USSR)
AUTHOR: Nikolayev. A.3.
TITLE: Basic Methods of Reducing the Consumption of Molds (Oonov-
nyye puti anisheniya reekhoda isloshnits)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Hauchno-tekhn. o-va chernoy metallurgii, 19S7. Vol 18,
pp, SIG-SZ3
ABSTRACT: The author examines the effect of quality, design, and opera -
tional conditiaime of molds (M) on the extent of their consumption.
Data showing the consumption in M's per ton of steel in USSR
plants during the period of 19S I - 1996 are presented together
with idestica I data from British plants for the 19S I - 19SZ period;
it to pointed out that, during this period. the wear of M's in
domestic plants had been reduced by 6-3Z% but that its magni-
tude still exceeds the corroopcnding figures in the British plants.
It is pointed out that the following measures are in order: the
establishment of stricter limits (or the chemical composition of
the cost iron used in the M's based on observations of the rate
of wear; stricter specifications for dimensioning and finish of
Card I/z their internal surfaces as well as reduction of wall thickness in
AUTHOR: Nikolayev, A.S.
TITIS: Steel Used in Foreign Countries for Drop Forging (Shtampo-
vyye stali I primenyaomyye za rubezhom dlya deformirovaniyn
metalls. v goryachom sootoyanil)
PERIODICAL: Stal', 1958, lir 2, pp.162-10'3 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This is a review of Western literature on the subject.
There are 2 tables and 3 English references.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress.
Card 1/1
of &!vrc-~6diActg zI im-me., clf4 olaiwits -~ th-s
-.' P.sicapes i~"l undar th# of to.- w- tX .4A *w.-rk!ng. .13vil 1 25
za.12M20-4122 D 16100 11-CRI if.i2)
I I pik1w I -h4l
A. NfittrLI'ary rAmt.At>,,it -Lvaiellpicy ~, ~ i!'U t
SA-~AlAutdll laqui I.P. harAina.
.i Z F* 1^1 LkY'z:'; Ik. 5.
Dissertations Oftsical. Bases of the Scheduled Regulaticn of SuLf its
Cooking.0 Cand Toch Set,, Loningrad Vorsstr7 Znginsering AcadvV imeni
S.M. "W. Lanirgred, 1954. (Reforativnyy Zhurnal, KhWya, Moscow, Ho. 15g
Aug 54)
30s IUM 393p 28 Feb 1955
lUOlAUT,-#A.; AFMCNI V. 94.
Auto=$ to&$ Ift of saw toomwl"Imal prso~es of IN@ ~ prodwt too.
ftM6PrSS. 29 00.10SI94M 0 '54- Offift 7: 11
1, snug - vowshomp fabr lks eammko
(Ifty be umbl~v)
!"'oductS LAI'd "Llicil, !OQ2 clic'"lls"I
A t
Pru(luct!J. Cclllll-o-c .1nd Jtn ri-ni.,f.-cturc.
Abs Jour: PAcf I L
L. 1~0 10COI:
Author flikOIL .-.n(' CIO ov, 1". v.
Inat 110 8170.1
Titlc Me .'.utor,7tic J.r:;'~ :1, t I on of llovcrs
Or1r, Pub: ir"-, Vul irp '10 11,
(Zn Cz(-,ii)
Abstrl-ct: Tv,~n o I I- t -' on 1 0 r, 4;5
C-rd 1/1
n5=,mvA#mfqj kerdidat toidmialwokikh vAukg xgonwlr, rm.
.0 --
OMOIAIMS IV the ps as of swung chips la mdrIts 00"06, &Mae
press 30 aeolsWI9 Jo 9530 (oft 883)
1e oleww ladomw r, momp tftllvuue"p GaVOI&O
21109ATW,A.S., kerAidat tokkalabookikh mmk; IZCIKUX,L.K., glavojy
Amt~tls emirel dt blow-4offs. fte.prob.30 w.7sl&17 J1155.
(KM 6: 10)
I@ ffvmwd~kv s"Iwelmy owed (for lkwalow)
(PVW saki" umalamT) (has~sle wasirol)
C=tMI and MadvUlft DwItes. AutomMe PepUtim
Aft jnr I Affwst AW - Edsdlm,, lb 4, IL957# IMW
Au%m= : emu=
title S -as AMMCM114 On Of OdIM1044 Oooklsq Pmess
pro&-stt, M6, lb 1, 6-8
Abatrmct t e""'Mt In C0*kI Of CQUAdQ64 If NbSbaAld
ftutomtic reoLlation. utilization of flexible food.
back in the regulation system is not jtmtified, Sia.
ce the cooking d4Pator is a unit having extensivel,
Pcsittv% self-*dJ%wt8Mt,, astatic re4PIation vithout
feedback is to be recoctwAod in cenjunction therr,
with* FVeri=MtaL Yerification of the above-atated
PropoeLtions was carried out by the author at the
ftaaldowkir collulase plant, vhere tests were conduc-
t4d W-th a. reS&W-Lan apten ccogrixine as controL
a 91040-POSIMIC0j, adUtIC =$-AV[ reWlator
out VP 33 -
------------------------------ -------A -------
L------------ am-z
xslm&lw, A.S.. boamil"t tokhatchookikh aauk.
'4~ -
Nota-ray poW thickness ~a. Dw-prow-31 &e.12:11-13 D ',%A.
licatims)(MA 10:2)
.1. (%1& rqrs-lodustrial an
- In-
(P"o -- mems-ti
L AT' ;/E
L 1 P142-6,5 IL pi- r C C)
~ACC NP' AP6000597 UR/0133/65/DOO/012/1120/1122
AVrHOR: Nikolayev, A. S.
TITL3- Effect of the &4AjLjgn_qj_RLcro-&mounts of low-"Itiv& olemsents on the
plasticLmpf stainless st,atleAuring hot Workins
v1=31 itell, me. 120 1965, 1120-1122
TOPIC TAM low rAlting slemmt, stainless steel, plasticity, tin, bimuth, load,
ABSTRACT-, The effect of low-m1ting alloy elements Qnl%t*~Fb, Zn' Sb; As) an the
tigal-ed. To fil
properties of stainless steels has previously been relatively uninvas
this gap, the author presents and analyzes recent findings (Pridautsov, H. V. Vliyani-,
.'g primnsey I red!tozemel'nykh elmentov no avoystva splayov. MiatallurRizdst. 1962,
pp 46, 60-62; Lench, Dinsten, W.P. Electric Furnace Conference, Pittsburgh Meeting,
1961, Det. 6-8; Bergh, S. Jernkontorets annaler, 1948, v. 132, no. 6, 213-220). It is
shomn that micro-amounts of these elementy markedly rod"a the plasticity of stainless
steels during deforaition in hot state. Low-malting elements tend to segregate at
grain bomn(fories and weaker the bonds between grain#. The adiarse effect of low-
melting elements on the hot plasticity of stainless steels naJ particularly oustenitici
_CcH~ IL2m-- &IS
increases with increasing content of these elements in the
!steel as well with increasing weight (mass) of tha Ingots. Since these elements do
.not oxidize during melting and (e.g. Bi and Pb) are either totally or relatively in-
Isolub1c in the Fe-base solid solution, the only w4y of reducing their content in steels
As by tii;ing charge materials of higher pur~tj~'Ijn order to enhance the plasticity of i
istainleas steel during hot deforustion, the content of low-melting elements in the
furnaca charge must be reduced to the feasible snJ sconcoic&lly 4xpedient minimum,
iwhich for Pb amounts to 0.0006-0.10%; for Sb, 0.009-0.115Z; for S, 0.014-0.125%; for
1,Zn, 0.001-0.005, doperading on the type of staiule#* *Laral. Or.&. art. 2 ft"- an.
WD COD19t -11, 13/ MW D&M aft*/ ORIC RM 001/ QM Wt 002
NLKCgAYW.A*S.. lashavar
1. - ~ I
ftlating fama&o wtok pershlerawlarl paints. mov.som.
v @trot* 17 so,asn-3o 155. (NUA Bill)
(ftlating, laftetrial)
lb.N., kftd.t$WM-%"*9 MUM=, NA, tRSb-f-N'-K"--T-9 ""
wk.t lot=** T.T.0 ask-; RAIMO I,-&-* kmals%dft'wwr
NSMUS All., d*t*r I " SM*l WUMMMUO DINO* b"do"kMo
Av*j WTANM. 1P.S.. lask.1 MMOMNW# N.V., babot WCOSS"Stl
pmegm, TOIS40 temmew",
eb~l ft ftalem" apnoiawl spoweawk pe Otftl~
nbeteme hi redo AelohmAda I OaReftirldamele lealasm4o
4869126-ve lit-ry pe etrelt'o edgkit, t Strolt,mtor"lame
19600 4" P. (OM 1414)
to lealmame OLWMP lumiftlemp
(ftmeme ma rMISURS)
IT1101 -*sandr BergeyeTicht Luskq MW4YSLlXf rtd.; 1OldCWp
1-amommAt I.A.0 tokbc. red,
Inalshim k4min food&@ with pse" onpmdtlowl owenn teamww
el"i pww" "sum&$ "" we@" me=" 4.0 bleftowe
Me 16 po %smlupWddl Sm hodal pqpOpok. Olo-
m Pwadsvp Swum, offlial a tells"& 9 ".10)
O"to) (ftddwo ad fix& U17)
GOLA"* Sh.N.9 kaxid. t0khrl. IDAUIC; IZD=SOV, N.M., inrb.;R-NIKOLAILYS.
Imishel IPAVIA=p VoTe. inshol PLAKIDA9 M*Aop kud* iikli- i"i
PORAIWA# A.L# daktor toMm. mauki SIPIRZDMWAl OOKOP ;;M;. tokhm.
mkl SWA"Eff 9 P.S. 0 imb. 0 MMTWVg B~Ds t jusho p retalmsmutl
9"q M.Ts.t red. is(-va; FULIKINAt Te.A.t tokhn. red.
Ilantbook of finishing operational Spravocknik po otdeloebms re-
botm. Pod red. A.I.Foradnia i O.M.Spirldonovol, L*nlWadg Go*.
Ind-im Ut-ry po strolt.0 arkhit. I strolt. misteriabump 1961.
1#97 P. (MMA UM
1. laningrad. Uprayleniye po shillshchnom I grazbdamakow stroltoll-
(Finishes and finishing)
HUMT-ATEW, Al-k-ldr -q;mua" KAMTv T.Top red.; TMULTAS-MV,
wn. 0 1". sa-ve; IEWMADVAp l*A*q- bekhm. red.
- q
(sweate paistal slubur kfnm"w"bUL. 0 wwo PC
op H-tMmnUu politlebooldbb I asuabs. nowdl WFSAV
1,963. 19 P. (lad- -- A-61 &M UMM636-tekbalebmhol pio-
pos"ft. Ob~ per4dovp opytm. Sorliat Stmltolonp ma-
tonalyt no. 2) (ftlats) (CIA 160)
VISM, A.T., akad4alk; LUKU N, X.N.. inchouierl TRAFZZNIKOT. V.A.:
5 A-two lashoser (Murantsevo. Vladlmlrskoy obl.): KUMMM.
'Ti6-11~ Ukraintseve, fladialrolmy obl.); POW. I.I.. dotemat. kwAlUt
teldialdissidkk amk (mescow); DADATAM. M.G.0 lasbossm,$ SM~C.
G.N,, lashonst,: KLAPCM, LeDes fashowrl MUNTSUM, U.N., lasho"ri
?A~T' B.N., professor, toktor takhalabookikk am*; MIUM, A*O.,
ImprovIsS the ksowledp of power onglosers through correspondence
courses. Deauke on B,X.Tarem's &a4 A.O.lWdsoals &Alclo. Blek-
triclimetwo soji76-ft Ur 054. (MURA 7t Is)
1, Amer~stichoddy Imstitut Is. lLrvh1sbmwvekqp Akedeall mat
(for Ilator). 2. Olavaly saarptik Gorlkoveko~o avsmoblltaW
savoda Ise lblo"va (for Idmakida). 3. lastitat avtomtiki I tols-
md*mgd Abadevill ammk ~ (for frqpesmillmv). 4. fkleak*rre gas
diest Akeftail ammk ~ (for Treposalkov)e 3" zGziW*a%vs (for sea*-
lymto)o 6* limepropetroveldy lastitat I& v tramopor" (for Be-
11shes"). 70 guralcals-a- grog (for Kleveltak . S. Oraltbovo-"v-
~kWa tote (for Fromilessov Toosayamogy mosbW onergetlalwakly
Lastitut (for Ta"YOT Wd maodsom),
q a, lop
0 0 0 * 0 Sig
Tq? pot ?I 'PlAtt 0 1 f ! I
q-1 - it.
-t- AL
So, 14 bw bmmw mg & on at
0 do MP 014i i i ip ip i 41 6 a