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NIKIMOKO I.T. k_and.seI'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk; SHIDLOMY, Yu.','., inz?,.; I.E., inzh.; GCOSHYM, A.P., inzh. Continuous-flow ~arvosting of grain by combiaes with straw chopping. Nekh. i elek. 3ots. se.1'skoz. 20 no.3:6-9 161-1. (~aRA 15:7) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institiat mekhanilzats.'ii i elektrifikataii sellskogo khozyaystva. (Grain--harvesting) (Harvesting machinery) L 3955-66 ACC NR: AP5025543 u Jec s were cent'r--1=-*; :,,::'-...'-.At.the onset of thOexperimen the two expe imaw b bi t adio communications bet 9) to simulate. launch.. R ween the subjects were n recordedi W -which they described their subjective Illusio; s at thtstime and as'.the 1-0-41 sed. Chamber humidity.was 38-65%, and the-/:-,~,'~ ~ay expertment.progres exper es It-eriiperature. was 16-45C. Duringth6 Iment, coordination exercis conducted, as.W.ere psychological'andvistia I tests:-t6 determine attentive-~-, mere Inat and ivoiking ability. Centrifugation again took place at the term ion of the experiment to simulate reentry. - iical examinations: ed. tt.wai'found that'10.-days of.'., ",Vwo Adys of med follow hy0odynamia, lowd red the compensator 'capicityof,t e.edrdiovascular and y its WeAkiened respiratory'systems, disrupted the coordinatioti,o movemet muscles, ia;wered6ndurance, and decreased infelleciua and ~h sic i1 working y a ~,ability. -Muscular mass'decreased while them amount.offat increased. It is A. special c6uhtermeasurf b~"ft ~'Oeveloped to over- astated ths owe thes e Wf osmonauts'Ah'th cc c a! subjeci- i tographs s tq~y a ~h c entr fuge fat &qi ergo vig respiratio# Ff o .6 A-, -'-.16st ' ie'bat usiLn s s aqq.qL,-_: rQm, a tube-'. testing spong 1, .con ro an as imanual. t I d: att6nttV6n6 SUB DS 212 SOV/169-60-1-220 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, 1960, Nr 1, p 27 (USSR) AUTHOR- Nikitenko, K.I. 'V TITLE: The Application of the Telluric Current Method In the USSR PERIODICAL: Novosti neft. tekhn. Geologiya, 1959, Nr 3, pp 26 - 30 ABSTRACT, The industrial application of the telluric current method (TCM) in the USSR began in 1956. At present, areal and route surveys, regional and prospecting surveys are performed by the metnod mentioned. The author briefly describes the theory of the TCM and the equipment applied. When measuring by the TCM, one obtftlns the average Intensity of the telluric current field, which depends on the total longitudinal electric conductivity of the strata above the reference layer and the depth of occurrence of a high resistance stratum. The author adds examples and figures showing the effectiveness of the TCM applied to the study of the tectonic structure, to the detection of structural zones, and to the re- gional mapping In various regions of the country, Card 1/1 G.A. Fonarev NIKITEHKO. K.I. Use of the telluric current =ethod of the U.5.S.R. Bp-zvwl,.i prom.goofiz. no-33:29-42 '59. (MIRJ~ 13:4) (Electric prospecting) ANISHCHENKO, G.14.; GOLUBKOV, V.V.; N IE 4YA .~~ENK~OKJ~.- Ci RI VSKIY, G.A. Magnetotelluric sounding in central Turkmenia. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geofiz. no.11:1651-1658 N 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut geofizicheskikh metodov razvedki. (Turkmenistan-Electric prwpecting) BERDICHEVSKIY, M.N.; NIKITENKO,_K.I. Methodology of determining the stratigraphic relation of a test horizon in the method of telluric currents, Prikl. ofiz. fMIIIRA no.33:102-123 162. 15:10) (Earth currents) (Geology, Stratigraphic) RIKIIFMO) K.I. -- E-stima.ting depth by the method of telluric c=enta. Razv-,d. i okh. nedr 29 no.5:43-45 ktr 163. (nLu 16:7) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut geofizichask-Uh metodov razvedki. (Electric prospecting) ACCESSION MR: AT4016824 S/2604/63/000/048/0052/0062 AUTHOR: Nikitenko, K. 1. TITLE: Zoning of investigated territory by means of data obtained from the earth current method SOURCE: Moscow. Vsesoyuzny*y nauchno-issledovaLel'iikly institut geofizi- cheskikh metodov razvedki. Ra4veduchrwiya i promy*Blovaya geofizika (Prospec- tkis aiid h%dtincrint gcophynicH), no. 411, 1963, 52-62. TOPIC TAGS: geographical zoning, telluric current, geology, earth current zoning, earth current ABSTRACT: Zoning of investigated territory is one of the most important stages of geological interpretation of the telluric current method-'. It allows one to find the principal structural geological or geoeleccrical zones. An investigated area may be zoned by the telluric ten.-io,- E, by E(S) curves and by E(H) curves. High-quality geophysical sections may be plotted showing the tectonics of the investigated area, and the data may be used for further explanation of data obtained by the telluric. current method. Zoning is performed in the same way as for gravimetric maps. 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4016824 Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 1 table. ---ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuzny*y nauchno-issiedovatel'skiy institut geofizicheskikh metodov razvedki (All-Union Scientific-Research Institute of Geophysical Prospecting) SUBI-aTTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 13Feb64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: AS NO REF SOV: 004 OTHER: 000 Card 2/2 i ACCESSION NR: AT4016746 S/2604/63/000/049/007210079 AUTHOM Mitanko, K. I. TITLE: Method of statistical interpretation of telluric current observations SOURCE: Moscow. Wes. n.-i. inst. geofiz. metodov razvedki. Razvedochnaya i promy*slovaya geofizika (Prospecting and industrial geophysics), no. 49, 1963, 72-79 TOPIC TAGS: geophysics, telluric current, Lelluric tension, longitudinal conductivity, deposit depth ABSTRACT: The quantitative interpretation of the data of the tellurij current method is accomplished empirically on the basis of functions showing the relation- ship between the average telluric tension E and the total longitudinal con- ductivity .1 or deposit depth H. This is ~_nown as the statistical method. The basis for analysis of the conditions for using this method are the E(S) curves, shown in Fig. 1 of the Enclosure. The analysis was based on the approximate solutions proposed by M. N. Berdichevskiy of the VNIlGeofiziki. The empirical B(S) and H(H) curves are analyzed and compared with standard H(S) curvea, considering variations in H~A av. The slope of the E(S), R(Sl) curves, vhere 81 is the total longitudinal conductivity of rocks covering a high-reaLstance Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4016746 series, serves as the basis for determining the stratographic coordinates of the key telluric horizon in the area, the section'.3f which contains high-resistance intermediate strata. The slope of the H(Sl) eurves allows one to obtain infor- mation on the structural relationship between the key telluric horizon and the intermediate higb6-resistance strata, This information, as well as oLher data, allows one to explain the ty e of empirical cur-veB obtained in different geo- logical areas. Orig. art . h2s: 4 figures and 2 equations. ASSOCIATION: Vaes. n.-i. inat. geofiz, metodov razvedki, Moscow (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Geophysical Prospecting) SUBMITTEDi 00 SUB CODE: ES~' Card 2/3 DA3M ACQ: 13Feb64 NO REF SOV: 003 ENCL: 01 OTHERi 000 )"CESSION NR: AT4016746 ENCLOSUREt Ol 13.-35 " 7>,/3~,, Card 3/3 ~s" if 03S 19 #7s O"JO.ILY -,-I- j A a cc E fl ~13 YXL7 -01j- is ZIP -01 JOB 4p ad Fig. 1. Construction of calcul4ted models and characteristic -E(S) curves. 'i I K ! T ~T 1: , , ~ . . . lm., E. () f .."wo !%,: . v I- - - * ~ . I , ,, .. , , . 7 ~. ' ' Q ~ - , -, . J It I w.dpr oy-:~lr-a~ -)I'- '- - "~ - ~e ' - ' --. - -. P,~ - ) - NI.KIITEMN, L.A.; SHINAREVA, 6N.; CHISTY&KOV, '1.F. Obser,jation ~-,' a high-latitude sunspot. Astroncm.tsir. 9 111. ~MIRA 1'7-1-,) '. fJssuri./skaya ~-,olrer-h-ayti stantsiya. NIKITENKO, L. A. NIKITENKO, L. A.: "The clinical aspects, diagnosis, and treatment of lambliotic cholecystitis in children". KharIkov, 1955. KharIkov State Medical Inst. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate Of Medical Sciences) SO: Knizhnaya Letopis' No. 51, 10 December 1955 NIMMIKO, L.A., Treatment of cholseyetitis In children. Pod.. alrush. I gin. 20 no.): 9-12 '58. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Kafedra detskikh bolezne7 lechebnogo fakullteta (zav. kELfedroy prof. O.Z. Tots) Khartkovalcogo meditainakogo instituta (direktor - dots. I.P. Xononeko) na baze detskoy dorozhnoy boltnitay (nach. - A.G. Kovalonko) Tuzhnoy zheleznoy dorogi. (GALL BLADDM-DISBASZS) NIKITHNIO ,.., Epidemmal skin test in diagnosing cholecystitis Ewith sirmimary in English]. Pedintriia 36 no.5:61-63 MY'58 (MIRA 11:6) 1. Iz knfedry detskikh bolezney (zav. - prof. G.I. Tets) lechebnogo fnlcullteta Khartkovskogo meditsinskogo instituta (dir. - dotsent I.F. Kononenko). (GALL BLADDER-DISEASES) (GIARDIASIS) NIKITENKO L.A, enkol L.Aj, assistent Comparative evaluation methods of treating lambilogenic cholecystitis in children. Ped., akush. i gin. 23 no.3:23-24 161. (M-A 15:4)' 1. Kafedra propedevtiki pediatrii (zav. - prof. G.F.Dobrogayev [Dobrohaieva, H.F.J) Khartkovskogo meditsinslcogo instituta (direktor - dotsent B.A.Zadorozhnyy) na, baze 7-oy detskoy boltnitsy (glavnyy vrach - B.A.Korobchanskaya [Korobehans'lka, B.A.]). (GIAitDIASIS) (GAII BLALDER-DISEASES) (QUINAGRITE) (ANTIBIOTICS) NIKI'MIKO, L.A. [Nykyterko, L.A.]; POBREBUYAK, A.P. [Fl-relria-k, A.P.1i Course :f he;~ato--'., 'e,:ys*i~,Its -n -*-~:--~rer- with -:'=ic tcn- sillitis. Ped"at. a..-.,ch. g-nek. 1163. (MIRE l-':!) 1. Ka-fedra 1- -afr-dra gorla i nosa Kh&r",eov-,---r meditsLnsr-logo dotsent B.A.Zadorozrny-,"r tZadorozl-ry-,, B.A.] na baze 7-go y -~rrach R.A.Kcrobchars~aya detskogo ob"yedineni~a (rlawny- (Korobchanalka, R.A. N)e DOBROGAMA, A.F.; NIKITE21KO, L.A. ---- -- Unusual case of epiphysial punctate dysos.osis ( atypical chondrodystrophy) in a 7-year-old child. Pediatriia 42 no.6:77-78 Je'63 (MIRA 17:1) 1. Iz kafedry propedertiki ped-latrii ( zav. - doktor med. nauk A.F. Dobrogayeva) KharIkovskogo meditsinskogo insti- tuta ( dir. - dotsent B.A. Zadorozhnyy) na baze 7-go detskogo ob"yedineniya (glavnyy vrach R.A. Korobchanskaya). ACCESSION NR: AP4033049 5/0147/64/000/001/0127/0232 AUTHOR: Nlkitonko, N. I.;_NHdtouko. Ift L TITLE: The temperature field of a system of bodies having regions of equalized tempera- ture SOURCE: IVUZ. Aviatalonnaya tekludka, no. 1, 1964, 127-132 TOPIC TAGS: temperature field, thermal conductivity, temperature dependence ABSTRACT: Pointing out that the need quite frequently arises to determine the tempera- ture field of a system consisting of bodies with relatively low thermoconductance and of metallic bodies (that is, such as possess a relatively high thermoconductance factor). the authors note that if, by way of approximation, the latter are considered regions of equal- ized temperature, the problem of determining the temperature function of such a system can be substantially simplified. Two specific problems are considered in this paper. The first, of interest in connection with computations of the thermal state of aircraft skins, is formulated as follows: two unlimited plates are in contact, one of them being a region of equalized temperature. On the outer boundary of the non-metallic plate a constant tem- perature tf is maintained. with boundary conditions of the third order occurring an the Cwd 2/7 ACCESSION NR: AP4033049 inner boundary of the metallic plate. At the initial moment of time, the system to con- sidered to be in an unbalanced stationary state wheA the temperature of the metal It - const 4 tf. The temperature field of the system at subsequent moments of time Is be determined. The aut1wr finds Utat the tomperative function of this system is =pcessed by an Infinite series: C + M GM $to &b 2 1 40T + Ad 1910 yr~J I 2 2/7 Cwd ACCESSION NR: AP4033049 In the next section of the paper, the problem is posed in the following, more general formulation: a certain system consists of a finite number of solid bodies in contact, a part of which represent regions of equalized temperature. With respect to this system, the following are considered given: 1) The temperature distribution at the initial moment of time -.. 0, and also the distribution of the temperature of the cooling modium washing the external surfaces of the bodies comprising the system, in the form thi = tf + boili - blit'Le where i is the number of the body in the system; 2) 'rho values of the thermo-physical parameters within each body; these are functions of the coordinates and do not depend on time; 3) The heat transfer factor at the outer boundaries of the system, this being a function of the coordinates: 44 = *4 (x, y, z); 4) The sum power of the heat sources for the metallic bodies of the system: W i = sOiti-s 1i t'i. The temperature functions of the non- x metallic bodies of the system satisfy the equation: d1v (I grad 1) cT L ds (2) C.,rd 3/7 ACCESSION NR: AP4033049 A particular solution of this equation may be represented in the form: cue- (3) where C is a constant, m is a certain positive value, and, -u is a function of the coordinates, which must satisfy the Mowing conditions: tnMu + Nu+ grad. adF - 0, M-C0+f3j-adF4-x,, N- f( I - ;g)-adP- (4) grad& u u (I - bo - m6'). I, grid& aj - 1. grad. up (6) Here ii is the eigenfunction of the body with an equalized temperature conaftnt for OU ift points. The afithors MaUy arrive at Card 4/7 ACCESSION NR; AP4033049 urkgrad.udF- kgradulgradudV+ (7) +m cTuudV-0. for an individual non-metallic maldng up the system. The surface F contains not only the outside surfaces of the body, but also those surfaces along which it is contiguous with the other bodies of the system. The Integral for the outer surface of the body is given as: uj! grad. udF b.) auu,dF +111~ b,auudF. (8) while the integral for the surface of contact with the metal body is determined bt the expression: (9) Card 6/7 ACCESSION NR: AP4033049 with equation (7) thus taking on the form: HWU al - Aru U-, (I - b.) vuu'~'P,+ njb,wwjdF - J (10) XgradujgradudV+,njcTu1UdV-0- Finally, the authors demonstrated the condition of orthogonality of the elgenfimetions for the system of bodies considered: cTaju6dV+ bjaau&dF+MZ,a-,~0. OriF. art. has: 33 formulas. ASSOCIATION: None CAwd ACCESSION NR: AP4033049 SUBMITTED: 220ct63 DATE ACQ: IlMay64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: GP NO REF SOV: 002 OTHER: 000 Card 7/7 - ZELIKIN, M.B.; KAZNACHE-,fFVA, V.V., NIKITENK9 ~.IAj TIKHOMIROVA, I.D. Filter matertals used in the manufacture of "nitron" fibers. Khim. volok, ne.4zlO-11 165. (MITRA 18~8) 1. Mauchno-Isalwiovatel'skV JnqtItut oonovnoy khIm.I!, Kharikov. ra V: por'bic lo, ~A th out ids I A hil 7 7~7 w The- '&b6v9:`emf&tioj AR~FIYLVA, N.V.; T ',4 T N'ew me&suremerj~s cf thermodynamic tempera,~--re witr. Trudy ins t. Kom. stan a .-er i zm.prlb. n,."l- : i ~-21? 1 V5esoyuzn.,,ry as ie(J.,va,e !ne!- I, Mende 1 eyeva NIKITENKOp Y.A. Arboriculture Experience in planting seedlings. Les. khoz. 5 No. 9, 1952 Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November 1952. Unclassified a 0 ease**** a ~ P 9 N 'A 5 2 8 0 0 11 4 0 6 4 0 _LU_LLL a 11 f 6, , A__,. ! AI &- - 00 A - Joe Of"S JRP 4!1 din ygm piweing AND seetterits w"B U" of grog br" In clkw*en al opm-hesseth fumaces. x I.- IWOROVA-mm nw suintmatum or V"u NVIhn;4% twk-k rm~l Or ItIr -if th,- cttvckff% hoonan is 11 W 170 to 241) hrm, Grt-Atri iminovv x r A litent cats fir ihtAj4 m f hv drvira,ifilt stir I.w,.itv .'( IfIr I-L ' go I ll, twwk was ItImte ffoal Ctuwv Val OAY val 'k , L.y lee 0 Ali(). + TiON39 09. Ile,(), 0 7K. 0400 42, Nituff Al.mid tgmtimi 0 1, - , IW" .-M I ' so ' "ti, ka -F atdifuutal -hrm", ar at 1Xwl I coo go to 0 00 Pill 111"fah". lee I. 4mv dad 4814,11111sel a". 1, v v a a Is 0 a to In dW ',NIKITEIJKO, M.D., Inzb.; SURIN, P.P., inzh.; VIRSHISKIT, VA., inzh. Manganese content of Ell. E12 and E13 electrical steel. Stalt 21 no. 1:30-31 A 161. (MIR& 14:1) 1. Alpayevskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat. (Manganese steel...Electric properties) NIKITENKOJ, M.D., inzh.; FELTRAN, B.A., inzh.; LOMAKA, N.Y., inzh.; BULATOV, B.I., inzh. Using bauxite-titanium foundry pig iron. 3tall 23 no.6:573-574 is 163. (MIRA 16:10) ?; ~~. . ". -, . : 13 - - , . . ; . . I . . . ; N-'X~"DJKU, M.D.01 irl-r. . ; ; ~' '-' , , ' ! I I ". ,N : ; '. - M.'- r ' ,~j . F . , ; n ~ r. . ; - --- -- - . . ~% . , . I , k I . '~,V IN, I . -. , - ; F--.' !, V, .. '. , 1 n:,r.. L - i - . Arnount Of frill figi ~~ 1151',! ; N '0,, ffi:, IInf, f~f -" I dyna-mo s tee ~ . ~'-.a 1 1 r, 25 nc,.8:8(.-) -; ! - e 6 4 A Ail A &In I a is a a a v a* a a -Ql 4 'A M*Q It 19 fit. f t v #4 1 -A se 00 * , A t * t I-a go .00, 0 -d-A- 41 - . 0 :: mm.%;~.d mm wVL rmL AmL 0 " 410 h s I m w w u R A a a of-Aimm ~6 fou d" (OUGWW. to the Agog dwkw" 62 go. 0( & --*0 ea V b~ obomed In B. =tWONCAM-16 'Gwmmw exim i, coo roe OOW UZ odumwpbo* ogd B. a T coo md Pdb dN =0 do 60 fiwmed O * B . O V 0 6taWs. Tbm mew 4w som ft~t t*k"P. -.Coo diitmmm In the Mock"Lim O(L-M VWAMUM ::oo A. G& goo -o4 ago coo N"w 21"Olive goo. 80.14. WOO Mow MAP 4mv a" own ~ slasil OK Foo a AT a m i 4 ; a, , a ; a, , ; a & ; -. 1m - - '. - - -a : 0 1 a c 3 a WISP 4 00*ooo4i oooooeoeeoeloeooeooe l eeoooooooo 1 A 0 -.gLe 0 0 00 000*0001000 0, NIKITMO. M.F. . - Conditions of growth development of the optic nerve. Doklady Akud. nauk SSSR 77 no.1:153-156 1 Har 51. (CLKL 20:6) 1. Presented by Academician A.I. Abrikosov 29 December 1950. INIKITENK0, M.F. On the significance of prim-xy ocu-lar cleft !n tIp, forma~,o.-. .- tile secondary crystalline IGns. Doklady Akad. na,,-k- SSSR ?7 937-939 11 Apr 1951. (CUIII 1,C:"?) 1. Presented by Academician A.I. Abrikosov 5 February 19~1. NIKITENKOr. M.F. On the intereffecto 'Detween the retina and the cryntalline lens. Doklady Akad. nauk SSSR 78 no.1:157-159 1 May 1951. (CIRL 20:9) 1. Gorlkiy State University. ". Presented by Academician A.I. Abrikosov 15 February 1951- ousn, voi. s, soa vikstesb)p W. F. (Gorki S,ste Uhiverisity), The relation a between the retire mid the ~6 1,-`157-9 fqsf Akedamlys Nauk, 5 S.S.R., Dokl*4, vol. 78, no.1 71 51". YOU- -after t. t%cy, ilsiwllylmille~ - - ud, u tr* uppq 11,410 th NIKITINKO, M.F.. kandidat biologicheskikh nank OlIxtracellular forms of lifes; collection of material for teachers of biology. Istv shkole no.4:191-94 JTI-Ag '53. (KI-RA 6:6 ) 1. Chernovitskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Biology) (lapeehinskaia, Ollga Borlsovna, 1871- ) RIMMKO, N.Y. low data on ths formation of the crystalline lone from various sections of the trim. DokI. AN SSBR 93 no.6:1123-1126 D '51. (KLOA 6:12) 1. Chernovitakiy gosud^rstvenWy universitet. PredLetavlano akademikom A.I.AbrikosovM (Crystalline Ions) 1V1A'1T6-1V60,,1'7-F NIKYTENKO. M.F.; NIKITENKO. T.F. Characteristics of cell nucleus formation in the tissues of vegetative hybrids. Dokl.AN SSSR 95 no-3:649-652 Kr '54. (MLRA 7:3) Predstavleno &kademikom V.N.Sukachavym. (Plant calls and tissues) AUTHORt Nikitenko, M. F. 2o-119-4-58/6o TITLEs On the Role of the central Nervous Sy8tem in the Tail Re- generation Process After Autotomy in the Lizard (0 roli teentrallnoy nervnoy sistemy v prot3esse reFenerat3,i khvc3ta posle autotomii u yashcheritay) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii Nauk JjSR, 1958, Vol 119, Nr 4, pp 834-836 (USSR) LBSTRACTi In spite of the quite thorough investigation of tail autotomy in lizards (reference 1), the mechanism at' this pro- cess was not found outj the bonditions which guarantee the formation of a replacing tails are not determined yet either. As known/the autotomized tail is reformed almost completely, although not quite typically. In the case of an amputation, however, this occurs very seldom and only as tail-like forma- tions. As the autotomy takes place on a rdlectory base and re- presents a sort of passive defence, which was worked out In the course of evolution, the question of the role of the central nervous system in this process is very interesting. OW gr"Wr_ -up Lacerta vivipara 4 series of experiments were performed: Card 1/3 1) After a typical autotomy the nervous system in the tail On the Role of the Central Nervous System in the Tail 2o-119-4-58/6o Regeneration Process After Autotomy in the Lizard canal was destructed 1.' - 2 cm by a needle. II) The same, but without destruction of the nervous system. III) The tail was amputated at the level of the autotomy of the Ist and IIrid series. Destruction of the nervous system as in I).IV) - as III), but without destruction of the nervous system. In the animals of the'Ist &:id IInd serjes,,Lhickening of the epithe- lium occured. 2he central canal of the spinal cord either re- mained empty or was filled by mesenchyme cells. Regeneration humps did not form and the wound surface remained flat. In the case of a typical autotomy (series I!) the tissues of the newly formedfail are grown t-rough by well visible nervous fibers. In the course of re,~eneration t'-.o new ta4l has se- veral vertebrae. This is not the case with series I and III. Mostly here even the epithelium is missing. The central canal of the spinal cord either is obstructed with cartilage elements or deformed. The distal vertebra, which was cut through in amputation, often decomposes. In part of the animals (22%) with a nervous system obtained after amputation, (series IVJ after 4o days a partly regeneration of the tail was observed. Card 2/3 But the regenerates were under-developed, the vertebrae were On the Role of thoCentral Nervous System -1.,. the Tail 20_11Q_A_~)9160 Regeneration Process After Autotomy in the Li'-.,i-,,d shapeless cartilage acc,imulations, the muscle fibers did not form bundles. A.1so *-'ere ra:-zifications of nervcus fibers were found. The differencea 6.' tl-.e jrocesses of re- generation of all 4 serie~3 a2c. s-.-wn In f4-,-. 2. There are 2 figures, and 1 Soviet reference. ASSOCIATIONs Chernovitokiy go9udarfjtvei,.,-,yy universitet University) PRESENTED: July 19, 1957, by Ye. N. Pavlovskiy, blember, Academy of Scienses, U_'ISR SUBMITTED: June 22, 1957 Card 3/3 F-a GORBIK, P.V. geologico-faun-istic characteristics of =rine rodents in Soriet Bukovina. Nauk. zap. UzhGU 40:39-49 t59. OGRA 14:4) 1. Chemovitskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet. (Bukovina-Rodentia) 17M AUTHOR: Nikitenko, M. F. TITLE: Com~arative Characteristics of cf the Brain in Some Species of kharakteristika razmerov i stroyeniya r,ekotorykh vidov voroblinykh) 3 Olf? /2 C - 1, 2 the Dimensions and Structure Passeriformes fqravnitellr-aya golovnogo mozga PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 125, Nr 4, pp 94,-91t8 (USSR) A.BSTRACT: Among all classes of birds the BparroW3 (Passeriformes) have the greatest number of apecies. They live under a great variety of c3nditions and are adapted in manifold ways to the quest of food, to flying etc. Yet the structure of the brain cf these birds is more uniform than in birds of other classes, though there is no lack of species in which differences in brain morphology connected with characteristics of the mode of life are manifest. The author has set himself the task of disclcsing such differences and for that purpose the brains of 25 species of Passeriformes, mainly from the region of the UkrSSR al(-g the Carpathian Mountains were stud1JFd. According to the pattern proposed by the author (Ref 1) the -'-ass of Passeriformes be- Card 1114 longs to the group of birds which spand much time flying (VIth SOV/20-125-4-72/7" Comparative Characteristicsof the Dimensions and Structure of the Brain i.~ Some Spqcies of Passeriformes biological type). In such birds the optic lobes of the me3ence- phalon and the cerebellum are strongly developed, as the organ of 3ight is highly developed, and an exact coordination of movements in flight is necessary. The anterior hemispheres of the cerebrum are also strongly developed. The brain beloT.js to the occipito-temporal type (Ref 2). The size of the brain ir, birds is known to be related not only to the body ?;eight but to be conditioned by all functional, ecologic and phylogenetiG factors. One of the decisive factors is the degree of develop- ment of the senses. Changes of surroundings entail changes of the mode of life. This leads to adaptive morpho-physiological changes of the organs or of the degree to which their functional capacity is utilized. Therefore the respective centers of these organs in the brain attain a different degree of development. This determines their aspect. The following groups are distin- guished within the Passeriformes accordingto the p~udrfmt type of food: 1) seed-eaters (a arrows) and specialized seed-eaters (Crossbills - Loxia)l 25 fruit-eaters (starlings, t~irushes); 3~ insect-eaters ~swallows, Muscicapa, titmice = Parus etc); Card 2/4 4 pantophagists ~some species of crows, magpies, jays = Gar- SOV/20-125-4-72/74 Comparative Characteristicsof the Dimensions and Structure of the Brain in Some Species of Passeriformes rulus); 5) carrion-eaterB (ravens, remaining species of crows); 6) Raptatores (shrikes - Lanius). Table 1 shows the weights of certain segments of the brain as related to the mode of feeding and of flying. It may be seen from it tha t 4a Passeriformes, just like in other classes of birds (Refs 3,6), the relative weight (index) of the cerebrum increases with decreasing body weight from 1.6 per cent (Coryus corax) to 5.4 per cent in Silvia cinerea. The increase of the occipital lobes of the hemispher03(mainly of the corpora striata) is connected with an increase of the me8encephalon, that of the frontal lobes -aith an increase of the medulla oblongatao The segments of the cerebrum show a more uniform development in the species which use all their senses equally for orientation on their quest of food- The whole system of the masencephalon and corpora striata has become in Passeriformes the most important part of the brain. It performs functions of association (in analogy with the cortex parts) and conducts the main acts of coordination during flight. The cerebellum also has a great importance. it 'lard 3/4 centralizes statotonic coordinations and the function of main- SOV/20-1 25 -4-72/74 Comparative Characteristics of the Dimensions and Structure of t-f. .~L Some Species of Passeriformeg taining the equilibrium. There are 1 table and 8 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCTAT'ON- ChernovitBkiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Chernovtsy State University~ i PRESENTED: January 2, 1959, by Ye. No Pav ovskiy, Academician SUBMITTED: December 17, 1958 Card 4/4 BIXI-TLIIKO,-M.F. [Nikitseaka, M.F. F,cologico-ma.-phological characteristics of the brain in some mamna.-.3. Vestsi AN BSSR. Ser. biial. nav. no.3:87-95 161. (~LLIA 14: 10 (BAAIN-) NIKITEMOY M.F. [Ulkitsenka, M.F.j Capital vork on the styuctur*e Of in the embryogeny of man. VGSt5i 132-136163. (FI~RYOLOGY, HUMAN) thO POripheral nervous 5-y-stem. All BM Ser. bijal. nav. no..1: (MIRA 16:9) (NMVIS . PERIPUMAL) MKITFNIKO, M,F. (Mins~, Al!~--lySKAY't Ill., Y,;, kv~ !,, ProLlems of evol,t~,~nary ir,.,l rarr., - -n Second Zoologici] :~cnfferq-.ce of Lhe ,h.te iussis, Arkh. anat., gi3t- ! :!rr'[,r, .~, no. 1.1 - 1 1 P, I P-1 C I ~ 3. (:41 r-, 1-7 ",)) x I ? I' i !;;~ . I',- . ", r ::. ;,.I - '. 4. M. , -, - , , - " 1 -1. 1 . . - . f- . r . L " - . . , I, " . . : - . - - , v " I. - V 4 jq'~. j r - t!'p e-V,- : L Ile- fc p o r t N s~ n t r u c t L~r ~l I b ry. I arm.-, ilD rehi ted to .~ieir r,rij, ogeny and Q -ly of f'&- Je- 'n rvt-i. n( RASSO T,S.;EEEM*-" Reviews. Zool. zhur* 44 n0-5:790-796 165. WIRA 18:6) 30M '_'J0V26-5CA - 7-18/47 AUTHOR: Nikitenko, M.F., Candidate of BioloGical 3ciences TITLE: The Yew Tree in Soviet Bukovina PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1959, Nr 3, PP 95 - 97 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author points out where the yew tree (Taxus ooccata) can be found in Europe and believes that the largest plantation is near the village Ymyazhiy Dvor, Kolomyya Rayon, Stanislav Oblast: He describes how searches conductpd by the Botanist Yu. Shelyag- Sosonko and Z.N. Gorokhova 3f the Cherno%tsy Uni- versity led to the discove,_7 of the tree between the villages Tissovets and Glubochek of the Cher- novtsy Rayon and furnishes various particulars on this tree. Water, in which the yew rind is boiled, is used by the local population for treatine mad dogs and other domestic animals. This concoction is given to the animals in the summer as a preventive means. According to the inhabitants, rabies can be Card 112 cured if treatment begins in time. Yew is the re- NIKITEMO, ~'. F. Biology Md u 1, , ; I chur in -Lyj~;rVo I e,-.c I in~7 on contro . - d I ev -,Ij~nent uf 1 Ivin,- --IF"-. 'If shkole No. 2, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953, Uncl. iAbs--, a: T NIKITENKO, M.P. [14ykytenko, M.P.], kand.biol.nauk (Chernovtoe) TireleBa propagandist of Darwinism. Haulm i zhyttia 9 no.11: 41-44 M 159. (MIRA 13:3) Olvolution) (Fmnko, Ivan, 1856-1916) D:--'.T- * - I - - y Cal- '~ ;' -Ir I - ~' ~ 'L -:j t'-' ~ -:11 V I"::. ~ ~~ - . --. I . . , , .~ . I , .- . - . 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, - . -tft.3 , "I n c '. . 38208. NIKITENKO, N. A. 0 dlitellnom khranenii zheluden. Les i step', 1A9, No A, B. 30-32 l. NIXITEM9 H. A. 2. MR (600) 4. Seedlings 7. Conservation of seedlings In vinter. Lee. khoz. 5, No. 109 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, jmn2fAsx -1953. Unclassified. MZYnV. G.S., dote.; ITIKITHN . N.A. Variations in the skeletal structure of different domestic duck breeds. Uch.zap. RHOU 52:233-243 154. (NM 11:11) 1. Kafedra zoologit pozvonochnykh Rharlkowskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta (zav. - prof. I.B. VolchanetakiY). (Duck breeds) (Bones) IPEKWHIYAII. V.M.. NIXITENW, N.D. Interrelationships between leguminous and gramineous plants in mixed corn-aoyboan plantations. Tiziol. rant. 6 no.4:491-493 J'1-Ag 15 9. (MIRA 12:10) I.Rostov Variety Station. (corn (maize)) (Soybean) (Allelopathy) 21'/4 Nik1ta;ikq- N.F. Opyt Raboty Perodavogo Kursk, KN. IZd-, 1954. EM Bespl. (54-55993)P Sovkhoza Sakhkornbinata "Boll shevik" Za 1950-1953 Go-4- 64 s.a Ill. 20sm. (Kurskiy Sakhsveklotrest) 1.000 338-15ov463st(47-395-1) NlKITFN'KO, N.I. PlykyrPnko, N.I.] -Iopny,int, an;J d.L*trib-jt-fc,-- c the meat induiat.-7 in ?nltava I provime. Khar. pr=. no.ltb~~-7G ~1!1,/ -~7 :D S/14 02/0C3/005/002/303 D238Y:)~ 3 08 Nik'tenko, ".I., --"n:-iree.- 2he transient temocrature f ie-. d of an irf.-inite ho-_'ow cylinder with disiributed heat sources lzve-stiya vysihikh uchebnykh zaveden-'y. -Enert:c-tika, no. 5, 1962, 101 - 103 .)rob--,e-,- is ccnsidered ,*iith bou-.~.dary Ond-t-Lon f ~he :1--st It that -.-he parameters of ..,,,e cy-in- are in-"IaLenu-ent of tc:,.perature and that the boundary o, c z nd -. s the'Lal and ti:7.e distribution of the i-,eat sour- ces a-~~e biven. The solution j-' the :~--oblem is found by means of a inte6ral tiansfor-ation. Ax, example is given. 4y j-Sti'U' V.T -]-1ar1kovs,-,iy poiiteklanichesk - ~ U imeni Lenina (Kharl~ov Polytech:iical Institute, im. V.I. .;Jenin) S -~' 3:,: 3 ;May 2 7, 19 61 Ca--d '11/1 AID Nr 975-10 23 MaY NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF A TEMPERATURE FIELD PROBLEMI (USSR) Nikitenko. N. I- Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Aviatsionnaya tekhnika, no. 1, 1963, 26-32. S/147/63/000/001/004/()20 The problem of determining the nonstationary temperature field in a moving medium is studied. The problem is reduced to the solution of a heat propaga- tion equation; it is proposed to do this by the me thod of numerical integration. The prGper three-dimensional network is selected in a lattice point whose temperature function T = T(x, y, z, -0 is to be determined for any instant 'r = k I , where k is a finite positive integer and I is a step on the time axis. Assuming that T exists, that it satisfies initial and boundary conditions, and that it has continuous partial derivatives of any order, a scheme for obtaining the corresponding difference equation with an approximate value U for T at the same lattice point and at the same instant is presented. The difference equation thus obtained makes it possible to calculate the approximate value of U for the instant T + I if the U value is known for the instant T . Conditions Card 1/2 AID Nr- 975-10 23 MaY NUMERICAL SOLUTION (Cont,d] S/14V63/000/001/004/020 are derived for approximating function TbyUwithany required accuracy, using the difference equation. Peculiarities of selecting the proper three-dimen- sional network for certain boundary conditions are analyzed. The method is illustrated :,y a solution of the problem of the temperature field of a laminar flow in a circular tube. It is shown that the numerical solution results are in good agreement with Nusselt's analytic solution of this problem. [LKI Card 2/2 NIKITEMO, N.I. 'tnzk. Hy&odynamic resistance and beat emission of a shielded disc. Izv. vys. ucheb. zave; energo 6 no.1-75-82 Mr 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Kharlkovskiy politekhnicheakiy institut imeni V.I.Lenina. Predstavlena kafedroy turbinsotrGyenia. (Heat-Transmies ion) (Hydrodynamics) ia'si; 'Gain fu 7777 NIKITENKO, N.I.; NIHITENKC), L.I. Temperature field of a system of solids having leveled temper- ature areas. Izv. vys.ucheb.zav.; av.tekh. 7 no. 1:127-132 5) ,64. WIRA 17: NIKITENKOP N.I., kand. tekhn. nauk Method of caloulating the nonstationary field of velorAties and pressureB in a liquid flow. Izv. rp. ucheb. aart Energ. 7 no.6:7641 Je 164. (MIRA !-,'t8) 1. XharIkovskiy pulitokhnicheakly institut imeni '%LlAnina. PredBtavlena kafedroy turbinostroymiya. pa~ Z-1--u-,&ak4~l~-------. - - -rai orm fornuuaa4re,~su NIKIT K, I., kand- _~bn_ n,,k M 2,N, - Study of heat exchange in the initial PaT, of a built-in alpha calorimeters. Izv_ 7p* ucheb. za-T.; ent-Tg. . no.11:79-84 N 164 (MIRA IF'.") 1. Kharlkovskiy politeklinjoheskiy in'titut imeni V-1- L_en'na. Predstavlena karedroy turbinostroye-niya. NALI!~~. Heat transport in the ease when the state of aggrega!ior In a system of bodies changes. Inzh.-fiz. zhur. 8 no.1:16-19 Ja 165. (MlRA 180) 1. Institut tekhnicheskoy teplofiziki AN UkrSSR, Kiyev. ons m bound, r-y vy SOV'l '4 -'18 10 1148 Trd, :-,:)rn Re:e:a, v~, zr u~ "d! Mekv-dr k" I Q58 NrP1 USSR" AUTHOR- N.~-ter~c N-6 T'T LE Detert-n.--. np the Cr-,)( .'. Velo,:,, e-~ c,. Rota, ng Cdr-.t It! er Sh,it, 01) cprcde.e--., kr t.ches~.~h ~or( stey -1 rashch,,\iu-ih( n ~hs,, ( -. s ( : -,~ ~ h a c - ~ PER'OD'CAL-- Tr Od e e k F.- c j19 7 V c! 8 P P 2 ABSTRACT- A,~ e~eme, pre entat on c ~rnethrd Ot LdjL ?he ril!c-I' I e'c, c * e - (,mjia: e sha,*t, e, co,~start cro,s sectior wit: a single on ilie cantile,.er F M Dimentberg Ca rd I I PWZ I BOOK EXPLOI-TATIC71 SOV/-2216 3aweslach&nlye pO *IektrOkh1mil- 4tn. Moscow. 1956. TrLtdy ... I I SbOM11CI (Transactions of the Fourt hConference on gltrct. I n a-A, eaa - AN ~551. rochamistry; Collect a frt.Cl ) M sec. ,Ixd 868 "p inserted. 2,500 copies printea. '959 . 0 kiya .*,- SSSR. Otdol.nly. wA1-Icnask-,a,n SpOMS ring Age N. 24.1torlAl Boards A.M. P~kln (Rasp. Ed.) kead.aletan. 0.A. T.&Ln, Prof- 56orl S.I. Zhdanov (Reap. Secretary), B.N. Katanov, P- fosSor. 3.1. Zhdanov (Reap. Secretary)i B,M. "banov, Profrsaor,. ~ . U. R. PLolot)rrkin. Doctor of Chemical Sciences; V.V. Losev. ?- Wkovtsev. Professorl Z.A. Solov'yoval V.V. Stender P~re--- and a.M. Plarlan,vIch; Ed. of Publishing Housel N.6. ?.Ch. Ed .. T.A. Pru aa~co a. ' Intend d 'or chemical and electrical b..4 ' rUP-POSE : T". I n *ra , phys'. late *taIIurg-Ists &no reseamhers in terested m c r , Z . , t-s aBoects 017 electrocne=42try. : :~4 0WRAOEt Tn, ;I- ;r In- -38 -reports presented at th. PO.rtn Conference On Elec-rQchemlstry 3PO-Ored by the Der--- bent , d tn. Institute a., phy5jefti Calst.-Y f Ch &~ , Y SR . ScI n ., US ,T~- coll*ct ton ~ taIna to dtff'- branehes of slectrochemics, , ctic . daub ayer theories lr galvanic processes In metal a. ct rOd~POGItOn and I'd-tria. ro1yaI. AbrIdged 1I5 a- given A. he ..'.I ~, -cn ,h. I Plan' 'jo' t a' ;>a --t at ud&4 here have been , published In Periodic.1 No personalities ar~ =--~-d. Ref-r-11 - g!-r at t~"t a!. tn. "tt'l... A PO--n- S. Z.K. I. A~ ... c ,. r~i , . . h! " ;Y ~~rSSRJ. Me cnarlaz of tne Cor-ostar of Iran, 1,j_. zinc and At 1- W!zn ., Aid of jj_y o.yg,,. ,99 Discussion A P.D. Lkov-s-. * 0.A.T. do ad e and co~,,-t,t!ng 302 PART rV. ELECTRODE FROCESSF-5 N RUS.Or-- 309 Uslh O.~. (Ur4l,6KIy Po"!t-tnicheakly -natitut ;.,;ral Pa.?. ;, -T h-c Pro ...... I n '-d ~11 1,a,,, and Q ~ t1o, of 0-r-Itage g, Sal,; Card 13/ 3, c,,e..I t,.. M' Se :cet 1-a *--n the At,! of R.,:,_ pt..h.~ V-P -d A.A. R, 329 'cn. a)y A. M. " tall D Ir.4 ~j Dwrlln6 , E., Y Reap 1la;1-1 Ini, 334 Re ..'s. r A C.1b., A Y --Z, CI E4-,,-br:,m C." 14/ VIKITWO, O.P. Internal control in pharmacies. Farmatuev.zhur. 17 no.48(61-64 f62. (KIM 16:3) 1. Apteka bol Initsy zavoda im. Kirova,, 14akiyevka* (PHARMACY-MANAGDMT) MCITWO, R.14.0 STOLYAROVA, L.B. "The Influence of small (Indicatory) Beta-ray Doses of Radio-phosphorus an4 Game-ray DOBes of Radio-iron on the Blood Picture" p. 200, in the book ~!~rience in the Us'e of Radioactive Isotopes in Nedicine R. Ye. KAVMKaM( and I.T. SHEVCHEMKO, publishing House of the i55U _SSR, KIEV k955, represents medical transactions of ac conference held in KIEV from 18-20 January 1954. SO: 1100235 SMIYAROVA, L.B.; NIXITMW. R.D. ....... wA0-I*Wik~I-?' Effect of Intravenous administration of indicator doses of artificially radioactive iron and phosphorus on the coct-- position of peripheral blood. Modych.zhur.24 no.5:42-47 154. NLRA 8:10) 1. Institut fiziologiiin. 0.0. Bogomol'toya Akadenti (EMOD. effect of radiations on radioiron & radiaphosphorual OWN, radiactive. iff. of blood) (PHOSPHORUS, radiactive, eff. on blood) MIKITAW3 RD. ZwA,~ 'R Affect of trace doses of radioactive strontium on the peripheral bload picture in rabbits. Fiziol.zhur. [Ukr.] 2 no.6:67-72 N-D '56. (KLRA 10:2) 1. Kiivalkiy nankovo-doslidniy rentgano-radiologichniy ta onkolo- gichniy institat laboratoriya radioaktivnikh isotopiv. (STRONTM--ISOTWBS) (BWM--AHALYSIS AND CHWISTRY) MIKITANKO, R.D 6rfect of radiophosphorus on the development of a Brown-Pearce tamor following intreoeseouB trans lantation into rabbits [with summary in AlnglishJ. tiziol.zhur. [Ulcr.i 3 no.6:116-124 D '57. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Kiiva'kiv naukovo-doelidnly rentgeno-radiologichni.y ta onicologich- niy institut, laboratoriya radioaktivnykh izotopiv. (PHOSPHORUS-PHYSIOLOGICAL RMCT) (BQNJ9S--CA11M) MIKITENKO, R.D. Effect of radioactive phosphorus on the development of primary bone tumors in an experiment [with summary in English]. Fiziol.zhur. [Ukrl. 4 no.4:510-519 Jl-Ag '58 (MIRA 11:10) 1. Kiyevskiy rentgeno-radioloeicheskiy i onkologicheakiy institut, laboratoriya radioaktivnykh izotopove (BONES-TUMORS) (PHOSPHORUS--ISOTOPES)