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TUDOR, V. . dr.; NICOPAU, Gh., dr. Contribution to thei use of method of dispensary outpatient treatment in chronic post-viral hepatitis. Med. intern. 13 no.11,1515-1521 N 161. (HEPATI.ITIS IMMOUS therapy) (HOSPITAL OUTPATIENT SERVICE) ANGELESCU, E., Membre de l'Academie de la H.P.R.; NICOLAU, G. Research on racemic double deicomposLtion In optl~!al -490-Mer!3 by means of insertion ccmpounds. Rev chimie 8 no.l.-133-138 163. 1. Chalre de Chimie Organique de l'Universite de Bucarest. NICOLAU, Gabriela; OLARU, I.; ~-!' ,t.,. -1 ~ - . : Inclusion combinations A Ir. xea. :'T. 3. '- ;-- -~ 4 - ~4 e : ' .- n petr 15 no. 3: 11.3-141. !,~r 161i. SORESCO, Kar-iaj_!LI~OW,.Oj TUW,AMU,, Al.G. Value of the VDRL nticroreaction as compared to the Kelm micro- reaction in the serodiagnools of tiyphilis. Arch. roum. path. erp. microbiol, 23 no.3:83)-83d S163 lo Travail de 1'Institnt 'Tr,l. Cantacuzino'; laboratoire PAW- genes.. Wcarest. SCRESCO, Maria; NICOLAU, G. Value of the Roulin tajBt in the serodiagnosis of s7pbilis. Arch. Roum. path. exp. microbiol. 22 lo.1:205-210 Mr 163. (SYPHILIS SERODIAGNOSIS) . I 'I. . ., - I , - . ; EXCFIRP~A FEDICA :3eo 13 Vol 1-3/4 Dermatology Apr 59 1035. NON-SPECIFIC SEROLOGIC lil. AC"I IONS OCCURRING 1% BLOOD IX)NORS - rra(.~illv st:rologwe nesp'eL ifice, hittinite la tionatoun de stnge Nicolau G.,,-and Danila 11. Ctin. de Dorniato-Vetierol 5 't 'C-oTen-fir~na', Bucure�ti - DER.M. - VENEHOL. (Bucurc~ti) 19')7',' 274' ('339-342) Positive serologiral reartions may appear in Wood donors wh,, have repeatedly given blood. Cases have been reported in the literaWre. In the present study, 7 c"Mcs (2 males and 5 fernales), all without past histories or signs of long-standing or rccrnt syphilitic Infection, are presented. 'ro differentiate the non-specifir re- actions from the positive reactions due to a syphilitic infection reactivated by the withdrawal of blood, it is recommended that, when the TPI (Nelsoti) test is not possible, only the course of the classical avrological reactiomi be. used as a guide. If the reactions are of moderate or strong intensity and do not have the tendency to weaken and become negative spontaneously (2 cases observed), specific treatment should be recommended to the subject in question, whereas if the reactions weaken and become negative in the abserce of any treatment, they should be considered non-specific (5 cases observed). to flucanz AbG Jour Rul' -'.Iiuc- - BiA., IID i,~, i913, '12899 Author Nicolau, G.G., Danila, Inst Titlc- Syphilis Serr)-DiaL~nosis. Both j',iini-,fcrsary r,f 'L,.i, 3croloLical Test for Sy-pl.j.lis. Dri6l Pub 1957, 4, lic 5, 29-41 ;,bstr%.2t Card 1/1 HIC01AU. G.; .D"NA, P. On nonspecific serum reactions encountered ,n blool donors. Rusanian M. Rev. 3 no.1:42 Jan-Mar 59. (SYPHILIS, diag. accid. diag. during testing of blood donors) (BWOD TRANSYMION blood donors, accid. diag. of syphilis during testing) 47281-66 EWPA) MY,- SOU'C7- COD-';': RU/0)03/66/017/oni/0136/0137 i"! COLAU Gabriela and D of 'the Section of Organic Che- 4.4 -e- _,,j.i_._try (3,~ctyd-de Chimie Orq~_-,ica) olf the ilcademy of the vlocia- u I-Lot R(_,T~ublic of Rumania( Academia Republicii Socialiste Ro llrr-oratilon of Pure Vono from Commere-a- Products by ~.eLiiis oi: Urea." Vol 17, No 3, Xiar 66, pp 136-.-'7. az~o cf urea to i3eparate 1, U~r e C0M;;,erc;.,U Clelr-, ai-so contain;i dl- a r, d -01C_"S. "'he method, whici-, involves the formatior, of ircius-,',~n iti, ii-rea ar,cl ~iepai:ation of the mono-olein from tlie compouli(,i; wi I !,as o, re~,,rl.y qua_itlalve yie-'.d and iS qllitC SiMple, I ~ utie. rj P'I~S Y, 662~ e for -,)ract ca' "01,1C -C_ SU3 Ccw~": rj71 nol-iij or,,F; ~i~ Card )/I VICOL&U, Gh.St.,acadenician; BLUMMUL, X.,; PIMIM, H..: PAIA, G.,; -IgMTO-Cu. H.,; DAUXIA,P. Prelininary studies of the therapeutic use in dermatology of' drugs affecting the central aervous system. Probl. ter., Bucur. Vol 1:7-15 1954. (MAGUSIUM bULFATS, ther. use akin die., vachaniso of action) (MTHA NWVOUS SYSTD4, of f. of drugs on nagnesium sulfate in ther. of akin die.) (SKIM. die. ther.. magaesiumi sulfate) HIC%i . U.: MAISLIR, G#,r - , Al,; COHUq A.,; Val= Al.,; V'UWAY,.PQ'.l MUM. K..; DMTUSCU, Al..; IVA11. M. Studies of the role at streptococcl in skin pathology. Bul. stitnt., sect., Aked. 7 noi2013-555 Apr-June 55 (SKIN. diseases streptoc. Infect., bacteriol. & ther.) (S%REPTOdOCCAL UMTICHS akia..bacterlol. & ther.) (ANTIBIOTICS. ther. use streptoo. infect. of skin) HICOLAU, Gh-St-.academician.-, BLUMNUTHAL. H.,; FNMIXI?. M.,; SAGIR, 0. Role of the central nervous system (cortex-sub-cortax complex) and of the connecting peripheral nerve pathways in trophicity of the skin. Rul stlint.. aect. mod. 7 no.4:1263-1280 Oct-Doc 55- 1. Institutul do terapoutica. Soctia do dormatologi so Colectivul do nourologio al Academioi R.P.R. de la Spitalul clinic do adulti Colentina. Hembru Corespondent Al Academiei R.P.H. V. Cirnu. for Sager. (SKIN, physiology trophicity. role of GNS & connecting peripheral nerve pathways) (CENTRAL IMVCUS SYSTEM, physiology role in trophicity of skin) (IGMVES. PHRIPHERA1, physiology role in trophicity of skin) NICOLAU, I. From the history, of the railroad station in Targu-Mures. p. 673. REIIYSTA CAIIDR FERATE. (Caile Ferate Hornlne) Bucure;3tij Faimaniae Vol. 6. no. 12, Dec. 1956. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFAI) IC, Vol. 8, no. 7, JuLy 1959 Uncl. NICOLAU.I., prof. [deceasedj; GHITA, 11., dr.; 0LARIT'-IJNGWMT'U, Ana, dr.; .DCNOVAN, Silvia, dr.; LAZAR, Lucia, dr.; SERBANEESCII!, M., ir. Aspects of malignant reticulcaes ir. H-Aldren. Pediatria (E-t-cur.) 13 no-5:447-457 S-0 '~,4- 1. Lucrare efectuata ir, C.1inica de pcdlatr 4e a Spitalulul I - " Fun der., i 11 . 1964 NICOL01 I., prof,; DONUMI, G,, dr..; GRITA, N., dr.; OLARIU, Ana, ir.; VARTIRE-S, Iul-iana, chim.i BULAT, Emilia, dy-,; BERGOVIC1, Miriam, dr. Study of the antigens from the serum of children with Bouillaud- Sokolski rheumatism, using the limunoolectrophoretIc method. Med. intern. 15 no.7,793-794 J1 163. .L. Lucrare efectuata In Glinica de pedifttrje a I.P.S.M.F. de 1 la Spitalul r-11nic "Fundeni-, Bucuresti, (ARTHRITIS, RITURATOID) (M-UMATIC HURT DISFASE) (09"CGENS 1) ( IMMUNOELECTROPHORES I's (BLOOD FROTEIN DISORDFRS) NICOLIU I.- GOLDTSp Gh.1 MIMILt Georgeta. rhe study of blood magnesium in ccavulaixw eyndromes in infanta. trah. roum. patb. exp. microblol. 22 no.411.017-1022 3-11163 I. Travail de 1'Hopital Clinique de huideni - Ducarest. NICOIXI, 1-1 i4g. Automati:: control of a sl-ea-- Turbin- . FnergetL~~a Ri= 12 S 163. RUMANIA 576-8-097-35-085-371 TOPCIU, VI., PLAVOSIN-BABUSCEAC, Livia, MAKY, N., W VOICULESCU, D., TRAliDAFIRESCU, Virginia, NICOLAU, I., STEFAN, Margareta, COMSULEA, Lia, and KECSKES, EITHWMCC, - of' the Insti- tute of Hygiene and Public Health (Institutul de Igiena si Saxia- tate :?ublica), Timisoara. "Thp Evolution of Antivariolic Poetvaccinal Immunity in Different Age Groups Expressed by the Titer of Agglutination 1.'nhibitioa Antibodies." Bucharest, Studii si Cercetari de Inft-wzicLobiol2gie, Vol 17, No 4, 66, PP 317-321. Abstract: In a study of 1,074 sera froa, persons of variouc ages, 84.3 percent contained various amounts of' antivaccine hemagglu- tinating antibodies. The curve of avers,6;(i titer versus age shows 4 peaks correaponding to maternal antibodies, first vacciziatlonp revaccination at 7 years, and revaccination in the armed services. Small titers of the antibodies persint throughout life, with highor lovels for approximately 3 years following vaccination. Includea 2 figures and 9 references, of which 2 Russian, 3 German and 4 Western* NIKOle, K. (Nicolau K5 - IAL-0,4TTSOTU , M. f J9.1=icianu. 1'.. ] ; POPPA, h. ~ -60- - ------ m-p-~io- - ~;P~.6, R.,- IOIESKU, M. (.Jol-legxv, 14.) Treatiaent of acute hemorrhage by means of Intra-arterial cantripatal transfusion of dextran with subsequent intravenous blooi tranEfusion. Probl. gemat. i perel. kravi 5 no. 8:-W-34 hg ',60. ('RlRk 14: 5) (bMMORRHAGE) (DEXT.V.N) (.BLDOD--Tll7uV',SFUSIn) G.; APATyUT,, V. [Apatia~iu, '7.]; --jE ]; FOTDTO, 11. Technic of bone marrow transfusion. Pmbl.gemat.i perEl.krov--'. no.15:35-37 162. (MIRI 1. 1z Instituta gematologii i Ferellmiiyn Icrovi v BuJtharent,D. (~UERGI-TFAESPLJ7TATION) Airport runways of prestrossed concrete. P., 233. R.EV13T,t CMI-TRUCT=R SI A MATERIA1MCE DE -,CNSTRTJ(,MI. (As4D(iatta LAtintifica a Inginerilor sl Tehnicienilor -itn Rominia si 11-Inisteral ConstractUlor si al Materialeor de G:mstructii) Bacuresti, Ricanania. ~'ol. 10, no. 4. April 1958. 11nnthly list of East Buropean Accessions (K-II) LC Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 1960 Uncl. NICOLAU, M., ing. New methode teated at the Ghelar rilne. Rev min 12 no. 10: 466-469 o 161. 1. Institutul de Cercetari Minlere. (Rumania-Mining engineering) (Iron ores) -NI-COLAIJ, M., ding. New mining methods at the Bocisa, VinIng Enterprine. Rev min 12 no.121 558-561 D 161. 1. Institutul de Cercetari Mi-aiere. (PamLania-Mining engineering) IIICOLAU, ff., ing. Experimenting and extending the long wall working method in the Lueta iron deposit. Rev mfm 14 no.12,556-5W D1,53. ACC NR: Vi6o32662 Monogral?h RU Buznea, ))inu (Cold'nel," Engineer); Nicolau, Mircea (Colonel; Engineer) Electronics in military engineering (Electronica in ermata) Bucharest, Ed1tur% Milltara, 1965 300 p. Illus. Number of copies printed not given. TOPIC TAGS: r elecironice, radar, television, radio navigation, rocket guidance., OM13,0 FA-'6 RAL'61,0FF~k.-A,1&, 6cor'Cr,ea.-vii'-~ PURPOSE ANO COVERAGE: This book deals with various epsects of radio electronics as applied to milttary technology. The operating principles of ilectranic equipment and installatOns are explalned along vith the phl'SiCal proceasee takirg place in vire broadcasting, radio transmission, telecomatunications, missile guidance, and electronic icomputero used In the automatic deployment and gaidance of the armed: forces. TABIZ OF CONTEM I(Abrldged]: introftation -- 5 Ch, 1. General low of radio electronics -- 9 ch. 17. 11adlo eIxetronIcs In communications traffle -- 117 ch. in. Radar -J 155 Ch. V. Televlelc~ - 197 Ad. NRt AM6032e% i Ch.. V. Racuo navlo4lon -- 228 Ch.. VI. . Electronlbs In rocket Oldancit -- 947 Ch. VII. SU&.r*Acs In the wjUmtla guldmums of troops 269 SU3 cm: 09015/ am DAT&I 95NOTa/ FICOIAU, 0. (Runnmia ) Hepatitis of viral eti()Iof'7. I'rzej,,l. epidom., Vat-oz. 13 rtc,.1:45-46 1959. (HAPATITIS, INYMMIZ, (POM LLTGU, 1,, c- or. f. ; I -D-MU, '', : ; I i,XLAIJ,P. ; PASCTJ,L. Soil , rt" - rrIo a . . . stora , f~i ap.1 10 _11,~. A:! f j"I ~ L __-,62'c"4-66 ~'IwF-( 1 1 FC., -7, ACC NR: Ar6oi9271 souricE c(:,. T,: ALTMOR: Rosenberg, M.; Nicolau, P.; Gr.,/Oo"o/66/,)15/OC)2/0"-21/1)f.30 Bunge';, I. ORG: [Rosenberg; Nicolau] InStItute of Physics of the Acadomy_ o-f the RSR. , Bucharest; [Bunget] __D_ep___a__rtm_e_*nt of Y_ Theoretical Physics, Buchaie.91, TITLE: Electrical propertles of i3ome lron-coppi2r and copper-miinganess- ferrites SOURCE: Physica status solldi, v. 15, no, 2, 1-1)66, 521-530 ToPiC TAGS: ferrite, electric property, ;0-, chemical reduction, electric conductivity, Iron copper ABSTRACT: The electrical condiictlvity and SeE!beck coefficlent of some iron-copper and copper-maiVanese- ferrites are !.nvestiga"-ed, The electrical properties are found to be highly dopendent oil the con(IJ.- tions Of 2reparation, which caj.,i be explalned by the chemical reduction of the Cu;d+ ions above 901DC. A mixed cond.uction inechanism Is propoi3ed for the iron-copper ferrites. The n-carriers are electrons on Fe3+ levels; they are dominant in the 31OVIly cooled samples. The p-carriei'_ Card 1 L 36254-66 ACC NRt Ap6oi9271 are holes on oxygen Ions; they are dominant Jn -Iwnplc.~O quench,~d from temperatures above 1120C. An Ir-reversIble Jncrease of t,'-ie ;31eebeck coefficient and resistivIty Is produced by hea'Ang the quenched srple3 (I + In the temperature range 350-5~50C because of oxidatlon of the .11 ions. The authors express their thanlus to Mrs. A. Cormos and E. Varza-ril for preparations and chemical analyses, and th Mrs. R. Vanalla for x-ray analyses. They ELre also indebted to Mr. G. j Ee:~~ 7C F o--r -his steady technical assistance. Orig. ax-t. has: 10 figaren, 3 tahles, and 11 formulas. (Authors' abstract, "FLI SUB CODE: 20/ suBm Djaz: 16ylar66/ sov REF: ooi/ on juT: ol 6, Card 2/2 NICOLAU' Pompiliu, prof.., ing.; DAN, Eugon, ing. Some cons tructive and hydrodynamic problems of the lDcks ijith concentrated supply. Hidrotohnica 0" rio.U:415-430 D 161. 1. Membm ml Gomitatulvd de redactie, ORidric-tehalcag (for Nicolau). (Locks (flycU ailic engineeriM.7)) FOSMERG, M.; XICO-EAU-, P. WICCLAE, L.; TAMASOIU, "', ; 4,1ULCII, M.; BARBULF-SCU, A.; P. Studies on the themistors in dulvainia. Stud'.1 cerc f iz 12 no.4: 909-912 161. 1. Tnstitutul de fizica:, Bucuresti (for Rosenberg, Mi:!Olall, llicolao, and Tanasoiu). 2. Uzinele Electranica, bucur-s9ti (for Mihalcu, Barbulescu, Cohn, and Schoenberger). 0 ROSENBERG, M.; NXCOIAU, P.; HAIIAILA, R.; PAUSESCU, P. Electric properties of crystalline structures im the system (GuCl('Mn,!O L 162. .3)1-x. Studii cerc f'z 13 no.4:651-665 1, Institutul do fizica, Buculleati, 1 ! ~!', "; E it '-,R I y 11 . , ~ rj,, . ; .~ LL ~ UiA U" , . ~; 0 2 , I ", t; . C o rif: #-, r n J. Y, 1, , -,: I , ~ L r In i; t :, - - 2, 1, , , " j: ; - , :, 1"', .1~ --(, *,. ',!- .,-~ : ~ 1". .,!r,J I (, Je 162. j . 1. S. C. A. S. , f,. : ~ ~ ~,u) * ARF,31'EAIRI P L. , dr. ; III CO LAU, Silvia, chim. ; RUBINGHER. Lidia, chi m. ; AN"REIAS, Cornelia, stud.; DULCEANLI, Iosefina, asist. med. Apropos of coexisting pancreatic disease in patients iith crlr~nlc hepatitis and post-hepatitis liver c-irrhosis. Value of the combined pa,ncreozymin and secretin test. Med. intern. (Ruc,.ir.) 17 no.9:11111- 1118 S '65. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinics. medicals. de semiolcgie, Spitallil "Dr. Carol Davila", Institutul medico-far7ir-ceutic, Bucuresti (director: conf. 3. Ciorpaciu). HICOLAU. St.Gh., academician; ZVOLCFAW, R.; COMICIIII, Al. Spontaneous and controlled variability of dermatophytes; preli- minary note. Bul.stiint., 6 no.47:829-881 Oct-Dec. 154. (mcHoPHYTou, MELA 8:8) orpseum & vlolacaum, ffpontaneouts & controlled varia- tions) (MICROSPORU'f audouini & farnigtneum. spontaneous & controlled variations) (ZPIDMMOPHYTON, rubrum, tipontaneous & controlled variations) HICCUU. Stefan Gh., acalemician; VUMM. Pavel; IFILIPEM, Alex. Three years of experience in therapy of leprosy with disminodi- phanylaulfone. Probl. ter., Bucur. 2:191-236 1955. (LZPRM , thar. diaminodiphanylaulfone) (SULFCM, ther. use diaminodiphanylaulfone in leprosy) 4x ~A '--' PTA YFDIrA See 13/Vol 13/1 Dermatology Jan 59 4 295. RESEARCHES 11N THE SEROLOGY OF SN-1,111LIS FIN F: I.EUTI(011114)ljr.'~js XC - Cercutiri de electrofore.-.ft In serologia sifiliswul -- I c 0 1 a u $. G. and Bacinknoiti A. - BULL-STIE\.ACAD. H.P.H. SECT. NIETU195-7,_ (111 (69-104) Graphs 8 Tables I The' ~in fe' The serum globulin le.,el increased in the primary phase -if Infection after the 'sth day, infection, and reached the highest value in the secondary florid phase. In 17 out of 45 individuals adequately treated and in g,~,,d health but with pci-sisting sero- of 45 logical reactions, the electrophoresis was r-rmal, in contrast with 28 from 45 I_ individuals not treated or insufficiently treated, in whom a hyperglobulinaemia nd i was found. Pop Bucharest (IV. 13) was ZIMPTA MMICA S00-5 Vol-U/5 Gen.Pathology etc. KV 58 L 1469. -0C --- -4 AII(c,L &T116LOGICAL STUDY OF ACUTE ANTERIOR POLIONIYELIT- IS: TIIE LESIONS OF THE PERIPHERAL AND CENTRAL SENSORY SYSTEN15 - Studio istopatologico SLIlla poliornielite anteriore acuta: le lesioni dei sistemi sensitivi periferici e centrali - Nicolau 5 Hor- netz T. , Dinu It. , Mateesco S. an(] Se'j5-ea-R-L1---Vi rica N1 Ist. di Inframicrobiol., Acad. della It. 11. ft., Bucareqt - MINERVA NIED. (Torino) 1957, 48/49 (2168-2176) Illus. 29 With extensive material (52 cases of human poliomyelitis and 4 experimentally infected monkeys) a study was made of the topography and severity of the lesions of the peripheral and central sensory neurons (spinal cord, spinal ganglia, spinal nerves, sensory centres of the brain). The following structural modifications of the neuron of the posterior horn of the spinal cord were found-. neuronophagia, cytoplasmatic and nuclear alterations. and satellitosis. The spinal ganglia showed in all cases rather mild lesions: neuronophagia, lympho-monocytic infiltration i and connect ive-tissue hyperplasia. The posterior roots of the spinal nerves and the spinal nerves themselves showed proliferation and lysis of the Schwann cells. and perivascular infiltrations. The lesions encountered in the sensory nuclei of the brain varied with the localization; usually they consisted of lesions of infiltrat- lve type, glial proliferation. processes of perivasculitis and neuronophagia. Conti - Fribourg (V, 50) EXCERPTA MICA See 13 Vol 13/8 Dermatology Aug 59 2118. CONSIDERATIONS IN CONNECTION WITII FOUR CASES OF PAINFUL MYOMA OF THE SKIN - Considerajil pe marginea a patru f:azuri de rniom cutanat dureros - Nico lau ~._G, and BI lu V L. - DERM. VENER. (Bucure ti) 1956, 312 ( 12) irru-S. 9 Two cruptionall dermatomyomata are described: one a solitary dermatomyoma, the other a subcutaneous myoma, The following peculiarities are stressed: (a) presence of nervous fibres in the myomatous mass in one case, which raises the question of a mixed origin of the tumour (neuromyoma); (b) metachromasla (noticed three times). this histochernical change revealing myofibrillar metabolical disorders; (c) within the turnour presence of a histo-monocytic perivascular in- flammatory infiltrate. which might play a part in the pathogenesis of the painful sensations. Antonescu - Bucharest (XIII,5,16) Atft AIr EXCERPTA MEDICA -lea 13 Vol 13/5 Dervrstoloe7 Yay 59 12 1). [1:-.'N1-: [.'ICI'%I. I) F "ICOTINIC IIYDI~AZJIDE UPON 110'NE I jjj'j~ IN A CASK Ov ~% -E-C. ItAIN '.~IYCE r0% \ oj.' rm: vcx)-i ~)uv m GEOTHIC11UNI CANDIDUM - Efect favorabilal hidrazidei ac idditil " -,ni- cotinic asupra le?.iunilor osoase dintr-un raz de miectom al piciorului cu gr&unti albi. provi)cattieGeotrichurn candidurn - Nicolau St.Gh. Avram A. , Colintineanu L. . 1311us L.zind -Stotan--AT.- Centr. de Dermato-Vencrol., Bucure0i - DEIANI.VENEH.(nucuresti) 1958,3/3 (263-267) Illus. 4 A Geotrichum candidum- induced white-grain mycetoma of the foot, with partial destruction of the 4th and 5th metatarsals. was submitted to an mmicotinic r hydr-azide treatment: 500-600 Mg. a day, orally, up to 35 g. , conjointly with 33 local infiltrations - 5- 10 nil. of a 217. solution. Four and a half monthb lator, the soft tissue lesions were entirely healed and after about four more months a re- paratory sclerosis of the bone lesions was obvious. Previous to treatment, the parasite*s sensitivity was tested in vitro and an isihibitory action of the itownicotinic hydrazide, in a concentration of 50- 100;Ag.Iml.. was registered with regard to the parasite. Antonescu - Bucharest E (;ERP,"A KEDIGA See 13 Vol 13/14 -4em.'-olo~Qr Apr 59 'HAI -ricut.c- 1023. MiCROPAPULAR GENE AZEDDERMATOSIS, WITH A RF FIBROBLASTIC STiiuCi*vH E ACCOMPANIED BY St'L(- IAL ALTERA T IONS IN THE STROMA. (NEW FORM OF CUTANEOUS RE-1 ICULOSIS ')) - Dermatose gdnOralis6e micropapuleuse A structure rftvJk)-fibrocytaire , s'accompagnant d'alt4rattons particulit'res du stroma forme e:e reticulose cutanc4e?) - Nicolau S. G. and Balus L. Centre Dermato- 114ndrdol. du Minist0sre-de-Ii~i-nW(Fe-la it. P.R.. Bucarcst - ANN. DER NI. SYPII. (Paris) 1958, 85/2 (146-156) Illur 6 A description in given of a dermatosin charactorized clinically by an almost gener. alizpd, monomorphic eruption. initially fortne,l by isolated nitcropapular pleinents, which subsequently combine to form variable-f;ized patches of diffuse infiltration of an almost scleradermiform nature, in the middle of which tile primordial micro- papulair lesions are, as it were, imbedded. The lesions of the median portion of the face give the physiognomy a strange and most characteristic appearance. The general condition is not altered. Histologically the elementary micropapular lesion is formed by a proliferation of reticular cells with an evident tendency to develop towards the fibroblastic type, with a parallel aclerohyaline reaction of the connect- ive tissue stroma. In the light of the histological characteristics of the infiltrate, which bear the stamp of a systemic disease, It is asked whether the dermatosis in question might not be a special form of benign cutaneous reticulosts. EX*RPTA MONA See 4 Vol 12/8 Med. Micro. Aug 59 2561. THE MECHANISM OF SEROLOGICAL SYPHILIS REACTIONS - Unter- sUchungen zum Mechanismus der serologischen Luesreaktionen - Nicolau S .G. , Bldinoi u A. and Nicolau G. Inst. fur Haut- und Gescill.- 'R-rahkh., Akad.der Wissensch., Bukarest - ARCH. KLIN. EXP, DERM. 1958. 207/3 (230-243) Tables 5 Experiments in artificial seroiogical systems showed that some non-specific changes of serological syphilis reactions can be provoked by increasing the con- centration of total proteins or gammaglobulins, which affect solely the flocculation reaction. Elevation of the concentration of normal lipoids in such systems leads to changes in the CFT only, A high concentration of lipoids obtained from syphilitic sera makes the CFT distinctly, and the flocculation reactions to a smaller degree, positive. Combination of Ute action of syphilis lipoids with that of gammagLobulins leads to definite changes towards the positive, I-A)ilk In the CFT and In the floccu- lation reactions, which even reach the marks 4-++ or ++++. The hypothesis of the lipaproteinic composition of the syphilitic reagin is confirmed by these studies. The fact that the CFT is made positive by lipoproteinic complexes, but the flocculation reactions by gammaglobutin, is in favour of the duality of the anti- bodies of these two reaction methods. (XM, 4) NICOIAU,St.Gh.,acad.; GASPAR,Z.; NOAGHTA,G. Antistreptolysin '0" In some (Lermatoues. Rumanian M. Rpv. 3 n-.3.- 8)-84 j1-5 '59. (ANTISTRKPTOLYS IN,b lood) (DZWkTOLOGY) NIC01AU,5t.4. acad. ; AVUM,A.; ALTKRFZ,1.; IAZAR,M. Considerations in connezi n w1tJ2 our experience concerning CandidA infections. A clin ica 1, mycological, and therar)eutic study. Rumanian M. Rev. 3 no.4:43-44 O-D 159. (MON I LIAS IS ) Y-ICOIAUtSt. Gh.,Academician ; AVRAM,A. Contribution to the conservative treatment of aWcetona of the foot. Curative effect of isonicotinic acid hydrazide on several cases caused by parasites sensitve to such chemotherapy. Probl. ter.,Bucur. 10 no.2:61-68 '59. (MADUROMYCOSIS therapy) (ISONIAZID therapy) NIKOIAU, Sh.G.. [Ificolail, S.G.] akademik; BEDNITOTU, A. Lction of s7mpathectoi-V, cortlsor~e, adrenal cortex hormone, riltm m~ , . a globulin, largactyl nd phenergan in experimental staphyloroccal sensitization. Vest.derm. I ven. 33 no-3:3-7 14y-Je '59. (14IM 12:9) 1. Iz dermato-venerologicheskoeo otdeleniya (dir. - akad.Sh.G. Mikolau) Instituta terapii Akademii Ririynekoy Harodnoy Respubliki. (HICRUCOCCUS PYOGRIMS sensitization with bact.prep., eff. of cervical eympathectomy. cortisone, adrenal cortex hormone, ganna globulin, Largactil & pronothazine in guinea pipe & rabbits t:.Rus)) (SYRPATHECTORY. eff. cervical, on Micrococcal pyogenee sensitization In guinea pigs & rabbite (Rua)) (ColiTISON.N, off. on Hicrococcal pyogenes sensitization in riinea pigs & rabbits Otu3)) (ADRALKL CORTM HORM(AMS, off. BUMG) (CiMUMIROWIM'. off. "tune) (PRUWATHAZINN, off. sane) ((W-U4A GUMULIN. off. NICOLAIJY St.G... acad.; BALUS, L. I Contrib,itions to the nosological delimitation of billous co.%geni ~~. ichthyosiform erythrodermia. Ru:iajian M 1~--v. no.2:53-55 Ap-je 160. (ICHTHya3is) NIGOLAU., St.Gh.., acad.; BADAIIOIU I Al., dr. p candidat in stinte mediepln Zxperi.nental investigat-forB concerring the n_PcImXLJsm of production and the histological substrate of vascular allergids. Med. L-itern., bucur 1-2 no.7:987-998 Jl 160. (ALLERGY, experimental) (BLOOD VMSELS, diseases) _N-11COLAU, St. is -., acad.; BADANON, Al. Experimental investigationD concerning the zra-echanium of :;roductior eind the histopatological substratum of rascular allerEids. Rumani,-u. M Rev. no.3:61-62 161. (AWTIGEN-ANTIBODY UAGTIONS experimental) (BWOD VESSELS diseases) NICOLAIT, St. Gh.; AVRAM, A.; ALTERAS, I.; COJOCARU, I. Cli.nioal, mycological and epidomiological w;udy of genital ca~adirdi-8-111~6' Rev. uoi. mod. 7 nn.VW81-184 162. 1. Membre do Lfacademie do la R.P.R. (for HIwUn) (MONILIASIS, VULVOVAGIRAL) (URETMITIS) (GENITALIA, MALE) (MONILIASIS) NIOCALAU, St. Gsh., prof.; AVRAM, A.; BALUS, L. Candidiosis of the guinea pig: a new experimental pattern. R=ardaL med. rev. no.8:57-58 162. (MONILIASIS) 1,3EPTI=A) Duoharest, 'd a ta '~iedi czLe. , iio - - - - - I - - - - - "Current Conce~-.ts ai)oi,t idierf,-, 'iie-,;ed %!.,e of it.- Imp-ic,5-,Ii(-jn ix, u-,.an(~us NIOOLAU, S.G.; BADAMOIU, Al. Obsemitions concerning certain bacteriological md inmimo- biolog'; cal aspects of cutaneous staphylococcal infections. Therapmtic deductions. Arch. rouari, path. exp. microbiol. 23. no.3t7i'5-578 9163 1. Travail du Centre Dermat4>-Venerologique de Bucarest %'directeur: prof. dr. St.G.Nicolau). USISR/Virology - Human and L~ i ma-- r E-3 Abs Jc,ur Ref Zhu:- - B,~ol_ 17c jUkolau,, Sh., Kon-~antLr.~~-,ku, 3. Tom, A., D:-a!, K., Author 0 Adderka, I.Y DAka' E., D-dui" M. last Title Experimental Rabies CausE-d by "Neurotropir." Fixed V:f.rus. Orig nib Zh- med. Mad. nauk UP,, -1-Y54 (1955), 3, 37-79 Abstract After passages of fixed rtbies virus through swsLik and mouse brILin, thp incubation period of intrabrain infee- tion in these animls was chortened to 3-5 dart. Zae virus virulence was increezied upon peripher&I introduc- tion. The authors desiowted the strain obtained as Itneurotropic". Aiter 23 Passages through rat brains of the street /-?/ rsbie,3 virus, the incubation peri(xi in intrabrain 3-n~ection of animals was shortened to 5-6 days. After 10 passage6 or the same strain throuEja sus- lik brains, disspse in the infected animls begrem after Card 1/1~ 1 U- RTma t e eal 1 o rs. -r in rap-riton infection of an,.nols tt-:. peritonea! iiT-Lid rcmains aviru- lent during the iiicubat ion period 9.nd the Px-tire. period of Card 2/4 USSR/V:.rol,-)gy - Huw.-,n wid Anima 1. lj'ruse~ . E-3 Abs Jot x Ref Zhur -- Bioi., TIo 9683 di3pase. kftef inf'a(-tion, tbc, skin virus for the first '.)0 iwin,,Aes cind .s of ce after 24 hourr, Wjl-,~j r,,I!rrd)iraj of the. tnfect.,~!d poi-Jon of the skin after 51) milijutes, by 24 holurg later tlac virus penetrates the oroxni.3rr- ca',sing disease. VIr,-3 iiatr-)Olticed into nasai arerturp-s J's fo,~nd in the mucous mem~lrane- of the nose and alfactory organs after the lbep_,-'n.~,ing of nical syniptoms of disease. Street rabies %,Lri~s afT.err in- troduction into t!-jr- brain Is found at the- point of' intr~-- dur.-tion on the 74,1, day. Di rabbits infe~2ted tYe femoral museles and kill,:-~I after 24-72 hours, '4:.e scl.atic, nerve and the lumbax part (.)-' the spinal c-3rd were fr,!,~ from virus , The n,~:uxotropj,i strain of fixei raties ),Lrus acquired a greater atilitj '.o spread througb the peripheral nervous system-.-- to --au-se !~f!ptini--uritis in arimal.3 infected th-roug)a the brain and perir-heral paths. The nf:-untavipic sLrain of fixed virlxs. as vell as the street ra-~ies -,d.rus Card 3/4 USSR I'Vi i-:)lo gy - HLmn and. Animaj- Viri:-~,:- Abs JoLu- Rr-f Zhur - Bicl , No ~, 1)9-)~, 968-3 E-3 introduced into ak-ir, or mw;-.le~3 oC extr-amitias of anirraIG 9.ft'~T rese~~tioil of t.LP. or after ment by aLoohol, d1l riot ~,-stise rabies iiseas,~ ta In infect-tA aninaj.s, bowevf.-:-, a condition of is fomed. to st subsequant intrurcLLLar introduction of fix-ad rabies vixnis whIch, in th(- authors' opinion, the possibLlity of rabies ~--v.Ls spreading in the orgarism, by-passing neural paths. Card ~/4 IFICOULU, St.S.. academician; CAJAL, N. Explanation of the plurality of forms of inframicrobial epidemic hepatitis in the light of the Bpontaneous variability of the viruses. Stud. corcet. Inframicrobiol., Bucur. 6 no-3-4:325-340 July-Dec. 1955. (HEPATITIS, nWSMIOUS viral,, plurality of forms caused by variability of virus, off. of antibiotics) (AIWTIBIOIIICS, off. on virms of infectiouti hepatitis, relation to plurality of forms of dis.) PTO- Dim. IM) 4RA tit i16- - ' - att T 17, Lj Pi . NICOW64PS& akadamik WON"I Great Ru aiaz scientist and patriot. Priroda 44 uo.1:78-81 Ja 155. (MI&L 8:2) (Babes, Victor, 18514-2-1926) 'T,;SR1V1rolc;L-y - Viruses in Ithn ane. Animals. -4 Abt J-Jar Rof Zhur - Biul., N~, 15, 1)58, 66943 Auth(- r- Nit)lau, Sh.St.1L-'K4zh'%l' rl. Inst tcadcvW RIP Title '-r'he Inter-pretatiun )f Muit -..pi *city of Virus Hepatitis in LiF,iit of Lhe Spin'tancouL; Df VLrisc~~. Crig Pub Zh. med. nauk. Akad. PNP, 1.956, 1, No 2, 75-8cS, Abstract In auth(x's ipinion the ccusal agents of iicuxe discascs in thcir natural cnvir,)rj-.iQnt c-rc subject io a sj,,)utanwu6 mu- tation ~rith a fixed irihuritance of the properl-ics chaiic~cd wider the influence of onvirormcnt. Frcm tail; staridpcint, the various etiological asI,ects of ar epideaic he-patitis are defended. The authors differentiate between the .'cll.: - wing viruses -if epidemic hc.,patitis: Card 1~ 2 USSR/Vi-rology - Viruses in I~hn and E-4 Abs Jour lief Zhur- Bi !., 195,3, 66j4--' 1) Botkin's hepatitis virus., 2) scicr-,genic Lcpatit-;'_s vLnis, 1) a hcTatitis viruc that d(-~(.,s ncmt pocsov ting prc,perties. The autbvrs also assumc these virus appeared as result of the natural mutation of other viruses. The authors ftel that the factof~~ enhancing the ruitati--n (-,f virus include their pacGing nto ar. Dmune- Ivoi-. and 113~) th.-: excessive use ,f antibictict; in recent years, the repression of certain SyTtcr(~istic or ccrtain antafronis- tic micrD---,rEpnisms. Card 212 NICOLAU, 3t. S., Academician Votes on themechanism of anti-viral immunity and the extinction of such immunity. Stud. carent. inframicrobiol.. 3ucur. 7 no.3-4- 253-265 July-Dmc 56. 1. Raport tinut la I-a Confarinta a vinisologilor cehoslovact, Bratislava. I W4JNI TY mechanism of anti-viral immunity, extinction) (VIRUS DISEASES, imminolopff anti-viral immnity, mec-hanism & extinction) M/Co /_ /J. 1,/-. . -_~.)-~ RUMANIA/Virology - Human and Animal VirUSM3- E-3 Abs Jour Ref Zhur .- Biol., No 3, 1956, 9666 Author Nikolau, Dregenesku Inst Title Bthavior of Some Colloidal Systems under Electrodialysis. I. The Action of Some HP-avy Met^ls on Viruses. Orig Pub Studii si cercetari inframicrobiol., microbiol. si parazi- tol. Acad. RPR, 1956, 7, No ':~A, 413-421 Abstract Grippe viruses, Avesky disease and polionkfelitis (Lansing type) were inactivated by ions of gold, platinum, and cop- per. The authora established. the concentration of adsor- bed ions by physical methods, Grippe virus, inactivated by electrodialysis, immunized. mice. Card 1/1. 11MAG&UT-Ght. [17icolau. S.) Para imTmin ol ogi cal relationship between pollorWelitis and herces. Vap.virus. 3 no-5:255-259 5-0 158 (MIRA 11:10) (POLIOMYELITIS, immunology. paraimmunol. relation to herpes, review (Rue)) (HERPES, immunology, paraimmunol. relption to polio#, review (Rus)) NIC,cLOi- , .11ICCLAU, Sh.S.# akademik (Runurnskaya Narodnaya Respublika) Aid of Soviet nedical science in the devlopment of sedical science in the Rumanian People's ReDublixo Sov,rned, 22 no*3:3-11 Kr '58. (MIGINE (MIRA 11:4) develop. in Rwannia, contribution of Russia (Rue)) NICOIAU, St.S. ; 2UVIATNSCO. N. ; NICOIAU, Cl.S. ; AMM, B. ; GUID, E. 101MOO, N. 1. -Cl IF A new ~type*-of ant~-rables vaciolne; n7-esitlgat ions Into the igra- tion, Of-the vaccine, virus in. the animal or&Lg4ais-byf- means 9 radioactl-ve substances. Acto virol ~1. E~M;7 Praha 3 (SUPT, lem. l.. Institute of Inframicrob'b3logy. AendenW of the Rumanian PeODlels lirmliblif" lucharest. (RAT31M., im!mnology) NIGOIAIJ,St.S. academician; BIBERI-MOMIANU.S.; CAJAL.N. Certain statist ico-ep idemilological data on the evolution of - 0 inframicrobial epidemic hepatitis in Rumania. Stud. cercet. inframicroblol.,Bucur. 10 no.4:401-416 '59. (HIPATITIS,INMTIOUS, statistics) NIGOIAU,St.S. acad. ; CONSTANT INESCU, N. ; BIM,N.; ZATATE,O. Immunity In rablen determined by the peritoneal test of rabies virus neutralization. Stud. iercet. inframicrobiol..Bucur. 11 no.1:9-19 160. (RABIES, I nology) MIGOIAU.St. S. Academician; PROTOCATA,R. Certain Soviet achievements In. the field of Inf ra--microb Iology. Stud. zercet. inframicrobtal., Bucur. 11 no.2:317-322 160. 1. ConteAitalinnta. la IiIstitutul de inframicrobiologia al, Academlei R.P.] zina de 21 noiembrie 1959. eu oxilijul Innii -Prieteniai Romino-Soviettice. (VIRUSXS) NICOIAU, St.S., academician Metal1ized vaccines (sillrer, copper). New L-ethod for the preparation of attenuated vaccines against rabies, tick encephalitis, herpes, Influenza and ornithoisia. Stud. cercet. inframicrobiol. Bucur. 11 no.4:489-527 160 (VACCUMS~ (SILVER NITRATE) (COPPER) NICOLAUP St.S., academician The oncolytic action of certain viruses. Stud. cercet. inframicrobiol. Bucrur. 11 no.4:529-548 160. 1. Conferinta tinuta la Facultatea de medicina din Paris in ziva do 16 mai 1960, in cadrul schimburilor culturale R.P.R. - Franta. (V IRUJI, ES) (1.M. OPWI~O) NICOIAU,, St.s., academician Cardiovascular diseases caused by inframicrobes. Stud. cereet. inframicrobiol. Bucur. 11 no.4:619-632 160. (CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES etiology) (VIRUS DISEASES complications) (RICIMTSIAL DISLASES complications) UICOLAUY St., SO, acad. Realizations of the Institute of InframicrobioloU in the 10 years of its activities. Studii cerc inframicrobiol Special issue-supplement to 12.15-30 161. 1. Meafaru al Comitatului de redactie si redactor responsabil, 'Studil si cereetari de inframicrobiologie". (ACADEMY OF THE RUAUIIAN PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC) (MICROBIOLOGY) NIGOIAUP St. S., acad.; CAJAL, N. Results of the research of the Institute of Inframicrobiology in the field of inframicrobiol epidemic hepatitis. Studii cerc inframicro- biol Special issue-supplement to U :31-1+2 161. 1. Hembru al Comitetului do redactle si redactor responsabil, OStudii si cercetarl. de inframicrobiologial(for St. Nicolau). 2. Membru al Comitetului de redactie si radactor responsabil adjunct, "Studii si cercetari de inframicrobiologie*(for Cajal). ACADjU4Y OF TRE RU14ANIAN PEOPLES REPUBLIC) PATITIS., INFECTIOUS) % NICOLAU, St., S.0 acad,,; CONSTANTIMSCU, N.; BIRZU, N.; ZAVATE, 0.; MICU, I. TEMMMICI, Grr. Evolution of human rabies comparatively studied in b:)th treated and untreated patients with antirabic vaccine. Consecutive therapeutic directives. St,,-.idii corc inframicrobiol Special Issue-supplement to 12:133-143 161. 1. Institutul, de inframicrobiologie al Academiei R.P.R. si Institutul do igiena, Iasi, 2. Membru al Comitetului do redactie si redactor responsabil, *Studii si cercetari do inframicrobiologie"(for Nicolau). (HYDROPHOBIA) N-J-.COLAU. St. S., acad.; CONSTADTINESCU, N.; GAJAL, N.; BIRZU, N.; ZAVATE, 0.; ---ADR~~, i. Variability of the fixed rabic virus. Comparative pathogaaic and immunogenic activity of the Pasteur and Babes strans,, respectively. Studii cerc inframicrobiol Special issue-supplement to 12:145-155 161. 1. Institutul de inframicrobiologie al Academiei R.P.R. si Institutul. da J.giena, Iasi. 2. M&mbru al Comitetulul de redactie si redact-or responsabil, "Studil si cercetari de inframicrobiologie" (for St. S. Nicolau). 3. Membru al Comitetului de redactie si redactor responsar- bil adjunct, "Studid si cercetari de inframicrobiolog-fte"(for Cajal). (VIRUSES) (,HYDROPHOBIA) (IMMITY) NICOLAU -St, St. acad.; MMA, L.; SAMEL, I. -o Immmogenic potential of the f0rM0113ed antirabic and antigrippal vaccines studios by the method of conditioned reflexes. StucLii core inframicrobiol 3pocial issue-supplement to 12:175-193 161. 1. Institutul do inframicrobiologie &1 Academisi R.F.R. 2. blembru al Comitetului de redILCUO A redactor responsabil., "Studii si cercetari do inframicrobiologie" (for Nicolau). (HYDROPHOBIA) (INFLUMMA) (CONDITIONED RESPONSE) HICOLLU St.. S Acad.; SARATFANUS D.; WSTAC, E-; OPRESCU.9 E.; B.; HUAI, C. T. Active antlozmithotic iomnization in white mice. Studii cerc lafra- microbiol Special issue.-supplement to 12:315-322 '61- 1. In3titutial de inframicrobiologia al Academiei R.P.R. 2. Wimbru al Comitetulai de redactie si redactor responsabil,, wStudii si cercetari de inframicrobiologieO (for St. S. Nicolau) 3. Membru al Comitetulu-I do redactie, "Studii si ciercetiari de irframicrobiologiom (for Sarateanu). (ORNITHOSIS) (IMUNITY) k~COLAU,_~t-4,_;_SARATEAN11, D.; NASTAC, E.; OPRESCU, E.; FUHRER-ANAGNOSIE, B,c) HUAI, C. T. A study on active antiornit.hosin immunization In the white mou.9e. Re-~r. sci. med. 6 nr).1/2.-81-84 161. 1. Member of the Academy of the R.P.R. (for Nicolau). (OPNITHOSIS lmiunolopy) NI GOIAU' -St. S. I - acad. -- e ' Inframicrobial epidemic hepatitis, the virus of tne d~-'sea3e. ~~Imanian M Rev. no.4;19-23 '6a. (HIPATITIS, INFECTIOUS virol.) NICOLAU, St. S."URDAN, C.; SARATEA1191, D.; ATIL414ASIU, P.; ANA-11110SVI, 13.; ------en -~-oii~boretion avec ILISSCU, C. ; RADESCU, R. Isolation of viruses form the body of some patien%s with cardiovasc,--lar diseases. Rev. sci. med. 6 no.3 4:181-185 161. 1. Membre Do L'Academie Do La R.P.R. (CkriDIOVAS(',UIAR DISEASES virology) (OPI-11THOSIS virology) (RICKETTSIAL DISEASES) (RAYNAUDIS DISEASE virology) (TIOMOANGHTIS OBLITE-HAN3 virology) (FROCARMAL INFAHCT viro--of:j) NICOLAU, St. S.; DMIRESCUt S.; 10NIZCU, N.I.; UAN TI LIAN Morphologic&1 changes of human wnniotic cells infeCted V-"'h type 3. R-v, sci. med. 6 nc..?/4::L87-1e9 '(,l, 1. Membre de L'Acadomie De La ii.P.R. (ADENOVIRUS culture) (TISSUE CULTME ) -NICOLLU, U.S., academician; DJMANMCU, 1..; CM TMT 117TAT- Aa-Verimelital investigatims of the effectiveness of the anti- eudephalitis vaccine (tick encephalitis) prepared with silver ions. Stul. carcet. inframicrobiol. Bucur. 12 no.1:9-17 161. 1. CoTminic-are prezentata la Institutul de indramicrobiologie al Academidi R.P.R. - - - ~ ~f -6~- ',. "": -- (ZNGZVHALiTTlS,-jPIDWf, immmology) NICCIAU, St.s.,-academician Inframicrobia,l epidemic. hepatitis: the virus of the disease. Stud. cercet. inframicrobiol. Bucur. 12 no.2:185-192 16.1. (IETATITIS, INFECTIOUS virology) - NUCOLAyU, academician; DR14MIZSCU, N.; IMUCU, N.I.; BOERU, V.; 11 HUI L I I Exlxjr, Lmentx,l attuties of the anti-rabies vaccine preparcd !zul,er the influ,3nce of copper ions. Contributions concerning the n3chanism of trmsfoiTmtion of the pathogenic virus into an immuncg.3m.c cne under the influence of the copper. Stud. cercet. Wrard:robi.c.l. Buclir. 12 no.2:193-203 101. 1. Comunicare prazentata la Institutul de inframicrobio'.ogia U.. , -. '~ -1j, Academiai R.P.R. - " " " -' - - I (BABIES immmalogy) (VIADI'lliLS) (COPPElt pharmacology) acadmician; SMANV,C.; SAMMANU, D.; ATHANASIU, F.; JIIC~W FUHREF-MGNGSTE, B.; in colaborare cu ILIESCU, C.; RADESCU, R.. Viral etiology in the field of cardiovascular diseason. 1. Isolation of viruses from the blood of patiente vith cardiovaecular diseases. Stud. carcet. infrajAcrobiol. 12 no.3:275-.283 161. (RAYNAUDIS UISEASE virology) (THROMBOANGUTIS OBIIITFWIS virology) (MtOGAIIJ)IA.L INFARCT virology) (MIYAGAWAITELLL) N."I&COLAU, St..S. , aoadami cj.lLn; DRAGANISCU, N. ; DOEM, V. ; I01,11=11, N. 1. -1 - - ---. Ultraviolet spEctrophotometric inveatigations of ribonaelf,ic aclel extracted i*rcxn iafluenza viruz inactivated b7 copper Ions. Stud. cercet. inframicrobiol. 12 r.o.3-28r-288 161. (INFj,WlZ4 VIRMES chemistr;) ?RIBONUCLEIG A'VM chomistry) (STEECTROP110TOMETRY) (COPPER) NICOLAU, St.S.; acadenician; DURIMM, S.; IONI!ZCU, N.I.; W's 71 .111" Morphological clangeo in human amniotic cells infecte(fi with adenovirus, typo 3. Stud. cercet. infrairdcrobiol, 12 no.3: 289-295 161 (IDENOVIRUS culture) (TISSUE CULTU-1) (AMNION) NICOLAU, St. S., &cad,,; ZAVATE, 0.; CGISTANTINESCU, N.; 14I',I.f, I.; BIHZU, IT.; TIUSU-,711orica; OVPJIESCU, Al. Viral infectious hepatitis (M.H.) transmitted parentally. Studii cern inframicrobiol 12 no-4:421-435 'Ea. 1. Institutul Je inf'ramicrobio'Logie al Academiei R.P.R,, vi. Inatitutul de igiena, Iasi. 2. Membru al Comitetului de redactis si redactor responsabil "Studii si cerceta.-ri de inframicrobiologie" (J'or Nicolau) ---9qq'Uj St acad.; SURDAN, C.; SARATEANU, D.; ATHAIIASIU, :F~,; SOXIDOC, G.; ANA&UN, B.; ILIESCU, C.; RADESCU, R. Viral stiology in cardiovascular disea4ma. IL Viral stady of :!ifty cases. Stud!Li cerc inframicrobiol 12 no.4025-534 161. 1. Inatitutil do inframicrobiologia al Academia R.P.R. 2. Membru al Conitatului do redactia al redactor responsabil "Studii si carcetari do :Lxljv .ramicrobiologiew (for Niaolau) 3. Membru &I Canitetiaui do redactie, "Studii si cereetari do inframicrobiologie" (for Sara-Atanu) --:I]. LAU, St,,_&., acad,,; SARATEANU, D, SURDAN, C.; ATHANASIU, P.; ANAGNOSTE, B.; SORODOC, G,; I-LIESCU, C.; RADESCU, R.; MALITCRI, E. Viral etiology In cardio-7ascular diseases. M. Thromboangi.itis oblit,armnE with migr3tory phlebitis of rickettsial origin. Studii cerc inframicrobiol 12 no~4-535-541 16L 1. Tnstitutui de infra.mi.crobiologia al Acadamiei R.F.R. 2. Membru al Comitetului de redactle si redactor responsabil ".',t,udii si cereetari de InframJcrobic-logie" ~,for Uicolau) 3. Membru al Gomitetv,lui tie redewtie 03tudLj. ai cercetnri do inframicroblologio" (for Sarateanu).