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2U.19 s/149/6i/00Q/003/-002/OC9:- Aoo6/Aio6 AUTHORS; Nichkov, I. F., Smirnov, M. V. TITLE: Electrolytic preparation of teryllium-zinc all~Dys at, temperatures below 1,0000C PERIODIC!'-r: 1.,ves,'iya vysshikh uchebnykJ! zavedeniy, Tsvetnaya 1 0 1 " i~) 1, 104 - io7 TEYT: Literature data indica-,e the possibility of ohtaining beryltium- zinc alloys, but there is no information available on the nature of interaction of these elements and on the properties of their alloys. The authors studied the nature of interaction of berryllium and zinc at temperatures up to I,OCOOC. Alloys of these elements were obtained by electrolysis of berryllium-containing melts with liquid zinc cathode permitting the accurate regulation of the allay composition and of the rate of supplying one component to the surface of the other one. Alloys from a molton ohloride bath were obtained in a closed electrolytic cell (Figure 1) with a molten zino cathode. 1ho olootroLytf) tomperature was 700 + 10oC. Prior to electrolysis the melt was blown through with dry hydrogen ohkjrldt~. rxt,or tfirmtna- tLon of the experiment the alloy was cooled either together with the eleetrolyte, Card 1/3 21119 S/149/61/000/003/OfD2/004 Electrolytic preparation of berryllium-ziac ... Aoo6/Alo6 or in air, by pouring the content of the electrolytic cell on a stainless steel griddle. Thermal decomposition of tile alloy was studied by placing it into an alun- dum crucible on the bottom of a hi?rmeticaily sealed 2quartz 3tube in a siLlt neating furnace. At a constant pressure in tile tube of 10 - _ lo- mm Hg, t.t,e temperalure in the furnace increased at a rate of 3500C per h. After 3 h holding at 1,000 - 1,0500C the unit was cooled down to room temperature. Zino-beryllium alloys were also prepared by direct alloying of the metals by introducing a piece of beryllium metal. into the molten zinc at 800 - 8500" and holding for 9 - 70 h. It was found that at 700 - 9000C beryllium wa.- well wetted with liquid zinc and dissolved in It in small amounts; tne solubility of zinc in solid beryllium could not be establish- ed. The experiments proved the possibility of preparing bi-phase Zn-Be alloys by deposition of beryllium on a liqu.1d zinc cathode from molten salt electrolytes; it is shown that such alloys are composed of beryllium particles suspended in liquid zinc. Their fluidity is preserved at a content of up to 6 weight % Be. The ex- periments on tile chemical and thE'rmal decomposition in a vacuum of zinc-beryllium alloys show that at over 1,OOOOC Zinc may be entirely sublimatad in a vacuum and pure beryllium powder may be obtained. There are 6 figures and 9 references: 4 Soviet-block and 5 non-Soviet-block. [English references: A. R. Kaufman, P. Gordon D. W. Lillie. Trans. Amer. Soc. Metal, 42, 1950; J. G. Beach, C. L. Fauzt, J. Carri 2/ 3 21U9 3/149/61/000/003/0)2/004 Eluctrolytic preparation of beryllium-zino ... Aoo6/Alo6 Electrochem. Soc., 100 (6), 276 (195-'-';); G. V. Raynor, J. of the Royal Aeronautical 6UU-' ~O' 390 (1946)] ASSOCIATION: Ural'skiy politekhnic.-Yiesk-ty institut (Ural ~olytcchnlc Institute) Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy fakultet (Physicotechnical Division) SUII-j':~11'.[TL-D: January 11, 1961 Schematic drawing of a closed electrolytic i3ell. 1 - grapi-tite anode; 2 rubber seals; 3 - glass tubes; 4 - cover; 5 electrolyte; 6 - zinc cath,.)de; 7 - thermocouple; - rrolylxienum power coraiection to the cathode; 9 - therimcouple hous- in6; 10 - porcelain bucket; 11 - alundum crucible. Curd 3/3 FASPOFIN,, S.F.; RAZHKGV, IU.V. Polarization of a liquid bismuth cathode in chloride malts. Zinw. prikl.khim. 34 no.'1:1533-1536 i1 161. (KM 14:7) (Bismuth) (Polaxlzation (Electricity)) (Chlorides) S/02 61 /141 31 03y:-' 1 C AUTHORS. N i c h kLY-1-1 -,F- , Ry z 1', iC - A - , a n d aaspopin, S. P~ TITLE: Interacticri Gf bismuth, chlortle and -!~'LorllPg f the I meta.'s PERICDICAL; Akademiya nauk SSSR- Doklady , v. 141, , nc.. TEXT; The nature of t'r.e interaction of BiC13 'RI-4h KC1 and *TaC. was determined between 70C, and 8500C. The equilibrium potentials of metal.74, bismuth were measured for this purpose in electrolytes of different Bi'll contents in quartz test tube (Fig.~. Electrolytically purified Bi was added after comllete fusion of the equimolar chloride mixture. BIC13 Was produced in the ele('trGljtP by an,Aic dissolution &f a part of tile Bi contained in the crucible. A molybdenum el-?ctrode was i-laced ir ti~,e electrolyte contained n the quartz test tube such that thr.~ crucible servel as diaphraCm separating anolyte and cath,-1yte. The test t,A~& was evacuated and filled witi-, -,.,~rified he"i,).m. 'Llie Bi i,olentials were measured related tc the -chlorine reference ele:~trode bj a !,Jl,~hl~,.: resistan, nf7TIB-1 ~PPTV-' ' ~ulenticme ter. a t1alvan.:iieter havine a sensitivity Df Card 1/5 3/(;2y 0 11 /141 /0C 5/C1 - /018 In t(., r a c t, iur, of 'o L S~~,t~ t I i !.i, lt- B1 0 B 110 10-9 a per scale divisicr %uas ;sed u3 n ill dote-,~tor. ':he melt W~13 K,4~12 i ~'v ar, alitotransfr~rmpr iT~a its t-:~ was ,nqta.,.t , he t-,,i ~~easu,rin~ insrrumt:.n~s. ~ le-r~asp -3'7f-%,a Jes the 3' a.-A 'e C I e I e~ t rode "7 as -I i t,. I e c re as r a t,,~ re i the 9~_ 77-? aslj r~,d a t d i f fe r,~ r. t t ~lr_ ~ r,,t t re s v~ a 1 n ~ nz ard '--"'~ ' " % hy f e r _4 7~, r, t a 1y f I a 1 , 3 j satisfactirily )n the S, :,,aL 1 ir~es sal s ~,;ir,- the f(-1!1r,,m:n;, r. - F, )3. 1 C. T v .1 el ec t ro c"- cal po t en t d i f f -en e s re d t r~ e 'r,:. rm D-mf betweun and ~,artn, 1 -:3 w r.,v e ~'g;:~ d r, t,_7(1 . Its ~i-m-,t?rature iecerder-ce is: 't- T f raO,,. te bar the I r d e ar. I c d r i i a c o ri s 1 d c r t- I t'-~& Bi a ',~ i t,- t'ne ~3: referen2e e~'ectrcle a--- 1 41 ~- ". t 4 _ al s t,, v ies :~,easurei Qe pctential cf mtta" r n c e e 1 c -: t rD i e '.' s e e r 9 e J~ a T s -'ea! s *~Ia': liq"Iid 3,~ -s i c is + ~ t~'e electrode is reve, Card 2/5 Ir 1( /1 A Interaction rf bismut behave as -deal scil~t-- t n the assume t icn tl~at tl,i -i dt~,,jl ~"2r2 i: S 3ncen tra t~.n range i re me t ~j i ~ :,,e It C1C 34-1 Bicl -T ~ The basis of tLe au rs Cf the emf of s,ici.a 1 S a c ,,ass 3 ET= 1 .254 -5 - 750-1 s mainly due to the fact t.Yzat t~-? mel ts cease 'n5 concentrations. This means tyat C~:-a !-~iEh BiCi n-7es ~n 3 accompanied by a t`.e ~nS; t,.,~ ~iat'ire t'-Iis is determined 1; Y E' it c-lrrps~-,nlE is----ri- otential on transitli-~n frl-:~ ire i's ~ p which behave as ideal AZ F s. -'2-.c-4' rr .ta I t i s e vi de n t~"a t1 4 is ~i 1 (Ail c a I s 1 ::" I X Card 3 5 Interac ti a f 9 t' bi, increases. Thus i s i-r-vo t~.t2 e tyl,e arc f~r::iei. 'n s'. r 1,y the Di~,' i c~nq . P.".- ..,-s is b-', i_%S 1 d~ n the BiCl( wl-,.r~ n> se~ tential D w r -a 3 -ar e,,-.;-illy c, c Az %,~re -;ihereby :,:.2 cal/dei,, -mole', 2 lex 4 n --e f e re n c e s S ~anCua;-e -1,1b_.icatf Ru b n i Elcr ~_m Ch e~ . Sc- . ,afd 4/"): S 020/61/1,111/OC5/'31 1/0 1 F- Interaction of bi~Muth p 1.-, 11 C elementov i ikh potentsit;.1y ,, v~)dnyjkh rastvorakh (Oxi,,Iativ-~ Otat'! , f e1ements and their potentiala in aqu,-ou~-j solutionq), U, 1954. ASSOCI AT -~ UN; Urallskiy politeklinichoskiy inatitut S. M. Kirova x (Ural Poiltechnic, Institute JLmeni S. M. Kirov) PRE'SENTED: J111Y 14 , 1961 by V. 1 . SFi tsyn Academician SU3MITTED: July 10, 19()l f, ig. Card 5/5 S/149/62/000/004/001/003 Aoo6/AIOI A TIT- CPS: NicKkov, I. F., haspopin, S. P., Golubev, V. I. Anodic dissolvLng of tantalum in chloride melts unhelonyeh zavedeniy, Tsvetnaya metallurgiya, no. 4, 7."Y' '.o replace. of mechanically removing tantalum coatings by the -,~~ytica' ::-,ethod, ancdic d,sso-'ving of tanta-lum in KC1-LiCl melts was inves- 0 at '.Ok- - 730 C (Fig. 1). Corrosion of tantalum metal was determined in ~Me~rs, t") analyze the results of anodic dissolving. Anodic polarization of meth" was experimientally investigated, to evaluate the sequence of anodic 44ssolvlng processes. Result,-;: Tantalum corrosion in the melts investigated is low -na increases with elevated -emperatures. it chaxiges slightly when fluorides are adnie,4 to the ,.-;e-'t. Highest current efficiency is obtained in a chloride bath with a current density -)e--ow ~..D -amp/cff,2. At an increase of anode current density from .-tnc- portion of tantalum ions of higher valence passing i 1.0 amp, nto the 's F -esult the anodi( current ~fflciency drops. Results f C, a su ng t . t, .5how that viii.ri ii r,igher anodic current density 3/149/62/C)OO/004/001/00-, ~nGdic d'-ssolving of tantalum i',-, ch--orlde meits AC,06/Alo,. T.he anGdic potential is shifted toward more positive values (figure 2). The ad- Lition of alkali metal fluorides to tne elctro.yte shifts the anode potential to ..~-,e negative S4 ide and stabilizes tantalum diss)'ving. accompanied by the appear- ance of fons of hig-er valence. Polarization curve~i are shifted to the negative side at increasing te--,era-res due to the presence of 1,Tb in tantalum metal. There arr- 2 tables anal institut (Ural' Polytechnic Institute) Ca-01 2/4 S/149/62/000/004/001/003 Anodic dissolving of tantalum in chloride mellts AG061AlGI Figure 1: Elec-,roiyzer Alegend: I - anolyte ~ 2 - tantalUrr, anode, protected by a -.-Iorcelain tuz)e; 3 - tube for blowing tne electrolyte with dry hydrogen chloride; 1~ - 1pad comparison electrode; 5 - asbostos diap!-,ragm- 6 - t"nermoccuple; 7 - catholyte; bismuth cathode. Card ~/4 Anodic dissolving of tantalum in chloride melts Figure 2: :~e;Den:'.ence of tne tantalum anode ,,otent'a'. upor, current donsit I a --~C i(,1 me-t itt 1,00 C; 0 0 2 OS I I ~~(/O'; I - 706 C; 4 500 C Of 5 INEIght LiF 0 ~a electr-,lyte; at 4(k C for a ro-amblur:, anode In a KC.- s/i,~~)/62/,Dw/wli/oo 1/00 3 Accj6/A 110 1 "JI 1 F- C'. r It t.4.- w 2 Anode potential versus chlorine electrode, Card f C 3 3/149/62/000/00--.VO05/oil A006/AIOI AUTHORS: Nichkov, I. P., Rvzhik, 0. A., Raspopin, S. P. TITLF: The effect of thorium on electrode potentials of bismuth in alkali- metal chlorlde melts PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, TsvetnayA metallurglya, no - 3, 1962, 113 - 116 TEXT: To investigate the effect of the cation of a streng complex-forming salt upon bismuth behavior in alkali metal chloride melts, eqiailibrium potentials of bismuth were measured in such melts, containing thorium and bismuth, at various tempc-ratures (950 - 1,100 K). An equimolar mixture of potassii4m and sodium chlovides with 3.1 weight percent ThC14 and 1.7 weight percent BIC1 was used as an eLectroly-te. After inelting the mixture wasrefined by electrolysh. The emf of the cell were measured every 25 - 30 minutes for 6 - 8.5 hours. The electro- lyte temperature was maintained within 700 - 850*50C. After the experiment the thorium and bismuth content of the electrolyte were analyzed. For compari-son, the temperature dependence of a bismuth electrode without TW14, determined pre- Card. 112 The effect of ... s/i 49/6~VOQO/003/005/01 I A006/A101 viously, is given. It appears that bismuth potentials in a KC1-NaCl-ThC14-BIC13 melt are by about 80 mv more positive than corresponding values in the same melts without thorium tetrachloride. The introduction of a strong complex-form- ing agent,such as thorium affects the interaction of B13+ and Cl- ions, which becomes weaker. The BIC12 + 2C1 BiC14 equilibrium is shifted to the left. Consequently the Bi potential in such melts becomes more positive. There is 1 figure. ASSOCIATION: Ural'skiy pol.itekhnicheskiy institut (Ural Poly-technic Institute) SUBMIMD: December 20, 1961 Card Z/2 NICHKOV, I.F.1 RASPOPIN, 3,11,j GOLIJBEV, V.I. Anodic solution of tantalum in chloride melts. Izv. vys. acheb. zav.; tsvet. met. 5 no.43132-136 162. (KRA 16:5) 1. Urallskiy politekhnichaskiy institut. (Tantalum--Electrometallurgy) NICHKOVY I.F.; MPOPIN, S.P.; TSARENKU, A.F. State of zince In fused chlorides. Izve VY8. ucheb. zqr.; tavet. me~. 5 uo.5:61~-92 16a. WM 15:10 n 1, Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institute (Zinc-glactric pVbperties) (Fused salts) AW S/137/62/ooo/oll/007/o45 A052/A101 AUTHORS: Nichkov, 1. F., Raspopin, S. P., Devyatkin, V. I. TITLE: Cathode deposition of Zr from molten U-containing halu'rds PERIODICAL: RefuraLivny~ zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 11, 196--, 1~, abftract 11G105 ("Tr. Urai'skogo pulitekh~i. in-ta", no. 121, P-6~, 1~', - "3) TEXT Cathode polarization of Mo-cathode in molten haloids containing U and Zr- was studied. The experiments were carried out in hard glass eiectroly- zers at 000 - 700 0C with catholyte and anolyte SePELrated by an asbegtos dia- phragm. It was found tnat at an electrolysis with low Dc (0.1 a/cm2) Zr was de- POSitE!d first. Catholyte was a molten equimolar mixture of Na and K ch-Lorides or a eutectic mixture KCI-LiCl to which a certain amount of UF4 and K-,ZrFb was added. There are 12 references. a. Svo(Itnevit LAbstracter's note: Complete translationj Card 1/1 NICHKOV, I.F.; RASPCHN, S.P. Electromotive force of thermocouples consisting of nickel graphite, tungsten, and molybdenum at the temperatures from 400 to IL-)a4c. Trudy 62. ~'KIRA 16-,5) (Thermocouplea) (Electromotivo force) MICHKOV, I.F.; RASPOIIN, '3.P.; Uranium displxicement by zinc fr m chloride meits. Atom. energ. --5 no.4:336-33',' 0 163. (MIR-A 1o:1C) FI,,'A! 1'. S 1-.'. C. c la i z a,. r d "e f, 1, 3-3926-66 DWI' ( m ) /!-!,M P ~ tr ~i-,; -', (- -jP-/-;C ACd NF:' AP6017654 SCUP.CE'CCDE: AUTHIO.R: Nichkov!_j; F.; Raspopin, S. P.; BabiRov, a.. G. ORG- none TITLE: Electrodepositior of beryllium from chloride-fluoride,melts SOURCE; Tsvetnyye metally, no. 1, 1966, 65-67 TCPIC TAGS: electrodeposition, beryllium, beryllium compound, fluoride, oxy1fluori-'e ABST:?,ACT: Experiments involvin.g dissolution of beryllium oxide In chlorido-flucride The-. a-mount of Ciis- melts were carried out in open quartz test tubes at 700-3500C. solved oxide was found to increane with the sodium fluoride concentratioa; a-)Par~~tly, the oxide reacts with the fluoride ion to form complex oxyfluoride groL,ps. In ali~ali metal chlorides and sodium fluoride, BeO dissolves in amounts up to 0.5% by Beryllium was electrodeposited from melts containing Ma-r, BeQ, and BeF,! in varicus proportions, and beryllium metal was obtained In all cases, Lou current officiencies are attributed to the deposition of the alRall metal a,: the cathode. The most S;"11.t- able melt for the electrolysis Is one coitaining an admixture of beryllium oxyfluo- ride. In such electrolytes, the cathodic current efficiency reached 4-y/. -1-or a rela-- tivi,ly hI.-h Initial current density. The effect of the oxide BeO introduced 1.1to the rielt on the anodic process was determined. A study of the electrode potentials and Card 1/2 UDC: 669.725.054.72 I L 38928-66 ACC Ms AP6017654 polarization curves indicates that BeO actually di:3solves in the meltv thus changinz the ionic composition of the electrolyte. Since this solubility is slight, the dis- char,ge of chloride ions is achieved In a relatively short time. Orig. art. has: 2 figuren and I table. SUB CODE: 07,11/ SUMI DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 001 Card 2/2 L.)4849-66 &TWAYAT(t )/zTl ijp(c) ESIZ11 d SOURCE CODE: A1X NR: AP6017605 (A) UR/0364/6 /002/002/016D/oi66 A7110R: Lel,edev, V. A. ; Nichkov, I. F'. ; Raspcpin, S - P - GRG: Ura.1 Polytechnical Institute imeni S. 14. K:,rov, Sverdlovsk (Ural'skiy po.~itekhnicheskiy institui) TITLE: Thermodynwiics~of molten solutions in th,~ urenium-bismuth syEteir, SOURCE: Flektrokhimiya, v. 2, no. 2, 1.966, 16o-166 TOPIC TAGS: uranium alloy, bismuth al'.oy, nonferrous liquid metal, galvanic ce-l, thermodynamic characteristic, solution kinetics, solubility 'ABSTRACT: The thermodynamic propert ies of molten uraniur-bismuth soLutions are studied .Dy measuring the electomotive force in special galvanic cells -with urnaium concen- traticns ranging from 0.0002 to values close to the maximum solubility at temperatures ;of 498-7880. The composition of the galvanic cells used in the experiments w;-:Ls Usollmolten electrolyte+5% UC13ju-Bi liq* A eutectic mixture of potassium and lithium chlorides was used an, the electrolyte up to 698", and an equimolar mixture of sodium and potassium chlorides war; used at higher tempf.-ratures. The experiments were done in a helium atmosphere at temperatures held constant within �10. It is shown that solu- tions of uranium in bismuth conform tc Henry's law practically up tc the limit of solu- .LCard 1/2 UDC: 54j..:.3:536.7 L 34849--66 ACC NR, Ap6ol76()5 ability for uranium throughout the entire temperature range studied. The effect of :temperature on the coefficient of activity for uranium in the a1loy with respect to 1solid uranitim is given by the equation lnYo=7l07-39S)5/TOK. The thermodynamic charac- teristics for the formation of liquid alloys from supercooled liquid uranium and liquid bismuth are calculated. It is found 'that liquid alloys of w-anium with bismuth !are characterized by extremely strong interaction between the components which decrease somewhat as the temperature Is raised. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 14 tables, 1 formula. ';SUB CODE:1i120/ SUBM DATE: 26May65/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 005 Card NICHKOV I.P.,; HASPOPIN, S.P.; TSAMKO, A.F. State of zinc in fuaed chlorides. Izv. vyii. twhob. zav.; tavet. net, 5 no.5.-896-92 162. OGRA 1-5:10) 1. Uralvakiy politekhnicheakiy institat. (Zinc-Electric properties) (Fused salts) L, 06532-67 EWT(M)/LVP(t)/ETI lip(c) JD/WW/JG - --AP7000474--------- ACC NR, SOURCE CODE: UR/0089/66/020/,:04/0346/034'1 LEBEDEV, Ve A,t NICHXDV, N. F., RASPOPM, S. P. and-BUEZEMV. 711. F. "Determination of Vranium Solubility in Bismuth by the EW 1,%tIxid" Moscow, Atomwa Ehergiya, Vol 20, No 4, 1966.1; 346 Abstract: Results are presented of the study of the solub:Llity of uranitu in bdLr.=th in the 400-8000C rwige by the EIF method. Tho results obtainod are In excellent agreement with those obtalaad by the high temporatare filtration method. The liquidus Una can be represonted approjdLmately bV Wo straight lines whose oqu&Uons have the fornt lg%(wt %) - 2.480 z16o (400-WOPC); T, 0 K I&Cu(wt %) - 3.354 - 2810 (480-8000C). T, 01( The break and increased slope of the liquidas line are observed at 48ec. The deviation from experizental values ot solubdlity does riot mweed Card 1/2 L 06532-67 The use of different alkaline metal chlorids zrzelt4 as wen its tdoir md~trras, as electrolytes permitted the authors to estimate the affect of alaklIne metals on so3aftlity, These metals enter the uranium,-bismath allay from tkLe malt of tho salts, formiM stable compound-z with bismuth. Fbtassium and sodium Increase the solubility of uranium -in bismuth. Thus, Wian the K content in the alUy Is 0,034 at .%. an increase of 10% is observed In the wanium solubilitye Nhan the K content ini increased to 0.5 at. %. so1WAAitV is :Increased. b7 42%. Apl"Amately the vs&me Increase In ;o1nbi2itq was observed uhm 0. 11 at. Is 11 and 0 -120 at, % VA were preewt in the .42oy, IJPRS: 37,1111 ORG: none TOPIC TAGS: solability, molten metal/ A uranium alloy, bismuth alloy lj~ SUB CODE: llg (Y7 SUEM DATE: 29~ul6f, GTH REF: 002 2/2- NESTEROV, M.; KHOKKAYTJRI, P.; RODYN, T.; VALIFOBS, T., NICBKOV.- V.; TALON, Yu. Favorable prospects of Soviet-linaiab trade. Vneab.torg. 30 no.6:29-31 160. (MIRA L3:6) 1. Predsedatell Prezidium Vaesoyuznoy torgovoy palaty ~for Hesterov). 2. Predsedatell finsko-sovetskoy torgovoy palaty, generallnyy direktor XctRioaarnogo obahchestva *Raums,-Repola" for Khonkayuri). 3. Predsedatell 7sesoyuznogo Ob'yedinen'.ya "Mash Inoeks-por t " (for Rodnov). 4. General'un direktor Ak-tsionernogo obabcbestvu "Vyartsila-kontsern,O eblen pravleniya finskosovetakey palaty (tor Tallfors)- 5- Predsodatel' Taescyuznogo Gb"yedlnenlra 'Eksportles" (for Ricbkov). 6. Direktor- rasIporyaditell Aktsioneraogo obshchestva 'Ob"yedinennyye! bumELzhnyye fabriki," ctlen pravleniya, finsko--sovetskoy torgovoy palaty (for Taiden). (Rues ia-Commerce-Ifimland) (Finland-Commerce-Itassia) NICHKOV, V.M.; P&TROV. B.S., pn3f., red.; ANDURYTO, O.N., red.itd-val . .1 _-__II --RASSUM-AYCV, A.V., rod.1zd-va; PAVIA)VSXIY, A.A., [Development of Soviet lumber export] Fazvi,;ie sovetakogo lVnogo eksporta. Kos"a, Tneshtorgizdat, 1959. 293 P. (HIAA 12:7) (Lumbor trade) RODNOV. V.I.; HATITYNOV, VASIL'YW, N.V.; NIKOLAYEN.W. B.Z.; GUROV, Ye.P.; VOW,UOV, Te.F.; JIGUMV, 7.11,; PARKEICIV. I.A.; ~UBAHOV, M.T. What does 7ou afisociation offer for the 43d anniveirsar7 of the Great October? Chie-D3 of all-union associatLons speak. Vuesh. torg. 30 no.10:28--33 16D. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Predsedatell Vfiesoyuznogo ob"7ndineniya "Mas.,iinoeksport" (for Rodnov). 2. Prerdsodatell Vaeaoyuz-aoj,0 ob"yedineai7a "Hashonolmport" (for martyuov). 3. Predsedatell VsenoyA=noye oblyedineniyu "Mashpriborin"org' (for VaSil'YCN). 4. Predsedatell Vseso,,fuznogo ob"dineniya "'b3khnopromimport" (for Gubarov). 5. Ispolny-ayushchly ob7as-nosti predsedatelya Tses07uzn0i,',o obOyedineniya, "So7uzprome*ksport1 (for Nikolayeko). 6. Predsedatell Vsf3soyuznogc) ob"yedineniya "So7wnefteeksport" (for Guxov). 7. "Predsedatell Vaesorzznogo obyedineniya "Proms7rlyeimportl (for Volchkov). 8. Pred3edatell Vsei3oyuznogo oblliredineniyu "Eksportles" (for Nichkov). 9. Pred3edatel Vaesoyuznogo ob":redin6niya "Raznoelcoport" (for Markelov). (aussia--Conmerce) ti I C I I Y,',', V, - 9(, .'I . ------- , I r r, 10 ~; t1jr, C..:)ilt ()! seriOlfqla met. 7 no.8:20r-2("? , . !Jral I skiy po'-' = ~ -.,, -~ ~ - -r , :- t " ~a 'I. *. -,- , ~, - - - - r' - . . - ... . - . ( ~- r~ lys. -~ch~' . V, -- % - L v - P.- !, , 1 - "Ir"? 5 A4',l '- ' "'- Nlf~HKOVA *V. - - Work of the Fublic Bureau of economic aralysiE at ferrolls metal.*:Uj-g7 enterprises of ,he itdddlo Ural --concmic Courc .2. Izv. vrg. !,lcheb. zav.; chern. me".. 8 no.2:202 165. ~AIRA 18:2, ;o 3 000 it '4 Pt :771 94 ;90, AUOY I~ej.. Rai ka;if pity~bio a leTm- pr pr- lCl,PJJVSUO G0J;OrMlMtijlL~.rate_ mt K _IJ ear 4 '004twirweresoxow fill IP, V ai 1~~ ; ~~.: _~ i4 I -E, imUc e 9 on A ag' w or pts IT14 effeciW- C.T"o po# a ~1' m 01, [g, ~i~ OE g~A F M-1 j %01!:", R4 -7- -77- gr. c1pn Imlorl - OV -rbdti-! -eroula voll d- i k moolp 42 ;Lon ibseqUelit agtnk .1 FT N r6l bear iL. Cirri- --apAin'g; rr-cot :etial"' -Cbzqxys on-- tllt3' ft- OC' at -.4 0 'dt tT ming- '00 6-- (760 ?:rar4p iconcltdadl.-..- e p- i t at 1 -0 n- no: a4 0 ine lig s -,f~z4 F, 4 ~~k �r tit f r: U t 1 ~Ut IV -Liz V- NJ - - ;ii Mt. Vt j- -,t ZI MV fi Vill -TI PUSH111, G.A.; NIGRKOVA, Z.S. Orgaaftation of medical care for Industrial woriDers by an open system ia Sverdlo7sk. Zdrav.Hov.fed. 3 no.10:22-26 0 159. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Iz Sverdlovalcogo gorzdravot(tela (zav. - Ye.l. K1- 17utirla). (S1rMDWVSK---MKD1CAL CARZ) ___c ACC NRt A 333:0 F, AUTHOR: GronskJy,, Ya. I. (Llvav); Nichoga, L. A. (L'vov);,O1(.,g, V. I. (Llvov) ORG: none ,LIM: Comprehensive apparatus for the production and investigation of short accristic pulses SOURCE: AN UkxESR,. Voprosy prikladnoy ak-iistiki. i vibratsionnoy tekhnik-i (Principles of applied acouctics and vibration tectmolou)p Kiev, Naukava dur*a, 1966, 91-94 TOPIC TAGS: acoustic equipmento pulse generator, sound transmisoiont acoustic signal., electroacoustica ABSTRACT: The authors describe txunsm~Ating-receiving apliaratus for large pulsed quill- rents, aimed at; produc1mg the electrohydi-aulic effect (F'4:. 1). The apparatus oper-, Fig. 1. Magma of accmstic pulge generator. .1 Charge-, discharge unit.. 2 - triggering pral-se generator,, 3auto- matic control ivdtp 4 high-volULge rectifier, t sy-n- chronization block, 6 synchronizatiori output. ates on a principle sinilar to ttutt of the hydraulic ram, using tho wjnchronized. charging euid discharging of ca- pacitcws. Pu3Aes of swreral microsecondap at voltages up Card ACC NR% A.T6033313 I to 30 kv and at enerlaes uP to 1-3 31: 103 J, are generated. The control circuit trig- gering the dischw-ge of the capacitcra wid producrtion of thc sampL?a alno starts an:1 II stops a tape recca-der. The appamt.un weigho 550 :% and con.-Imma appraidmitely L_:Sjo W.. Orlso art* has: 2 rLgurese f .i suB 6DE: aD.. o9,/ WBK DA.1171 l9ft-661 ORIG REFI 002 v v ! ,.-~ q: ~ AEC -NR- AT6020479--- SOURCE -('ODE:-- - UR/0000/65/000/000/0101/0110 AU-MOR: Mizyuk, L. Ya. U'vtov); Nichoga, V. A. (L'vov) ORG: none TITLE: Evaluation of the efficiency of low frequency magnetic induction receivers SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Teoriya i eleroenty aistem otbora geofizicheskoy informataii (Theo-,' ry and elements of systems for se:LeCting geophysical informotion). Kiev, Nikukova dum- I ka, 1965, 101-110 TOPIC TAGS: circuit deGign, electric measuring Lristrument ABM~ACT: The authors discuss problems in designing low frequency magnetic induction ro-ceivers. Losses due to the ferromagnetic core of the coils may be calculated from the known magnetic permeability of the fern3magnetic core. 7wo cases are considered: Me ;-i the first, the recelver hai; a passive coil., i. e.. its ge try and the position o the coix! within the frame as well as its internal magnetic field are neglected. In into account. It iv shown vathematically t'-e second case, these factors are taken that the expected efficiency of the passive coil exceeds 4y many times the value ob- ta.ned experimentally. On the other hand, the theoretical efficiency of the active coil is nearly that obtained experimentally. Orig. art. has: 26 fbimulas, 1 figure, 1 table. SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE; 1ORov65/ ORIG REF: 005 L 30356-66 ACC 14R: AT6006318 4)11,71I.CE CODF,: Ull/01)00/65/000/000/0104,/0110 AUTIIOR- Nici,,ol4a, V,A. ~i,'L-ovl ORG: none 'rITLE; The optiniurn form of bir coros of Induction magnetoreceivers SOURCE: AN 1,krSSR. F.Ietnv.-ity sistem othora i peredacht inforniat!3ii (Elements of systems for selecting and transferring information). Kiev, Naukova durnka, 1965, 104-110 TOPIC TAGS: magnetic detection, magnetic core ABSTRACT: In tile design of nighl.y efficient induction magnetoreceivers it is important to assure die achievement of opt.miurn c ha ra cteris tics. This is particularly important for electrical geophysical exploration UtiliZinar low (20 cps to 20 kc) frequencies requiring the inWnluin possible reduction In size of tile necessary equipment. The present article dis- cusses the choice of tile opLimlim c;hape of the induction magnetoreceiver core, Ji. e. , the sharle for which the relative length of the core secures the largest magnetoreceiver constant. The results of tile theoretical study arc summarized in two graphs, one of which gives the optimum relative length as a function of -'he magnetic properties of the magnetic material (up to tdgo = 104). Orig. art. ha.9: 12 formulas and 3 figures. SUB CODE: 09 / SUBM DATE: C,6Nov65 / ORIG REF: 008 Card 'CC NR: AT6003003 AUTAOR: Nichoga, . A. ORG: FMI AN LJkrSSR SOURCE CODE: IJR/3175/65/C,00/025/0040/00144 TITLE: Determination of critical relative length of cylindrical ferromagnetic cores SOURCE: USSR. Gosudarstvennyy_&p,212gLIb~g&iy kom :trt. GeoZizicheskaya apparatura, no. 25, 19659 40-44 Vf TOPIC TAGS: magnetic core, magnetic permeability, asymptotic property, demagnetiza- tion, ferromagnetic structure ABSTRACT: A method for determining the critical ratio of length to diameter, (i.e. relative length) of cylindrical ferromagnetic cores, is discussed with respect to the design of low frequency magnetic receivers. TT-e critical relative length is that length at which the specific permeability of the core reaches an asymptotic value. This value is always smaller than the chosen value of relative length. It is shown that the cri'tical value can he determined from a formula for the diamagneti- zation coefficient (which is relative-length dependent) and from the value of Card--1/2 ACC NR: AT6003003 material permeability. The method use:3 the asymptotic valLes of specific permeabil- ity and leads -to an expression for the critical relative length. Because the re- sulting equations am in transcendental form, a graphic method of solution must be employed. For material permeability 1(..tss than l04, an approxination formula has been derived to replace the graphic method. Orig. art. has. 3 figures, 5 formulas. SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 00/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH FEF: 002 Card 2/2- ACC NR: AT6003005 ( A, Al ) ',;OUR(--T CODE: UR/3.L75/6ci/000/025/0079/Cr,98 AUTHOR: Mizyuk, L.-Ya.; Nichoga, V. -A-. ORG; FMI AN UkrSSR 2e-"l TITLE: Calculation of demagnetization coefficie-ats of hollow cylindrical corx!s SCURCE: USSR. Gosudarstvennyy geologicheskiy komitet. Osoboye konstruktorskoye by uro. Geofizicheskaya--apparatura, no. 25, 1965, 79-98 11, TOPIC TAGS: magnetic core, ferromagnetic structure, demagnetization, magnet ie per- meability ABSTRACT: Replacement of solid cylindrical core.,; by equivEllent hollow cylindrical cores leads to reduction of core weight. This is es?ecially important in lc.w--fre- quency instrummants using large coils- This paper explains in detaill how -to calcu- late demagnetization coefficients of' such cores. Analytic c-quations used for'solid core design aria modified to account for cavity effects. Curves based on zhese equations are graphed to show the relationship bEtween varicus design parameters. Several examples are c .onsidered where the use of these parimreter-s. is made and the Ca:r,d 1/2 ACC IIR: AT6003CO5 1~1 computed results are tabulated. In the case where magnetic permeatilivf of tile ma- terial approaches infinity, the demagnetization coefficient ~s a function of only cavi-,-y size and the relative length of the cylinder. Orig. art. has: 4 f igures, 1 table, 59 formulas. SUB CODEAVI SUBM DATE,: 00/ ORIG REF: 00,)/ OTH R17: 000 Card 2/2 ji FIr? 7r~9~7, 71 7 tie g el!-MO U ar- T1,4 X com a -Am,, s Up ii, adgi *hop_ PP F4 J~ J~ h hiff 16*_,blisi~_' 0 T-C :p 9 W -.4, 9J, ropq -4;7";.' 4r 7z- A 14, 4 en A B 2~34 6ine.0 e. m siMilp utp y -PTO Ike 49.1 O_u 4~1 lu 4ts_ A driseque Th 6& 7 A_!l'L%_ift t-d-144C 400 _tjj kfat id If iv OF A& id a. M i --higher wa4 ~4th66 qW j~jN-b I 1k' 111 4 na L n p -car ollt thels e c0 ions- k- _:.*qjoctl!pq re et At Elii tj _iaiU-U8ef-,W P!rocl J 1~ e fj e e a A '-fi, a6 eta qo.:: -7-7 MON= gal a-vorr _n,'id;Wjjt~4.4b4lizyW- k f. u.-C ar"q 'g Fe7lt 6 &V6 joffib- 17,61 f *Wjl ult lipft(Wl m vite.1, 0;,~-Mv Vane Ite a Ink, Sri 03/01- 5/01" 010 /62.1"'o sol el-Ir-e i-clr of r 110. 3 3 tie- l,t3,l jjt3. C)OO - 110 r_ 1 0 f ime tit* " es Of )e. d 1) ti a 5t elLsll iofl 010 _ ~,pe 0ver ill t e re ar~a~ ,od li c,etit vt ityl ? f 1b 0 rl CSG r- -~b. 1,0 died 4r e e 13txl a~~l be lo, ae e,. 7 1e t 06 7,0 po s Ija 5 a," t0 let, r 0%, O)Lj Li 5 5 0 ob'L aL, all. 0. C.O C, e e" via ell'y olrc-- ort 0 C.)6 3 /12 o/162/000/00 3/0-L 3/048 -astic scintillators E075/E.436 1': was obtained by the react:LOn 0 10)JI'le"CaIlliff r 0-1 0 NI IN A 1~ -0 Oil P. Ij-_ was shown that the relative luminescent yield ancreased with the initial concentration of the compounds up to :,.0 x 10-21 to 1.5 x 10-2 g per 1g of poly-styrene. Maximx;m luminescence corresponded to the wavelength Xmax ~ 495 fl, Whert the concentration of I changed from 0.91 x 10*'Xlto 2.3 x 10*-;)' Per g of polystyrene, the maximum shifted from -490 to - 505 MIL. Card 2/3 S/120/62/00()/003/013/048 Pla.ztic scintillators ... E075/E436 The pres(:nce of para-terphenyl in the solution (2% weight) increased the internal yield of luminescence by :2.8 times, whilst not changing the position of the maximum. The maximum luminescence given by the compounds corresponds well to the region of maximum eye sensitivity (507 under conditions of poor iilumination. The compounds studied can be uti*_ized for the visual recording of ionizing irradiations. There are 4 figures and i -table. ASSO.'IATION: Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut (Leningrad Technological Institute) SUBMITTED: October 20, 1961 Card 3/3 '~b' (Z- ACCESSION NR: AP4020058 S/0186/64/006,1001,(0104/0107 AUTHOR: Shvedov, V. P.; Nichugoy-skiy, G. F. TITLE: Selutration of alkali elements by the electrophorenis method. 1. Separa- tion of rubidium and cesium ions with ammonium paratungstate SOURCE: Ra.diokhimiya, v. 6, no. 1, 1964, 104-107 TOPIC TAGS: rubidium, cesium, separation, electrophoresis, electrophoretic cell, ion mobility, ammonium paratungstate, alkali element separation ABSTRACT: The construction of an electrophoretic cell with quartz sand as the porous filler is described (fig. 1). In this apparatus the apparent degree of mobility of ions can be determined within 5%. Solutions of ammonium paratungs- tate which was prepared by dissolvirig stoichlometric amounts of tungstic xcid with ;unmonia can be used for separation of Rb and Cs ions by the electrophore- tic method. Optimum paratungstate concentration is in the I x 10-3 to 5 x 10-'~M range (basedon weight). In Che example Rb and Ce were separated with 3. 5 x Card l/ 3 ACCESSION NR:AP4020058 10-3 M arnmonium tungstate in 18 rainutes with a gradient potential of 19 -v. /cin. Strong electrolytes may be added to the ammonium paratungstate solution to increase the mobility of the Rb and Cs ions. This increase in mobility effect increases in the following series of monovalent ions: Li, Na, NH4, K, Rb, Cs, H. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED. I0Jul63 DATZ' ACQ: 31Mar64 ENCL: 0 1 SUB CODE: GC NO REFSOV: 002 OTHER: 008 ca,j 2/ 3 ACC'ESSION NR: AP4020058 ENCWSURE: 0.1 j 4 dcr~fdl A A fig. I Electrophoretic cell diagram I.. plexiglas membranes 6. receiver 2. quartz sand 7. housing 3. electrode container 6. platinum electrodes 4. porous dividers 5. flexible tubes for removing samples Card 3/ 3 ACCIOSICO IM: "'9=059 8/03M/64/006/001JU07/0110 AMOR: Shvedov,, V. P.; lfichugovukiy, F. I T]3!!:E: Separatiort of alkali elements iry the method of electro:91oresis- I t 2.. Separation of rubidiun and cesiun iinis in solutims of p3tassi= ferrocyunlde S(XM: Radioldiiniya,, v. 6, no. i, 190~, lo7-lio TOPIC TAGS: electrophoresis, cesiun, rdbidium,- ion, sepamticn, a3lo.1i elaztents, cesiln rubidiun separation, ion mobility, potassiuu ferr(>- oymaide, ferrwyenic acid anion A13S=CT:: The dependence of the mdbiU,~,y of Rb and Cs Icus on the equilibrium caricentration of ferrocyanii.- acid aniaw In potassi= fer- rocyani&.- ooluticas was investigated (see Enclostrre). The ccndltia2r. for Of separating Rb and. Cs Improve with an in,-.rease in forrocyanide conceiitrs- tion. Tito dissiallar stability of the ansociated ims fo=ed leads to dLf ferc-st mdbilities. Ca and Rb Ions Li e. soluti-m of 0.034, H IVOM6 4- 0-052 M RKO~ were. completely sepamted la 30 minutes with a. &vOlent Cazd Iq -V Accmaw mt: AV4020059 potential 0j, 8.5 y/cm. The hypoth~tsis is presented that the b2aic rea- scus for the: weakeping ., of the asawistion of the Rb and Cs, icn3 is the dissimilar degree V the associaticn of these lons with those of ferro- cywic acide OrIge art@ has: 2 figures and 3 equations. ASSOCIATIMIs. Naas '64 EM L: 01 SUM=: MU163.1t DAM AC 31MAI SUB CME: CEI 110 FMI SOV: OOT OMR: 003 Card 213 SHVEDOld" V.P.; NICHUGOVSKIY, G.F. Cell for measuring the moblli,.y of ions by ta-;~ " radioactive indicators. 7hr. fiz. khim. -,O.,~..: i ~) 3 C,,- ~ " 3.-, Ap 165. 1,4; : 1, 1. Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskiy instit-t. 'un,. , 1964. 2201B Ig IS-61) S/14 6 1 /00 C/00 3/^ 0 31/01D -j D205X304 - AUTHOR: Nichushkin, V.V., Aspirant TITLE: Installation for testing the fusion of metals and alloy5 in vacuum PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zaved.eniy, mashinostroyeniye, no. 3, 1961, 56 - 63 TEXT: Metal. fusidti is an essential property foz- ulany technological, processen, for instance, in the manufacture of b'-metals by cold diffusion ar by ultrasonic welding. Fusion depends on the fol-low- ing factors: temperature; contact pressure; surfare states of the interacting metals; time of interaction; duration, amplitude and frequency of ultrasonic vibrations (if applied). The influence of these on the process cart be studied experimentally by me&-ns of the described apparatus designed to ensure the following: 1) Regu- lation of pressure vector on the specimen in contact; 2) Creation Card 1/5 22018 S/14r- /1~1/000/003/033/006 Installation for testing 1)205;~3JO4 of vacuum; 3) Control of temperature on the contacting surfaces; 4) Application of ultrasonic vibrations. Con,,struction of the in- stallation is explained with reference to Fig. .2. The Norki:.,ig cham- ber is enclosed by hood 1 and a plate resting on a horizontal table and fitted with a vacuum rubber sealing. The hood can be raised or lowered on guides 2 by means of screw 3 and handle 4. A vacuum is obtained with the aid of pump type RVN of 200 1/min capacity and a second stage pump type TsV'Yt-1003 of 10C 1/sec: capacity. Va- cuum of 1 - 10:; mm Hg can be reached and is measured by valve 5 type LT-2 down to jo-3 mm Hg and by an electro-magnetic manometer 6, type KA-5. Normal loads are applied by means of weights ? and 8 and the tangential ones 4y screw 13 and rod 14. Bellows 15, 16, 17 and 20 serve as seals. For measuring loads two precision dynamouie- ters -type DS-0.2 for loads up to 200 kg, and type DK-~) for loads up to 3000 kg are used. Ultrasonic vibrations can be ELPPlield to the specimen from vibrator 19 through concentrator 18, thE! geOD10try (length and radius) of which is chosen exper:LM(!ntaliy.. A 10 kW 11- Card 2/5 (" 20 18 S/ I ~ 5/(S 1 /C) 5 InstalliAion for testing D201)-/D504 urasonic generator UZG-10 is used. Screws 21 , 22 and handles 2.)) 1 L, -Ide -f 24 enable the concentrator to be manipulated and the az.51. -i vibrations is measured with the he---p of Green's binocul ar mi cros- aope ani window 25. The lower spec: men is mounted on s-il~r 2, on table 26. 28 in an electric heater and 30 is a nlovFtt',~- alumel thermocouple. SpeCilrE!ns car. be flat, 10 min ti,ic'F ~.r driCEL1 15 mm in diameter and 15 to 20 mm long or cylindrd~,al with a spherical end for point contacts., Before testing, spe,-::-,Lens are polished, washed in gasolene aXd 1hen in a water solution of soda. and aoftum nitrate (15 % Na9C03, 5 % Na N02) at 30-100C. When a vacuum is generated, the specimens are heated to and Ieild at a temperiLture according to Table No. 1 given by M.G. Lozanskiy (Ref. 10S VySokotemperaturnaya metallogra.fiya (High TE-Mperat~lre Yetal--(~- graphy) M. 1956). This further cleans and normalizes tne -9,urfaces. to h The specimens are then cooled the test temparature and trc'--ig"t into ~Dntact ready for testing. For application of vi.- braticr13, both specimens are mountei on tabLe 1 and con,f.:mtratcr 7 Carr; Z/9 22018 I-Istullation for testing ... D2015/D304 a-plied to the upper specimen. Pressure is then E.'Y9.--~ed by load 8, B~ means of the described apparatus the influence r,ormai and tangential forces and temperature on t~L_ processes t~f :'~qion can be -,tudied in various combinations. There are 3 figured-- -and 13 re- ferences: 12 Soviet-bloc and 1 The r,D.-. ihe English-language pu'j-lli,~ati~,n reE.ds as A.Z. ioa.-h, 3-.oring Characteristics of BearinS N,aterials, PrA~_,,! 19511, vola 25, November, No. 11, p. 171 - 175. ASSOCIATION; Ti.VTU im. YI.E. BaumaLria (Moscow Techrio-10gical College (r.,IVTIT) im. N.E. Bauman') STJ3'alIT TED; ~iarch 11 , 1960 ,~ ~ r, I r) 5/145/61/000/003/003/006 Installation for testing ... D205/D304 - Fig. 2. 1 Card 5/5 li;a6:- -~-- Tl;~iL~~. - - I ~ ~ -1-1 -- T--",%;--.,",. - - -~ ~ ! ',7 Ia . ~ * -1, , 1 5- - ~-, ~r in! ACC NR. AP7001206 SOURCE CODE: UR/0407/65/000/05-/0154/0159 AUINOR: Kazakov, N. F. (Moscow); Nichushic.L11. V. V. (Ijoscow) jORG: none TI T DeLermillaLfon of tile Conditions of wcuum-diffu:-iton hoiidinp, of V'11-1 LiLanium SOURCE: Elektronnaya obrabotka materiaLov, no. 5-6, 1965, 154-159 :TOPIC TAGS: titanium, vacuum diffusion titanium diffusion bonding, diffusioni ~bonding condition, bonded joint strength/W'L titanium ABSTRACT: Specimens of VT1-1 commercir.l-grade tiLanijui were diffusion bonded In a vacuum of 10-1-10-" tor at a temperature of 650-IOOUC under a specific pressure of 0 -1 25 min and cooled to 100-400C in vacuum. .1 5 kg/mm2 with a holding time of I-,. ,The results of tension tests showed that the joints bonded in a vacuum of 10-3 tor in j the 750-950C range under a specific: pressure of 0.2-0.85 kg/mm2 have a tensile strength of 55-57 kg/mm2, equal to that of the base metal annealed at the respective bonding temperature. The maximum tensile titrength (00 kg/inm2) was achieved With bonding in a vacuum of 10-3 tor at 800C under a specific prensure of 0.7 kg/nM2' ia holding time of B-10 min, and cooling to 200C in vacuum. The strength of the Ijoint is determined mainly by the specific I '3ressure and temperature of the bonding 1process. Generally, the specific pressure is 60-70% of the yield strength atithe I LCard ILZ___ ACC NR- bonding temperature. The diffuaion-.bonded VTI-I parts tested to destruction failed in the bast! metal. Orig. art. has: 8 figures. SUB CODE: 13/ SUBH DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 005/ ATD PRESS. 5110 C rd 2/2 L- -tR_ GAWRONSKI, J.; KARCH, &; ,LANG, J."J"LgI .J~r.; KRZEKOTOWSKI, L. Grinding drawn sheet glass in the Kunice Glassworks. Szklo 13 no.4:97-1(Y7 Ap 162. Hic IF OROVIC I A. "Roadside improveirent." P. 53 (Put I 3aobracaj) No. 4, Apr. 1957 Belgrade, YwoslaviEL SO: Monthly Indc-x of East Suropemi Acces3ions (EFAI) :f. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1258 rr-JGOSLAVL% Dr A, p'NIC [Affiliation not give-al "Dr Josir Hedved.' Zagre~, jjj_~c~ki_-Vjes-n-ik, Vol F,5, ~,.'o 3, 1963; Fr 467-36E. Abstract; Necrology and brief biDgra,-hical sketch of this Flaysician Yr~d cf~r~tist, fomer Ilead of the City Derartment of Iublic Health o.' Zagreb, who died in 1962 at age 73. Photograrli. 1/1 L 2 23 A. NICKLAS 2n,~~nZdr-kdqs. U11. Jasct.rolyaio of s~)IvtIcvvj of bomn hyd.-;:-id~is in liquid zmmonia. S~~r- Vol-GBI 1932.. mo. 172j--& Oicn. Abs., Vol. 27, P- 911 -i-S d1basic and tetrdbastc in liquid tIF3. Daring elauLrolysis minizatIon t!,-kcs place f.Lrjt with evolution of 112. The allion radicals of thD inte'.mediats oalts tl~onz Teact UrIth 141 rC'j:*J'.!av!n,,, the M12 deriv. -f Qi.- ljy4ride vritn an accompanying -,--ol1~1 . -, of the aft-r '-IeCtI-OlYSiS 511011.3 that P H at,-3,-v e U011 of N~I alyai~ u L . r,--;-,laczd by 11112 in '3,,T-;S, Crc,.-.a 1~ to 6 0. -me -:-C-action-s ta"'m 51c)F,14. The, aiiinizatim in fast arvI rxi-plete, 12 u,,.- nora ff ')ein[, Z. V. UM/Chwdstz7 - Gyanidiss, Dartaidnatim of Aug 46 Chemistry - AnaUsla "Determination of Fb-11 Concentrations of Cyanides In the Presence of Inhibiting Substances," Ya. Yu. Tmrlye, Z. T. Nikolayeva, Inst Vodgeo, .5 pp ftavod Lab" va xiv, No 8 Ikisting methods of analjois cannot 'be applied to determine cyanides In dilute solutions containing simple and catt3lex cyanides, thic- olanides, mafIdes, orgarde compounda, etc. Anthors describe their own method. 3MTP) -ty -jro, -n %cr- r) r NICMAN, Zdzislaw OLl-hydraulic plastic pronoon. Machanik "15 no.53310 MY 162. JSSR/Farm A,iiiLals - I-arge Horned'- Abs Jour Re, -hw- - Biol., No 18, 1958, 83.335 Author Dzel:-~, J., Lusn(--v,,k--, 11"-1-~'.1.1" A.? L*.~L! 1,~ i ... -3cc.iko, j',., Stabii-a, Tnst L,-.t\r'-an Acadany Of Title Elfr-cts of Corn Silaj,,a uFon thc State of Health of Cows, Ori(; Pub Tr. Latv. s.-Ith. ak-Id., 1957, vyp. 6, 26-(-272. Abc;tract DisT ~-rbanccs rif thc-, phytiiological wcx(-~ fcand to (-Ydst I.r. Qc)w5 which were 1'~A amounts of corn (V~-r,) - I , '). Thece dirt-irba,x~, in cLan--Q,,; of alkalinity reserv,--s anc! ai,- pC.av:,nr.u of acetone in ~,h,~ it.~jnc- of the cow3. Card 1/1 ri ti -a I anpara'sal cf `-e c, the mnt t.-. n --r test ;~s Ing ESP. Studie 9 )f i n se rum, bi '0- , U Y-.~ T!6 alid of thE! sfij.arate O.rrmatogra~hlc- frar'.icris. Mled. irit.e~rn. (Bcur.~ I-,' no.4: ,,-,I prof, --,)C!C;r Oat , :, s 'G ddi e l a mu xv mm ft t C t x lum. dx)m o t6ts,of IL 10MUL chm i m I -M ~ . . it evindi . I :!.~ I.... Uut, IPA '"d kli I med /y, ikawxfiuq4~ Of ThJ up Ids. L c l M, Bbdca a44 R. Hkoorl ra, 0-1 Lo- IYE, frr K i' -2, 81-91(3 if cA M - gl n" 4 1 ~ T t i ~ 05filgrxench or i d x- . , P.. utca W t io Y ao o ( T~ t om~dsl the. follo4ix, 4i vqa m g. ftfiabbmh~,, Im Ca!ut ' the'S (W 31 ,~C61F th6 linome rings i JR tllfia:j ~ejtj~ 04,0 ifora to con-WaRi d6tbk- bo d-4, or=. Tltf~ transf id a~~6~,tly~ttot by jvl X ood -hy, the t;UtLvCLl 4 A, cliu4cter. but rather F Uent of the secoidary C "tb6-pmc%dtdrQjwSAlydm acei Kc*ji of zitzionak The fttotigadott s fm autoxl~(Atlolt dud p04 fi reac Ong, , radl- a fi:mIttiolddatumi of sonat-taide t4s, 'a f ' d thC autoxid#lon a ~the IMms, eh Fftvl%-jC_(Mj and ACME COI 41?1*o Coh-Kou (Lv)-4~thc PceimL* of tv~t mutsjlf I and R the::ttWkd - wuh #4 trivarent a is. arlc&cidixuble Under, foit nittion;of up ot 0 rapIdly, Th hirl" ur, M! Is rqaAA bv~ the. -oc Voill *hcrtif thot bjAv N 114 a6ctm. ia a- ~ it i ;Vx - w w ~,twl ad lllrl 114".1liT dat"%.micdo~s~_- W~ ~Th ~idiaddiz and- (ki ri ffort-O pivsea~c 6~1&z: and ~,cA eae. Md .10341.-Cydohew autoiUltres W mr. to fnno fifty ~'dic i~d(6ts (bat 0' 14"dZ.-Musing flocir Aecatointknu~* ~-Tj~Z- 0 abmq4i,64~~mnd ~'%`Olkrimtlotl W, -ttt 40 siot 7,1r dm(s.6fTnrlL- Thanutosidatleii of r 6r It It 4 ,Ott chaill rcactp~t iltmatc(l by t-Am., nut~CiQ6 pcmvidc railkats ilt V. nx sm"No- BODEA, C.: NICOARA, E. Chlorination of A -carotin. Studil cerc chiaie Cluj 10 no.2.347-352 59. (E&1 9:9) 1. Academia R.P.R. - FUWa Cluj, Institutul de chimie al Institutul agronomid "Dr. P.Groza" - Cluj, Catedra de chimie si fizica. (Carotene) (Chlorination) (Carbon disolfide) BODEA, C.; ITICOARA, E. Partial syntheses of the carotenoids with the application of lead tetracetate. Rev chimie 7 no. 1: 79-64 162. 1. Biochemisches laboratorim der Landwir-tschaftl'.chen flochschilles Cluj. Pf) "I:, -, , Corriel; :. , I lon, I; ., -~ 'i 'i : ~ ~ , !" , -L, , F-achacholl,zx~in tlvmr~ ;t wfw .,i, r,) : : -j -. ',. -,- ', , ~), I r.r, I ure ' r i - t,he Taxu.9 bav,orc,f, r~ ~,.mi, '. ,,I c., '17 ;--g-5 to4. 1. Laho,-W )-v (,-: , ~'. - - - ' : r. r-,, * lt,~ - %-, , : , . r Ni Tam, NICOARA, Eugen, laureat al Premiului de Stat A method of calculating the stability of poles rigidly fixed at one end and with some elastic support at the other. Constr mas 16 no.10048-551 0 164. IM L 31738-46 ACC MRs AFW21171 SOURCE CODEr RU/0007/65/016/03-/0197/0: AUTHOR: Nicoara# E. (Engineer) ORG: none TITIE: .53-mater W-type mast SOURCE: Petrol si gaze, v. i6, no. 3-4, 1965, 197-209 TOPIC TAGS: well drMing machinery, petroleum industry equipment ABSTRACT: A aiecussion of A-ahaped revolving masts for offshore depth drilling. The author briefly describes such masts in ,use in other countries as well as the Rumanian equipment with ...which the masts would be used in Rumania and analyzes the design, operation, yield and safety of some variants of 53- -meter A-shaped roitating masts. Orig. art..has! 12 figures and 4 tables. [JPRS1 SUB CCDE: 13 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG FEF: 002 / OTH REF: 001 Card 1/2. 8/64/Coo/010/0548/0551 A one:e Ir rigid!Y~- MCI at nd _40 , pqUa -and "Viva-, coil 0 alf ~,ti6ii '- for -~-a 4 abill- 0 a - - - t A-~ _t~t cot -hd"OUPPOM- bile on :", 't . __ _Ui til(I or -eli SL3.1 1~0 _Y Ai .9 0 Y~ of--- - t he - -th imi'of oeveral-P ~d P. in-v rd -4, emtv~mlcf. ft"fml- in tit' A ncl tablPs. FODOR, 0. , conf.; POPESCU, C. , dr.j NIGOAI'A, Gh., dr., CITLIEA, V., dr. Autoimmne manifestations in chronic hepatitis. Med. intern., Bucur 12 no.7:1045-1051 Jl '60. 1. Clinics. a III-a medicala, I.M.F. Cluj. (HEPATITIS, complications) (AMNIA, etiology) (TIMUNOLOGY) FODOR, 0., conf.; STAMM, L., dr.; BARBARINO, F., dr.; SWARTZ, M., dr.; HICOARA, Gh., dr.; BAN, A., dr.; Obeer7ations on splenic sarcomas. 143d. intern. 13 no.11:1549-1553 N l61. 1. Lucrare efectuate in Clinica a III-& medicala I.M.F., Cluj. (SPLEEN neoplasus) (SARCOMA) FARAUI N., dr.; NIGOARAO Gh., dr.; FODORv 0., prof. Vallue and significance of certain tests used in the diagnosis of autoi=mnie diseases of the blood. Clinical ard serolcgic---- ccz-riia- tions. Med. intern. 13 no.12:16?9-1690 D 161. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinica a III-a medicala, I.M.F. Cluj. (BLOOD DISEASES diagnosis) (LEUKOPEIIIA diagnosis) (THROMBOPENIA diagnosis) (1111UNITY) PARAU,N., dr.; 1,'ICOARA, Gh., dr.; FODCR, 0., prof. Critical appraisal of somo i=-nological tests '.n chronic evolutive polyarthritis. Hod. intern. 16 no.2:109-178 F'64. 1. lucrare efectuata in Clinica a III-a medicala, I.M.F., Cluj. . , , I i . '..; ;~ I .!- . , I -I ~ i . . . I .:t . "I' , .,I , . ! : ~ -, , , , :-' -~, -, , , I ,.- ~ - , " . ~` ~, - . -1 f F~- l F., t,r '. -j - '. ~-, , - !-, '. -- --I ' 7, 1 ' )!-'''-" ~ - 1- 7 -.- I I - .- -21, i ) 11 ~ I ;.,, , : n I , 7 r, r - . - ! i . NIGOARA, I. Aspects of industx7 develo 'prent in the Chinelie People's illepulblic. Probleme econ 16 no.10.129-131 0 '63. i-ICOAi,A, i. ? o ; 3 -1 ; I - ;2 _. -, -. " -- - : . . . , , - - . . . . , . . - - .-. , I - _:n. : *-.,-; 7-1~ q -on P n( .7: ~ , 17 . i I "/~.