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Subject MO/Slectricity Card ' 1/1 Pub. 27 - 23/25 AID P - 3268 Authors : Mu7nhH n, I. I. # M. A. Shatelen, R. Heyman, A. M. Zalesekiy, B. I. Domanskiy, S. V. Usov, V. T. R4~ev 1. 1. Zaytsev, and others Title s Professor M. D. Kamenskiy. His 70th birthday and 45 years of scientific and edunational activity Periodical i Elektrichestvo, 9. 84-85,, S 1955 Abstract : The authors pay tribute to Prof. M. D. Kamenskiy's scientific and educational activity and present a short biographical aketch and description of his activities. Institution : gone aubmi tted : ffo date IIEY~iAj, ;f L. ~,*. Theoretical llrf)bjomi in 7onl,p-r,i;)o,-.-iry En, (Elect-lc Powfr), #9:4:Sen ",5 HITXUICH. Vladimir Irsdorovich, 1872-1951. alademik; NEDUN, L.P., otvatetvan- nyy redaktor; FROLOV, A.A.. redaktor izdat~I$M9L,' lffftfMATA. A.A., telchnicheakty redak-tor [Selected works] lzbrannve trudy. Moskva. Izd-vo AL-ademit nauk 3SSR. 1956. 266 p. (HLRA 10:2) 1. Chlon-torrespondent AL-ademii nauk SSSR (for Heyman) (Alectricity) FBIDUX.~L.R.; GLINTMIK, S.R., kandidat tmkhnichoskikh nank; )MMLITANOW, A.V.. inzhener; SffII'JLINA, N.A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nalik. Group connection of elmetron tubes as a means for increasing the reliab- i1it7 of high-powar convertors. FiltiLtrichmstvo no.6:51f-59 Ja '56. (MLHA 9:9) l.Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Ne7man).2.Mn-trgmticheski7 institut imeni Krzhizhanovskego All SSSR (for Heyman, Glinter aik, Temmllyanov). 3.Institut posto7annogo toka Ministerstva elektrostantsit (for Shipu- lin,a). (Electron tubas)(Electric current converters) BC)rkRODITSKIY, N.P.; MLYMAY-L.R.: TEENDLIN, N.P.; KAPLTANSKIT. A.Te.: ODTlIrSOV, G.V. 1. KO7ZT-Yff;-B.P. A.Y. Bereadeev. Xlektrichestvo no.7:94 JI 156. (KLRA 9:10) (Berendeav, Aleksei Viktorovich, d.1955) U611WN L.R. professor; RAKFUMOT. G.R., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; YANKO- ;~~~SKIY, A.A., kandidat tpldinlcheskikh nauk. The '125th anniveran7 of Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction. Xleatrialiestv* no.8:80-82 Ag 156. (MLRA 9:10) l.Chlen-korreepondant AN SSSR (for Neyman) (Faraday, Michael, 1791-186?) KRZHIZHAKOTSKIY. G.M.: SHATEM. M.A.; VINTXa, A.V.; KOSTMO, H.P.P. POKOT, Vol*; H4TW,,--";__.BOLOTOT. V.V,; KAHINSKIY, K.D.; 7.ALESSKIT, A.M.; usov. S.T. A.A. Xbrozov; obituary. Alaktricheatvo no.12:88-89 D 156. (Morozov, Aleksandr Alaksandrovich, do 1956) (MIRA 110) KOSTMO. M.P.. akademik; NNYMN, h.R. , - Electric engineering and higher technical education in Sweden. Vest.AK SSSR 26 no.11:66-71 9 '56. (WTRA 9:12) 1. Chlert-korraspondant Akadenti nauk S56R (for Hayman). engineering) (Sweden--Technical education) NEIMAN, L.R.; TMPIGORET, A.H., akademik. obahchiy red. (Soviet terminology studies In the field of theoretical electrical engineering and suggestions of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. with respect to the International Xlectrotechnical Vocabulary; group 05 - Basic definitional Terminologicheakie raboty v SSSR v oblasti teoretichaskoi alaktrotakhalki I predlozhaniia Akadenii naiik SSSR po Kazhdu- narodnomu, elaktrotakhnichaskomi slovariul gruppa 05 - Oanovnys opredelealia. KoeIcva. 1957. 94 p. (KIRA 13:3) 1. Akademlya nauk SSSR. Komitat takhnichaskoy torminologii. 2. Chlon-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Heyman). 3. AN SM (for Terpigorev). (Electric engineering--Terminology) p,~ j ;- , 4~-it~, ~, - 17- v/ MEM10, 14.P.;UYW, L.R.;SHIENOV. V.S.;ZAMV, I.Ao;SLDBLIMIKOV, V.V.; WGRoyar-i- ~,Il -- 0 0 a Professor B. I. Domanskil; on his 70th birthday. Elaktrichostvo no.3:95 14r 157. (MIRA 10: 4) (Domariskil, Borla losifovich, 1887- AUTHOR N&MI, LA 11~fcxmoor~ Corresp. Vlember 105-6-3/26 Cademy 0 1 races, USM TITLE The Terminology of Theoretical Electric Bngineerine, (Terminologiya teoreticheskoy elektrotekhniki.-Russian) PERIODICAL Elektrichestvo 1957, 17r 6, PP 7-12 (U,S.S.R.) ABSTRACT The first ohapter deals with work oarried out in the USSR on the terminology of electric engineering. In 1933 the Academy of Science of the USSR founded the Committee for Technical Terminology which is today under the chairmanship of A.M. TERPIGOREV, member of the Academy~ More than 200 works were published by the committee. Cooperation with the Inter- national Commission for Electric Engineering MR), which was interrupte& during the war, was resumed after the war. The said Commission is now occupied with the important task of publishing the international dictiona y of electric engineering, For the basic group 05 (Basic Definitional', as well as for the entire work carried out in the USSR within the field of electrotechnical terminology, the working out of a terminology for theoretical electric engineering is of essential importance. The 2. ohapter deals with the basic principleB of the CARD 112 terminology of theoretical electric engineering, viz.. tho NWHAN, L.R., otvatstvenny7 red.; FOLKSITSKATA. S.H., [Termiaolog7 of theoretical electric engineering) Terminologits teoretichoskoi elektrotek--hniki. Moakrva, Izd-7o A~md.nauk 33SR9 1958. 46 p. (Sborniki rekomenduemykh terminov, no.46) 041RA 11:6) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Komitet tekhnicheak-q7 teminologit. (Electric ongineering-Terminology) (Russian language--Dictionarieo--Fmgliah) (Russian langiia-e--Dictionaries--Freuch) 911M. L.R.,;,.TOLSTOT. Tu.G., daktor takha. nauk; PIMMOV, T.P., knnd. tej&n. ~uaa; POSSM, A.T., kand. tektm, nauk; SAKOTIGH, A*A*, kands teUM. um ; EMMO rol., kand. takhn. r2mk; IMIGUNOT, N.K.. Inzh.; SO=@ KoR., Inzh, [IoWg-distance hIgh-voltage Mract-current transmission] Peredacha enarg4i postolannogo toka vysokogo napria'zheniia na dallnie ras- stolanila. Pbd red. %R. 116imana. Noskva. 1958. 64 p. (xiRA nao) I. Russia (1923- U.S.B.M nauchno-taktinloheakly komitat,, cauk SSSR (for layman). (Ilectric Sovat Kinistror. Gomidarstvennyy 2, Chlea-korrespondeat Akadull power distribution) AUTHORS: Yegiazarov, I.V. , Lember AS Annerian SSR, lcr~ Member AS USSP TITLE: On the Dynamic Mrde-1-i of jy,--J,~n7 (0 dirtajuichs!-Ikikh modelyakh cnerLjosi5jt-=) PERIODICAL: Elektrichestvo, 1958, Nr rip. 8~r--,85 (USSR) A13STRACT: Comment on the article by I.S.Bruk in Elektriche.3tvo, 1958, Nr 1.) By 1953 the probil-no of modelling hydraulic percussion had no*. been solved either experimentally or theoretically. The nolutioTi of the theoretical part was yrublishei by the author 1~!giazarf)v in 1953 (Ref -11). On this theoretical bas13 a complete model of a lr*-- draulic power system with a physically modeled hydraulic part -was constructed at the VE11I ( Institute for Hydraulic Povior) of the AS Armenian SSR (Ref.9 1 9.!0), In tnf~ counge of inve3tigation,3 Cf ,a general character B.L.Buniatyan (VEVI) succeeded in obtaining !,he character-, stic-i of the moment of axiy 'inclination, i.e. te~e sal model of a water turbine in a wheel. (Raf 11) -with the aid of quite simple meam:i and a model vinq,ll of the K-2~5-type. The -.odel of the hydmulic pover 3ystem of the VKTI (Ref 1) shows, all partq Card 1/3 of the system, The labomtory is able to modify the niament of ~he Oia the Dynamic Models of Power Syst-,mB model aggregate within a Yride range: the tijrt constant z=cuntE to from 6 to 2D sees. Apart from the 8CO 1m. lire model alzo con- sumption load is modeled. Three hylraul-ia power stationg are rF-.- presented by the VENI model. On this complete physical model of VENI a nwnber of investigations v.-_r-~ carried ott for the Ameniar power system, and, in :;ooperation ~vlth the laboratory of the In.- stitute of Power Engineering at Mozicow the h~rdraulic povier station. of Kuybyshev was investigated. - These da4;a are +he reply to the loubts expressed by Bruk in his article. Bnik's bri3ic error cur, sists in the fact that he cc)wpares pbygical vrith niathematical mod- eling. The true. solution of the problem is found by t~_e joint ap- plication of these method3 and all possibilitiea of calcalarion. 2.) Nobody vrill doubt the possibilitie3 offered by ccmputers, In the case. of courplif,-ated ani as yet tarzolved problems it 1.9 not quite sure whether the phenomera Jb5er,,-?d are also Oilly Pxpressed by the equations set itp, In these :;asea physical modeltng izz~ of great importance. Bruk deali ffith arily one side o~ +11lie problem and that is his main mistake. He d9als orL4 -;Tith old problema and d-:~- votes too little attention to new ones. There are 11 refPren::e,3, Card 2,13 9 of which are Soviet. On the Dynamic Models of Power System3 '05-55-5-211-28 ASSOCIATION: Erie rge ti cheskiy institut im. Krzhizhanovskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for Power Engineering imeni Krzhizhanovskiy, AS USSR) AVAILABLE: Libmry of Congress 1. Water power-Equipment 3 Power plants-Theory 2. Power plants-Modei te3t Ciar3 3/3 AUTHORS i Alekseyev, A. Ye-, Atabekov, G,. 1~, 105-58-6-2,~/32 B:ron, C. B., Gorodskiy, D. A., Kostenko, M. r., iureneT, 3 1 R_2-,-,Poiivanov, K, M,, Reyngolldt, Yu, A,, Romanov- skiy, V. B. TITLE's P:7ofessor A.Ye. Kaplyanskiy (Professor A.Ye. Kaplyrinskiy) PERIODICALs ElektricheStTO, 1958, Nr 6,pp. 92-92 (U33i) ABSTRAM On the occasion of his 6o-th birthday. He was born on May 27, 1898. In 1925 Aleksandr Yevseyevich Kaplyanskiy, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the 'Leningrad Military-Air- -Engineering Academy graduated from the Leningrad Institute for Electrical Lngineering with a gold medal, then he worked inthe fixtory "Krasnaya nit' " and later, until 1932, in the factory "Elektrosila". He planned and constructed the new system for the electric supply of the facbory and a number of test stations, them stqLtions for asynchronous motors and turbogenerators up to loo h[W. In 1925 he began his pedagogical actiyity in the field of theoretical electrical engineering at the Leningrad In- stitute for Electrical Engineering. Later he also taught at the Card 1/2 Institute fou Electrical Engineering for Telecommunication Zn- Professor A.Ye. Kaplyanakiy 105-58-6-29/33 gineers, at the Institute for Railroad Engineers, at the Mili- taxy-Air-Engincering-Academy, at the Institute for Water Trans- pcrt Engineers, In these institutes lie organized and directed tYe chairs for the theoretical principles of electrical engi- neering. - He wrote about 6o printed works. A number of his works are devoted to the theorj of inverse and nonlinear cir- ovits and to electromechanical analogies. In 1938 he took doc- tor's degree. He made many inventions in various fields of elec- trical engineeringL, He worked out universal alternating current apparatus which are used everywhere at present, In 1957 he edi- ted a textbook "A Method of Teaching the Theoretical Principles ol, ' Electrical Engineering", In January 1958 the All Union Scien- t~.fic Conference of Methods on the Theoretical Prir-ciples of Electrical Engineering was organized and carried out at his sug- gestion. There is 1 figure. 1. Electrical enginfering-USSH 2. O'clentific persorij-.~e-- - J-Sil Card 2/2 SOV11 05-56-7-18/32 OTHORS: Neyman L R. Correspondinf, i;embi~r, cademy of ',ciences, U.13 zo itovt V. 4., :octor of TechnJcL_1 .-ciences E.elentlyev, -joctor of '-Iccnom.,*c ciences Glinternik, S, Candidate of Technical -ciences -tavdonik, V. ~., -andidate of Techniczl Sciences T 1T 1~,, ~jn the Prospects of Using Lirect Current Transm-Asions in the Uj.';R (~ persjektivakh primenen-iya oicktropereduch poEtoyannogo toka v _'ovet9kom o5-uze) i:ZRIODICAL: --'lektrichestvo, 1956, Nr "(9 P7. 71 - 74 (USSR) ABIRRACT: This work comments on the article written by N. ~.'. Yellgunov in Elektrichestvo, 1957, Ur 2'. The follo--,-ing view is ex- pressed; 1) If restrJetions for norinal output of long- -distance intermediate-8yotem main olectric tranomission lineo comparison of alternating current- and direct current tranamissiona must be carried out for optimum outputs. 2) In the onse of a transmisaion of great amount3 of energy over long diatancen by utilizing tile technical t,.!!xiwum cai)u- Card 1/3 city of a line, the advantages in caae of a direct curren' SOV/ 105-416-7-18/32 On the :rospects of Using Direct Current Transmissions in the US ,A transmission are so great with respect to capital invest- inents and to annual expenses that they cover the amount of any possible error caused by estimating expenses. 3) The power moment per circuit may serve as a characteristic index for a large-scale main transmission. This index is equal to the product of the nominal output P of the circuit and the length L of the transmission line. In the case of 1A < 1200 alternating current transmissiont and in the case of 141 > 2400 direct current transmisiiion is more advantageous. 4) The existence of large hydroelectric power reserves and easily accessible coal deposits (which allow surface mining) of low heating value, in .,est- and Central 3iberia without doubt makes it possible to use d.c. transmissions on the main lines in consideration of the great fuel deficit in the Ural and other Weetern, areas. 51/ Besides the continuation of work in the Inatitut postoyan- nogo toka (Institute of Direct Current), in the *'.nev_eti- cheakiy institut .'.kademii nauk SISSR (Institute of Power 1~ngineering'AS U33R), in the Vaesoyuzn4r elektrotekhnicheskiy institut (All-Union Institute of Electro-Engineering) and in Card 2/3 other organizations for the improvement of the circlaits of ;307~ o5-58-7-16,/ 52 J11 the Ueiing ',)Irect ""urrent Transmissions in the USSR n.,, n'`oeiriing atati,,~ns and their elementv especially in the field