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0 4 ~Vtf garevi 46' L 13623-~ ACCWM jj~ AAM 101' AMMA TerrAk. Tue Me (Kosam) I 4sLUnd&_Vf_ saga TITLEs Theory of three-dimensional lodnar bowidary layer SOUICEs Zhurnal vrchislitellnoy matomatiki i matematicheskoy fJzikis ve 4A no. 5, 1964s 950-954 TOPIC TAGSs differential equation,, boundary layer, numerical solution ABSTIUCTs The authors obtain a generalization of the Krokko intogral for a threa-dimansional boundary layer. The creation of precise mebl'wds for a two-dimensional boundary layer produced additional possibilitins for solution of the three-dimensional case, when the three-dimensional problen reduces to two and one dimensions, In a neighborhood of a critical joint on tho run-off and flow lines, the problem essentially becomes one- or tWo-dimensionals and solution mothods are known, The authors treat, examples to illustrate thia and give numerical results in a table. Fron the computations thoy obtain a simple folmula for engineering applications. Orig. art. has: 7 formulas and 1 table, AS TIONs none 2 ,AGMSSION NH: AP4045718 -, suBHiTTm : o3jan64 ML & 00 SUB GODZs 14A NO REW SM 007 OTHERs 002 U .2/2 -- - -- - - -- -- , . - - - -- - lb ii -MAND. V.'( ; TA(7,A,,;OV (,.I. (Moscow) N!" L fil Supersonic f low ra~A 'Dodiec- -~.,ith se, aration regionso R~!port presented at the 2nd All-Union Congress on Theoretical wand Applip".1 Mechanics, Moscow .219 Jan - 5 Feb 64. __L_Z14 - ZMTTIV_~. ~. elf rus ~RVZWAI k1T __Yvi ACC NZ: AP5026682 SOURCE CODE: UR/0258/651005/00510812/0820 -61 AUTHOR.: Yellkin, Yu. G. (Moscow); Heyland, V. Ya. (Moscow) I W_1-____-_- b. ORG: none L9 TITLE: On calculation of the characteristics of laminar regions of separation SOURCE: Inzhenernyy zhurnal, v. 5, no. 5, 1965, 812-82C TOPIC TAGS: laminar boundary lay boundary layer separation, boundary layer transition, boundia-ri--l-a,ye-r,-t--h,i-c-kness, heat flux, heat t-ransfer, aerodynamics, hyperaciiic flow ABSTRAL-I': A shock wave-boundary layer interaction is investigated by means of an approximate method involving a modifted Karman-Pohlhausen approach. It is proved that this method makes it possible to determine pressure distributions in the case of flow separation when the length of the separated flow region is not much greater than the thickness of the separating boundary layer. An expression is derived for the critical pressure coefficient in the case of 'separation of the laminar boundary layer with various parameters of the layer. The calculated values of CP versus N at various Ite values,whLch are given in a graphcompare well with available experimentfl. data obtained by others. The calculations of total an4l local heat fluxes In the region oil separation show that the average heat* the bottom of the separations! regEout, as well as Its local maximm at the point of reattachment, Increase with aa card 1/2 UDC: 532.526.5 L 2147-66 ACC NR; #P5026682 Increase in the length of the dividing streantine, then decrease after reaching a mudmum. orig. art. has: 5 figures and 39 formulas. [ABI SUB ME: He/ SUBM DATE: 03Kay65/ ORIG REFI. Ord REFt 0001 ATD PRESS: Card 2 -L 08061)-67 F"'T (1)'/F"IP IWJ -,ACC Wi A116034534 SOURCE Col)E': Ilit/0421/66/000/005/~)023/00"L9 olcpov, V. V. (Moscow); Neyland, V. Ya. (Moscow) 'ORG none T I T L E. Convective heat transfer in radlitting gall SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Ifekhanika zhidkosti i gaza, no. 5, 1966, 2 3 -2 9 !-1 0 P I C T A G:_ hypersonic acrodynainics, convective beat trannfer, radia- Live heat Lrantiffer, light radiation.effect, stagnation point, shock wave, r.hermal aboorption 4 ,',3STRACT; / Vie problem of CoilveCt iVe IleAt transfer in a atea(ly uniforn con(3iderod vith radia- ji:~pers nic viscou r -i ,; t a :1 flOW p. hlun~ body is ,-ion ta- into accou.1t. A deLailcd analytical inventigation of a cer- Lain form of boundary-laver equationr. and boundary conditionfi corre- 5pond ing to f lows wit I, "volume" I um ineqcence and nearly 13 imi !a r f low !.-egines with a nhock layer of small optical thicknegfl.' ThC solutions ,,:ere ~;ougllL ill tile stagnation region by tile method of external and in- .crnai expansions in the small parameter c - ().,/p (denrilty ratio acrosa ~:hc allock wave) at 14. ---* ., taking account of the emission and absorp- ,,,ion of radiant energy. The equations and boundary conditions assume a Card 112 L 111015-11 CC NRJ AP6034534 (iifferent form, dependinp on which of the dissipative proceSSCS-hCat conductivity or absorption of radiation by the gas - is predoninant in the narrow layer near the Wall C(301ed ilL the expense of radiation. Solutions are presented-for Bmall but finite optical thicknesses of the inviscid shock layer and for the case when absorption is substantial only in the boundary layer and also for a feebly radiating gas with a 5hock layer of arbitrary thicknesn. Orig. art. has: I figure and 51 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUM DATE: 16Mar66/ ORIG REV: 006/ OTH REV: 002/ ATD PRESS' 5102 Card-2/2- ~~~W -1 - . - -1- - - C~ If I If / - r I ZE my PLm)/ NP(ij JWT620W U __~~IL _E~j_ gmp'ci Cook, n/ OhW 144 004 4/0W4t4678 AUTHORt Neyland, V. Ya. (Moscow) 7~ ORG: none TITLE: Solution of -l.aminar boundary layer equations under ari-trary initial < ditions SOURCE: Prikladnaya matemattka i mekhanika, v. 30, no. 4, 196(,, TOPIC TAGS: boundary layer laminar boundary layer, b,,)un~ary ABSTRACT: Integration of the,Prandtl boundary layer equation when the disLril' u Lion of velocities and enth2l ies(I in ti e initial. section is nonuniform or nf the boun(;ary layer on bodies extending to ~infinlty alorg the flow in both uDstream ;inL,' downstream directions is considered. In both cnses, the known differential equations of a two- dimensional laminar boundary layer are taken, and it is shown that the point ~0,q = 0) is singular and that the application of any numerical method to t*.-iE:r solution in the neighbc,rhood of thiij singularity is not expedient (infinite co.-~~Crvs- sion of the computing net). To remove this obstacle, now variables are introdued by which the boundary layer equations are reduced to - form to wh"ch well develope(] numerical and analytical methods for integrating the boundary --ayer equations on finite or semi-infinite bodies in free uniform flows can be applied. Ori,,7. art. 17 formulas, J:_~' I qrd 111 P * SUB CODE: 0J./ SUBM DATE: 3lJanW'~blt RW46 L r Ljff& MLM, U.K.. inshoner. .~ f. , , Runnixg-la aragizes usder optimm cenditleas proleagm their life and reduce@ lubricant corsumpties during operation. wamt.mash. 35 se.11:38-40 1 155. (MLPA 9:2) I.MeakewsklLy &vtmw*bAI'qr,,f-mmF*&Aw4&i Stallma. AAut *sob Efic-SUlas a) L.~S, E.; IIETLAI:U, A., red, Si age c onv e r S~ft -3 1' 2 Valsts n Ditvianj TIAZOV F.F,, :band. sel~qkokhoz. nail, ,EYLOVA 1,11., mladshiy nauchnyy r, 0 -~ -a --4,1 ~ -,( Fattening swine on sugar beets in 1-he foreot-steppe of the Ulcraine. Zhivctnovadstvc 2.3 n-),3~~-',' 29 l-x 161. (M, I FILA 1 -': 1 ) - Vin-ri!,,.3kaya s,, -~ ~ar. D~r.(,zyuysIverme-ya opy*,naya stantsiyfi,, I t Ii --p~nn, a! -1 TR-4- '3,, Id".-n nc. f, r 5 , ~ -, , - , I , 1. . . I ~ 1. - . . : :."- . . . . I . - . ~ '.." *. ~ , - ; * . : -, ll~' 1 , - 4. NETKAN.A. Radio opera.tors' contest in the Ladushkin district. Radio ao.7: 14 J1155- (KLRA 3:10) 1. Predesdatel I Ladushkinakogo rayonaogo komiteta Dobrovol'aogo obahchastva sodaystviya armii, aviateii i flotu. (Ladushkin--Radio operators-Competitions) NA-flW1, It.A. Katerial on the spawning of Coregonue algratorlas GeorgI In streams flowing into Maloye Hore (Lake Baikal). Vop.ikht. no.5:53-60 '55. (KLM 9:5) 1. Sibirokoye otdelaniya Vaosoyimnogo aauchno-iseledovatel'skogo inatituta ozernogo I rachnogo rybnogo khozyaystva, VNIOWM. (Baikal, Lake--ihitefishes) NITHAN, A.A. Matorle-U an the biology and fisheries of the Siberian herring (Corep,onus sardinalla, Valenciennes) in tho Tenims7 Delta. Top. 1kht. no.11:58-68 158. (MIRA 12:1) I.Sibirskoys otdoleni7a Vaesoy-uznogo amuchno-imaledovatellakego instituta ozernogo i rechnogo r7bnoge khotyaystva. (Yaniw 11~slta--Whitefishes) VIjiOGRADOV. L.G.;JMTKAH, A.A. Acclimatization of lobsters in the U.S.S.R. (with sunwrr in Nnglish]. Zool. zhur. 38 no.2:182-188 F '59. ( KIRA 12: 3 ) l.Laboratory of Hydrobiolog7, All-Union aesearch Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography, Moscow. (Lobsters) IMTPAIT, A.A. Characyeristics of Cardiidae from the northern part of the Caspian Sea. Zool.zhur. .38 no.12:1891-1893 D 159. (MA 13:5 1. Chair of Invertebrate Zoology, Hoscow State University and leboratory of llvdrobiology, All-Un!LOU Institute of Marine Fishery Management and Oceanographr. (Caspian Sea-lamellibranchiata) nMIA11, A.A. Feeding of the Sast Siberian lavaret in thp Terisey Delta. Z OCl. zhur. 3q no. 3: 417-42 3'60. (MIRA 1~:6) 1. All-Union Research Institute of Marine Fishery and Uceanopral.47, Moscow. (Tenise,7 Delta--whitefiahes) (Fishes--Food) i Ngmg -L Quantitative distribution of benthoa in the eastern part of the Bering, Sea. Zool. shur. 39 no.9:1281-1292 S 160. (min 13:9) 1. All-Union Research Institute of Marine Fishery Kanagement and Oceanography., Moscow. (Bering Sea--Benthos) NEYMAN, A.A. Vertical distribution Of 2.Oogeographical complexes Df tent-i- fauna of the continental shelf and upp; r horizons of t~ore -41occ- ir. eastern part of the Berinj,, Sea Jkeanologiia 1 no.(, :1073-10,78 ,61. ( 1"'d RA 1 ': I 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-Is:31edovatel'sPiy institut morskoj.,o khozyaystva i okpanografti. (Bering Sea-Benthus) NEY'Mjill, A.A. "Thalass--,," the nE-,w oceanoErapri-, travler of t'kl( L;`L, n' -~.' - - and Technological instiLate if' Xarine 11 ~, C,:, ~, I ) i~l 1 -~- n 0 , 6 - 110 1 - 110 2, (A , ~ -:: 11 (Ship)) IEYMAV, A.A. rr-(rdth characterizt-,Lca of the Za.--t Sit-i-rlar. lliv-;ret In the Yenisey Delta. Zool. zhur. 40 no. 2:286-188 F NA. (HEFA 14:2) 1. Laboratory of Feeds Provistion and Commercia.1 Inverte..rates of the All-Union Research Inotitute of Marine Fishery Management and Oceanography (Moscow). (Yenisey DeltE.-Whitefishes) (Scales (Fishes)) NEYMAN, A.A. Some characteristics of the di3triLuticn cf beent"Fos on -he shelf of the Bering Sea. Vop. ekol. 4: 14/5-1417 '62. lc:,L) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issladovRtell4ciy institut morskogo rybnogo khozyaystira t okeanografti, Moskva. (Bering Sea--Benthos) N-EYVAN., A. A. Dissertation defended in the Institute of Oceanography for the academic degree of Candidate of biological Sciences. "Quantitative Distribution of the Benthos Along the Shelf and in the Upper Levels of the Slope of the Eastern Bering Sea." Vestnik Akad Nauk No. 4, 1963, pp. 119-10 11MAN, A. A. Characteristics of the composition of marine bottom biecenosee. Zool. zhur. 42 no.4:618-621 163e (HIRA 16:7) 1. All-Union Research Institute of Marine Fishery Management and Oceanogi~a - ~Zer'inMo"Sewa-Benthos) (Bering Sea-Biotic communities) NEYMAN, A.A. Quantitative distribution of benthos on the ghelf and in upper har.'Zcrs of the slope in the eastempart of tho,'Bering Sea. Trudy VTIIRO 48:145- 205 163. (MIRA l7t2) 1. Vassoyuznyy nauchno-issladatatel'skiy institut morskogo rybnogo kho- ,.yaystva I clcearrografiLj, FILATOVA, Z.A.; NEYMAN, A.A. Biocenoses of the bottom fauna In the Bering Oxcianologiia 3 no.6:1)71?.-1084 '() 3. (KIRA 17'.4) 1. Institut okeanologii AN SSSR I Vse3oyuznTi nauchno-issi~nHovat'91'skiy inatitut rybnogo khozynystva i okeanografit. BEKR,~10--'HEV, Vladimir Nikolayevich, prof., zasl. de~atcll nauki; Z!-"Ni.ZVTCI!, L.A., otv. red.; H71-IN, A.A., ved. red. [Frinciples of the comparative ariaton7 of invertebr-Fil.c~;,' )0- n,J%-y sravnitellnoi anatomii bespozvonochrrjkh. lzd.3., pe- rer. i dop. v dliukh tomakh. Moskva, lzd-vo "Nauka." Vol.l. [Promorphology] Fromorfolog-iia. 1964. 431 P. 0- jll,~l 17: -1 ) - Deystvitellryy chlen AVN SSSh (for reklemishev,. BEKMIISHEV, Vladimir Nikolayevich; NaIIIAN A.A. , ved. red. [Frin~~ipie. c,.' cc,:r,;~a--ative an -t cv -avniteilncA ' tina! r:,.~ -y r1 n ,c r-er . V :j'nikK vu I GERSIANOVICH, D.Ye.; NEYI-,AN, A.A. Bottom sediments and bottom fauna of the Edst Chin-r Sea. OkeanDlOgiia 4 no.6:1089-1095 164. (M:,PA 18y2) 1. Vseso3nizny, y naticYino-issledovatellskiy institut rrlQr.-i,-cqo rybnogo khozyaystva i okeanografil. ". % ; -.,x'.Y'-'AN, .%-,,A. -oognngr~.'-)~- Le --Cmplexav , trk);:h Ll~ VCJ,-,PO, P-rl-- *C'- -I Trud7 !AL IF~ ll-~:42115-~,,5 165. , , 1714~ yXA "I , 11 . A Some rcj7L.,18-i of On the oheIVES of tile North ra,~iflo, '71-J13-7 NFYMAN, A. A. Some data on the quantitative di,,itrributicn of ip-rt~ios on the c onti ne r tal 3he lf of Au s t ra I i a. Cke ancl c,gi ia 5 no. I : I ~ -,- 146 .4- 165. (MIF.A 1,~iO 1. Vspsoyuznyy nqt~chn(,-I~,!,~3IPri(;V',I',r~!I I skiv institut. mor:3kogo I ryl,nogo khczyayotva i okeanograi'.i. NIFYI-IAN) A.A. Quantitative d'-ELr-*b1~*-'rr. fif c,r, th,,- shelf r-,' Kamchatka and oome ~robiemz of the ire*,!-.oaoc,,,y of it. (,'~: I :,-,: , , Okeanclot,iia 5 no.6:305-1059 IE5. 1. Viwsoyuznyy :nstitu, rybnc)go khozyaystva I' okeanorrafii. Submitted Ju-y T-1 4! A, A LI r', -.1 -X J~ 'M -J.~' -;-e. "",y 1. :~ . - 'I IT- A--- .. 41 It ZIA .. ql.CQ4~! joq- 9.17*.l A. IT-- -1 e J. Pug lCut --ld-Oc -ql 3- nj%.q%.z. ju %..Id T10,9=3 .r, q 4 fq P. - (1= -q% jo .1111-03 ql jo A 1.1TVall rya-l--dn -d 9STS -14.1.1m -1-..g . 'u .1. -q%- cil"Val xl~q z 4" r lzm" (xscn) 6~v d 10423 -1-11-4 -'A"S j . ...... -ul%olz .1rur Wif AUTHOR: 11 -3 y m a n , A . -J '--'n F, i r e e r P_ TITLE A Temperature Regulator Based on the YRShchll r ln,3tr-,iment (Regulyator temperatury na baze pribora ?,'FShchilr-5~) PERIODICAL: Energetik, 19~8, lir 9, pp 18-19 (US,SR) ABSTRACT: The ;",RShchFr.53 regulator consists of a measuring s,;!ction (pyrometric profile millivoltmeter) and an electror:_c sec- tion (two HF generators using 6113S tubes). To use the de- vice as a temperature regulator for the dust cloud of ball rattlers in thermal electric plants, it musit be fitted with a feedback coupling system. The millivolt.,_reter was, removed from the body and replaced with an LPr-53 logorreter. Tne feedback coupling system consists of a rheostat wr:,,,;rd or. the ceramic base of the position indicator potenti~)meter. The operation of the feedback coupling is describel. Re- gulators of this t:~pe have been tried out for more thar. a year and have proved very rel';able. There is 11 ::ircuit diagram and 1 figure. 1. Temperature control--Equipment 2. Steam power p1le.nts--Equipmert Card 1,11 AUTHOR Neyman A D TITLE Electronic Regulator of Temper ature, Tyre E'11-~ Without Magnetic Amplifier P7R:rjD1CAL Energetik, 1959, IT-, 10, pp 2C -21, (U~w~SR) A3`)1_RACT1 At the author s electric power station, it was decidej to use for temT)erature regulat ion of in ball mills, the regulators Type ER -Sh. A magnetic ampli-fier was 7equired for this purpose, The latter not only am- plifies the generated quantity , but allso tran-3forms the signal of direct current into alternating current, which is of importance only for ER-T regulators because tney work from thermocouples, This stipulated sel,:ction of a resistance thermome ter-, as a sensitive e!eME!nt of the regulator ER-Sh, and operation of the whole '.ayout on alternating current. In this c ase, the gener,,,-,ted quanti- ty of the measuring layout can be supplied t,-.) the elec- tronic unit input, that is. a magnetic amplifier is not Card 1/3 necessary, The measuring schem e of the temperature regu- SOV/9i_~9_~' 0- lc/~29 Electronic 'Regulator of Temperature, Type ER-S, 'Nithout Yagnetic Amplifier lator is given in a diagram-, it, is a brdg(: circuit lay- out. As a source of tension. half of the vl:triable induc- tor feed coil was used,, The "sensitivity" rheostat of the variable inductor was used for regulat:.on of tension in the feeding, diagonal of the bridge As a magnetic. am- lifier possesses a large coefficient of amplification of order 300-400), and the transformer in the layout F E'R-Sh has a coefficient equal to only 15, it w~is neces- sary to take some measures in order to increase the re- ,aulator sensitivity, To this end, the following aiter- ations were made- 1), Instead of an ordinary resistance thermometer, a double one was used, 2) bridge circuit parameters were selected so that a max,mum sensitivity was attained; 3) the second cascade of the electrcnic unit was transferred to direct current-, 4,' a rectifier consisting of two germanium diodes was svi:,tched into the anode circuit of the second tube, each of the diodes wa I . , s by-passed by a '00 k ohin resistance; '.) the 10 mcf Card 2/3 capacitor by-pass~nrf the coil of the pola!,izel relay r_ C V q Electronic Regulator -.DI T.Pmperatlire , Type -"'R- 7 i lir ar. Am P I i f 4- e r was switched onto filtration (if tens:-,n, an,-~, instead, a 1 mcf capacitor was engagcJ As a res,,it the regulator dead space attained the value 'j - '~ -) 0.60C; for tempf?raturp regulation -of ai--mixture In ball- mills a dead space of 10 1~53'- is, Sufficient There is 1 diagram Card LIPETSO, A.U.; LAMIML06, A.I.; YAKHILEVICH, F.?.,[,; VMO-~a, N.P.; MKARLVICHY I.Z., inzh.; NEYMO, A.D. in-h.; ERSHIN, V.I., inzh. Eyperience in redesigning the steam superheating -ontrol system rf operational high-pressure boilers produced by the Ordzhonik.idze r,Ant. Elek.sta. 32 no.6:72-78 Je 161. (1,ML4. 14:8) (Boilers) I-ISHCHENKO, F- Al KI IA,; IY o ornf - n t.c) v ROMWELID, L.M. kand,khim.nauk; BL,'A'YAKUWVI4'.0*H, I.M... laureat laninakoy remii; k-tim, N.N.; A.G.; VASIL'WfA T-D. Possibilities of using acid blast-furnace and open-hear,%h waste slags for the production of cellular concretes. St:-oi. mat. I Ao.2:26-28 F 161. (MIRA 16.2) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellakiy institut betons.i zholezobetona Akadeadi stroitelletva i arkUtektury SSSR (for Rozenfelld, Vasillyeva). 2. Glavnyy inzh. Gosudarstvennogo tresta sti-oitelinykh predpriyatVl- g. Nizhniy Tagil (for Benlyaminovich)p 3. flachallaik tsentrallnoy laboratorii Gosudarstvennogo tresta. Aroitallufth predpriyatiy g. Nizhniy Tagil (for Berezin). (Slag) (Lightweight concrete) ROZENFELID, L.M., kand. khimicheskikh nauk; NMWI, A.G., inzh.; VASIL'YEVA, T.D., inzh. Cementless autoclaved gas concrete made w-th fly ash and aeld slugs. Trudy NIIZHB no.52:176-202 ' J3, (MIRA -17: 1) . Ur L.M. , kand. khijr,. ruiiik; t A.G. , i nzh.; V,,4S !:, I fill" -1, T-D., inzh. Autoclave proces3ing, plviaa nom~,c3ltlon, 9nd php lcov-ic~isnical propertiao of gas-slag (.,onorete. Strui. mat. nu.1.1 26-28 N 165. tt-!Llu~ 18~i2) 04,1 A 0 .31 49 : * ALM ; i i i-i'; - - - - '1 -6 i -0 ip i o i 1i *jW IL Ir Iti t' i. % 0. 4. 0. 1, IF x 0 41 a 4Fq 1 1 Y f a tr A, A Vo --n- I !to iti -4 T. coot 4 S AmgE eadvistors "ME 107 TTw wbacuvo Uou"s at vooqftms. a. G. Dzaatkv XM A. U. J(joft~ Uqwktd Fix. N&A IS, No' 3- 330-IJUMVIUM lW221.8111. The tOlLOWUW Uxpics are discussed in this article: l) tj, L~tWe P"- (2) its S*PaV&tt*n frOW tile CAVtbGn bU1 1har tar- C"t- (3) the d&PvrdeflcO al IM Yield iEf P- ujxm ow t"CriLy at the wutrms. (4) UW pertald ig dvc~jpusltfinn tit 1Rw, (5) Uw iulf"PC Pto (4) ttw dePe~d~nCe ad the y1.1d d P" Qp,. tfw enercy ut Uw a-particles, (7) ,xtracttor. of A stbi, j-- tape ad P't (8) the perW ad semi-decaenposition d P-~ am P". -is; aid.. fividolwo -------- u it ';~ It 0 0 =son _94n!i____ 414AS1 mg Out m 41 P 0 Vo I* 4D 400 We WO ro too too We SEABAD, L. M... GIAEUNOV., M. F. and A. M. "Morphological arA Experimental Data Characteriziag the Pre-Cancer Stage in Various Tissues and Organs of the Animal Organism." Priroda, 1958, Nr 5, Pp 57-59, (LEW) A-U Roport preeented at 2ndd = Conereas of Oncoloeista, Jan. 1~'P, IT Y, "AN, A, . Moscow .';ti tt- I rint. of F Jdc7.:`c! oi--:- anA F,i cter I o I D~yt , ,- 1, " ", ", - ) IlLf'l'l cl ency of' tl,e Ty~,hl:s v,~cr` ne , , Ctrr -I nic a I Dri t fl, 11 Zi~ur . : 'ikrot)' o I., ~ oll . , 'I Im.- imt ~%`; ()i . , !~c)3 ) 1944 - .,TY:IAN, A. M,Oscow Jtnte InBt. of corc-rnin,- e f14 C4 , C_ o: L- -vaccine ,ainst ry:r.., Zhijr, ','! kroll ol . , E~ ileT- i disca3t~O Of ncr-,r";,,is nystf~.:-,; textbook. 11. Jspr. izcl. 7eko-ir!,,do-.,--r, dlia mcd. z'l-ol. 10:3k'i~ 19~~O. ('-~ic Collat--'-.c~n of the ar f~--17.: p. "icrof.ILL"I Slavic "0." Rc ~ j BLYU,MBERGv I.B.; IVAROVA, V.G.; HEYMM, A. Ye.; PAWS, 1~,. ra. Kineitics of fixing of photographic materia:ls. Zbur. nauch. i prikl. fotA kit. 6 no.1:39-49 Ja-F 161. (141PA 14.3) 1, Institut kinoinzhenerov, Leningrad (LIKI). (Photography--Fixing) LANTUKHt V., inzk,.; FTW,._B., inzh.; KUZIMIN, A., inzh. A radiometer with universal power supply. Radio no.1:4,1+-45, 48 Ja 163. OURA 16: 1) (Radiometer) (Radicact-ivity-S!Lfet.'j, measures) rrmin 3., "Imp, o%,em--3nt c--' Corl 17,ns o' Lo~ (;~ol n7sz,-~7~' -gulowl 'I e Dr~7. obc L (-,n .~t.-opu) . -.'-e ~n::C7 u'-- :~-I~d c z orn 7, 0. Dervelopmeni. oo tlio tln,~cj-.-y r,:of 1 nd i).,o(.Iu :ed j,-,ovr~ m,i ts, :lract ~ ca7 -,):I y 'orth 0 tj 7 'Dr -n ines . oserirc,- (,or-.Ti' ttee. rh~-o ret ~-ca ne r: -:~s C, 1 cor~c' I- r, s safe roof-load lo es ult s o s,,,s' eria~ ic ro sca rc,-- nt o os ~7`- c) r o o f 1 i ~ r-, C:. c e c i v; t 'L o n ~7 o, i s o f t !-. e a b ov -n .-larrmi 570: Pol~-s*., 7-c;.nlc.1 Ab:3tr-c'Ls. A r- '. - L., R -I- ''T "*f"- - , _i, "*-I,yil. - * ~ 11, 1 4'. 1 ~'J, v 1. , ;( " Ir. :,, . . "-,. ; rcQj. i'-) - n c I E. I T M=i. IN 9 NzMAN, F.; AD&I-TY, 'I. 11-urface minim-.11 LLulf-_tm. p. '2. Urzerlpad Ljrrr-ic:ia, Vol. 10, nc. 3, '.',ar 54, '.7tAlino~T-Aj' J SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, Vol 3 Ho 6 Library of Con.;:-ress Jun 54 Uncl NT7,P-W17, q-. De ve 7 -oment o I st, nriardi 7,-iti-n i r, T-1 is~, mi-ii nr. n. ?17. rrP'77y. Vol. 10, ~yn. -r, June i0c,4. S~.qlinovrod, P^I!,nd') SO; Ynrt,'-Ir L,Ff o' ~:.qFt Eurorf-an A~ces~-An-iF, ('DEAL), T', V-1. -3, ~'n. 1', Dec. 10r,!.'. T'ncl. No. 160, 195h. hleyr an B . Me a s- ri-r.; th,-l pr --z-, re cr, tne ,: ?~, r ~ n,-- -:rd the s;-~i F-* rp cf tne rcof in kraH-Cutting. P. 3, No. 160, 1954, KOMIJURAT SO: MCNTHLY LIST OF EAET KROPEAN ACCE-'EICHS, Vol. 4, LC, No. 9, Sept. 1955, Uncl. TEC,',%'CLO(;Y F-MIMICAL: PRZD-',Li'tn GMNITCZY. Vol. 14, nc. 1, Jqn. 105-1). I~Z*( -he of s', iz t hl v is a,.3 t 2;, x , q,- n . c - 7, 9 i of A- r NIMMUN, Dogdan, doc.,mgr.,inz.; KWIATEK, JOI.zy, nIfIr. ina. ------- Reinforced concrete lining of unLfom resistarce. Fr--egl -c-m 17, I no.10:523-526 0 161. NETMANP Bogdan, d - ~ I-- . ~ mgr Inz. Phyniml and macharAcal prope.~tios the hydrogeological conditioms of stochowa region. Glow inst go m -Pr rocko with consideration iron ore deposits in the ao.343/3'il:71-83 164. *T(I-I SICTR r AUTHOR: ORG: A 82 80MCF. CODE.- UR/OM/69/000/000/0381A.1133 TIM,: ?ovzible-~ interaction of a mapetic -:1PLeld and biologAr-lal Mb t Ueq SOURCE: AN SWR. . ffaucbnYY sovet PO kompld!ts= prob leme Kibernetika. Bionika; (Bionicts). Macow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 381--3132 TOPIC TRW: medical experiment, magnetic f:!.eld, biophystes, blood pressure, water, earth. magnetic field ABSTRAM The author conducted several expcriments with a magnetic field acting on flowing water, and then used the water f(:tr %raxious purposes. Concrete prepared with the magnetically treated water display4:d j;reater strength, and the height or plants vas affected by the treated water. '.1'hese changes are explained by the fact that water, a structured fluid, undergoes structural changes. In experiments with a magnetic bracelet placed on the arm of a 1uman subject, interaction of the magiietic field and 'blood flow produced blood pressurc changes. The author points out thWt. all living organisms are subject to the yearly and diurnal variations of the earth's magnetic f teld. The "physiological clock" cf organisms is not an endogenous develop- ment but a cosmic one. Actually it represents a reflex corresponding to the changes of the earth's magnetic field. Pn orientation mechanism based on these changes -Card-- 1/2- L 22703-.66 ACC NP-t Ar6o09454 appears to be inherent to all living organims and possibly is included in the genetic cole. [061 SUB com: o6/ SUBM DATE: 26oct65/ ORIG TEF: 0021 ATD PRESS: qoo 7 SHAMOV, VAL; HAHCHIN, I.S.; WHATEV, K.H.; CHATKA, T.V.; HANIMLIBOYH, A.B.; MMAX, B.G. (LeninRTad) Some observations on radiogold therapy in inoperable cerebral timors. Vop.neirokJiir. 23 no-3:1-6 Hy-Je 159. (141BA 12:8) 1. Hauchno-issledovatel'skiy n1q-rokhirurgicheskiy institut imeni prof.A.L.Polenova. (BRA111 umunhsms. t'ier. radiogold In Lnoperable tumors (Rua)) (GOLD, radioactive, ther. of canc,jr of brain, Inoperable cases MILO ) UNGNUISR, N.A.; ZILIBERHAW, D.B.; YANOVS11Y, A.D.; KAKENETSKAYA, I.Ya.; KRASHE21INFIXOVA, N.G.; CHECEIK, 3.A.; NMPAN, B.G.; KORKUSHKO, 0. V. Organization and f:Lrst results o' the work of a specialized team to control thrombolic complicati,mis in Ki-T. Vrach.delo no.1:108- 109 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Kiyevakaya stantsiya skoroy m-aditsinakoy pomoshchi. (KIEV-THRO,HBOS13) ',KIEV-EMBOLISM) MMLAII, Bogdan, docq mgr inz, Rock InLrats in Upper Sileiiian coil ininbs. Glow inEt gorn no.342:1-46 164. INEYMAY, Bogdan, Joc. mgr. inz. In t e rT-e la *4 ~:,nr between t-.e ' ner -er-a of rcck afi,i ~' - - . 11 -~--es's. ~ , : 5 " 5 'p V I ,r - - 1- -, e : . g .,-r 4 ll - , I , Upp~r - - - .- no . - I ---, .1 MMOV, Me., inzh.; RUM. G.G., inzh.; CHIRKOV, M.T.. Inzh.; BOGOLEPOV. K.G., Inzh., NZYMAN...B..S., inzh. ,4, -... EI?I,6 electric pump with imiersed eLectric engine. Hekh. I elek. outs. sallkhoz. 17 ne.2:45-46 159. (IAIRA 12:6) 1.14oakovakole v"shoye taklinichasko;,-9 xichilishche im. ihumana kfor W.rkov. Rokus, Chirkov). 2.Moskovsl:iy alaktromakhanicheakiy zavod Ministerstva sallskogo khozyaystva I'SYSa tfor Bogalepov, He3rman). (I~mping michinery-) HARKOV. V.Ye.. insh.; REM, G.G., inzil.; CHIRKOV. M.T., inzh.-, BOGOLEPOV, K.G., Inzh.; IWMAN, B.S. Sloctric Pulle7 block with planetary, pear. Mekh.i sote.sellkhoz. 17 no.7:50-51 '59. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Kookovsko7a v78sheye taklinicheako;.,~ uchilishche im. Baumana (,for Markov, Reku, Chirkov) 2. Elslitromekhanicheski7 zavod 14oakovskogo sovnarkhoza (for Boglepoll, Re7man). (Fulle'78) EYMAN, 13. Ya. Current piblication of' informational malerial. NTI nr,.4.3.-~, 163 (MIRA lb-,lC,) ITEYMAN, B,ya. Using tape mmrderg to promote scientific proEress and a6vanced practiceq. NT.1 no.11:7-8 163. (MIRA 17:2) jf r io :'o 1'~ 1 o s ZIL z ii:, rz, Or i :11-11,: od i~. 19 74 11, 1 r':--, : D L~,- r I r, t'.,. . 1 -,, ca S,~ ,3 o f JL Foz,I~-n li~~trj,,'T fC3 'I i 's' w". ~ r i.itr r, c u r I.-i 1: J r f W --L" ic;.~ of i. r o L t -ulf,,-in 'J, 3ens v o ~11.r-on, 1.3 T 17 r J. L3, n' r r for MTV! fat uis is All re 1 44 W IZ 60 tL.A it If OWS ttc* flow Putho"S 1. so. wicket D. Neftwilm. Ital. 14'agr4d Ad. itra Im. A -*"If. Mat, NO, t. 3-W. - When a puse el_t,,Aytv omr, -04 0 156 c./1. ot NL90,.M.0 I. wd, the chitif czu~~ low puts -414 hole, in Nt plate are jx,oir pvepn~ of the call1_1, qlvf~ 1 And the -t,mit sill. depimt. fit 1, .04 1,I, A114 .1-i Air Andint'l 11, i's , ICA116,1'. Ili, . At .. dir ,lot v 1, lt1pj-11 m Ilk I A %I lu- IA.Mit III ' 00 twim't"t ' * -041 0 01. Nit l, hm Art ~N#M 1- lilt) ~% ;uMiallm" -040 MCA) S. 411th 30 &'fit 11to fix*) I-A . 1,11 1 4 2 I k-AtWt C. d. IS-W a'nP. 1KI. dill., IMP. 4-v MI 0: twripherrid %pord of the cathode ,hould he W',.u fn., it' 04? It a station" cathode is used, the etcvtrAyte hould Ix 'tultd. 11ttsetriv tA Cu in tuvs~ of t~. I C. 1. vAuw. daro, ~-Itsw. Ile &I.Ml 1.'~ 41--ve I or I atul CA At.."5 I-n-I III j'tl%hjL1' ItAl.1 $1111 IIIIIIIIIIS -it--- 'off Ih, .61.1, 00 Otte Ili,( .1-11,-1 04. If .ro~ Me a '204 6, tsee it, IIALLUMIK.L kMQ .TkAI1 '~&4k%WK&100. CIO* if fall I I.J )I.. L Z, .81 11 Col. a u _11f to It a dif an a I IF 44 1 11 IF a 99 It a of C9 fat Itx I Fit 440 i 9 0 * 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 4 111 0 0 0 0 0 1 A 0004 0 0 0 00000 1411a 00 0 00 0 00 00 00-0 0 0 0 i 0 OTMAN, D.S., inzhansr. Marine corrosion stations abroad. Sudostroanie 22 ao.6:42-44 Je '56. (mm 9:9) (Ships, Iron and steel--Corrosion) Iii " N , " . .1~4 I iboreerE -,f '~' -n -,s*, = . - ~'- z'. 7~ ~~ :' -- .-~ : - c~rurrent eczElma, TI,F-"e '- , der"l, - vcr,. I NO , 1 ~- p - 3 1 1 i_ -, ~ ( ~1-1 f, /~ I u i I :, I-ya kllrt'~fl ko,-,~.nykr~ i venerlch,~Ekikr, lbo'-Ezrs~y J'rqz'-E!Y,-i7.o L- ri : ,, (!r F ' I e I ;-, ' z h v , ~ alf ed r -)v I k' , -i ~. .Piny - - T) r~) ~ , Y,i . Of ~ , YZYMAN, E. A. NEYM.kli. ~;. A. - "Content of Tannins in the Bark of Growing lillow und the Pos!-J.bility of Their Artificial Increw~p,. " Latvian L~ricuit ural , 1943. 7ertat ion for the Degree of Candidate of Technical Sciencen) SO: lzvfjntiyu Ak. Nauk LutylZskoy. S,'-ili, No. 14, slept., 1955 Nry",.I~N, E. L). "Volta,,e "egulation U3.Lrg L)arlum Titanatp. I . Condeas,,rs", no. 7, 1949. Engr, Priysl,. inat. im. Lebedev. Dept. ?~.yslco-,'-,lFith.. ~cj., Acad. Scl., -cl94j-. ACCESSION NR: AT4042298 S/0000/63/003/000/0203/0207 AUTHOR: Dorofeyov, TITLE: Design of valveless liquid-metal systems SOURCE: SoveBlichanlye po teoreticheskoy i prikladnoy magnitnoy gidrodinamike. 3d, Riga, 1962. Voprosy* magnitnoy gidrDdinamild (Problems In magnetic hydrodynarnics); doklady* soveshchanlya, v. 3. Riga, Izd-vo AN LatSSR, 1963, 203-207 TOPIC TAGS: k)uinp, liquid meLal purnp, valveless system, electrornnglietic pump, purnp testing ABSTAACT: The article deals with certain problems in the design and operation of e%porirnontal liquid-metal systems, the primary purpose of which is tile testing of ,.!r.-(-omaFneUc punips and the plotting of their characteristics. Tile authors advocate nimplification of t3onie of the aEsemblies, for example, doing away with the bellows- tllf)~? thermostat valves, in order to shorten the test periods of tile electro- Y zw1,-,Ti,,_tjc purrips. It is pointed out that these bellows-type thermostatic liquid-metal VR~ "":! C"J"I 1P, r.1'(flinated altogether If the choking valves are replaced by electromagnetic pui,-~pi-3 mid the afnpper valve by tile excess pressure of the inert gas in the overflow taak, w1uch is nimaltmicously the melting tank. The operations of filling and draw-off of the C a rd "17"q I-', ;-S(ON NE: AT4042298 inctal from Ow nystern reduce, in this caRe, to a more manipulation of the gas valves on Lhe conLral panel. Difficulties arising from a change In the pressurf, nf the inert gas (determining, the level of the metal in the system) as the tempet-atire of the metal changes during the operation of the system are discussed and techniques for their elimination are proposed. Suggestions are presented for methods of measuring the pressure of the metal in the circuits involving the use of manometers with argon pads. Purity requirements in 6odium systems are also discussed. A description 18 [,-iven of the valveless oxporimental aystems DU-25 and DU-40, developed at the Institut fiziki Akadernii nauk Latviyskoy SSR (Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Latvian SSR) and designed to be used in electromagnetic pump testing (see Figure I of the Enclosure). In the pressure meaE;urement system conventional gas manometers of accuracy class 1. 5 were used. The internal diameter of the e,~pansion cavities was 40 mrn, and their heigit- 500 mm. 'rho results of the pressure measurements showed rather good agrooment with calculated values. 'llie system con- tained two electromagnetic pumps: the basic pump (for choking) and the one to be tested. Ilie channel of the basic pump was connected to the system. 'rho system wail heated by a nlchromo heater, Level meaaurements were made by the contactless Card Z/4 ACCESSION UR: AT4042298 method by means of electromagnetic sensors. The DU-40 system functioned success- fully for 400 hours at metal temperatures of 200 - 570C; after this, the test pump was replaced and the condition o! the sodium in the fill tank was checked. Further use of the system for an additional 900 - 1000 hours was found to be possible. Adjustment of the sodium level in the system may be conveniently accomplished by varying the amplitude of the current in the heaters of the fill tank, thus leading to a change in the temperature and pressure of the gas in the tank itself. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: aone SUBMITTED: 04Dec63 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE- IE NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER- 000 3/4 Card ACCESSION 14R: AT4042298 ENCLOSURE: 01 2 7 42- 4. 00 Figure 1. Basic diagram of the DU-40 syscem: 1 - 12 gas and vacuum valves; I-IV - manometers; H1 - electrom 6tic pump supplied by 500-cycle generator; H - electromagnetic pump supplied by 200-cycle generator-, BlI - vacuuminimp. 4/4 KEYMAN, F. 1. "The Relation of the Pulmonari Tissue of Dogs to Sugar and J--ctic Acid aftmr Intravenous Injection of Insulin." Y. I. ";&yL&n. A. V. Sokolov, Bull Biol Mad Esptl URS;,, JX. pp 491-3, (1c,140)( : Inst. Insect/ ningi. in Ya. V. Samoylov) SO: U-237/49, 8 April 1949 BELOUS, N.: UNDW, G. --- - Kagnetic separators for detecting metal fragments. Tgament 26 no. 6:26 U-D 160. (Klu 13:12) (Kagnetic separation of ores) (Portland cement) ~17MMI, G. P. ind -)f i(ub,~-r i,. ar-ixua--lln ..ccumuiation Dol.,I. v-.~3 ', V. 1. -',Ollirla 17,.', Y ilh . 1 , ~ I . ~ 1. 'IF,f fo(~t (-,f CiLltivation -i the ualitv of' oi~~ber in Kok-s:i, ,, s "~--)ots, ' LI, -y Duk I. V-fj I, k:ld . se I !k,) * 1.~jz . -:AU k I, ill. j . i . -tj I I ~ 1 -,1. 1 ')4 1, .() . 9. , : .. RAKOVYANU, V. (Retkovemm, T. 1, 'prof . ; 1C9VW,!,_9_-_D8iman, G. lp d-r; IVITENMU, 14. (11unteneocu, M. J_,d-~ (aikarest, Rumyniya) Study of labyrinthine eymdromes of influenzal origin. Test. otorin. no.6:67-72 101. (MIRA l5tl) (D'FUJENZA) (IABYRI14TH (FAR) -DISEASES) 5t Qu"tatigq C"4* in the ruklme a# guaymu dUtide 40404CO I . XJLIM%M Aud A. ~-'Nuvk' (h- knott A-a,;. Agr. *-:ci, IN4, S.. 11 It, 7 ; ll.,It. Ah,., 1946, if. 34). Ita,,, CuAyuk wac tww unjef pfcalure 4" (he h1cm *fAcked wbec4othcY wetc PcOc"Icd fctdm Ike "zab,,j. 11W .1 Uk VMS (OUM t(' be itt &%Wd IrG"tk'A% Wh, ~mpjft wem t.*. faff tem. NIFvectheles. '(,c' file viscWly and olkel pfuWalft '4 Md bm" t"cd, is va rntKl*k4 fiat 4f stomp it% t1w eXack cuteditIg a :tAys czew a Ug d1UP iM 9JUAhly Ul tUtkgq. (ctc(i.M(jdG m1d not he z4f6buted to &a 6,,,,, IN Ike prjVQCtiGQ (A MiM. U9 A IWIVAIC 14 IILAI 8uLtxT " bat go cf(cudtA was suAdc It, In dw bytimatirtm ifedf, whoc. it 1. Ic-Al cauw i& likeiv 1. he &-ciod. Un a MUM .1 k4u."Chis FI.At* ab facce- 11 %(m% Ili 19 11 ... 17. 1 ut L,,k -.-Iof V. 4,:) -11, Imp""VA .0v.I'. I IT 11, It". -'1 11 bN 14 1 %h-, L-k 1-. 1:-t- .,. ..- , . 0 -m 10, RWRAD M10C. Units. Awl. Agrit. Scl. U.S.R.R., 1047, fIL No. 4. t4d; rhem, leati.. ISM IM IIW I Rev. C4a. Canut., FW. Anal., IM, U, &).-A romparittive study has b"a made an 4 diploid fam of kak-wighie, a tetra- plaid (acm. artd an ideefritediate type. The diptaid type gave 47.0 kg. it tubb" to the hects"White the taraploW type wided aM 20 'I *M the inter- mediate type. W"Ske. per heyclam. 122KSI C-- 41.orrwa Ile ass~r,& )4w s- PUM, G. B. Rob be o-c t-a I-flusa.4 of f4wou'd da"Sor on low ca.. 44 k*4 4 11 114 % .4 41 '1 . -,I..... t, 'd N'. 141. lu 14. .0 l4q: :l'EY-'i',.,-N, u. -1,. "'loot of' -prl ng Plaritli, -, of -,,y;,. )1 11 ps , " Do~< . v-s balkhoz . :'auk, No. 3, 194--_~. Dr. Bioluglc~il oci . -br. iill- Union Inst . PlaiLt ~~tu~ilao , -c194-3-. 1'.f,,riculture Kok-sw,hyz. ~~oskva, IT;l. l'ontily Lirt of ?u--.,3ia:i Library of Conf-rt-s, Movernber, "':C I . " - 7- -..' T-,2). ~ L - . I ]MYRAN, G.B., dektor biol*gichmakikh nauk; VOLKOV, P.A., kandidat tekhnichm- - - 1- "ikIkii-mauk; PTSITSYNA, L.V. Ghmckrow planting of sugar bemts -ising furrow opmaers with forced dropping and free falling of seeds. Dokl.Akad. eel 'khoz.21 ne.6:3-7 '56. (nLRA 9-9) l.Vees~7uzn,7:, malichne-issledovatallskiv inatitut mnkhanizatati smll skego khaz7aystva. Predstavlena akadamikom I.V.YakushkinYT9. (Sagar beets) (Planters machinery) 110TWI, G.B., (loktor biologicheskikh nauk. '-wo-"WO Efficiancy rating of potato harvosting nachines. Dokl.Ak&4. sellkhoz. 21 no.10:44-47 '56. (MT.RA 9:11) 1. Veasoyuzrqy nauchno-issledovatellskiy inatitut makhanizatail sellskogo kbozyayotva. Predstavlano akademikoo. I.V. Yakushkinym. (Potatoes--Harvesting) (Agricultural machinery) USMI/Cu'-tI-.!at& i'la--ts - J~otatocs, '~-,Iuns. .',bs JDur ~"Ul' zhu:- - i3i'd., :o-,.tLor Inst ."11 - U. i "xar-IL2~ Tit1c 71.,,~ ..c7tLarc;--')--j~Act Sx.;;i. -j" -,Ii,- Carrot Tabl~ Oxri~~- -Lub D,Dld. -.1- 16-1-1 ,,b,3tr,-,(--t 71-,-~ lfanct-- oarr-,L u tubju b~~t rdi. a LI okut by t-~ rip , Tl~~., .--i ~ ~ ~o ~wuu: 1,1:c buix'lu:i c., w tl Jistal cu , Z2;-) c.- cvccr. thu r-,im -ri cru-pc T".o carr.)t cr,.~ '~I --~u Lqu- ckut 2-12.4 cent. zif~,7,:, a '-SIXI 'ia. The bQrt '~W.6 aurl 254-4 IP it,A USSR/ C,lit iva ted Plants - Gener-.1 Probleris. 14-1 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., 11o 20, 1958, ')1583 Author Ney-n;l' G.D. Inst --Z- -- Title Ar;robiological Basis of Square-Pocket Sowing. Orig Pub Vest-n. s.-Idi. n%uki, 1957, No 8, 67-73- Abstract Cluster 3owi,-,_r; providus the crops with butter oxposurc to the su:-,, a,id the root i,ourish,.-iont conditions are bc-ttcr in the bixich. 1.,Ihc,, the ,rops are in squarc-pockets --I wash- in3 of the soil bQtwQeii the rows both crosswise and lengt- wise not only destroys the weeds, but also provides better penetration of air and precipitation deeper into the soil, as well as .,.oist4re from cvaporatinp~. As --. result of better soil ve:itilati~r. and moisture accumulatio.i the biologic-~l processes are Litc~isified, particularly tho ic- c'-i:,,ulation of i-dtr:Acs Li thL Soil. -- S.A. Drushlinskiy. Card I/i