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L 2351,78-66 AT6003844 AUTHOR: Nevskaya, A# A* :IORG: none ITLE: Study of the processing capacity of the human visual system OURCE: AN SSSR, Otdoleniya biologicheskikb nauk. Froblemy :osmicbeskoy biologiij v, k. 19659 87-101 C TAGS: information processing, information theoryo medical r1inents vision ABSTRACT: The speed with which 2, 3, 4, 5, or 10 sketched forms of straight lines shown in various positions were correctly recognized was tested in 9 individuals, to 38 years of age, who had been trained for this purpose. The relationship between perceptual capacity and the properties of the formsp prior trainings background noise and lighting was studied. The functioning oftbis system was compared to an ideal model of information processing. The periods for which the forms were shown varied from 10 to 600 milliseconds and 60-170 were neaded-for '. correct recognition, The rate of recognition was expressed in double units of information per second and was 60-165 units in the tests. It SOURCE CODE: UR/2865/65/004/000/0087/0101 Card L 23978-66 NR, AT6003844 is assumed that recognition of briefly shown objects is based both on actual information and the visual images present in the observerfs a1pbabat, -Tests for information processing as related to time showed a. carrying capacity of 35-110 double units/see. Values decreased if com- plete absence of errors was required# but for the straigh'tJ lines values remained constant, pointing towards automation of this information, since no time for selection of the highest probabflity was required, Tests for the time required for recognition depending on size and outline of the piature showed that within certain limits speed depended on a sbarp outlino rather than size of the drawing. Above a certain threshold of illumination, processing was the same, no matter how bright the light. Masking by distributing dots over the drawing had no effect on recognition below a certain threshold (100-200 dots per am2). The capacity forretaining recognition during change of 'Ube ratio signal/ ..noise and the presence of sharp threshold effects are characteristic for cad systems,* Orig.' t~. hast -.ideal -Iin] ar 8 figures, 1 table and I formulit.- - -_ &PH UB CO 4~~ oo. t ~4 EF~ Cmn USSR/Cosmochemistry. Geochemistry. Hydrochemistry. D Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimlya, No. 89 19579 26589. Author Neyikaya. A. I. Inst Academy--or-SFI-ences of Kazakh SSR. Title Hydroohemical Characteristic of Surface Drainage of Arid Regiois of Kazalchstan. Orig Pub Vestn. AN Kaz. SSR, 19561 No. 99 90 - 97. Abstract Consequently to the study of 18 rivers, the following approximate results concerrUng the contents of biogenous elements were ob- tained (in mg per lit): P - 0.0 to 0.062 Si - 1.0 to 10.01 NO - 0.0 to 10.0. During the spring flood (S;3 the rivers carry off from 7.5 to 1218 thousand tons of suspended substances, the waters are moderately mineral- Ized W, soft and moderately hard (with the exception of the Zhaman-Sary-Su and the Card 1/2 Z. 7 4 ..X,; / 'j-) '? '. NEVSXAYA, A. I.; DIMIKHS. D.D. (Moskva) Problems in labor hygiene in the production of hydrogen peroxide by the electrochemical method. Gig.truda i no.4:16-23 Jl-Ag 1-57. (mw 10:11) 1. Institut gigiyany truda i profzabolovaniy AKN SSSR. (MROON PXROXIM) (MACTRWHIHISTRY, INDUSTRIAL-BYG INN IC ASPECTS) SHUMAYEV V.D., nauchnyy sotrudnik; r. _j~~VSK A"A.I., i-.Lauchnyy SHANINIA, T.N., nauchnyy sotrudnik; DMITRIY37A, V.P., nauchrlyy sotrud.nik; VOLIKOV, D.G., nalichnyj nnotz-Ani:q CHISP-Pillp T.A.) khimik Waste waters from the Leninogol-sk Poiymetallic Comb-n(-. and their effect on the open water reservolra of the city. Gig. i san. 28 no.7:69-73 JI 10. (milu 1,7: l') 1. 1z utdela gigiyuny futl OpIdemllulotl aftroblologii i gigiyeiq 11 FLj,,;pal likariskoy sanitaxne-.2pt- demiologichaskoy stantsii. YUSUPOVV A.A.; W-.IISKAYAP A.I.; OVDIYENKO, N.I. Dirorders-in the functional state of dog liver follo-wing S90 lesion. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 57 no. 2:29-33 F 164. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Predntavlena deystvitellnym chlenom A~UJ SS,")R A.V.L--bedinskim. ',-HZVSKAYA. G.F. Some remedies for treAting rndiation injuries of the skin [with summary in English]. Mad.rad. 3 no.1:57-64 Ja-Y 158. (MIRA 11:4:1 (RADIOTHERAPY, complications, skin inj., ther. (Ilus) (SKIN, effect of rAdiations, radiother. induced in.J., ther. (Rua) ll:EVSI'JL'fA, G.F., Cand Y'ed Sci -- IIC,~-nain and cl-inical data for . ~*C~ f; 1* i - t~ic GUT-SO--,'() and "JUT-SCI-I.Ou g~u. I ~_, -ebtill. if , . _:~ - 1. ~ , ,L~, -1 aj+a~ IL pp (;~.cad Sci US6R) 2-16 cc,:iies (KL, ll~) - 101 - UNV6KA*GL, G.F. Dosinetrlc _?act*-,@ and depth dose distrib-tior c' tre 'J;*it-C-c-- 20-1 apparatiza. Hed.rad. 4 no.7.*76-80 Jl 159. (11LU 12:9) (COBALT radioactive) NEVSKATA. G.F. De-simetric charac 'lariat Ic 8 of GUI,.-Cc-4CC-1 gannia-ray apparatus. rad. 34 no.2:63-67 VX-AP '59. (MIRA 13:4) (GAIOIA HATS, ther. use, appar., GUT-Go--400-1., dcsimatry (Ras)) 39h59 S1/241/62 V071,001:0011006 10151215 AUTHOR: Domshlak, M. P., Grigor'yev, Yu, G., Darenskaya, N. G., Koznova, L. B., Nevskaya, G.F. NesteTova, V. 1. and Tereshchenko, N. Ya. Trr)_E: Remote observations on persons subjected to radiotherapy PERIODICAL ~ Meditsinskaya radiologiya, v. 7, no. 1, 1962, 10-16 TEXT: A previous report (Domshlak et. al., 1957) dealt with observations on 160 persons who had been subjec- ted to X-ray and gamma-ray therapy 2 to 7 years prior to the study period. The present article is based on observations on 218 persons, aged thirty to sixty, at various intervals (up to 10 year5) after, having been subjected to radiation. In 41.9'. of the cases, the general condition of persons irradiated in the past becarne worse. On the other hand, no abnormal pressure was noticed, despite the fact that hypertension was a common finding during the irradiation period. Ophthalmological examination did not reveal any changes except those due to aging. Various functional disorders were noticed in the nervous system, inclu- ding both cortical and sub-cortical disturbances. In some cases, microiymptorns of organic damage of the CNS were present. There is I table. SUBMITTED: July 3, 1961 Card I/! ,L QL761 6 EWT (m) CD ArX N187 AT6629629- SOURCZ CODE1 UR/0000/66/000/000foi-56 0157 ~_V ~2641001V~411 AU,rum voiakhowa, N. A.; Cubic, Vo A*: D4reasksys# N. Col Gave Nevskaza. G. F.; Sedowt YOV, q17 ORGC name &~' TITLE# Peculiarities of clLnical manifestations of rsdtstios~~aLckaees to rhesus monkeys during saumd-cay irradiation SOURCEs Voprosy obahchey radiabLotogiL (Problems of general radio- biology). Notcov, Atonizdat, 19660 150-157 TOPIC TAC;S: --*w=t=Aa*-,radLattoq biologic effect, monkey, dogr-riatatLom ABSTRACTs A comprehensive clinical examination of gamma-trradLated monkeya was conducted, and the data were compared with resuLta of stmElOr exaninations of dogs. Seventeen monkeys (Haeacs rhasus) of both sexest. weighing 2.0 to 4.0 kg, were subjected to Sam*& irradiation from an EGO-2 apparatus with a dose rate of 351-313 r/aLso Prior to Irradle Got tions all monkeys had been under clinical observation for 2-3 weeks. Eleven of the L4 monkeys irradiated with 100 r died (avereg* duration of Life 16.5 day@)# while two of the 3 monkeys irradiated with 3SO v diedi W*5 and 36.2 days after irradiation)* Both groups of game&-. card . L 03781-67 ACC 1 0 irradtated monkey@ were considered together, since the clinical mnai- festations of radiation sickness were similar in both groups. Exparl- mental date were compared with data from analogous dog experiments, using a 300-r dome of gamma rays, and no essential differences in the radiation affect were noted between the two species. However, the spread of 1.1fe duration@ in monkeys (6.5-36.2 days) was wider than fo dogs (11.5--18.5 days). The primary reaction to radiation was nore pronounced and developed more rapidly in monkeys than in dogs. The primary radiation reaction was absent in 2 out of 17 monkeys, as com- pared with 18 out of 28 dogs. Furthermore, seven monkeys experienced severa primary radiation reactions, while none of the dogs did. In the first 10-11 days after irradiation, no essential differences were noted between the temperature reaction@ of monkeys and dogs. Rowevect by the time of death dogs had elevated body temperatures (average 1.5C above normal), whereas monkeys' temperatures had fallen considerably below normal. Symptoms of radiation sickness ap.peared later (15-18 days after Irradiation) and developed more gradually in monkeys than in dogs (7-12 days), Autonomic dysfunction is considered responsible for the lability of symptoms in monkeys in the early postradiation period# This hypothesis is substantiated by the considerable varia- tions in blood pressure. the unstable heart rhythm, 4tc. Hanatopoiatic. changes in s6nkeys Lm response to radiation hod a phase character# demonstrating the different course of the radiation reaction In differst 2/3 L 03*781-67 AT6029629 types of calls. Since blood regeneration occurred even in monkeys dying after 30-36 days, it was concluded that blood changes were-not the primary factor in animal deaths. The lower lethal dose values encountered in these experiments are partially explained by differing 0xperinental conditions$ but require further study4 OrLg. art. heat 2 fL&ures sad 1--tables [is) SUB COD&I 06/ SUBM DAM ATD PRESS o 23Apr66/ ORIG REFt 008/ OTH RZFs 006 Card 3 i,, 10959-67 EIN (1) SCTB I)D/GD o~ ~Ct~R~-XT6036577' S(XJRCF, CODE: UR/OOOO/66/OOO/OOO/Ol97/Olq7' Au-~!C)H: r~ ~rov, 0. N.; Kovalev, Ye. Ye.; Nevskaya, G. F.; Smirennr(, L. N. ORG: none TITIZ: Probloms of designing local radionrotective shielding for cosmonauts [Paper presented at the Conference on Problems of Space Medicine held in Moscow from 24 to 27 nay 19661 SOURCE: Kon-ferent3iya po problemam kosmicheskoy maditsiny, 1966. Problemy kosmicheskoy medit;3iny (Problems of space medicine); materialy konferentsii, Moscow, 1966, 197 i'OPIC TAGS: radia-~ion shielding, cosmonaut radiation shielding, radiation solar flare, Spacecraft shielding ILBSTIRACT: Economy of weight in spacecraft shielding is best achieved by placing the shielding as close as possible to the cosmonaut. Local shielding is designed taldng into account the varying radios ensitivity of different body organs anel the coiasiderable unevenness of the radiation field inside the Spacecraft cabin. Calculation of local shielding is based on determination :)f the effectiveness of shielding of an orga n by parts of the ship and by other parts of the body. A model of a so-called standard man IvAth typical L lo959-67 -~-66 ACC NRi AT603 p.tacement of organs) was used to facilitate dose calculations for individual vital organs. Spatial distributions of tissue thicknesses with respect to the vital orgaris were determined using this model. On the basis of data obtained, calculations were made of doses from a solar flare for various critical organs, assuming a hypothetical spacecraft hull. Calculations utilized dependences of dose on tissue depth forgiven shielding thicknesses. Results of these esiLculations show the definite possibility of weight economy with the use of local shielding. [W.A. No. 22; ATD Report 66-1161 SUB CODE: 06 / SIJBH DATE: 00blay66 Cai-d 2/2 16 SOURCE CODE: UR/0105/66/000/007/0082/CO83 AUTHOR: TqMilcLyaL_G. k. (Candidate of technical sciencoa)l Ne)2wn, M. B. Profesoor) ORG: Moscow Irmititute of Fine Chemical Engineering im. Lomonosov (MoskovskV J19 ins tit_uT_:Eo_n_koy_'Ei_michesKoy tekhnologii) TITLE: Effect of stabilizers on dielectric properties of propylene film SOURCE: Elektrichestvo, no. 7, 1966, 82-83 TOPIC TAGS: electric insulator, electric insulation, propylene ABSTRACT: To Jjihibit thermo-oxidizing destruction, stabilizers have been introduced into propylene insulation; however, these stabilizers may seriously affect physico- mechanical and dielectric pr ,eperties o~ propylene film insulation.~Hence, the effect of stabilizers (AN-6 Santonox) on volume resistiv-ity, mechanical strength, and electric strength of aged (at 100-150C) propylene films was experimentally determined. It was found that: (1) Propylene films have high dielectric properties ractically independent of humidity, electric-field strength, and frequency; 2) Stabilized propylene films have much higher volume resistivity than nonstabilized, Stabilized films have constant mechanical strength up to 125C while the strength N of noustabilized film falls off abruptly at 8W; (4) The electric atrength, at 20-130C, of s-,abilized films is considerably higher than that of nonstabilized -7- films. Ot'her (Lata presented. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. UDC: 621-315.616.9 Card 1/1 SUB CO~)E.-Il.09-1-SUBM-DATEx--15Feb6,L-LORTrI RRFt Q0 / OTH REP., Wi- ACC NRt AT0036600 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/0236/02137 --Popov, V. I.; sychkov, AUTHOR: Euzin, R. A.; Nevs~ay Yurgov, V. V, ; Abramova, C;. m. ; Ginzburg, Ye. V. ; Xalazdarova, ORG : n o n e T ""~Lfrirmental investigation of the effectiveness of local radloprozectiv-z: slaiciding CLaper presented at the WnferOnco on Problems of Space Madicina hold Jn ',',;oscow from 24-27 ~',tay 1966-7 SGURC--': i~onferentsiya po problemain kosmichaskoy meditsiny, 1966. 2roblemy Rosmicheskoy meditsiny.