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fulw~% ~jEvccltj Popq KARFOV, Sorgoy Grigorlyovich; NEVOLIN, Pavel Pavlovich; 33ETNENKOp '1~ "D -va; P.A., red.; FOMICIIEV,' t6UMAKOV, V.A., tAikhn. red. [Universal carriage for machininga external and internal spherical surfaces on lathes and shaperslUniversalInyi sup- p)rt dlia obrabc,tld naruzhrqkh i vnutrennikh sfericheskikh poverkhnostei na tokarnom i strogallnem stankakb. Leningrad, 1961. 10 p. (Loningradskii dom nauchno-.tekhnicheakol propa- gandy. Obmen pere-Jovym opytom, Seriia: Mekhanicheskaia ob- rabotka metallov, no.19) (YJRA 15:8) (Lathes) (Shapers) KARPOVI B.G.; NEVOLdti, P.P. UnfLversal caxriage for m-achining spherical surfaces. vlashinost-rcitel no.5:2-1,.-25 My 163. O.IDA 16:7) (Machim to~,,!.~,--41ttachmanta) IEVULINY T, Transmission of radio waves selected by thei radio caozzmmm.~ -~at ions reg-u-- lations for the communic--tion service of saUing ships. Mor, flot 24 no.8s18-19 Ag 161, (MIRA 18M 1. Vedush.,hly inzhener nuuchno-issledovat.altskogo at,dela LenlngrrLd- skogo vyi3shago inzhenernogo morskogo uchilishcha im. admirala Makarova. AUTHO?b Nevolin, T. N. `6'."W0,'006,/34!/044 T Ma, Investigation of shorzt-wave on some routes durInLy, Lncreased solar aotivlty PM )CXCAL- Referativnyy zhurhal, Fizlka, r.:), cy~ 33 at), raot 8Zh433 (611r. Tsentr. n.-i In-ta morsk, 3C, 1960. 54-6o) TEM! - The e-ul:hor carries out. an analys.2 of par".1~u--6x radio lines during inw-eased solar activity. He compares theorettt3.. %~A exT.--krimental data, In addition, he-refiaes the method for determini.-,:ig opt:'to-.1ng 'frequenales. Lkzistracterls notle. Complete translationi Oird 1/1 1 -Icj~ro ~.alic I ed te skogo t t ti ini. skog~, Mw- le il gtoifimation a ~The at~ ra in ty P I dency 'of- 22, 0 i Va, irvidd t-~ "a ~lw v~ ff~ppuq&,: t us en tritions ay- d~ 27829-66 EEC[kj-2/Ejq(d)"" S-2' KSw2 04-7RETM57-56 (N) SOURCS GQ]Zt UR/2752/6t/000/0551010410111 =Elf "Uni (Corresponding associate) AS -7 T=Mr rnvestigation of short-wave fading in phipborne radio aommnication SWWRi LeningraA&Irsentra-IlMy nauchno-issledovmkellakAy institut morskogo flota. TrMly, no- 55# 1964 SudovozhdenVe I, avyazt , (Navigation and communication), 104-111 TW.M TOO tradio aomwanication, short wave propagations, maritime radiop radio wave# tion IMArT iT% phenomenon of short-wave fading is explained in general terms. Results of im Wilperimental investigation of fading of a rado, communication betvaen 4 ships ah&port are reported. The ships situated in the direction of Cuba were at ZTOO, 47000 6700P and a700 km from Leningradl the 2shipborne transmitters operated at.8.3 K** The integral fmnationobf distribution of probabilities of exceeding S dfied dUn pe( lervel, for rapid fadingst are shown. The me field strengths'measured in Leningrad weret 29,. 6, 4, and 11V/M. for tha four above distances, respectliely. sin&-~v two-, indthrei-hop, propajastfon Is held responsible for these results. Plots of the -,minber, of fadings per minute vs. fading duaration in seconds are presented for.6, 8-16 K* and 5DOO-5500 knj they are based on nwq measurements. Diversitr antennas with a spacing over iOX - are recommended as the beat method of overcoming fading trouble.:OrIg'. art. hast 6,figures 2 formlass and 2 tables. non CM RM 002 MB Ms lb~~240.j SM DkTXt ZVOLINS V. Effectiveness of shipping petroleum by direct river-sea commnication. Rach. transp. 24 no~8:19 165* (KM 18:9) 1e Zaaestitell nachallnike slushby porevozok i dvizhaniya flota parokhodstva Volgotankero DONSKAYA, Ye.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; SHIROKOVA, VA., kand.khirticheskikh nauk; NEVOLIN V F Trilonometric determination of similtaneou.94 presont trivalent iron and sulfate ion. Report No. 1. Trudy LTITSBP no.8: 127-128 161. (MIRA 16:9) (Iron--Analj,sis) (Sulfates) ACCESSION NR: AP4020591 S/0057/64j034/003/0576/0576 AUTHOR: Navalin V K - Suyetin, p.yo. TITLE: Stirface ionization of Potassiurm incident to difl!usion through a Globar rod SOUPCE: Zhurnal tokchnicIieskoy fiziki, v.34, no.3, 1964, 676 TOPIC TAGS: surface ionization, potassium ionization, potassium diffusion, diffusIM through Glabar, diffusion through carbon, Globar, potassium ABSTRACT: Hitherto surface ionization of alkali metals diffusing through non-metal- lic porous materials has not been studied. Yu.Ya.Stavisskiy and S.Ya.Lobadev (ZhTF, 30,1222,1(160) investigated surface ionization of Cs diffusing through tungsten.) Accordingly, in the present work thore was investigated the temperature dependence of surface ionization of ;atassium diffusing out from the hollow core of a Glabar rod (resistance element) manufactured by VEB Electrokohle Lichtenhurg (German Demo- cratic Republic). The rod was colored light green and had a porosity of 16%; the wall thickness was 2 ma. The rod was heated by passage ot direct current; the tem- perature was determined from the value of the current after calibration with the aid of a thermocouple. Secondary electrons were suppressed by a wide mash grid. The Card ACC.NR: AP4020591 ion current was measured by means of a non-cooled ion collector. To eliminate in- trinsic ion emission, the rod was outgassed by heating at about 18000K for 30 hours. The vacuum was better than 3 x 10-5 mm Hg. The results for two rates oi potassium consumption (not specified) are presented in a figtire (see Enclosure). The ion cur- rent density at a K vapor pressure of about 1.6 x 10-1 =a Hg in the evaporator and a temperature of ISCOOK was about 10 mA/cm2. I figure.. ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy pol.itekhnicheakiy institut im.S.H.Klrova (Ural polytechnic Institute) SUBMITTED: :13 Au&63 DATE ACQ: 31Mar64 ENCL: 01 SUB CCDE. PE NR RE7 SOV: 001 OTHER: 000 card 2/3 FoblrFoll, Anatoliy Vasillyevit~h, kani. tekhn. nauk; ATLAS, Boris Aleksandrovl~h kand. ekon. nauk. Frinimali achastlye: SHAFOSBIK()V, "ve.' kand. tekhn. nauk; IMATSVETKO, AZT., inzh.; STOLBOV, A.G.p inzh.,; GDALEVICH, S..g.f ALEK.33ANDROV. V.N.. Inrh.-. 11EVOLE-i in*h, ptowmfnt; 022,JETSOVA, Ljuv- Jcp imucim, rid.; MAKRUSHINA, AX., red. [Use of computing techniquezi In water transp~)rtationj Pri- menenie vychi,glitellnoi tekliniki na vodnom transporte. Mo- skva, Tranoport, 196r/. 215 P. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Kafedra ekspluatatsii Novosibirskogo instituta inzhenerov vodnogo tranoporta (for Drazdov), 0 BAIROV5~ G.;., profo? ICI.'A,r,YEY, B.P.~ 111,111OLIV-WIAT1112 f"f- I I -- - ~ F .1. 7~eatment of angioinatosis in childlic-c4. Ped-latri'a 42 no.3: 9-1? RrIO (MIRA 17:2) 1. Iz knfcdry kldmrgil dttsVogu vczrasta ( zw:o - G.A. Baiivwr) Leninn-advkogo pedietricht.--gKogo meditainskogo im3tdtut,,-.. SIVOLM-LOPATIN, H.I. (Leningrad. T.O.. Bol'shoy pr.. d. I. k-.7.40) Surelcal treatment of a tumor of the posterior nedlastinum In 7- yes.r-old girl. Test. kh1lr. 74 no.5:90-81 JI-AC 054. (MLRA 7:10) 1. Is kAtfadry khiru-rgit detskogo votrasta (z4v. prof. A.V.Shatskiy) Leaingradskogo gosudaretyannogo pedintricheerogo meditsinskogo Instituta. (KgDIASTIMM, neoplasms. ganglioneuroma in child) (GANGLION M OKA, mediastinun. In child) CHISTOVICH, G.V,., kand.mad,naukg NMLIN-LOPATIN, H.I. Treatment of lymphangicutas in childrem, Testakhir. 86 no-3972-q4& Ki- 161, (.,Mbk 1480 le Iz kaXedr7 khirurgil detakogo vozradta (zav. - doktor med.nauk S.Ya. Doletskiy) teningradakago pediaLtrichookogo meditainakago inatituta. (LYMPHATICS-TUMORS) r~ NEVOLI - Treatment of hemangiomas in children, Vop.okh.mat.i det. 7 no.7: 54-60 X. *162. (MIM 15: 1-1) 1. Iz kxkfedry khirurgil detakogo vozrasta ispolnyayushchiy obyazan- Old"-s&,wadWwhdhego - doktor med.-nauk S.,Y&O'D~14takiy)laning--adakago pediatrictieskogo meditainsko0 instituta (din. - prof'. N.T.Shutova). JANGIOMA) til Tjlll~lp c v L-v MALEYLVA, A.Z., mladshiy nauclmyy sotrudnik; N~.'IJOLIEA L.V., :%l-I(jfiAy nauchayy sotrudnik TechnictLI and economic :-ndices of the ~_, hosiery from warp-knit cloth. Tekst. prom. 2Z. no.-Itl~-I'l' F (~"I:l ll: 3) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchnc).--:ssler~oiatel'.3kiy in.;*Altut tri.,cot.azhnoy promysh.'Lennosti (VIIIIIT'). SHKRZBKO.f I.Te., ~pd.ekonom.nauk, dotsent; PrInimali'uchae-11ye: BYCHKOVA, A.P.. insh.; VOYZVODIN, M.A., inzh.; KAZANTSEV, S.A., inzh.; KONDiKOVA, A.A., inzh.; YEVOLINA, R.A., inzh.; Studying Wn trends in the mechanization of production at the Krasnourallsk Copper Smelting Combine. Trudy Ural. politekh. inst. no.120:23-32 161. (MIRA 16:6) (Krionourallsk-Copper industry-Technological innovatiens) WOLINIOVA, L.D. Rasult- of aPplicatlon of dimedrol in vasomotor rhinitte. Test. oturino- lar ., HosL-va 15 no-3:41-44 May-Jim~ 1953. (CM 25:1) 1. Of the Division for Diseases of the lar. Throat. and Mose (Head - Candiclate Medical S-niences P. A. Demidov), Central Polyclinic of the Theripautic Sanitary Administration of the Kremlin. KLIK, Jan; NPOLOVA, Dagmar Current probleum connected vith the d-ladbarge of chronic psychiatric patients. Cook. psychiat. 57 no.2:112-115 161. 1. Nychiatricks. lecobna, Dobrany. (VENTAL DISORDBRS rehabil) I . NEVOLISKIM. N.H.; CCEUMRTAIFfY. A.I. Testing fan-type sprayers. Trakt. i sellkhocrash. no.12:28-31 D '59. (KIRA 13:3) (S,pra7ing and dusting equipment) PROKOPRIK01, S.F.; B1JRYY, Z.F.; BURD, V.S.; NEVOLISKM, N.M. A new model of blower-type sprayer for orchards. Zashch.rezt.ot vre4A bol. 5 no.2tll-12 F 160. WIRA 159-12) (Spraying and duating equipment) (Truit-Diseases and pests) MYIIKIM, GJ.; -NEEVOLISKIKH, N.M., in,zh. For a high operating efficiency of blower-type Wayers..,Zashch. rast.ot vred.i bol. 5 no.7sl6-18 J'l 160. (MIRA t6tl) 1. Direktor Severo-KavkELzakay masKinoispytatellnoy stantsil (for Ksynkin). (Spraying ane dusting equipment) MOLISKMI, II.M.P inzli.; OGHERETYANYY, A.L. agronom Methods of determining the quality of spraying the leaf surface of fruit trees with insecticides anL fungicMes. Trakt.i sellkho7m h. 31 no.9:26-28 S 161. OMA 14:10) 1. Severo-Kavkazakaya mashinoispytatellnaya stanAiya. (Spraying and dusting) NF.VOLIUITs__ G. Book on auxillax7 workers I labor organization. Sots. trud no.12:148-150 D 063. (MIRA 17:2) GRAMSX-ET, Yo. 11 L, Improve the organization no.7:/+O-,/+l Ji 162. (Fhatory of work plaming and wages. management) Haahinor3troltell (MIM 15:7) NEVOLISKI7, G.L. Voluntary working oyeteam. Hashinostroltelf no-3836-38 Jfr 163,, (Technological innovations) (KIRA 1614) SEDIACEK, J.; NEVORA.,, J. Development of chick embryos after decapitation. Sborn. lek. 67 no.10:313-320 0 165. 1. Fyziologicky ustav fakulty vseobecneho lakaretvi University Karlovy v Praze (prednoota prof. dr. F. Karasek, DrSc.). kEyqRALj V.; ORAC, A., prof. dr. (Brno, Kotlarska 2) Determination of lithium and sodium Ions in mineral waters. Cesk. farm. 14 no.7:342-346 S 165. 1. Vyzkumny ustAtv pro fysiatrii, balneologii a klimatologii, Marianske Ijxzne, Kate-'ra analyticke chemie prirodovedecke fakulty UnIversity J.E. Purkyne, Brnc. 2 2 0 &Ief 1("Iet,- IIEV0,11L *R,'V.; OKAC, A.; i1esearch Institute for Physiatrics, Bal- n6616gy and Oliriatolory (Vyzkiimny Ust-av pro ~Njsiatrii, Balneolo- gii a YLlimatologii), 1,11arianske Lazne; Chair of Analytical Cho-m_ istry, Faculty of Natural Sciences J.Ev. Purkyne University (Ka- tedra Aiialyticke Chemie Prirodovedecke Pakulty UJE-vP), Brno. "The Determination of Traces of Vanadium in IIinaral Waters." Praq-,ue, Ceskoslovenska Farnacie, Vol 15, No 5, Jun 60', pp 229-231 Abstract ZTuthors, t~riglish sunmary modified 1 _7: 2he met~_od uses an acidified sample of water whicia is passed through a colurui of strong- ly acid polystyrene cation exchanger; V cations together with other cations are collected on the resin, and can be selectively eluted with diluted hydropen peroxide as negatively charged complex- es. The eluate is evaporated, and V determined photometrically using xylenol orange. V can be separated from: Na, X Ca PeR P Min, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, Ni, Ag, in, Ylo, Cr, Ti, Zr, Th, 11b, and Ta. 1 Figure, 2 Tables, 5 Western, 2 Czech references. (Manuscript received 3 Je-n 66). 47 - r. 5109-60 CODE: ACC NR, AMOOwWl 50M.C3 UZ7660-576MYNO, 21, Ozz"I A AUTHOR: !!e"ioral Covzt,- Gabriela OR G: R.6-nearch institute for IPbys iatx7o HalneoloV and ClIratology, Rhr-,Lansks Lawel us av pro f~rzziatrli, balneolo7,ii a klimatovlo rii) (V 6 TITIE: DeterrAnation of trace.amounts of sodium 3.n.potassium salts SQURCE: CT-16micka. U#y, V., 59, no. 21 1965, 222-2-24 TOPIC TAGS: sodium potassium compoumt. trace analysis,:photometry ABSTRACT;- . The wthod is based on flaw phlotometry, after the K is separated iisinG tetraphe~rl boric &aid on an ionexchanger, Modification using organia solvents irl the alutio'n solution to_increase the.column capacity is described. Orige art, has: fivres:i 2 tables JPRS/ j 31UB- 27A Wris ICj Go sm DATEt pr64 om mpn ool OTH RF-F: 005 SOT REFI: :001 I-A e? hypoptlyffleo .'rieh. aniit., il st. J3 of histoch-mical 2tudy of th a . , I embr. 49 no.7*1-10-113 J-1 165, (K'~F'k 18;:10) 1. Taboratoriya elkscerlimmtallnov giatclogii i tsitologil (zav. - chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. G.'S.Stralin) T-SentralInc-go naitclmo--i.qsl(3dc;v-dtel.'skcgc- rentirano-radiologicheskogo In--3titut& Ministeratva zdravcf~khraneniyQ P-SSR, lenln,'7rad. r i6n-66 Ewz(m) .U 110-CESSIN' #kii -0-'2R/6ViWA4) 0998/7.000 MTHOR: &VOr2ting-A, L -;ioAion the cellular composition &t of -radiaiio of theie VITLE: FQ~xe irrstdi; of :.anterior I obe of he p aFy gland in relation to Its funation ISOURCE: AN SS3R* Dolcladyp v# 163# no, 4s 1965,0 998-100o ITOPIC TAGS: experiment animal# radiation biologic offectp glandp call physiology 1ABSTRACT: In experiments on 100 white remale rats of the Wistar lines ihalf of, tho animals were gonadectomized 15 days prior- to irradiation ito compare the reactions of overly aetive pituitary gland anterior ;lobes with normally funotioning'anterior lobeis of intact itnimals* Th' 1head of each unimal was irradiated locally dw?lng the oestrous aTole iwith a 1530 r does (RUM-3 Uniti 180 k7p IT mas. 0*5'MM Cu and 1,&0 mn 41 filters# focal length 24 amp 180 rfidn)'. and the rest of the ianimal's body was shlelded by'a 5 mt layer of lead. Animals were ilkilled .79 10j, 15P 30,P and 45 days later& The pitaltary g2ands were iwaighedg fixed and prepared for microscopic,examination to determine 1622-66-- ACCESSION MR: AP5020837 e number- of alpha # beta-9 and delta-aells and chromaphobea. C IFIndings show that ;he irradiation reaction of the pituitary- gland lanterior lobe in intact and gonadectomized animals is characterized bj radiation damage after 7 to 15 days followed by reparation However* the shifts in gonadeatomized animals are greater# with mor; slgnifi- cant . destmetion and reduction of cells followed by a lose distinct ,increase in number of cells. The secretion of the overly active pituitary gland anterior lobe accelerated the radlation damage and th reparative,processes,, but the lower level of reparation is attributed to more serious.damage of't4e gland, In gonadeatomized animals whrsr* one function (gonadotrophle) of theanterior pituitary gland was sharply chetnged# a change. in the functional activity occurred not only lin the beta-basophilic calls prima ily responsible for this functions, bat also in the. other cell types serving other functions*' Thus# tha state of the functional activity of. the pituitary gland anterior lobe ,largely determInes the nature of the irradiation reaction of the gland Oil& art,' has: 1 figare* ASSOCIATION9 TzentraltnYY nauchno-Issladovateltakly rentgano. radiologicheekLy lwtitut,LeniWad (Central ftientific-Research---] Cd1d 2/-34 Z11URAVLEVA, T.B.; _MDBOT'IN, A.I.; PROCHUKRANOV, R.A.; PRYANIS14NIKOV, V.A.; KHARITONOVA, L.V. (i~n'ingrad) Changes in the hypophysial-adronal syst^m in disorders of the balance of sex hormones; experimenta. study. Arkh. pat. 27 no.11:20-29 065. (MIRA 18:12) 1, Kafedra patologicheskoy anatomii (zav. - prof. M.A. Zakh&rlyevskaya) I Leningrpdskogo meditninskogo instit%ta imeni I.P.Pavlova. Submitted February 14, 1964. NEVOROTHI I V. Using their own initiative. Hest.prom.i khud.promys. 2 no.3:11 Mr t61. (MIRh 14:4) 1. Glavn7y inzhener zavoda "Plastmass", Voronezh. (Voronezh-Plastics industry) khim.nai-' ky NEVOROV, Ye. N. if ~Jperstion of Alr-Breakers," Elel(. to. -,, 1949. Engr. NEVOROvt ~- 11, t "k19. Dynanos Causes of the pooi7 cooling of turbogenerators. Elek. sta. 24, no. 1, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress,. May 1953. Unclassified. NEVOROZFKIN,,,I,t-,, doktor meditsinakikh nauk; GIMHOOVICH, N.L., dotsent Roentgenotherapy of chronic inflamm tory processes of the acces- (sory sinuses of the noset. Yest.oto-rin. 17 no.2:38-40 Kr-A~ 155. (MU 9:,J) 1. 1z Wedr7 rentganologii (zav. prof. Tu.N.Sokolov) Tsentrailnogo Snatituta usoverehanstvovantya Yrachey i kliniki bolezney ukha. nosa t gorla imeni Samashko Houtorzdravotdola (nauchnyy konsulltant prof. T.r.Gordyshevskly). (SINMITrs, paranasal. ther., x-ray) (RADIOTHEtAPT, in various disennes. alnusitl'u, paranasal) UNCRUHUMA. V.L.kaadidat meditainakikh nauk (Koakva) Preventioa of shortaightedneae. Ned. sestra no.11:6-9 N '55. (MW 9:3) (KYOPIA) NEV05AD, U'4" i% study of errors in the position of -,4ints detemined by inter3ect~on an,' re~ect-'rjft. P. 35 (Goodeticky a Kartograficky Sbornik) 1?57. rraha, 0,zechoslovalcia. SO: '-Tonthly Index of ~~ast Furopean Accessiors (FE I) T t' -A L Vol. 7, no. 1, Jan 195' "I --ACC NR,_'AF6031022_____' SOURC& CODE: UR/0109/661011/009/1586/1'088 AUTHOR: -NoVostruyova _L.,.I.; Stolpyanskly, M. P.; Filatov# K. V.; ShteY-_Wh1eygerq V. B. " Llrfzw~ V -A 1-9-1 ORG: none TITLE: A maser with a microcooler operating at 400K SOURCE: Radiotekhnika i olektronika, v. 11, no. 9, 1966, 1586-1588 TOPIC TAGS: maser, waveguide 1 ABSTRACT: A ruby maser with a miniature closed-cy 1e cooler for operation at a temperature of 400K is described (see Fig. 1). The resonator !,head (1) is a silver-coated ruby in the form of a parallelepiped with sapphire signal and pumping waveguides coupled to ordinary stainless-' 1"steel waveguides,* The resonator is mounted between the poles of a Crd 1/4 UDC: 621.375.8 ACC NRs AP6031022 p IV' 7 Fig. 1. Masez with microcooler 1 - Resonator head; 2 - magnet; 3 support; 4 - microcooler cold zone tube; 5 - contact reed; 6 - air- tight flange of signal waveguide; 7 - air-tight flange of pumping waveguide. miniature permanent magnet (2) rigidly attached to a support (3) which 2/4 ACC NR: AP6031622 is maintained at normal temperature 300'K). A copper reed (5) provides thermal contact between the cold zone (4) of the microcooler and the resonator head. Total heat flux through the maser head is about 2 w at 10- 3 mrn Hg. By separating the resonator head from the waveguides, this heat flux is reduced to below 0.5 w. The ruby maser was operated at the 3-cm wavelength in the pusL- puli mi)de. At a temperature of 40'K and with a chromium concentra- tion in the ruby of 0. 1 'lo the quantity (vr-G-- 1) t, f (G is the gain and a f :is the bandwidth), which determines the bandwidth characteristic of the amplifier, reached 19 Mc. TI.-ie observed dependence of gain on temperature (see Fig. 2) indica,.ed that, with proper chromium concentration, variations in gain caused by changes in the microcooler temperature can be consider- -'ably reduced. The measured noise temperature of the maser did riot exceed hich was in agreement with the theory. Its amplitude char- 701K, w facteristic, was linear up to_ an. input power level of ~- 0. 15 u w in the Card !-ACC 03 1022- -9 joule :presence of a cw signal and up to ran input energy 1 e1 of 1. 5 x 10 An the presence of a pulse signal of low repetition rate. No irreversible processes were observed, even in the presence of very strong pulse X signals. r it 'dl. 0 The maser Yjas found to have a narrower transmission band and a higher noise temperature at 40' K than at liquid helium temperature. However, these disadvantages are J0 JJ #9 fJ M M $9 6J V Resonator temperature* *K. offset by the economy and smaller size and weight of the maser. In Fig. 2. Temperature depend- addition, because of the relatively i ence of maser gain low noise level, high reliability, and physicochemical stability of the ruby crystal, the maser oper- ating at 400K can often match the performance of other types of )ow- noise amplifiers.. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. CFSB: v. 2, no. 81 SUB CODE: 20 / SUBM DAIEt 13Ju165 / ORIG REF: 004 / OTH REF: 003 Card 4/t- nVOSIMUMA, L*S. . ..... _ Studies on the cycle of development of lichinostona miyagawai (Ishii, 1932), causative agent of echinostoralasts in the domestic fowl. Voklady Akad. nauk =2 90 no.2:317-318 11 Kay 1953. (GZML 24:5) 1. Presented by Academician K. 1. Skryabin 4 Harch 1953. 2. All,-Union Institute of Halmiathology imeai K. 1. Skryab" NEV03TRUY7EVA, L. 3. 11-Studi of the Development Cycle of' the Causative J~gents of Tch-Jrosto7desis." Cand Biol 'ci, I '11-Union inst of Felminthology, Moscow, 1954. (HhBiol, ~:o 3, Dec 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertsttions Defended at LTS31't Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sum. No. 5561 24 Jun 55 NEVOSTRUYEVA, L.S. StU4 of the developmental cycle of Echinoper7phium recurvat-wa (Ustowp 1873). Uch. zap. GGPI 48:160-161 164. (MIRA 18:4) LITVINEIIKO, A.U.; kand.geologmin6ralogicheakikh nauk; NEVOYSA, G.G., inzh. Material composition and problems of dressing Kerch deposit iron ores. Trudy Inst. chern. met. AN URSR 12:68-78 160. (MIRA 14:5) (Kerch Peninsu*- Iron ores) (ore dressing) GUBIR, G.V. (Krivoy Rog); KUCHER, A.M. (Krivoy Rog); HTM, YSA, r..G. (Krivoy Rog) Thermal methods of treating Kerch ores for magnetic s!rWation. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh. nauk. Met. i topl. no.2-3-13 Mr-Ap, 161. (MIRA 1434) Mrch Peninsula-Iron ores) (Fluidization) (Magnetic separation of ores) NEVOYSA9 G.G. (Nevoisat H.H.] Material structure of direct reduction concentrates of Kerch ores. Dop.AN URSR no.2:229-233 161. (NIPA 14;2) 1. ffauahna-issledovatel'skiy institut geologii Dnepropetrovskogo universiteta., Predstavleno akademikom AN USSR V.G.Bondarchukom. (Iron ores) N&VOYSA., G.G. Petrogrg.phic cha-racteristicl- of b.-4Vn and oolitic ores of the Z.11tigen-Ortallakiy deposit of the Mrch iron-ore ibasin in connection with problems of their enrichment. Izv.vys.uchob. zav.;geol. i razv. 4 no.8:33-42 tg 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut, geologii. (Kerch Peninsula-Ore deposits) 1. MOTBAO P.G. (Nevolsa, H.H.] Striwtural characterlatIcs of iron oraij in the Kerch deposit, Dap, AF URSR no.7:951-954 t6l. (?aP.A 14:8) la gauchno-isoledovateliskly institut geologil Dnepro- pot.rovskogo gosudaretvennogo uaiversitata. Predstavleno a!Wemikom AN USSR V.G.Bonclarchukom (Bondarchuk, V.H.]. (Kerch Peainsula-Iron oreis) OT073LP G*G. (Nevoisa, H.H.] Ydneralogical composition and structural characteristics of concentrates of fallen particles from the magnetic separation bro,.M ores in the Kerch deposit. Oolozhur. 21 no.5&82-88 161. 1 1 (MIIU, 14:10) 1. flauchno-issledovatellskiy institut geologii Dnepropetrovskogo universiteta. j- (Kerch Febilbsula-0res-Analysis) 771 Some Specific -,7eztlwc..- t,.n. irc:-. crr-. of Nerch. Do'-!. 30'31~ Vj 14-:11) ("'f-rch cm-'rsi: ).,----iron ores) (Arocric) BUSHUYEV, V.P.; GUBIN, G.V.; GONCHARENKO, Yu.I.; KARMAZIN, V.I.; MARGULIS, V.S.; MITROV, V.A.; NIKOLAYENK0, N.O.; BOBEWSHKIN, L.G.; BUROV, A.I.; RYBAKOV, V.N.; SOSHIN, A.F.; TATSIYENKO, P.A.; TOVSTANOVSKIY, O.D.; YUROV, P.P.; Prinimali uchastiye: NIFAGINA, A.A.; CHF.RNYY, I.I.; GERSHOYG, Yu.G.; KOSTMOV, A.G.; DOLGIMI, M.A.; MMSKOVICH, S.A.; STUPIN, D.D.I.IIZVOYSA, G.G. Magnetization roasting of Kerch ores in the experimental factory of Kamysh-Biaun Combine. Gor. zhur. no.12:30-37 D 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Institut Makhanobrehermat., Krivoy Rog (for Bushuyev, Gubinp Goncharenko, Karmazin, Margalis, Mitrov, flikolayBnko, Nifagina, Chernyy, Gershoyg, Kostikov). 2. Kamyshburunskiy zhelezorudnyy kombinat, Kerch' (for Bobrushkin, Burov, Rybakov, Soahin, Tatsiyenko, Tovatanovskiy, Yurov, Dolgikh, M.A.; Movskovich, S.A.; Stupin, D.D.; Nevoysa). (Kerch Peninsula-Ore dressing) (Iron ores) BARISHPOISTS, Vladimir Trofimovich, dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; TATISIYENKO, Pavel Afanaslyevich, k&nd. tekhn. nauk; liEV(71SA, Grigorty Grigorlyevi.7h, kand. geol.-miner. ~IJROV J,.Petr Panteleyevich [Dressinq of b-~own iron ores ] Obogashchenie burykh zhelez- niakov- LBY1 V.T.barishpolets i dr. Hlosk-va, Nedra, 1965. 201 p. (MIRA 18:6) SHITYUKOV, Ye.F. [Shniukov, IE.F.1; g rf Kerch ore depositn. Deep. All U?SE 1 a : 7 1. InStitlUt geojorjch63kJkh nauk Ali UkrSSR. 1. IV V S: y wjjy~r)~ pol~~ ~ pFB,IZOV, V.., NEVOYS A, G.O. LEBEDEV, A.Yii, - ANTONC Pr I na-ma]T. hriot,-- y- Z A' P A PENK,,, 'v, i,~ KARPOIVEIS, B.O. III- . , W Experlencf 'n tho ~ . w ore. Sbcr,t-,-ud, IJNJ:-M no,-' OCRA `8zl') Nevrala, J. Plan of Czechoslovak standardization and its fulfillment. p. 253. NORMAUSACE. (Urad pro normalisaci) Praha. Vol. 3, no. 12, Dec. 1954. 1 .:)ource: EEAL IL Vol. 5, No. 10 Oct. 1956 WVRALA, J.; JULIS, F. NEVRALA, J.; JULT9, F. Preparation and subject content of the standardization plan for 1956. P. 146. V01. 4, no. 7, July 1955 NOR14ALISACE TECHNOIMY Praha, Czechoslovakia So: &st European Accessions, Vol. 5, no. 5, May 1956 NEVRALA, JJ.ri Entering a now stage. Normalizace A no.1:1-2 Ja 163. 1. Urad pro normalizaci a mereni, Praha. IZVRAZA Jiri ^7"^ I-l'ieAwn, United Nations Conference on the Use *f Scienoe, and Techwlogy for the Development of Unde:*eveloped Countries. Normalizace 11 no./+:119-120 Ap 963. 1, Urad pro normalizaci a mereni, Praha* ~iEVT,'ALA, Jlr J , I T,"! -?., , I r~z. I i s~aert of s,: -4,,- ---' ~l c , ,r.-rre t,, -a-~ ire th-A~~lcg-'c a I of !.,~chriical rlornaliza:--e 15. 'Cl . '):4-'- 46 F W, , I , Ins t1 tu* e cil' : :, , Z ' h,~~ .' 1 "()r ll~il luli7 Fc, (-)riomic A- s, , Mc-,:l- , ~~. N!-'~M.AYLV, A. T. T1.115 11/1'uc lea r 711ySiCS "ay.- Iel)t /~C) "Study of Special Showers of Cosmic Rays With the Aid of a Hodosco7e," f-.or-joIf!V' a. L. Lyubimov, A. T. Nevrayev, Phys Inst L.eni P. N. Lebedev, Acad Sci U&SR, 4 pp "Ibk Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LXVIII, No 2 U::,ed a hodoscope consisting of 176 counters, each connected to a neon IE,.mp by a specia': ' circuit. Position of neon lamps on special panel corresponded to positi-ri ol' c~),-Lnters ir. t~~(, unit. ~'sed r.o vacuuni I.u es, theIr -'unction P,.~Ifiiled b,, neon -result.-; are ~:relL-dnary, si:ice work 1-i it f73 beln,- c-~~A'nued. 3Uj-,'.-..4tt-d 11, %cd Skobelltsyn 15 Jul 49. PA. 3/50T-74 IMAM, G.A., kandidat meditsingkikh nauk. Certain problems of reorganizing the work of health resorts and sanatoria on the basis of I.P.PiLvIov's theories. 17 no.11:20725 N 853. (KLOA 6:12) 1. Zavedayushchly Otdolom karortafth feJctoroT (;Osudarstvannago nauchno- Issledovatel'skogo Institute, fisloterapti (direktor - professor A.N.Obrosov). (ffealth resorts. watering places. ate.) (Sanatoriums) MKWRAUFO (LAo Probleme of functional reorganization of bAmIth reawrts and mansteria, on the basis of Pavlov's teaching., 17 AOGU:20-25 NOT 1953. (CIKL Z5:5) 1. Candidate Medical $clanzesv Head of the DeWtment of Healtbf-PAsort Imatere of the State Salentifto-EWsearch Intituto of Physiotherapy (DIrootor --Prof. A.N. Gbrosov). FD-1530 USISR/Wdicine Resorts and Sanatoria Cazd 1/1 Pub .102-1/14 Author *Nevrayev, G. A. Title Some queptions on expansion of health resorts and sanatoria Periodical Scv. zdrav., 6, 3-12, Nov-Dec 1954 Abstract All resorts and sanatoria now in operation in the USSR are overcrowded and ",he si,.uation is getting worse. It is necessary to start construc- tion of suburban resorts, near large industrial and agricultural centers; many Such centers have valuable balneological resources av-ailable. Con- struction of resorts in Altay Kray and North Caucasus is also suggested s',nce there are large areas of virgin and idle lands in those regions. Since development of morphological changes within organs and systems of human body precede the period of their functional disturbances, it is necessary to check pathological processes before Irreversible morphol- ogical changes begin to develop. Resorts and sanatoria serve as a powerful means of treatment and prevention of various pathological processes in a human organism. Institution (*Director) Division of Balneological Factors, Scientific Research In- stitute of Physiotherapy, Kinistry of Health, RSFSR (Professor A. h. Obrosov, Director) ABRIKOSOV, I.A.; NZVRhJP.G.A. [Physiotherapy: textbeek] fizioterspita; uchebmik pod obahchol red. G.A.Revraeva. Moskva, He(4-.1z. 1955. 365 P. (KW 9:4) (THERAPEUTICS, PHYSIOLOGICAL) ITZ,M-,YF,V G., Resort therapy in the Polish People'a Republic. Vop.kur.fizioter I lech.fiz. kul't no.2:71-79 Ap-Ja '55. (ISRA 8: 8) (BALNMLOGY, in Poland) TARIM, I.Yo.; NSVRATEV. G.A. Smrve7 of vork on resort problems. carried out In 1954 at medical and research Institntse e~a4 at resorts of the R.S.F.S.R. Top.kur. fizioter. I lach.fiz.kul't. no.402-86 O-D 155. (KIRA 12:12) (HRA H RESORTS, WATIRINg -PLACES, NTC.) HANIKOV, *, a . I Congress of balneologists in the Polish People's republic. lfop.h-ar. Vzioter. i lach.fic.Irullt. 21 no.1:74-77 Ja-Kr 156. (KLRA 9:9) (POIAND-HYDROTILMAPT) MBVRAYU, G.A. i '.~ ~' Health resorts, sanatoria and rest homes in the Ukrainian, S.S.R.; a bibliographical index. Reviewed by G.A.Kevraev. Top.Kar.fizioter. t lach.flz.kal't. 21 no.1:82-83 Ja-Kr 156. (KIRA 9-9) (BIBLIOGRAPHY--HULTH RESORTS. WATERING PIACES. LTC.) KAMIKOV, H.Ye.; jlCVRAYZV, G.A. ladicattons and contraindications for health resort treatment in the Polish People's Republic. Fop.kur.fizioter. i lach.fiz.kulft. 21 no.4- 99-100 O-D '56. (HWA 9:12) (POUND-THMAnUTICS, PHYSIOLOGICAL) Basic probleas ta the ioprovement of the treplqtent and services for outpatients in health ramorts and new teska for h"lth resort out- patient clinics. Top.kur., fitioter. i lexh.fiz.kullt. 22 no.2,. 3-9 Hr-Ap 157. (HIRA 11:1) (II&AIMH RESORTS. WAT9RING PLACES, WC.) ~Ie4 rc t,~ C 14 VARIN, I.Yo.; 114.)ULMV. G.A.; SAMONOV. M.A. fourteenth All-Union Uonference of Therapeutists. Vop.kmr.. fiziot~,r. i lech. fiv.1cul't. 22 no.2:85-95 Mr-Ao '4:?. (MM 11:1) (WIMICINS) ),V ,, VI) ". ~,7 . r -jujA"iFVa"k4, Health resorts and sanatoria In the Soviet Union. VooAmr.,fictoter. I lach.fir..kullt. 22 no,5:3-13 S-0 '57. (MIRA 11:2) 1. TSentrallnyy institut karartologii. (MINH RNS(RTS. WATZRING PIACUS. JORC-) ~'i A N'WRAT'N. G. A. (Dr, Prof.) (14osco,4 ItSit-re pr,-)pone,-;i.s mechanismorur. thermoregulationis element=,n paper suhrr-itted for the International Paliieolc-,ical Con.-ress, C,.,,~-cho:31ovakia, 8-13 SePt 1958. NMAYRV, G.A. Local initisti-,e In thc- erpannion of !,,-Ineolo~-ical ther-qrr and the recart rind ganatortum Ryston. 7ap.kur..firloter. I If!nh. fiz.kullt. 2) no.59385-389 S-0 158 (141RA 11:11) 1. Zav-ediWushchV otdolom izucheniya kurortrAykh resursov TSentrrillnogo institutn kurortolorli (dir. - G.H. Pospelova). (HBAWH RESORTS. WPMEIG PLACES, MC) NE"IRAYEV., G.A. (!,bskva) General theory of the action of health resort factors or -.he general theory of health resort therapy. Vop. ',,ur., fizioter. i lech. Ciz,, kul't. 24 no.6:551-555 N-D 159. (,-U. A 15: 1) (THSWSUTICS, PHZIOLOGICAL) NEIMYEVI G. A. (Prof. Dr.) "Balneolcgische Wertung verschic-dener Typen von HM Heilschlamm." report submitted for the 7-th Intl. Ccng. of Moorland Research Frankskovy Lagne/ Fzanzensbad- Prague, 15-19 Sep 60. IMMYEV, G.,A,, prof.;~VINOGIUDGVA, M.R., vrach -- 4 Bat-tlinskaya. Zdorovle 6 no.9:30-31 S 160. (MIRA 13:8) (PYATIGORSK-14III-SRAL WAT.,TS, SUMMROUS) MMYST, G.A. ~ MNIKOT. N. To. Balusological reaction from the point of vlav of the balasologlats of dIfferent countries. Top.kur.,ficloter.i lach.fis.kallt. 25 no.1:71-76 160. (KIRA 13:5) (HYDROTHEUXT) It GHIjI3JJKOVv L.A.; IMVRAMpQ.A, Climatoth-arapeutic algaificance of the most importaat clazaes o-f local weather. Vop. kur. fizio-ter. i lech. fiz. kul't. 25 no. 3:193-202 my-ja 160. (MIRA 14:4) 1e Iz Institute gaografii AN SSSR i Gosudarstvannogo instituta kurortologii i fiziotorapii v Mcalm, (CLIMATOLWY9 MICAL) ORLOV, N.V.; jj~.,gL ABROSIMIOVAq Ye.K.; BAYdR-IAN, V.I.; KRYUCHKOVA, N.P.; 1,LU-UJJOV, A.M.; OV'-'YAIIIKOVA# K.A.; SEROV# S.I.; FELOTOV, I.F.; D.G.; Sl-lLSiW-OV# A.P. V.V. Epshtein; obituary. Vop. kur. fizioter, i lech. fiz. kullt. 25 no. 5:478-479 S-0 160. (MIRA 13:10) (LipsrzEill, VLADDlIR VASILIEVICH, 1902-196o) Bali2sologic evaluation of'varjous types of.-therapeutic puds (peloids). Vop, kur., fizioter. lech. fiz. kal't. 26 -w.5:385-390 S-0 161. (MIRA 114': 11) 1. Rukovoditell Otdola izucheniya h-wortr4kh resursm TSentrallnogo I nstituta kurortologii i fiziolaftpii (dir. G.N.Pospelova). (EARTHS, MICAL AIM SURGICAL USE CF) BAYBAKOVA, Y~.M.;-L1EVRAMN,-G-A-; CHUBUKOV, L.A.; MAKRUSHINA, Ye.A., red.jzd-va;PEN1K0VA, S.A., tekhn. red. [Map of the climatic structures of health resorts of-the U.S.S.R.] Karta struktur klimata kurortov i lechebnykh*me- stnostei SSSR. Moskva, Goageoltekhizdat, 1962. _(Expla- natory bn)churel Ob"iasnitelinaia zapiska. 85 P. (MIRA 16:3) , 1. Moscow. TSentrallnyy institut kurortologJ.i i fizi~te&pii. (CLIMATOLOGY, MEDICAJ.) ' GWCV, G.A.; KALINPIA, G.F.; MODELI, A.M.; IIEVRHEV.- G.Ao_- SMOYL4GV I A.V.[deceasedl; :)VIRSKIY, V.A.; iind. srkhit., nauchnyy red.; RANIKOV, 14.7e., kand. med. nauk,, nauchzU red.; MOROZOVA, G.V., red.; BRUSINA, L.R., tekhn. red. (Sanatoriums and rest homes; manual on designing] Sanatorii i doma otdykha; posobie po proektirov.aniiu. Mos-kva, Goostroiizdat, 1962. 223 P. (MA 15:7) 1. Akademiya stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR. Institut obshche- stvennykh zdanii i sooruzhenii. (Sanatoriums) (Labor rest home) VINOGRJMVA, M.R.; HEMUYEV, G.A. Problems in treatment by the drinking of mineral waters. Vop.kur., fizioter.i lech.fiz.kullt. 27 no.3:266-272 MY-Je 162. (MIFh 15,9) (MINERAL WATERS) IIE*'J'RKfEVP G. A. "Problem of ticklunm(;1olrical unm of pmat in thA USIVO Report submitted for the 2nd International Peat Congress, LeninFradp 1r,'-2-, Aug 63- NEVRAYS,Vv G.A.; OLEFIRENKO,, V.T. Effect of the chei:lcal cu.,pouition of urater on the therzal actiori of water baths. Report No. 1: Effect of hot freshuater and carbon dioxide baths. Vop. kur., fizioter. i lech. fiz. kullt. no.6:503-509 163. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Iz ballneoterapevticLeskogo otdela (zav. - prof. Kh.M. Freydin) TSentrallnogo instituta kurortologii i fizioterapii (dir. - kand. med. nauk G.N. Fospelcva). red ~W;ri anc~. mu,-;,-~ Fi,!.Ci o?~ t;.- 1 e :! he 17. ry k' IrT. La Monl-va e r -a.- f B YANOVSKIY, Petr Llvovich; ]~MA A. -P,-A,j kand. med. nauk.. retsenzent; Kf-SSOVA, O.N.9 red. [Mineral waters of the U.S.S.R.; bottled] Minerallrqe vody SSSR; razlivaemye v butylki. Izd.3., dop. i perer. Mosk-vap Pishchevaia promyshlennost', 1964. 163 p. (MIRA 17:10) IVA11N) V,V.; NEVRjVZ-V,,,q,,Aj; T014HOIN, N.I., -retsenzeni.; B)LASHOV, L.S., retsenzent; BEDERI 6.A., retsenzent; VAL,DINSKIY, V.T I I- .., rtjtsen7.e-nt; OBROSOV, A.N., prof.p otv. rod. [Classification of underground katsiia podzemrWkh mineral'Mr-kh 16b p. (Ocherki po minerallirlm 1. Chlen-korrespondent AM11 S!;.'.:R minerai waLers] Klassifi- vod. Moskva, Nedra, 1964. vodam SSSR, no.1) (MIRA 18i4) (for Obrosov).