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NABIMP M.N.; PALETSKIY,, G.V.; AMISIMKIM, 1.0.; REEMKO, K.; I;ALINJM,y8,p.; TMFMV, S.M.; TMAFT, G.V.; POPOV, V.S.; KORPLI, F.Z.; KULIK, A.A.; KALIMAN, L.A.; FAREERj S.I.; MATVMVAr Xje.; GAVRILOV, V.S.; KADYROV, V.K.,- ILIYASOV, A.I.; UKUBOV, S.G.; PROSKURIN, M.P.; NESTERENKOp A.P.; DEZHIN, N.D.; KOCHEFOV, V.9 red.; POPOVO V-il e Uru NOVA, A., tekhn. red. [Chirchik, a city of major industrial chemical complexqp] Chirchik - gorad bol'shoi khimii. Tashkent, Gosizdat UqSSR, 1962. 62 p. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii neuk UZSSR (for Nabiyev). 2. Rabotniki Chirchikskogo elektrokhinkambinata (for all except Nabiyev, Kocherov, Popov, V., Salakhutdinova). (Chirchik-Chemical plants) NIKOLAYEVSKIY, Georgiy Konstantinovich; PXIOV, Vladimir Stepanovich; TOMAREVSKAYA. 7---niya 9teiDsnovna; SITNIKOV, Vladimi Stapancvich,-. CHETV&-iIAHIN, N.F.; !ZVITSXH, V.33.; PRYANISMIKOVA, Z.I.; TERIN, A.1-4; FEMOV, G.I.; UUITRENKO, Ye.P., otv. red.; KUHILOVA, T.M.,, red.; red.; ALEKSANDROVA, G.P., (Required practice work in descriptive geometry] Obiaza- tel'iWi praktikum po nachertatellnoi geometrii. Khartkov, Kharlkovskii gos.univ.p 1963. 122 p. (MIRA 17:1) SMIN,, Lev Dmitriyevich; KULIK, 1.0 -,, kand. fiz.-mat. naak,,; NESTERMKOj A. .. red ; TROVIVMO, A*S.# tekhno re~d~. 0 [A course of lectures on quantum radio pbysios] Kurs lektsii po kvantovoi radiofizike. Khartkov,, Izd-vo Kharlkovskogo univ.9 1963o 167 p. (KIRA 170) DOROKHOV, Alaksandr Petrovich; KOROBEIIA, Galina Stepanolma; STARODUBTSEV, Vil-tor Aleksandrovich; TSAMMO, Vladimir Timofeyevich; VOLKOV, A.A., retsenzent; 0GORODUEYCHUY-, 1.F., retsenzent; ROME), V.S.0 retsenzent; TETELIBAW, Ya.1.1, retsenzent; F11PX1121KO, S.14p dots., otv. red.; DESTMENKO, A.S., red. (Frinciples of industrial electronics] Osnovy promyshlennoi elektroniki. [By] A.F.Dorokhov i dr. KharIkov, Izd-vo Khartkovskogo univ., 1964. 214 p. (MIRA 17:8) WSTERENKO, A.S. I....... --.- Automatic regulation of the processes of word drying. Bim. ' der. prom. no.2:32-33 Ap-Je 164. (mm 17-9) ROZHPIISKIi, Zinoviy Yevseyevich; BIJKI, Yuriy Markovich; AIRAMOVA, L.I., dots., otv. red.; red. [Practical laboratory work on the electrical equipment of substations] Laboratornyi praktikum po elektrooborudovaniiu podstantsii. Khar1kov, Izd-vo Khar1kovskogo univ. 0 1965. 120 p. (MIRA 18-.5) ~Al-ilin. r t:i o(A. la";t . 1 -1 L Iac :3 'rap X~ 5 A, T 137-58-2-4150 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 2, p 269 (USSR) AUTHOR:,exenko, A--:T! TITLE: New-type Stainless Steel Sought for Injection Needles to Improve Their Elastic and Piercing Properties (Izyf3kaniye novykh marok nerzhaveyushchikh staley dlya in"yektsionnykh igl s tsel'yu povysheniya uprugikh i kolyushchikh svoystv) PERIODICAL: Materialy po obmenu opytom i nauchn. dostizh. v med. prom- sti, 19 5 7, Nr 2 (Z 1) , pp 3 -19 ABSTRACT: An investigation was made of stainless steels Khl8N9, 2Khl8N9, ZKhl8N9T, 2Khl8N8V4, ZKhl3N8G4. 2Khl3N4G9, ZKhl3GI6, and IKhl8N9T (used to make injection needles) with a view to improving their elastic and piercing properties. Capillary tubes were made from these steels, and needles were made from the tubes, and the needles were subjected to mechani- cal and corrosion testing. Recommended for use in the manu- facture of injection needles is steel 2Khl8N8V4 containing 0.2 - 0.3 percent C, 7-9 percent Ni, 2 percent Mn, 17-20 percent Cr, 3.5 - 4 .0 percent W - This steel possesses the fol- Card 1/2 lowing properties: (cold-hardened, reduced up to 74 percent) 13 7- 58- 2-4150 New-type Stainless Steel Sought for Injection Needles (cont.) (5b = rv ZOO kg/mm2, (annealed) CT6 = 72 kg/mm2; S = 53 percent. RC = 46-48 (for steel reduced 72 percent); R C = 47 - 53 (for needles 0.6 mm in diameter). When boiled in tap water and maintained for long periods in a damp environment this steel exhibited good corrosion resistance. V. L. 1. Steel-4pplications 2. Steel-Properties Card Z/2 i!~Stlug-,Bftizasaa stools to be used for Injection, needles. Ked, WRA 10: 6) up Institut neditainakogo Instrumentarlya I oboradovantya. (SIM. ffAMASs) (micAL ijrmmws Am APPARATus) FIEUMIN. T.T.; XWERMO. A.T.; KOVSnMTA, L.A.; R&MOV=TA. Te.I.; PAUMIT. N.Do. otv,red,; ZT(RCKOe B*Pog sawatitell; ECTZMW. 3.T., re4.; TOLODIN, To*A,, red.,; DANILI I I I'd, Te.P.0 red.; MMIT, red.;, MISM, L.M.. red.; MTDISeG.S.. red.; TSEPEOV. Tu.A.. red. [Tachnoloc.ical Instruction material; aluminum and aluminum alloys for medical artioles] Bukovodiashchis takhaicheakia materialy; sliuminii i aliumiaLsvp gplavy'dlia meditsinskikh izdalii. KosL-va# K-vo sdravookhraneniia. 1959. 70 p. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Vassoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut meditainakogo Instrumentariya L oborudovaniya. (KIDICAL INSTRUMORTS ARD APPARATUS) (ALUMIMM) .&SaT.-ENFO, A. V. Ilasterenko. A. V. - "A ~x;L:-'-Ac -naly-i~, I ~'-e in the coaditlon .)f t',-~e wir in I I I roomc with excoqqIve I-,oat ~,.%d 1-noicAuro," Sborrii), tznirlov Sfroit. !~Ioak' Is-z,ue 2, 1948, p. 89-100 SO: U-3600, 10 JulY 53, (Leto A~-. 'Zhuraal Iny'rh State-,,.,, Kilo. 6, 191~9). USSR/P ~sfcs% tvaporation exchange FD-445 Card 1/1 : Pub. 153 - 15/18 Author : Resterenko, A. V. Title mass exchange during evaporation of a liquid from the free surface Periodical : Zhur. tekh. fiz. 24, 729-741, Apr 1954 Abstract : A report read May 23, 1952 at the Conference on the Technology of Drying, organized by a division [otdeleniye] of the Mosoew Society of Power Engineers in the All-Union. Heat Engineering Institute imeni F. Dzerzhinskiy. Experimentally investigates the physical nature of heat and mass exchange during evaporation, following the work of Prof. A. V. Lykov. Concludes here: (1) The first approximation of the mechanism of this exchange has been obtained. (2) There is no sim- ilarity between the temperature fields and concentration fielAs over the evaporation surface. (3) Stefan's hypothesis has been verified. (4) The law governing the variation of the individual components of heat flow and mass flow has been established. (5) A new criterion of heat exchange as a function of mass exchange has been establiehed. Submitted June 13, 1953 IP A* Ve Dissertation: "An Experimental Study of Heat and I-Ilass Exchange During the Evaporation of Liquids With an Open Surface.'$ Dr Tech Sci., Ilbscow order of Lenin Power &gin-eerizrig InBt imeni V. M. Molotovp 11 Jun 54. (Vechernyrja llloskva., Moscow 2 Jun 54) SO: SM 318p 23 Dec 1954 SMMTJRYAKOT G.P. Psychrometric diagram for platting processes occurring in air conditioning. Trudy KTIPP no.8:96-109 157. (KIRA 10:12) (Air conditioning) (Elygrometry) 5(4) PHASE I BWK EXPLOrfATION SOV/1435 ~-Akademiya nauk SSSR. Eaergeticheskiy inatitut. Teplo- i massocbmen, v protsessakh ispareniya (Heat - and It"s-Transfer in fte~poration Processes) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1958. 254 P- 5,000 cq~iea printed. Reap,. Ed.: LykQv,, A-.V.,, Acadmiciaa., BSSR AcadjpWof Sciences; Eds. of Publishing House: Tal'.9 A.i.,-and Smiov, V.A. PMUKM: This book is intendel for scientists and enidneers in heat engineering and chemical technology and for students and teachers of higher educational instittx- tions in these fields. COVERAGE: This collection contaIms articles relating to analytical and experimental investigations of heat - and mass-transfer under codditi*ns of phase and chemical transformations. A new method of solving unsteady-state heat-flow p=74ilems is pre- sented. Methods of detemining heat - and mass-transfer coefficients during the heating and drying of a conposite substance are given. New experimental principles of surface heat- and -a-traasfer in vaporization processes are explained and new Card 1/5 Heat- mnd Mass-Transfer %COTt.) SOV/1435 relationships In the theory of molecular energy transfer are ascertained throv4gh the themodynanics of Irreversible processes. TABLE OF CONTOTS: k4itor's Forevord PART 1. 19,11 KRUMAL MEMODS 5 Lykaw, A.V. Heat-and Mass-transfer in Phase and Chemical Transformations 7 poi,onsk%yd, F.M.9 and I.V. Heltnikova. Expe"utal Investigation of-: an& Xess-trumfer During Drying of Bodies With Different Configurations 15 itentarm4p& A.V. Heat. and'Kans-transfer DmIM Evaporation Of Liquids 24 Lykov, A.V., and A.V. Ivanove Eaploying Heated Gases in Analytical In- vestigatiobs of the Drying Processes of Wet Materials 30 Card 2/5 i and MOB-Trewfer (Coat.) SOV/1435 Kellni.XOVS, I.S. Det4mination, of S=e Crilte-e-a of Substance- and Heat-trausfer During Evaporation of a Liquid From Solids 48 R&Ao, A*V. Experimental Investigation of Unsteady Heat- and Mass-transfer During PheAe and Chem1cal Transformatiow Rozentall , 16.0. RVat- and Maas-trausfer in, the Pseulo-liquid State SairmOv, V.A. Heat Transfer During Fellicular Coaden6ation. of Pure, Kotionless, Satuxated Vapors on Vertical Pipes ARAL=ICAL WVESTIGAMONS Lykov,, AN., and A.V. Ivanov. Finite Integral Transformations and Their Use In Solving Problem(, of Thermal Co-nAuctivity Nlkbaylov, Ya.A. Anal~yticaj Investigation of Heat- and Mass-transfer During Convective Drying Smirnov, H.S. The Problem of Themal Conductivity for a Two-body System Card 3/5 Heat- and Mass-Transfer (cant.) SOV/1435 Smirnovp Hag. Two Problem on the Theory C=cernlng the Drying of get Bodies 156 Alekseyew , O.P. Solving Differential ETzatlaas of Menial Conductivity With Multiple Integra-Is 162 Nochaj,"F A.I* Eoloying Dirac's Delta-fimation for Solving Differential Eq=tions; in Partial Derivative's of the Parabolic Type 181 PART III. THE THEMY OF MOLECULAR TRANSFER Veynik, A.I. The Problem of Moleuclar Heat Transfer 198 Lykaw, A.V., and P.Ye. Mikhavlov. The Problem of Molecular Transfer Potentipla 212 Mikhay:kov., P.Tw. Calculating Some Constants of the Electrokinetic Theory of Heat With Simple Models 222 PART IV. METHODS OF DETER14MING THE CHARACTERISTICS OF HEAT TRANSFER Card 4/ 5 4 1"t. - - -WA Xiss-Trawrer (t.'=+, -) sov/i435 Vishnevskiy, Ye. Ye. HethrAs of Petermiming the TheXm4l ChAracteristics of I NonmetaMe Katerials 236 KokoiVv, D.T. Erperimental Kethods of Investigating Radiant, Seat Trwafer 251 AVAILABLE: Libroxy of Congress Card 5/5 24/ 5-6-59 8:61Y Ir. W70 sov/8i-59-5-15641 Translatioa fromn Referativnyy zhurnal, Khimiya, 1959, fir 5, pp 285 - 286 (U83R) AUTHORs Nesterenko, A, TITLE- 'Me 111 and Mass Exchanget Evaporation of a Liquid PERIODICAL: V sb.: Vses. nauchno-tekha, soveshchaniye po intensifik. protsessov i ulucheniyu kachestva materialov pri sushke v osnovn. otraslyakh prom-sti i s-kh. Plenarn. zased. Moscow, 1958, pp 62 - 67 ABSTRACT: In the evaporation of liquid from a free surface such tempera- ture conditions are permissible, whereby the heat flow has a direction from the surface of evaporation to the air and from the air to the evaporation surface. It was shown that in the first case the character of the temperature field in the boundary layer of the liquid, is expressed more sharply and at equal differences between the temperatures of the surface t. and air t , the intensity of the ova-poration is several a k Card 1/2 times greater. Experimental data show that in this case t s SOV/81-59-5-15641. Thermal and Mass Exchange in Evaporation of a Liquid depends ori the intensity of the heat and mass transfer, which, in turn, is determined by the hydrothermill state of the air and hydrodynamic conditions of the process. From experiments of evaporation from a free surface of water with the direction of the heat flow from the surface to the air, equations are derived for the determination of t - for the free motion of air Y - (ti - t )/(ta-t ) - 0 0435.K-1.5 (Ar.Prj6-0 . and for forced motion of air W - 0.009l5.K;0---.I.- - , where K - (ta - t )/(t 1 - tm), t1 is the temperature of the liquid, t is the temperature of Wir taken with a wet thermometer, A.Py- the producT of the criteria of Archimedes and Prandt-,.' making allowance for the hydrodynamic conditions of the process and the physical properties of air. A. Rovinskiy Card 2/2 NESTFAWK0,_Aj&aay-IIadI=L=vLa; LZBEDEV, P.D,,, doktor tekhn. nauks, prof., retsenzent; DROZDOV, V.F., kand. ieldm. na,.*, dots., retsenzent,- IVAZIOV, V.G.,, nmwhro7 red,; MARTYNOV, A.P., red. izd-va; KURASHOVA, V.A,,.g tekhn. red. (Principles of thermodynamical calculations in air corditioning and ventilationlO.-novy termodinamicheskikh raschetov ventilia- taii i konditsionirovaniia vozdukha. Mosk7a.. Ilyssbaia shkola., 1962. 354 p. (KM 15:9) 1. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy "Otopleniya i ventilyatsii" Vsesq~mz- nogo zaocbnogo imbenerno-stroitellnogo instituta. (for Drozdov). (Eealt-Oing aW vimUlation) (Air conditioning) (Ventilation) LYKOV, A.V.; 3BEVFLIKOV, V.L.; NESTFRFNKO, A.V..; LEBEDEV, P.D.; MAKSNOV, G.A.; NIKITINA, L.M. Wri! Leonidovich Kavkazov; cn his 70th birthday. lnz~-,.-filz. zhur. 8 no.1:124-125 Ja '65. '~MIRA 1813) KOKORIN * Oleg Yanovich; GOGOL111 p A.A. j doktor tekhn. nauk, nauchn. red.; KAMENEV, P.N.., doktor tekhn. rciukq red.; .NESTEMKO,l A.V.0 doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; SMIRUNOVA, "..~ t 9~ " i;e- a .- (Evaporation cooling systems for air conditioring] Ispa- ritellnoe okhlazhdonie dlia tselei konditsionirovaniia vozdukha. Moskva# Strolizdat,, 1965. 158 P. (MIRA 18:5) 20150 3/181/61/003/002/048/050 I.Y.3001atld 10q3, 103s,- //'/J) BI 02/B201 AUTHORS: Kosenko, V.. Ye.. and TITLE: Evaporation of silicon in tellurium vapors PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v, 3, no- 2, 1961, 66o-662 TEXT: The fact that germanium displays an abnormally high evaporation rate in tellurium vapors has already been established earlier (Ref. 1, FTT, 3, 1961); it was only natural to expect a similar behavior of silicon as well. A study has teen made of the evaporation- rate of silicon single crystals-in tellurium vapors at temperaturesof 700-1150'-C. The method used was the same as the one described in Ref~ 1. The Si sVecimens submitted to an examina- tion had a resistivity of 10 ohm-cm; they viere ground and etched to a depth beyond 100 ji '(with three parts of 481,'2' HF, five parts of 7CF/. HNO 39 three parts of acetic acid, and two parts of saturated aqueous Hg(NO 3)2 solution). The evaporation took place in a 20-cm long and 2-cm thick quartz ampul heated by two ovens; the tempere:ure drop in the ampul was monotonic from one end to the other. The specimen was placed at the "hot" end. Once it was Card 1/4 2: 0150 S/181/61/003/002/048/050 Evaporation of silicon B102/B201 evaporated, the silicon crystallized at the "cold" end of the ampul in the form of regular crystallites; an X-ray analysis of the latter revesOed that their lattice constant was equal to that of pure ailicon~. With the silicon specimen at a temperature of 10000C the evaporation rate of silicon was found to increase monotonically with rising tellurium vapor pressure, and when the latter attained 100 mm Hg, it was found to be already more than 106 times as large as the evaporation rate of silicon into the vacuum. In fact, the tellurium vapors have a two-fold effect upon the silicon evapora tion: on the one hand, they speed it up by an as yet unknown interaction mechanism, while on the other, they impede the passage of the evaporated Si atoms to the "cold" side of the ampul The two effects are the stronger the higher the vapor pressuret The temperature dependence of the evapora- .tion rate W is given by W = Woexp(-E/RT), where E denotes the evaporation heat; this function, in the form logW - logWo - E/RT, is with the measured values shown in Fig. 2 for 0 (1), 3-jo-4 (2), 10-1 (3), 10 (4), and 102 mm Hg (5). Curve 1 (zero pressure) has'been calculated here on the basis of data found in the literature., The dependence of the evaporation heat on the tellurium vapor pressure pTe is tentatively repredented by the Card 2/4 20150 S/161 61 003/002/046/0510 :.Evaporation of.silicon B102 B201 formula E E0- apA , where E is the evaporation heat on evaporation into Te 0 the vacuum (EO W 4.55 ev), a and n are constants. In this case, log AE (AE Eo- E) will be a linear function of logp (Fig. 3); the four Te 2 measurement values E - 0.6p 0.91p 1-5y and 2.1 ev (for ~ Te '2 10 , 10, 10- and 3-10-4 mm. Hg) lie satisfactorily upon this straiGht line, which confirms 0 04 the ansatz for E(PTe)' Numerically, E - 4-55 - 3.3 PTe* . V. Ye. Lashkarevp Academ ician' of the AS UkrSSR and the senior scientific worker Ye. G. Ydselyuk are thanked for'advice. There are 3 fiLures and '3 references: 1 Soviet-b1m and: 1 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki AN USSR Kiyev (Institute of Physics AS UkrSSR, Kiyev) SUBMITTED: July 22, 1.960 Card 3/4 Evaporation of-silicon Figs. 2 and 3 N. a4 Card AIA 7 Tj -r S/181/61/003/002/048/050 B102/B201 -.4 2G150 JE3,TMffKO,-B.A.; PASECHNIK, Yu.A.; SNITKO, O.V.; FROLOV, O.S. Field effect in thin lead sulfide films. Fiz. tver. tela 5- no.11: 3199-3206 N 163. (ICRA 16:12) 1. Institut poluprovodnikov AN UkrSSR, Kiyev. L 1-562-66 EWT(m)/W(C)/EWP(t)/fWP(b) IJP(c) JD/WB ,,ACCESSION NR: AP5018635 Uli/0185/65/01-0/007'/0745/075 1AUTHORS: Nesterenko, B. 0. (Nesterenko, B. A.); Snitko., Of Ve. PITLE: Effec *t of oxidationon the properties of an atomically cleD !silicon surface !SOURCE:. Ukrayinalkyy fizychnyy zhumal,,v. 10, no. T, 1965, 745-752 TOPIC TAGSt oxidation, surface ionization, surface property, silicon ,ABSTRACT,.,. The'purpose of the work was to obtain information on the Itype, concentration, and other parameters of elec nic levels of MWO tatomically clean and oxidized surfaces of silico y studying the !surface conductivity, the direct-current and volta e-pulse field ef- Ifectso the-noise and rate of recombination. Four samples out out from Isingle-crystal p-type silicon parallel to (111) were investigated at 1295K.- The-Apecific resistance of the samples was.600 -- 1000 ohm-cm. iTheisurfaoe with argon ions with subsequent heating to !1000K in_~ avacuum no worse than1X-10-9 mm Hg. Amplitudes of.�2U.0v 'ACGESSION NR: land'- 40 Pse'd to - -2 1~111isIec' long were used in the studied~with voltage-, .~'Pul6e field effect. The hole conductivity of an atomically clean -7 -1 1surface was found to be 1.3 X 10 -obm The adsorption of oxygen ~at 5 X 10-7 mm lfg leads to an increase of the surface conductivity by A -8 .14 X 10 obm- 1. Further oxidation.doee not lead to appreciable change~.- .t ;;It is.sbown-tbat an atomically clean surface of-p-type silicon has a I ;surface potential Y. 7- 12 kT/e. The nonexponential. decay of the :induced conductivity in the voltage pulse field effect indicates the external field by.several different energy, levels. 'iscreening of ':The rate-of surface recombination on-a.clean large (1.2 x i1 - cm/sea). . The -noise- obeys. a llf lav.- Oxidation -of the surface faffeets its properties, with the exception of the kinetics of the f !field effect and noise, little. A correlation is observed in the ,change of the kinetics of the field effect and noise oH oxidation,lt As concluded that the effect surface states- in.tbe noise Ca AUTHOR: Nesterenko, E. 27-7-30/37 TITLEs Interchange of Experience (Obmen opytom) PERIODICAL: Professionallno - Tekhnicheakoye Obrazovaniye, 1957, # 7(146), P 32 (USSR) ABSTRACT: More than 60 teachers and masters of agricultural mechanization schools of the Chernigov Oblast' assembled at Nezhin for an exchange of experiences gained in training agricultural mechanics. Much attention was paid to the new method of practical training. The agricultural work of the instruction program is carried out under the instructors' supervision. A kolkhoz' manager emphasized the students' good work, ex- pressing at the same time the wish that this form of practical training be continued as it also helps the local kolkhoz. AVAILABLE3 Library of Congress Card 1/1 S/601/62/000/014/008/012 1003/1203 AUTHORS- Nesterenko, E. G. and K. V. Chuistov TITLE: The influene of imperfections in crystals on the strengthening of decomposing solid solutions SOURCE: Akademiya nauk Ukrayins'koyi RSR. lnstytut metalofyzyky. Sbornik nauchnykh rabot no. 14. Kiev, 1962. Voprosy fiziki metallov i metallovedeniya, 99-104 TEXT: The works recently published by several Soviet authors indicate that the stregthening of aged alloys is due to a breaking up of the blocks of the mosaic structure and to the imperfections in the crystalline lattices. However, no quantitative analysis of the data obtained in these works could be carried out because different alloys were involved. In order to overcome this difficulty, the influence of various aging processes as well as of the structure and of the amount of the precipitating phase on the variation of the crystalline structure and on the strengthening of the supersaturated solid solution during aging is determined by com- paring data from investigations of various coppcr-base alloys. Binary alloys Cu-0c, Cu-Ag, Cu-Ti and ter- nary alloys Cu-Ti-Zr and Cu-Ti-Bc were prepzred, heated to 800-950'C and quenched in water- The samples were then aged at temperatures from 100 to 700'C. The resulting imperl'ectioas in the crystalline lattices werc investigated by X-ray methods. The results showed that the strengthening of the supersaturated solid solu- Card 1/2 The influence of imperfections ... S /601,16Z,'000,,'0 141,'008.,'0 12 1003/1203 tion on aging is always accompanied by a formation of imperfections in the crystalline lattices and by /I breaking up of up the blocks of the mosaic structure. The conclusion drawn is that the strengthening of alloys on aging is due to those imperfections in the crystalline lattice which were caused by the proccss of -11 decomposition of the solid solution. The fact is emphasized that the elucidation of all the factors resultitig in the strengthening of the alloys during aging requires further investigations There are 4 figures and 6 tables Card 2/2 K L I SOV/85-58-10-18/34 AUMOR: Nesterenko, G. TITIB- Phaton'space Ship (Fotonnyy kosmicheskiy korablf) PERIODICAL: Kryllyn rodiny, 1958, Hr 10, pp 16-17 (USSR) ABSTRACT: dince the SecoM World War roek6ts equipped with liquid fuel angnes have been widely used both for military purpoces and for scientific studlep of the upper-atmospheric layers. Their perfection, speed., altitude and range have gr(nm steadily. Single-stage meteorological rockets.have reached an altitude of almost 500 km, at a speed of more than 6,000 km./hr., which or/cceeda the speed of sound by 5 t4 6 times. When a simple Increase in the size of a single-step rocket was no longer capable of increasing speed and distance, designers began producing powerful multistage rackets capable-of traveling thousands of kilometers and called intercontinental ballistic missileo. Soviet scientists have devoted considerable attention to perfecting different. types of rockets. During the Second World War no army possessed as effective a racket'weapon as the Soviet Army's famoits "KatynahaP. Today strategic rockets must develop a maximum speed of 20,000 to 25,000 kn./hr. to cover a distance of 81000 to 10,000 km. To become an artificial earth satellite, the final rocket stage =at develop an orbital velo it p which at an altitude of 300 to Card 1/6 500 kn.amounts to about, 28,000 km.7hrT SOVII 85-58,-10-18/34 Photon Space Ship This explains why the additional speed required for multistage rackets to launch artificial earth satellites was relatively small. Multistage rackets operating on chemical fuel have alre,,',y succeeded in attaining orbital velocity, but the possibilities for such rockets am limited. At best it may be possible to produce a multistege rocket capable of carrying the first astronauts to the moon and back. Irlights of manned space ships operating on chemical fuel to the nearest planets (Mars, Vems, etc.) are difficult to conceive because or the enormous weight of fael, which would involve hundreds or thousands of tons. rt is extremely difficult to increase the speeds or gas discharges from liquid rocket engines, but it is an this that the thrust, efficiency and final speed which a rocket can develop we dependent. Theore-tinally it is possible to increase the speed of rocket engine exhaust lowes hundreds and thousands of times by using more powerfal sources of energy. The greatest speed at which matter moves in nature is the speed of electromagnetic oscillations, i.e., the speed of light, which travels about 300,000 kn./sec. and exceeds by 100,000 times the speed of gas discharge from present-day rocket engines. This shows the, enormous potentialities for development of rocket technology end the vast prospects for rockets in the future. Card 2/6 Photon Space Ship SOV/85-58-10-18/34 Sow scientists suggest present and future rockets be classified as gas, thermonuclear, pum nuclear, ion, and photon rockets. Present-day solid and liquid fuel rockets are of the gas type. If, with the aid of nuclear reaction, the temperature in the combustion chamber of the roaket engine can be raised to 6,000" - 10,0006C, and the speed of the gas discharge correspondingly increased to one 30,000th part of the speed of light (10 kn. sec.), wo. shall have thermonuclear rockets operating on the same principle as liquid rocket engines, except that the wdmst gases will be heated to high temperatures by nucleex rr:t-. action and not by combustion, Today the so-called ion engines are receiving considerable attention. Reports and proposals on the sub- ject of ion rockets were presented at the International Congress an Astronautics held in Barcelona. The force of the thrust of the ion rocket engine mist be derived by repellant action of electrically charged ion particles, accelerated to speeds of several hundred kilo- meters per second by special accelerators. If sufficiently light and compact accelerators are produced, the use of ion rockets may establish a new era in the development of rocket technique and inter- planetary flIgUt. It Is theoretically possible, by using powerful generators and emitters of directed light photons which would leave the engine at a speed of 300,000 Im./sec., to produce a photon rocket which in the opinion of some'scientists would represent a gigantic step in the development of modern aviation and rocket technique. Card 3/6 Photon Space, Ship SOV/85-56-10-18/34 Sdiencet hw established that 11g)2t, and in the broadoer sense, ratiatibn in general, consists of electromagnetic waves vith a vide frequency raw. having a material base. Visible ligtt, as well as light Invisible to the naked eye,, to emitted and absorbed by various substances In deftnite amounts of various frequencies and energies. These minute parcels of railation are called photons or quanta. In recent years there h&" q7yeared the terms "matter" and "antimatter". It Is possible that in time types of matter and antimatter ma7 be used as 'photon fuels" for rockets. The probable construction of a hypothetical photon rocket may be visualized as follms: "photon fuel" is placed in a rocket havIng two equal par- titions, liquid matter on one sidev liquid antimatter on the other, and kept in insulated tanks. Both liquids are pumped into compact accelerators of "elewntary" particles. Atom accelerated to necessary speeds are shot at awh other. Collision and ann"hi ion occur at the focal point of a large photon reflector. Rays of visible light and other types of radiation stream from the focal point to all sides but are deflected by the reflector and directed in a parallel bean to one side of the rocket., creating a reactive force of thrust. By moving the annih-11 Ion point from the focal point of the reflector to one sidep it is possible to alter the direction of the thrust and to control the movement of the rocket Card 416 Photon Space ship SOV/85-58-10-18/34 within certain limits. Powerful, dense beams of photons are necessary to obtain an adequate thrust for a heavy rocket :ft~om such & pborton engine. These beams will undoubtedly melt or reduce to ashes everytbLing in their path. The launching of photon rockets will most likely take place from high altitudes which they will reach with the aid of rocket accelerators operating on chemical fuels. The development of an effeative reflective system will be of great importance in producing a photon engine., as will be a satisfac- tory cooling system and the insulation of engine malls from high temperatures In the operating az*a. The thermonuclear or annihilation reaction will produce temperatures up to hundreds of millions of - degrees in the working area and require darable materials of a kind as yet unknown. It is further necessary to develop effective arti- ficial thermal insulation of the engine malls of a kind that cazmot be determined at this stage. Powerful electromagnetic fields, Ughly effective refl6etive'systems, movable insulating films, or dense layers of gas may be used,as heat insulation. For example, the re- fleetor of a photon engine must reflect the radiant energy feMng dn 1t: almst- completel But that part of the energy which is absorbed by thw"Xvfleetor and Mch heetus it, must, be removed by a cooling systei Card 5/6 Photon Space Ship SITV/85-58-10-18/34 It mould be logical to use layers of semiconductor elemants con- verting thermal to electrical energy for this systen. on the one hand., the reflector would be he3A witlAn the necessary temperature range,-and on the other, the radiant energy that is absorbed will 'not -be lost, since the,electrical energy obtained from the semi- condiietor element's may be used for rocket drive,, as-Tower supply for equlpmmt., and for the creation of an artificial climate in the cablw of the rocket for normal crew activities. Ths photon rocket makes theoretically poesible fl4ghts at speeds approaching the speed of light, Such spe-eads will permit study not on17 of our solar system, but of other, more distant worlds. The photon rocket may assist In studying the fazwus "paradox of time". According to the theory of relativity, time on a space- ship traveling at a speed with the speed of light will pass much more slovlythan on the earth. It is assumed that humans returning from a long space jaurney after one or two years by their own "cosmic time,- will be convinced that decades have p~:Asseed on the Earth. It is cUfficult to understand and still m=e w to believe such paradoxes, 'cut Insofar as the concept of time is re-1-ative, it is ;possible that people using photon space ships may leap, across centuries. On an insert b4tureen pages 16 and 1T, there-is an artist's conception and a diagram of the two-stage space ship described In the article. Card 616 NIE_ ST C_ .(~ F_ Ki V